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Message #24065
Re: [Merge] ~cjwatson/launchpad:db-oci-recipe-target into launchpad:db-devel
Diff comments:
> diff --git a/database/schema/patch-2210-08-0.sql b/database/schema/patch-2210-08-0.sql
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..dd3da72
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/database/schema/patch-2210-08-0.sql
> @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
> +-- Copyright 2019 Canonical Ltd. This software is licensed under the
> +-- GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
> +
> +SET client_min_messages=ERROR;
> +
> + id serial PRIMARY KEY,
> + name text NOT NULL,
This presumably wants to be unique.
> + CONSTRAINT valid_name CHECK (valid_name(name))
> +);
> +
> +COMMENT ON TABLE OCIRecipeName IS 'A name of an Open Container Initiative recipe.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'A lowercase name identifying an OCI recipe.';
> +
> +CREATE INDEX ocirecipename__name__trgm ON OCIRecipeName
> + USING gin (name trgm.gin_trgm_ops);
> +
> +CREATE TABLE OCIRecipeTarget (
For something that's going to be referenced a lot by e.g. the bug API, this is an awful name. Sadly I can't think of anything better, but I feel like we're going to regret this even more than GitRepository vs. GitRepo.
> + id serial PRIMARY KEY,
> + date_created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') NOT NULL,
> + date_last_modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') NOT NULL,
> + registrant integer NOT NULL REFERENCES person,
> + distribution integer NOT NULL REFERENCES distribution,
> + ocirecipename integer NOT NULL REFERENCES ocirecipename,
> + description text,
> + bug_reporting_guidelines text,
> + bug_reported_acknowledgement text,
> + enable_bugfiling_duplicate_search boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL
> +);
> +
> +COMMENT ON TABLE OCIRecipeTarget IS 'A target (pillar and name) for Open Container Initiative recipes.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeTarget.date_created IS 'The date on which this target was created in Launchpad.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeTarget.date_last_modified IS 'The date on which this target was last modified in Launchpad.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeTarget.registrant IS 'The user who registered this target.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeTarget.distribution IS 'The distribution that this target belongs to.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeTarget.ocirecipename IS 'The name of this target.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeTarget.description IS 'A short description of this target.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeTarget.bug_reporting_guidelines IS 'Guidelines to the end user for reporting bugs on this target';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeTarget.bug_reported_acknowledgement IS 'A message of acknowledgement to display to a bug reporter after they''ve reported a new bug.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeTarget.enable_bugfiling_duplicate_search IS 'Enable/disable a search for possible duplicates when a bug is filed.';
> +
> +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ocirecipetarget__distribution__ocirecipename__key
> + ON OCIRecipeTarget (distribution, ocirecipename)
> + WHERE distribution IS NOT NULL;
> +
> +CREATE TABLE OCIRecipeTargetSeries (
> + id serial PRIMARY KEY,
> + ocirecipetarget integer NOT NULL REFERENCES ocirecipetarget,
> + name text NOT NULL,
> + CONSTRAINT valid_name CHECK (valid_name(name))
> +);
Do we want status, date_created, registrant?
> +
> +COMMENT ON TABLE OCIRecipeTargetSeries IS 'A series of an Open Container Initiative recipe target, used to allow tracking bugs against multiple versions of images.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeTargetSeries.ocirecipetarget IS 'The target that this series belongs to.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'The name of this series.';
> +
> +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ocirecipetargetseries__ocirecipetarget__name__key
> + ON OCIRecipeTargetSeries (ocirecipetarget, name);
> +
> +INSERT INTO LaunchpadDatabaseRevision VALUES (2210, 08, 0);
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/launchpad:db-oci-recipe-target into launchpad:db-devel.