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[Merge] lp:~wgrant/launchpad/faster-security into lp:launchpad


William Grant has proposed merging lp:~wgrant/launchpad/faster-security into lp:launchpad.

Commit message:
Optimise security.py's role handling to be efficiently delta-based.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

security.py now dominates fastdowntime outage times, absorbing around 2.5s of the 4s downtime. This branch enhances its performance and logging a little.

 - DbSchema's ACL parsing was rewritten to use a faster regular expression and cache results. The parsing rules are slightly more limited now; it'll no longer merge adjacent quoted strings, which postgres does, but postgres never generates such a string.
 - Schema introspection queries were adjusted to exclude schemas that we don't care about, rather than using the very slow pg_foo_is_visible functions.
 - Users and groups are finally completely merged into roles (as they have been internally in postgres for several years).
 - Role options are only set if they need to be changed, eliminating a lot of per-role queries.
 - Role membership updates are now delta-based (this is a bigger win that it sounds, as the flattened inheritance tree makes changes very expensive).

This gets staging down from 1.2s to around 450ms, but it's not clear how much of an impact it will have on production. The only per-role queries left in a no-op run are the bits that sets default_transaction_read_only, which accounts for 50-100ms and I'll eliminate later.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~wgrant/launchpad/faster-security into lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'database/schema/security.py'
--- database/schema/security.py	2012-09-20 11:15:54 +0000
+++ database/schema/security.py	2012-11-01 09:51:28 +0000
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
 from collections import defaultdict
 from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
-from itertools import chain
 from optparse import OptionParser
 import os
+import re
 import sys
 from fti import quote_identifier
@@ -49,42 +49,25 @@
     'T': 'TEMPORARY',
+QUOTED_STRING_RE = '(?:([a-z_]+)|"([^"]*(?:""[^"]*)*)")?'
+ACLITEM_RE = re.compile('^%(qs)s=([\w*]*)/%(qs)s$' % {'qs': QUOTED_STRING_RE})
 def _split_postgres_aclitem(aclitem):
     """Split a PostgreSQL aclitem textual representation.
     Returns the (grantee, privs, grantor), unquoted and separated.
-    components = {'grantee': '', 'privs': '', 'grantor': ''}
-    current_component = 'grantee'
-    inside_quoted = False
-    maybe_finished_quoted = False
-    for char in aclitem:
-        if inside_quoted:
-            if maybe_finished_quoted:
-                maybe_finished_quoted = False
-                if char == '"':
-                    components[current_component] += '"'
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    inside_quoted = False
-            elif char == '"':
-                maybe_finished_quoted = True
-                continue
-        # inside_quoted may have just been made False, so no else block
-        # for you.
-        if not inside_quoted:
-            if char == '"':
-                inside_quoted = True
-                continue
-            elif char == '=':
-                current_component = 'privs'
-                continue
-            elif char == '/':
-                current_component = 'grantor'
-                continue
-        components[current_component] += char
-    return components['grantee'], components['privs'], components['grantor']
+    grantee_1, grantee_2, privs, grantor_1, grantor_2 = (
+        ACLITEM_RE.match(aclitem).groups())
+    grantee = (grantee_1 or grantee_2 or '').replace('""', '"')
+    grantor = (grantor_1 or grantor_2 or '').replace('""', '"')
+    return grantee, privs, grantor
+# aclitem parsing is fairly slow and they're very frequently repeated,
+# so cache parsed values.
+parsed_acl_cache = {}
 def parse_postgres_acl(acl):
@@ -96,19 +79,40 @@
     if acl is None:
         return parsed
     for entry in acl:
-        grantee, privs, grantor = _split_postgres_aclitem(entry)
-        if grantee == '':
-            grantee = 'public'
-        parsed_privs = []
-        for priv in privs:
-            if priv == '*':
-                parsed_privs[-1] = (parsed_privs[-1][0], True)
-                continue
-            parsed_privs.append((POSTGRES_ACL_MAP[priv], False))
-        parsed[grantee] = dict(parsed_privs)
+        if entry in parsed_acl_cache:
+            grantee, dict_privs = parsed_acl_cache[entry]
+        else:
+            grantee, privs, grantor = _split_postgres_aclitem(entry)
+            if grantee == '':
+                grantee = 'public'
+            parsed_privs = []
+            for priv in privs:
+                if priv == '*':
+                    parsed_privs[-1] = (parsed_privs[-1][0], True)
+                    continue
+                parsed_privs.append((POSTGRES_ACL_MAP[priv], False))
+            dict_privs = dict(parsed_privs)
+            parsed_acl_cache[entry] = (grantee, dict_privs)
+        parsed[grantee] = dict_privs
     return parsed
+def list_role_members(cur, roles):
+    """Return a dict of roles that are members of the given roles."""
+    cur.execute("""
+        SELECT grp.rolname, member.rolname
+        FROM
+            pg_authid member
+            JOIN pg_auth_members ON pg_auth_members.member = member.oid
+            JOIN pg_authid grp ON pg_auth_members.roleid = grp.oid
+        WHERE grp.rolname IN (%s)""" % ', '.join(['%s'] * len(roles)),
+        params=roles)
+    members = defaultdict(set)
+    for group, member in cur.fetchall():
+        members[group].add(member)
+    return members
 class DbObject(object):
     def __init__(
@@ -139,12 +143,10 @@
 class DbSchema(dict):
-    groups = None  # List of groups defined in the db
-    users = None  # List of users defined in the db
     def __init__(self, con):
         super(DbSchema, self).__init__()
         cur = con.cursor()
+        log.debug("Getting relation metadata")
                 n.nspname as "Schema",
@@ -162,8 +164,9 @@
                 LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner
                 LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
             WHERE c.relkind IN ('r','v','S','')
-                AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
-                AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
+                AND n.nspname NOT IN (
+                    'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast', 'trgm', 'information_schema',
+                    'pgdbr', 'pgdbrdata', 'todrop')
                 AND c.relpersistence <> 't'
             ORDER BY 1,2
@@ -172,6 +175,7 @@
             self[key] = DbObject(
                 schema, name, type_, owner, parse_postgres_acl(acl))
+        log.debug("Getting function metadata")
                 n.nspname as "schema",
@@ -187,24 +191,29 @@
                 LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type r ON r.oid = p.prorettype
                 r.typname NOT IN ('trigger', 'language_handler')
-                AND pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid)
-                AND n.nspname <> 'pg_catalog'
+                AND n.nspname NOT IN (
+                    'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast', 'trgm', 'information_schema',
+                    'pgdbr', 'pgdbrdata', 'todrop')
         for schema, name, arguments, owner, acl, language in cur.fetchall():
             self['%s.%s(%s)' % (schema, name, arguments)] = DbObject(
                     schema, name, 'function', owner, parse_postgres_acl(acl),
                     arguments, language)
-        # Pull a list of groups
-        cur.execute("SELECT groname FROM pg_group")
-        self.groups = [r[0] for r in cur.fetchall()]
-        # Pull a list of users
-        cur.execute("SELECT usename FROM pg_user")
-        self.users = [r[0] for r in cur.fetchall()]
-    @property
-    def principals(self):
-        return chain(self.groups, self.users)
+        # Pull a list of roles
+        log.debug("Getting role metadata")
+        cur.execute("""
+            SELECT
+                rolname, rolsuper, rolinherit, rolcreaterole, rolcreatedb,
+                rolcanlogin, rolreplication
+            FROM pg_roles
+            """)
+        options = (
+            'REPLICATION')
+        self.roles = dict(
+            (r[0], set(opt for (opt, val) in zip(options, r[1:]) if val))
+            for r in cur.fetchall())
 class CursorWrapper(object):
@@ -247,17 +256,6 @@
     return 0
-def list_identifiers(identifiers):
-    """List all of `identifiers` as SQL, quoted and separated by commas.
-    :param identifiers: A sequence of SQL identifiers.
-    :return: A comma-separated SQL string consisting of all identifiers
-        passed in.  Each will be quoted for use in SQL.
-    """
-    return ', '.join([
-        quote_identifier(identifier) for identifier in identifiers])
 class PermissionGatherer:
     """Gather permissions for bulk granting or revocation.
@@ -392,22 +390,21 @@
 def reset_permissions(con, config, options):
     schema = DbSchema(con)
-    all_users = list_identifiers(schema.users)
     cur = CursorWrapper(con.cursor())
+    groups = set()
     # Add our two automatically maintained groups
     for group in ['read', 'admin']:
-        if group in schema.principals:
-            log.debug("Removing managed users from %s role" % group)
-            cur.execute("ALTER GROUP %s DROP USER %s" % (
-                    quote_identifier(group), all_users))
-        else:
+        groups.add(group)
+        if group not in schema.roles:
             log.debug("Creating %s role" % group)
             cur.execute("CREATE GROUP %s" % quote_identifier(group))
-            schema.groups.append(group)
+            schema.roles[group] = set()
     # Create all required groups and users.
+    log.debug("Configuring roles")
     for section_name in config.sections():
         if section_name.lower() == 'public':
@@ -418,35 +415,32 @@
         type_ = config.get(section_name, 'type')
         assert type_ in ['user', 'group'], 'Unknown type %s' % type_
-        role_options = [
+        desired_opts = set(('INHERIT',))
         if type_ == 'user':
-            role_options.append('LOGIN')
-        else:
-            role_options.append('NOLOGIN')
+            desired_opts.add('LOGIN')
         for username in [section_name, '%s_ro' % section_name]:
-            if username in schema.principals:
-                if type_ == 'group':
-                    if options.revoke:
-                        log.debug2("Revoking membership of %s role", username)
-                        cur.execute("REVOKE %s FROM %s" % (
-                            quote_identifier(username), all_users))
-                else:
+            if type_ == 'group':
+                groups.add(username)
+            if username in schema.roles:
+                existing_opts = schema.roles[username]
+                if desired_opts != existing_opts:
                     # Note - we don't drop the user because it might own
                     # objects in other databases. We need to ensure they are
                     # not superusers though!
                     log.debug2("Resetting role options of %s role.", username)
+                    changes = ' '.join(
+                        list(desired_opts - existing_opts)
+                        + ['NO' + o for o in (existing_opts - desired_opts)])
                         "ALTER ROLE %s WITH %s" % (
-                            quote_identifier(username),
-                            ' '.join(role_options)))
+                            quote_identifier(username), changes))
                 log.debug("Creating %s role.", username)
                     "CREATE ROLE %s WITH %s"
-                    % (quote_identifier(username), ' '.join(role_options)))
-                schema.groups.append(username)
+                    % (quote_identifier(username), ' '.join(desired_opts)))
+                schema.roles[username] = set()
         # Set default read-only mode for our roles.
@@ -457,6 +451,8 @@
             % quote_identifier('%s_ro' % section_name))
     # Add users to groups
+    log.debug('Collecting group memberships')
+    memberships = defaultdict(set)
     for user in config.sections():
         if config.get(user, 'type') != 'user':
@@ -469,12 +465,33 @@
         if groups:
             log.debug2("Adding %s to %s roles", user, ', '.join(groups))
             for group in groups:
-                cur.execute(r"""ALTER GROUP %s ADD USER %s""" % (
-                    quote_identifier(group), quote_identifier(user)))
+                memberships[group].add(user)
             log.debug2("%s not in any roles", user)
+    managed_roles = set(['read', 'admin'])
+    for section_name in config.sections():
+        managed_roles.add(section_name)
+        if section_name != 'public':
+            managed_roles.add(section_name + "_ro")
+    log.debug('Updating group memberships')
+    existing_memberships = list_role_members(cur, memberships.keys())
+    for group, users in memberships.iteritems():
+        cur_users = managed_roles.intersection(existing_memberships[group])
+        to_grant = users - cur_users
+        if to_grant:
+            cur.execute("GRANT %s TO %s" % (
+                quote_identifier(group),
+                ', '.join(quote_identifier(user) for user in to_grant)))
+        to_revoke = cur_users - users
+        if options.revoke and to_revoke:
+            cur.execute("REVOKE %s FROM %s" % (
+                quote_identifier(group),
+                ', '.join(quote_identifier(user) for user in to_revoke)))
     if options.revoke:
+        log.debug('Resetting object owners')
         # Change ownership of all objects to OWNER.
         # We skip this in --no-revoke mode as ownership changes may
         # block on a live system.
@@ -489,12 +506,6 @@
         log.info("Not resetting ownership of database objects")
-    managed_roles = set(['read', 'admin'])
-    for section_name in config.sections():
-        managed_roles.add(section_name)
-        if section_name != 'public':
-            managed_roles.add(section_name + "_ro")
     # Set of all tables we have granted permissions on. After we have assigned
     # permissions, we can use this to determine what tables have been
     # forgotten about.
@@ -510,6 +521,7 @@
     # functions) aren't readable.
     granted_objs = set()
+    log.debug('Collecting permissions')
     for username in config.sections():
         who = username
         if username == 'public':
@@ -590,6 +602,7 @@
     unmanaged_roles = set()
     required_grants = []
     required_revokes = []
+    log.debug('Calculating permission delta')
     for obj in schema.values():
         # We only care about roles that are in either the desired or
         # existing ACL, and are also our managed roles. But skip admin,

Follow ups