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[Merge] lp:~cjwatson/launchpad/remove-branch-set-api into lp:launchpad


Colin Watson has proposed merging lp:~cjwatson/launchpad/remove-branch-set-api into lp:launchpad.

Commit message:
Remove BranchSetAPI.  Since the calling code in bzr relies on password authentication, it can't have worked since at least 2012.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/bzr/remove-register-branch/+merge/324472 removes the bzr side.  Ordinarily we'd probably need to go through a deprecation cycle or something, but since this API has been unusable for years we've effectively done so already, albeit by accident.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~cjwatson/launchpad/remove-branch-set-api into lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'lib/lp/code/configure.zcml'
--- lib/lp/code/configure.zcml	2017-05-04 16:02:40 +0000
+++ lib/lp/code/configure.zcml	2017-05-23 12:56:33 +0000
@@ -182,11 +182,6 @@
-      interface="lp.code.xmlrpc.branch.IBranchSetAPI"
-      class="lp.code.xmlrpc.branch.BranchSetAPI"
-      permission="launchpad.AnyPerson"/>
-  <xmlrpc:view
-      for="lp.code.interfaces.codehosting.IBazaarApplication"

=== modified file 'lib/lp/code/doc/branch-xmlrpc.txt'
--- lib/lp/code/doc/branch-xmlrpc.txt	2016-02-04 04:59:12 +0000
+++ lib/lp/code/doc/branch-xmlrpc.txt	2017-05-23 12:56:33 +0000
@@ -1,310 +1,8 @@
-    >>> from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
-    >>> from datetime import datetime
-    >>> import pytz
     >>> import xmlrpclib
     >>> from lp.testing.xmlrpc import XMLRPCTestTransport
-    >>> branchset_api = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(
-    ...     'http://foo.bar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/bazaar/',
-    ...     transport=XMLRPCTestTransport())
-register_branch(branch_url, branch_name, branch_title,
-                branch_description, author_email, product_name,
-                owner_name='')
-Let's register a branch using register_branch(). First we make sure that
-there is no branch with the URL we are going to register.
-    >>> from lp.code.interfaces.branchlookup import IBranchLookup
-    >>> branch_url = 'http://foo.com/branch'
-    >>> getUtility(IBranchLookup).getByUrl(branch_url) is None
-    True
-The only thing that we have to supply is the branch url. The rest is
-optional, so we pass '' for the rest of the parameters. The reason we
-pass '' is that XMLRPC doesn't allow optional parameters, and None is an
-extension to XMLRPC which we don't want to rely on. We use the currently
-authenticated user as the owner of the branch.
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...      'http://foo.com/branch', '', '', '', '', '')
-    'http://code.launchpad.dev/~name16/+junk/branch'
-Now we can see that a branch got registered:
-    >>> new_branch = getUtility(IBranchLookup).getByUrl(branch_url)
-The author_email is now ignored as the author attribute has been
-removed from the branch object.
-    >>> print new_branch.owner.displayname
-    Foo Bar
-The name got set to the last component of the URL since it wasn't
-    >>> print new_branch.name
-    branch
-Since we didn't specify product, title or description, they are None:
-    >>> new_branch.product is None
-    True
-Also, Launchpad is scheduled to mirror this branch on its next mirror run:
-    >>> removeSecurityProxy(new_branch).sync()
-    >>> print new_branch.next_mirror_time is not None
-    True
-    >>> print new_branch.next_mirror_time < datetime.now(pytz.timezone('UTC'))
-    True
-(We remove the security proxy in order to ensure that next_mirror_time has a
-real object in it, rather than an expression builder.)
-Let's register a branch specifying the name, description and product as
-    >>> other_branch_url = 'http://foo.com/other_branch'
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...      other_branch_url, 'branch_name', 'branch_title',
-    ...      'branch description', 'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution')
-    'http://code.launchpad.dev/~name16/evolution/branch_name'
-    >>> new_branch = getUtility(IBranchLookup).getByUrl(other_branch_url)
-    >>> print new_branch.owner.displayname
-    Foo Bar
-    >>> print new_branch.name
-    branch_name
-    >>> print new_branch.product.displayname
-    Evolution
-If we try to register a branch with a branch name that is already used:
-    >>> yet_another_branch_url = 'http://foo.com/yet_another_branch'
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...      yet_another_branch_url, 'branch_name', 'branch_title',
-    ...      'branch description', 'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 220: 'Branch name already in use:
-      A branch with the name "branch_name" already exists
-      for name16 in evolution.'>
-However a branch can be registered with a name used by a different user.
-    >>> evo_main_url = 'http://foo.example.com/evo/main'
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...      evo_main_url, 'main', 'branch_title',
-    ...      'branch description', 'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution')
-    'http://code.launchpad.dev/~name16/evolution/main'
-This check must also detect branch name conflict for +junk branches:
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...      yet_another_branch_url, 'branch', '', '', '', '')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 220: 'Branch name already in use:
-      A junk branch with the name "branch" already exists for name16.'>
-If we give a product name that doesn't exist, we get an error:
-    >>> new_branch_url = 'http://foo.com/new_branch'
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...      new_branch_url, 'branch_name', 'branch_title',
-    ...      'branch description', 'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'non-existing')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 10: 'No such project: non-existing'>
-If we try to register a branch with an invalid URI:
-    >>> invalid_uri = '.'
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...     invalid_uri, 'branch_name', 'branch title', 'branch description',
-    ...     'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 120: 'Invalid URL: .\n&quot;.&quot; is not a valid URI'>
-If we try to register a URL with a unsupported scheme:
-    >>> bad_scheme = 'svn://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/foo/bar/baz'
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...     bad_scheme, 'branch_name', 'branch title', 'branch description',
-    ...     'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 120: 'Invalid URL:
-    svn://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/foo/bar/baz\nThe URI scheme
-    &quot;svn&quot; is not allowed.  Only URIs with the following
-    schemes may be used: bzr+ssh, ftp, http, https, sftp'>
-If we try to register a root URL:
-    >>> root_url = 'http://example.com/'
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...     root_url, 'branch_name', 'branch title', 'branch description',
-    ...     'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 120: 'Invalid URL: http://example.com\nURLs for branches
-    cannot point to the root of a site.'>
-If we try to register a URL in launchpad.net (actually, launchpad.dev because
-we are in the testing environment):
-    >>> launchpad_url = 'https://blueprints.launchpad.dev/foo/bar/baz'
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...     launchpad_url, 'branch_name', 'branch title',
-    ...     'branch description', 'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 120:
-    'Invalid URL: https://blueprints.launchpad.dev/foo/bar/baz\nFor
-    Launchpad to mirror a branch, the original branch cannot be on
-    <code>launchpad.dev</code>.'>
-Registering a branch name that ends in a slash works, but the slash
-gets removed from the stored URL:
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...     new_branch_url + '/', 'new_branch', 'branch_title',
-    ...     'branch_description', 'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution')
-    'http://code.launchpad.dev/~name16/evolution/new_branch'
-    >>> new_branch = getUtility(IBranchLookup).getByUrl(new_branch_url)
-    >>> print new_branch.url
-    http://foo.com/new_branch
-    >>> print new_branch.owner.name
-    name16
-    >>> print new_branch.product.name
-    evolution
-    >>> print new_branch.name
-    new_branch
-If we try to register a branch which is already registered in Launchpad:
-    >>> getUtility(IBranchLookup).getByUrl(other_branch_url) is not None
-    True
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...      other_branch_url, 'branch_name', 'branch_title',
-    ...      'branch description', 'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 50: 'http://foo.com/other_branch is already registered.'>
-We get the same error if we try to register the branch with a slash appended:
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...      other_branch_url + '/', 'branch_name', 'branch_title',
-    ...      'branch description', 'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 50: 'http://foo.com/other_branch is already registered.'>
-Attempting to register a branch for a product where the branch visibility
-policy is forbidden will cause a fault result.
-    >>> test_user_api = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(
-    ...     'http://no-priv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/bazaar/',
-    ...     transport=XMLRPCTestTransport())
-    >>> test_user_api.register_branch(
-    ...     'http://foo.com/bar', 'branch_name', 'branch_title',
-    ...     'branch description', 'no-priv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'landscape')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 110: 'You are not allowed to create a branch for project:
-    The Landscape Project'>
-We can register a branch as being owned by a team, rather than just an
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...     'http://example.com/unregistered-as-yet', 'team-branch',
-    ...     'new-title', 'new-description', 'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
-    ...     'evolution', 'name18')
-    'http://code.launchpad.dev/~name18/evolution/team-branch'
-If the team doesn't exist, we raise a Fault that says so:
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...     'http://example.com/team-dont-exist', 'team-dont-exist',
-    ...     'title', 'description', 'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution',
-    ...     'no-existy-teamo')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 200: 'No such person or team: no-existy-teamo'>
-We can only register branches as belonging to a team that we are a
-member of. Doing otherwise raises a Fault:
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...     'http://example.com/invalid-team', 'invalid-team', 'title',
-    ...     'description', 'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution',
-    ...     'landscape-developers')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 250: 'name16 is not a member of landscape-developers.'>
-Trying to register a branch with an invalid name will fail with a fault that
-explains the problem:
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...     'http://example.com/invalid-branch-name', '.bzr', 'title', 'desc',
-    ...     'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 260: 'Invalid branch name &#x27;.bzr&#x27;. Branch names must ...
-Crazy unicode characters are also invalid:
-    >>> branchset_api.register_branch(
-    ...     'http://example.com/invalid-branch-name',
-    ...      u'\N{latin small letter e with acute}', 'title', 'desc',
-    ...     'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'evolution')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 260: u'Invalid branch name &#x27;\xe9&#x27;. Branch names must ...
-link_branch_to_bug(branch_url, bug_id)
-link_branch_to_bug() associates a branch with a bug. Let's associate
-the branch we registered with bug 1. If the link is successful, the bug
-URL is returned.
-    >>> branchset_api.link_branch_to_bug(other_branch_url, '1')
-    'http://bugs.launchpad.dev/bugs/1'
-Let's take a look to see that the branch actually got linked to the bug:
-    >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.bug import IBugSet
-    >>> bug_one = getUtility(IBugSet).get(1)
-    >>> for branch in bug_one.linked_branches:
-    ...     print branch.url
-    http://foo.com/other_branch
-We get an error if we try to specify a non-existant branch or bug:
-    >>> branchset_api.link_branch_to_bug('http://foo.com/unknown', '1')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 30: 'No such branch: http://foo.com/unknown'>
-    >>> branchset_api.link_branch_to_bug(branch_url, '99')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Fault: <Fault 40: 'No such bug: 99'>
@@ -319,9 +17,7 @@
 This API is deprecated, and will eventually be replaced with an
 equivalent method in the new Launchpad API infrastructure.
-Note that authentication is not required to use this method.
-    >>> branchset_api = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(
+    >>> public_codehosting_api = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(
     ...     'http://xmlrpc.launchpad.dev/bazaar/',
     ...     transport=XMLRPCTestTransport())
@@ -329,7 +25,8 @@
 On success, resolve_lp_path returns a dict containing a single key,
-    >>> results = branchset_api.resolve_lp_path('~vcs-imports/evolution/main')
+    >>> results = public_codehosting_api.resolve_lp_path(
+    ...     '~vcs-imports/evolution/main')
     >>> print results.keys()
@@ -337,7 +34,8 @@
 The value of a key is a list of URLs from which the branch can be
-    >>> results = branchset_api.resolve_lp_path('~vcs-imports/evolution/main')
+    >>> results = public_codehosting_api.resolve_lp_path(
+    ...     '~vcs-imports/evolution/main')
     >>> for url in results['urls']:
     ...     print url

=== modified file 'lib/lp/code/model/branchnamespace.py'
--- lib/lp/code/model/branchnamespace.py	2015-10-09 15:49:14 +0000
+++ lib/lp/code/model/branchnamespace.py	2017-05-23 12:56:33 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2015 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# Copyright 2009-2017 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
 """Implementations of `IBranchNamespace`."""
@@ -199,10 +199,10 @@
             raise BranchExists(existing_branch)
         # Not all code paths that lead to branch creation go via a
-        # schema-validated form (e.g. the register_branch XML-RPC call or
-        # pushing a new branch to codehosting), so we validate the branch name
-        # here to give a nicer error message than 'ERROR: new row for relation
-        # "branch" violates check constraint "valid_name"...'.
+        # schema-validated form (e.g. pushing a new branch to codehosting),
+        # so we validate the branch name here to give a nicer error message
+        # than 'ERROR: new row for relation "branch" violates check
+        # constraint "valid_name"...'.
     def validateMove(self, branch, mover, name=None):

=== modified file 'lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/branch.py'
--- lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/branch.py	2015-09-28 17:38:45 +0000
+++ lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/branch.py	2017-05-23 12:56:33 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2012 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# Copyright 2009-2017 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
 """Branch XMLRPC API."""
 __metaclass__ = type
 __all__ = [
-    'BranchSetAPI',
-    'IBranchSetAPI',
@@ -21,21 +19,14 @@
-from lp.app.errors import NotFoundError
-from lp.app.validators import LaunchpadValidationError
-from lp.bugs.interfaces.bug import IBugSet
 from lp.code.enums import BranchType
 from lp.code.errors import (
-    BranchCreationException,
-    BranchCreationForbidden,
-from lp.code.interfaces.branch import IBranch
 from lp.code.interfaces.branchlookup import IBranchLookup
-from lp.code.interfaces.branchnamespace import get_branch_namespace
 from lp.code.interfaces.codehosting import (
@@ -45,134 +36,18 @@
-from lp.registry.interfaces.person import (
-    IPersonSet,
-    NoSuchPerson,
-    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.person import NoSuchPerson
 from lp.registry.interfaces.product import (
-    IProductSet,
 from lp.registry.interfaces.productseries import NoSuchProductSeries
 from lp.services.config import config
-from lp.services.webapp import (
-    canonical_url,
-    LaunchpadXMLRPCView,
-    )
-from lp.services.webapp.interfaces import ILaunchBag
+from lp.services.webapp import LaunchpadXMLRPCView
 from lp.xmlrpc import faults
 from lp.xmlrpc.helpers import return_fault
-class IBranchSetAPI(Interface):
-    """An XMLRPC interface for dealing with branches.
-    This XML-RPC interface was introduced to support Bazaar 0.8-2, which is
-    included in Ubuntu 6.06. This interface cannot be removed until Ubuntu
-    6.06 is end-of-lifed.
-    """
-    def register_branch(branch_url, branch_name, branch_title,
-                        branch_description, author_email, product_name,
-                        owner_name=''):
-        """Register a new branch in Launchpad."""
-    def link_branch_to_bug(branch_url, bug_id):
-        """Link the branch to the bug."""
-class BranchSetAPI(LaunchpadXMLRPCView):
-    def register_branch(self, branch_url, branch_name, branch_title,
-                        branch_description, author_email, product_name,
-                        owner_name=''):
-        """See IBranchSetAPI."""
-        registrant = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user
-        assert registrant is not None, (
-            "register_branch shouldn't be accessible to unauthenicated"
-            " requests.")
-        person_set = getUtility(IPersonSet)
-        if owner_name:
-            owner = person_set.getByName(owner_name)
-            if owner is None:
-                return faults.NoSuchPersonWithName(owner_name)
-            if not registrant.inTeam(owner):
-                return faults.NotInTeam(registrant.name, owner_name)
-        else:
-            owner = registrant
-        if product_name:
-            product = getUtility(IProductSet).getByName(product_name)
-            if product is None:
-                return faults.NoSuchProduct(product_name)
-        else:
-            product = None
-        # Branch URLs in Launchpad do not end in a slash, so strip any
-        # slashes from the end of the URL.
-        branch_url = branch_url.rstrip('/')
-        branch_lookup = getUtility(IBranchLookup)
-        existing_branch = branch_lookup.getByUrl(branch_url)
-        if existing_branch is not None:
-            return faults.BranchAlreadyRegistered(branch_url)
-        try:
-            unicode_branch_url = branch_url.decode('utf-8')
-            IBranch['url'].validate(unicode_branch_url)
-        except LaunchpadValidationError as exc:
-            return faults.InvalidBranchUrl(branch_url, exc)
-        # We want it to be None in the database, not ''.
-        if not branch_description:
-            branch_description = None
-        if not branch_title:
-            branch_title = None
-        if not branch_name:
-            branch_name = unicode_branch_url.split('/')[-1]
-        try:
-            if branch_url:
-                branch_type = BranchType.MIRRORED
-            else:
-                branch_type = BranchType.HOSTED
-            namespace = get_branch_namespace(owner, product)
-            branch = namespace.createBranch(
-                branch_type=branch_type,
-                name=branch_name, registrant=registrant,
-                url=branch_url, title=branch_title,
-                summary=branch_description)
-            if branch_type == BranchType.MIRRORED:
-                branch.requestMirror()
-        except BranchCreationForbidden:
-            return faults.BranchCreationForbidden(product.displayname)
-        except BranchCreationException as err:
-            return faults.BranchNameInUse(err)
-        except LaunchpadValidationError as err:
-            return faults.InvalidBranchName(err)
-        return canonical_url(branch)
-    def link_branch_to_bug(self, branch_url, bug_id):
-        """See IBranchSetAPI."""
-        branch = getUtility(IBranchLookup).getByUrl(url=branch_url)
-        if branch is None:
-            return faults.NoSuchBranch(branch_url)
-        try:
-            bug = getUtility(IBugSet).get(bug_id)
-        except NotFoundError:
-            return faults.NoSuchBug(bug_id)
-        # Since this API is controlled using launchpad.AnyPerson there must be
-        # an authenticated person, so use this person as the registrant.
-        registrant = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user
-        bug.linkBranch(branch, registrant=registrant)
-        return canonical_url(bug)
 class IPublicCodehostingAPI(Interface):
     """The public codehosting API."""

Follow ups