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[Merge] lp:~rvb/maas/maas-various-cleanups into lp:maas


Raphaël Badin has proposed merging lp:~rvb/maas/maas-various-cleanups into lp:maas.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

This branch adds a small unity method used to process subforms.  It does not save that many LOC with it avoids having to repeat the prefix parameter of the form class many times.

Drive by fix:
- no reason why the logout page should be available to anon users
- move the loggout url declaration where it belongs (i.e. in the "URLs for logged-in users")
- move the preferences url declaration where it belongs (i.e. in the "URLs for logged-in users") (note that we had no security hole because all is fine in the middleware that manages access)
- add a message when a user is added.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~rvb/maas/maas-various-cleanups into lp:maas.
=== modified file 'src/maasserver/middleware.py'
--- src/maasserver/middleware.py	2012-03-02 10:06:56 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/middleware.py	2012-03-02 11:11:21 +0000
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
         public_url_roots = [
             # Login/logout pages: must be visible to anonymous users.
-            reverse('logout'),
             # Static resources are publicly visible.

=== modified file 'src/maasserver/urls.py'
--- src/maasserver/urls.py	2012-02-29 17:48:13 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/urls.py	2012-03-02 11:11:21 +0000
@@ -44,9 +44,7 @@
 # URLs accessible to anonymous users.
 urlpatterns = patterns('maasserver.views',
-    url(r'^account/prefs/$', userprefsview, name='prefs'),
     url(r'^accounts/login/$', login, name='login'),
-    url(r'^accounts/logout/$', logout, name='logout'),
         r'^robots\.txt$', direct_to_template,
         {'template': 'maasserver/robots.txt', 'mimetype': 'text/plain'},
@@ -58,6 +56,8 @@
 # URLs for logged-in users.
 urlpatterns += patterns('maasserver.views',
+    url(r'^account/prefs/$', userprefsview, name='prefs'),
+    url(r'^accounts/logout/$', logout, name='logout'),

=== modified file 'src/maasserver/views.py'
--- src/maasserver/views.py	2012-02-29 13:44:30 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/views.py	2012-03-02 11:11:21 +0000
@@ -70,29 +70,58 @@
         return reverse('index')
+def process_form(request, form_class, redirect_url, prefix,
+                 success_message=None, form_kwargs={}):
+    """Utility method to process subforms (i.e. forms with a prefix).
+    :param request: The request which contains the data to be validated.
+    :type request: django.http.HttpRequest
+    :param form_class: The form class used to perform the validation.
+    :type form_class: django.forms.Form
+    :param redirect_url: The url where the user should be redirected if the
+        form validates successfully.
+    :type redirect_url: basestring
+    :param prefix: The prefix of the form.
+    :type prefix: basestring
+    :param success_message: An optional message that will be displayed if the
+        form validates successfully.
+    :type success_message: basestring
+    :param form_kwargs: An optional dict that will passed to the form creation
+        method.
+    :type form_kwargs: dict
+    :return: A tuple of the validated form and a response (the response will
+        not be None only if the form has been validated correctly).
+    :rtype: tuple
+    """
+    if '%s_submit' % prefix in request.POST:
+        form = form_class(
+            data=request.POST, prefix=prefix, **form_kwargs)
+        if form.is_valid():
+            if success_message is not None:
+                messages.info(request, success_message)
+            form.save()
+            return form, HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
+    else:
+        form = form_class(prefix=prefix, **form_kwargs)
+    return form, None
 def userprefsview(request):
     user = request.user
     # Process the profile update form.
-    if 'profile_submit' in request.POST:
-        profile_form = ProfileForm(
-            request.POST, instance=user, prefix='profile')
-        if profile_form.is_valid():
-            messages.info(request, "Profile updated.")
-            profile_form.save()
-            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('prefs'))
-    else:
-        profile_form = ProfileForm(instance=user, prefix='profile')
+    profile_form, response = process_form(
+        request, ProfileForm, reverse('prefs'), 'profile', "Profile updated.",
+        {'instance': user})
+    if response is not None:
+        return response
     # Process the password change form.
-    if 'password_submit' in request.POST:
-        password_form = PasswordForm(
-            data=request.POST, user=user, prefix='password')
-        if password_form.is_valid():
-            messages.info(request, "Password updated.")
-            password_form.save()
-            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('prefs'))
-    else:
-        password_form = PasswordForm(user=user, prefix='password')
+    password_form, response = process_form(
+        request, PasswordForm, reverse('prefs'), 'password',
+        "Password updated.", {'user': user})
+    if response is not None:
+        return response
     return render_to_response(
@@ -126,6 +155,10 @@
     def get_success_url(self):
         return reverse('settings')
+    def form_valid(self, form):
+        messages.info(self.request, "User added.")
+        return super(AccountsAdd, self).form_valid(form)
 class AccountsDelete(DeleteView):
@@ -170,38 +203,25 @@
 def settings(request):
     user_list = UserProfile.objects.all_users().order_by('username')
     # Process the MaaS & network form.
-    if 'maas_and_network_submit' in request.POST:
-        maas_and_network_form = MaaSAndNetworkForm(
-            request.POST, prefix='maas_and_network')
-        if maas_and_network_form.is_valid():
-            messages.info(request, "Configuration updated.")
-            maas_and_network_form.save()
-            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('settings'))
-    else:
-        maas_and_network_form = MaaSAndNetworkForm(prefix='maas_and_network')
+    maas_and_network_form, response = process_form(
+        request, MaaSAndNetworkForm, reverse('settings'), 'maas_and_network',
+        "Configuration updated.")
+    if response is not None:
+        return response
     # Process the Commissioning form.
-    if 'commissioning_submit' in request.POST:
-        commissioning_form = CommissioningForm(
-            request.POST, prefix='commissioning')
-        if commissioning_form.is_valid():
-            messages.info(request, "Configuration updated.")
-            commissioning_form.save()
-            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('settings'))
-    else:
-        commissioning_form = CommissioningForm(prefix='commissioning')
+    commissioning_form, response = process_form(
+        request, CommissioningForm, reverse('settings'), 'commissioning',
+        "Configuration updated.")
+    if response is not None:
+        return response
     # Process the Ubuntu form.
-    if 'ubuntu_submit' in request.POST:
-        ubuntu_form = UbuntuForm(
-            request.POST, prefix='ubuntu')
-        if ubuntu_form.is_valid():
-            messages.info(request, "Configuration updated.")
-            ubuntu_form.save()
-            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('settings'))
-    else:
-        ubuntu_form = UbuntuForm(
-            prefix='ubuntu')
+    ubuntu_form, response = process_form(
+        request, UbuntuForm, reverse('settings'), 'ubuntu',
+        "Configuration updated.")
+    if response is not None:
+        return response
     return render_to_response(