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[Merge] lp:~jtv/gomaasapi/getsubobject-takes-name-not-url into lp:gomaasapi


Jeroen T. Vermeulen has proposed merging lp:~jtv/gomaasapi/getsubobject-takes-name-not-url into lp:gomaasapi.

Commit message:
Really make MAASObject.GetSubObject treat its argument as a path, not a URL.

Requested reviews:
  MAAS Maintainers (maas-maintainers)

For more details, see:

This is something we never really bothered with because it didn't matter much.  But with the juju file storage API, where we may have user-supplied file paths in URLs, it does.  If we pass GetSubObject a string with a "?" in it, that should _not_ mean that the following text is a query.  It's just a weird character in a path.

I looked into changing the function's documentation, but actually it's already right.  It's just a choice we never fully committed to because it wasn't entirely clear that we would really need it to be this way.

Your team MAAS Maintainers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~jtv/gomaasapi/getsubobject-takes-name-not-url into lp:gomaasapi.
=== modified file 'maasobject.go'
--- maasobject.go	2013-02-12 13:44:38 +0000
+++ maasobject.go	2013-03-04 12:19:23 +0000
@@ -114,11 +114,8 @@
 // at a given sub-path of the current object's resource URI.
 func (obj MAASObject) GetSubObject(name string) MAASObject {
 	uri := obj.URI()
-	newUrl, err := url.Parse(name)
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-	resUrl := uri.ResolveReference(newUrl)
+	newURL := url.URL{Path: name}
+	resUrl := uri.ResolveReference(&newURL)
 	resUrl.Path = EnsureTrailingSlash(resUrl.Path)
 	input := map[string]interface{}{resourceURI: resUrl.String()}
 	return newJSONMAASObject(input, obj.client)

=== modified file 'maasobject_test.go'
--- maasobject_test.go	2013-02-18 04:25:25 +0000
+++ maasobject_test.go	2013-03-04 12:19:23 +0000
@@ -163,6 +163,17 @@
 	c.Check(subURL, DeepEquals, expectedSubURL)
+// The argument to GetSubObject is a relative path, not a URL.  So it won't
+// take a query part.  The special characters that mark a query are escaped
+// so they are recognized as parts of the path.
+func (suite *MAASObjectSuite) TestGetSubObjectTakesPathNotURL(c *C) {
+	obj := makeFakeMAASObject("http://example.com/";, "x/")
+	subObj := obj.GetSubObject("/y?z")
+	c.Check(subObj.URL().String(), Equals, "http://example.com/y%3Fz/";)
 func (suite *MAASObjectSuite) TestGetField(c *C) {
 	uri := "http://example.com/a/resource";
 	fieldName := "field name"