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[Merge] ~cjwatson/launchpad:git-xmlrpc-log-request-id into launchpad:master


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/launchpad:git-xmlrpc-log-request-id into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Log requests and responses in Git XML-RPC endpoint

LP: #1846313

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1846313 in Launchpad itself: "Git XML-RPC requests should log response with request-id"

For more details, see:

I don't love the test changes here, but I've tried to make them as clean as possible.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/launchpad:git-xmlrpc-log-request-id into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/git.py b/lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/git.py
index d85aae7..cbf9205 100644
--- a/lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/git.py
+++ b/lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/git.py
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ __all__ = [
+import logging
 import sys
+import uuid
 from pymacaroons import Macaroon
 import six
@@ -109,6 +111,15 @@ def _can_internal_issuer_write(verified):
     return verified.issuer_name == "code-import-job"
+class GitLoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
+    """A logger adapter that adds request-id information."""
+    def process(self, msg, kwargs):
+        if self.extra is not None and self.extra.get("request-id"):
+            msg = "[request-id=%s] %s" % (self.extra["request-id"], msg)
+        return msg, kwargs
 class GitAPI(LaunchpadXMLRPCView):
     """See `IGitAPI`."""
@@ -300,6 +311,14 @@ class GitAPI(LaunchpadXMLRPCView):
         getUtility(IErrorReportingUtility).raising(sys.exc_info(), request)
         raise faults.OopsOccurred("creating a Git repository", request.oopsid)
+    def _getLogger(self, request_id=None):
+        # XXX cjwatson 2019-10-16: Ideally we'd always have a request-id,
+        # but since that isn't yet the case, generate one if necessary.
+        if request_id is None:
+            request_id = uuid.uuid4()
+        return GitLoggerAdapter(
+            logging.getLogger(__name__), {"request-id": request_id})
     def _createRepository(self, requester, path, clone_from=None):
             namespace, repository_name, target_default, owner_default = (
@@ -376,18 +395,36 @@ class GitAPI(LaunchpadXMLRPCView):
     def translatePath(self, path, permission, auth_params):
         """See `IGitAPI`."""
-        return run_with_login(
-            _get_requester_id(auth_params), self._translatePath,
+        logger = self._getLogger(auth_params.get("request-id"))
+        requester_id = _get_requester_id(auth_params)
+        logger.info(
+            "Request received: translatePath('%s', '%s') for %s",
+            path, permission, requester_id)
+        result = run_with_login(
+            requester_id, self._translatePath,
             six.ensure_text(path).strip("/"), permission, auth_params)
+        if isinstance(result, xmlrpc_client.Fault):
+            logger.error("translatePath failed: %r", result)
+        else:
+            # The results of path translation are not sensitive for logging
+            # purposes (they may refer to private artifacts, but contain no
+            # credentials).
+            logger.info("translatePath succeeded: %s", result)
+        return result
     def notify(self, translated_path):
         """See `IGitAPI`."""
+        logger = self._getLogger()
+        logger.info("Request received: notify('%s')", translated_path)
         repository = getUtility(IGitLookup).getByHostingPath(translated_path)
         if repository is None:
-            return faults.NotFound(
+            fault = faults.NotFound(
                 "No repository found for '%s'." % translated_path)
+            logger.error("notify failed: %r", fault)
+            return fault
+        logger.info("notify succeeded")
     def _authenticateWithPassword(self, username, password):
@@ -411,7 +448,19 @@ class GitAPI(LaunchpadXMLRPCView):
     def authenticateWithPassword(self, username, password):
         """See `IGitAPI`."""
-        return self._authenticateWithPassword(username, password)
+        logger = self._getLogger()
+        logger.info(
+            "Request received: authenticateWithPassword('%s')", username)
+        result = self._authenticateWithPassword(username, password)
+        if isinstance(result, xmlrpc_client.Fault):
+            logger.error("authenticateWithPassword failed: %r", result)
+        else:
+            # The results of authentication may be sensitive, but we can at
+            # least log the authenticated user.
+            logger.info(
+                "authenticateWithPassword succeeded: %s",
+                result.get("uid", result.get("user")))
+        return result
     def _renderPermissions(self, set_of_permissions):
         """Render a set of permission strings for XML-RPC output."""
@@ -470,9 +519,23 @@ class GitAPI(LaunchpadXMLRPCView):
     def checkRefPermissions(self, translated_path, ref_paths, auth_params):
         """See `IGitAPI`."""
-        return run_with_login(
-            _get_requester_id(auth_params),
-            self._checkRefPermissions,
-            translated_path,
-            ref_paths,
-            auth_params)
+        logger = self._getLogger(auth_params.get("request-id"))
+        requester_id = _get_requester_id(auth_params)
+        logger.info(
+            "Request received: checkRefPermissions('%s', %s) for %s",
+            translated_path, [ref_path.data for ref_path in ref_paths],
+            requester_id)
+        result = run_with_login(
+            requester_id, self._checkRefPermissions,
+            translated_path, ref_paths, auth_params)
+        if isinstance(result, xmlrpc_client.Fault):
+            logger.error("checkRefPermissions failed: %r", result)
+        else:
+            # The results of ref permission checks are not sensitive for
+            # logging purposes (they may refer to private artifacts, but
+            # contain no credentials).
+            logger.info(
+                "checkRefPermissions succeeded: %s",
+                [(ref_path.data, permissions)
+                 for ref_path, permissions in result])
+        return result
diff --git a/lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/tests/test_git.py b/lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/tests/test_git.py
index 757443a..f1846e7 100644
--- a/lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/tests/test_git.py
+++ b/lib/lp/code/xmlrpc/tests/test_git.py
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
 __metaclass__ = type
+import uuid
+from fixtures import FakeLogger
 from pymacaroons import Macaroon
 import six
 from six.moves import xmlrpc_client
@@ -13,6 +16,7 @@ from testtools.matchers import (
+    MatchesRegex,
@@ -67,7 +71,10 @@ from lp.xmlrpc import faults
 def _make_auth_params(requester, can_authenticate=False, macaroon_raw=None):
-    auth_params = {"can-authenticate": can_authenticate}
+    auth_params = {
+        "can-authenticate": can_authenticate,
+        "request-id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
+        }
     if requester == LAUNCHPAD_SERVICES:
         auth_params["user"] = LAUNCHPAD_SERVICES
     elif requester is not None:
@@ -146,21 +153,42 @@ class TestGitAPIMixin:
         self.hosting_fixture = self.useFixture(GitHostingFixture())
         self.repository_set = getUtility(IGitRepositorySet)
-    def assertFault(self, expected_fault, func, *args, **kwargs):
+    def assertFault(self, expected_fault, request_id, func_name,
+                    *args, **kwargs):
         """Assert that a call raises the expected fault."""
-        fault = self.assertRaises(xmlrpc_client.Fault, func, *args, **kwargs)
-        self.assertThat(fault, MatchesFault(expected_fault))
+        with FakeLogger() as logger:
+            fault = self.assertRaises(
+                xmlrpc_client.Fault, getattr(self.git_api, func_name),
+                *args, **kwargs)
+            self.assertThat(fault, MatchesFault(expected_fault))
+            self.assertThat(logger.output, MatchesRegex(
+                r"\[request-id=%s\] Request received: %s.*\n"
+                r"\[request-id=%s\] %s failed: .* %s:.*" % (
+                    request_id or ".*", func_name,
+                    request_id or ".*", func_name, fault.faultCode)))
         return fault
+    def assertDoesNotFault(self, request_id, func_name, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Assert that a call does not raise a fault."""
+        with FakeLogger() as logger:
+            results = getattr(self.git_api, func_name)(*args, **kwargs)
+            self.assertThat(logger.output, MatchesRegex(
+                r"\[request-id=%s\] Request received: %s.*\n"
+                r"\[request-id=%s\] %s succeeded.*" % (
+                    request_id or ".*", func_name,
+                    request_id or ".*", func_name)))
+        return results
     def assertGitRepositoryNotFound(self, requester, path, permission="read",
                                     can_authenticate=False, macaroon_raw=None):
         """Assert that the given path cannot be translated."""
         auth_params = _make_auth_params(
             requester, can_authenticate=can_authenticate,
+        request_id = auth_params["request-id"]
-            faults.GitRepositoryNotFound(path.strip("/")),
-            self.git_api.translatePath, path, permission, auth_params)
+            faults.GitRepositoryNotFound(path.strip("/")), request_id,
+            "translatePath", path, permission, auth_params)
     def assertPermissionDenied(self, requester, path,
                                message="Permission denied.",
@@ -170,9 +198,10 @@ class TestGitAPIMixin:
         auth_params = _make_auth_params(
             requester, can_authenticate=can_authenticate,
+        request_id = auth_params["request-id"]
-            faults.PermissionDenied(message),
-            self.git_api.translatePath, path, permission, auth_params)
+            faults.PermissionDenied(message), request_id,
+            "translatePath", path, permission, auth_params)
     def assertUnauthorized(self, requester, path,
                            message="Authorisation required.",
@@ -182,18 +211,20 @@ class TestGitAPIMixin:
         auth_params = _make_auth_params(
             requester, can_authenticate=can_authenticate,
+        request_id = auth_params["request-id"]
-            faults.Unauthorized(message),
-            self.git_api.translatePath, path, permission, auth_params)
+            faults.Unauthorized(message), request_id,
+            "translatePath", path, permission, auth_params)
     def assertNotFound(self, requester, path, message, permission="read",
         """Assert that looking at the given path returns NotFound."""
         auth_params = _make_auth_params(
             requester, can_authenticate=can_authenticate)
+        request_id = auth_params["request-id"]
-            faults.NotFound(message),
-            self.git_api.translatePath, path, permission, auth_params)
+            faults.NotFound(message), request_id,
+            "translatePath", path, permission, auth_params)
     def assertInvalidSourcePackageName(self, requester, path, name,
@@ -202,27 +233,30 @@ class TestGitAPIMixin:
         auth_params = _make_auth_params(
             requester, can_authenticate=can_authenticate)
+        request_id = auth_params["request-id"]
-            faults.InvalidSourcePackageName(name),
-            self.git_api.translatePath, path, permission, auth_params)
+            faults.InvalidSourcePackageName(name), request_id,
+            "translatePath", path, permission, auth_params)
     def assertInvalidBranchName(self, requester, path, message,
                                 permission="read", can_authenticate=False):
         """Assert that looking at the given path returns InvalidBranchName."""
         auth_params = _make_auth_params(
             requester, can_authenticate=can_authenticate)
+        request_id = auth_params["request-id"]
-            faults.InvalidBranchName(Exception(message)),
-            self.git_api.translatePath, path, permission, auth_params)
+            faults.InvalidBranchName(Exception(message)), request_id,
+            "translatePath", path, permission, auth_params)
     def assertOopsOccurred(self, requester, path,
                            permission="read", can_authenticate=False):
         """Assert that looking at the given path OOPSes."""
         auth_params = _make_auth_params(
             requester, can_authenticate=can_authenticate)
+        request_id = auth_params["request-id"]
         fault = self.assertFault(
-            faults.OopsOccurred,
-            self.git_api.translatePath, path, permission, auth_params)
+            faults.OopsOccurred, request_id,
+            "translatePath", path, permission, auth_params)
         prefix = (
             "An unexpected error has occurred while creating a Git "
             "repository. Please report a Launchpad bug and quote: ")
@@ -235,7 +269,9 @@ class TestGitAPIMixin:
         auth_params = _make_auth_params(
             requester, can_authenticate=can_authenticate,
-        translation = self.git_api.translatePath(path, permission, auth_params)
+        request_id = auth_params["request-id"]
+        translation = self.assertDoesNotFault(
+            request_id, "translatePath", path, permission, auth_params)
             {"path": removeSecurityProxy(repository).getInternalPath(),
@@ -246,7 +282,9 @@ class TestGitAPIMixin:
         auth_params = _make_auth_params(
             requester, can_authenticate=can_authenticate)
-        translation = self.git_api.translatePath(path, "write", auth_params)
+        request_id = auth_params["request-id"]
+        translation = self.assertDoesNotFault(
+            request_id, "translatePath", path, "write", auth_params)
         repository = getUtility(IGitRepositorySet).getByPath(
             requester, path.lstrip("/"))
@@ -272,10 +310,12 @@ class TestGitAPIMixin:
     def assertHasRefPermissions(self, requester, repository, ref_paths,
                                 permissions, macaroon_raw=None):
         auth_params = _make_auth_params(requester, macaroon_raw=macaroon_raw)
+        request_id = auth_params["request-id"]
         translated_path = removeSecurityProxy(repository).getInternalPath()
         ref_paths = [
             xmlrpc_client.Binary(ref_path) for ref_path in ref_paths]
-        results = self.git_api.checkRefPermissions(
+        results = self.assertDoesNotFault(
+            request_id, "checkRefPermissions",
             translated_path, ref_paths, auth_params)
         self.assertThat(results, MatchesSetwise(*(
@@ -593,9 +633,8 @@ class TestGitAPIMixin:
     def test_checkRefPermissions_nonexistent_repository(self):
         requester = self.factory.makePerson()
-            faults.GitRepositoryNotFound("nonexistent"),
-            self.git_api.checkRefPermissions,
-            "nonexistent", [], {"uid": requester.id})
+            faults.GitRepositoryNotFound("nonexistent"), None,
+            "checkRefPermissions", "nonexistent", [], {"uid": requester.id})
 class TestGitAPI(TestGitAPIMixin, TestCaseWithFactory):
@@ -1169,7 +1208,8 @@ class TestGitAPI(TestGitAPIMixin, TestCaseWithFactory):
     def test_notify(self):
         # The notify call creates a GitRefScanJob.
         repository = self.factory.makeGitRepository()
-        self.assertIsNone(self.git_api.notify(repository.getInternalPath()))
+        self.assertIsNone(self.assertDoesNotFault(
+            None, "notify", repository.getInternalPath()))
         job_source = getUtility(IGitRefScanJobSource)
         [job] = list(job_source.iterReady())
         self.assertEqual(repository, job.repository)
@@ -1177,7 +1217,7 @@ class TestGitAPI(TestGitAPIMixin, TestCaseWithFactory):
     def test_notify_missing_repository(self):
         # A notify call on a non-existent repository returns a fault and
         # does not create a job.
-        self.assertFault(faults.NotFound, self.git_api.notify, "10000")
+        self.assertFault(faults.NotFound, None, "notify", "10000")
         job_source = getUtility(IGitRefScanJobSource)
         self.assertEqual([], list(job_source.iterReady()))
@@ -1187,15 +1227,15 @@ class TestGitAPI(TestGitAPIMixin, TestCaseWithFactory):
             repository = self.factory.makeGitRepository(
             path = repository.getInternalPath()
-        self.assertIsNone(self.git_api.notify(path))
+        self.assertIsNone(self.assertDoesNotFault(None, "notify", path))
         job_source = getUtility(IGitRefScanJobSource)
         [job] = list(job_source.iterReady())
         self.assertEqual(repository, job.repository)
     def test_authenticateWithPassword(self):
-            faults.Unauthorized,
-            self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword, "foo", "bar")
+            faults.Unauthorized, None,
+            "authenticateWithPassword", "foo", "bar")
     def test_authenticateWithPassword_code_import(self):
@@ -1208,15 +1248,15 @@ class TestGitAPI(TestGitAPIMixin, TestCaseWithFactory):
         macaroon = removeSecurityProxy(issuer).issueMacaroon(job)
             {"macaroon": macaroon.serialize(), "user": "+launchpad-services"},
-            self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword("", macaroon.serialize()))
+            self.assertDoesNotFault(
+                None, "authenticateWithPassword", "", macaroon.serialize()))
         other_macaroon = Macaroon(identifier="another", key="another-secret")
-            faults.Unauthorized,
-            self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword,
-            "", other_macaroon.serialize())
+            faults.Unauthorized, None,
+            "authenticateWithPassword", "", other_macaroon.serialize())
-            faults.Unauthorized,
-            self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword, "", "nonsense")
+            faults.Unauthorized, None,
+            "authenticateWithPassword", "", "nonsense")
     def test_authenticateWithPassword_private_snap_build(self):
@@ -1231,15 +1271,15 @@ class TestGitAPI(TestGitAPIMixin, TestCaseWithFactory):
             macaroon = removeSecurityProxy(issuer).issueMacaroon(build)
             {"macaroon": macaroon.serialize(), "user": "+launchpad-services"},
-            self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword("", macaroon.serialize()))
+            self.assertDoesNotFault(
+                None, "authenticateWithPassword", "", macaroon.serialize()))
         other_macaroon = Macaroon(identifier="another", key="another-secret")
-            faults.Unauthorized,
-            self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword,
-            "", other_macaroon.serialize())
+            faults.Unauthorized, None,
+            "authenticateWithPassword", "", other_macaroon.serialize())
-            faults.Unauthorized,
-            self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword, "", "nonsense")
+            faults.Unauthorized, None,
+            "authenticateWithPassword", "", "nonsense")
     def test_authenticateWithPassword_user_macaroon(self):
         # A user with a suitable macaroon can authenticate using it, in
@@ -1252,23 +1292,23 @@ class TestGitAPI(TestGitAPIMixin, TestCaseWithFactory):
             self.factory.makeGitRepository(owner=requester), user=requester)
             {"macaroon": macaroon.serialize(), "uid": requester.id},
-            self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword(
+            self.assertDoesNotFault(
+                None, "authenticateWithPassword",
                 requester.name, macaroon.serialize()))
-            faults.Unauthorized,
-            self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword, "", macaroon.serialize())
+            faults.Unauthorized, None,
+            "authenticateWithPassword", "", macaroon.serialize())
-            faults.Unauthorized,
-            self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword,
-            "nonexistent", macaroon.serialize())
+            faults.Unauthorized, None,
+            "authenticateWithPassword", "nonexistent", macaroon.serialize())
         other_macaroon = Macaroon(identifier="another", key="another-secret")
-            faults.Unauthorized,
-            self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword,
+            faults.Unauthorized, None,
+            "authenticateWithPassword",
             requester.name, other_macaroon.serialize())
-            faults.Unauthorized,
-            self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword, requester.name, "nonsense")
+            faults.Unauthorized, None,
+            "authenticateWithPassword", requester.name, "nonsense")
     def test_authenticateWithPassword_user_mismatch(self):
         # authenticateWithPassword refuses macaroons in the case where the
@@ -1300,7 +1340,8 @@ class TestGitAPI(TestGitAPIMixin, TestCaseWithFactory):
                     expected_auth_params["uid"] = requester.id
-                    self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword(
+                    self.assertDoesNotFault(
+                        None, "authenticateWithPassword",
                         name, macaroon.serialize()))
             for requester in unauthorized:
@@ -1308,9 +1349,8 @@ class TestGitAPI(TestGitAPIMixin, TestCaseWithFactory):
                     requester if requester == LAUNCHPAD_SERVICES
                     else requester.name)
-                    faults.Unauthorized,
-                    self.git_api.authenticateWithPassword,
-                    name, macaroon.serialize())
+                    faults.Unauthorized, None,
+                    "authenticateWithPassword", name, macaroon.serialize())
     def test_checkRefPermissions_code_import(self):
         # A code import worker with a suitable macaroon has repository owner