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Re: [Merge] lp:~cjwatson/launchpad/restore-dsp-picker into lp:launchpad


Review: Approve code

Diff comments:

> === modified file 'lib/lp/registry/vocabularies.py'
> --- lib/lp/registry/vocabularies.py	2016-06-10 22:19:03 +0000
> +++ lib/lp/registry/vocabularies.py	2016-06-10 22:19:03 +0000
> @@ -2005,3 +2022,174 @@
>          # Package names are always lowercase.
>          return super(SourcePackageNameVocabulary, self).getTermByToken(
>              token.lower())
> +
> +
> +@implementer(IHugeVocabulary)
> +class DistributionSourcePackageVocabulary(FilteredVocabularyBase):
> +
> +    displayname = 'Select a package'
> +    step_title = 'Search by name or distro/name'
> +
> +    def __init__(self, context):
> +        self.context = context
> +        if IReference.providedBy(context):
> +            target = context.context.target
> +        elif IBugTask.providedBy(context) or IQuestion.providedBy(context):
> +            target = context.target
> +        else:
> +            target = context
> +        try:
> +            self.distribution = IDistribution(target)
> +        except TypeError:
> +            self.distribution = None
> +        if IDistributionSourcePackage.providedBy(target):
> +            self.dsp = target
> +        else:
> +            self.dsp = None
> +
> +    def __contains__(self, spn_or_dsp):
> +        if spn_or_dsp == self.dsp:
> +            # Historic values are always valid. The DSP used to
> +            # initialize the vocabulary is always included.
> +            return True
> +        try:
> +            self.toTerm(spn_or_dsp)
> +            return True
> +        except LookupError:
> +            return False
> +
> +    def __iter__(self):
> +        pass
> +
> +    def __len__(self):
> +        pass
> +
> +    def setDistribution(self, distribution):
> +        """Set the distribution after the vocabulary was instantiated."""
> +        self.distribution = distribution
> +
> +    def getDistributionAndPackageName(self, text):

"parseToken" or similar?

> +        "Return the distribution and package name from the parsed text."

Should be triple-quoted.

> +        # Match the toTerm() format, but also use it to select a distribution.
> +        distribution = None
> +        if '/' in text:
> +            distro_name, text = text.split('/', 1)
> +            distribution = getUtility(IDistributionSet).getByName(distro_name)
> +        if distribution is None:
> +            distribution = self.distribution
> +        return distribution, text
> +
> +    def toTerm(self, spn_or_dsp, distribution=None):
> +        """See `IVocabulary`."""
> +        dsp = None
> +        binary_names = None
> +        if isinstance(spn_or_dsp, tuple):
> +            # The DSP in DB was passed with its binary_names.
> +            spn_or_dsp, binary_names = spn_or_dsp
> +            if binary_names is not None:
> +                binary_names = binary_names.split()
> +        if IDistributionSourcePackage.providedBy(spn_or_dsp):
> +            dsp = spn_or_dsp
> +            distribution = spn_or_dsp.distribution
> +        elif (not ISourcePackageName.providedBy(spn_or_dsp) and
> +            safe_hasattr(spn_or_dsp, 'distribution')
> +            and safe_hasattr(spn_or_dsp, 'sourcepackagename')):
> +            # We use the hasattr checks rather than adaptation because the
> +            # DistributionSourcePackageInDatabase object is a little bit
> +            # broken and does not provide any interface.

This could use a comment describing that it's actually checking for a DSPID. But I suggest below that perhaps DSPIDs shouldn't leak across this boundary at all.

> +            distribution = spn_or_dsp.distribution
> +            dsp = distribution.getSourcePackage(spn_or_dsp.sourcepackagename)
> +        else:
> +            distribution = distribution or self.distribution
> +            if distribution is not None and spn_or_dsp is not None:
> +                dsp = distribution.getSourcePackage(spn_or_dsp)
> +        if dsp is not None and (dsp == self.dsp or dsp.is_official):
> +            if binary_names:
> +                # Search already did the hard work of looking up binary names.
> +                cache = get_property_cache(dsp)
> +                cache.binary_names = binary_names
> +            token = '%s/%s' % (dsp.distribution.name, dsp.name)
> +            return SimpleTerm(dsp, token, token)
> +        raise LookupError(distribution, spn_or_dsp)
> +
> +    def getTerm(self, spn_or_dsp):
> +        """See `IBaseVocabulary`."""
> +        return self.toTerm(spn_or_dsp)
> +
> +    def getTermByToken(self, token):
> +        """See `IVocabularyTokenized`."""
> +        distribution, package_name = self.getDistributionAndPackageName(token)
> +        return self.toTerm(package_name, distribution)
> +
> +    def searchForTerms(self, query=None, vocab_filter=None):
> +        """See `IHugeVocabulary`."""
> +        if not query:
> +            return EmptyResultSet()
> +        distribution, query = self.getDistributionAndPackageName(query)
> +        if distribution is None:
> +            # This could failover to ubuntu, but that is non-obvious. The
> +            # Python widget must set the default distribution and the JS
> +            # widget must encourage the <distro>/<package> search format.
> +            return EmptyResultSet()
> +
> +        query = unicode(query)
> +        query_re = re.escape(query)
> +        store = IStore(DistributionSourcePackageInDatabase)
> +        # Construct the searchable text that could live in the DSP table.
> +        # Limit the results to ensure the user could see all the batches.
> +        # Rank only what is returned: exact source name, exact binary
> +        # name, partial source name, and lastly partial binary name.
> +        searchable_dspc_cte = With("SearchableDSPC", Select(
> +            (DistributionSourcePackageCache.sourcepackagenameID,
> +             DistributionSourcePackageCache.binpkgnames),
> +            where=And(
> +                Or(
> +                    DistributionSourcePackageCache.name.contains_string(query),
> +                    DistributionSourcePackageCache.binpkgnames.contains_string(
> +                        query),
> +                    ),
> +                Or(
> +                    DistributionSourcePackageCache.archiveID.is_in(
> +                        distribution.all_distro_archive_ids),
> +                    DistributionSourcePackageCache.archive == None),
> +                Or(
> +                    DistributionSourcePackageCache.name == query,
> +                    DistributionSourcePackageCache.distribution ==
> +                        distribution),

Why does the distro or package name have to match? They don't seem like obvious disjuncts.

> +                ),
> +            tables=DistributionSourcePackageCache))
> +        rank = Case(
> +            when=(
> +                # name == query
> +                (SourcePackageName.name == query, 100),
> +                (RegexpMatch(SQL("SearchableDSPC.binpkgnames"),
> +                             r'(^| )%s( |$)' % query_re), 90),
> +                # name.startswith(query + "-")
> +                (SourcePackageName.name.startswith(query + "-"), 80),
> +                (RegexpMatch(SQL("SearchableDSPC.binpkgnames"),
> +                             r'(^| )%s-' % query_re), 70),
> +                # name.startswith(query)
> +                (SourcePackageName.name.startswith(query), 60),
> +                (RegexpMatch(SQL("SearchableDSPC.binpkgnames"),
> +                             r'(^| )%s' % query_re), 50),
> +                # name.contains_string("-" + query)
> +                (SourcePackageName.name.contains_string("-" + query), 40),
> +                (RegexpMatch(SQL("SearchableDSPC.binpkgnames"),
> +                             r'-%s' % query_re), 30),
> +                ),
> +            else_=1)
> +        # It might be possible to return the source name and binary names to
> +        # reduce the work of the picker adapter.

So possible, in fact, that it's already done.

> +        results = store.with_(searchable_dspc_cte).using(
> +            DistributionSourcePackageInDatabase, SourcePackageName,
> +            "SearchableDSPC").find(
> +                (DistributionSourcePackageInDatabase,

It is uncommon that we pass around DSPIDs directly. Can we just turn it into a DSP here too?

> +                 SQL("SearchableDSPC.binpkgnames")),
> +                DistributionSourcePackageInDatabase.distribution ==
> +                    distribution,
> +                DistributionSourcePackageInDatabase.sourcepackagename_id ==
> +                    SourcePackageName.id,
> +                SourcePackageName.id ==
> +                    SQL("SearchableDSPC.sourcepackagename"))

The SourcePackageName join is unnecessary.

> +        results.order_by(Desc(rank), SourcePackageName.name)
> +        return CountableIterator(results.count(), results, self.toTerm)

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