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[Merge] lp:~wgrant/launchpad/bugtaskflat-by-default-2 into lp:launchpad


William Grant has proposed merging lp:~wgrant/launchpad/bugtaskflat-by-default-2 into lp:launchpad.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

This branch reworks BugTaskSet.findExpirableBugs to use BugTaskFlat, mostly because it's the easiest way to respect the new sharing schema. But it also happens to be several times faster.

I basically rewrote the query with a different structure from scratch. It avoids the horrifying target union join mess, and fixes some pathological behaviour with the BugWatch anti-join. And it's all based on BugTaskFlat, so it's very fast. Results are identical, so there are no test changes.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~wgrant/launchpad/bugtaskflat-by-default-2 into lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/model/bugtask.py'
--- lib/lp/bugs/model/bugtask.py	2012-05-09 13:39:12 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/model/bugtask.py	2012-05-10 07:26:19 +0000
@@ -46,13 +46,19 @@
 from storm.expr import (
+    And,
+    Exists,
+    LeftJoin,
+    Not,
+    Select,
+from storm.info import ClassAlias
 from storm.store import (
@@ -119,9 +125,13 @@
 from lp.registry.model.pillar import pillar_sort_key
 from lp.registry.model.sourcepackagename import SourcePackageName
 from lp.services import features
-from lp.services.database.bulk import load_related
+from lp.services.database.bulk import (
+    load,
+    load_related,
+    )
 from lp.services.database.constants import UTC_NOW
 from lp.services.database.datetimecol import UtcDateTimeCol
+from lp.services.database.decoratedresultset import DecoratedResultSet
 from lp.services.database.enumcol import EnumCol
 from lp.services.database.lpstorm import IStore
 from lp.services.database.nl_search import nl_phrase_search
@@ -1740,129 +1750,55 @@
         Only bugtasks the specified user has permission to view are
         returned. The Janitor celebrity has permission to view all bugs.
+        from lp.bugs.model.bugtaskflat import BugTaskFlat
         from lp.bugs.model.bugtasksearch import get_bug_privacy_filter
-        if bug is None:
-            bug_clause = ''
-        else:
-            bug_clause = 'AND Bug.id = %s' % sqlvalues(bug)
-        if user == getUtility(ILaunchpadCelebrities).janitor:
-            # The janitor needs access to all bugs.
-            bug_privacy_filter = ''
-        else:
-            bug_privacy_filter = get_bug_privacy_filter(user)
-            if bug_privacy_filter != '':
-                bug_privacy_filter = "AND " + bug_privacy_filter
-        unconfirmed_bug_condition = self._getUnconfirmedBugCondition()
-        (target_join, target_clause) = self._getTargetJoinAndClause(target)
-        query = """
-            BugTask.bug = Bug.id
-            AND BugTask.id IN (
-                SELECT BugTask.id
-                FROM BugTask
-                    JOIN Bug ON BugTask.bug = Bug.id
-                    LEFT JOIN BugWatch on Bug.id = BugWatch.bug
-                """ + target_join + """
-                WHERE
-                """ + target_clause + """
-                """ + bug_clause + """
-                """ + bug_privacy_filter + """
-                    AND BugTask.status in (%s, %s, %s)
-                    AND BugTask.assignee IS NULL
-                    AND BugTask.milestone IS NULL
-                    AND Bug.duplicateof IS NULL
-                    AND Bug.date_last_updated < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
-                        AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' - interval '%s days'
-                    AND BugWatch.id IS NULL
-            )""" % sqlvalues(BugTaskStatus.INCOMPLETE,
-                BugTaskStatusSearch.INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE,
-                BugTaskStatusSearch.INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE, min_days_old)
-        expirable_bugtasks = BugTask.select(
-            query + unconfirmed_bug_condition,
-            clauseTables=['Bug'],
-            orderBy='Bug.date_last_updated')
-        if limit is not None:
-            expirable_bugtasks = expirable_bugtasks.limit(limit)
-        return expirable_bugtasks
-    def _getUnconfirmedBugCondition(self):
-        """Return the SQL to filter out BugTasks that has been confirmed
-        A bugtasks cannot expire if the bug is, has been, or
-        will be, confirmed to be legitimate. Once the bug is considered
-        valid for one target, it is valid for all targets.
-        """
+        from lp.bugs.model.bugwatch import BugWatch
         statuses_not_preventing_expiration = [
             BugTaskStatus.INVALID, BugTaskStatus.INCOMPLETE,
         unexpirable_status_list = [
             status for status in BugTaskStatus.items
             if status not in statuses_not_preventing_expiration]
-        return """
-             AND NOT EXISTS (
-                SELECT TRUE
-                FROM BugTask AS RelatedBugTask
-                WHERE RelatedBugTask.bug = BugTask.bug
-                    AND RelatedBugTask.status IN %s)
-            """ % sqlvalues(unexpirable_status_list)
-        IDistribution: """
-            SELECT Distribution.id, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-                Distribution.id, NULL
-            FROM Distribution
-            WHERE Distribution.enable_bug_expiration IS TRUE""",
-        IDistroSeries: """
-            SELECT NULL, DistroSeries.id, NULL, NULL,
-                Distribution.id, NULL
-            FROM DistroSeries
-                JOIN Distribution
-                    ON DistroSeries.distribution = Distribution.id
-            WHERE Distribution.enable_bug_expiration IS TRUE""",
-        IProduct: """
-            SELECT NULL, NULL, Product.id, NULL,
-                NULL, Product.id
-            FROM Product
-            WHERE Product.enable_bug_expiration IS TRUE""",
-        IProductSeries: """
-            SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, ProductSeries.id,
-                NULL, Product.id
-            FROM ProductSeries
-                JOIN Product
-                    ON ProductSeries.Product = Product.id
-            WHERE Product.enable_bug_expiration IS TRUE""",
-        }
-        IDistribution: "BugTask.distribution = target.distribution",
-        IDistroSeries: "BugTask.distroseries = target.distroseries",
-        IProduct: "BugTask.product = target.product",
-        IProductSeries: "BugTask.productseries = target.productseries",
-        }
-    def _getJoinForTargets(self, *targets):
-        """Build the UNION of the sub-query for the given set of targets."""
-        selects = ' UNION '.join(
-            self.TARGET_SELECT[target] for target in targets)
-        join_clause = ' OR '.join(
-            self.TARGET_JOIN_CLAUSE[target] for target in targets)
-        # We create this rather bizarre looking structure
-        # because we must replicate the behaviour of BugTask since
-        # we are joining to it. So when distroseries is set,
-        # distribution should be NULL. The two pillar columns will
-        # be used in the WHERE clause.
-        return """
-        JOIN (
-            SELECT 0 AS distribution, 0 AS distroseries,
-                   0 AS product , 0 AS productseries,
-                   0 AS distribution_pillar, 0 AS product_pillar
-            UNION %s
-            ) target
-            ON (%s)""" % (selects, join_clause)
+        RelatedBugTaskFlat = ClassAlias(BugTaskFlat)
+        (target_joins, target_conds) = self._getTargetJoinAndClause(target)
+        origin = IStore(BugTaskFlat).using(BugTaskFlat, *target_joins)
+        conds = [
+            BugTaskFlat.status.is_in(DB_INCOMPLETE_BUGTASK_STATUSES),
+            BugTaskFlat.assignee == None,
+            BugTaskFlat.milestone == None,
+            BugTaskFlat.duplicateof == None,
+            BugTaskFlat.date_last_updated <
+                UTC_NOW - SQL("INTERVAL ?", (u'%d days' % min_days_old,)),
+            Not(Exists(Select(
+                1, tables=[BugWatch],
+                where=[BugWatch.bugID == BugTaskFlat.bug_id]))),
+            Not(Exists(Select(
+                1, tables=[RelatedBugTaskFlat],
+                where=And(
+                    RelatedBugTaskFlat.bug_id == BugTaskFlat.bug_id,
+                    RelatedBugTaskFlat.status.is_in(
+                        unexpirable_status_list))))),
+            ]
+        conds.extend(target_conds)
+        if bug is not None:
+            conds.append(BugTaskFlat.bug_id == bug.id)
+        # The janitor needs access to all bugs.
+        if user != getUtility(ILaunchpadCelebrities).janitor:
+            bug_privacy_filter = get_bug_privacy_filter(user, use_flat=True)
+            if bug_privacy_filter != '':
+                conds.append(bug_privacy_filter)
+        ids = origin.find(BugTaskFlat.bugtask_id, conds)
+        ids = ids.order_by(BugTaskFlat.date_last_updated)
+        if limit is not None:
+            ids = ids.limit(limit)
+        return DecoratedResultSet(
+            ids, lambda id: BugTask.get(id),
+            pre_iter_hook=lambda rows: load(BugTask, rows))
     def _getTargetJoinAndClause(self, target):
         """Return a SQL join clause to a `BugTarget`.
@@ -1876,24 +1812,52 @@
         :raises AssertionError: If the target is not a known implementer of
-        if target is None:
-            target_join = self._getJoinForTargets(
-                IDistribution, IDistroSeries, IProduct, IProductSeries)
-            target_clause = "TRUE IS TRUE"
-        elif IDistribution.providedBy(target):
-            target_join = self._getJoinForTargets(
-                IDistribution, IDistroSeries)
-            target_clause = "target.distribution_pillar = %s" % sqlvalues(
-                target)
+        from lp.bugs.model.bugtaskflat import BugTaskFlat
+        from lp.registry.model.distribution import Distribution
+        from lp.registry.model.distroseries import DistroSeries
+        from lp.registry.model.product import Product
+        from lp.registry.model.productseries import ProductSeries
+        # XXX: Not all of these are necessary all the time.
+        join_map = {
+            Product: (
+                LeftJoin(
+                    ProductSeries,
+                    ProductSeries.id == BugTaskFlat.productseries_id),
+                LeftJoin(
+                    Product,
+                    Product.id.is_in(
+                        (BugTaskFlat.product_id, ProductSeries.productID)))),
+            Distribution: (
+                LeftJoin(
+                    DistroSeries,
+                    DistroSeries.id == BugTaskFlat.distroseries_id),
+                LeftJoin(
+                    Distribution,
+                    Distribution.id.is_in((
+                        BugTaskFlat.distribution_id,
+                        DistroSeries.distributionID)))),
+            }
+        pred_map = {
+            Distribution: Distribution.enable_bug_expiration,
+            Product: Product.enable_bug_expiration,
+            }
+        if IDistribution.providedBy(target):
+            want = [Distribution]
+            target_col = Distribution.id
         elif IDistroSeries.providedBy(target):
-            target_join = self._getJoinForTargets(IDistroSeries)
-            target_clause = "BugTask.distroseries = %s" % sqlvalues(target)
+            want = [Distribution]
+            target_col = DistroSeries.id
         elif IProduct.providedBy(target):
-            target_join = self._getJoinForTargets(IProduct, IProductSeries)
-            target_clause = "target.product_pillar = %s" % sqlvalues(target)
+            want = [Product]
+            target_col = Product.id
         elif IProductSeries.providedBy(target):
-            target_join = self._getJoinForTargets(IProductSeries)
-            target_clause = "BugTask.productseries = %s" % sqlvalues(target)
+            want = [Product]
+            target_col = ProductSeries.id
+        elif target is None:
+            want = [Product, Distribution]
+            target_col = None
         elif (IProjectGroup.providedBy(target)
               or ISourcePackage.providedBy(target)
               or IDistributionSourcePackage.providedBy(target)):
@@ -1902,7 +1866,16 @@
             raise AssertionError("Unknown BugTarget type.")
-        return (target_join, target_clause)
+        joins = []
+        target_expirability_preds = []
+        for cls in want:
+            joins.extend(join_map[cls])
+            target_expirability_preds.append(pred_map[cls])
+        preds = [Or(*target_expirability_preds)]
+        if target_col:
+            preds.append(target_col == target.id)
+        return (joins, preds)
     def getOpenBugTasksPerProduct(self, user, products):
         """See `IBugTaskSet`."""

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