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[Merge] lp:~abentley/launchpad/upgrade-all-2 into lp:launchpad


Aaron Bentley has proposed merging lp:~abentley/launchpad/upgrade-all-2 into lp:launchpad with lp:~abentley/launchpad/upgrade-all as a prerequisite.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)
Related bugs:
  Bug #922741 in Launchpad itself: "AttributeError: 'BzrBranch7' object has no attribute 'get_config_stack'"

For more details, see:

= Summary =
ec2 scripts are not proper Launchpad scripts because they depend on pqm-submit, which Launchpad does not provide.

== Proposed fix ==
Add ec2 test/land scripts to lp-dev-tools and remove from Launchpad tree

== Pre-implementation notes ==
Discussed with deryck

== Implementation details ==

== Tests ==

== Demo and Q/A ==

= Launchpad lint =

Checking for conflicts and issues in changed files.

Linting changed files:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~abentley/launchpad/upgrade-all-2 into lp:launchpad.
=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/autoland.py'
--- lib/devscripts/autoland.py	2012-02-09 13:08:47 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/autoland.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-"""Land an approved merge proposal."""
-from bzrlib.errors import BzrCommandError
-from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
-from launchpadlib.uris import (
-    )
-from lazr.uri import URI
-class MissingReviewError(Exception):
-    """Raised when we try to get a review message without enough reviewers."""
-class MissingBugsError(Exception):
-    """Merge proposal has no linked bugs and no [no-qa] tag."""
-class MissingBugsIncrementalError(Exception):
-    """Merge proposal has the [incr] tag but no linked bugs."""
-class LaunchpadBranchLander:
-    name = 'launchpad-branch-lander'
-    def __init__(self, launchpad):
-        self._launchpad = launchpad
-    @classmethod
-    def load(cls, service_root='production'):
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-09-24: No unit tests.
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-09-24 bug=435813: If cached data invalid,
-        # there's no easy way to delete it and try again.
-        launchpad = Launchpad.login_with(cls.name, service_root)
-        return cls(launchpad)
-    def load_merge_proposal(self, mp_url):
-        """Get the merge proposal object for the 'mp_url'."""
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-09-24: No unit tests.
-        web_mp_uri = URI(mp_url)
-        api_mp_uri = self._launchpad._root_uri.append(
-            web_mp_uri.path.lstrip('/'))
-        return MergeProposal(self._launchpad.load(str(api_mp_uri)))
-    def get_lp_branch(self, branch):
-        """Get the launchpadlib branch based on a bzr branch."""
-        # First try the public branch.
-        branch_url = branch.get_public_branch()
-        if branch_url:
-            lp_branch = self._launchpad.branches.getByUrl(
-                url=branch_url)
-            if lp_branch is not None:
-                return lp_branch
-        # If that didn't work try the push location.
-        branch_url = branch.get_push_location()
-        if branch_url:
-            lp_branch = self._launchpad.branches.getByUrl(
-                url=branch_url)
-            if lp_branch is not None:
-                return lp_branch
-        raise BzrCommandError(
-            "No public branch could be found.  Please re-run and specify "
-            "the URL for the merge proposal.")
-    def get_merge_proposal_from_branch(self, branch):
-        """Get the merge proposal from the branch."""
-        lp_branch = self.get_lp_branch(branch)
-        proposals = [
-            mp for mp in lp_branch.landing_targets
-            if mp.queue_status in ('Needs review', 'Approved')]
-        if len(proposals) == 0:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "The public branch has no open source merge proposals.  "
-                "You must have a merge proposal before attempting to "
-                "land the branch.")
-        elif len(proposals) > 1:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "The public branch has multiple open source merge "
-                "proposals.  You must provide the URL to the one you wish "
-                "to use.")
-        return MergeProposal(proposals[0])
-class MergeProposal:
-    """Wrapper around launchpadlib `IBranchMergeProposal` for landing."""
-    def __init__(self, mp):
-        """Construct a merge proposal.
-        :param mp: A launchpadlib `IBranchMergeProposal`.
-        """
-        self._mp = mp
-        self._launchpad = mp._root
-    @property
-    def source_branch(self):
-        """The push URL of the source branch."""
-        return str(self._get_push_url(self._mp.source_branch))
-    @property
-    def target_branch(self):
-        """The push URL of the target branch."""
-        return str(self._get_push_url(self._mp.target_branch))
-    @property
-    def commit_message(self):
-        """The commit message specified on the merge proposal."""
-        return self._mp.commit_message
-    @property
-    def is_approved(self):
-        """Is this merge proposal approved for landing."""
-        return self._mp.queue_status == 'Approved'
-    def get_stakeholder_emails(self):
-        """Return a collection of people who should know about branch landing.
-        Used to determine who to email with the ec2 test results.
-        :return: A set of `IPerson`s.
-        """
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-09-24: No unit tests.
-        emails = set(
-            map(get_email,
-                [self._mp.source_branch.owner, self._launchpad.me]))
-        if None in emails:
-            emails.remove(None)
-        return emails
-    def get_reviews(self):
-        """Return a dictionary of all Approved reviews.
-        Used to determine who has actually approved a branch for landing. The
-        key of the dictionary is the type of review, and the value is the list
-        of people who have voted Approve with that type.
-        Common types include 'code', 'db', 'ui' and of course `None`.
-        """
-        reviews = {}
-        for vote in self._mp.votes:
-            comment = vote.comment
-            if comment is None or comment.vote != "Approve":
-                continue
-            reviewers = reviews.setdefault(vote.review_type, [])
-            reviewers.append(vote.reviewer)
-        if self.is_approved and not reviews:
-            reviews[None] = [self._mp.reviewer]
-        return reviews
-    def get_bugs(self):
-        """Return a collection of bugs linked to the source branch."""
-        return self._mp.source_branch.linked_bugs
-    def _get_push_url(self, branch):
-        """Return the push URL for 'branch'.
-        This function is a work-around for Launchpad's lack of exposing the
-        branch's push URL.
-        :param branch: A launchpadlib `IBranch`.
-        """
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-09-24: No unit tests.
-        host = get_bazaar_host(str(self._launchpad._root_uri))
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-09-24 bug=435790: lazr.uri allows a path
-        # without a leading '/' and then doesn't insert a '/' in the final
-        # URL. Do it ourselves.
-        return URI(scheme='bzr+ssh', host=host, path='/' + branch.unique_name)
-    def build_commit_message(self, commit_text, testfix=False, no_qa=False,
-                           incremental=False, rollback=None):
-        """Get the Launchpad-style commit message for a merge proposal."""
-        reviews = self.get_reviews()
-        bugs = self.get_bugs()
-        tags = [
-            get_testfix_clause(testfix),
-            get_reviewer_clause(reviews),
-            get_bugs_clause(bugs),
-            get_qa_clause(bugs, no_qa,
-                incremental, rollback=rollback),
-            ]
-        # Make sure we don't add duplicated tags to commit_text.
-        commit_tags = tags[:]
-        for tag in tags:
-            if tag in commit_text:
-                commit_tags.remove(tag)
-        if commit_tags:
-            return '%s %s' % (''.join(commit_tags), commit_text)
-        else:
-            return commit_text
-    def set_commit_message(self, commit_message):
-        """Set the Launchpad-style commit message for a merge proposal."""
-        self._mp.commit_message = commit_message
-        self._mp.lp_save()
-def get_testfix_clause(testfix=False):
-    """Get the testfix clause."""
-    if testfix:
-        testfix_clause = '[testfix]'
-    else:
-        testfix_clause = ''
-    return testfix_clause
-def get_qa_clause(bugs, no_qa=False, incremental=False, rollback=None):
-    """Check the no-qa and incremental options, getting the qa clause.
-    The qa clause will always be or no-qa, or incremental, or no-qa and
-    incremental, or a revno for the rollback clause, or no tags.
-    See https://dev.launchpad.net/QAProcessContinuousRollouts for detailed
-    explanation of each clause.
-    """
-    qa_clause = ""
-    if not bugs and not no_qa and not incremental and not rollback:
-        raise MissingBugsError
-    if incremental and not bugs:
-        raise MissingBugsIncrementalError
-    if no_qa and incremental:
-        qa_clause = '[no-qa][incr]'
-    elif incremental:
-        qa_clause = '[incr]'
-    elif no_qa:
-        qa_clause = '[no-qa]'
-    elif rollback:
-        qa_clause = '[rollback=%d]' % rollback
-    else:
-        qa_clause = ''
-    return qa_clause
-def get_email(person):
-    """Get the preferred email address for 'person'."""
-    email_object = person.preferred_email_address
-    if email_object is None:
-        return None # A team most likely.
-    return email_object.email
-def get_bugs_clause(bugs):
-    """Return the bugs clause of a commit message.
-    :param bugs: A collection of `IBug` objects.
-    :return: A string of the form "[bug=A,B,C]".
-    """
-    if not bugs:
-        return ''
-    bug_ids = []
-    for bug in bugs:
-        for task in bug.bug_tasks:
-            if (task.bug_target_name == 'launchpad'
-                and task.status not in ['Fix Committed', 'Fix Released']):
-                bug_ids.append(str(bug.id))
-                break
-    if not bug_ids:
-        return ''
-    return '[bug=%s]' % ','.join(bug_ids)
-def get_reviewer_handle(reviewer):
-    """Get the handle for 'reviewer'.
-    The handles of reviewers are included in the commit message for Launchpad
-    changes. Historically, these handles have been the IRC nicks. Thus, if
-    'reviewer' has an IRC nickname for Freenode, we use that. Otherwise we use
-    their Launchpad username.
-    :param reviewer: A launchpadlib `IPerson` object.
-    :return: unicode text.
-    """
-    irc_handles = reviewer.irc_nicknames
-    for handle in irc_handles:
-        if handle.network == 'irc.freenode.net':
-            return handle.nickname
-    return reviewer.name
-def _comma_separated_names(things):
-    """Return a string of comma-separated names of 'things'.
-    The list is sorted before being joined.
-    """
-    return ','.join(sorted(thing.name for thing in things))
-def get_reviewer_clause(reviewers):
-    """Get the reviewer section of a commit message, given the reviewers.
-    :param reviewers: A dict mapping review types to lists of reviewers, as
-        returned by 'get_reviews'.
-    :return: A string like u'[r=foo,bar][ui=plop]'.
-    """
-    # If no review type is specified it is assumed to be a code review.
-    code_reviewers = reviewers.get(None, [])
-    ui_reviewers = []
-    rc_reviewers = []
-    for review_type, reviewer in reviewers.items():
-        if review_type is None:
-            continue
-        if review_type == '':
-            code_reviewers.extend(reviewer)
-        if 'code' in review_type or 'db' in review_type:
-            code_reviewers.extend(reviewer)
-        if 'ui' in review_type:
-            ui_reviewers.extend(reviewer)
-        if 'release-critical' in review_type:
-            rc_reviewers.extend(reviewer)
-    if not code_reviewers:
-        raise MissingReviewError("Need approved votes in order to land.")
-    if ui_reviewers:
-        ui_clause = '[ui=%s]' % _comma_separated_names(ui_reviewers)
-    else:
-        ui_clause = ''
-    if rc_reviewers:
-        rc_clause = (
-            '[release-critical=%s]' % _comma_separated_names(rc_reviewers))
-    else:
-        rc_clause = ''
-    return '%s[r=%s]%s' % (
-        rc_clause, _comma_separated_names(code_reviewers), ui_clause)
-def get_bazaar_host(api_root):
-    """Get the Bazaar service for the given API root."""
-    # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-09-24 bug=435803: This is only needed because
-    # Launchpad doesn't expose the push URL for branches.
-    if api_root.startswith(EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT):
-        return 'bazaar.launchpad.net'
-    elif api_root.startswith(DEV_SERVICE_ROOT):
-        return 'bazaar.launchpad.dev'
-    elif api_root.startswith(STAGING_SERVICE_ROOT):
-        return 'bazaar.staging.launchpad.net'
-    elif api_root.startswith(LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT):
-        return 'bazaar.launchpad.net'
-    else:
-        raise ValueError(
-            'Cannot determine Bazaar host. "%s" not a recognized Launchpad '
-            'API root.' % (api_root,))

=== removed directory 'lib/devscripts/ec2test'
=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/__init__.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/__init__.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/__init__.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Run the Launchpad tests in Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = []
-from bzrlib.plugin import load_plugins
-import paramiko
-# Try to guide users past support problems we've encountered before
-if not paramiko.__version__.startswith('1.7.4'):
-    raise RuntimeError('Your version of paramiko (%s) is not supported.  '
-                       'Please use 1.7.4.' % (paramiko.__version__,))
-# maybe add similar check for bzrlib?
-# End
-import warnings
-    "ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, module="boto")

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/account.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/account.py	2012-01-25 15:27:01 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/account.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""A representation of an Amazon Web Services account."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = [
-    'EC2Account',
-    ]
-from collections import defaultdict
-import cStringIO
-from datetime import datetime
-from operator import itemgetter
-import re
-import sys
-import urllib
-from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError
-import paramiko
-from devscripts.ec2test.session import EC2SessionName
-    # Amazon account number: name/nickname (only for logging).
-    '255383312499': 'gary',
-    '559320013529': 'flacoste',
-    '038531743404': 'jelmer',
-    '444667466231': 'allenap',
-    '441991801793': 'gmb',
-    '005470753809': 'bigjools',
-    '967591634984': 'jtv',
-    '507541322704': 'sinzui',
-    '424228475252': 'wallyworld',
-    '292290876294': 'stevenk',
-    '259696152397': 'bac',
-    '873925794399': 'wgrant',
-    '957911449157': 'mbp',
-    '340983519589': 'stub',
-    # ...anyone else want in on the fun?
-    }
-- Did you sign up for EC2?
-- Did you put a credit card number in your AWS account?
-Please double-check before reporting a problem.
-def get_ip():
-    """Uses AWS checkip to obtain this machine's IP address.
-    Consults an external website to determine the public IP address of this
-    machine.
-    :return: This machine's net-visible IP address as a string.
-    """
-    return urllib.urlopen('http://checkip.amazonaws.com').read().strip()
-class EC2Account:
-    """An EC2 account.
-    You can use this to manage security groups, keys and images for an EC2
-    account.
-    """
-    # Used to find pre-configured Amazon images.
-    _image_match = re.compile(
-        r'launchpad-ec2test(\d+)/image.manifest.xml$').match
-    def __init__(self, name, connection):
-        """Construct an EC2 instance.
-        :param name: ???
-        :param connection: An open boto ec2 connection.
-        """
-        self.name = name
-        self.conn = connection
-    def log(self, msg):
-        """Log a message on stdout, flushing afterwards."""
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-05-31 bug=383076: Copied from EC2TestRunner.
-        # Should change EC2Account to take a logger and use that instead of
-        # writing to stdout.
-        sys.stdout.write(msg)
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-    def _find_expired_artifacts(self, artifacts):
-        now = datetime.utcnow()
-        for artifact in artifacts:
-            session_name = EC2SessionName(artifact.name)
-            if (session_name in (self.name, self.name.base) or (
-                    session_name.base == self.name.base and
-                    session_name.expires is not None and
-                    session_name.expires < now)):
-                yield artifact
-    def acquire_security_group(self, demo_networks=None):
-        """Get a security group with the appropriate configuration.
-        "Appropriate" means configured to allow this machine to connect via
-        SSH, HTTP and HTTPS.
-        The name of the security group is the `EC2Account.name` attribute.
-        :return: A boto security group.
-        """
-        if demo_networks is None:
-            demo_networks = []
-        # Create the security group.
-        security_group = self.conn.create_security_group(
-            self.name, 'Authorization to access the test runner instance.')
-        # Authorize SSH and HTTP.
-        ip = get_ip()
-        security_group.authorize('tcp', 22, 22, '%s/32' % ip)
-        security_group.authorize('tcp', 80, 80, '%s/32' % ip)
-        security_group.authorize('tcp', 443, 443, '%s/32' % ip)
-        for network in demo_networks:
-            # Add missing netmask info for single ips.
-            if '/' not in network:
-                network += '/32'
-            security_group.authorize('tcp', 80, 80, network)
-            security_group.authorize('tcp', 443, 443, network)
-        return security_group
-    def delete_previous_security_groups(self):
-        """Delete previously used security groups, if found."""
-        expired_groups = self._find_expired_artifacts(
-            self.conn.get_all_security_groups())
-        for group in expired_groups:
-            try:
-                group.delete()
-            except EC2ResponseError, e:
-                if e.code != 'InvalidGroup.InUse':
-                    raise
-                self.log('Cannot delete; security group '
-                         '%r in use.\n' % group.name)
-            else:
-                self.log('Deleted security group %r.\n' % group.name)
-    def acquire_private_key(self):
-        """Create & return a new key pair for the test runner."""
-        key_pair = self.conn.create_key_pair(self.name)
-        return paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(
-            cStringIO.StringIO(key_pair.material.encode('ascii')))
-    def delete_previous_key_pairs(self):
-        """Delete previously used keypairs, if found."""
-        expired_key_pairs = self._find_expired_artifacts(
-            self.conn.get_all_key_pairs())
-        for key_pair in expired_key_pairs:
-            try:
-                key_pair.delete()
-            except EC2ResponseError, e:
-                if e.code != 'InvalidKeyPair.NotFound':
-                    if e.code == 'AuthFailure':
-                        # Inserted because of previous support issue.
-                        self.log(AUTH_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
-                    raise
-                self.log('Cannot delete; key pair not '
-                         'found %r\n' % key_pair.name)
-            else:
-                self.log('Deleted key pair %r.\n' % key_pair.name)
-    def collect_garbage(self):
-        """Remove any old keys and security groups."""
-        self.delete_previous_security_groups()
-        self.delete_previous_key_pairs()
-    def find_images(self):
-        # We are trying to find an image that has a location that matches a
-        # regex (see definition of _image_match, above). Part of that regex is
-        # expected to be an integer with the semantics of a revision number.
-        # The image location with the highest revision number is the one that
-        # should be chosen. Because AWS does not guarantee that two images
-        # cannot share a location string, we need to make sure that the search
-        # result for this image is unique, or throw an error because the
-        # choice of image is ambiguous.
-        results = defaultdict(list)
-        # Find the images with the highest revision numbers and locations that
-        # match the regex.
-        images = self.conn.get_all_images(owners=tuple(VALID_AMI_OWNERS))
-        for image in images:
-            match = self._image_match(image.location)
-            if match is not None:
-                revision = int(match.group(1))
-                results[revision].append(image)
-        return sorted(results.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
-    def acquire_image(self, machine_id):
-        """Get the image.
-        If 'machine_id' is None, then return the image with location that
-        matches `EC2Account._image_match` and has the highest revision number
-        (where revision number is the 'NN' in 'launchpad-ec2testNN').
-        Otherwise, just return the image with the given 'machine_id'.
-        :raise ValueError: if there is more than one image with the same
-            location string.
-        :raise RuntimeError: if we cannot find a test-runner image.
-        :return: A boto image.
-        """
-        if machine_id is not None:
-            # This may raise an exception. The user specified a machine_id, so
-            # they can deal with it.
-            return self.conn.get_image(machine_id)
-        images_by_revision = self.find_images()
-        if len(images_by_revision) == 0:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                "You don't have access to a test-runner image.\n"
-                "Request access and try again.\n")
-        revision, images = images_by_revision[0]
-        if len(images) > 1:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'More than one image of revision %d found: %r' % (
-                    revision, images))
-        self.log('Using machine image version %d\n' % revision)
-        return images[0]

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/builtins.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/builtins.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/builtins.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,861 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""The command classes for the 'ec2' utility."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = []
-from datetime import (
-    datetime,
-    timedelta,
-    )
-import os
-import pdb
-import socket
-from bzrlib.bzrdir import BzrDir
-from bzrlib.commands import Command
-from bzrlib.errors import (
-    BzrCommandError,
-    ConnectionError,
-    NoSuchFile,
-    )
-from bzrlib.help import help_commands
-from bzrlib.option import (
-    ListOption,
-    Option,
-    )
-from bzrlib.trace import is_verbose
-from bzrlib.transport import get_transport
-from pytz import UTC
-import simplejson
-from devscripts import get_launchpad_root
-from devscripts.ec2test.account import VALID_AMI_OWNERS
-from devscripts.ec2test.credentials import EC2Credentials
-from devscripts.ec2test.instance import (
-    EC2Instance,
-    )
-from devscripts.ec2test.session import EC2SessionName
-from devscripts.ec2test.testrunner import (
-    EC2TestRunner,
-    )
-# Options accepted by more than one command.
-# Branches is a complicated option that lets the user specify which branches
-# to use in the sourcecode directory.  Most of the complexity is still in
-# EC2TestRunner.__init__, which probably isn't ideal.
-branch_option = ListOption(
-    'branch', type=str, short_name='b', argname='BRANCH',
-    help=('Branches to include in this run in sourcecode. '
-          'If the argument is only the project name, the trunk will be '
-          'used (e.g., ``-b launchpadlib``).  If you want to use a '
-          'specific branch, if it is on launchpad, you can usually '
-          'simply specify it instead (e.g., '
-          '``-b lp:~username/launchpadlib/branchname``).  If this does '
-          'not appear to work, or if the desired branch is not on '
-          'launchpad, specify the project name and then the branch '
-          'after an equals sign (e.g., '
-          '``-b launchpadlib=lp:~username/launchpadlib/branchname``). '
-          'Branches for multiple projects may be specified with '
-          'multiple instances of this option. '
-          'You may also use this option to specify the branch of launchpad '
-          'into which your branch may be merged.  This defaults to %s. '
-          'Because typically the important branches of launchpad are owned '
-          'by the launchpad-pqm user, you can shorten this to only the '
-          'branch name, if desired, and the launchpad-pqm user will be '
-          'assumed.  For instance, if you specify '
-          '``-b launchpad=db-devel`` then this is equivalent to '
-          '``-b lp:~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/db-devel``, or the even longer'
-          '``-b launchpad=lp:~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/db-devel``.'
-          % (TRUNK_BRANCH,)))
-machine_id_option = Option(
-    'machine', short_name='m', type=str,
-    help=('The AWS machine identifier (AMI) on which to base this run. '
-          'You should typically only have to supply this if you are '
-          'testing new AWS images. Defaults to trying to find the most '
-          'recent one with an approved owner.'))
-instance_type_option = Option(
-    'instance', short_name='i',
-    type=str,
-    param_name='instance_type',
-    help=('The AWS instance type on which to base this run. '
-          'Available options are %r. Defaults to `%s`.' %
-debug_option = Option(
-    'debug', short_name='d',
-    help=('Drop to pdb trace as soon as possible.'))
-trunk_option = Option(
-    'trunk', short_name='t',
-    help=('Run the trunk as the branch, rather than the branch of the '
-          'current working directory.'))
-include_download_cache_changes_option = Option(
-    'include-download-cache-changes', short_name='c',
-    help=('Include any changes in the download cache (added or unknown) '
-          'in the download cache of the test run.  Note that, if you have '
-          'any changes in your download cache, trying to submit to pqm '
-          'will always raise an error.  Also note that, if you have any '
-          'changes in your download cache, you must explicitly choose to '
-          'include or ignore the changes.'))
-postmortem_option = Option(
-    'postmortem', short_name='p',
-    help=('Drop to interactive prompt after the test and before shutting '
-          'down the instance for postmortem analysis of the EC2 instance '
-          'and/or of this script.'))
-attached_option = Option(
-    'attached',
-    help=("Remain attached, i.e. do not go headless. Implied by --postmortem "
-          "and --file."))
-region_option = Option(
-    'region',
-    type=str,
-    help=("Name of the AWS region in which to run the instance.  "
-        "Must be the same as the region holding the image file. "
-        "For example, 'us-west-1'."))
-def filename_type(filename):
-    """An option validator for filenames.
-    :raise: an error if 'filename' is not a file we can write to.
-    :return: 'filename' otherwise.
-    """
-    if filename is None:
-        return filename
-    check_file = filename
-    if os.path.exists(check_file):
-        if not os.path.isfile(check_file):
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                'file argument %s exists and is not a file' % (filename,))
-    else:
-        check_file = os.path.dirname(check_file)
-        if (not os.path.exists(check_file) or
-            not os.path.isdir(check_file)):
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                'file %s cannot be created.' % (filename,))
-    if not os.access(check_file, os.W_OK):
-        raise BzrCommandError(
-            'you do not have permission to write %s' % (filename,))
-    return filename
-def set_trace_if(enable_debugger=False):
-    """If `enable_debugger` is True, drop into the debugger."""
-    if enable_debugger:
-        pdb.set_trace()
-class EC2Command(Command):
-    """Subclass of `Command` that customizes usage to say 'ec2' not 'bzr'.
-    When https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/431054 is fixed, we can
-    delete this class, or at least make it less of a copy/paste/hack of the
-    superclass.
-    """
-    def _usage(self):
-        """Return single-line grammar for this command.
-        Only describes arguments, not options.
-        """
-        s = 'ec2 ' + self.name() + ' '
-        for aname in self.takes_args:
-            aname = aname.upper()
-            if aname[-1] in ['$', '+']:
-                aname = aname[:-1] + '...'
-            elif aname[-1] == '?':
-                aname = '[' + aname[:-1] + ']'
-            elif aname[-1] == '*':
-                aname = '[' + aname[:-1] + '...]'
-            s += aname + ' '
-        s = s[:-1]      # remove last space
-        return s
-def _get_branches_and_test_branch(trunk, branch, test_branch):
-    """Interpret the command line options to find which branch to test.
-    :param trunk: The value of the --trunk option.
-    :param branch: The value of the --branch options.
-    :param test_branch: The value of the TEST_BRANCH argument.
-    """
-    if trunk:
-        if test_branch is not None:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "Cannot specify both a branch to test and --trunk")
-        else:
-            test_branch = TRUNK_BRANCH
-    else:
-        if test_branch is None:
-            test_branch = '.'
-    branches = [data.split('=', 1) for data in branch]
-    return branches, test_branch
-DEFAULT_TEST_OPTIONS = '--subunit -vvv'
-class cmd_test(EC2Command):
-    """Run the test suite in ec2."""
-    takes_options = [
-        branch_option,
-        trunk_option,
-        machine_id_option,
-        instance_type_option,
-        region_option,
-        Option(
-            'file', short_name='f', type=filename_type,
-            help=('Store abridged test results in FILE.')),
-        ListOption(
-            'email', short_name='e', argname='EMAIL', type=str,
-            help=('Email address to which results should be mailed.  '
-                  'Defaults to the email address from `bzr whoami`. May be '
-                  'supplied multiple times. `bzr whoami` will be used as '
-                  'the From: address.')),
-        Option(
-            'noemail', short_name='n',
-            help=('Do not try to email results.')),
-        Option(
-            'test-options', short_name='o', type=str,
-            help=('Test options to pass to the remote test runner.  Defaults '
-                  "to ``-o '-vv'``.  For instance, to run specific tests, "
-                  "you might use ``-o '-vvt my_test_pattern'``.")),
-        Option(
-            'submit-pqm-message', short_name='s', type=str, argname="MSG",
-            help=(
-                'A pqm message to submit if the test run is successful.  If '
-                'provided, you will be asked for your GPG passphrase before '
-                'the test run begins.')),
-        Option(
-            'pqm-public-location', type=str,
-            help=('The public location for the pqm submit, if a pqm message '
-                  'is provided (see --submit-pqm-message).  If this is not '
-                  'provided, for local branches, bzr configuration is '
-                  'consulted; for remote branches, it is assumed that the '
-                  'remote branch *is* a public branch.')),
-        Option(
-            'pqm-submit-location', type=str,
-            help=('The submit location for the pqm submit, if a pqm message '
-                  'is provided (see --submit-pqm-message).  If this option '
-                  'is not provided, the script will look for an explicitly '
-                  'specified launchpad branch using the -b/--branch option; '
-                  'if that branch was specified and is owned by the '
-                  'launchpad-pqm user on launchpad, it is used as the pqm '
-                  'submit location. Otherwise, for local branches, bzr '
-                  'configuration is consulted; for remote branches, it is '
-                  'assumed that the submit branch is %s.'
-                  % (TRUNK_BRANCH,))),
-        Option(
-            'pqm-email', type=str,
-            help=(
-                'Specify the email address of the PQM you are submitting to. '
-                'If the branch is local, then the bzr configuration is '
-                'consulted; for remote branches "Launchpad PQM '
-                '<launchpad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" is used by default.')),
-        postmortem_option,
-        attached_option,
-        debug_option,
-        Option(
-            'open-browser',
-            help=('Open the results page in your default browser')),
-        include_download_cache_changes_option,
-        ]
-    takes_args = ['test_branch?']
-    def run(self, test_branch=None, branch=None, trunk=False, machine=None,
-            instance_type=DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE,
-            file=None, email=None, test_options=DEFAULT_TEST_OPTIONS,
-            noemail=False, submit_pqm_message=None, pqm_public_location=None,
-            pqm_submit_location=None, pqm_email=None, postmortem=False,
-            attached=False, debug=False, open_browser=False,
-            region=None,
-            include_download_cache_changes=False):
-        set_trace_if(debug)
-        if branch is None:
-            branch = []
-        branches, test_branch = _get_branches_and_test_branch(
-            trunk, branch, test_branch)
-        if (postmortem or file):
-            attached = True
-        if noemail:
-            if email:
-                raise BzrCommandError(
-                    'May not supply both --no-email and an --email address')
-        else:
-            if email == []:
-                email = True
-        if not attached and not (email or submit_pqm_message):
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                'You have specified no way to get the results '
-                'of your headless test run.')
-        if (test_options != DEFAULT_TEST_OPTIONS
-            and submit_pqm_message is not None):
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "Submitting to PQM with non-default test options isn't "
-                "supported")
-        session_name = EC2SessionName.make(EC2TestRunner.name)
-        instance = EC2Instance.make(session_name, instance_type, machine,
-            region=region)
-        runner = EC2TestRunner(
-            test_branch, email=email, file=file,
-            test_options=test_options, headless=(not attached),
-            branches=branches, pqm_message=submit_pqm_message,
-            pqm_public_location=pqm_public_location,
-            pqm_submit_location=pqm_submit_location,
-            open_browser=open_browser, pqm_email=pqm_email,
-            include_download_cache_changes=include_download_cache_changes,
-            instance=instance, launchpad_login=instance._launchpad_login,
-            timeout=480)
-        instance.set_up_and_run(postmortem, attached, runner.run_tests)
-class cmd_land(EC2Command):
-    """Land a merge proposal on Launchpad."""
-    takes_options = [
-        debug_option,
-        instance_type_option,
-        region_option,
-        machine_id_option,
-        Option('dry-run', help="Just print the equivalent ec2 test command."),
-        Option('print-commit', help="Print the full commit message."),
-        Option(
-            'testfix',
-            help="This is a testfix (tags commit with [testfix])."),
-        Option(
-            'no-qa',
-            help="Does not require QA (tags commit with [no-qa])."),
-        Option(
-            'incremental',
-            help="Incremental to other bug fix (tags commit with [incr])."),
-        Option(
-            'rollback', type=int,
-            help=(
-                "Rollback given revision number. (tags commit with "
-                "[rollback=revno]).")),
-        Option(
-            'commit-text', short_name='s', type=str,
-            help=(
-                'A description of the landing, not including reviewer '
-                'metadata etc.')),
-        Option(
-            'force',
-            help="Land the branch even if the proposal is not approved."),
-        attached_option,
-        ]
-    takes_args = ['merge_proposal?']
-    def _get_landing_command(self, source_url, target_url, commit_message,
-                             emails, attached):
-        """Return the command that would need to be run to submit with ec2."""
-        ec2_path = os.path.join(get_launchpad_root(), 'utilities', 'ec2')
-        command = [ec2_path, 'test']
-        if attached:
-            command.extend(['--attached'])
-        command.extend(['--email=%s' % email for email in emails])
-        # 'ec2 test' has a bug where you cannot pass full URLs to branches to
-        # the -b option. It has special logic for 'launchpad' branches, so we
-        # piggy back on this to get 'devel' or 'db-devel'.
-        target_branch_name = target_url.split('/')[-1]
-        command.extend(
-            ['-b', 'launchpad=%s' % (target_branch_name), '-s',
-             commit_message, str(source_url)])
-        return command
-    def run(self, merge_proposal=None, machine=None,
-            instance_type=DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE, postmortem=False,
-            debug=False, commit_text=None, dry_run=False, testfix=False,
-            no_qa=False, incremental=False, rollback=None, print_commit=False,
-            force=False, attached=False,
-            region=DEFAULT_REGION,
-            ):
-        try:
-            from devscripts.autoland import (
-                LaunchpadBranchLander, MissingReviewError, MissingBugsError,
-                MissingBugsIncrementalError)
-        except ImportError:
-            self.outf.write(
-                "***************************************************\n\n"
-                "Could not load the autoland module; please ensure\n"
-                "that launchpadlib and lazr.uri are installed and\n"
-                "found in sys.path/PYTHONPATH.\n\n"
-                "Note that these should *not* be installed system-\n"
-                "wide because this will break the rest of Launchpad.\n\n"
-                "***************************************************\n")
-            raise
-        set_trace_if(debug)
-        if print_commit and dry_run:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "Cannot specify --print-commit and --dry-run.")
-        lander = LaunchpadBranchLander.load()
-        if merge_proposal is None:
-            (tree, bzrbranch, relpath) = (
-                BzrDir.open_containing_tree_or_branch('.'))
-            mp = lander.get_merge_proposal_from_branch(bzrbranch)
-        else:
-            mp = lander.load_merge_proposal(merge_proposal)
-        if not mp.is_approved:
-            if force:
-                print "Merge proposal is not approved, landing anyway."
-            else:
-                raise BzrCommandError(
-                    "Merge proposal is not approved. Get it approved, or use "
-                    "--force to land it without approval.")
-        if commit_text is None:
-            commit_text = mp.commit_message
-        if commit_text is None:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "Commit text not specified. Use --commit-text, or specify a "
-                "message on the merge proposal.")
-        if rollback and (no_qa or incremental):
-            print (
-                "--rollback option used. Ignoring --no-qa and --incremental.")
-        try:
-            commit_message = mp.build_commit_message(
-                commit_text, testfix, no_qa, incremental, rollback=rollback)
-        except MissingReviewError:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "Cannot land branches that haven't got approved code "
-                "reviews. Get an 'Approved' vote so we can fill in the "
-                "[r=REVIEWER] section.")
-        except MissingBugsError:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "Branch doesn't have linked bugs and doesn't have no-qa "
-                "option set. Use --no-qa, or link the related bugs to the "
-                "branch.")
-        except MissingBugsIncrementalError:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "--incremental option requires bugs linked to the branch. "
-                "Link the bugs or remove the --incremental option.")
-        # Override the commit message in the MP with the commit message built
-        # with the proper tags.
-        try:
-            mp.set_commit_message(commit_message)
-        except Exception, e:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "Unable to set the commit message in the merge proposal.\n"
-                "Got: %s" % e)
-        if print_commit:
-            print commit_message
-            return
-        emails = mp.get_stakeholder_emails()
-        target_branch_name = mp.target_branch.split('/')[-1]
-        branches = [('launchpad', target_branch_name)]
-        landing_command = self._get_landing_command(
-            mp.source_branch, mp.target_branch, commit_message,
-            emails, attached)
-        if dry_run:
-            print landing_command
-            return
-        session_name = EC2SessionName.make(EC2TestRunner.name)
-        instance = EC2Instance.make(
-            session_name, instance_type, machine, region=region)
-        runner = EC2TestRunner(
-            mp.source_branch, email=emails,
-            headless=(not attached),
-            branches=branches, pqm_message=commit_message,
-            instance=instance,
-            launchpad_login=instance._launchpad_login,
-            test_options=DEFAULT_TEST_OPTIONS,
-            timeout=480)
-        instance.set_up_and_run(postmortem, attached, runner.run_tests)
-class cmd_demo(EC2Command):
-    """Start a demo instance of Launchpad.
-    See https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/EC2Test/ForDemos
-    """
-    takes_options = [
-        branch_option,
-        trunk_option,
-        machine_id_option,
-        instance_type_option,
-        postmortem_option,
-        debug_option,
-        include_download_cache_changes_option,
-        region_option,
-        ListOption(
-            'demo', type=str,
-            help="Allow this netmask to connect to the instance."),
-        ]
-    takes_args = ['test_branch?']
-    def run(self, test_branch=None, branch=None, trunk=False, machine=None,
-            instance_type=DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE, debug=False,
-            include_download_cache_changes=False, demo=None):
-        set_trace_if(debug)
-        if branch is None:
-            branch = []
-        branches, test_branch = _get_branches_and_test_branch(
-            trunk, branch, test_branch)
-        session_name = EC2SessionName.make(EC2TestRunner.name)
-        instance = EC2Instance.make(
-            session_name, instance_type, machine, demo)
-        runner = EC2TestRunner(
-            test_branch, branches=branches,
-            include_download_cache_changes=include_download_cache_changes,
-            instance=instance, launchpad_login=instance._launchpad_login)
-        demo_network_string = '\n'.join(
-            '  ' + network for network in demo)
-        # Wait until the user exits the postmortem session, then kill the
-        # instance.
-        postmortem = True
-        shutdown = True
-        instance.set_up_and_run(
-            postmortem, shutdown, self.run_server, runner, instance,
-            demo_network_string)
-    def run_server(self, runner, instance, demo_network_string):
-        runner.run_demo_server()
-        ec2_ip = socket.gethostbyname(instance.hostname)
-        print (
-            "\n\n"
-            "********************** DEMO *************************\n"
-            "It may take 20 seconds for the demo server to start up."
-            "\nTo demo to other users, you still need to open up\n"
-            "network access to the ec2 instance from their IPs by\n"
-            "entering command like this in the interactive python\n"
-            "interpreter at the end of the setup. "
-            "\n  self.security_group.authorize("
-            "'tcp', 443, 443, '')\n\n"
-            "These demo networks have already been granted access on "
-            "port 80 and 443:\n" + demo_network_string +
-            "\n\nYou also need to edit your /etc/hosts to point\n"
-            "launchpad.dev at the ec2 instance's IP like this:\n"
-            "  " + ec2_ip + "    launchpad.dev\n\n"
-            "See "
-            "<https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/EC2Test/ForDemos>."
-            "\n*****************************************************"
-            "\n\n")
-class cmd_update_image(EC2Command):
-    """Make a new AMI."""
-    takes_options = [
-        machine_id_option,
-        instance_type_option,
-        postmortem_option,
-        debug_option,
-        region_option,
-        ListOption(
-            'extra-update-image-command', type=str,
-            help=('Run this command (with an ssh agent) on the image before '
-                  'running the default update steps.  Can be passed more '
-                  'than once, the commands will be run in the order '
-                  'specified.')),
-        Option(
-            'public',
-            help=('Remove proprietary code from the sourcecode directory '
-                  'before bundling.')),
-        ]
-    takes_args = ['ami_name']
-    def run(self, ami_name, machine=None, instance_type='m1.large',
-            debug=False, postmortem=False, extra_update_image_command=None,
-            region=None,
-            public=False):
-        set_trace_if(debug)
-        if extra_update_image_command is None:
-            extra_update_image_command = []
-        # These environment variables are passed through ssh connections to
-        # fresh Ubuntu images and cause havoc if the locales they refer to are
-        # not available. We kill them here to ease bootstrapping, then we
-        # later modify the image to prevent sshd from accepting them.
-        for variable in ['LANG', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_TIME']:
-            os.environ.pop(variable, None)
-        session_name = EC2SessionName.make(EC2TestRunner.name)
-        instance = EC2Instance.make(
-            session_name, instance_type, machine,
-            region=region)
-        instance.check_bundling_prerequisites(ami_name)
-        instance.set_up_and_run(
-            postmortem, True, self.update_image, instance,
-            extra_update_image_command, ami_name, instance._credentials,
-            public)
-    def update_image(self, instance, extra_update_image_command, ami_name,
-                     credentials, public):
-        """Bring the image up to date.
-        The steps we take are:
-         * run any commands specified with --extra-update-image-command
-         * update sourcecode
-         * update the launchpad branch to the tip of the trunk branch.
-         * update the copy of the download-cache.
-         * bundle the image
-        :param instance: `EC2Instance` to operate on.
-        :param extra_update_image_command: List of commands to run on the
-            instance in addition to the usual ones.
-        :param ami_name: The name to give the created AMI.
-        :param credentials: An `EC2Credentials` object.
-        :param public: If true, remove proprietary code from the sourcecode
-            directory before bundling.
-        """
-        # Do NOT accept environment variables via ssh connections.
-        user_connection = instance.connect()
-        user_connection.perform('sudo apt-get -qqy update')
-        user_connection.perform('sudo apt-get -qqy upgrade')
-        user_connection.perform(
-            'sudo sed -i "s/^AcceptEnv/#AcceptEnv/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config')
-        user_connection.perform(
-            'sudo kill -HUP $(< /var/run/sshd.pid)')
-        # Reconnect to ensure that the environment is clean.
-        user_connection.reconnect()
-        user_connection.perform(
-            'bzr launchpad-login %s' % (instance._launchpad_login,))
-        for cmd in extra_update_image_command:
-            user_connection.run_with_ssh_agent(cmd)
-        user_connection.run_with_ssh_agent(
-            'bzr pull -d /var/launchpad/test ' + TRUNK_BRANCH)
-        user_connection.run_with_ssh_agent(
-            'bzr pull -d /var/launchpad/download-cache '
-            'lp:lp-source-dependencies')
-        if public:
-            update_sourcecode_options = ' --public-only'
-        else:
-            update_sourcecode_options = ''
-        user_connection.run_with_ssh_agent(
-            "/var/launchpad/test/utilities/update-sourcecode "
-            "/var/launchpad/sourcecode" + update_sourcecode_options)
-        user_connection.perform(
-            'rm -rf .ssh/known_hosts .bazaar .bzr.log')
-        user_connection.close()
-        instance.bundle(ami_name, credentials)
-class cmd_images(EC2Command):
-    """Display all available images.
-    The first in the list is the default image.
-    """
-    takes_options = [
-        region_option,
-        ]
-    def run(self, region=None):
-        session_name = EC2SessionName.make(EC2TestRunner.name)
-        credentials = EC2Credentials.load_from_file(region_name=region)
-        account = credentials.connect(session_name)
-        format = "%5s  %-12s  %-12s  %-12s %s\n"
-        self.outf.write(
-            format % ("Rev", "AMI", "Owner ID", "Owner", "Description"))
-        for revision, images in account.find_images():
-            for image in images:
-                self.outf.write(format % (
-                    revision, image.id, image.ownerId,
-                    VALID_AMI_OWNERS.get(image.ownerId, "unknown"),
-                    image.description or ''))
-class cmd_kill(EC2Command):
-    """Kill one or more running EC2 instances.
-    You can get the instance id from 'ec2 list'.
-    """
-    takes_options = [
-        region_option,
-        ]
-    takes_args = ['instance_id*']
-    def run(self, instance_id_list, region=None):
-        credentials = EC2Credentials.load_from_file(region_name=region)
-        account = credentials.connect('ec2 kill')
-        self.outf.write("killing %d instances: " % len(instance_id_list,))
-        account.conn.terminate_instances(instance_id_list)
-        self.outf.write("done\n")
-class cmd_list(EC2Command):
-    """List all your current EC2 test runs.
-    If an instance is publishing an 'info.json' file with 'description' and
-    'failed-yet' fields, this command will list that instance, whether it has
-    failed the test run and how long it has been up for.
-    [FAILED] means that the has been a failing test. [OK] means that the test
-    run has had no failures yet, it's not a guarantee of a successful run.
-    """
-    aliases = ["ls"]
-    takes_options = [
-        region_option,
-        Option('show-urls',
-               help="Include more information about each instance"),
-        Option('all', short_name='a',
-               help="Show all instances, not just ones with ec2test data."),
-        ]
-    def iter_instances(self, account):
-        """Iterate through all instances in 'account'."""
-        for reservation in account.conn.get_all_instances():
-            for instance in reservation.instances:
-                yield instance
-    def get_uptime(self, instance):
-        """How long has 'instance' been running?"""
-        expected_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z'
-        launch_time = datetime.strptime(instance.launch_time, expected_format)
-        delta = (
-            datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
-            - launch_time.replace(tzinfo=UTC))
-        return timedelta(delta.days, delta.seconds)  # Round it.
-    def get_http_url(self, instance):
-        hostname = instance.public_dns_name
-        if not hostname:
-            return
-        return 'http://%s/' % (hostname,)
-    def get_ec2test_info(self, instance):
-        """Load the ec2test-specific information published by 'instance'."""
-        url = self.get_http_url(instance)
-        if url is None:
-            return
-        try:
-            json = get_transport(url).get_bytes('info.json')
-        except (ConnectionError, NoSuchFile):
-            # Probably not an ec2test instance, or not ready yet.
-            return None
-        return simplejson.loads(json)
-    def format_instance(self, instance, data, verbose):
-        """Format 'instance' for display.
-        :param instance: The EC2 instance to display.
-        :param data: Launchpad-specific data.
-        :param verbose: Whether we want verbose output.
-        """
-        description = instance.id
-        uptime = self.get_uptime(instance)
-        if instance.state != 'running':
-            current_status = instance.state
-        else:
-            if data is None:
-                current_status = 'unknown '
-            else:
-                description = data['description']
-                if data['failed-yet']:
-                    current_status = '[FAILED]'
-                else:
-                    current_status = '[OK]    '
-        output = (
-            '%-40s  %-10s (up for %s) %10s'
-            % (description, current_status, uptime, instance.id))
-        if verbose:
-            url = self.get_http_url(instance)
-            if url is None:
-                url = "No web service"
-            output += '\n  %s' % (url,)
-            if instance.state_reason:
-                output += (
-                    '\n  transition reason: %s'
-                    % instance.state_reason.get('message', ''))
-        return output
-    def format_summary(self, by_state):
-        return ', '.join(
-            ': '.join((state, str(num)))
-            for (state, num) in sorted(list(by_state.items())))
-    def run(self, show_urls=False, all=False, region=None):
-        session_name = EC2SessionName.make(EC2TestRunner.name)
-        credentials = EC2Credentials.load_from_file(region_name=region)
-        account = credentials.connect(session_name)
-        instances = list(self.iter_instances(account))
-        if len(instances) == 0:
-            print "No instances running."
-            return
-        by_state = {}
-        for instance in instances:
-            by_state[instance.state] = by_state.get(instance.state, 0) + 1
-            data = self.get_ec2test_info(instance)
-            if data is None and not all:
-                continue
-            print self.format_instance(
-                instance, data, verbose=(show_urls or is_verbose()))
-        print 'Summary: %s' % (self.format_summary(by_state),)
-class cmd_help(EC2Command):
-    """Show general help or help for a command."""
-    aliases = ["?", "--help", "-?", "-h"]
-    takes_args = ["topic?"]
-    def run(self, topic=None):
-        """
-        Show help for the C{bzrlib.commands.Command} matching C{topic}.
-        @param topic: Optionally, the name of the topic to show.  Default is
-            to show some basic usage information.
-        """
-        if topic is None:
-            self.outf.write('Usage:    ec2 <command> <options>\n\n')
-            self.outf.write('Available commands:\n')
-            help_commands(self.outf)
-        else:
-            command = self.controller._get_command(None, topic)
-            if command is None:
-                self.outf.write("%s is an unknown command.\n" % (topic,))
-            text = command.get_help_text()
-            if text:
-                self.outf.write(text)

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/controller.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/controller.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/controller.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# This file is incuded almost verbatim from commandant,
-# https://launchpad.net/commandant.  The only changes are removing some code
-# we don't use that depends on other parts of commandant.  When Launchpad is
-# on Python 2.5 we can include commandant as an egg.
-# Commandant is a framework for building command-oriented tools.
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Jamshed Kakar.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-"""Infrastructure to run C{bzrlib.commands.Command}s and L{HelpTopic}s."""
-import os
-import sys
-from bzrlib.commands import (
-    Command,
-    run_bzr,
-    )
-class CommandRegistry(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._commands = {}
-    def install_bzrlib_hooks(self):
-        """
-        Register this controller with C{Command.hooks} so that the controller
-        can take advantage of Bazaar's command infrastructure.
-        L{_list_commands} and L{_get_command} are registered as callbacks for
-        the C{list_commands} and C{get_commands} hooks, respectively.
-        """
-        Command.hooks.install_named_hook(
-            "list_commands", self._list_commands, "commandant commands")
-        Command.hooks.install_named_hook(
-            "get_command", self._get_command, "commandant commands")
-    def _list_commands(self, names):
-        """Hook to find C{bzrlib.commands.Command} names is called by C{bzrlib}.
-        @param names: A set of C{bzrlib.commands.Command} names to update with
-            names from this controller.
-        """
-        names.update(self._commands.iterkeys())
-        return names
-    def _get_command(self, command, name):
-        """
-        Hook to get the C{bzrlib.commands.Command} for C{name} is called by
-        C{bzrlib}.
-        @param command: A C{bzrlib.commands.Command}, or C{None}, to be
-            returned if a command matching C{name} can't be found.
-        @param name: The name of the C{bzrlib.commands.Command} to retrieve.
-        @return: The C{bzrlib.commands.Command} from the index or C{command}
-            if one isn't available for C{name}.
-        """
-        try:
-            local_command = self._commands[name]()
-        except KeyError:
-            for cmd in self._commands.itervalues():
-                if name in cmd.aliases:
-                    local_command = cmd()
-                    break
-            else:
-                return command
-        local_command.controller = self
-        return local_command
-    def register_command(self, name, command_class):
-        """Register a C{bzrlib.commands.Command} with this controller.
-        @param name: The name to register the command with.
-        @param command_class: A type object, typically a subclass of
-            C{bzrlib.commands.Command} to use when the command is invoked.
-        """
-        self._commands[name] = command_class
-    def load_module(self, module):
-        """Load C{bzrlib.commands.Command}s and L{HelpTopic}s from C{module}.
-        Objects found in the module with names that start with C{cmd_} are
-        treated as C{bzrlib.commands.Command}s and objects with names that
-        start with C{topic_} are treated as L{HelpTopic}s.
-        """
-        for name in module.__dict__:
-            if name.startswith("cmd_"):
-                sanitized_name = name[4:].replace("_", "-")
-                self.register_command(sanitized_name, module.__dict__[name])
-            elif name.startswith("topic_"):
-                sanitized_name = name[6:].replace("_", "-")
-                self.register_help_topic(sanitized_name, module.__dict__[name])
-class HelpTopicRegistry(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._help_topics = {}
-    def register_help_topic(self, name, help_topic_class):
-        """Register a C{bzrlib.commands.Command} to this controller.
-        @param name: The name to register the command with.
-        @param command_class: A type object, typically a subclass of
-            C{bzrlib.commands.Command} to use when the command is invoked.
-        """
-        self._help_topics[name] = help_topic_class
-    def get_help_topic_names(self):
-        """Get a C{set} of help topic names."""
-        return set(self._help_topics.iterkeys())
-    def get_help_topic(self, name):
-        """
-        Get the help topic matching C{name} or C{None} if a match isn't found.
-        """
-        try:
-            help_topic = self._help_topics[name]()
-        except KeyError:
-            return None
-        help_topic.controller = self
-        return help_topic
-class CommandExecutionMixin(object):
-    def run(self, argv):
-        """Run the C{bzrlib.commands.Command} specified in C{argv}.
-        @raise BzrCommandError: Raised if a matching command can't be found.
-        """
-        run_bzr(argv)
-def import_module(filename, file_path, package_path):
-    """Import a module and make it a child of C{commandant_command}.
-    The module source in C{filename} at C{file_path} is copied to a temporary
-    directory, a Python package called C{commandant_command}.
-    @param filename: The name of the module file.
-    @param file_path: The path to the module file.
-    @param package_path: The path for the new C{commandant_command} package.
-    @return: The new module.
-    """
-    module_path = os.path.join(package_path, "commandant_command")
-    if not os.path.exists(module_path):
-        os.mkdir(module_path)
-    init_path = os.path.join(module_path, "__init__.py")
-    open(init_path, "w").close()
-    source_code = open(file_path, "r").read()
-    module_file_path = os.path.join(module_path, filename)
-    module_file = open(module_file_path, "w")
-    module_file.write(source_code)
-    module_file.close()
-    name = filename[:-3]
-    sys.path.append(package_path)
-    try:
-        return __import__("commandant_command.%s" % (name,), fromlist=[name])
-    finally:
-        sys.path.pop()

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/credentials.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/credentials.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/credentials.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Support for reading Amazon Web Service credentials from '~/.ec2/aws_id'."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = [
-    'CredentialsError',
-    'EC2Credentials',
-    ]
-import os
-import boto
-import boto.ec2
-from bzrlib.errors import BzrCommandError
-from devscripts.ec2test import instance
-from devscripts.ec2test.account import EC2Account
-class CredentialsError(BzrCommandError):
-    """Raised when AWS credentials could not be loaded."""
-    _fmt = (
-        "Please put your aws access key identifier and secret access "
-        "key identifier in %(filename)s. (On two lines).  %(extra)s")
-    def __init__(self, filename, extra=None):
-        super(CredentialsError, self).__init__(filename=filename, extra=extra)
-class EC2Credentials:
-    """Credentials for logging in to EC2."""
-    DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_FILE = '~/.ec2/aws_id'
-    def __init__(self, identifier, secret, region_name):
-        self.identifier = identifier
-        self.secret = secret
-        self.region_name = region_name or instance.DEFAULT_REGION
-    @classmethod
-    def load_from_file(cls, filename=None, region_name=None):
-        """Load the EC2 credentials from 'filename'."""
-        if filename is None:
-            filename = os.path.expanduser(cls.DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_FILE)
-        try:
-            aws_file = open(filename, 'r')
-        except (IOError, OSError), e:
-            raise CredentialsError(filename, str(e))
-        try:
-            identifier = aws_file.readline().strip()
-            secret = aws_file.readline().strip()
-        finally:
-            aws_file.close()
-        return cls(identifier, secret, region_name)
-    def connect(self, name):
-        """Connect to EC2 with these credentials.
-        :param name: Arbitrary local name for the object.
-        :return: An `EC2Account` connected to EC2 with these credentials.
-        """
-        conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(
-            self.region_name,
-            aws_access_key_id=self.identifier,
-            aws_secret_access_key=self.secret)
-        return EC2Account(name, conn)
-    def connect_s3(self):
-        """Connect to S3 with these credentials.
-        :return: A `boto.s3.connection.S3Connection` with these credentials.
-        """
-        return boto.connect_s3(self.identifier, self.secret)

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/entrypoint.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/entrypoint.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/entrypoint.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""The entry point for the 'ec2' utility."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = [
-    'main',
-    ]
-import readline
-import rlcompleter
-import sys
-import bzrlib
-from bzrlib.errors import BzrCommandError
-from devscripts.ec2test import builtins
-from devscripts.ec2test.controller import (
-    CommandExecutionMixin,
-    CommandRegistry,
-    )
-# Shut up pyflakes.
-readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
-class EC2CommandController(CommandRegistry, CommandExecutionMixin):
-    """The 'ec2' utility registers and executes commands."""
-def main():
-    """The entry point for the 'ec2' script.
-    We run the specified command, or give help if none was specified.
-    """
-    with bzrlib.initialize():
-        controller = EC2CommandController()
-        controller.install_bzrlib_hooks()
-        controller.load_module(builtins)
-        args = sys.argv[1:]
-        if not args:
-            args = ['help']
-        try:
-            controller.run(args)
-        except BzrCommandError, e:
-            sys.exit('ec2: ERROR: ' + str(e))

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/instance.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/instance.py	2012-02-07 14:53:38 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/instance.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,742 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2012 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Code to represent a single machine instance in EC2."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = [
-    'EC2Instance',
-    ]
-import code
-from datetime import datetime
-import errno
-import glob
-import os
-import select
-import socket
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-import traceback
-from bzrlib.errors import BzrCommandError
-import paramiko
-from devscripts.ec2test.session import EC2SessionName
-DEFAULT_REGION = 'us-east-1'
-    'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge', 'm2.xlarge', 'm2.2xlarge', 'm2.4xlarge',
-    'c1.xlarge', 'cc1.4xlarge', 'cc1.8xlarge')
-class AcceptAllPolicy:
-    """We accept all unknown host key."""
-    def missing_host_key(self, client, hostname, key):
-        # Normally the console output is supposed to contain the Host key but
-        # it doesn't seem to be the case here, so we trust that the host we
-        # are connecting to is the correct one.
-        pass
-def get_user_key():
-    """Get a SSH key from the agent.  Raise an error if no keys were found.
-    This key will be used to let the user log in (as $USER) to the instance.
-    """
-    agent = paramiko.Agent()
-    keys = agent.get_keys()
-    if len(keys) == 0:
-        raise BzrCommandError(
-            'You must have an ssh agent running with keys installed that '
-            'will allow the script to access Launchpad and get your '
-            'branch.\n')
-    # XXX mars 2010-05-07 bug=577118
-    # Popping the first key off of the stack can create problems if the person
-    # has more than one key in their ssh-agent, but alas, we have no good way
-    # to detect the right key to use.  See bug 577118 for a workaround.
-    return keys[0]
-# Commands to run to turn a blank image into one usable for the rest of the
-# ec2 functionality.  They come in two parts, one set that need to be run as
-# root and another that should be run as the 'ec2test' user.
-# Note that the sources from http://us.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ are per
-# instructions described in http://is.gd/g1MIT .  When we switch to
-# Eucalyptus, we can dump this.
-from_scratch_root = """
-# From 'help set':
-# -x  Print commands and their arguments as they are executed.
-# -e  Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
-set -xe
-# They end up as just one stream; this avoids ordering problems.
-exec 2>&1
-sed -ie 's/main universe/main universe multiverse/' /etc/apt/sources.list
-. /etc/lsb-release
-mount -o remount,data=writeback,commit=3600,async,relatime /
-cat >> /etc/apt/sources.list << EOF
-deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/launchpad/ubuntu $DISTRIB_CODENAME main
-deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu $DISTRIB_CODENAME main
-export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
-# PPA keys
-apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net 2af499cb24ac5f65461405572d1ffb6c0a5174af # launchpad
-apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net ece2800bacf028b31ee3657cd702bf6b8c6c1efd # bzr
-aptitude update
-# Do this first so later things don't complain about locales:
-LANG=C aptitude -y install language-pack-en
-aptitude -y full-upgrade
-# This next part is cribbed from rocketfuel-setup
-dev_host() {
-  sed -i \"s/^*$/&\ ${hostname}/\" /etc/hosts
-echo 'Adding development hosts on local machine'
-echo '
-# Launchpad virtual domains. This should be on one line.
-      launchpad.dev
-' >> /etc/hosts
-declare -a hostnames
-hostnames=$(cat <<EOF
-    answers.launchpad.dev
-    api.launchpad.dev
-    bazaar-internal.launchpad.dev
-    beta.launchpad.dev
-    blueprints.launchpad.dev
-    bugs.launchpad.dev
-    code.launchpad.dev
-    feeds.launchpad.dev
-    id.launchpad.dev
-    keyserver.launchpad.dev
-    lists.launchpad.dev
-    openid.launchpad.dev
-    ppa.launchpad.dev
-    private-ppa.launchpad.dev
-    testopenid.dev
-    translations.launchpad.dev
-    xmlrpc-private.launchpad.dev
-    xmlrpc.launchpad.dev
-    )
-for hostname in $hostnames; do
-  dev_host;
-echo '
-      bazaar.launchpad.dev
-' >> /etc/hosts
-# If this is uncommented, postgresql 9.1 will be explicitly installed
-# before other versisons and end up on port 5432, overriding the version
-# of postgresql specified in launchpad-database-dependencies.
-## apt-get -y install postgresql-9.1 postgresql-9.1-debversion postgresql-client-9.1 postgresql-contrib-9.1 postgresql-plpython-9.1 postgresql-server-dev-9.1 postgresql-doc-9.1
-apt-get -y install launchpad-developer-dependencies apache2 apache2-mpm-worker
-# Create the ec2test user, give them passwordless sudo.
-adduser --gecos "" --disabled-password ec2test
-echo 'ec2test\tALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
-mkdir /home/ec2test/.ssh
-cat > /home/ec2test/.ssh/config << EOF
-CheckHostIP no
-StrictHostKeyChecking no
-mkdir /var/launchpad
-chown -R ec2test:ec2test /var/www /var/launchpad /home/ec2test/
-from_scratch_ec2test = """
-# From 'help set':
-# -x  Print commands and their arguments as they are executed.
-# -e  Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
-set -xe
-# They end up as just one stream; this avoids ordering problems.
-exec 2>&1
-bzr launchpad-login %(launchpad-login)s
-bzr init-repo --2a /var/launchpad
-bzr branch lp:~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel /var/launchpad/test
-bzr branch --standalone lp:lp-source-dependencies /var/launchpad/download-cache
-mkdir /var/launchpad/sourcecode
-/var/launchpad/test/utilities/update-sourcecode /var/launchpad/sourcecode
-postmortem_banner = """\
-Postmortem Console. EC2 instance is not yet dead.
-It will shut down when you exit this prompt (CTRL-D)
-Tab-completion is enabled.
-EC2Instance is available as `instance`.
-Also try these:
-  http://%(dns)s/current_test.log
-  ssh -A ec2test@%(dns)s
-class EC2Instance:
-    """A single EC2 instance."""
-    @classmethod
-    def make(cls, name, instance_type, machine_id, demo_networks=None,
-             credentials=None, region=None):
-        """Construct an `EC2Instance`.
-        :param name: The name to use for the key pair and security group for
-            the instance.
-        :type name: `EC2SessionName`
-        :param instance_type: One of the AVAILABLE_INSTANCE_TYPES.
-        :param machine_id: The AMI to use, or None to do the usual regexp
-            matching.  If you put 'based-on:' before the AMI id, it is assumed
-            that the id specifies a blank image that should be made into one
-            suitable for the other ec2 functions (see `from_scratch_root` and
-            `from_scratch_ec2test` above).
-        :param demo_networks: A list of networks to add to the security group
-            to allow access to the instance.
-        :param credentials: An `EC2Credentials` object.
-        :param region: A string region name eg 'us-east-1'.
-        """
-        # This import breaks in the test environment.  Do it here so
-        # that unit tests (which don't use this factory) can still
-        # import EC2Instance.
-        from bzrlib.plugins.launchpad.account import get_lp_login
-        # XXX JeroenVermeulen 2009-11-27 bug=489073: EC2Credentials
-        # imports boto, which isn't necessarily installed in our test
-        # environment.  Doing the import here so that unit tests (which
-        # don't use this factory) can still import EC2Instance.
-        from devscripts.ec2test.credentials import EC2Credentials
-        assert isinstance(name, EC2SessionName)
-        # We call this here so that it has a chance to complain before the
-        # instance is started (which can take some time).
-        user_key = get_user_key()
-        if credentials is None:
-            credentials = EC2Credentials.load_from_file(region_name=region)
-        # Make the EC2 connection.
-        account = credentials.connect(name)
-        # We do this here because it (1) cleans things up and (2) verifies
-        # that the account is correctly set up. Both of these are appropriate
-        # for initialization.
-        #
-        # We always recreate the keypairs because there is no way to
-        # programmatically retrieve the private key component, unless we
-        # generate it.
-        account.collect_garbage()
-        if machine_id and machine_id.startswith('based-on:'):
-            from_scratch = True
-            machine_id = machine_id[len('based-on:'):]
-        else:
-            from_scratch = False
-        # get the image
-        image = account.acquire_image(machine_id)
-        login = get_lp_login()
-        if not login:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                'you must have set your launchpad login in bzr.')
-        instance = EC2Instance(
-            name, image, instance_type, demo_networks, account,
-            from_scratch, user_key, login, region)
-        instance._credentials = credentials
-        return instance
-    def __init__(self, name, image, instance_type, demo_networks, account,
-                 from_scratch, user_key, launchpad_login, region):
-        self._name = name
-        self._image = image
-        self._account = account
-        self._instance_type = instance_type
-        self._demo_networks = demo_networks
-        self._boto_instance = None
-        self._from_scratch = from_scratch
-        self._user_key = user_key
-        self._launchpad_login = launchpad_login
-        self._region = region
-    def log(self, msg):
-        """Log a message on stdout, flushing afterwards."""
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-05-31 bug=383076: Should delete this and use
-        # Python logging module instead.
-        sys.stdout.write(msg)
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-    def start(self):
-        """Start the instance."""
-        if self._boto_instance is not None:
-            self.log('Instance %s already started' % self._boto_instance.id)
-            return
-        start = time.time()
-        self.private_key = self._account.acquire_private_key()
-        self.security_group = self._account.acquire_security_group(
-            demo_networks=self._demo_networks)
-        reservation = self._image.run(
-            key_name=self._name, security_groups=[self._name],
-            instance_type=self._instance_type)
-        self._boto_instance = reservation.instances[0]
-        self.log('Instance %s starting..' % self._boto_instance.id)
-        while self._boto_instance.state == 'pending':
-            self.log('.')
-            time.sleep(5)
-            self._boto_instance.update()
-        if self._boto_instance.state == 'running':
-            self.log(' started on %s\n' % self.hostname)
-            elapsed = time.time() - start
-            self.log('Started in %d minutes %d seconds\n' %
-                     (elapsed // 60, elapsed % 60))
-            self._output = self._boto_instance.get_console_output()
-            self.log(self._output.output)
-            self._ec2test_user_has_keys = False
-        else:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "failed to start: %s: %r\n" % (
-                    self._boto_instance.state,
-                    self._boto_instance.state_reason,
-                    ))
-    def shutdown(self):
-        """Shut down the instance."""
-        if self._boto_instance is None:
-            self.log('no instance created\n')
-            return
-        self._boto_instance.update()
-        if self._boto_instance.state not in ('shutting-down', 'terminated'):
-            self.log("terminating %s..." % self._boto_instance)
-            self._boto_instance.terminate()
-            self._boto_instance.update()
-            self.log(" done\n")
-        self.log('instance %s\n' % (self._boto_instance.state,))
-    @property
-    def hostname(self):
-        if self._boto_instance is None:
-            return None
-        return self._boto_instance.public_dns_name
-    def _connect(self, username):
-        """Connect to the instance as `user`. """
-        ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
-        ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(AcceptAllPolicy())
-        self.log('ssh connect to %s: ' % self.hostname)
-        connect_args = {
-            'username': username,
-            'pkey': self.private_key,
-            'allow_agent': False,
-            'look_for_keys': False,
-            }
-        for count in range(20):
-            caught_errors = (
-                socket.error,
-                paramiko.AuthenticationException,
-                EOFError,
-                )
-            try:
-                ssh.connect(self.hostname, **connect_args)
-            except caught_errors as e:
-                self.log('.')
-                not_connected = [
-                    errno.ECONNREFUSED,
-                    errno.ETIMEDOUT,
-                    errno.EHOSTUNREACH,
-                    ]
-                if getattr(e, 'errno', None) not in not_connected:
-                    self.log('ssh _connect: %r\n' % (e,))
-                if count < 9:
-                    time.sleep(5)
-                else:
-                    raise
-            else:
-                break
-        self.log(' ok!\n')
-        return EC2InstanceConnection(self, username, ssh)
-    def _upload_local_key(self, conn, remote_filename):
-        """Upload a key from the local user's agent to `remote_filename`.
-        The key will be uploaded in a format suitable for
-        ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
-        """
-        authorized_keys_file = conn.sftp.open(remote_filename, 'w')
-        authorized_keys_file.write(
-            "%s %s\n" % (
-                self._user_key.get_name(), self._user_key.get_base64()))
-        authorized_keys_file.close()
-    def _ensure_ec2test_user_has_keys(self, connection=None):
-        """Make sure that we can connect over ssh as the 'ec2test' user.
-        We add both the key that was used to start the instance (so
-        _connect('ec2test') works and a key from the locally running ssh agent
-        (so EC2InstanceConnection.run_with_ssh_agent works).
-        """
-        if not self._ec2test_user_has_keys:
-            if connection is None:
-                connection = self._connect('ubuntu')
-                our_connection = True
-            else:
-                our_connection = False
-            self._upload_local_key(connection, 'local_key')
-            connection.perform(
-                'cat /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys local_key '
-                '| sudo tee /home/ec2test/.ssh/authorized_keys > /dev/null'
-                '&& rm local_key')
-            connection.perform('sudo chown -R ec2test:ec2test /home/ec2test/')
-            connection.perform('sudo chmod 644 /home/ec2test/.ssh/*')
-            if our_connection:
-                connection.close()
-            self.log(
-                'You can now use ssh -A ec2test@%s to '
-                'log in the instance.\n' % self.hostname)
-            self._ec2test_user_has_keys = True
-    def connect(self):
-        """Connect to the instance as a user with passwordless sudo.
-        This may involve first connecting as root and adding SSH keys to the
-        user's account, and in the case of a from scratch image, it will do a
-        lot of set up.
-        """
-        if self._from_scratch:
-            ubuntu_connection = self._connect('ubuntu')
-            self._upload_local_key(ubuntu_connection, 'local_key')
-            ubuntu_connection.perform(
-                'cat local_key >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && rm local_key')
-            ubuntu_connection.run_script(from_scratch_root, sudo=True)
-            self._ensure_ec2test_user_has_keys(ubuntu_connection)
-            ubuntu_connection.close()
-            conn = self._connect('ec2test')
-            conn.run_script(
-                from_scratch_ec2test
-                % {'launchpad-login': self._launchpad_login})
-            self._from_scratch = False
-            self.log('done running from_scratch setup\n')
-            return conn
-        self._ensure_ec2test_user_has_keys()
-        return self._connect('ec2test')
-    def _report_traceback(self):
-        """Print traceback."""
-        traceback.print_exc()
-    def set_up_and_run(self, postmortem, shutdown, func, *args, **kw):
-        """Start, run `func` and then maybe shut down.
-        :param config: A dictionary specifying details of how the instance
-            should be run:
-        :param postmortem: If true, any exceptions will be caught and an
-            interactive session run to allow debugging the problem.
-        :param shutdown: If true, shut down the instance after `func` and
-            postmortem (if any) are completed.
-        :param func: A callable that will be called when the instance is
-            running and a user account has been set up on it.
-        :param args: Passed to `func`.
-        :param kw: Passed to `func`.
-        """
-        # We ignore the value of the 'shutdown' argument and always shut down
-        # unless `func` returns normally.
-        really_shutdown = True
-        retval = None
-        try:
-            self.start()
-            try:
-                retval = func(*args, **kw)
-            except Exception:
-                # When running in postmortem mode, it is really helpful to see
-                # if there are any exceptions before it waits in the console
-                # (in the finally block), and you can't figure out why it's
-                # broken.
-                self._report_traceback()
-            else:
-                really_shutdown = shutdown
-        finally:
-            try:
-                if postmortem:
-                    console = code.InteractiveConsole(locals())
-                    console.interact(
-                        postmortem_banner % {'dns': self.hostname})
-                    print 'Postmortem console closed.'
-            finally:
-                if really_shutdown:
-                    self.shutdown()
-        return retval
-    def _copy_single_file(self, sftp, local_path, remote_dir):
-        """Copy `local_path` to `remote_dir` on this instance.
-        The name in the remote directory will be that of the local file.
-        :param sftp: A paramiko SFTP object.
-        :param local_path: The local path.
-        :param remote_dir: The directory on the instance to copy into.
-        """
-        name = os.path.basename(local_path)
-        remote_path = os.path.join(remote_dir, name)
-        remote_file = sftp.open(remote_path, 'w')
-        remote_file.write(open(local_path).read())
-        remote_file.close()
-        return remote_path
-    def copy_key_and_certificate_to_image(self, sftp):
-        """Copy the AWS private key and certificate to the image.
-        :param sftp: A paramiko SFTP object.
-        """
-        remote_ec2_dir = '/mnt/ec2'
-        remote_pk = self._copy_single_file(
-            sftp, self.local_pk, remote_ec2_dir)
-        remote_cert = self._copy_single_file(
-            sftp, self.local_cert, remote_ec2_dir)
-        return (remote_pk, remote_cert)
-    def _check_single_glob_match(self, local_dir, pattern, file_kind):
-        """Check that `pattern` matches one file in `local_dir` and return it.
-        :param local_dir: The local directory to look in.
-        :param pattern: The glob patten to match.
-        :param file_kind: The sort of file we're looking for, to be used in
-            error messages.
-        """
-        pattern = os.path.join(local_dir, pattern)
-        matches = glob.glob(pattern)
-        if len(matches) != 1:
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                '%r must match a single %s file' % (pattern, file_kind))
-        return matches[0]
-    def check_bundling_prerequisites(self, name):
-        """Check, as best we can, that all the files we need to bundle exist.
-        """
-        local_ec2_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.ec2')
-        if not os.path.exists(local_ec2_dir):
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "~/.ec2 must exist and contain aws_user, aws_id, a private "
-                "key file and a certificate.")
-        aws_user_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.ec2/aws_user')
-        if not os.path.exists(aws_user_file):
-            raise BzrCommandError(
-                "~/.ec2/aws_user must exist and contain your numeric AWS id.")
-        self.aws_user = open(aws_user_file).read().strip()
-        self.local_cert = self._check_single_glob_match(
-            local_ec2_dir, 'cert-*.pem', 'certificate')
-        self.local_pk = self._check_single_glob_match(
-            local_ec2_dir, 'pk-*.pem', 'private key')
-        # The bucket `name` needs to exist and be accessible. We create it
-        # here to reserve the name. If the bucket already exists and conforms
-        # to the above requirements, this is a no-op.
-        #
-        # The API for region creation is a little quirky: you apparently can't
-        # explicitly ask for 'us-east-1' you must just say '', etc.
-        location = self._credentials.region_name
-        if location.startswith('us-east'):
-            location = ''
-        elif location.startswith('eu'):
-            location = 'EU'
-        self._credentials.connect_s3().create_bucket(
-            name, location=location)
-    def bundle(self, name, credentials):
-        """Bundle, upload and register the instance as a new AMI.
-        :param name: The name-to-be of the new AMI, eg 'launchpad-ec2test500'.
-        :param credentials: An `EC2Credentials` object.
-        """
-        connection = self.connect()
-        # See http://is.gd/g1MIT .  When we switch to Eucalyptus, we can dump
-        # this installation of the ec2-ami-tools.
-        connection.perform(
-            'sudo env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive '
-            'apt-get -y  install ec2-ami-tools')
-        connection.perform('rm -f .ssh/authorized_keys')
-        connection.perform('sudo mkdir /mnt/ec2')
-        connection.perform('sudo chown $USER:$USER /mnt/ec2')
-        remote_pk, remote_cert = self.copy_key_and_certificate_to_image(
-            connection.sftp)
-        bundle_dir = os.path.join('/mnt', name)
-        connection.perform('sudo mkdir ' + bundle_dir)
-        connection.perform(' '.join([
-            'sudo ec2-bundle-vol',
-            '-d %s' % bundle_dir,
-            '--batch',   # Set batch-mode, which doesn't use prompts.
-            '-k %s' % remote_pk,
-            '-c %s' % remote_cert,
-            '-u %s' % self.aws_user,
-            ]))
-        # Assume that the manifest is 'image.manifest.xml', since "image" is
-        # the default prefix.
-        manifest = os.path.join(bundle_dir, 'image.manifest.xml')
-        # Best check that the manifest actually exists though.
-        test = 'test -f %s' % manifest
-        connection.perform(test)
-        connection.perform(' '.join([
-            'sudo ec2-upload-bundle',
-            '-b %s' % name,
-            '-m %s' % manifest,
-            '-a %s' % credentials.identifier,
-            '-s %s' % credentials.secret,
-            ]))
-        connection.close()
-        # This is invoked locally.
-        mfilename = os.path.basename(manifest)
-        manifest_path = os.path.join(name, mfilename)
-        now = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC")
-        description = "launchpad ec2test created %s by %r on %s" % (
-            now,
-            os.environ.get('EMAIL', '<unknown>'),
-            socket.gethostname())
-        self.log('registering image: ')
-        image_id = credentials.connect('bundle').conn.register_image(
-            name=name,
-            description=description,
-            image_location=manifest_path,
-            )
-        self.log('ok\n')
-        self.log('** new instance: %r\n' % (image_id,))
-class EC2InstanceConnection:
-    """An ssh connection to an `EC2Instance`."""
-    def __init__(self, instance, username, ssh):
-        self._instance = instance
-        self._username = username
-        self._ssh = ssh
-        self._sftp = None
-    @property
-    def sftp(self):
-        if self._sftp is None:
-            self._sftp = self._ssh.open_sftp()
-        if self._sftp is None:
-            raise AssertionError("failed to open sftp connection")
-        return self._sftp
-    def perform(self, cmd, ignore_failure=False, out=None, err=None):
-        """Perform 'cmd' on server.
-        :param ignore_failure: If False, raise an error on non-zero exit
-            statuses.
-        :param out: A stream to write the output of the remote command to.
-        :param err: A stream to write the error of the remote command to.
-        """
-        if out is None:
-            out = sys.stdout
-        if err is None:
-            err = sys.stderr
-        self._instance.log(
-            '%s@%s$ %s\n'
-            % (self._username, self._instance._boto_instance.id, cmd))
-        session = self._ssh.get_transport().open_session()
-        session.exec_command(cmd)
-        session.shutdown_write()
-        while 1:
-            try:
-                select.select([session], [], [], 0.5)
-            except (IOError, select.error), e:
-                if e.errno == errno.EINTR:
-                    continue
-            if session.recv_ready():
-                data = session.recv(4096)
-                if data:
-                    out.write(data)
-                    out.flush()
-            if session.recv_stderr_ready():
-                data = session.recv_stderr(4096)
-                if data:
-                    err.write(data)
-                    err.flush()
-            if session.exit_status_ready():
-                break
-        session.close()
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-05-31: If the command is killed by a signal
-        # on the remote server, the SSH protocol does not send an exit_status,
-        # it instead sends a different message with the number of the signal
-        # that killed the process. AIUI, this code will fail confusingly if
-        # that happens.
-        res = session.recv_exit_status()
-        if res and not ignore_failure:
-            raise RuntimeError('Command failed: %s' % (cmd,))
-        return res
-    def run_with_ssh_agent(self, cmd, ignore_failure=False):
-        """Run 'cmd' in a subprocess.
-        Use this to run commands that require local SSH credentials. For
-        example, getting private branches from Launchpad.
-        """
-        self._instance.log(
-            '%s@%s$ %s\n'
-            % (self._username, self._instance._boto_instance.id, cmd))
-        call = ['ssh', '-A', self._username + '@' + self._instance.hostname,
-               '-o', 'CheckHostIP no',
-               '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking no',
-               '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile ~/.ec2/known_hosts',
-               cmd]
-        res = subprocess.call(call)
-        if res and not ignore_failure:
-            raise RuntimeError('Command failed: %s' % (cmd,))
-        return res
-    def run_script(self, script_text, sudo=False):
-        """Upload `script_text` to the instance and run it with bash."""
-        script = self.sftp.open('script.sh', 'w')
-        script.write(script_text)
-        script.close()
-        cmd = '/bin/bash script.sh'
-        if sudo:
-            cmd = 'sudo ' + cmd
-        self.run_with_ssh_agent(cmd)
-        # At least for mwhudson, the paramiko connection often drops while the
-        # script is running.  Reconnect just in case.
-        self.reconnect()
-        self.perform('rm script.sh')
-    def reconnect(self):
-        """Close the connection and reopen it."""
-        self.close()
-        self._ssh = self._instance._connect(self._username)._ssh
-    def close(self):
-        if self._sftp is not None:
-            self._sftp.close()
-            self._sftp = None
-        self._ssh.close()
-        self._ssh = None

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/remote.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/remote.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/remote.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,930 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Run tests in a daemon.
- * `EC2Runner` handles the daemonization and instance shutdown.
- * `Request` knows everything about the test request we're handling (e.g.
-   "test merging foo-bar-bug-12345 into db-devel").
- * `LaunchpadTester` knows how to actually run the tests and gather the
-   results. It uses `SummaryResult` to do so.
- * `WebTestLogger` knows how to display the results to the user, and is given
-   the responsibility of handling the results that `LaunchpadTester` gathers.
-__metatype__ = type
-import datetime
-from email import (
-    MIMEMultipart,
-    MIMEText,
-    )
-from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
-import errno
-import gzip
-import optparse
-import os
-import pickle
-from StringIO import StringIO
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import textwrap
-import time
-import traceback
-import unittest
-from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
-import bzrlib.branch
-import bzrlib.config
-from bzrlib.email_message import EmailMessage
-import bzrlib.errors
-from bzrlib.smtp_connection import SMTPConnection
-import bzrlib.workingtree
-import simplejson
-import subunit
-from testtools import MultiTestResult
-# We need to be able to unpickle objects from bzr-pqm, so make sure we
-# can import it.
-class NonZeroExitCode(Exception):
-    """Raised when the child process exits with a non-zero exit code."""
-    def __init__(self, retcode):
-        super(NonZeroExitCode, self).__init__(
-            'Test process died with exit code %r, but no tests failed.'
-            % (retcode,))
-class SummaryResult(unittest.TestResult):
-    """Test result object used to generate the summary."""
-    double_line = '=' * 70
-    single_line = '-' * 70
-    def __init__(self, output_stream):
-        super(SummaryResult, self).__init__()
-        self.stream = output_stream
-    def _formatError(self, flavor, test, error):
-        return '\n'.join(
-            [self.double_line,
-             '%s: %s' % (flavor, test),
-             self.single_line,
-             error,
-             ''])
-    def addError(self, test, error):
-        super(SummaryResult, self).addError(test, error)
-        self.stream.write(
-            self._formatError(
-                'ERROR', test, self._exc_info_to_string(error, test)))
-    def addFailure(self, test, error):
-        super(SummaryResult, self).addFailure(test, error)
-        self.stream.write(
-            self._formatError(
-                'FAILURE', test, self._exc_info_to_string(error, test)))
-    def stopTest(self, test):
-        super(SummaryResult, self).stopTest(test)
-        # At the very least, we should be sure that a test's output has been
-        # completely displayed once it has stopped.
-        self.stream.flush()
-class FailureUpdateResult(unittest.TestResult):
-    def __init__(self, logger):
-        super(FailureUpdateResult, self).__init__()
-        self._logger = logger
-    def addError(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(FailureUpdateResult, self).addError(*args, **kwargs)
-        self._logger.got_failure()
-    def addFailure(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(FailureUpdateResult, self).addFailure(*args, **kwargs)
-        self._logger.got_failure()
-class EC2Runner:
-    """Runs generic code in an EC2 instance.
-    Handles daemonization, instance shutdown, and email in the case of
-    catastrophic failure.
-    """
-    # XXX: JonathanLange 2010-08-17: EC2Runner needs tests.
-    # The number of seconds we give this script to clean itself up, and for
-    # 'ec2 test --postmortem' to grab control if needed.  If we don't give
-    # --postmortem enough time to log in via SSH and take control, then this
-    # server will begin to shutdown on its own.
-    #
-    # (FWIW, "grab control" means sending SIGTERM to this script's process id,
-    # thus preventing fail-safe shutdown.)
-    def __init__(self, daemonize, pid_filename, shutdown_when_done,
-                 smtp_connection=None, emails=None):
-        """Make an EC2Runner.
-        :param daemonize: Whether or not we will daemonize.
-        :param pid_filename: The filename to store the pid in.
-        :param shutdown_when_done: Whether or not to shut down when the tests
-            are done.
-        :param smtp_connection: The `SMTPConnection` to use to send email.
-        :param emails: The email address(es) to send catastrophic failure
-            messages to. If not provided, the error disappears into the ether.
-        """
-        self._should_daemonize = daemonize
-        self._pid_filename = pid_filename
-        self._shutdown_when_done = shutdown_when_done
-        if smtp_connection is None:
-            config = bzrlib.config.GlobalConfig()
-            smtp_connection = SMTPConnection(config)
-        self._smtp_connection = smtp_connection
-        self._emails = emails
-        self._daemonized = False
-    def _daemonize(self):
-        """Turn the testrunner into a forked daemon process."""
-        # This also writes our pidfile to disk to a specific location.  The
-        # ec2test.py --postmortem command will look there to find our PID,
-        # in order to control this process.
-        daemonize(self._pid_filename)
-        self._daemonized = True
-    def _shutdown_instance(self):
-        """Shut down this EC2 instance."""
-        # Make sure our process is daemonized, and has therefore disconnected
-        # the controlling terminal.  This also disconnects the ec2test.py SSH
-        # connection, thus signalling ec2test.py that it may now try to take
-        # control of the server.
-        if not self._daemonized:
-            # We only want to do this if we haven't already been daemonized.
-            # Nesting daemons is bad.
-            self._daemonize()
-        time.sleep(self.SHUTDOWN_DELAY)
-        # Cancel the running shutdown.
-        subprocess.call(['sudo', 'shutdown', '-c'])
-        # We'll only get here if --postmortem didn't kill us.  This is our
-        # fail-safe shutdown, in case the user got disconnected or suffered
-        # some other mishap that would prevent them from shutting down this
-        # server on their own.
-        subprocess.call(['sudo', 'shutdown', '-P', 'now'])
-    def run(self, name, function, *args, **kwargs):
-        try:
-            if self._should_daemonize:
-                print 'Starting %s daemon...' % (name,)
-                self._daemonize()
-            return function(*args, **kwargs)
-        except:
-            config = bzrlib.config.GlobalConfig()
-            # Handle exceptions thrown by the test() or daemonize() methods.
-            if self._emails:
-                msg = EmailMessage(
-                    from_address=config.username(),
-                    to_address=self._emails,
-                    subject='%s FAILED' % (name,),
-                    body=traceback.format_exc())
-                self._smtp_connection.send_email(msg)
-            raise
-        finally:
-            # When everything is over, if we've been ask to shut down, then
-            # make sure we're daemonized, then shutdown.  Otherwise, if we're
-            # daemonized, just clean up the pidfile.
-            if self._shutdown_when_done:
-                self._shutdown_instance()
-            elif self._daemonized:
-                # It would be nice to clean up after ourselves, since we won't
-                # be shutting down.
-                remove_pidfile(self._pid_filename)
-            else:
-                # We're not a daemon, and we're not shutting down.  The user
-                # most likely started this script manually, from a shell
-                # running on the instance itself.
-                pass
-class LaunchpadTester:
-    """Runs Launchpad tests and gathers their results in a useful way."""
-    def __init__(self, logger, test_directory, test_options=()):
-        """Construct a TestOnMergeRunner.
-        :param logger: The WebTestLogger to log to.
-        :param test_directory: The directory to run the tests in. We expect
-            this directory to have a fully-functional checkout of Launchpad
-            and its dependent branches.
-        :param test_options: A sequence of options to pass to the test runner.
-        """
-        self._logger = logger
-        self._test_directory = test_directory
-        self._test_options = ' '.join(test_options)
-    def build_test_command(self):
-        """Return the command that will execute the test suite.
-        Should return a list of command options suitable for submission to
-        subprocess.call()
-        Subclasses must provide their own implementation of this method.
-        """
-        command = ['make', 'check']
-        if self._test_options:
-            command.append('TESTOPTS="%s"' % self._test_options)
-        return command
-    def _spawn_test_process(self):
-        """Actually run the tests.
-        :return: A `subprocess.Popen` object for the test run.
-        """
-        call = self.build_test_command()
-        self._logger.write_line("Running %s" % (call,))
-        # bufsize=0 means do not buffer any of the output. We want to
-        # display the test output as soon as it is generated.
-        return subprocess.Popen(
-            call, bufsize=0,
-            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
-            cwd=self._test_directory)
-    def test(self):
-        """Run the tests, log the results.
-        Signals the ec2test process and cleans up the logs once all the tests
-        have completed.  If necessary, submits the branch to PQM, and mails
-        the user the test results.
-        """
-        self._logger.prepare()
-        try:
-            popen = self._spawn_test_process()
-            result = self._gather_test_output(popen.stdout, self._logger)
-            retcode = popen.wait()
-            # The process could have an error not indicated by an actual test
-            # result nor by a raised exception
-            if result.wasSuccessful() and retcode:
-                raise NonZeroExitCode(retcode)
-        except:
-            self._logger.error_in_testrunner(sys.exc_info())
-        else:
-            self._logger.got_result(result)
-    def _gather_test_output(self, input_stream, logger):
-        """Write the testrunner output to the logs."""
-        summary_stream = logger.get_summary_stream()
-        summary_result = SummaryResult(summary_stream)
-        result = MultiTestResult(
-            summary_result,
-            FailureUpdateResult(logger))
-        subunit_server = subunit.TestProtocolServer(result, summary_stream)
-        for line in input_stream:
-            subunit_server.lineReceived(line)
-            logger.got_line(line)
-            summary_stream.flush()
-        return summary_result
-# XXX: Publish a JSON file that includes the relevant details from this
-# request.
-class Request:
-    """A request to have a branch tested and maybe landed."""
-    def __init__(self, branch_url, revno, local_branch_path, sourcecode_path,
-                 emails=None, pqm_message=None, smtp_connection=None):
-        """Construct a `Request`.
-        :param branch_url: The public URL to the Launchpad branch we are
-            testing.
-        :param revno: The revision number of the branch we are testing.
-        :param local_branch_path: A local path to the Launchpad branch we are
-            testing.  This must be a branch of Launchpad with a working tree.
-        :param sourcecode_path: A local path to the sourcecode dependencies
-            directory (normally '$local_branch_path/sourcecode'). This must
-            contain up-to-date copies of all of Launchpad's sourcecode
-            dependencies.
-        :param emails: A list of emails to send the results to. If not
-            provided, no emails are sent.
-        :param pqm_message: The message to submit to PQM. If not provided, we
-            don't submit to PQM.
-        :param smtp_connection: The `SMTPConnection` to use to send email.
-        """
-        self._branch_url = branch_url
-        self._revno = revno
-        self._local_branch_path = local_branch_path
-        self._sourcecode_path = sourcecode_path
-        self._emails = emails
-        self._pqm_message = pqm_message
-        # Used for figuring out how to send emails.
-        self._bzr_config = bzrlib.config.GlobalConfig()
-        if smtp_connection is None:
-            smtp_connection = SMTPConnection(self._bzr_config)
-        self._smtp_connection = smtp_connection
-    def _send_email(self, message):
-        """Actually send 'message'."""
-        self._smtp_connection.send_email(message)
-    def _format_test_list(self, header, tests):
-        if not tests:
-            return []
-        tests = ['  ' + test.id() for test, error in tests]
-        return [header, '-' * len(header)] + tests + ['']
-    def format_result(self, result, start_time, end_time):
-        duration = end_time - start_time
-        output = [
-            'Tests started at approximately %s' % start_time,
-            ]
-        source = self.get_source_details()
-        if source:
-            output.append('Source: %s r%s' % source)
-        target = self.get_target_details()
-        if target:
-            output.append('Target: %s r%s' % target)
-        output.extend([
-            '',
-            '%s tests run in %s, %s failures, %s errors' % (
-                result.testsRun, duration, len(result.failures),
-                len(result.errors)),
-            '',
-            ])
-        bad_tests = (
-            self._format_test_list('Failing tests', result.failures) +
-            self._format_test_list('Tests with errors', result.errors))
-        output.extend(bad_tests)
-        if bad_tests:
-            full_error_stream = StringIO()
-            copy_result = SummaryResult(full_error_stream)
-            for test, error in result.failures:
-                full_error_stream.write(
-                    copy_result._formatError('FAILURE', test, error))
-            for test, error in result.errors:
-                full_error_stream.write(
-                    copy_result._formatError('ERROR', test, error))
-            output.append(full_error_stream.getvalue())
-        subject = self._get_pqm_subject()
-        if subject:
-            if result.wasSuccessful():
-                output.append('SUBMITTED TO PQM:')
-            else:
-                output.append('**NOT** submitted to PQM:')
-            output.extend([subject, ''])
-        output.extend(['(See the attached file for the complete log)', ''])
-        return '\n'.join(output)
-    def get_target_details(self):
-        """Return (branch_url, revno) for trunk."""
-        branch = bzrlib.branch.Branch.open(self._local_branch_path)
-        return branch.get_parent().encode('utf-8'), branch.revno()
-    def get_source_details(self):
-        """Return (branch_url, revno) for the branch we're merging in.
-        If we're not merging in a branch, but instead just testing a trunk,
-        then return None.
-        """
-        tree = bzrlib.workingtree.WorkingTree.open(self._local_branch_path)
-        parent_ids = tree.get_parent_ids()
-        if len(parent_ids) < 2:
-            return None
-        return self._branch_url.encode('utf-8'), self._revno
-    def _last_segment(self, url):
-        """Return the last segment of a URL."""
-        return url.strip('/').split('/')[-1]
-    def get_nick(self):
-        """Get the nick of the branch we are testing."""
-        details = self.get_source_details()
-        if not details:
-            details = self.get_target_details()
-        url, revno = details
-        return self._last_segment(url)
-    def get_revno(self):
-        """Get the revno of the branch we are testing."""
-        if self._revno is not None:
-            return self._revno
-        return bzrlib.branch.Branch.open(self._local_branch_path).revno()
-    def get_merge_description(self):
-        """Get a description of the merge request.
-        If we're merging a branch, return '$SOURCE_NICK => $TARGET_NICK', if
-        we're just running tests for a trunk branch without merging return
-        '$TRUNK_NICK'.
-        """
-        source = self.get_source_details()
-        if not source:
-            return '%s r%s' % (self.get_nick(), self.get_revno())
-        target = self.get_target_details()
-        return '%s => %s' % (
-            self._last_segment(source[0]), self._last_segment(target[0]))
-    def get_summary_commit(self):
-        """Get a message summarizing the change from the commit log.
-        Returns the last commit message of the merged branch, or None.
-        """
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2010-08-17: I don't actually know why we are
-        # using this commit message as a summary message. It's used in the
-        # test logs and the EC2 hosted web page.
-        branch = bzrlib.branch.Branch.open(self._local_branch_path)
-        tree = bzrlib.workingtree.WorkingTree.open(self._local_branch_path)
-        parent_ids = tree.get_parent_ids()
-        if len(parent_ids) == 1:
-            return None
-        summary = (
-            branch.repository.get_revision(parent_ids[1]).get_summary())
-        return summary.encode('utf-8')
-    def _build_report_email(self, successful, body_text, full_log_gz):
-        """Build a MIME email summarizing the test results.
-        :param successful: True for pass, False for failure.
-        :param body_text: The body of the email to send to the requesters.
-        :param full_log_gz: A gzip of the full log.
-        """
-        message = MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart()
-        message['To'] = ', '.join(self._emails)
-        message['From'] = self._bzr_config.username()
-        if successful:
-            status = 'SUCCESS'
-        else:
-            status = 'FAILURE'
-        subject = 'Test results: %s: %s' % (
-            self.get_merge_description(), status)
-        message['Subject'] = subject
-        # Make the body.
-        body = MIMEText.MIMEText(body_text, 'plain', 'utf8')
-        body['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline'
-        message.attach(body)
-        # Attach the gzipped log.
-        zipped_log = MIMEApplication(full_log_gz, 'x-gzip')
-        zipped_log.add_header(
-            'Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
-            filename='%s-r%s.subunit.gz' % (
-                self.get_nick(), self.get_revno()))
-        message.attach(zipped_log)
-        return message
-    def send_report_email(self, successful, body_text, full_log_gz):
-        """Send an email summarizing the test results.
-        :param successful: True for pass, False for failure.
-        :param body_text: The body of the email to send to the requesters.
-        :param full_log_gz: A gzip of the full log.
-        """
-        message = self._build_report_email(successful, body_text, full_log_gz)
-        self._send_email(message)
-    def iter_dependency_branches(self):
-        """Iterate through the Bazaar branches we depend on."""
-        for name in sorted(os.listdir(self._sourcecode_path)):
-            path = os.path.join(self._sourcecode_path, name)
-            if os.path.isdir(path):
-                try:
-                    branch = bzrlib.branch.Branch.open(path)
-                except bzrlib.errors.NotBranchError:
-                    continue
-                yield name, branch.get_parent(), branch.revno()
-    def _get_pqm_subject(self):
-        if not self._pqm_message:
-            return
-        return self._pqm_message.get('Subject')
-    def submit_to_pqm(self, successful):
-        """Submit this request to PQM, if successful & configured to do so."""
-        subject = self._get_pqm_subject()
-        if subject and successful:
-            self._send_email(self._pqm_message)
-        return subject
-    @property
-    def wants_email(self):
-        """Do the requesters want emails sent to them?"""
-        return bool(self._emails)
-class WebTestLogger:
-    """Logs test output to disk and a simple web page.
-    :ivar successful: Whether the logger has received only successful input up
-        until now.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, full_log_filename, summary_filename, index_filename,
-                 request, echo_to_stdout):
-        """Construct a WebTestLogger.
-        Because this writes an HTML file with links to the summary and full
-        logs, you should construct this object with
-        `WebTestLogger.make_in_directory`, which guarantees that the files
-        are available in the correct locations.
-        :param full_log_filename: Path to a file that will have the full
-            log output written to it. The file will be overwritten.
-        :param summary_file: Path to a file that will have a human-readable
-            summary written to it. The file will be overwritten.
-        :param index_file: Path to a file that will have an HTML page
-            written to it. The file will be overwritten.
-        :param request: A `Request` object representing the thing that's being
-            tested.
-        :param echo_to_stdout: Whether or not we should echo output to stdout.
-        """
-        self._full_log_filename = full_log_filename
-        self._summary_filename = summary_filename
-        self._index_filename = index_filename
-        self._info_json = os.path.join(
-            os.path.dirname(index_filename), 'info.json')
-        self._request = request
-        self._echo_to_stdout = echo_to_stdout
-        # Actually set by prepare(), but setting to a dummy value to make
-        # testing easier.
-        self._start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-        self.successful = True
-    @classmethod
-    def make_in_directory(cls, www_dir, request, echo_to_stdout):
-        """Make a logger that logs to specific files in `www_dir`.
-        :param www_dir: The directory in which to log the files:
-            current_test.log, summary.log and index.html. These files
-            will be overwritten.
-        :param request: A `Request` object representing the thing that's being
-            tested.
-        :param echo_to_stdout: Whether or not we should echo output to stdout.
-        """
-        files = [
-            os.path.join(www_dir, 'current_test.log'),
-            os.path.join(www_dir, 'summary.log'),
-            os.path.join(www_dir, 'index.html')]
-        files.extend([request, echo_to_stdout])
-        return cls(*files)
-    def error_in_testrunner(self, exc_info):
-        """Called when there is a catastrophic error in the test runner."""
-        exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = exc_info
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2010-08-17: This should probably log to the full
-        # log as well.
-        summary = self.get_summary_stream()
-        summary.write('\n\nERROR IN TESTRUNNER\n\n')
-        traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, file=summary)
-        summary.flush()
-        if self._request.wants_email:
-            self._write_to_filename(
-                self._summary_filename,
-                '\n(See the attached file for the complete log)\n')
-            summary = self.get_summary_contents()
-            full_log_gz = gzip_data(self.get_full_log_contents())
-            self._request.send_report_email(False, summary, full_log_gz)
-    def get_index_contents(self):
-        """Return the contents of the index.html page."""
-        return self._get_contents(self._index_filename)
-    def get_full_log_contents(self):
-        """Return the contents of the complete log."""
-        return self._get_contents(self._full_log_filename)
-    def get_summary_contents(self):
-        """Return the contents of the summary log."""
-        return self._get_contents(self._summary_filename)
-    def get_summary_stream(self):
-        """Return a stream that, when written to, writes to the summary."""
-        return open(self._summary_filename, 'a')
-    def got_line(self, line):
-        """Called when we get a line of output from our child processes."""
-        self._write_to_filename(self._full_log_filename, line)
-        if self._echo_to_stdout:
-            sys.stdout.write(line)
-            sys.stdout.flush()
-    def _get_contents(self, filename):
-        """Get the full contents of 'filename'."""
-        try:
-            return open(filename, 'r').read()
-        except IOError, e:
-            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                return ''
-    def got_failure(self):
-        """Called when we receive word that a test has failed."""
-        self.successful = False
-        self._dump_json()
-    def got_result(self, result):
-        """The tests are done and the results are known."""
-        self._end_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-        successful = result.wasSuccessful()
-        self._handle_pqm_submission(successful)
-        if self._request.wants_email:
-            email_text = self._request.format_result(
-                result, self._start_time, self._end_time)
-            full_log_gz = gzip_data(self.get_full_log_contents())
-            self._request.send_report_email(successful, email_text, full_log_gz)
-    def _handle_pqm_submission(self, successful):
-        subject = self._request.submit_to_pqm(successful)
-        if not subject:
-            return
-        self.write_line('')
-        self.write_line('')
-        if successful:
-            self.write_line('SUBMITTED TO PQM:')
-        else:
-            self.write_line('**NOT** submitted to PQM:')
-        self.write_line(subject)
-    def _write_to_filename(self, filename, msg):
-        fd = open(filename, 'a')
-        fd.write(msg)
-        fd.flush()
-        fd.close()
-    def _write(self, msg):
-        """Write to the summary and full log file."""
-        self._write_to_filename(self._full_log_filename, msg)
-        self._write_to_filename(self._summary_filename, msg)
-    def write_line(self, msg):
-        """Write to the summary and full log file with a newline."""
-        self._write(msg + '\n')
-    def _dump_json(self):
-        fd = open(self._info_json, 'w')
-        simplejson.dump(
-            {'description': self._request.get_merge_description(),
-             'failed-yet': not self.successful,
-             }, fd)
-        fd.close()
-    def prepare(self):
-        """Prepares the log files on disk.
-        Writes three log files: the raw output log, the filtered "summary"
-        log file, and a HTML index page summarizing the test run paramters.
-        """
-        self._dump_json()
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2010-07-18: Mostly untested.
-        log = self.write_line
-        # Clear the existing index file.
-        index = open(self._index_filename, 'w')
-        index.truncate(0)
-        index.close()
-        def add_to_html(html):
-            return self._write_to_filename(
-                self._index_filename, textwrap.dedent(html))
-        self._start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-        msg = 'Tests started at approximately %(now)s UTC' % {
-            'now': self._start_time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')}
-        add_to_html('''\
-            <html>
-              <head>
-                <title>Testing</title>
-              </head>
-              <body>
-                <h1>Testing</h1>
-                <p>%s</p>
-                <ul>
-                  <li><a href="summary.log">Summary results</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="current_test.log">Full results</a></li>
-                </ul>
-            ''' % (msg,))
-        log(msg)
-        add_to_html('''\
-            <h2>Branches Tested</h2>
-            ''')
-        # Describe the trunk branch.
-        trunk, trunk_revno = self._request.get_target_details()
-        msg = '%s, revision %d\n' % (trunk, trunk_revno)
-        add_to_html('''\
-            <p><strong>%s</strong></p>
-            ''' % (escape(msg),))
-        log(msg)
-        branch_details = self._request.get_source_details()
-        if not branch_details:
-            add_to_html('<p>(no merged branch)</p>\n')
-            log('(no merged branch)')
-        else:
-            branch_name, branch_revno = branch_details
-            data = {'name': branch_name,
-                    'revno': branch_revno,
-                    'commit': self._request.get_summary_commit()}
-            msg = ('%(name)s, revision %(revno)d '
-                   '(commit message: %(commit)s)\n' % data)
-            add_to_html('''\
-               <p>Merged with<br />%(msg)s</p>
-               ''' % {'msg': escape(msg)})
-            log("Merged with")
-            log(msg)
-        add_to_html('<dl>\n')
-        log('\nDEPENDENCY BRANCHES USED\n')
-        for name, branch, revno in self._request.iter_dependency_branches():
-            data = {'name': name, 'branch': branch, 'revno': revno}
-            log(
-                '- %(name)s\n    %(branch)s\n    %(revno)d\n' % data)
-            escaped_data = {'name': escape(name),
-                            'branch': escape(branch),
-                            'revno': revno}
-            add_to_html('''\
-                <dt>%(name)s</dt>
-                  <dd>%(branch)s</dd>
-                  <dd>%(revno)s</dd>
-                ''' % escaped_data)
-        add_to_html('''\
-                </dl>
-              </body>
-            </html>''')
-        log('\n\nTEST RESULTS FOLLOW\n\n')
-def daemonize(pid_filename):
-    # this seems like the sort of thing that ought to be in the
-    # standard library :-/
-    pid = os.fork()
-    if (pid == 0): # Child 1
-        os.setsid()
-        pid = os.fork()
-        if (pid == 0): # Child 2, the daemon.
-            pass # lookie, we're ready to do work in the daemon
-        else:
-            os._exit(0)
-    else: # Parent
-        # Make sure the pidfile is written before we exit, so that people
-        # who've chosen to daemonize can quickly rectify their mistake.  Since
-        # the daemon might terminate itself very, very quickly, we cannot poll
-        # for the existence of the pidfile. Instead, we just sleep for a
-        # reasonable amount of time.
-        time.sleep(1)
-        os._exit(0)
-    # write a pidfile ASAP
-    write_pidfile(pid_filename)
-   # Iterate through and close all file descriptors.
-    import resource
-    maxfd = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1]
-    assert maxfd != resource.RLIM_INFINITY
-    for fd in range(0, maxfd):
-        try:
-            os.close(fd)
-        except OSError:
-            # we assume fd was closed
-            pass
-    os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR) # this will be 0
-    os.dup2(0, 1)
-    os.dup2(0, 2)
-def gunzip_data(data):
-    """Decompress 'data'.
-    :param data: The gzip data to decompress.
-    :return: The decompressed data.
-    """
-    fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
-    os.write(fd, data)
-    os.close(fd)
-    try:
-        return gzip.open(path, 'r').read()
-    finally:
-        os.unlink(path)
-def gzip_data(data):
-    """Compress 'data'.
-    :param data: The data to compress.
-    :return: The gzip-compressed data.
-    """
-    fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
-    os.close(fd)
-    gz = gzip.open(path, 'wb')
-    gz.writelines(data)
-    gz.close()
-    try:
-        return open(path).read()
-    finally:
-        os.unlink(path)
-def write_pidfile(pid_filename):
-    """Write a pidfile for the current process."""
-    pid_file = open(pid_filename, "w")
-    pid_file.write(str(os.getpid()))
-    pid_file.close()
-def remove_pidfile(pid_filename):
-    if os.path.exists(pid_filename):
-        os.remove(pid_filename)
-def parse_options(argv):
-    """Make an `optparse.OptionParser` for running the tests remotely.
-    """
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser(
-        usage="%prog [options] [-- test options]",
-        description=("Build and run tests for an instance."))
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-e', '--email', action='append', dest='email', default=None,
-        help=('Email address to which results should be mailed.  Defaults to '
-              'the email address from `bzr whoami`. May be supplied multiple '
-              'times. `bzr whoami` will be used as the From: address.'))
-    parser.add_option(
-        '-s', '--submit-pqm-message', dest='pqm_message', default=None,
-        help=('A base64-encoded pickle (string) of a pqm message '
-              '(bzrib.plugins.pqm.pqm_submit.PQMEmailMessage) to submit if '
-              'the test run is successful.'))
-    parser.add_option(
-        '--daemon', dest='daemon', default=False,
-        action='store_true', help=('Run test in background as daemon.'))
-    parser.add_option(
-        '--debug', dest='debug', default=False,
-        action='store_true',
-        help=('Drop to pdb trace as soon as possible.'))
-    parser.add_option(
-        '--shutdown', dest='shutdown', default=False,
-        action='store_true',
-        help=('Terminate (shutdown) instance after completion.'))
-    parser.add_option(
-        '--public-branch', dest='public_branch', default=None,
-        help=('The URL of the public branch being tested.'))
-    parser.add_option(
-        '--public-branch-revno', dest='public_branch_revno',
-        type="int", default=None,
-        help=('The revision number of the public branch being tested.'))
-    return parser.parse_args(argv)
-def main(argv):
-    options, args = parse_options(argv)
-    if options.debug:
-        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-    if options.pqm_message is not None:
-        pqm_message = pickle.loads(
-            options.pqm_message.decode('string-escape').decode('base64'))
-    else:
-        pqm_message = None
-    # Locations for Launchpad. These are actually defined by the configuration
-    # of the EC2 image that we use.
-    LAUNCHPAD_DIR = '/var/launchpad'
-    TEST_DIR = os.path.join(LAUNCHPAD_DIR, 'test')
-    SOURCECODE_DIR = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'sourcecode')
-    pid_filename = os.path.join(LAUNCHPAD_DIR, 'ec2test-remote.pid')
-    smtp_connection = SMTPConnection(bzrlib.config.GlobalConfig())
-    request = Request(
-        options.public_branch, options.public_branch_revno, TEST_DIR,
-        SOURCECODE_DIR, options.email, pqm_message, smtp_connection)
-    # Only write to stdout if we are running as the foreground process.
-    echo_to_stdout = not options.daemon
-    logger = WebTestLogger.make_in_directory(
-        '/var/www', request, echo_to_stdout)
-    runner = EC2Runner(
-        options.daemon, pid_filename, options.shutdown,
-        smtp_connection, options.email)
-    tester = LaunchpadTester(logger, TEST_DIR, test_options=args[1:])
-    runner.run("Test runner", tester.test)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main(sys.argv)

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/session.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/session.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/session.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Code to represent a single session of EC2 use."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = [
-    'EC2SessionName',
-    ]
-from datetime import (
-    datetime,
-    timedelta,
-    )
-from devscripts.ec2test.utils import (
-    find_datetime_string,
-    make_datetime_string,
-    make_random_string,
-    )
-DEFAULT_LIFETIME = timedelta(hours=6)
-class EC2SessionName(str):
-    """A name for an EC2 session.
-    This is used when naming key pairs and security groups, so it's
-    useful to be unique. However, to aid garbage collection of old key
-    pairs and security groups, the name contains a common element and
-    an expiry timestamp. The form taken should always be:
-      <base-name>/<expires-timestamp>/<random-data>
-    None of the parts should contain forward-slashes, and the
-    timestamp should be acceptable input to `find_datetime_string`.
-    `EC2SessionName.make()` will generate a suitable name given a
-    suitable base name.
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def make(cls, base, expires=None):
-        """Create an `EC2SessionName`.
-        This checks that `base` does not contain a forward-slash, and
-        provides some convenient functionality for `expires`:
-        - If `expires` is None, it defaults to now (UTC) plus
-          `DEFAULT_LIFETIME`.
-        - If `expires` is a `datetime`, it is converted to a timestamp
-          in the correct form.
-        - If `expires` is a `timedelta`, it is added to now (UTC) then
-          converted to a timestamp.
-        - Otherwise `expires` is assumed to be a string, so is checked
-          for the absense of forward-slashes, and that a correctly
-          formed timestamp can be discovered.
-        """
-        assert '/' not in base
-        if expires is None:
-            expires = DEFAULT_LIFETIME
-        if isinstance(expires, timedelta):
-            expires = datetime.utcnow() + expires
-        if isinstance(expires, datetime):
-            expires = make_datetime_string(expires)
-        else:
-            assert '/' not in expires
-            assert find_datetime_string(expires) is not None
-        rand = make_random_string(8)
-        return cls("%s/%s/%s" % (base, expires, rand))
-    @property
-    def base(self):
-        parts = self.split('/')
-        if len(parts) != 3:
-            return None
-        return parts[0]
-    @property
-    def expires(self):
-        parts = self.split('/')
-        if len(parts) != 3:
-            return None
-        return find_datetime_string(parts[1])
-    @property
-    def rand(self):
-        parts = self.split('/')
-        if len(parts) != 3:
-            return None
-        return parts[2]

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/testrunner.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/testrunner.py	2012-02-07 14:53:38 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/testrunner.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2012 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Code to actually run the tests in an EC2 instance."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = [
-    'EC2TestRunner',
-    ]
-import os
-import pickle
-import re
-import sys
-from bzrlib.branch import Branch
-from bzrlib.bzrdir import BzrDir
-from bzrlib.config import GlobalConfig
-from bzrlib.errors import UncommittedChanges
-from bzrlib.plugins.pqm.pqm_submit import (
-    NoPQMSubmissionAddress,
-    PQMSubmission,
-    )
-TRUNK_BRANCH = 'bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel'
-class UnknownBranchURL(Exception):
-    """Raised when we try to parse an unrecognized branch url."""
-    def __init__(self, branch_url):
-        Exception.__init__(
-            self,
-            "Couldn't parse '%s', not a Launchpad branch." % (branch_url,))
-def parse_branch_url(branch_url):
-    """Given the URL of a branch, return its components in a dict."""
-    _lp_match = re.compile(
-        r'lp:\~([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$').match
-    _bazaar_match = re.compile(
-        r'bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/\~([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$').match
-    match = _lp_match(branch_url)
-    if match is None:
-        match = _bazaar_match(branch_url)
-    if match is None:
-        raise UnknownBranchURL(branch_url)
-    owner = match.group(1)
-    product = match.group(2)
-    branch = match.group(3)
-    unique_name = '~%s/%s/%s' % (owner, product, branch)
-    url = 'bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%s' % (unique_name,)
-    return dict(
-        owner=owner, product=product, branch=branch, unique_name=unique_name,
-        url=url)
-def normalize_branch_input(data):
-    """Given 'data' return a ('dest', 'src') pair.
-    :param data: One of::
-       - a double of (sourcecode_location, branch_url).
-         If 'sourcecode_location' is Launchpad, then 'branch_url' can
-         also be the name of a branch of launchpad owned by
-         launchpad-pqm.
-       - a singleton of (branch_url,)
-       - a singleton of (sourcecode_location,) where
-         sourcecode_location corresponds to a Launchpad upstream
-         project as well as a rocketfuel sourcecode location.
-       - a string which could populate any of the above singletons.
-    :return: ('dest', 'src') where 'dest' is the destination
-        sourcecode location in the rocketfuel tree and 'src' is the
-        URL of the branch to put there. The URL can be either a bzr+ssh
-        URL or the name of a branch of launchpad owned by launchpad-pqm.
-    """
-    # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-06-05: Should convert lp: URL branches to
-    # bzr+ssh:// branches.
-    if isinstance(data, basestring):
-        data = (data,)
-    if len(data) == 2:
-        # Already in dest, src format.
-        return data
-    if len(data) != 1:
-        raise ValueError(
-            'invalid argument for ``branches`` argument: %r' %
-            (data,))
-    branch_location = data[0]
-    try:
-        parsed_url = parse_branch_url(branch_location)
-    except UnknownBranchURL:
-        return branch_location, 'lp:%s' % (branch_location,)
-    return parsed_url['product'], parsed_url['url']
-def parse_specified_branches(branches):
-    """Given 'branches' from the command line, return a sanitized dict.
-    The dict maps sourcecode locations to branch URLs, according to the
-    rules in `normalize_branch_input`.
-    """
-    return dict(map(normalize_branch_input, branches))
-class EC2TestRunner:
-    name = 'ec2-test-runner'
-    message = image = None
-    _running = False
-    def __init__(self, branch, email=False, file=None, test_options=None,
-                 headless=False, branches=(),
-                 pqm_message=None, pqm_public_location=None,
-                 pqm_submit_location=None,
-                 open_browser=False, pqm_email=None,
-                 include_download_cache_changes=None, instance=None,
-                 launchpad_login=None,
-                 timeout=None):
-        """Create a new EC2TestRunner.
-        :param timeout: Number of minutes before we force a shutdown. This is
-            useful because sometimes the normal instance termination might
-            fail.
-          - original_branch
-          - test_options
-          - headless
-          - include_download_cache_changes
-          - download_cache_additions
-          - branches (parses, validates)
-          - message (after validating PQM submisson)
-          - email (after validating email capabilities)
-          - image (after connecting to ec2)
-          - file
-          - timeout
-        """
-        self.original_branch = branch
-        self.test_options = test_options
-        self.headless = headless
-        self.include_download_cache_changes = include_download_cache_changes
-        self.open_browser = open_browser
-        self.file = file
-        self._launchpad_login = launchpad_login
-        self.timeout = timeout
-        trunk_specified = False
-        trunk_branch = TRUNK_BRANCH
-        # normalize and validate branches
-        branches = parse_specified_branches(branches)
-        try:
-            launchpad_url = branches.pop('launchpad')
-        except KeyError:
-            # No Launchpad branch specified.
-            pass
-        else:
-            try:
-                parsed_url = parse_branch_url(launchpad_url)
-            except UnknownBranchURL:
-                user = 'launchpad-pqm'
-                src = ('bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/'
-                       '~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/%s' % (launchpad_url,))
-            else:
-                user = parsed_url['owner']
-                src = parsed_url['url']
-            if user == 'launchpad-pqm':
-                trunk_specified = True
-            trunk_branch = src
-        self._trunk_branch = trunk_branch
-        self.branches = branches.items()
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-05-31: The trunk_specified stuff above and
-        # the pqm location stuff below are actually doing the equivalent of
-        # preparing a merge directive. Perhaps we can leverage that to make
-        # this code simpler.
-        self.download_cache_additions = None
-        if branch is None:
-            config = GlobalConfig()
-            if pqm_message is not None:
-                raise ValueError('Cannot submit trunk to pqm.')
-        else:
-            (tree,
-             bzrbranch,
-             relpath) = BzrDir.open_containing_tree_or_branch(branch)
-            config = bzrbranch.get_config()
-            if pqm_message is not None or tree is not None:
-                # if we are going to maybe send a pqm_message, we're going to
-                # go down this path. Also, even if we are not but this is a
-                # local branch, we're going to use the PQM machinery to make
-                # sure that the local branch has been made public, and has all
-                # working changes there.
-                if tree is None:
-                    # remote.  We will make some assumptions.
-                    if pqm_public_location is None:
-                        pqm_public_location = branch
-                    if pqm_submit_location is None:
-                        pqm_submit_location = trunk_branch
-                elif pqm_submit_location is None and trunk_specified:
-                    pqm_submit_location = trunk_branch
-                # Modified from pqm_submit.py.
-                submission = PQMSubmission(
-                    source_branch=bzrbranch,
-                    public_location=pqm_public_location,
-                    message=pqm_message or '',
-                    submit_location=pqm_submit_location,
-                    tree=tree)
-                if tree is not None:
-                    # This is the part we want to do whether we're
-                    # submitting or not:
-                    submission.check_tree()  # Any working changes.
-                    submission.check_public_branch()  # Everything public.
-                    branch = submission.public_location
-                    if (include_download_cache_changes is None or
-                        include_download_cache_changes):
-                        # We need to get the download cache settings.
-                        cache_tree, cache_bzrbranch, cache_relpath = (
-                            BzrDir.open_containing_tree_or_branch(
-                                os.path.join(
-                                    self.original_branch, 'download-cache')))
-                        cache_tree.lock_read()
-                        try:
-                            cache_basis_tree = cache_tree.basis_tree()
-                            cache_basis_tree.lock_read()
-                            try:
-                                delta = cache_tree.changes_from(
-                                    cache_basis_tree, want_unversioned=True)
-                                unversioned = [
-                                    un for un in delta.unversioned
-                                    if not cache_tree.is_ignored(un[0])]
-                                added = delta.added
-                                self.download_cache_additions = (
-                                    unversioned + added)
-                            finally:
-                                cache_basis_tree.unlock()
-                        finally:
-                            cache_tree.unlock()
-                if pqm_message is not None:
-                    if self.download_cache_additions:
-                        raise UncommittedChanges(cache_tree)
-                    # Get the submission message.
-                    mail_from = config.get_user_option('pqm_user_email')
-                    if not mail_from:
-                        mail_from = config.username()
-                    mail_from = mail_from.encode('utf8')
-                    if pqm_email is None:
-                        if tree is None:
-                            pqm_email = (
-                                "Launchpad PQM <launchpad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>")
-                        else:
-                            pqm_email = config.get_user_option('pqm_email')
-                    if not pqm_email:
-                        raise NoPQMSubmissionAddress(bzrbranch)
-                    mail_to = pqm_email.encode('utf8')
-                    self.message = submission.to_email(mail_from, mail_to)
-                elif (self.download_cache_additions and
-                      self.include_download_cache_changes is None):
-                    raise UncommittedChanges(
-                        cache_tree,
-                        'You must select whether to include download cache '
-                        'changes (see --include-download-cache-changes and '
-                        '--ignore-download-cache-changes, -c and -g '
-                        'respectively), or '
-                        'commit or remove the files in the download-cache.')
-        self._branch = branch
-        if email is not False:
-            if email is True:
-                email = [config.username()]
-                if not email[0]:
-                    raise ValueError('cannot find your email address.')
-            elif isinstance(email, basestring):
-                email = [email]
-            else:
-                tmp = []
-                for item in email:
-                    if not isinstance(item, basestring):
-                        raise ValueError(
-                            'email must be True, False, a string, or a list '
-                            'of strings')
-                    tmp.append(item)
-                email = tmp
-        else:
-            email = None
-        self.email = email
-        # Email configuration.
-        if email is not None or pqm_message is not None:
-            self._smtp_server = config.get_user_option('smtp_server')
-            # Refuse localhost, because there's no SMTP server _on the actual
-            # EC2 instance._
-            if self._smtp_server is None or self._smtp_server == 'localhost':
-                raise ValueError(
-                    'To send email, a remotely accessible smtp_server (and '
-                    'smtp_username and smtp_password, if necessary) must be '
-                    'configured in bzr.  See the SMTP server information '
-                    'here: https://wiki.canonical.com/EmailSetup .'
-                    'This server must be reachable from the EC2 instance.')
-            self._smtp_username = config.get_user_option('smtp_username')
-            self._smtp_password = config.get_user_option('smtp_password')
-            self._from_email = config.username()
-            if not self._from_email:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    'To send email, your bzr email address must be set '
-                    '(use ``bzr whoami``).')
-        self._instance = instance
-    def log(self, msg):
-        """Log a message on stdout, flushing afterwards."""
-        # XXX: JonathanLange 2009-05-31 bug=383076: This should use Python
-        # logging, rather than printing to stdout.
-        sys.stdout.write(msg)
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-    def configure_system(self):
-        user_connection = self._instance.connect()
-        if self.timeout is not None:
-            # Activate a fail-safe shutdown just in case something goes
-            # really wrong with the server or suite.
-            user_connection.perform("sudo shutdown -P +%d &" % self.timeout)
-        as_user = user_connection.perform
-        as_user(
-            "sudo mount "
-            "-o remount,data=writeback,commit=3600,async,relatime /")
-        for d in ['/tmp', '/var/tmp']:
-            as_user(
-                "sudo mkdir -p %s && sudo mount -t tmpfs none %s" % (d, d))
-        as_user(
-            "sudo service postgresql stop"
-            "; sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql /tmp/postgresql-tmp"
-            "&& sudo mkdir /var/lib/postgresql"
-            "&& sudo mount -t tmpfs none /var/lib/postgresql"
-            "&& sudo mv /tmp/postgresql-tmp/* /var/lib/postgresql"
-            "&& sudo service postgresql start")
-        as_user("sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bzr")
-        as_user("sudo add-apt-repository ppa:launchpad")
-        as_user("sudo aptitude update")
-        as_user(
-            "sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive aptitude -y full-upgrade")
-        # Set up bazaar.conf with smtp information if necessary
-        if self.email or self.message:
-            as_user('[ -d .bazaar ] || mkdir .bazaar')
-            bazaar_conf_file = user_connection.sftp.open(
-                ".bazaar/bazaar.conf", 'w')
-            bazaar_conf_file.write(
-                'email = %s\n' % (self._from_email.encode('utf-8'),))
-            bazaar_conf_file.write(
-                'smtp_server = %s\n' % (self._smtp_server,))
-            if self._smtp_username:
-                bazaar_conf_file.write(
-                    'smtp_username = %s\n' % (self._smtp_username,))
-            if self._smtp_password:
-                bazaar_conf_file.write(
-                    'smtp_password = %s\n' % (self._smtp_password,))
-            bazaar_conf_file.close()
-        # Copy remote ec2-remote over
-        self.log('Copying remote.py to remote machine.\n')
-        user_connection.sftp.put(
-            os.path.join(
-                os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'remote.py'),
-            '/var/launchpad/ec2test-remote.py')
-        # Set up launchpad login and email
-        as_user('bzr launchpad-login %s' % (self._launchpad_login,))
-        user_connection.close()
-    def prepare_tests(self):
-        user_connection = self._instance.connect()
-        # Clean up the test branch left in the instance image.
-        user_connection.perform('rm -rf /var/launchpad/test')
-        user_connection.perform(
-            'sudo mkdir /var/launchpad/test && '
-            'sudo mount -t tmpfs none /var/launchpad/test')
-        # Get trunk.
-        user_connection.run_with_ssh_agent(
-            'bzr branch --use-existing-dir %s /var/launchpad/test'
-            % (self._trunk_branch,))
-        # Merge the branch in.
-        if self._branch is not None:
-            user_connection.run_with_ssh_agent(
-                'cd /var/launchpad/test; bzr merge %s' % (self._branch,))
-        else:
-            self.log('(Testing trunk, so no branch merge.)')
-        # get newest sources
-        user_connection.run_with_ssh_agent(
-            "/var/launchpad/test/utilities/update-sourcecode "
-            "/var/launchpad/sourcecode")
-        # Get any new sourcecode branches as requested
-        for dest, src in self.branches:
-            fulldest = os.path.join('/var/launchpad/test/sourcecode', dest)
-            user_connection.run_with_ssh_agent(
-                'bzr branch --standalone %s %s' % (src, fulldest))
-        # prepare fresh copy of sourcecode and buildout sources for building
-        p = user_connection.perform
-        p('rm -rf /var/launchpad/tmp'
-            '&& mkdir /var/launchpad/tmp '
-            '&& sudo mount -t tmpfs none /var/launchpad/tmp')
-        p('mv /var/launchpad/sourcecode /var/launchpad/tmp/sourcecode')
-        p('mkdir /var/launchpad/tmp/eggs')
-        p('mkdir /var/launchpad/tmp/yui')
-        user_connection.run_with_ssh_agent(
-            'bzr pull lp:lp-source-dependencies '
-            '-d /var/launchpad/download-cache')
-        p(
-            'mv /var/launchpad/download-cache '
-            '/var/launchpad/tmp/download-cache')
-        if (self.include_download_cache_changes and
-            self.download_cache_additions):
-            root = os.path.realpath(
-                os.path.join(self.original_branch, 'download-cache'))
-            for info in self.download_cache_additions:
-                src = os.path.join(root, info[0])
-                self.log('Copying %s to remote machine.\n' % (src,))
-                user_connection.sftp.put(
-                    src,
-                    os.path.join(
-                        '/var/launchpad/tmp/download-cache', info[0]))
-        p('/var/launchpad/test/utilities/link-external-sourcecode '
-          '-p/var/launchpad/tmp -t/var/launchpad/test'),
-        # set up database
-        p('/var/launchpad/test/utilities/launchpad-database-setup $USER')
-        p('mkdir -p /var/tmp/launchpad_mailqueue/cur')
-        p('mkdir -p /var/tmp/launchpad_mailqueue/new')
-        p('mkdir -p /var/tmp/launchpad_mailqueue/tmp')
-        p('chmod -R a-w /var/tmp/launchpad_mailqueue/')
-        # close ssh connection
-        user_connection.close()
-    def run_demo_server(self):
-        """Turn ec2 instance into a demo server."""
-        self.configure_system()
-        self.prepare_tests()
-        user_connection = self._instance.connect()
-        p = user_connection.perform
-        p('make -C /var/launchpad/test schema')
-        p('mkdir -p /var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev/static')
-        p('mkdir -p /var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev/mirrors')
-        p('sudo a2enmod proxy > /dev/null')
-        p('sudo a2enmod proxy_http > /dev/null')
-        p('sudo a2enmod rewrite > /dev/null')
-        p('sudo a2enmod ssl > /dev/null')
-        p('sudo a2enmod deflate > /dev/null')
-        p('sudo a2enmod headers > /dev/null')
-        # Install apache config file.
-        p('cd /var/launchpad/test/; sudo make install')
-        # Use raw string to eliminate the need to escape the backslash.
-        # Put eth0's ip address in the /tmp/ip file.
-        p(r"ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' "
-          r"| sed -re 's/.*addr:([0-9.]*) .*/\1/' > /tmp/ip")
-        # Replace in Launchpad's apache config file with the
-        # ip address just stored in the /tmp/ip file. Perl allows for
-        # inplace editing unlike sed.
-        p('sudo perl -pi -e "s/$(cat /tmp/ip)/g" '
-          '/etc/apache2/sites-available/local-launchpad')
-        # Restart apache.
-        p('sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart')
-        # Build mailman and minified javascript, etc.
-        p('cd /var/launchpad/test/; make')
-        # Start launchpad in the background.
-        p('cd /var/launchpad/test/; make start')
-        # close ssh connection
-        user_connection.close()
-    def _build_command(self):
-        """Build the command that we'll use to run the tests."""
-        # Make sure we activate the failsafe --shutdown feature.  This will
-        # make the server shut itself down after the test run completes, or
-        # if the test harness suffers a critical failure.
-        cmd = ['python /var/launchpad/ec2test-remote.py --shutdown']
-        # Do we want to email the results to the user?
-        if self.email:
-            for email in self.email:
-                cmd.append("--email='%s'" % (
-                    email.encode('utf8').encode('string-escape'),))
-        # Do we want to submit the branch to PQM if the tests pass?
-        if self.message is not None:
-            cmd.append(
-                "--submit-pqm-message='%s'" % (
-                    pickle.dumps(
-                        self.message).encode(
-                        'base64').encode('string-escape'),))
-        # Do we want to disconnect the terminal once the test run starts?
-        if self.headless:
-            cmd.append('--daemon')
-        # Which branch do we want to test?
-        if self._branch is not None:
-            branch = self._branch
-            remote_branch = Branch.open(branch)
-            branch_revno = remote_branch.revno()
-        else:
-            branch = self._trunk_branch
-            branch_revno = None
-        cmd.append('--public-branch=%s' % branch)
-        if branch_revno is not None:
-            cmd.append('--public-branch-revno=%d' % branch_revno)
-        # Add any additional options for ec2test-remote.py
-        cmd.extend(['--', self.test_options])
-        return ' '.join(cmd)
-    def run_tests(self):
-        self.configure_system()
-        self.prepare_tests()
-        self.log(
-            'Running tests... (output is available on '
-            'http://%s/)\n' % self._instance.hostname)
-        # Try opening a browser pointed at the current test results.
-        if self.open_browser:
-            try:
-                import webbrowser
-            except ImportError:
-                self.log("Could not open web browser due to ImportError.")
-            else:
-                status = webbrowser.open(self._instance.hostname)
-                if not status:
-                    self.log("Could not open web browser.")
-        # Run the remote script!  Our execution will block here until the
-        # remote side disconnects from the terminal.
-        cmd = self._build_command()
-        user_connection = self._instance.connect()
-        user_connection.perform(cmd)
-        self._running = True
-        if not self.headless:
-            # We ran to completion locally, so we'll be in charge of shutting
-            # down the instance, in case the user has requested a postmortem.
-            #
-            # We only have 60 seconds to do this before the remote test
-            # script shuts the server down automatically.
-            user_connection.perform(
-                'kill `cat /var/launchpad/ec2test-remote.pid`')
-            # deliver results as requested
-            if self.file:
-                self.log(
-                    'Writing abridged test results to %s.\n' % self.file)
-                user_connection.sftp.get('/var/www/summary.log', self.file)
-        user_connection.close()

=== removed directory 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests'
=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/__init__.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/__init__.py	2009-10-05 19:20:37 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/__init__.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/remote_daemonization_test.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/remote_daemonization_test.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/remote_daemonization_test.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2010 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Script executed by test_remote.py to verify daemonization behaviour.
-See TestDaemonizationInteraction.
-import os
-import sys
-import traceback
-from devscripts.ec2test.remote import (
-    EC2Runner,
-    WebTestLogger,
-    )
-from devscripts.ec2test.tests.test_remote import TestRequest
-PID_FILENAME = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
-DIRECTORY = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2])
-LOG_FILENAME = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[3])
-def make_request():
-    """Just make a request."""
-    test = TestRequest('test_wants_email')
-    test.setUp()
-    try:
-        return test.make_request()
-    finally:
-        test.tearDown()
-def prepare_files(logger):
-    try:
-        logger.prepare()
-    except:
-        # If anything in the above fails, we want to be able to find out about
-        # it.  We can't use stdout or stderr because this is a daemon.
-        error_log = open(LOG_FILENAME, 'w')
-        traceback.print_exc(file=error_log)
-        error_log.close()
-request = make_request()
-logger = WebTestLogger.make_in_directory(DIRECTORY, request, True)
-runner = EC2Runner(
-    daemonize=True,
-    pid_filename=PID_FILENAME,
-    shutdown_when_done=False)
-runner.run("test daemonization interaction", prepare_files, logger)

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/test_ec2instance.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/test_ec2instance.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/test_ec2instance.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2010 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-# pylint: disable-msg=E0702
-"""Test handling of EC2 machine images."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-from unittest import TestCase
-from devscripts.ec2test.instance import EC2Instance
-from lp.testing.fakemethod import FakeMethod
-class FakeAccount:
-    """Helper for setting up an `EC2Instance` without EC2."""
-    acquire_private_key = FakeMethod()
-    acquire_security_group = FakeMethod()
-class FakeOutput:
-    """Pretend stdout/stderr output from EC2 instance."""
-    output = "Fake output."
-class FakeBotoInstance:
-    """Helper for setting up an `EC2Instance` without EC2."""
-    id = 0
-    state = 'running'
-    public_dns_name = 'fake-instance'
-    update = FakeMethod()
-    stop = FakeMethod()
-    get_console_output = FakeOutput
-class FakeReservation:
-    """Helper for setting up an `EC2Instance` without EC2."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.instances = [FakeBotoInstance()]
-class FakeImage:
-    """Helper for setting up an `EC2Instance` without EC2."""
-    run = FakeMethod(result=FakeReservation())
-class FakeFailure(Exception):
-    """A pretend failure from the test runner."""
-class TestEC2Instance(TestCase):
-    """Test running of an `EC2Instance` without EC2."""
-    def _makeInstance(self):
-        """Set up an `EC2Instance`, with stubbing where needed.
-        `EC2Instance.shutdown` is replaced with a `FakeMethod`, so check
-        its call_count to see whether it's been invoked.
-        """
-        session_name = None
-        image = FakeImage()
-        instance_type = 'c1.xlarge'
-        demo_networks = None
-        account = FakeAccount()
-        from_scratch = None
-        user_key = None
-        login = None
-        region = None
-        instance = EC2Instance(
-            session_name, image, instance_type, demo_networks, account,
-            from_scratch, user_key, login,
-            region)
-        instance.shutdown = FakeMethod()
-        instance._report_traceback = FakeMethod()
-        instance.log = FakeMethod()
-        return instance
-    def _runInstance(self, instance, runnee=None, headless=False):
-        """Set up and run an `EC2Instance` (but without EC2)."""
-        if runnee is None:
-            runnee = FakeMethod()
-        instance.set_up_and_run(False, not headless, runnee)
-    def test_EC2Instance_test_baseline(self):
-        # The EC2 instances we set up have neither started nor been shut
-        # down.  After running, they have started.
-        # Not a very useful test, except it establishes the basic
-        # assumptions for the other tests.
-        instance = self._makeInstance()
-        runnee = FakeMethod()
-        self.assertEqual(0, runnee.call_count)
-        self.assertEqual(0, instance.shutdown.call_count)
-        self._runInstance(instance, runnee=runnee)
-        self.assertEqual(1, runnee.call_count)
-    def test_set_up_and_run_headful(self):
-        # A non-headless run executes all tests in the instance, then
-        # shuts down.
-        instance = self._makeInstance()
-        self._runInstance(instance, headless=False)
-        self.assertEqual(1, instance.shutdown.call_count)
-    def test_set_up_and_run_headless(self):
-        # An asynchronous, headless run kicks off the tests on the
-        # instance but does not shut it down.
-        instance = self._makeInstance()
-        self._runInstance(instance, headless=True)
-        self.assertEqual(0, instance.shutdown.call_count)
-    def test_set_up_and_run_headful_failure(self):
-        # If the test runner barfs, the instance swallows the exception
-        # and shuts down.
-        instance = self._makeInstance()
-        runnee = FakeMethod(failure=FakeFailure("Headful barfage."))
-        self._runInstance(instance, runnee=runnee, headless=False)
-        self.assertEqual(1, instance.shutdown.call_count)
-    def test_set_up_and_run_headless_failure(self):
-        # If the instance's test runner fails to set up for a headless
-        # run, the instance swallows the exception and shuts down.
-        instance = self._makeInstance()
-        runnee = FakeMethod(failure=FakeFailure("Headless boom."))
-        self._runInstance(instance, runnee=runnee, headless=True)
-        self.assertEqual(1, instance.shutdown.call_count)

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/test_remote.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/test_remote.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/test_remote.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,1084 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2010 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Tests for the script run on the remote server."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-from datetime import (
-    datetime,
-    timedelta,
-    )
-import doctest
-from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
-from email.mime.text import MIMEText
-import gzip
-from itertools import izip
-import os
-from StringIO import StringIO
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-import traceback
-import unittest
-from bzrlib.config import GlobalConfig
-from bzrlib.tests import TestCaseWithTransport
-import simplejson
-from testtools import (
-    TestCase,
-    TestResult,
-    )
-from testtools.content import Content
-from testtools.content_type import ContentType
-from testtools.matchers import DocTestMatches
-from devscripts.ec2test.remote import (
-    EC2Runner,
-    FailureUpdateResult,
-    gunzip_data,
-    gzip_data,
-    LaunchpadTester,
-    remove_pidfile,
-    Request,
-    SummaryResult,
-    WebTestLogger,
-    write_pidfile,
-    )
-class LoggingSMTPConnection(object):
-    """An SMTPConnection double that logs sent email."""
-    def __init__(self, log):
-        self._log = log
-    def send_email(self, message):
-        self._log.append(message)
-class RequestHelpers:
-    def patch(self, obj, name, value):
-        orig = getattr(obj, name)
-        setattr(obj, name, value)
-        self.addCleanup(setattr, obj, name, orig)
-        return orig
-    def make_trunk(self, parent_url='http://example.com/bzr/trunk'):
-        """Make a trunk branch suitable for use with `Request`.
-        `Request` expects to be given a path to a working tree that has a
-        branch with a configured parent URL, so this helper returns such a
-        working tree.
-        """
-        nick = parent_url.strip('/').split('/')[-1]
-        tree = self.make_branch_and_tree(nick)
-        tree.branch.set_parent(parent_url)
-        return tree
-    def make_request(self, branch_url=None, revno=None,
-                     trunk=None, sourcecode_path=None,
-                     emails=None, pqm_message=None, emails_sent=None):
-        """Make a request to test, specifying only things we care about.
-        Note that the returned request object will not ever send email, but
-        will instead append "sent" emails to the list provided here as
-        'emails_sent'.
-        """
-        if trunk is None:
-            trunk = self.make_trunk()
-        if sourcecode_path is None:
-            sourcecode_path = self.make_sourcecode(
-                [('a', 'http://example.com/bzr/a', 2),
-                 ('b', 'http://example.com/bzr/b', 3),
-                 ('c', 'http://example.com/bzr/c', 5)])
-        if emails_sent is None:
-            emails_sent = []
-        smtp_connection = LoggingSMTPConnection(emails_sent)
-        request = Request(
-            branch_url, revno, trunk.basedir, sourcecode_path, emails,
-            pqm_message, smtp_connection)
-        return request
-    def make_sourcecode(self, branches):
-        """Make a sourcecode directory with sample branches.
-        :param branches: A list of (name, parent_url, revno) tuples.
-        :return: The path to the sourcecode directory.
-        """
-        self.build_tree(['sourcecode/'])
-        for name, parent_url, revno in branches:
-            tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('sourcecode/%s' % (name,))
-            tree.branch.set_parent(parent_url)
-            for i in range(revno):
-                tree.commit(message=str(i))
-        return 'sourcecode/'
-    def make_tester(self, logger=None, test_directory=None, test_options=()):
-        if not logger:
-            logger = self.make_logger()
-        return LaunchpadTester(logger, test_directory, test_options)
-    def make_logger(self, request=None, echo_to_stdout=False):
-        if request is None:
-            request = self.make_request()
-        return WebTestLogger(
-            'full.log', 'summary.log', 'index.html', request, echo_to_stdout)
-class TestSummaryResult(TestCase):
-    """Tests for `SummaryResult`."""
-    def makeException(self, factory=None, *args, **kwargs):
-        if factory is None:
-            factory = RuntimeError
-        try:
-            raise factory(*args, **kwargs)
-        except:
-            return sys.exc_info()
-    def test_formatError(self):
-        # SummaryResult._formatError() combines the name of the test, the kind
-        # of error and the details of the error in a nicely-formatted way.
-        result = SummaryResult(None)
-        output = result._formatError('FOO', 'test', 'error')
-        expected = '%s\nFOO: test\n%s\nerror\n' % (
-            result.double_line, result.single_line)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, output)
-    def test_addError(self):
-        # SummaryResult.addError doesn't write immediately.
-        stream = StringIO()
-        test = self
-        error = self.makeException()
-        result = SummaryResult(stream)
-        expected = result._formatError(
-            'ERROR', test, result._exc_info_to_string(error, test))
-        result.addError(test, error)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, stream.getvalue())
-    def test_addFailure_does_not_write_immediately(self):
-        # SummaryResult.addFailure doesn't write immediately.
-        stream = StringIO()
-        test = self
-        error = self.makeException()
-        result = SummaryResult(stream)
-        expected = result._formatError(
-            'FAILURE', test, result._exc_info_to_string(error, test))
-        result.addFailure(test, error)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, stream.getvalue())
-    def test_stopTest_flushes_stream(self):
-        # SummaryResult.stopTest() flushes the stream.
-        stream = StringIO()
-        flush_calls = []
-        stream.flush = lambda: flush_calls.append(None)
-        result = SummaryResult(stream)
-        result.stopTest(self)
-        self.assertEqual(1, len(flush_calls))
-class TestFailureUpdateResult(TestCaseWithTransport, RequestHelpers):
-    def makeException(self, factory=None, *args, **kwargs):
-        if factory is None:
-            factory = RuntimeError
-        try:
-            raise factory(*args, **kwargs)
-        except:
-            return sys.exc_info()
-    def test_addError_is_unsuccessful(self):
-        logger = self.make_logger()
-        result = FailureUpdateResult(logger)
-        result.addError(self, self.makeException())
-        self.assertEqual(False, logger.successful)
-    def test_addFailure_is_unsuccessful(self):
-        logger = self.make_logger()
-        result = FailureUpdateResult(logger)
-        result.addFailure(self, self.makeException(AssertionError))
-        self.assertEqual(False, logger.successful)
-class FakePopen:
-    """Fake Popen object so we don't have to spawn processes in tests."""
-    def __init__(self, output, exit_status):
-        self.stdout = StringIO(output)
-        self._exit_status = exit_status
-    def wait(self):
-        return self._exit_status
-class TestLaunchpadTester(TestCaseWithTransport, RequestHelpers):
-    def test_build_test_command_no_options(self):
-        # The LaunchpadTester runs "make check" if given no options.
-        tester = self.make_tester()
-        command = tester.build_test_command()
-        self.assertEqual(['make', 'check'], command)
-    def test_build_test_command_options(self):
-        # The LaunchpadTester runs 'make check TESTOPTIONS="<options>"' if
-        # given options.
-        tester = self.make_tester(test_options=('-vvv', '--subunit'))
-        command = tester.build_test_command()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ['make', 'check', 'TESTOPTS="-vvv --subunit"'], command)
-    def test_spawn_test_process(self):
-        # _spawn_test_process uses subprocess.Popen to run the command
-        # returned by build_test_command. stdout & stderr are piped together,
-        # the cwd is the test directory specified in the constructor, and the
-        # bufsize is zore, meaning "don't buffer".
-        popen_calls = []
-        self.patch(
-            subprocess, 'Popen',
-            lambda *args, **kwargs: popen_calls.append((args, kwargs)))
-        tester = self.make_tester(test_directory='test-directory')
-        tester._spawn_test_process()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [((tester.build_test_command(),),
-              {'bufsize': 0,
-               'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
-               'stderr': subprocess.STDOUT,
-               'cwd': 'test-directory'})], popen_calls)
-    def test_running_test(self):
-        # LaunchpadTester.test() runs the test command, and then calls
-        # got_result with the result.  This test is more of a smoke test to
-        # make sure that everything integrates well.
-        message = {'Subject': "One Crowded Hour"}
-        log = []
-        request = self.make_request(pqm_message=message, emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        tester = self.make_tester(logger=logger)
-        output = "test output\n"
-        tester._spawn_test_process = lambda: FakePopen(output, 0)
-        tester.test()
-        # Message being sent implies got_result thought it got a success.
-        self.assertEqual([message], log)
-    def test_failing_test(self):
-        # If LaunchpadTester gets a failing test, then it records that on the
-        # logger.
-        logger = self.make_logger()
-        tester = self.make_tester(logger=logger)
-        output = "test: foo\nerror: foo\n"
-        tester._spawn_test_process = lambda: FakePopen(output, 0)
-        tester.test()
-        self.assertEqual(False, logger.successful)
-    def test_error_in_testrunner(self):
-        # Any exception is raised within LaunchpadTester.test() is an error in
-        # the testrunner. When we detect these, we do three things:
-        #   1. Log the error to the logger using error_in_testrunner
-        #   2. Call got_result with a False value, indicating test suite
-        #      failure.
-        #   3. Re-raise the error. In the script, this triggers an email.
-        message = {'Subject': "One Crowded Hour"}
-        log = []
-        request = self.make_request(pqm_message=message, emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        tester = self.make_tester(logger=logger)
-        # Break the test runner deliberately. In production, this is more
-        # likely to be a system error than a programming error.
-        tester._spawn_test_process = lambda: 1/0
-        tester.test()
-        # Message not being sent implies got_result thought it got a failure.
-        self.assertEqual([], log)
-        self.assertIn("ERROR IN TESTRUNNER", logger.get_summary_contents())
-        self.assertIn("ZeroDivisionError", logger.get_summary_contents())
-    def test_nonzero_exit_code(self):
-        message = {'Subject': "One Crowded Hour"}
-        log = []
-        request = self.make_request(pqm_message=message, emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        tester = self.make_tester(logger=logger)
-        output = "test output\n"
-        tester._spawn_test_process = lambda: FakePopen(output, 10)
-        tester.test()
-        # Message not being sent implies got_result thought it got a failure.
-        self.assertEqual([], log)
-    def test_gather_test_output(self):
-        # LaunchpadTester._gather_test_output() summarises the output
-        # stream as a TestResult.
-        logger = self.make_logger()
-        tester = self.make_tester(logger=logger)
-        result = tester._gather_test_output(
-            ['test: test_failure', 'failure: test_failure',
-             'test: test_success', 'successful: test_success'],
-            logger)
-        self.assertEquals(2, result.testsRun)
-        self.assertEquals(1, len(result.failures))
-class TestPidfileHelpers(TestCase):
-    """Tests for `write_pidfile` and `remove_pidfile`."""
-    def test_write_pidfile(self):
-        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
-        self.addCleanup(os.unlink, path)
-        os.close(fd)
-        write_pidfile(path)
-        self.assertEqual(os.getpid(), int(open(path, 'r').read()))
-    def test_remove_pidfile(self):
-        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
-        os.close(fd)
-        write_pidfile(path)
-        remove_pidfile(path)
-        self.assertEqual(False, os.path.exists(path))
-    def test_remove_nonexistent_pidfile(self):
-        directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        path = os.path.join(directory, 'doesntexist')
-        remove_pidfile(path)
-        self.assertEqual(False, os.path.exists(path))
-class TestGzip(TestCase):
-    """Tests for gzip helpers."""
-    def test_gzip_data(self):
-        data = 'foobarbaz\n'
-        compressed = gzip_data(data)
-        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
-        os.write(fd, compressed)
-        os.close(fd)
-        self.assertEqual(data, gzip.open(path, 'r').read())
-    def test_gunzip_data(self):
-        data = 'foobarbaz\n'
-        compressed = gzip_data(data)
-        self.assertEqual(data, gunzip_data(compressed))
-class TestRequest(TestCaseWithTransport, RequestHelpers):
-    """Tests for `Request`."""
-    def test_doesnt_want_email(self):
-        # If no email addresses were provided, then the user does not want to
-        # receive email.
-        req = self.make_request()
-        self.assertEqual(False, req.wants_email)
-    def test_wants_email(self):
-        # If some email addresses were provided, then the user wants to
-        # receive email.
-        req = self.make_request(emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'])
-        self.assertEqual(True, req.wants_email)
-    def test_get_target_details(self):
-        parent = 'http://example.com/bzr/branch'
-        tree = self.make_trunk(parent)
-        req = self.make_request(trunk=tree)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            (parent, tree.branch.revno()), req.get_target_details())
-    def test_get_revno_target_only(self):
-        # If there's only a target branch, then the revno is the revno of that
-        # branch.
-        parent = 'http://example.com/bzr/branch'
-        tree = self.make_trunk(parent)
-        req = self.make_request(trunk=tree)
-        self.assertEqual(tree.branch.revno(), req.get_revno())
-    def test_get_revno_source_and_target(self):
-        # If we're merging in a branch, then the revno is the revno of the
-        # branch we're merging in.
-        tree = self.make_trunk()
-        # Fake a merge, giving silly revision ids.
-        tree.add_pending_merge('foo', 'bar')
-        req = self.make_request(
-            branch_url='https://example.com/bzr/thing', revno=42, trunk=tree)
-        self.assertEqual(42, req.get_revno())
-    def test_get_source_details_no_commits(self):
-        req = self.make_request(trunk=self.make_trunk())
-        self.assertEqual(None, req.get_source_details())
-    def test_get_source_details_no_merge(self):
-        tree = self.make_trunk()
-        tree.commit(message='foo')
-        req = self.make_request(trunk=tree)
-        self.assertEqual(None, req.get_source_details())
-    def test_get_source_details_merge(self):
-        tree = self.make_trunk()
-        # Fake a merge, giving silly revision ids.
-        tree.add_pending_merge('foo', 'bar')
-        req = self.make_request(
-            branch_url='https://example.com/bzr/thing', revno=42, trunk=tree)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ('https://example.com/bzr/thing', 42), req.get_source_details())
-    def test_get_nick_trunk_only(self):
-        tree = self.make_trunk(parent_url='http://example.com/bzr/db-devel')
-        req = self.make_request(trunk=tree)
-        self.assertEqual('db-devel', req.get_nick())
-    def test_get_nick_merge(self):
-        tree = self.make_trunk()
-        # Fake a merge, giving silly revision ids.
-        tree.add_pending_merge('foo', 'bar')
-        req = self.make_request(
-            branch_url='https://example.com/bzr/thing', revno=42, trunk=tree)
-        self.assertEqual('thing', req.get_nick())
-    def test_get_merge_description_trunk_only(self):
-        tree = self.make_trunk(parent_url='http://example.com/bzr/db-devel')
-        req = self.make_request(trunk=tree)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'db-devel r%s' % req.get_revno(), req.get_merge_description())
-    def test_get_merge_description_merge(self):
-        tree = self.make_trunk(parent_url='http://example.com/bzr/db-devel/')
-        tree.add_pending_merge('foo', 'bar')
-        req = self.make_request(
-            branch_url='https://example.com/bzr/thing', revno=42, trunk=tree)
-        self.assertEqual('thing => db-devel', req.get_merge_description())
-    def test_get_summary_commit(self):
-        # The summary commit message is the last commit message of the branch
-        # we're merging in.
-        trunk = self.make_trunk()
-        trunk.commit(message="a starting point")
-        thing_bzrdir = trunk.branch.bzrdir.sprout('thing')
-        thing = thing_bzrdir.open_workingtree()
-        thing.commit(message="a new thing")
-        trunk.merge_from_branch(thing.branch)
-        req = self.make_request(
-            branch_url='https://example.com/bzr/thing',
-            revno=thing.branch.revno(),
-            trunk=trunk)
-        self.assertEqual("a new thing", req.get_summary_commit())
-    def test_iter_dependency_branches(self):
-        # iter_dependency_branches yields a list of branches in the sourcecode
-        # directory, along with their parent URLs and their revnos.
-        sourcecode_branches = [
-            ('b', 'http://example.com/parent-b', 3),
-            ('a', 'http://example.com/parent-a', 2),
-            ('c', 'http://example.com/parent-c', 5),
-            ]
-        sourcecode_path = self.make_sourcecode(sourcecode_branches)
-        self.build_tree(
-            ['%s/not-a-branch/' % sourcecode_path,
-             '%s/just-a-file' % sourcecode_path])
-        req = self.make_request(sourcecode_path=sourcecode_path)
-        branches = list(req.iter_dependency_branches())
-        self.assertEqual(sorted(sourcecode_branches), branches)
-    def test_submit_to_pqm_no_message(self):
-        # If there's no PQM message, then 'submit_to_pqm' returns None.
-        req = self.make_request(pqm_message=None)
-        subject = req.submit_to_pqm(successful=True)
-        self.assertIs(None, subject)
-    def test_submit_to_pqm_no_message_doesnt_send(self):
-        # If there's no PQM message, then 'submit_to_pqm' returns None.
-        log = []
-        req = self.make_request(pqm_message=None, emails_sent=log)
-        req.submit_to_pqm(successful=True)
-        self.assertEqual([], log)
-    def test_submit_to_pqm_unsuccessful(self):
-        # submit_to_pqm returns the subject of the PQM mail even if it's
-        # handling a failed test run.
-        message = {'Subject': 'My PQM message'}
-        req = self.make_request(pqm_message=message)
-        subject = req.submit_to_pqm(successful=False)
-        self.assertIs(message.get('Subject'), subject)
-    def test_submit_to_pqm_unsuccessful_no_email(self):
-        # submit_to_pqm doesn't send any email if the run was unsuccessful.
-        message = {'Subject': 'My PQM message'}
-        log = []
-        req = self.make_request(pqm_message=message, emails_sent=log)
-        req.submit_to_pqm(successful=False)
-        self.assertEqual([], log)
-    def test_submit_to_pqm_successful(self):
-        # submit_to_pqm returns the subject of the PQM mail.
-        message = {'Subject': 'My PQM message'}
-        log = []
-        req = self.make_request(pqm_message=message, emails_sent=log)
-        subject = req.submit_to_pqm(successful=True)
-        self.assertIs(message.get('Subject'), subject)
-        self.assertEqual([message], log)
-    def test_report_email_subject_success(self):
-        req = self.make_request(emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'])
-        email = req._build_report_email(True, 'foo', 'gobbledygook')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'Test results: %s: SUCCESS' % req.get_merge_description(),
-            email['Subject'])
-    def test_report_email_subject_failure(self):
-        req = self.make_request(emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'])
-        email = req._build_report_email(False, 'foo', 'gobbledygook')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'Test results: %s: FAILURE' % req.get_merge_description(),
-            email['Subject'])
-    def test_report_email_recipients(self):
-        req = self.make_request(emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx', 'bar@xxxxxxxxxxx'])
-        email = req._build_report_email(False, 'foo', 'gobbledygook')
-        self.assertEqual('foo@xxxxxxxxxxx, bar@xxxxxxxxxxx', email['To'])
-    def test_report_email_sender(self):
-        req = self.make_request(emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'])
-        email = req._build_report_email(False, 'foo', 'gobbledygook')
-        self.assertEqual(GlobalConfig().username(), email['From'])
-    def test_report_email_body(self):
-        req = self.make_request(emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'])
-        email = req._build_report_email(False, 'foo', 'gobbledygook')
-        [body, attachment] = email.get_payload()
-        self.assertIsInstance(body, MIMEText)
-        self.assertEqual('inline', body['Content-Disposition'])
-        self.assertIn(
-            body['Content-Type'],
-            ['text/plain; charset="utf-8"', 'text/plain; charset="utf8"'])
-        self.assertEqual("foo", body.get_payload(decode=True))
-    def test_report_email_attachment(self):
-        req = self.make_request(emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'])
-        email = req._build_report_email(False, "foo", "gobbledygook")
-        [body, attachment] = email.get_payload()
-        self.assertIsInstance(attachment, MIMEApplication)
-        self.assertEqual('application/x-gzip', attachment['Content-Type'])
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'attachment; filename="%s-r%s.subunit.gz"' % (
-                req.get_nick(), req.get_revno()),
-            attachment['Content-Disposition'])
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "gobbledygook", attachment.get_payload(decode=True))
-    def test_send_report_email_sends_email(self):
-        log = []
-        req = self.make_request(emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'], emails_sent=log)
-        expected = req._build_report_email(False, "foo", "gobbledygook")
-        req.send_report_email(False, "foo", "gobbledygook")
-        [observed] = log
-        # The standard library sucks. None of the MIME objects have __eq__
-        # implementations.
-        for expected_part, observed_part in izip(
-            expected.walk(), observed.walk()):
-            self.assertEqual(type(expected_part), type(observed_part))
-            self.assertEqual(expected_part.items(), observed_part.items())
-            self.assertEqual(
-                expected_part.is_multipart(), observed_part.is_multipart())
-            if not expected_part.is_multipart():
-                self.assertEqual(
-                    expected_part.get_payload(), observed_part.get_payload())
-    def test_format_result_success(self):
-        class SomeTest(TestCase):
-            def test_a(self):
-                pass
-            def test_b(self):
-                pass
-            def test_c(self):
-                pass
-        test = unittest.TestSuite(map(SomeTest, ['test_' + x for x in 'abc']))
-        result = TestResult()
-        test.run(result)
-        tree = self.make_trunk()
-        # Fake a merge, giving silly revision ids.
-        tree.add_pending_merge('foo', 'bar')
-        req = self.make_request(
-            branch_url='https://example.com/bzr/thing', revno=42, trunk=tree)
-        source_branch, source_revno = req.get_source_details()
-        target_branch, target_revno = req.get_target_details()
-        start_time = datetime.utcnow()
-        end_time = start_time + timedelta(hours=1)
-        data = {
-            'source_branch': source_branch,
-            'source_revno': source_revno,
-            'target_branch': target_branch,
-            'target_revno': target_revno,
-            'start_time': str(start_time),
-            'duration': str(end_time - start_time),
-            'num_tests': result.testsRun,
-            'num_failures': len(result.failures),
-            'num_errors': len(result.errors),
-            }
-        result_text = req.format_result(result, start_time, end_time)
-        self.assertThat(
-            result_text, DocTestMatches("""\
-Tests started at approximately %(start_time)s
-Source: %(source_branch)s r%(source_revno)s
-Target: %(target_branch)s r%(target_revno)s
-%(num_tests)s tests run in %(duration)s, %(num_failures)s failures, \
-%(num_errors)s errors
-(See the attached file for the complete log)
-""" % data, doctest.REPORT_NDIFF | doctest.ELLIPSIS))
-    def test_format_result_with_errors(self):
-        class SomeTest(TestCase):
-            def test_ok(self):
-                pass
-            def test_fail(self):
-                self.fail("oh no")
-            def test_error(self):
-                1/0
-        fail_test = SomeTest('test_fail')
-        error_test = SomeTest('test_error')
-        test = unittest.TestSuite(
-            [fail_test, error_test, SomeTest('test_ok')])
-        result = TestResult()
-        test.run(result)
-        tree = self.make_trunk()
-        # Fake a merge, giving silly revision ids.
-        tree.add_pending_merge('foo', 'bar')
-        req = self.make_request(
-            branch_url='https://example.com/bzr/thing', revno=42, trunk=tree)
-        source_branch, source_revno = req.get_source_details()
-        target_branch, target_revno = req.get_target_details()
-        start_time = datetime.utcnow()
-        end_time = start_time + timedelta(hours=1)
-        data = {
-            'source_branch': source_branch,
-            'source_revno': source_revno,
-            'target_branch': target_branch,
-            'target_revno': target_revno,
-            'start_time': str(start_time),
-            'duration': str(end_time - start_time),
-            'fail_id': fail_test.id(),
-            'error_id': error_test.id(),
-            'num_tests': result.testsRun,
-            'num_failures': len(result.failures),
-            'num_errors': len(result.errors),
-            }
-        result_text = req.format_result(result, start_time, end_time)
-        self.assertThat(
-            result_text, DocTestMatches("""\
-Tests started at approximately %(start_time)s
-Source: %(source_branch)s r%(source_revno)s
-Target: %(target_branch)s r%(target_revno)s
-%(num_tests)s tests run in %(duration)s, %(num_failures)s failures, \
-%(num_errors)s errors
-Failing tests
-  %(fail_id)s
-Tests with errors
-  %(error_id)s
-FAILURE: test_fail...
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-ERROR: test_error...
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-(See the attached file for the complete log)
-""" % data, doctest.REPORT_NDIFF | doctest.ELLIPSIS))
-class TestWebTestLogger(TestCaseWithTransport, RequestHelpers):
-    def test_make_in_directory(self):
-        # WebTestLogger.make_in_directory constructs a logger that writes to a
-        # bunch of specific files in a directory.
-        self.build_tree(['www/'])
-        request = self.make_request()
-        logger = WebTestLogger.make_in_directory('www', request, False)
-        # A method on logger that writes to _everything_.
-        logger.prepare()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            logger.get_summary_contents(), open('www/summary.log').read())
-        self.assertEqual(
-            logger.get_full_log_contents(),
-            open('www/current_test.log').read())
-        self.assertEqual(
-            logger.get_index_contents(), open('www/index.html').read())
-    def test_initial_full_log(self):
-        # Initially, the full log has nothing in it.
-        logger = self.make_logger()
-        self.assertEqual('', logger.get_full_log_contents())
-    def test_initial_summary_contents(self):
-        # Initially, the summary log has nothing in it.
-        logger = self.make_logger()
-        self.assertEqual('', logger.get_summary_contents())
-    def test_initial_json(self):
-        self.build_tree(['www/'])
-        request = self.make_request()
-        logger = WebTestLogger.make_in_directory('www', request, False)
-        logger.prepare()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {'description': request.get_merge_description(),
-             'failed-yet': False,
-             },
-            simplejson.loads(open('www/info.json').read()))
-    def test_initial_success(self):
-        # The Logger initially thinks it is successful because there have been
-        # no failures yet.
-        logger = self.make_logger()
-        self.assertEqual(True, logger.successful)
-    def test_got_failure_changes_success(self):
-        # Logger.got_failure() tells the logger it is no longer successful.
-        logger = self.make_logger()
-        logger.got_failure()
-        self.assertEqual(False, logger.successful)
-    def test_got_failure_updates_json(self):
-        # Logger.got_failure() updates JSON so that interested parties can
-        # determine that it is unsuccessful.
-        self.build_tree(['www/'])
-        request = self.make_request()
-        logger = WebTestLogger.make_in_directory('www', request, False)
-        logger.prepare()
-        logger.got_failure()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {'description': request.get_merge_description(),
-             'failed-yet': True,
-             },
-            simplejson.loads(open('www/info.json').read()))
-    def test_got_line_no_echo(self):
-        # got_line forwards the line to the full log, but does not forward to
-        # stdout if echo_to_stdout is False.
-        stdout = StringIO()
-        self.patch(sys, 'stdout', stdout)
-        logger = self.make_logger(echo_to_stdout=False)
-        logger.got_line("output from script\n")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "output from script\n", logger.get_full_log_contents())
-        self.assertEqual("", stdout.getvalue())
-    def test_got_line_echo(self):
-        # got_line forwards the line to the full log, and to stdout if
-        # echo_to_stdout is True.
-        stdout = StringIO()
-        self.patch(sys, 'stdout', stdout)
-        logger = self.make_logger(echo_to_stdout=True)
-        logger.got_line("output from script\n")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "output from script\n", logger.get_full_log_contents())
-        self.assertEqual("output from script\n", stdout.getvalue())
-    def test_write_line(self):
-        # write_line writes a line to both the full log and the summary log.
-        logger = self.make_logger()
-        logger.write_line('foo')
-        self.assertEqual('foo\n', logger.get_full_log_contents())
-        self.assertEqual('foo\n', logger.get_summary_contents())
-    def test_error_in_testrunner_logs_to_summary(self):
-        # error_in_testrunner logs the traceback to the summary log in a very
-        # prominent way.
-        try:
-            1/0
-        except ZeroDivisionError:
-            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
-        stack = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info))
-        logger = self.make_logger()
-        logger.error_in_testrunner(exc_info)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "\n\nERROR IN TESTRUNNER\n\n%s" % (stack,),
-            logger.get_summary_contents())
-    def test_error_in_testrunner_sends_email(self):
-        # If email addresses are configurd, error_in_testrunner emails them
-        # with the failure and the full log.
-        try:
-            1/0
-        except ZeroDivisionError:
-            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
-        log = []
-        request = self.make_request(
-            emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'], emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        logger.error_in_testrunner(exc_info)
-        [email] = log
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'Test results: %s: FAILURE' % request.get_merge_description(),
-            email['Subject'])
-        [body, attachment] = email.get_payload()
-        self.assertIsInstance(body, MIMEText)
-        self.assertEqual('inline', body['Content-Disposition'])
-        self.assertIn(
-            body['Content-Type'],
-            ['text/plain; charset="utf-8"', 'text/plain; charset="utf8"'])
-        self.assertEqual(
-            logger.get_summary_contents(), body.get_payload(decode=True))
-        self.assertIsInstance(attachment, MIMEApplication)
-        self.assertEqual('application/x-gzip', attachment['Content-Type'])
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'attachment;',
-            attachment['Content-Disposition'][:len('attachment;')])
-        self.assertEqual(
-            logger.get_full_log_contents(),
-            gunzip_data(attachment.get_payload().decode('base64')))
-class TestEC2Runner(TestCaseWithTransport, RequestHelpers):
-    def make_ec2runner(self, emails=None, email_log=None):
-        if email_log is None:
-            email_log = []
-        smtp_connection = LoggingSMTPConnection(email_log)
-        return EC2Runner(
-            False, "who-cares.pid", False, smtp_connection, emails=emails)
-    def test_run(self):
-        # EC2Runner.run() runs the given function, passing through whatever
-        # arguments and keyword arguments it has been given.
-        calls = []
-        runner = self.make_ec2runner()
-        def function(*args, **kwargs):
-            calls.append((args, kwargs))
-        runner.run("boring test method", function, "foo", "bar", baz="qux")
-        self.assertEqual([(("foo", "bar"), {'baz': 'qux'})], calls)
-    def test_email_on_failure_no_emails(self):
-        # If no emails are specified, then no email is sent on failure.
-        log = []
-        runner = self.make_ec2runner(email_log=log)
-        self.assertRaises(
-            ZeroDivisionError, runner.run, "failing method", lambda: 1/0)
-        self.assertEqual([], log)
-    def test_email_on_failure_some_emails(self):
-        # If emails *are* specified, then an email is sent on failure.
-        log = []
-        runner = self.make_ec2runner(
-            email_log=log, emails=["foo@xxxxxxxxxxx"])
-        self.assertRaises(
-            ZeroDivisionError, runner.run, "failing method", lambda: 1/0)
-        # XXX: Expect this to fail. Fix the test to be more correct.
-        [message] = log
-        self.assertEqual('failing method FAILED', message['Subject'])
-        self.assertEqual('foo@xxxxxxxxxxx', message['To'])
-        self.assertIn('ZeroDivisionError', str(message))
-    def test_email_with_launchpad_tester_failure(self):
-        # LaunchpadTester sends email on catastrophic failure.
-        email_log = []
-        to_emails = ['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx']
-        request = self.make_request(emails=to_emails, emails_sent=email_log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        tester = self.make_tester(logger=logger)
-        # Deliberately break 'tester'.  A likely failure in production is not
-        # being able to spawn the child process.
-        tester._spawn_test_process = lambda: 1/0
-        runner = self.make_ec2runner(emails=to_emails, email_log=email_log)
-        runner.run("launchpad tester", tester.test)
-        # The primary thing we care about is that email *was* sent.
-        self.assertNotEqual([], email_log)
-        [tester_msg] = email_log
-        self.assertEqual('foo@xxxxxxxxxxx', tester_msg['To'])
-        self.assertIn(
-            'ZeroDivisionError',
-            tester_msg.get_payload()[0].get_payload(decode=True))
-class TestDaemonizationInteraction(TestCaseWithTransport, RequestHelpers):
-    script_file = 'remote_daemonization_test.py'
-    def run_script(self, script_file, pidfile, directory, logfile):
-        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), script_file)
-        popen = subprocess.Popen(
-            [sys.executable, path, pidfile, directory, logfile],
-            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-        stdout, stderr = popen.communicate()
-        self.assertEqual((0, '', ''), (popen.returncode, stdout, stderr))
-        # Make sure the daemon is finished doing its thing.
-        while os.path.exists(pidfile):
-            time.sleep(0.01)
-        # If anything was written to 'logfile' while the script was running,
-        # we want it to appear in our test errors.  This way, stack traces in
-        # the script are visible to us as test runners.
-        if os.path.exists(logfile):
-            content_type = ContentType("text", "plain", {"charset": "utf8"})
-            content = Content(content_type, open(logfile).read)
-            self.addDetail('logfile', content)
-    def test_daemonization(self):
-        # Daemonizing something can do funny things to its behavior. This test
-        # runs a script that's very similar to remote.py but only does
-        # "logger.prepare".
-        pidfile = "%s.pid" % self.id()
-        directory = 'www'
-        logfile = "%s.log" % self.id()
-        self.run_script(self.script_file, pidfile, directory, logfile)
-        # Check that the output from the daemonized version matches the output
-        # from a normal version. Only checking one of the files, since this is
-        # more of a smoke test than a correctness test.
-        logger = self.make_logger()
-        logger.prepare()
-        expected_summary = logger.get_summary_contents()
-        observed_summary = open(os.path.join(directory, 'summary.log')).read()
-        # The first line contains a timestamp, so we ignore it.
-        self.assertEqual(
-            expected_summary.splitlines()[1:],
-            observed_summary.splitlines()[1:])
-class TestResultHandling(TestCaseWithTransport, RequestHelpers):
-    """Tests for how we handle the result at the end of the test suite."""
-    def get_body_text(self, email):
-        return email.get_payload()[0].get_payload(decode=True)
-    def make_empty_result(self):
-        return TestResult()
-    def make_successful_result(self):
-        result = self.make_empty_result()
-        result.startTest(self)
-        result.stopTest(self)
-        return result
-    def make_failing_result(self):
-        result = self.make_empty_result()
-        result.startTest(self)
-        try:
-            1/0
-        except ZeroDivisionError:
-            result.addError(self, sys.exc_info())
-        result.stopTest(self)
-        return result
-    def test_success_no_emails(self):
-        log = []
-        request = self.make_request(emails=[], emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        logger.got_result(self.make_successful_result())
-        self.assertEqual([], log)
-    def test_failure_no_emails(self):
-        log = []
-        request = self.make_request(emails=[], emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        logger.got_result(self.make_failing_result())
-        self.assertEqual([], log)
-    def test_submits_to_pqm_on_success(self):
-        log = []
-        message = {'Subject': 'foo'}
-        request = self.make_request(
-            emails=[], pqm_message=message, emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        logger.got_result(self.make_successful_result())
-        self.assertEqual([message], log)
-    def test_records_pqm_submission_in_email(self):
-        log = []
-        message = {'Subject': 'foo'}
-        request = self.make_request(
-            emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'], pqm_message=message, emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        logger.got_result(self.make_successful_result())
-        [pqm_message, user_message] = log
-        self.assertEqual(message, pqm_message)
-        self.assertIn(
-            'SUBMITTED TO PQM:\n%s' % (message['Subject'],),
-            self.get_body_text(user_message))
-    def test_doesnt_submit_to_pqm_on_failure(self):
-        log = []
-        message = {'Subject': 'foo'}
-        request = self.make_request(
-            emails=[], pqm_message=message, emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        logger.got_result(self.make_failing_result())
-        self.assertEqual([], log)
-    def test_records_non_pqm_submission_in_email(self):
-        log = []
-        message = {'Subject': 'foo'}
-        request = self.make_request(
-            emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'], pqm_message=message, emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        logger.got_result(self.make_failing_result())
-        [user_message] = log
-        self.assertIn(
-            '**NOT** submitted to PQM:\n%s' % (message['Subject'],),
-            self.get_body_text(user_message))
-    def test_email_refers_to_attached_log(self):
-        log = []
-        request = self.make_request(
-            emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'], emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        logger.got_result(self.make_failing_result())
-        [user_message] = log
-        self.assertIn(
-            '(See the attached file for the complete log)\n',
-            self.get_body_text(user_message))
-    def test_email_body_is_format_result(self):
-        # The body of the email sent to the user is the summary file.
-        log = []
-        request = self.make_request(
-            emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'], emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        result = self.make_failing_result()
-        logger.got_result(result)
-        [user_message] = log
-        self.assertEqual(
-            request.format_result(
-                result, logger._start_time, logger._end_time),
-            self.get_body_text(user_message))
-    def test_gzip_of_full_log_attached(self):
-        # The full log is attached to the email.
-        log = []
-        request = self.make_request(
-            emails=['foo@xxxxxxxxxxx'], emails_sent=log)
-        logger = self.make_logger(request=request)
-        logger.got_line("output from test process\n")
-        logger.got_line("more output\n")
-        logger.got_result(self.make_successful_result())
-        [user_message] = log
-        [body, attachment] = user_message.get_payload()
-        self.assertEqual('application/x-gzip', attachment['Content-Type'])
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'attachment;',
-            attachment['Content-Disposition'][:len('attachment;')])
-        attachment_contents = attachment.get_payload().decode('base64')
-        uncompressed = gunzip_data(attachment_contents)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "output from test process\nmore output\n", uncompressed)
-def test_suite():
-    return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/test_session.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/test_session.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/test_session.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Test the session module."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-from datetime import (
-    datetime,
-    timedelta,
-    )
-import re
-import unittest
-from devscripts.ec2test import session
-class TestEC2SessionName(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for EC2SessionName."""
-    def test_make(self):
-        # EC2SessionName.make() is the most convenient way to create
-        # valid names.
-        name = session.EC2SessionName.make("fred")
-        check = re.compile(
-            r'^fred/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}/[0-9a-zA-Z]{8}$').match
-        self.failIf(check(name) is None, "Did not match %r" % name)
-        possible_expires = [
-            None, '1986-04-26-0123', timedelta(hours=10),
-            datetime(1986, 04, 26, 1, 23)
-            ]
-        for expires in possible_expires:
-            name = session.EC2SessionName.make("fred", expires)
-            self.failIf(check(name) is None, "Did not match %r" % name)
-    def test_properties(self):
-        # A valid EC2SessionName has properies to access the three
-        # components of its name.
-        base = "fred"
-        timestamp = datetime(1986, 4, 26, 1, 23)
-        timestamp_string = '1986-04-26-0123'
-        rand = 'abcdef123456'
-        name = session.EC2SessionName(
-            "%s/%s/%s" % (base, timestamp_string, rand))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(base, name.base)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(timestamp, name.expires)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(rand, name.rand)
-    def test_invalid_base(self):
-        # If the given base contains a forward-slash, an
-        # AssertionError should be raised.
-        self.failUnlessRaises(
-            AssertionError, session.EC2SessionName.make, "forward/slash")
-    def test_invalid_timestamp(self):
-        # If the given expiry timestamp contains a forward-slash, an
-        # AssertionError should be raised.
-        self.failUnlessRaises(
-            AssertionError, session.EC2SessionName.make, "fred", "/")
-        # If the given expiry timestamp does not contain a timestamp
-        # in the correct form, an AssertionError should be raised.
-        self.failUnlessRaises(
-            AssertionError, session.EC2SessionName.make, "fred", "1986.04.26")
-    def test_form_not_correct(self):
-        # If the form of the string is not base/timestamp/rand then
-        # the corresponding properties should all return None.
-        broken_name = session.EC2SessionName('bob')
-        self.failUnless(broken_name.base is None)
-        self.failUnless(broken_name.expires is None)
-        self.failUnless(broken_name.rand is None)

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/test_utils.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/test_utils.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/tests/test_utils.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Test the utils module."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-from datetime import datetime
-import unittest
-from devscripts.ec2test import utils
-class TestDateTimeUtils(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for date/time related utilities."""
-    example_date = datetime(1986, 4, 26, 1, 23)
-    example_date_string = '1986-04-26-0123'
-    example_date_text = (
-        'blah blah foo blah 23545 646 ' +
-        example_date_string + ' 435 blah')
-    def test_make_datetime_string(self):
-        self.failUnlessEqual(
-            self.example_date_string,
-            utils.make_datetime_string(self.example_date))
-    def test_find_datetime_string(self):
-        self.failUnlessEqual(
-            self.example_date,
-            utils.find_datetime_string(self.example_date_string))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(
-            self.example_date,
-            utils.find_datetime_string(self.example_date_text))
-class TestRandomUtils(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for randomness related utilities."""
-    hex_chars = frozenset('0123456789abcdefABCDEF')
-    def test_make_random_string(self):
-        rand_a = utils.make_random_string()
-        rand_b = utils.make_random_string()
-        self.failIfEqual(rand_a, rand_b)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(32, len(rand_a))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(32, len(rand_b))
-        self.failUnless(self.hex_chars.issuperset(rand_a))
-        self.failUnless(self.hex_chars.issuperset(rand_b))
-    def test_make_random_string_with_length(self):
-        for length in (8, 16, 64):
-            rand = utils.make_random_string(length)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(length, len(rand))
-            self.failUnless(self.hex_chars.issuperset(rand))
-    def test_make_random_string_with_bad_length(self):
-        # length must be a multiple of 2.
-        self.failUnlessRaises(
-            AssertionError, utils.make_random_string, 15)

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/ec2test/utils.py'
--- lib/devscripts/ec2test/utils.py	2009-10-05 19:20:37 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/ec2test/utils.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""General useful stuff."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = [
-    'find_datetime_string',
-    'make_datetime_string',
-    'make_random_string',
-    ]
-import binascii
-import datetime
-import os
-import re
-def make_datetime_string(when=None):
-    """Generate a simple formatted date and time string.
-    This is intended to be embedded in text to be later found by
-    `find_datetime_string`.
-    """
-    if when is None:
-        when = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-    return when.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M')
-re_find_datetime = re.compile(
-    r'(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(\d{2})')
-def find_datetime_string(text):
-    """Search for a simple date and time in arbitrary text.
-    The format searched for is %Y-%m-%d-%H%M - the same as produced by
-    `make_datetime_string`.
-    """
-    match = re_find_datetime.search(text)
-    if match is None:
-        return None
-    else:
-        return datetime.datetime(
-            *(int(part) for part in match.groups()))
-def make_random_string(length=32):
-    """Return a simple random UUID.
-    The uuid module is only available in Python 2.5 and above, but a
-    simple non-RFC-compliant hack here is sufficient.
-    """
-    assert length % 2 == 0, "length must be a multiple of 2"
-    return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(length/2))

=== removed file 'lib/devscripts/tests/test_autoland.py'
--- lib/devscripts/tests/test_autoland.py	2012-01-01 03:03:28 +0000
+++ lib/devscripts/tests/test_autoland.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Tests for automatic landing thing."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-import re
-import unittest
-from launchpadlib.launchpad import (
-    )
-from devscripts.autoland import (
-    get_bazaar_host,
-    get_bugs_clause,
-    get_qa_clause,
-    get_reviewer_clause,
-    get_reviewer_handle,
-    get_testfix_clause,
-    MergeProposal,
-    MissingBugsError,
-    MissingBugsIncrementalError,
-    MissingReviewError,
-    )
-from lp.testing.fakemethod import FakeMethod
-class FakeBugTask:
-    def __init__(self, target_name, status):
-        self.bug_target_name = target_name
-        self.status = status
-class FakeBug:
-    """Fake launchpadlib Bug object.
-    Only used for the purposes of testing.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, id, bug_tasks=None):
-        self.id = id
-        if bug_tasks is None:
-            bug_tasks = [FakeBugTask('launchpad', 'Triaged')]
-        self.bug_tasks = bug_tasks
-class FakePerson:
-    """Fake launchpadlib Person object.
-    Only used for the purposes of testing.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name, irc_handles):
-        self.name = name
-        self.irc_nicknames = list(irc_handles)
-class FakeIRC:
-    """Fake IRC handle.
-    Only used for the purposes of testing.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, nickname, network):
-        self.nickname = nickname
-        self.network = network
-class FakeLPMergeProposal:
-    """Fake launchpadlib MergeProposal object.
-    Only used for the purposes of testing.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, root=None):
-        self._root = root
-        self.commit_message = None
-    def lp_save(self):
-        pass
-class TestPQMRegexAcceptance(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests if the generated commit message is accepted by PQM regexes."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        # PQM regexes; might need update once in a while
-        self.devel_open_re = ("(?is)^\s*(:?\[testfix\])?\[(?:"
-            "release-critical=[^\]]+|rs?=[^\]]+)\]")
-        self.dbdevel_normal_re = ("(?is)^\s*(:?\[testfix\])?\[(?:"
-            "release-critical|rs?=[^\]]+)\]")
-        self.mp = MergeProposal(FakeLPMergeProposal())
-        self.fake_bug = FakeBug(20)
-        self.fake_person = FakePerson('foo', [])
-        self.mp.get_bugs = FakeMethod([self.fake_bug])
-        self.mp.get_reviews = FakeMethod({None : [self.fake_person]})
-    def assertRegexpMatches(self, text, expected_regexp, msg=None):
-        """Fail the test unless the text matches the regular expression.
-        Method default in Python 2.7. Can be removed as soon as LP goes 2.7.
-        """
-        if isinstance(expected_regexp, basestring):
-            expected_regexp = re.compile(expected_regexp)
-        if not expected_regexp.search(text):
-            msg = msg or "Regexp didn't match"
-            msg = '%s: %r not found in %r' % (msg, expected_regexp.pattern,
-                text)
-            raise self.failureException(msg)
-    def _test_commit_message_match(self, incr, no_qa, testfix):
-        commit_message = self.mp.build_commit_message("Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-            testfix, no_qa, incr)
-        self.assertRegexpMatches(commit_message, self.devel_open_re)
-        self.assertRegexpMatches(commit_message, self.dbdevel_normal_re)
-    def test_testfix_match(self):
-        self._test_commit_message_match(incr=False, no_qa=False, testfix=True)
-    def test_regular_match(self):
-        self._test_commit_message_match(incr=False, no_qa=False, testfix=False)
-    def test_noqa_match(self):
-        self._test_commit_message_match(incr=False, no_qa=True, testfix=False)
-    def test_incr_match(self):
-        self._test_commit_message_match(incr=True, no_qa=False, testfix=False)
-class TestBugsClause(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for `get_bugs_clause`."""
-    def test_no_bugs(self):
-        # If there are no bugs, then there is no bugs clause.
-        bugs_clause = get_bugs_clause([])
-        self.assertEqual('', bugs_clause)
-    def test_one_bug(self):
-        # If there's a bug, then the bugs clause is [bug=$ID].
-        bug = FakeBug(45)
-        bugs_clause = get_bugs_clause([bug])
-        self.assertEqual('[bug=45]', bugs_clause)
-    def test_two_bugs(self):
-        # If there are two bugs, then the bugs clause is [bug=$ID,$ID].
-        bug1 = FakeBug(20)
-        bug2 = FakeBug(45)
-        bugs_clause = get_bugs_clause([bug1, bug2])
-        self.assertEqual('[bug=20,45]', bugs_clause)
-    def test_fixed_bugs_are_excluded(self):
-        # If a bug is fixed then it is excluded from the bugs clause.
-        bug1 = FakeBug(20)
-        bug2 = FakeBug(45, bug_tasks=[
-            FakeBugTask('fake-project', 'Fix Released')])
-        bug3 = FakeBug(67, bug_tasks=[
-            FakeBugTask('fake-project', 'Fix Committed')])
-        bugs_clause = get_bugs_clause([bug1, bug2, bug3])
-        self.assertEqual('[bug=20]', bugs_clause)
-    def test_bugs_open_on_launchpad_are_included(self):
-        # If a bug has been fixed on one target but not in launchpad, then it
-        # is included in the bugs clause, because it's relevant to launchpad
-        # QA.
-        bug = FakeBug(20, bug_tasks=[
-            FakeBugTask('fake-project', 'Fix Released'),
-            FakeBugTask('launchpad', 'Triaged')])
-        bugs_clause = get_bugs_clause([bug])
-        self.assertEqual('[bug=20]', bugs_clause)
-    def test_bugs_fixed_on_launchpad_but_open_in_others_are_excluded(self):
-        # If a bug has been fixed in Launchpad but not fixed on a different
-        # target, then it is excluded from the bugs clause, since we don't
-        # want to QA it.
-        bug = FakeBug(20, bug_tasks=[
-            FakeBugTask('fake-project', 'Triaged'),
-            FakeBugTask('launchpad', 'Fix Released')])
-        bugs_clause = get_bugs_clause([bug])
-        self.assertEqual('', bugs_clause)
-class TestGetCommitMessage(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.mp = MergeProposal(FakeLPMergeProposal())
-        self.fake_bug = FakeBug(20)
-        self.fake_person = self.makePerson('foo')
-    def makePerson(self, name):
-        return FakePerson(name, [])
-    def test_commit_with_bugs(self):
-        incr = False
-        no_qa = False
-        testfix = False
-        self.mp.get_bugs = FakeMethod([self.fake_bug])
-        self.mp.get_reviews = FakeMethod({None : [self.fake_person]})
-        self.assertEqual("[r=foo][bug=20] Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-            self.mp.build_commit_message("Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-                testfix, no_qa, incr))
-    def test_commit_no_bugs_no_noqa(self):
-        incr = False
-        no_qa = False
-        testfix = False
-        self.mp.get_bugs = FakeMethod([])
-        self.mp.get_reviews = FakeMethod({None : [self.fake_person]})
-        self.assertRaises(MissingBugsError, self.mp.build_commit_message,
-            testfix, no_qa, incr)
-    def test_commit_no_bugs_with_noqa(self):
-        incr = False
-        no_qa = True
-        testfix = False
-        self.mp.get_bugs = FakeMethod([])
-        self.mp.get_reviews = FakeMethod({None : [self.fake_person]})
-        self.assertEqual("[r=foo][no-qa] Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-            self.mp.build_commit_message("Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-                testfix, no_qa, incr))
-    def test_commit_bugs_with_noqa(self):
-        incr = False
-        no_qa = True
-        testfix = False
-        self.mp.get_bugs = FakeMethod([self.fake_bug])
-        self.mp.get_reviews = FakeMethod({None : [self.fake_person]})
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "[r=foo][bug=20][no-qa] Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-            self.mp.build_commit_message("Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-                testfix, no_qa, incr))
-    def test_commit_bugs_with_incr(self):
-        incr = True
-        no_qa = False
-        testfix = False
-        self.mp.get_bugs = FakeMethod([self.fake_bug])
-        self.mp.get_reviews = FakeMethod({None : [self.fake_person]})
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "[r=foo][bug=20][incr] Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-            self.mp.build_commit_message("Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-                testfix, no_qa, incr))
-    def test_commit_no_bugs_with_incr(self):
-        incr = True
-        no_qa = False
-        testfix = False
-        self.mp.get_bugs = FakeMethod([self.fake_bug])
-        self.mp.get_reviews = FakeMethod({None : [self.fake_person]})
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "[r=foo][bug=20][incr] Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-            self.mp.build_commit_message("Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-                testfix, no_qa, incr))
-    def test_commit_with_noqa_and_incr(self):
-        incr = True
-        no_qa = True
-        testfix = False
-        self.mp.get_bugs = FakeMethod([self.fake_bug])
-        self.mp.get_reviews = FakeMethod({None : [self.fake_person]})
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "[r=foo][bug=20][no-qa][incr] Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-            self.mp.build_commit_message("Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-                testfix, no_qa, incr))
-    def test_commit_with_rollback(self):
-        self.mp.get_bugs = FakeMethod([self.fake_bug])
-        self.mp.get_reviews = FakeMethod({None : [self.fake_person]})
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "[r=foo][bug=20][rollback=123] Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-            self.mp.build_commit_message("Foobaring the sbrubble.", 
-                rollback=123))
-    def test_takes_into_account_existing_tags_on_commit_text(self):
-        self.mp.get_bugs = FakeMethod([self.fake_bug])
-        self.mp.get_reviews = FakeMethod({None : [self.fake_person]})
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "[r=foo][bug=20][rollback=123] Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-            self.mp.build_commit_message(
-                "[r=foo][bug=20][rollback=123] Foobaring the sbrubble.",
-                rollback=123))
-class TestSetCommitMessage(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.mp = MergeProposal(FakeLPMergeProposal())
-    def test_set_commit_message(self):
-        commit_message = "Foobaring the sbrubble."
-        self.mp.set_commit_message(commit_message)
-        self.assertEqual(self.mp._mp.commit_message, commit_message)
-class TestGetTestfixClause(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for `get_testfix_clause`"""
-    def test_no_testfix(self):
-        testfix = False
-        self.assertEqual('', get_testfix_clause(testfix))
-    def test_is_testfix(self):
-        testfix = True
-        self.assertEqual('[testfix]', get_testfix_clause(testfix))
-class TestGetQaClause(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for `get_qa_clause`"""
-    def test_no_bugs_no_option_given(self):
-        bugs = None
-        no_qa = False
-        incr = False
-        self.assertRaises(MissingBugsError, get_qa_clause, bugs, no_qa,
-            incr)
-    def test_bugs_noqa_option_given(self):
-        bug1 = FakeBug(20)
-        no_qa = True
-        incr = False
-        self.assertEqual('[no-qa]',
-            get_qa_clause([bug1], no_qa, incr))
-    def test_no_bugs_noqa_option_given(self):
-        bugs = None
-        no_qa = True
-        incr = False
-        self.assertEqual('[no-qa]',
-            get_qa_clause(bugs, no_qa, incr))
-    def test_bugs_no_option_given(self):
-        bug1 = FakeBug(20)
-        no_qa = False
-        incr = False
-        self.assertEqual('',
-            get_qa_clause([bug1], no_qa, incr))
-    def test_bugs_incr_option_given(self):
-        bug1 = FakeBug(20)
-        no_qa = False
-        incr = True
-        self.assertEqual('[incr]',
-            get_qa_clause([bug1], no_qa, incr))
-    def test_no_bugs_incr_option_given(self):
-        bugs = None
-        no_qa = False
-        incr = True
-        self.assertRaises(MissingBugsIncrementalError,
-            get_qa_clause, bugs, no_qa, incr)
-    def test_bugs_incr_and_noqa_option_given(self):
-        bug1 = FakeBug(20)
-        no_qa = True
-        incr = True
-        self.assertEqual('[no-qa][incr]',
-            get_qa_clause([bug1], no_qa, incr))
-    def test_rollback_given(self):
-        bugs = None
-        self.assertEqual('[rollback=123]',
-            get_qa_clause(bugs, rollback=123))
-    def test_rollback_and_noqa_and_incr_given(self):
-        bugs = None
-        self.assertEqual('[rollback=123]', get_qa_clause(bugs, rollback=123))
-class TestGetReviewerHandle(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for `get_reviewer_handle`."""
-    def makePerson(self, name, irc_handles):
-        return FakePerson(name, irc_handles)
-    def test_no_irc_nicknames(self):
-        # If the person has no IRC nicknames, their reviewer handle is their
-        # Launchpad user name.
-        person = self.makePerson(name='foo', irc_handles=[])
-        self.assertEqual('foo', get_reviewer_handle(person))
-    def test_freenode_irc_nick_preferred(self):
-        # If the person has a Freenode IRC nickname, then that is preferred as
-        # their user handle.
-        person = self.makePerson(
-            name='foo', irc_handles=[FakeIRC('bar', 'irc.freenode.net')])
-        self.assertEqual('bar', get_reviewer_handle(person))
-    def test_non_freenode_nicks_ignored(self):
-        # If the person has IRC nicks that aren't freenode, we ignore them.
-        person = self.makePerson(
-            name='foo', irc_handles=[FakeIRC('bar', 'irc.efnet.net')])
-        self.assertEqual('foo', get_reviewer_handle(person))
-class TestGetReviewerClause(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for `get_reviewer_clause`."""
-    def makePerson(self, name):
-        return FakePerson(name, [])
-    def get_reviewer_clause(self, reviewers):
-        return get_reviewer_clause(reviewers)
-    def test_one_reviewer_no_type(self):
-        # It's very common for a merge proposal to be reviewed by one person
-        # with no specified type of review. It such cases the review clause is
-        # '[r=<person>]'.
-        clause = self.get_reviewer_clause({None: [self.makePerson('foo')]})
-        self.assertEqual('[r=foo]', clause)
-    def test_two_reviewers_no_type(self):
-        # Branches can have more than one reviewer.
-        clause = self.get_reviewer_clause(
-            {None: [self.makePerson('foo'), self.makePerson('bar')]})
-        self.assertEqual('[r=bar,foo]', clause)
-    def test_mentat_reviewers(self):
-        # A mentat review sometimes is marked like 'ui*'.  Due to the
-        # unordered nature of dictionaries, the reviewers are sorted before
-        # being put into the clause for predictability.
-        clause = self.get_reviewer_clause(
-            {None: [self.makePerson('foo')],
-             'code*': [self.makePerson('newguy')],
-             'ui': [self.makePerson('beuno')],
-             'ui*': [self.makePerson('bac')]})
-        self.assertEqual('[r=foo,newguy][ui=bac,beuno]', clause)
-    def test_code_reviewer_counts(self):
-        # Some people explicitly specify the 'code' type when they do code
-        # reviews, these are treated in the same way as reviewers without any
-        # given type.
-        clause = self.get_reviewer_clause({'code': [self.makePerson('foo')]})
-        self.assertEqual('[r=foo]', clause)
-    def test_release_critical(self):
-        # Reviews that are marked as release-critical are included in a
-        # separate clause.
-        clause = self.get_reviewer_clause(
-            {'code': [self.makePerson('foo')],
-             'release-critical': [self.makePerson('bar')]})
-        self.assertEqual('[release-critical=bar][r=foo]', clause)
-    def test_db_reviewer_counts(self):
-        # There's no special way of annotating database reviews in Launchpad
-        # commit messages, so they are included with the code reviews.
-        clause = self.get_reviewer_clause({'db': [self.makePerson('foo')]})
-        self.assertEqual('[r=foo]', clause)
-    def test_ui_reviewers(self):
-        # If someone has done a UI review, then that appears in the clause
-        # separately from the code reviews.
-        clause = self.get_reviewer_clause(
-            {'code': [self.makePerson('foo')],
-             'ui': [self.makePerson('bar')],
-             })
-        self.assertEqual('[r=foo][ui=bar]', clause)
-    def test_no_reviewers(self):
-        # If the merge proposal hasn't been approved by anyone, we cannot
-        # generate a valid clause.
-        self.assertRaises(MissingReviewError, self.get_reviewer_clause, {})
-class TestGetBazaarHost(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for `get_bazaar_host`."""
-    def test_dev_service(self):
-        # The Bazaar host for the dev service is bazaar.launchpad.dev.
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'bazaar.launchpad.dev',
-            get_bazaar_host('https://api.launchpad.dev/beta/'))
-    def test_edge_service(self):
-        # The Bazaar host for the edge service is bazaar.launchpad.net, since
-        # there's no edge codehosting service.
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'bazaar.launchpad.net', get_bazaar_host(EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT))
-    def test_production_service(self):
-        # The Bazaar host for the production service is bazaar.launchpad.net.
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'bazaar.launchpad.net',
-            get_bazaar_host('https://api.launchpad.net/beta/'))
-    def test_staging_service(self):
-        # The Bazaar host for the staging service is
-        # bazaar.staging.launchpad.net.
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'bazaar.staging.launchpad.net',
-            get_bazaar_host(STAGING_SERVICE_ROOT))
-    def test_unrecognized_service(self):
-        # Any unrecognized URL will raise a ValueError.
-        self.assertRaises(
-            ValueError, get_bazaar_host, 'https://api.lunchpad.net')

=== modified file 'scripts/upgrade_all_branches.py'
--- scripts/upgrade_all_branches.py	2012-03-06 21:30:30 +0000
+++ scripts/upgrade_all_branches.py	2012-03-06 21:30:30 +0000
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
 __metaclass__ = type
 import _pythonpath
+#quiet pyflakes
-import sys
 from lp.codehosting.upgrade import Upgrader
 from lp.codehosting.bzrutils import server
 from lp.codehosting.vfs.branchfs import get_rw_server

=== removed symlink 'utilities/ec2'
=== target was u'../bin/ec2'