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[Merge] lp:~wgrant/launchpad/builderinteractor-extract into lp:launchpad


William Grant has proposed merging lp:~wgrant/launchpad/builderinteractor-extract into lp:launchpad with lp:~wgrant/launchpad/builderinteractor-c-b-b as a prerequisite.

Commit message:
Extract BuilderInteractor and BuilderSlave to lp.buildmaster.interactor.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

Extract BuilderInteractor and BuilderSlave to lp.buildmaster.interactor. They're only used by buildd-manager itself.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~wgrant/launchpad/builderinteractor-extract into lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'lib/lp/buildmaster/doc/buildfarmjobbehavior.txt'
--- lib/lp/buildmaster/doc/buildfarmjobbehavior.txt	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
+++ lib/lp/buildmaster/doc/buildfarmjobbehavior.txt	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 idle, such as making a call to log the start of a build, will raise an
 appropriate exception.
-    >>> from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import BuilderInteractor
+    >>> from lp.buildmaster.interactor import BuilderInteractor
     >>> interactor = BuilderInteractor(bob)
     >>> interactor.current_build_behavior.logStartBuild(None)
     Traceback (most recent call last):

=== added file 'lib/lp/buildmaster/interactor.py'
--- lib/lp/buildmaster/interactor.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ lib/lp/buildmaster/interactor.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+# Copyright 2009-2013 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+__metaclass__ = type
+__all__ = [
+    'BuilderInteractor',
+    'ProxyWithConnectionTimeout',
+    ]
+import gzip
+import logging
+import os
+import socket
+import tempfile
+from urlparse import urlparse
+import xmlrpclib
+from twisted.internet import (
+    defer,
+    reactor as default_reactor,
+    )
+from twisted.web import xmlrpc
+from twisted.web.client import downloadPage
+from zope.component import getUtility
+from zope.security.proxy import (
+    isinstance as zope_isinstance,
+    removeSecurityProxy,
+    )
+from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder import (
+    BuildDaemonError,
+    BuildSlaveFailure,
+    CannotFetchFile,
+    CannotResumeHost,
+    CorruptBuildCookie,
+    )
+from lp.buildmaster.model.buildfarmjobbehavior import IdleBuildBehavior
+from lp.services.config import config
+from lp.services.helpers import filenameToContentType
+from lp.services.librarian.interfaces import ILibraryFileAliasSet
+from lp.services.librarian.utils import copy_and_close
+from lp.services.twistedsupport import cancel_on_timeout
+from lp.services.twistedsupport.processmonitor import ProcessWithTimeout
+from lp.services.webapp import urlappend
+class QuietQueryFactory(xmlrpc._QueryFactory):
+    """XMLRPC client factory that doesn't splatter the log with junk."""
+    noisy = False
+class ProxyWithConnectionTimeout(xmlrpc.Proxy):
+    """Extend Twisted's Proxy to provide a configurable connection timeout."""
+    def __init__(self, url, user=None, password=None, allowNone=False,
+                 useDateTime=False, timeout=None):
+        xmlrpc.Proxy.__init__(
+            self, url, user, password, allowNone, useDateTime)
+        self.timeout = timeout
+    def callRemote(self, method, *args):
+        """Basically a carbon copy of the parent but passes the timeout
+        to connectTCP."""
+        def cancel(d):
+            factory.deferred = None
+            connector.disconnect()
+        factory = self.queryFactory(
+            self.path, self.host, method, self.user,
+            self.password, self.allowNone, args, cancel, self.useDateTime)
+        if self.secure:
+            from twisted.internet import ssl
+            connector = default_reactor.connectSSL(
+                self.host, self.port or 443, factory,
+                ssl.ClientContextFactory(),
+                timeout=self.timeout)
+        else:
+            connector = default_reactor.connectTCP(
+                self.host, self.port or 80, factory,
+                timeout=self.timeout)
+        return factory.deferred
+class BuilderSlave(object):
+    """Add in a few useful methods for the XMLRPC slave.
+    :ivar url: The URL of the actual builder. The XML-RPC resource and
+        the filecache live beneath this.
+    """
+    # WARNING: If you change the API for this, you should also change the APIs
+    # of the mocks in soyuzbuilderhelpers to match. Otherwise, you will have
+    # many false positives in your test run and will most likely break
+    # production.
+    def __init__(self, proxy, builder_url, vm_host, timeout, reactor):
+        """Initialize a BuilderSlave.
+        :param proxy: An XML-RPC proxy, implementing 'callRemote'. It must
+            support passing and returning None objects.
+        :param builder_url: The URL of the builder.
+        :param vm_host: The VM host to use when resuming.
+        """
+        self.url = builder_url
+        self._vm_host = vm_host
+        self._file_cache_url = urlappend(builder_url, 'filecache')
+        self._server = proxy
+        self.timeout = timeout
+        self.reactor = reactor
+    @classmethod
+    def makeBuilderSlave(cls, builder_url, vm_host, timeout, reactor=None,
+                         proxy=None):
+        """Create and return a `BuilderSlave`.
+        :param builder_url: The URL of the slave buildd machine,
+            e.g. http://localhost:8221
+        :param vm_host: If the slave is virtual, specify its host machine
+            here.
+        :param reactor: Used by tests to override the Twisted reactor.
+        :param proxy: Used By tests to override the xmlrpc.Proxy.
+        """
+        rpc_url = urlappend(builder_url.encode('utf-8'), 'rpc')
+        if proxy is None:
+            server_proxy = ProxyWithConnectionTimeout(
+                rpc_url, allowNone=True, timeout=timeout)
+            server_proxy.queryFactory = QuietQueryFactory
+        else:
+            server_proxy = proxy
+        return cls(server_proxy, builder_url, vm_host, timeout, reactor)
+    def _with_timeout(self, d):
+        return cancel_on_timeout(d, self.timeout, self.reactor)
+    def abort(self):
+        """Abort the current build."""
+        return self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote('abort'))
+    def clean(self):
+        """Clean up the waiting files and reset the slave's internal state."""
+        return self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote('clean'))
+    def echo(self, *args):
+        """Echo the arguments back."""
+        return self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote('echo', *args))
+    def info(self):
+        """Return the protocol version and the builder methods supported."""
+        return self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote('info'))
+    def status(self):
+        """Return the status of the build daemon."""
+        return self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote('status'))
+    def ensurepresent(self, sha1sum, url, username, password):
+        # XXX: Nothing external calls this. Make it private.
+        """Attempt to ensure the given file is present."""
+        return self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote(
+            'ensurepresent', sha1sum, url, username, password))
+    def getFile(self, sha_sum, file_to_write):
+        """Fetch a file from the builder.
+        :param sha_sum: The sha of the file (which is also its name on the
+            builder)
+        :param file_to_write: A file name or file-like object to write
+            the file to
+        :return: A Deferred that calls back when the download is done, or
+            errback with the error string.
+        """
+        file_url = urlappend(self._file_cache_url, sha_sum).encode('utf8')
+        # If desired we can pass a param "timeout" here but let's leave
+        # it at the default value if it becomes obvious we need to
+        # change it.
+        return downloadPage(file_url, file_to_write, followRedirect=0)
+    def getFiles(self, filemap):
+        """Fetch many files from the builder.
+        :param filemap: A Dictionary containing key values of the builder
+            file name to retrieve, which maps to a value containing the
+            file name or file object to write the file to.
+        :return: A DeferredList that calls back when the download is done.
+        """
+        dl = defer.gatherResults([
+            self.getFile(builder_file, filemap[builder_file])
+            for builder_file in filemap])
+        return dl
+    def resume(self, clock=None):
+        """Resume the builder in an asynchronous fashion.
+        We use the builddmaster configuration 'socket_timeout' as
+        the process timeout.
+        :param clock: An optional twisted.internet.task.Clock to override
+                      the default clock.  For use in tests.
+        :return: a Deferred that returns a
+            (stdout, stderr, subprocess exitcode) triple
+        """
+        url_components = urlparse(self.url)
+        buildd_name = url_components.hostname.split('.')[0]
+        resume_command = config.builddmaster.vm_resume_command % {
+            'vm_host': self._vm_host,
+            'buildd_name': buildd_name}
+        # Twisted API requires string but the configuration provides unicode.
+        resume_argv = [
+            term.encode('utf-8') for term in resume_command.split()]
+        d = defer.Deferred()
+        p = ProcessWithTimeout(d, self.timeout, clock=clock)
+        p.spawnProcess(resume_argv[0], tuple(resume_argv))
+        return d
+    def cacheFile(self, logger, libraryfilealias):
+        """Make sure that the file at 'libraryfilealias' is on the slave.
+        :param logger: A python `Logger` object.
+        :param libraryfilealias: An `ILibraryFileAlias`.
+        """
+        url = libraryfilealias.http_url
+        logger.info(
+            "Asking builder on %s to ensure it has file %s (%s, %s)" % (
+                self._file_cache_url, libraryfilealias.filename, url,
+                libraryfilealias.content.sha1))
+        return self.sendFileToSlave(libraryfilealias.content.sha1, url)
+    def sendFileToSlave(self, sha1, url, username="", password=""):
+        """Helper to send the file at 'url' with 'sha1' to this builder."""
+        d = self.ensurepresent(sha1, url, username, password)
+        def check_present((present, info)):
+            if not present:
+                raise CannotFetchFile(url, info)
+        return d.addCallback(check_present)
+    def build(self, buildid, builder_type, chroot_sha1, filemap, args):
+        """Build a thing on this build slave.
+        :param buildid: A string identifying this build.
+        :param builder_type: The type of builder needed.
+        :param chroot_sha1: XXX
+        :param filemap: A dictionary mapping from paths to SHA-1 hashes of
+            the file contents.
+        :param args: A dictionary of extra arguments. The contents depend on
+            the build job type.
+        """
+        d = self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote(
+            'build', buildid, builder_type, chroot_sha1, filemap, args))
+        def got_fault(failure):
+            failure.trap(xmlrpclib.Fault)
+            raise BuildSlaveFailure(failure.value)
+        return d.addErrback(got_fault)
+class BuilderInteractor(object):
+    _cached_build_behavior = None
+    _cached_currentjob = None
+    _cached_slave = None
+    _cached_slave_attrs = None
+    # Tests can override current_build_behavior and slave.
+    _override_behavior = None
+    _override_slave = None
+    def __init__(self, builder, override_slave=None, override_behavior=None):
+        self.builder = builder
+        self._override_slave = override_slave
+        self._override_behavior = override_behavior
+    @property
+    def slave(self):
+        """See IBuilder."""
+        if self._override_slave is not None:
+            return self._override_slave
+        # The slave cache is invalidated when the builder's URL, VM host
+        # or virtualisation change.
+        new_slave_attrs = (
+            self.builder.url, self.builder.vm_host, self.builder.virtualized)
+        if self._cached_slave_attrs != new_slave_attrs:
+            if self.builder.virtualized:
+                timeout = config.builddmaster.virtualized_socket_timeout
+            else:
+                timeout = config.builddmaster.socket_timeout
+            self._cached_slave = BuilderSlave.makeBuilderSlave(
+                self.builder.url, self.builder.vm_host, timeout)
+            self._cached_slave_attrs = new_slave_attrs
+        return self._cached_slave
+    @property
+    def current_build_behavior(self):
+        """Return the current build behavior."""
+        if self._override_behavior is not None:
+            return self._override_behavior
+        # The current_build_behavior cache is invalidated when
+        # builder.currentjob changes.
+        currentjob = self.builder.currentjob
+        if currentjob is None:
+            if not isinstance(
+                    self._cached_build_behavior, IdleBuildBehavior):
+                self._cached_build_behavior = IdleBuildBehavior()
+        elif currentjob != self._cached_currentjob:
+            self._cached_build_behavior = currentjob.required_build_behavior
+            self._cached_build_behavior.setBuilderInteractor(self)
+            self._cached_currentjob = currentjob
+        return self._cached_build_behavior
+    def slaveStatus(self):
+        """Get the slave status for this builder.
+        :return: A Deferred which fires when the slave dialog is complete.
+            Its value is a dict containing at least builder_status, but
+            potentially other values included by the current build
+            behavior.
+        """
+        d = self.slave.status()
+        def got_status(status_sentence):
+            status = {'builder_status': status_sentence[0]}
+            # Extract detailed status and log information if present.
+            # Although build_id is also easily extractable here, there is no
+            # valid reason for anything to use it, so we exclude it.
+            if status['builder_status'] == 'BuilderStatus.WAITING':
+                status['build_status'] = status_sentence[1]
+            else:
+                if status['builder_status'] == 'BuilderStatus.BUILDING':
+                    status['logtail'] = status_sentence[2]
+            self.current_build_behavior.updateSlaveStatus(
+                status_sentence, status)
+            return status
+        return d.addCallback(got_status)
+    def slaveStatusSentence(self):
+        """Get the slave status sentence for this builder.
+        :return: A Deferred which fires when the slave dialog is complete.
+            Its value is a  tuple with the first element containing the
+            slave status, build_id-queue-id and then optionally more
+            elements depending on the status.
+        """
+        return self.slave.status()
+    def verifySlaveBuildCookie(self, slave_build_id):
+        """Verify that a slave's build cookie is consistent.
+        This should delegate to the current `IBuildFarmJobBehavior`.
+        """
+        return self.current_build_behavior.verifySlaveBuildCookie(
+            slave_build_id)
+    def isAvailable(self):
+        """Whether or not a builder is available for building new jobs.
+        :return: A Deferred that fires with True or False, depending on
+            whether the builder is available or not.
+        """
+        if not self.builder.builderok:
+            return defer.succeed(False)
+        d = self.slaveStatusSentence()
+        def catch_fault(failure):
+            failure.trap(xmlrpclib.Fault, socket.error)
+            return False
+        def check_available(status):
+            return status[0] == 'BuilderStatus.IDLE'
+        return d.addCallbacks(check_available, catch_fault)
+    def rescueIfLost(self, logger=None):
+        """Reset the slave if its job information doesn't match the DB.
+        This checks the build ID reported in the slave status against the
+        database. If it isn't building what we think it should be, the current
+        build will be aborted and the slave cleaned in preparation for a new
+        task. The decision about the slave's correctness is left up to
+        `IBuildFarmJobBehavior.verifySlaveBuildCookie`.
+        :return: A Deferred that fires when the dialog with the slave is
+            finished.  It does not have a return value.
+        """
+        # 'ident_position' dict relates the position of the job identifier
+        # token in the sentence received from status(), according to the
+        # two statuses we care about. See lp:launchpad-buildd
+        # for further information about sentence format.
+        ident_position = {
+            'BuilderStatus.BUILDING': 1,
+            'BuilderStatus.WAITING': 2
+            }
+        d = self.slaveStatusSentence()
+        def got_status(status_sentence):
+            """After we get the status, clean if we have to.
+            Always return status_sentence.
+            """
+            # Isolate the BuilderStatus string, always the first token in
+            # IBuilder.slaveStatusSentence().
+            status = status_sentence[0]
+            # If the cookie test below fails, it will request an abort of the
+            # builder.  This will leave the builder in the aborted state and
+            # with no assigned job, and we should now "clean" the slave which
+            # will reset its state back to IDLE, ready to accept new builds.
+            # This situation is usually caused by a temporary loss of
+            # communications with the slave and the build manager had to reset
+            # the job.
+            if (status == 'BuilderStatus.ABORTED'
+                    and self.builder.currentjob is None):
+                if not self.builder.virtualized:
+                    # We can't reset non-virtual builders reliably as the
+                    # abort() function doesn't kill the actual build job,
+                    # only the sbuild process!  All we can do here is fail
+                    # the builder with a message indicating the problem and
+                    # wait for an admin to reboot it.
+                    self.builder.failBuilder(
+                        "Non-virtual builder in ABORTED state, requires admin "
+                        "to restart")
+                    return "dummy status"
+                if logger is not None:
+                    logger.info(
+                        "Builder '%s' being cleaned up from ABORTED" %
+                        (self.builder.name,))
+                d = self.cleanSlave()
+                return d.addCallback(lambda ignored: status_sentence)
+            else:
+                return status_sentence
+        def rescue_slave(status_sentence):
+            # If slave is not building nor waiting, it's not in need of
+            # rescuing.
+            status = status_sentence[0]
+            if status not in ident_position.keys():
+                return
+            slave_build_id = status_sentence[ident_position[status]]
+            try:
+                self.verifySlaveBuildCookie(slave_build_id)
+            except CorruptBuildCookie as reason:
+                if status == 'BuilderStatus.WAITING':
+                    d = self.cleanSlave()
+                else:
+                    d = self.requestAbort()
+                def log_rescue(ignored):
+                    if logger:
+                        logger.info(
+                            "Builder '%s' rescued from '%s': '%s'" %
+                            (self.builder.name, slave_build_id, reason))
+                return d.addCallback(log_rescue)
+        d.addCallback(got_status)
+        d.addCallback(rescue_slave)
+        return d
+    def updateStatus(self, logger=None):
+        """Update the builder's status by probing it.
+        :return: A Deferred that fires when the dialog with the slave is
+            finished.  It does not have a return value.
+        """
+        if logger:
+            logger.debug('Checking %s' % self.builder.name)
+        return self.rescueIfLost(logger)
+    def cleanSlave(self):
+        """Clean any temporary files from the slave.
+        :return: A Deferred that fires when the dialog with the slave is
+            finished.  It does not have a return value.
+        """
+        return self.slave.clean()
+    def requestAbort(self):
+        """Ask that a build be aborted.
+        This takes place asynchronously: Actually killing everything running
+        can take some time so the slave status should be queried again to
+        detect when the abort has taken effect. (Look for status ABORTED).
+        :return: A Deferred that fires when the dialog with the slave is
+            finished.  It does not have a return value.
+        """
+        return self.slave.abort()
+    def resumeSlaveHost(self):
+        """Resume the slave host to a known good condition.
+        Issues 'builddmaster.vm_resume_command' specified in the configuration
+        to resume the slave.
+        :raises: CannotResumeHost: if builder is not virtual or if the
+            configuration command has failed.
+        :return: A Deferred that fires when the resume operation finishes,
+            whose value is a (stdout, stderr) tuple for success, or a Failure
+            whose value is a CannotResumeHost exception.
+        """
+        if not self.builder.virtualized:
+            return defer.fail(CannotResumeHost('Builder is not virtualized.'))
+        if not self.builder.vm_host:
+            return defer.fail(CannotResumeHost('Undefined vm_host.'))
+        logger = self._getSlaveScannerLogger()
+        logger.info("Resuming %s (%s)" % (self.builder.name, self.builder.url))
+        d = self.slave.resume()
+        def got_resume_ok((stdout, stderr, returncode)):
+            return stdout, stderr
+        def got_resume_bad(failure):
+            stdout, stderr, code = failure.value
+            raise CannotResumeHost(
+                "Resuming failed:\nOUT:\n%s\nERR:\n%s\n" % (stdout, stderr))
+        return d.addCallback(got_resume_ok).addErrback(got_resume_bad)
+    def _startBuild(self, build_queue_item, logger):
+        """Start a build on this builder.
+        :param build_queue_item: A BuildQueueItem to build.
+        :param logger: A logger to be used to log diagnostic information.
+        :return: A Deferred that fires after the dispatch has completed whose
+            value is None, or a Failure that contains an exception
+            explaining what went wrong.
+        """
+        needed_bfjb = type(removeSecurityProxy(
+            build_queue_item.required_build_behavior))
+        if not zope_isinstance(self.current_build_behavior, needed_bfjb):
+            raise AssertionError(
+                "Inappropriate IBuildFarmJobBehavior: %r is not a %r" %
+                (self.current_build_behavior, needed_bfjb))
+        self.current_build_behavior.logStartBuild(logger)
+        # Make sure the request is valid; an exception is raised if it's not.
+        self.current_build_behavior.verifyBuildRequest(logger)
+        # Set the build behavior depending on the provided build queue item.
+        if not self.builder.builderok:
+            raise BuildDaemonError(
+                "Attempted to start a build on a known-bad builder.")
+        # If we are building a virtual build, resume the virtual machine.
+        if self.builder.virtualized:
+            d = self.resumeSlaveHost()
+        else:
+            d = defer.succeed(None)
+        def ping_done(ignored):
+            return self.current_build_behavior.dispatchBuildToSlave(
+                build_queue_item.id, logger)
+        def resume_done(ignored):
+            # Before we try and contact the resumed slave, we're going
+            # to send it a message.  This is to ensure it's accepting
+            # packets from the outside world, because testing has shown
+            # that the first packet will randomly fail for no apparent
+            # reason.  This could be a quirk of the Xen guest, we're not
+            # sure.  We also don't care about the result from this message,
+            # just that it's sent, hence the "addBoth".
+            # See bug 586359.
+            if self.builder.virtualized:
+                d = self.slave.echo("ping")
+            else:
+                d = defer.succeed(None)
+            d.addBoth(ping_done)
+            return d
+        d.addCallback(resume_done)
+        return d
+    def _dispatchBuildCandidate(self, candidate):
+        """Dispatch the pending job to the associated buildd slave.
+        This method can only be executed in the builddmaster machine, since
+        it will actually issues the XMLRPC call to the buildd-slave.
+        :param candidate: The job to dispatch.
+        """
+        logger = self._getSlaveScannerLogger()
+        # Using maybeDeferred ensures that any exceptions are also
+        # wrapped up and caught later.
+        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._startBuild, candidate, logger)
+        return d
+    def resetOrFail(self, logger, exception):
+        """Handle "confirmed" build slave failures.
+        Call this when there have been multiple failures that are not just
+        the fault of failing jobs, or when the builder has entered an
+        ABORTED state without having been asked to do so.
+        In case of a virtualized/PPA buildd slave an attempt will be made
+        to reset it (using `resumeSlaveHost`).
+        Conversely, a non-virtualized buildd slave will be (marked as)
+        failed straightaway (using `failBuilder`).
+        :param logger: The logger object to be used for logging.
+        :param exception: An exception to be used for logging.
+        :return: A Deferred that fires after the virtual slave was resumed
+            or immediately if it's a non-virtual slave.
+        """
+        error_message = str(exception)
+        if self.builder.virtualized:
+            # Virtualized/PPA builder: attempt a reset, unless the failure
+            # was itself a failure to reset.  (In that case, the slave
+            # scanner will try again until we reach the failure threshold.)
+            if not isinstance(exception, CannotResumeHost):
+                logger.warn(
+                    "Resetting builder: %s -- %s" % (
+                        self.builder.url, error_message),
+                    exc_info=True)
+                return self.resumeSlaveHost()
+        else:
+            # XXX: This should really let the failure bubble up to the
+            # scan() method that does the failure counting.
+            # Mark builder as 'failed'.
+            logger.warn(
+                "Disabling builder: %s -- %s" % (
+                    self.builder.url, error_message))
+            self.builder.failBuilder(error_message)
+        return defer.succeed(None)
+    def findAndStartJob(self):
+        """Find a job to run and send it to the buildd slave.
+        :return: A Deferred whose value is the `IBuildQueue` instance
+            found or None if no job was found.
+        """
+        # XXX This method should be removed in favour of two separately
+        # called methods that find and dispatch the job.  It will
+        # require a lot of test fixing.
+        logger = self._getSlaveScannerLogger()
+        candidate = self.builder.acquireBuildCandidate()
+        if candidate is None:
+            logger.debug("No build candidates available for builder.")
+            return defer.succeed(None)
+        d = self._dispatchBuildCandidate(candidate)
+        return d.addCallback(lambda ignored: candidate)
+    def updateBuild(self, queueItem):
+        """Verify the current build job status.
+        Perform the required actions for each state.
+        :return: A Deferred that fires when the slave dialog is finished.
+        """
+        return self.current_build_behavior.updateBuild(queueItem)
+    def transferSlaveFileToLibrarian(self, file_sha1, filename, private):
+        """Transfer a file from the slave to the librarian.
+        :param file_sha1: The file's sha1, which is how the file is addressed
+            in the slave XMLRPC protocol. Specially, the file_sha1 'buildlog'
+            will cause the build log to be retrieved and gzipped.
+        :param filename: The name of the file to be given to the librarian
+            file alias.
+        :param private: True if the build is for a private archive.
+        :return: A Deferred that calls back with a librarian file alias.
+        """
+        out_file_fd, out_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".buildlog")
+        out_file = os.fdopen(out_file_fd, "r+")
+        def got_file(ignored, filename, out_file, out_file_name):
+            try:
+                # If the requested file is the 'buildlog' compress it
+                # using gzip before storing in Librarian.
+                if file_sha1 == 'buildlog':
+                    out_file = open(out_file_name)
+                    filename += '.gz'
+                    out_file_name += '.gz'
+                    gz_file = gzip.GzipFile(out_file_name, mode='wb')
+                    copy_and_close(out_file, gz_file)
+                    os.remove(out_file_name.replace('.gz', ''))
+                # Reopen the file, seek to its end position, count and seek
+                # to beginning, ready for adding to the Librarian.
+                out_file = open(out_file_name)
+                out_file.seek(0, 2)
+                bytes_written = out_file.tell()
+                out_file.seek(0)
+                library_file = getUtility(ILibraryFileAliasSet).create(
+                    filename, bytes_written, out_file,
+                    contentType=filenameToContentType(filename),
+                    restricted=private)
+            finally:
+                # Remove the temporary file.  getFile() closes the file
+                # object.
+                os.remove(out_file_name)
+            return library_file.id
+        d = self.slave.getFile(file_sha1, out_file)
+        d.addCallback(got_file, filename, out_file, out_file_name)
+        return d
+    def _getSlaveScannerLogger(self):
+        """Return the logger instance from buildd-slave-scanner.py."""
+        # XXX cprov 20071120: Ideally the Launchpad logging system
+        # should be able to configure the root-logger instead of creating
+        # a new object, then the logger lookups won't require the specific
+        # name argument anymore. See bug 164203.
+        logger = logging.getLogger('slave-scanner')
+        return logger

=== modified file 'lib/lp/buildmaster/manager.py'
--- lib/lp/buildmaster/manager.py	2013-08-19 23:23:19 +0000
+++ lib/lp/buildmaster/manager.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 from zope.component import getUtility
 from lp.buildmaster.enums import BuildStatus
+from lp.buildmaster.interactor import BuilderInteractor
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder import (
@@ -33,10 +34,7 @@
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildfarmjobbehavior import (
-from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import (
-    Builder,
-    BuilderInteractor,
-    )
+from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import Builder
 from lp.services.propertycache import get_property_cache

=== modified file 'lib/lp/buildmaster/model/builder.py'
--- lib/lp/buildmaster/model/builder.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
+++ lib/lp/buildmaster/model/builder.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
@@ -5,20 +5,10 @@
 __all__ = [
-    'BuilderInteractor',
-    'ProxyWithConnectionTimeout',
-    'rescueBuilderIfLost',
-    'updateBuilderStatus',
-import gzip
 import logging
-import os
-import socket
-import tempfile
-from urlparse import urlparse
-import xmlrpclib
 from sqlobject import (
@@ -33,38 +23,21 @@
 import transaction
-from twisted.internet import (
-    defer,
-    reactor as default_reactor,
-    )
-from twisted.web import xmlrpc
-from twisted.web.client import downloadPage
 from zope.component import getUtility
 from zope.interface import implements
-from zope.security.proxy import (
-    isinstance as zope_isinstance,
-    removeSecurityProxy,
-    )
 from lp.app.errors import NotFoundError
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder import (
-    BuildDaemonError,
-    BuildSlaveFailure,
-    CannotFetchFile,
-    CannotResumeHost,
-    CorruptBuildCookie,
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildfarmjob import IBuildFarmJobSet
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildqueue import IBuildQueueSet
-from lp.buildmaster.model.buildfarmjobbehavior import IdleBuildBehavior
 from lp.buildmaster.model.buildqueue import (
 from lp.registry.interfaces.person import validate_public_person
-from lp.services.config import config
 from lp.services.database.interfaces import (
@@ -73,15 +46,9 @@
-from lp.services.helpers import filenameToContentType
 from lp.services.job.interfaces.job import JobStatus
 from lp.services.job.model.job import Job
-from lp.services.librarian.interfaces import ILibraryFileAliasSet
-from lp.services.librarian.utils import copy_and_close
 from lp.services.propertycache import cachedproperty
-from lp.services.twistedsupport import cancel_on_timeout
-from lp.services.twistedsupport.processmonitor import ProcessWithTimeout
-from lp.services.webapp import urlappend
 # XXX Michael Nelson 2010-01-13 bug=491330
 # These dependencies on soyuz will be removed when getBuildRecords()
 # is moved.
@@ -93,691 +60,6 @@
 from lp.soyuz.model.processor import Processor
-class QuietQueryFactory(xmlrpc._QueryFactory):
-    """XMLRPC client factory that doesn't splatter the log with junk."""
-    noisy = False
-class ProxyWithConnectionTimeout(xmlrpc.Proxy):
-    """Extend Twisted's Proxy to provide a configurable connection timeout."""
-    def __init__(self, url, user=None, password=None, allowNone=False,
-                 useDateTime=False, timeout=None):
-        xmlrpc.Proxy.__init__(
-            self, url, user, password, allowNone, useDateTime)
-        self.timeout = timeout
-    def callRemote(self, method, *args):
-        """Basically a carbon copy of the parent but passes the timeout
-        to connectTCP."""
-        def cancel(d):
-            factory.deferred = None
-            connector.disconnect()
-        factory = self.queryFactory(
-            self.path, self.host, method, self.user,
-            self.password, self.allowNone, args, cancel, self.useDateTime)
-        if self.secure:
-            from twisted.internet import ssl
-            connector = default_reactor.connectSSL(
-                self.host, self.port or 443, factory,
-                ssl.ClientContextFactory(),
-                timeout=self.timeout)
-        else:
-            connector = default_reactor.connectTCP(
-                self.host, self.port or 80, factory,
-                timeout=self.timeout)
-        return factory.deferred
-class BuilderSlave(object):
-    """Add in a few useful methods for the XMLRPC slave.
-    :ivar url: The URL of the actual builder. The XML-RPC resource and
-        the filecache live beneath this.
-    """
-    # WARNING: If you change the API for this, you should also change the APIs
-    # of the mocks in soyuzbuilderhelpers to match. Otherwise, you will have
-    # many false positives in your test run and will most likely break
-    # production.
-    def __init__(self, proxy, builder_url, vm_host, timeout, reactor):
-        """Initialize a BuilderSlave.
-        :param proxy: An XML-RPC proxy, implementing 'callRemote'. It must
-            support passing and returning None objects.
-        :param builder_url: The URL of the builder.
-        :param vm_host: The VM host to use when resuming.
-        """
-        self.url = builder_url
-        self._vm_host = vm_host
-        self._file_cache_url = urlappend(builder_url, 'filecache')
-        self._server = proxy
-        self.timeout = timeout
-        self.reactor = reactor
-    @classmethod
-    def makeBuilderSlave(cls, builder_url, vm_host, timeout, reactor=None,
-                         proxy=None):
-        """Create and return a `BuilderSlave`.
-        :param builder_url: The URL of the slave buildd machine,
-            e.g. http://localhost:8221
-        :param vm_host: If the slave is virtual, specify its host machine
-            here.
-        :param reactor: Used by tests to override the Twisted reactor.
-        :param proxy: Used By tests to override the xmlrpc.Proxy.
-        """
-        rpc_url = urlappend(builder_url.encode('utf-8'), 'rpc')
-        if proxy is None:
-            server_proxy = ProxyWithConnectionTimeout(
-                rpc_url, allowNone=True, timeout=timeout)
-            server_proxy.queryFactory = QuietQueryFactory
-        else:
-            server_proxy = proxy
-        return cls(server_proxy, builder_url, vm_host, timeout, reactor)
-    def _with_timeout(self, d):
-        return cancel_on_timeout(d, self.timeout, self.reactor)
-    def abort(self):
-        """Abort the current build."""
-        return self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote('abort'))
-    def clean(self):
-        """Clean up the waiting files and reset the slave's internal state."""
-        return self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote('clean'))
-    def echo(self, *args):
-        """Echo the arguments back."""
-        return self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote('echo', *args))
-    def info(self):
-        """Return the protocol version and the builder methods supported."""
-        return self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote('info'))
-    def status(self):
-        """Return the status of the build daemon."""
-        return self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote('status'))
-    def ensurepresent(self, sha1sum, url, username, password):
-        # XXX: Nothing external calls this. Make it private.
-        """Attempt to ensure the given file is present."""
-        return self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote(
-            'ensurepresent', sha1sum, url, username, password))
-    def getFile(self, sha_sum, file_to_write):
-        """Fetch a file from the builder.
-        :param sha_sum: The sha of the file (which is also its name on the
-            builder)
-        :param file_to_write: A file name or file-like object to write
-            the file to
-        :return: A Deferred that calls back when the download is done, or
-            errback with the error string.
-        """
-        file_url = urlappend(self._file_cache_url, sha_sum).encode('utf8')
-        # If desired we can pass a param "timeout" here but let's leave
-        # it at the default value if it becomes obvious we need to
-        # change it.
-        return downloadPage(file_url, file_to_write, followRedirect=0)
-    def getFiles(self, filemap):
-        """Fetch many files from the builder.
-        :param filemap: A Dictionary containing key values of the builder
-            file name to retrieve, which maps to a value containing the
-            file name or file object to write the file to.
-        :return: A DeferredList that calls back when the download is done.
-        """
-        dl = defer.gatherResults([
-            self.getFile(builder_file, filemap[builder_file])
-            for builder_file in filemap])
-        return dl
-    def resume(self, clock=None):
-        """Resume the builder in an asynchronous fashion.
-        We use the builddmaster configuration 'socket_timeout' as
-        the process timeout.
-        :param clock: An optional twisted.internet.task.Clock to override
-                      the default clock.  For use in tests.
-        :return: a Deferred that returns a
-            (stdout, stderr, subprocess exitcode) triple
-        """
-        url_components = urlparse(self.url)
-        buildd_name = url_components.hostname.split('.')[0]
-        resume_command = config.builddmaster.vm_resume_command % {
-            'vm_host': self._vm_host,
-            'buildd_name': buildd_name}
-        # Twisted API requires string but the configuration provides unicode.
-        resume_argv = [
-            term.encode('utf-8') for term in resume_command.split()]
-        d = defer.Deferred()
-        p = ProcessWithTimeout(d, self.timeout, clock=clock)
-        p.spawnProcess(resume_argv[0], tuple(resume_argv))
-        return d
-    def cacheFile(self, logger, libraryfilealias):
-        """Make sure that the file at 'libraryfilealias' is on the slave.
-        :param logger: A python `Logger` object.
-        :param libraryfilealias: An `ILibraryFileAlias`.
-        """
-        url = libraryfilealias.http_url
-        logger.info(
-            "Asking builder on %s to ensure it has file %s (%s, %s)" % (
-                self._file_cache_url, libraryfilealias.filename, url,
-                libraryfilealias.content.sha1))
-        return self.sendFileToSlave(libraryfilealias.content.sha1, url)
-    def sendFileToSlave(self, sha1, url, username="", password=""):
-        """Helper to send the file at 'url' with 'sha1' to this builder."""
-        d = self.ensurepresent(sha1, url, username, password)
-        def check_present((present, info)):
-            if not present:
-                raise CannotFetchFile(url, info)
-        return d.addCallback(check_present)
-    def build(self, buildid, builder_type, chroot_sha1, filemap, args):
-        """Build a thing on this build slave.
-        :param buildid: A string identifying this build.
-        :param builder_type: The type of builder needed.
-        :param chroot_sha1: XXX
-        :param filemap: A dictionary mapping from paths to SHA-1 hashes of
-            the file contents.
-        :param args: A dictionary of extra arguments. The contents depend on
-            the build job type.
-        """
-        d = self._with_timeout(self._server.callRemote(
-            'build', buildid, builder_type, chroot_sha1, filemap, args))
-        def got_fault(failure):
-            failure.trap(xmlrpclib.Fault)
-            raise BuildSlaveFailure(failure.value)
-        return d.addErrback(got_fault)
-# This is a separate function since MockBuilder needs to use it too.
-# Do not use it -- (Mock)Builder.rescueIfLost should be used instead.
-def rescueBuilderIfLost(interactor, logger=None):
-    """See `IBuilder`."""
-    # 'ident_position' dict relates the position of the job identifier
-    # token in the sentence received from status(), according to the
-    # two statuses we care about. See lp:launchpad-buildd
-    # for further information about sentence format.
-    ident_position = {
-        'BuilderStatus.BUILDING': 1,
-        'BuilderStatus.WAITING': 2
-        }
-    d = interactor.slaveStatusSentence()
-    def got_status(status_sentence):
-        """After we get the status, clean if we have to.
-        Always return status_sentence.
-        """
-        # Isolate the BuilderStatus string, always the first token in
-        # IBuilder.slaveStatusSentence().
-        status = status_sentence[0]
-        # If the cookie test below fails, it will request an abort of the
-        # builder.  This will leave the builder in the aborted state and
-        # with no assigned job, and we should now "clean" the slave which
-        # will reset its state back to IDLE, ready to accept new builds.
-        # This situation is usually caused by a temporary loss of
-        # communications with the slave and the build manager had to reset
-        # the job.
-        if (status == 'BuilderStatus.ABORTED'
-                and interactor.builder.currentjob is None):
-            if not interactor.builder.virtualized:
-                # We can't reset non-virtual builders reliably as the
-                # abort() function doesn't kill the actual build job,
-                # only the sbuild process!  All we can do here is fail
-                # the builder with a message indicating the problem and
-                # wait for an admin to reboot it.
-                interactor.builder.failBuilder(
-                    "Non-virtual builder in ABORTED state, requires admin to "
-                    "restart")
-                return "dummy status"
-            if logger is not None:
-                logger.info(
-                    "Builder '%s' being cleaned up from ABORTED" %
-                    (interactor.builder.name,))
-            d = interactor.cleanSlave()
-            return d.addCallback(lambda ignored: status_sentence)
-        else:
-            return status_sentence
-    def rescue_slave(status_sentence):
-        # If slave is not building nor waiting, it's not in need of rescuing.
-        status = status_sentence[0]
-        if status not in ident_position.keys():
-            return
-        slave_build_id = status_sentence[ident_position[status]]
-        try:
-            interactor.verifySlaveBuildCookie(slave_build_id)
-        except CorruptBuildCookie as reason:
-            if status == 'BuilderStatus.WAITING':
-                d = interactor.cleanSlave()
-            else:
-                d = interactor.requestAbort()
-            def log_rescue(ignored):
-                if logger:
-                    logger.info(
-                        "Builder '%s' rescued from '%s': '%s'" %
-                        (interactor.builder.name, slave_build_id, reason))
-            return d.addCallback(log_rescue)
-    d.addCallback(got_status)
-    d.addCallback(rescue_slave)
-    return d
-def updateBuilderStatus(interactor, logger=None):
-    """See `IBuilder`."""
-    if logger:
-        logger.debug('Checking %s' % interactor.builder.name)
-    return interactor.rescueIfLost(logger)
-class BuilderInteractor(object):
-    _cached_build_behavior = None
-    _cached_currentjob = None
-    _cached_slave = None
-    _cached_slave_attrs = None
-    # Tests can override current_build_behavior and slave.
-    _override_behavior = None
-    _override_slave = None
-    def __init__(self, builder, override_slave=None, override_behavior=None):
-        self.builder = builder
-        self._override_slave = override_slave
-        self._override_behavior = override_behavior
-    @property
-    def slave(self):
-        """See IBuilder."""
-        if self._override_slave is not None:
-            return self._override_slave
-        # The slave cache is invalidated when the builder's URL, VM host
-        # or virtualisation change.
-        new_slave_attrs = (
-            self.builder.url, self.builder.vm_host, self.builder.virtualized)
-        if self._cached_slave_attrs != new_slave_attrs:
-            if self.builder.virtualized:
-                timeout = config.builddmaster.virtualized_socket_timeout
-            else:
-                timeout = config.builddmaster.socket_timeout
-            self._cached_slave = BuilderSlave.makeBuilderSlave(
-                self.builder.url, self.builder.vm_host, timeout)
-            self._cached_slave_attrs = new_slave_attrs
-        return self._cached_slave
-    @property
-    def current_build_behavior(self):
-        """Return the current build behavior."""
-        if self._override_behavior is not None:
-            return self._override_behavior
-        # The current_build_behavior cache is invalidated when
-        # builder.currentjob changes.
-        currentjob = self.builder.currentjob
-        if currentjob is None:
-            if not isinstance(
-                    self._cached_build_behavior, IdleBuildBehavior):
-                self._cached_build_behavior = IdleBuildBehavior()
-        elif currentjob != self._cached_currentjob:
-            self._cached_build_behavior = currentjob.required_build_behavior
-            self._cached_build_behavior.setBuilderInteractor(self)
-            self._cached_currentjob = currentjob
-        return self._cached_build_behavior
-    def slaveStatus(self):
-        """Get the slave status for this builder.
-        :return: A Deferred which fires when the slave dialog is complete.
-            Its value is a dict containing at least builder_status, but
-            potentially other values included by the current build
-            behavior.
-        """
-        d = self.slave.status()
-        def got_status(status_sentence):
-            status = {'builder_status': status_sentence[0]}
-            # Extract detailed status and log information if present.
-            # Although build_id is also easily extractable here, there is no
-            # valid reason for anything to use it, so we exclude it.
-            if status['builder_status'] == 'BuilderStatus.WAITING':
-                status['build_status'] = status_sentence[1]
-            else:
-                if status['builder_status'] == 'BuilderStatus.BUILDING':
-                    status['logtail'] = status_sentence[2]
-            self.current_build_behavior.updateSlaveStatus(
-                status_sentence, status)
-            return status
-        return d.addCallback(got_status)
-    def slaveStatusSentence(self):
-        """Get the slave status sentence for this builder.
-        :return: A Deferred which fires when the slave dialog is complete.
-            Its value is a  tuple with the first element containing the
-            slave status, build_id-queue-id and then optionally more
-            elements depending on the status.
-        """
-        return self.slave.status()
-    def verifySlaveBuildCookie(self, slave_build_id):
-        """Verify that a slave's build cookie is consistent.
-        This should delegate to the current `IBuildFarmJobBehavior`.
-        """
-        return self.current_build_behavior.verifySlaveBuildCookie(
-            slave_build_id)
-    def isAvailable(self):
-        """Whether or not a builder is available for building new jobs.
-        :return: A Deferred that fires with True or False, depending on
-            whether the builder is available or not.
-        """
-        if not self.builder.builderok:
-            return defer.succeed(False)
-        d = self.slaveStatusSentence()
-        def catch_fault(failure):
-            failure.trap(xmlrpclib.Fault, socket.error)
-            return False
-        def check_available(status):
-            return status[0] == 'BuilderStatus.IDLE'
-        return d.addCallbacks(check_available, catch_fault)
-    def rescueIfLost(self, logger=None):
-        """Reset the slave if its job information doesn't match the DB.
-        This checks the build ID reported in the slave status against the
-        database. If it isn't building what we think it should be, the current
-        build will be aborted and the slave cleaned in preparation for a new
-        task. The decision about the slave's correctness is left up to
-        `IBuildFarmJobBehavior.verifySlaveBuildCookie`.
-        :return: A Deferred that fires when the dialog with the slave is
-            finished.  It does not have a return value.
-        """
-        return rescueBuilderIfLost(self, logger)
-    def updateStatus(self, logger=None):
-        """Update the builder's status by probing it.
-        :return: A Deferred that fires when the dialog with the slave is
-            finished.  It does not have a return value.
-        """
-        return updateBuilderStatus(self, logger)
-    def cleanSlave(self):
-        """Clean any temporary files from the slave.
-        :return: A Deferred that fires when the dialog with the slave is
-            finished.  It does not have a return value.
-        """
-        return self.slave.clean()
-    def requestAbort(self):
-        """Ask that a build be aborted.
-        This takes place asynchronously: Actually killing everything running
-        can take some time so the slave status should be queried again to
-        detect when the abort has taken effect. (Look for status ABORTED).
-        :return: A Deferred that fires when the dialog with the slave is
-            finished.  It does not have a return value.
-        """
-        return self.slave.abort()
-    def resumeSlaveHost(self):
-        """Resume the slave host to a known good condition.
-        Issues 'builddmaster.vm_resume_command' specified in the configuration
-        to resume the slave.
-        :raises: CannotResumeHost: if builder is not virtual or if the
-            configuration command has failed.
-        :return: A Deferred that fires when the resume operation finishes,
-            whose value is a (stdout, stderr) tuple for success, or a Failure
-            whose value is a CannotResumeHost exception.
-        """
-        if not self.builder.virtualized:
-            return defer.fail(CannotResumeHost('Builder is not virtualized.'))
-        if not self.builder.vm_host:
-            return defer.fail(CannotResumeHost('Undefined vm_host.'))
-        logger = self._getSlaveScannerLogger()
-        logger.info("Resuming %s (%s)" % (self.builder.name, self.builder.url))
-        d = self.slave.resume()
-        def got_resume_ok((stdout, stderr, returncode)):
-            return stdout, stderr
-        def got_resume_bad(failure):
-            stdout, stderr, code = failure.value
-            raise CannotResumeHost(
-                "Resuming failed:\nOUT:\n%s\nERR:\n%s\n" % (stdout, stderr))
-        return d.addCallback(got_resume_ok).addErrback(got_resume_bad)
-    def _startBuild(self, build_queue_item, logger):
-        """Start a build on this builder.
-        :param build_queue_item: A BuildQueueItem to build.
-        :param logger: A logger to be used to log diagnostic information.
-        :return: A Deferred that fires after the dispatch has completed whose
-            value is None, or a Failure that contains an exception
-            explaining what went wrong.
-        """
-        needed_bfjb = type(removeSecurityProxy(
-            build_queue_item.required_build_behavior))
-        if not zope_isinstance(self.current_build_behavior, needed_bfjb):
-            raise AssertionError(
-                "Inappropriate IBuildFarmJobBehavior: %r is not a %r" %
-                (self.current_build_behavior, needed_bfjb))
-        self.current_build_behavior.logStartBuild(logger)
-        # Make sure the request is valid; an exception is raised if it's not.
-        self.current_build_behavior.verifyBuildRequest(logger)
-        # Set the build behavior depending on the provided build queue item.
-        if not self.builder.builderok:
-            raise BuildDaemonError(
-                "Attempted to start a build on a known-bad builder.")
-        # If we are building a virtual build, resume the virtual machine.
-        if self.builder.virtualized:
-            d = self.resumeSlaveHost()
-        else:
-            d = defer.succeed(None)
-        def ping_done(ignored):
-            return self.current_build_behavior.dispatchBuildToSlave(
-                build_queue_item.id, logger)
-        def resume_done(ignored):
-            # Before we try and contact the resumed slave, we're going
-            # to send it a message.  This is to ensure it's accepting
-            # packets from the outside world, because testing has shown
-            # that the first packet will randomly fail for no apparent
-            # reason.  This could be a quirk of the Xen guest, we're not
-            # sure.  We also don't care about the result from this message,
-            # just that it's sent, hence the "addBoth".
-            # See bug 586359.
-            if self.builder.virtualized:
-                d = self.slave.echo("ping")
-            else:
-                d = defer.succeed(None)
-            d.addBoth(ping_done)
-            return d
-        d.addCallback(resume_done)
-        return d
-    def _dispatchBuildCandidate(self, candidate):
-        """Dispatch the pending job to the associated buildd slave.
-        This method can only be executed in the builddmaster machine, since
-        it will actually issues the XMLRPC call to the buildd-slave.
-        :param candidate: The job to dispatch.
-        """
-        logger = self._getSlaveScannerLogger()
-        # Using maybeDeferred ensures that any exceptions are also
-        # wrapped up and caught later.
-        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._startBuild, candidate, logger)
-        return d
-    def resetOrFail(self, logger, exception):
-        """Handle "confirmed" build slave failures.
-        Call this when there have been multiple failures that are not just
-        the fault of failing jobs, or when the builder has entered an
-        ABORTED state without having been asked to do so.
-        In case of a virtualized/PPA buildd slave an attempt will be made
-        to reset it (using `resumeSlaveHost`).
-        Conversely, a non-virtualized buildd slave will be (marked as)
-        failed straightaway (using `failBuilder`).
-        :param logger: The logger object to be used for logging.
-        :param exception: An exception to be used for logging.
-        :return: A Deferred that fires after the virtual slave was resumed
-            or immediately if it's a non-virtual slave.
-        """
-        error_message = str(exception)
-        if self.builder.virtualized:
-            # Virtualized/PPA builder: attempt a reset, unless the failure
-            # was itself a failure to reset.  (In that case, the slave
-            # scanner will try again until we reach the failure threshold.)
-            if not isinstance(exception, CannotResumeHost):
-                logger.warn(
-                    "Resetting builder: %s -- %s" % (
-                        self.builder.url, error_message),
-                    exc_info=True)
-                return self.resumeSlaveHost()
-        else:
-            # XXX: This should really let the failure bubble up to the
-            # scan() method that does the failure counting.
-            # Mark builder as 'failed'.
-            logger.warn(
-                "Disabling builder: %s -- %s" % (
-                    self.builder.url, error_message))
-            self.builder.failBuilder(error_message)
-        return defer.succeed(None)
-    def findAndStartJob(self):
-        """Find a job to run and send it to the buildd slave.
-        :return: A Deferred whose value is the `IBuildQueue` instance
-            found or None if no job was found.
-        """
-        # XXX This method should be removed in favour of two separately
-        # called methods that find and dispatch the job.  It will
-        # require a lot of test fixing.
-        logger = self._getSlaveScannerLogger()
-        candidate = self.builder.acquireBuildCandidate()
-        if candidate is None:
-            logger.debug("No build candidates available for builder.")
-            return defer.succeed(None)
-        d = self._dispatchBuildCandidate(candidate)
-        return d.addCallback(lambda ignored: candidate)
-    def updateBuild(self, queueItem):
-        """Verify the current build job status.
-        Perform the required actions for each state.
-        :return: A Deferred that fires when the slave dialog is finished.
-        """
-        return self.current_build_behavior.updateBuild(queueItem)
-    def transferSlaveFileToLibrarian(self, file_sha1, filename, private):
-        """Transfer a file from the slave to the librarian.
-        :param file_sha1: The file's sha1, which is how the file is addressed
-            in the slave XMLRPC protocol. Specially, the file_sha1 'buildlog'
-            will cause the build log to be retrieved and gzipped.
-        :param filename: The name of the file to be given to the librarian
-            file alias.
-        :param private: True if the build is for a private archive.
-        :return: A Deferred that calls back with a librarian file alias.
-        """
-        out_file_fd, out_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".buildlog")
-        out_file = os.fdopen(out_file_fd, "r+")
-        def got_file(ignored, filename, out_file, out_file_name):
-            try:
-                # If the requested file is the 'buildlog' compress it
-                # using gzip before storing in Librarian.
-                if file_sha1 == 'buildlog':
-                    out_file = open(out_file_name)
-                    filename += '.gz'
-                    out_file_name += '.gz'
-                    gz_file = gzip.GzipFile(out_file_name, mode='wb')
-                    copy_and_close(out_file, gz_file)
-                    os.remove(out_file_name.replace('.gz', ''))
-                # Reopen the file, seek to its end position, count and seek
-                # to beginning, ready for adding to the Librarian.
-                out_file = open(out_file_name)
-                out_file.seek(0, 2)
-                bytes_written = out_file.tell()
-                out_file.seek(0)
-                library_file = getUtility(ILibraryFileAliasSet).create(
-                    filename, bytes_written, out_file,
-                    contentType=filenameToContentType(filename),
-                    restricted=private)
-            finally:
-                # Remove the temporary file.  getFile() closes the file
-                # object.
-                os.remove(out_file_name)
-            return library_file.id
-        d = self.slave.getFile(file_sha1, out_file)
-        d.addCallback(got_file, filename, out_file, out_file_name)
-        return d
-    def _getSlaveScannerLogger(self):
-        """Return the logger instance from buildd-slave-scanner.py."""
-        # XXX cprov 20071120: Ideally the Launchpad logging system
-        # should be able to configure the root-logger instead of creating
-        # a new object, then the logger lookups won't require the specific
-        # name argument anymore. See bug 164203.
-        logger = logging.getLogger('slave-scanner')
-        return logger
 class Builder(SQLBase):
     implements(IBuilder, IHasBuildRecords)

=== modified file 'lib/lp/buildmaster/tests/mock_slaves.py'
--- lib/lp/buildmaster/tests/mock_slaves.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
+++ lib/lp/buildmaster/tests/mock_slaves.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
 from twisted.internet import defer
 from twisted.web import xmlrpc
+from lp.buildmaster.interactor import BuilderSlave
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder import (
-from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import BuilderSlave
 from lp.services.config import config
 from lp.testing.sampledata import I386_ARCHITECTURE_NAME

=== modified file 'lib/lp/buildmaster/tests/test_builder.py'
--- lib/lp/buildmaster/tests/test_builder.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
+++ lib/lp/buildmaster/tests/test_builder.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
@@ -29,21 +29,18 @@
 from lp.buildmaster.enums import BuildStatus
+from lp.buildmaster.interactor import (
+    BuilderInteractor,
+    BuilderSlave,
+    ProxyWithConnectionTimeout,
+    )
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder import (
-from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildfarmjobbehavior import (
-    IBuildFarmJobBehavior,
-    )
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildqueue import IBuildQueueSet
-from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import (
-    BuilderInteractor,
-    BuilderSlave,
-    ProxyWithConnectionTimeout,
-    )
 from lp.buildmaster.model.buildfarmjobbehavior import IdleBuildBehavior
 from lp.buildmaster.model.buildqueue import BuildQueue
 from lp.buildmaster.tests.mock_slaves import (

=== modified file 'lib/lp/buildmaster/tests/test_buildfarmjobbehavior.py'
--- lib/lp/buildmaster/tests/test_buildfarmjobbehavior.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
+++ lib/lp/buildmaster/tests/test_buildfarmjobbehavior.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 from lp.archiveuploader.uploadprocessor import parse_build_upload_leaf_name
 from lp.buildmaster.enums import BuildStatus
+from lp.buildmaster.interactor import BuilderInteractor
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder import CorruptBuildCookie
-from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import BuilderInteractor
 from lp.buildmaster.model.buildfarmjobbehavior import BuildFarmJobBehaviorBase
 from lp.buildmaster.tests.mock_slaves import WaitingSlave
 from lp.registry.interfaces.pocket import PackagePublishingPocket

=== modified file 'lib/lp/buildmaster/tests/test_manager.py'
--- lib/lp/buildmaster/tests/test_manager.py	2013-08-19 23:23:19 +0000
+++ lib/lp/buildmaster/tests/test_manager.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
 from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
 from lp.buildmaster.enums import BuildStatus
+from lp.buildmaster.interactor import (
+    BuilderInteractor,
+    BuilderSlave,
+    )
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder import IBuilderSet
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildqueue import IBuildQueueSet
 from lp.buildmaster.manager import (
@@ -33,11 +37,7 @@
-from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import (
-    Builder,
-    BuilderInteractor,
-    BuilderSlave,
-    )
+from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import Builder
 from lp.buildmaster.tests.harness import BuilddManagerTestSetup
 from lp.buildmaster.tests.mock_slaves import (

=== modified file 'lib/lp/code/model/tests/test_recipebuilder.py'
--- lib/lp/code/model/tests/test_recipebuilder.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
+++ lib/lp/code/model/tests/test_recipebuilder.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
@@ -24,14 +24,11 @@
+from lp.buildmaster.interactor import BuilderInteractor
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder import CannotBuild
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildfarmjobbehavior import (
-from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import (
-    BuilderInteractor,
-    BuilderSlave,
-    )
 from lp.buildmaster.model.buildqueue import BuildQueue
 from lp.buildmaster.tests.mock_slaves import (
@@ -374,8 +371,7 @@
             self.addCleanup(config.pop, 'tmp_builddmaster_root')
         queue_record.builder = self.factory.makeBuilder()
         slave = WaitingSlave('BuildStatus.OK')
-        self.patch(BuilderSlave, 'makeBuilderSlave', FakeMethod(slave))
-        interactor = BuilderInteractor(queue_record.builder)
+        interactor = BuilderInteractor(queue_record.builder, slave)
         return removeSecurityProxy(interactor.current_build_behavior)
     def assertDeferredNotifyCount(self, status, behavior, expected_count):

=== modified file 'lib/lp/soyuz/tests/test_binarypackagebuildbehavior.py'
--- lib/lp/soyuz/tests/test_binarypackagebuildbehavior.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
+++ lib/lp/soyuz/tests/test_binarypackagebuildbehavior.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
 from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
 from lp.buildmaster.enums import BuildStatus
-from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder import CannotBuild
-from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import (
+from lp.buildmaster.interactor import (
+from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder import CannotBuild
 from lp.buildmaster.tests.mock_slaves import (
@@ -47,9 +47,6 @@
 from lp.soyuz.enums import ArchivePurpose
-from lp.soyuz.model.binarypackagebuildbehavior import (
-    BinaryPackageBuildBehavior,
-    )
 from lp.testing import TestCaseWithFactory
 from lp.testing.dbuser import switch_dbuser
 from lp.testing.fakemethod import FakeMethod

=== modified file 'lib/lp/translations/stories/buildfarm/xx-build-summary.txt'
--- lib/lp/translations/stories/buildfarm/xx-build-summary.txt	2013-01-24 05:50:23 +0000
+++ lib/lp/translations/stories/buildfarm/xx-build-summary.txt	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
     >>> from lp.services.librarian.interfaces import (
     ...     ILibraryFileAliasSet)
     >>> from lp.app.enums import ServiceUsage
+    >>> from lp.buildmaster.interactor import BuilderSlave
     >>> from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildqueue import IBuildQueueSet
-    >>> from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import BuilderSlave
     >>> from lp.testing.factory import (
     ...     remove_security_proxy_and_shout_at_engineer)
     >>> from lp.testing.fakemethod import FakeMethod

=== modified file 'lib/lp/translations/tests/test_translationtemplatesbuildbehavior.py'
--- lib/lp/translations/tests/test_translationtemplatesbuildbehavior.py	2013-08-19 23:23:19 +0000
+++ lib/lp/translations/tests/test_translationtemplatesbuildbehavior.py	2013-08-27 09:39:36 +0000
@@ -15,15 +15,12 @@
 from lp.app.interfaces.launchpad import ILaunchpadCelebrities
 from lp.buildmaster.enums import BuildStatus
+from lp.buildmaster.interactor import BuilderInteractor
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder import CannotBuild
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildfarmjobbehavior import (
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildqueue import IBuildQueueSet
-from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import (
-    BuilderInteractor,
-    BuilderSlave,
-    )
 from lp.buildmaster.tests.mock_slaves import (
@@ -86,8 +83,7 @@
         behavior = IBuildFarmJobBehavior(specific_job)
         slave = WaitingSlave()
-            BuilderInteractor(self.factory.makeBuilder()))
-        self.patch(BuilderSlave, 'makeBuilderSlave', FakeMethod(slave))
+            BuilderInteractor(self.factory.makeBuilder(), slave))
         if use_fake_chroot:
             lf = self.factory.makeLibraryFileAlias()

Follow ups