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[Merge] lp:~cjwatson/launchpad/drop-old-git-permissions-protocol into lp:launchpad


Colin Watson has proposed merging lp:~cjwatson/launchpad/drop-old-git-permissions-protocol into lp:launchpad.

Commit message:
Drop support for ref paths being text in GitAPI.checkRefPermissions.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

turnip was upgraded on production a while back, so ref paths are now always bytes.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~cjwatson/launchpad/drop-old-git-permissions-protocol into lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/git.py'
--- lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/git.py	2019-05-09 15:44:59 +0000
+++ lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/git.py	2019-05-29 11:39:29 +0000
@@ -466,29 +466,16 @@
                 (xmlrpc_client.Binary(ref_path.data), [])
                 for ref_path in ref_paths]
-        if all(isinstance(ref_path, xmlrpc_client.Binary)
-               for ref_path in ref_paths):
-            # New protocol: caller sends paths as bytes; Launchpad returns a
-            # list of (path, permissions) tuples.  (XML-RPC doesn't support
-            # dict keys being bytes.)
-            ref_paths = [ref_path.data for ref_path in ref_paths]
-            return [
-                (xmlrpc_client.Binary(ref_path),
-                 self._renderPermissions(permissions))
-                for ref_path, permissions in repository.checkRefPermissions(
-                    requester, ref_paths).items()
-                ]
-        else:
-            # Old protocol: caller sends paths as text; Launchpad returns a
-            # dict of {path: permissions}.
-            # XXX cjwatson 2018-11-21: Remove this once turnip has migrated
-            # to the new protocol.  git ref paths are not required to be
-            # valid UTF-8.
-            return {
-                ref_path: self._renderPermissions(permissions)
-                for ref_path, permissions in repository.checkRefPermissions(
-                    requester, ref_paths).items()
-                }
+        # Caller sends paths as bytes; Launchpad returns a list of (path,
+        # permissions) tuples.  (XML-RPC doesn't support dict keys being
+        # bytes.)
+        ref_paths = [ref_path.data for ref_path in ref_paths]
+        return [
+            (xmlrpc_client.Binary(ref_path),
+             self._renderPermissions(permissions))
+            for ref_path, permissions in repository.checkRefPermissions(
+                requester, ref_paths).items()
+            ]
     def checkRefPermissions(self, translated_path, ref_paths, auth_params):
         """See `IGitAPI`."""

=== modified file 'lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/tests/test_git.py'
--- lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/tests/test_git.py	2019-05-09 15:44:59 +0000
+++ lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/tests/test_git.py	2019-05-29 11:39:29 +0000
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
-    MatchesDict,
@@ -193,25 +192,18 @@
                                 permissions, macaroon_raw=None):
         auth_params = _make_auth_params(requester, macaroon_raw=macaroon_raw)
         translated_path = removeSecurityProxy(repository).getInternalPath()
-        if all(isinstance(ref_path, bytes) for ref_path in ref_paths):
-            ref_paths = [
-                xmlrpc_client.Binary(ref_path) for ref_path in ref_paths]
-            results = self.git_api.checkRefPermissions(
-                translated_path, ref_paths, auth_params)
-            self.assertThat(results, MatchesSetwise(*(
-                MatchesListwise([
-                    MatchesAll(
-                        IsInstance(xmlrpc_client.Binary),
-                        MatchesStructure.byEquality(data=ref_path)),
-                    Equals(ref_permissions),
-                    ])
-                for ref_path, ref_permissions in permissions.items())))
-        else:
-            results = self.git_api.checkRefPermissions(
-                translated_path, ref_paths, auth_params)
-            self.assertThat(results, MatchesDict({
-                ref_path: Equals(ref_permissions)
-                for ref_path, ref_permissions in permissions.items()}))
+        ref_paths = [
+            xmlrpc_client.Binary(ref_path) for ref_path in ref_paths]
+        results = self.git_api.checkRefPermissions(
+            translated_path, ref_paths, auth_params)
+        self.assertThat(results, MatchesSetwise(*(
+            MatchesListwise([
+                MatchesAll(
+                    IsInstance(xmlrpc_client.Binary),
+                    MatchesStructure.byEquality(data=ref_path)),
+                Equals(ref_permissions),
+                ])
+            for ref_path, ref_permissions in permissions.items())))
     def test_translatePath_private_repository(self):
         requester = self.factory.makePerson()
@@ -380,10 +372,10 @@
             rule=rule, grantee=stable_team, can_create=True)
         test_ref_paths = [
-            'refs/heads/stable/next', 'refs/heads/stable/protected',
-            'refs/heads/stable/foo', 'refs/heads/archived/foo',
-            'refs/heads/foo/next', 'refs/heads/unprotected',
-            'refs/tags/1.0',
+            b'refs/heads/stable/next', b'refs/heads/stable/protected',
+            b'refs/heads/stable/foo', b'refs/heads/archived/foo',
+            b'refs/heads/foo/next', b'refs/heads/unprotected',
+            b'refs/tags/1.0',
         return (user_a, user_b, user_c, stable_team, next_team, repository,
@@ -391,76 +383,52 @@
     def test_checkRefPermissions_scenario_one_user_a(self):
         user_a, _, _, _, _, repo, paths = self._make_scenario_one_repository()
-        results = self.git_api.checkRefPermissions(
-            repo.getInternalPath(),
-            paths,
-            {'uid': user_a.id})
-        self.assertThat(results, MatchesDict({
-            'refs/heads/stable/next': Equals(['push', 'force_push']),
-            'refs/heads/stable/protected': Equals(['create', 'push']),
-            'refs/heads/stable/foo': Equals(['create', 'push']),
-            'refs/heads/archived/foo': Equals([]),
-            'refs/heads/foo/next': Equals(['create', 'push']),
-            'refs/heads/unprotected': Equals(['create', 'push', 'force_push']),
-            'refs/tags/1.0': Equals(['create']),
-        }))
+        self.assertHasRefPermissions(user_a, repo, paths, {
+            b'refs/heads/stable/next': ['push', 'force_push'],
+            b'refs/heads/stable/protected': ['create', 'push'],
+            b'refs/heads/stable/foo': ['create', 'push'],
+            b'refs/heads/archived/foo': [],
+            b'refs/heads/foo/next': ['create', 'push'],
+            b'refs/heads/unprotected': ['create', 'push', 'force_push'],
+            b'refs/tags/1.0': ['create'],
+            })
     def test_checkRefPermissions_scenario_one_user_b(self):
         _, user_b, _, _, _, repo, paths = self._make_scenario_one_repository()
-        results = self.git_api.checkRefPermissions(
-            repo.getInternalPath(),
-            paths,
-            {'uid': user_b.id})
-        self.assertThat(results, MatchesDict({
-            'refs/heads/stable/next': Equals(['push', 'force_push']),
-            'refs/heads/stable/protected': Equals([]),
-            'refs/heads/stable/foo': Equals(['push']),
-            'refs/heads/archived/foo': Equals(['create']),
-            'refs/heads/foo/next': Equals(['push', 'force_push']),
-            'refs/heads/unprotected': Equals([]),
-            'refs/tags/1.0': Equals(['create']),
-        }))
+        self.assertHasRefPermissions(user_b, repo, paths, {
+            b'refs/heads/stable/next': ['push', 'force_push'],
+            b'refs/heads/stable/protected': [],
+            b'refs/heads/stable/foo': ['push'],
+            b'refs/heads/archived/foo': ['create'],
+            b'refs/heads/foo/next': ['push', 'force_push'],
+            b'refs/heads/unprotected': [],
+            b'refs/tags/1.0': ['create'],
+            })
     def test_checkRefPermissions_scenario_one_user_c(self):
         _, _, user_c, _, _, repo, paths = self._make_scenario_one_repository()
-        results = self.git_api.checkRefPermissions(
-            repo.getInternalPath(),
-            paths,
-            {'uid': user_c.id})
-        self.assertThat(results, MatchesDict({
-            'refs/heads/stable/next': Equals(['push', 'force_push']),
-            'refs/heads/stable/protected': Equals([]),
-            'refs/heads/stable/foo': Equals([]),
-            'refs/heads/archived/foo': Equals([]),
-            'refs/heads/foo/next': Equals(['push', 'force_push']),
-            'refs/heads/unprotected': Equals([]),
-            'refs/tags/1.0': Equals([]),
-        }))
+        self.assertHasRefPermissions(user_c, repo, paths, {
+            b'refs/heads/stable/next': ['push', 'force_push'],
+            b'refs/heads/stable/protected': [],
+            b'refs/heads/stable/foo': [],
+            b'refs/heads/archived/foo': [],
+            b'refs/heads/foo/next': ['push', 'force_push'],
+            b'refs/heads/unprotected': [],
+            b'refs/tags/1.0': [],
+            })
     def test_checkRefPermissions_scenario_one_user_d(self):
         user_d = self.factory.makePerson()
-        _, _, user_c, _, _, repo, paths = self._make_scenario_one_repository()
-        results = self.git_api.checkRefPermissions(
-            repo.getInternalPath(),
-            paths,
-            {'uid': user_d.id})
-        self.assertThat(results, MatchesDict({
-            'refs/heads/stable/next': Equals([]),
-            'refs/heads/stable/protected': Equals([]),
-            'refs/heads/stable/foo': Equals([]),
-            'refs/heads/archived/foo': Equals([]),
-            'refs/heads/foo/next': Equals([]),
-            'refs/heads/unprotected': Equals([]),
-            'refs/tags/1.0': Equals([]),
-        }))
+        _, _, _, _, _, repo, paths = self._make_scenario_one_repository()
+        self.assertHasRefPermissions(user_d, repo, paths, {
+            b'refs/heads/stable/next': [],
+            b'refs/heads/stable/protected': [],
+            b'refs/heads/stable/foo': [],
+            b'refs/heads/archived/foo': [],
+            b'refs/heads/foo/next': [],
+            b'refs/heads/unprotected': [],
+            b'refs/tags/1.0': [],
+            })
     def _make_scenario_two_repository(self):
         user_a = self.factory.makePerson()
@@ -485,52 +453,37 @@
             rule=rule, grantee=user_b, can_push=True)
-        test_ref_paths = ['refs/heads/master', 'refs/heads/foo',
-                          'refs/tags/1.0', 'refs/other']
+        test_ref_paths = [b'refs/heads/master', b'refs/heads/foo',
+                          b'refs/tags/1.0', b'refs/other']
         return user_a, user_b, repository, test_ref_paths
     def test_checkRefPermissions_scenario_two_user_a(self):
         user_a, _, repo, paths = self._make_scenario_two_repository()
-        results = self.git_api.checkRefPermissions(
-            repo.getInternalPath(),
-            paths,
-            {'uid': user_a.id})
-        self.assertThat(results, MatchesDict({
-            'refs/heads/master': Equals(['create', 'push', 'force_push']),
-            'refs/heads/foo': Equals(['create', 'push', 'force_push']),
-            'refs/tags/1.0': Equals(['create', 'push']),
-            'refs/other': Equals(['create', 'push', 'force_push']),
-        }))
+        self.assertHasRefPermissions(user_a, repo, paths, {
+            b'refs/heads/master': ['create', 'push', 'force_push'],
+            b'refs/heads/foo': ['create', 'push', 'force_push'],
+            b'refs/tags/1.0': ['create', 'push'],
+            b'refs/other': ['create', 'push', 'force_push'],
+            })
     def test_checkRefPermissions_scenario_two_user_b(self):
         _, user_b, repo, paths = self._make_scenario_two_repository()
-        results = self.git_api.checkRefPermissions(
-            repo.getInternalPath(),
-            paths,
-            {'uid': user_b.id})
-        self.assertThat(results, MatchesDict({
-            'refs/heads/master': Equals(['push']),
-            'refs/heads/foo': Equals([]),
-            'refs/tags/1.0': Equals(['push']),
-            'refs/other': Equals([]),
-        }))
+        self.assertHasRefPermissions(user_b, repo, paths, {
+            b'refs/heads/master': ['push'],
+            b'refs/heads/foo': [],
+            b'refs/tags/1.0': ['push'],
+            b'refs/other': [],
+            })
     def test_checkRefPermissions_scenario_two_user_c(self):
         _, _, repo, paths = self._make_scenario_two_repository()
         user_c = self.factory.makePerson()
-        results = self.git_api.checkRefPermissions(
-            repo.getInternalPath(),
-            paths,
-            {'uid': user_c.id})
-        self.assertThat(results, MatchesDict({
-            'refs/heads/master': Equals([]),
-            'refs/heads/foo': Equals([]),
-            'refs/tags/1.0': Equals([]),
-            'refs/other': Equals([]),
-        }))
+        self.assertHasRefPermissions(user_c, repo, paths, {
+            b'refs/heads/master': [],
+            b'refs/heads/foo': [],
+            b'refs/tags/1.0': [],
+            b'refs/other': [],
+            })
     def test_checkRefPermissions_bytes(self):
         owner = self.factory.makePerson()
@@ -556,26 +509,6 @@
             no_privileges, repository, paths, {path: [] for path in paths})
-    def test_checkRefPermissions_unicode(self):
-        # Actual Unicode ref paths work too.
-        # XXX cjwatson 2018-11-21: Remove this when the transition to the
-        # new protocol is complete.
-        owner = self.factory.makePerson()
-        grantee = self.factory.makePerson()
-        no_privileges = self.factory.makePerson()
-        repository = removeSecurityProxy(
-            self.factory.makeGitRepository(owner=owner))
-        self.factory.makeGitRuleGrant(
-            repository=repository, ref_pattern=u"refs/heads/next/*",
-            grantee=grantee, can_push=True)
-        path = u"refs/heads/next/\N{SNOWMAN}"
-        self.assertHasRefPermissions(
-            grantee, repository, [path], {path: ["push"]})
-        login(ANONYMOUS)
-        self.assertHasRefPermissions(
-            no_privileges, repository, [path], {path: []})
     def test_checkRefPermissions_nonexistent_repository(self):
         requester = self.factory.makePerson()
@@ -1176,7 +1109,7 @@
         macaroons = [
             removeSecurityProxy(issuer).issueMacaroon(job) for job in jobs]
         repository = code_imports[0].git_repository
-        ref_path = "refs/heads/master"
+        ref_path = b"refs/heads/master"
             LAUNCHPAD_SERVICES, repository, [ref_path], {ref_path: []},
@@ -1223,7 +1156,7 @@
         macaroons = [
             removeSecurityProxy(issuer).issueMacaroon(job) for job in jobs]
         repository = code_imports[0].git_repository
-        ref_path = "refs/heads/master"
+        ref_path = b"refs/heads/master"
             LAUNCHPAD_SERVICES, repository, [ref_path], {ref_path: []},

Follow ups