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[Merge] lp:~wgrant/launchpad/postgresql-9.5-9.6 into lp:launchpad


William Grant has proposed merging lp:~wgrant/launchpad/postgresql-9.5-9.6 into lp:launchpad.

Commit message:
Update database schema for PostgreSQL 9.5 and 9.6.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

Update database schema for PostgreSQL 9.5 and 9.6. 9.3 still works, and 9.4 probably does too but it's not in any supported Ubuntu release so I don't much care.

There are three classes of PostgreSQL change that required us to adapt:

 - IS vs == operator precedence changed in 9.5.
 - tsquery parsing now treats '<' as the start of a phrase search operator as of 9.6.
 - A couple of system tables' columns changed in 9.4 and 9.6.

Check constraints are stored parsed, so changing history without a fresh patch is fine. But for functions we need to replace them entirely: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23475270/ is the effective diff to the original patches.

Patch 2209-21-4's creation of update_database_disk_utilization() failed
at application time, and wasn't depended on by any later patches, so
I've deleted that bit of history. For new databases the function won't
exist until 2209-81-0.

Text search query parsing has changed subtly: any '<' characters are
stripped ('<' begins 9.6's new phrase operator), meaning that terms such
as XML tags are no longer ignored. But such searches were already pretty
broken, and this arguably makes them slightly better.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~wgrant/launchpad/postgresql-9.5-9.6 into lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'database/schema/patch-2209-11-1.sql'
--- database/schema/patch-2209-11-1.sql	2012-02-16 09:45:47 +0000
+++ database/schema/patch-2209-11-1.sql	2016-11-14 12:11:11 +0000
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
     product integer REFERENCES product,
     distribution integer REFERENCES distribution,
     type integer NOT NULL,
-    CONSTRAINT has_target CHECK (product IS NULL != distribution IS NULL)
+    CONSTRAINT has_target CHECK ((product IS NULL) != (distribution IS NULL))
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accesspolicy__product__type__key
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     id serial PRIMARY KEY,
     bug integer REFERENCES bug,
     branch integer, -- FK to be added later.
-    CONSTRAINT has_artifact CHECK (bug IS NULL != branch IS NULL)
+    CONSTRAINT has_artifact CHECK ((bug IS NULL) != (branch IS NULL))
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accessartifact__bug__key

=== modified file 'database/schema/patch-2209-21-4.sql'
--- database/schema/patch-2209-21-4.sql	2012-06-01 12:02:00 +0000
+++ database/schema/patch-2209-21-4.sql	2016-11-14 12:11:11 +0000
@@ -1,110 +1,8 @@
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_database_disk_utilization() RETURNS void
-    SET search_path TO public
-    AS $$
-    INSERT INTO DatabaseDiskUtilization
-        namespace, name,
-        sub_namespace, sub_name,
-        kind,
-        (namespace || '.' ||  name || COALESCE(
-                '/' || sub_namespace || '.' || sub_name, '')) AS sort,
-        (stat).table_len,
-        (stat).tuple_count,
-        (stat).tuple_len,
-        (stat).tuple_percent,
-        (stat).dead_tuple_count,
-        (stat).dead_tuple_len,
-        (stat).dead_tuple_percent,
-        (stat).free_space,
-        (stat).free_percent
-    FROM (
-        -- Tables
-        SELECT
-            pg_namespace.nspname AS namespace,
-            pg_class.relname AS name,
-            NULL AS sub_namespace,
-            NULL AS sub_name,
-            pg_class.relkind AS kind,
-            pgstattuple(pg_class.oid) AS stat
-        FROM pg_class, pg_namespace
-        WHERE
-            pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
-            AND pg_class.relkind = 'r'
-            AND pg_table_is_visible(pg_class.oid)
-        UNION ALL
-        -- Indexes
-        SELECT
-            pg_namespace_table.nspname AS namespace,
-            pg_class_table.relname AS name,
-            pg_namespace_index.nspname AS sub_namespace,
-            pg_class_index.relname AS sub_name,
-            pg_class_index.relkind AS kind,
-            pgstattuple(pg_class_index.oid) AS stat
-        FROM
-            pg_namespace AS pg_namespace_table,
-            pg_namespace AS pg_namespace_index,
-            pg_class AS pg_class_table,
-            pg_class AS pg_class_index,
-            pg_index,
-            pg_am
-        WHERE
-            pg_class_index.relkind = 'i'
-            AND pg_am.amname <> 'gin' -- pgstattuple doesn't support GIN
-            AND pg_table_is_visible(pg_class_table.oid)
-            AND pg_class_index.relnamespace = pg_namespace_index.oid
-            AND pg_class_table.relnamespace = pg_namespace_table.oid
-            AND pg_class_index.relam = pg_am.oid
-            AND pg_index.indexrelid = pg_class_index.oid
-            AND pg_index.indrelid = pg_class_table.oid
-        UNION ALL
-        -- TOAST tables
-        SELECT
-            pg_namespace_table.nspname AS namespace,
-            pg_class_table.relname AS name,
-            pg_namespace_toast.nspname AS sub_namespace,
-            pg_class_toast.relname AS sub_name,
-            pg_class_toast.relkind AS kind,
-            pgstattuple(pg_class_toast.oid) AS stat
-        FROM
-            pg_namespace AS pg_namespace_table,
-            pg_namespace AS pg_namespace_toast,
-            pg_class AS pg_class_table,
-            pg_class AS pg_class_toast
-        WHERE
-            pg_class_toast.relnamespace = pg_namespace_toast.oid
-            AND pg_table_is_visible(pg_class_table.oid)
-            AND pg_class_table.relnamespace = pg_namespace_table.oid
-            AND pg_class_toast.oid = pg_class_table.reltoastrelid
-        UNION ALL
-        -- TOAST indexes
-        SELECT
-            pg_namespace_table.nspname AS namespace,
-            pg_class_table.relname AS name,
-            pg_namespace_index.nspname AS sub_namespace,
-            pg_class_index.relname AS sub_name,
-            pg_class_index.relkind AS kind,
-            pgstattuple(pg_class_index.oid) AS stat
-        FROM
-            pg_namespace AS pg_namespace_table,
-            pg_namespace AS pg_namespace_index,
-            pg_class AS pg_class_table,
-            pg_class AS pg_class_index,
-            pg_class AS pg_class_toast
-        WHERE
-            pg_class_table.relnamespace = pg_namespace_table.oid
-            AND pg_table_is_visible(pg_class_table.oid)
-            AND pg_class_index.relnamespace = pg_namespace_index.oid
-            AND pg_class_table.reltoastrelid = pg_class_toast.oid
-            AND pg_class_index.oid = pg_class_toast.reltoastidxid
-        ) AS whatever;
+SET client_min_messages = ERROR;
+-- This patch originally added update_database_disk_utilization(), but
+-- it failed to apply on PostgreSQL >=9.5. It has been replaced with a
+-- more compatible version in 2209-81-0. Deleting history is gross, but
+-- we can get away without properly altering it.
 INSERT INTO LaunchpadDatabaseRevision VALUES (2209, 21, 4);

=== modified file 'database/schema/patch-2209-30-1.sql'
--- database/schema/patch-2209-30-1.sql	2012-08-23 23:51:58 +0000
+++ database/schema/patch-2209-30-1.sql	2016-11-14 12:11:11 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 -- If type is set, then either product or distribution must be set and person must be null.
 ALTER TABLE accesspolicy ADD CONSTRAINT has_target
     CHECK (
-      (type IS NOT NULL AND (product IS NULL <> distribution IS NULL) AND person IS NULL)
+      (type IS NOT NULL AND ((product IS NULL) <> (distribution IS NULL)) AND person IS NULL)
       (type IS NULL AND person IS NOT NULL and product IS NULL AND distribution IS NULL) );

=== added file 'database/schema/patch-2209-81-0.sql'
--- database/schema/patch-2209-81-0.sql	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ database/schema/patch-2209-81-0.sql	2016-11-14 12:11:11 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+SET client_min_messages = ERROR;
+-- Update functions for PostgreSQL 9.5 and 9.6 support, in addition to 9.3.
+-- From 2209-00-0
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_branch_name_cache() RETURNS trigger
+    LANGUAGE plpgsql
+    AS $$
+    needs_update boolean := FALSE;
+        needs_update := TRUE;
+    ELSIF (NEW.owner_name IS NULL
+        OR NEW.unique_name IS NULL
+        OR OLD.owner_name <> NEW.owner_name
+        OR OLD.unique_name <> NEW.unique_name
+        OR ((NEW.target_suffix IS NULL) <> (OLD.target_suffix IS NULL))
+        OR COALESCE(OLD.target_suffix, '') <> COALESCE(NEW.target_suffix, '')
+        OR OLD.name <> NEW.name
+        OR OLD.owner <> NEW.owner
+        OR COALESCE(OLD.product, -1) <> COALESCE(NEW.product, -1)
+        OR COALESCE(OLD.distroseries, -1) <> COALESCE(NEW.distroseries, -1)
+        OR COALESCE(OLD.sourcepackagename, -1)
+            <> COALESCE(NEW.sourcepackagename, -1)) THEN
+        needs_update := TRUE;
+    END IF;
+    IF needs_update THEN
+        SELECT
+            Person.name AS owner_name,
+            COALESCE(Product.name, SPN.name) AS target_suffix,
+            '~' || Person.name || '/' || COALESCE(
+                Product.name,
+                Distribution.name || '/' || Distroseries.name
+                    || '/' || SPN.name,
+                '+junk') || '/' || NEW.name AS unique_name
+        INTO NEW.owner_name, NEW.target_suffix, NEW.unique_name
+        FROM Person
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN DistroSeries ON NEW.distroseries = DistroSeries.id
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN Product ON NEW.product = Product.id
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN Distribution
+            ON Distroseries.distribution = Distribution.id
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN SourcepackageName AS SPN
+            ON SPN.id = NEW.sourcepackagename
+        WHERE Person.id = NEW.owner;
+    END IF;
+-- From 2209-21-4
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_database_disk_utilization() RETURNS void
+    SET search_path TO public
+    AS $$
+    INSERT INTO DatabaseDiskUtilization
+        namespace, name,
+        sub_namespace, sub_name,
+        kind,
+        (namespace || '.' ||  name || COALESCE(
+                '/' || sub_namespace || '.' || sub_name, '')) AS sort,
+        (stat).table_len,
+        (stat).tuple_count,
+        (stat).tuple_len,
+        (stat).tuple_percent,
+        (stat).dead_tuple_count,
+        (stat).dead_tuple_len,
+        (stat).dead_tuple_percent,
+        (stat).free_space,
+        (stat).free_percent
+    FROM (
+        -- Tables
+        SELECT
+            pg_namespace.nspname AS namespace,
+            pg_class.relname AS name,
+            NULL AS sub_namespace,
+            NULL AS sub_name,
+            pg_class.relkind AS kind,
+            pgstattuple(pg_class.oid) AS stat
+        FROM pg_class, pg_namespace
+        WHERE
+            pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
+            AND pg_class.relkind = 'r'
+            AND pg_table_is_visible(pg_class.oid)
+        UNION ALL
+        -- Indexes
+        SELECT
+            pg_namespace_table.nspname AS namespace,
+            pg_class_table.relname AS name,
+            pg_namespace_index.nspname AS sub_namespace,
+            pg_class_index.relname AS sub_name,
+            pg_class_index.relkind AS kind,
+            pgstattuple(pg_class_index.oid) AS stat
+        FROM
+            pg_namespace AS pg_namespace_table,
+            pg_namespace AS pg_namespace_index,
+            pg_class AS pg_class_table,
+            pg_class AS pg_class_index,
+            pg_index,
+            pg_am
+        WHERE
+            pg_class_index.relkind = 'i'
+            AND pg_am.amname <> 'gin' -- pgstattuple doesn't support GIN
+            AND pg_table_is_visible(pg_class_table.oid)
+            AND pg_class_index.relnamespace = pg_namespace_index.oid
+            AND pg_class_table.relnamespace = pg_namespace_table.oid
+            AND pg_class_index.relam = pg_am.oid
+            AND pg_index.indexrelid = pg_class_index.oid
+            AND pg_index.indrelid = pg_class_table.oid
+        UNION ALL
+        -- TOAST tables
+        SELECT
+            pg_namespace_table.nspname AS namespace,
+            pg_class_table.relname AS name,
+            pg_namespace_toast.nspname AS sub_namespace,
+            pg_class_toast.relname AS sub_name,
+            pg_class_toast.relkind AS kind,
+            pgstattuple(pg_class_toast.oid) AS stat
+        FROM
+            pg_namespace AS pg_namespace_table,
+            pg_namespace AS pg_namespace_toast,
+            pg_class AS pg_class_table,
+            pg_class AS pg_class_toast
+        WHERE
+            pg_class_toast.relnamespace = pg_namespace_toast.oid
+            AND pg_table_is_visible(pg_class_table.oid)
+            AND pg_class_table.relnamespace = pg_namespace_table.oid
+            AND pg_class_toast.oid = pg_class_table.reltoastrelid
+        UNION ALL
+        -- TOAST indexes
+        SELECT
+            pg_namespace_table.nspname AS namespace,
+            pg_class_table.relname AS name,
+            pg_namespace_index.nspname AS sub_namespace,
+            pg_class_index.relname AS sub_name,
+            pg_class_index.relkind AS kind,
+            pgstattuple(pg_class_index.oid) AS stat
+        FROM
+            pg_namespace AS pg_namespace_table,
+            pg_namespace AS pg_namespace_index,
+            pg_class AS pg_class_table,
+            pg_class AS pg_class_index,
+            pg_class AS pg_class_toast,
+            pg_index
+        WHERE
+            pg_class_table.relnamespace = pg_namespace_table.oid
+            AND pg_table_is_visible(pg_class_table.oid)
+            AND pg_class_index.relnamespace = pg_namespace_index.oid
+            AND pg_class_table.reltoastrelid = pg_class_toast.oid
+            AND pg_class_index.oid = pg_index.indexrelid
+            AND pg_index.indrelid = pg_class_toast.oid
+        ) AS whatever;
+-- From 2209-24-3
+    AS $_$
+        import re
+        # I think this method would be more robust if we used a real
+        # tokenizer and parser to generate the query string, but we need
+        # something suitable for use as a stored procedure which currently
+        # means no external dependancies.
+        # Convert to Unicode
+        query = args[0].decode('utf8')
+        ## plpy.debug('1 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # Replace tsquery operators with ' '. '<' begins all the phrase
+        # search operators, and a standalone '>' is fine.
+        query = re.sub('[|&!<]', ' ', query)
+        # Normalize whitespace
+        query = re.sub("(?u)\s+"," ", query)
+        # Convert AND, OR, NOT to tsearch2 punctuation
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)\bAND\b", "&", query)
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)\bOR\b", "|", query)
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)\bNOT\b", " !", query)
+        ## plpy.debug('2 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # Deal with unwanted punctuation.
+        # ':' is used in queries to specify a weight of a word.
+        # '\' is treated differently in to_tsvector() and to_tsquery().
+        punctuation = r'[:\\]'
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)%s+" % (punctuation,), " ", query)
+        ## plpy.debug('3 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # Now that we have handle case sensitive booleans, convert to lowercase
+        query = query.lower()
+        # Remove unpartnered bracket on the left and right
+        query = re.sub(r"(?ux) ^ ( [^(]* ) \)", r"(\1)", query)
+        query = re.sub(r"(?ux) \( ( [^)]* ) $", r"(\1)", query)
+        # Remove spurious brackets
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)\(([^\&\|]*?)\)", r" \1 ", query)
+        ## plpy.debug('5 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # Insert & between tokens without an existing boolean operator
+        # ( not proceeded by (|&!
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)(?<![\(\|\&\!])\s*\(", "&(", query)
+        ## plpy.debug('6 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # ) not followed by )|&
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)\)(?!\s*(\)|\||\&|\s*$))", ")&", query)
+        ## plpy.debug('6.1 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # Whitespace not proceded by (|&! not followed by &|
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)(?<![\(\|\&\!\s])\s+(?![\&\|\s])", "&", query)
+        ## plpy.debug('7 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # Detect and repair syntax errors - we are lenient because
+        # this input is generally from users.
+        # Fix unbalanced brackets
+        openings = query.count("(")
+        closings = query.count(")")
+        if openings > closings:
+            query = query + " ) "*(openings-closings)
+        elif closings > openings:
+            query = " ( "*(closings-openings) + query
+        ## plpy.debug('8 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # Strip ' character that do not have letters on both sides
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)((?<!\w)'|'(?!\w))", "", query)
+        # Brackets containing nothing but whitespace and booleans, recursive
+        last = ""
+        while last != query:
+            last = query
+            query = re.sub(r"(?u)\([\s\&\|\!]*\)", "", query)
+        ## plpy.debug('9 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # An & or | following a (
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)(?<=\()[\&\|\s]+", "", query)
+        ## plpy.debug('10 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # An &, | or ! immediatly before a )
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)[\&\|\!\s]*[\&\|\!]+\s*(?=\))", "", query)
+        ## plpy.debug('11 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # An &,| or ! followed by another boolean.
+        query = re.sub(r"(?ux) \s* ( [\&\|\!] ) [\s\&\|]+", r"\1", query)
+        ## plpy.debug('12 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # Leading & or |
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)^[\s\&\|]+", "", query)
+        ## plpy.debug('13 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # Trailing &, | or !
+        query = re.sub(r"(?u)[\&\|\!\s]+$", "", query)
+        ## plpy.debug('14 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        # If we have nothing but whitespace and tsearch2 operators,
+        # return NULL.
+        if re.search(r"(?u)^[\&\|\!\s\(\)]*$", query) is not None:
+            return None
+        # Convert back to UTF-8
+        query = query.encode('utf8')
+        ## plpy.debug('15 query is %s' % repr(query))
+        return query or None
+        $_$;
+-- From 2209-53-1
+RETURNS SETOF pg_stat_activity
+LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
+    a pg_stat_activity%ROWTYPE;
+    IF EXISTS (
+            SELECT 1 FROM pg_attribute WHERE
+                attrelid =
+                    (SELECT oid FROM pg_class
+                     WHERE relname = 'pg_stat_activity')
+                AND attname = 'wait_event_type') THEN
+        -- >= 9.6
+            datid, datname, pid, usesysid, usename, application_name,
+            client_addr, client_hostname, client_port, backend_start,
+            xact_start, query_start, state_change, wait_event_type,
+            wait_event, state, backend_xid, backend_xmin,
+            CASE
+                WHEN query LIKE '<IDLE>%'
+                    OR query LIKE 'autovacuum:%'
+                    THEN query
+                ELSE
+                    '<HIDDEN>'
+            END AS query
+        FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity;
+            SELECT 1 FROM pg_attribute WHERE
+                attrelid =
+                    (SELECT oid FROM pg_class
+                     WHERE relname = 'pg_stat_activity')
+                AND attname = 'backend_xid') THEN
+        -- >= 9.4
+            datid, datname, pid, usesysid, usename, application_name,
+            client_addr, client_hostname, client_port, backend_start,
+            xact_start, query_start, state_change, waiting, state,
+            backend_xid, backend_xmin,
+            CASE
+                WHEN query LIKE '<IDLE>%'
+                    OR query LIKE 'autovacuum:%'
+                    THEN query
+                ELSE
+                    '<HIDDEN>'
+            END AS query
+        FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity;
+    ELSE
+        -- >= 9.2; anything older is unsupported
+            datid, datname, pid, usesysid, usename, application_name,
+            client_addr, client_hostname, client_port, backend_start,
+            xact_start, query_start, state_change, waiting, state,
+            CASE
+                WHEN query LIKE '<IDLE>%'
+                    OR query LIKE 'autovacuum:%'
+                    THEN query
+                ELSE
+                    '<HIDDEN>'
+            END AS query
+        FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity;
+    END IF;
+INSERT INTO LaunchpadDatabaseRevision VALUES (2209, 81, 0);

=== modified file 'lib/lp/services/database/doc/textsearching.txt'
--- lib/lp/services/database/doc/textsearching.txt	2016-01-26 15:47:37 +0000
+++ lib/lp/services/database/doc/textsearching.txt	2016-11-14 12:11:11 +0000
@@ -340,14 +340,12 @@
 XXX Abel Deuring 2012-06-20 bug=1015519: XML tags cannot be searched.
-    >>> print search_same('foo <bar> baz')
-    FTI data: 'baz':2 'foo':1 query: 'foo' & 'baz' match: True
-More specifically, tags are simply dropped from the FTI data and from
-search queries.
+Tags are simply dropped from the FTI data. The terms show up without
+brackets in parsed queries as a consequence of phrase operator stripping
+added for PostgreSQL 9.6.
     >>> print search('some text <div>whatever</div>', '<div>')
-    FTI data: 'text':2 'whatev':3 query: None match: None
+    FTI data: 'text':2 'whatev':3 query: 'div' match: False
 Of course, omitting '<' and '>'from the query does not help.

=== modified file 'utilities/launchpad-database-setup'
--- utilities/launchpad-database-setup	2014-12-20 16:38:50 +0000
+++ utilities/launchpad-database-setup	2016-11-14 12:11:11 +0000
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 # https://dev.launchpad.net/DatabaseSetup which are intended for
 # initial Launchpad setup on an otherwise unconfigured postgresql instance
-for pgversion in 9.1 9.3
+for pgversion in 9.3 9.5 9.6
   sudo grep -qs "^auto" /etc/postgresql/$pgversion/main/start.conf
   if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then

Follow ups