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[Merge] lp:~wgrant/launchpad/split-browser-bugtask into lp:launchpad


William Grant has proposed merging lp:~wgrant/launchpad/split-browser-bugtask into lp:launchpad with lp:~wgrant/launchpad/sanitise-labels as a prerequisite.

Commit message:
Split buglisting out of lp.bugs.browser.bugtask. 4KLOC module no more.

Requested reviews:
  William Grant (wgrant): code

For more details, see:

Split buglisting out of lp.bugs.browser.bugtask. 4KLOC module no more.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is subscribed to branch lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'lib/lp/app/browser/configure.zcml'
--- lib/lp/app/browser/configure.zcml	2014-11-17 00:03:41 +0000
+++ lib/lp/app/browser/configure.zcml	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@
-      for="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.BugTaskListingItem"
+      for="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.BugTaskListingItem"

=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/browser/buglinktarget.py'
--- lib/lp/bugs/browser/buglinktarget.py	2012-08-07 02:31:56 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/browser/buglinktarget.py	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 from lp.app.widgets.itemswidgets import LabeledMultiCheckBoxWidget
-from lp.bugs.browser.bugtask import BugListingBatchNavigator
+from lp.bugs.browser.buglisting import BugListingBatchNavigator
 from lp.bugs.interfaces.buglink import (

=== added file 'lib/lp/bugs/browser/buglisting.py'
--- lib/lp/bugs/browser/buglisting.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/browser/buglisting.py	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1827 @@
+# Copyright 2009-2014 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+"""IBugTask-related browser views."""
+__metaclass__ = type
+__all__ = [
+    'BugNominationsView',
+    'BugListingBatchNavigator',
+    'BugListingPortletInfoView',
+    'BugListingPortletStatsView',
+    'BugsBugTaskSearchListingView',
+    'BugTargetView',
+    'BugTaskExpirableListingView',
+    'BugTaskListingItem',
+    'BugTaskListingView',
+    'BugTaskSearchListingView',
+    'get_buglisting_search_filter_url',
+    'get_sortorder_from_request',
+    'TextualBugTaskSearchListingView',
+    ]
+import cgi
+import os.path
+import urllib
+import urlparse
+from lazr.delegates import delegates
+from lazr.restful.interfaces import IJSONRequestCache
+from lazr.uri import URI
+import pystache
+from simplejson import dumps
+from simplejson.encoder import JSONEncoderForHTML
+from z3c.pt.pagetemplate import ViewPageTemplateFile
+from zope.authentication.interfaces import IUnauthenticatedPrincipal
+from zope.component import (
+    getAdapter,
+    getUtility,
+    queryMultiAdapter,
+    )
+from zope.formlib.interfaces import InputErrors
+from zope.formlib.itemswidgets import RadioWidget
+from zope.interface import (
+    implements,
+    Interface,
+    )
+from zope.schema.vocabulary import getVocabularyRegistry
+from zope.security.proxy import isinstance as zope_isinstance
+from zope.traversing.interfaces import IPathAdapter
+from lp import _
+from lp.answers.interfaces.questiontarget import IQuestionTarget
+from lp.app.browser.launchpad import iter_view_registrations
+from lp.app.browser.launchpadform import (
+    custom_widget,
+    LaunchpadFormView,
+    )
+from lp.app.browser.tales import (
+    BugTrackerFormatterAPI,
+    DateTimeFormatterAPI,
+    PersonFormatterAPI,
+    )
+from lp.app.enums import (
+    InformationType,
+    ServiceUsage,
+    )
+from lp.app.errors import (
+    NotFoundError,
+    UnexpectedFormData,
+    )
+from lp.app.interfaces.launchpad import (
+    IPrivacy,
+    IServiceUsage,
+    )
+from lp.app.vocabularies import InformationTypeVocabulary
+from lp.app.widgets.itemswidgets import LabeledMultiCheckBoxWidget
+from lp.app.widgets.popup import PersonPickerWidget
+from lp.app.widgets.project import ProjectScopeWidget
+from lp.bugs.browser.structuralsubscription import (
+    expose_structural_subscription_data_to_js,
+    )
+from lp.bugs.browser.widgets.bug import BugTagsWidget
+from lp.bugs.browser.widgets.bugtask import NewLineToSpacesWidget
+from lp.bugs.interfaces.bug import IBugSet
+from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugattachment import BugAttachmentType
+from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtask import (
+    BugTaskImportance,
+    BugTaskStatus,
+    BugTaskStatusSearch,
+    BugTaskStatusSearchDisplay,
+    IBugTask,
+    IBugTaskSet,
+    )
+from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtasksearch import (
+    BugBlueprintSearch,
+    BugBranchSearch,
+    BugTagsSearchCombinator,
+    BugTaskSearchParams,
+    IBugTaskSearch,
+    IFrontPageBugTaskSearch,
+    IPersonBugTaskSearch,
+    IUpstreamProductBugTaskSearch,
+    )
+from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtracker import IHasExternalBugTracker
+from lp.bugs.interfaces.malone import IMaloneApplication
+from lp.bugs.model.bugtasksearch import orderby_expression
+from lp.layers import FeedsLayer
+from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import IDistribution
+from lp.registry.interfaces.distributionsourcepackage import (
+    IDistributionSourcePackage,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.distroseries import IDistroSeries
+from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPerson
+from lp.registry.interfaces.product import IProduct
+from lp.registry.interfaces.productseries import IProductSeries
+from lp.registry.interfaces.projectgroup import IProjectGroup
+from lp.registry.interfaces.sourcepackage import ISourcePackage
+from lp.services.config import config
+from lp.services.feeds.browser import (
+    BugTargetLatestBugsFeedLink,
+    FeedsMixin,
+    )
+from lp.services.helpers import shortlist
+from lp.services.propertycache import cachedproperty
+from lp.services.searchbuilder import (
+    all,
+    any,
+    NULL,
+    )
+from lp.services.utils import obfuscate_structure
+from lp.services.webapp import (
+    canonical_url,
+    enabled_with_permission,
+    LaunchpadView,
+    Link,
+    NavigationMenu,
+    )
+from lp.services.webapp.authorization import check_permission
+from lp.services.webapp.batching import TableBatchNavigator
+from lp.services.webapp.interfaces import ILaunchBag
+vocabulary_registry = getVocabularyRegistry()
+    BugTaskStatus.NEW: True,
+    BugTaskStatus.INCOMPLETE: True,
+    BugTaskStatus.INVALID: False,
+    BugTaskStatus.WONTFIX: False,
+    BugTaskStatus.CONFIRMED: True,
+    BugTaskStatus.TRIAGED: True,
+    BugTaskStatus.INPROGRESS: True,
+    BugTaskStatus.FIXCOMMITTED: True,
+    BugTaskStatus.FIXRELEASED: False,
+    BugTaskStatus.UNKNOWN: False,
+    BugTaskStatus.EXPIRED: False,
+    BugTaskStatusSearch.INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE: True,
+    }
+def get_sortorder_from_request(request):
+    """Get the sortorder from the request.
+    >>> from lp.services.webapp.servers import LaunchpadTestRequest
+    >>> get_sortorder_from_request(LaunchpadTestRequest(form={}))
+    ['-importance']
+    >>> get_sortorder_from_request(
+    ...     LaunchpadTestRequest(form={'orderby': '-status'}))
+    ['-status']
+    >>> get_sortorder_from_request(LaunchpadTestRequest(
+    ...     form={'orderby': 'status,-severity,importance'}))
+    ['status', 'importance']
+    >>> get_sortorder_from_request(
+    ...     LaunchpadTestRequest(form={'orderby': 'priority,-severity'}))
+    ['-importance']
+    """
+    order_by_string = request.get("orderby", '')
+    if order_by_string:
+        if not zope_isinstance(order_by_string, list):
+            order_by = order_by_string.split(',')
+        else:
+            order_by = order_by_string
+    else:
+        order_by = []
+    # Remove old order_by values that people might have in bookmarks.
+    for old_order_by_column in ['priority', 'severity']:
+        if old_order_by_column in order_by:
+            order_by.remove(old_order_by_column)
+        if '-' + old_order_by_column in order_by:
+            order_by.remove('-' + old_order_by_column)
+    if order_by:
+        return order_by
+    else:
+        # No sort ordering specified, so use a reasonable default.
+        return ["-importance"]
+def get_default_search_params(user):
+    """Return a BugTaskSearchParams instance with default values.
+    By default, a search includes any bug that is unresolved and not a
+    duplicate of another bug.
+    If this search will be used to display a list of bugs to the user
+    it may be a good idea to set the orderby attribute using
+    get_sortorder_from_request():
+      params = get_default_search_params(user)
+      params.orderby = get_sortorder_from_request(request)
+    """
+    return BugTaskSearchParams(
+        user=user, status=any(*UNRESOLVED_BUGTASK_STATUSES), omit_dupes=True)
+    'Unconfirmed': 'New',
+    'Needs Info': 'Incomplete',
+    'Rejected': 'Invalid',
+    }
+def rewrite_old_bugtask_status_query_string(query_string):
+    """Return a query string with old status names replaced with new.
+    If an old status string has been used in the query, construct a
+    corrected query string for the search, else return the original
+    query string.
+    """
+    query_elements = cgi.parse_qsl(
+        query_string, keep_blank_values=True, strict_parsing=False)
+    query_elements_mapped = []
+    for name, value in query_elements:
+        if name == 'field.status:list':
+            value = OLD_BUGTASK_STATUS_MAP.get(value, value)
+        query_elements_mapped.append((name, value))
+    if query_elements == query_elements_mapped:
+        return query_string
+    else:
+        return urllib.urlencode(query_elements_mapped, doseq=True)
+def target_has_expirable_bugs_listing(target):
+    """Return True or False if the target has the expirable-bugs listing.
+    The target must be a Distribution, DistroSeries, Product, or
+    ProductSeries, and the pillar must have enabled bug expiration.
+    """
+    if IDistribution.providedBy(target) or IProduct.providedBy(target):
+        return target.enable_bug_expiration
+    elif IProductSeries.providedBy(target):
+        return target.product.enable_bug_expiration
+    elif IDistroSeries.providedBy(target):
+        return target.distribution.enable_bug_expiration
+    else:
+        # This context is not a supported bugtarget.
+        return False
+class BugTaskListingView(LaunchpadView):
+    """A view designed for displaying bug tasks in lists."""
+    # Note that this right now is only used in tests and to render
+    # status in the CVEReportView. It may be a candidate for refactoring
+    # or removal.
+    @property
+    def status(self):
+        """Return an HTML representation of the bugtask status.
+        The assignee is included.
+        """
+        bugtask = self.context
+        assignee = bugtask.assignee
+        status = bugtask.status
+        status_title = status.title.capitalize()
+        if not assignee:
+            return status_title + ' (unassigned)'
+        assignee_html = PersonFormatterAPI(assignee).link('+assignedbugs')
+        if status in (BugTaskStatus.INVALID,
+                      BugTaskStatus.FIXCOMMITTED):
+            return '%s by %s' % (status_title, assignee_html)
+        else:
+            return '%s, assigned to %s' % (status_title, assignee_html)
+    @property
+    def status_elsewhere(self):
+        """Return human-readable representation of the status of this bug
+        in other contexts for which it's reported.
+        """
+        bugtask = self.context
+        related_tasks = bugtask.related_tasks
+        if not related_tasks:
+            return "not filed elsewhere"
+        fixes_found = len(
+            [task for task in related_tasks
+             if task.status in (BugTaskStatus.FIXCOMMITTED,
+                                BugTaskStatus.FIXRELEASED)])
+        if fixes_found:
+            return "fixed in %d of %d places" % (
+                fixes_found, len(bugtask.bug.bugtasks))
+        elif len(related_tasks) == 1:
+            return "filed in 1 other place"
+        else:
+            return "filed in %d other places" % len(related_tasks)
+    def render(self):
+        """Make rendering this template-less view not crash."""
+        return u""
+class BugsInfoMixin:
+    """Contains properties giving URLs to bug information."""
+    @property
+    def bugs_fixed_elsewhere_url(self):
+        """A URL to a list of bugs fixed elsewhere."""
+        return "%s?field.status_upstream=resolved_upstream" % (
+            canonical_url(self.context, view_name='+bugs'))
+    @property
+    def open_cve_bugs_url(self):
+        """A URL to a list of open bugs linked to CVEs."""
+        return "%s?field.has_cve=on" % (
+            canonical_url(self.context, view_name='+bugs'))
+    @property
+    def open_cve_bugs_has_report(self):
+        """Whether or not the context has a CVE report page."""
+        return queryMultiAdapter(
+            (self.context, self.request), name='+cve') is not None
+    @property
+    def pending_bugwatches_url(self):
+        """A URL to a list of bugs that need a bugwatch.
+        None is returned if the context is not an upstream product.
+        """
+        if not IProduct.providedBy(self.context):
+            return None
+        if self.context.bug_tracking_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD:
+            return None
+        return "%s?field.status_upstream=pending_bugwatch" % (
+            canonical_url(self.context, view_name='+bugs'))
+    @property
+    def expirable_bugs_url(self):
+        """A URL to a list of bugs that can expire, or None.
+        If the bugtarget is not a supported implementation, or its pillar
+        does not have enable_bug_expiration set to True, None is returned.
+        The bugtarget may be an `IDistribution`, `IDistroSeries`, `IProduct`,
+        or `IProductSeries`.
+        """
+        if target_has_expirable_bugs_listing(self.context):
+            return canonical_url(self.context, view_name='+expirable-bugs')
+        else:
+            return None
+    @property
+    def new_bugs_url(self):
+        """A URL to a page of new bugs."""
+        return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(
+            status=BugTaskStatus.NEW.title)
+    @property
+    def inprogress_bugs_url(self):
+        """A URL to a page of inprogress bugs."""
+        return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(
+            status=BugTaskStatus.INPROGRESS.title)
+    @property
+    def open_bugs_url(self):
+        """A URL to a list of open bugs."""
+        return canonical_url(self.context, view_name='+bugs')
+    @property
+    def critical_bugs_url(self):
+        """A URL to a list of critical bugs."""
+        return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(
+            status=[status.title for status in UNRESOLVED_BUGTASK_STATUSES],
+            importance=BugTaskImportance.CRITICAL.title)
+    @property
+    def high_bugs_url(self):
+        """A URL to a list of high priority bugs."""
+        return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(
+            status=[status.title for status in UNRESOLVED_BUGTASK_STATUSES],
+            importance=BugTaskImportance.HIGH.title)
+    @property
+    def my_bugs_url(self):
+        """A URL to a list of bugs assigned to the user, or None."""
+        if self.user is None:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(assignee=self.user.name)
+    @property
+    def my_affecting_bugs_url(self):
+        """A URL to a list of bugs affecting the current user, or None if
+        there is no current user.
+        """
+        if self.user is None:
+            return None
+        return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(
+            affecting_me=True,
+            orderby='-date_last_updated')
+    @property
+    def my_reported_bugs_url(self):
+        """A URL to a list of bugs reported by the user, or None."""
+        if self.user is None:
+            return None
+        return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(bug_reporter=self.user.name)
+class BugsStatsMixin(BugsInfoMixin):
+    """Contains properties giving bug stats.
+    These can be expensive to obtain.
+    """
+    @cachedproperty
+    def _bug_stats(self):
+        # Circular fail.
+        from lp.bugs.model.bugsummary import BugSummary
+        bug_task_set = getUtility(IBugTaskSet)
+        groups = (
+            BugSummary.status, BugSummary.importance, BugSummary.has_patch)
+        counts = bug_task_set.countBugs(self.user, [self.context], groups)
+        # Sum the split out aggregates.
+        new = 0
+        open = 0
+        inprogress = 0
+        critical = 0
+        high = 0
+        with_patch = 0
+        for metadata, count in counts.items():
+            status = metadata[0]
+            importance = metadata[1]
+            has_patch = metadata[2]
+            if status == BugTaskStatus.NEW:
+                new += count
+            elif status == BugTaskStatus.INPROGRESS:
+                inprogress += count
+            if importance == BugTaskImportance.CRITICAL:
+                critical += count
+            elif importance == BugTaskImportance.HIGH:
+                high += count
+            if has_patch and DISPLAY_BUG_STATUS_FOR_PATCHES[status]:
+                with_patch += count
+            open += count
+        result = dict(
+            new=new, open=open, inprogress=inprogress, high=high,
+            critical=critical, with_patch=with_patch)
+        return result
+    @property
+    def open_cve_bugs_count(self):
+        """A count of open bugs linked to CVEs."""
+        params = get_default_search_params(self.user)
+        params.has_cve = True
+        return self.context.searchTasks(params).count()
+    @property
+    def pending_bugwatches_count(self):
+        """A count of bugs that need a bugwatch.
+        None is returned if the context is not an upstream product.
+        """
+        if not IProduct.providedBy(self.context):
+            return None
+        if self.context.bug_tracking_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD:
+            return None
+        params = get_default_search_params(self.user)
+        params.pending_bugwatch_elsewhere = True
+        return self.context.searchTasks(params).count()
+    @property
+    def expirable_bugs_count(self):
+        """A count of bugs that can expire, or None.
+        If the bugtarget is not a supported implementation, or its pillar
+        does not have enable_bug_expiration set to True, None is returned.
+        The bugtarget may be an `IDistribution`, `IDistroSeries`, `IProduct`,
+        or `IProductSeries`.
+        """
+        if target_has_expirable_bugs_listing(self.context):
+            return getUtility(IBugTaskSet).findExpirableBugTasks(
+                0, user=self.user, target=self.context).count()
+        else:
+            return None
+    @property
+    def new_bugs_count(self):
+        """A count of new bugs."""
+        return self._bug_stats['new']
+    @property
+    def open_bugs_count(self):
+        """A count of open bugs."""
+        return self._bug_stats['open']
+    @property
+    def inprogress_bugs_count(self):
+        """A count of in-progress bugs."""
+        return self._bug_stats['inprogress']
+    @property
+    def critical_bugs_count(self):
+        """A count of critical bugs."""
+        return self._bug_stats['critical']
+    @property
+    def high_bugs_count(self):
+        """A count of high priority bugs."""
+        return self._bug_stats['high']
+    @property
+    def my_bugs_count(self):
+        """A count of bugs assigned to the user, or None."""
+        if self.user is None:
+            return None
+        else:
+            params = get_default_search_params(self.user)
+            params.assignee = self.user
+            return self.context.searchTasks(params).count()
+    @property
+    def my_reported_bugs_count(self):
+        """A count of bugs reported by the user, or None."""
+        if self.user is None:
+            return None
+        params = get_default_search_params(self.user)
+        params.bug_reporter = self.user
+        return self.context.searchTasks(params).count()
+    @property
+    def my_affecting_bugs_count(self):
+        """A count of bugs affecting the user, or None."""
+        if self.user is None:
+            return None
+        params = get_default_search_params(self.user)
+        params.affects_me = True
+        return self.context.searchTasks(params).count()
+    @property
+    def bugs_with_patches_count(self):
+        """A count of unresolved bugs with patches."""
+        return self._bug_stats['with_patch']
+class BugListingPortletInfoView(LaunchpadView, BugsInfoMixin):
+    """Portlet containing available bug listings without stats."""
+class BugListingPortletStatsView(LaunchpadView, BugsStatsMixin):
+    """Portlet containing available bug listings with stats."""
+def get_buglisting_search_filter_url(
+        assignee=None, importance=None, status=None, status_upstream=None,
+        has_patches=None, bug_reporter=None,
+        affecting_me=None,
+        orderby=None):
+    """Return the given URL with the search parameters specified."""
+    search_params = []
+    if assignee is not None:
+        search_params.append(('field.assignee', assignee))
+    if importance is not None:
+        search_params.append(('field.importance', importance))
+    if status is not None:
+        search_params.append(('field.status', status))
+    if status_upstream is not None:
+        search_params.append(('field.status_upstream', status_upstream))
+    if has_patches is not None:
+        search_params.append(('field.has_patch', 'on'))
+    if bug_reporter is not None:
+        search_params.append(('field.bug_reporter', bug_reporter))
+    if affecting_me is not None:
+        search_params.append(('field.affects_me', 'on'))
+    if orderby is not None:
+        search_params.append(('orderby', orderby))
+    query_string = urllib.urlencode(search_params, doseq=True)
+    search_filter_url = "+bugs?search=Search"
+    if query_string != '':
+        search_filter_url += "&" + query_string
+    return search_filter_url
+class BugTaskListingItem:
+    """A decorated bug task.
+    Some attributes that we want to display are too convoluted or expensive
+    to get on the fly for each bug task in the listing.  These items are
+    prefetched by the view and decorate the bug task.
+    """
+    delegates(IBugTask, 'bugtask')
+    def __init__(self, bugtask, has_bug_branch,
+                 has_specification, has_patch, tags,
+                 people, request=None, target_context=None):
+        self.bugtask = bugtask
+        self.review_action_widget = None
+        self.has_bug_branch = has_bug_branch
+        self.has_specification = has_specification
+        self.has_patch = has_patch
+        self.tags = tags
+        self.people = people
+        self.request = request
+        self.target_context = target_context
+    @property
+    def last_significant_change_date(self):
+        """The date of the last significant change."""
+        return (self.bugtask.date_closed or self.bugtask.date_fix_committed or
+                self.bugtask.date_inprogress or self.bugtask.date_left_new or
+                self.bugtask.datecreated)
+    @property
+    def bug_heat_html(self):
+        """Returns the bug heat flames HTML."""
+        return (
+            '<span class="sprite flame">%d</span>'
+            % self.bugtask.bug.heat)
+    @property
+    def model(self):
+        """Provide flattened data about bugtask for simple templaters."""
+        age = DateTimeFormatterAPI(self.bug.datecreated).durationsince()
+        age += ' old'
+        date_last_updated = self.bug.date_last_message
+        if (date_last_updated is None or
+            self.bug.date_last_updated > date_last_updated):
+            date_last_updated = self.bug.date_last_updated
+        last_updated_formatter = DateTimeFormatterAPI(date_last_updated)
+        last_updated = last_updated_formatter.displaydate()
+        badges = getAdapter(self, IPathAdapter, 'image').badges()
+        target_image = getAdapter(self.target, IPathAdapter, 'image')
+        if self.bugtask.milestone is not None:
+            milestone_name = self.bugtask.milestone.displayname
+        else:
+            milestone_name = None
+        assignee = None
+        if self.assigneeID is not None:
+            assignee = self.people[self.assigneeID].displayname
+        reporter = self.people[self.bug.ownerID]
+        # the case that there is no target context (e.g. viewing bug that
+        # are related to a user account) is intercepted
+        if self.target_context is None:
+            base_tag_url = "%s/?field.tag=" % canonical_url(
+                self.bugtask.target,
+                view_name="+bugs")
+        else:
+            base_tag_url = "%s/?field.tag=" % canonical_url(
+                self.target_context,
+                view_name="+bugs")
+        flattened = {
+            'age': age,
+            'assignee': assignee,
+            'bug_url': canonical_url(self.bugtask),
+            'bugtarget': self.bugtargetdisplayname,
+            'bugtarget_css': target_image.sprite_css(),
+            'bug_heat_html': self.bug_heat_html,
+            'badges': badges,
+            'id': self.bug.id,
+            'importance': self.importance.title,
+            'importance_class': 'importance' + self.importance.name,
+            'information_type': self.bug.information_type.title,
+            'last_updated': last_updated,
+            'milestone_name': milestone_name,
+            'reporter': reporter.displayname,
+            'status': self.status.title,
+            'status_class': 'status' + self.status.name,
+            'tags': [{'url': base_tag_url + urllib.quote(tag), 'tag': tag}
+                for tag in self.tags],
+            'title': self.bug.title,
+            }
+        # This is a total hack, but pystache will run both truth/false values
+        # for an empty list for some reason, and it "works" if it's just a
+        # flag like this. We need this value for the mustache template to be
+        # able to tell that there are no tags without looking at the list.
+        flattened['has_tags'] = True if len(flattened['tags']) else False
+        return flattened
+class BugListingBatchNavigator(TableBatchNavigator):
+    """A specialised batch navigator to load smartly extra bug information."""
+    def __init__(self, tasks, request, columns_to_show, size,
+                 target_context=None):
+        self.request = request
+        self.target_context = target_context
+        self.user = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user
+        self.field_visibility_defaults = {
+            'show_datecreated': False,
+            'show_assignee': False,
+            'show_targetname': True,
+            'show_heat': True,
+            'show_id': True,
+            'show_importance': True,
+            'show_information_type': False,
+            'show_date_last_updated': False,
+            'show_milestone_name': False,
+            'show_reporter': False,
+            'show_status': True,
+            'show_tag': False,
+        }
+        self.field_visibility = None
+        self._setFieldVisibility()
+        TableBatchNavigator.__init__(
+            self, tasks, request, columns_to_show=columns_to_show, size=size)
+    @cachedproperty
+    def bug_badge_properties(self):
+        return getUtility(IBugTaskSet).getBugTaskBadgeProperties(
+            self.currentBatch())
+    @cachedproperty
+    def tags_for_batch(self):
+        """Return a dict matching bugtask to it's tags."""
+        return getUtility(IBugTaskSet).getBugTaskTags(self.currentBatch())
+    @cachedproperty
+    def bugtask_people(self):
+        """Return mapping of people related to this bugtask set."""
+        return getUtility(IBugTaskSet).getBugTaskPeople(self.currentBatch())
+    def getCookieName(self):
+        """Return the cookie name used in bug listings js code."""
+        cookie_name_template = '%s-buglist-fields'
+        cookie_name = ''
+        if self.user is not None:
+            cookie_name = cookie_name_template % self.user.name
+        else:
+            cookie_name = cookie_name_template % 'anon'
+        return cookie_name
+    def _setFieldVisibility(self):
+        """Set field_visibility for the page load.
+        If a cookie of the form $USER-buglist-fields is found,
+        we set field_visibility from this cookie; otherwise,
+        field_visibility will match the defaults.
+        """
+        cookie_name = self.getCookieName()
+        cookie = self.request.cookies.get(cookie_name)
+        self.field_visibility = dict(self.field_visibility_defaults)
+        # "cookie" looks like a URL query string, so we split
+        # on '&' to get items, and then split on '=' to get
+        # field/value pairs.
+        if cookie is None:
+            return
+        for field, value in urlparse.parse_qsl(cookie):
+            # Skip unsupported fields (from old cookies).
+            if field not in self.field_visibility:
+                continue
+            # We only record True or False for field values.
+            self.field_visibility[field] = (value == 'true')
+    def _getListingItem(self, bugtask):
+        """Return a decorated bugtask for the bug listing."""
+        badge_property = self.bug_badge_properties[bugtask]
+        tags = self.tags_for_batch.get(bugtask.id, ())
+        if (IMaloneApplication.providedBy(self.target_context) or
+            IPerson.providedBy(self.target_context)):
+            # XXX Tom Berger bug=529846
+            # When we have a specific interface for things that have bug heat
+            # it would be better to use that for the check here instead.
+            target_context = None
+        else:
+            target_context = self.target_context
+        return BugTaskListingItem(
+            bugtask,
+            badge_property['has_branch'],
+            badge_property['has_specification'],
+            badge_property['has_patch'],
+            tags,
+            self.bugtask_people,
+            request=self.request,
+            target_context=target_context)
+    def getBugListingItems(self):
+        """Return a decorated list of visible bug tasks."""
+        return [self._getListingItem(bugtask) for bugtask in self.batch]
+    @cachedproperty
+    def mustache_template(self):
+        template_path = os.path.join(
+            config.root, 'lib/lp/bugs/templates/buglisting.mustache')
+        with open(template_path) as template_file:
+            return template_file.read()
+    @property
+    def mustache_listings(self):
+        return 'LP.mustache_listings = %s;' % dumps(
+            self.mustache_template, cls=JSONEncoderForHTML)
+    @property
+    def mustache(self):
+        """The rendered mustache template."""
+        objects = IJSONRequestCache(self.request).objects
+        if IUnauthenticatedPrincipal.providedBy(self.request.principal):
+            objects = obfuscate_structure(objects)
+        model = dict(objects['mustache_model'])
+        model.update(self.field_visibility)
+        return pystache.render(self.mustache_template, model)
+    @property
+    def model(self):
+        items = [bugtask.model for bugtask in self.getBugListingItems()]
+        return {'items': items}
+class IBugTaskSearchListingMenu(Interface):
+    """A marker interface for the search listing navigation menu."""
+class BugTaskSearchListingMenu(NavigationMenu):
+    """The search listing navigation menu."""
+    usedfor = IBugTaskSearchListingMenu
+    facet = 'bugs'
+    @property
+    def links(self):
+        bug_target = self.context.context
+        if IDistroSeries.providedBy(bug_target):
+            return (
+                'nominations',
+                )
+        if IProductSeries.providedBy(bug_target):
+            return (
+                'nominations',
+                )
+        else:
+            return ()
+    @enabled_with_permission('launchpad.Edit')
+    def bugsupervisor(self):
+        return Link('+bugsupervisor', 'Change bug supervisor', icon='edit')
+    def nominations(self):
+        return Link('+nominations', 'Review nominations', icon='bug')
+# All sort orders supported by BugTaskSet.search() and a title for
+# them.
+    ('importance', 'Importance', 'desc'),
+    ('status', 'Status', 'asc'),
+    ('information_type', 'Information Type', 'asc'),
+    ('id', 'Number', 'desc'),
+    ('title', 'Title', 'asc'),
+    ('targetname', 'Package/Project/Series name', 'asc'),
+    ('milestone_name', 'Milestone', 'asc'),
+    ('date_last_updated', 'Date last updated', 'desc'),
+    ('assignee', 'Assignee', 'asc'),
+    ('reporter', 'Reporter', 'asc'),
+    ('datecreated', 'Age', 'desc'),
+    ('tag', 'Tags', 'asc'),
+    ('heat', 'Heat', 'desc'),
+    ('date_closed', 'Date closed', 'desc'),
+    ('dateassigned', 'Date when the bug task was assigned', 'desc'),
+    ('number_of_duplicates', 'Number of duplicates', 'desc'),
+    ('latest_patch_uploaded', 'Date latest patch uploaded', 'desc'),
+    ('message_count', 'Number of comments', 'desc'),
+    ('milestone', 'Milestone ID', 'desc'),
+    ('specification', 'Linked blueprint', 'asc'),
+    ('task', 'Bug task ID', 'desc'),
+    ('users_affected_count', 'Number of affected users', 'desc'),
+    ]
+class BugTaskSearchListingView(LaunchpadFormView, FeedsMixin, BugsInfoMixin):
+    """View that renders a list of bugs for a given set of search criteria."""
+    implements(IBugTaskSearchListingMenu)
+    related_features = {
+        'bugs.dynamic_bug_listings.pre_fetch': False
+        }
+    # Only include <link> tags for bug feeds when using this view.
+    feed_types = (
+        BugTargetLatestBugsFeedLink,
+        )
+    # These widgets are customised so as to keep the presentation of this view
+    # and its descendants consistent after refactoring to use
+    # LaunchpadFormView as a parent.
+    custom_widget('searchtext', NewLineToSpacesWidget)
+    custom_widget('status_upstream', LabeledMultiCheckBoxWidget)
+    custom_widget('tag', BugTagsWidget)
+    custom_widget('tags_combinator', RadioWidget)
+    custom_widget('component', LabeledMultiCheckBoxWidget)
+    custom_widget('assignee', PersonPickerWidget)
+    custom_widget('bug_reporter', PersonPickerWidget)
+    custom_widget('bug_commenter', PersonPickerWidget)
+    custom_widget('structural_subscriber', PersonPickerWidget)
+    custom_widget('subscriber', PersonPickerWidget)
+    _batch_navigator = None
+    @cachedproperty
+    def bug_tracking_usage(self):
+        """Whether the context tracks bugs in Launchpad.
+        :returns: ServiceUsage enum value
+        """
+        service_usage = IServiceUsage(self.context)
+        return service_usage.bug_tracking_usage
+    @cachedproperty
+    def external_bugtracker(self):
+        """External bug tracking system designated for the context.
+        :returns: `IBugTracker` or None
+        """
+        has_external_bugtracker = IHasExternalBugTracker(self.context, None)
+        if has_external_bugtracker is None:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return has_external_bugtracker.getExternalBugTracker()
+    @property
+    def has_bugtracker(self):
+        """Does the `IBugTarget` have a bug tracker or use Launchpad?"""
+        usage = IServiceUsage(self.context)
+        uses_lp = usage.bug_tracking_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD
+        if self.external_bugtracker or uses_lp:
+            return True
+        return False
+    @property
+    def can_have_external_bugtracker(self):
+        return (IProduct.providedBy(self.context)
+                or IProductSeries.providedBy(self.context))
+    @property
+    def bugtracker(self):
+        """Description of the context's bugtracker.
+        :returns: str which may contain HTML.
+        """
+        if self.bug_tracking_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD:
+            return 'Launchpad'
+        elif self.external_bugtracker:
+            return BugTrackerFormatterAPI(self.external_bugtracker).link(None)
+        else:
+            return 'None specified'
+    @cachedproperty
+    def upstream_project(self):
+        """The linked upstream `IProduct` for the package.
+        If this `IBugTarget` is a `IDistributionSourcePackage` or an
+        `ISourcePackage` and it is linked to an upstream project, return
+        the `IProduct`. Otherwise, return None
+        :returns: `IProduct` or None
+        """
+        if self._sourcePackageContext():
+            sp = self.context
+        elif self._distroSourcePackageContext():
+            sp = self.context.development_version
+        else:
+            sp = None
+        if sp is not None:
+            packaging = sp.packaging
+            if packaging is not None:
+                return packaging.productseries.product
+        return None
+    @cachedproperty
+    def upstream_launchpad_project(self):
+        """The linked upstream `IProduct` for the package.
+        If this `IBugTarget` is a `IDistributionSourcePackage` or an
+        `ISourcePackage` and it is linked to an upstream project that uses
+        Launchpad to track bugs, return the `IProduct`. Otherwise,
+        return None
+        :returns: `IProduct` or None
+        """
+        product = self.upstream_project
+        if (product is not None and
+            product.bug_tracking_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD):
+            return product
+        return None
+    @property
+    def page_title(self):
+        return "Bugs for %s" % self.context.displayname
+    label = page_title
+    @property
+    def schema(self):
+        """Return the schema that defines the form."""
+        if self._personContext():
+            return IPersonBugTaskSearch
+        elif self.isUpstreamProduct:
+            return IUpstreamProductBugTaskSearch
+        else:
+            return IBugTaskSearch
+    @property
+    def feed_links(self):
+        """Prevent conflicts between the page and the atom feed.
+        The latest-bugs atom feed matches the default output of this
+        view, but it does not match this view's bug listing when
+        any search parameters are passed in.
+        """
+        if self.request.get('QUERY_STRING', '') == '':
+            # There is no query in this request, so it's okay for this page to
+            # have its feed links.
+            return super(BugTaskSearchListingView, self).feed_links
+        else:
+            # The query changes the results so that they would not match the
+            # feed.  In this case, suppress the feed links.
+            return []
+    def initialize(self):
+        """Initialize the view with the request.
+        Look for old status names and redirect to a new location if found.
+        """
+        query_string = self.request.get('QUERY_STRING')
+        if query_string:
+            query_string_rewritten = (
+                rewrite_old_bugtask_status_query_string(query_string))
+            if query_string_rewritten != query_string:
+                redirect_uri = URI(self.request.getURL()).replace(
+                    query=query_string_rewritten)
+                self.request.response.redirect(str(redirect_uri), status=301)
+                return
+        self._migrateOldUpstreamStatus()
+        LaunchpadFormView.initialize(self)
+        # We call self._validate() here because LaunchpadFormView only
+        # validates the form if an action is submitted but, because this form
+        # can be called through a query string, we don't want to require an
+        # action. We pass an empty dict to _validate() because all the data
+        # needing validation is already available internally to self.
+        self._validate(None, {})
+        expose_structural_subscription_data_to_js(
+            self.context, self.request, self.user)
+        can_view = (IPrivacy(self.context, None) is None
+            or check_permission('launchpad.View', self.context))
+        if (can_view and
+            not FeedsLayer.providedBy(self.request) and
+            not self.request.form.get('advanced')):
+            cache = IJSONRequestCache(self.request)
+            view_names = set(reg.name for reg
+                in iter_view_registrations(self.__class__))
+            if len(view_names) != 1:
+                raise AssertionError("Ambiguous view name.")
+            cache.objects['view_name'] = view_names.pop()
+            batch_navigator = self.search()
+            cache.objects['mustache_model'] = batch_navigator.model
+            cache.objects['field_visibility'] = (
+                batch_navigator.field_visibility)
+            cache.objects['field_visibility_defaults'] = (
+                batch_navigator.field_visibility_defaults)
+            cache.objects['cbl_cookie_name'] = (
+                batch_navigator.getCookieName())
+            def _getBatchInfo(batch):
+                if batch is None:
+                    return None
+                return {'memo': batch.range_memo,
+                        'start': batch.startNumber() - 1}
+            next_batch = batch_navigator.batch.nextBatch()
+            cache.objects['next'] = _getBatchInfo(next_batch)
+            prev_batch = batch_navigator.batch.prevBatch()
+            cache.objects['prev'] = _getBatchInfo(prev_batch)
+            cache.objects['total'] = batch_navigator.batch.total()
+            cache.objects['order_by'] = ','.join(
+                get_sortorder_from_request(self.request))
+            cache.objects['forwards'] = (
+                batch_navigator.batch.range_forwards)
+            last_batch = batch_navigator.batch.lastBatch()
+            cache.objects['last_start'] = last_batch.startNumber() - 1
+            cache.objects.update(_getBatchInfo(batch_navigator.batch))
+            cache.objects['sort_keys'] = SORT_KEYS
+    @property
+    def show_config_portlet(self):
+        if (IDistribution.providedBy(self.context) or
+            IProduct.providedBy(self.context)):
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    @property
+    def columns_to_show(self):
+        """Returns a sequence of column names to be shown in the listing."""
+        upstream_context = self._upstreamContext()
+        productseries_context = self._productSeriesContext()
+        project_context = self._projectContext()
+        distribution_context = self._distributionContext()
+        distroseries_context = self._distroSeriesContext()
+        distrosourcepackage_context = self._distroSourcePackageContext()
+        sourcepackage_context = self._sourcePackageContext()
+        if (upstream_context or productseries_context or
+            distrosourcepackage_context or sourcepackage_context):
+            return ["id", "summary", "importance", "status", "heat"]
+        elif distribution_context or distroseries_context:
+            return [
+                "id", "summary", "packagename", "importance", "status",
+                "heat"]
+        elif project_context:
+            return [
+                "id", "summary", "productname", "importance", "status",
+                "heat"]
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError(
+                "Unrecognized context; don't know which report "
+                "columns to show.")
+    bugtask_table_template = ViewPageTemplateFile(
+        '../templates/bugs-table-include.pt')
+    @property
+    def template(self):
+        query_string = self.request.get('QUERY_STRING') or ''
+        query_params = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string)
+        if 'batch_request' in query_params:
+            return self.bugtask_table_template
+        else:
+            return super(BugTaskSearchListingView, self).template
+    def validate_search_params(self):
+        """Validate the params passed for the search.
+        An UnexpectedFormData exception is raised if the user submitted a URL
+        that could not have been created from the UI itself.
+        """
+        # The only way the user should get these field values incorrect is
+        # through a stale bookmark or a hand-hacked URL.
+        for field_name in ("status", "importance", "milestone", "component",
+                           "status_upstream"):
+            if self.getFieldError(field_name):
+                raise UnexpectedFormData(
+                    "Unexpected value for field '%s'. Perhaps your bookmarks "
+                    "are out of date or you changed the URL by hand?" %
+                    field_name)
+        orderby = get_sortorder_from_request(self.request)
+        for orderby_col in orderby:
+            if orderby_col.startswith("-"):
+                orderby_col = orderby_col[1:]
+            try:
+                orderby_expression[orderby_col]
+            except KeyError:
+                raise UnexpectedFormData(
+                    "Unknown sort column '%s'" % orderby_col)
+    def setUpWidgets(self):
+        """Customize the onKeyPress event of the assignee chooser."""
+        LaunchpadFormView.setUpWidgets(self)
+        self.widgets["assignee"].onKeyPress = (
+            "selectWidget('assignee_option', event)")
+    def validate(self, data):
+        """Validates the form."""
+        self.validateVocabulariesAdvancedForm()
+        self.validate_search_params()
+    def _migrateOldUpstreamStatus(self):
+        """Converts old upstream status value parameters to new ones.
+        Before Launchpad version 1.1.6 (build 4412), the upstream parameter
+        in the request was a single string value, coming from a set of
+        radio buttons. From that version on, the user can select multiple
+        values in the web UI. In order to keep old bookmarks working,
+        convert the old string parameter into a list.
+        """
+        old_upstream_status_values_to_new_values = {
+            'only_resolved_upstream': 'resolved_upstream'}
+        status_upstream = self.request.get('field.status_upstream')
+        if status_upstream in old_upstream_status_values_to_new_values.keys():
+            self.request.form['field.status_upstream'] = [
+                old_upstream_status_values_to_new_values[status_upstream]]
+        elif status_upstream == '':
+            del self.request.form['field.status_upstream']
+        else:
+            # The value of status_upstream is either correct, so nothing to
+            # do, or it has some other error, which is handled in
+            # LaunchpadFormView's own validation.
+            pass
+    def buildSearchParams(self, searchtext=None, extra_params=None):
+        """Build the BugTaskSearchParams object for the given arguments and
+        values specified by the user on this form's widgets.
+        """
+        # Calling _validate populates the data dictionary as a side-effect
+        # of validation.
+        data = {}
+        self._validate(None, data)
+        if extra_params:
+            data.update(extra_params)
+        if data:
+            searchtext = data.get("searchtext")
+            if searchtext and searchtext.isdigit():
+                try:
+                    bug = getUtility(IBugSet).get(searchtext)
+                except NotFoundError:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    self.request.response.redirect(canonical_url(bug))
+            assignee_option = self.request.form.get("assignee_option")
+            if assignee_option == "none":
+                data['assignee'] = NULL
+            has_patch = data.pop("has_patch", False)
+            if has_patch:
+                data["attachmenttype"] = BugAttachmentType.PATCH
+            has_branches = data.get('has_branches', True)
+            has_no_branches = data.get('has_no_branches', True)
+            if has_branches and not has_no_branches:
+                data['linked_branches'] = BugBranchSearch.BUGS_WITH_BRANCHES
+            elif not has_branches and has_no_branches:
+                data['linked_branches'] = (
+                    BugBranchSearch.BUGS_WITHOUT_BRANCHES)
+            else:
+                data['linked_branches'] = BugBranchSearch.ALL
+            has_blueprints = data.get('has_blueprints', True)
+            has_no_blueprints = data.get('has_no_blueprints', True)
+            if has_blueprints and not has_no_blueprints:
+                data['linked_blueprints'] = (
+                    BugBlueprintSearch.BUGS_WITH_BLUEPRINTS)
+            elif not has_blueprints and has_no_blueprints:
+                data['linked_blueprints'] = (
+                    BugBlueprintSearch.BUGS_WITHOUT_BLUEPRINTS)
+            else:
+                data['linked_blueprints'] = BugBlueprintSearch.ALL
+            # Filter appropriately if the user wants to restrict the
+            # search to only bugs with no package information.
+            has_no_package = data.pop("has_no_package", False)
+            if has_no_package:
+                data["sourcepackagename"] = NULL
+        self._buildUpstreamStatusParams(data)
+        # "Normalize" the form data into search arguments.
+        form_values = {}
+        for key, value in data.items():
+            if key in ('tag'):
+                # Skip tag-related parameters, they
+                # are handled later on.
+                continue
+            if zope_isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
+                if len(value) > 0:
+                    form_values[key] = any(*value)
+            else:
+                form_values[key] = value
+        if 'tag' in data:
+            # Tags require special handling, since they can be used
+            # to search either inclusively or exclusively.
+            # We take a look at the `tags_combinator` field, and wrap
+            # the tag list in the appropriate search directive (either
+            # `any` or `all`). If no value is supplied, we assume `any`,
+            # in order to remain compatible with old saved search URLs.
+            tags = data['tag']
+            tags_combinator_all = (
+                'tags_combinator' in data and
+                data['tags_combinator'] == BugTagsSearchCombinator.ALL)
+            if zope_isinstance(tags, (list, tuple)) and len(tags) > 0:
+                if tags_combinator_all:
+                    form_values['tag'] = all(*tags)
+                else:
+                    form_values['tag'] = any(*tags)
+            else:
+                form_values['tag'] = tags
+        search_params = get_default_search_params(self.user)
+        search_params.orderby = get_sortorder_from_request(self.request)
+        for name, value in form_values.items():
+            setattr(search_params, name, value)
+        return search_params
+    def _buildUpstreamStatusParams(self, data):
+        """ Convert the status_upstream value to parameters we can
+        send to BugTaskSet.search().
+        """
+        if 'status_upstream' in data:
+            status_upstream = data['status_upstream']
+            if 'pending_bugwatch' in status_upstream:
+                data['pending_bugwatch_elsewhere'] = True
+            if 'resolved_upstream' in status_upstream:
+                data['resolved_upstream'] = True
+            if 'open_upstream' in status_upstream:
+                data['open_upstream'] = True
+            if 'hide_upstream' in status_upstream:
+                data['has_no_upstream_bugtask'] = True
+            del data['status_upstream']
+    def _getBatchNavigator(self, tasks):
+        """Return the batch navigator to be used to batch the bugtasks."""
+        return BugListingBatchNavigator(
+            tasks, self.request, columns_to_show=self.columns_to_show,
+            size=config.malone.buglist_batch_size,
+            target_context=self.context)
+    def buildBugTaskSearchParams(self, searchtext=None, extra_params=None):
+        """Build the parameters to submit to the `searchTasks` method.
+        Use the data submitted in the form to populate a dictionary
+        which, when expanded (using **params notation) can serve as the
+        input for searchTasks().
+        """
+        # We force the view to populate the data dictionary by calling
+        # _validate here.
+        data = {}
+        self._validate(None, data)
+        searchtext = data.get("searchtext")
+        if searchtext and searchtext.isdigit():
+            try:
+                bug = getUtility(IBugSet).get(searchtext)
+            except NotFoundError:
+                pass
+            else:
+                self.request.response.redirect(canonical_url(bug))
+        if extra_params:
+            data.update(extra_params)
+        params = {}
+        # A mapping of parameters that appear in the destination
+        # with a different name, or are being dropped altogether.
+        param_names_map = {
+            'searchtext': 'search_text',
+            'omit_dupes': 'omit_duplicates',
+            'subscriber': 'bug_subscriber',
+            'tag': 'tags',
+            # The correct value is being retrieved
+            # using get_sortorder_from_request()
+            'orderby': None,
+            }
+        for key, value in data.items():
+            if key in param_names_map:
+                param_name = param_names_map[key]
+                if param_name is not None:
+                    params[param_name] = value
+            else:
+                params[key] = value
+        assignee_option = self.request.form.get("assignee_option")
+        if assignee_option == "none":
+            params['assignee'] = NULL
+        params['order_by'] = get_sortorder_from_request(self.request)
+        return params
+    def search(self, searchtext=None, context=None, extra_params=None):
+        """Return an `ITableBatchNavigator` for the GET search criteria.
+        :param searchtext: Text that must occur in the bug report. If
+            searchtext is None, the search text will be gotten from the
+            request.
+        :param extra_params: A dict that provides search params added to
+            the search criteria taken from the request. Params in
+            `extra_params` take precedence over request params.
+        """
+        if self._batch_navigator is None:
+            unbatchedTasks = self.searchUnbatched(
+                searchtext, context, extra_params)
+            self._batch_navigator = self._getBatchNavigator(unbatchedTasks)
+        return self._batch_navigator
+    def searchUnbatched(self, searchtext=None, context=None,
+                        extra_params=None):
+        """Return a `SelectResults` object for the GET search criteria.
+        :param searchtext: Text that must occur in the bug report. If
+            searchtext is None, the search text will be gotten from the
+            request.
+        :param extra_params: A dict that provides search params added to
+            the search criteria taken from the request. Params in
+            `extra_params` take precedence over request params.
+        """
+        # Base classes can provide an explicit search context.
+        if not context:
+            context = self.context
+        search_params = self.buildSearchParams(
+            searchtext=searchtext, extra_params=extra_params)
+        search_params.user = self.user
+        try:
+            tasks = context.searchTasks(search_params)
+        except ValueError as e:
+            self.request.response.addErrorNotification(str(e))
+            self.request.response.redirect(canonical_url(
+                self.context, rootsite='bugs', view_name='+bugs'))
+            tasks = None
+        return tasks
+    def getWidgetValues(
+        self, vocabulary_name=None, vocabulary=None, default_values=()):
+        """Return data used to render a field's widget.
+        Either `vocabulary_name` or `vocabulary` must be supplied."""
+        widget_values = []
+        if vocabulary is None:
+            assert vocabulary_name is not None, 'No vocabulary specified.'
+            vocabulary = vocabulary_registry.get(
+                self.context, vocabulary_name)
+        for term in vocabulary:
+            widget_values.append(
+                dict(
+                    value=term.token, title=term.title or term.token,
+                    checked=term.value in default_values))
+        return shortlist(widget_values, longest_expected=12)
+    def getStatusWidgetValues(self):
+        """Return data used to render the status checkboxes."""
+        return self.getWidgetValues(
+            vocabulary=BugTaskStatusSearchDisplay,
+    def getImportanceWidgetValues(self):
+        """Return data used to render the Importance checkboxes."""
+        return self.getWidgetValues(vocabulary=BugTaskImportance)
+    def getInformationTypeWidgetValues(self):
+        """Return data used to render the Information Type checkboxes."""
+        if (IProduct.providedBy(self.context)
+            or IDistribution.providedBy(self.context)):
+            vocab = InformationTypeVocabulary(
+                types=self.context.getAllowedBugInformationTypes())
+        else:
+            vocab = InformationType
+        return self.getWidgetValues(vocabulary=vocab)
+    def getMilestoneWidgetValues(self):
+        """Return data used to render the milestone checkboxes."""
+        return self.getWidgetValues("MilestoneWithDateExpected")
+    def getSimpleSearchURL(self):
+        """Return a URL that can be used as an href to the simple search."""
+        return canonical_url(self.context) + "/+bugs"
+    def shouldShowAssigneeWidget(self):
+        """Should the assignee widget be shown on the advanced search page?"""
+        return True
+    def shouldShowCommenterWidget(self):
+        """Show the commenter widget on the advanced search page?"""
+        return True
+    def shouldShowComponentWidget(self):
+        """Show the component widget on the advanced search page?"""
+        context = self.context
+        return (
+            (IDistribution.providedBy(context) and
+             context.currentseries is not None) or
+            IDistroSeries.providedBy(context) or
+            ISourcePackage.providedBy(context))
+    def shouldShowStructuralSubscriberWidget(self):
+        """Should the structural subscriber widget be shown on the page?
+        Show the widget when there are subordinate structures.
+        """
+        return self.structural_subscriber_label is not None
+    def shouldShowNoPackageWidget(self):
+        """Should the widget to filter on bugs with no package be shown?
+        The widget will be shown only on a distribution or
+        distroseries's advanced search page.
+        """
+        return (IDistribution.providedBy(self.context) or
+                IDistroSeries.providedBy(self.context))
+    def shouldShowReporterWidget(self):
+        """Should the reporter widget be shown on the advanced search page?"""
+        return True
+    def shouldShowReleaseCriticalPortlet(self):
+        """Should the page include a portlet showing release-critical bugs
+        for different series.
+        """
+        return (
+            IDistribution.providedBy(self.context) and self.context.series
+            or IDistroSeries.providedBy(self.context)
+            or IProduct.providedBy(self.context) and self.context.series
+            or IProductSeries.providedBy(self.context))
+    def shouldShowSubscriberWidget(self):
+        """Show the subscriber widget on the advanced search page?"""
+        return True
+    def shouldShowUpstreamStatusBox(self):
+        """Should the upstream status filtering widgets be shown?"""
+        return self.isUpstreamProduct or not (
+            IProduct.providedBy(self.context) or
+            IProjectGroup.providedBy(self.context))
+    def shouldShowTeamPortlet(self):
+        """Should the User's Teams portlet me shown in the results?"""
+        return False
+    @property
+    def structural_subscriber_label(self):
+        if IDistribution.providedBy(self.context):
+            return 'Package or series subscriber'
+        elif IDistroSeries.providedBy(self.context):
+            return 'Package subscriber'
+        elif IProduct.providedBy(self.context):
+            return 'Series subscriber'
+        elif IProjectGroup.providedBy(self.context):
+            return 'Project or series subscriber'
+        elif IPerson.providedBy(self.context):
+            return 'Project, distribution, package, or series subscriber'
+        else:
+            return None
+    def shouldShowTargetName(self):
+        """Should the bug target name be displayed in the list of results?
+        This is mainly useful for the listview.
+        """
+        # It doesn't make sense to show the target name when viewing product
+        # bugs.
+        if IProduct.providedBy(self.context):
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    def shouldShowAdvancedForm(self):
+        """Return True if the advanced form should be shown, or False."""
+        if (self.request.form.get('advanced')
+            or self.form_has_errors):
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    @property
+    def should_show_bug_information(self):
+        return self.bug_tracking_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD
+    @property
+    def form_has_errors(self):
+        """Return True if the form has errors, otherwise False."""
+        return len(self.errors) > 0
+    def validateVocabulariesAdvancedForm(self):
+        """Provides a meaningful message for vocabulary validation errors."""
+        error_message = _(
+            "There's no person with the name or email address '%s'.")
+        for name in ('assignee', 'bug_reporter', 'structural_subscriber',
+                     'bug_commenter', 'subscriber'):
+            if self.getFieldError(name):
+                self.setFieldError(
+                    name, error_message %
+                        self.request.get('field.%s' % name))
+    @property
+    def isUpstreamProduct(self):
+        """Is the context a Product that does not use Malone?"""
+        return (
+            IProduct.providedBy(self.context)
+            and self.context.bug_tracking_usage != ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD)
+    def _upstreamContext(self):
+        """Is this page being viewed in an upstream context?
+        Return the IProduct if yes, otherwise return None.
+        """
+        return IProduct(self.context, None)
+    def _productSeriesContext(self):
+        """Is this page being viewed in a product series context?
+        Return the IProductSeries if yes, otherwise return None.
+        """
+        return IProductSeries(self.context, None)
+    def _projectContext(self):
+        """Is this page being viewed in a project context?
+        Return the IProjectGroup if yes, otherwise return None.
+        """
+        return IProjectGroup(self.context, None)
+    def _personContext(self):
+        """Is this page being viewed in a person context?
+        Return the IPerson if yes, otherwise return None.
+        """
+        return IPerson(self.context, None)
+    def _distributionContext(self):
+        """Is this page being viewed in a distribution context?
+        Return the IDistribution if yes, otherwise return None.
+        """
+        return IDistribution(self.context, None)
+    def _distroSeriesContext(self):
+        """Is this page being viewed in a distroseries context?
+        Return the IDistroSeries if yes, otherwise return None.
+        """
+        return IDistroSeries(self.context, None)
+    def _sourcePackageContext(self):
+        """Is this view in a [distroseries] sourcepackage context?
+        Return the ISourcePackage if yes, otherwise return None.
+        """
+        return ISourcePackage(self.context, None)
+    def _distroSourcePackageContext(self):
+        """Is this page being viewed in a distribution sourcepackage context?
+        Return the IDistributionSourcePackage if yes, otherwise return None.
+        """
+        return IDistributionSourcePackage(self.context, None)
+    @property
+    def addquestion_url(self):
+        """Return the URL for the +addquestion view for the context."""
+        if IQuestionTarget.providedBy(self.context):
+            answers_usage = IServiceUsage(self.context).answers_usage
+            if answers_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD:
+                return canonical_url(
+                    self.context, rootsite='answers',
+                    view_name='+addquestion')
+        else:
+            return None
+class BugTargetView(LaunchpadView):
+    """Used to grab bugs for a bug target; used by the latest bugs portlet"""
+    def latestBugTasks(self, quantity=5):
+        """Return <quantity> latest bugs reported against this target."""
+        params = BugTaskSearchParams(orderby="-datecreated",
+                                     omit_dupes=True,
+                                     user=getUtility(ILaunchBag).user)
+        tasklist = self.context.searchTasks(params)
+        return tasklist[:quantity]
+    def getMostRecentlyUpdatedBugTasks(self, limit=5):
+        """Return the most recently updated bugtasks for this target."""
+        params = BugTaskSearchParams(
+            orderby="-date_last_updated", omit_dupes=True, user=self.user)
+        return list(self.context.searchTasks(params)[:limit])
+class TextualBugTaskSearchListingView(BugTaskSearchListingView):
+    """View that renders a list of bug IDs for a given set of search criteria.
+    """
+    def render(self):
+        """Render the BugTarget for text display."""
+        self.request.response.setHeader(
+            'Content-type', 'text/plain')
+        # This uses the BugTaskSet internal API instead of using the
+        # standard searchTasks() because the latter can retrieve a lot
+        # of bugs and we don't want to load all of that data in memory.
+        # Retrieving only the bug numbers is much more efficient.
+        search_params = self.buildSearchParams()
+        # XXX flacoste 2008/04/24 This should be moved to a
+        # BugTaskSearchParams.setTarget().
+        if (IDistroSeries.providedBy(self.context) or
+            IProductSeries.providedBy(self.context)):
+            search_params.setTarget(self.context)
+        elif IDistribution.providedBy(self.context):
+            search_params.setDistribution(self.context)
+        elif IProduct.providedBy(self.context):
+            search_params.setProduct(self.context)
+        elif IProjectGroup.providedBy(self.context):
+            search_params.setProject(self.context)
+        elif (ISourcePackage.providedBy(self.context) or
+              IDistributionSourcePackage.providedBy(self.context)):
+            search_params.setSourcePackage(self.context)
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError('Unknown context type: %s' % self.context)
+        return u"".join("%d\n" % bug_id for bug_id in
+            getUtility(IBugTaskSet).searchBugIds(search_params))
+class BugsBugTaskSearchListingView(BugTaskSearchListingView):
+    """Search all bug reports."""
+    columns_to_show = ["id", "summary", "bugtargetdisplayname",
+                       "importance", "status", "heat"]
+    schema = IFrontPageBugTaskSearch
+    custom_widget('scope', ProjectScopeWidget)
+    page_title = 'Search'
+    def initialize(self):
+        """Initialize the view for the request."""
+        BugTaskSearchListingView.initialize(self)
+        if not self._isRedirected():
+            self._redirectToSearchContext()
+    def _redirectToSearchContext(self):
+        """Check whether a target was given and redirect to it.
+        All the URL parameters will be passed on to the target's +bugs
+        page.
+        If the target widget contains errors, redirect to the front page
+        which will handle the error.
+        """
+        try:
+            search_target = self.widgets['scope'].getInputValue()
+        except InputErrors:
+            query_string = self.request['QUERY_STRING']
+            bugs_url = "%s?%s" % (canonical_url(self.context), query_string)
+            self.request.response.redirect(bugs_url)
+        else:
+            if search_target is not None:
+                query_string = self.request['QUERY_STRING']
+                search_url = "%s/+bugs?%s" % (
+                    canonical_url(search_target), query_string)
+                self.request.response.redirect(search_url)
+    def getSearchPageHeading(self):
+        """Return the heading to search all Bugs."""
+        return "Search all bug reports"
+    @property
+    def label(self):
+        return self.getSearchPageHeading()
+class BugTaskExpirableListingView(BugTaskSearchListingView):
+    """View for listing Incomplete bugs that can expire."""
+    @property
+    def can_show_expirable_bugs(self):
+        """Return True or False if expirable bug listing can be shown."""
+        return target_has_expirable_bugs_listing(self.context)
+    @property
+    def inactive_expiration_age(self):
+        """Return the number of days an bug must be inactive to expire."""
+        return config.malone.days_before_expiration
+    @property
+    def columns_to_show(self):
+        """Show the columns that summarise expirable bugs."""
+        if (IDistribution.providedBy(self.context)
+            or IDistroSeries.providedBy(self.context)):
+            return [
+                'id', 'summary', 'packagename', 'date_last_updated', 'heat']
+        else:
+            return ['id', 'summary', 'date_last_updated', 'heat']
+    def search(self):
+        """Return an `ITableBatchNavigator` for the expirable bugtasks."""
+        bugtaskset = getUtility(IBugTaskSet)
+        bugtasks = bugtaskset.findExpirableBugTasks(
+            user=self.user, target=self.context, min_days_old=0)
+        return BugListingBatchNavigator(
+            bugtasks, self.request, columns_to_show=self.columns_to_show,
+            size=config.malone.buglist_batch_size)
+    @property
+    def page_title(self):
+        return "Bugs that can expire in %s" % self.context.title
+class BugNominationsView(BugTaskSearchListingView):
+    """View for accepting/declining bug nominations."""
+    def search(self):
+        """Return all the nominated tasks for this series."""
+        if IDistroSeries.providedBy(self.context):
+            main_context = self.context.distribution
+        elif IProductSeries.providedBy(self.context):
+            main_context = self.context.product
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError(
+                'Unknown nomination target: %r' % self.context)
+        return BugTaskSearchListingView.search(
+            self, context=main_context,
+            extra_params=dict(nominated_for=self.context))

=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/browser/bugtask.py'
--- lib/lp/bugs/browser/bugtask.py	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/browser/bugtask.py	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -6,26 +6,16 @@
 __metaclass__ = type
 __all__ = [
-    'BugListingBatchNavigator',
-    'BugListingPortletInfoView',
-    'BugListingPortletStatsView',
-    'BugNominationsView',
-    'BugsBugTaskSearchListingView',
-    'BugTargetView',
-    'BugTaskExpirableListingView',
-    'BugTaskListingItem',
-    'BugTaskListingView',
-    'BugTaskSearchListingView',
@@ -33,14 +23,10 @@
-    'get_buglisting_search_filter_url',
-    'get_sortorder_from_request',
-    'TextualBugTaskSearchListingView',
-import cgi
 from collections import defaultdict
 from datetime import (
@@ -48,10 +34,8 @@
 from itertools import groupby
 from operator import attrgetter
-import os.path
 import re
 import urllib
-import urlparse
 from lazr.delegates import delegates
 from lazr.lifecycle.event import ObjectModifiedEvent
@@ -64,33 +48,23 @@
 from lazr.restful.utils import smartquote
-from lazr.uri import URI
-import pystache
 from pytz import utc
 from simplejson import dumps
-from simplejson.encoder import JSONEncoderForHTML
 import transaction
 from z3c.pt.pagetemplate import ViewPageTemplateFile
-from zope import (
-    component,
-    formlib,
-    )
-from zope.authentication.interfaces import IUnauthenticatedPrincipal
+from zope import formlib
 from zope.component import (
+    adapter,
-    queryMultiAdapter,
 from zope.event import notify
-from zope.formlib.interfaces import InputErrors
-from zope.formlib.itemswidgets import RadioWidget
 from zope.formlib.widget import CustomWidgetFactory
 from zope.interface import (
-    Interface,
 from zope.schema import Choice
@@ -99,16 +73,11 @@
 from zope.security.interfaces import Unauthorized
-from zope.security.proxy import (
-    isinstance as zope_isinstance,
-    removeSecurityProxy,
-    )
+from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
 from zope.traversing.browser import absoluteURL
 from zope.traversing.interfaces import IPathAdapter
 from lp import _
-from lp.answers.interfaces.questiontarget import IQuestionTarget
-from lp.app.browser.launchpad import iter_view_registrations
 from lp.app.browser.launchpadform import (
@@ -122,31 +91,11 @@
 from lp.app.browser.stringformatter import FormattersAPI
-from lp.app.browser.tales import (
-    BugTrackerFormatterAPI,
-    DateTimeFormatterAPI,
-    ObjectImageDisplayAPI,
-    PersonFormatterAPI,
-    )
+from lp.app.browser.tales import ObjectImageDisplayAPI
 from lp.app.browser.vocabulary import vocabulary_filters
-from lp.app.enums import (
-    InformationType,
-    ServiceUsage,
-    )
-from lp.app.errors import (
-    NotFoundError,
-    UnexpectedFormData,
-    )
-from lp.app.interfaces.launchpad import (
-    ILaunchpadCelebrities,
-    IPrivacy,
-    IServiceUsage,
-    )
-from lp.app.vocabularies import InformationTypeVocabulary
-from lp.app.widgets.itemswidgets import LabeledMultiCheckBoxWidget
-from lp.app.widgets.popup import PersonPickerWidget
-from lp.app.widgets.project import ProjectScopeWidget
+from lp.app.enums import PROPRIETARY_INFORMATION_TYPES
+from lp.app.errors import NotFoundError
+from lp.app.interfaces.launchpad import ILaunchpadCelebrities
 from lp.bugs.browser.bug import (
@@ -156,10 +105,6 @@
-from lp.bugs.browser.structuralsubscription import (
-    expose_structural_subscription_data_to_js,
-    )
-from lp.bugs.browser.widgets.bug import BugTagsWidget
 from lp.bugs.browser.widgets.bugtask import (
@@ -167,7 +112,6 @@
-    NewLineToSpacesWidget,
 from lp.bugs.interfaces.bug import (
@@ -186,39 +130,20 @@
 from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtask import (
-    BugTaskStatusSearch,
-    BugTaskStatusSearchDisplay,
-from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtasksearch import (
-    BugBlueprintSearch,
-    BugBranchSearch,
-    BugTagsSearchCombinator,
-    BugTaskSearchParams,
-    IBugTaskSearch,
-    IFrontPageBugTaskSearch,
-    IPersonBugTaskSearch,
-    IUpstreamProductBugTaskSearch,
-    )
-from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtracker import (
-    BugTrackerType,
-    IHasExternalBugTracker,
-    )
+from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtasksearch import BugTaskSearchParams
+from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtracker import BugTrackerType
 from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugwatch import BugWatchActivityStatus
 from lp.bugs.interfaces.cve import ICveSet
-from lp.bugs.interfaces.malone import IMaloneApplication
-from lp.bugs.model.bugtasksearch import orderby_expression
 from lp.bugs.vocabularies import BugTaskMilestoneVocabulary
 from lp.code.interfaces.branchcollection import IAllBranches
-from lp.layers import FeedsLayer
 from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import (
@@ -230,42 +155,25 @@
-from lp.registry.interfaces.person import (
-    IPerson,
-    IPersonSet,
-    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet
 from lp.registry.interfaces.product import IProduct
 from lp.registry.interfaces.productseries import IProductSeries
-from lp.registry.interfaces.projectgroup import IProjectGroup
 from lp.registry.interfaces.sourcepackage import ISourcePackage
 from lp.registry.model.personroles import PersonRoles
 from lp.services.config import config
 from lp.services.features import getFeatureFlag
-from lp.services.feeds.browser import (
-    BugTargetLatestBugsFeedLink,
-    FeedsMixin,
-    )
+from lp.services.feeds.browser import FeedsMixin
 from lp.services.fields import PersonChoice
-from lp.services.helpers import shortlist
 from lp.services.mail.notification import get_unified_diff
 from lp.services.privacy.interfaces import IObjectPrivacy
 from lp.services.propertycache import (
-from lp.services.searchbuilder import (
-    all,
-    any,
-    NULL,
-    )
-from lp.services.utils import obfuscate_structure
 from lp.services.webapp import (
-    enabled_with_permission,
-    Link,
-    NavigationMenu,
@@ -273,7 +181,6 @@
-from lp.services.webapp.batching import TableBatchNavigator
 from lp.services.webapp.breadcrumb import Breadcrumb
 from lp.services.webapp.escaping import (
@@ -284,24 +191,8 @@
 vocabulary_registry = getVocabularyRegistry()
-    BugTaskStatus.NEW: True,
-    BugTaskStatus.INCOMPLETE: True,
-    BugTaskStatus.INVALID: False,
-    BugTaskStatus.WONTFIX: False,
-    BugTaskStatus.CONFIRMED: True,
-    BugTaskStatus.TRIAGED: True,
-    BugTaskStatus.INPROGRESS: True,
-    BugTaskStatus.FIXCOMMITTED: True,
-    BugTaskStatus.FIXRELEASED: False,
-    BugTaskStatus.UNKNOWN: False,
-    BugTaskStatus.EXPIRED: False,
-    BugTaskStatusSearch.INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE: True,
-    }
-@component.adapter(IBugTask, IReference, IWebServiceClientRequest)
+@adapter(IBugTask, IReference, IWebServiceClientRequest)
 def bugtarget_renderer(context, field, request):
     """Render a bugtarget as a link."""
@@ -412,107 +303,6 @@
     return visible_comments
-def get_sortorder_from_request(request):
-    """Get the sortorder from the request.
-    >>> from lp.services.webapp.servers import LaunchpadTestRequest
-    >>> get_sortorder_from_request(LaunchpadTestRequest(form={}))
-    ['-importance']
-    >>> get_sortorder_from_request(
-    ...     LaunchpadTestRequest(form={'orderby': '-status'}))
-    ['-status']
-    >>> get_sortorder_from_request(LaunchpadTestRequest(
-    ...     form={'orderby': 'status,-severity,importance'}))
-    ['status', 'importance']
-    >>> get_sortorder_from_request(
-    ...     LaunchpadTestRequest(form={'orderby': 'priority,-severity'}))
-    ['-importance']
-    """
-    order_by_string = request.get("orderby", '')
-    if order_by_string:
-        if not zope_isinstance(order_by_string, list):
-            order_by = order_by_string.split(',')
-        else:
-            order_by = order_by_string
-    else:
-        order_by = []
-    # Remove old order_by values that people might have in bookmarks.
-    for old_order_by_column in ['priority', 'severity']:
-        if old_order_by_column in order_by:
-            order_by.remove(old_order_by_column)
-        if '-' + old_order_by_column in order_by:
-            order_by.remove('-' + old_order_by_column)
-    if order_by:
-        return order_by
-    else:
-        # No sort ordering specified, so use a reasonable default.
-        return ["-importance"]
-def get_default_search_params(user):
-    """Return a BugTaskSearchParams instance with default values.
-    By default, a search includes any bug that is unresolved and not a
-    duplicate of another bug.
-    If this search will be used to display a list of bugs to the user
-    it may be a good idea to set the orderby attribute using
-    get_sortorder_from_request():
-      params = get_default_search_params(user)
-      params.orderby = get_sortorder_from_request(request)
-    """
-    return BugTaskSearchParams(
-        user=user, status=any(*UNRESOLVED_BUGTASK_STATUSES), omit_dupes=True)
-    'Unconfirmed': 'New',
-    'Needs Info': 'Incomplete',
-    'Rejected': 'Invalid',
-    }
-def rewrite_old_bugtask_status_query_string(query_string):
-    """Return a query string with old status names replaced with new.
-    If an old status string has been used in the query, construct a
-    corrected query string for the search, else return the original
-    query string.
-    """
-    query_elements = cgi.parse_qsl(
-        query_string, keep_blank_values=True, strict_parsing=False)
-    query_elements_mapped = []
-    for name, value in query_elements:
-        if name == 'field.status:list':
-            value = OLD_BUGTASK_STATUS_MAP.get(value, value)
-        query_elements_mapped.append((name, value))
-    if query_elements == query_elements_mapped:
-        return query_string
-    else:
-        return urllib.urlencode(query_elements_mapped, doseq=True)
-def target_has_expirable_bugs_listing(target):
-    """Return True or False if the target has the expirable-bugs listing.
-    The target must be a Distribution, DistroSeries, Product, or
-    ProductSeries, and the pillar must have enabled bug expiration.
-    """
-    if IDistribution.providedBy(target) or IProduct.providedBy(target):
-        return target.enable_bug_expiration
-    elif IProductSeries.providedBy(target):
-        return target.product.enable_bug_expiration
-    elif IDistroSeries.providedBy(target):
-        return target.distribution.enable_bug_expiration
-    else:
-        # This context is not a supported bugtarget.
-        return False
 class BugTargetTraversalMixin:
     """Mix-in in class that provides .../+bug/NNN traversal."""
@@ -1829,1487 +1619,6 @@
             return view.render()
-class BugTaskListingView(LaunchpadView):
-    """A view designed for displaying bug tasks in lists."""
-    # Note that this right now is only used in tests and to render
-    # status in the CVEReportView. It may be a candidate for refactoring
-    # or removal.
-    @property
-    def status(self):
-        """Return an HTML representation of the bugtask status.
-        The assignee is included.
-        """
-        bugtask = self.context
-        assignee = bugtask.assignee
-        status = bugtask.status
-        status_title = status.title.capitalize()
-        if not assignee:
-            return status_title + ' (unassigned)'
-        assignee_html = PersonFormatterAPI(assignee).link('+assignedbugs')
-        if status in (BugTaskStatus.INVALID,
-                      BugTaskStatus.FIXCOMMITTED):
-            return '%s by %s' % (status_title, assignee_html)
-        else:
-            return '%s, assigned to %s' % (status_title, assignee_html)
-    @property
-    def status_elsewhere(self):
-        """Return human-readable representation of the status of this bug
-        in other contexts for which it's reported.
-        """
-        bugtask = self.context
-        related_tasks = bugtask.related_tasks
-        if not related_tasks:
-            return "not filed elsewhere"
-        fixes_found = len(
-            [task for task in related_tasks
-             if task.status in (BugTaskStatus.FIXCOMMITTED,
-                                BugTaskStatus.FIXRELEASED)])
-        if fixes_found:
-            return "fixed in %d of %d places" % (
-                fixes_found, len(bugtask.bug.bugtasks))
-        elif len(related_tasks) == 1:
-            return "filed in 1 other place"
-        else:
-            return "filed in %d other places" % len(related_tasks)
-    def render(self):
-        """Make rendering this template-less view not crash."""
-        return u""
-class BugsInfoMixin:
-    """Contains properties giving URLs to bug information."""
-    @property
-    def bugs_fixed_elsewhere_url(self):
-        """A URL to a list of bugs fixed elsewhere."""
-        return "%s?field.status_upstream=resolved_upstream" % (
-            canonical_url(self.context, view_name='+bugs'))
-    @property
-    def open_cve_bugs_url(self):
-        """A URL to a list of open bugs linked to CVEs."""
-        return "%s?field.has_cve=on" % (
-            canonical_url(self.context, view_name='+bugs'))
-    @property
-    def open_cve_bugs_has_report(self):
-        """Whether or not the context has a CVE report page."""
-        return queryMultiAdapter(
-            (self.context, self.request), name='+cve') is not None
-    @property
-    def pending_bugwatches_url(self):
-        """A URL to a list of bugs that need a bugwatch.
-        None is returned if the context is not an upstream product.
-        """
-        if not IProduct.providedBy(self.context):
-            return None
-        if self.context.bug_tracking_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD:
-            return None
-        return "%s?field.status_upstream=pending_bugwatch" % (
-            canonical_url(self.context, view_name='+bugs'))
-    @property
-    def expirable_bugs_url(self):
-        """A URL to a list of bugs that can expire, or None.
-        If the bugtarget is not a supported implementation, or its pillar
-        does not have enable_bug_expiration set to True, None is returned.
-        The bugtarget may be an `IDistribution`, `IDistroSeries`, `IProduct`,
-        or `IProductSeries`.
-        """
-        if target_has_expirable_bugs_listing(self.context):
-            return canonical_url(self.context, view_name='+expirable-bugs')
-        else:
-            return None
-    @property
-    def new_bugs_url(self):
-        """A URL to a page of new bugs."""
-        return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(
-            status=BugTaskStatus.NEW.title)
-    @property
-    def inprogress_bugs_url(self):
-        """A URL to a page of inprogress bugs."""
-        return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(
-            status=BugTaskStatus.INPROGRESS.title)
-    @property
-    def open_bugs_url(self):
-        """A URL to a list of open bugs."""
-        return canonical_url(self.context, view_name='+bugs')
-    @property
-    def critical_bugs_url(self):
-        """A URL to a list of critical bugs."""
-        return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(
-            status=[status.title for status in UNRESOLVED_BUGTASK_STATUSES],
-            importance=BugTaskImportance.CRITICAL.title)
-    @property
-    def high_bugs_url(self):
-        """A URL to a list of high priority bugs."""
-        return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(
-            status=[status.title for status in UNRESOLVED_BUGTASK_STATUSES],
-            importance=BugTaskImportance.HIGH.title)
-    @property
-    def my_bugs_url(self):
-        """A URL to a list of bugs assigned to the user, or None."""
-        if self.user is None:
-            return None
-        else:
-            return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(assignee=self.user.name)
-    @property
-    def my_affecting_bugs_url(self):
-        """A URL to a list of bugs affecting the current user, or None if
-        there is no current user.
-        """
-        if self.user is None:
-            return None
-        return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(
-            affecting_me=True,
-            orderby='-date_last_updated')
-    @property
-    def my_reported_bugs_url(self):
-        """A URL to a list of bugs reported by the user, or None."""
-        if self.user is None:
-            return None
-        return get_buglisting_search_filter_url(bug_reporter=self.user.name)
-class BugsStatsMixin(BugsInfoMixin):
-    """Contains properties giving bug stats.
-    These can be expensive to obtain.
-    """
-    @cachedproperty
-    def _bug_stats(self):
-        # Circular fail.
-        from lp.bugs.model.bugsummary import BugSummary
-        bug_task_set = getUtility(IBugTaskSet)
-        groups = (
-            BugSummary.status, BugSummary.importance, BugSummary.has_patch)
-        counts = bug_task_set.countBugs(self.user, [self.context], groups)
-        # Sum the split out aggregates.
-        new = 0
-        open = 0
-        inprogress = 0
-        critical = 0
-        high = 0
-        with_patch = 0
-        for metadata, count in counts.items():
-            status = metadata[0]
-            importance = metadata[1]
-            has_patch = metadata[2]
-            if status == BugTaskStatus.NEW:
-                new += count
-            elif status == BugTaskStatus.INPROGRESS:
-                inprogress += count
-            if importance == BugTaskImportance.CRITICAL:
-                critical += count
-            elif importance == BugTaskImportance.HIGH:
-                high += count
-            if has_patch and DISPLAY_BUG_STATUS_FOR_PATCHES[status]:
-                with_patch += count
-            open += count
-        result = dict(
-            new=new, open=open, inprogress=inprogress, high=high,
-            critical=critical, with_patch=with_patch)
-        return result
-    @property
-    def open_cve_bugs_count(self):
-        """A count of open bugs linked to CVEs."""
-        params = get_default_search_params(self.user)
-        params.has_cve = True
-        return self.context.searchTasks(params).count()
-    @property
-    def pending_bugwatches_count(self):
-        """A count of bugs that need a bugwatch.
-        None is returned if the context is not an upstream product.
-        """
-        if not IProduct.providedBy(self.context):
-            return None
-        if self.context.bug_tracking_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD:
-            return None
-        params = get_default_search_params(self.user)
-        params.pending_bugwatch_elsewhere = True
-        return self.context.searchTasks(params).count()
-    @property
-    def expirable_bugs_count(self):
-        """A count of bugs that can expire, or None.
-        If the bugtarget is not a supported implementation, or its pillar
-        does not have enable_bug_expiration set to True, None is returned.
-        The bugtarget may be an `IDistribution`, `IDistroSeries`, `IProduct`,
-        or `IProductSeries`.
-        """
-        if target_has_expirable_bugs_listing(self.context):
-            return getUtility(IBugTaskSet).findExpirableBugTasks(
-                0, user=self.user, target=self.context).count()
-        else:
-            return None
-    @property
-    def new_bugs_count(self):
-        """A count of new bugs."""
-        return self._bug_stats['new']
-    @property
-    def open_bugs_count(self):
-        """A count of open bugs."""
-        return self._bug_stats['open']
-    @property
-    def inprogress_bugs_count(self):
-        """A count of in-progress bugs."""
-        return self._bug_stats['inprogress']
-    @property
-    def critical_bugs_count(self):
-        """A count of critical bugs."""
-        return self._bug_stats['critical']
-    @property
-    def high_bugs_count(self):
-        """A count of high priority bugs."""
-        return self._bug_stats['high']
-    @property
-    def my_bugs_count(self):
-        """A count of bugs assigned to the user, or None."""
-        if self.user is None:
-            return None
-        else:
-            params = get_default_search_params(self.user)
-            params.assignee = self.user
-            return self.context.searchTasks(params).count()
-    @property
-    def my_reported_bugs_count(self):
-        """A count of bugs reported by the user, or None."""
-        if self.user is None:
-            return None
-        params = get_default_search_params(self.user)
-        params.bug_reporter = self.user
-        return self.context.searchTasks(params).count()
-    @property
-    def my_affecting_bugs_count(self):
-        """A count of bugs affecting the user, or None."""
-        if self.user is None:
-            return None
-        params = get_default_search_params(self.user)
-        params.affects_me = True
-        return self.context.searchTasks(params).count()
-    @property
-    def bugs_with_patches_count(self):
-        """A count of unresolved bugs with patches."""
-        return self._bug_stats['with_patch']
-class BugListingPortletInfoView(LaunchpadView, BugsInfoMixin):
-    """Portlet containing available bug listings without stats."""
-class BugListingPortletStatsView(LaunchpadView, BugsStatsMixin):
-    """Portlet containing available bug listings with stats."""
-def get_buglisting_search_filter_url(
-        assignee=None, importance=None, status=None, status_upstream=None,
-        has_patches=None, bug_reporter=None,
-        affecting_me=None,
-        orderby=None):
-    """Return the given URL with the search parameters specified."""
-    search_params = []
-    if assignee is not None:
-        search_params.append(('field.assignee', assignee))
-    if importance is not None:
-        search_params.append(('field.importance', importance))
-    if status is not None:
-        search_params.append(('field.status', status))
-    if status_upstream is not None:
-        search_params.append(('field.status_upstream', status_upstream))
-    if has_patches is not None:
-        search_params.append(('field.has_patch', 'on'))
-    if bug_reporter is not None:
-        search_params.append(('field.bug_reporter', bug_reporter))
-    if affecting_me is not None:
-        search_params.append(('field.affects_me', 'on'))
-    if orderby is not None:
-        search_params.append(('orderby', orderby))
-    query_string = urllib.urlencode(search_params, doseq=True)
-    search_filter_url = "+bugs?search=Search"
-    if query_string != '':
-        search_filter_url += "&" + query_string
-    return search_filter_url
-class BugTaskListingItem:
-    """A decorated bug task.
-    Some attributes that we want to display are too convoluted or expensive
-    to get on the fly for each bug task in the listing.  These items are
-    prefetched by the view and decorate the bug task.
-    """
-    delegates(IBugTask, 'bugtask')
-    def __init__(self, bugtask, has_bug_branch,
-                 has_specification, has_patch, tags,
-                 people, request=None, target_context=None):
-        self.bugtask = bugtask
-        self.review_action_widget = None
-        self.has_bug_branch = has_bug_branch
-        self.has_specification = has_specification
-        self.has_patch = has_patch
-        self.tags = tags
-        self.people = people
-        self.request = request
-        self.target_context = target_context
-    @property
-    def last_significant_change_date(self):
-        """The date of the last significant change."""
-        return (self.bugtask.date_closed or self.bugtask.date_fix_committed or
-                self.bugtask.date_inprogress or self.bugtask.date_left_new or
-                self.bugtask.datecreated)
-    @property
-    def bug_heat_html(self):
-        """Returns the bug heat flames HTML."""
-        return (
-            '<span class="sprite flame">%d</span>'
-            % self.bugtask.bug.heat)
-    @property
-    def model(self):
-        """Provide flattened data about bugtask for simple templaters."""
-        age = DateTimeFormatterAPI(self.bug.datecreated).durationsince()
-        age += ' old'
-        date_last_updated = self.bug.date_last_message
-        if (date_last_updated is None or
-            self.bug.date_last_updated > date_last_updated):
-            date_last_updated = self.bug.date_last_updated
-        last_updated_formatter = DateTimeFormatterAPI(date_last_updated)
-        last_updated = last_updated_formatter.displaydate()
-        badges = getAdapter(self, IPathAdapter, 'image').badges()
-        target_image = getAdapter(self.target, IPathAdapter, 'image')
-        if self.bugtask.milestone is not None:
-            milestone_name = self.bugtask.milestone.displayname
-        else:
-            milestone_name = None
-        assignee = None
-        if self.assigneeID is not None:
-            assignee = self.people[self.assigneeID].displayname
-        reporter = self.people[self.bug.ownerID]
-        # the case that there is no target context (e.g. viewing bug that
-        # are related to a user account) is intercepted
-        if self.target_context is None:
-            base_tag_url = "%s/?field.tag=" % canonical_url(
-                self.bugtask.target,
-                view_name="+bugs")
-        else:
-            base_tag_url = "%s/?field.tag=" % canonical_url(
-                self.target_context,
-                view_name="+bugs")
-        flattened = {
-            'age': age,
-            'assignee': assignee,
-            'bug_url': canonical_url(self.bugtask),
-            'bugtarget': self.bugtargetdisplayname,
-            'bugtarget_css': target_image.sprite_css(),
-            'bug_heat_html': self.bug_heat_html,
-            'badges': badges,
-            'id': self.bug.id,
-            'importance': self.importance.title,
-            'importance_class': 'importance' + self.importance.name,
-            'information_type': self.bug.information_type.title,
-            'last_updated': last_updated,
-            'milestone_name': milestone_name,
-            'reporter': reporter.displayname,
-            'status': self.status.title,
-            'status_class': 'status' + self.status.name,
-            'tags': [{'url': base_tag_url + urllib.quote(tag), 'tag': tag}
-                for tag in self.tags],
-            'title': self.bug.title,
-            }
-        # This is a total hack, but pystache will run both truth/false values
-        # for an empty list for some reason, and it "works" if it's just a
-        # flag like this. We need this value for the mustache template to be
-        # able to tell that there are no tags without looking at the list.
-        flattened['has_tags'] = True if len(flattened['tags']) else False
-        return flattened
-class BugListingBatchNavigator(TableBatchNavigator):
-    """A specialised batch navigator to load smartly extra bug information."""
-    def __init__(self, tasks, request, columns_to_show, size,
-                 target_context=None):
-        self.request = request
-        self.target_context = target_context
-        self.user = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user
-        self.field_visibility_defaults = {
-            'show_datecreated': False,
-            'show_assignee': False,
-            'show_targetname': True,
-            'show_heat': True,
-            'show_id': True,
-            'show_importance': True,
-            'show_information_type': False,
-            'show_date_last_updated': False,
-            'show_milestone_name': False,
-            'show_reporter': False,
-            'show_status': True,
-            'show_tag': False,
-        }
-        self.field_visibility = None
-        self._setFieldVisibility()
-        TableBatchNavigator.__init__(
-            self, tasks, request, columns_to_show=columns_to_show, size=size)
-    @cachedproperty
-    def bug_badge_properties(self):
-        return getUtility(IBugTaskSet).getBugTaskBadgeProperties(
-            self.currentBatch())
-    @cachedproperty
-    def tags_for_batch(self):
-        """Return a dict matching bugtask to it's tags."""
-        return getUtility(IBugTaskSet).getBugTaskTags(self.currentBatch())
-    @cachedproperty
-    def bugtask_people(self):
-        """Return mapping of people related to this bugtask set."""
-        return getUtility(IBugTaskSet).getBugTaskPeople(self.currentBatch())
-    def getCookieName(self):
-        """Return the cookie name used in bug listings js code."""
-        cookie_name_template = '%s-buglist-fields'
-        cookie_name = ''
-        if self.user is not None:
-            cookie_name = cookie_name_template % self.user.name
-        else:
-            cookie_name = cookie_name_template % 'anon'
-        return cookie_name
-    def _setFieldVisibility(self):
-        """Set field_visibility for the page load.
-        If a cookie of the form $USER-buglist-fields is found,
-        we set field_visibility from this cookie; otherwise,
-        field_visibility will match the defaults.
-        """
-        cookie_name = self.getCookieName()
-        cookie = self.request.cookies.get(cookie_name)
-        self.field_visibility = dict(self.field_visibility_defaults)
-        # "cookie" looks like a URL query string, so we split
-        # on '&' to get items, and then split on '=' to get
-        # field/value pairs.
-        if cookie is None:
-            return
-        for field, value in urlparse.parse_qsl(cookie):
-            # Skip unsupported fields (from old cookies).
-            if field not in self.field_visibility:
-                continue
-            # We only record True or False for field values.
-            self.field_visibility[field] = (value == 'true')
-    def _getListingItem(self, bugtask):
-        """Return a decorated bugtask for the bug listing."""
-        badge_property = self.bug_badge_properties[bugtask]
-        tags = self.tags_for_batch.get(bugtask.id, ())
-        if (IMaloneApplication.providedBy(self.target_context) or
-            IPerson.providedBy(self.target_context)):
-            # XXX Tom Berger bug=529846
-            # When we have a specific interface for things that have bug heat
-            # it would be better to use that for the check here instead.
-            target_context = None
-        else:
-            target_context = self.target_context
-        return BugTaskListingItem(
-            bugtask,
-            badge_property['has_branch'],
-            badge_property['has_specification'],
-            badge_property['has_patch'],
-            tags,
-            self.bugtask_people,
-            request=self.request,
-            target_context=target_context)
-    def getBugListingItems(self):
-        """Return a decorated list of visible bug tasks."""
-        return [self._getListingItem(bugtask) for bugtask in self.batch]
-    @cachedproperty
-    def mustache_template(self):
-        template_path = os.path.join(
-            config.root, 'lib/lp/bugs/templates/buglisting.mustache')
-        with open(template_path) as template_file:
-            return template_file.read()
-    @property
-    def mustache_listings(self):
-        return 'LP.mustache_listings = %s;' % dumps(
-            self.mustache_template, cls=JSONEncoderForHTML)
-    @property
-    def mustache(self):
-        """The rendered mustache template."""
-        objects = IJSONRequestCache(self.request).objects
-        if IUnauthenticatedPrincipal.providedBy(self.request.principal):
-            objects = obfuscate_structure(objects)
-        model = dict(objects['mustache_model'])
-        model.update(self.field_visibility)
-        return pystache.render(self.mustache_template, model)
-    @property
-    def model(self):
-        items = [bugtask.model for bugtask in self.getBugListingItems()]
-        return {'items': items}
-class IBugTaskSearchListingMenu(Interface):
-    """A marker interface for the search listing navigation menu."""
-class BugTaskSearchListingMenu(NavigationMenu):
-    """The search listing navigation menu."""
-    usedfor = IBugTaskSearchListingMenu
-    facet = 'bugs'
-    @property
-    def links(self):
-        bug_target = self.context.context
-        if IDistroSeries.providedBy(bug_target):
-            return (
-                'nominations',
-                )
-        if IProductSeries.providedBy(bug_target):
-            return (
-                'nominations',
-                )
-        else:
-            return ()
-    @enabled_with_permission('launchpad.Edit')
-    def bugsupervisor(self):
-        return Link('+bugsupervisor', 'Change bug supervisor', icon='edit')
-    def nominations(self):
-        return Link('+nominations', 'Review nominations', icon='bug')
-# All sort orders supported by BugTaskSet.search() and a title for
-# them.
-    ('importance', 'Importance', 'desc'),
-    ('status', 'Status', 'asc'),
-    ('information_type', 'Information Type', 'asc'),
-    ('id', 'Number', 'desc'),
-    ('title', 'Title', 'asc'),
-    ('targetname', 'Package/Project/Series name', 'asc'),
-    ('milestone_name', 'Milestone', 'asc'),
-    ('date_last_updated', 'Date last updated', 'desc'),
-    ('assignee', 'Assignee', 'asc'),
-    ('reporter', 'Reporter', 'asc'),
-    ('datecreated', 'Age', 'desc'),
-    ('tag', 'Tags', 'asc'),
-    ('heat', 'Heat', 'desc'),
-    ('date_closed', 'Date closed', 'desc'),
-    ('dateassigned', 'Date when the bug task was assigned', 'desc'),
-    ('number_of_duplicates', 'Number of duplicates', 'desc'),
-    ('latest_patch_uploaded', 'Date latest patch uploaded', 'desc'),
-    ('message_count', 'Number of comments', 'desc'),
-    ('milestone', 'Milestone ID', 'desc'),
-    ('specification', 'Linked blueprint', 'asc'),
-    ('task', 'Bug task ID', 'desc'),
-    ('users_affected_count', 'Number of affected users', 'desc'),
-    ]
-class BugTaskSearchListingView(LaunchpadFormView, FeedsMixin, BugsInfoMixin):
-    """View that renders a list of bugs for a given set of search criteria."""
-    implements(IBugTaskSearchListingMenu)
-    related_features = {
-        'bugs.dynamic_bug_listings.pre_fetch': False
-        }
-    # Only include <link> tags for bug feeds when using this view.
-    feed_types = (
-        BugTargetLatestBugsFeedLink,
-        )
-    # These widgets are customised so as to keep the presentation of this view
-    # and its descendants consistent after refactoring to use
-    # LaunchpadFormView as a parent.
-    custom_widget('searchtext', NewLineToSpacesWidget)
-    custom_widget('status_upstream', LabeledMultiCheckBoxWidget)
-    custom_widget('tag', BugTagsWidget)
-    custom_widget('tags_combinator', RadioWidget)
-    custom_widget('component', LabeledMultiCheckBoxWidget)
-    custom_widget('assignee', PersonPickerWidget)
-    custom_widget('bug_reporter', PersonPickerWidget)
-    custom_widget('bug_commenter', PersonPickerWidget)
-    custom_widget('structural_subscriber', PersonPickerWidget)
-    custom_widget('subscriber', PersonPickerWidget)
-    _batch_navigator = None
-    @cachedproperty
-    def bug_tracking_usage(self):
-        """Whether the context tracks bugs in Launchpad.
-        :returns: ServiceUsage enum value
-        """
-        service_usage = IServiceUsage(self.context)
-        return service_usage.bug_tracking_usage
-    @cachedproperty
-    def external_bugtracker(self):
-        """External bug tracking system designated for the context.
-        :returns: `IBugTracker` or None
-        """
-        has_external_bugtracker = IHasExternalBugTracker(self.context, None)
-        if has_external_bugtracker is None:
-            return None
-        else:
-            return has_external_bugtracker.getExternalBugTracker()
-    @property
-    def has_bugtracker(self):
-        """Does the `IBugTarget` have a bug tracker or use Launchpad?"""
-        usage = IServiceUsage(self.context)
-        uses_lp = usage.bug_tracking_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD
-        if self.external_bugtracker or uses_lp:
-            return True
-        return False
-    @property
-    def can_have_external_bugtracker(self):
-        return (IProduct.providedBy(self.context)
-                or IProductSeries.providedBy(self.context))
-    @property
-    def bugtracker(self):
-        """Description of the context's bugtracker.
-        :returns: str which may contain HTML.
-        """
-        if self.bug_tracking_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD:
-            return 'Launchpad'
-        elif self.external_bugtracker:
-            return BugTrackerFormatterAPI(self.external_bugtracker).link(None)
-        else:
-            return 'None specified'
-    @cachedproperty
-    def upstream_project(self):
-        """The linked upstream `IProduct` for the package.
-        If this `IBugTarget` is a `IDistributionSourcePackage` or an
-        `ISourcePackage` and it is linked to an upstream project, return
-        the `IProduct`. Otherwise, return None
-        :returns: `IProduct` or None
-        """
-        if self._sourcePackageContext():
-            sp = self.context
-        elif self._distroSourcePackageContext():
-            sp = self.context.development_version
-        else:
-            sp = None
-        if sp is not None:
-            packaging = sp.packaging
-            if packaging is not None:
-                return packaging.productseries.product
-        return None
-    @cachedproperty
-    def upstream_launchpad_project(self):
-        """The linked upstream `IProduct` for the package.
-        If this `IBugTarget` is a `IDistributionSourcePackage` or an
-        `ISourcePackage` and it is linked to an upstream project that uses
-        Launchpad to track bugs, return the `IProduct`. Otherwise,
-        return None
-        :returns: `IProduct` or None
-        """
-        product = self.upstream_project
-        if (product is not None and
-            product.bug_tracking_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD):
-            return product
-        return None
-    @property
-    def page_title(self):
-        return "Bugs for %s" % self.context.displayname
-    label = page_title
-    @property
-    def schema(self):
-        """Return the schema that defines the form."""
-        if self._personContext():
-            return IPersonBugTaskSearch
-        elif self.isUpstreamProduct:
-            return IUpstreamProductBugTaskSearch
-        else:
-            return IBugTaskSearch
-    @property
-    def feed_links(self):
-        """Prevent conflicts between the page and the atom feed.
-        The latest-bugs atom feed matches the default output of this
-        view, but it does not match this view's bug listing when
-        any search parameters are passed in.
-        """
-        if self.request.get('QUERY_STRING', '') == '':
-            # There is no query in this request, so it's okay for this page to
-            # have its feed links.
-            return super(BugTaskSearchListingView, self).feed_links
-        else:
-            # The query changes the results so that they would not match the
-            # feed.  In this case, suppress the feed links.
-            return []
-    def initialize(self):
-        """Initialize the view with the request.
-        Look for old status names and redirect to a new location if found.
-        """
-        query_string = self.request.get('QUERY_STRING')
-        if query_string:
-            query_string_rewritten = (
-                rewrite_old_bugtask_status_query_string(query_string))
-            if query_string_rewritten != query_string:
-                redirect_uri = URI(self.request.getURL()).replace(
-                    query=query_string_rewritten)
-                self.request.response.redirect(str(redirect_uri), status=301)
-                return
-        self._migrateOldUpstreamStatus()
-        LaunchpadFormView.initialize(self)
-        # We call self._validate() here because LaunchpadFormView only
-        # validates the form if an action is submitted but, because this form
-        # can be called through a query string, we don't want to require an
-        # action. We pass an empty dict to _validate() because all the data
-        # needing validation is already available internally to self.
-        self._validate(None, {})
-        expose_structural_subscription_data_to_js(
-            self.context, self.request, self.user)
-        can_view = (IPrivacy(self.context, None) is None
-            or check_permission('launchpad.View', self.context))
-        if (can_view and
-            not FeedsLayer.providedBy(self.request) and
-            not self.request.form.get('advanced')):
-            cache = IJSONRequestCache(self.request)
-            view_names = set(reg.name for reg
-                in iter_view_registrations(self.__class__))
-            if len(view_names) != 1:
-                raise AssertionError("Ambiguous view name.")
-            cache.objects['view_name'] = view_names.pop()
-            batch_navigator = self.search()
-            cache.objects['mustache_model'] = batch_navigator.model
-            cache.objects['field_visibility'] = (
-                batch_navigator.field_visibility)
-            cache.objects['field_visibility_defaults'] = (
-                batch_navigator.field_visibility_defaults)
-            cache.objects['cbl_cookie_name'] = (
-                batch_navigator.getCookieName())
-            def _getBatchInfo(batch):
-                if batch is None:
-                    return None
-                return {'memo': batch.range_memo,
-                        'start': batch.startNumber() - 1}
-            next_batch = batch_navigator.batch.nextBatch()
-            cache.objects['next'] = _getBatchInfo(next_batch)
-            prev_batch = batch_navigator.batch.prevBatch()
-            cache.objects['prev'] = _getBatchInfo(prev_batch)
-            cache.objects['total'] = batch_navigator.batch.total()
-            cache.objects['order_by'] = ','.join(
-                get_sortorder_from_request(self.request))
-            cache.objects['forwards'] = (
-                batch_navigator.batch.range_forwards)
-            last_batch = batch_navigator.batch.lastBatch()
-            cache.objects['last_start'] = last_batch.startNumber() - 1
-            cache.objects.update(_getBatchInfo(batch_navigator.batch))
-            cache.objects['sort_keys'] = SORT_KEYS
-    @property
-    def show_config_portlet(self):
-        if (IDistribution.providedBy(self.context) or
-            IProduct.providedBy(self.context)):
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    @property
-    def columns_to_show(self):
-        """Returns a sequence of column names to be shown in the listing."""
-        upstream_context = self._upstreamContext()
-        productseries_context = self._productSeriesContext()
-        project_context = self._projectContext()
-        distribution_context = self._distributionContext()
-        distroseries_context = self._distroSeriesContext()
-        distrosourcepackage_context = self._distroSourcePackageContext()
-        sourcepackage_context = self._sourcePackageContext()
-        if (upstream_context or productseries_context or
-            distrosourcepackage_context or sourcepackage_context):
-            return ["id", "summary", "importance", "status", "heat"]
-        elif distribution_context or distroseries_context:
-            return [
-                "id", "summary", "packagename", "importance", "status",
-                "heat"]
-        elif project_context:
-            return [
-                "id", "summary", "productname", "importance", "status",
-                "heat"]
-        else:
-            raise AssertionError(
-                "Unrecognized context; don't know which report "
-                "columns to show.")
-    bugtask_table_template = ViewPageTemplateFile(
-        '../templates/bugs-table-include.pt')
-    @property
-    def template(self):
-        query_string = self.request.get('QUERY_STRING') or ''
-        query_params = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string)
-        if 'batch_request' in query_params:
-            return self.bugtask_table_template
-        else:
-            return super(BugTaskSearchListingView, self).template
-    def validate_search_params(self):
-        """Validate the params passed for the search.
-        An UnexpectedFormData exception is raised if the user submitted a URL
-        that could not have been created from the UI itself.
-        """
-        # The only way the user should get these field values incorrect is
-        # through a stale bookmark or a hand-hacked URL.
-        for field_name in ("status", "importance", "milestone", "component",
-                           "status_upstream"):
-            if self.getFieldError(field_name):
-                raise UnexpectedFormData(
-                    "Unexpected value for field '%s'. Perhaps your bookmarks "
-                    "are out of date or you changed the URL by hand?" %
-                    field_name)
-        orderby = get_sortorder_from_request(self.request)
-        for orderby_col in orderby:
-            if orderby_col.startswith("-"):
-                orderby_col = orderby_col[1:]
-            try:
-                orderby_expression[orderby_col]
-            except KeyError:
-                raise UnexpectedFormData(
-                    "Unknown sort column '%s'" % orderby_col)
-    def setUpWidgets(self):
-        """Customize the onKeyPress event of the assignee chooser."""
-        LaunchpadFormView.setUpWidgets(self)
-        self.widgets["assignee"].onKeyPress = (
-            "selectWidget('assignee_option', event)")
-    def validate(self, data):
-        """Validates the form."""
-        self.validateVocabulariesAdvancedForm()
-        self.validate_search_params()
-    def _migrateOldUpstreamStatus(self):
-        """Converts old upstream status value parameters to new ones.
-        Before Launchpad version 1.1.6 (build 4412), the upstream parameter
-        in the request was a single string value, coming from a set of
-        radio buttons. From that version on, the user can select multiple
-        values in the web UI. In order to keep old bookmarks working,
-        convert the old string parameter into a list.
-        """
-        old_upstream_status_values_to_new_values = {
-            'only_resolved_upstream': 'resolved_upstream'}
-        status_upstream = self.request.get('field.status_upstream')
-        if status_upstream in old_upstream_status_values_to_new_values.keys():
-            self.request.form['field.status_upstream'] = [
-                old_upstream_status_values_to_new_values[status_upstream]]
-        elif status_upstream == '':
-            del self.request.form['field.status_upstream']
-        else:
-            # The value of status_upstream is either correct, so nothing to
-            # do, or it has some other error, which is handled in
-            # LaunchpadFormView's own validation.
-            pass
-    def buildSearchParams(self, searchtext=None, extra_params=None):
-        """Build the BugTaskSearchParams object for the given arguments and
-        values specified by the user on this form's widgets.
-        """
-        # Calling _validate populates the data dictionary as a side-effect
-        # of validation.
-        data = {}
-        self._validate(None, data)
-        if extra_params:
-            data.update(extra_params)
-        if data:
-            searchtext = data.get("searchtext")
-            if searchtext and searchtext.isdigit():
-                try:
-                    bug = getUtility(IBugSet).get(searchtext)
-                except NotFoundError:
-                    pass
-                else:
-                    self.request.response.redirect(canonical_url(bug))
-            assignee_option = self.request.form.get("assignee_option")
-            if assignee_option == "none":
-                data['assignee'] = NULL
-            has_patch = data.pop("has_patch", False)
-            if has_patch:
-                data["attachmenttype"] = BugAttachmentType.PATCH
-            has_branches = data.get('has_branches', True)
-            has_no_branches = data.get('has_no_branches', True)
-            if has_branches and not has_no_branches:
-                data['linked_branches'] = BugBranchSearch.BUGS_WITH_BRANCHES
-            elif not has_branches and has_no_branches:
-                data['linked_branches'] = (
-                    BugBranchSearch.BUGS_WITHOUT_BRANCHES)
-            else:
-                data['linked_branches'] = BugBranchSearch.ALL
-            has_blueprints = data.get('has_blueprints', True)
-            has_no_blueprints = data.get('has_no_blueprints', True)
-            if has_blueprints and not has_no_blueprints:
-                data['linked_blueprints'] = (
-                    BugBlueprintSearch.BUGS_WITH_BLUEPRINTS)
-            elif not has_blueprints and has_no_blueprints:
-                data['linked_blueprints'] = (
-                    BugBlueprintSearch.BUGS_WITHOUT_BLUEPRINTS)
-            else:
-                data['linked_blueprints'] = BugBlueprintSearch.ALL
-            # Filter appropriately if the user wants to restrict the
-            # search to only bugs with no package information.
-            has_no_package = data.pop("has_no_package", False)
-            if has_no_package:
-                data["sourcepackagename"] = NULL
-        self._buildUpstreamStatusParams(data)
-        # "Normalize" the form data into search arguments.
-        form_values = {}
-        for key, value in data.items():
-            if key in ('tag'):
-                # Skip tag-related parameters, they
-                # are handled later on.
-                continue
-            if zope_isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
-                if len(value) > 0:
-                    form_values[key] = any(*value)
-            else:
-                form_values[key] = value
-        if 'tag' in data:
-            # Tags require special handling, since they can be used
-            # to search either inclusively or exclusively.
-            # We take a look at the `tags_combinator` field, and wrap
-            # the tag list in the appropriate search directive (either
-            # `any` or `all`). If no value is supplied, we assume `any`,
-            # in order to remain compatible with old saved search URLs.
-            tags = data['tag']
-            tags_combinator_all = (
-                'tags_combinator' in data and
-                data['tags_combinator'] == BugTagsSearchCombinator.ALL)
-            if zope_isinstance(tags, (list, tuple)) and len(tags) > 0:
-                if tags_combinator_all:
-                    form_values['tag'] = all(*tags)
-                else:
-                    form_values['tag'] = any(*tags)
-            else:
-                form_values['tag'] = tags
-        search_params = get_default_search_params(self.user)
-        search_params.orderby = get_sortorder_from_request(self.request)
-        for name, value in form_values.items():
-            setattr(search_params, name, value)
-        return search_params
-    def _buildUpstreamStatusParams(self, data):
-        """ Convert the status_upstream value to parameters we can
-        send to BugTaskSet.search().
-        """
-        if 'status_upstream' in data:
-            status_upstream = data['status_upstream']
-            if 'pending_bugwatch' in status_upstream:
-                data['pending_bugwatch_elsewhere'] = True
-            if 'resolved_upstream' in status_upstream:
-                data['resolved_upstream'] = True
-            if 'open_upstream' in status_upstream:
-                data['open_upstream'] = True
-            if 'hide_upstream' in status_upstream:
-                data['has_no_upstream_bugtask'] = True
-            del data['status_upstream']
-    def _getBatchNavigator(self, tasks):
-        """Return the batch navigator to be used to batch the bugtasks."""
-        return BugListingBatchNavigator(
-            tasks, self.request, columns_to_show=self.columns_to_show,
-            size=config.malone.buglist_batch_size,
-            target_context=self.context)
-    def buildBugTaskSearchParams(self, searchtext=None, extra_params=None):
-        """Build the parameters to submit to the `searchTasks` method.
-        Use the data submitted in the form to populate a dictionary
-        which, when expanded (using **params notation) can serve as the
-        input for searchTasks().
-        """
-        # We force the view to populate the data dictionary by calling
-        # _validate here.
-        data = {}
-        self._validate(None, data)
-        searchtext = data.get("searchtext")
-        if searchtext and searchtext.isdigit():
-            try:
-                bug = getUtility(IBugSet).get(searchtext)
-            except NotFoundError:
-                pass
-            else:
-                self.request.response.redirect(canonical_url(bug))
-        if extra_params:
-            data.update(extra_params)
-        params = {}
-        # A mapping of parameters that appear in the destination
-        # with a different name, or are being dropped altogether.
-        param_names_map = {
-            'searchtext': 'search_text',
-            'omit_dupes': 'omit_duplicates',
-            'subscriber': 'bug_subscriber',
-            'tag': 'tags',
-            # The correct value is being retrieved
-            # using get_sortorder_from_request()
-            'orderby': None,
-            }
-        for key, value in data.items():
-            if key in param_names_map:
-                param_name = param_names_map[key]
-                if param_name is not None:
-                    params[param_name] = value
-            else:
-                params[key] = value
-        assignee_option = self.request.form.get("assignee_option")
-        if assignee_option == "none":
-            params['assignee'] = NULL
-        params['order_by'] = get_sortorder_from_request(self.request)
-        return params
-    def search(self, searchtext=None, context=None, extra_params=None):
-        """Return an `ITableBatchNavigator` for the GET search criteria.
-        :param searchtext: Text that must occur in the bug report. If
-            searchtext is None, the search text will be gotten from the
-            request.
-        :param extra_params: A dict that provides search params added to
-            the search criteria taken from the request. Params in
-            `extra_params` take precedence over request params.
-        """
-        if self._batch_navigator is None:
-            unbatchedTasks = self.searchUnbatched(
-                searchtext, context, extra_params)
-            self._batch_navigator = self._getBatchNavigator(unbatchedTasks)
-        return self._batch_navigator
-    def searchUnbatched(self, searchtext=None, context=None,
-                        extra_params=None):
-        """Return a `SelectResults` object for the GET search criteria.
-        :param searchtext: Text that must occur in the bug report. If
-            searchtext is None, the search text will be gotten from the
-            request.
-        :param extra_params: A dict that provides search params added to
-            the search criteria taken from the request. Params in
-            `extra_params` take precedence over request params.
-        """
-        # Base classes can provide an explicit search context.
-        if not context:
-            context = self.context
-        search_params = self.buildSearchParams(
-            searchtext=searchtext, extra_params=extra_params)
-        search_params.user = self.user
-        try:
-            tasks = context.searchTasks(search_params)
-        except ValueError as e:
-            self.request.response.addErrorNotification(str(e))
-            self.request.response.redirect(canonical_url(
-                self.context, rootsite='bugs', view_name='+bugs'))
-            tasks = None
-        return tasks
-    def getWidgetValues(
-        self, vocabulary_name=None, vocabulary=None, default_values=()):
-        """Return data used to render a field's widget.
-        Either `vocabulary_name` or `vocabulary` must be supplied."""
-        widget_values = []
-        if vocabulary is None:
-            assert vocabulary_name is not None, 'No vocabulary specified.'
-            vocabulary = vocabulary_registry.get(
-                self.context, vocabulary_name)
-        for term in vocabulary:
-            widget_values.append(
-                dict(
-                    value=term.token, title=term.title or term.token,
-                    checked=term.value in default_values))
-        return shortlist(widget_values, longest_expected=12)
-    def getStatusWidgetValues(self):
-        """Return data used to render the status checkboxes."""
-        return self.getWidgetValues(
-            vocabulary=BugTaskStatusSearchDisplay,
-    def getImportanceWidgetValues(self):
-        """Return data used to render the Importance checkboxes."""
-        return self.getWidgetValues(vocabulary=BugTaskImportance)
-    def getInformationTypeWidgetValues(self):
-        """Return data used to render the Information Type checkboxes."""
-        if (IProduct.providedBy(self.context)
-            or IDistribution.providedBy(self.context)):
-            vocab = InformationTypeVocabulary(
-                types=self.context.getAllowedBugInformationTypes())
-        else:
-            vocab = InformationType
-        return self.getWidgetValues(vocabulary=vocab)
-    def getMilestoneWidgetValues(self):
-        """Return data used to render the milestone checkboxes."""
-        return self.getWidgetValues("MilestoneWithDateExpected")
-    def getSimpleSearchURL(self):
-        """Return a URL that can be used as an href to the simple search."""
-        return canonical_url(self.context) + "/+bugs"
-    def shouldShowAssigneeWidget(self):
-        """Should the assignee widget be shown on the advanced search page?"""
-        return True
-    def shouldShowCommenterWidget(self):
-        """Show the commenter widget on the advanced search page?"""
-        return True
-    def shouldShowComponentWidget(self):
-        """Show the component widget on the advanced search page?"""
-        context = self.context
-        return (
-            (IDistribution.providedBy(context) and
-             context.currentseries is not None) or
-            IDistroSeries.providedBy(context) or
-            ISourcePackage.providedBy(context))
-    def shouldShowStructuralSubscriberWidget(self):
-        """Should the structural subscriber widget be shown on the page?
-        Show the widget when there are subordinate structures.
-        """
-        return self.structural_subscriber_label is not None
-    def shouldShowNoPackageWidget(self):
-        """Should the widget to filter on bugs with no package be shown?
-        The widget will be shown only on a distribution or
-        distroseries's advanced search page.
-        """
-        return (IDistribution.providedBy(self.context) or
-                IDistroSeries.providedBy(self.context))
-    def shouldShowReporterWidget(self):
-        """Should the reporter widget be shown on the advanced search page?"""
-        return True
-    def shouldShowReleaseCriticalPortlet(self):
-        """Should the page include a portlet showing release-critical bugs
-        for different series.
-        """
-        return (
-            IDistribution.providedBy(self.context) and self.context.series
-            or IDistroSeries.providedBy(self.context)
-            or IProduct.providedBy(self.context) and self.context.series
-            or IProductSeries.providedBy(self.context))
-    def shouldShowSubscriberWidget(self):
-        """Show the subscriber widget on the advanced search page?"""
-        return True
-    def shouldShowUpstreamStatusBox(self):
-        """Should the upstream status filtering widgets be shown?"""
-        return self.isUpstreamProduct or not (
-            IProduct.providedBy(self.context) or
-            IProjectGroup.providedBy(self.context))
-    def shouldShowTeamPortlet(self):
-        """Should the User's Teams portlet me shown in the results?"""
-        return False
-    @property
-    def structural_subscriber_label(self):
-        if IDistribution.providedBy(self.context):
-            return 'Package or series subscriber'
-        elif IDistroSeries.providedBy(self.context):
-            return 'Package subscriber'
-        elif IProduct.providedBy(self.context):
-            return 'Series subscriber'
-        elif IProjectGroup.providedBy(self.context):
-            return 'Project or series subscriber'
-        elif IPerson.providedBy(self.context):
-            return 'Project, distribution, package, or series subscriber'
-        else:
-            return None
-    def shouldShowTargetName(self):
-        """Should the bug target name be displayed in the list of results?
-        This is mainly useful for the listview.
-        """
-        # It doesn't make sense to show the target name when viewing product
-        # bugs.
-        if IProduct.providedBy(self.context):
-            return False
-        else:
-            return True
-    def shouldShowAdvancedForm(self):
-        """Return True if the advanced form should be shown, or False."""
-        if (self.request.form.get('advanced')
-            or self.form_has_errors):
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    @property
-    def should_show_bug_information(self):
-        return self.bug_tracking_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD
-    @property
-    def form_has_errors(self):
-        """Return True if the form has errors, otherwise False."""
-        return len(self.errors) > 0
-    def validateVocabulariesAdvancedForm(self):
-        """Provides a meaningful message for vocabulary validation errors."""
-        error_message = _(
-            "There's no person with the name or email address '%s'.")
-        for name in ('assignee', 'bug_reporter', 'structural_subscriber',
-                     'bug_commenter', 'subscriber'):
-            if self.getFieldError(name):
-                self.setFieldError(
-                    name, error_message %
-                        self.request.get('field.%s' % name))
-    @property
-    def isUpstreamProduct(self):
-        """Is the context a Product that does not use Malone?"""
-        return (
-            IProduct.providedBy(self.context)
-            and self.context.bug_tracking_usage != ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD)
-    def _upstreamContext(self):
-        """Is this page being viewed in an upstream context?
-        Return the IProduct if yes, otherwise return None.
-        """
-        return IProduct(self.context, None)
-    def _productSeriesContext(self):
-        """Is this page being viewed in a product series context?
-        Return the IProductSeries if yes, otherwise return None.
-        """
-        return IProductSeries(self.context, None)
-    def _projectContext(self):
-        """Is this page being viewed in a project context?
-        Return the IProjectGroup if yes, otherwise return None.
-        """
-        return IProjectGroup(self.context, None)
-    def _personContext(self):
-        """Is this page being viewed in a person context?
-        Return the IPerson if yes, otherwise return None.
-        """
-        return IPerson(self.context, None)
-    def _distributionContext(self):
-        """Is this page being viewed in a distribution context?
-        Return the IDistribution if yes, otherwise return None.
-        """
-        return IDistribution(self.context, None)
-    def _distroSeriesContext(self):
-        """Is this page being viewed in a distroseries context?
-        Return the IDistroSeries if yes, otherwise return None.
-        """
-        return IDistroSeries(self.context, None)
-    def _sourcePackageContext(self):
-        """Is this view in a [distroseries] sourcepackage context?
-        Return the ISourcePackage if yes, otherwise return None.
-        """
-        return ISourcePackage(self.context, None)
-    def _distroSourcePackageContext(self):
-        """Is this page being viewed in a distribution sourcepackage context?
-        Return the IDistributionSourcePackage if yes, otherwise return None.
-        """
-        return IDistributionSourcePackage(self.context, None)
-    @property
-    def addquestion_url(self):
-        """Return the URL for the +addquestion view for the context."""
-        if IQuestionTarget.providedBy(self.context):
-            answers_usage = IServiceUsage(self.context).answers_usage
-            if answers_usage == ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD:
-                return canonical_url(
-                    self.context, rootsite='answers',
-                    view_name='+addquestion')
-        else:
-            return None
-class BugNominationsView(BugTaskSearchListingView):
-    """View for accepting/declining bug nominations."""
-    def search(self):
-        """Return all the nominated tasks for this series."""
-        if IDistroSeries.providedBy(self.context):
-            main_context = self.context.distribution
-        elif IProductSeries.providedBy(self.context):
-            main_context = self.context.product
-        else:
-            raise AssertionError(
-                'Unknown nomination target: %r' % self.context)
-        return BugTaskSearchListingView.search(
-            self, context=main_context,
-            extra_params=dict(nominated_for=self.context))
-class BugTargetView(LaunchpadView):
-    """Used to grab bugs for a bug target; used by the latest bugs portlet"""
-    def latestBugTasks(self, quantity=5):
-        """Return <quantity> latest bugs reported against this target."""
-        params = BugTaskSearchParams(orderby="-datecreated",
-                                     omit_dupes=True,
-                                     user=getUtility(ILaunchBag).user)
-        tasklist = self.context.searchTasks(params)
-        return tasklist[:quantity]
-    def getMostRecentlyUpdatedBugTasks(self, limit=5):
-        """Return the most recently updated bugtasks for this target."""
-        params = BugTaskSearchParams(
-            orderby="-date_last_updated", omit_dupes=True, user=self.user)
-        return list(self.context.searchTasks(params)[:limit])
-class TextualBugTaskSearchListingView(BugTaskSearchListingView):
-    """View that renders a list of bug IDs for a given set of search criteria.
-    """
-    def render(self):
-        """Render the BugTarget for text display."""
-        self.request.response.setHeader(
-            'Content-type', 'text/plain')
-        # This uses the BugTaskSet internal API instead of using the
-        # standard searchTasks() because the latter can retrieve a lot
-        # of bugs and we don't want to load all of that data in memory.
-        # Retrieving only the bug numbers is much more efficient.
-        search_params = self.buildSearchParams()
-        # XXX flacoste 2008/04/24 This should be moved to a
-        # BugTaskSearchParams.setTarget().
-        if (IDistroSeries.providedBy(self.context) or
-            IProductSeries.providedBy(self.context)):
-            search_params.setTarget(self.context)
-        elif IDistribution.providedBy(self.context):
-            search_params.setDistribution(self.context)
-        elif IProduct.providedBy(self.context):
-            search_params.setProduct(self.context)
-        elif IProjectGroup.providedBy(self.context):
-            search_params.setProject(self.context)
-        elif (ISourcePackage.providedBy(self.context) or
-              IDistributionSourcePackage.providedBy(self.context)):
-            search_params.setSourcePackage(self.context)
-        else:
-            raise AssertionError('Unknown context type: %s' % self.context)
-        return u"".join("%d\n" % bug_id for bug_id in
-            getUtility(IBugTaskSet).searchBugIds(search_params))
 def bugtask_sort_key(bugtask):
     """Return a sort key for displaying a set of tasks for a single bug.
@@ -3963,52 +2272,6 @@
-class BugsBugTaskSearchListingView(BugTaskSearchListingView):
-    """Search all bug reports."""
-    columns_to_show = ["id", "summary", "bugtargetdisplayname",
-                       "importance", "status", "heat"]
-    schema = IFrontPageBugTaskSearch
-    custom_widget('scope', ProjectScopeWidget)
-    page_title = 'Search'
-    def initialize(self):
-        """Initialize the view for the request."""
-        BugTaskSearchListingView.initialize(self)
-        if not self._isRedirected():
-            self._redirectToSearchContext()
-    def _redirectToSearchContext(self):
-        """Check whether a target was given and redirect to it.
-        All the URL parameters will be passed on to the target's +bugs
-        page.
-        If the target widget contains errors, redirect to the front page
-        which will handle the error.
-        """
-        try:
-            search_target = self.widgets['scope'].getInputValue()
-        except InputErrors:
-            query_string = self.request['QUERY_STRING']
-            bugs_url = "%s?%s" % (canonical_url(self.context), query_string)
-            self.request.response.redirect(bugs_url)
-        else:
-            if search_target is not None:
-                query_string = self.request['QUERY_STRING']
-                search_url = "%s/+bugs?%s" % (
-                    canonical_url(search_target), query_string)
-                self.request.response.redirect(search_url)
-    def getSearchPageHeading(self):
-        """Return the heading to search all Bugs."""
-        return "Search all bug reports"
-    @property
-    def label(self):
-        return self.getSearchPageHeading()
 class BugTaskPrivacyAdapter:
     """Provides `IObjectPrivacy` for `IBugTask`."""
@@ -4130,43 +2393,6 @@
     page_title = label
-class BugTaskExpirableListingView(BugTaskSearchListingView):
-    """View for listing Incomplete bugs that can expire."""
-    @property
-    def can_show_expirable_bugs(self):
-        """Return True or False if expirable bug listing can be shown."""
-        return target_has_expirable_bugs_listing(self.context)
-    @property
-    def inactive_expiration_age(self):
-        """Return the number of days an bug must be inactive to expire."""
-        return config.malone.days_before_expiration
-    @property
-    def columns_to_show(self):
-        """Show the columns that summarise expirable bugs."""
-        if (IDistribution.providedBy(self.context)
-            or IDistroSeries.providedBy(self.context)):
-            return [
-                'id', 'summary', 'packagename', 'date_last_updated', 'heat']
-        else:
-            return ['id', 'summary', 'date_last_updated', 'heat']
-    def search(self):
-        """Return an `ITableBatchNavigator` for the expirable bugtasks."""
-        bugtaskset = getUtility(IBugTaskSet)
-        bugtasks = bugtaskset.findExpirableBugTasks(
-            user=self.user, target=self.context, min_days_old=0)
-        return BugListingBatchNavigator(
-            bugtasks, self.request, columns_to_show=self.columns_to_show,
-            size=config.malone.buglist_batch_size)
-    @property
-    def page_title(self):
-        return "Bugs that can expire in %s" % self.context.title
 class BugActivityItem:
     """A decorated BugActivity."""
     delegates(IBugActivity, 'activity')

=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/browser/configure.zcml'
--- lib/lp/bugs/browser/configure.zcml	2014-11-29 00:03:36 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/browser/configure.zcml	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -16,25 +16,25 @@
-            class="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.BugTargetView"
+            class="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.BugTargetView"
-            class="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.BugListingPortletInfoView"
+            class="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.BugListingPortletInfoView"
-            class="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.BugListingPortletInfoView"
+            class="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.BugListingPortletInfoView"
-            class="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.BugListingPortletStatsView"
+            class="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.BugListingPortletStatsView"
@@ -52,25 +52,25 @@
-            class="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.TextualBugTaskSearchListingView"
+            class="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.TextualBugTaskSearchListingView"
-            class="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.TextualBugTaskSearchListingView"
+            class="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.TextualBugTaskSearchListingView"
-            class="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.BugTaskSearchListingView"
+            class="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.BugTaskSearchListingView"
-            class="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.BugTaskExpirableListingView"
+            class="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.BugTaskExpirableListingView"
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
-        class="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.BugsBugTaskSearchListingView"
+        class="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.BugsBugTaskSearchListingView"
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
-        class="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.BugNominationsView"
+        class="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.BugNominationsView"
@@ -426,14 +426,15 @@
-        class="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.BugNominationsView"
+        class="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.BugNominationsView"
+            module="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting"
+            classes="BugTaskSearchListingMenu"/>
+        <browser:menus
-            classes="
-                BugTaskContextMenu
-                BugTaskSearchListingMenu"/>
+            classes="BugTaskContextMenu"/>
@@ -598,7 +599,7 @@
-            class="lp.bugs.browser.bugtask.BugTaskListingView"
+            class="lp.bugs.browser.buglisting.BugTaskListingView"

=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/browser/cvereport.py'
--- lib/lp/bugs/browser/cvereport.py	2012-11-29 06:35:35 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/browser/cvereport.py	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 from zope.component import getUtility
-from lp.bugs.browser.bugtask import BugTaskListingItem
+from lp.bugs.browser.buglisting import BugTaskListingItem
 from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtask import (

=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/browser/person.py'
--- lib/lp/bugs/browser/person.py	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/browser/person.py	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,11 @@
 from zope.component import getUtility
+<<<<<<< TREE
 from lp.bugs.browser.bugtask import BugTaskSearchListingView
+from lp.bugs.browser.buglisting import BugTaskSearchListingView
 from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtask import (

=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/browser/tests/bugtask-search-views.txt'
--- lib/lp/bugs/browser/tests/bugtask-search-views.txt	2014-01-03 07:39:34 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/browser/tests/bugtask-search-views.txt	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@
 get_buglisting_search_filter_url() with a bugtarget URL to make it
-    >>> from lp.bugs.browser.bugtask import (
+    >>> from lp.bugs.browser.buglisting import (
     ...     get_buglisting_search_filter_url)
 Calling get_buglisting_search_filter_url() without any parameters will

=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/browser/tests/test_bugtarget_patches_view.py'
--- lib/lp/bugs/browser/tests/test_bugtarget_patches_view.py	2012-08-08 11:48:29 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/browser/tests/test_bugtarget_patches_view.py	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
 __metaclass__ = type
-from lp.bugs.browser.bugtarget import BugsPatchesView
-from lp.bugs.browser.bugtask import (
+from lp.bugs.browser.buglisting import (
+from lp.bugs.browser.bugtarget import BugsPatchesView
 from lp.services.webapp.servers import LaunchpadTestRequest
 from lp.testing import (

=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/browser/tests/test_bugtask.py'
--- lib/lp/bugs/browser/tests/test_bugtask.py	2014-11-14 22:31:05 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/browser/tests/test_bugtask.py	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -34,11 +34,13 @@
 from lp.app.enums import InformationType
 from lp.app.interfaces.launchpad import ILaunchpadCelebrities
 from lp.bugs.adapters.bugchange import BugTaskStatusChange
+from lp.bugs.browser.buglisting import (
+    BugListingBatchNavigator,
+    BugTaskListingItem,
+    )
 from lp.bugs.browser.bugtask import (
-    BugListingBatchNavigator,
-    BugTaskListingItem,

=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/doc/bugtask-search-old-urls.txt'
--- lib/lp/bugs/doc/bugtask-search-old-urls.txt	2011-12-24 17:49:30 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/doc/bugtask-search-old-urls.txt	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 agent to the new location with a permanent redirect so it has an
 opportunity to update bookmarks and so forth.
-    >>> from lp.bugs.browser.bugtask import (
+    >>> from lp.bugs.browser.buglisting import (
     ...     BugTaskSearchListingView, rewrite_old_bugtask_status_query_string)
     >>> from lp.services.webapp.servers import LaunchpadTestRequest

=== modified file 'lib/lp/bugs/feed/bug.py'
--- lib/lp/bugs/feed/bug.py	2012-03-28 17:55:30 +0000
+++ lib/lp/bugs/feed/bug.py	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 from z3c.ptcompat import ViewPageTemplateFile
 from zope.component import getUtility
-from lp.bugs.browser.bugtask import (
+from lp.bugs.browser.buglisting import (

=== modified file 'lib/lp/registry/browser/milestone.py'
--- lib/lp/registry/browser/milestone.py	2013-04-03 05:04:11 +0000
+++ lib/lp/registry/browser/milestone.py	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 from lp.app.widgets.date import DateWidget
-from lp.bugs.browser.bugtask import BugTaskListingItem
+from lp.bugs.browser.buglisting import BugTaskListingItem
 from lp.bugs.browser.structuralsubscription import (

=== modified file 'lib/lp/registry/browser/product.py'
--- lib/lp/registry/browser/product.py	2014-11-27 06:24:11 +0000
+++ lib/lp/registry/browser/product.py	2014-11-29 05:04:02 +0000
@@ -123,10 +123,8 @@
 from lp.blueprints.browser.specificationtarget import (
-from lp.bugs.browser.bugtask import (
-    BugTargetTraversalMixin,
-    get_buglisting_search_filter_url,
-    )
+from lp.bugs.browser.buglisting import get_buglisting_search_filter_url
+from lp.bugs.browser.bugtask import BugTargetTraversalMixin
 from lp.bugs.browser.structuralsubscription import (
