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Re: [Merge] lp:~thomir/launchpad/devel-gpg-layer into lp:launchpad


Review: Needs Fixing code

Diff comments:

> === modified file 'lib/lp/services/gpg/configure.zcml'
> --- lib/lp/services/gpg/configure.zcml	2011-12-09 00:24:57 +0000
> +++ lib/lp/services/gpg/configure.zcml	2016-02-18 00:43:11 +0000
> @@ -13,12 +13,22 @@
>          <allow interface="lp.services.gpg.interfaces.IGPGHandler" />
>      </class>
> +    <class class="lp.services.gpg.handler.GPGClient">
> +        <allow interface="lp.services.gpg.interfaces.IGPGClient" />
> +    </class>
> +
>      <securedutility
>          class="lp.services.gpg.handler.GPGHandler"
>          provides="lp.services.gpg.interfaces.IGPGHandler">
>          <allow interface="lp.services.gpg.interfaces.IGPGHandler" />
>      </securedutility>
> +    <securedutility
> +        class="lp.services.gpg.handler.GPGClient"
> +        provides="lp.services.gpg.interfaces.IGPGClient">
> +        <allow interface="lp.services.gpg.interfaces.IGPGClient" />
> +    </securedutility>
> +

Prefer to group ZCML by object rather than directive. So the two GPGClient bits together, and the two GPGHandler bits together.

>      <class class="lp.services.gpg.handler.PymeSignature">
>          <allow interface="lp.services.gpg.interfaces.IPymeSignature" />
>      </class>
> === modified file 'lib/lp/services/gpg/handler.py'
> --- lib/lp/services/gpg/handler.py	2015-09-26 02:55:36 +0000
> +++ lib/lp/services/gpg/handler.py	2016-02-18 00:43:11 +0000
> @@ -619,3 +615,126 @@
>          self.name = uid.name
>          self.email = uid.email
>          self.comment = uid.comment
> +
> +
> +def sanitize_fingerprint(fingerprint):
> +    """Sanitize a GPG Fingerprint.
> +
> +    This is the ultimate implementation of IGPGHandler.sanitizeFingerprint, and
> +    is also used by the IGPGClient implementation.
> +
> +    """

Extra blank line, plus s/Fingerprint/fingerprint/ in the first line.

> +    # remove whitespaces, truncate to max of 40 (as per v4 keys) and
> +    # convert to upper case
> +    fingerprint = fingerprint.replace(' ', '')
> +    fingerprint = fingerprint[:40].upper()
> +
> +    if not valid_fingerprint(fingerprint):
> +        return None
> +
> +    return fingerprint
> +
> +
> +def sanitize_fingerprint_or_raise(fingerprint):
> +    """Check the sanity of 'fingerprint'.
> +
> +    If 'fingerprint' is a valid fingerprint, the sanitised version will be
> +    returned (see sanitize_fingerprint).
> +
> +    Otherwise, a ValueError will be raised.
> +
> +    """
> +    sane_fingerprint = sanitize_fingerprint(fingerprint)
> +    if sane_fingerprint is None:
> +        raise ValueError("Invalid fingerprint: %r." % fingerprint)
> +    return sane_fingerprint
> +
> +
> +@implementer(IGPGClient)
> +class GPGClient:
> +    """See IGPGClient."""
> +
> +    def __init__(self):
> +        self.write_hooks = set()
> +
> +    def get_keys_for_owner(self, owner_id):

LP universally uses lowerCamelCase for method names, inherited from all of Zope which predates PEP 8.

> +        """See IGPGClient."""
> +        try:
> +            conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(config.gpgservice.api_endpoint)
> +            conn.request('GET', '/users/%s/keys' % self._encode_owner_id(owner_id))
> +            resp = conn.getresponse()
> +            if resp.status != httplib.OK:
> +                self.raise_for_error(resp)
> +            return json.load(resp)

We use requests rather than httplib in GitHostingClient and WebhookClient, since it's cleaner and has built-in JSON send/receive support. There are also patterns in those utilities for timeouts, which we need here.

> +        except socket.error:
> +            raise

This seems like a no-op.

> +        finally:
> +            conn.close()
> +
> +    def add_key_for_owner(self, owner_id, fingerprint):
> +        """See IGPGClient."""
> +        fingerprint = sanitize_fingerprint_or_raise(fingerprint)
> +        try:
> +            conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(config.gpgservice.api_endpoint)
> +            headers = {
> +            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
> +            }
> +            path = '/users/%s/keys' % self._encode_owner_id(owner_id)
> +            body = json.dumps(dict(fingerprint=fingerprint))
> +            conn.request('POST', path, body, headers)
> +            resp = conn.getresponse()
> +            if resp.status == httplib.CREATED:
> +                self._notify_writes()
> +            else:
> +                self.raise_for_error(resp)
> +        except socket.error:
> +            raise
> +        finally:
> +            conn.close()
> +
> +    def disable_key_for_owner(self, owner_id, fingerprint):
> +        """See IGPGClient."""
> +        fingerprint = sanitize_fingerprint_or_raise(fingerprint)
> +        try:
> +            conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(config.gpgservice.api_endpoint)
> +            path = '/users/%s/keys/%s' % (self._encode_owner_id(owner_id), fingerprint)
> +            conn.request('DELETE', path)
> +            resp = conn.getresponse()
> +            if resp.status == httplib.OK:
> +                self._notify_writes()
> +            else:
> +                self.raise_for_error(resp)
> +        except socket.error:
> +            raise
> +        finally:
> +            conn.close()
> +
> +    def register_write_hook(self, hook_callable):
> +        """See IGPGClient."""
> +        if not callable(hook_callable):
> +            raise TypeError("'hook_callable' parameter must be a callable.")
> +        self.write_hooks.add(hook_callable)
> +
> +    def deregister_write_hook(self, hook_callable):

We conventionally prefer "unregister" over "deregister".

> +        """See IGPGClient."""
> +        if hook_callable not in self.write_hooks:
> +            raise ValueError("%r not registered.")
> +        self.write_hooks.remove(hook_callable)
> +
> +    def _notify_writes(self):
> +        for hook in self.write_hooks:
> +            try:
> +                hook()
> +            except:
> +                pass

Swallowing exceptions entirely is forbidden, but I'm not quite sure why this would even want to ignore them at all.

> +
> +    def _encode_owner_id(self, owner_id):
> +        return base64.b64encode(owner_id, altchars='-_')
> +
> +    def raise_for_error(self, response):
> +        """Raise GPGServiceException based on what's in 'response'."""
> +        if response.getheader('Content-Type') == 'application/json':
> +            message = json.load(response)['status']
> +        else:
> +            message = "Unhandled service error:\n" + response.read()
> +        raise GPGServiceException(message)

This squashes the useful HTTP status code, and could also make logs Very Large.

> === modified file 'lib/lp/services/gpg/interfaces.py'
> --- lib/lp/services/gpg/interfaces.py	2016-02-10 00:51:55 +0000
> +++ lib/lp/services/gpg/interfaces.py	2016-02-18 00:43:11 +0000
> @@ -421,3 +423,57 @@
>      name = Attribute("The name portion of this user ID")
>      email = Attribute("The email portion of this user ID")
>      comment = Attribute("The comment portion of this user ID")
> +
> +
> +class GPGServiceException(Exception):
> +
> +    """Raised when we get an error from the gpgservice.
> +
> +    More specific errors for commonly encountered errors may be added once we
> +    actually integrate gpgservice with the rest of launchpad.
> +
> +    """

Extra line again.

> +
> +
> +class IGPGClient(Interface):
> +
> +    """A client for querying a gpgservice instance."""
> +
> +    def get_keys_for_owner(owner_id):
> +        """Get a list of keys for a given owner.
> +
> +        :raises GPGServiceException: If we get an error from the gpgservice.
> +        :raises socket.error" on socket-level errors (connection timeouts etc)
> +        """
> +
> +    def add_key_for_owner(owner_id, fingerprint):
> +        """Add a GPG key.
> +
> +        :raises ValueError: if the fingerprint isn't valid.
> +        :raises GPGServiceException: If we get an error from the gpgservice.
> +        :raises socket.error" on socket-level errors (connection timeouts etc)
> +        """
> +
> +    def disable_key_for_owner(owner_id, fingerprint):
> +        """Disable a GPG key.
> +
> +        :raises ValueError: if the fingerprint isn't valid.
> +        :raises GPGServiceException: If we get an error from the gpgservice.
> +        :raises socket.error" on socket-level errors (connection timeouts etc)
> +        """
> +
> +    def register_write_hook(hook_callable):
> +        """Register a write hook.
> +
> +        The hook_callable will be called with no arguments whenever an operation
> +        is performed that modifies the GPG database.
> +
> +        :raises TypeError: if hook_callable is not a callable.
> +        :raises GPGServiceException: If we get an error from the gpgservice.
> +        """
> +
> +    def deregister_write_hook(hook_callable):
> +        """Deregister a write hook that was registered with register_write_hook.
> +
> +        :raises ValueError: if hook_callable was not registered.
> +        """
> === modified file 'lib/lp/services/gpg/tests/test_gpghandler.py'
> --- lib/lp/services/gpg/tests/test_gpghandler.py	2015-09-26 02:55:36 +0000
> +++ lib/lp/services/gpg/tests/test_gpghandler.py	2016-02-18 00:43:11 +0000
> @@ -1,14 +1,30 @@
>  # Copyright 2009-2015 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
>  # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
> +import random

Missing blank line before imports.

> +import string
> +from testtools.matchers import (
> +    Contains,
> +    Equals,
> +    HasLength,
> +    Not,
> +    raises,
> +    )
>  from zope.component import getUtility
>  from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
> +from lp.services.config.fixture import (
> +    ConfigFixture,
> +    ConfigUseFixture,
> +    )
>  from lp.services.gpg.interfaces import (
>      GPGKeyDoesNotExistOnServer,
>      GPGKeyTemporarilyNotFoundError,
> +    GPGServiceException,
> +    IGPGClient,
>      IGPGHandler,
>      )
> +from lp.services.gpg.handler import GPGClient

handler < interfaces. utilities/format-new-and-modified-imports automates correct sorting.

>  from lp.services.log.logger import BufferLogger
>  from lp.services.timeout import (
>      get_default_timeout_function,
> @@ -184,3 +206,131 @@
>          self.assertRaises(
>              GPGKeyDoesNotExistOnServer,
>              removeSecurityProxy(self.gpg_handler)._getPubKey, fingerprint)
> +
> +
> +class GPGClientTests(TestCase):
> +
> +    layer = GPGServiceLayer
> +
> +    def test_can_get_utility(self):
> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        self.assertIsNot(None, client)
> +
> +    def get_random_owner_id_string(self):
> +        """Get a random string that's representative of the owner id scheme."""
> +        candidates = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits
> +        openid_id = ''.join((random.choice(candidates) for i in range(6)))
> +        return 'https://login.ubuntu.com/+id/' + openid_id

Production domains in tests make things hard to grep for and can get us into unconfigurable corners or tests and dev instances that accidentally hit prod.

Tests use http://testopenid.dev/ as their OpenID provider, but this test could use any domain at all.

> +
> +    def test_get_key_for_user_with_sampledata(self):
> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        data = client.get_keys_for_owner('name16_oid')
> +        self.assertThat(data, Contains('keys'))
> +        self.assertThat(data['keys'], HasLength(1))

ContainsDict({'keys': HasLength(1)}) is slightly cleaner and makes test failures much more useful.

> +
> +    def test_get_key_for_unknown_user(self):
> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        user = self.get_random_owner_id_string()
> +        data = client.get_keys_for_owner(user)
> +        self.assertThat(data, Contains('keys'))
> +        self.assertThat(data['keys'], HasLength(0))
> +
> +    def test_register_non_callable_raises_TypeError(self):
> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        self.assertThat(
> +            lambda: client.register_write_hook("not a callable"),
> +            raises(TypeError))

I find "with ExpectedException" to be cleaner for some things, but happy either way.

> +
> +    def test_deregister_with_unregstered_hook_raises_ValueError(self):


> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        self.assertThat(
> +            lambda: client.deregister_write_hook("not registerred"),
> +            raises(ValueError))
> +
> +    def test_can_deregister_registerred_write_hook(self):


> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        hook = CallableTracker()

lp.testing.fakemethod.FakeMethod probably does what you need.

> +        client.register_write_hook(hook)
> +        client.deregister_write_hook(hook)
> +
> +        self.assertThat(
> +            lambda: client.deregister_write_hook(hook),
> +            raises(ValueError))
> +
> +    def test_can_add_new_fingerprint_for_user(self):
> +        self.useFixture(KeyServerTac())
> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        fingerprint = 'A419AE861E88BC9E04B9C26FBA2B9389DFD20543'
> +        user = self.get_random_owner_id_string()
> +        client.add_key_for_owner(user, fingerprint)
> +        data = client.get_keys_for_owner(user)
> +        keys = data['keys']
> +        self.assertThat(keys, HasLength(1))
> +        self.assertThat(keys[0]['fingerprint'], Equals(fingerprint))
> +        self.assertThat(keys[0]['enabled'], Equals(True))

ContainsDict would be lovely here.

> +
> +    def test_adding_fingerprint_notifies_writes(self):
> +        self.useFixture(KeyServerTac())
> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        hook = CallableTracker()
> +        client.register_write_hook(hook)
> +        self.addCleanup(client.deregister_write_hook, hook)
> +        fingerprint = 'A419AE861E88BC9E04B9C26FBA2B9389DFD20543'
> +        user = self.get_random_owner_id_string()
> +        client.add_key_for_owner(user, fingerprint)
> +
> +        self.assertTrue(hook.called)
> +
> +    def test_adding_invalid_fingerprint_raises_ValueError(self):
> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        self.assertThat(
> +            lambda: client.add_key_for_owner(self.get_random_owner_id_string(), ''),
> +            raises(ValueError("Invalid fingerprint: ''.")))
> +
> +    def test_adding_duplicate_fingerprint_raises_GPGServiceException(self):
> +        self.useFixture(KeyServerTac())
> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        fingerprint = 'A419AE861E88BC9E04B9C26FBA2B9389DFD20543'
> +        user_one = self.get_random_owner_id_string()
> +        user_two = self.get_random_owner_id_string()
> +        client.add_key_for_owner(user_one, fingerprint)
> +        self.assertThat(
> +            lambda: client.add_key_for_owner(user_two, fingerprint),
> +            raises(GPGServiceException("Error: Fingerprint already in database.")))

This needs to be a more specific exception, but that can always be fixed later.

> +
> +    def test_disabling_active_key(self):
> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        fingerprint = 'ABCDEF0123456789ABCDDCBA0000111112345678'

We don't use sampledata in new tests if we can avoid it. It hides test setup and makes sampledata very hard to change or remove later. So please add a new fingerprint here, then disable it.

> +        client.disable_key_for_owner('name16_oid', fingerprint)
> +        data = client.get_keys_for_owner('name16_oid')
> +        keys = data['keys']
> +
> +        self.assertThat(keys, HasLength(1))
> +        self.assertThat(keys[0]['enabled'], Equals(False))
> +
> +    def test_disabling_key_notifies_writes(self):
> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        hook = CallableTracker()
> +        client.register_write_hook(hook)
> +        self.addCleanup(client.deregister_write_hook, hook)
> +        fingerprint = 'ABCDEF0123456789ABCDDCBA0000111112345678'
> +        client.disable_key_for_owner('name16_oid', fingerprint)
> +
> +        self.assertTrue(hook.called)
> +
> +    def test_disabling_invalid_fingerprint_raises_ValueError(self):
> +        client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        self.assertThat(
> +            lambda: client.disable_key_for_owner(self.get_random_owner_id_string(), ''),
> +            raises(ValueError("Invalid fingerprint: ''."))
> +        )
> +
> +
> +class CallableTracker:
> +
> +    def __init__(self):
> +        self.called = False
> +        self.call_params = []
> +
> +    def __call__(self):
> +        self.called = True
> === modified file 'lib/lp/testing/layers.py'
> --- lib/lp/testing/layers.py	2015-12-16 11:48:10 +0000
> +++ lib/lp/testing/layers.py	2016-02-18 00:43:11 +0000
> @@ -1161,6 +1164,47 @@
>          logout()
> +class GPGServiceLayer(ZopelessLayer):

GPGServerLayer can't inherit ZopelessLayer, as it's also needed in LaunchpadFunctionalLayer which uses FunctionalLayer rather than ZopelessLayer.

> +
> +    service_fixture = None
> +    gpgservice_needs_reset = False
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    @profiled
> +    def setUp(cls):
> +        gpg_client = getUtility(IGPGClient)
> +        gpg_client.register_write_hook(cls._on_gpgservice_write)
> +        cls.service_fixture = GPGKeyServiceFixture(BaseLayer.config_fixture)
> +        cls.service_fixture.setUp()
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    @profiled
> +    def tearDown(cls):
> +        # ZopelessLayer logs us out, but then we can't deregister out write hook
> +        login(ANONYMOUS)
> +        gpg_client = getUtility(IGPGClient)

I'd personally use removeSecurityProxy here to avoid potential catastrophic testrunner explosions if the DB or authz systems are in a bad state during tearDown.

login/logout should work in normal cases, but it will be really messy when something goes wrong, and layer tearDown is a very widely used place to have mess.

> +        gpg_client.deregister_write_hook(cls._on_gpgservice_write)
> +        cls.service_fixture.cleanUp()
> +        cls.service_fixture = None
> +        logout()
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    @profiled
> +    def testSetUp(cls):
> +        if cls.gpgservice_needs_reset:
> +            cls.service_fixture.reset_service_database()
> +            cls.gpgservice_needs_reset = False

Why testSetUp over testTearDown?

> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    @profiled
> +    def testTearDown(cls):
> +        pass
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    def _on_gpgservice_write(cls):
> +        cls.gpgservice_needs_reset = True
> +
> +
>  class TwistedLayer(BaseLayer):
>      """A layer for cleaning up the Twisted thread pool."""

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