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[Merge] lp:~jtv/launchpad/lint-lpserve into lp:launchpad


Jeroen T. Vermeulen has proposed merging lp:~jtv/launchpad/lint-lpserve into lp:launchpad.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

= Summary =

Fixing some lint, bad formatting, bad English, outdated copyright strings, and nonstandard imports in lpserve and its tests.

== Tests ==

./bin/test -vvc -t test_lpserve

= Launchpad lint =

Checking for conflicts and issues in changed files.

Linting changed files:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~jtv/launchpad/lint-lpserve into lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'bzrplugins/lpserve/__init__.py'
--- bzrplugins/lpserve/__init__.py	2011-11-22 16:06:50 +0000
+++ bzrplugins/lpserve/__init__.py	2011-12-21 06:20:30 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# Copyright 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
 """Bazaar plugin to run the smart server on Launchpad.
@@ -28,11 +28,6 @@
 import threading
 import time
-from bzrlib.commands import Command, register_command
-from bzrlib.option import (
-    Option,
-    RegistryOption,
-    )
 from bzrlib import (
@@ -41,7 +36,14 @@
+from bzrlib.commands import (
+    Command,
+    register_command,
+    )
+from bzrlib.option import (
+    Option,
+    RegistryOption,
+    )
 from bzrlib.transport import (
@@ -56,29 +58,38 @@
     aliases = ['lp-serve']
     takes_options = [
-        Option('inet',
-               help='serve on stdin/out for use from inetd or sshd'),
-        Option('port',
-               help='listen for connections on nominated port of the form '
-                    '[hostname:]portnumber. Passing 0 as the port number will'
-                    ' result in a dynamically allocated port. Default port is'
-                    ' 4155.',
-               type=str),
-        Option('upload-directory',
-               help='upload branches to this directory. Defaults to '
-                    'config.codehosting.hosted_branches_root.',
-               type=unicode),
-        Option('mirror-directory',
-               help='serve branches from this directory. Defaults to '
-                    'config.codehosting.mirrored_branches_root.'),
-        Option('codehosting-endpoint',
-               help='the url of the internal XML-RPC server. Defaults to '
-                    'config.codehosting.codehosting_endpoint.',
-               type=unicode),
-        RegistryOption('protocol',
-               help="Protocol to serve.",
-               lazy_registry=('bzrlib.transport', 'transport_server_registry'),
-               value_switches=True),
+        Option(
+            'inet',
+            help="serve on stdin/out for use from inetd or sshd"),
+        Option(
+            'port',
+            help=(
+                "listen for connections on nominated port of the form "
+                "[hostname:]portnumber. Passing 0 as the port number will "
+                "result in a dynamically allocated port. Default port is "
+                " 4155."),
+            type=str),
+        Option(
+            'upload-directory',
+            help=(
+                "upload branches to this directory. Defaults to "
+                "config.codehosting.hosted_branches_root."),
+            type=unicode),
+        Option(
+            'mirror-directory',
+            help=(
+                "serve branches from this directory. Defaults to "
+                "config.codehosting.mirrored_branches_root.")),
+        Option(
+            'codehosting-endpoint',
+            help=(
+                "the url of the internal XML-RPC server. Defaults to "
+                "config.codehosting.codehosting_endpoint."),
+            type=unicode),
+        RegistryOption(
+            'protocol', help="Protocol to serve.",
+            lazy_registry=('bzrlib.transport', 'transport_server_registry'),
+            value_switches=True),
     takes_args = ['user_id']
@@ -167,9 +178,9 @@
         "fork-env <command>\n<env>\nend\n": Request a new subprocess to be
             started.  <command> is the bzr command to be run, such as "rocks"
             or "lp-serve --inet 12".
-            The immediate response will be the path-on-disk to a directory full
-            of named pipes (fifos) that will be the stdout/stderr/stdin (named
-            accordingly) of the new process.
+            The immediate response will be the path-on-disk to a directory
+            full of named pipes (fifos) that will be the stdout/stderr/stdin
+            (named accordingly) of the new process.
             If a client holds the socket open, when the child process exits,
             the exit status (as given by 'wait()') will be written to the
@@ -181,8 +192,8 @@
             that should be reset.
             fork-env allows you to supply environment variables such as
-            "BZR_EMAIL: joe@xxxxxxx" which will be set in os.environ before the
-            command is run.
+            "BZR_EMAIL: joe@xxxxxxx" which will be set in os.environ before
+            the command is run.
     # Design decisions. These are bits where we could have chosen a different
@@ -218,16 +229,16 @@
     #       There are several actions that are done when we get a new request.
     #       We have to create the fifos on disk, fork a new child, connect the
     #       child to those handles, and inform the client of the new path (not
-    #       necessarily in that order.) It makes sense to wait to send the path
-    #       message until after the fifos have been created. That way the
+    #       necessarily in that order.) It makes sense to wait to send the
+    #       path message until after the fifos have been created. That way the
     #       client can just try to open them immediately, and the
     #       client-and-child will be synchronized by the open() calls.
     #       However, should the client be the one doing the mkfifo, should the
-    #       server? Who should be sending the message? Should we fork after the
-    #       mkfifo or before.
+    #       server? Who should be sending the message? Should we fork after
+    #       the mkfifo or before?
     #       The current thoughts:
-    #           1) Try to do work in the child when possible. This should allow
-    #              for 'scaling' because the server is single-threaded.
+    #           1) Try to do work in the child when possible. This should
+    #              allow for 'scaling' because the server is single-threaded.
     #           2) We create the directory itself in the server, because that
     #              allows the server to monitor whether the client failed to
     #              clean up after itself or not.
@@ -235,20 +246,20 @@
     #              the message back.
     # [Decision #4]
     #   Exit information
-    #       Inform the client that the child has exited on the socket they used
-    #       to request the fork.
-    #       1) Arguably they could see that stdout and stderr have been closed,
-    #          and thus stop reading. In testing, I wrote a client which uses
-    #          select.poll() over stdin/stdout/stderr and used that to ferry
-    #          the content to the appropriate local handle. However for the
-    #          FIFOs, when the remote end closed, I wouldn't see any
+    #       Inform the client that the child has exited on the socket they
+    #       used to request the fork.
+    #       1) Arguably they could see that stdout and stderr have been
+    #          closed, and thus stop reading. In testing, I wrote a client
+    #          which uses select.poll() over stdin/stdout/stderr and used that
+    #          to ferry the content to the appropriate local handle. However
+    #          for the FIFOs, when the remote end closed, I wouldn't see any
     #          corresponding information on the local end. There obviously
     #          wasn't any data to be read, so they wouldn't show up as
     #          'readable' (for me to try to read, and get 0 bytes, indicating
-    #          it was closed). I also wasn't seeing POLLHUP, which seemed to be
-    #          the correct indicator.  As such, we decided to inform the client
-    #          on the socket that they originally made the fork request, rather
-    #          than just closing the socket immediately.
+    #          it was closed). I also wasn't seeing POLLHUP, which seemed to
+    #          be the correct indicator.  As such, we decided to inform the
+    #          client on the socket that they originally made the fork
+    #          request, rather than just closing the socket immediately.
     #       2) We could have had the forking server close the socket, and only
     #          the child hold the socket open. When the child exits, then the
     #          OS naturally closes the socket.
@@ -264,36 +275,37 @@
     # [Decision #5]
     #   cleanup once connected
     #       The child process blocks during 'open()' waiting for the client to
-    #       connect to its fifos. Once the client has connected, the child then
-    #       deletes the temporary directory and the fifos from disk. This means
-    #       that there isn't much left for diagnosis, but it also means that
-    #       the client won't leave garbage around if it crashes, etc.
+    #       connect to its fifos. Once the client has connected, the child
+    #       then deletes the temporary directory and the fifos from disk. This
+    #       means that there isn't much left for diagnosis, but it also means
+    #       that the client won't leave garbage around if it crashes, etc.
     #       Note that the forking service itself still monitors the paths
     #       created, and will delete garbage if it sees that a child failed to
     #       do so.
     # [Decision #6]
     #   os._exit(retcode) in the child
     #       Calling sys.exit(retcode) raises an exception, which then bubbles
-    #       up the stack and runs exit functions (and finally statements). When
-    #       I tried using it originally, I would see the current child bubble
-    #       all the way up the stack (through the server code that it fork()
-    #       through), and then get to main() returning code 0. The process
-    #       would still exit nonzero. My guess is that something in the atexit
-    #       functions was failing, but that it was happening after logging, etc
-    #       had been shut down.
+    #       up the stack and runs exit functions (and finally statements).
+    #       When I tried using it originally, I would see the current child
+    #       bubble all the way up the stack (through the server code that it
+    #       fork() through), and then get to main() returning code 0. The
+    #       process would still exit nonzero. My guess is that something in
+    #       the atexit functions was failing, but that it was happening after
+    #       logging, etc had been shut down.
     #       Any global state from the child process should be flushed before
-    #       run_bzr_* has exited (which we *do* wait for), and any other global
-    #       state is probably a remnant from the service process. Which will be
-    #       cleaned up by the service itself, rather than the child.
+    #       run_bzr_* has exited (which we *do* wait for), and any other
+    #       global state is probably a remnant from the service process. Which
+    #       will be cleaned up by the service itself, rather than the child.
     #       There is some concern that log files may not get flushed, so we
     #       currently call sys.exitfunc() first. The main problem is that I
-    #       don't know any way to *remove* a function registered via 'atexit()'
-    #       so if the forking service has some state, we my try to clean it up
-    #       incorrectly.
+    #       don't know any way to *remove* a function registered via
+    #       'atexit()' so if the forking service has some state, we my try to
+    #       clean it up incorrectly.
     #       Note that the bzr script itself uses sys.exitfunc(); os._exit() in
-    #       the 'bzr' main script, as the teardown time of all the python state
-    #       was quite noticeable in real-world runtime. As such, bzrlib should
-    #       be pretty safe, or it would have been failing for people already.
+    #       the 'bzr' main script, as the teardown time of all the python
+    #       state was quite noticeable in real-world runtime. As such, bzrlib
+    #       should be pretty safe, or it would have been failing for people
+    #       already.
     # [Decision #7]
     #   prefork vs max children vs ?
     #       For simplicity it seemed easiest to just fork when requested. Over
@@ -317,17 +329,23 @@
     #       much as we know about what went wrong.
     DEFAULT_PATH = '/var/run/launchpad_forking_service.sock'
-    DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS = 00660 # Permissions on the master socket (rw-rw----)
-    WAIT_FOR_CHILDREN_TIMEOUT = 5*60 # Wait no more than 5 min for children
+    # Permissions on the master socket (rw-rw----)
+    # Wait no more than 5 minutes for children.
-    WAIT_FOR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 1.0 # No request should take longer than this to
-                                   # be read
-    CHILD_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 120   # If we get a fork() request, but nobody
-                                  # connects just exit
-                                  # On a heavily loaded server, it could take a
-                                  # couple secs, but it should never take
-                                  # minutes
+    # No request should take longer than this to be read.
+    # If we get a fork() request, but nobody connects, just exit.
+    # On a heavily loaded server it could take a few seconds, but it
+    # should never take minutes.
     _fork_function = os.fork
@@ -346,7 +364,8 @@
         self._child_connect_timeout = self.CHILD_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
     def _create_master_socket(self):
-        self._server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        self._server_socket = socket.socket(
+            socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
         if self._perms is not None:
             os.chmod(self.master_socket_path, self._perms)
@@ -358,22 +377,21 @@
-        except (OSError, IOError), e:
+        except (OSError, IOError):
             # If we don't delete it, then we get 'address already in
-            # use' failures
-            trace.mutter('failed to cleanup: %s'
-                         % (self.master_socket_path,))
+            # use' failures.
+            trace.mutter('failed to cleanup: %s' % (self.master_socket_path,))
     def _handle_sigchld(self, signum, frm):
-        # We don't actually do anything here, we just want an interrupt (EINTR)
-        # on socket.accept() when SIGCHLD occurs.
+        # We don't actually do anything here, we just want an interrupt
+        # (EINTR) on socket.accept() when SIGCHLD occurs.
     def _handle_sigterm(self, signum, frm):
         # Unregister this as the default handler, 2 SIGTERMs will exit us.
         signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL)
-        # SIGTERM should also generate EINTR on our wait loop, so this should
-        # be enough
+        # SIGTERM should also generate EINTR on our wait loop, so this
+        # should be enough.
     def _register_signals(self):
@@ -413,12 +431,12 @@
     def _open_handles(self, base_path):
         """Open the given file handles.
-        This will attempt to open all of these file handles, but will not block
-        while opening them, timing out after self._child_connect_timeout
+        This will attempt to open all of these file handles, but will not
+        block while opening them, timing out after self._child_connect_timeout
-        :param base_path: The directory where all FIFOs are located
-        :return: (stdin_fid, stdout_fid, stderr_fid)
+        :param base_path: The directory where all FIFOs are located.
+        :return: (stdin_fid, stdout_fid, stderr_fid).
         stdin_path, stdout_path, stderr_path = self._compute_paths(base_path)
         # These open calls will block until another process connects (which
@@ -432,7 +450,7 @@
         for path, flags in to_open:
                 fids.append(os.open(path, flags))
-            except OSError, e:
+            except OSError:
                 # In production code, signal.alarm will generally just kill
                 # us. But if something installs a signal handler for SIGALRM,
                 # do what we can to die gracefully.
@@ -453,11 +471,12 @@
     def _cleanup_fifos(self, base_path):
         """Remove the FIFO objects and directory from disk."""
         stdin_path, stdout_path, stderr_path = self._compute_paths(base_path)
-        # Now that we've opened the handles, delete everything so that we don't
-        # leave garbage around. Because the open() is done in blocking mode, we
-        # know that someone has already connected to them, and we don't want
-        # anyone else getting confused and connecting.
-        # See [Decision #5]
+        # Now that we've opened the handles, delete everything so that
+        # we don't leave garbage around.  Because the open() is done in
+        # blocking mode, we know that someone has already connected to
+        # them, and we don't want anyone else getting confused and
+        # connecting.
+        # See [Decision #5].
@@ -465,10 +484,11 @@
     def _bind_child_file_descriptors(self, base_path):
         # Note: by this point bzrlib has opened stderr for logging
-        #       (as part of starting the service process in the first place).
-        #       As such, it has a stream handler that writes to stderr. logging
-        #       tries to flush and close that, but the file is already closed.
-        #       This just supresses that exception
+        # (as part of starting the service process in the first place).
+        # As such, it has a stream handler that writes to stderr.
+        # logging tries to flush and close that, but the file is already
+        # closed.
+        # This just supresses that exception.
         stdin_fid, stdout_fid, stderr_fid = self._open_handles(base_path)
         logging.raiseExceptions = False
@@ -492,7 +512,7 @@
     def become_child(self, command_argv, path):
         """We are in the spawned child code, do our magic voodoo."""
-        retcode = 127 # Failed in a bad way, poor cleanup, etc.
+        retcode = 127  # Failed in a bad way, poor cleanup, etc.
             # Stop tracking new signals
@@ -503,23 +523,24 @@
             retcode = self._run_child_command(command_argv)
-            # We force os._exit() here, because we don't want to unwind the
-            # stack, which has complex results. (We can get it to unwind back
-            # to the cmd_launchpad_forking_service code, and even back to
-            # main() reporting thereturn code, but after that, suddenly the
-            # return code changes from a '0' to a '1', with no logging of info.
+            # We force os._exit() here, because we don't want to unwind
+            # the stack, which has complex results. (We can get it to
+            # unwind back to the cmd_launchpad_forking_service code, and
+            # even back to main() reporting thereturn code, but after
+            # that, suddenly the return code changes from a '0' to a
+            # '1', with no logging of info.
     def _run_child_command(self, command_argv):
         # This is the point where we would actually want to do something with
         # our life
-        # TODO: We may want to consider special-casing the 'lp-serve' command.
-        #       As that is the primary use-case for this service, it might be
-        #       interesting to have an already-instantiated instance, where we
-        #       can just pop on an extra argument and be ready to go. However,
-        #       that would probably only really be measurable if we prefork. As
-        #       it looks like ~200ms is 'fork()' time, but only 50ms is
-        #       run-the-command time.
+        # TODO: We may want to consider special-casing the 'lp-serve'
+        # command.  As that is the primary use-case for this service, it
+        # might be interesting to have an already-instantiated instance,
+        # where we can just pop on an extra argument and be ready to go.
+        # However, that would probably only really be measurable if we
+        # prefork. As it looks like ~200ms is 'fork()' time, but only
+        # 50ms is run-the-command time.
         retcode = commands.run_bzr_catch_errors(command_argv)
         trace.mutter('%d finished %r'
@@ -561,9 +582,9 @@
     def fork_one_request(self, conn, client_addr, command_argv, env):
         """Fork myself and serve a request."""
         temp_name = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='lp-forking-service-child-')
-        # Now that we've set everything up, send the response to the client we
-        # create them first, so the client can start trying to connect to them,
-        # while we fork and have the child do the same.
+        # Now that we've set everything up, send the response to the
+        # client we create them first, so the client can start trying to
+        # connect to them, while we fork and have the child do the same.
         self._children_spawned += 1
         pid = self._fork_function()
         if pid == 0:
@@ -610,10 +631,10 @@
                 conn, client_addr = self._server_socket.accept()
             except self._socket_timeout:
-                pass # run shutdown and children checks
+                pass  # Run shutdown and children checks.
             except self._socket_error, e:
                 if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR:
-                    pass # run shutdown and children checks
+                    pass  # Run shutdown and children checks.
                 elif e.args[0] != errno.EBADF:
                     # We can get EBADF here while we are shutting down
                     # So we just ignore it for now
@@ -623,24 +644,26 @@
                     trace.warning("listening socket error: %s", e)
                 self.log(client_addr, 'connected')
-                # TODO: We should probably trap exceptions coming out of this
-                #       and log them, so that we don't kill the service because
-                #       of an unhandled error
-                # Note: settimeout is used so that a malformed request doesn't
-                #       cause us to hang forever. Note that the particular
-                #       implementation means that a malicious client could
-                #       probably send us one byte every Xms, and we would just
-                #       keep trying to read it. However, as a local service, we
-                #       aren't worrying about it.
+                # TODO: We should probably trap exceptions coming out of
+                # this and log them, so that we don't kill the service
+                # because of an unhandled error.
+                # Note: settimeout is used so that a malformed request
+                # doesn't cause us to hang forever.  Also note that the
+                # particular implementation means that a malicious
+                # client could probably send us one byte every once in a
+                # while, and we would just keep trying to read it.
+                # However, as a local service, we aren't worrying about
+                # it.
                     self.serve_one_connection(conn, client_addr)
-                except self._socket_timeout, e:
+                except self._socket_timeout as e:
-                    self.log(client_addr, 'request timeout failure: %s' % (e,))
+                    self.log(
+                        client_addr, 'request timeout failure: %s' % (e,))
                     conn.sendall('FAILURE\nrequest timed out\n')
-                except Exception, e:
+                except Exception as e:
                     self.log(client_addr, 'trapped a failure while handling'
                                           ' connection: %s' % (e,))
@@ -764,7 +787,7 @@
             command, env = request[9:].split('\n', 1)
             command = request[5:].strip()
-            env = 'end\n' # No env set
+            env = 'end\n'  # No env set.
             command_argv = self.command_to_argv(command)
             env = self.parse_env(env)
@@ -826,12 +849,12 @@
 class cmd_launchpad_forking_service(Command):
     """Launch a long-running process, where you can ask for new processes.
-    The process will block on a given AF_UNIX socket waiting for requests to be
-    made.  When a request is made, it will fork itself and redirect
+    The process will block on a given AF_UNIX socket waiting for requests to
+    be made.  When a request is made, it will fork itself and redirect
     stdout/in/err to fifos on the filesystem, and start running the requested
-    command. The caller will be informed where those file handles can be found.
-    Thus it only makes sense that the process connecting to the port must be on
-    the same system.
+    command.  The caller will be informed where those file handles can be
+    found.  Thus it only makes sense that the process connecting to the port
+    must be on the same system.
     aliases = ['lp-service']
@@ -857,7 +880,6 @@
             except ImportError, e:
                 trace.mutter('failed to preload %s: %s' % (pyname, e))
     def _daemonize(self, pid_filename):
         """Turn this process into a child-of-init daemon.
@@ -947,11 +969,11 @@
-# This list was generated by run lsprofing a spawned child, and looking for
-# <module ...> times, which indicate an import occured. Other possibilities are
-# to just run "bzr lp-serve --profile-imports" manually, and observe what was
-# expensive to import. It doesn't seem very easy to get this right
-# automatically.
+# This list was generated by "run lsprof"ing a spawned child, and
+# looking for <module ...> times, which indicate that an import
+# occurred.  Another option is to run "bzr lp-serve --profile-imports"
+# manually, and observe what was expensive to import.  It doesn't seem
+# very easy to get this right automatically.
 libraries_to_preload = [

=== modified file 'bzrplugins/lpserve/test_lpserve.py'
--- bzrplugins/lpserve/test_lpserve.py	2011-11-22 16:08:58 +0000
+++ bzrplugins/lpserve/test_lpserve.py	2011-12-21 06:20:30 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2010 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# Copyright 2010-2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
 import errno
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
 import threading
 import time
-from testtools import content
 from bzrlib import (
@@ -20,27 +18,32 @@
 from bzrlib.plugins import lpserve
+from testtools import content
 from canonical.config import config
-from lp.codehosting import get_bzr_path, get_BZR_PLUGIN_PATH_for_subprocess
+from lp.codehosting import (
+    get_bzr_path,
+    get_BZR_PLUGIN_PATH_for_subprocess,
+    )
+from lp.testing.fakemethod import FakeMethod
 class TestingLPForkingServiceInAThread(lpserve.LPForkingService):
     """A test-double to run a "forking service" in a thread.
-    Note that we don't allow actually forking, but it does allow us to interact
-    with the service for other operations.
+    Note that we don't allow actually forking, but it does allow us to
+    interact with the service for other operations.
-    # For testing, we set the timeouts much lower, because we want the tests to
-    # run quickly
+    # For testing we set the timeouts much lower, because we want the
+    # tests to run quickly.
     SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 0.01
-    # We're running in a thread as part of the test suite, blow up if we try to
-    # fork
+    # We're running in a thread as part of the test suite.  Blow up at
+    # any attempt to fork.
     _fork_function = None
     def __init__(self, path, perms=None):
@@ -52,10 +55,12 @@
             path=path, perms=None)
     def _register_signals(self):
-        pass # Don't register it for the test suite
+        # Don't register it for the test suite.
+        pass
     def _unregister_signals(self):
-        pass # We don't fork, and didn't register, so don't unregister
+        # We don't fork, and didn't register, so don't unregister.
+        pass
     def _create_master_socket(self):
         super(TestingLPForkingServiceInAThread, self)._create_master_socket()
@@ -131,7 +136,7 @@
     def test_autostop(self):
         # We shouldn't leak a thread here, as it should be part of the test
         # case teardown.
-        service = TestingLPForkingServiceInAThread.start_service(self)
+        TestingLPForkingServiceInAThread.start_service(self)
 class TestCaseWithLPForkingService(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
@@ -294,25 +299,24 @@
         os.mkfifo(os.path.join(tempdir, 'stdin'))
         os.mkfifo(os.path.join(tempdir, 'stdout'))
         os.mkfifo(os.path.join(tempdir, 'stderr'))
         # catch SIGALRM so we don't stop the test suite. It will still
         # interupt the blocking open() calls.
-        def noop_on_alarm(signal, frame):
-            return
-        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, noop_on_alarm)
+        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, FakeMethod())
         self.addCleanup(signal.signal, signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_DFL)
         e = self.assertRaises(errors.BzrError,
             self.service._open_handles, tempdir)
         self.assertContainsRe(str(e), r'After \d+.\d+s we failed to open.*')
 class TestCaseWithSubprocess(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
     """Override the bzr start_bzr_subprocess command.
-    The launchpad infrastructure requires a fair amount of configuration to get
-    paths, etc correct. This provides a "start_bzr_subprocess" command that
-    has all of those paths appropriately set, but otherwise functions the same
-    as the bzrlib.tests.TestCase version.
+    The launchpad infrastructure requires a fair amount of configuration to
+    get paths, etc correct. This provides a "start_bzr_subprocess" command
+    that has all of those paths appropriately set, but otherwise functions the
+    same as the bzrlib.tests.TestCase version.
     def get_python_path(self):
@@ -373,8 +377,8 @@
 class TestCaseWithLPForkingServiceSubprocess(TestCaseWithSubprocess):
     """Tests will get a separate process to communicate to.
-    The number of these tests should be small, because it is expensive to start
-    and stop the daemon.
+    The number of these tests should be small, because it is expensive to
+    start and stop the daemon.
     TODO: This should probably use testresources, or layers somehow...
@@ -458,23 +462,26 @@
         service_fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='tmp-lp-service-',
-        os.remove(path) # service wants create it as a socket
-        env_changes = {'BZR_PLUGIN_PATH': lpserve.__path__[0],
-                       'BZR_LOG': tempname}
+        # The service wants to create this file as a socket.
+        os.remove(path)
+        env_changes = {
+            'BZR_PLUGIN_PATH': lpserve.__path__[0],
+            'BZR_LOG': tempname,
+            }
         proc = self._start_subprocess(path, env_changes)
         return proc, path
     def stop_service(self):
         if self.service_process is None:
-            # Already stopped
+            # Already stopped.
         # First, try to stop the service gracefully, by sending a 'quit'
-        # message
+        # message.
             response = self.send_message_to_service('quit\n')
-        except socket.error, e:
-            # Ignore a failure to connect, the service must be stopping/stopped
-            # already
+        except socket.error:
+            # Ignore a failure to connect; the service must be
+            # stopping/stopped already.
             response = None
         tend = time.time() + 10.0
         while self.service_process.poll() is None:
@@ -564,7 +571,7 @@
         for idx in [3, 2, 0, 1]:
             p, pid, sock = paths[idx]
             stdout_msg = 'hello %d\n' % (idx,)
-            stderr_msg = 'goodbye %d\n' % (idx+1,)
+            stderr_msg = 'goodbye %d\n' % (idx + 1,)
             stdout, stderr = self.communicate_with_fork(p,
                 '1 %s2 %s' % (stdout_msg, stderr_msg))
             self.assertEqualDiff(stdout_msg, stdout)
@@ -607,13 +614,8 @@
         # *sigh* signal.alarm only has 1s resolution, so this test is slow.
         response = self.send_message_to_service('child_connect_timeout 1\n')
         self.assertEqual('ok\n', response)
-        # Now request a fork
+        # Now request a fork.
         path, pid, sock = self.send_fork_request('rocks')
-        # # Open one handle, but not all of them
-        stdin_path = os.path.join(path, 'stdin')
-        stdout_path = os.path.join(path, 'stdout')
-        stderr_path = os.path.join(path, 'stderr')
-        child_stdin = open(stdin_path, 'wb')
         # We started opening the child, but stop before we get all handles
         # open. After 1 second, the child should get signaled and die.
         # The master process should notice, and tell us the status of the
@@ -675,8 +677,8 @@
         # Because nothing else will clean this up, add this final handler to
         # clean up if all else fails.
         self.addCleanup(self._cleanup_daemon, pid, pid_filename)
-        # self.service_process will now be the pid of the daemon, rather than a
-        # Popen object.
+        # self.service_process will now be the pid of the daemon,
+        # rather than a Popen object.
         return pid
     def stop_service(self):
@@ -688,8 +690,8 @@
             response = self.send_message_to_service('quit\n')
         except socket.error, e:
-            # Ignore a failure to connect, the service must be stopping/stopped
-            # already
+            # Ignore a failure to connect; the service must be
+            # stopping/stopped already.
             response = None
         if response is not None:
             self.assertEqual('ok\nquit command requested... exiting\n',
@@ -733,16 +735,17 @@
         self.service_process = None
     def test_simple_start_and_stop(self):
-        pass # All the work is done in setUp()
+        # All the work is done in setUp().
+        pass
     def test_starts_and_cleans_up(self):
-        # The service should be up and responsive
+        # The service should be up and responsive.
         response = self.send_message_to_service('hello\n')
         self.assertEqual('ok\nyep, still alive\n', response)
         with open(self.service_pid_filename, 'rb') as f:
             content = f.read()
         self.assertEqualDiff('%d\n' % (self.service_process,), content)
-        # We're done, shut it down
+        # We're done.  Shut it down.