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[Merge] lp:~jml/launchpad/remove-top-tests into lp:launchpad


Jonathan Lange has proposed merging lp:~jml/launchpad/remove-top-tests into lp:launchpad.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

I find myself in need of LoC credit so I can merge my other branches.

./utilities/top-tests.py already exists in lp:lp-dev-utils. This branch removes it. (I also think it's a pointless script in lp:lp-dev-utils and would replace it with judicious use of 'testr slowest', but to each their own).

477 lines of code healed, I think you'll find.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~jml/launchpad/remove-top-tests into lp:launchpad.
=== removed file 'utilities/top-tests.py'
--- utilities/top-tests.py	2012-02-21 22:46:28 +0000
+++ utilities/top-tests.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2012 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""top-tests.py - Report about slowest tests in the test suite.
-It parses the output of the testrunner run with -vvv and collects
-statistics about the test run.
-__metaclass__ = type
-import operator
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-LEN = 20
-class ParseException(Exception):
-    """Exception raised when there is an error while parsing a log file."""
-class TestRunnerStats:
-    """Encapsulates information about the time it took to run a testsuite."""
-    LAYER_STARTS_RE = re.compile(r'Running (.+) tests:')
-    LAYER_ENDS_RE = re.compile(
-        r'  Ran (\d+) tests with (\d+) failures and (\d+) errors in ([\d.]+) '
-        'seconds.')
-    SETUP_RE = re.compile(r'  Set up ([\w.]+) in ([\d.]+) seconds.')
-    TEARDOWN_RE = re.compile(r'  Tear down ([\w.]+) in ([\d.]+) seconds.')
-    UNSUPPORTED_TEARDOWN_RE = re.compile(
-        r'  Tear down ([\w.]+) ... not supported')
-    # We are not restricting this to the standard python identifiers because
-    # some doctest unittest or generated tests could contain funky names.
-    PYTHON_TEST_RE = re.compile(r'([^\( ]+) ?\(([^\)]+)\)')
-    MS_RE = re.compile(r'\s*\(([\d.]+) ms\)$')
-    TOTAL_RE = re.compile(r'Total: (\d+) tests, (\d+) failures, (\d+) errors')
-    # List of strings/patterns to attempt at matching.
-    # The second element in the tuple is the method to call when the start of
-    # the current line matches the string or the pattern.
-    MATCH_LIST = [
-        ('Running tests at level', 'handleStartTestRunner'),
-        (LAYER_STARTS_RE, 'handleLayerStart'),
-        (LAYER_ENDS_RE, 'handleLayerEnd'),
-        (SETUP_RE, 'handleLayerSetUp'),
-        (TEARDOWN_RE, 'handleLayerTearDown'),
-        (UNSUPPORTED_TEARDOWN_RE, 'handleUnsupportedTearDown'),
-        ('  Running:', None),
-        ('Tearing down left over layers:', 'handleFinalTearDown'),
-        (MS_RE, 'handleTestRuntime'),
-        (LAYER_ENDS_RE, 'handleLayerEnd'),
-        (TEARDOWN_RE, 'handleLayerTearDown'),
-        (TOTAL_RE, 'handleTotal'),
-        ('    ', 'handleTestRun'),
-        (None, 'handleGarbage'),
-        ]
-    def __init__(self, logfile):
-        """Create a new TestRunnerStats from a log file.
-        :param logfile: Open file-like object containing the log of the test
-            suite. That should have been generated at -vvv for maximum
-            information.
-        :raise ParseException: when the log file doesn't contain a testrunner
-            log, or couldn't be parsed for some other reasons.
-        """
-        self.logfile = logfile
-        self._parse()
-    def _parse(self):
-        """Extract timing information from the log file."""
-        self.layers = {}
-        self.ignored_lines = []
-        self.current_layer = None
-        self.last_test = None
-        end_of_tests = False
-        while not end_of_tests:
-            line = self.logfile.readline()
-            if not line:
-                break
-            for match, action in self.MATCH_LIST:
-                found = False
-                if isinstance(match, basestring):
-                    if line.startswith(match):
-                        found = True
-                elif match is None:
-                    # None indicates the default action.
-                    found = True
-                elif getattr(match, 'match', None):
-                    found = match.match(line)
-                if found:
-                    # Action is the name of the method to call.
-                    # If it returns False, stop parsing.
-                    if action is not None:
-                        end_of_tests = getattr(self, action)(line, found)
-                    break
-        if not end_of_tests:
-            raise ParseException('End of file before end of test run.')
-    def handleStartTestRunner(self, line, ignored):
-        """Switch the layer state."""
-    def handleLayerStart(self, line, match):
-        """Create a new stats container for the layer."""
-        layer_name = match.group(1)
-        self.current_layer = self.getLayer(layer_name)
-    def handleLayerEnd(self, line, match):
-        """Collect the total runtime for the layer tests."""
-        tests_run = match.group(1)
-        runtime = match.group(4)
-        self.current_layer.collectEndResults(tests_run, runtime)
-    def handleLayerSetUp(self, line, match):
-        """Collect the runtime for the layer set up."""
-        layer_name = match.group(1)
-        runtime = float(match.group(2))
-        self.getLayer(layer_name).collectSetUp(runtime)
-    def handleLayerTearDown(self, line, match):
-        """Collect the runtime for the layer tear down."""
-        layer_name = match.group(1)
-        runtime = float(match.group(2))
-        self.getLayer(layer_name).collectTearDown(runtime)
-    def handleUnsupportedTearDown(self, line, match):
-        """Flag that tear down was unsupported."""
-        layer_name = match.group(1)
-        self.getLayer(layer_name).collectUnsupportedTearDown()
-    def handleFinalTearDown(self, line, match):
-        """Switch to teardown state."""
-    def handleTestRun(self, line, ignored):
-        """Collect that a test was run."""
-        # If we didn't saw the last test runtime, we are probably
-        # in a stack trace or something like that. So treat it as garbage.
-        if self.last_test is not None and not self.last_test_complete:
-            if self.MS_RE.search(line) is None:
-                self.handleGarbage(line, ignored)
-                return
-            else:
-                # It happens that a test doesn't output timing information.
-                # But other tests after that will. 
-                # We are probably encountering such a case.
-                pass
-        line = line[4:]
-        if '/' in line:
-            if ' ' in line:
-                doctest, line = line.split(' ', 1)
-            else:
-                doctest = line
-                line = '\n'
-            self.last_test = DocTestStats(doctest)
-        else:
-            match = self.PYTHON_TEST_RE.match(line)
-            if match:
-                self.last_test = PythonTestStats(
-                    match.group(1), match.group(2))
-            else:
-                raise ParseException("can't parse test name: %s" % line)
-            line = line[match.end():]
-        self.current_layer.collectTest(self.last_test)
-        # If the runtime isn't on this line, it means that there was output
-        # by the test, so we'll find the runtime info later on.
-        match = self.MS_RE.search(line)
-        if match:
-            self.last_test_complete = True
-            self.last_test.runtime = float(match.group(1))
-        else:
-            self.last_test_complete = False
-            self.last_test.collectGarbage(line)
-    def handleGarbage(self, line, ignored):
-        """Save the log output by the test."""
-        if self.last_test is not None:
-            self.last_test.collectGarbage(line)
-        else:
-            self.ignored_lines.append(line)
-    def handleTestRuntime(self, line, match):
-        """Collect the broken test runtime."""
-        if self.last_test is not None:
-            self.last_test.runtime = float(match.group(1))
-            self.last_test_complete = True
-        else:
-            self.ignored_lines.append(line)
-    def handleTotal(self, line, match):
-        """Action invoked when the final line is encountered."""
-        self.current_layer = None
-        self.last_test = None
-        return True
-    def getLayer(self, layer_name):
-        """Return the layer with name.
-        Create and return an empty layer if it doesn't exists.
-        """
-        if layer_name not in self.layers:
-            self.layers[layer_name] = TestLayerStats(layer_name)
-        return self.layers[layer_name]
-    def getTestsIter(self):
-        """Return an iterator over all tests."""
-        for layer in self.layers.values():
-            for test in layer.tests:
-                yield test
-    @property
-    def total_runtime(self):
-        """Number of seconds used to run the whole test suite."""
-        return sum([layer.total_runtime for layer in self.layers.values()])
-    @property
-    def tests_count(self):
-        """Number of tests in the test suite."""
-        return sum([len(layer.tests) for layer in self.layers.values()])
-class TestLayerStats:
-    """Contain all the tests that were run in the layer."""
-    name = None
-    unsupported_tear_downs = 0
-    tests_runtime = 0
-    def __init__(self, name):
-        """Create a new stats container."""
-        self.name = name
-        self.tests = []
-        self.set_ups = []
-        self.tear_downs = []
-    @property
-    def total_runtime(self):
-        """Return the runtime (including fixture) in this layer."""
-        return self.tests_runtime + sum(self.set_ups) + sum(self.tear_downs)
-    def collectTest(self, test):
-        """Call when a test was run in the layer."""
-        self.tests.append(test)
-    def collectEndResults(self, tests_run, runtime):
-        """Called when all the tests in the layer were run."""
-        self.tests_runtime = float(runtime)
-        self.tests_count = int(tests_run)
-    def collectSetUp(self, runtime):
-        """Called when the layer was set up."""
-        self.set_ups.append(runtime)
-    def collectTearDown(self, runtime):
-        """Called when the layer was torn down."""
-        self.tear_downs.append(runtime)
-    def collectUnsupportedTearDown(self):
-        """Called when the layer couldn't be torn down."""
-        self.unsupported_tear_downs += 1
-    def __iter__(self):
-        """Return an iterator over the tests run in this layer."""
-        return iter(self.tests)
-class TestStats:
-    """Base class for a test stats."""
-    name = None
-    runtime = 0
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._garbage = []
-    @property
-    def garbage(self):
-        """Return the garbage output by the test."""
-        return "".join(self._garbage)
-    def collectGarbage(self, line):
-        self._garbage.append(line)
-class PythonTestStats(TestStats):
-    """Stats for a regular python unit test."""
-    def __init__(self, method, module):
-        super(PythonTestStats, self).__init__()
-        self.method = method
-        self.module = module
-    @property
-    def name(self):
-        """Return the full name of the test."""
-        return "%s.%s" % (self.module, self.method)
-class DocTestStats(TestStats):
-    """Stats for a doctest."""
-    def __init__(self, filename):
-        super(DocTestStats, self).__init__()
-        self.filename = filename
-    @property
-    def name(self):
-        """Remove the PQM directory from the name."""
-        index = self.filename.find("lib/canonical")
-        if index != -1:
-            filename = self.filename[index:]
-        else:
-            filename = self.filename
-        return os.path.normpath(filename)
-class PQMLog:
-    """Encapsulates information about a PQM log."""
-    def __init__(self, logfile):
-        """Create a new PQMLog instance.
-        :param logfile: Path to the PQM log.
-        """
-        self.logfile = logfile
-        self.fixtures_profile = []
-        self._parse()
-    def _parse(self):
-        """Parse a PQM log file.
-        Extract the branch name, the time each tests took as well as the
-        time spent in the layers.
-        """
-        self.branch = "Unknown"
-        profile = self.fixtures_profile
-        logfile = open(self.logfile)
-        while True:
-            line = logfile.readline()
-            if not line:
-                break
-            line = line.strip()
-            if not line:
-                continue
-            if line.startswith("Executing star-merge"):
-                self.branch = line.split(" ")[2]
-            elif " calls taking " in line:
-                if "s." not in line:
-                    continue
-                values = line.split(" ")
-                runtime = float(values[-1][:-2])
-                profile.append((runtime, values[0]))
-            elif line.startswith("Executing pre-commit hook"):
-                self.testrunner_stats = TestRunnerStats(logfile)
-def main(argv):
-    """Parse a PQM log file."""
-    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-        logfile = sys.argv[1]
-    else:
-        logfile = find_latest_successful_merge()
-    print_report(PQMLog(logfile))
-def find_latest_successful_merge():
-    """Return the latest PQM log that contain a successful merge.
-    Look into the current directory for the log files.
-    """
-    cmd = "ls -at | head -10 | xargs grep -l 'star-merge succeeded'"
-    p = os.popen(cmd)
-    logfile_name = p.readlines()[0].strip()
-    p.close()
-    return logfile_name
-def print_report(pqm_log, out=sys.stdout):
-    """Print the report on STDOUT."""
-    print >>out, "Log: %s" % pqm_log.logfile
-    print >>out, "Branch: %s" % pqm_log.branch
-    stats = pqm_log.testrunner_stats
-    top_tests =  list(stats.getTestsIter())
-    top_tests.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('runtime'), reverse=True)
-    total_runtime = stats.total_runtime
-    tests_count = stats.tests_count
-    print >>out
-    print >>out, "Top %d tests taking the longest time" % LEN
-    print >>out, "===================================="
-    print
-    top_runtime = 0.0
-    for test in top_tests[:LEN]:
-        percent = test.runtime / total_runtime * 100
-        top_runtime += test.runtime
-        print >>out, "%6.2f (%.1f%%) %s" % (test.runtime, percent, test.name)
-    print >>out
-    test_percent = LEN / float(tests_count) * 100
-    time_percent = top_runtime / total_runtime * 100
-    print >>out, (
-        "Top %s of %s (%.1f%%) tests taking %ss of %ss (%.1f%%)"
-        % (LEN, tests_count, test_percent, top_runtime, total_runtime,
-           time_percent))
-    print >>out
-    print >>out, "Tests and runtime by layer"
-    print >>out, "=========================="
-    print >>out
-    layers = stats.layers.values()
-    layers.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('total_runtime'), reverse=True)
-    for layer in layers:
-        if len(layer.tests) == 0:
-            continue
-        runtime_percent = layer.tests_runtime / total_runtime * 100
-        layer_name = layer.name.split('.')[-1]
-        print "%7.2f (%4.1f%%) %4d tests (%5.2fs/t) %s" % (
-            layer.tests_runtime, runtime_percent, len(layer.tests),
-            layer.tests_runtime / len(layer.tests), layer_name)
-    print >>out
-    print >>out, "Slowest fixture methods"
-    print >>out, "======================="
-    print >>out
-    profile = list(pqm_log.fixtures_profile)
-    profile.sort(reverse=True)
-    print >>out
-    fixture_runtime = 0
-    for runtime, method in profile:
-        runtime_percent = runtime / total_runtime * 100
-        print >>out, "%7.2f (%4.1f%%) %s" % (runtime, runtime_percent, method)
-        fixture_runtime += runtime
-    print >>out
-    print >>out, "Fixture overhead %ss (%.1f%%)" % (
-        fixture_runtime, fixture_runtime / total_runtime * 100)
-    print >>out
-    tests_with_garbage = 0
-    garbage_lines_count = 0
-    for test in stats.getTestsIter():
-        if len(test.garbage):
-            tests_with_garbage += 1
-            garbage_lines_count += test.garbage.strip().count('\n')+1
-    print >>out, "%d tests output %d warning lines." % (
-        tests_with_garbage, garbage_lines_count)
-    print >>out, "Ignored %d lines in the testrunner output." % len(
-        stats.ignored_lines)
-    print >>out
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main(sys.argv)

Follow ups