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[Merge] ~cjwatson/launchpad:merge-db-stable into launchpad:master


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/launchpad:merge-db-stable into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Merge db-stable b58571a7d6 (Add OCIRecipe, OCIRecipeBuild, and related tables)

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1847444 in Launchpad itself: "Support OCI image building"

For more details, see:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/launchpad:merge-db-stable into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/database/schema/patch-2210-08-3.sql b/database/schema/patch-2210-08-3.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22de218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/schema/patch-2210-08-3.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+-- Copyright 2019 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+-- GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+SET client_min_messages=ERROR;
+    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
+    date_created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') NOT NULL,
+    date_last_modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') NOT NULL,
+    registrant integer NOT NULL REFERENCES person,
+    owner integer NOT NULL REFERENCES person,
+    oci_project integer NOT NULL REFERENCES ociproject,
+    name text NOT NULL,
+    description text,
+    official boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+    git_repository integer REFERENCES gitrepository,
+    git_path text NOT NULL,
+    build_file text NOT NULL,
+    require_virtualized boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
+    build_daily boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
+COMMENT ON TABLE OCIRecipe IS 'A recipe for building Open Container Initiative images.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.date_created IS 'The date on which this recipe was created in Launchpad.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.date_last_modified IS 'The date on which this recipe was last modified in Launchpad.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.registrant IS 'The user who registered this recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.owner IS 'The owner of the recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.oci_project IS 'The OCI project that this recipe is for.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.official IS 'True if this recipe is official for its OCI project.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.name IS 'The name of this recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.description IS 'A short description of this recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.git_repository IS 'A Git repository with a branch containing an OCI recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.git_path IS 'The branch within this recipe''s Git repository where its build files are maintained.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.build_file IS 'The relative path to the file within this recipe''s branch that defines how to build the recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.require_virtualized IS 'If True, this recipe must be built only on a virtual machine.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipe.build_daily IS 'If True, this recipe should be built daily.';
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ocirecipe__owner__oci_project__name__key
+    ON OCIRecipe (owner, oci_project, name);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ocirecipe__oci_project__name__official__key
+    ON OCIRecipe (oci_project, name)
+    WHERE official;
+CREATE INDEX ocirecipe__registrant__idx ON OCIRecipe (registrant);
+CREATE INDEX ocirecipe__oci_project__idx ON OCIRecipe (oci_project);
+CREATE INDEX ocirecipe__git_repository__idx ON OCIRecipe (git_repository);
+    recipe integer NOT NULL REFERENCES ocirecipe,
+    processor integer NOT NULL REFERENCES processor,
+    PRIMARY KEY (recipe, processor)
+COMMENT ON TABLE OCIRecipeArch IS 'The architectures an OCI recipe should be built for.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeArch.recipe IS 'The OCI recipe for which an architecture is specified.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeArch.processor IS 'The architecture for which the OCI recipe should be built.';
+    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
+    requester integer NOT NULL REFERENCES person,
+    recipe integer NOT NULL REFERENCES ocirecipe,
+    processor integer NOT NULL REFERENCES processor,
+    virtualized boolean NOT NULL,
+    date_created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') NOT NULL,
+    date_started timestamp without time zone,
+    date_finished timestamp without time zone,
+    date_first_dispatched timestamp without time zone,
+    builder integer REFERENCES builder,
+    status integer NOT NULL,
+    log integer REFERENCES libraryfilealias,
+    upload_log integer REFERENCES libraryfilealias,
+    dependencies text,
+    failure_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
+    build_farm_job integer NOT NULL REFERENCES buildfarmjob
+COMMENT ON TABLE OCIRecipeBuild IS 'A build record for an OCI recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.requester IS 'The person who requested this OCI recipe build.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.recipe IS 'The OCI recipe to build.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.processor IS 'The processor that the OCI recipe should be built for.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.virtualized IS 'The virtualization setting required by this build farm job.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.date_created IS 'When the build farm job record was created.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.date_started IS 'When the build farm job started being processed.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.date_finished IS 'When the build farm job finished being processed.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.date_first_dispatched IS 'The instant the build was dispatched the first time.  This value will not get overridden if the build is retried.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.builder IS 'The builder which processed this build farm job.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.status IS 'The current build status.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.log IS 'The log file for this build farm job stored in the librarian.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.upload_log IS 'The upload log file for this build farm job stored in the librarian.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.dependencies IS 'A Debian-like dependency line specifying the current missing dependencies for this build.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.failure_count IS 'The number of consecutive failures on this job.  If excessive, the job may be terminated.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIRecipeBuild.build_farm_job IS 'The build farm job with the base information.';
+CREATE INDEX ocirecipebuild__requester__idx
+    ON OCIRecipeBuild (requester);
+CREATE INDEX ocirecipebuild__recipe__idx
+    ON OCIRecipeBuild (recipe);
+CREATE INDEX ocirecipebuild__log__idx
+    ON OCIRecipeBuild (log);
+CREATE INDEX ocirecipebuild__upload_log__idx
+    ON OCIRecipeBuild (upload_log);
+CREATE INDEX ocirecipebuild__build_farm_job__idx
+    ON OCIRecipeBuild (build_farm_job);
+-- OCIRecipe.requestBuild
+CREATE INDEX ocirecipebuild__recipe__processor__status__idx
+    ON OCIRecipeBuild (recipe, processor, status);
+-- OCIRecipe.builds, OCIRecipe.completed_builds, OCIRecipe.pending_builds
+CREATE INDEX ocirecipebuild__recipe__status__started__finished__created__id__idx
+    ON OCIRecipeBuild (
+        recipe, status, GREATEST(date_started, date_finished) DESC NULLS LAST,
+        date_created DESC, id DESC);
+-- OCIRecipeBuild.getMedianBuildDuration
+CREATE INDEX ocirecipebuild__recipe__processor__status__finished__idx
+    ON OCIRecipeBuild (recipe, processor, status, date_finished DESC)
+    -- 1 == FULLYBUILT
+    WHERE status = 1;
+    id serial PRIMARY key,
+    build integer NOT NULL REFERENCES ocirecipebuild,
+    library_file integer NOT NULL REFERENCES libraryfilealias,
+    layer_file_digest character(80)
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ocifile__build__layer_file_digest__key
+    ON OCIFile (build, layer_file_digest);
+CREATE INDEX ocifile__library_file__idx
+    ON OCIFile (library_file);
+CREATE INDEX ocifile__layer_file_digest__idx
+    ON OCIFile (layer_file_digest);
+COMMENT ON TABLE OCIFile IS 'A link between an OCI recipe build and a file in the librarian that it produces.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIFile.build IS 'The OCI recipe build producing this file.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIFile.library_file IS 'A file in the librarian.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN OCIFile.layer_file_digest IS 'Content-addressable hash of the file''s contents, used for reassembling image layers when pushing a build to a registry.  This hash is in an opaque format generated by the OCI build tool.';
+INSERT INTO LaunchpadDatabaseRevision VALUES (2210, 08, 3);
diff --git a/database/schema/security.cfg b/database/schema/security.cfg
index 18db981..8e4bbc9 100644
--- a/database/schema/security.cfg
+++ b/database/schema/security.cfg
@@ -243,6 +243,13 @@ public.nameblacklist                    = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
 public.oauthaccesstoken                 = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
 public.oauthconsumer                    = SELECT, INSERT
 public.oauthrequesttoken                = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
+public.ocifile                          = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
+public.ociproject                       = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
+public.ociprojectname                   = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
+public.ociprojectseries                 = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
+public.ocirecipe                        = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
+public.ocirecipearch                    = SELECT, INSERT, DELETE
+public.ocirecipebuild                   = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
 public.officialbugtag                   = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
 public.openidconsumerassociation        = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
 public.openidconsumernonce              = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
@@ -446,6 +453,8 @@ public.message                          = SELECT
 public.messageapproval                  = SELECT
 public.messagechunk                     = SELECT
 public.mirrorproberecord                = SELECT
+public.ocifile                          = SELECT
+public.ocirecipebuild                   = SELECT
 public.packagediff                      = SELECT
 public.packageupload                    = SELECT
 public.packageuploadcustom              = SELECT
@@ -986,6 +995,10 @@ public.libraryfilecontent                     = SELECT, INSERT
 public.livefs                                 = SELECT
 public.livefsbuild                            = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.livefsfile                             = SELECT
+public.ocifile                                = SELECT
+public.ociproject                             = SELECT
+public.ocirecipe                              = SELECT
+public.ocirecipebuild                         = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.openididentifier                       = SELECT
 public.packageset                             = SELECT
 public.packagesetgroup                        = SELECT
@@ -1239,9 +1252,6 @@ public.libraryfilecontent               = SELECT, INSERT
 public.logintoken                       = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
 public.message                          = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
 public.milestone                        = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
-public.ociproject                       = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
-public.ociprojectname                   = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
-public.ociprojectseries                 = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
 public.openididentifier                 = SELECT
 public.packageupload                    = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
 public.packageuploadbuild               = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
@@ -2291,6 +2301,8 @@ public.oauthaccesstoken                 = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.oauthrequesttoken                = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.ociproject                       = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.ociprojectseries                 = SELECT, UPDATE
+public.ocirecipe                        = SELECT, UPDATE
+public.ocirecipebuild                   = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.officialbugtag                   = SELECT
 public.openididentifier                 = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.packagecopyrequest               = SELECT, UPDATE
@@ -2411,6 +2423,8 @@ public.mailinglistsubscription          = SELECT, DELETE
 public.milestonetag                     = SELECT
 public.ociproject                       = SELECT
 public.ociprojectseries                 = SELECT
+public.ocirecipe                        = SELECT
+public.ocirecipebuild                   = SELECT
 public.openidconsumerassociation        = SELECT, DELETE
 public.openidconsumernonce              = SELECT, DELETE
 public.packageuploadlog                 = SELECT
diff --git a/lib/lp/registry/personmerge.py b/lib/lp/registry/personmerge.py
index f7f7483..323dc2e 100644
--- a/lib/lp/registry/personmerge.py
+++ b/lib/lp/registry/personmerge.py
@@ -768,6 +768,10 @@ def merge_people(from_person, to_person, reviewer, delete=False):
         ('latestpersonsourcepackagereleasecache', 'maintainer'),
         # Obsolete table.
         ('branchmergequeue', 'owner'),
+        # XXX cjwatson 2020-02-05: This needs handling before we deploy the
+        # OCI recipe code, but can be ignored for the purpose of deploying
+        # the database tables.
+        ('ocirecipe', 'owner'),
     references = list(postgresql.listReferences(cur, 'person', 'id'))