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Re: [Merge] lp:~cjwatson/launchpad/async-upload-notifications into lp:launchpad


Review: Approve code

Diff comments:

> === added file 'lib/lp/soyuz/model/archivejob.py'
> --- lib/lp/soyuz/model/archivejob.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
> +++ lib/lp/soyuz/model/archivejob.py	2015-09-03 15:33:27 +0000
> @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
> +# Copyright 2010-2015 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
> +# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
> +
> +__metaclass__ = type
> +
> +import json
> +import logging
> +import StringIO
> +
> +from lazr.delegates import delegate_to
> +from storm.expr import And
> +from storm.locals import (
> +    Int,
> +    Reference,
> +    Unicode,
> +    )
> +from zope.component import getUtility
> +from zope.interface import (
> +    implementer,
> +    provider,
> +    )
> +
> +from lp.services.config import config
> +from lp.services.database.enumcol import EnumCol
> +from lp.services.database.interfaces import IMasterStore
> +from lp.services.database.stormbase import StormBase
> +from lp.services.job.model.job import (
> +    EnumeratedSubclass,
> +    Job,
> +    )
> +from lp.services.job.runner import BaseRunnableJob
> +from lp.soyuz.enums import (
> +    ArchiveJobType,
> +    PackageUploadStatus,
> +    )
> +from lp.soyuz.interfaces.archivejob import (
> +    IArchiveJob,
> +    IArchiveJobSource,
> +    IPackageUploadNotificationJob,
> +    IPackageUploadNotificationJobSource,
> +    )
> +from lp.soyuz.interfaces.queue import IPackageUploadSet
> +from lp.soyuz.model.archive import Archive
> +
> +
> +@implementer(IArchiveJob)
> +class ArchiveJob(StormBase):
> +    """Base class for jobs related to Archives."""
> +
> +    __storm_table__ = 'ArchiveJob'
> +
> +    id = Int(primary=True)
> +
> +    job_id = Int(name='job')
> +    job = Reference(job_id, Job.id)
> +
> +    archive_id = Int(name='archive')
> +    archive = Reference(archive_id, Archive.id)
> +
> +    job_type = EnumCol(enum=ArchiveJobType, notNull=True)
> +
> +    _json_data = Unicode('json_data')

Could this just be a JSON() now, simplifying metadata and __init__?

> +
> +    @property
> +    def metadata(self):
> +        return json.loads(self._json_data)
> +
> +    def __init__(self, archive, job_type, metadata):
> +        """Create an ArchiveJob.
> +
> +        :param archive: the `IArchive` this job relates to.
> +        :param job_type: the `ArchiveJobType` of this job.
> +        :param metadata: the type-specific variables, as a json-compatible
> +            dict.
> +        """
> +        super(ArchiveJob, self).__init__()
> +        self.job = Job()
> +        self.archive = archive
> +        self.job_type = job_type
> +        self._json_data = unicode(json.dumps(metadata, ensure_ascii=False))
> +
> +
> +@delegate_to(IArchiveJob)
> +@provider(IArchiveJobSource)
> +class ArchiveJobDerived(BaseRunnableJob):
> +    """Intermediate class for deriving from ArchiveJob."""
> +
> +    __metaclass__ = EnumeratedSubclass
> +
> +    def __init__(self, job):
> +        self.context = job
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    def create(cls, archive, metadata=None):
> +        """See `IArchiveJob`."""
> +        if metadata is None:
> +            metadata = {}
> +        job = ArchiveJob(archive, cls.class_job_type, metadata)
> +        derived = cls(job)
> +        derived.celeryRunOnCommit()
> +        return derived
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    def iterReady(cls):
> +        """Iterate through all ready ArchiveJobs."""
> +        store = IMasterStore(ArchiveJob)
> +        jobs = store.find(
> +            ArchiveJob,
> +            And(ArchiveJob.job_type == cls.class_job_type,
> +                ArchiveJob.job_id.is_in(Job.ready_jobs)))
> +        return (cls(job) for job in jobs)
> +
> +    def getOopsVars(self):
> +        """See `IRunnableJob`."""
> +        vars = super(ArchiveJobDerived, self).getOopsVars()
> +        vars.extend([
> +            ('archive_id', self.context.archive.id),
> +            ('archive_job_id', self.context.id),
> +            ('archive_job_type', self.context.job_type.title),
> +            ])
> +        return vars
> +
> +
> +@implementer(IPackageUploadNotificationJob)
> +@provider(IPackageUploadNotificationJobSource)
> +class PackageUploadNotificationJob(ArchiveJobDerived):
> +
> +    class_job_type = ArchiveJobType.PACKAGE_UPLOAD_NOTIFICATION
> +
> +    config = config.IPackageUploadNotificationJobSource
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    def create(cls, packageupload, summary_text=None):
> +        """See `IPackageUploadNotificationJobSource`."""
> +        metadata = {
> +            'packageupload_id': packageupload.id,
> +            'packageupload_status': packageupload.status.title,
> +            'summary_text': summary_text,
> +            }
> +        return super(PackageUploadNotificationJob, cls).create(
> +            packageupload.archive, metadata)
> +
> +    def getOopsVars(self):
> +        """See `ArchiveJobDerived`."""
> +        vars = super(PackageUploadNotificationJob, self).getOopsVars()
> +        vars.extend([
> +            ('packageupload_id', self.metadata['packageupload_id']),
> +            ('packageupload_status', self.metadata['packageupload_status']),
> +            ('summary_text', self.metadata['summary_text']),
> +            ])
> +        return vars
> +
> +    @property
> +    def packageupload(self):
> +        return getUtility(IPackageUploadSet).get(
> +            self.metadata['packageupload_id'])
> +
> +    @property
> +    def packageupload_status(self):
> +        return PackageUploadStatus.getTermByToken(
> +            self.metadata['packageupload_status']).value
> +
> +    @property
> +    def summary_text(self):
> +        return self.metadata['summary_text']
> +
> +    def run(self):
> +        """See `IRunnableJob`."""
> +        packageupload = self.packageupload
> +        if packageupload.changesfile is None:
> +            changes_file_object = None
> +        else:
> +            changes_file_object = StringIO.StringIO(
> +                packageupload.changesfile.read())
> +        logger = logging.getLogger()
> +        packageupload.notify(
> +            status=self.packageupload_status, summary_text=self.summary_text,
> +            changes_file_object=changes_file_object, logger=logger)

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