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Message #13669
[Merge] lp:~rvb/maas/cleanup-jslibs-remove-libs into lp:maas
Raphaël Badin has proposed merging lp:~rvb/maas/cleanup-jslibs-remove-libs into lp:maas with lp:~rvb/maas/cleanup-jslibs as a prerequisite.
Commit message:
Remove yui and raphaeljs.
Requested reviews:
Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)
For more details, see:
Remove yui and raphaeljs:
bzr rm src/maasserver/static/jslibs/
The attached diff has been truncated due to its size.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~rvb/maas/cleanup-jslibs-remove-libs into lp:maas.
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs'
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/raphael'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/raphael/raphael-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/raphael/raphael-min.js 2012-03-19 03:24:16 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/raphael/raphael-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \\
-// │ Raphaël 2.1.0 - JavaScript Vector Library │ \\
-// ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\
-// │ Copyright © 2008-2012 Dmitry Baranovskiy ( │ \\
-// │ Copyright © 2008-2012 Sencha Labs ( │ \\
-// ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\
-// │ Licensed under the MIT ( license.│ \\
-// └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \\
-(function(a){var b="0.3.4",c="hasOwnProperty",d=/[\.\/]/,e="*",f=function(){},g=function(a,b){return a-b},h,i,j={n:{}},k=function(a,b){var c=j,d=i,,2),f=k.listeners(a),l=0,m=!1,n,o=[],p={},q=[],r=h,s=[];h=a,i=0;for(var t=0,u=f.length;t<u;t++)"zIndex"in f[t]&&(o.push(f[t].zIndex),f[t].zIndex<0&&(p[f[t].zIndex]=f[t]));o.sort(g);while(o[l]<0){n=p[o[l++]],q.push(n.apply(b,e));if(i){i=d;return q}}for(t=0;t<u;t++){n=f[t];if("zIndex"in n)if(n.zIndex==o[l]){q.push(n.apply(b,e));if(i)break;do{l++,n=p[o[l]],n&&q.push(n.apply(b,e));if(i)break}while(n)}else p[n.zIndex]=n;else{q.push(n.apply(b,e));if(i)break}}i=d,h=r;return q.length?q:null};k.listeners=function(a){var b=a.split(d),c=j,f,g,h,i,k,l,m,n,o=[c],p=[];for(i=0,k=b.length;i<k;i++){n=[];for(l=0,m=o.length;l<m;l++){c=o[l].n,g=[c[b[i]],c[e]],h=2;while(h--)f=g[h],f&&(n.push(f),p=p.concat(f.f||[]))}o=n}return p},k.on=function(a,b){var c=a.split(d),e=j;for(var g=0,h=c.length;g<h;g++)e=e.n,!e[c[g]]&&(e[c[g]]={n:{}}),e=e[c[g]];e.f=e.f||[];for(g=0,h=e.f.length;g<h;g++)if(e.f[g]==b)return f;e.f.push(b);return function(a){+a==+a&&(b.zIndex=+a)}},k.stop=function(){i=1},k.nt=function(a){if(a)return(new RegExp("(?:\\.|\\/|^)"+a+"(?:\\.|\\/|$)")).test(h);return h},,b){var f=a.split(d),g,h,i,k,l,m,n,o=[j];for(k=0,l=f.length;k<l;k++)for(m=0;m<o.length;m+=i.length-2){i=[m,1],g=o[m].n;if(f[k]!=e)g[f[k]]&&i.push(g[f[k]]);else for(h in g)g[c](h)&&i.push(g[h]);o.splice.apply(o,i)}for(k=0,l=o.length;k<l;k++){g=o[k];while(g.n){if(b){if(g.f){for(m=0,n=g.f.length;m<n;m++)if(g.f[m]==b){g.f.splice(m,1);break}!g.f.length&&delete g.f}for(h in g.n)if(g.n[c](h)&&g.n[h].f){var p=g.n[h].f;for(m=0,n=p.length;m<n;m++)if(p[m]==b){p.splice(m,1);break}!p.length&&delete g.n[h].f}}else{delete g.f;for(h in g.n)g.n[c](h)&&g.n[h].f&&delete g.n[h].f}g=g.n}}},k.once=function(a,b){var c=function(){var d=b.apply(this,arguments);k.unbind(a,c);return d};return k.on(a,c)},k.version=b,k.toString=function(){return"You are running Eve "+b},typeof module!="undefined"&&module.exports?module.exports=k:typeof define!="undefined"?define("eve",[],function(){return k}):a.eve=k})(this),function(){function cF(a){for(var b=0;b<cy.length;b++)cy[b].el.paper==a&&cy.splice(b--,1)}function cE(b,d,e,f,h,i){e=Q(e);var j,k,l,m=[],o,p,q,,u={},v={},w={};if(f)for(y=0,z=cy.length;y<z;y++){var x=cy[y];if({x.percent!=e?(cy.splice(y,1),l=1):k=x,d.attr(x.totalOrigin);break}}else f=+v;for(var y=0,z=b.percents.length;y<z;y++){if(b.percents[y]==e||b.percents[y]>f*{e=b.percents[y],p=b.percents[y-1]||0,t=t/*(e-p),o=b.percents[y+1],j=b.anim[e];break}f&&d.attr(b.anim[b.percents[y]])}if(!!j){if(!k){for(var A in j)if(j[g](A))if(U[g](A)||d.paper.customAttributes[g](A)){u[A]=d.attr(A),u[A]==null&&(u[A]=T[A]),v[A]=j[A];switch(U[A]){case C:w[A]=(v[A]-u[A])/t;break;case"colour":u[A]=a.getRGB(u[A]);var B=a.getRGB(v[A]);w[A]={r:(B.r-u[A].r)/t,g:(B.g-u[A].g)/t,b:(B.b-u[A].b)/t};break;case"path":var D=bR(u[A],v[A]),E=D[1];u[A]=D[0],w[A]=[];for(y=0,z=u[A].length;y<z;y++){w[A][y]=[0];for(var F=1,G=u[A][y].length;F<G;F++)w[A][y][F]=(E[y][F]-u[A][y][F])/t}break;case"transform":var H=d._,I=ca(H[A],v[A]);if(I){u[A]=I.from,v[A],w[A]=[],w[A].real=!0;for(y=0,z=u[A].length;y<z;y++){w[A][y]=[u[A][y][0]];for(F=1,G=u[A][y].length;F<G;F++)w[A][y][F]=(v[A][y][F]-u[A][y][F])/t}}else{var J=d.matrix||new cb,K={_:{transform:H.transform},getBBox:function(){return d.getBBox(1)}};u[A]=[J.a,J.b,J.c,J.d,J.e,J.f],b$(K,v[A]),v[A]=K._.transform,w[A]=[(K.matrix.a-J.a)/t,(K.matrix.b-J.b)/t,(K.matrix.c-J.c)/t,(K.matrix.d-J.d)/t,(K.matrix.e-J.e)/t,(K.matrix.f-J.f)/t]}break;case"csv":var L=r(j[A])[s](c),M=r(u[A])[s](c);if(A=="clip-rect"){u[A]=M,w[A]=[],y=M.length;while(y--)w[A][y]=(L[y]-u[A][y])/t}v[A]=L;break;default:L=[][n](j[A]),M=[][n](u[A]),w[A]=[],y=d.paper.customAttributes[A].length;while(y--)w[A][y]=((L[y]||0)-(M[y]||0))/t}}var O=j.easing,P=a.easing_formulas[O];if(!P){P=r(O).match(N);if(P&&P.length==5){var R=P;P=function(a){return cC(a,+R[1],+R[2],+R[3],+R[4],t)}}else P=bf}q=j.start||b.start||+(new Date),x={anim:b,percent:e,timestamp:q,start:q+(b.del||0),status:0,initstatus:f||0,stop:!1,ms:t,easing:P,from:u,diff:w,to:v,el:d,callback:j.callback,prev:p,next:o,repeat:i||b.times,origin:d.attr(),totalOrigin:h},cy.push(x);if(f&&!k&&!l){x.stop=!0,x.start=new Date-t*f;if(cy.length==1)return cA()}l&&(x.start=new*f),cy.length==1&&cz(cA)}else k.initstatus=f,k.start=new*f;eve("raphael.anim.start.",d,b)}}function cD(a,b){var c=[],d={};,this.times=1;if(a){for(var e in a)a[g](e)&&(d[Q(e)]=a[e],c.push(Q(e)));c.sort(bd)}this.anim=d,[c.length-1],this.percents=c}function cC(a,b,c,d,e,f){function o(a,b){var c,d,e,f,j,k;for(e=a,k=0;k<8;k++){f=m(e)-a;if(z(f)<b)return e;j=(3*i*e+2*h)*e+g;if(z(j)<1e-6)break;e=e-f/j}c=0,d=1,e=a;if(e<c)return c;if(e>d)return d;while(c<d){f=m(e);if(z(f-a)<b)return e;a>f?c=e:d=e,e=(d-c)/2+c}return e}function n(a,b){var c=o(a,b);return((l*c+k)*c+j)*c}function m(a){return((i*a+h)*a+g)*a}var g=3*b,h=3*(d-b)-g,i=1-g-h,j=3*c,k=3*(e-c)-j,l=1-j-k;return n(a,1/(200*f))}function cq(){return this.x+q+this.y+q+this.width+" × "+this.height}function cp(){return this.x+q+this.y}function cb(a,b,c,d,e,f){a!=null?(this.a=+a,this.b=+b,this.c=+c,this.d=+d,this.e=+e,this.f=+f):(this.a=1,this.b=0,this.c=0,this.d=1,this.e=0,this.f=0)}function bH(b,c,d){b=a._path2curve(b),c=a._path2curve(c);var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o=d?0:[];for(var p=0,q=b.length;p<q;p++){var r=b[p];if(r[0]=="M")e=i=r[1],f=j=r[2];else{r[0]=="C"?(m=[e,f].concat(r.slice(1)),e=m[6],f=m[7]):(m=[e,f,e,f,i,j,i,j],e=i,f=j);for(var s=0,t=c.length;s<t;s++){var u=c[s];if(u[0]=="M")g=k=u[1],h=l=u[2];else{u[0]=="C"?(n=[g,h].concat(u.slice(1)),g=n[6],h=n[7]):(n=[g,h,g,h,k,l,k,l],g=k,h=l);var v=bG(m,n,d);if(d)o+=v;else{for(var w=0,x=v.length;w<x;w++)v[w].segment1=p,v[w].segment2=s,v[w].bez1=m,v[w].bez2=n;o=o.concat(v)}}}}}return o}function bG(b,c,d){var e=a.bezierBBox(b),f=a.bezierBBox(c);if(!a.isBBoxIntersect(e,f))return d?0:[];var g=bB.apply(0,b),h=bB.apply(0,c),i=~~(g/5),j=~~(h/5),k=[],l=[],m={},n=d?0:[];for(var o=0;o<i+1;o++){var p=a.findDotsAtSegment.apply(a,b.concat(o/i));k.push({x:p.x,y:p.y,t:o/i})}for(o=0;o<j+1;o++)p=a.findDotsAtSegment.apply(a,c.concat(o/j)),l.push({x:p.x,y:p.y,t:o/j});for(o=0;o<i;o++)for(var q=0;q<j;q++){var r=k[o],s=k[o+1],t=l[q],u=l[q+1],v=z(s.x-r.x)<.001?"y":"x",w=z(u.x-t.x)<.001?"y":"x",x=bD(r.x,r.y,s.x,s.y,t.x,t.y,u.x,u.y);if(x){if(m[x.x.toFixed(4)]==x.y.toFixed(4))continue;m[x.x.toFixed(4)]=x.y.toFixed(4);var y=r.t+z((x[v]-r[v])/(s[v]-r[v]))*(s.t-r.t),A=t.t+z((x[w]-t[w])/(u[w]-t[w]))*(u.t-t.t);y>=0&&y<=1&&A>=0&&A<=1&&(d?n++:n.push({x:x.x,y:x.y,t1:y,t2:A}))}}return n}function bF(a,b){return bG(a,b,1)}function bE(a,b){return bG(a,b)}function bD(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h){if(!(x(a,c)<y(e,g)||y(a,c)>x(e,g)||x(b,d)<y(f,h)||y(b,d)>x(f,h))){var i=(a*d-b*c)*(e-g)-(a-c)*(e*h-f*g),j=(a*d-b*c)*(f-h)-(b-d)*(e*h-f*g),k=(a-c)*(f-h)-(b-d)*(e-g);if(!k)return;var l=i/k,m=j/k,n=+l.toFixed(2),o=+m.toFixed(2);if(n<+y(a,c).toFixed(2)||n>+x(a,c).toFixed(2)||n<+y(e,g).toFixed(2)||n>+x(e,g).toFixed(2)||o<+y(b,d).toFixed(2)||o>+x(b,d).toFixed(2)||o<+y(f,h).toFixed(2)||o>+x(f,h).toFixed(2))return;return{x:l,y:m}}}function bC(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){if(!(i<0||bB(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)<i)){var j=1,k=j/2,l=j-k,m,n=.01;m=bB(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,l);while(z(m-i)>n)k/=2,l+=(m<i?1:-1)*k,m=bB(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,l);return l}}function bB(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){i==null&&(i=1),i=i>1?1:i<0?0:i;var j=i/2,k=12,l=[-0.1252,.1252,-0.3678,.3678,-0.5873,.5873,-0.7699,.7699,-0.9041,.9041,-0.9816,.9816],m=[.2491,.2491,.2335,.2335,.2032,.2032,.1601,.1601,.1069,.1069,.0472,.0472],n=0;for(var o=0;o<k;o++){var p=j*l[o]+j,q=bA(p,a,c,e,g),r=bA(p,b,d,f,h),s=q*q+r*r;n+=m[o]*w.sqrt(s)}return j*n}function bA(a,b,c,d,e){var f=-3*b+9*c-9*d+3*e,g=a*f+6*b-12*c+6*d;return a*g-3*b+3*c}function by(a,b){var c=[];for(var d=0,e=a.length;e-2*!b>d;d+=2){var f=[{x:+a[d-2],y:+a[d-1]},{x:+a[d],y:+a[d+1]},{x:+a[d+2],y:+a[d+3]},{x:+a[d+4],y:+a[d+5]}];b?d?e-4==d?f[3]={x:+a[0],y:+a[1]}:e-2==d&&(f[2]={x:+a[0],y:+a[1]},f[3]={x:+a[2],y:+a[3]}):f[0]={x:+a[e-2],y:+a[e-1]}:e-4==d?f[3]=f[2]:d||(f[0]={x:+a[d],y:+a[d+1]}),c.push(["C",(-f[0].x+6*f[1].x+f[2].x)/6,(-f[0].y+6*f[1].y+f[2].y)/6,(f[1].x+6*f[2].x-f[3].x)/6,(f[1].y+6*f[2].y-f[3].y)/6,f[2].x,f[2].y])}return c}function bx(){return this.hex}function bv(a,b,c){function d(){var,0),f=e.join("␀"),h=d.cache=d.cache||{},i=d.count=d.count||[];if(h[g](f)){bu(i,f);return 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j=1-i,k=A(j,3),l=A(j,2),m=i*i,n=m*i,o=k*a+l*3*i*c+j*3*i*i*e+n*g,p=k*b+l*3*i*d+j*3*i*i*f+n*h,q=a+2*i*(c-a)+m*(e-2*c+a),r=b+2*i*(d-b)+m*(f-2*d+b),s=c+2*i*(e-c)+m*(g-2*e+c),t=d+2*i*(f-d)+m*(h-2*f+d),u=j*a+i*c,v=j*b+i*d,x=j*e+i*g,y=j*f+i*h,z=90-w.atan2(q-s,r-t)*180/B;(q>s||r<t)&&(z+=180);return{x:o,y:p,m:{x:q,y:r},n:{x:s,y:t},start:{x:u,y:v},end:{x:x,y:y},alpha:z}},a.bezierBBox=function(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){,"array")||(b=[b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i]);var j=bQ.apply(null,b);return{x:j.min.x,y:j.min.y,x2:j.max.x,y2:j.max.y,width:j.max.x-j.min.x,height:j.max.y-j.min.y}},a.isPointInsideBBox=function(a,b,c){return b>=a.x&&b<=a.x2&&c>=a.y&&c<=a.y2},a.isBBoxIntersect=function(b,c){var d=a.isPointInsideBBox;return d(c,b.x,b.y)||d(c,b.x2,b.y)||d(c,b.x,b.y2)||d(c,b.x2,b.y2)||d(b,c.x,c.y)||d(b,c.x2,c.y)||d(b,c.x,c.y2)||d(b,c.x2,c.y2)||(b.x<c.x2&&b.x>c.x||c.x<b.x2&&c.x>b.x)&&(b.y<c.y2&&b.y>c.y||c.y<b.y2&&c.y>b.y)},a.pathIntersection=function(a,b){return bH(a,b)},a.pathIntersectionNumber=function(a,b){return bH(a,b,1)},a.isPointInsidePath=function(b,c,d){var e=a.pathBBox(b);return a.isPointInsideBBox(e,c,d)&&bH(b,[["M",c,d],["H",e.x2+10]],1)%2==1},a._removedFactory=function(a){return function(){eve("raphael.log",null,"Raphaël: you are calling to method “"+a+"” of removed object",a)}};var bI=a.pathBBox=function(a){var b=bz(a);if(b.bbox)return b.bbox;if(!a)return{x:0,y:0,width:0,height:0,x2:0,y2:0};a=bR(a);var c=0,d=0,e=[],f=[],g;for(var h=0,i=a.length;h<i;h++){g=a[h];if(g[0]=="M")c=g[1],d=g[2],e.push(c),f.push(d);else{var j=bQ(c,d,g[1],g[2],g[3],g[4],g[5],g[6]);e=e[n](j.min.x,j.max.x),f=f[n](j.min.y,j.max.y),c=g[5],d=g[6]}}var k=y[m](0,e),l=y[m](0,f),o=x[m](0,e),p=x[m](0,f),q={x:k,y:l,x2:o,y2:p,width:o-k,height:p-l};b.bbox=bm(q);return q},bJ=function(b){var c=bm(b);c.toString=a._path2string;return c},bK=a._pathToRelative=function(b){var c=bz(b);if(c.rel)return bJ(c.rel);if(!,E)||![0],E))b=a.parsePathString(b);var d=[],e=0,f=0,g=0,h=0,i=0;b[0][0]=="M"&&(e=b[0][1],f=b[0][2],g=e,h=f,i++,d.push(["M",e,f]));for(var j=i,k=b.length;j<k;j++){var l=d[j]=[],m=b[j];if(m[0]![0])){l[0][0]);switch(l[0]){case"a":l[1]=m[1],l[2]=m[2],l[3]=m[3],l[4]=m[4],l[5]=m[5],l[6]=+(m[6]-e).toFixed(3),l[7]=+(m[7]-f).toFixed(3);break;case"v":l[1]=+(m[1]-f).toFixed(3);break;case"m":g=m[1],h=m[2];default:for(var n=1,o=m.length;n<o;n++)l[n]=+(m[n]-(n%2?e:f)).toFixed(3)}}else{l=d[j]=[],m[0]=="m"&&(g=m[1]+e,h=m[2]+f);for(var p=0,q=m.length;p<q;p++)d[j][p]=m[p]}var r=d[j].length;switch(d[j][0]){case"z":e=g,f=h;break;case"h":e+=+d[j][r-1];break;case"v":f+=+d[j][r-1];break;default:e+=+d[j][r-2],f+=+d[j][r-1]}}d.toString=a._path2string,c.rel=bJ(d);return d},bL=a._pathToAbsolute=function(b){var c=bz(b);if(c.abs)return bJ(c.abs);if(!,E)||![0],E))b=a.parsePathString(b);if(!b||!b.length)return[["M",0,0]];var d=[],e=0,f=0,g=0,h=0,i=0;b[0][0]=="M"&&(e=+b[0][1],f=+b[0][2],g=e,h=f,i++,d[0]=["M",e,f]);var j=b.length==3&&b[0][0]=="M"&&b[1][0].toUpperCase()=="R"&&b[2][0].toUpperCase()=="Z";for(var k,l,m=i,o=b.length;m<o;m++){d.push(k=[]),l=b[m];if(l[0]![0])){k[0][0]);switch(k[0]){case"A":k[1]=l[1],k[2]=l[2],k[3]=l[3],k[4]=l[4],k[5]=l[5],k[6]=+(l[6]+e),k[7]=+(l[7]+f);break;case"V":k[1]=+l[1]+f;break;case"H":k[1]=+l[1]+e;break;case"R":var p=[e,f][n](l.slice(1));for(var q=2,r=p.length;q<r;q++)p[q]=+p[q]+e,p[++q]=+p[q]+f;d.pop(),d=d[n](by(p,j));break;case"M":g=+l[1]+e,h=+l[2]+f;default:for(q=1,r=l.length;q<r;q++)k[q]=+l[q]+(q%2?e:f)}}else if(l[0]=="R")p=[e,f][n](l.slice(1)),d.pop(),d=d[n](by(p,j)),k=["R"][n](l.slice(-2));else for(var s=0,t=l.length;s<t;s++)k[s]=l[s];switch(k[0]){case"Z":e=g,f=h;break;case"H":e=k[1];break;case"V":f=k[1];break;case"M":g=k[k.length-2],h=k[k.length-1];default:e=k[k.length-2],f=k[k.length-1]}}d.toString=a._path2string,c.abs=bJ(d);return d},bM=function(a,b,c,d){return[a,b,c,d,c,d]},bN=function(a,b,c,d,e,f){var g=1/3,h=2/3;return[g*a+h*c,g*b+h*d,g*e+h*c,g*f+h*d,e,f]},bO=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j){var k=B*120/180,l=B/180*(+e||0),m=[],o,p=bv(function(a,b,c){var d=a*w.cos(c)-b*w.sin(c),e=a*w.sin(c)+b*w.cos(c);return{x:d,y:e}});if(!j){o=p(a,b,-l),a=o.x,b=o.y,o=p(h,i,-l),h=o.x,i=o.y;var q=w.cos(B/180*e),r=w.sin(B/180*e),t=(a-h)/2,u=(b-i)/2,v=t*t/(c*c)+u*u/(d*d);v>1&&(v=w.sqrt(v),c=v*c,d=v*d);var x=c*c,y=d*d,A=(f==g?-1:1)*w.sqrt(z((x*y-x*u*u-y*t*t)/(x*u*u+y*t*t))),C=A*c*u/d+(a+h)/2,D=A*-d*t/c+(b+i)/2,E=w.asin(((b-D)/d).toFixed(9)),F=w.asin(((i-D)/d).toFixed(9));E=a<C?B-E:E,F=h<C?B-F:F,E<0&&(E=B*2+E),F<0&&(F=B*2+F),g&&E>F&&(E=E-B*2),!g&&F>E&&(F=F-B*2)}else E=j[0],F=j[1],C=j[2],D=j[3];var G=F-E;if(z(G)>k){var H=F,I=h,J=i;F=E+k*(g&&F>E?1:-1),h=C+c*w.cos(F),i=D+d*w.sin(F),m=bO(h,i,c,d,e,0,g,I,J,[F,H,C,D])}G=F-E;var K=w.cos(E),L=w.sin(E),M=w.cos(F),N=w.sin(F),O=w.tan(G/4),P=4/3*c*O,Q=4/3*d*O,R=[a,b],S=[a+P*L,b-Q*K],T=[h+P*N,i-Q*M],U=[h,i];S[0]=2*R[0]-S[0],S[1]=2*R[1]-S[1];if(j)return[S,T,U][n](m);m=[S,T,U][n](m).join()[s](",");var V=[];for(var W=0,X=m.length;W<X;W++)V[W]=W%2?p(m[W-1],m[W],l).y:p(m[W],m[W+1],l).x;return V},bP=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){var j=1-i;return{x:A(j,3)*a+A(j,2)*3*i*c+j*3*i*i*e+A(i,3)*g,y:A(j,3)*b+A(j,2)*3*i*d+j*3*i*i*f+A(i,3)*h}},bQ=bv(function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h){var i=e-2*c+a-(g-2*e+c),j=2*(c-a)-2*(e-c),k=a-c,l=(-j+w.sqrt(j*j-4*i*k))/2/i,n=(-j-w.sqrt(j*j-4*i*k))/2/i,o=[b,h],p=[a,g],q;z(l)>"1e12"&&(l=.5),z(n)>"1e12"&&(n=.5),l>0&&l<1&&(q=bP(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,l),p.push(q.x),o.push(q.y)),n>0&&n<1&&(q=bP(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,n),p.push(q.x),o.push(q.y)),i=f-2*d+b-(h-2*f+d),j=2*(d-b)-2*(f-d),k=b-d,l=(-j+w.sqrt(j*j-4*i*k))/2/i,n=(-j-w.sqrt(j*j-4*i*k))/2/i,z(l)>"1e12"&&(l=.5),z(n)>"1e12"&&(n=.5),l>0&&l<1&&(q=bP(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,l),p.push(q.x),o.push(q.y)),n>0&&n<1&&(q=bP(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,n),p.push(q.x),o.push(q.y));return{min:{x:y[m](0,p),y:y[m](0,o)},max:{x:x[m](0,p),y:x[m](0,o)}}}),bR=a._path2curve=bv(function(a,b){var c=!b&&bz(a);if(!b&&c.curve)return bJ(c.curve);var d=bL(a),e=b&&bL(b),f={x:0,y:0,bx:0,by:0,X:0,Y:0,qx:null,qy:null},g={x:0,y:0,bx:0,by:0,X:0,Y:0,qx:null,qy:null},h=function(a,b){var c,d;if(!a)return["C",b.x,b.y,b.x,b.y,b.x,b.y];!(a[0]in{T:1,Q:1})&&(b.qx=b.qy=null);switch(a[0]){case"M":b.X=a[1],b.Y=a[2];break;case"A":a=["C"][n](bO[m](0,[b.x,b.y][n](a.slice(1))));break;case"S":c=b.x+(b.x-(b.bx||b.x)),d=b.y+(b.y-(||b.y)),a=["C",c,d][n](a.slice(1));break;case"T":b.qx=b.x+(b.x-(b.qx||b.x)),b.qy=b.y+(b.y-(b.qy||b.y)),a=["C"][n](bN(b.x,b.y,b.qx,b.qy,a[1],a[2]));break;case"Q":b.qx=a[1],b.qy=a[2],a=["C"][n](bN(b.x,b.y,a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4]));break;case"L":a=["C"][n](bM(b.x,b.y,a[1],a[2]));break;case"H":a=["C"][n](bM(b.x,b.y,a[1],b.y));break;case"V":a=["C"][n](bM(b.x,b.y,b.x,a[1]));break;case"Z":a=["C"][n](bM(b.x,b.y,b.X,b.Y))}return a},i=function(a,b){if(a[b].length>7){a[b].shift();var c=a[b];while(c.length)a.splice(b++,0,["C"][n](c.splice(0,6)));a.splice(b,1),l=x(d.length,e&&e.length||0)}},j=function(a,b,c,f,g){a&&b&&a[g][0]=="M"&&b[g][0]!="M"&&(b.splice(g,0,["M",f.x,f.y]),c.bx=0,,c.x=a[g][1],c.y=a[g][2],l=x(d.length,e&&e.length||0))};for(var k=0,l=x(d.length,e&&e.length||0);k<l;k++){d[k]=h(d[k],f),i(d,k),e&&(e[k]=h(e[k],g)),e&&i(e,k),j(d,e,f,g,k),j(e,d,g,f,k);var o=d[k],p=e&&e[k],q=o.length,r=e&&p.length;f.x=o[q-2],f.y=o[q-1],f.bx=Q(o[q-4])||f.x,[q-3])||f.y,g.bx=e&&(Q(p[r-4])||g.x),[r-3])||g.y),g.x=e&&p[r-2],g.y=e&&p[r-1]}e||(c.curve=bJ(d));return e?[d,e]:d},null,bJ),bS=a._parseDots=bv(function(b){var c=[];for(var d=0,e=b.length;d<e;d++){var f={},g=b[d].match(/^([^:]*):?([\d\.]*)/);f.color=a.getRGB(g[1]);if(f.color.error)return null;f.color=f.color.hex,g[2]&&(f.offset=g[2]+"%"),c.push(f)}for(d=1,e=c.length-1;d<e;d++)if(!c[d].offset){var h=Q(c[d-1].offset||0),i=0;for(var j=d+1;j<e;j++)if(c[j].offset){i=c[j].offset;break}i||(i=100,j=e),i=Q(i);var k=(i-h)/(j-d+1);for(;d<j;d++)h+=k,c[d].offset=h+"%"}return c}),bT=a._tear=function(a,b){,a==b.bottom&&(,,a.prev&&(},bU=a._tofront=function(a,b){!==a&&(bT(a,b),,,,},bV=a._toback=function(a,b){b.bottom!==a&&(bT(a,b),,a.prev=null,b.bottom.prev=a,b.bottom=a)},bW=a._insertafter=function(a,b,c){bT(a,c),,,,a.prev=b,},bX=a._insertbefore=function(a,b,c){bT(a,c),b==c.bottom&&(c.bottom=a),b.prev&&(,a.prev=b.prev,b.prev=a,},bY=a.toMatrix=function(a,b){var c=bI(a),d={_:{transform:p},getBBox:function(){return c}};b$(d,b);return d.matrix},bZ=a.transformPath=function(a,b){return bj(a,bY(a,b))},b$=a._extractTransform=function(b,c){if(c==null)return b._.transform;c=r(c).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g,b._.transform||p);var d=a.parseTransformString(c),e=0,f=0,g=0,h=1,i=1,j=b._,k=new cb;j.transform=d||[];if(d)for(var l=0,m=d.length;l<m;l++){var n=d[l],o=n.length,q=r(n[0]).toLowerCase(),s=n[0]!=q,t=s?k.invert():0,u,v,w,x,y;q=="t"&&o==3?s?(u=t.x(0,0),v=t.y(0,0),w=t.x(n[1],n[2]),x=t.y(n[1],n[2]),k.translate(w-u,x-v)):k.translate(n[1],n[2]):q=="r"?o==2?(y=y||b.getBBox(1),k.rotate(n[1],y.x+y.width/2,y.y+y.height/2),e+=n[1]):o==4&&(s?(w=t.x(n[2],n[3]),x=t.y(n[2],n[3]),k.rotate(n[1],w,x)):k.rotate(n[1],n[2],n[3]),e+=n[1]):q=="s"?o==2||o==3?(y=y||b.getBBox(1),k.scale(n[1],n[o-1],y.x+y.width/2,y.y+y.height/2),h*=n[1],i*=n[o-1]):o==5&&(s?(w=t.x(n[3],n[4]),x=t.y(n[3],n[4]),k.scale(n[1],n[2],w,x)):k.scale(n[1],n[2],n[3],n[4]),h*=n[1],i*=n[2]):q=="m"&&o==7&&k.add(n[1],n[2],n[3],n[4],n[5],n[6]),j.dirtyT=1,b.matrix=k}b.matrix=k,,,j.deg=e,j.dx=f=k.e,j.dy=g=k.f,h==1&&i==1&&!e&&j.bbox?(j.bbox.x+=+f,j.bbox.y+=+g):j.dirtyT=1},b_=function(a){var b=a[0];switch(b.toLowerCase()){case"t":return[b,0,0];case"m":return[b,1,0,0,1,0,0];case"r":return a.length==4?[b,0,a[2],a[3]]:[b,0];case"s":return 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m=this.getBBox(),p=this.getBBox(1),q=m.x-p.x,r=m.y-p.y;i.coordorigin=q*-u+n+r*-u,z(this,1,1,q,r,0)}else,z(this,j.scalex,j.scaley,j.dx,j.dy,j.rotate)}else,h.matrix=c(g),h.offset=g.offset();f&&(this._.transform=f);return this},E.rotate=function(a,b,e){if(this.removed)return this;if(a!=null){a=c(a).split(k),a.length-1&&(b=d(a[1]),e=d(a[2])),a=d(a[0]),e==null&&(b=e);if(b==null||e==null){var f=this.getBBox(1);b=f.x+f.width/2,e=f.y+f.height/2}this._.dirtyT=1,this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["r",a,b,e]]));return this}},E.translate=function(a,b){if(this.removed)return this;a=c(a).split(k),a.length-1&&(b=d(a[1])),a=d(a[0])||0,b=+b||0,this._.bbox&&(this._.bbox.x+=a,this._.bbox.y+=b),this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["t",a,b]]));return this},E.scale=function(a,b,e,f){if(this.removed)return this;a=c(a).split(k),a.length-1&&(b=d(a[1]),e=d(a[2]),f=d(a[3]),isNaN(e)&&(e=null),isNaN(f)&&(f=null)),a=d(a[0]),b==null&&(b=a),f==null&&(e=f);if(e==null||f==null)var g=this.getBBox(1);e=e==null?g.x+g.width/2:e,f=f==null?g.y+g.height/2:f,this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["s",a,b,e,f]])),this._.dirtyT=1;return this},E.hide=function(){!this.removed&&("none");return this},{!this.removed&&(;return this},E._getBBox=function(){if(this.removed)return{};return{x:this.X+(this.bbx||0)-this.W/2,y:this.Y-this.H,width:this.W,height:this.H}},E.remove=function(){if(!this.removed&&!!this.node.parentNode){this.paper.__set__&&this.paper.__set__.exclude(this),a.eve.unbind("raphael.*.*.",a._tear(this,this.paper),this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node),this.shape&&this.shape.parentNode.removeChild(this.shape);for(var b in this)this[b]=typeof this[b]=="function"?a._removedFactory(b):null;this.removed=!0}},E.attr=function(c,d){if(this.removed)return this;if(c==null){var e={};for(var f in this.attrs)this.attrs[b](f)&&(e[f]=this.attrs[f]);e.gradient&&e.fill=="none"&&(e.fill=e.gradient)&&delete e.gradient,e.transform=this._.transform;return e}if(d==null&&,"string")){if(c==j&&this.attrs.fill=="none"&&this.attrs.gradient)return this.attrs.gradient;var g=c.split(k),h={};for(var i=0,m=g.length;i<m;i++)c=g[i],c in this.attrs?h[c]=this.attrs[c][c],"function")?h[c]=this.paper.customAttributes[c].def:h[c]=a._availableAttrs[c];return m-1?h:h[g[0]]}if(this.attrs&&d==null&&,"array")){h={};for(i=0,m=c.length;i<m;i++)h[c[i]]=this.attr(c[i]);return h}var n;d!=null&&(n={},n[c]=d),d==null&&,"object")&&(n=c);for(var o in n)l("raphael.attr."+o+".",this,n[o]);if(n){for(o in this.paper.customAttributes)if(this.paper.customAttributes[b](o)&&n[b](o)&&[o],"function")){var p=this.paper.customAttributes[o].apply(this,[].concat(n[o]));this.attrs[o]=n[o];for(var q in p)p[b](q)&&(n[q]=p[q])}n.text&&this.type=="text"&&(this.textpath.string=n.text),B(this,n)}return this},E.toFront=function(){!this.removed&&this.node.parentNode.appendChild(this.node),this.paper&&!=this&&a._tofront(this,this.paper);return this},E.toBack=function(){if(this.removed)return this;this.node.parentNode.firstChild!=this.node&&(this.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node,this.node.parentNode.firstChild),a._toback(this,this.paper));return this},E.insertAfter=function(b){if(this.removed)return this;[b.length-1]),b.node.nextSibling?b.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node,b.node.nextSibling):b.node.parentNode.appendChild(this.node),a._insertafter(this,b,this.paper);return this},E.insertBefore=function(b){if(this.removed)return this;[0]),b.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node,b.node),a._insertbefore(this,b,this.paper);return this},E.blur=function(b){var c=this.node.runtimeStyle,d=c.filter;d=d.replace(r,o),+b!==0?(this.attrs.blur=b,c.filter=d+n+m+".Blur(pixelradius="+(+b||1.5)+")",c.margin=a.format("-{0}px 0 0 -{0}px",f(+b||1.5))):(c.filter=d,c.margin=0,delete this.attrs.blur)},a._engine.path=function(a,b){var c=F("shape");,c.coordsize=u+n+u,c.coordorigin=b.coordorigin;var d=new D(c,b),e={fill:"none",stroke:"#000"};a&&(e.path=a),d.type="path",d.path=[],d.Path=o,B(d,e),b.canvas.appendChild(c);var f=F("skew");f.on=!0,c.appendChild(f),d.skew=f,d.transform(o);return d},a._engine.rect=function(b,c,d,e,f,g){var h=a._rectPath(c,d,e,f,g),i=b.path(h),j=i.attrs;i.X=j.x=c,i.Y=j.y=d,i.W=j.width=e,i.H=j.height=f,j.r=g,j.path=h,i.type="rect";return i},a._engine.ellipse=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f=a.path(),g=f.attrs;f.X=b-d,f.Y=c-e,f.W=d*2,f.H=e*2,f.type="ellipse",B(f,{cx:b,cy:c,rx:d,ry:e});return f},,b,c,d){var e=a.path(),f=e.attrs;e.X=b-d,e.Y=c-d,e.W=e.H=d*2,e.type="circle",B(e,{cx:b,cy:c,r:d});return e},a._engine.image=function(b,c,d,e,f,g){var h=a._rectPath(d,e,f,g),i=b.path(h).attr({stroke:"none"}),k=i.attrs,l=i.node,m=l.getElementsByTagName(j)[0];k.src=c,i.X=k.x=d,i.Y=k.y=e,i.W=k.width=f,i.H=k.height=g,k.path=h,i.type="image",m.parentNode==l&&l.removeChild(m),m.rotate=!0,m.src=c,m.type="tile",i._.fillpos=[d,e],i._.fillsize=[f,g],l.appendChild(m),z(i,1,1,0,0,0);return i},a._engine.text=function(b,d,e,g){var h=F("shape"),i=F("path"),j=F("textpath");d=d||0,e=e||0,g=g||"",i.v=a.format("m{0},{1}l{2},{1}",f(d*u),f(e*u),f(d*u)+1),i.textpathok=!0,j.string=c(g),j.on=!0,,h.coordsize=u+n+u,h.coordorigin="0 0";var k=new D(h,b),l={fill:"#000",stroke:"none",font:a._availableAttrs.font,text:g};k.shape=h,k.path=i,k.textpath=j,k.type="text",k.attrs.text=c(g),k.attrs.x=d,k.attrs.y=e,k.attrs.w=1,k.attrs.h=1,B(k,l),h.appendChild(j),h.appendChild(i),b.canvas.appendChild(h);var m=F("skew");m.on=!0,h.appendChild(m),k.skew=m,k.transform(o);return k},a._engine.setSize=function(b,c){var;this.width=b,this.height=c,b==+b&&(b+="px"),c==+c&&(c+="px"),d.width=b,d.height=c,d.clip="rect(0 "+b+" "+c+" 0)",this._viewBox&&a._engine.setViewBox.apply(this,this._viewBox);return this},a._engine.setViewBox=function(b,c,d,e,f){a.eve("raphael.setViewBox",this,this._viewBox,[b,c,d,e,f]);var h=this.width,i=this.height,j=1/g(d/h,e/i),k,l;f&&(k=i/e,l=h/d,d*k<h&&(b-=(h-d*k)/2/k),e*l<i&&(c-=(i-e*l)/2/l)),this._viewBox=[b,c,d,e,!!f],this._viewBoxShift={dx:-b,dy:-c,scale:j},this.forEach(function(a){a.transform("...")});return this};var F;a._engine.initWin=function(a){var b=a.document;b.createStyleSheet().addRule(".rvml","behavior:url(#default#VML)");try{!b.namespaces.rvml&&b.namespaces.add("rvml","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"),F=function(a){return b.createElement("<rvml:"+a+' class="rvml">')}}catch(c){F=function(a){return b.createElement("<"+a+' xmlns="" class="rvml">')}}},a._engine.initWin(,a._engine.create=function(){var b=a._getContainer.apply(0,arguments),c=b.container,d=b.height,e,f=b.width,g=b.x,h=b.y;if(!c)throw new Error("VML container not found.");var i=new a._Paper,j=i.canvas=a._g.doc.createElement("div"),;g=g||0,h=h||0,f=f||512,d=d||342,i.width=f,i.height=d,f==+f&&(f+="px"),d==+d&&(d+="px"),i.coordsize=u*1e3+n+u*1e3,i.coordorigin="0 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this.forEach(function(c){c[a].apply(c,b)})}}(H))}(window.Raphael)
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui'
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/align-plugin'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/align-plugin/align-plugin-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/align-plugin/align-plugin-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/align-plugin/align-plugin-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('align-plugin', function(Y) {
- /**
- * Provides advanced positioning support for Node via a Plugin
- * for centering and alignment.
- * @module align-plugin
- */
- var OFFSET_WIDTH = 'offsetWidth',
- OFFSET_HEIGHT = 'offsetHeight',
- undefined = undefined;
- /**
- * Node plugin which can be used to align a node with another node,
- * region, or the viewport.
- *
- * @class Plugin.Align
- * @param {Object} User configuration object
- */
- function Align(config) {
- if ( {
- this._host =;
- }
- }
- Align.prototype = {
- /**
- * Aligns node with a point on another node or region.
- * Possible alignment points are:
- * <dl>
- * <dt>tl</dt>
- * <dd>top left</dd>
- * <dt>tr</dt>
- * <dd>top right</dd>
- * <dt>bl</dt>
- * <dd>bottom left</dd>
- * <dt>br</dt>
- * <dd>bottom right</dd>
- * <dt>tc</dt>
- * <dd>top center</dd>
- * <dt>bc</dt>
- * <dd>bottom center</dd>
- * <dt>rc</dt>
- * <dd>right center</dd>
- * <dt>lc</dt>
- * <dd>left center</dd>
- * <dt>cc</dt>
- * <dd>center center</dd>
- * </dl>
- * @method to
- * @param region {String || Node || HTMLElement || Object} The node or
- * region to align with. Defaults to the viewport region.
- * @param regionPoint {String} The point of the region to align with.
- * @param point {String} The point of the node aligned to the region.
- * @param resize {Boolean} Whether or not the node should re-align when
- * the window is resized. Defaults to false.
- */
- to: function(region, regionPoint, point, syncOnResize) {
- // cache original args for syncing
- this._syncArgs = Y.Array(arguments);
- if ( === undefined) {
- region ='region');
- }
- if (region) {
- var xy = [region.left,],
- offxy = [region.width, region.height],
- points = Align.points,
- node = this._host,
- NULL = null,
- size = node.getAttrs([OFFSET_HEIGHT, OFFSET_WIDTH]),
- nodeoff = [0 - size[OFFSET_WIDTH], 0 - size[OFFSET_HEIGHT]], // reverse offsets
- regionFn0 = regionPoint ? points[regionPoint.charAt(0)]: NULL,
- regionFn1 = (regionPoint && regionPoint !== 'cc') ? points[regionPoint.charAt(1)] : NULL,
- nodeFn0 = point ? points[point.charAt(0)] : NULL,
- nodeFn1 = (point && point !== 'cc') ? points[point.charAt(1)] : NULL;
- if (regionFn0) {
- xy = regionFn0(xy, offxy, regionPoint);
- }
- if (regionFn1) {
- xy = regionFn1(xy, offxy, regionPoint);
- }
- if (nodeFn0) {
- xy = nodeFn0(xy, nodeoff, point);
- }
- if (nodeFn1) {
- xy = nodeFn1(xy, nodeoff, point);
- }
- if (xy && node) {
- node.setXY(xy);
- }
- this._resize(syncOnResize);
- }
- return this;
- },
- sync: function() {
-, this._syncArgs);
- return this;
- },
- _resize: function(add) {
- var handle = this._handle;
- if (add && !handle) {
- this._handle = Y.on('resize', this._onresize, window, this);
- } else if (!add && handle) {
- handle.detach();
- }
- },
- _onresize: function() {
- var self = this;
- setTimeout(function() { // for performance
- self.sync();
- });
- },
- /**
- * Aligns the center of a node to the center of another node or region.
- * @method center
- * @param region {Node || HTMLElement || Object} optional The node or
- * region to align with. Defaults to the viewport region.
- * the window is resized. If centering to viewport, this defaults
- * to true, otherwise default is false.
- */
- center: function(region, resize) {
-, 'cc', 'cc', resize);
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Removes the resize handler, if any. This is called automatically
- * when unplugged from the host node.
- * @method destroy
- */
- destroy: function() {
- var handle = this._handle;
- if (handle) {
- handle.detach();
- }
- }
- };
- Align.points = {
- 't': function(xy, off) {
- return xy;
- },
- 'r': function(xy, off) {
- return [xy[0] + off[0], xy[1]];
- },
- 'b': function(xy, off) {
- return [xy[0], xy[1] + off[1]];
- },
- 'l': function(xy, off) {
- return xy;
- },
- 'c': function(xy, off, point) {
- var axis = (point[0] === 't' || point[0] === 'b') ? 0 : 1,
- ret, val;
- if (point === 'cc') {
- ret = [xy[0] + off[0] / 2, xy[1] + off[1] / 2];
- } else {
- val = xy[axis] + off[axis] / 2;
- ret = (axis) ? [xy[0], val] : [val, xy[1]];
- }
- return ret;
- }
- };
- Align.NAME = 'Align';
- Align.NS = 'align';
- Align.prototype.constructor = Align;
- Y.namespace('Plugin');
- Y.Plugin.Align = Align;
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['node-pluginhost', 'node-screen']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/align-plugin/align-plugin-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/align-plugin/align-plugin-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/align-plugin/align-plugin-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("align-plugin",function(c){var e="offsetWidth",d="offsetHeight",b=b;function a(f){if({;}}a.prototype={to:function(j,t,l,o){this._syncArgs=c.Array(arguments);if({"region");}if(j){var s=[j.left,],q=[j.width,j.height],n=a.points,f=this._host,h=null,r=f.getAttrs([d,e]),k=[0-r[e],0-r[d]],p=t?n[t.charAt(0)]:h,m=(t&&t!=="cc")?n[t.charAt(1)]:h,i=l?n[l.charAt(0)]:h,g=(l&&l!=="cc")?n[l.charAt(1)]:h;if(p){s=p(s,q,t);}if(m){s=m(s,q,t);}if(i){s=i(s,k,l);}if(g){s=g(s,k,l);}if(s&&f){f.setXY(s);}this._resize(o);}return this;},sync:function(){,this._syncArgs);return this;},_resize:function(g){var f=this._handle;if(g&&!f){this._handle=c.on("resize",this._onresize,window,this);}else{if(!g&&f){f.detach();}}},_onresize:function(){var f=this;setTimeout(function(){f.sync();});},center:function(g,f){,"cc","cc",f);return this;},destroy:function(){var f=this._handle;if(f){f.detach();}}};a.points={"t":function(f,g){return f;},"r":function(f,g){return[f[0]+g[0],f[1]];},"b":function(f,g){return[f[0],f[1]+g[1]];},"l":function(f,g){return f;},"c":function(i,k,f){var h=(f[0]==="t"||f[0]==="b")?0:1,g,j;if(f==="cc"){g=[i[0]+k[0]/2,i[1]+k[1]/2];}else{j=i[h]+k[h]/2;g=(h)?[i[0],j]:[j,i[1]];}return g;}};a.NAME="Align";a.NS="align";a.prototype.constructor=a;c.namespace("Plugin");c.Plugin.Align=a;},"3.5.1",{requires:["node-pluginhost","node-screen"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/align-plugin/align-plugin.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/align-plugin/align-plugin.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/align-plugin/align-plugin.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('align-plugin', function(Y) {
- /**
- * Provides advanced positioning support for Node via a Plugin
- * for centering and alignment.
- * @module align-plugin
- */
- var OFFSET_WIDTH = 'offsetWidth',
- OFFSET_HEIGHT = 'offsetHeight',
- undefined = undefined;
- /**
- * Node plugin which can be used to align a node with another node,
- * region, or the viewport.
- *
- * @class Plugin.Align
- * @param {Object} User configuration object
- */
- function Align(config) {
- if ( {
- this._host =;
- }
- }
- Align.prototype = {
- /**
- * Aligns node with a point on another node or region.
- * Possible alignment points are:
- * <dl>
- * <dt>tl</dt>
- * <dd>top left</dd>
- * <dt>tr</dt>
- * <dd>top right</dd>
- * <dt>bl</dt>
- * <dd>bottom left</dd>
- * <dt>br</dt>
- * <dd>bottom right</dd>
- * <dt>tc</dt>
- * <dd>top center</dd>
- * <dt>bc</dt>
- * <dd>bottom center</dd>
- * <dt>rc</dt>
- * <dd>right center</dd>
- * <dt>lc</dt>
- * <dd>left center</dd>
- * <dt>cc</dt>
- * <dd>center center</dd>
- * </dl>
- * @method to
- * @param region {String || Node || HTMLElement || Object} The node or
- * region to align with. Defaults to the viewport region.
- * @param regionPoint {String} The point of the region to align with.
- * @param point {String} The point of the node aligned to the region.
- * @param resize {Boolean} Whether or not the node should re-align when
- * the window is resized. Defaults to false.
- */
- to: function(region, regionPoint, point, syncOnResize) {
- // cache original args for syncing
- this._syncArgs = Y.Array(arguments);
- if ( === undefined) {
- region ='region');
- }
- if (region) {
- var xy = [region.left,],
- offxy = [region.width, region.height],
- points = Align.points,
- node = this._host,
- NULL = null,
- size = node.getAttrs([OFFSET_HEIGHT, OFFSET_WIDTH]),
- nodeoff = [0 - size[OFFSET_WIDTH], 0 - size[OFFSET_HEIGHT]], // reverse offsets
- regionFn0 = regionPoint ? points[regionPoint.charAt(0)]: NULL,
- regionFn1 = (regionPoint && regionPoint !== 'cc') ? points[regionPoint.charAt(1)] : NULL,
- nodeFn0 = point ? points[point.charAt(0)] : NULL,
- nodeFn1 = (point && point !== 'cc') ? points[point.charAt(1)] : NULL;
- if (regionFn0) {
- xy = regionFn0(xy, offxy, regionPoint);
- }
- if (regionFn1) {
- xy = regionFn1(xy, offxy, regionPoint);
- }
- if (nodeFn0) {
- xy = nodeFn0(xy, nodeoff, point);
- }
- if (nodeFn1) {
- xy = nodeFn1(xy, nodeoff, point);
- }
- if (xy && node) {
- node.setXY(xy);
- }
- this._resize(syncOnResize);
- }
- return this;
- },
- sync: function() {
-, this._syncArgs);
- return this;
- },
- _resize: function(add) {
- var handle = this._handle;
- if (add && !handle) {
- this._handle = Y.on('resize', this._onresize, window, this);
- } else if (!add && handle) {
- handle.detach();
- }
- },
- _onresize: function() {
- var self = this;
- setTimeout(function() { // for performance
- self.sync();
- });
- },
- /**
- * Aligns the center of a node to the center of another node or region.
- * @method center
- * @param region {Node || HTMLElement || Object} optional The node or
- * region to align with. Defaults to the viewport region.
- * the window is resized. If centering to viewport, this defaults
- * to true, otherwise default is false.
- */
- center: function(region, resize) {
-, 'cc', 'cc', resize);
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Removes the resize handler, if any. This is called automatically
- * when unplugged from the host node.
- * @method destroy
- */
- destroy: function() {
- var handle = this._handle;
- if (handle) {
- handle.detach();
- }
- }
- };
- Align.points = {
- 't': function(xy, off) {
- return xy;
- },
- 'r': function(xy, off) {
- return [xy[0] + off[0], xy[1]];
- },
- 'b': function(xy, off) {
- return [xy[0], xy[1] + off[1]];
- },
- 'l': function(xy, off) {
- return xy;
- },
- 'c': function(xy, off, point) {
- var axis = (point[0] === 't' || point[0] === 'b') ? 0 : 1,
- ret, val;
- if (point === 'cc') {
- ret = [xy[0] + off[0] / 2, xy[1] + off[1] / 2];
- } else {
- val = xy[axis] + off[axis] / 2;
- ret = (axis) ? [xy[0], val] : [val, xy[1]];
- }
- return ret;
- }
- };
- Align.NAME = 'Align';
- Align.NS = 'align';
- Align.prototype.constructor = Align;
- Y.namespace('Plugin');
- Y.Plugin.Align = Align;
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['node-pluginhost', 'node-screen']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-base'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-base/anim-base-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-base/anim-base-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-base/anim-base-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,682 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-base', function(Y) {
-* The Animation Utility provides an API for creating advanced transitions.
-* @module anim
-* Provides the base Anim class, for animating numeric properties.
-* @module anim
-* @submodule anim-base
- /**
- * A class for constructing animation instances.
- * @class Anim
- * @for Anim
- * @constructor
- * @extends Base
- */
- var RUNNING = 'running',
- START_TIME = 'startTime',
- ELAPSED_TIME = 'elapsedTime',
- /**
- * @for Anim
- * @event start
- * @description fires when an animation begins.
- * @param {Event} ev The start event.
- * @type Event.Custom
- */
- START = 'start',
- /**
- * @event tween
- * @description fires every frame of the animation.
- * @param {Event} ev The tween event.
- * @type Event.Custom
- */
- TWEEN = 'tween',
- /**
- * @event end
- * @description fires after the animation completes.
- * @param {Event} ev The end event.
- * @type Event.Custom
- */
- END = 'end',
- NODE = 'node',
- PAUSED = 'paused',
- REVERSE = 'reverse', // TODO: cleanup
- ITERATION_COUNT = 'iterationCount',
- NUM = Number;
- var _running = {},
- _timer;
- Y.Anim = function() {
- Y.Anim.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- Y.Anim._instances[Y.stamp(this)] = this;
- };
- Y.Anim.NAME = 'anim';
- Y.Anim._instances = {};
- /**
- * Regex of properties that should use the default unit.
- *
- * @property RE_DEFAULT_UNIT
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.RE_DEFAULT_UNIT = /^width|height|top|right|bottom|left|margin.*|padding.*|border.*$/i;
- /**
- * The default unit to use with properties that pass the RE_DEFAULT_UNIT test.
- *
- * @property DEFAULT_UNIT
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.DEFAULT_UNIT = 'px';
- Y.Anim.DEFAULT_EASING = function (t, b, c, d) {
- return c * t / d + b; // linear easing
- };
- /**
- * Time in milliseconds passed to setInterval for frame processing
- *
- * @property intervalTime
- * @default 20
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim._intervalTime = 20;
- /**
- * Bucket for custom getters and setters
- *
- * @property behaviors
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.behaviors = {
- left: {
- get: function(anim, attr) {
- return anim._getOffset(attr);
- }
- }
- };
- = Y.Anim.behaviors.left;
- /**
- * The default setter to use when setting object properties.
- *
- * @property DEFAULT_SETTER
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.DEFAULT_SETTER = function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn, unit) {
- var node = anim._node,
- domNode = node._node,
- val = fn(elapsed, NUM(from), NUM(to) - NUM(from), duration);
- //make sure node instance
- if (domNode && ( || domNode.attributes)) {
- if (att in || att in Y.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES) {
- unit = unit || '';
- node.setStyle(att, val + unit);
- } else if (domNode.attributes[att]) {
- node.setAttribute(att, val);
- }
- } else if (node.set) {
- node.set(att, val);
- }
- };
- /**
- * The default getter to use when getting object properties.
- *
- * @property DEFAULT_GETTER
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.DEFAULT_GETTER = function(anim, att) {
- var node = anim._node,
- domNode = node._node,
- val = '';
- //make sure node instance
- if (domNode && ( || domNode.attributes)) {
- if (att in || att in Y.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES) {
- val = node.getComputedStyle(att);
- } else if (domNode.attributes[att]) {
- val = node.getAttribute(att);
- }
- } else if (node.get) {
- val = node.get(att);
- }
- return val;
- };
- Y.Anim.ATTRS = {
- /**
- * The object to be animated.
- * @attribute node
- * @type Node
- */
- node: {
- setter: function(node) {
- if (node) {
- if (typeof node == 'string' || node.nodeType) {
- node =;
- }
- }
- this._node = node;
- if (!node) {
- Y.log(node + ' is not a valid node', 'warn', 'Anim');
- }
- return node;
- }
- },
- /**
- * The length of the animation. Defaults to "1" (second).
- * @attribute duration
- * @type NUM
- */
- duration: {
- value: 1
- },
- /**
- * The method that will provide values to the attribute(s) during the animation.
- * Defaults to "Easing.easeNone".
- * @attribute easing
- * @type Function
- */
- easing: {
- value: Y.Anim.DEFAULT_EASING,
- setter: function(val) {
- if (typeof val === 'string' && Y.Easing) {
- return Y.Easing[val];
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * The starting values for the animated properties.
- *
- * Fields may be strings, numbers, or functions.
- * If a function is used, the return value becomes the from value.
- * If no from value is specified, the DEFAULT_GETTER will be used.
- * Supports any unit, provided it matches the "to" (or default)
- * unit (e.g. `{width: '10em', color: 'rgb(0, 0 0)', borderColor: '#ccc'}`).
- *
- * If using the default ('px' for length-based units), the unit may be omitted
- * (e.g. `{width: 100}, borderColor: 'ccc'}`, which defaults to pixels
- * and hex, respectively).
- *
- * @attribute from
- * @type Object
- */
- from: {},
- /**
- * The ending values for the animated properties.
- *
- * Fields may be strings, numbers, or functions.
- * Supports any unit, provided it matches the "from" (or default)
- * unit (e.g. `{width: '50%', color: 'red', borderColor: '#ccc'}`).
- *
- * If using the default ('px' for length-based units), the unit may be omitted
- * (e.g. `{width: 100, borderColor: 'ccc'}`, which defaults to pixels
- * and hex, respectively).
- *
- * @attribute to
- * @type Object
- */
- to: {},
- /**
- * Date stamp for the first frame of the animation.
- * @attribute startTime
- * @type Int
- * @default 0
- * @readOnly
- */
- startTime: {
- value: 0,
- readOnly: true
- },
- /**
- * Current time the animation has been running.
- * @attribute elapsedTime
- * @type Int
- * @default 0
- * @readOnly
- */
- elapsedTime: {
- value: 0,
- readOnly: true
- },
- /**
- * Whether or not the animation is currently running.
- * @attribute running
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @readOnly
- */
- running: {
- getter: function() {
- return !!_running[Y.stamp(this)];
- },
- value: false,
- readOnly: true
- },
- /**
- * The number of times the animation should run
- * @attribute iterations
- * @type Int
- * @default 1
- */
- iterations: {
- value: 1
- },
- /**
- * The number of iterations that have occurred.
- * Resets when an animation ends (reaches iteration count or stop() called).
- * @attribute iterationCount
- * @type Int
- * @default 0
- * @readOnly
- */
- iterationCount: {
- value: 0,
- readOnly: true
- },
- /**
- * How iterations of the animation should behave.
- * Possible values are "normal" and "alternate".
- * Normal will repeat the animation, alternate will reverse on every other pass.
- *
- * @attribute direction
- * @type String
- * @default "normal"
- */
- direction: {
- value: 'normal' // | alternate (fwd on odd, rev on even per spec)
- },
- /**
- * Whether or not the animation is currently paused.
- * @attribute paused
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @readOnly
- */
- paused: {
- readOnly: true,
- value: false
- },
- /**
- * If true, animation begins from last frame
- * @attribute reverse
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- */
- reverse: {
- value: false
- }
- };
- /**
- * Runs all animation instances.
- * @method run
- * @static
- */
- = function() {
- var instances = Y.Anim._instances;
- for (var i in instances) {
- if (instances[i].run) {
- instances[i].run();
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Pauses all animation instances.
- * @method pause
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.pause = function() {
- for (var i in _running) { // stop timer if nothing running
- if (_running[i].pause) {
- _running[i].pause();
- }
- }
- Y.Anim._stopTimer();
- };
- /**
- * Stops all animation instances.
- * @method stop
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.stop = function() {
- for (var i in _running) { // stop timer if nothing running
- if (_running[i].stop) {
- _running[i].stop();
- }
- }
- Y.Anim._stopTimer();
- };
- Y.Anim._startTimer = function() {
- if (!_timer) {
- _timer = setInterval(Y.Anim._runFrame, Y.Anim._intervalTime);
- }
- };
- Y.Anim._stopTimer = function() {
- clearInterval(_timer);
- _timer = 0;
- };
- /**
- * Called per Interval to handle each animation frame.
- * @method _runFrame
- * @private
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim._runFrame = function() {
- var done = true;
- for (var anim in _running) {
- if (_running[anim]._runFrame) {
- done = false;
- _running[anim]._runFrame();
- }
- }
- if (done) {
- Y.Anim._stopTimer();
- }
- };
- Y.Anim.RE_UNITS = /^(-?\d*\.?\d*){1}(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|%)*$/;
- var proto = {
- /**
- * Starts or resumes an animation.
- * @method run
- * @chainable
- */
- run: function() {
- if (this.get(PAUSED)) {
- this._resume();
- } else if (!this.get(RUNNING)) {
- this._start();
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Pauses the animation and
- * freezes it in its current state and time.
- * Calling run() will continue where it left off.
- * @method pause
- * @chainable
- */
- pause: function() {
- if (this.get(RUNNING)) {
- this._pause();
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Stops the animation and resets its time.
- * @method stop
- * @param {Boolean} finish If true, the animation will move to the last frame
- * @chainable
- */
- stop: function(finish) {
- if (this.get(RUNNING) || this.get(PAUSED)) {
- this._end(finish);
- }
- return this;
- },
- _added: false,
- _start: function() {
- this._set(START_TIME, new Date() - this.get(ELAPSED_TIME));
- this._actualFrames = 0;
- if (!this.get(PAUSED)) {
- this._initAnimAttr();
- }
- _running[Y.stamp(this)] = this;
- Y.Anim._startTimer();
- },
- _pause: function() {
- this._set(START_TIME, null);
- this._set(PAUSED, true);
- delete _running[Y.stamp(this)];
- /**
- * @event pause
- * @description fires when an animation is paused.
- * @param {Event} ev The pause event.
- * @type Event.Custom
- */
- },
- _resume: function() {
- this._set(PAUSED, false);
- _running[Y.stamp(this)] = this;
- this._set(START_TIME, new Date() - this.get(ELAPSED_TIME));
- Y.Anim._startTimer();
- /**
- * @event resume
- * @description fires when an animation is resumed (run from pause).
- * @param {Event} ev The pause event.
- * @type Event.Custom
- */
- },
- _end: function(finish) {
- var duration = this.get('duration') * 1000;
- if (finish) { // jump to last frame
- this._runAttrs(duration, duration, this.get(REVERSE));
- }
- this._set(START_TIME, null);
- this._set(ELAPSED_TIME, 0);
- this._set(PAUSED, false);
- delete _running[Y.stamp(this)];
-, {elapsed: this.get(ELAPSED_TIME)});
- },
- _runFrame: function() {
- var d = this._runtimeAttr.duration,
- t = new Date() - this.get(START_TIME),
- reverse = this.get(REVERSE),
- done = (t >= d),
- attribute,
- setter;
- this._runAttrs(t, d, reverse);
- this._actualFrames += 1;
- this._set(ELAPSED_TIME, t);
- if (done) {
- this._lastFrame();
- }
- },
- _runAttrs: function(t, d, reverse) {
- var attr = this._runtimeAttr,
- customAttr = Y.Anim.behaviors,
- easing = attr.easing,
- lastFrame = d,
- done = false,
- attribute,
- setter,
- i;
- if (t >= d) {
- done = true;
- }
- if (reverse) {
- t = d - t;
- lastFrame = 0;
- }
- for (i in attr) {
- if (attr[i].to) {
- attribute = attr[i];
- setter = (i in customAttr && 'set' in customAttr[i]) ?
- customAttr[i].set : Y.Anim.DEFAULT_SETTER;
- if (!done) {
- setter(this, i, attribute.from,, t, d, easing, attribute.unit);
- } else {
- setter(this, i, attribute.from,, lastFrame, d, easing, attribute.unit);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- _lastFrame: function() {
- var iter = this.get('iterations'),
- iterCount = this.get(ITERATION_COUNT);
- iterCount += 1;
- if (iter === 'infinite' || iterCount < iter) {
- if (this.get('direction') === 'alternate') {
- this.set(REVERSE, !this.get(REVERSE)); // flip it
- }
- /**
- * @event iteration
- * @description fires when an animation begins an iteration.
- * @param {Event} ev The iteration event.
- * @type Event.Custom
- */
- } else {
- iterCount = 0;
- this._end();
- }
- this._set(START_TIME, new Date());
- this._set(ITERATION_COUNT, iterCount);
- },
- _initAnimAttr: function() {
- var from = this.get('from') || {},
- to = this.get('to') || {},
- attr = {
- duration: this.get('duration') * 1000,
- easing: this.get('easing')
- },
- customAttr = Y.Anim.behaviors,
- node = this.get(NODE), // implicit attr init
- unit, begin, end;
- Y.each(to, function(val, name) {
- if (typeof val === 'function') {
- val =, node);
- }
- begin = from[name];
- if (begin === undefined) {
- begin = (name in customAttr && 'get' in customAttr[name]) ?
- customAttr[name].get(this, name) : Y.Anim.DEFAULT_GETTER(this, name);
- } else if (typeof begin === 'function') {
- begin =, node);
- }
- var mFrom = Y.Anim.RE_UNITS.exec(begin);
- var mTo = Y.Anim.RE_UNITS.exec(val);
- begin = mFrom ? mFrom[1] : begin;
- end = mTo ? mTo[1] : val;
- unit = mTo ? mTo[2] : mFrom ? mFrom[2] : ''; // one might be zero TODO: mixed units
- if (!unit && Y.Anim.RE_DEFAULT_UNIT.test(name)) {
- unit = Y.Anim.DEFAULT_UNIT;
- }
- if (!begin || !end) {
- Y.error('invalid "from" or "to" for "' + name + '"', 'Anim');
- return;
- }
- attr[name] = {
- from: begin,
- to: end,
- unit: unit
- };
- }, this);
- this._runtimeAttr = attr;
- },
- // TODO: move to computedStyle? (browsers dont agree on default computed offsets)
- _getOffset: function(attr) {
- var node = this._node,
- val = node.getComputedStyle(attr),
- get = (attr === 'left') ? 'getX': 'getY',
- set = (attr === 'left') ? 'setX': 'setY';
- if (val === 'auto') {
- var position = node.getStyle('position');
- if (position === 'absolute' || position === 'fixed') {
- val = node[get]();
- node[set](val);
- } else {
- val = 0;
- }
- }
- return val;
- },
- destructor: function() {
- delete Y.Anim._instances[Y.stamp(this)];
- }
- };
- Y.extend(Y.Anim, Y.Base, proto);
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['base-base', 'node-style']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-base/anim-base-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-base/anim-base-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-base/anim-base-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("anim-base",function(b){var c="running",n="startTime",l="elapsedTime",j="start",i="tween",m="end",d="node",k="paused",o="reverse",h="iterationCount",a=Number;var f={},e;b.Anim=function(){b.Anim.superclass.constructor.apply(this,arguments);b.Anim._instances[b.stamp(this)]=this;};b.Anim.NAME="anim";b.Anim._instances={};b.Anim.RE_DEFAULT_UNIT=/^width|height|top|right|bottom|left|margin.*|padding.*|border.*$/i;b.Anim.DEFAULT_UNIT="px";b.Anim.DEFAULT_EASING=function(q,p,s,r){return s*q/r+p;};b.Anim._intervalTime=20;b.Anim.behaviors={left:{get:function(q,p){return q._getOffset(p);}}};;b.Anim.DEFAULT_SETTER=function(t,u,w,x,z,s,v,y){var q=t._node,r=q._node,p=v(z,a(w),a(x)-a(w),s);if(r&&(||r.attributes)){if(u in||u in b.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES){y=y||"";q.setStyle(u,p+y);}else{if(r.attributes[u]){q.setAttribute(u,p);}}}else{if(q.set){q.set(u,p);}}};b.Anim.DEFAULT_GETTER=function(s,p){var r=s._node,q=r._node,t="";if(q&&(||q.attributes)){if(p in||p in b.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES){t=r.getComputedStyle(p);}else{if(q.attributes[p]){t=r.getAttribute(p);}}}else{if(r.get){t=r.get(p);}}return t;};b.Anim.ATTRS={node:{setter:function(p){if(p){if(typeof p=="string"||p.nodeType){;}}this._node=p;if(!p){}return p;}},duration:{value:1},easing:{value:b.Anim.DEFAULT_EASING,setter:function(p){if(typeof p==="string"&&b.Easing){return b.Easing[p];}}},from:{},to:{},startTime:{value:0,readOnly:true},elapsedTime:{value:0,readOnly:true},running:{getter:function(){return !!f[b.stamp(this)];},value:false,readOnly:true},iterations:{value:1},iterationCount:{value:0,readOnly:true},direction:{value:"normal"},paused:{readOnly:true,value:false},reverse:{value:false}};{var q=b.Anim._instances;for(var p in q){if(q[p].run){q[p].run();}}};b.Anim.pause=function(){for(var p in f){if(f[p].pause){f[p].pause();}}b.Anim._stopTimer();};b.Anim.stop=function(){for(var p in f){if(f[p].stop){f[p].stop();}}b.Anim._stopTimer();};b.Anim._startTimer=function(){if(!e){e=setInterval(b.Anim._runFrame,b.Anim._intervalTime);}};b.Anim._stopTimer=function(){clearInterval(e);e=0;};b.Anim._runFrame=function(){var p=true;for(var q in f){if(f[q]._runFrame){p=false;f[q]._runFrame();}}if(p){b.Anim._stopTimer();}};b.Anim.RE_UNITS=/^(-?\d*\.?\d*){1}(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|%)*$/;var g={run:function(){if(this.get(k)){this._resume();}else{if(!this.get(c)){this._start();}}return this;},pause:function(){if(this.get(c)){this._pause();}return this;},stop:function(p){if(this.get(c)||this.get(k)){this._end(p);}return this;},_added:false,_start:function(){this._set(n,new Date()-this.get(l));this._actualFrames=0;if(!this.get(k)){this._initAnimAttr();}f[b.stamp(this)]=this;b.Anim._startTimer();;},_pause:function(){this._set(n,null);this._set(k,true);delete f[b.stamp(this)];"pause");},_resume:function(){this._set(k,false);f[b.stamp(this)]=this;this._set(n,new Date()-this.get(l));b.Anim._startTimer();"resume");},_end:function(p){var q=this.get("duration")*1000;if(p){this._runAttrs(q,q,this.get(o));}this._set(n,null);this._set(l,0);this._set(k,false);delete f[b.stamp(this)];,{elapsed:this.get(l)});},_runFrame:function(){var u=this._runtimeAttr.duration,r=new Date()-this.get(n),q=this.get(o),p=(r>=u),s,v;this._runAttrs(r,u,q);this._actualFrames+=1;this._set(l,r);;if(p){this._lastFrame();}},_runAttrs:function(A,z,w){var x=this._runtimeAttr,r=b.Anim.behaviors,y=x.easing,p=z,u=false,q,s,v;if(A>=z){u=true;}if(w){A=z-A;p=0;}for(v in x){if(x[v].to){q=x[v];s=(v in r&&"set" in r[v])?r[v].set:b.Anim.DEFAULT_SETTER;if(!u){s(this,v,q.from,,A,z,y,q.unit);}else{s(this,v,q.from,,p,z,y,q.unit);}}}},_lastFrame:function(){var p=this.get("iterations"),q=this.get(h);q+=1;if(p==="infinite"||q<p){if(this.get("direction")==="alternate"){this.set(o,!this.get(o));}"iteration");}else{q=0;this._end();}this._set(n,new Date());this._set(h,q);},_initAnimAttr:function(){var w=this.get("from")||{},v=this.get("to")||{},p={duration:this.get("duration")*1000,easing:this.get("easing")},r=b.Anim.behaviors,u=this.get(d),t,s,q;b.each(v,function(A,y){if(typeof A==="function"){,u);}s=w[y];if(s===undefined){s=(y in r&&"get" in r[y])?r[y].get(this,y):b.Anim.DEFAULT_GETTER(this,y);}else{if(typeof s==="function"){,u);}}var x=b.Anim.RE_UNITS.exec(s);var z=b.Anim.RE_UNITS.exec(A);s=x?x[1]:s;q=z?z[1]:A;t=z?z[2]:x?x[2]:"";if(!t&&b.Anim.RE_DEFAULT_UNIT.test(y)){t=b.Anim.DEFAULT_UNIT;}if(!s||!q){b.error('invalid "from" or "to" for "'+y+'"',"Anim");return;}p[y]={from:s,to:q,unit:t};},this);this._runtimeAttr=p;},_getOffset:function(q){var s=this._node,t=s.getComputedStyle(q),r=(q==="left")?"getX":"getY",u=(q==="left")?"setX":"setY";if(t==="auto"){var p=s.getStyle("position");if(p==="absolute"||p==="fixed"){t=s[r]();s[u](t);}else{t=0;}}return t;},destructor:function(){delete b.Anim._instances[b.stamp(this)];}};b.extend(b.Anim,b.Base,g);},"3.5.1",{requires:["base-base","node-style"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-base/anim-base.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-base/anim-base.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-base/anim-base.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-base', function(Y) {
-* The Animation Utility provides an API for creating advanced transitions.
-* @module anim
-* Provides the base Anim class, for animating numeric properties.
-* @module anim
-* @submodule anim-base
- /**
- * A class for constructing animation instances.
- * @class Anim
- * @for Anim
- * @constructor
- * @extends Base
- */
- var RUNNING = 'running',
- START_TIME = 'startTime',
- ELAPSED_TIME = 'elapsedTime',
- /**
- * @for Anim
- * @event start
- * @description fires when an animation begins.
- * @param {Event} ev The start event.
- * @type Event.Custom
- */
- START = 'start',
- /**
- * @event tween
- * @description fires every frame of the animation.
- * @param {Event} ev The tween event.
- * @type Event.Custom
- */
- TWEEN = 'tween',
- /**
- * @event end
- * @description fires after the animation completes.
- * @param {Event} ev The end event.
- * @type Event.Custom
- */
- END = 'end',
- NODE = 'node',
- PAUSED = 'paused',
- REVERSE = 'reverse', // TODO: cleanup
- ITERATION_COUNT = 'iterationCount',
- NUM = Number;
- var _running = {},
- _timer;
- Y.Anim = function() {
- Y.Anim.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- Y.Anim._instances[Y.stamp(this)] = this;
- };
- Y.Anim.NAME = 'anim';
- Y.Anim._instances = {};
- /**
- * Regex of properties that should use the default unit.
- *
- * @property RE_DEFAULT_UNIT
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.RE_DEFAULT_UNIT = /^width|height|top|right|bottom|left|margin.*|padding.*|border.*$/i;
- /**
- * The default unit to use with properties that pass the RE_DEFAULT_UNIT test.
- *
- * @property DEFAULT_UNIT
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.DEFAULT_UNIT = 'px';
- Y.Anim.DEFAULT_EASING = function (t, b, c, d) {
- return c * t / d + b; // linear easing
- };
- /**
- * Time in milliseconds passed to setInterval for frame processing
- *
- * @property intervalTime
- * @default 20
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim._intervalTime = 20;
- /**
- * Bucket for custom getters and setters
- *
- * @property behaviors
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.behaviors = {
- left: {
- get: function(anim, attr) {
- return anim._getOffset(attr);
- }
- }
- };
- = Y.Anim.behaviors.left;
- /**
- * The default setter to use when setting object properties.
- *
- * @property DEFAULT_SETTER
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.DEFAULT_SETTER = function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn, unit) {
- var node = anim._node,
- domNode = node._node,
- val = fn(elapsed, NUM(from), NUM(to) - NUM(from), duration);
- //make sure node instance
- if (domNode && ( || domNode.attributes)) {
- if (att in || att in Y.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES) {
- unit = unit || '';
- node.setStyle(att, val + unit);
- } else if (domNode.attributes[att]) {
- node.setAttribute(att, val);
- }
- } else if (node.set) {
- node.set(att, val);
- }
- };
- /**
- * The default getter to use when getting object properties.
- *
- * @property DEFAULT_GETTER
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.DEFAULT_GETTER = function(anim, att) {
- var node = anim._node,
- domNode = node._node,
- val = '';
- //make sure node instance
- if (domNode && ( || domNode.attributes)) {
- if (att in || att in Y.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES) {
- val = node.getComputedStyle(att);
- } else if (domNode.attributes[att]) {
- val = node.getAttribute(att);
- }
- } else if (node.get) {
- val = node.get(att);
- }
- return val;
- };
- Y.Anim.ATTRS = {
- /**
- * The object to be animated.
- * @attribute node
- * @type Node
- */
- node: {
- setter: function(node) {
- if (node) {
- if (typeof node == 'string' || node.nodeType) {
- node =;
- }
- }
- this._node = node;
- if (!node) {
- }
- return node;
- }
- },
- /**
- * The length of the animation. Defaults to "1" (second).
- * @attribute duration
- * @type NUM
- */
- duration: {
- value: 1
- },
- /**
- * The method that will provide values to the attribute(s) during the animation.
- * Defaults to "Easing.easeNone".
- * @attribute easing
- * @type Function
- */
- easing: {
- value: Y.Anim.DEFAULT_EASING,
- setter: function(val) {
- if (typeof val === 'string' && Y.Easing) {
- return Y.Easing[val];
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * The starting values for the animated properties.
- *
- * Fields may be strings, numbers, or functions.
- * If a function is used, the return value becomes the from value.
- * If no from value is specified, the DEFAULT_GETTER will be used.
- * Supports any unit, provided it matches the "to" (or default)
- * unit (e.g. `{width: '10em', color: 'rgb(0, 0 0)', borderColor: '#ccc'}`).
- *
- * If using the default ('px' for length-based units), the unit may be omitted
- * (e.g. `{width: 100}, borderColor: 'ccc'}`, which defaults to pixels
- * and hex, respectively).
- *
- * @attribute from
- * @type Object
- */
- from: {},
- /**
- * The ending values for the animated properties.
- *
- * Fields may be strings, numbers, or functions.
- * Supports any unit, provided it matches the "from" (or default)
- * unit (e.g. `{width: '50%', color: 'red', borderColor: '#ccc'}`).
- *
- * If using the default ('px' for length-based units), the unit may be omitted
- * (e.g. `{width: 100, borderColor: 'ccc'}`, which defaults to pixels
- * and hex, respectively).
- *
- * @attribute to
- * @type Object
- */
- to: {},
- /**
- * Date stamp for the first frame of the animation.
- * @attribute startTime
- * @type Int
- * @default 0
- * @readOnly
- */
- startTime: {
- value: 0,
- readOnly: true
- },
- /**
- * Current time the animation has been running.
- * @attribute elapsedTime
- * @type Int
- * @default 0
- * @readOnly
- */
- elapsedTime: {
- value: 0,
- readOnly: true
- },
- /**
- * Whether or not the animation is currently running.
- * @attribute running
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @readOnly
- */
- running: {
- getter: function() {
- return !!_running[Y.stamp(this)];
- },
- value: false,
- readOnly: true
- },
- /**
- * The number of times the animation should run
- * @attribute iterations
- * @type Int
- * @default 1
- */
- iterations: {
- value: 1
- },
- /**
- * The number of iterations that have occurred.
- * Resets when an animation ends (reaches iteration count or stop() called).
- * @attribute iterationCount
- * @type Int
- * @default 0
- * @readOnly
- */
- iterationCount: {
- value: 0,
- readOnly: true
- },
- /**
- * How iterations of the animation should behave.
- * Possible values are "normal" and "alternate".
- * Normal will repeat the animation, alternate will reverse on every other pass.
- *
- * @attribute direction
- * @type String
- * @default "normal"
- */
- direction: {
- value: 'normal' // | alternate (fwd on odd, rev on even per spec)
- },
- /**
- * Whether or not the animation is currently paused.
- * @attribute paused
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @readOnly
- */
- paused: {
- readOnly: true,
- value: false
- },
- /**
- * If true, animation begins from last frame
- * @attribute reverse
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- */
- reverse: {
- value: false
- }
- };
- /**
- * Runs all animation instances.
- * @method run
- * @static
- */
- = function() {
- var instances = Y.Anim._instances;
- for (var i in instances) {
- if (instances[i].run) {
- instances[i].run();
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Pauses all animation instances.
- * @method pause
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.pause = function() {
- for (var i in _running) { // stop timer if nothing running
- if (_running[i].pause) {
- _running[i].pause();
- }
- }
- Y.Anim._stopTimer();
- };
- /**
- * Stops all animation instances.
- * @method stop
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim.stop = function() {
- for (var i in _running) { // stop timer if nothing running
- if (_running[i].stop) {
- _running[i].stop();
- }
- }
- Y.Anim._stopTimer();
- };
- Y.Anim._startTimer = function() {
- if (!_timer) {
- _timer = setInterval(Y.Anim._runFrame, Y.Anim._intervalTime);
- }
- };
- Y.Anim._stopTimer = function() {
- clearInterval(_timer);
- _timer = 0;
- };
- /**
- * Called per Interval to handle each animation frame.
- * @method _runFrame
- * @private
- * @static
- */
- Y.Anim._runFrame = function() {
- var done = true;
- for (var anim in _running) {
- if (_running[anim]._runFrame) {
- done = false;
- _running[anim]._runFrame();
- }
- }
- if (done) {
- Y.Anim._stopTimer();
- }
- };
- Y.Anim.RE_UNITS = /^(-?\d*\.?\d*){1}(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|%)*$/;
- var proto = {
- /**
- * Starts or resumes an animation.
- * @method run
- * @chainable
- */
- run: function() {
- if (this.get(PAUSED)) {
- this._resume();
- } else if (!this.get(RUNNING)) {
- this._start();
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Pauses the animation and
- * freezes it in its current state and time.
- * Calling run() will continue where it left off.
- * @method pause
- * @chainable
- */
- pause: function() {
- if (this.get(RUNNING)) {
- this._pause();
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Stops the animation and resets its time.
- * @method stop
- * @param {Boolean} finish If true, the animation will move to the last frame
- * @chainable
- */
- stop: function(finish) {
- if (this.get(RUNNING) || this.get(PAUSED)) {
- this._end(finish);
- }
- return this;
- },
- _added: false,
- _start: function() {
- this._set(START_TIME, new Date() - this.get(ELAPSED_TIME));
- this._actualFrames = 0;
- if (!this.get(PAUSED)) {
- this._initAnimAttr();
- }
- _running[Y.stamp(this)] = this;
- Y.Anim._startTimer();
- },
- _pause: function() {
- this._set(START_TIME, null);
- this._set(PAUSED, true);
- delete _running[Y.stamp(this)];
- /**
- * @event pause
- * @description fires when an animation is paused.
- * @param {Event} ev The pause event.
- * @type Event.Custom
- */
- },
- _resume: function() {
- this._set(PAUSED, false);
- _running[Y.stamp(this)] = this;
- this._set(START_TIME, new Date() - this.get(ELAPSED_TIME));
- Y.Anim._startTimer();
- /**
- * @event resume
- * @description fires when an animation is resumed (run from pause).
- * @param {Event} ev The pause event.
- * @type Event.Custom
- */
- },
- _end: function(finish) {
- var duration = this.get('duration') * 1000;
- if (finish) { // jump to last frame
- this._runAttrs(duration, duration, this.get(REVERSE));
- }
- this._set(START_TIME, null);
- this._set(ELAPSED_TIME, 0);
- this._set(PAUSED, false);
- delete _running[Y.stamp(this)];
-, {elapsed: this.get(ELAPSED_TIME)});
- },
- _runFrame: function() {
- var d = this._runtimeAttr.duration,
- t = new Date() - this.get(START_TIME),
- reverse = this.get(REVERSE),
- done = (t >= d),
- attribute,
- setter;
- this._runAttrs(t, d, reverse);
- this._actualFrames += 1;
- this._set(ELAPSED_TIME, t);
- if (done) {
- this._lastFrame();
- }
- },
- _runAttrs: function(t, d, reverse) {
- var attr = this._runtimeAttr,
- customAttr = Y.Anim.behaviors,
- easing = attr.easing,
- lastFrame = d,
- done = false,
- attribute,
- setter,
- i;
- if (t >= d) {
- done = true;
- }
- if (reverse) {
- t = d - t;
- lastFrame = 0;
- }
- for (i in attr) {
- if (attr[i].to) {
- attribute = attr[i];
- setter = (i in customAttr && 'set' in customAttr[i]) ?
- customAttr[i].set : Y.Anim.DEFAULT_SETTER;
- if (!done) {
- setter(this, i, attribute.from,, t, d, easing, attribute.unit);
- } else {
- setter(this, i, attribute.from,, lastFrame, d, easing, attribute.unit);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- _lastFrame: function() {
- var iter = this.get('iterations'),
- iterCount = this.get(ITERATION_COUNT);
- iterCount += 1;
- if (iter === 'infinite' || iterCount < iter) {
- if (this.get('direction') === 'alternate') {
- this.set(REVERSE, !this.get(REVERSE)); // flip it
- }
- /**
- * @event iteration
- * @description fires when an animation begins an iteration.
- * @param {Event} ev The iteration event.
- * @type Event.Custom
- */
- } else {
- iterCount = 0;
- this._end();
- }
- this._set(START_TIME, new Date());
- this._set(ITERATION_COUNT, iterCount);
- },
- _initAnimAttr: function() {
- var from = this.get('from') || {},
- to = this.get('to') || {},
- attr = {
- duration: this.get('duration') * 1000,
- easing: this.get('easing')
- },
- customAttr = Y.Anim.behaviors,
- node = this.get(NODE), // implicit attr init
- unit, begin, end;
- Y.each(to, function(val, name) {
- if (typeof val === 'function') {
- val =, node);
- }
- begin = from[name];
- if (begin === undefined) {
- begin = (name in customAttr && 'get' in customAttr[name]) ?
- customAttr[name].get(this, name) : Y.Anim.DEFAULT_GETTER(this, name);
- } else if (typeof begin === 'function') {
- begin =, node);
- }
- var mFrom = Y.Anim.RE_UNITS.exec(begin);
- var mTo = Y.Anim.RE_UNITS.exec(val);
- begin = mFrom ? mFrom[1] : begin;
- end = mTo ? mTo[1] : val;
- unit = mTo ? mTo[2] : mFrom ? mFrom[2] : ''; // one might be zero TODO: mixed units
- if (!unit && Y.Anim.RE_DEFAULT_UNIT.test(name)) {
- unit = Y.Anim.DEFAULT_UNIT;
- }
- if (!begin || !end) {
- Y.error('invalid "from" or "to" for "' + name + '"', 'Anim');
- return;
- }
- attr[name] = {
- from: begin,
- to: end,
- unit: unit
- };
- }, this);
- this._runtimeAttr = attr;
- },
- // TODO: move to computedStyle? (browsers dont agree on default computed offsets)
- _getOffset: function(attr) {
- var node = this._node,
- val = node.getComputedStyle(attr),
- get = (attr === 'left') ? 'getX': 'getY',
- set = (attr === 'left') ? 'setX': 'setY';
- if (val === 'auto') {
- var position = node.getStyle('position');
- if (position === 'absolute' || position === 'fixed') {
- val = node[get]();
- node[set](val);
- } else {
- val = 0;
- }
- }
- return val;
- },
- destructor: function() {
- delete Y.Anim._instances[Y.stamp(this)];
- }
- };
- Y.extend(Y.Anim, Y.Base, proto);
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['base-base', 'node-style']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-color'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-color/anim-color-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-color/anim-color-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-color/anim-color-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-color', function(Y) {
- * Adds support for color properties in <code>to</code>
- * and <code>from</code> attributes.
- * @module anim
- * @submodule anim-color
- */
-var NUM = Number;
-Y.Anim.behaviors.color = {
- set: function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn) {
- from = Y.Color.re_RGB.exec(Y.Color.toRGB(from));
- to = Y.Color.re_RGB.exec(Y.Color.toRGB(to));
- if (!from || from.length < 3 || !to || to.length < 3) {
- Y.error('invalid from or to passed to color behavior');
- }
- anim._node.setStyle(att, 'rgb(' + [
- Math.floor(fn(elapsed, NUM(from[1]), NUM(to[1]) - NUM(from[1]), duration)),
- Math.floor(fn(elapsed, NUM(from[2]), NUM(to[2]) - NUM(from[2]), duration)),
- Math.floor(fn(elapsed, NUM(from[3]), NUM(to[3]) - NUM(from[3]), duration))
- ].join(', ') + ')');
- },
- // TODO: default bgcolor const
- get: function(anim, att) {
- var val = anim._node.getComputedStyle(att);
- val = (val === 'transparent') ? 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' : val;
- return val;
- }
- 'borderColor',
- 'borderTopColor',
- 'borderRightColor',
- 'borderBottomColor',
- 'borderLeftColor'],
- function(v, i) {
- Y.Anim.behaviors[v] = Y.Anim.behaviors.color;
- }
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['anim-base']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-color/anim-color-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-color/anim-color-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-color/anim-color-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("anim-color",function(b){var a=Number;b.Anim.behaviors.color={set:function(f,d,i,h,c,g,e){i=b.Color.re_RGB.exec(b.Color.toRGB(i));h=b.Color.re_RGB.exec(b.Color.toRGB(h));if(!i||i.length<3||!h||h.length<3){b.error("invalid from or to passed to color behavior");}f._node.setStyle(d,"rgb("+[Math.floor(e(c,a(i[1]),a(h[1])-a(i[1]),g)),Math.floor(e(c,a(i[2]),a(h[2])-a(i[2]),g)),Math.floor(e(c,a(i[3]),a(h[3])-a(i[3]),g))].join(", ")+")");},get:function(d,c){var e=d._node.getComputedStyle(c);e=(e==="transparent")?"rgb(255, 255, 255)":e;return e;}};b.each(["backgroundColor","borderColor","borderTopColor","borderRightColor","borderBottomColor","borderLeftColor"],function(c,d){b.Anim.behaviors[c]=b.Anim.behaviors.color;});},"3.5.1",{requires:["anim-base"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-color/anim-color.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-color/anim-color.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-color/anim-color.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-color', function(Y) {
- * Adds support for color properties in <code>to</code>
- * and <code>from</code> attributes.
- * @module anim
- * @submodule anim-color
- */
-var NUM = Number;
-Y.Anim.behaviors.color = {
- set: function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn) {
- from = Y.Color.re_RGB.exec(Y.Color.toRGB(from));
- to = Y.Color.re_RGB.exec(Y.Color.toRGB(to));
- if (!from || from.length < 3 || !to || to.length < 3) {
- Y.error('invalid from or to passed to color behavior');
- }
- anim._node.setStyle(att, 'rgb(' + [
- Math.floor(fn(elapsed, NUM(from[1]), NUM(to[1]) - NUM(from[1]), duration)),
- Math.floor(fn(elapsed, NUM(from[2]), NUM(to[2]) - NUM(from[2]), duration)),
- Math.floor(fn(elapsed, NUM(from[3]), NUM(to[3]) - NUM(from[3]), duration))
- ].join(', ') + ')');
- },
- // TODO: default bgcolor const
- get: function(anim, att) {
- var val = anim._node.getComputedStyle(att);
- val = (val === 'transparent') ? 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' : val;
- return val;
- }
- 'borderColor',
- 'borderTopColor',
- 'borderRightColor',
- 'borderBottomColor',
- 'borderLeftColor'],
- function(v, i) {
- Y.Anim.behaviors[v] = Y.Anim.behaviors.color;
- }
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['anim-base']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-curve'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-curve/anim-curve-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-curve/anim-curve-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-curve/anim-curve-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-curve', function(Y) {
- * Adds support for the <code>curve</code> property for the <code>to</code>
- * attribute. A curve is zero or more control points and an end point.
- * @module anim
- * @submodule anim-curve
- */
-Y.Anim.behaviors.curve = {
- set: function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn) {
- from =;
- to =;
- var t = fn(elapsed, 0, 100, duration) / 100;
- to.unshift(from);
- anim._node.setXY(Y.Anim.getBezier(to, t));
- },
- get: function(anim, att) {
- return anim._node.getXY();
- }
- * Get the current position of the animated element based on t.
- * Each point is an array of "x" and "y" values (0 = x, 1 = y)
- * At least 2 points are required (start and end).
- * First point is start. Last point is end.
- * Additional control points are optional.
- * @for Anim
- * @method getBezier
- * @static
- * @param {Array} points An array containing Bezier points
- * @param {Number} t A number between 0 and 1 which is the basis for determining current position
- * @return {Array} An array containing int x and y member data
- */
-Y.Anim.getBezier = function(points, t) {
- var n = points.length;
- var tmp = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i){
- tmp[i] = [points[i][0], points[i][1]]; // save input
- }
- for (var j = 1; j < n; ++j) {
- for (i = 0; i < n - j; ++i) {
- tmp[i][0] = (1 - t) * tmp[i][0] + t * tmp[parseInt(i + 1, 10)][0];
- tmp[i][1] = (1 - t) * tmp[i][1] + t * tmp[parseInt(i + 1, 10)][1];
- }
- }
- return [ tmp[0][0], tmp[0][1] ];
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['anim-xy']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-curve/anim-curve-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-curve/anim-curve-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-curve/anim-curve-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("anim-curve",function(a){a.Anim.behaviors.curve={set:function(f,c,i,h,b,g,e){;;var d=e(b,0,100,g)/100;h.unshift(i);f._node.setXY(a.Anim.getBezier(h,d));},get:function(c,b){return c._node.getXY();}};a.Anim.getBezier=function(f,e){var g=f.length;var d=[];for(var c=0;c<g;++c){d[c]=[f[c][0],f[c][1]];}for(var b=1;b<g;++b){for(c=0;c<g-b;++c){d[c][0]=(1-e)*d[c][0]+e*d[parseInt(c+1,10)][0];d[c][1]=(1-e)*d[c][1]+e*d[parseInt(c+1,10)][1];}}return[d[0][0],d[0][1]];};},"3.5.1",{requires:["anim-xy"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-curve/anim-curve.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-curve/anim-curve.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-curve/anim-curve.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-curve', function(Y) {
- * Adds support for the <code>curve</code> property for the <code>to</code>
- * attribute. A curve is zero or more control points and an end point.
- * @module anim
- * @submodule anim-curve
- */
-Y.Anim.behaviors.curve = {
- set: function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn) {
- from =;
- to =;
- var t = fn(elapsed, 0, 100, duration) / 100;
- to.unshift(from);
- anim._node.setXY(Y.Anim.getBezier(to, t));
- },
- get: function(anim, att) {
- return anim._node.getXY();
- }
- * Get the current position of the animated element based on t.
- * Each point is an array of "x" and "y" values (0 = x, 1 = y)
- * At least 2 points are required (start and end).
- * First point is start. Last point is end.
- * Additional control points are optional.
- * @for Anim
- * @method getBezier
- * @static
- * @param {Array} points An array containing Bezier points
- * @param {Number} t A number between 0 and 1 which is the basis for determining current position
- * @return {Array} An array containing int x and y member data
- */
-Y.Anim.getBezier = function(points, t) {
- var n = points.length;
- var tmp = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i){
- tmp[i] = [points[i][0], points[i][1]]; // save input
- }
- for (var j = 1; j < n; ++j) {
- for (i = 0; i < n - j; ++i) {
- tmp[i][0] = (1 - t) * tmp[i][0] + t * tmp[parseInt(i + 1, 10)][0];
- tmp[i][1] = (1 - t) * tmp[i][1] + t * tmp[parseInt(i + 1, 10)][1];
- }
- }
- return [ tmp[0][0], tmp[0][1] ];
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['anim-xy']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-easing'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-easing/anim-easing-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-easing/anim-easing-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-easing/anim-easing-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-easing', function(Y) {
-Open source under the BSD License.
-Copyright 2001 Robert Penner All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- * The easing module provides methods for customizing
- * how an animation behaves during each run.
- * @class Easing
- * @module anim
- * @submodule anim-easing
- */
-var Easing = {
- /**
- * Uniform speed between points.
- * @for Easing
- * @method easeNone
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeNone: function (t, b, c, d) {
- return c*t/d + b;
- },
- /**
- * Begins slowly and accelerates towards end. (quadratic)
- * @method easeIn
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) {
- return c*(t/=d)*t + b;
- },
- /**
- * Begins quickly and decelerates towards end. (quadratic)
- * @method easeOut
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) {
- return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Begins slowly and decelerates towards end. (quadratic)
- * @method easeBoth
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeBoth: function (t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t/=d/2) < 1) {
- return c/2*t*t + b;
- }
- return -c/2 * ((--t)*(t-2) - 1) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Begins slowly and accelerates towards end. (quartic)
- * @method easeInStrong
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeInStrong: function (t, b, c, d) {
- return c*(t/=d)*t*t*t + b;
- },
- /**
- * Begins quickly and decelerates towards end. (quartic)
- * @method easeOutStrong
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeOutStrong: function (t, b, c, d) {
- return -c * ((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t - 1) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Begins slowly and decelerates towards end. (quartic)
- * @method easeBothStrong
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeBothStrong: function (t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t/=d/2) < 1) {
- return c/2*t*t*t*t + b;
- }
- return -c/2 * ((t-=2)*t*t*t - 2) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Snap in elastic effect.
- * @method elasticIn
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @param {Number} a Amplitude (optional)
- * @param {Number} p Period (optional)
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- elasticIn: function (t, b, c, d, a, p) {
- var s;
- if (t === 0) {
- return b;
- }
- if ( (t /= d) === 1 ) {
- return b+c;
- }
- if (!p) {
- p = d* 0.3;
- }
- if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) {
- a = c;
- s = p/4;
- }
- else {
- s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a);
- }
- return -(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Snap out elastic effect.
- * @method elasticOut
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @param {Number} a Amplitude (optional)
- * @param {Number} p Period (optional)
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- elasticOut: function (t, b, c, d, a, p) {
- var s;
- if (t === 0) {
- return b;
- }
- if ( (t /= d) === 1 ) {
- return b+c;
- }
- if (!p) {
- p=d * 0.3;
- }
- if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) {
- a = c;
- s = p / 4;
- }
- else {
- s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a);
- }
- return a*Math.pow(2,-10*t) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p ) + c + b;
- },
- /**
- * Snap both elastic effect.
- * @method elasticBoth
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @param {Number} a Amplitude (optional)
- * @param {Number} p Period (optional)
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- elasticBoth: function (t, b, c, d, a, p) {
- var s;
- if (t === 0) {
- return b;
- }
- if ( (t /= d/2) === 2 ) {
- return b+c;
- }
- if (!p) {
- p = d*(0.3*1.5);
- }
- if ( !a || a < Math.abs(c) ) {
- a = c;
- s = p/4;
- }
- else {
- s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a);
- }
- if (t < 1) {
- return -0.5*(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) *
- Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )) + b;
- }
- return a*Math.pow(2,-10*(t-=1)) *
- Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )*0.5 + c + b;
- },
- /**
- * Backtracks slightly, then reverses direction and moves to end.
- * @method backIn
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @param {Number} s Overshoot (optional)
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- backIn: function (t, b, c, d, s) {
- if (s === undefined) {
- s = 1.70158;
- }
- if (t === d) {
- t -= 0.001;
- }
- return c*(t/=d)*t*((s+1)*t - s) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Overshoots end, then reverses and comes back to end.
- * @method backOut
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @param {Number} s Overshoot (optional)
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- backOut: function (t, b, c, d, s) {
- if (typeof s === 'undefined') {
- s = 1.70158;
- }
- return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*((s+1)*t + s) + 1) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Backtracks slightly, then reverses direction, overshoots end,
- * then reverses and comes back to end.
- * @method backBoth
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @param {Number} s Overshoot (optional)
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- backBoth: function (t, b, c, d, s) {
- if (typeof s === 'undefined') {
- s = 1.70158;
- }
- if ((t /= d/2 ) < 1) {
- return c/2*(t*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t - s)) + b;
- }
- return c/2*((t-=2)*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t + s) + 2) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Bounce off of start.
- * @method bounceIn
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- bounceIn: function (t, b, c, d) {
- return c - Y.Easing.bounceOut(d-t, 0, c, d) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Bounces off end.
- * @method bounceOut
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- bounceOut: function (t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t/=d) < (1/2.75)) {
- return c*(7.5625*t*t) + b;
- } else if (t < (2/2.75)) {
- return c*(7.5625*(t-=(1.5/2.75))*t + 0.75) + b;
- } else if (t < (2.5/2.75)) {
- return c*(7.5625*(t-=(2.25/2.75))*t + 0.9375) + b;
- }
- return c*(7.5625*(t-=(2.625/2.75))*t + 0.984375) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Bounces off start and end.
- * @method bounceBoth
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- bounceBoth: function (t, b, c, d) {
- if (t < d/2) {
- return Y.Easing.bounceIn(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5 + b;
- }
- return Y.Easing.bounceOut(t * 2 - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5 + c * 0.5 + b;
- }
-Y.Easing = Easing;
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['anim-base']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-easing/anim-easing-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-easing/anim-easing-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-easing/anim-easing-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("anim-easing",function(b){var a={easeNone:function(f,e,h,g){return h*f/g+e;},easeIn:function(f,e,h,g){return h*(f/=g)*f+e;},easeOut:function(f,e,h,g){return -h*(f/=g)*(f-2)+e;},easeBoth:function(f,e,h,g){if((f/=g/2)<1){return h/2*f*f+e;}return -h/2*((--f)*(f-2)-1)+e;},easeInStrong:function(f,e,h,g){return h*(f/=g)*f*f*f+e;},easeOutStrong:function(f,e,h,g){return -h*((f=f/g-1)*f*f*f-1)+e;},easeBothStrong:function(f,e,h,g){if((f/=g/2)<1){return h/2*f*f*f*f+e;}return -h/2*((f-=2)*f*f*f-2)+e;},elasticIn:function(g,e,k,j,f,i){var h;if(g===0){return e;}if((g/=j)===1){return e+k;}if(!i){i=j*0.3;}if(!f||f<Math.abs(k)){f=k;h=i/4;}else{h=i/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(k/f);}return -(f*Math.pow(2,10*(g-=1))*Math.sin((g*j-h)*(2*Math.PI)/i))+e;},elasticOut:function(g,e,k,j,f,i){var h;if(g===0){return e;}if((g/=j)===1){return e+k;}if(!i){i=j*0.3;}if(!f||f<Math.abs(k)){f=k;h=i/4;}else{h=i/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(k/f);}return f*Math.pow(2,-10*g)*Math.sin((g*j-h)*(2*Math.PI)/i)+k+e;},elasticBoth:function(g,e,k,j,f,i){var h;if(g===0){return e;}if((g/=j/2)===2){return e+k;}if(!i){i=j*(0.3*1.5);}if(!f||f<Math.abs(k)){f=k;h=i/4;}else{h=i/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(k/f);}if(g<1){return -0.5*(f*Math.pow(2,10*(g-=1))*Math.sin((g*j-h)*(2*Math.PI)/i))+e;}return f*Math.pow(2,-10*(g-=1))*Math.sin((g*j-h)*(2*Math.PI)/i)*0.5+k+e;},backIn:function(f,e,i,h,g){if(g===undefined){g=1.70158;}if(f===h){f-=0.001;}return i*(f/=h)*f*((g+1)*f-g)+e;},backOut:function(f,e,i,h,g){if(typeof g==="undefined"){g=1.70158;}return i*((f=f/h-1)*f*((g+1)*f+g)+1)+e;},backBoth:function(f,e,i,h,g){if(typeof g==="undefined"){g=1.70158;}if((f/=h/2)<1){return i/2*(f*f*(((g*=(1.525))+1)*f-g))+e;}return i/2*((f-=2)*f*(((g*=(1.525))+1)*f+g)+2)+e;},bounceIn:function(f,e,h,g){return h-b.Easing.bounceOut(g-f,0,h,g)+e;},bounceOut:function(f,e,h,g){if((f/=g)<(1/2.75)){return h*(7.5625*f*f)+e;}else{if(f<(2/2.75)){return h*(7.5625*(f-=(1.5/2.75))*f+0.75)+e;}else{if(f<(2.5/2.75)){return h*(7.5625*(f-=(2.25/2.75))*f+0.9375)+e;}}}return h*(7.5625*(f-=(2.625/2.75))*f+0.984375)+e;},bounceBoth:function(f,e,h,g){if(f<g/2){return b.Easing.bounceIn(f*2,0,h,g)*0.5+e;}return b.Easing.bounceOut(f*2-g,0,h,g)*0.5+h*0.5+e;}};b.Easing=a;},"3.5.1",{requires:["anim-base"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-easing/anim-easing.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-easing/anim-easing.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-easing/anim-easing.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-easing', function(Y) {
-Open source under the BSD License.
-Copyright 2001 Robert Penner All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- * The easing module provides methods for customizing
- * how an animation behaves during each run.
- * @class Easing
- * @module anim
- * @submodule anim-easing
- */
-var Easing = {
- /**
- * Uniform speed between points.
- * @for Easing
- * @method easeNone
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeNone: function (t, b, c, d) {
- return c*t/d + b;
- },
- /**
- * Begins slowly and accelerates towards end. (quadratic)
- * @method easeIn
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) {
- return c*(t/=d)*t + b;
- },
- /**
- * Begins quickly and decelerates towards end. (quadratic)
- * @method easeOut
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) {
- return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Begins slowly and decelerates towards end. (quadratic)
- * @method easeBoth
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeBoth: function (t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t/=d/2) < 1) {
- return c/2*t*t + b;
- }
- return -c/2 * ((--t)*(t-2) - 1) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Begins slowly and accelerates towards end. (quartic)
- * @method easeInStrong
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeInStrong: function (t, b, c, d) {
- return c*(t/=d)*t*t*t + b;
- },
- /**
- * Begins quickly and decelerates towards end. (quartic)
- * @method easeOutStrong
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeOutStrong: function (t, b, c, d) {
- return -c * ((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t - 1) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Begins slowly and decelerates towards end. (quartic)
- * @method easeBothStrong
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- easeBothStrong: function (t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t/=d/2) < 1) {
- return c/2*t*t*t*t + b;
- }
- return -c/2 * ((t-=2)*t*t*t - 2) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Snap in elastic effect.
- * @method elasticIn
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @param {Number} a Amplitude (optional)
- * @param {Number} p Period (optional)
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- elasticIn: function (t, b, c, d, a, p) {
- var s;
- if (t === 0) {
- return b;
- }
- if ( (t /= d) === 1 ) {
- return b+c;
- }
- if (!p) {
- p = d* 0.3;
- }
- if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) {
- a = c;
- s = p/4;
- }
- else {
- s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a);
- }
- return -(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Snap out elastic effect.
- * @method elasticOut
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @param {Number} a Amplitude (optional)
- * @param {Number} p Period (optional)
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- elasticOut: function (t, b, c, d, a, p) {
- var s;
- if (t === 0) {
- return b;
- }
- if ( (t /= d) === 1 ) {
- return b+c;
- }
- if (!p) {
- p=d * 0.3;
- }
- if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) {
- a = c;
- s = p / 4;
- }
- else {
- s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a);
- }
- return a*Math.pow(2,-10*t) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p ) + c + b;
- },
- /**
- * Snap both elastic effect.
- * @method elasticBoth
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @param {Number} a Amplitude (optional)
- * @param {Number} p Period (optional)
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- elasticBoth: function (t, b, c, d, a, p) {
- var s;
- if (t === 0) {
- return b;
- }
- if ( (t /= d/2) === 2 ) {
- return b+c;
- }
- if (!p) {
- p = d*(0.3*1.5);
- }
- if ( !a || a < Math.abs(c) ) {
- a = c;
- s = p/4;
- }
- else {
- s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a);
- }
- if (t < 1) {
- return -0.5*(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) *
- Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )) + b;
- }
- return a*Math.pow(2,-10*(t-=1)) *
- Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )*0.5 + c + b;
- },
- /**
- * Backtracks slightly, then reverses direction and moves to end.
- * @method backIn
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @param {Number} s Overshoot (optional)
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- backIn: function (t, b, c, d, s) {
- if (s === undefined) {
- s = 1.70158;
- }
- if (t === d) {
- t -= 0.001;
- }
- return c*(t/=d)*t*((s+1)*t - s) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Overshoots end, then reverses and comes back to end.
- * @method backOut
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @param {Number} s Overshoot (optional)
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- backOut: function (t, b, c, d, s) {
- if (typeof s === 'undefined') {
- s = 1.70158;
- }
- return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*((s+1)*t + s) + 1) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Backtracks slightly, then reverses direction, overshoots end,
- * then reverses and comes back to end.
- * @method backBoth
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @param {Number} s Overshoot (optional)
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- backBoth: function (t, b, c, d, s) {
- if (typeof s === 'undefined') {
- s = 1.70158;
- }
- if ((t /= d/2 ) < 1) {
- return c/2*(t*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t - s)) + b;
- }
- return c/2*((t-=2)*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t + s) + 2) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Bounce off of start.
- * @method bounceIn
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- bounceIn: function (t, b, c, d) {
- return c - Y.Easing.bounceOut(d-t, 0, c, d) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Bounces off end.
- * @method bounceOut
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- bounceOut: function (t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t/=d) < (1/2.75)) {
- return c*(7.5625*t*t) + b;
- } else if (t < (2/2.75)) {
- return c*(7.5625*(t-=(1.5/2.75))*t + 0.75) + b;
- } else if (t < (2.5/2.75)) {
- return c*(7.5625*(t-=(2.25/2.75))*t + 0.9375) + b;
- }
- return c*(7.5625*(t-=(2.625/2.75))*t + 0.984375) + b;
- },
- /**
- * Bounces off start and end.
- * @method bounceBoth
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value
- * @param {Number} b Starting value
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation
- * @return {Number} The computed value for the current animation frame
- */
- bounceBoth: function (t, b, c, d) {
- if (t < d/2) {
- return Y.Easing.bounceIn(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5 + b;
- }
- return Y.Easing.bounceOut(t * 2 - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5 + c * 0.5 + b;
- }
-Y.Easing = Easing;
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['anim-base']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-node-plugin'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-node-plugin/anim-node-plugin-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-node-plugin/anim-node-plugin-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-node-plugin/anim-node-plugin-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-node-plugin', function(Y) {
- * Binds an Anim instance to a Node instance
- * @module anim
- * @class Plugin.NodeFX
- * @extends Base
- * @submodule anim-node-plugin
- */
-var NodeFX = function(config) {
- config = (config) ? Y.merge(config) : {};
- config.node =;
- NodeFX.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-NodeFX.NAME = "nodefx";
-NodeFX.NS = "fx";
-Y.extend(NodeFX, Y.Anim);
-Y.Plugin.NodeFX = NodeFX;
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['node-pluginhost', 'anim-base']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-node-plugin/anim-node-plugin-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-node-plugin/anim-node-plugin-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-node-plugin/anim-node-plugin-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("anim-node-plugin",function(b){var a=function(c){c=(c)?b.merge(c):{};;a.superclass.constructor.apply(this,arguments);};a.NAME="nodefx";a.NS="fx";b.extend(a,b.Anim);b.namespace("Plugin");b.Plugin.NodeFX=a;},"3.5.1",{requires:["node-pluginhost","anim-base"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-node-plugin/anim-node-plugin.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-node-plugin/anim-node-plugin.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-node-plugin/anim-node-plugin.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-node-plugin', function(Y) {
- * Binds an Anim instance to a Node instance
- * @module anim
- * @class Plugin.NodeFX
- * @extends Base
- * @submodule anim-node-plugin
- */
-var NodeFX = function(config) {
- config = (config) ? Y.merge(config) : {};
- config.node =;
- NodeFX.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-NodeFX.NAME = "nodefx";
-NodeFX.NS = "fx";
-Y.extend(NodeFX, Y.Anim);
-Y.Plugin.NodeFX = NodeFX;
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['node-pluginhost', 'anim-base']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-scroll'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-scroll/anim-scroll-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-scroll/anim-scroll-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-scroll/anim-scroll-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-scroll', function(Y) {
- * Adds support for the <code>scroll</code> property in <code>to</code>
- * and <code>from</code> attributes.
- * @module anim
- * @submodule anim-scroll
- */
-var NUM = Number;
-//TODO: deprecate for scrollTop/Left properties?
-Y.Anim.behaviors.scroll = {
- set: function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn) {
- var
- node = anim._node,
- val = ([
- fn(elapsed, NUM(from[0]), NUM(to[0]) - NUM(from[0]), duration),
- fn(elapsed, NUM(from[1]), NUM(to[1]) - NUM(from[1]), duration)
- ]);
- if (val[0]) {
- node.set('scrollLeft', val[0]);
- }
- if (val[1]) {
- node.set('scrollTop', val[1]);
- }
- },
- get: function(anim) {
- var node = anim._node;
- return [node.get('scrollLeft'), node.get('scrollTop')];
- }
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['anim-base']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-scroll/anim-scroll-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-scroll/anim-scroll-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-scroll/anim-scroll-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("anim-scroll",function(b){var a=Number;b.Anim.behaviors.scroll={set:function(f,g,i,j,k,e,h){var d=f._node,c=([h(k,a(i[0]),a(j[0])-a(i[0]),e),h(k,a(i[1]),a(j[1])-a(i[1]),e)]);if(c[0]){d.set("scrollLeft",c[0]);}if(c[1]){d.set("scrollTop",c[1]);}},get:function(d){var c=d._node;return[c.get("scrollLeft"),c.get("scrollTop")];}};},"3.5.1",{requires:["anim-base"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-scroll/anim-scroll.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-scroll/anim-scroll.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-scroll/anim-scroll.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-scroll', function(Y) {
- * Adds support for the <code>scroll</code> property in <code>to</code>
- * and <code>from</code> attributes.
- * @module anim
- * @submodule anim-scroll
- */
-var NUM = Number;
-//TODO: deprecate for scrollTop/Left properties?
-Y.Anim.behaviors.scroll = {
- set: function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn) {
- var
- node = anim._node,
- val = ([
- fn(elapsed, NUM(from[0]), NUM(to[0]) - NUM(from[0]), duration),
- fn(elapsed, NUM(from[1]), NUM(to[1]) - NUM(from[1]), duration)
- ]);
- if (val[0]) {
- node.set('scrollLeft', val[0]);
- }
- if (val[1]) {
- node.set('scrollTop', val[1]);
- }
- },
- get: function(anim) {
- var node = anim._node;
- return [node.get('scrollLeft'), node.get('scrollTop')];
- }
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['anim-base']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-shape-transform'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-shape-transform/anim-shape-transform-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-shape-transform/anim-shape-transform-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-shape-transform/anim-shape-transform-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-shape-transform', function(Y) {
- * Adds support for the <code>transform</code> attribute of <code>Graphic</code>
- * <code>Shape</code> instances.
- * @module anim
- * @submodule anim-shape-transform
- */
- var NUM = Number,
- TO,
- Y.Anim.behaviors.transform = {
- set: function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn) {
- var node = anim._node,
- transform = "",
- transformTo,
- transformFrom,
- toArgs,
- fromArgs,
- i = 0,
- j,
- argLen,
- len;
- to = TO;
- len = TO.length;
- for(; i < len; ++i)
- {
- toArgs = to[i].concat();
- fromArgs = from[i].concat();
- transformTo = toArgs.shift();
- transformFrom = fromArgs.shift();
- argLen = toArgs.length;
- transform += transformTo + "(";
- for(j = 0; j < argLen; ++j)
- {
- transform += fn(elapsed, NUM(fromArgs[j]), NUM(toArgs[j]) - NUM(fromArgs[j]), duration);
- if(j < argLen - 1)
- {
- transform += ", ";
- }
- }
- transform += ");";
- }
- if(transform)
- {
- node.set('transform', transform);
- }
- node._transform = TOSTRING;
- },
- get: function(anim) {
- var node = anim._node,
- fromMatrix = node.matrix,
- toAttr = anim.get("to") || {},
- toString = anim.get("to").transform,
- fromString = node.get("transform"),
- toArray = Y.MatrixUtil.getTransformArray(toString),
- fromArray = fromString ? Y.MatrixUtil.getTransformArray(fromString) : null,
- toMatrix,
- i,
- len,
- transformFunction,
- from;
- if(toArray)
- {
- if(!fromArray || fromArray.length < 1)
- {
- fromArray = [];
- len = toArray.length;
- for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- {
- transformFunction = toArray[i][0];
- fromArray[i] = Y.MatrixUtil.getTransformFunctionArray(transformFunction);
- }
- TO = toArray;
- from = fromArray;
- }
- else if(Y.MatrixUtil.compareTransformSequence(toArray, fromArray))
- {
- TO = toArray;
- from = fromArray;
- }
- else
- {
- toMatrix = new Y.Matrix();
- len = toArray.length;
- for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- {
- transformFunction = toArray[i].shift();
- transformFunction = transformFunction == "matrix" ? "multiply" : transformFunction;
- toMatrix[transformFunction].apply(toMatrix, toArray[i]);
- }
- TO = toMatrix.decompose();
- from = fromMatrix.decompose();
- }
- }
- TOSTRING = toString;
- return from;
- }
- };
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['anim-base','matrix']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-shape-transform/anim-shape-transform-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-shape-transform/anim-shape-transform-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-shape-transform/anim-shape-transform-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("anim-shape-transform",function(d){var b=Number,a,c;d.Anim.behaviors.transform={set:function(k,q,t,u,v,h,s){var g=k._node,f="",r,n,w,e,m=0,l,p,o;u=a;o=a.length;for(;m<o;++m){w=u[m].concat();e=t[m].concat();r=w.shift();n=e.shift();p=w.length;f+=r+"(";for(l=0;l<p;++l){f+=s(v,b(e[l]),b(w[l])-b(e[l]),h);if(l<p-1){f+=", ";}}f+=");";}if(f){g.set("transform",f);}g._transform=c;},get:function(k){var j=k._node,h=j.matrix,r=k.get("to")||{},e=k.get("to").transform,g=j.get("transform"),l=d.MatrixUtil.getTransformArray(e),q=g?d.MatrixUtil.getTransformArray(g):null,n,m,o,f,p;if(l){if(!q||q.length<1){q=[];o=l.length;for(m=0;m<o;++m){f=l[m][0];q[m]=d.MatrixUtil.getTransformFunctionArray(f);}a=l;p=q;}else{if(d.MatrixUtil.compareTransformSequence(l,q)){a=l;p=q;}else{n=new d.Matrix();o=l.length;for(m=0;m<o;++m){f=l[m].shift();f=f=="matrix"?"multiply":f;n[f].apply(n,l[m]);}a=n.decompose();p=h.decompose();}}}c=e;return p;}};},"3.5.1",{requires:["anim-base","matrix"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-shape-transform/anim-shape-transform.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-shape-transform/anim-shape-transform.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-shape-transform/anim-shape-transform.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-shape-transform', function(Y) {
- * Adds support for the <code>transform</code> attribute of <code>Graphic</code>
- * <code>Shape</code> instances.
- * @module anim
- * @submodule anim-shape-transform
- */
- var NUM = Number,
- TO,
- Y.Anim.behaviors.transform = {
- set: function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn) {
- var node = anim._node,
- transform = "",
- transformTo,
- transformFrom,
- toArgs,
- fromArgs,
- i = 0,
- j,
- argLen,
- len;
- to = TO;
- len = TO.length;
- for(; i < len; ++i)
- {
- toArgs = to[i].concat();
- fromArgs = from[i].concat();
- transformTo = toArgs.shift();
- transformFrom = fromArgs.shift();
- argLen = toArgs.length;
- transform += transformTo + "(";
- for(j = 0; j < argLen; ++j)
- {
- transform += fn(elapsed, NUM(fromArgs[j]), NUM(toArgs[j]) - NUM(fromArgs[j]), duration);
- if(j < argLen - 1)
- {
- transform += ", ";
- }
- }
- transform += ");";
- }
- if(transform)
- {
- node.set('transform', transform);
- }
- node._transform = TOSTRING;
- },
- get: function(anim) {
- var node = anim._node,
- fromMatrix = node.matrix,
- toAttr = anim.get("to") || {},
- toString = anim.get("to").transform,
- fromString = node.get("transform"),
- toArray = Y.MatrixUtil.getTransformArray(toString),
- fromArray = fromString ? Y.MatrixUtil.getTransformArray(fromString) : null,
- toMatrix,
- i,
- len,
- transformFunction,
- from;
- if(toArray)
- {
- if(!fromArray || fromArray.length < 1)
- {
- fromArray = [];
- len = toArray.length;
- for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- {
- transformFunction = toArray[i][0];
- fromArray[i] = Y.MatrixUtil.getTransformFunctionArray(transformFunction);
- }
- TO = toArray;
- from = fromArray;
- }
- else if(Y.MatrixUtil.compareTransformSequence(toArray, fromArray))
- {
- TO = toArray;
- from = fromArray;
- }
- else
- {
- toMatrix = new Y.Matrix();
- len = toArray.length;
- for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- {
- transformFunction = toArray[i].shift();
- transformFunction = transformFunction == "matrix" ? "multiply" : transformFunction;
- toMatrix[transformFunction].apply(toMatrix, toArray[i]);
- }
- TO = toMatrix.decompose();
- from = fromMatrix.decompose();
- }
- }
- TOSTRING = toString;
- return from;
- }
- };
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['anim-base','matrix']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-xy'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-xy/anim-xy-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-xy/anim-xy-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-xy/anim-xy-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-xy', function(Y) {
- * Adds support for the <code>xy</code> property in <code>from</code> and
- * <code>to</code> attributes.
- * @module anim
- * @submodule anim-xy
- */
-var NUM = Number;
-Y.Anim.behaviors.xy = {
- set: function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn) {
- anim._node.setXY([
- fn(elapsed, NUM(from[0]), NUM(to[0]) - NUM(from[0]), duration),
- fn(elapsed, NUM(from[1]), NUM(to[1]) - NUM(from[1]), duration)
- ]);
- },
- get: function(anim) {
- return anim._node.getXY();
- }
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['anim-base', 'node-screen']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-xy/anim-xy-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-xy/anim-xy-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-xy/anim-xy-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("anim-xy",function(b){var a=Number;b.Anim.behaviors.xy={set:function(f,d,i,h,c,g,e){f._node.setXY([e(c,a(i[0]),a(h[0])-a(i[0]),g),e(c,a(i[1]),a(h[1])-a(i[1]),g)]);},get:function(c){return c._node.getXY();}};},"3.5.1",{requires:["anim-base","node-screen"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-xy/anim-xy.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-xy/anim-xy.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/anim-xy/anim-xy.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('anim-xy', function(Y) {
- * Adds support for the <code>xy</code> property in <code>from</code> and
- * <code>to</code> attributes.
- * @module anim
- * @submodule anim-xy
- */
-var NUM = Number;
-Y.Anim.behaviors.xy = {
- set: function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn) {
- anim._node.setXY([
- fn(elapsed, NUM(from[0]), NUM(to[0]) - NUM(from[0]), duration),
- fn(elapsed, NUM(from[1]), NUM(to[1]) - NUM(from[1]), duration)
- ]);
- },
- get: function(anim) {
- return anim._node.getXY();
- }
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['anim-base', 'node-screen']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-base'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-base/app-base-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-base/app-base-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-base/app-base-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,1142 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('app-base', function(Y) {
-The App Framework provides simple MVC-like building blocks (models, model lists,
-views, and URL-based routing) for writing single-page JavaScript applications.
-@main app
-@module app
-@since 3.4.0
-Provides a top-level application component which manages navigation and views.
-@module app
-@submodule app-base
-@since 3.5.0
-// TODO: Better handling of lifecycle for registered views:
-// * [!] Just redo basically everything with view management so there are no
-// pre-`activeViewChange` side effects and handle the rest of these things:
-// * Seems like any view created via `createView` should listen for the view's
-// `destroy` event and use that to remove it from the `_viewsInfoMap`. I
-// should look at what ModelList does for Models as a reference.
-// * Should we have a companion `destroyView()` method? Maybe this wouldn't be
-// needed if we have a `getView(name, create)` method, and already doing the
-// above? We could do `app.getView('foo').destroy()` and it would be removed
-// from the `_viewsInfoMap` as well.
-// * Should we wait to call a view's `render()` method inside of the
-// `_attachView()` method?
-// * Should named views support a collection of instances instead of just one?
-var Lang = Y.Lang,
- YObject = Y.Object,
- PjaxBase = Y.PjaxBase,
- Router = Y.Router,
- View = Y.View,
- getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
- win =,
- App;
-Provides a top-level application component which manages navigation and views.
-This gives you a foundation and structure on which to build your application; it
-combines robust URL navigation with powerful routing and flexible view
-@class App.Base
-@param {Object} [config] The following are configuration properties that can be
- specified _in addition_ to default attribute values and the non-attribute
- properties provided by `Y.Base`:
- @param {Object} [config.views] Hash of view-name to metadata used to
- declaratively describe an application's views and their relationship with
- the app and other views. The views specified here will override any defaults
- provided by the `views` object on the `prototype`.
-@extends Base
-@uses View
-@uses Router
-@uses PjaxBase
-@since 3.5.0
-App = Y.Base.create('app', Y.Base, [View, Router, PjaxBase], {
- // -- Public Properties ----------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Hash of view-name to metadata used to declaratively describe an
- application's views and their relationship with the app and its other views.
- The view metadata is composed of Objects keyed to a view-name that can have
- any or all of the following properties:
- * `type`: Function or a string representing the view constructor to use to
- create view instances. If a string is used, the constructor function is
- assumed to be on the `Y` object; e.g. `"SomeView"` -> `Y.SomeView`.
- * `preserve`: Boolean for whether the view instance should be retained. By
- default, the view instance will be destroyed when it is no longer the
- `activeView`. If `true` the view instance will simply be `removed()`
- from the DOM when it is no longer active. This is useful when the view
- is frequently used and may be expensive to re-create.
- * `parent`: String to another named view in this hash that represents the
- parent view within the application's view hierarchy; e.g. a `"photo"`
- view could have `"album"` has its `parent` view. This parent/child
- relationship is a useful cue for things like transitions.
- * `instance`: Used internally to manage the current instance of this named
- view. This can be used if your view instance is created up-front, or if
- you would rather manage the View lifecycle, but you probably should just
- let this be handled for you.
- If `views` are specified at instantiation time, the metadata in the `views`
- Object here will be used as defaults when creating the instance's `views`.
- Every `Y.App` instance gets its own copy of a `views` object so this Object
- on the prototype will not be polluted.
- @example
- // Imagine that `Y.UsersView` and `Y.UserView` have been defined.
- var app = new Y.App({
- views: {
- users: {
- type : Y.UsersView,
- preserve: true
- },
- user: {
- type : Y.UserView,
- parent: 'users'
- }
- }
- });
- @property views
- @type Object
- @default {}
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- views: {},
- // -- Protected Properties -------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Map of view instance id (via `Y.stamp()`) to view-info object in `views`.
- This mapping is used to tie a specific view instance back to its metadata by
- adding a reference to the the related view info on the `views` object.
- @property _viewInfoMap
- @type Object
- @default {}
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- // -- Lifecycle Methods ----------------------------------------------------
- initializer: function (config) {
- config || (config = {});
- var views = {};
- // Merges-in specified view metadata into local `views` object.
- function mergeViewConfig(view, name) {
- views[name] = Y.merge(views[name], view);
- }
- // First, each view in the `views` prototype object gets its metadata
- // merged-in, providing the defaults.
- YObject.each(this.views, mergeViewConfig);
- // Then, each view in the specified `config.views` object gets its
- // metadata merged-in.
- YObject.each(config.views, mergeViewConfig);
- // The resulting hodgepodge of metadata is then stored as the instance's
- // `views` object, and no one's objects were harmed in the making.
- this.views = views;
- this._viewInfoMap = {};
- // Using `bind()` to aid extensibility.
- this.after('activeViewChange', Y.bind('_afterActiveViewChange', this));
- // PjaxBase will bind click events when `html5` is `true`, so this just
- // forces the binding when `serverRouting` and `html5` are both falsy.
- if (!this.get('serverRouting')) {
- this._pjaxBindUI();
- }
- },
- // TODO: `destructor` to destroy the `activeView`?
- // -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Creates and returns a new view instance using the provided `name` to look up
- the view info metadata defined in the `views` object. The passed-in `config`
- object is passed to the view constructor function.
- This function also maps a view instance back to its view info metadata.
- @method createView
- @param {String} name The name of a view defined on the `views` object.
- @param {Object} [config] The configuration object passed to the view
- constructor function when creating the new view instance.
- @return {View} The new view instance.
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- createView: function (name, config) {
- var viewInfo = this.getViewInfo(name),
- type = (viewInfo && viewInfo.type) || View,
- ViewConstructor, view;
- // Looks for a namespaced constructor function on `Y`.
- ViewConstructor = Lang.isString(type) ?
- YObject.getValue(Y, type.split('.')) : type;
- // Create the view instance and map it with its metadata.
- view = new ViewConstructor(config);
- this._viewInfoMap[Y.stamp(view, true)] = viewInfo;
- return view;
- },
- /**
- Returns the metadata associated with a view instance or view name defined on
- the `views` object.
- @method getViewInfo
- @param {View|String} view View instance, or name of a view defined on the
- `views` object.
- @return {Object} The metadata for the view, or `undefined` if the view is
- not registered.
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- getViewInfo: function (view) {
- if (Lang.isString(view)) {
- return this.views[view];
- }
- return view && this._viewInfoMap[Y.stamp(view, true)];
- },
- /**
- Navigates to the specified URL if there is a route handler that matches. In
- browsers capable of using HTML5 history or when `serverRouting` is falsy,
- the navigation will be enhanced by firing the `navigate` event and having
- the app handle the "request". When `serverRouting` is `true`, non-HTML5
- browsers will navigate to the new URL via a full page reload.
- When there is a route handler for the specified URL and it is being
- navigated to, this method will return `true`, otherwise it will return
- `false`.
- **Note:** The specified URL _must_ be of the same origin as the current URL,
- otherwise an error will be logged and navigation will not occur. This is
- intended as both a security constraint and a purposely imposed limitation as
- it does not make sense to tell the app to navigate to a URL on a
- different scheme, host, or port.
- @method navigate
- @param {String} url The URL to navigate to. This must be of the same origin
- as the current URL.
- @param {Object} [options] Additional options to configure the navigation.
- These are mixed into the `navigate` event facade.
- @param {Boolean} [options.replace] Whether or not the current history
- entry will be replaced, or a new entry will be created. Will default
- to `true` if the specified `url` is the same as the current URL.
- @param {Boolean} [options.force] Whether the enhanced navigation
- should occur even in browsers without HTML5 history. Will default to
- `true` when `serverRouting` is falsy.
- @see PjaxBase.navigate()
- **/
- // Does not override `navigate()` but does use extra `options`.
- /**
- Renders this application by appending the `viewContainer` node to the
- `container` node if it isn't already a child of the container, and the
- `activeView` will be appended the view container, if it isn't already.
- You should call this method at least once, usually after the initialization
- of your app instance so the proper DOM structure is setup and optionally
- append the container to the DOM if it's not there already.
- You may override this method to customize the app's rendering, but you
- should expect that the `viewContainer`'s contents will be modified by the
- app for the purpose of rendering the `activeView` when it changes.
- @method render
- @chainable
- @see View.render()
- **/
- render: function () {
- var container = this.get('container'),
- viewContainer = this.get('viewContainer'),
- activeView = this.get('activeView'),
- activeViewContainer = activeView && activeView.get('container'),
- areSame = container.compareTo(viewContainer);
- container.addClass(App.CSS_CLASS);
- viewContainer.addClass(App.VIEWS_CSS_CLASS);
- // Prevents needless shuffling around of nodes and maintains DOM order.
- if (activeView && !viewContainer.contains(activeViewContainer)) {
- viewContainer.appendChild(activeViewContainer);
- }
- // Prevents needless shuffling around of nodes and maintains DOM order.
- if (!container.contains(viewContainer) && !areSame) {
- container.appendChild(viewContainer);
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- Sets which view is active/visible for the application. This will set the
- app's `activeView` attribute to the specified `view`.
- The `view` will be "attached" to this app, meaning it will be both rendered
- into this app's `viewContainer` node and all of its events will bubble to
- the app. The previous `activeView` will be "detached" from this app.
- When a string-name is provided for a view which has been registered on this
- app's `views` object, the referenced metadata will be used and the
- `activeView` will be set to either a preserved view instance, or a new
- instance of the registered view will be created using the specified `config`
- object passed-into this method.
- A callback function can be specified as either the third or fourth argument,
- and this function will be called after the new `view` becomes the
- `activeView`, is rendered to the `viewContainer`, and is ready to use.
- @example
- var app = new Y.App({
- views: {
- usersView: {
- // Imagine that `Y.UsersView` has been defined.
- type: Y.UsersView
- }
- },
- users: new Y.ModelList()
- });
- app.route('/users/', function () {
- this.showView('usersView', {users: this.get('users')});
- });
- app.render();
- app.navigate('/uses/'); // => Creates a new `Y.UsersView` and shows it.
- @method showView
- @param {String|View} view The name of a view defined in the `views` object,
- or a view instance which should become this app's `activeView`.
- @param {Object} [config] Optional configuration to use when creating a new
- view instance. This config object can also be used to update an existing
- or preserved view's attributes when `options.update` is `true`.
- @param {Object} [options] Optional object containing any of the following
- properties:
- @param {Function} [options.callback] Optional callback function to call
- after new `activeView` is ready to use, the function will be passed:
- @param {View} options.callback.view A reference to the new
- `activeView`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.prepend=false] Whether the `view` should be
- prepended instead of appended to the `viewContainer`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.render] Whether the `view` should be rendered.
- **Note:** If no value is specified, a view instance will only be
- rendered if it's newly created by this method.
- @param {Boolean} [options.update=false] Whether an existing view should
- have its attributes updated by passing the `config` object to its
- `setAttrs()` method. **Note:** This option does not have an effect if
- the `view` instance is created as a result of calling this method.
- @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback Function to call after the
- new `activeView` is ready to use. **Note:** this will override
- `options.callback` and it can be specified as either the third or fourth
- argument. The function will be passed the following:
- @param {View} callback.view A reference to the new `activeView`.
- @chainable
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- showView: function (view, config, options, callback) {
- var viewInfo, created;
- options || (options = {});
- // Support the callback function being either the third or fourth arg.
- if (callback) {
- options.callback = callback;
- } else if (Lang.isFunction(options)) {
- options = {callback: options};
- }
- if (Lang.isString(view)) {
- viewInfo = this.getViewInfo(view);
- // Use the preserved view instance, or create a new view.
- // TODO: Maybe we can remove the strict check for `preserve` and
- // assume we'll use a View instance if it is there, and just check
- // `preserve` when detaching?
- if (viewInfo && viewInfo.preserve && viewInfo.instance) {
- view = viewInfo.instance;
- // Make sure there's a mapping back to the view metadata.
- this._viewInfoMap[Y.stamp(view, true)] = viewInfo;
- } else {
- // TODO: Add the app as a bubble target during construction, but
- // make sure to check that it isn't already in `bubbleTargets`!
- // This will allow the app to be notified for about _all_ of the
- // view's events. **Note:** This should _only_ happen if the
- // view is created _after_ `activeViewChange`.
- view = this.createView(view, config);
- created = true;
- }
- }
- // Update the specified or preserved `view` when signaled to do so.
- // There's no need to updated a view if it was _just_ created.
- if (options.update && !created) {
- view.setAttrs(config);
- }
- // TODO: Hold off on rendering the view until after it has been
- // "attached", and move the call to render into `_attachView()`.
- // When a value is specified for `options.render`, prefer it because it
- // represents the developer's intent. When no value is specified, the
- // `view` will only be rendered if it was just created.
- if ('render' in options) {
- options.render && view.render();
- } else if (created) {
- view.render();
- }
- return this._set('activeView', view, {options: options});
- },
- // -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Helper method to attach the view instance to the application by making the
- app a bubble target of the view, append the view to the `viewContainer`, and
- assign it to the `instance` property of the associated view info metadata.
- @method _attachView
- @param {View} view View to attach.
- @param {Boolean} prepend=false Whether the view should be prepended instead
- of appended to the `viewContainer`.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _attachView: function (view, prepend) {
- if (!view) {
- return;
- }
- var viewInfo = this.getViewInfo(view),
- viewContainer = this.get('viewContainer');
- view.addTarget(this);
- viewInfo && (viewInfo.instance = view);
- // TODO: Attach events here for persevered Views?
- // See related TODO in `_detachView`.
- // TODO: Actually render the view here so that it gets "attached" before
- // it gets rendered?
- // Insert view into the DOM.
- viewContainer[prepend ? 'prepend' : 'append'](view.get('container'));
- },
- /**
- Overrides View's container destruction to deal with the `viewContainer` and
- checks to make sure not to remove and purge the `<body>`.
- @method _destroyContainer
- @protected
- @see View._destroyContainer()
- **/
- _destroyContainer: function () {
- var container = this.get('container'),
- viewContainer = this.get('viewContainer'),
- areSame = container.compareTo(viewContainer);
- // We do not want to remove or destroy the `<body>`.
- if ('body').compareTo(container)) {
- // Just clean-up our events listeners.
- this.detachEvents();
- // Clean-up `yui3-app` CSS class on the `container`.
- container && container.removeClass(App.CSS_CLASS);
- if (areSame) {
- // Clean-up `yui3-app-views` CSS class on the `container`.
- container && container.removeClass(App.VIEWS_CSS_CLASS);
- } else {
- // Destroy and purge the `viewContainer`.
- viewContainer && viewContainer.remove(true);
- }
- return;
- }
- // Remove and purge events from both containers.
- viewContainer && viewContainer.remove(true);
- !areSame && container && container.remove(true);
- },
- /**
- Helper method to detach the view instance from the application by removing
- the application as a bubble target of the view, and either just removing the
- view if it is intended to be preserved, or destroying the instance
- completely.
- @method _detachView
- @param {View} view View to detach.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _detachView: function (view) {
- if (!view) {
- return;
- }
- var viewInfo = this.getViewInfo(view) || {};
- if (viewInfo.preserve) {
- view.remove();
- // TODO: Detach events here for preserved Views? It is possible that
- // some event subscriptions are made on elements other than the
- // View's `container`.
- } else {
- view.destroy({remove: true});
- // TODO: The following should probably happen automagically from
- // `destroy()` being called! Possibly `removeTarget()` as well.
- // Remove from view to view-info map.
- delete this._viewInfoMap[Y.stamp(view, true)];
- // Remove from view-info instance property.
- if (view === viewInfo.instance) {
- delete viewInfo.instance;
- }
- }
- view.removeTarget(this);
- },
- /**
- Getter for the `viewContainer` attribute.
- @method _getViewContainer
- @param {Node|null} value Current attribute value.
- @return {Node} View container node.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _getViewContainer: function (value) {
- // This wackiness is necessary to enable fully lazy creation of the
- // container node both when no container is specified and when one is
- // specified via a valueFn.
- if (!value && !this._viewContainer) {
- // Create a default container and set that as the new attribute
- // value. The `this._viewContainer` property prevents infinite
- // recursion.
- value = this._viewContainer = this.create();
- this._set('viewContainer', value);
- }
- return value;
- },
- /**
- Gets the current full URL. When `html5` is false, the URL will first be
- upgraded before it's returned.
- @method _getURL
- @return {String} URL.
- @protected
- @see Router._getURL()
- **/
- _getURL: function () {
- var url = Y.getLocation().toString();
- return this._html5 ? url : this._upgradeURL(url);
- },
- /**
- Provides the default value for the `html5` attribute.
- The value returned is dependent on the value of the `serverRouting`
- attribute. When `serverRouting` is explicit set to `false` (not just falsy),
- the default value for `html5` will be set to `false` for *all* browsers.
- When `serverRouting` is `true` or `undefined` the returned value will be
- dependent on the browser's capability of using HTML5 history.
- @method _initHtml5
- @return {Boolean} Whether or not HTML5 history should be used.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _initHtml5: function () {
- // When `serverRouting` is explicitly set to `false` (not just falsy),
- // forcing hash-based URLs in all browsers.
- if (this.get('serverRouting') === false) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return Router.html5;
- }
- },
- /**
- Determines if the specified `view` is configured as a child of the specified
- `parent` view. This requires both views to be either named-views, or view
- instances created using configuration data that exists in the `views`
- object, e.g. created by the `createView()` or `showView()` method.
- @method _isChildView
- @param {View|String} view The name of a view defined in the `views` object,
- or a view instance.
- @param {View|String} parent The name of a view defined in the `views`
- object, or a view instance.
- @return {Boolean} Whether the view is configured as a child of the parent.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _isChildView: function (view, parent) {
- var viewInfo = this.getViewInfo(view),
- parentInfo = this.getViewInfo(parent);
- if (viewInfo && parentInfo) {
- return this.getViewInfo(viewInfo.parent) === parentInfo;
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- Determines if the specified `view` is configured as the parent of the
- specified `child` view. This requires both views to be either named-views,
- or view instances created using configuration data that exists in the
- `views` object, e.g. created by the `createView()` or `showView()` method.
- @method _isParentView
- @param {View|String} view The name of a view defined in the `views` object,
- or a view instance.
- @param {View|String} parent The name of a view defined in the `views`
- object, or a view instance.
- @return {Boolean} Whether the view is configured as the parent of the child.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _isParentView: function (view, child) {
- var viewInfo = this.getViewInfo(view),
- childInfo = this.getViewInfo(child);
- if (viewInfo && childInfo) {
- return this.getViewInfo(childInfo.parent) === viewInfo;
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- Underlying implementation for `navigate()`.
- @method _navigate
- @param {String} url The fully-resolved URL that the app should dispatch to
- its route handlers to fulfill the enhanced navigation "request", or use to
- update `window.location` in non-HTML5 history capable browsers when
- `serverRouting` is `true`.
- @param {Object} [options] Additional options to configure the navigation.
- These are mixed into the `navigate` event facade.
- @param {Boolean} [options.replace] Whether or not the current history
- entry will be replaced, or a new entry will be created. Will default
- to `true` if the specified `url` is the same as the current URL.
- @param {Boolean} [options.force] Whether the enhanced navigation
- should occur even in browsers without HTML5 history. Will default to
- `true` when `serverRouting` is falsy.
- @protected
- @see PjaxBase._navigate()
- **/
- _navigate: function (url, options) {
- url = this._upgradeURL(url);
- options || (options = {});
- if (!this.get('serverRouting')) {
- // Force navigation to be enhanced and handled by the app when
- // `serverRouting` is falsy because the server might not be able to
- // properly handle the request.
- 'force' in options || (options.force = true);
- }
- return, url, options);
- },
- /**
- Will either save a history entry using `pushState()` or the location hash,
- or gracefully-degrade to sending a request to the server causing a full-page
- reload.
- Overrides Router's `_save()` method to preform graceful-degradation when the
- app's `serverRouting` is `true` and `html5` is `false` by updating the full
- URL via standard assignment to `window.location` or by calling
- `window.location.replace()`; both of which will cause a request to the
- server resulting in a full-page reload.
- Otherwise this will just delegate off to Router's `_save()` method allowing
- the client-side enhanced routing to occur.
- @method _save
- @param {String} [url] URL for the history entry.
- @param {Boolean} [replace=false] If `true`, the current history entry will
- be replaced instead of a new one being added.
- @chainable
- @protected
- @see Router._save()
- **/
- _save: function (url, replace) {
- // Forces full-path URLs to always be used by modifying
- // `window.location` in non-HTML5 history capable browsers.
- if (this.get('serverRouting') && !this.get('html5')) {
- // Perform same-origin check on the specified URL.
- if (!this._hasSameOrigin(url)) {
- Y.error('Security error: The new URL must be of the same origin as the current URL.');
- return this;
- }
- // Results in the URL's full path starting with '/'.
- url = this._joinURL(url || '');
- // Either replace the current history entry or create a new one
- // while navigating to the `url`.
- if (replace) {
- win && win.location.replace(url);
- } else {
- win && (win.location = url);
- }
- return this;
- }
- return Router.prototype._save.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- /**
- Performs the actual change of this app's `activeView` by attaching the
- `newView` to this app, and detaching the `oldView` from this app using any
- specified `options`.
- The `newView` is attached to the app by rendering it to the `viewContainer`,
- and making this app a bubble target of its events.
- The `oldView` is detached from the app by removing it from the
- `viewContainer`, and removing this app as a bubble target for its events.
- The `oldView` will either be preserved or properly destroyed.
- **Note:** The `activeView` attribute is read-only and can be changed by
- calling the `showView()` method.
- @method _uiSetActiveView
- @param {View} newView The View which is now this app's `activeView`.
- @param {View} [oldView] The View which was this app's `activeView`.
- @param {Object} [options] Optional object containing any of the following
- properties:
- @param {Function} [options.callback] Optional callback function to call
- after new `activeView` is ready to use, the function will be passed:
- @param {View} options.callback.view A reference to the new
- `activeView`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.prepend=false] Whether the `view` should be
- prepended instead of appended to the `viewContainer`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.render] Whether the `view` should be rendered.
- **Note:** If no value is specified, a view instance will only be
- rendered if it's newly created by this method.
- @param {Boolean} [options.update=false] Whether an existing view should
- have its attributes updated by passing the `config` object to its
- `setAttrs()` method. **Note:** This option does not have an effect if
- the `view` instance is created as a result of calling this method.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _uiSetActiveView: function (newView, oldView, options) {
- options || (options = {});
- var callback = options.callback,
- isChild = this._isChildView(newView, oldView),
- isParent = !isChild && this._isParentView(newView, oldView),
- prepend = !!options.prepend || isParent;
- // Prevent detaching (thus removing) the view we want to show. Also hard
- // to animate out and in, the same view.
- if (newView === oldView) {
- return callback &&, newView);
- }
- this._attachView(newView, prepend);
- this._detachView(oldView);
- callback &&, newView);
- },
- /**
- Upgrades a hash-based URL to a full-path URL, if necessary.
- The specified `url` will be upgraded if its of the same origin as the
- current URL and has a path-like hash. URLs that don't need upgrading will be
- returned as-is.
- @example
- app._upgradeURL(''); // => '';
- @method _upgradeURL
- @param {String} url The URL to upgrade from hash-based to full-path.
- @return {String} The upgraded URL, or the specified URL untouched.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _upgradeURL: function (url) {
- // We should not try to upgrade paths for external URLs.
- if (!this._hasSameOrigin(url)) {
- return url;
- }
- // TODO: Should the `root` be removed first, and the hash only
- // considered if in the form of '/#/'?
- var hash = (url.match(/#(.*)$/) || [])[1] || '',
- hashPrefix = Y.HistoryHash.hashPrefix;
- // Strip any hash prefix, like hash-bangs.
- if (hashPrefix && hash.indexOf(hashPrefix) === 0) {
- hash = hash.replace(hashPrefix, '');
- }
- // If the hash looks like a URL path, assume it is, and upgrade it!
- if (hash && hash.charAt(0) === '/') {
- // Re-join with configured `root` before resolving.
- url = this._resolveURL(this._joinURL(hash));
- }
- return url;
- },
- // -- Protected Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------
- /**
- Handles the application's `activeViewChange` event (which is fired when the
- `activeView` attribute changes) by detaching the old view, attaching the new
- view.
- The `activeView` attribute is read-only, so the public API to change its
- value is through the `showView()` method.
- @method _afterActiveViewChange
- @param {EventFacade} e
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _afterActiveViewChange: function (e) {
- this._uiSetActiveView(e.newVal, e.prevVal, e.options);
- }
-}, {
- ATTRS: {
- /**
- The application's active/visible view.
- This attribute is read-only, to set the `activeView` use the
- `showView()` method.
- @attribute activeView
- @type View
- @default null
- @readOnly
- @see App.Base.showView()
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- activeView: {
- value : null,
- readOnly: true
- },
- /**
- Container node which represents the application's bounding-box, into
- which this app's content will be rendered.
- The container node serves as the host for all DOM events attached by the
- app. Delegation is used to handle events on children of the container,
- allowing the container's contents to be re-rendered at any time without
- losing event subscriptions.
- The default container is the `<body>` Node, but you can override this in
- a subclass, or by passing in a custom `container` config value at
- instantiation time.
- When `container` is overridden by a subclass or passed as a config
- option at instantiation time, it may be provided as a selector string, a
- DOM element, or a `Y.Node` instance. During initialization, this app's
- `create()` method will be called to convert the container into a
- `Y.Node` instance if it isn't one already and stamp it with the CSS
- class: `"yui3-app"`.
- The container is not added to the page automatically. This allows you to
- have full control over how and when your app is actually rendered to
- the page.
- @attribute container
- @type HTMLElement|Node|String
- @default'body')
- @initOnly
- **/
- container: {
- valueFn: function () {
- return'body');
- }
- },
- /**
- Whether or not this browser is capable of using HTML5 history.
- This value is dependent on the value of `serverRouting` and will default
- accordingly.
- Setting this to `false` will force the use of hash-based history even on
- HTML5 browsers, but please don't do this unless you understand the
- consequences.
- @attribute html5
- @type Boolean
- @initOnly
- @see serverRouting
- **/
- html5: {
- valueFn: '_initHtml5'
- },
- /**
- CSS selector string used to filter link click events so that only the
- links which match it will have the enhanced-navigation behavior of pjax
- applied.
- When a link is clicked and that link matches this selector, navigating
- to the link's `href` URL using the enhanced, pjax, behavior will be
- attempted; and the browser's default way to navigate to new pages will
- be the fallback.
- By default this selector will match _all_ links on the page.
- @attribute linkSelector
- @type String|Function
- @default "a"
- **/
- linkSelector: {
- value: 'a'
- },
- /**
- Whether or not this application's server is capable of properly routing
- all requests and rendering the initial state in the HTML responses.
- This can have three different values, each having particular
- implications on how the app will handle routing and navigation:
- * `undefined`: The best form of URLs will be chosen based on the
- capabilities of the browser. Given no information about the server
- environmentm a balanced approach to routing and navigation is
- chosen.
- The server should be capable of handling full-path requests, since
- full-URLs will be generated by browsers using HTML5 history. If this
- is a client-side-only app the server could handle full-URL requests
- by sending a redirect back to the root with a hash-based URL, e.g:
- Request:
- Redirect to:
- * `true`: The server is *fully* capable of properly handling requests
- to all full-path URLs the app can produce.
- This is the best option for progressive-enhancement because it will
- cause **all URLs to always have full-paths**, which means the server
- will be able to accurately handle all URLs this app produces. e.g.
- To meet this strict full-URL requirement, browsers which are not
- capable of using HTML5 history will make requests to the server
- resulting in full-page reloads.
- * `false`: The server is *not* capable of properly handling requests
- to all full-path URLs the app can produce, therefore all routing
- will be handled by this App instance.
- Be aware that this will cause **all URLs to always be hash-based**,
- even in browsers that are capable of using HTML5 history. e.g.
- A single-page or client-side-only app where the server sends a
- "shell" page with JavaScript to the client might have this
- restriction. If you're setting this to `false`, read the following:
- **Note:** When this is set to `false`, the server will *never* receive
- the full URL because browsers do not send the fragment-part to the
- server, that is everything after and including the "#".
- Consider the following example:
- URL shown in browser:
- URL sent to server:
- You should feel bad about hurting our precious web if you forcefully set
- either `serverRouting` or `html5` to `false`, because you're basically
- punching the web in the face here with your lossy URLs! Please make sure
- you know what you're doing and that you understand the implications.
- Ideally you should always prefer full-path URLs (not /#/foo/), and want
- full-page reloads when the client's browser is not capable of enhancing
- the experience using the HTML5 history APIs. Setting this to `true` is
- the best option for progressive-enhancement (and graceful-degradation).
- @attribute serverRouting
- @type Boolean
- @default undefined
- @initOnly
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- serverRouting: {
- value : undefined,
- writeOnce: 'initOnly'
- },
- /**
- The node into which this app's `views` will be rendered when they become
- the `activeView`.
- The view container node serves as the container to hold the app's
- `activeView`. Each time the `activeView` is set via `showView()`, the
- previous view will be removed from this node, and the new active view's
- `container` node will be appended.
- The default view container is a `<div>` Node, but you can override this
- in a subclass, or by passing in a custom `viewContainer` config value at
- instantiation time. The `viewContainer` may be provided as a selector
- string, DOM element, or a `Y.Node` instance (having the `viewContainer`
- and the `container` be the same node is also supported).
- The app's `render()` method will stamp the view container with the CSS
- class `"yui3-app-views"` and append it to the app's `container` node if
- it isn't already, and any `activeView` will be appended to this node if
- it isn't already.
- @attribute viewContainer
- @type HTMLElement|Node|String
- @default Y.Node.create(this.containerTemplate)
- @initOnly
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- viewContainer: {
- getter : '_getViewContainer',
- setter :,
- writeOnce: true
- }
- },
- // TODO: Should these go on the `prototype`?
- // TODO: These should also just go in a `CLASS_NAMES` object.
- /**
- CSS class added to an app's `container` node.
- @property CSS_CLASS
- @type String
- @default "yui3-app"
- @static
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- CSS_CLASS: getClassName('app'),
- /**
- CSS class added to an app's `viewContainer` node.
- @property VIEWS_CSS_CLASS
- @type String
- @default "yui3-app-views"
- @static
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- VIEWS_CSS_CLASS: getClassName('app', 'views'),
- /**
- Properties that shouldn't be turned into ad-hoc attributes when passed to
- App's constructor.
- @property _NON_ATTRS_CFG
- @type Array
- @static
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _NON_ATTRS_CFG: ['views']
-// -- Namespace ----------------------------------------------------------------
-Y.namespace('App').Base = App;
-Provides a top-level application component which manages navigation and views.
-This gives you a foundation and structure on which to build your application; it
-combines robust URL navigation with powerful routing and flexible view
-`Y.App` is both a namespace and constructor function. The `Y.App` class is
-special in that any `Y.App` class extensions that are included in the YUI
-instance will be **auto-mixed** on to the `Y.App` class. Consider this example:
- YUI().use('app-base', 'app-transitions', function (Y) {
- // This will create two YUI Apps, `basicApp` will not have transitions,
- // but `fancyApp` will have transitions support included and turn it on.
- var basicApp = new Y.App.Base(),
- fancyApp = new Y.App({transitions: true});
- });
-@class App
-@param {Object} [config] The following are configuration properties that can be
- specified _in addition_ to default attribute values and the non-attribute
- properties provided by `Y.Base`:
- @param {Object} [config.views] Hash of view-name to metadata used to
- declaratively describe an application's views and their relationship with
- the app and other views. The views specified here will override any defaults
- provided by the `views` object on the `prototype`.
-@extends App.Base
-@uses App.Transitions
-@since 3.5.0
-Y.App = Y.mix(Y.Base.create('app', Y.App.Base, []), Y.App, true);
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['classnamemanager', 'pjax-base', 'router', 'view']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-base/app-base-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-base/app-base-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-base/app-base-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("app-base",function(c){var g=c.Lang,i=c.Object,a=c.PjaxBase,d=c.Router,b=c.View,e=c.ClassNameManager.getClassName,,f;f=c.Base.create("app",c.Base,[b,d,a],{views:{},initializer:function(k){k||(k={});var j={};function l(m,n){j[n]=c.merge(j[n],m);}i.each(this.views,l);i.each(k.views,l);this.views=j;this._viewInfoMap={};this.after("activeViewChange",c.bind("_afterActiveViewChange",this));if(!this.get("serverRouting")){this._pjaxBindUI();}},createView:function(m,l){var k=this.getViewInfo(m),n=(k&&k.type)||b,o,j;o=g.isString(n)?i.getValue(c,n.split(".")):n;j=new o(l);this._viewInfoMap[c.stamp(j,true)]=k;return j;},getViewInfo:function(j){if(g.isString(j)){return this.views[j];}return j&&this._viewInfoMap[c.stamp(j,true)];},render:function(){var k=this.get("container"),j=this.get("viewContainer"),l=this.get("activeView"),n=l&&l.get("container"),m=k.compareTo(j);k.addClass(f.CSS_CLASS);j.addClass(f.VIEWS_CSS_CLASS);if(l&&!j.contains(n)){j.appendChild(n);}if(!k.contains(j)&&!m){k.appendChild(j);}return this;},showView:function(j,m,l,o){var k,n;l||(l={});if(o){l.callback=o;}else{if(g.isFunction(l)){l={callback:l};}}if(g.isString(j)){k=this.getViewInfo(j);if(k&&k.preserve&&k.instance){j=k.instance;this._viewInfoMap[c.stamp(j,true)]=k;}else{j=this.createView(j,m);n=true;}}if(l.update&&!n){j.setAttrs(m);}if("render" in l){l.render&&j.render();}else{if(n){j.render();}}return this._set("activeView",j,{options:l});},_attachView:function(k,l){if(!k){return;}var m=this.getViewInfo(k),j=this.get("viewContainer");k.addTarget(this);m&&(m.instance=k);j[l?"prepend":"append"](k.get("container"));},_destroyContainer:function(){var k=this.get("container"),j=this.get("viewContainer"),l=k.compareTo(j);if("body").compareTo(k)){this.detachEvents();k&&k.removeClass(f.CSS_CLASS);if(l){k&&k.removeClass(f.VIEWS_CSS_CLASS);}else{j&&j.remove(true);}return;}j&&j.remove(true);!l&&k&&k.remove(true);},_detachView:function(j){if(!j){return;}var k=this.getViewInfo(j)||{};if(k.preserve){j.remove();}else{j.destroy({remove:true});delete this._viewInfoMap[c.stamp(j,true)];if(j===k.instance){delete k.instance;}}j.removeTarget(this);},_getViewContainer:function(j){if(!j&&!this._viewContainer){j=this._viewContainer=this.create();this._set("viewContainer",j);}return j;},_getURL:function(){var j=c.getLocation().toString();return this._html5?j:this._upgradeURL(j);},_initHtml5:function(){if(this.get("serverRouting")===false){return false;}else{return d.html5;}},_isChildView:function(j,m){var l=this.getViewInfo(j),k=this.getViewInfo(m);if(l&&k){return this.getViewInfo(l.parent)===k;}return false;},_isParentView:function(j,m){var k=this.getViewInfo(j),l=this.getViewInfo(m);if(k&&l){return this.getViewInfo(l.parent)===k;}return false;},_navigate:function(k,j){k=this._upgradeURL(k);j||(j={});if(!this.get("serverRouting")){"force" in j||(j.force=true);}return,k,j);},_save:function(j,k){if(this.get("serverRouting")&&!this.get("html5")){if(!this._hasSameOrigin(j)){c.error("Security error: The new URL must be of the same origin as the current URL.");return this;}j=this._joinURL(j||"");if(k){h&&h.location.replace(j);}else{h&&(h.location=j);}return this;}return d.prototype._save.apply(this,arguments);},_uiSetActiveView:function(p,n,m){m||(m={});var o=m.callback,j=this._isChildView(p,n),l=!j&&this._isParentView(p,n),k=!!m.prepend||l;if(p===n){return o&&,p);}this._attachView(p,k);this._detachView(n);o&&,p);},_upgradeURL:function(k){if(!this._hasSameOrigin(k)){return k;}var l=(k.match(/#(.*)$/)||[])[1]||"",j=c.HistoryHash.hashPrefix;if(j&&l.indexOf(j)===0){l=l.replace(j,"");}if(l&&l.charAt(0)==="/"){k=this._resolveURL(this._joinURL(l));}return k;},_afterActiveViewChange:function(j){this._uiSetActiveView(j.newVal,j.prevVal,j.options);}},{ATTRS:{activeView:{value:null,readOnly:true},container:{valueFn:function(){return"body");}},html5:{valueFn:"_initHtml5"},linkSelector:{value:"a"},serverRouting:{value:undefined,writeOnce:"initOnly"},viewContainer:{getter:"_getViewContainer",,writeOnce:true}},CSS_CLASS:e("app"),VIEWS_CSS_CLASS:e("app","views"),_NON_ATTRS_CFG:["views"]});c.namespace("App").Base=f;c.App=c.mix(c.Base.create("app",c.App.Base,[]),c.App,true);},"3.5.1",{requires:["classnamemanager","pjax-base","router","view"]});
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('app-base', function(Y) {
-The App Framework provides simple MVC-like building blocks (models, model lists,
-views, and URL-based routing) for writing single-page JavaScript applications.
-@main app
-@module app
-@since 3.4.0
-Provides a top-level application component which manages navigation and views.
-@module app
-@submodule app-base
-@since 3.5.0
-// TODO: Better handling of lifecycle for registered views:
-// * [!] Just redo basically everything with view management so there are no
-// pre-`activeViewChange` side effects and handle the rest of these things:
-// * Seems like any view created via `createView` should listen for the view's
-// `destroy` event and use that to remove it from the `_viewsInfoMap`. I
-// should look at what ModelList does for Models as a reference.
-// * Should we have a companion `destroyView()` method? Maybe this wouldn't be
-// needed if we have a `getView(name, create)` method, and already doing the
-// above? We could do `app.getView('foo').destroy()` and it would be removed
-// from the `_viewsInfoMap` as well.
-// * Should we wait to call a view's `render()` method inside of the
-// `_attachView()` method?
-// * Should named views support a collection of instances instead of just one?
-var Lang = Y.Lang,
- YObject = Y.Object,
- PjaxBase = Y.PjaxBase,
- Router = Y.Router,
- View = Y.View,
- getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
- win =,
- App;
-Provides a top-level application component which manages navigation and views.
-This gives you a foundation and structure on which to build your application; it
-combines robust URL navigation with powerful routing and flexible view
-@class App.Base
-@param {Object} [config] The following are configuration properties that can be
- specified _in addition_ to default attribute values and the non-attribute
- properties provided by `Y.Base`:
- @param {Object} [config.views] Hash of view-name to metadata used to
- declaratively describe an application's views and their relationship with
- the app and other views. The views specified here will override any defaults
- provided by the `views` object on the `prototype`.
-@extends Base
-@uses View
-@uses Router
-@uses PjaxBase
-@since 3.5.0
-App = Y.Base.create('app', Y.Base, [View, Router, PjaxBase], {
- // -- Public Properties ----------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Hash of view-name to metadata used to declaratively describe an
- application's views and their relationship with the app and its other views.
- The view metadata is composed of Objects keyed to a view-name that can have
- any or all of the following properties:
- * `type`: Function or a string representing the view constructor to use to
- create view instances. If a string is used, the constructor function is
- assumed to be on the `Y` object; e.g. `"SomeView"` -> `Y.SomeView`.
- * `preserve`: Boolean for whether the view instance should be retained. By
- default, the view instance will be destroyed when it is no longer the
- `activeView`. If `true` the view instance will simply be `removed()`
- from the DOM when it is no longer active. This is useful when the view
- is frequently used and may be expensive to re-create.
- * `parent`: String to another named view in this hash that represents the
- parent view within the application's view hierarchy; e.g. a `"photo"`
- view could have `"album"` has its `parent` view. This parent/child
- relationship is a useful cue for things like transitions.
- * `instance`: Used internally to manage the current instance of this named
- view. This can be used if your view instance is created up-front, or if
- you would rather manage the View lifecycle, but you probably should just
- let this be handled for you.
- If `views` are specified at instantiation time, the metadata in the `views`
- Object here will be used as defaults when creating the instance's `views`.
- Every `Y.App` instance gets its own copy of a `views` object so this Object
- on the prototype will not be polluted.
- @example
- // Imagine that `Y.UsersView` and `Y.UserView` have been defined.
- var app = new Y.App({
- views: {
- users: {
- type : Y.UsersView,
- preserve: true
- },
- user: {
- type : Y.UserView,
- parent: 'users'
- }
- }
- });
- @property views
- @type Object
- @default {}
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- views: {},
- // -- Protected Properties -------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Map of view instance id (via `Y.stamp()`) to view-info object in `views`.
- This mapping is used to tie a specific view instance back to its metadata by
- adding a reference to the the related view info on the `views` object.
- @property _viewInfoMap
- @type Object
- @default {}
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- // -- Lifecycle Methods ----------------------------------------------------
- initializer: function (config) {
- config || (config = {});
- var views = {};
- // Merges-in specified view metadata into local `views` object.
- function mergeViewConfig(view, name) {
- views[name] = Y.merge(views[name], view);
- }
- // First, each view in the `views` prototype object gets its metadata
- // merged-in, providing the defaults.
- YObject.each(this.views, mergeViewConfig);
- // Then, each view in the specified `config.views` object gets its
- // metadata merged-in.
- YObject.each(config.views, mergeViewConfig);
- // The resulting hodgepodge of metadata is then stored as the instance's
- // `views` object, and no one's objects were harmed in the making.
- this.views = views;
- this._viewInfoMap = {};
- // Using `bind()` to aid extensibility.
- this.after('activeViewChange', Y.bind('_afterActiveViewChange', this));
- // PjaxBase will bind click events when `html5` is `true`, so this just
- // forces the binding when `serverRouting` and `html5` are both falsy.
- if (!this.get('serverRouting')) {
- this._pjaxBindUI();
- }
- },
- // TODO: `destructor` to destroy the `activeView`?
- // -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Creates and returns a new view instance using the provided `name` to look up
- the view info metadata defined in the `views` object. The passed-in `config`
- object is passed to the view constructor function.
- This function also maps a view instance back to its view info metadata.
- @method createView
- @param {String} name The name of a view defined on the `views` object.
- @param {Object} [config] The configuration object passed to the view
- constructor function when creating the new view instance.
- @return {View} The new view instance.
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- createView: function (name, config) {
- var viewInfo = this.getViewInfo(name),
- type = (viewInfo && viewInfo.type) || View,
- ViewConstructor, view;
- // Looks for a namespaced constructor function on `Y`.
- ViewConstructor = Lang.isString(type) ?
- YObject.getValue(Y, type.split('.')) : type;
- // Create the view instance and map it with its metadata.
- view = new ViewConstructor(config);
- this._viewInfoMap[Y.stamp(view, true)] = viewInfo;
- return view;
- },
- /**
- Returns the metadata associated with a view instance or view name defined on
- the `views` object.
- @method getViewInfo
- @param {View|String} view View instance, or name of a view defined on the
- `views` object.
- @return {Object} The metadata for the view, or `undefined` if the view is
- not registered.
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- getViewInfo: function (view) {
- if (Lang.isString(view)) {
- return this.views[view];
- }
- return view && this._viewInfoMap[Y.stamp(view, true)];
- },
- /**
- Navigates to the specified URL if there is a route handler that matches. In
- browsers capable of using HTML5 history or when `serverRouting` is falsy,
- the navigation will be enhanced by firing the `navigate` event and having
- the app handle the "request". When `serverRouting` is `true`, non-HTML5
- browsers will navigate to the new URL via a full page reload.
- When there is a route handler for the specified URL and it is being
- navigated to, this method will return `true`, otherwise it will return
- `false`.
- **Note:** The specified URL _must_ be of the same origin as the current URL,
- otherwise an error will be logged and navigation will not occur. This is
- intended as both a security constraint and a purposely imposed limitation as
- it does not make sense to tell the app to navigate to a URL on a
- different scheme, host, or port.
- @method navigate
- @param {String} url The URL to navigate to. This must be of the same origin
- as the current URL.
- @param {Object} [options] Additional options to configure the navigation.
- These are mixed into the `navigate` event facade.
- @param {Boolean} [options.replace] Whether or not the current history
- entry will be replaced, or a new entry will be created. Will default
- to `true` if the specified `url` is the same as the current URL.
- @param {Boolean} [options.force] Whether the enhanced navigation
- should occur even in browsers without HTML5 history. Will default to
- `true` when `serverRouting` is falsy.
- @see PjaxBase.navigate()
- **/
- // Does not override `navigate()` but does use extra `options`.
- /**
- Renders this application by appending the `viewContainer` node to the
- `container` node if it isn't already a child of the container, and the
- `activeView` will be appended the view container, if it isn't already.
- You should call this method at least once, usually after the initialization
- of your app instance so the proper DOM structure is setup and optionally
- append the container to the DOM if it's not there already.
- You may override this method to customize the app's rendering, but you
- should expect that the `viewContainer`'s contents will be modified by the
- app for the purpose of rendering the `activeView` when it changes.
- @method render
- @chainable
- @see View.render()
- **/
- render: function () {
- var container = this.get('container'),
- viewContainer = this.get('viewContainer'),
- activeView = this.get('activeView'),
- activeViewContainer = activeView && activeView.get('container'),
- areSame = container.compareTo(viewContainer);
- container.addClass(App.CSS_CLASS);
- viewContainer.addClass(App.VIEWS_CSS_CLASS);
- // Prevents needless shuffling around of nodes and maintains DOM order.
- if (activeView && !viewContainer.contains(activeViewContainer)) {
- viewContainer.appendChild(activeViewContainer);
- }
- // Prevents needless shuffling around of nodes and maintains DOM order.
- if (!container.contains(viewContainer) && !areSame) {
- container.appendChild(viewContainer);
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- Sets which view is active/visible for the application. This will set the
- app's `activeView` attribute to the specified `view`.
- The `view` will be "attached" to this app, meaning it will be both rendered
- into this app's `viewContainer` node and all of its events will bubble to
- the app. The previous `activeView` will be "detached" from this app.
- When a string-name is provided for a view which has been registered on this
- app's `views` object, the referenced metadata will be used and the
- `activeView` will be set to either a preserved view instance, or a new
- instance of the registered view will be created using the specified `config`
- object passed-into this method.
- A callback function can be specified as either the third or fourth argument,
- and this function will be called after the new `view` becomes the
- `activeView`, is rendered to the `viewContainer`, and is ready to use.
- @example
- var app = new Y.App({
- views: {
- usersView: {
- // Imagine that `Y.UsersView` has been defined.
- type: Y.UsersView
- }
- },
- users: new Y.ModelList()
- });
- app.route('/users/', function () {
- this.showView('usersView', {users: this.get('users')});
- });
- app.render();
- app.navigate('/uses/'); // => Creates a new `Y.UsersView` and shows it.
- @method showView
- @param {String|View} view The name of a view defined in the `views` object,
- or a view instance which should become this app's `activeView`.
- @param {Object} [config] Optional configuration to use when creating a new
- view instance. This config object can also be used to update an existing
- or preserved view's attributes when `options.update` is `true`.
- @param {Object} [options] Optional object containing any of the following
- properties:
- @param {Function} [options.callback] Optional callback function to call
- after new `activeView` is ready to use, the function will be passed:
- @param {View} options.callback.view A reference to the new
- `activeView`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.prepend=false] Whether the `view` should be
- prepended instead of appended to the `viewContainer`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.render] Whether the `view` should be rendered.
- **Note:** If no value is specified, a view instance will only be
- rendered if it's newly created by this method.
- @param {Boolean} [options.update=false] Whether an existing view should
- have its attributes updated by passing the `config` object to its
- `setAttrs()` method. **Note:** This option does not have an effect if
- the `view` instance is created as a result of calling this method.
- @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback Function to call after the
- new `activeView` is ready to use. **Note:** this will override
- `options.callback` and it can be specified as either the third or fourth
- argument. The function will be passed the following:
- @param {View} callback.view A reference to the new `activeView`.
- @chainable
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- showView: function (view, config, options, callback) {
- var viewInfo, created;
- options || (options = {});
- // Support the callback function being either the third or fourth arg.
- if (callback) {
- options.callback = callback;
- } else if (Lang.isFunction(options)) {
- options = {callback: options};
- }
- if (Lang.isString(view)) {
- viewInfo = this.getViewInfo(view);
- // Use the preserved view instance, or create a new view.
- // TODO: Maybe we can remove the strict check for `preserve` and
- // assume we'll use a View instance if it is there, and just check
- // `preserve` when detaching?
- if (viewInfo && viewInfo.preserve && viewInfo.instance) {
- view = viewInfo.instance;
- // Make sure there's a mapping back to the view metadata.
- this._viewInfoMap[Y.stamp(view, true)] = viewInfo;
- } else {
- // TODO: Add the app as a bubble target during construction, but
- // make sure to check that it isn't already in `bubbleTargets`!
- // This will allow the app to be notified for about _all_ of the
- // view's events. **Note:** This should _only_ happen if the
- // view is created _after_ `activeViewChange`.
- view = this.createView(view, config);
- created = true;
- }
- }
- // Update the specified or preserved `view` when signaled to do so.
- // There's no need to updated a view if it was _just_ created.
- if (options.update && !created) {
- view.setAttrs(config);
- }
- // TODO: Hold off on rendering the view until after it has been
- // "attached", and move the call to render into `_attachView()`.
- // When a value is specified for `options.render`, prefer it because it
- // represents the developer's intent. When no value is specified, the
- // `view` will only be rendered if it was just created.
- if ('render' in options) {
- options.render && view.render();
- } else if (created) {
- view.render();
- }
- return this._set('activeView', view, {options: options});
- },
- // -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Helper method to attach the view instance to the application by making the
- app a bubble target of the view, append the view to the `viewContainer`, and
- assign it to the `instance` property of the associated view info metadata.
- @method _attachView
- @param {View} view View to attach.
- @param {Boolean} prepend=false Whether the view should be prepended instead
- of appended to the `viewContainer`.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _attachView: function (view, prepend) {
- if (!view) {
- return;
- }
- var viewInfo = this.getViewInfo(view),
- viewContainer = this.get('viewContainer');
- view.addTarget(this);
- viewInfo && (viewInfo.instance = view);
- // TODO: Attach events here for persevered Views?
- // See related TODO in `_detachView`.
- // TODO: Actually render the view here so that it gets "attached" before
- // it gets rendered?
- // Insert view into the DOM.
- viewContainer[prepend ? 'prepend' : 'append'](view.get('container'));
- },
- /**
- Overrides View's container destruction to deal with the `viewContainer` and
- checks to make sure not to remove and purge the `<body>`.
- @method _destroyContainer
- @protected
- @see View._destroyContainer()
- **/
- _destroyContainer: function () {
- var container = this.get('container'),
- viewContainer = this.get('viewContainer'),
- areSame = container.compareTo(viewContainer);
- // We do not want to remove or destroy the `<body>`.
- if ('body').compareTo(container)) {
- // Just clean-up our events listeners.
- this.detachEvents();
- // Clean-up `yui3-app` CSS class on the `container`.
- container && container.removeClass(App.CSS_CLASS);
- if (areSame) {
- // Clean-up `yui3-app-views` CSS class on the `container`.
- container && container.removeClass(App.VIEWS_CSS_CLASS);
- } else {
- // Destroy and purge the `viewContainer`.
- viewContainer && viewContainer.remove(true);
- }
- return;
- }
- // Remove and purge events from both containers.
- viewContainer && viewContainer.remove(true);
- !areSame && container && container.remove(true);
- },
- /**
- Helper method to detach the view instance from the application by removing
- the application as a bubble target of the view, and either just removing the
- view if it is intended to be preserved, or destroying the instance
- completely.
- @method _detachView
- @param {View} view View to detach.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _detachView: function (view) {
- if (!view) {
- return;
- }
- var viewInfo = this.getViewInfo(view) || {};
- if (viewInfo.preserve) {
- view.remove();
- // TODO: Detach events here for preserved Views? It is possible that
- // some event subscriptions are made on elements other than the
- // View's `container`.
- } else {
- view.destroy({remove: true});
- // TODO: The following should probably happen automagically from
- // `destroy()` being called! Possibly `removeTarget()` as well.
- // Remove from view to view-info map.
- delete this._viewInfoMap[Y.stamp(view, true)];
- // Remove from view-info instance property.
- if (view === viewInfo.instance) {
- delete viewInfo.instance;
- }
- }
- view.removeTarget(this);
- },
- /**
- Getter for the `viewContainer` attribute.
- @method _getViewContainer
- @param {Node|null} value Current attribute value.
- @return {Node} View container node.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _getViewContainer: function (value) {
- // This wackiness is necessary to enable fully lazy creation of the
- // container node both when no container is specified and when one is
- // specified via a valueFn.
- if (!value && !this._viewContainer) {
- // Create a default container and set that as the new attribute
- // value. The `this._viewContainer` property prevents infinite
- // recursion.
- value = this._viewContainer = this.create();
- this._set('viewContainer', value);
- }
- return value;
- },
- /**
- Gets the current full URL. When `html5` is false, the URL will first be
- upgraded before it's returned.
- @method _getURL
- @return {String} URL.
- @protected
- @see Router._getURL()
- **/
- _getURL: function () {
- var url = Y.getLocation().toString();
- return this._html5 ? url : this._upgradeURL(url);
- },
- /**
- Provides the default value for the `html5` attribute.
- The value returned is dependent on the value of the `serverRouting`
- attribute. When `serverRouting` is explicit set to `false` (not just falsy),
- the default value for `html5` will be set to `false` for *all* browsers.
- When `serverRouting` is `true` or `undefined` the returned value will be
- dependent on the browser's capability of using HTML5 history.
- @method _initHtml5
- @return {Boolean} Whether or not HTML5 history should be used.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _initHtml5: function () {
- // When `serverRouting` is explicitly set to `false` (not just falsy),
- // forcing hash-based URLs in all browsers.
- if (this.get('serverRouting') === false) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return Router.html5;
- }
- },
- /**
- Determines if the specified `view` is configured as a child of the specified
- `parent` view. This requires both views to be either named-views, or view
- instances created using configuration data that exists in the `views`
- object, e.g. created by the `createView()` or `showView()` method.
- @method _isChildView
- @param {View|String} view The name of a view defined in the `views` object,
- or a view instance.
- @param {View|String} parent The name of a view defined in the `views`
- object, or a view instance.
- @return {Boolean} Whether the view is configured as a child of the parent.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _isChildView: function (view, parent) {
- var viewInfo = this.getViewInfo(view),
- parentInfo = this.getViewInfo(parent);
- if (viewInfo && parentInfo) {
- return this.getViewInfo(viewInfo.parent) === parentInfo;
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- Determines if the specified `view` is configured as the parent of the
- specified `child` view. This requires both views to be either named-views,
- or view instances created using configuration data that exists in the
- `views` object, e.g. created by the `createView()` or `showView()` method.
- @method _isParentView
- @param {View|String} view The name of a view defined in the `views` object,
- or a view instance.
- @param {View|String} parent The name of a view defined in the `views`
- object, or a view instance.
- @return {Boolean} Whether the view is configured as the parent of the child.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _isParentView: function (view, child) {
- var viewInfo = this.getViewInfo(view),
- childInfo = this.getViewInfo(child);
- if (viewInfo && childInfo) {
- return this.getViewInfo(childInfo.parent) === viewInfo;
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- Underlying implementation for `navigate()`.
- @method _navigate
- @param {String} url The fully-resolved URL that the app should dispatch to
- its route handlers to fulfill the enhanced navigation "request", or use to
- update `window.location` in non-HTML5 history capable browsers when
- `serverRouting` is `true`.
- @param {Object} [options] Additional options to configure the navigation.
- These are mixed into the `navigate` event facade.
- @param {Boolean} [options.replace] Whether or not the current history
- entry will be replaced, or a new entry will be created. Will default
- to `true` if the specified `url` is the same as the current URL.
- @param {Boolean} [options.force] Whether the enhanced navigation
- should occur even in browsers without HTML5 history. Will default to
- `true` when `serverRouting` is falsy.
- @protected
- @see PjaxBase._navigate()
- **/
- _navigate: function (url, options) {
- url = this._upgradeURL(url);
- options || (options = {});
- if (!this.get('serverRouting')) {
- // Force navigation to be enhanced and handled by the app when
- // `serverRouting` is falsy because the server might not be able to
- // properly handle the request.
- 'force' in options || (options.force = true);
- }
- return, url, options);
- },
- /**
- Will either save a history entry using `pushState()` or the location hash,
- or gracefully-degrade to sending a request to the server causing a full-page
- reload.
- Overrides Router's `_save()` method to preform graceful-degradation when the
- app's `serverRouting` is `true` and `html5` is `false` by updating the full
- URL via standard assignment to `window.location` or by calling
- `window.location.replace()`; both of which will cause a request to the
- server resulting in a full-page reload.
- Otherwise this will just delegate off to Router's `_save()` method allowing
- the client-side enhanced routing to occur.
- @method _save
- @param {String} [url] URL for the history entry.
- @param {Boolean} [replace=false] If `true`, the current history entry will
- be replaced instead of a new one being added.
- @chainable
- @protected
- @see Router._save()
- **/
- _save: function (url, replace) {
- // Forces full-path URLs to always be used by modifying
- // `window.location` in non-HTML5 history capable browsers.
- if (this.get('serverRouting') && !this.get('html5')) {
- // Perform same-origin check on the specified URL.
- if (!this._hasSameOrigin(url)) {
- Y.error('Security error: The new URL must be of the same origin as the current URL.');
- return this;
- }
- // Results in the URL's full path starting with '/'.
- url = this._joinURL(url || '');
- // Either replace the current history entry or create a new one
- // while navigating to the `url`.
- if (replace) {
- win && win.location.replace(url);
- } else {
- win && (win.location = url);
- }
- return this;
- }
- return Router.prototype._save.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- /**
- Performs the actual change of this app's `activeView` by attaching the
- `newView` to this app, and detaching the `oldView` from this app using any
- specified `options`.
- The `newView` is attached to the app by rendering it to the `viewContainer`,
- and making this app a bubble target of its events.
- The `oldView` is detached from the app by removing it from the
- `viewContainer`, and removing this app as a bubble target for its events.
- The `oldView` will either be preserved or properly destroyed.
- **Note:** The `activeView` attribute is read-only and can be changed by
- calling the `showView()` method.
- @method _uiSetActiveView
- @param {View} newView The View which is now this app's `activeView`.
- @param {View} [oldView] The View which was this app's `activeView`.
- @param {Object} [options] Optional object containing any of the following
- properties:
- @param {Function} [options.callback] Optional callback function to call
- after new `activeView` is ready to use, the function will be passed:
- @param {View} options.callback.view A reference to the new
- `activeView`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.prepend=false] Whether the `view` should be
- prepended instead of appended to the `viewContainer`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.render] Whether the `view` should be rendered.
- **Note:** If no value is specified, a view instance will only be
- rendered if it's newly created by this method.
- @param {Boolean} [options.update=false] Whether an existing view should
- have its attributes updated by passing the `config` object to its
- `setAttrs()` method. **Note:** This option does not have an effect if
- the `view` instance is created as a result of calling this method.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _uiSetActiveView: function (newView, oldView, options) {
- options || (options = {});
- var callback = options.callback,
- isChild = this._isChildView(newView, oldView),
- isParent = !isChild && this._isParentView(newView, oldView),
- prepend = !!options.prepend || isParent;
- // Prevent detaching (thus removing) the view we want to show. Also hard
- // to animate out and in, the same view.
- if (newView === oldView) {
- return callback &&, newView);
- }
- this._attachView(newView, prepend);
- this._detachView(oldView);
- callback &&, newView);
- },
- /**
- Upgrades a hash-based URL to a full-path URL, if necessary.
- The specified `url` will be upgraded if its of the same origin as the
- current URL and has a path-like hash. URLs that don't need upgrading will be
- returned as-is.
- @example
- app._upgradeURL(''); // => '';
- @method _upgradeURL
- @param {String} url The URL to upgrade from hash-based to full-path.
- @return {String} The upgraded URL, or the specified URL untouched.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _upgradeURL: function (url) {
- // We should not try to upgrade paths for external URLs.
- if (!this._hasSameOrigin(url)) {
- return url;
- }
- // TODO: Should the `root` be removed first, and the hash only
- // considered if in the form of '/#/'?
- var hash = (url.match(/#(.*)$/) || [])[1] || '',
- hashPrefix = Y.HistoryHash.hashPrefix;
- // Strip any hash prefix, like hash-bangs.
- if (hashPrefix && hash.indexOf(hashPrefix) === 0) {
- hash = hash.replace(hashPrefix, '');
- }
- // If the hash looks like a URL path, assume it is, and upgrade it!
- if (hash && hash.charAt(0) === '/') {
- // Re-join with configured `root` before resolving.
- url = this._resolveURL(this._joinURL(hash));
- }
- return url;
- },
- // -- Protected Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------
- /**
- Handles the application's `activeViewChange` event (which is fired when the
- `activeView` attribute changes) by detaching the old view, attaching the new
- view.
- The `activeView` attribute is read-only, so the public API to change its
- value is through the `showView()` method.
- @method _afterActiveViewChange
- @param {EventFacade} e
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _afterActiveViewChange: function (e) {
- this._uiSetActiveView(e.newVal, e.prevVal, e.options);
- }
-}, {
- ATTRS: {
- /**
- The application's active/visible view.
- This attribute is read-only, to set the `activeView` use the
- `showView()` method.
- @attribute activeView
- @type View
- @default null
- @readOnly
- @see App.Base.showView()
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- activeView: {
- value : null,
- readOnly: true
- },
- /**
- Container node which represents the application's bounding-box, into
- which this app's content will be rendered.
- The container node serves as the host for all DOM events attached by the
- app. Delegation is used to handle events on children of the container,
- allowing the container's contents to be re-rendered at any time without
- losing event subscriptions.
- The default container is the `<body>` Node, but you can override this in
- a subclass, or by passing in a custom `container` config value at
- instantiation time.
- When `container` is overridden by a subclass or passed as a config
- option at instantiation time, it may be provided as a selector string, a
- DOM element, or a `Y.Node` instance. During initialization, this app's
- `create()` method will be called to convert the container into a
- `Y.Node` instance if it isn't one already and stamp it with the CSS
- class: `"yui3-app"`.
- The container is not added to the page automatically. This allows you to
- have full control over how and when your app is actually rendered to
- the page.
- @attribute container
- @type HTMLElement|Node|String
- @default'body')
- @initOnly
- **/
- container: {
- valueFn: function () {
- return'body');
- }
- },
- /**
- Whether or not this browser is capable of using HTML5 history.
- This value is dependent on the value of `serverRouting` and will default
- accordingly.
- Setting this to `false` will force the use of hash-based history even on
- HTML5 browsers, but please don't do this unless you understand the
- consequences.
- @attribute html5
- @type Boolean
- @initOnly
- @see serverRouting
- **/
- html5: {
- valueFn: '_initHtml5'
- },
- /**
- CSS selector string used to filter link click events so that only the
- links which match it will have the enhanced-navigation behavior of pjax
- applied.
- When a link is clicked and that link matches this selector, navigating
- to the link's `href` URL using the enhanced, pjax, behavior will be
- attempted; and the browser's default way to navigate to new pages will
- be the fallback.
- By default this selector will match _all_ links on the page.
- @attribute linkSelector
- @type String|Function
- @default "a"
- **/
- linkSelector: {
- value: 'a'
- },
- /**
- Whether or not this application's server is capable of properly routing
- all requests and rendering the initial state in the HTML responses.
- This can have three different values, each having particular
- implications on how the app will handle routing and navigation:
- * `undefined`: The best form of URLs will be chosen based on the
- capabilities of the browser. Given no information about the server
- environmentm a balanced approach to routing and navigation is
- chosen.
- The server should be capable of handling full-path requests, since
- full-URLs will be generated by browsers using HTML5 history. If this
- is a client-side-only app the server could handle full-URL requests
- by sending a redirect back to the root with a hash-based URL, e.g:
- Request:
- Redirect to:
- * `true`: The server is *fully* capable of properly handling requests
- to all full-path URLs the app can produce.
- This is the best option for progressive-enhancement because it will
- cause **all URLs to always have full-paths**, which means the server
- will be able to accurately handle all URLs this app produces. e.g.
- To meet this strict full-URL requirement, browsers which are not
- capable of using HTML5 history will make requests to the server
- resulting in full-page reloads.
- * `false`: The server is *not* capable of properly handling requests
- to all full-path URLs the app can produce, therefore all routing
- will be handled by this App instance.
- Be aware that this will cause **all URLs to always be hash-based**,
- even in browsers that are capable of using HTML5 history. e.g.
- A single-page or client-side-only app where the server sends a
- "shell" page with JavaScript to the client might have this
- restriction. If you're setting this to `false`, read the following:
- **Note:** When this is set to `false`, the server will *never* receive
- the full URL because browsers do not send the fragment-part to the
- server, that is everything after and including the "#".
- Consider the following example:
- URL shown in browser:
- URL sent to server:
- You should feel bad about hurting our precious web if you forcefully set
- either `serverRouting` or `html5` to `false`, because you're basically
- punching the web in the face here with your lossy URLs! Please make sure
- you know what you're doing and that you understand the implications.
- Ideally you should always prefer full-path URLs (not /#/foo/), and want
- full-page reloads when the client's browser is not capable of enhancing
- the experience using the HTML5 history APIs. Setting this to `true` is
- the best option for progressive-enhancement (and graceful-degradation).
- @attribute serverRouting
- @type Boolean
- @default undefined
- @initOnly
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- serverRouting: {
- value : undefined,
- writeOnce: 'initOnly'
- },
- /**
- The node into which this app's `views` will be rendered when they become
- the `activeView`.
- The view container node serves as the container to hold the app's
- `activeView`. Each time the `activeView` is set via `showView()`, the
- previous view will be removed from this node, and the new active view's
- `container` node will be appended.
- The default view container is a `<div>` Node, but you can override this
- in a subclass, or by passing in a custom `viewContainer` config value at
- instantiation time. The `viewContainer` may be provided as a selector
- string, DOM element, or a `Y.Node` instance (having the `viewContainer`
- and the `container` be the same node is also supported).
- The app's `render()` method will stamp the view container with the CSS
- class `"yui3-app-views"` and append it to the app's `container` node if
- it isn't already, and any `activeView` will be appended to this node if
- it isn't already.
- @attribute viewContainer
- @type HTMLElement|Node|String
- @default Y.Node.create(this.containerTemplate)
- @initOnly
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- viewContainer: {
- getter : '_getViewContainer',
- setter :,
- writeOnce: true
- }
- },
- // TODO: Should these go on the `prototype`?
- // TODO: These should also just go in a `CLASS_NAMES` object.
- /**
- CSS class added to an app's `container` node.
- @property CSS_CLASS
- @type String
- @default "yui3-app"
- @static
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- CSS_CLASS: getClassName('app'),
- /**
- CSS class added to an app's `viewContainer` node.
- @property VIEWS_CSS_CLASS
- @type String
- @default "yui3-app-views"
- @static
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- VIEWS_CSS_CLASS: getClassName('app', 'views'),
- /**
- Properties that shouldn't be turned into ad-hoc attributes when passed to
- App's constructor.
- @property _NON_ATTRS_CFG
- @type Array
- @static
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _NON_ATTRS_CFG: ['views']
-// -- Namespace ----------------------------------------------------------------
-Y.namespace('App').Base = App;
-Provides a top-level application component which manages navigation and views.
-This gives you a foundation and structure on which to build your application; it
-combines robust URL navigation with powerful routing and flexible view
-`Y.App` is both a namespace and constructor function. The `Y.App` class is
-special in that any `Y.App` class extensions that are included in the YUI
-instance will be **auto-mixed** on to the `Y.App` class. Consider this example:
- YUI().use('app-base', 'app-transitions', function (Y) {
- // This will create two YUI Apps, `basicApp` will not have transitions,
- // but `fancyApp` will have transitions support included and turn it on.
- var basicApp = new Y.App.Base(),
- fancyApp = new Y.App({transitions: true});
- });
-@class App
-@param {Object} [config] The following are configuration properties that can be
- specified _in addition_ to default attribute values and the non-attribute
- properties provided by `Y.Base`:
- @param {Object} [config.views] Hash of view-name to metadata used to
- declaratively describe an application's views and their relationship with
- the app and other views. The views specified here will override any defaults
- provided by the `views` object on the `prototype`.
-@extends App.Base
-@uses App.Transitions
-@since 3.5.0
-Y.App = Y.mix(Y.Base.create('app', Y.App.Base, []), Y.App, true);
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['classnamemanager', 'pjax-base', 'router', 'view']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions'
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-css'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-css/app-transitions-css-min.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-css/app-transitions-css-min.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-css/app-transitions-css-min.css 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-.yui3-app-transitioning .yui3-app-views,.yui3-app-views.yui3-app-transitioning{overflow-x:hidden;position:relative;white-space:nowrap}.yui3-app-transitioning .yui3-app-views>*,.yui3-app-views.yui3-app-transitioning>*{display:inline-block;width:100%;vertical-align:top;white-space:normal;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}{display:none}
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-css/app-transitions-css.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-css/app-transitions-css.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-css/app-transitions-css.css 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-.yui3-app-transitioning .yui3-app-views,
-.yui3-app-views.yui3-app-transitioning {
- overflow-x: hidden;
- position: relative;
- white-space: nowrap;
-.yui3-app-transitioning .yui3-app-views > *,
-.yui3-app-views.yui3-app-transitioning > * {
- display: inline-block;
- width: 100%;
- vertical-align: top;
- white-space: normal;
- -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
- -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
- box-sizing: border-box;
-/* YUI CSS Detection Stamp */ { display: none; }
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-native'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-native/app-transitions-native-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-native/app-transitions-native-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-native/app-transitions-native-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('app-transitions-native', function(Y) {
-Provides the implementation of view transitions for `Y.App.Transitions` in
-browsers which support native CSS3 transitions.
-@module app
-@submodule app-transitions-native
-@since 3.5.0
-var AppTransitions = Y.App.Transitions;
-Provides the implementation of view transitions for `Y.App.Transitions` in
-browsers which support native CSS3 transitions.
-When this module is used, `Y.App.TransitionsNative` will automatically mix
-itself in to `Y.App`.
-@class App.TransitionsNative
-@since 3.5.0
-function AppTransitionsNative() {}
-AppTransitionsNative.prototype = {
- // -- Protected Properties -------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Whether this app is currently transitioning its `activeView`.
- @property _transitioning
- @type Boolean
- @default false
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- /**
- A queue that holds pending calls to this app's `_uiTransitionActiveView()`
- method.
- @property _viewTransitionQueue
- @type Array
- @default []
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- // -- Lifecycle Methods ----------------------------------------------------
- initializer: function () {
- this._transitioning = false;
- this._viewTransitionQueue = [];
- // TODO: Consider the AOP approach that `Plugin.WidgetAnim` uses.
- Y.Do.before(this._queueActiveView, this, '_uiSetActiveView');
- },
- // -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Dequeues any pending calls to `_uiTransitionActiveView()`.
- **Note:** When there is more than one queued transition, only the most
- recent `activeView` change will be visually transitioned, while the others
- will have their `transition` option overridden to `false`.
- @method _dequeueActiveView
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _dequeueActiveView: function () {
- var queue = this._viewTransitionQueue,
- transition = queue.shift(),
- options;
- if (transition) {
- // When items are still left in the queue, override the transition
- // so it does not run.
- if (queue.length) {
- // Overrides `transition` option and splices in the new options.
- options = Y.merge(transition[2], {transition: false});
- transition.splice(2, 1, options);
- }
- this._uiTransitionActiveView.apply(this, transition);
- }
- },
- /**
- Returns an object containing a named fx for both `viewIn` and `viewOut`
- based on the relationship between the specified `newView` and `oldView`.
- @method _getFx
- @param {View} newView The view being transitioned-in.
- @param {View} oldView The view being transitioned-out.
- @param {String} [transition] The preferred transition to use.
- @return {Object} An object containing a named fx for both `viewIn` and
- `viewOut`.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _getFx: function (newView, oldView, transition) {
- var fx = AppTransitions.FX,
- transitions = this.get('transitions');
- if (transition === false || !transitions) {
- return null;
- }
- if (transition) {
- return fx[transition];
- }
- if (this._isChildView(newView, oldView)) {
- return fx[transitions.toChild];
- }
- if (this._isParentView(newView, oldView)) {
- return fx[transitions.toParent];
- }
- return fx[transitions.navigate];
- },
- /**
- Queues calls to `_uiTransitionActiveView()` to make sure a currently running
- transition isn't interrupted.
- **Note:** This method prevents the default `_uiSetActiveView()` method from
- running.
- @method _queueActiveView
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _queueActiveView: function () {
- var args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);
- this._viewTransitionQueue.push(args);
- if (!this._transitioning) {
- this._dequeueActiveView();
- }
- return new Y.Do.Prevent();
- },
- /**
- Performs the actual change of this app's `activeView` by visually
- transitioning between the `newView` and `oldView` using any specified
- `options`.
- The `newView` is attached to the app by rendering it to the `viewContainer`,
- and making this app a bubble target of its events.
- The `oldView` is detached from the app by removing it from the
- `viewContainer`, and removing this app as a bubble target for its events.
- The `oldView` will either be preserved or properly destroyed.
- **Note:** This method overrides `_uiSetActiveView()` and provides all of its
- functionality plus supports visual transitions. Also, the `activeView`
- attribute is read-only and can be changed by calling the `showView()`
- method.
- @method _uiTransitionActiveView
- @param {View} newView The View which is now this app's `activeView`.
- @param {View} [oldView] The View which was this app's `activeView`.
- @param {Object} [options] Optional object containing any of the following
- properties:
- @param {Function} [options.callback] Optional callback function to call
- after new `activeView` is ready to use, the function will be passed:
- @param {View} options.callback.view A reference to the new
- `activeView`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.prepend=false] Whether the `view` should be
- prepended instead of appended to the `viewContainer`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.render] Whether the `view` should be rendered.
- **Note:** If no value is specified, a view instance will only be
- rendered if it's newly created by this method.
- @param {Boolean|String} [options.transition] Optional transition override.
- A transition can be specified which will override the default, or
- `false` for no transition.
- @param {Boolean} [options.update=false] Whether an existing view should
- have its attributes updated by passing the `config` object to its
- `setAttrs()` method. **Note:** This option does not have an effect if
- the `view` instance is created as a result of calling this method.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _uiTransitionActiveView: function (newView, oldView, options) {
- options || (options = {});
- var callback = options.callback,
- container, transitioning, isChild, isParent, prepend,
- fx, fxConfig, transitions;
- // Quits early when to new and old views are the same.
- if (newView === oldView) {
- callback &&, newView);
- this._transitioning = false;
- return this._dequeueActiveView();
- }
- fx = this._getFx(newView, oldView, options.transition);
- isChild = this._isChildView(newView, oldView);
- isParent = !isChild && this._isParentView(newView, oldView);
- prepend = !!options.prepend || isParent;
- // Preforms simply attach/detach of the new and old view respectively
- // when there's no transition to perform.
- if (!fx) {
- this._attachView(newView, prepend);
- this._detachView(oldView);
- callback &&, newView);
- this._transitioning = false;
- return this._dequeueActiveView();
- }
- this._transitioning = true;
- container = this.get('container');
- transitioning = AppTransitions.CLASS_NAMES.transitioning;
- container.addClass(transitioning);
- this._attachView(newView, prepend);
- // Called when view transitions completed, if none were added this will
- // run right away.
- function complete() {
- this._detachView(oldView);
- container.removeClass(transitioning);
- callback &&, newView);
- this._transitioning = false;
- return this._dequeueActiveView();
- }
- // Setup a new stack to run the view transitions in parallel.
- transitions = new Y.Parallel({context: this});
- fxConfig = {
- crossView: !!oldView && !!newView,
- prepended: prepend
- };
- // Transition the new view first to prevent a gap when sliding.
- if (newView && fx.viewIn) {
- newView.get('container')
- .transition(fx.viewIn, fxConfig, transitions.add());
- }
- if (oldView && fx.viewOut) {
- oldView.get('container')
- .transition(fx.viewOut, fxConfig, transitions.add());
- }
- transitions.done(complete);
- }
-// -- Transition fx ------------------------------------------------------------
-Y.mix(Y.Transition.fx, {
- 'app:fadeIn': {
- opacity : 1,
- duration: 0.3,
- on: {
- start: function (data) {
- var styles = {opacity: 0},
- config = data.config;
- if (config.crossView && !config.prepended) {
- styles.transform = 'translateX(-100%)';
- }
- this.setStyles(styles);
- },
- end: function () {
- this.setStyle('transform', 'translateX(0)');
- }
- }
- },
- 'app:fadeOut': {
- opacity : 0,
- duration: 0.3,
- on: {
- start: function (data) {
- var styles = {opacity: 1},
- config = data.config;
- if (config.crossView && config.prepended) {
- styles.transform = 'translateX(-100%)';
- }
- this.setStyles(styles);
- },
- end: function () {
- this.setStyle('transform', 'translateX(0)');
- }
- }
- },
- 'app:slideLeft': {
- duration : 0.3,
- transform: 'translateX(-100%)',
- on: {
- start: function () {
- this.setStyles({
- opacity : 1,
- transform: 'translateX(0%)'
- });
- },
- end: function () {
- this.setStyle('transform', 'translateX(0)');
- }
- }
- },
- 'app:slideRight': {
- duration : 0.3,
- transform: 'translateX(0)',
- on: {
- start: function () {
- this.setStyles({
- opacity : 1,
- transform: 'translateX(-100%)'
- });
- },
- end: function () {
- this.setStyle('transform', 'translateX(0)');
- }
- }
- }
-// -- Namespacae ---------------------------------------------------------------
-Y.App.TransitionsNative = AppTransitionsNative;
-Y.Base.mix(Y.App, [AppTransitionsNative]);
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['app-transitions', 'app-transitions-css', 'parallel', 'transition']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-native/app-transitions-native-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-native/app-transitions-native-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-native/app-transitions-native-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("app-transitions-native",function(c){var a=c.App.Transitions;function b(){}b.prototype={initializer:function(){this._transitioning=false;this._viewTransitionQueue=[];c.Do.before(this._queueActiveView,this,"_uiSetActiveView");},_dequeueActiveView:function(){var d=this._viewTransitionQueue,f=d.shift(),e;if(f){if(d.length){e=c.merge(f[2],{transition:false});f.splice(2,1,e);}this._uiTransitionActiveView.apply(this,f);}},_getFx:function(h,d,g){var e=a.FX,f=this.get("transitions");if(g===false||!f){return null;}if(g){return e[g];}if(this._isChildView(h,d)){return e[f.toChild];}if(this._isParentView(h,d)){return e[f.toParent];}return e[f.navigate];},_queueActiveView:function(){var d=c.Array(arguments,0,true);this._viewTransitionQueue.push(d);if(!this._transitioning){this._dequeueActiveView();}return new c.Do.Prevent();},_uiTransitionActiveView:function(i,l,p){p||(p={});var n=p.callback,d,m,e,j,o,h,g,k;if(i===l){n&&,i);this._transitioning=false;return this._dequeueActiveView();}h=this._getFx(i,l,p.transition);e=this._isChildView(i,l);j=!e&&this._isParentView(i,l);o=!!p.prepend||j;if(!h){this._attachView(i,o);this._detachView(l);n&&,i);this._transitioning=false;return this._dequeueActiveView();}this._transitioning=true;d=this.get("container");m=a.CLASS_NAMES.transitioning;d.addClass(m);this._attachView(i,o);function f(){this._detachView(l);d.removeClass(m);n&&,i);this._transitioning=false;return this._dequeueActiveView();}k=new c.Parallel({context:this});g={crossView:!!l&&!!i,prepended:o};if(i&&h.viewIn){i.get("container").transition(h.viewIn,g,k.add());}if(l&&h.viewOut){l.get("container").transition(h.viewOut,g,k.add());}k.done(f);}};c.mix(c.Transition.fx,{"app:fadeIn":{opacity:1,duration:0.3,on:{start:function(f){var e={opacity:0},d=f.config;if(d.crossView&&!d.prepended){e.transform="translateX(-100%)";}this.setStyles(e);},end:function(){this.setStyle("transform","translateX(0)");}}},"app:fadeOut":{opacity:0,duration:0.3,on:{start:function(f){var e={opacity:1},d=f.config;if(d.crossView&&d.prepended){e.transform="translateX(-100%)";}this.setStyles(e);},end:function(){this.setStyle("transform","translateX(0)");}}},"app:slideLeft":{duration:0.3,transform:"translateX(-100%)",on:{start:function(){this.setStyles({opacity:1,transform:"translateX(0%)"});},end:function(){this.setStyle("transform","translateX(0)");}}},"app:slideRight":{duration:0.3,transform:"translateX(0)",on:{start:function(){this.setStyles({opacity:1,transform:"translateX(-100%)"});},end:function(){this.setStyle("transform","translateX(0)");}}}});c.App.TransitionsNative=b;c.Base.mix(c.App,[b]);},"3.5.1",{requires:["app-transitions","app-transitions-css","parallel","transition"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-native/app-transitions-native.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-native/app-transitions-native.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions-native/app-transitions-native.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('app-transitions-native', function(Y) {
-Provides the implementation of view transitions for `Y.App.Transitions` in
-browsers which support native CSS3 transitions.
-@module app
-@submodule app-transitions-native
-@since 3.5.0
-var AppTransitions = Y.App.Transitions;
-Provides the implementation of view transitions for `Y.App.Transitions` in
-browsers which support native CSS3 transitions.
-When this module is used, `Y.App.TransitionsNative` will automatically mix
-itself in to `Y.App`.
-@class App.TransitionsNative
-@since 3.5.0
-function AppTransitionsNative() {}
-AppTransitionsNative.prototype = {
- // -- Protected Properties -------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Whether this app is currently transitioning its `activeView`.
- @property _transitioning
- @type Boolean
- @default false
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- /**
- A queue that holds pending calls to this app's `_uiTransitionActiveView()`
- method.
- @property _viewTransitionQueue
- @type Array
- @default []
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- // -- Lifecycle Methods ----------------------------------------------------
- initializer: function () {
- this._transitioning = false;
- this._viewTransitionQueue = [];
- // TODO: Consider the AOP approach that `Plugin.WidgetAnim` uses.
- Y.Do.before(this._queueActiveView, this, '_uiSetActiveView');
- },
- // -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Dequeues any pending calls to `_uiTransitionActiveView()`.
- **Note:** When there is more than one queued transition, only the most
- recent `activeView` change will be visually transitioned, while the others
- will have their `transition` option overridden to `false`.
- @method _dequeueActiveView
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _dequeueActiveView: function () {
- var queue = this._viewTransitionQueue,
- transition = queue.shift(),
- options;
- if (transition) {
- // When items are still left in the queue, override the transition
- // so it does not run.
- if (queue.length) {
- // Overrides `transition` option and splices in the new options.
- options = Y.merge(transition[2], {transition: false});
- transition.splice(2, 1, options);
- }
- this._uiTransitionActiveView.apply(this, transition);
- }
- },
- /**
- Returns an object containing a named fx for both `viewIn` and `viewOut`
- based on the relationship between the specified `newView` and `oldView`.
- @method _getFx
- @param {View} newView The view being transitioned-in.
- @param {View} oldView The view being transitioned-out.
- @param {String} [transition] The preferred transition to use.
- @return {Object} An object containing a named fx for both `viewIn` and
- `viewOut`.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _getFx: function (newView, oldView, transition) {
- var fx = AppTransitions.FX,
- transitions = this.get('transitions');
- if (transition === false || !transitions) {
- return null;
- }
- if (transition) {
- return fx[transition];
- }
- if (this._isChildView(newView, oldView)) {
- return fx[transitions.toChild];
- }
- if (this._isParentView(newView, oldView)) {
- return fx[transitions.toParent];
- }
- return fx[transitions.navigate];
- },
- /**
- Queues calls to `_uiTransitionActiveView()` to make sure a currently running
- transition isn't interrupted.
- **Note:** This method prevents the default `_uiSetActiveView()` method from
- running.
- @method _queueActiveView
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _queueActiveView: function () {
- var args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);
- this._viewTransitionQueue.push(args);
- if (!this._transitioning) {
- this._dequeueActiveView();
- }
- return new Y.Do.Prevent();
- },
- /**
- Performs the actual change of this app's `activeView` by visually
- transitioning between the `newView` and `oldView` using any specified
- `options`.
- The `newView` is attached to the app by rendering it to the `viewContainer`,
- and making this app a bubble target of its events.
- The `oldView` is detached from the app by removing it from the
- `viewContainer`, and removing this app as a bubble target for its events.
- The `oldView` will either be preserved or properly destroyed.
- **Note:** This method overrides `_uiSetActiveView()` and provides all of its
- functionality plus supports visual transitions. Also, the `activeView`
- attribute is read-only and can be changed by calling the `showView()`
- method.
- @method _uiTransitionActiveView
- @param {View} newView The View which is now this app's `activeView`.
- @param {View} [oldView] The View which was this app's `activeView`.
- @param {Object} [options] Optional object containing any of the following
- properties:
- @param {Function} [options.callback] Optional callback function to call
- after new `activeView` is ready to use, the function will be passed:
- @param {View} options.callback.view A reference to the new
- `activeView`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.prepend=false] Whether the `view` should be
- prepended instead of appended to the `viewContainer`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.render] Whether the `view` should be rendered.
- **Note:** If no value is specified, a view instance will only be
- rendered if it's newly created by this method.
- @param {Boolean|String} [options.transition] Optional transition override.
- A transition can be specified which will override the default, or
- `false` for no transition.
- @param {Boolean} [options.update=false] Whether an existing view should
- have its attributes updated by passing the `config` object to its
- `setAttrs()` method. **Note:** This option does not have an effect if
- the `view` instance is created as a result of calling this method.
- @protected
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _uiTransitionActiveView: function (newView, oldView, options) {
- options || (options = {});
- var callback = options.callback,
- container, transitioning, isChild, isParent, prepend,
- fx, fxConfig, transitions;
- // Quits early when to new and old views are the same.
- if (newView === oldView) {
- callback &&, newView);
- this._transitioning = false;
- return this._dequeueActiveView();
- }
- fx = this._getFx(newView, oldView, options.transition);
- isChild = this._isChildView(newView, oldView);
- isParent = !isChild && this._isParentView(newView, oldView);
- prepend = !!options.prepend || isParent;
- // Preforms simply attach/detach of the new and old view respectively
- // when there's no transition to perform.
- if (!fx) {
- this._attachView(newView, prepend);
- this._detachView(oldView);
- callback &&, newView);
- this._transitioning = false;
- return this._dequeueActiveView();
- }
- this._transitioning = true;
- container = this.get('container');
- transitioning = AppTransitions.CLASS_NAMES.transitioning;
- container.addClass(transitioning);
- this._attachView(newView, prepend);
- // Called when view transitions completed, if none were added this will
- // run right away.
- function complete() {
- this._detachView(oldView);
- container.removeClass(transitioning);
- callback &&, newView);
- this._transitioning = false;
- return this._dequeueActiveView();
- }
- // Setup a new stack to run the view transitions in parallel.
- transitions = new Y.Parallel({context: this});
- fxConfig = {
- crossView: !!oldView && !!newView,
- prepended: prepend
- };
- // Transition the new view first to prevent a gap when sliding.
- if (newView && fx.viewIn) {
- newView.get('container')
- .transition(fx.viewIn, fxConfig, transitions.add());
- }
- if (oldView && fx.viewOut) {
- oldView.get('container')
- .transition(fx.viewOut, fxConfig, transitions.add());
- }
- transitions.done(complete);
- }
-// -- Transition fx ------------------------------------------------------------
-Y.mix(Y.Transition.fx, {
- 'app:fadeIn': {
- opacity : 1,
- duration: 0.3,
- on: {
- start: function (data) {
- var styles = {opacity: 0},
- config = data.config;
- if (config.crossView && !config.prepended) {
- styles.transform = 'translateX(-100%)';
- }
- this.setStyles(styles);
- },
- end: function () {
- this.setStyle('transform', 'translateX(0)');
- }
- }
- },
- 'app:fadeOut': {
- opacity : 0,
- duration: 0.3,
- on: {
- start: function (data) {
- var styles = {opacity: 1},
- config = data.config;
- if (config.crossView && config.prepended) {
- styles.transform = 'translateX(-100%)';
- }
- this.setStyles(styles);
- },
- end: function () {
- this.setStyle('transform', 'translateX(0)');
- }
- }
- },
- 'app:slideLeft': {
- duration : 0.3,
- transform: 'translateX(-100%)',
- on: {
- start: function () {
- this.setStyles({
- opacity : 1,
- transform: 'translateX(0%)'
- });
- },
- end: function () {
- this.setStyle('transform', 'translateX(0)');
- }
- }
- },
- 'app:slideRight': {
- duration : 0.3,
- transform: 'translateX(0)',
- on: {
- start: function () {
- this.setStyles({
- opacity : 1,
- transform: 'translateX(-100%)'
- });
- },
- end: function () {
- this.setStyle('transform', 'translateX(0)');
- }
- }
- }
-// -- Namespacae ---------------------------------------------------------------
-Y.App.TransitionsNative = AppTransitionsNative;
-Y.Base.mix(Y.App, [AppTransitionsNative]);
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['app-transitions', 'app-transitions-css', 'parallel', 'transition']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions/app-transitions-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions/app-transitions-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions/app-transitions-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('app-transitions', function(Y) {
-Provides view transitions for `Y.App` in browsers which support native CSS3
-@module app
-@submodule app-transitions
-@since 3.5.0
-Provides view transitions for `Y.App` in browsers which support native CSS3
-View transitions provide an nice way to move from one "page" to the next that is
-both pleasant to the user and helps to communicate a hierarchy between sections
-of an application.
-When this module is used, it will automatically mix itself in to `Y.App` and
-transition between `activeView` changes using the following effects:
- * **`fade`**: Cross-fades between the old an new active views.
- * **`slideLeft`**: The old and new active views are positioned next to each
- other and both slide to the left.
- * **`slideRight`**: The old and new active views are positioned next to each
- other and both slide to the right.
-**Note:** Transitions are an opt-in feature and are enabled via an app's
-`transitions` attribute.
-@class App.Transitions
-@uses App.TransitionsNative
-@since 3.5.0
-function AppTransitions() {}
-AppTransitions.ATTRS = {
- /**
- Whether or not this application should use view transitions, and if so then
- which ones or `true` for the defaults which are specified by the
- `transitions` prototype property.
- **Note:** Transitions are an opt-in feature and will only be used in
- browsers which support native CSS3 transitions.
- @attribute transitions
- @type Boolean|Object
- @default false
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- transitions: {
- setter: '_setTransitions',
- value : false
- }
-CSS classes used by `App.Transitions`.
-When an app is transitioning between `activeView`s, its `container` node will
-have the "yui3-app-transitioning" CSS class added.
-@property CLASS_NAMES
-@type Object
-@since 3.5.0
-AppTransitions.CLASS_NAMES = {
- transitioning: Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName('app', 'transitioning')
-Collect of transitions -> fx.
-A transition (e.g. "fade") is a simple name given to a configuration of fx to
-apply, consisting of `viewIn` and `viewOut` properties who's values are names of
-fx registered on `Y.Transition.fx`.
-By default transitions: `fade`, `slideLeft`, and `slideRight` have fx defined.
-@property FX
-@type Object
-@since 3.5.0
-AppTransitions.FX = {
- fade: {
- viewIn : 'app:fadeIn',
- viewOut: 'app:fadeOut'
- },
- slideLeft: {
- viewIn : 'app:slideLeft',
- viewOut: 'app:slideLeft'
- },
- slideRight: {
- viewIn : 'app:slideRight',
- viewOut: 'app:slideRight'
- }
-AppTransitions.prototype = {
- // -- Public Properties ----------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Default transitions to use when the `activeView` changes.
- The following are types of changes for which transitions can be defined that
- correspond to the relationship between the new and previous `activeView`:
- * `navigate`: The default transition to use when changing the `activeView`
- of the application.
- * `toChild`: The transition to use when the new `activeView` is configured
- as a child of the previously active view via its `parent` property as
- defined in this app's `views`.
- * `toParent`: The transition to use when the new `activeView` is
- configured as the `parent` of the previously active view as defined in
- this app's `views`.
- **Note:** Transitions are an opt-in feature and will only be used in
- browsers which support native CSS3 transitions.
- @property transitions
- @type Object
- @default
- {
- navigate: 'fade',
- toChild : 'slideLeft',
- toParent: 'slideRight'
- }
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- transitions: {
- navigate: 'fade',
- toChild : 'slideLeft',
- toParent: 'slideRight'
- },
- // -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Sets which view is active/visible for the application. This will set the
- app's `activeView` attribute to the specified `view`.
- The `view` will be "attached" to this app, meaning it will be both rendered
- into this app's `viewContainer` node and all of its events will bubble to
- the app. The previous `activeView` will be "detached" from this app.
- When a string-name is provided for a view which has been registered on this
- app's `views` object, the referenced metadata will be used and the
- `activeView` will be set to either a preserved view instance, or a new
- instance of the registered view will be created using the specified `config`
- object passed-into this method.
- A callback function can be specified as either the third or fourth argument,
- and this function will be called after the new `view` becomes the
- `activeView`, is rendered to the `viewContainer`, and is ready to use.
- @example
- var app = new Y.App({
- views: {
- usersView: {
- // Imagine that `Y.UsersView` has been defined.
- type: Y.UsersView
- }
- },
- transitions: true,
- users : new Y.ModelList()
- });
- app.route('/users/', function () {
- this.showView('usersView', {users: this.get('users')});
- });
- app.render();
- app.navigate('/uses/');
- // => Creates a new `Y.UsersView` and transitions to it.
- @method showView
- @param {String|View} view The name of a view defined in the `views` object,
- or a view instance which should become this app's `activeView`.
- @param {Object} [config] Optional configuration to use when creating a new
- view instance. This config object can also be used to update an existing
- or preserved view's attributes when `options.update` is `true`.
- @param {Object} [options] Optional object containing any of the following
- properties:
- @param {Function} [options.callback] Optional callback function to call
- after new `activeView` is ready to use, the function will be passed:
- @param {View} options.callback.view A reference to the new
- `activeView`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.prepend=false] Whether the `view` should be
- prepended instead of appended to the `viewContainer`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.render] Whether the `view` should be rendered.
- **Note:** If no value is specified, a view instance will only be
- rendered if it's newly created by this method.
- @param {Boolean|String} [options.transition] Optional transition override.
- A transition can be specified which will override the default, or
- `false` for no transition.
- @param {Boolean} [options.update=false] Whether an existing view should
- have its attributes updated by passing the `config` object to its
- `setAttrs()` method. **Note:** This option does not have an effect if
- the `view` instance is created as a result of calling this method.
- @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback Function to call after the
- new `activeView` is ready to use. **Note:** this will override
- `options.callback` and it can be specified as either the third or fourth
- argument. The function will be passed the following:
- @param {View} callback.view A reference to the new `activeView`.
- @chainable
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- // Does not override `showView()` but does use `options.transitions`.
- // -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Setter for `transitions` attribute.
- When specified as `true`, the defaults will be use as specified by the
- `transitions` prototype property.
- @method _setTransitions
- @param {Boolean|Object} transitions The new `transitions` attribute value.
- @return {Mixed} The processed value which represents the new state.
- @protected
- @see App.Base.showView()
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _setTransitions: function (transitions) {
- var defTransitions = this.transitions;
- if (transitions && transitions === true) {
- return Y.merge(defTransitions);
- }
- return transitions;
- }
-// -- Namespace ----------------------------------------------------------------
-Y.App.Transitions = AppTransitions;
-Y.Base.mix(Y.App, [AppTransitions]);
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['app-base']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions/app-transitions-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions/app-transitions-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions/app-transitions-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("app-transitions",function(b){function a(){}a.ATTRS={transitions:{setter:"_setTransitions",value:false}};a.CLASS_NAMES={transitioning:b.ClassNameManager.getClassName("app","transitioning")};a.FX={fade:{viewIn:"app:fadeIn",viewOut:"app:fadeOut"},slideLeft:{viewIn:"app:slideLeft",viewOut:"app:slideLeft"},slideRight:{viewIn:"app:slideRight",viewOut:"app:slideRight"}};a.prototype={transitions:{navigate:"fade",toChild:"slideLeft",toParent:"slideRight"},_setTransitions:function(d){var c=this.transitions;if(d&&d===true){return b.merge(c);}return d;}};b.App.Transitions=a;b.Base.mix(b.App,[a]);},"3.5.1",{requires:["app-base"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions/app-transitions.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions/app-transitions.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/app-transitions/app-transitions.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('app-transitions', function(Y) {
-Provides view transitions for `Y.App` in browsers which support native CSS3
-@module app
-@submodule app-transitions
-@since 3.5.0
-Provides view transitions for `Y.App` in browsers which support native CSS3
-View transitions provide an nice way to move from one "page" to the next that is
-both pleasant to the user and helps to communicate a hierarchy between sections
-of an application.
-When this module is used, it will automatically mix itself in to `Y.App` and
-transition between `activeView` changes using the following effects:
- * **`fade`**: Cross-fades between the old an new active views.
- * **`slideLeft`**: The old and new active views are positioned next to each
- other and both slide to the left.
- * **`slideRight`**: The old and new active views are positioned next to each
- other and both slide to the right.
-**Note:** Transitions are an opt-in feature and are enabled via an app's
-`transitions` attribute.
-@class App.Transitions
-@uses App.TransitionsNative
-@since 3.5.0
-function AppTransitions() {}
-AppTransitions.ATTRS = {
- /**
- Whether or not this application should use view transitions, and if so then
- which ones or `true` for the defaults which are specified by the
- `transitions` prototype property.
- **Note:** Transitions are an opt-in feature and will only be used in
- browsers which support native CSS3 transitions.
- @attribute transitions
- @type Boolean|Object
- @default false
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- transitions: {
- setter: '_setTransitions',
- value : false
- }
-CSS classes used by `App.Transitions`.
-When an app is transitioning between `activeView`s, its `container` node will
-have the "yui3-app-transitioning" CSS class added.
-@property CLASS_NAMES
-@type Object
-@since 3.5.0
-AppTransitions.CLASS_NAMES = {
- transitioning: Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName('app', 'transitioning')
-Collect of transitions -> fx.
-A transition (e.g. "fade") is a simple name given to a configuration of fx to
-apply, consisting of `viewIn` and `viewOut` properties who's values are names of
-fx registered on `Y.Transition.fx`.
-By default transitions: `fade`, `slideLeft`, and `slideRight` have fx defined.
-@property FX
-@type Object
-@since 3.5.0
-AppTransitions.FX = {
- fade: {
- viewIn : 'app:fadeIn',
- viewOut: 'app:fadeOut'
- },
- slideLeft: {
- viewIn : 'app:slideLeft',
- viewOut: 'app:slideLeft'
- },
- slideRight: {
- viewIn : 'app:slideRight',
- viewOut: 'app:slideRight'
- }
-AppTransitions.prototype = {
- // -- Public Properties ----------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Default transitions to use when the `activeView` changes.
- The following are types of changes for which transitions can be defined that
- correspond to the relationship between the new and previous `activeView`:
- * `navigate`: The default transition to use when changing the `activeView`
- of the application.
- * `toChild`: The transition to use when the new `activeView` is configured
- as a child of the previously active view via its `parent` property as
- defined in this app's `views`.
- * `toParent`: The transition to use when the new `activeView` is
- configured as the `parent` of the previously active view as defined in
- this app's `views`.
- **Note:** Transitions are an opt-in feature and will only be used in
- browsers which support native CSS3 transitions.
- @property transitions
- @type Object
- @default
- {
- navigate: 'fade',
- toChild : 'slideLeft',
- toParent: 'slideRight'
- }
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- transitions: {
- navigate: 'fade',
- toChild : 'slideLeft',
- toParent: 'slideRight'
- },
- // -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Sets which view is active/visible for the application. This will set the
- app's `activeView` attribute to the specified `view`.
- The `view` will be "attached" to this app, meaning it will be both rendered
- into this app's `viewContainer` node and all of its events will bubble to
- the app. The previous `activeView` will be "detached" from this app.
- When a string-name is provided for a view which has been registered on this
- app's `views` object, the referenced metadata will be used and the
- `activeView` will be set to either a preserved view instance, or a new
- instance of the registered view will be created using the specified `config`
- object passed-into this method.
- A callback function can be specified as either the third or fourth argument,
- and this function will be called after the new `view` becomes the
- `activeView`, is rendered to the `viewContainer`, and is ready to use.
- @example
- var app = new Y.App({
- views: {
- usersView: {
- // Imagine that `Y.UsersView` has been defined.
- type: Y.UsersView
- }
- },
- transitions: true,
- users : new Y.ModelList()
- });
- app.route('/users/', function () {
- this.showView('usersView', {users: this.get('users')});
- });
- app.render();
- app.navigate('/uses/');
- // => Creates a new `Y.UsersView` and transitions to it.
- @method showView
- @param {String|View} view The name of a view defined in the `views` object,
- or a view instance which should become this app's `activeView`.
- @param {Object} [config] Optional configuration to use when creating a new
- view instance. This config object can also be used to update an existing
- or preserved view's attributes when `options.update` is `true`.
- @param {Object} [options] Optional object containing any of the following
- properties:
- @param {Function} [options.callback] Optional callback function to call
- after new `activeView` is ready to use, the function will be passed:
- @param {View} options.callback.view A reference to the new
- `activeView`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.prepend=false] Whether the `view` should be
- prepended instead of appended to the `viewContainer`.
- @param {Boolean} [options.render] Whether the `view` should be rendered.
- **Note:** If no value is specified, a view instance will only be
- rendered if it's newly created by this method.
- @param {Boolean|String} [options.transition] Optional transition override.
- A transition can be specified which will override the default, or
- `false` for no transition.
- @param {Boolean} [options.update=false] Whether an existing view should
- have its attributes updated by passing the `config` object to its
- `setAttrs()` method. **Note:** This option does not have an effect if
- the `view` instance is created as a result of calling this method.
- @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback Function to call after the
- new `activeView` is ready to use. **Note:** this will override
- `options.callback` and it can be specified as either the third or fourth
- argument. The function will be passed the following:
- @param {View} callback.view A reference to the new `activeView`.
- @chainable
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- // Does not override `showView()` but does use `options.transitions`.
- // -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
- /**
- Setter for `transitions` attribute.
- When specified as `true`, the defaults will be use as specified by the
- `transitions` prototype property.
- @method _setTransitions
- @param {Boolean|Object} transitions The new `transitions` attribute value.
- @return {Mixed} The processed value which represents the new state.
- @protected
- @see App.Base.showView()
- @since 3.5.0
- **/
- _setTransitions: function (transitions) {
- var defTransitions = this.transitions;
- if (transitions && transitions === true) {
- return Y.merge(defTransitions);
- }
- return transitions;
- }
-// -- Namespace ----------------------------------------------------------------
-Y.App.Transitions = AppTransitions;
-Y.Base.mix(Y.App, [AppTransitions]);
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['app-base']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-extras'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-extras/array-extras-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-extras/array-extras-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-extras/array-extras-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('array-extras', function(Y) {
-Adds additional utility methods to the `Y.Array` class.
-@module collection
-@submodule array-extras
-var A = Y.Array,
- L = Y.Lang,
- ArrayProto = Array.prototype;
-Returns the index of the last item in the array that contains the specified
-value, or `-1` if the value isn't found.
-@method lastIndexOf
-@param {Array} a Array to search in.
-@param {Any} val Value to search for.
-@param {Number} [fromIndex] Index at which to start searching backwards.
- Defaults to the array's length - 1. If negative, it will be taken as an offset
- from the end of the array. If the calculated index is less than 0, the array
- will not be searched and `-1` will be returned.
-@return {Number} Index of the item that contains the value, or `-1` if not
- found.
-@for Array
-A.lastIndexOf = L._isNative(ArrayProto.lastIndexOf) ?
- function(a, val, fromIndex) {
- // An undefined fromIndex is still considered a value by some (all?)
- // native implementations, so we can't pass it unless it's actually
- // specified.
- return fromIndex || fromIndex === 0 ? a.lastIndexOf(val, fromIndex) :
- a.lastIndexOf(val);
- } :
- function(a, val, fromIndex) {
- var len = a.length,
- i = len - 1;
- if (fromIndex || fromIndex === 0) {
- i = Math.min(fromIndex < 0 ? len + fromIndex : fromIndex, len);
- }
- if (i > -1 && len > 0) {
- for (; i > -1; --i) {
- if (i in a && a[i] === val) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- };
-Returns a copy of the specified array with duplicate items removed.
-@method unique
-@param {Array} a Array to dedupe.
-@return {Array} Copy of the array with duplicate items removed.
-A.unique = function(a, sort) {
- // Note: the sort param is deprecated and intentionally undocumented since
- // YUI 3.3.0. It never did what the API docs said it did (see the older
- // comment below as well).
- var i = 0,
- len = a.length,
- results = [],
- item, j;
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- item = a[i];
- // This loop iterates over the results array in reverse order and stops
- // if it finds an item that matches the current input array item (a
- // dupe). If it makes it all the way through without finding a dupe, the
- // current item is pushed onto the results array.
- for (j = results.length; j > -1; --j) {
- if (item === results[j]) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (j === -1) {
- results.push(item);
- }
- }
- // Note: the sort option doesn't really belong here... I think it was added
- // because there was a way to fast path the two operations together. That
- // implementation was not working, so I replaced it with the following.
- // Leaving it in so that the API doesn't get broken.
- if (sort) {
- Y.log('The sort parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of YUI.', 'warn', 'deprecated');
- if (L.isNumber(results[0])) {
- results.sort(A.numericSort);
- } else {
- results.sort();
- }
- }
- return results;
-Executes the supplied function on each item in the array. Returns a new array
-containing the items for which the supplied function returned a truthy value.
-@method filter
-@param {Array} a Array to filter.
-@param {Function} f Function to execute on each item.
-@param {Object} [o] Optional context object.
-@return {Array} Array of items for which the supplied function returned a
- truthy value (empty if it never returned a truthy value).
-A.filter = L._isNative(ArrayProto.filter) ?
- function(a, f, o) {
- return a.filter(f, o);
- } :
- function(a, f, o) {
- var i = 0,
- len = a.length,
- results = [],
- item;
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- if (i in a) {
- item = a[i];
- if (, item, i, a)) {
- results.push(item);
- }
- }
- }
- return results;
- };
-The inverse of `Array.filter()`. Executes the supplied function on each item.
-Returns a new array containing the items for which the supplied function
-returned `false`.
-@method reject
-@param {Array} a the array to iterate.
-@param {Function} f the function to execute on each item.
-@param {object} [o] Optional context object.
-@return {Array} The items for which the supplied function returned `false`.
-A.reject = function(a, f, o) {
- return A.filter(a, function(item, i, a) {
- return !, item, i, a);
- });
-Executes the supplied function on each item in the array. Iteration stops if the
-supplied function does not return a truthy value.
-@method every
-@param {Array} a the array to iterate.
-@param {Function} f the function to execute on each item.
-@param {Object} [o] Optional context object.
-@return {Boolean} `true` if every item in the array returns `true` from the
- supplied function, `false` otherwise.
-A.every = L._isNative(ArrayProto.every) ?
- function(a, f, o) {
- return a.every(f, o);
- } :
- function(a, f, o) {
- for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; ++i) {
- if (i in a && !, a[i], i, a)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- };
-Executes the supplied function on each item in the array and returns a new array
-containing all the values returned by the supplied function.
- // Convert an array of numbers into an array of strings.
-[1, 2, 3, 4], function (item) {
- return '' + item;
- });
- // => ['1', '2', '3', '4']
-@method map
-@param {Array} a the array to iterate.
-@param {Function} f the function to execute on each item.
-@param {object} [o] Optional context object.
-@return {Array} A new array containing the return value of the supplied function
- for each item in the original array.
-*/ = L._isNative( ?
- function(a, f, o) {
- return, o);
- } :
- function(a, f, o) {
- var i = 0,
- len = a.length,
- results = a.concat();
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- if (i in a) {
- results[i] =, a[i], i, a);
- }
- }
- return results;
- };
-Executes the supplied function on each item in the array, "folding" the array
-into a single value.
-@method reduce
-@param {Array} a Array to iterate.
-@param {Any} init Initial value to start with.
-@param {Function} f Function to execute on each item. This function should
- update and return the value of the computation. It will receive the following
- arguments:
- @param {Any} f.previousValue Value returned from the previous iteration,
- or the initial value if this is the first iteration.
- @param {Any} f.currentValue Value of the current item being iterated.
- @param {Number} f.index Index of the current item.
- @param {Array} f.array Array being iterated.
-@param {Object} [o] Optional context object.
-@return {Any} Final result from iteratively applying the given function to each
- element in the array.
-A.reduce = L._isNative(ArrayProto.reduce) ?
- function(a, init, f, o) {
- // ES5 Array.reduce doesn't support a thisObject, so we need to
- // implement it manually.
- return a.reduce(function(init, item, i, a) {
- return, init, item, i, a);
- }, init);
- } :
- function(a, init, f, o) {
- var i = 0,
- len = a.length,
- result = init;
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- if (i in a) {
- result =, result, a[i], i, a);
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
-Executes the supplied function on each item in the array, searching for the
-first item that matches the supplied function.
-@method find
-@param {Array} a the array to search.
-@param {Function} f the function to execute on each item. Iteration is stopped
- as soon as this function returns `true`.
-@param {Object} [o] Optional context object.
-@return {Object} the first item that the supplied function returns `true` for,
- or `null` if it never returns `true`.
-A.find = function(a, f, o) {
- for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
- if (i in a &&, a[i], i, a)) {
- return a[i];
- }
- }
- return null;
-Iterates over an array, returning a new array of all the elements that match the
-supplied regular expression.
-@method grep
-@param {Array} a Array to iterate over.
-@param {RegExp} pattern Regular expression to test against each item.
-@return {Array} All the items in the array that produce a match against the
- supplied regular expression. If no items match, an empty array is returned.
-A.grep = function(a, pattern) {
- return A.filter(a, function(item, index) {
- return pattern.test(item);
- });
-Partitions an array into two new arrays, one with the items for which the
-supplied function returns `true`, and one with the items for which the function
-returns `false`.
-@method partition
-@param {Array} a Array to iterate over.
-@param {Function} f Function to execute for each item in the array. It will
- receive the following arguments:
- @param {Any} f.item Current item.
- @param {Number} f.index Index of the current item.
- @param {Array} f.array The array being iterated.
-@param {Object} [o] Optional execution context.
-@return {Object} An object with two properties: `matches` and `rejects`. Each is
- an array containing the items that were selected or rejected by the test
- function (or an empty array if none).
-A.partition = function(a, f, o) {
- var results = {
- matches: [],
- rejects: []
- };
- A.each(a, function(item, index) {
- var set =, item, index, a) ? results.matches : results.rejects;
- set.push(item);
- });
- return results;
-Creates an array of arrays by pairing the corresponding elements of two arrays
-together into a new array.
-@method zip
-@param {Array} a Array to iterate over.
-@param {Array} a2 Another array whose values will be paired with values of the
- first array.
-@return {Array} An array of arrays formed by pairing each element of the first
- array with an item in the second array having the corresponding index.
-*/ = function(a, a2) {
- var results = [];
- A.each(a, function(item, index) {
- results.push([item, a2[index]]);
- });
- return results;
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['yui-base']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-extras/array-extras-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-extras/array-extras-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-extras/array-extras-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("array-extras",function(d){var b=d.Array,a=d.Lang,c=Array.prototype;b.lastIndexOf=a._isNative(c.lastIndexOf)?function(e,g,f){return f||f===0?e.lastIndexOf(g,f):e.lastIndexOf(g);}:function(f,j,h){var e=f.length,g=e-1;if(h||h===0){g=Math.min(h<0?e+h:h,e);}if(g>-1&&e>0){for(;g>-1;--g){if(g in f&&f[g]===j){return g;}}}return -1;};b.unique=function(f,l){var k=0,e=f.length,h=[],m,g;for(;k<e;++k){m=f[k];for(g=h.length;g>-1;--g){if(m===h[g]){break;}}if(g===-1){h.push(m);}}if(l){if(a.isNumber(h[0])){h.sort(b.numericSort);}else{h.sort();}}return h;};b.filter=a._isNative(c.filter)?function(e,g,h){return e.filter(g,h);}:function(g,l,m){var j=0,e=g.length,h=[],k;for(;j<e;++j){if(j in g){k=g[j];if(,k,j,g)){h.push(k);}}}return h;};b.reject=function(e,g,h){return b.filter(e,function(k,j,f){return !,k,j,f);});};b.every=a._isNative(c.every)?function(e,g,h){return e.every(g,h);}:function(g,j,k){for(var h=0,e=g.length;h<e;++h){if(h in g&&!,g[h],h,g)){return false;}}return true;};,g,h){return,h);}:function(g,k,l){var j=0,e=g.length,h=g.concat();for(;j<e;++j){if(j in g){h[j],g[j],j,g);}}return h;};b.reduce=a._isNative(c.reduce)?function(e,i,g,h){return e.reduce(function(l,k,j,f){return,l,k,j,f);},i);}:function(h,m,k,l){var j=0,g=h.length,e=m;for(;j<g;++j){if(j in h){,e,h[j],j,h);}}return e;};b.find=function(g,j,k){for(var h=0,e=g.length;h<e;h++){if(h in g&&,g[h],h,g)){return g[h];}}return null;};b.grep=function(e,f){return b.filter(e,function(h,g){return f.test(h);});};b.partition=function(e,h,i){var g={matches:[],rejects:[]};b.each(e,function(j,f){var,j,f,e)?g.matches:g.rejects;k.push(j);});return g;};,e){var g=[];b.each(f,function(i,h){g.push([i,e[h]]);});return g;};},"3.5.1",{requires:["yui-base"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-extras/array-extras.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-extras/array-extras.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-extras/array-extras.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('array-extras', function(Y) {
-Adds additional utility methods to the `Y.Array` class.
-@module collection
-@submodule array-extras
-var A = Y.Array,
- L = Y.Lang,
- ArrayProto = Array.prototype;
-Returns the index of the last item in the array that contains the specified
-value, or `-1` if the value isn't found.
-@method lastIndexOf
-@param {Array} a Array to search in.
-@param {Any} val Value to search for.
-@param {Number} [fromIndex] Index at which to start searching backwards.
- Defaults to the array's length - 1. If negative, it will be taken as an offset
- from the end of the array. If the calculated index is less than 0, the array
- will not be searched and `-1` will be returned.
-@return {Number} Index of the item that contains the value, or `-1` if not
- found.
-@for Array
-A.lastIndexOf = L._isNative(ArrayProto.lastIndexOf) ?
- function(a, val, fromIndex) {
- // An undefined fromIndex is still considered a value by some (all?)
- // native implementations, so we can't pass it unless it's actually
- // specified.
- return fromIndex || fromIndex === 0 ? a.lastIndexOf(val, fromIndex) :
- a.lastIndexOf(val);
- } :
- function(a, val, fromIndex) {
- var len = a.length,
- i = len - 1;
- if (fromIndex || fromIndex === 0) {
- i = Math.min(fromIndex < 0 ? len + fromIndex : fromIndex, len);
- }
- if (i > -1 && len > 0) {
- for (; i > -1; --i) {
- if (i in a && a[i] === val) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- };
-Returns a copy of the specified array with duplicate items removed.
-@method unique
-@param {Array} a Array to dedupe.
-@return {Array} Copy of the array with duplicate items removed.
-A.unique = function(a, sort) {
- // Note: the sort param is deprecated and intentionally undocumented since
- // YUI 3.3.0. It never did what the API docs said it did (see the older
- // comment below as well).
- var i = 0,
- len = a.length,
- results = [],
- item, j;
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- item = a[i];
- // This loop iterates over the results array in reverse order and stops
- // if it finds an item that matches the current input array item (a
- // dupe). If it makes it all the way through without finding a dupe, the
- // current item is pushed onto the results array.
- for (j = results.length; j > -1; --j) {
- if (item === results[j]) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (j === -1) {
- results.push(item);
- }
- }
- // Note: the sort option doesn't really belong here... I think it was added
- // because there was a way to fast path the two operations together. That
- // implementation was not working, so I replaced it with the following.
- // Leaving it in so that the API doesn't get broken.
- if (sort) {
- if (L.isNumber(results[0])) {
- results.sort(A.numericSort);
- } else {
- results.sort();
- }
- }
- return results;
-Executes the supplied function on each item in the array. Returns a new array
-containing the items for which the supplied function returned a truthy value.
-@method filter
-@param {Array} a Array to filter.
-@param {Function} f Function to execute on each item.
-@param {Object} [o] Optional context object.
-@return {Array} Array of items for which the supplied function returned a
- truthy value (empty if it never returned a truthy value).
-A.filter = L._isNative(ArrayProto.filter) ?
- function(a, f, o) {
- return a.filter(f, o);
- } :
- function(a, f, o) {
- var i = 0,
- len = a.length,
- results = [],
- item;
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- if (i in a) {
- item = a[i];
- if (, item, i, a)) {
- results.push(item);
- }
- }
- }
- return results;
- };
-The inverse of `Array.filter()`. Executes the supplied function on each item.
-Returns a new array containing the items for which the supplied function
-returned `false`.
-@method reject
-@param {Array} a the array to iterate.
-@param {Function} f the function to execute on each item.
-@param {object} [o] Optional context object.
-@return {Array} The items for which the supplied function returned `false`.
-A.reject = function(a, f, o) {
- return A.filter(a, function(item, i, a) {
- return !, item, i, a);
- });
-Executes the supplied function on each item in the array. Iteration stops if the
-supplied function does not return a truthy value.
-@method every
-@param {Array} a the array to iterate.
-@param {Function} f the function to execute on each item.
-@param {Object} [o] Optional context object.
-@return {Boolean} `true` if every item in the array returns `true` from the
- supplied function, `false` otherwise.
-A.every = L._isNative(ArrayProto.every) ?
- function(a, f, o) {
- return a.every(f, o);
- } :
- function(a, f, o) {
- for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; ++i) {
- if (i in a && !, a[i], i, a)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- };
-Executes the supplied function on each item in the array and returns a new array
-containing all the values returned by the supplied function.
- // Convert an array of numbers into an array of strings.
-[1, 2, 3, 4], function (item) {
- return '' + item;
- });
- // => ['1', '2', '3', '4']
-@method map
-@param {Array} a the array to iterate.
-@param {Function} f the function to execute on each item.
-@param {object} [o] Optional context object.
-@return {Array} A new array containing the return value of the supplied function
- for each item in the original array.
-*/ = L._isNative( ?
- function(a, f, o) {
- return, o);
- } :
- function(a, f, o) {
- var i = 0,
- len = a.length,
- results = a.concat();
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- if (i in a) {
- results[i] =, a[i], i, a);
- }
- }
- return results;
- };
-Executes the supplied function on each item in the array, "folding" the array
-into a single value.
-@method reduce
-@param {Array} a Array to iterate.
-@param {Any} init Initial value to start with.
-@param {Function} f Function to execute on each item. This function should
- update and return the value of the computation. It will receive the following
- arguments:
- @param {Any} f.previousValue Value returned from the previous iteration,
- or the initial value if this is the first iteration.
- @param {Any} f.currentValue Value of the current item being iterated.
- @param {Number} f.index Index of the current item.
- @param {Array} f.array Array being iterated.
-@param {Object} [o] Optional context object.
-@return {Any} Final result from iteratively applying the given function to each
- element in the array.
-A.reduce = L._isNative(ArrayProto.reduce) ?
- function(a, init, f, o) {
- // ES5 Array.reduce doesn't support a thisObject, so we need to
- // implement it manually.
- return a.reduce(function(init, item, i, a) {
- return, init, item, i, a);
- }, init);
- } :
- function(a, init, f, o) {
- var i = 0,
- len = a.length,
- result = init;
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- if (i in a) {
- result =, result, a[i], i, a);
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
-Executes the supplied function on each item in the array, searching for the
-first item that matches the supplied function.
-@method find
-@param {Array} a the array to search.
-@param {Function} f the function to execute on each item. Iteration is stopped
- as soon as this function returns `true`.
-@param {Object} [o] Optional context object.
-@return {Object} the first item that the supplied function returns `true` for,
- or `null` if it never returns `true`.
-A.find = function(a, f, o) {
- for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
- if (i in a &&, a[i], i, a)) {
- return a[i];
- }
- }
- return null;
-Iterates over an array, returning a new array of all the elements that match the
-supplied regular expression.
-@method grep
-@param {Array} a Array to iterate over.
-@param {RegExp} pattern Regular expression to test against each item.
-@return {Array} All the items in the array that produce a match against the
- supplied regular expression. If no items match, an empty array is returned.
-A.grep = function(a, pattern) {
- return A.filter(a, function(item, index) {
- return pattern.test(item);
- });
-Partitions an array into two new arrays, one with the items for which the
-supplied function returns `true`, and one with the items for which the function
-returns `false`.
-@method partition
-@param {Array} a Array to iterate over.
-@param {Function} f Function to execute for each item in the array. It will
- receive the following arguments:
- @param {Any} f.item Current item.
- @param {Number} f.index Index of the current item.
- @param {Array} f.array The array being iterated.
-@param {Object} [o] Optional execution context.
-@return {Object} An object with two properties: `matches` and `rejects`. Each is
- an array containing the items that were selected or rejected by the test
- function (or an empty array if none).
-A.partition = function(a, f, o) {
- var results = {
- matches: [],
- rejects: []
- };
- A.each(a, function(item, index) {
- var set =, item, index, a) ? results.matches : results.rejects;
- set.push(item);
- });
- return results;
-Creates an array of arrays by pairing the corresponding elements of two arrays
-together into a new array.
-@method zip
-@param {Array} a Array to iterate over.
-@param {Array} a2 Another array whose values will be paired with values of the
- first array.
-@return {Array} An array of arrays formed by pairing each element of the first
- array with an item in the second array having the corresponding index.
-*/ = function(a, a2) {
- var results = [];
- A.each(a, function(item, index) {
- results.push([item, a2[index]]);
- });
- return results;
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['yui-base']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-invoke'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-invoke/array-invoke-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-invoke/array-invoke-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-invoke/array-invoke-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('array-invoke', function(Y) {
-@module collection
-@submodule array-invoke
-Executes a named method on each item in an array of objects. Items in the array
-that do not have a function by that name will be skipped.
- Y.Array.invoke(arrayOfDrags, 'plug', Y.Plugin.DDProxy);
-@method invoke
-@param {Array} items Array of objects supporting the named method.
-@param {String} name the name of the method to execute on each item.
-@param {Any} [args*] Any number of additional args are passed as parameters to
- the execution of the named method.
-@return {Array} All return values, indexed according to the item index.
-@for Array
-Y.Array.invoke = function(items, name) {
- var args = Y.Array(arguments, 2, true),
- isFunction = Y.Lang.isFunction,
- ret = [];
- Y.Array.each(Y.Array(items), function(item, i) {
- if (item && isFunction(item[name])) {
- ret[i] = item[name].apply(item, args);
- }
- });
- return ret;
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['yui-base']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-invoke/array-invoke-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-invoke/array-invoke-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-invoke/array-invoke-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("array-invoke",function(a){a.Array.invoke=function(b,e){var d=a.Array(arguments,2,true),f=a.Lang.isFunction,c=[];a.Array.each(a.Array(b),function(h,g){if(h&&f(h[e])){c[g]=h[e].apply(h,d);}});return c;};},"3.5.1",{requires:["yui-base"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-invoke/array-invoke.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-invoke/array-invoke.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/array-invoke/array-invoke.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('array-invoke', function(Y) {
-@module collection
-@submodule array-invoke
-Executes a named method on each item in an array of objects. Items in the array
-that do not have a function by that name will be skipped.
- Y.Array.invoke(arrayOfDrags, 'plug', Y.Plugin.DDProxy);
-@method invoke
-@param {Array} items Array of objects supporting the named method.
-@param {String} name the name of the method to execute on each item.
-@param {Any} [args*] Any number of additional args are passed as parameters to
- the execution of the named method.
-@return {Array} All return values, indexed according to the item index.
-@for Array
-Y.Array.invoke = function(items, name) {
- var args = Y.Array(arguments, 2, true),
- isFunction = Y.Lang.isFunction,
- ret = [];
- Y.Array.each(Y.Array(items), function(item, i) {
- if (item && isFunction(item[name])) {
- ret[i] = item[name].apply(item, args);
- }
- });
- return ret;
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['yui-base']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist'
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-add'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-add/arraylist-add-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-add/arraylist-add-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-add/arraylist-add-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('arraylist-add', function(Y) {
- * Collection utilities beyond what is provided in the YUI core
- * @module collection
- * @submodule arraylist-add
- * @deprecated Use ModelList or a custom ArrayList subclass
- */
- * Adds methods add and remove to Y.ArrayList
- */
-Y.mix(Y.ArrayList.prototype, {
- /**
- * Add a single item to the ArrayList. Does not prevent duplicates.
- *
- * @method add
- * @param { mixed } item Item presumably of the same type as others in the
- * ArrayList.
- * @param {Number} index (Optional.) Number representing the position at
- * which the item should be inserted.
- * @return {ArrayList} the instance.
- * @for ArrayList
- * @deprecated Use ModelList or a custom ArrayList subclass
- * @chainable
- */
- add: function(item, index) {
- var items = this._items;
- if (Y.Lang.isNumber(index)) {
- items.splice(index, 0, item);
- }
- else {
- items.push(item);
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Removes first or all occurrences of an item to the ArrayList. If a
- * comparator is not provided, uses itemsAreEqual method to determine
- * matches.
- *
- * @method remove
- * @param { mixed } needle Item to find and remove from the list.
- * @param { Boolean } all If true, remove all occurrences.
- * @param { Function } comparator optional a/b function to test equivalence.
- * @return {ArrayList} the instance.
- * @for ArrayList
- * @deprecated Use ModelList or a custom ArrayList subclass
- * @chainable
- */
- remove: function(needle, all, comparator) {
- comparator = comparator || this.itemsAreEqual;
- for (var i = this._items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- if (, needle, this.item(i))) {
- this._items.splice(i, 1);
- if (!all) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Default comparator for items stored in this list. Used by remove().
- *
- * @method itemsAreEqual
- * @param { mixed } a item to test equivalence with.
- * @param { mixed } b other item to test equivalance.
- * @return { Boolean } true if items are deemed equivalent.
- * @for ArrayList
- * @deprecated Use ModelList or a custom ArrayList subclass
- */
- itemsAreEqual: function(a, b) {
- return a === b;
- }
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['arraylist']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-add/arraylist-add-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-add/arraylist-add-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-add/arraylist-add-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("arraylist-add",function(a){a.mix(a.ArrayList.prototype,{add:function(d,c){var b=this._items;if(a.Lang.isNumber(c)){b.splice(c,0,d);}else{b.push(d);}return this;},remove:function(e,d,b){b=b||this.itemsAreEqual;for(var c=this._items.length-1;c>=0;--c){if(,e,this.item(c))){this._items.splice(c,1);if(!d){break;}}}return this;},itemsAreEqual:function(d,c){return d===c;}});},"3.5.1",{requires:["arraylist"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-add/arraylist-add.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-add/arraylist-add.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-add/arraylist-add.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('arraylist-add', function(Y) {
- * Collection utilities beyond what is provided in the YUI core
- * @module collection
- * @submodule arraylist-add
- * @deprecated Use ModelList or a custom ArrayList subclass
- */
- * Adds methods add and remove to Y.ArrayList
- */
-Y.mix(Y.ArrayList.prototype, {
- /**
- * Add a single item to the ArrayList. Does not prevent duplicates.
- *
- * @method add
- * @param { mixed } item Item presumably of the same type as others in the
- * ArrayList.
- * @param {Number} index (Optional.) Number representing the position at
- * which the item should be inserted.
- * @return {ArrayList} the instance.
- * @for ArrayList
- * @deprecated Use ModelList or a custom ArrayList subclass
- * @chainable
- */
- add: function(item, index) {
- var items = this._items;
- if (Y.Lang.isNumber(index)) {
- items.splice(index, 0, item);
- }
- else {
- items.push(item);
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Removes first or all occurrences of an item to the ArrayList. If a
- * comparator is not provided, uses itemsAreEqual method to determine
- * matches.
- *
- * @method remove
- * @param { mixed } needle Item to find and remove from the list.
- * @param { Boolean } all If true, remove all occurrences.
- * @param { Function } comparator optional a/b function to test equivalence.
- * @return {ArrayList} the instance.
- * @for ArrayList
- * @deprecated Use ModelList or a custom ArrayList subclass
- * @chainable
- */
- remove: function(needle, all, comparator) {
- comparator = comparator || this.itemsAreEqual;
- for (var i = this._items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- if (, needle, this.item(i))) {
- this._items.splice(i, 1);
- if (!all) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Default comparator for items stored in this list. Used by remove().
- *
- * @method itemsAreEqual
- * @param { mixed } a item to test equivalence with.
- * @param { mixed } b other item to test equivalance.
- * @return { Boolean } true if items are deemed equivalent.
- * @for ArrayList
- * @deprecated Use ModelList or a custom ArrayList subclass
- */
- itemsAreEqual: function(a, b) {
- return a === b;
- }
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['arraylist']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-filter'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-filter/arraylist-filter-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-filter/arraylist-filter-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-filter/arraylist-filter-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('arraylist-filter', function(Y) {
- * Collection utilities beyond what is provided in the YUI core
- * @module collection
- * @submodule arraylist-filter
- * @deprecated Use ModelList or a custom subclass implementation
- */
- * Adds filter method to ArrayList prototype
- */
-Y.mix(Y.ArrayList.prototype, {
- /**
- * <p>Create a new ArrayList (or augmenting class instance) from a subset
- * of items as determined by the boolean function passed as the
- * argument. The original ArrayList is unchanged.</p>
- *
- * <p>The validator signature is <code>validator( item )</code>.</p>
- *
- * @method filter
- * @param { Function } validator Boolean function to determine in or out.
- * @return { ArrayList } New instance based on who passed the validator.
- * @for ArrayList
- * @deprecated Use ModelList or a custom subclass implementation
- */
- filter: function(validator) {
- var items = [];
- Y.Array.each(this._items, function(item, i) {
- item = this.item(i);
- if (validator(item)) {
- items.push(item);
- }
- }, this);
- return new this.constructor(items);
- }
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['arraylist']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-filter/arraylist-filter-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-filter/arraylist-filter-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-filter/arraylist-filter-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("arraylist-filter",function(a){a.mix(a.ArrayList.prototype,{filter:function(c){var b=[];a.Array.each(this._items,function(e,d){e=this.item(d);if(c(e)){b.push(e);}},this);return new this.constructor(b);}});},"3.5.1",{requires:["arraylist"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-filter/arraylist-filter.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-filter/arraylist-filter.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist-filter/arraylist-filter.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('arraylist-filter', function(Y) {
- * Collection utilities beyond what is provided in the YUI core
- * @module collection
- * @submodule arraylist-filter
- * @deprecated Use ModelList or a custom subclass implementation
- */
- * Adds filter method to ArrayList prototype
- */
-Y.mix(Y.ArrayList.prototype, {
- /**
- * <p>Create a new ArrayList (or augmenting class instance) from a subset
- * of items as determined by the boolean function passed as the
- * argument. The original ArrayList is unchanged.</p>
- *
- * <p>The validator signature is <code>validator( item )</code>.</p>
- *
- * @method filter
- * @param { Function } validator Boolean function to determine in or out.
- * @return { ArrayList } New instance based on who passed the validator.
- * @for ArrayList
- * @deprecated Use ModelList or a custom subclass implementation
- */
- filter: function(validator) {
- var items = [];
- Y.Array.each(this._items, function(item, i) {
- item = this.item(i);
- if (validator(item)) {
- items.push(item);
- }
- }, this);
- return new this.constructor(items);
- }
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['arraylist']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist/arraylist-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist/arraylist-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist/arraylist-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('arraylist', function(Y) {
- * Collection utilities beyond what is provided in the YUI core
- * @module collection
- * @submodule arraylist
- */
-var YArray = Y.Array,
- YArray_each = YArray.each,
- ArrayListProto;
- * Generic ArrayList class for managing lists of items and iterating operations
- * over them. The targeted use for this class is for augmentation onto a
- * class that is responsible for managing multiple instances of another class
- * (e.g. NodeList for Nodes). The recommended use is to augment your class with
- * ArrayList, then use ArrayList.addMethod to mirror the API of the constituent
- * items on the list's API.
- *
- * The default implementation creates immutable lists, but mutability can be
- * provided via the arraylist-add submodule or by implementing mutation methods
- * directly on the augmented class's prototype.
- *
- * @class ArrayList
- * @constructor
- * @param items { Array } array of items this list will be responsible for
- */
-function ArrayList( items ) {
- if ( items !== undefined ) {
- this._items = Y.Lang.isArray( items ) ? items : YArray( items );
- } else {
- // ||= to support lazy initialization from augment
- this._items = this._items || [];
- }
-ArrayListProto = {
- /**
- * Get an item by index from the list. Override this method if managing a
- * list of objects that have a different public representation (e.g. Node
- * instances vs DOM nodes). The iteration methods that accept a user
- * function will use this method for access list items for operation.
- *
- * @method item
- * @param i { Integer } index to fetch
- * @return { mixed } the item at the requested index
- */
- item: function ( i ) {
- return this._items[i];
- },
- /**
- * <p>Execute a function on each item of the list, optionally providing a
- * custom execution context. Default context is the item.</p>
- *
- * <p>The callback signature is <code>callback( item, index )</code>.</p>
- *
- * @method each
- * @param fn { Function } the function to execute
- * @param context { mixed } optional override 'this' in the function
- * @return { ArrayList } this instance
- * @chainable
- */
- each: function ( fn, context ) {
- YArray_each( this._items, function ( item, i ) {
- item = this.item( i );
- context || item, item, i, this );
- }, this);
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * <p>Execute a function on each item of the list, optionally providing a
- * custom execution context. Default context is the item.</p>
- *
- * <p>The callback signature is <code>callback( item, index )</code>.</p>
- *
- * <p>Unlike <code>each</code>, if the callback returns true, the
- * iteratation will stop.</p>
- *
- * @method some
- * @param fn { Function } the function to execute
- * @param context { mixed } optional override 'this' in the function
- * @return { Boolean } True if the function returned true on an item
- */
- some: function ( fn, context ) {
- return YArray.some( this._items, function ( item, i ) {
- item = this.item( i );
- return context || item, item, i, this );
- }, this);
- },
- /**
- * Finds the first index of the needle in the managed array of items.
- *
- * @method indexOf
- * @param needle { mixed } The item to search for
- * @return { Integer } Array index if found. Otherwise -1
- */
- indexOf: function ( needle ) {
- return YArray.indexOf( this._items, needle );
- },
- /**
- * How many items are in this list?
- *
- * @method size
- * @return { Integer } Number of items in the list
- */
- size: function () {
- return this._items.length;
- },
- /**
- * Is this instance managing any items?
- *
- * @method isEmpty
- * @return { Boolean } true if 1 or more items are being managed
- */
- isEmpty: function () {
- return !this.size();
- },
- /**
- * Provides an array-like representation for JSON.stringify.
- *
- * @method toJSON
- * @return { Array } an array representation of the ArrayList
- */
- toJSON: function () {
- return this._items;
- }
-// Default implementation does not distinguish between public and private
-// item getter
- * Protected method for optimizations that may be appropriate for API
- * mirroring. Similar in functionality to <code>item</code>, but is used by
- * methods added with <code>ArrayList.addMethod()</code>.
- *
- * @method _item
- * @protected
- * @param i { Integer } Index of item to fetch
- * @return { mixed } The item appropriate for pass through API methods
- */
-ArrayListProto._item = ArrayListProto.item;
-// Mixed onto existing proto to preserve constructor NOT being an own property.
-// This has bitten me when composing classes by enumerating, copying prototypes.
-Y.mix(ArrayList.prototype, ArrayListProto);
-Y.mix( ArrayList, {
- /**
- * <p>Adds a pass through method to dest (typically the prototype of a list
- * class) that calls the named method on each item in the list with
- * whatever parameters are passed in. Allows for API indirection via list
- * instances.</p>
- *
- * <p>Accepts a single string name or an array of string names.</p>
- *
- * <pre><code>list.each( function ( item ) {
- * item.methodName( 1, 2, 3 );
- * } );
- * // becomes
- * list.methodName( 1, 2, 3 );</code></pre>
- *
- * <p>Additionally, the pass through methods use the item retrieved by the
- * <code>_item</code> method in case there is any special behavior that is
- * appropriate for API mirroring.</p>
- *
- * <p>If the iterated method returns a value, the return value from the
- * added method will be an array of values with each value being at the
- * corresponding index for that item. If the iterated method does not
- * return a value, the added method will be chainable.
- *
- * @method addMethod
- * @static
- * @param dest {Object} Object or prototype to receive the iterator method
- * @param name {String|String[]} Name of method of methods to create
- */
- addMethod: function ( dest, names ) {
- names = YArray( names );
- YArray_each( names, function ( name ) {
- dest[ name ] = function () {
- var args = YArray( arguments, 0, true ),
- ret = [];
- YArray_each( this._items, function ( item, i ) {
- item = this._item( i );
- var result = item[ name ].apply( item, args );
- if ( result !== undefined && result !== item ) {
- ret[i] = result;
- }
- }, this);
- return ret.length ? ret : this;
- };
- } );
- }
-} );
-Y.ArrayList = ArrayList;
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['yui-base']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist/arraylist-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist/arraylist-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist/arraylist-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("arraylist",function(e){var d=e.Array,c=d.each,a;function b(f){if(f!==undefined){this._items=e.Lang.isArray(f)?f:d(f);}else{this._items=this._items||[];}}a={item:function(f){return this._items[f];},each:function(g,f){c(this._items,function(j,h){j=this.item(h);||j,j,h,this);},this);return this;},some:function(g,f){return d.some(this._items,function(j,h){j=this.item(h);return||j,j,h,this);},this);},indexOf:function(f){return d.indexOf(this._items,f);},size:function(){return this._items.length;},isEmpty:function(){return !this.size();},toJSON:function(){return this._items;}};a._item=a.item;e.mix(b.prototype,a);e.mix(b,{addMethod:function(f,g){g=d(g);c(g,function(h){f[h]=function(){var j=d(arguments,0,true),i=[];c(this._items,function(m,l){m=this._item(l);var k=m[h].apply(m,j);if(k!==undefined&&k!==m){i[l]=k;}},this);return i.length?i:this;};});}});e.ArrayList=b;},"3.5.1",{requires:["yui-base"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist/arraylist.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist/arraylist.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraylist/arraylist.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('arraylist', function(Y) {
- * Collection utilities beyond what is provided in the YUI core
- * @module collection
- * @submodule arraylist
- */
-var YArray = Y.Array,
- YArray_each = YArray.each,
- ArrayListProto;
- * Generic ArrayList class for managing lists of items and iterating operations
- * over them. The targeted use for this class is for augmentation onto a
- * class that is responsible for managing multiple instances of another class
- * (e.g. NodeList for Nodes). The recommended use is to augment your class with
- * ArrayList, then use ArrayList.addMethod to mirror the API of the constituent
- * items on the list's API.
- *
- * The default implementation creates immutable lists, but mutability can be
- * provided via the arraylist-add submodule or by implementing mutation methods
- * directly on the augmented class's prototype.
- *
- * @class ArrayList
- * @constructor
- * @param items { Array } array of items this list will be responsible for
- */
-function ArrayList( items ) {
- if ( items !== undefined ) {
- this._items = Y.Lang.isArray( items ) ? items : YArray( items );
- } else {
- // ||= to support lazy initialization from augment
- this._items = this._items || [];
- }
-ArrayListProto = {
- /**
- * Get an item by index from the list. Override this method if managing a
- * list of objects that have a different public representation (e.g. Node
- * instances vs DOM nodes). The iteration methods that accept a user
- * function will use this method for access list items for operation.
- *
- * @method item
- * @param i { Integer } index to fetch
- * @return { mixed } the item at the requested index
- */
- item: function ( i ) {
- return this._items[i];
- },
- /**
- * <p>Execute a function on each item of the list, optionally providing a
- * custom execution context. Default context is the item.</p>
- *
- * <p>The callback signature is <code>callback( item, index )</code>.</p>
- *
- * @method each
- * @param fn { Function } the function to execute
- * @param context { mixed } optional override 'this' in the function
- * @return { ArrayList } this instance
- * @chainable
- */
- each: function ( fn, context ) {
- YArray_each( this._items, function ( item, i ) {
- item = this.item( i );
- context || item, item, i, this );
- }, this);
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * <p>Execute a function on each item of the list, optionally providing a
- * custom execution context. Default context is the item.</p>
- *
- * <p>The callback signature is <code>callback( item, index )</code>.</p>
- *
- * <p>Unlike <code>each</code>, if the callback returns true, the
- * iteratation will stop.</p>
- *
- * @method some
- * @param fn { Function } the function to execute
- * @param context { mixed } optional override 'this' in the function
- * @return { Boolean } True if the function returned true on an item
- */
- some: function ( fn, context ) {
- return YArray.some( this._items, function ( item, i ) {
- item = this.item( i );
- return context || item, item, i, this );
- }, this);
- },
- /**
- * Finds the first index of the needle in the managed array of items.
- *
- * @method indexOf
- * @param needle { mixed } The item to search for
- * @return { Integer } Array index if found. Otherwise -1
- */
- indexOf: function ( needle ) {
- return YArray.indexOf( this._items, needle );
- },
- /**
- * How many items are in this list?
- *
- * @method size
- * @return { Integer } Number of items in the list
- */
- size: function () {
- return this._items.length;
- },
- /**
- * Is this instance managing any items?
- *
- * @method isEmpty
- * @return { Boolean } true if 1 or more items are being managed
- */
- isEmpty: function () {
- return !this.size();
- },
- /**
- * Provides an array-like representation for JSON.stringify.
- *
- * @method toJSON
- * @return { Array } an array representation of the ArrayList
- */
- toJSON: function () {
- return this._items;
- }
-// Default implementation does not distinguish between public and private
-// item getter
- * Protected method for optimizations that may be appropriate for API
- * mirroring. Similar in functionality to <code>item</code>, but is used by
- * methods added with <code>ArrayList.addMethod()</code>.
- *
- * @method _item
- * @protected
- * @param i { Integer } Index of item to fetch
- * @return { mixed } The item appropriate for pass through API methods
- */
-ArrayListProto._item = ArrayListProto.item;
-// Mixed onto existing proto to preserve constructor NOT being an own property.
-// This has bitten me when composing classes by enumerating, copying prototypes.
-Y.mix(ArrayList.prototype, ArrayListProto);
-Y.mix( ArrayList, {
- /**
- * <p>Adds a pass through method to dest (typically the prototype of a list
- * class) that calls the named method on each item in the list with
- * whatever parameters are passed in. Allows for API indirection via list
- * instances.</p>
- *
- * <p>Accepts a single string name or an array of string names.</p>
- *
- * <pre><code>list.each( function ( item ) {
- * item.methodName( 1, 2, 3 );
- * } );
- * // becomes
- * list.methodName( 1, 2, 3 );</code></pre>
- *
- * <p>Additionally, the pass through methods use the item retrieved by the
- * <code>_item</code> method in case there is any special behavior that is
- * appropriate for API mirroring.</p>
- *
- * <p>If the iterated method returns a value, the return value from the
- * added method will be an array of values with each value being at the
- * corresponding index for that item. If the iterated method does not
- * return a value, the added method will be chainable.
- *
- * @method addMethod
- * @static
- * @param dest {Object} Object or prototype to receive the iterator method
- * @param name {String|String[]} Name of method of methods to create
- */
- addMethod: function ( dest, names ) {
- names = YArray( names );
- YArray_each( names, function ( name ) {
- dest[ name ] = function () {
- var args = YArray( arguments, 0, true ),
- ret = [];
- YArray_each( this._items, function ( item, i ) {
- item = this._item( i );
- var result = item[ name ].apply( item, args );
- if ( result !== undefined && result !== item ) {
- ret[i] = result;
- }
- }, this);
- return ret.length ? ret : this;
- };
- } );
- }
-} );
-Y.ArrayList = ArrayList;
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['yui-base']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraysort'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraysort/arraysort-debug.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraysort/arraysort-debug.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraysort/arraysort-debug.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('arraysort', function(Y) {
-Provides a case-insenstive comparator which can be used for array sorting.
-@module arraysort
-var LANG = Y.Lang,
- ISVALUE = LANG.isValue,
- ISSTRING = LANG.isString;
-Provides a case-insenstive comparator which can be used for array sorting.
-@class ArraySort
-Y.ArraySort = {
- /**
- Comparator function for simple case-insensitive sorting of an array of
- strings.
- @method compare
- @param a {Object} First sort argument.
- @param b {Object} Second sort argument.
- @param desc {Boolean} `true` if sort direction is descending, `false` if
- sort direction is ascending.
- @return {Boolean} -1 when a < b. 0 when a == b. 1 when a > b.
- */
- compare: function(a, b, desc) {
- if(!ISVALUE(a)) {
- if(!ISVALUE(b)) {
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else if(!ISVALUE(b)) {
- return -1;
- }
- if(ISSTRING(a)) {
- a = a.toLowerCase();
- }
- if(ISSTRING(b)) {
- b = b.toLowerCase();
- }
- if(a < b) {
- return (desc) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- else if (a > b) {
- return (desc) ? -1 : 1;
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['yui-base']});
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraysort/arraysort-min.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraysort/arraysort-min.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraysort/arraysort-min.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add("arraysort",function(c){var b=c.Lang,a=b.isValue,d=b.isString;c.ArraySort={compare:function(f,e,g){if(!a(f)){if(!a(e)){return 0;}else{return 1;}}else{if(!a(e)){return -1;}}if(d(f)){f=f.toLowerCase();}if(d(e)){e=e.toLowerCase();}if(f<e){return(g)?1:-1;}else{if(f>e){return(g)?-1:1;}else{return 0;}}}};},"3.5.1",{requires:["yui-base"]});
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraysort/arraysort.js'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraysort/arraysort.js 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/arraysort/arraysort.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-YUI.add('arraysort', function(Y) {
-Provides a case-insenstive comparator which can be used for array sorting.
-@module arraysort
-var LANG = Y.Lang,
- ISVALUE = LANG.isValue,
- ISSTRING = LANG.isString;
-Provides a case-insenstive comparator which can be used for array sorting.
-@class ArraySort
-Y.ArraySort = {
- /**
- Comparator function for simple case-insensitive sorting of an array of
- strings.
- @method compare
- @param a {Object} First sort argument.
- @param b {Object} Second sort argument.
- @param desc {Boolean} `true` if sort direction is descending, `false` if
- sort direction is ascending.
- @return {Boolean} -1 when a < b. 0 when a == b. 1 when a > b.
- */
- compare: function(a, b, desc) {
- if(!ISVALUE(a)) {
- if(!ISVALUE(b)) {
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else if(!ISVALUE(b)) {
- return -1;
- }
- if(ISSTRING(a)) {
- a = a.toLowerCase();
- }
- if(ISSTRING(b)) {
- b = b.toLowerCase();
- }
- if(a < b) {
- return (desc) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- else if (a > b) {
- return (desc) ? -1 : 1;
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
-}, '3.5.1' ,{requires:['yui-base']});
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets'
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins'
=== removed directory 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam'
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/arrows.png'
Binary files src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/arrows.png 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000 and src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/arrows.png 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/autocomplete-list.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/autocomplete-list.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/autocomplete-list.css 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-.yui3-aclist{position:absolute;z-index:1}.yui3-aclist-hidden{visibility:hidden}.yui3-aclist-aria{left:-9999px;position:absolute}.yui3-aclist-list{list-style:none;margin:0;overflow:hidden;padding:0}.yui3-aclist-item{cursor:pointer;list-style:none;padding:2px 5px}.yui3-aclist-item-active{outline:#afafaf dotted thin}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-aclist-content{background:#fff;border:1px solid #afafaf;-moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.58);-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.58);box-shadow:1px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.58)}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-aclist-item-hover{background:#bfdaff}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-aclist-item-active{background:#2647a0;color:#fff;outline:0}{display:none}
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/bg.png'
Binary files src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/bg.png 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000 and src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/bg.png 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/calendar-base.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/calendar-base.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/calendar-base.css 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-.yui3-calendar-pane{width:100%}.yui3-calendar-grid{width:100%}.yui3-calendar-column-hidden,.yui3-calendar-hidden{display:none}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-content{padding:10px;color:#000;border:1px solid gray;background:#f2f2f2;background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#f9f9f9 0,#f2f2f2 100%);background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0%,#f9f9f9),color-stop(100%,#f2f2f2));background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#f9f9f9 0,#f2f2f2 100%);background:-o-linear-gradient(top,#f9f9f9 0,#f2f2f2 100%);background:-ms-linear-gradient(top,#f9f9f9 0,#f2f2f2 100%);filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#f9f9f9',endColorstr='#f2f2f2',GradientType=0);background:linear-gradient(top,#f9f9f9 0,#f2f2f2 100%);-moz-border-radius:5px;border-radius:5px}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-grid{padding:5px;border-collapse:collapse}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-header{padding-bottom:10px}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-header-label{margin:0;font-size:1em;font-weight:bold}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-day,.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-prevmonth-day,.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-nextmonth-day{padding:5px;border:1px solid #ccc;background:#fff;text-align:center}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-day:hover{background:#06c;color:#fff}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-selection-disabled,.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-selection-disabled:hover{color:#a6a6a6;background:#ccc}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-weekday{font-weight:bold}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-prevmonth-day,.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-nextmonth-day{color:#a6a6a6}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-day{font-weight:bold}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-day-selected{background-color:#b3d4ff;color:#000}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-header-label{text-align:center}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-left-grid{margin-right:1em}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-right-grid{margin-left:1em}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-day-highlighted{background-color:#dcdef5}.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-day-selected.yui3-calendar-day-highlighted{background-color:#758fbb}
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/calendar.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/calendar.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/calendar.css 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/calendarnavigator.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/calendarnavigator.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/console-filters.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/console-filters.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/console-filters.css 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/console.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/console.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/console.css 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/datatable-base-deprecated.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/datatable-base-deprecated.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/datatable-base.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/datatable-base.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/datatable-message.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/datatable-message.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/datatable-scroll.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/datatable-scroll.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/datatable-sort.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/datatable-sort.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/dial.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/dial.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/dial.css 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/horizontal-menu-submenu-indicator.png'
Binary files src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/horizontal-menu-submenu-indicator.png 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000 and src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/horizontal-menu-submenu-indicator.png 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/horizontal-menu-submenu-toggle.png'
Binary files src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/horizontal-menu-submenu-toggle.png 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000 and src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/horizontal-menu-submenu-toggle.png 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ
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--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/node-flick.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/node-menunav.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/node-menunav.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/overlay.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/overlay.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/panel.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/panel.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/rail-x-lines.png'
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/rail-y-lines.png'
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/rail-y.png'
Binary files src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/rail-y.png 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000 and src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/rail-y.png 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ
=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/resize-base.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/resize-base.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/scrollview-base.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/scrollview-base.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/scrollview-list.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/scrollview-list.css 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/scrollview-scrollbars.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/scrollview-scrollbars.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/scrollview-scrollbars.css 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/skin.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/skin.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/skin.css 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
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-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/test-console.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/test-console.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
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@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/test.css'
--- src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/test.css 2012-06-11 14:32:48 +0000
+++ src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/test.css 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-YUI 3.5.1 (build 22)
-Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the BSD License.
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=== removed file 'src/maasserver/static/jslibs/yui/assets/skins/sam/thumb-x.png'
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Binary files src/maasserver/static