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[Merge] lp:~jtv/maas/migrate-nodekey into lp:maas


Jeroen T. Vermeulen has proposed merging lp:~jtv/maas/migrate-nodekey into lp:maas.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

As per the migration plan.  There is only one change in the code I'm moving: the ForeignKey no longer refers to Node (the model class) but to "maasserver.Node" (the model class name).  This was laid out in the migration plan as a means to minimize circular imports, but I should have made the change in the migration preparation branch.

Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~jtv/maas/migrate-nodekey into lp:maas.
=== modified file 'src/metadataserver/models/__init__.py'
--- src/metadataserver/models/__init__.py	2012-06-21 00:51:12 +0000
+++ src/metadataserver/models/__init__.py	2012-06-30 04:22:27 +0000
@@ -29,115 +29,13 @@
 from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
 from maasserver.models import Node
 from maasserver.models.cleansave import CleanSave
-from maasserver.models.user import create_auth_token
 from maasserver.utils import ignore_unused
 from metadataserver import DefaultMeta
+from metadataserver.models.nodekey import NodeKey
 from metadataserver.models.nodeuserdata import NodeUserData
-from metadataserver.nodeinituser import get_node_init_user
-from piston.models import (
-    KEY_SIZE,
-    Token,
-    )
-class NodeKeyManager(Manager):
-# Scheduled for model migration on 2012-07-02
-    """Utility for the collection of NodeKeys.
-    Each Node that needs to access the metadata service will have its own
-    OAuth token, tied to the dedicated "node-init" user.  Each node will see
-    just its own meta-data when it accesses the service.
-    NodeKeyManager is what connects those nodes to their respective tokens.
-    There's two parts to using NodeKey and NodeKeyManager:
-    1.  get_token_for_node(node) gives you a token that the node can then
-        access the metadata service with.  From the "token" that this
-        returns, the node will need to know token.key, token.secret, and
-        token.consumer.key for its credentials.
-    2.  get_node_for_key(key) takes the token.key (which will be in the
-        http Authorization header of a metadata request as "oauth_token")
-        and looks up the associated Node.
-    """
-    def _create_token(self, node):
-        """Create an OAuth token for a given node.
-        :param node: The system that is to be allowed access to the metadata
-            service.
-        :type node: Node
-        :return: Token for the node to use.
-        :rtype: piston.models.Token
-        """
-        token = create_auth_token(get_node_init_user())
-        self.create(node=node, token=token, key=token.key)
-        return token
-    def get_token_for_node(self, node):
-        """Find node's OAuth token, or if it doesn't have one, create it.
-        This implicitly grants cloud-init (running on the node) access to the
-        metadata service.
-        Barring exceptions, this will always hold:
-            get_node_for_key(get_token_for_node(node).key) == node
-        :param node: The node that needs an oauth token for access to the
-            metadata service.
-        :type node: Node
-        :return: An OAuth token, belonging to the node-init user, but
-            uniquely associated with this node.
-        :rtype: piston.models.Token
-        """
-        existing_nodekey = self.filter(node=node)
-        assert len(existing_nodekey) in (0, 1), (
-            "Found %d keys for node (expected at most one)."
-            % len(existing_nodekey))
-        if len(existing_nodekey) == 0:
-            return self._create_token(node)
-        else:
-            [nodekey] = existing_nodekey
-            return nodekey.token
-    def get_node_for_key(self, key):
-        """Find the Node that `key` was created for.
-        Barring exceptions, this will always hold:
-            get_token_for_node(get_node_for_key(key)).key == key
-        :param key: The key part of a node's OAuth token.
-        :type key: basestring
-        :raise NodeKey.DoesNotExist: if `key` is not associated with any
-            node.
-        """
-        return self.get(key=key).node
-# Scheduled for model migration on 2012-07-02
-class NodeKey(CleanSave, Model):
-    """Associate a Node with its OAuth (token) key.
-    :ivar node: A Node.
-    :ivar key: A key, to be used by `node` for logging in.  The key belongs
-        to the maas-init-node user.
-    """
-    class Meta(DefaultMeta):
-        """Needed for South to recognize this model."""
-    objects = NodeKeyManager()
-    node = ForeignKey(Node, null=False, editable=False, unique=True)
-    token = ForeignKey(Token, null=False, editable=False, unique=True)
-    key = CharField(
-        max_length=KEY_SIZE, null=False, editable=False, unique=True)
+ignore_unused(NodeKey, NodeUserData)
 class NodeCommissionResultManager(Manager):

=== added file 'src/metadataserver/models/nodekey.py'
--- src/metadataserver/models/nodekey.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/metadataserver/models/nodekey.py	2012-06-30 04:22:27 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# Copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+""":class:`NodeKey` model."""
+from __future__ import (
+    absolute_import,
+    print_function,
+    unicode_literals,
+    )
+__metaclass__ = type
+__all__ = [
+    'NodeKey',
+    ]
+from django.db.models import (
+    CharField,
+    ForeignKey,
+    Manager,
+    Model,
+    )
+from maasserver.models.cleansave import CleanSave
+from maasserver.models.user import create_auth_token
+from metadataserver import DefaultMeta
+from metadataserver.nodeinituser import get_node_init_user
+from piston.models import (
+    KEY_SIZE,
+    Token,
+    )
+class NodeKeyManager(Manager):
+    """Utility for the collection of NodeKeys.
+    Each Node that needs to access the metadata service will have its own
+    OAuth token, tied to the dedicated "node-init" user.  Each node will see
+    just its own meta-data when it accesses the service.
+    NodeKeyManager is what connects those nodes to their respective tokens.
+    There's two parts to using NodeKey and NodeKeyManager:
+    1.  get_token_for_node(node) gives you a token that the node can then
+        access the metadata service with.  From the "token" that this
+        returns, the node will need to know token.key, token.secret, and
+        token.consumer.key for its credentials.
+    2.  get_node_for_key(key) takes the token.key (which will be in the
+        http Authorization header of a metadata request as "oauth_token")
+        and looks up the associated Node.
+    """
+    def _create_token(self, node):
+        """Create an OAuth token for a given node.
+        :param node: The system that is to be allowed access to the metadata
+            service.
+        :type node: Node
+        :return: Token for the node to use.
+        :rtype: piston.models.Token
+        """
+        token = create_auth_token(get_node_init_user())
+        self.create(node=node, token=token, key=token.key)
+        return token
+    def get_token_for_node(self, node):
+        """Find node's OAuth token, or if it doesn't have one, create it.
+        This implicitly grants cloud-init (running on the node) access to the
+        metadata service.
+        Barring exceptions, this will always hold:
+            get_node_for_key(get_token_for_node(node).key) == node
+        :param node: The node that needs an oauth token for access to the
+            metadata service.
+        :type node: Node
+        :return: An OAuth token, belonging to the node-init user, but
+            uniquely associated with this node.
+        :rtype: piston.models.Token
+        """
+        existing_nodekey = self.filter(node=node)
+        assert len(existing_nodekey) in (0, 1), (
+            "Found %d keys for node (expected at most one)."
+            % len(existing_nodekey))
+        if len(existing_nodekey) == 0:
+            return self._create_token(node)
+        else:
+            [nodekey] = existing_nodekey
+            return nodekey.token
+    def get_node_for_key(self, key):
+        """Find the Node that `key` was created for.
+        Barring exceptions, this will always hold:
+            get_token_for_node(get_node_for_key(key)).key == key
+        :param key: The key part of a node's OAuth token.
+        :type key: basestring
+        :raise NodeKey.DoesNotExist: if `key` is not associated with any
+            node.
+        """
+        return self.get(key=key).node
+class NodeKey(CleanSave, Model):
+    """Associate a Node with its OAuth (token) key.
+    :ivar node: A Node.
+    :ivar key: A key, to be used by `node` for logging in.  The key belongs
+        to the maas-init-node user.
+    """
+    class Meta(DefaultMeta):
+        """Needed for South to recognize this model."""
+    objects = NodeKeyManager()
+    node = ForeignKey(
+        'maasserver.Node', null=False, editable=False, unique=True)
+    token = ForeignKey(Token, null=False, editable=False, unique=True)
+    key = CharField(
+        max_length=KEY_SIZE, null=False, editable=False, unique=True)