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[Merge] ~cjwatson/launchpad:hwdb-remove-submission-parser into launchpad:master


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/launchpad:hwdb-remove-submission-parser into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Remove hardware DB submission parser

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

We no longer accept or process submissions.

This is a very large branch and will overflow the limit for merge proposal diffs, but it's almost entirely removals.  It's probably best to look at the diff on git.launchpad.net directly.
The attached diff has been truncated due to its size.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/launchpad:hwdb-remove-submission-parser into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/lib/lp/app/stories/basics/xx-offsite-form-post.txt b/lib/lp/app/stories/basics/xx-offsite-form-post.txt
index a58154b..4b1bcc8 100644
--- a/lib/lp/app/stories/basics/xx-offsite-form-post.txt
+++ b/lib/lp/app/stories/basics/xx-offsite-form-post.txt
@@ -100,11 +100,6 @@ To support apport, we allow it for +storeblob.
   >>> browser.post('http://launchpad.test/+storeblob', 'x=1')
-Similary, we exempt the URL /+hwdb/+submit in order to allow checkbox
-to submit HWDB reports.
-  >>> browser.post('http://launchpad.test/+hwdb/+submit', 'x=1')
 To support old versions of launchpadlib, we also let POST requests
 without a REFERER header go through to +request-token and
diff --git a/lib/lp/bugs/browser/bugtarget.py b/lib/lp/bugs/browser/bugtarget.py
index 45f45fa..e25187c 100644
--- a/lib/lp/bugs/browser/bugtarget.py
+++ b/lib/lp/bugs/browser/bugtarget.py
@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ from lp.bugs.model.structuralsubscription import (
 from lp.bugs.utilities.filebugdataparser import FileBugData
-from lp.hardwaredb.interfaces.hwdb import IHWSubmissionSet
 from lp.registry.browser.product import ProductConfigureBase
 from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import IDistribution
 from lp.registry.interfaces.distributionsourcepackage import (
@@ -652,13 +651,6 @@ class FileBugViewBase(LaunchpadFormView):
                         '%s has been subscribed to this bug.' %
-        submission_set = getUtility(IHWSubmissionSet)
-        for submission_key in extra_data.hwdb_submission_keys:
-            submission = submission_set.getBySubmissionKey(
-                submission_key, self.user)
-            if submission is not None:
-                bug.linkHWSubmission(submission)
         # Give the user some feedback on the bug just opened.
         for notification in notifications:
diff --git a/lib/lp/bugs/doc/filebug-data-parser.txt b/lib/lp/bugs/doc/filebug-data-parser.txt
index 9d34645..39e7c38 100644
--- a/lib/lp/bugs/doc/filebug-data-parser.txt
+++ b/lib/lp/bugs/doc/filebug-data-parser.txt
@@ -187,28 +187,6 @@ automatically.
     [u'sub-one', u'sub-two']
-==== HWDB submission keys ====
-The HWDB-Submission key is turned into a list of strings, available
-through the hwdb_submission_keys attribute.
-    >>> data = FileBugData()
-    >>> parser._setDataFromHeaders(
-    ...     data, {'HWDB-Submission': 'submission-one'})
-    >>> list(data.hwdb_submission_keys)
-    [u'submission-one']
-Two or more submission keys may be specified, separated by a comma,
-optionally followed by space characters.
-    >>> data = FileBugData()
-    >>> parser._setDataFromHeaders(
-    ...     data,
-    ...     {'HWDB-Submission': ' submission-one, two\t,three ,  \nfour  '})
-    >>> data.hwdb_submission_keys
-    [u'four', u'submission-one', u'three', u'two']
 === Message Parts ===
 Different parts of the message gets treated differently. In short, we
diff --git a/lib/lp/bugs/interfaces/bug.py b/lib/lp/bugs/interfaces/bug.py
index dab809d..74def4b 100644
--- a/lib/lp/bugs/interfaces/bug.py
+++ b/lib/lp/bugs/interfaces/bug.py
@@ -1251,7 +1251,6 @@ class IFileBugData(Interface):
     subscribers = Attribute("The initial subscribers for the bug.")
     comments = Attribute("Comments to add to the bug.")
     attachments = Attribute("Attachments to add to the bug.")
-    hwdb_submission_keys = Attribute("HWDB submission keys for the bug.")
 class IBugMute(Interface):
diff --git a/lib/lp/bugs/model/apportjob.py b/lib/lp/bugs/model/apportjob.py
index a2f16e0..fdbc847 100644
--- a/lib/lp/bugs/model/apportjob.py
+++ b/lib/lp/bugs/model/apportjob.py
@@ -270,7 +270,6 @@ class ProcessApportBlobJob(ApportJobDerived):
-                hwdb_submission_keys=processed_data['hwdb_submission_keys'],
             return FileBugData()
diff --git a/lib/lp/bugs/model/bug.py b/lib/lp/bugs/model/bug.py
index 98169c6..9fa5155 100644
--- a/lib/lp/bugs/model/bug.py
+++ b/lib/lp/bugs/model/bug.py
@@ -2796,8 +2796,7 @@ class FileBugData:
     def __init__(self, initial_summary=None, initial_tags=None,
                  private=None, subscribers=None, extra_description=None,
-                 comments=None, attachments=None,
-                 hwdb_submission_keys=None):
+                 comments=None, attachments=None):
         if initial_tags is None:
             initial_tags = []
         if subscribers is None:
@@ -2806,8 +2805,6 @@ class FileBugData:
             comments = []
         if attachments is None:
             attachments = []
-        if hwdb_submission_keys is None:
-            hwdb_submission_keys = []
         self.initial_summary = initial_summary
         self.private = private
@@ -2816,7 +2813,6 @@ class FileBugData:
         self.subscribers = subscribers
         self.comments = comments
         self.attachments = attachments
-        self.hwdb_submission_keys = hwdb_submission_keys
     def asDict(self):
         """Return the FileBugData instance as a dict."""
diff --git a/lib/lp/bugs/stories/guided-filebug/xx-bug-reporting-tools.txt b/lib/lp/bugs/stories/guided-filebug/xx-bug-reporting-tools.txt
index 3a42491..705f57f 100644
--- a/lib/lp/bugs/stories/guided-filebug/xx-bug-reporting-tools.txt
+++ b/lib/lp/bugs/stories/guided-filebug/xx-bug-reporting-tools.txt
@@ -238,55 +238,3 @@ that will get their tags set as well.
     >>> tags = find_tag_by_id(user_browser.contents, 'bug-tags')
     >>> print(extract_text(tags))
     Tags: bar foo...
-References to HWDB submissions
-The uploaded message may contain a header "HWDB-Submission", its value
-should be a sequence of HWDB submission keys, separated by ', *'.
-If the message contains this header, the referenced HWDB submissions are
-linked to the new bug.
-Our test data contains such a header, mentioning two HWDB submision key.
-The database knows only the first key.
-    >>> extra_filebug_data_with_hwdb_submission = open(
-    ...     os.path.join(testfiles, 'extra_filebug_data_hwdb_submission.msg'),
-    ...     'rb')
-    >>> print(
-    ...     extra_filebug_data_with_hwdb_submission.read()
-    ...     .decode('UTF-8').split('\n')[2])
-    HWDB-Submission: sample-submission, non-existing-submission-key
-Once we submit the bug report...
-    >>> extra_filebug_data_with_hwdb_submission.seek(0)
-    >>> anon_browser.open('http://launchpad.test/+storeblob')
-    >>> anon_browser.getControl(name='field.blob').add_file( # Don't change!
-    ...     extra_filebug_data_with_hwdb_submission, 'not/important',
-    ...     'not.important')
-    >>> anon_browser.getControl(name='FORM_SUBMIT').click() # Don't change!
-    >>> blob_token = six.ensure_text(
-    ...     anon_browser.headers['X-Launchpad-Blob-Token'])
-    >>> process_blob(blob_token)
-    >>> filebug_url = (
-    ...    'http://launchpad.test/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-firefox/+filebug/'
-    ...     '%s' % blob_token)
-    >>> user_browser.open(filebug_url)
-    >>> user_browser.getControl('Summary', index=0).value = 'Another summary'
-    >>> user_browser.getControl('Continue').click()
-    >>> user_browser.getControl('Further information').value = (
-    ...     'A bug description.')
-    >>> user_browser.getControl('Submit Bug Report').click()
-...the existing HWDB submission is linked to the new bug.
-    >>> bug_id = user_browser.url.split('/')[-1]
-    >>> bug_url = '/bugs/%s' % bug_id
-    >>> linked_submissions = webservice.named_get(
-    ...     bug_url, 'getHWSubmissions').jsonBody()
-    >>> for submission in linked_submissions['entries']:
-    ...     print(submission['submission_key'])
-    sample-submission
diff --git a/lib/lp/bugs/tests/test_apportjob.py b/lib/lp/bugs/tests/test_apportjob.py
index 9f5baa7..3074097 100644
--- a/lib/lp/bugs/tests/test_apportjob.py
+++ b/lib/lp/bugs/tests/test_apportjob.py
@@ -120,10 +120,6 @@ class ProcessApportBlobJobTestCase(TestCaseWithFactory):
             filebug_data.comments, data_dict['comments'],
             "Values for comments do not match")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            filebug_data.hwdb_submission_keys,
-            data_dict['hwdb_submission_keys'],
-            "Values for hwdb_submission_keys do not match")
         # The attachments list of the data_dict dict will be of
         # the same length as the attachments list in the filebug_data
diff --git a/lib/lp/bugs/tests/testfiles/extra_filebug_data_hwdb_submission.msg b/lib/lp/bugs/tests/testfiles/extra_filebug_data_hwdb_submission.msg
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bbbdfc..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/bugs/tests/testfiles/extra_filebug_data_hwdb_submission.msg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-MIME-Version: 1.0 
-Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=boundary
-HWDB-Submission: sample-submission, non-existing-submission-key
-Content-disposition: inline
-Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
-This should be added to the description.
diff --git a/lib/lp/bugs/utilities/filebugdataparser.py b/lib/lp/bugs/utilities/filebugdataparser.py
index f1266d6..7ab6540 100644
--- a/lib/lp/bugs/utilities/filebugdataparser.py
+++ b/lib/lp/bugs/utilities/filebugdataparser.py
@@ -88,10 +88,6 @@ class FileBugDataParser:
         if 'Subscribers' in headers:
             subscribers_string = unicode(headers['Subscribers'])
             data.subscribers = subscribers_string.lower().split()
-        if 'HWDB-Submission' in headers:
-            submission_string = unicode(headers['HWDB-Submission'])
-            data.hwdb_submission_keys = sorted(
-                part.strip() for part in submission_string.split(','))
     def parse(self):
         """Parse the message and  return a FileBugData instance.
diff --git a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/browser/configure.zcml b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/browser/configure.zcml
index 4d06052..ed130e5 100644
--- a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/browser/configure.zcml
+++ b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/browser/configure.zcml
@@ -12,18 +12,6 @@
-    <browser:page
-        for="lp.hardwaredb.interfaces.hwdb.IHWDBApplication"
-        class="lp.hardwaredb.browser.hwdb.HWDBUploadView"
-        permission="zope.Public"
-        name="+submit"
-        template="../templates/hwdb-submit-hardware-data.pt"/>
-    <browser:page
-        for="lp.hardwaredb.interfaces.hwdb.HWSubmissionsDisabledError"
-        class="lp.hardwaredb.browser.hwdb.HWDBSubmissionsDisabledView"
-        name="index.html"
-        permission="zope.Public"
-        template="../templates/hwdb-submissions-disabled.pt"/>
diff --git a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/browser/hwdb.py b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/browser/hwdb.py
index bbd1ee6..03bf04c 100644
--- a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/browser/hwdb.py
+++ b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/browser/hwdb.py
@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ __all__ = [
-    'HWDBSubmissionsDisabledView',
-    'HWDBUploadView',
 from textwrap import dedent
@@ -19,10 +17,6 @@ from zope.component import getUtility
 from zope.interface import implementer
 from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPublisher
-from lp.app.browser.launchpadform import (
-    action,
-    LaunchpadFormView,
-    )
 from lp.app.errors import NotFoundError
 from lp.hardwaredb.interfaces.hwdb import (
@@ -30,140 +24,18 @@ from lp.hardwaredb.interfaces.hwdb import (
-    IHWSubmissionForm,
-    IHWSystemFingerprintSet,
-from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import IDistributionSet
 from lp.services.webapp import (
 from lp.services.webapp.batching import BatchNavigator
-from lp.services.webapp.error import GoneView
 from lp.services.webapp.interfaces import ILaunchBag
-class HWDBUploadView(LaunchpadFormView):
-    """View class for hardware database submissions."""
-    schema = IHWSubmissionForm
-    label = 'Hardware Database Submission'
-    page_title = 'Submit New Data to the Launchpad Hardware Database'
-    @action(u'Upload', name='upload')
-    def upload_action(self, action, data):
-        """Create a record in the HWSubmission table."""
-        # We expect that the data submitted by the client contains
-        # data for all fields defined in the form. The main client
-        # which POSTs data to this URL, checkbox, sometimes omits
-        # some fields (see bug 357316). The absence of required
-        # fields is not caught by Zope's form validation -- it only
-        # checks if required fields are not empty, and does this only
-        # if these fields are present in the form data. Absent fields
-        # are not detected, so let's do that here.
-        expected_fields = set(self.schema.names())
-        submitted_fields = set(data)
-        missing_fields = expected_fields.difference(submitted_fields)
-        if len(missing_fields) > 0:
-            missing_fields = ', '.join(sorted(missing_fields))
-            self.addCustomHeader(
-                'Error: Required fields not contained in POST data: '
-                + missing_fields)
-            return
-        distributionset = getUtility(IDistributionSet)
-        distribution = distributionset.getByName(data['distribution'].lower())
-        if distribution is not None:
-            release = data['distroseries']
-            architecture = data['architecture']
-            try:
-                distroseries = distribution.getSeries(release)
-            except NotFoundError:
-                self.addErrorHeader("distroseries",
-                    "%s isn't a valid distribution series"
-                     % data['distroseries'])
-                return
-            try:
-                distroarchseries = distroseries[architecture]
-            except NotFoundError:
-                self.addErrorHeader("distroarchseries",
-                    "%s isn't a valid distribution architecture"
-                     % data['architecture'])
-                return
-        else:
-            distroarchseries = None
-        fingerprintset = getUtility(IHWSystemFingerprintSet)
-        fingerprint = fingerprintset.getByName(data['system'])
-        if fingerprint is None:
-            fingerprint = fingerprintset.createFingerprint(data['system'])
-        filesize = len(data['submission_data'])
-        submission_file = self.request.form[
-            self.widgets['submission_data'].name]
-        submission_file.seek(0)
-        # convert a filename with "path elements" to a regular filename
-        filename = submission_file.filename.replace('/', '-')
-        hw_submissionset = getUtility(IHWSubmissionSet)
-        hw_submissionset.createSubmission(
-            date_created=data['date_created'],
-            format=data['format'],
-            private=data['private'],
-            contactable=data['contactable'],
-            submission_key=data['submission_key'],
-            emailaddress=data['emailaddress'],
-            distroarchseries=distroarchseries,
-            raw_submission=submission_file,
-            filename=filename,
-            filesize=filesize,
-            system_fingerprint=data['system'])
-        self.addCustomHeader('OK data stored')
-        self.request.response.addNotification(
-            "Thank you for your submission.")
-    def render(self):
-        """See ILaunchpadFormView."""
-        if self.errors:
-            self.setHeadersForHWDBClient()
-        return LaunchpadFormView.render(self)
-    def setHeadersForHWDBClient(self):
-        """Add headers that help the HWDB client detect a successful upload.
-        An upload is normally not made by a regular web browser, but by the
-        HWDB client. In order to allow the client to easily detect a
-        successful as well as an failed request, add some HTTP headers
-        to the response.
-        """
-        for field in self.form_fields:
-            field_name = field.__name__
-            error = self.getFieldError(field_name)
-            if error:
-                self.addErrorHeader(field_name, error)
-    def addErrorHeader(self, field_name, error):
-        """Adds a header informing an error to automated clients."""
-        return self.addCustomHeader(u"Error in field '%s' - %s" %
-                                    (field_name, error))
-    def addCustomHeader(self, value):
-        """Adds a custom header to HWDB clients."""
-        self.request.response.setHeader(
-            u'X-Launchpad-HWDB-Submission', value)
-class HWDBSubmissionsDisabledView(GoneView):
-    """View to indicate that new submissions are disabled."""
-    page_title = "Hardware database submissions disabled"
 class HWDBPersonSubmissionsView(LaunchpadView):
     """View class for preseting HWDB submissions by a person."""
diff --git a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/doc/hwdb-submission.txt b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/doc/hwdb-submission.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 13f3edc..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/doc/hwdb-submission.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-Submissions to the hardware database
-The hardware database client collects information from various sources,
-and submits it in an HTTP POST request to the hardware database server.
-The POST data consists of the following fields:
-  * date_created (see hwdb.txt)
-  * format (see hwdb.txt)
-  * private (see hwdb.txt)
-  * contactable (see hwdb.txt)
-  * submission_key (see hwdb.txt)
-  * emailaddress (see hwdb.txt)
-  * distribution: The distribution name. The value should match a value
-    in the SQL table Distribution, column name.
-  * distroseries: The distroseries version. The value should match a value
-    in the SQL table distroseries, column version
-  * processorfamily: The name of the processorfamily. The value should
-    match a value in the SQL table Processorfamily, column name.
-  * system: The system name as returned by HAL (system.vendor, system.product)
-  * submission_data: An XML file containing the collected data. This file is
-    simply stored as a Librarian file, and parsed later by a cron job.
-    >>> import io
-    >>> from zope.component import getUtility
-    >>> from lp.hardwaredb.interfaces.hwdb import IHWDBApplication
-    >>> data = io.BytesIO(b'some data.')
-    >>> data.filename = 'hardware-info'
-    >>> form={'field.date_created':    u'2007-08-01',
-    ...       'field.format':          u'VERSION_1',
-    ...       'field.private':         u'',
-    ...       'field.contactable':     u'',
-    ...       'field.submission_key':  u'unique-id-1',
-    ...       'field.emailaddress':    u'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
-    ...       'field.distribution':    u'ubuntu',
-    ...       'field.distroseries':    u'5.04',
-    ...       'field.architecture':    u'i386',
-    ...       'field.system':          u'HP 6543',
-    ...       'field.submission_data': data,
-    ...       'field.actions.upload':  u'Upload'}
-    >>> app = getUtility(IHWDBApplication)
-    >>> submit_view = create_initialized_view(app, name='+submit', form=form)
-    >>> submit_view.errors
-    []
-The request created an entry in the HWDBSubmissions table.
-    >>> from lp.hardwaredb.interfaces.hwdb import IHWSubmissionSet
-    >>> submission_set = getUtility(IHWSubmissionSet)
-    >>> submission = submission_set.getBySubmissionKey(u'unique-id-1')
-    >>> submission.date_created, submission.format.name
-    (datetime.datetime(2007, 8, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'VERSION_1')
-    >>> submission.private, submission.contactable
-    (False, False)
-    >>> submission.submission_key
-    u'unique-id-1'
-    >>> submission.system_fingerprint.fingerprint
-    u'HP 6543'
-The submitted data is stored in raw_submission.
-    >>> import transaction
-    >>> transaction.commit()
-    >>> submission.raw_submission.read()
-    'some data.'
-A reference to distroarchseries is created for the fields distribution,
-distroseries, architecture.
-    >>> submission.distroarchseries.distroseries.distribution.name
-    u'ubuntu'
-    >>> submission.distroarchseries.distroseries.version
-    u'5.04'
-    >>> submission.distroarchseries.architecturetag
-    u'i386'
-Each submission must have a distinct submission_key, hence an attempt to submit
-identical data a second time leads to an error.
-    >>> submit_view = create_initialized_view(app, name='+submit', form=form)
-    >>> for error in submit_view.errors:
-    ...     print(error.doc())
-    Submission key already exists.
-If the field distribution contains a name which is not known in the
-Launchpad database, the distroarchseries field is None.
-    >>> form['field.submission_key'] = u'unique-id-2'
-    >>> invalid_form = form.copy()
-    >>> invalid_form['field.distribution'] = 'no distribution'
-    >>> submit_view = create_initialized_view(
-    ...     app, name='+submit', form=invalid_form)
-    >>> submission = submission_set.getBySubmissionKey(u'unique-id-2')
-    >>> print(submission.distroarchseries)
-    None
-If distribution is known, but distroseries or architecture are unknown
-to Launchpad, we refuse the submissions.
-    >>> form['field.submission_key'] = u'unique-id-3'
-    >>> invalid_form = form.copy()
-    >>> invalid_form['field.distroseries'] = 'no release'
-    >>> submit_view = create_initialized_view(
-    ...     app, name='+submit', form=invalid_form)
-    >>> print(submission_set.getBySubmissionKey(u'unique-id-3'))
-    None
-    >>> form['field.submission_key'] = u'unique-id-4'
-    >>> invalid_form = form.copy()
-    >>> invalid_form['field.architecture'] = 'no architecture'
-    >>> submit_view = create_initialized_view(
-    ...     app, name='+submit', form=invalid_form)
-    >>> print(submission_set.getBySubmissionKey(u'unique-id-4'))
-    None
-The `date_created` field must contain a valid date.
-    >>> form['field.submission_key'] = u'unique-id-5'
-    >>> invalid_form = form.copy()
-    >>> invalid_form['field.date_created'] = '2007-05-35'
-    >>> submit_view = create_initialized_view(
-    ...     app, name='+submit', form=invalid_form)
-    >>> for error in submit_view.errors:
-    ...     print(error.doc())
-    Invalid datetime data
-The `format` field must contain a value that matches the DBEnumeratedType
-    >>> invalid_form = form.copy()
-    >>> invalid_form['field.format'] = u'VERSION_42'
-    >>> submit_view = create_initialized_view(
-    ...     app, name='+submit', form=invalid_form)
-    >>> for error in submit_view.errors:
-    ...     print(error.doc())
-    Invalid value
-The field `submission_key` may contain only ASCII data.
-    >>> invalid_form = form.copy()
-    >>> invalid_form['field.submission_key'] = u'wrong id \x81'
-    >>> submit_view = create_initialized_view(
-    ...     app, name='+submit', form=invalid_form)
-    >>> for error in submit_view.errors:
-    ...     print(error.doc())
-    Invalid textual data
-The field `emailaddress` must contain a formally valid email address.
-    >>> invalid_form = form.copy()
-    >>> invalid_form['field.emailaddress'] = u'beeblebrox'
-    >>> submit_view = create_initialized_view(
-    ...     app, name='+submit', form=invalid_form)
-    >>> for error in submit_view.errors:
-    ...     print(error.doc())
-    Invalid email address
-All fields are required.  With normal form processing, it's impossible not to
-have values for field.format, field.private, or field.contactable because
-those widgets are checkboxes and menus.
-    >>> for field in (
-    ...     'field.date_created', 'field.submission_key',
-    ...     'field.emailaddress', 'field.distribution',
-    ...     'field.distroseries', 'field.architecture',
-    ...     'field.system', 'field.submission_data',
-    ...     ):
-    ...     invalid_form = form.copy()
-    ...     del invalid_form[field]
-    ...     invalid_form[field] = u''
-    ...     submit_view = create_initialized_view(
-    ...         app, name='+submit', form=invalid_form)
-    ...     print(field)
-    ...     for error in submit_view.errors:
-    ...         field_name = error.field_name
-    ...         print('   ', field_name,
-    ...               submit_view.getFieldError(field_name))
-    field.date_created
-        date_created Required input is missing.
-    field.submission_key
-        submission_key Required input is missing.
-    field.emailaddress
-        emailaddress Required input is missing.
-    field.distribution
-        distribution Required input is missing.
-    field.distroseries
-        distroseries Required input is missing.
-    field.architecture
-        architecture Required input is missing.
-    field.system
-        system Required input is missing.
-    field.submission_data
-        submission_data Required input is missing.
-Teams can be owners of submissions.
-    >>> import os
-    >>> from lp.services.config import config
-    >>> team_form = form.copy()
-    >>> team_form['field.emailaddress'] = 'support@xxxxxxxxxx'
-    >>> team_form['field.submission_key'] = u'unique-id-68'
-    >>> valid_sample_data_path = os.path.join(
-    ...     config.root,
-    ...     'lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/'
-    ...     'simple_valid_hwdb_submission.xml')
-    >>> valid_sample_data = io.BytesIO(
-    ...     open(valid_sample_data_path, 'rb').read())
-    >>> valid_sample_data.filename = 'simple_valid_hwdb_submission.xml'
-    >>> team_form['field.submission_data'] = valid_sample_data
-    >>> submit_view = create_initialized_view(
-    ...     app, name='+submit', form=team_form)
-    >>> submission = submission_set.getBySubmissionKey(u'unique-id-68')
-    >>> submission.owner.displayname
-    u'Ubuntu Team'
diff --git a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/__init__.py b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/hardware-1_0.rng b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/hardware-1_0.rng
deleted file mode 100644
index aabe1e7..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/hardware-1_0.rng
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0";
-         datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes";
-         xmlns:a="http://launchpad.net/annotation";>
-    <start>
-        <element name="system">
-            <attribute name="version">
-                <value>1.0</value>
-            </attribute>
-          <interleave>
-            <element name="summary">
-                <ref name="summarySection"/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="hardware">
-                <ref name="hardwareSection"/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="software">
-                <ref name="softwareSection"/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="questions">
-                <ref name="questionsSection"/>
-            </element>
-            <optional>
-                <element name="context">
-                    <ref name="contextSection"/>
-                </element>
-            </optional>
-          </interleave>
-        </element>
-    </start>
-    <define name="summarySection">
-        <interleave>
-            <element name="live_cd">
-                <attribute name="value">
-                    <ref name="booleanValue"/>
-                </attribute>
-                <empty/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="system_id">
-                <attribute name="value">
-                    <text/>
-                </attribute>
-                <empty/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="distribution">
-                <attribute name="value">
-                    <text/>
-                </attribute>
-                <empty/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="distroseries">
-                <attribute name="value">
-                    <text/>
-                </attribute>
-                <empty/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="architecture">
-                <attribute name="value">
-                    <text/>
-                </attribute>
-                <empty/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="private">
-                <attribute name="value">
-                    <ref name="booleanValue"/>
-                </attribute>
-                <empty/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="contactable">
-                <attribute name="value">
-                    <ref name="booleanValue"/>
-                </attribute>
-                <empty/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="date_created">
-                <attribute name="value">
-                    <data type="dateTime"/>
-                </attribute>
-                <empty/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="client">
-                <attribute name="name">
-                    <text/>
-                </attribute>
-                <attribute name="version">
-                    <text/>
-                </attribute>
-                <empty/>
-                <zeroOrMore>
-                    <element name="plugin">
-                        <attribute name="name">
-                            <text/>
-                        </attribute>
-                        <attribute name="version">
-                            <text/>
-                        </attribute>
-                    </element>
-                </zeroOrMore>
-            </element>
-            <optional>
-                <element name="kernel-release">
-                    <attribute name="value">
-                        <text/>
-                    </attribute>
-                </element>
-            </optional>
-        </interleave>
-    </define>
-    <define name="hardwareSection">
-        <interleave>
-            <choice>
-                <element name="hal">
-                    <attribute name="version">
-                        <text/>
-                    </attribute>
-                    <oneOrMore>
-                        <element name="device">
-                            <attribute name="id">
-                                <data type="integer">
-                                    <except>
-                                        <value/>
-                                    </except>
-                                </data>
-                            </attribute>
-                            <attribute name="udi">
-                                <text/>
-                            </attribute>
-                            <optional>
-                                <attribute name="parent">
-                                   <data type="integer"/>
-                                </attribute>
-                            </optional>
-                            <!-- XXX: Abel Deuring 2007-12-07:
-                                 specify a set of required properties? -->
-                            <oneOrMore>
-                                <ref name="property"/>
-                            </oneOrMore>
-                        </element>
-                    </oneOrMore>
-                </element>
-                <group>
-                    <interleave>
-                        <element name="udev">
-                            <text/>
-                        </element>
-                        <element name="dmi">
-                            <text/>
-                        </element>
-                        <optional>
-                            <!-- Unfortunately, the checkbox version in
-                                 Maverick and Natty do not provide sysfs
-                                 data.
-                            -->
-                            <element name="sysfs-attributes">
-                                <zeroOrMore>
-                                    <text/>
-                                </zeroOrMore>
-                            </element>
-                        </optional>
-                    </interleave>
-                </group>
-            </choice>
-            <element name="processors">
-                <oneOrMore>
-                    <element name="processor">
-                        <attribute name="id">
-                            <data type="integer">
-                                <except>
-                                    <value/>
-                                </except>
-                            </data>
-                        </attribute>
-                        <attribute name="name">
-                            <text/>
-                        </attribute>
-                         <oneOrMore>
-                             <ref name="property"/>
-                         </oneOrMore>
-                    </element>
-                </oneOrMore>
-            </element>
-            <optional>
-                <element name="aliases">
-                    <zeroOrMore>
-                        <element name="alias">
-                            <attribute name="target">
-                                <text/>
-                            </attribute>
-                            <interleave>
-                                <element name="vendor">
-                                    <text/>
-                                </element>
-                                <element name="model">
-                                    <text/>
-                                </element>
-                            </interleave>
-                        </element>
-                    </zeroOrMore>
-                </element>
-            </optional>
-        </interleave>
-    </define>
-    <define name="softwareSection">
-        <interleave>
-            <element name="lsbrelease">
-                <!-- XXX: Abel Deuring 2007-12-07:
-                     specify a more restrictive set of allowed
-                     and/or required properties?
-                -->
-                <oneOrMore>
-                    <ref name="property"/>
-                </oneOrMore>
-            </element>
-            <optional>
-                <element name="packages">
-                    <zeroOrMore>
-                        <element name="package">
-                            <attribute name="name"/>
-                            <attribute name="id">
-                                <data type="integer">
-                                    <except>
-                                        <value/>
-                                    </except>
-                                </data>
-                            </attribute>
-                            <oneOrMore>
-                                <ref name="property"/>
-                            </oneOrMore>
-                        </element>
-                    </zeroOrMore>
-                </element>
-            </optional>
-            <optional>
-                <element name="xorg">
-                    <attribute name="version">
-                        <text/>
-                    </attribute>
-                    <zeroOrMore>
-                        <element name="driver">
-                            <optional>
-                                <attribute name="device">
-                                    <data type="integer"/>
-                                </attribute>
-                            </optional>
-                            <attribute name="name">
-                                <text/>
-                            </attribute>
-                            <optional>
-                                <attribute name="version">
-                                    <text/>
-                                </attribute>
-                            </optional>
-                            <attribute name="class">
-                                <text/>
-                            </attribute>
-                        </element>
-                    </zeroOrMore>
-                </element>
-            </optional>
-        </interleave>
-    </define>
-    <define name="questionsSection">
-        <zeroOrMore>
-            <element name="question">
-                <attribute name="name">
-                    <text/>
-                </attribute>
-                <a:comment>
-                    The attribute "plugin" must be set, if the question
-                    is generated by a plugin.
-                </a:comment>
-                <optional>
-                    <attribute name="plugin">
-                        <text/>
-                    </attribute>
-                </optional>
-                <interleave>
-                    <optional>
-                        <element name="command">
-                            <text/>
-                        </element>
-                    </optional>
-                    <choice>
-                        <interleave>
-                            <element name="answer">
-                                <attribute name="type">
-                                    <value>multiple_choice</value>
-                                </attribute>
-                                <optional>
-                                    <attribute name="unit">
-                                        <text/>
-                                    </attribute>
-                                </optional>
-                                <text/>
-                            </element>
-                            <element name="answer_choices">
-                                <oneOrMore>
-                                    <ref name="value"/>
-                                </oneOrMore>
-                            </element>
-                        </interleave>
-                        <element name="answer">
-                            <attribute name="type">
-                                <value>measurement</value>
-                            </attribute>
-                            <optional>
-                                <attribute name="unit">
-                                    <text/>
-                                </attribute>
-                            </optional>
-                            <data type="decimal"/>
-                        </element>
-                    </choice>
-                    <zeroOrMore>
-                        <element name="target">
-                            <attribute name="id">
-                                <text/>
-                            </attribute>
-                            <interleave>
-                                <zeroOrMore>
-                                    <element name="driver">
-                                        <text/>
-                                    </element>
-                                </zeroOrMore>
-                            </interleave>
-                        </element>
-                    </zeroOrMore>
-                    <optional>
-                        <element name="comment">
-                            <text/>
-                        </element>
-                    </optional>
-                </interleave>
-            </element>
-        </zeroOrMore>
-    </define>
-    <define name="contextSection">
-        <zeroOrMore>
-            <element name="info">
-                <attribute name="command">
-                    <text/>
-                </attribute>
-                <text/>
-            </element>
-        </zeroOrMore>
-    </define>
-    <a:comment>
-        convenience for Python code: 'True'/'False' for boolean values
-        instead of 'true'/'false' as defined by
-        http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes .
-    </a:comment>
-    <define name="booleanValue">
-        <choice>
-            <value>True</value>
-            <value>False</value>
-        </choice>
-    </define>
-    <define name="propertyAndValueContent">
-        <a:comment>
-            Allowed types and values:
-            The dbus... data types are used for HAL properties; the data 
-            types are specified in 
-            http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html
-            The other data types are Python data types, defined in
-            http://docs.python.org/lib/types.html
-        </a:comment>
-        <choice>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <choice>
-                        <value>dbus.Boolean</value>
-                        <value>bool</value>
-                    </choice>
-                </attribute>
-                <ref name="booleanValue"/>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <choice>
-                        <value>dbus.String</value>
-                        <value>dbus.UTF8String</value>
-                        <value>str</value>
-                    </choice>
-                </attribute>
-                <text/>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <value>dbus.Byte</value>
-                </attribute>
-                <data type="unsignedByte">
-                    <except>
-                        <value/>
-                    </except>
-                </data>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <value>dbus.Int16</value>
-                </attribute>
-                <data type="short">
-                    <except>
-                        <value/>
-                    </except>
-                </data>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <value>dbus.Int32</value>
-                </attribute>
-                <data type="int">
-                    <except>
-                        <value/>
-                    </except>
-                </data>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <value>dbus.Int64</value>
-                </attribute>
-                <data type="long">
-                    <except>
-                        <value/>
-                    </except>
-                </data>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <value>dbus.UInt16</value>
-                </attribute>
-                <data type="unsignedShort">
-                    <except>
-                        <value/>
-                    </except>
-                </data>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <value>dbus.UInt32</value>
-                </attribute>
-                <data type="unsignedInt">
-                    <except>
-                        <value/>
-                    </except>
-                </data>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <value>dbus.UInt64</value>
-                </attribute>
-                <data type="unsignedLong">
-                    <except>
-                        <value/>
-                    </except>
-                </data>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <value>int</value>
-                </attribute>
-                <data type="long">
-                    <except>
-                        <value/>
-                    </except>
-                </data>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <value>long</value>
-                </attribute>
-                <data type="integer">
-                    <except>
-                        <value/>
-                    </except>
-                </data>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <choice>
-                        <value>dbus.Double</value>
-                        <value>float</value>
-                    </choice>
-                </attribute>
-                <data type="decimal"/>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <choice>
-                        <value>dbus.Array</value>
-                        <value>list</value>
-                    </choice>
-                </attribute>
-                <zeroOrMore>
-                    <element name="value">
-                        <ref name="propertyAndValueContent"/>
-                    </element>
-                </zeroOrMore>
-            </group>
-            <group>
-                <attribute name="type">
-                    <choice>
-                        <value>dbus.Dictionary</value>
-                        <value>dict</value>
-                    </choice>
-                </attribute>
-                <zeroOrMore>
-                    <element name="value">
-                        <attribute name="name">
-                            <text/>
-                        </attribute>
-                        <ref name="propertyAndValueContent"/>
-                    </element>
-                </zeroOrMore>
-            </group>
-         </choice>
-     </define>
-    <define name="property">
-        <element name="property">
-            <attribute name="name">
-                <text/>
-            </attribute>
-            <ref name="propertyAndValueContent"/>
-       </element>
-    </define>
-    <define name="value">
-        <element name="value">
-            <ref name="propertyAndValueContent"/>
-        </element>
-    </define>
diff --git a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/hwdbsubmissions.py b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/hwdbsubmissions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ff095..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/hwdbsubmissions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2952 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2019 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Parse Hardware Database submissions.
-Base classes, intended to be used both for the commercial certification
-data and for the community test submissions.
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = [
-           'SubmissionParser',
-          ]
-import bz2
-from datetime import (
-    datetime,
-    timedelta,
-    )
-import io
-from logging import getLogger
-import os
-import re
-import defusedxml.cElementTree as etree
-import pytz
-from zope.component import getUtility
-from lp.hardwaredb.interfaces.hwdb import (
-    HWBus,
-    IHWDeviceDriverLinkSet,
-    IHWDeviceSet,
-    IHWDriverSet,
-    IHWSubmissionDeviceSet,
-    IHWVendorIDSet,
-    IHWVendorNameSet,
-    )
-from lp.services.config import config
-from lp.services.propertycache import cachedproperty
-from lp.services.scripts.base import disable_oops_handler
-from lp.services.xml import RelaxNGValidator
-_relax_ng_files = {
-    '1.0': 'hardware-1_0.rng', }
-_time_regex = re.compile(r"""
-    ^(?P<year>\d\d\d\d)-(?P<month>\d\d)-(?P<day>\d\d)
-    T(?P<hour>\d\d):(?P<minute>\d\d):(?P<second>\d\d)
-    (?:\.(?P<second_fraction>\d{0,6}))?
-    (?P<tz>
-        (?:(?P<tz_sign>[-+])(?P<tz_hour>\d\d):(?P<tz_minute>\d\d))
-        | Z)?$
-    """,
-    re.VERBOSE)
-_broken_comment_nodes_re = re.compile(br'(<comment>.*?</comment>)', re.DOTALL)
-_missing_udev_node_data = re.compile(
-    br'<info command="udevadm info --export-db">(.*?)</info>', re.DOTALL)
-_missing_dmi_node_data = re.compile(
-    br'<info command="grep -r \. /sys/class/dmi/id/ 2&gt;/dev/null">(.*?)'
-    br'</info>', re.DOTALL)
-_udev_node_exists = re.compile(
-    br'<hardware>.*?<udev>.*?</hardware>', re.DOTALL)
-_dmi_node_exists = re.compile(br'<hardware>.*?<dmi>.*?</hardware>', re.DOTALL)
-ROOT_UDI = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer'
-UDEV_ROOT_PATH = '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'
-# These UDIs appears in some submissions more than once.
-    '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/ssb__null_',
-    '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/uinput',
-    '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/ignored-device',
-    ))
-# See include/linux/pci_ids.h in the Linux kernel sources for a complete
-# list of PCI class and subclass codes.
-    'pci': '0x%04x',
-    'usb_device': '0x%04x',
-    'scsi': '%-8s',
-    'scsi_device': '%-8s',
-    }
-    'pci': '0x%04x',
-    'usb_device': '0x%04x',
-    'scsi': '%-16s',
-    'scsi_device': '%-16s',
-    }
-UDEV_USB_PRODUCT_RE = re.compile(
-    '^[0-9a-f]{1,4}/[0-9a-f]{1,4}/[0-9a-f]{1,4}$', re.I)
-UDEV_USB_TYPE_RE = re.compile('^[0-9]{1,3}/[0-9]{1,3}/[0-9]{1,3}$')
-SYSFS_SCSI_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES = set(('vendor', 'model', 'type'))
-class SubmissionParser(object):
-    """A Parser for the submissions to the hardware database."""
-    def __init__(self, logger=None, record_warnings=True):
-        if logger is None:
-            logger = getLogger()
-        self.logger = logger
-        self._logged_warnings = set()
-        self.validator = {}
-        directory = os.path.join(
-            config.root, 'lib', 'lp', 'hardwaredb', 'scripts')
-        for version, relax_ng_filename in _relax_ng_files.items():
-            path = os.path.join(directory, relax_ng_filename)
-            self.validator[version] = RelaxNGValidator(path)
-        self._setMainSectionParsers()
-        self._setHardwareSectionParsers()
-        self._setSoftwareSectionParsers()
-        self.record_warnings = record_warnings
-    def _logError(self, message, submission_key, create_oops=True):
-        """Log `message` for an error in submission submission_key`."""
-        msg = 'Parsing submission %s: %s' % (submission_key, message)
-        if not create_oops:
-            with disable_oops_handler(self.logger):
-                self.logger.error(msg)
-        else:
-            self.logger.error(msg)
-    def _logWarning(self, message, warning_id=None):
-        """Log `message` for a warning in submission submission_key`."""
-        if not self.record_warnings:
-            return
-        if warning_id is None:
-            issue_warning = True
-        elif warning_id not in self._logged_warnings:
-            issue_warning = True
-            self._logged_warnings.add(warning_id)
-        else:
-            issue_warning = False
-        if issue_warning:
-            self.logger.warning(
-                'Parsing submission %s: %s' % (self.submission_key, message))
-    def fixFrequentErrors(self, submission):
-        """Fixes for frequent formal errors in the submissions.
-        """
-        # A considerable number of reports for Lucid has ESC characters
-        # in comment nodes. We don't need the comment nodes at all, so
-        # we can simply empty them.
-        submission = _broken_comment_nodes_re.sub(b'<comment/>', submission)
-        # Submissions from Natty don't have the nodes <dmi> and <udev>
-        # as children of the <hardware> node. Fortunately, they provide
-        # this data in
-        #
-        #    <context>
-        #        <info command="grep -r . /sys/class/dmi/id/ 2&gt;/dev/null">
-        #        ...
-        #        </info>
-        #        <info command="udevadm info --export-db">
-        #        ...
-        #        </info>
-        #    </context>
-        #
-        # We can try to find the two relevant <info> nodes inside <context>
-        # and move their content into the proper subnodes of <hardware>.
-        if _udev_node_exists.search(submission) is None:
-            mo = _missing_udev_node_data.search(submission)
-            if mo is not None:
-                missing_data = mo.group(1)
-                missing_data = b'<udev>%s</udev>\n</hardware>' % missing_data
-                submission = submission.replace(b'</hardware>', missing_data)
-        if _dmi_node_exists.search(submission) is None:
-            mo = _missing_dmi_node_data.search(submission)
-            if mo is not None:
-                missing_data = mo.group(1)
-                missing_data = b'<dmi>%s</dmi>\n</hardware>' % missing_data
-                submission = submission.replace(b'</hardware>', missing_data)
-        return submission
-    def _getValidatedEtree(self, submission, submission_key):
-        """Create an etree doc from the XML string submission and validate it.
-        :return: an `lxml.etree` instance representation of a valid
-            submission or None for invalid submissions.
-        """
-        submission = self.fixFrequentErrors(submission)
-        try:
-            tree = etree.parse(io.BytesIO(submission), forbid_dtd=True)
-        except SyntaxError as error_value:
-            self._logError(error_value, submission_key)
-            return None
-        submission_doc = tree.getroot()
-        if submission_doc.tag != 'system':
-            self._logError("root node is not '<system>'", submission_key)
-            return None
-        version = submission_doc.attrib.get('version', None)
-        if not version in self.validator.keys():
-            self._logError(
-                'invalid submission format version: %s' % repr(version),
-                submission_key)
-            return None
-        validator = self.validator[version]
-        if not validator.validate(submission):
-            self._logError(
-                'Relax NG validation failed.\n%s' % validator.error_log,
-                submission_key,
-                create_oops=False)
-            return None
-        return submission_doc
-    def _getValueAttributeAsBoolean(self, node):
-        """Return the value of the attribute "value" as a boolean."""
-        value = node.attrib['value']
-        # Paranoia check: The Relax NG validation already ensures that the
-        # attribute value is either 'True' or 'False'.
-        assert value in ('True', 'False'), (
-            'Parsing submission %s: Boolean value for attribute "value" '
-            'expected in tag <%s>' % (self.submission_key, node.tag))
-        return value == 'True'
-    def _getValueAttributeAsString(self, node):
-        """Return the value of the attribute "value"."""
-        # The Relax NG validation ensures that the attribute exists.
-        return node.attrib['value']
-    def _getValueAttributeAsDateTime(self, time_node):
-        """Convert a "value" attribute into a datetime object."""
-        time_text = time_node.get('value')
-        # we cannot use time.strptime: this function accepts neither fractions
-        # of a second nor a time zone given e.g. as '+02:30'.
-        mo = _time_regex.search(time_text)
-        # The Relax NG schema allows a leading minus sign and year numbers
-        # with more than four digits, which are not "covered" by _time_regex.
-        if mo is None:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'Timestamp with unreasonable value: %s' % time_text)
-        time_parts = mo.groupdict()
-        year = int(time_parts['year'])
-        month = int(time_parts['month'])
-        day = int(time_parts['day'])
-        hour = int(time_parts['hour'])
-        minute = int(time_parts['minute'])
-        second = int(time_parts['second'])
-        second_fraction = time_parts['second_fraction']
-        if second_fraction is not None:
-            milliseconds = second_fraction + '0' * (6 - len(second_fraction))
-            milliseconds = int(milliseconds)
-        else:
-            milliseconds = 0
-        # The Relax NG validator accepts leap seconds, but the datetime
-        # constructor rejects them. The time values submitted by the HWDB
-        # client are not necessarily very precise, hence we can round down
-        # to 59.999999 seconds without losing any real precision.
-        if second > 59:
-            second = 59
-            milliseconds = 999999
-        timestamp = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
-                             milliseconds, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('utc'))
-        tz_sign = time_parts['tz_sign']
-        tz_hour = time_parts['tz_hour']
-        tz_minute = time_parts['tz_minute']
-        if tz_sign in ('-', '+'):
-            delta = timedelta(hours=int(tz_hour), minutes=int(tz_minute))
-            if tz_sign == '-':
-                timestamp = timestamp + delta
-            else:
-                timestamp = timestamp - delta
-        return timestamp
-    def _getClientData(self, client_node):
-        """Parse the <client> node in the <summary> section.
-        :return: A dictionary with keys 'name', 'version', 'plugins'.
-                 Name and version describe the client program that
-                 produced the submission. Pugins is a list with one
-                 entry per client plugin; each entry is dictionary with
-                 the keys 'name' and 'version'.
-        """
-        result = {'name': client_node.get('name'),
-                  'version': client_node.get('version')}
-        plugins = result['plugins'] = []
-        for node in client_node.getchildren():
-            # Ensured by the Relax NG validation: The only allowed sub-tag
-            # of <client> is <plugin>, which has the attributes 'name' and
-            # 'version'.
-            plugins.append({'name': node.get('name'),
-                            'version': node.get('version')})
-        return result
-    _parse_summary_section = {
-        'live_cd': _getValueAttributeAsBoolean,
-        'system_id': _getValueAttributeAsString,
-        'distribution': _getValueAttributeAsString,
-        'distroseries': _getValueAttributeAsString,
-        'architecture': _getValueAttributeAsString,
-        'private': _getValueAttributeAsBoolean,
-        'contactable': _getValueAttributeAsBoolean,
-        'date_created': _getValueAttributeAsDateTime,
-        'client': _getClientData,
-        'kernel-release': _getValueAttributeAsString,
-        }
-    def _parseSummary(self, summary_node):
-        """Parse the <summary> part of a submission.
-        :return: A dictionary with the keys 'live_cd', 'system_id',
-                 'distribution', 'distroseries', 'architecture',
-                 'private', 'contactable', 'date_created', 'client'.
-                 See the sample XML file tests/hardwaretest.xml for
-                 detailed description of the values.
-        """
-        summary = {}
-        # The Relax NG validation ensures that we have exactly those
-        # sub-nodes that are listed in _parse_summary_section.
-        for node in summary_node.getchildren():
-            parser = self._parse_summary_section[node.tag]
-            summary[node.tag] = parser(self, node)
-        return summary
-    def _getValueAndType(self, node):
-        """Return (value, type) of a <property> or <value> node."""
-        type_ = node.get('type')
-        if type_ in ('dbus.Boolean', 'bool'):
-            value = node.text.strip()
-            # Pure paranoia: The Relax NG validation ensures that <property>
-            # and <value> tags have only the allowed values.
-            assert value in ('True', 'False'), (
-                'Parsing submission %s: Invalid bool value for <property> or '
-                    '<value>: %s' % (self.submission_key, repr(value)))
-            return (value == 'True', type_)
-        elif type_ in ('str', 'dbus.String', 'dbus.UTF8String'):
-            return (node.text.strip(), type_)
-        elif type_ in ('dbus.Byte', 'dbus.Int16', 'dbus.Int32', 'dbus.Int64',
-                       'dbus.UInt16', 'dbus.UInt32', 'dbus.UInt64', 'int',
-                       'long'):
-            value = node.text.strip()
-            return (int(value), type_)
-        elif type_ in ('dbus.Double', 'float'):
-            value = node.text.strip()
-            return (float(value), type_)
-        elif type_ in ('dbus.Array', 'list'):
-            value = []
-            for sub_node in node.getchildren():
-                value.append(self._getValueAndType(sub_node))
-            return (value, type_)
-        elif type_ in ('dbus.Dictionary', 'dict'):
-            value = {}
-            for sub_node in node.getchildren():
-                value[sub_node.get('name')] = self._getValueAndType(sub_node)
-            return (value, type_)
-        else:
-            # This should not happen: The Relax NG validation ensures
-            # that we have only those values for type_ that appear in
-            # the if/elif expressions above.
-            raise AssertionError(
-                'Parsing submission %s: Unexpected <property> or <value> '
-                    'type: %s' % (self.submission_key, type_))
-    def _parseProperty(self, property_node):
-        """Parse a <property> node.
-        :return: (name, (value, type)) of a property.
-        """
-        return (property_node.get('name'),
-                self._getValueAndType(property_node))
-    def _parseProperties(self, properties_node):
-        """Parse <property> sub-nodes of properties_node.
-        :return: A dictionary, where each key is the name of a property;
-                 the values are the tuples (value, type) of a property.
-        """
-        properties = {}
-        for property_node in properties_node.getchildren():
-            # Paranoia check: The Relax NG schema ensures that a node
-            # with <property> sub-nodes has no other sub-nodes
-            assert property_node.tag == 'property', (
-            'Parsing submission %s: Found <%s> node, expected <property>'
-                % (self.submission_key, property_node.tag))
-            property_name, property_value = self._parseProperty(property_node)
-            if property_name in properties.keys():
-                raise ValueError(
-                    '<property name="%s"> found more than once in <%s>'
-                    % (property_name, properties_node.tag))
-            properties[property_name] = property_value
-        return properties
-    def _parseDevice(self, device_node):
-        """Parse a HAL <device> node.
-        :return: A dictionary d with the keys 'id', 'udi', 'parent',
-                 'properties'. d['id'] is an ID of the device d['udi']
-                 is the HAL UDI of the device; d['properties'] is a
-                 dictionary with the properties of the device (see
-                 _parseProperties for details).
-        """
-        # The Relax NG validation ensures that the attributes "id" and
-        # "udi" exist; it also ensures that "id" contains an integer.
-        device_data = {'id': int(device_node.get('id')),
-                       'udi': device_node.get('udi')}
-        parent = device_node.get('parent', None)
-        if parent is not None:
-            parent = int(parent.strip())
-        device_data['parent'] = parent
-        device_data['properties'] = self._parseProperties(device_node)
-        return device_data
-    def _parseHAL(self, hal_node):
-        """Parse the <hal> section of a submission.
-        :return: A list, where each entry is the result of a _parseDevice
-                 call.
-        """
-        # The Relax NG validation ensures that <hal> has the attribute
-        # "version"
-        hal_data = {'version': hal_node.get('version')}
-        hal_data['devices'] = devices = []
-        for device_node in hal_node.getchildren():
-            # Pure paranoia: The Relax NG validation ensures already
-            # that we have only <device> tags within <hal>
-            assert device_node.tag == 'device', (
-                'Parsing submission %s: Unexpected tag <%s> in <hal>'
-                % (self.submission_key, device_node.tag))
-            devices.append(self._parseDevice(device_node))
-        return hal_data
-    def _parseProcessors(self, processors_node):
-        """Parse the <processors> node.
-        :return: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary d contains
-                 the data of a <processor> node. The dictionary keys are
-                 'id', 'name', 'properties'. d['id'] is an ID of a
-                 <processor> node, d['name'] its name, and d['properties']
-                 contains the properties of a processor (see
-                 _parseProperties for details).
-        """
-        result = []
-        for processor_node in processors_node.getchildren():
-            # Pure paranoia: The Relax NG valiation ensures already
-            # the we have only <processor> as sub-tags of <processors>.
-            assert processor_node.tag == 'processor', (
-                'Parsing submission %s: Unexpected tag <%s> in <processors>'
-                   % (self.submission_key, processors_node.tag))
-            processor = {}
-            # The RelaxNG validation ensures that the attribute "id" exists
-            # and that it contains an integer.
-            processor['id'] = int(processor_node.get('id'))
-            processor['name'] = processor_node.get('name')
-            processor['properties'] = self._parseProperties(processor_node)
-            result.append(processor)
-        return result
-    def _parseAliases(self, aliases_node):
-        """Parse the <aliases> node.
-        :return: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary d has the
-                 keys 'id', 'vendor', 'model'. d['id'] is the ID of a
-                 HAL device; d['vendor'] is an alternative vendor name of
-                 the device; d['model'] is an alternative model name.
-                 See tests/hardwaretest.xml more more details.
-        """
-        aliases = []
-        for alias_node in aliases_node.getchildren():
-            # Pure paranoia: The Relax NG valiation ensures already
-            # the we have only <alias> tags within <aliases>
-            assert alias_node.tag == 'alias', (
-                'Parsing submission %s: Unexpected tag <%s> in <aliases>'
-                    % (self.submission_key, alias_node.tag))
-            # The RelaxNG validation ensures that the attribute "target"
-            # exists and that it contains an integer.
-            alias = {'target': int(alias_node.get('target'))}
-            for sub_node in alias_node.getchildren():
-                # The Relax NG svalidation ensures that we have exactly
-                # two subnodes: <vendor> and <model>
-                alias[sub_node.tag] = sub_node.text.strip()
-            aliases.append(alias)
-        return aliases
-    def _parseUdev(self, udev_node):
-        """Parse the <udev> node.
-        :return: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary
-            describes a udev device.
-        The <udev> node contains the output produced by
-        "udevadm info --export-db". Each entry of the dictionaries
-        represents the data of the key:value pairs as they appear
-        in this data. The value of d['S'] is a list of strings,
-        the value s['E'] is a dictionary containing the key=value
-        pairs of the "E:" lines.
-        """
-        # We get the plain text as produced by "udevadm info --export-db"
-        # This data looks like:
-        #
-        # P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00
-        # E: UDEV_LOG=3
-        # E: DEVPATH=/devices/LNXSYSTM:00
-        # E: MODALIAS=acpi:LNXSYSTM:
-        #
-        # P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/ACPI_CPU:00
-        # E: UDEV_LOG=3
-        # E: DEVPATH=/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/ACPI_CPU:00
-        # E: DRIVER=processor
-        # E: MODALIAS=acpi:ACPI_CPU:
-        #
-        # Data for different devices is separated by empty lines.
-        # Each line for a device consists of key:value pairs.
-        # The following keys are defined:
-        #
-        # A: udev_device_get_num_fake_partitions()
-        # E: udev_device_get_properties_list_entry()
-        # L: the device link priority (udev_device_get_devlink_priority())
-        # N: the device node file name (udev_device_get_devnode())
-        # P: the device path (udev_device_get_devpath())
-        # R: udev_device_get_ignore_remove()
-        # S: udev_get_dev_path()
-        # W: udev_device_get_watch_handle()
-        #
-        # The key P is always present; the keys A, L, N, R, W appear at
-        # most once per device; the keys E and S may appear more than
-        # once.
-        # The values of the E records have the format "key=value"
-        #
-        # See also the libudev reference manual:
-        # http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/libudev/
-        # and the udev file udevadm-info.c, function print_record()
-        udev_data = udev_node.text.split('\n')
-        devices = []
-        device = None
-        line_number = 0
-        device_id = 0
-        for line_number, line in enumerate(udev_data):
-            if len(line) == 0:
-                device = None
-                continue
-            record = line.split(':', 1)
-            if len(record) != 2:
-                self._logError(
-                    'Line %i in <udev>: No valid key:value data: %r'
-                    % (line_number, line),
-                    self.submission_key)
-                return None
-            key, value = record
-            if device is None:
-                device_id += 1
-                device = {
-                    'E': {},
-                    'S': [],
-                    'id': device_id,
-                    }
-                devices.append(device)
-            # Some attribute lines have a space character after the
-            # ':', others don't have it (see udevadm-info.c).
-            value = value.lstrip()
-            if key == 'E':
-                property_data = value.split('=', 1)
-                if len(property_data) != 2:
-                    self._logError(
-                        'Line %i in <udev>: Property without valid key=value '
-                        'data: %r' % (line_number, line),
-                        self.submission_key)
-                    return None
-                property_key, property_value = property_data
-                device['E'][property_key] = property_value
-            elif key == 'S':
-                device['S'].append(value)
-            else:
-                if key in device:
-                    self._logWarning(
-                        'Line %i in <udev>: Duplicate attribute key: %r'
-                        % (line_number, line),
-                        self.submission_key)
-                device[key] = value
-        return devices
-    def _parseDmi(self, dmi_node):
-        """Parse the <dmi> node.
-        :return: A dictionary containing the key:value pairs of the DMI data.
-        """
-        dmi_data = {}
-        dmi_text = dmi_node.text.strip().split('\n')
-        for line_number, line in enumerate(dmi_text):
-            record = line.split(':', 1)
-            if len(record) != 2:
-                self._logError(
-                    'Line %i in <dmi>: No valid key:value data: %r'
-                    % (line_number, line),
-                    self.submission_key)
-                return None
-            dmi_data[record[0]] = record[1]
-        return dmi_data
-    def _parseSysfsAttributes(self, sysfs_node):
-        """Parse the <sysfs-attributes> node.
-        :return: A dictionary {path: attrs, ...} where path is the
-            path is the path of a sysfs directory, and where attrs
-            is a dictionary containing attribute names and values.
-        A sample of the input data:
-        P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0
-        A: modalias=input:b0019v0000p0001e0000-e0,1,k74,ramlsfw
-        A: uniq=
-        A: phys=LNXPWRBN/button/input0
-        A: name=Power Button
-        P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0A08:00/device:03/input/input8
-        A: modalias=input:b0019v0000p0006e0000-e0,1,kE0,E1,E3,F0,F1
-        A: uniq=
-        A: phys=/video/input0
-        A: name=Video Bus
-        Data for different devices is separated by empty lines. The data
-        for each device starts with a line 'P: /devices/LNXSYSTM...',
-        specifying the sysfs path of a device, followed by zero or more
-        lines of the form 'A: key=value'
-        """
-        sysfs_lines = sysfs_node.text.split('\n')
-        sysfs_data = {}
-        attributes = None
-        for line_number, line in enumerate(sysfs_lines):
-            if len(line) == 0:
-                attributes = None
-                continue
-            record = line.split(': ', 1)
-            if len(record) != 2:
-                self._logError(
-                    'Line %i in <sysfs-attributes>: No valid key:value data: '
-                    '%r' % (line_number, line),
-                    self.submission_key)
-                return None
-            key, value = record
-            if key == 'P':
-                if attributes is not None:
-                    self._logError(
-                        "Line %i in <sysfs-attributes>: duplicate 'P' line "
-                        "found: %r" % (line_number, line),
-                        self.submission_key)
-                    return None
-                attributes = {}
-                sysfs_data[value] = attributes
-            elif key == 'A':
-                if attributes is None:
-                    self._logError(
-                        "Line %i in <sysfs-attributes>: Block for a device "
-                        "does not start with 'P:': %r" % (line_number, line),
-                        self.submission_key)
-                    return None
-                attribute_data = value.split('=', 1)
-                if len(attribute_data) != 2:
-                    self._logError(
-                        'Line %i in <sysfs-attributes>: Attribute line does '
-                        'not contain key=value data: %r'
-                        % (line_number, line),
-                        self.submission_key)
-                    return None
-                attributes[attribute_data[0]] = attribute_data[1]
-            else:
-                self._logError(
-                    'Line %i in <sysfs-attributes>: Unexpected key: %r'
-                    % (line_number, line),
-                    self.submission_key)
-                return None
-        return sysfs_data
-    def _setHardwareSectionParsers(self):
-        self._parse_hardware_section = {
-            'hal': self._parseHAL,
-            'processors': self._parseProcessors,
-            'aliases': self._parseAliases,
-            'udev': self._parseUdev,
-            'dmi': self._parseDmi,
-            'sysfs-attributes': self._parseSysfsAttributes,
-            }
-    def _parseHardware(self, hardware_node):
-        """Parse the <hardware> part of a submission.
-        :return: A dictionary with the keys 'hal', 'processors', 'aliases',
-                 where the values are the parsing results of _parseHAL,
-                 _parseProcessors, _parseAliases.
-        """
-        # Submissions from checkbox for Lucid, Maverick and Natty
-        # unfortunately do not contain a <sysfs-attributes> node.
-        # A default value here allows us to mark these submissions.
-        # See also bug 835103.
-        hardware_data = {
-            'sysfs-attributes': None,
-            }
-        for node in hardware_node.getchildren():
-            parser = self._parse_hardware_section[node.tag]
-            result = parser(node)
-            if result is None:
-                return None
-            hardware_data[node.tag] = result
-        return hardware_data
-    def _parseLSBRelease(self, lsb_node):
-        """Parse the <lsb_release> part of a submission.
-        :return: A dictionary with the content of the <properta> nodes
-                 within the <lsb> node. See tests/hardwaretest.xml for
-                 details.
-        """
-        return self._parseProperties(lsb_node)
-    def _parsePackages(self, packages_node):
-        """Parse the <packages> part of a submission.
-        :return: A dictionary with one entry per <package> sub-node.
-                 The key is the package name, the value a dictionary
-                 containing the content of the <property> nodes within
-                 <package>. See tests/hardwaretest.xml for more details.
-        """
-        packages = {}
-        for package_node in packages_node.getchildren():
-            # Pure paranoia: The Relax NG validation ensures already
-            # that we have only <package> tags within <packages>.
-            assert package_node.tag == 'package', (
-                'Parsing submission %s: Unexpected tag <%s> in <packages>'
-                % (self.submission_key, package_node.tag))
-            package_name = package_node.get('name')
-            if package_name in packages.keys():
-                raise ValueError(
-                    '<package name="%s"> appears more than once in <packages>'
-                    % package_name)
-            # The RelaxNG validation ensures that the attribute "id" exists
-            # and that it contains an integer.
-            package_data = {'id': int(package_node.get('id'))}
-            package_data['properties'] = self._parseProperties(package_node)
-            packages[package_name] = package_data
-        return packages
-    def _parseXOrg(self, xorg_node):
-        """Parse the <xorg> part of a submission.
-        :return: A dictionary with the keys 'version' and 'drivers'.
-                 d['version'] is the xorg version; d['drivers'] is
-                 a dictionary with one entry for each <driver> sub-node,
-                 where the key is the driver name, the value is a dictionary
-                 containing the attributes of the <driver> node. See
-                 tests/hardwaretest.xml for more details.
-        """
-        xorg_data = {'version': xorg_node.get('version')}
-        xorg_data['drivers'] = xorg_drivers = {}
-        for driver_node in xorg_node.getchildren():
-            # Pure paranoia: The Relax NG validation ensures already
-            # that we have only <driver> tags within <xorg>.
-            assert driver_node.tag == 'driver', (
-                'Parsing submission %s: Unexpected tag <%s> in <xorg>'
-                    % (self.submission_key, driver_node.tag))
-            driver_info = dict(driver_node.attrib)
-            if 'device' in driver_info:
-                # The Relax NG validation ensures that driver_info['device']
-                # consists of only digits, if present.
-                driver_info['device'] = int(driver_info['device'])
-            driver_name = driver_info['name']
-            if driver_name in xorg_drivers.keys():
-                raise ValueError(
-                    '<driver name="%s"> appears more than once in <xorg>'
-                    % driver_name)
-            xorg_drivers[driver_name] = driver_info
-        return xorg_data
-    _parse_software_section = {
-        'lsbrelease': _parseLSBRelease,
-        'packages': _parsePackages,
-        'xorg': _parseXOrg}
-    def _setSoftwareSectionParsers(self):
-        self._parse_software_section = {
-            'lsbrelease': self._parseLSBRelease,
-            'packages': self._parsePackages,
-            'xorg': self._parseXOrg}
-    def _parseSoftware(self, software_node):
-        """Parse the <software> section of a submission.
-        :return: A dictionary with the keys 'lsbrelease', 'packages',
-                 'xorg', containing the parsing results of the respective
-                 sub-nodes. The key 'lsbrelease' exists always; 'xorg'
-                 and 'packages' are optional. See _parseLSBRelease,
-                 _parsePackages, _parseXOrg for more details.
-        """
-        software_data = {}
-        for node in software_node.getchildren():
-            parser = self._parse_software_section[node.tag]
-            result = parser(node)
-            software_data[node.tag] = result
-        # The nodes <packages> and <xorg> are optional. Ensure that
-        # we have dummy entries in software_data for these nodes, if
-        # the nodes do not appear in a submission in order to avoid
-        # KeyErrors elsewhere in this module.
-        for node_name in ('packages', 'xorg'):
-            if node_name not in software_data:
-                software_data[node_name] = {}
-        return software_data
-    def _parseQuestions(self, questions_node):
-        """Parse the <questions> part of a submission.
-        :return: A list, where each entry is a dictionary containing
-                 the parsing result of the <question> sub-nodes.
-                 Content of a list entry d (see tests/hardwaretest.xml
-                 for a more detailed description):
-                 d['name']:
-                        The name of a question. (Always present)
-                 d['plugin']:
-                        The name of the client plugin which is
-                        "responsible" for the question. (Optional)
-                 d['targets']:
-                        A list, where each entry is a dicitionary
-                        describing a target device for this question.
-                        This list is always present, but may be empty.
-                        The contents of each list entry t is:
-                        t['id']:
-                                The ID of a HAL <device> node of a
-                                target device.
-                        t['drivers']:
-                                A list of driver names, possibly empty.
-                 d['answer']:
-                        The answer to this question. The value is a
-                        dictionary a:
-                        a['value']:
-                                The value of the answer. (Always present)
-                                For questions of type muliple_choice,
-                                the value should match one of the
-                                entries of the answer_choices list,
-                                For questions of type measurement, the
-                                value is a numerical value.
-                        a['type']:
-                                This is either 'multiple_choice' or
-                                'measurement'. (Always present)
-                        a['unit']:
-                                The unit of a measurement value.
-                                (Optional)
-                 d['answer_choices']:
-                        A list of choices from which the user can select
-                        an answer. This list is always present, but should
-                        be empty for questions of type measurement.
-                 d['command']:
-                        The command line of a test script which was
-                        run for this question. (Optional)
-                 d['comment']:
-                        A comment the user has typed when running the
-                        client. (Optional)
-                 A consistency check of the content of d is done in
-                 method _checkSubmissionConsistency.
-        """
-        questions = []
-        for question_node in questions_node.getchildren():
-            # Pure paranoia: The Relax NG validation ensures already
-            # that we have only <driver> tags within <xorg>
-            assert question_node.tag == 'question', (
-                'Parsing submission %s: Unexpected tag <%s> in <questions>'
-                % (self.submission_key, question_node.tag))
-            question = {'name': question_node.get('name')}
-            plugin = question_node.get('plugin', None)
-            if plugin is not None:
-                question['plugin'] = plugin
-            question['targets'] = targets = []
-            answer_choices = []
-            for sub_node in question_node.getchildren():
-                sub_tag = sub_node.tag
-                if sub_tag == 'answer':
-                    question['answer'] = answer = {}
-                    answer['type'] = sub_node.get('type')
-                    if answer['type'] == 'multiple_choice':
-                        question['answer_choices'] = answer_choices
-                    unit = sub_node.get('unit', None)
-                    if unit is not None:
-                        answer['unit'] = unit
-                    answer['value'] = sub_node.text.strip()
-                elif sub_tag == 'answer_choices':
-                    for value_node in sub_node.getchildren():
-                        answer_choices.append(
-                            self._getValueAndType(value_node))
-                elif sub_tag == 'target':
-                    # The Relax NG schema ensures that the attribute
-                    # id exists and that it is an integer
-                    target = {'id': int(sub_node.get('id'))}
-                    target['drivers'] = drivers = []
-                    for driver_node in sub_node.getchildren():
-                        drivers.append(driver_node.text.strip())
-                    targets.append(target)
-                elif sub_tag in('comment', 'command'):
-                    data = sub_node.text
-                    if data is not None:
-                        question[sub_tag] = data.strip()
-                else:
-                    # This should not happen: The Relax NG validation
-                    # ensures that we have only those tags which appear
-                    # in the if/elif expressions.
-                    raise AssertionError(
-                        'Parsing submission %s: Unexpected node <%s> in '
-                        '<question>' % (self.submission_key, sub_tag))
-            questions.append(question)
-        return questions
-    def _parseContext(self, context_node):
-        """Parse the <context> part of a submission.
-        We don't do anything real right now, but simply log a warning
-        that this submission contains a <context> section, so that
-        we can parse it again later, once we have the SQL tables needed
-        to store the data.
-        """
-        self._logWarning('Submission contains unprocessed <context> data.')
-        return {}
-    def _setMainSectionParsers(self):
-        self._parse_system = {
-            'summary': self._parseSummary,
-            'hardware': self._parseHardware,
-            'software': self._parseSoftware,
-            'questions': self._parseQuestions,
-            'context': self._parseContext,
-            }
-    def parseMainSections(self, submission_doc):
-        # The RelaxNG validation ensures that submission_doc has exactly
-        # four sub-nodes and that the names of the sub-nodes appear in the
-        # keys of self._parse_system.
-        submission_data = {}
-        try:
-            for node in submission_doc.getchildren():
-                parser = self._parse_system[node.tag]
-                result = parser(node)
-                if result is None:
-                    return None
-                submission_data[node.tag] = result
-        except ValueError as value:
-            self._logError(value, self.submission_key)
-            return None
-        return submission_data
-    def parseSubmission(self, submission, submission_key):
-        """Parse the data of a HWDB submission.
-        :return: A dictionary with the keys 'summary', 'hardware',
-                 'software', 'questions'. See _parseSummary,
-                 _parseHardware, _parseSoftware, _parseQuestions for
-                 the content.
-        """
-        self.submission_key = submission_key
-        submission_doc = self._getValidatedEtree(submission, submission_key)
-        if submission_doc is None:
-            return None
-        return self.parseMainSections(submission_doc)
-    def _findDuplicates(self, all_ids, test_ids):
-        """Search for duplicate elements in test_ids.
-        :return: A set of those elements in the sequence test_ids that
-        are elements of the set all_ids or that appear more than once
-        in test_ids.
-        all_ids is updated with test_ids.
-        """
-        duplicates = set()
-        # Note that test_ids itself may contain an ID more than once.
-        for test_id in test_ids:
-            if test_id in all_ids:
-                duplicates.add(test_id)
-            else:
-                all_ids.add(test_id)
-        return duplicates
-    def findDuplicateIDs(self, parsed_data):
-        """Return the set of duplicate IDs.
-        The IDs of devices, processors and software packages should be
-        unique; this method returns a list of duplicate IDs found in a
-        submission.
-        """
-        all_ids = set()
-        if 'hal' in parsed_data['hardware']:
-            duplicates = self._findDuplicates(
-                all_ids,
-                [device['id']
-                 for device in parsed_data['hardware']['hal']['devices']])
-        else:
-            duplicates = self._findDuplicates(
-                all_ids,
-                [device['P']
-                 for device in parsed_data['hardware']['udev']])
-        duplicates.update(self._findDuplicates(
-            all_ids,
-            [processor['id']
-             for processor in parsed_data['hardware']['processors']]))
-        duplicates.update(self._findDuplicates(
-            all_ids,
-            [package['id']
-             for package in parsed_data['software']['packages'].values()]))
-        return duplicates
-    def _getIDMap(self, parsed_data):
-        """Return a dictionary ID -> devices, processors and packages."""
-        id_map = {}
-        if 'hal' in parsed_data['hardware']:
-            hal_devices = parsed_data['hardware']['hal']['devices']
-            for device in hal_devices:
-                id_map[device['id']] = device
-        else:
-            udev_devices = parsed_data['hardware']['udev']
-            for device in udev_devices:
-                id_map[device['P']] = device
-        for processor in parsed_data['hardware']['processors']:
-            id_map[processor['id']] = processor
-        for package in parsed_data['software']['packages'].values():
-            id_map[package['id']] = package
-        return id_map
-    def findInvalidIDReferences(self, parsed_data):
-        """Return the set of invalid references to IDs.
-        The sub-tag <target> of <question> references a device, processor
-        of package node by its ID; the submission must contain a <device>,
-        <processor> or <software> tag with this ID. This method returns a
-        set of those IDs mentioned in <target> nodes that have no
-        corresponding device or processor node.
-        """
-        id_device_map = self._getIDMap(parsed_data)
-        known_ids = set(id_device_map.keys())
-        questions = parsed_data['questions']
-        target_lists = [question['targets'] for question in questions]
-        all_targets = []
-        for target_list in target_lists:
-            all_targets.extend(target_list)
-        all_target_ids = set(target['id'] for target in all_targets)
-        return all_target_ids.difference(known_ids)
-    def getUDIDeviceMap(self, devices):
-        """Return a dictionary which maps UDIs to HAL devices.
-        Also check, if a UDI is used more than once.
-        Generally, a duplicate UDI indicates a bad or bogus submission,
-        but we have some UDIs where the duplicate UDI is caused by a
-        bug in HAL, see
-        http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/hal/2009-April/013250.html
-        In these cases, we simply remove the duplicates, otherwise, a
-        ValueError is raised.
-        """
-        udi_device_map = {}
-        duplicates = []
-        for index in range(len(devices)):
-            device = devices[index]
-            udi = device['udi']
-            if udi in udi_device_map:
-                if 'info.parent' in device['properties']:
-                    parent_udi = device['properties']['info.parent'][0]
-                else:
-                    parent_udi = None
-                if (udi in KNOWN_DUPLICATE_UDIS or
-                    parent_udi in KNOWN_DUPLICATE_UDIS):
-                    duplicates.append(index)
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    raise ValueError('Duplicate UDI: %s' % device['udi'])
-            else:
-                udi_device_map[udi] = device
-        duplicates.reverse()
-        for index in duplicates:
-            devices.pop(index)
-        return udi_device_map
-    def _getIDUDIMaps(self, devices):
-        """Return two mappings describing the relation between IDs and UDIs.
-        :return: two dictionaries id_to_udi and udi_to_id, where
-                 id_2_udi has IDs as keys and UDI as values, and where
-                 udi_to_id has UDIs as keys and IDs as values.
-        """
-        id_to_udi = {}
-        udi_to_id = {}
-        for device in devices:
-            id = device['id']
-            udi = device['udi']
-            id_to_udi[id] = udi
-            udi_to_id[udi] = id
-        return id_to_udi, udi_to_id
-    def getUDIChildren(self, udi_device_map):
-        """Build lists of all children of a UDI.
-        :return: A dictionary that maps UDIs to lists of children.
-        If any info.parent property points to a non-existing existing
-        device, a ValueError is raised.
-        """
-        # Each HAL device references its parent device (HAL attribute
-        # info.parent), except for the "root node", which has no parent.
-        children = {}
-        known_udis = set(udi_device_map.keys())
-        for device in udi_device_map.values():
-            parent_property = device['properties'].get('info.parent', None)
-            if parent_property is not None:
-                parent = parent_property[0]
-                if not parent in known_udis:
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        'Unknown parent UDI %s in <device id="%s">'
-                        % (parent, device['id']))
-                if parent in children:
-                    children[parent].append(device)
-                else:
-                    children[parent] = [device]
-            else:
-                # A node without a parent is a root node. Only one root node
-                # is allowed, which must have the UDI
-                # "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer".
-                # Other nodes without a parent UDI indicate an error, as well
-                # as a non-existing root node.
-                if device['udi'] != ROOT_UDI:
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        'root device node found with unexpected UDI: '
-                        '<device id="%s" udi="%s">' % (device['id'],
-                                                       device['udi']))
-        if not ROOT_UDI in children:
-            raise ValueError('No root device found')
-        return children
-    def _removeChildren(self, udi, udi_test):
-        """Remove recursively all children of the device named udi."""
-        if udi in udi_test:
-            children = udi_test[udi]
-            for child in children:
-                self._removeChildren(child['udi'], udi_test)
-            del udi_test[udi]
-    def checkHALDevicesParentChildConsistency(self, udi_children):
-        """Ensure that HAL devices are represented in exactly one tree.
-        :return: A list of those UDIs that are not "connected" to the root
-                 node /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
-        HAL devices "know" their parent device; each device has a parent,
-        except the root element. This means that it is possible to traverse
-        all existing devices, beginning at the root node.
-        Several inconsistencies are possible:
-        (a) we may have more than one root device (i.e., one without a
-            parent)
-        (b) we may have no root element
-        (c) circular parent/child references may exist.
-        (a) and (b) are already checked in _getUDIChildren; this method
-        implements (c),
-        """
-        # If we build a copy of udi_children and if we remove, starting at
-        # the root UDI, recursively all children from this copy, we should
-        # get a dictionary, where all values are empty lists. Any remaining
-        # nodes must have circular parent references.
-        udi_test = {}
-        for udi, children in udi_children.items():
-            udi_test[udi] = children[:]
-        self._removeChildren(ROOT_UDI, udi_test)
-        return udi_test.keys()
-    def checkUdevDictsHavePathKey(self, udev_nodes):
-        """Ensure that each udev dictionary has a 'P' key.
-        The 'P' (path) key identifies a device.
-        """
-        for node in udev_nodes:
-            if not 'P' in node:
-                self._logError('udev node found without a "P" key',
-                               self.submission_key)
-                return False
-        return True
-    PCI_PROPERTIES = set(
-    pci_class_re = re.compile('^[0-9a-f]{1,6}$', re.I)
-    pci_id_re = re.compile('^[0-9a-f]{4}:[0-9a-f]{4}$', re.I)
-    def checkUdevPciProperties(self, udev_data):
-        """Validation of udev PCI devices.
-        :param udev_data: A list of dicitionaries describing udev
-             devices, as returned by _parseUdev()
-        :return: True if all checks pass, else False.
-        Each PCI device must have the properties PCI_CLASS, PCI_ID,
-        PCI_SUBSYS_ID, PCI_SLOT_NAME. Non-PCI devices must not have
-        them.
-        The value of PCI class must be a 24 bit integer in
-        hexadecimal representation.
-        The values of PCI_ID and PCI_SUBSYS_ID must be two 16 bit
-        integers, separated by a ':'.
-        """
-        for device in udev_data:
-            properties = device['E']
-            property_names = set(properties)
-            existing_pci_properties = property_names.intersection(
-                self.PCI_PROPERTIES)
-            subsystem = device['E'].get('SUBSYSTEM')
-            if subsystem is None:
-                self._logError(
-                    'udev device without SUBSYSTEM property found.',
-                    self.submission_key)
-                return False
-            if subsystem == 'pci':
-                # Check whether any of the standard pci properties were
-                # missing.
-                if existing_pci_properties != self.PCI_PROPERTIES:
-                    missing_properties = self.PCI_PROPERTIES.difference(
-                            existing_pci_properties)
-                    self._logError(
-                        'PCI udev device without required PCI properties: '
-                            '%r %r'
-                            % (missing_properties, device['P']),
-                        self.submission_key)
-                    return False
-                # Ensure that the pci class and ids for this device are
-                # formally valid.
-                if self.pci_class_re.search(properties['PCI_CLASS']) is None:
-                    self._logError(
-                        'Invalid udev PCI class: %r %r'
-                            % (properties['PCI_CLASS'], device['P']),
-                        self.submission_key)
-                    return False
-                for pci_id in (properties['PCI_ID'],
-                               properties['PCI_SUBSYS_ID']):
-                    if self.pci_id_re.search(pci_id) is None:
-                        self._logError(
-                            'Invalid udev PCI device ID: %r %r'
-                                % (pci_id, device['P']),
-                            self.submission_key)
-                        return False
-            else:
-                if len(existing_pci_properties) > 0:
-                    self._logError(
-                        'Non-PCI udev device with PCI properties: %r %r'
-                            % (existing_pci_properties, device['P']),
-                        self.submission_key)
-                    return False
-        return True
-    def checkUdevUsbProperties(self, udev_data):
-        """Validation of udev USB devices.
-        USB devices must either have the three properties DEVTYPE
-        (value 'usb_device' or 'usb_interface'), PRODUCT and TYPE,
-        or they must have none of them.
-        PRODUCT must be a tuple of three integers in hexadecimal
-        representation, separates by '/'. TYPE must be a a tuple of
-        three integers in decimal representation, separated by '/'.
-        usb_interface nodes must additionally have a property
-        INTERFACE, containing three integers in the same format as
-        TYPE.
-        """
-        for device in udev_data:
-            subsystem = device['E'].get('SUBSYSTEM')
-            if subsystem != 'usb':
-                continue
-            properties = device['E']
-            property_names = set(properties)
-            existing_usb_properties = property_names.intersection(
-            if len(existing_usb_properties) == 0:
-                continue
-            if existing_usb_properties != UDEV_USB_DEVICE_PROPERTIES:
-                missing_properties = UDEV_USB_DEVICE_PROPERTIES.difference(
-                    existing_usb_properties)
-                self._logError(
-                    'USB udev device found without required properties: %r %r'
-                    % (missing_properties, device['P']),
-                    self.submission_key)
-                return False
-            if UDEV_USB_PRODUCT_RE.search(properties['PRODUCT']) is None:
-                self._logError(
-                    'USB udev device found with invalid product ID: %r %r'
-                    % (properties['PRODUCT'], device['P']),
-                    self.submission_key)
-                return False
-            if UDEV_USB_TYPE_RE.search(properties['TYPE']) is None:
-                self._logError(
-                    'USB udev device found with invalid type data: %r %r'
-                    % (properties['TYPE'], device['P']),
-                    self.submission_key)
-                return False
-            device_type = properties['DEVTYPE']
-            if device_type not in ('usb_device', 'usb_interface'):
-                self._logError(
-                    'USB udev device found with invalid udev type data: %r %r'
-                    % (device_type, device['P']),
-                    self.submission_key)
-                return False
-            if device_type == 'usb_interface':
-                interface_type = properties.get('INTERFACE')
-                if interface_type is None:
-                    self._logError(
-                        'USB interface udev device found without INTERFACE '
-                        'property: %r'
-                        % device['P'],
-                        self.submission_key)
-                    return False
-                if UDEV_USB_TYPE_RE.search(interface_type) is None:
-                    self._logError(
-                        'USB Interface udev device found with invalid '
-                        'INTERFACE property: %r %r'
-                        % (interface_type, device['P']),
-                        self.submission_key)
-                    return False
-        return True
-    def checkUdevScsiProperties(self, udev_data, sysfs_data):
-        """Validation of udev SCSI devices.
-        Each udev node where SUBSYSTEM is 'scsi' should have the
-        property DEVTYPE; nodes where DEVTYPE is 'scsi_device'
-        should have a corresponding sysfs node, and this node should
-        define the attributes 'vendor', 'model', 'type'.
-        """
-        # Broken submissions from Lucid, Maverick and Natty. We'll have
-        # to deal with incomplete data for SCSI devices in this case if
-        # we don't want to drop the entire submission, so just pretend
-        # that things are fine.
-        # See also bug 835103.
-        if sysfs_data is None:
-            return True
-        for device in udev_data:
-            subsystem = device['E'].get('SUBSYSTEM')
-            if subsystem != 'scsi':
-                continue
-            properties = device['E']
-            if 'DEVTYPE' not in properties:
-                self._logError(
-                    'SCSI udev node found without DEVTYPE property: %r'
-                    % device['P'],
-                    self.submission_key)
-                return False
-            if properties['DEVTYPE'] == 'scsi_device':
-                device_path = device['P']
-                if device_path not in sysfs_data:
-                    self._logError(
-                        'SCSI udev device node found without related '
-                        'sysfs record: %r' % device_path,
-                        self.submission_key)
-                    return False
-                sysfs_attributes = sysfs_data[device_path]
-                sysfs_attribute_names = set(sysfs_attributes)
-                if SYSFS_SCSI_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES.intersection(
-                    sysfs_attribute_names) != SYSFS_SCSI_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES:
-                    missing_attributes = (
-                        SYSFS_SCSI_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES.difference(
-                            sysfs_attribute_names))
-                    self._logError(
-                        'SCSI udev device found without required sysfs '
-                        'attributes: %r %r'
-                        % (missing_attributes, device_path),
-                        self.submission_key)
-                    return False
-        return True
-    def checkUdevDmiData(self, dmi_data):
-        """Consistency check for DMI data.
-        All keys of the dictionary dmi_data should start with
-        '/sys/class/dmi/id/'.
-        """
-        for dmi_key in dmi_data:
-            if not dmi_key.startswith('/sys/class/dmi/id/'):
-                self._logError(
-                    'Invalid DMI key: %r' % dmi_key, self.submission_key)
-                return False
-        return True
-    def checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(self, udev_data, sysfs_data, dmi_data):
-        """Consistency checks for udev data."""
-        return (
-            self.checkUdevDictsHavePathKey(udev_data) and
-            self.checkUdevPciProperties(udev_data) and
-            self.checkUdevUsbProperties(udev_data) and
-            self.checkUdevScsiProperties(udev_data, sysfs_data) and
-            self.checkUdevDmiData(dmi_data))
-    def checkConsistency(self, parsed_data):
-        """Run consistency checks on the submitted data.
-        :return: True, if the data looks consistent, otherwise False.
-        :param: parsed_data: parsed submission data, as returned by
-                             parseSubmission
-        """
-        if ('udev' in parsed_data['hardware']
-            and not self.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(
-                parsed_data['hardware']['udev'],
-                parsed_data['hardware']['sysfs-attributes'],
-                parsed_data['hardware']['dmi'],)):
-            return False
-        duplicate_ids = self.findDuplicateIDs(parsed_data)
-        if duplicate_ids:
-            self._logError('Duplicate IDs found: %s' % duplicate_ids,
-                           self.submission_key)
-            return False
-        invalid_id_references = self.findInvalidIDReferences(parsed_data)
-        if invalid_id_references:
-            self._logError(
-                'Invalid ID references found: %s' % invalid_id_references,
-                self.submission_key)
-            return False
-        if 'hal' in parsed_data['hardware']:
-            try:
-                udi_device_map = self.getUDIDeviceMap(
-                    parsed_data['hardware']['hal']['devices'])
-                udi_children = self.getUDIChildren(udi_device_map)
-            except ValueError as value:
-                self._logError(value, self.submission_key)
-                return False
-            circular = self.checkHALDevicesParentChildConsistency(
-                udi_children)
-            if circular:
-                self._logError('Found HAL devices with circular parent/child '
-                               'relationship: %s' % circular,
-                               self.submission_key)
-                return False
-        return True
-    def buildDeviceList(self, parsed_data):
-        """Create a list of devices from a submission."""
-        if 'hal' in parsed_data['hardware']:
-            return self.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        else:
-            return self.buildUdevDeviceList(parsed_data)
-    def buildHalDeviceList(self, parsed_data):
-        """Create a list of devices from the HAL data of a submission."""
-        self.devices = {}
-        for hal_data in parsed_data['hardware']['hal']['devices']:
-            udi = hal_data['udi']
-            self.devices[udi] = HALDevice(hal_data['id'], udi,
-                                          hal_data['properties'], self)
-        for device in self.devices.values():
-            parent_udi = device.parent_udi
-            if parent_udi is not None:
-                self.devices[parent_udi].addChild(device)
-        return True
-    def buildUdevDeviceList(self, parsed_data):
-        """Create a list of devices from the udev data of a submission."""
-        self.devices = {}
-        sysfs_data = parsed_data['hardware']['sysfs-attributes']
-        dmi_data = parsed_data['hardware']['dmi']
-        for udev_data in parsed_data['hardware']['udev']:
-            device_path = udev_data['P']
-            if sysfs_data is not None:
-                sysfs_data_for_device = sysfs_data.get(device_path)
-            else:
-                # broken Lucid, Maverick and Natty submissions.
-                # See also bug 835103.
-                sysfs_data_for_device = None
-            if device_path == UDEV_ROOT_PATH:
-                device = UdevDevice(
-                    self, udev_data, sysfs_data=sysfs_data_for_device,
-                    dmi_data=dmi_data)
-            else:
-                device = UdevDevice(
-                    self, udev_data, sysfs_data=sysfs_data_for_device)
-            self.devices[device_path] = device
-        # The parent-child relations are derived from the path names of
-        # the devices. If A and B are the path names of two devices,
-        # the device with path name A is an ancestor of the device with
-        # path name B, iff B.startswith(A). If C is the set of the path
-        # names of all ancestors of A, the element with the longest path
-        # name belongs to the parent of A.
-        #
-        # There is one exception to this rule: The root node has the
-        # the path name '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00', while the path names
-        # of PCI devices start with '/devices/pci'. We'll temporarily
-        # change the path name of the root device so that the rule
-        # holds for all devices.
-        if UDEV_ROOT_PATH not in self.devices:
-            self._logError('No udev root device defined', self.submission_key)
-            return False
-        self.devices['/devices'] = self.devices[UDEV_ROOT_PATH]
-        del self.devices[UDEV_ROOT_PATH]
-        path_names = sorted(self.devices, key=len, reverse=True)
-        for path_index, path_name in enumerate(path_names[:-1]):
-            # Ensure that the last ancestor of each device is our
-            # root node.
-            if not path_name.startswith('/devices'):
-                self._logError(
-                    'Invalid device path name: %r' % path_name,
-                    self.submission_key)
-                return False
-            for parent_path in path_names[path_index + 1:]:
-                if path_name.startswith(parent_path):
-                    self.devices[parent_path].addChild(
-                        self.devices[path_name])
-                    break
-        self.devices[UDEV_ROOT_PATH] = self.devices['/devices']
-        del self.devices['/devices']
-        return True
-    @cachedproperty
-    def kernel_package_name(self):
-        """The kernel package name for the submission."""
-        if ROOT_UDI in self.devices:
-            root_hal_device = self.devices[ROOT_UDI]
-            kernel_version = root_hal_device.getProperty(
-                'system.kernel.version')
-        else:
-            kernel_version = self.parsed_data['summary'].get('kernel-release')
-        if kernel_version is None:
-            self._logWarning(
-                'Submission does not provide property system.kernel.version '
-                'for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer or a summary '
-                'sub-node <kernel-release>.')
-            return None
-        kernel_package_name = 'linux-image-' + kernel_version
-        packages = self.parsed_data['software']['packages']
-        # The submission is not required to provide any package data...
-        if packages and kernel_package_name not in packages:
-            # ...but if we have it, we want it to be consistent with
-            # the HAL root node property.
-            self._logWarning(
-                'Inconsistent kernel version data: According to HAL the '
-                'kernel is %s, but the submission does not know about a '
-                'kernel package %s'
-                % (kernel_version, kernel_package_name))
-            return None
-        return kernel_package_name
-    def processSubmission(self, submission):
-        """Process a submisson.
-        :return: True, if the submission could be sucessfully processed,
-            otherwise False.
-        :param submission: An IHWSubmission instance.
-        """
-        raw_submission = submission.raw_submission
-        # This script runs once per day and can need a few hours to run.
-        # Short-lived Librarian server failures or a server restart should
-        # not break this script, so let's wait for 10 minutes for a
-        # response from the Librarian.
-        raw_submission.open(timeout=600)
-        submission_data = raw_submission.read(timeout=600)
-        raw_submission.close()
-        # We assume that the data has been sent bzip2-compressed,
-        # but this is not checked when the data is submitted.
-        expanded_data = None
-        try:
-            expanded_data = bz2.decompress(submission_data)
-        except IOError:
-            # An IOError is raised, if the data is not BZip2-compressed.
-            # We assume in this case that valid uncompressed data has been
-            # submitted. If this assumption is wrong, parseSubmission()
-            # or checkConsistency() will complain, hence we don't check
-            # anything else here.
-            pass
-        if expanded_data is not None:
-            submission_data = expanded_data
-        parsed_data = self.parseSubmission(
-            submission_data, submission.submission_key)
-        if parsed_data is None:
-            return False
-        self.parsed_data = parsed_data
-        if not self.checkConsistency(parsed_data):
-            return False
-        if not self.buildDeviceList(parsed_data):
-            return False
-        self.root_device.createDBData(submission, None)
-        return True
-    @property
-    def root_device(self):
-        """The HALDevice of UdevDevice node of the root device."""
-        # checkConsistency ensures that we have either a device with the
-        # key ROOT_UDI or a device with the key UDEV_ROOT_PATH.
-        if ROOT_UDI in self.devices:
-            return self.devices[ROOT_UDI]
-        else:
-            return self.devices[UDEV_ROOT_PATH]
-class BaseDevice:
-    """A base class to represent device data from HAL and udev."""
-    def __init__(self, parser):
-        self.children = []
-        self.parser = parser
-        self.parent = None
-    # Translation of the HAL info.bus/info.subsystem property and the
-    # udev property SUBSYSTEM to HWBus enumerated buses.
-    subsystem_hwbus = {
-        'pcmcia': HWBus.PCMCIA,
-        'usb_device': HWBus.USB,
-        'ide': HWBus.IDE,
-        'serio': HWBus.SERIAL,
-        }
-    def addChild(self, child):
-        """Add a child device and set the child's parent."""
-        assert type(child) == type(self)
-        self.children.append(child)
-        child.parent = self
-    # Translation of subclasses of the PCI class storage to HWBus
-    # enumerated buses. The Linux kernel accesses IDE and SATA disks
-    # and CDROM drives via the SCSI system; we want to know the real bus
-    # of the drive. See for example the file include/linux/pci_ids.h
-    # in the Linux kernel sources for a list of PCI device classes and
-    # subclasses. Note that the subclass 4 (RAID) is missing. While it
-    # may make sense to declare a RAID storage class for PCI devices,
-    # "RAID" does not tell us anything about the bus of the storage
-    # devices.
-    pci_storage_subclass_hwbus = {
-        0: HWBus.SCSI,
-        1: HWBus.IDE,
-        2: HWBus.FLOPPY,
-        3: HWBus.IPI,  # Intelligent Peripheral Interface.
-        5: HWBus.ATA,
-        6: HWBus.SATA,
-        7: HWBus.SAS,
-        }
-    @property
-    def device_id(self):
-        """A unique ID for this device."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def pci_class(self):
-        """The PCI device class of the device or None for Non-PCI devices."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def pci_subclass(self):
-        """The PCI device sub-class of the device or None for Non-PCI devices.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def usb_vendor_id(self):
-        """The USB vendor ID of the device or None for Non-USB devices."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def usb_product_id(self):
-        """The USB product ID of the device or None for Non-USB devices."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def scsi_vendor(self):
-        """The SCSI vendor name of the device or None for Non-SCSI devices."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def scsi_model(self):
-        """The SCSI model name of the device or None for Non-SCSI devices."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def vendor(self):
-        """The vendor of this device."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def product(self):
-        """The vendor of this device."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def vendor_id(self):
-        """The vendor ID of this device."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def product_id(self):
-        """The product ID of this device."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def vendor_id_for_db(self):
-        """The vendor ID in the representation needed for the HWDB tables.
-        USB and PCI IDs are represented in the database in hexadecimal,
-        while the IDs provided by HAL are integers.
-        The SCSI vendor name is right-padded with spaces to 8 bytes.
-        """
-        bus = self.raw_bus
-        format = DB_FORMAT_FOR_VENDOR_ID.get(bus)
-        if format is None:
-            return self.vendor_id
-        else:
-            return format % self.vendor_id
-    @property
-    def product_id_for_db(self):
-        """The product ID in the representation needed for the HWDB tables.
-        USB and PCI IDs are represented in the database in hexadecimal,
-        while the IDs provided by HAL are integers.
-        The SCSI product name is right-padded with spaces to 16 bytes.
-        """
-        bus = self.raw_bus
-        format = DB_FORMAT_FOR_PRODUCT_ID.get(bus)
-        if format is None:
-            return self.product_id
-        else:
-            return format % self.product_id
-    @property
-    def driver_name(self):
-        """The name of the driver contolling this device. May be None."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def scsi_controller(self):
-        """Return the SCSI host controller for this device."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def translateScsiBus(self):
-        """Return the real bus of a device where raw_bus=='scsi'.
-        The kernel uses the SCSI layer to access storage devices
-        connected via the USB, IDE, SATA buses. See `is_real_device`
-        for more details. This method determines the real bus
-        of a device accessed via the kernel's SCSI subsystem.
-        """
-        scsi_controller = self.scsi_controller
-        if scsi_controller is None:
-            return None
-        scsi_controller_bus = scsi_controller.raw_bus
-        if scsi_controller_bus == 'pci':
-            if (scsi_controller.pci_class != PCI_CLASS_STORAGE):
-                # This is not a storage class PCI device? This
-                # indicates a bug somewhere in HAL or in the hwdb
-                # client, or a fake submission.
-                device_class = scsi_controller.pci_class
-                self.parser._logWarning(
-                    'A (possibly fake) SCSI device %s is connected to '
-                    'PCI device %s that has the PCI device class %s; '
-                    'expected class 1 (storage).'
-                    % (self.device_id, scsi_controller.device_id,
-                       device_class))
-                return None
-            pci_subclass = scsi_controller.pci_subclass
-            return self.pci_storage_subclass_hwbus.get(pci_subclass)
-        elif scsi_controller_bus in ('usb', 'usb_interface'):
-            # USB storage devices have the following HAL device hierarchy:
-            # - HAL node for the USB device. info.bus == 'usb_device',
-            #   device class == 0, device subclass == 0
-            # - HAL node for the USB storage interface. info.bus == 'usb',
-            #   interface class 8, interface subclass 6
-            #   (see http://www.usb.org/developers/devclass_docs
-            #   /usb_msc_overview_1.2.pdf)
-            # - HAL node for the (fake) SCSI host. raw_bus is None
-            # - HAL node for the (fake) SCSI device. raw_bus == 'scsi'
-            # - HAL node for the mass storage device
-            #
-            # Physically, the storage device can be:
-            # (1) a genuine USB device, like a memory stick
-            # (2) a IDE/SATA hard disk, connected to a USB -> SATA/IDE
-            #     bridge
-            # (3) a card reader
-            # There is no formal way to distinguish cases (1) and (2):
-            # The device and interface classes are in both cases
-            # identical; the only way to figure out, if we have a USB
-            # hard disk enclosure or a USB memory stick would be to
-            # look at the vendor or product names, or to look up some
-            # external data sources. Of course, we can also ask the
-            # submitter in the future.
-            #
-            # The cases (1) and (2) differ from (3) in the property
-            # the property storage.removable. For (1) and (2), this
-            # property is False, for (3) it is True. Since we do not
-            # store at present any device characteristics in the HWDB,
-            # so there is no point to distinguish between (1), (2) on
-            # one side and (3) on the other side. Distinguishing
-            # between (1) and (2) might be more interesting, because
-            # a hard disk is clearly a separate device, but as written,
-            # it is hard to distinguish between (1) and (2)
-            #
-            # To sum up: we cannot get any interesting and reliable
-            # information about the details of USB storage device,
-            # so we'll treat those devices as "black boxes".
-            return None
-        else:
-            return HWBus.SCSI
-    def translatePciBus(self):
-        # Cardbus (aka PCCard, sometimes also incorrectly called
-        # PCMCIA) devices are treated as PCI devices by the kernel.
-        # We can detect PCCards by checking that the parent device
-        # is a PCI bridge (device class 6) for the Cardbus (device
-        # subclass 7).
-        # XXX Abel Deuring 2005-05-14 How can we detect ExpressCards?
-        # I do not have any such card at present...
-        parent_class = self.parent.pci_class
-        parent_subclass = self.parent.pci_subclass
-        if (parent_class == PCI_CLASS_BRIDGE
-            and parent_subclass == PCI_SUBCLASS_BRIDGE_CARDBUS):
-            return HWBus.PCCARD
-        else:
-            return HWBus.PCI
-    @property
-    def is_root_device(self):
-        """Return True is this is the root node of all devicese, else False.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def raw_bus(self):
-        """Return the device bus as specified by HAL or udev."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @property
-    def real_bus(self):
-        """Return the bus this device connects to on the host side.
-        :return: A bus as enumerated in HWBus or None, if the bus
-            cannot be determined.
-        """
-        device_bus = self.raw_bus
-        result = self.subsystem_hwbus.get(device_bus)
-        if result is not None:
-            return result
-        if device_bus in ('scsi', 'scsi_device'):
-            return self.translateScsiBus()
-        elif device_bus == 'pci':
-            return self.translatePciBus()
-        elif self.is_root_device:
-            # The computer itself. In Hardy, HAL provides no info.bus
-            # for the machine itself; older versions set info.bus to
-            # 'unknown', hence it is better to use the machine's
-            # UDI.
-            return HWBus.SYSTEM
-        else:
-            self.parser._logWarning(
-                'Unknown bus %r for device %s' % (device_bus, self.device_id))
-            return None
-    @property
-    def is_real_device(self):
-        """True, if the HAL device correspends to a real device.
-        In many cases HAL has more than one device entry for the
-        same physical device. We are only interested in real, physical,
-        devices but not in the fine details, how HAL represents different
-        aspects of them.
-        For example, the HAL device node hiearchy for a SATA disk and
-        its host controller looks like this:
-        HAL device node of the host controller
-            udi: .../pci_8086_27c5
-            HAL properties:
-                info.bus: pci
-                pci.device_class: 1 (storage)
-                pci.device_subclass: 6 (SATA)
-                info.linux.driver: ahci
-        HAL device node of the "output aspect" of the host controller
-            udi: .../pci_8086_27c5_scsi_host
-            HAL properties:
-                info.bus: n/a
-                info.driver: n/a
-                info.parent: .../pci_8086_27c5
-        HAL device node of a hard disk.
-            udi: .../pci_8086_27c5_scsi_host_scsi_device_lun0
-            HAL properties:
-                info.bus: scsi
-                info.driver: sd
-                info.parent: .../pci_8086_27c5_scsi_host
-        HAL device node of the "storage aspect" of the hard disk
-            udi: .../storage_serial_1ATA_Hitachi_HTS541616J9SA00_SB...
-            HAL properties
-                info.driver: n/a
-                info.parent: .../pci_8086_27c5_scsi_host_scsi_device_lun0
-        HAL device node of a disk partition:
-            udi: .../volume_uuid_0ee803cf_...
-            HAL properties
-                info.driver: n/a
-                info.parent: .../storage_serial_1ATA_Hitachi_HTS541616J...
-        (optionally more nodes for more partitions)
-        HAL device node of the "generic SCSI aspect" of the hard disk:
-            udi: .../pci_8086_27c5_scsi_host_scsi_device_lun0_scsi_generic
-                info.driver: n/a
-                info.parent: .../pci_8086_27c5_scsi_host_scsi_device_lun0
-        This disk is _not_ a SCSI disk, but a SATA disk. In other words,
-        the SCSI details are in this case just an artifact of the Linux
-        kernel, which uses its SCSI subsystem as a "central hub" to access
-        IDE, SATA, USB, IEEE1394 storage devices. The only interesting
-        detail for us is that the sd driver is involved in accesses to the
-        disk.
-        Heuristics:
-        - Most real devices have the property info.bus; we consider only
-          those devices to be real which have this property set.
-        - As written above, the SCSI bus often appears as an artifact;
-          for PCI host controllers, their properties pci.device_class
-          and pci.device_subclass tell us if we have a real SCSI host
-          controller: pci.device_class == 1 means a storage controller,
-          pci.device_subclass == 0 means a SCSI controller. This works
-          too for PCCard controllers, which use the PCI device class
-          numbers too.
-        - The value "usb_device" of the HAL property info.bus identifies
-          USB devices, with one exception: The USB host controller, which
-          itself has an info.bus property with the value "pci", has a
-          sub-device with info.bus='usb_device' for its "output aspect".
-          These sub-devices can be identified by the device class their
-          parent and by their USB vendor/product IDs, which are 0:0.
-        Several info.bus/info.subsystem values always relate to HAL nodes
-        which describe only "aspects" of physical devcies which are
-        represented by other HAL nodes:
-          - bus is None for a number of "virtual components", like
-            /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer_alsa_timer or
-            /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer_oss_sequencer, so
-            we ignore them. (The real sound devices appear with
-            other UDIs in HAL.)
-            XXX Abel Deuring 20080425: This ignores a few components
-            like laptop batteries or the CPU, where info.bus is None.
-            Since these components are not the most important ones
-            for the HWDB, we'll ignore them for now. Bug 237038.
-          - 'disk' is used udev submissions for a node related to the
-            sd or sr driver of (real or fake) SCSI block devices.
-          - info.bus == 'drm' is used by the HAL for the direct
-            rendering interface of a graphics card.
-          - info.bus == 'dvb' is used by HAL for the "input aspect"
-            of DVB receivers
-          - info.bus == 'memstick_host' is used by HAL for the "output aspect"
-            of memory sticks.
-          - info.bus == 'net' is used by the HAL version in
-            Intrepid for the "output aspects" of network devices.
-          - 'partition' is used in udev submissions for a node
-            related to disk partition
-          - 'scsi_disk' is used in udev submissions for a sub-node of
-            the real device node.
-            info.bus == 'scsi_generic' is used by the HAL version in
-            Intrepid for a HAL node representing the generic
-            interface of a SCSI device.
-            info.bus == 'scsi_host' is used by the HAL version in
-            Intrepid for real and "fake" SCSI host controllers.
-            (On Hardy, these nodes have no info.bus property.)
-            HAL nodes with this bus value are sub-nodes for the
-            "SCSI aspect" of another HAL node which represents the
-            real device.
-            'scsi_target' is used in udev data for SCSI target nodes,
-            the parent of a SCSI device (or LUN) node.
-            'spi_transport' (SCSI Parallel Transport) is used in
-            udev data for a sub-node of real SCSI devices.
-            info.bus == 'sound' is used by the HAL version in
-            Intrepid for "aspects" of sound devices.
-            info.bus == 'ssb' is used for "aspects" of Broadcom
-            Ethernet and WLAN devices, but like 'usb', they do not
-            represent separate devices.
-            info.bus == 'tty' is used for the "output aspect"
-            of serial output devices (RS232, modems etc). It appears
-            for USB and PCI devices as well as for legacy devices
-            like the 8250/16450/16550 controllers.
-            info.bus == 'usb' is used for end points of USB devices;
-            the root node of a USB device has info.bus == 'usb_device'.
-            'usb_interface' is used in udv submissions for interface
-            nodes of USB devices.
-            info.bus == 'video4linux' is used for the "input aspect"
-            of video devices.
-            'ac97' is used in submissions with udev data for a sub-node
-            of sound devices.
-            'hid' is used in submissions with udev data for a sub-node
-            of USB input devices.
-            'drm_minor', 'pci_express', 'tifm_adapter', 'gameport',
-            'spi_host', 'tifm', 'wlan' are used in submissions with
-            udev data for sub-nodes of PCI devices.
-            'pcmcia_socket' is used in submissions with udev data for
-            a sub-node of PC Card and PCMCIA bridges.
-            'ieee80211'  is used in submissions with udev data for
-            sub-nodes IEEE 802.11 WLAN devices.
-            'host', 'link' are used in submissions with udev data for
-            sub.nodes of bluetooth devices.
-            'usb_host' and 'usbmon' are used in submissions with udev
-            data for sub-nodes of USB controllers.
-            'usb_endpoint', 'usb-serial', 'lirc' are used in
-            submissions with udev data for sub-nodes of USB devices.
-            'enclosure' is used in submissions with udev data for a
-            sub.node of SCSI devices.
-            'graphics' is used  in submissions with udev data for a
-            sub-node of graphics cards.
-            'hwmon' is is used  in submissions with udev data in
-            many sub-nodes.
-            'sas_phy', 'sas_device', 'sas_end_device', 'sas_port',
-            'sas_host' is used in submissions with udev data for
-            details of SAS controllers.
-            'mISDN' is used  in submissions with udev data for the
-            I/O aspects of ISDN adapters.
-            'pvrusb2' is used  in submissions with udev data for the
-            input aspect of some DVB adapters.
-            'memstick' is used  in submissions with udev data for the
-            I/O aspect of memory stick controllers.
-            'bttv-sub' is used  in submissions with udev data for the
-            I/O aspects of some TV receivers.
-            'scsi_tape' is used  in submissions with udev data for
-            details of SCSI tape drives.
-            """
-        # The root node is always a real device, but its raw_bus
-        # property can have different values: None or 'Unknown' in
-        # submissions with HAL data, 'acpi' for submissions with udev
-        # data.
-        if self.is_root_device:
-            return True
-        bus = self.raw_bus
-        # This set of buses is only used once; it's easier to have it
-        # here than to put it elsewhere and have to document its
-        # location and purpose.
-        if bus in (None, 'ac97', 'bttv-sub', 'disk', 'drm', 'drm_minor',
-                   'dvb', 'enclosure', 'gameport', 'graphics', 'hid', 'host',
-                   'hwmon', 'ieee80211', 'link', 'lirc', 'mISDN', 'memstick',
-                   'memstick_host', 'net', 'partition', 'pci_express',
-                   'pcmcia_socket', 'pvrusb2', 'sas_device', 'sas_end_device',
-                   'sas_host', 'sas_phy', 'sas_port', 'scsi_disk',
-                   'scsi_generic', 'scsi_host', 'scsi_tape', 'scsi_target',
-                   'sound', 'spi_host', 'spi_transport', 'ssb', 'tifm',
-                   'tifm_adapter', 'tty', 'usb', 'usb-serial', 'usb_endpoint',
-                   'usb_host', 'usb_interface', 'usbmon', 'video4linux',
-                   'wlan'):
-            return False
-        elif bus == 'usb_device':
-            vendor_id = self.usb_vendor_id
-            product_id = self.usb_product_id
-            if vendor_id == 0 and product_id == 0:
-                # double-check: The parent device should be a PCI host
-                # controller, identifiable by its device class and subclass.
-                # XXX Abel Deuring 2008-04-28 Bug=237039: This ignores other
-                # possible bridges, like ISA->USB..
-                parent = self.parent
-                parent_bus = parent.raw_bus
-                parent_class = parent.pci_class
-                parent_subclass = parent.pci_subclass
-                if (parent_bus == 'pci'
-                    and parent_class == PCI_CLASS_SERIALBUS_CONTROLLER
-                    and parent_subclass == PCI_SUBCLASS_SERIALBUS_USB):
-                    return False
-                else:
-                    self.parser._logWarning(
-                        'USB device found with vendor ID==0, product ID==0, '
-                        'where the parent device does not look like a USB '
-                        'host controller: %s' % self.device_id)
-                    return False
-            return True
-        elif bus in ('scsi', 'scsi_device'):
-            # Ensure consistency with HALDevice.real_bus
-            return self.real_bus is not None
-        else:
-            return True
-    def getRealChildren(self):
-        """Return the list of real child devices of this devices.
-        The list of real child devices consists of the direct child
-        devices of this device where child.is_real_device == True, and
-        of the (recursively collected) list of real sub-devices of
-        those child devices where child.is_real_device == False.
-        """
-        result = []
-        for sub_device in self.children:
-            if sub_device.is_real_device:
-                # XXX Abel Deuring 2008-05-06: IEEE1394 devices are a bit
-                # nasty: The standard does not define any specification
-                # for product IDs or product names, hence HAL often
-                # uses the value 0 for the property ieee1394.product_id
-                # and a value like "Unknown (0x00d04b)" for
-                # ieee.product, where 0x00d04b is the vendor ID. I have
-                # currently no idea how to find or generate something
-                # that could be used as the product ID, so IEEE1394
-                # devices are at present simply dropped from the list of
-                # devices. Otherwise, we'd pollute the HWDB with
-                # unreliable data. Bug 237044.
-                if sub_device.raw_bus != 'ieee1394':
-                    result.append(sub_device)
-            else:
-                result.extend(sub_device.getRealChildren())
-        return result
-    @property
-    def has_reliable_data(self):
-        """Can this device be stored in the HWDB?
-        Devices are identifed by (bus, vendor_id, product_id).
-        At present we cannot generate reliable vendor and/or product
-        IDs for devices with the following values of the HAL
-        property info.bus resp. info.subsystem.
-        info.bus == 'backlight' is used by the HAL version in
-        Intrepid for the LC display. Useful vendor and product names
-        are not available.
-        info.bus == 'bluetooth': HAL does not provide any vendor/product
-        ID data, so we can't store these devices in HWDevice.
-        info.bus == 'input' is used by the HAL version in
-        Intrepid for quite different devices like keyboards, mice,
-        special laptop switches and buttons, sometimes with odd
-        product names like "Video Bus".
-        info.bus == 'misc' and info.bus == 'unknown' are obviously
-        not very useful, except for the computer itself, which has
-        the bus 'unknown'.
-        info.bus in ('mmc', 'mmc_host') is used for SD/MMC cards resp.
-        the "output aspect" of card readers. We do not not have at
-        present enough background information to properly extract a
-        vendor and product ID from these cards.
-        info.bus == 'platform' is used for devices like the i8042
-        which controls keyboard and mouse; HAL has no vendor
-        information for these devices, so there is no point to
-        treat them as real devices.
-        info.bus == 'pnp' is used for components like the ancient
-        AT DMA controller or the keyboard. Like for the bus
-        'platform', HAL does not provide any vendor data.
-        info.bus == 'power_supply' is used by the HAL version in
-        Intrepid for AC adapters an laptop batteries. We don't have
-        at present enough information about possible problems with
-        missing vendor/product information in order to store the
-        data reliably in the HWDB.
-        raw_bus == 'acpi' is used in udev data for the main system,
-        for CPUs, power supply etc. Except for the main sytsem, none
-        of them provides a vendor or product id, so we ignore them.
-        raw_bus == 'video_output', 'thermal', 'vtconsole', 'bdi',
-        'mem', 'ppp', 'vc', 'dmi', 'hidraw', 'hwmon', 'heci', 'rfkill',
-        'i2c-adapter', 'ttm', 'ppdev', 'printer', 'cardman_4040', 'msr',
-        'ieee1394_protocol', 'dahdi', 'atm', 'asus_oled', 'pktcdvd' is
-        used in submissions with udev data for virtual devices.
-        'pci_bus' is used in submissions with udev data for a node
-        describing a PCI bus.
-        'leds' is used in submissions with udev data to describe LEDs.
-        XXX Abel Deuring 2008-05-06: IEEE1394 devices are a bit
-        nasty: The standard does not define any specification
-        for product IDs or product names, hence HAL often uses
-        the value 0 for the property ieee1394.product_id and a
-        value like "Unknown (0x00d04b)" for ieee.product, where
-        0x00d04b is the vendor ID. I have currently no idea how
-        to find or generate something that could be used as the
-        product ID, so IEEE1394 devices are at present simply
-        not stored in the HWDB. Otherwise, we'd pollute the HWDB
-        with unreliable data. Bug #237044.
-        While PCMCIA devices have a manufacturer ID, at least its
-        value as provided by HAL in pcmcia.manf_id it is not very
-        reliable. The HAL property pcmcia.prod_id1 is too not
-        reliable. Sometimes it contains a useful vendor name like
-        "O2Micro" or "ATMEL", but sometimes useless values like
-        "IEEE 802.11b". See for example
-        drivers/net/wireless/atmel_cs.c in the Linux kernel sources.
-        Provided that a device is not excluded by the above criteria,
-        ensure that we have vendor ID, product ID and product name.
-        """
-        bus = self.raw_bus
-        if bus in ('unknown', 'acpi') and not self.is_root_device:
-            # The root node is course a real device; storing data
-            # about other devices with the bus "unkown" is pointless.
-            return False
-        if bus in ('asus_oled', 'atm', 'backlight', 'bdi', 'bluetooth',
-                    'cardman_4040', 'dahdi', 'dmi', 'heci', 'hidraw', 'hwmon',
-                   'i2c-adapter', 'ieee1394', 'ieee1394_protocol', 'input',
-                   'leds', 'mem', 'misc', 'mmc', 'mmc_host', 'msr', 'pci_bus',
-                   'pcmcia', 'pktcdvd', 'platform', 'pnp', 'power_supply',
-                   'ppdev', 'ppp', 'printer', 'rfkill', 'thermal', 'ttm',
-                   'vc', 'video_output', 'vtconsole'):
-            return False
-        # We identify devices by bus, vendor ID and product ID;
-        # additionally, we need a product name. If any of these
-        # are not available, we can't store information for this
-        # device.
-        if (self.real_bus is None or self.vendor_id is None
-            or self.product_id is None or self.product is None):
-            # Many IDE devices don't provide useful vendor and product
-            # data. We don't want to clutter the log with warnings
-            # about this problem -- there is nothing we can do to fix
-            # it.
-            if self.real_bus != HWBus.IDE:
-                self.parser._logWarning(
-                    'A %s that is supposed to be a real device does '
-                    'not provide bus, vendor ID, product ID or product name: '
-                    '%r %r %r %r %s'
-                    % (self.__class__.__name__, self.real_bus, self.vendor_id,
-                       self.product_id, self.product, self.device_id),
-                    self.parser.submission_key)
-            return False
-        return True
-    def getScsiVendorAndModelName(self):
-        """Separate vendor and model name of SCSI decvices.
-        SCSI devcies are identified by an 8 charcter vendor name
-        and an 16 character model name. The Linux kernel use the
-        the SCSI command set to access block devices connected
-        via USB, IEEE1394 and ATA buses too.
-        For ATA disks, the Linux kernel sets the vendor name to "ATA"
-        and prepends the model name with the real vendor name, but only
-        if the combined length if not larger than 16. Otherwise the
-        real vendor name is omitted.
-        This method provides a safe way to retrieve the  the SCSI vendor
-        and model name.
-        If the vendor name is 'ATA', and if the model name contains
-        at least one ' ' character, the string before the first ' ' is
-        returned as the vendor name, and the string after the first
-        ' ' is returned as the model name.
-        In all other cases, vendor and model name are returned unmodified.
-        """
-        vendor = self.scsi_vendor
-        if vendor == 'ATA':
-            # The assumption below that the vendor name does not
-            # contain any spaces is not necessarily correct, but
-            # it is hard to find a better heuristic to separate
-            # the vendor name from the product name.
-            splitted_name = self.scsi_model.split(' ', 1)
-            if len(splitted_name) == 2:
-                return {
-                    'vendor': splitted_name[0],
-                    'product': splitted_name[1],
-                    }
-        return {
-            'vendor': vendor,
-            'product': self.scsi_model,
-            }
-    def getDriver(self):
-        """Return the HWDriver instance associated with this device.
-        Create a HWDriver record, if it does not already exist.
-        """
-        # HAL and the HWDB client know at present only about kernel
-        # drivers, so there is currently no need to search for
-        # for user space printer drivers, for example.
-        if self.driver_name is not None:
-            db_driver_set = getUtility(IHWDriverSet)
-            return db_driver_set.getOrCreate(
-                self.parser.kernel_package_name, self.driver_name)
-        else:
-            return None
-    def ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists(self):
-        """Ensure that a useful HWVendorID record for self.vendor_id exists.
-        A vendor ID is associated with a vendor name. For many devices
-        we rely on the information from the submission to create this
-        association in the HWVendorID table.
-        We do _not_ use the submitted vendor name for USB, PCI and
-        PCCard devices, because we can get them from independent
-        sources. See l/c/l/doc/hwdb-device-tables.txt.
-        """
-        bus = self.real_bus
-        if (self.vendor is not None and
-            bus not in (HWBus.PCI, HWBus.PCCARD, HWBus.USB)):
-            hw_vendor_id_set = getUtility(IHWVendorIDSet)
-            hw_vendor_id = hw_vendor_id_set.getByBusAndVendorID(
-                bus, self.vendor_id_for_db)
-            if hw_vendor_id is None:
-                hw_vendor_name_set = getUtility(IHWVendorNameSet)
-                hw_vendor_name = hw_vendor_name_set.getByName(self.vendor)
-                if hw_vendor_name is None:
-                    hw_vendor_name = hw_vendor_name_set.create(self.vendor)
-                hw_vendor_id_set.create(
-                    self.real_bus, self.vendor_id_for_db, hw_vendor_name)
-    def createDBData(self, submission, parent_submission_device):
-        """Create HWDB records for this HAL device and its children.
-        A HWDevice record for (bus, vendor ID, product ID) of this
-        device and a HWDeviceDriverLink record (device, None) are
-        created, if they do not already exist.
-        A HWSubmissionDevice record is created for (HWDeviceDriverLink,
-        submission).
-        HWSubmissionDevice records and missing HWDeviceDriverLink
-        records for known drivers of this device are created.
-        createDBData is called recursively for all real child devices.
-        This method may only be called, if self.real_device == True.
-        """
-        assert self.is_real_device, ('HALDevice.createDBData must be called '
-                                     'for real devices only.')
-        if not self.has_reliable_data:
-            return
-        bus = self.real_bus
-        vendor_id = self.vendor_id_for_db
-        product_id = self.product_id_for_db
-        product_name = self.product
-        self.ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists()
-        db_device = getUtility(IHWDeviceSet).getOrCreate(
-            bus, vendor_id, product_id, product_name)
-        # Create a HWDeviceDriverLink record without an associated driver
-        # for each real device. This will allow us to relate tests and
-        # bugs to a device in general as well as to a specific
-        # combination of a device and a driver.
-        device_driver_link = getUtility(IHWDeviceDriverLinkSet).getOrCreate(
-            db_device, None)
-        submission_device = getUtility(IHWSubmissionDeviceSet).create(
-            device_driver_link, submission, parent_submission_device,
-            self.id)
-        self.createDBDriverData(submission, db_device, submission_device)
-    def createDBDriverData(self, submission, db_device, submission_device):
-        """Create HWDB records for drivers of this device and its children.
-        This method creates HWDeviceDriverLink and HWSubmissionDevice
-        records for this device and its children.
-        """
-        driver = self.getDriver()
-        if driver is not None:
-            device_driver_link_set = getUtility(IHWDeviceDriverLinkSet)
-            device_driver_link = device_driver_link_set.getOrCreate(
-                db_device, driver)
-            submission_device = getUtility(IHWSubmissionDeviceSet).create(
-                device_driver_link, submission, submission_device, self.id)
-        for sub_device in self.children:
-            if sub_device.is_real_device:
-                sub_device.createDBData(submission, submission_device)
-            else:
-                sub_device.createDBDriverData(submission, db_device,
-                                              submission_device)
-class HALDevice(BaseDevice):
-    """The representation of a HAL device node."""
-    def __init__(self, id, udi, properties, parser):
-        """HALDevice constructor.
-        :param id: The ID of the HAL device in the submission data as
-            specified in <device id=...>.
-        :type id: int
-        :param udi: The UDI of the HAL device.
-        :type udi: string
-        :param properties: The HAL properties of the device.
-        :type properties: dict
-        :param parser: The parser processing a submission.
-        :type parser: SubmissionParser
-        """
-        super(HALDevice, self).__init__(parser)
-        self.id = id
-        self.udi = udi
-        self.properties = properties
-    def getProperty(self, property_name):
-        """Return the HAL property property_name.
-        Note that there is no check of the property type.
-        """
-        if property_name not in self.properties:
-            return None
-        name, type_ = self.properties[property_name]
-        return name
-    @property
-    def parent_udi(self):
-        """The UDI of the parent device."""
-        return self.getProperty('info.parent')
-    @property
-    def device_id(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.udi
-    @property
-    def pci_class(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getProperty('pci.device_class')
-    @property
-    def pci_subclass(self):
-        """The PCI device sub-class of the device or None for Non-PCI devices.
-        """
-        return self.getProperty('pci.device_subclass')
-    @property
-    def usb_vendor_id(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getProperty('usb_device.vendor_id')
-    @property
-    def usb_product_id(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getProperty('usb_device.product_id')
-    @property
-    def scsi_vendor(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getProperty('scsi.vendor')
-    @property
-    def scsi_model(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getProperty('scsi.model')
-    @property
-    def driver_name(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getProperty('info.linux.driver')
-    @property
-    def raw_bus(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        # Older versions of HAL stored this value in the property
-        # info.bus; newer versions store it in info.subsystem.
-        #
-        # Note that info.bus is gone for all devices except the
-        # USB bus. For USB devices, the property info.bus returns more
-        # detailed data: info.subsystem has the value 'usb' for all
-        # HAL nodes belonging to USB devices, while info.bus has the
-        # value 'usb_device' for the root node of a USB device, and the
-        # value 'usb' for sub-nodes of a USB device. We use these
-        # different value to to find the root USB device node, hence
-        # try to read info.bus first.
-        result = self.getProperty('info.bus')
-        if result is not None:
-            return result
-        return self.getProperty('info.subsystem')
-    @property
-    def is_root_device(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.udi == ROOT_UDI
-    def getVendorOrProduct(self, type_):
-        """Return the vendor or product of this device.
-        :return: The vendor or product data for this device.
-        :param type_: 'vendor' or 'product'
-        """
-        # HAL does not store vendor data very consistently. Try to find
-        # the data in several places.
-        assert type_ in ('vendor', 'product'), (
-            'Unexpected value of type_: %r' % type_)
-        bus = self.raw_bus
-        if self.udi == ROOT_UDI:
-            # HAL sets info.product to "Computer", provides no property
-            # info.vendor and raw_bus is "unknown", hence the logic
-            # below does not work properly.
-            return self.getProperty('system.hardware.' + type_)
-        elif bus == 'scsi':
-            return self.getScsiVendorAndModelName()[type_]
-        else:
-            result = self.getProperty('info.' + type_)
-            if result is None:
-                if bus is None:
-                    return None
-                else:
-                    return self.getProperty('%s.%s' % (bus, type_))
-            else:
-                return result
-    @property
-    def vendor(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getVendorOrProduct('vendor')
-    @property
-    def product(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getVendorOrProduct('product')
-    def getVendorOrProductID(self, type_):
-        """Return the vendor or product ID for this device.
-        :return: The vendor or product ID for this device.
-        :param type_: 'vendor' or 'product'
-        """
-        assert type_ in ('vendor', 'product'), (
-            'Unexpected value of type_: %r' % type_)
-        bus = self.raw_bus
-        if self.udi == ROOT_UDI:
-            # HAL does not provide IDs for a system itself, we use the
-            # vendor resp. product name instead.
-            return self.getVendorOrProduct(type_)
-        elif bus is None:
-            return None
-        elif bus == 'scsi' or self.udi == ROOT_UDI:
-            # The SCSI specification does not distinguish between a
-            # vendor/model ID and vendor/model name: the SCSI INQUIRY
-            # command returns an 8 byte string as the vendor name and
-            # a 16 byte string as the model name. We use these strings
-            # as the vendor/product name as well as the vendor/product
-            # ID.
-            #
-            # Similary, HAL does not provide a vendor or product ID
-            # for the host system itself, so we use the vendor resp.
-            # product name as the vendor/product ID for systems too.
-            return self.getVendorOrProduct(type_)
-        else:
-            return self.getProperty('%s.%s_id' % (bus, type_))
-    @property
-    def vendor_id(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getVendorOrProductID('vendor')
-    @property
-    def product_id(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getVendorOrProductID('product')
-    @property
-    def scsi_controller(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        # While SCSI devices from valid submissions should have a
-        # parent and a grandparent, we can't be sure for bogus or
-        # broken submissions.
-        if self.raw_bus != 'scsi':
-            return None
-        parent = self.parent
-        if parent is None:
-            self.parser._logWarning(
-                'Found SCSI device without a parent: %s.' % self.device_id)
-            return None
-        grandparent = parent.parent
-        if grandparent is None:
-            self.parser._logWarning(
-                'Found SCSI device without a grandparent: %s.'
-                % self.device_id)
-            return None
-        return grandparent
-class UdevDevice(BaseDevice):
-    """The representation of a udev device node."""
-    def __init__(self, parser, udev_data, sysfs_data=None, dmi_data=None):
-        """HALDevice constructor.
-        :param udevdata: The udev data for this device
-        :param sysfs_data: sysfs data for this device.
-        :param parser: The parser processing a submission.
-        :type parser: SubmissionParser
-        """
-        super(UdevDevice, self).__init__(parser)
-        self.udev = udev_data
-        self.sysfs = sysfs_data
-        self.dmi = dmi_data
-    @property
-    def device_id(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.udev['P']
-    @property
-    def root_device_ids(self):
-        """The vendor and product IDs of the root device."""
-        return {
-            'vendor': self.dmi.get('/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor'),
-            'product': self.dmi.get('/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name')
-            }
-    @property
-    def is_pci(self):
-        """True, if this is a PCI device, else False."""
-        return self.udev['E'].get('SUBSYSTEM') == 'pci'
-    @property
-    def pci_class_info(self):
-        """Parse the udev property PCI_SUBSYS_ID.
-        :return: (PCI class, PCI sub-class, version) for a PCI device
-            or (None, None, None) for other devices.
-        """
-        if self.is_pci:
-            # SubmissionParser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData() ensures
-            # that PCI_CLASS is a 24 bit integer in hexadecimal
-            # representation.
-            # Bits 16..23 of the number are the man PCI class,
-            # bits 8..15 are the sub-class, bits 0..7 are the version.
-            class_info = int(self.udev['E']['PCI_CLASS'], 16)
-            return (class_info >> 16, (class_info >> 8) & 0xFF,
-                    class_info & 0xFF)
-        else:
-            return (None, None, None)
-    @property
-    def pci_class(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.pci_class_info[0]
-    @property
-    def pci_subclass(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.pci_class_info[1]
-    @property
-    def pci_ids(self):
-        """The PCI vendor and product IDs.
-        :return: A dictionary containing the vendor and product IDs.
-            The IDs are set to None for Non-PCI devices.
-        """
-        if self.is_pci:
-            # SubmissionParser.checkUdevPciProperties() ensures that
-            # each PCI device has the property PCI_ID and that is
-            # consists of two 4-digit hexadecimal numbers, separated
-            # by a ':'.
-            id_string = self.udev['E']['PCI_ID']
-            ids = id_string.split(':')
-            return {
-                'vendor': int(ids[0], 16),
-                'product': int(ids[1], 16),
-                }
-        else:
-            return  {
-                'vendor': None,
-                'product': None,
-                }
-    @property
-    def is_usb(self):
-        """True, if this is a USB device, else False."""
-        return self.udev['E'].get('SUBSYSTEM') == 'usb'
-    @property
-    def usb_ids(self):
-        """The vendor ID, product ID, product version for USB devices.
-        :return: A dictionary containing the vendor and product IDs and
-            the product version for USB devices.
-            The IDs are set to None for Non-USB devices.
-        """
-        if self.is_usb:
-            # udev represents USB device IDs as strings
-            # vendor_id/product_id/version, where each part is
-            # a hexadecimal number.
-            # SubmissionParser.checkUdevUsbProperties() ensures that
-            # the string PRODUCT is in the format required below.
-            product_info = self.udev['E']['PRODUCT'].split('/')
-            return {
-                'vendor': int(product_info[0], 16),
-                'product': int(product_info[1], 16),
-                'version': int(product_info[2], 16),
-                }
-        else:
-            return {
-                'vendor': None,
-                'product': None,
-                'version': None,
-                }
-    @property
-    def usb_vendor_id(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.usb_ids['vendor']
-    @property
-    def usb_product_id(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.usb_ids['product']
-    @property
-    def is_scsi_device(self):
-        """True, if this is a SCSI device, else False."""
-        # udev sets the property SUBSYSTEM to "scsi" for a number of
-        # different nodes: SCSI hosts, SCSI targets and SCSI devices.
-        # They are distiguished by the property DEVTYPE.
-        # Hack for broken submissions from Lucid, Maverick and Natty:
-        # If we don't have sysfs information, pretend that no SCSI
-        # related node corresponds to a real device.
-        # See also bug 835103.
-        if self.sysfs is None:
-            return False
-        properties = self.udev['E']
-        return (properties.get('SUBSYSTEM') == 'scsi' and
-                properties.get('DEVTYPE') == 'scsi_device')
-    @property
-    def scsi_vendor(self):
-        """The SCSI vendor name of the device or None for Non-SCSI devices."""
-        if self.is_scsi_device:
-            # SubmissionParser.checkUdevScsiProperties() ensures that
-            # each SCSI device has a record in self.sysfs and that
-            # the attribute 'vendor' exists.
-            return self.sysfs['vendor']
-        else:
-            return None
-    @property
-    def scsi_model(self):
-        """The SCSI model name of the device or None for Non-SCSI devices."""
-        if self.is_scsi_device:
-            # SubmissionParser.checkUdevScsiProperties() ensures that
-            # each SCSI device has a record in self.sysfs and that
-            # the attribute 'model' exists.
-            return self.sysfs['model']
-        else:
-            return None
-    @property
-    def raw_bus(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        # udev specifies the property SUBSYSTEM for most devices;
-        # some devices have additionally the more specific property
-        # DEVTYPE. DEVTYPE is preferable.
-        # The root device has the subsystem/bus value "acpi", which
-        # is a bit nonsensical.
-        if self.is_root_device:
-            return None
-        properties = self.udev['E']
-        devtype = properties.get('DEVTYPE')
-        if devtype is not None:
-            return devtype
-        subsystem = properties.get('SUBSYSTEM')
-        # A real mess: The main node of a SCSI device has
-        # SUBSYSTEM = 'scsi' and DEVTYPE = 'scsi_device', while
-        # a sub-node has SUBSYSTEM='scsi_device'. We don't want
-        # the two to be confused. The latter node is not of any
-        # interest for us, so we return None. This ensures that
-        # is_real_device returns False for the sub-node.
-        if subsystem != 'scsi_device':
-            return subsystem
-        else:
-            return None
-    @property
-    def is_root_device(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.udev['P'] == UDEV_ROOT_PATH
-    def getVendorOrProduct(self, type_):
-        """Return the vendor or product of this device.
-        :return: The vendor or product data for this device.
-        :param type_: 'vendor' or 'product'
-        """
-        assert type_ in ('vendor', 'product'), (
-            'Unexpected value of type_: %r' % type_)
-        bus = self.raw_bus
-        if self.is_root_device:
-            # udev does not known about any product information for
-            # the root device. We use DMI data instead.
-            return self.root_device_ids[type_]
-        elif bus == 'scsi_device':
-            return self.getScsiVendorAndModelName()[type_]
-        elif bus in ('pci', 'usb_device'):
-            # XXX Abel Deuring 2009-10-13, bug 450480: udev does not
-            # provide human-readable vendor and product names for
-            # USB and PCI devices. We should retrieve these from
-            # http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids and
-            # http://pciids.sourceforge.net/v2.2/pci.ids
-            return 'Unknown'
-        else:
-            # We don't process yet other devices than complete systems,
-            # PCI, USB devices and those devices that are represented
-            # in udev as SCSI devices: real SCSI devices, and
-            # IDE/ATA/SATA devices.
-            return None
-    @property
-    def vendor(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getVendorOrProduct('vendor')
-    @property
-    def product(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getVendorOrProduct('product')
-    def getVendorOrProductID(self, type_):
-        """Return the vendor or product ID of this device.
-        :return: The vendor or product ID for this device.
-        :param type_: 'vendor' or 'product'
-        """
-        assert type_ in ('vendor', 'product'), (
-            'Unexpected value of type_: %r' % type_)
-        bus = self.raw_bus
-        if self.is_root_device:
-            # udev does not known about any product information for
-            # the root device. We use DMI data instead.
-            if type_ == 'vendor':
-                return self.dmi.get('/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor')
-            else:
-                return self.dmi.get('/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name')
-        elif bus == 'scsi_device':
-            return self.getScsiVendorAndModelName()[type_]
-        elif bus == 'pci':
-            return self.pci_ids[type_]
-        elif bus == 'usb_device':
-            return self.usb_ids[type_]
-        else:
-            # We don't process yet other devices than complete systems,
-            # PCI, USB devices and those devices that are represented
-            # in udev as SCSI devices: real SCSI devices, and
-            # IDE/ATA/SATA devices.
-            return None
-    @property
-    def vendor_id(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getVendorOrProductID('vendor')
-    @property
-    def product_id(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.getVendorOrProductID('product')
-    @property
-    def driver_name(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        return self.udev['E'].get('DRIVER')
-    @property
-    def scsi_controller(self):
-        """See `BaseDevice`."""
-        if self.raw_bus != 'scsi_device':
-            return None
-        # While SCSI devices from valid submissions should have four
-        # ancestors, we can't be sure for bogus or broken submissions.
-        try:
-            controller = self.parent.parent.parent
-        except AttributeError:
-            controller = None
-        if controller is None:
-            self.parser._logWarning(
-                'Found a SCSI device without a sufficient number of '
-                'ancestors: %s' % self.device_id)
-            return None
-        return controller
-    @property
-    def id(self):
-        return self.udev['id']
diff --git a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/__init__.py b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/hardwaretest-natty.xml b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/hardwaretest-natty.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d09d178..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/hardwaretest-natty.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<system version="1.0">
-  <!-- Reports coming from the checkbox version in Natty do not
-       have the tags <udev> and <dmi> inside <hardware>. Instead,
-       they store the data expected in these tags in the tags
-       <info command="udevadm info - -export-db"> and
-       <info command="grep -r . /sys/class/dmi/id/ 2&gt;/dev/null">
-       inside <
-  -->
-  <!-- summary: generic information about the submission -->
-  <summary>
-    <!-- live_cd: Was this submission made on a system running an Ubuntu Live
-             CD or on a regular Ubuntu/Linux installation?
-    -->
-    <live_cd value="False"/>
-    <!-- system_id: A hash of the "system identifier". This value is intended
-             to identify the tested computer model; the value should
-             be derived from the properties
-             system.product, system.vendor of the HAL UDI
-             /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer.
-    -->
-    <system_id value="f982bb1ab536469cebfd6eaadcea0ffc"/>
-    <!-- distribution, distroseries: These values are retrieved from
-             /etc/lsb-release, parameters DISTRIB_ID and DISTRIB_RELEASE.
-    -->
-    <distribution value="Ubuntu"/>
-    <distroseries value="7.04"/>
-    <!-- architecture: The processor architecture of the operating system.
-    -->
-    <architecture value="amd64"/>
-    <!-- private: If False, this submission is publicly accessible from
-             Launchpad, else it is only accesible by the submitter, by
-             Launchpad administrators and by scripts running with
-             administrator rights. Submissions marked "private" should
-             only be used to gather statistical data.
-    -->
-    <private value="False"/>
-    <!-- contactable: If True, the owner agrees to be contacted by other
-             persons about devices which appear in their submission.
-             Example of a use case: Developers can ask device owners
-             to perform tests.
-    -->
-    <contactable value="False"/>
-    <!-- date_created: Date and time (UTC) of the submission.
-    -->
-    <date_created value="2007-09-28T16:09:20.126842"/>
-    <!-- client: The name and version of the program that created the
-             submission data.
-    -->
-    <client name="hwtest" version="0.9">
-      <!-- plugin: name and version of a plugin used by the client.
-               This tag may appear more than once.
-      -->
-      <plugin name="architecture_info" version="1.1"/>
-      <plugin name="find_network_controllers" version="2.34"/>
-      <plugin name="internet_ping" version="1.1"/>
-      <plugin name="harddisk_speed" version="0.7"/>
-    </client>
-    <!-- The kernel name and version, as shown by "uname -r"
-    -->
-    <kernel-release value="2.6.28-14-generic"/>
-  </summary>
-  <!-- hardware: data about the hardware the submission was made on.
-  -->
-  <hardware>
-    <!-- udev: The output of running "udevadm info - -export-db" -->
-    <!-- Additional data for SCSI devices: vendor, model, type
-         For each udev node which has DEVTYPE=scsi_device, we need
-         the content of the sysfs files vendor, model, type. The data
-         is stored in the same format as the DMI data:
-         /path/to/file:filecontent
-    -->
-    <sysfs-attributes>
-P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0
-A: modalias=input:b0019v0000p0001e0000-e0,1,k74,ramlsfw
-A: uniq=
-A: phys=LNXPWRBN/button/input0
-A: name=Power Button
-P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0A08:00/device:03/input/input8
-A: modalias=input:b0019v0000p0006e0000-e0,1,kE0,E1,E3,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,ramlsfw
-A: uniq=
-A: phys=/video/input0
-A: name=Video Bus
-    <!-- processors: Data about processors installed in a system.
-             The data is retrieved from /proc/cpuinfo.
-    -->
-    <processors>
-      <!-- processor: Data from /proc/cpuinfo about a single processor.
-      -->
-      <processor id="123" name="0">
-        <!-- property: The data of one line of /proc/cpuinfo.
-                 attribute name: The name of the property
-                     (the text left of the ':' in a line of /proc/cpuinfo)
-                 attribute type: A Python type appropriate for the value.
-        -->
-        <property name="wp" type="bool">
-                True
-        </property>
-        <property name="flags" type="list">
-          <value type="str">
-                  fpu
-          </value>
-          <value type="str">
-                  vme
-          </value>
-          <value type="str">
-                  de
-          </value>
-        </property>
-        <property name="cpu_mhz" type="float">
-                1000.0
-        </property>
-      </processor>
-    </processors>
-      <!-- aliases: optional data provided by the user:
-               The name of a peripheral, PCI card etc as shown by a label on
-               the device. OEM devices are often sold under different names
-               by different vendors; having a set of alias names for a device
-               allows users of the HWDB to search for information by these
-               "marketing names".
-      -->
-    <aliases>
-      <!-- alias: The "label name" of a device or system.
-               attribute target: The sysfs path of a device as given
-               in <udev>.
-      -->
-      <alias target="/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0">
-        <!-- vendor: The vendor name shown on the device label.
-        -->
-        <vendor>Medion</vendor>
-        <!-- model: The model name of shown on the label.
-        -->
-        <model>QuickPrint 9876</model>
-      </alias>
-    </aliases>
-  </hardware>
-  <!-- software: Data about the software installed on the system.
-  -->
-  <software>
-    <!-- lsbrelease: The data from /etc/lsb-release.
-    -->
-    <lsbrelease>
-      <!-- property: the data from one line of /etc/lsb-release.
-               attribute type: A Python type appropriate for this
-                   property (str).
-      -->
-      <property name="release" type="str">
-              7.04
-      </property>
-      <property name="codename" type="str">
-              feisty
-      </property>
-      <property name="distributor-id" type="str">
-              Ubuntu
-      </property>
-      <property name="description" type="str">
-              Ubuntu 7.04
-      </property>
-      <property name="dict_example" type="dict">
-          <value name="a" type="str">value for key a</value>
-          <value name="b" type="int">1234</value>
-      </property>
-    </lsbrelease>
-    <!-- packages: Data about the installed software packages.
-    -->
-    <packages>
-      <!-- package: Data about a single package.
-               The <property> sub-tags contain the DEB properties
-               "name", "priority", "section", "source", "version",
-               "installed_size", "size", "summary".
-               XXX Abel Deuring 2007-12-12: What about submissions
-               from RPM-based Linux versions? (And "exotic" variants
-               like Gentoo?)
-      -->
-      <package name="metacity" id="200">
-        <property name="installed_size" type="int">
-                868352
-        </property>
-        <property name="section" type="str">
-                x11
-        </property>
-        <property name="summary" type="str">
-                A lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager
-        </property>
-        <property name="priority" type="str">
-                optional
-        </property>
-        <property name="source" type="str">
-                metacity
-        </property>
-        <property name="version" type="str">
-                1:2.18.2-0ubuntu1.1
-        </property>
-        <property name="size" type="int">
-                429128
-        </property>
-      </package>
-    </packages>
-    <!-- Information extracted from Xorg.0.log.
-         HAL does not provide any information about Xorg drivers, so
-         we retrieve that from the xserver's log file.
-    -->
-    <xorg version="1.3.0">
-      <!-- driver: Data about a driver.
-               (optional)
-               attribute name: The name of the driver.
-               attribute version: The version of the driver.
-               attribute class: The module class of the driver
-               attribute device: The ID of a device driven by this driver.
-      -->
-      <driver name="fglrx" version="1.23" class="X.Org Video Driver"
-              device="12"/>
-    </xorg>
-  </software>
-  <!-- questions: User's answers to questions asked by the client.
-  -->
-  <questions>
-    <!-- question: Data of a question.
-             attribute name: The unique name of the question.
-             attribute plugin: The name of the plugin which asked
-                 the question.
-             attribute version: The version of the question.
-             attribute type: Allowed values are "manual" and "automatic".
-                 A "manual" question requires user input for the answer;
-                 an "automatic" question gets the answer automatically.
-    -->
-    <question name="detected_network_controllers"
-              plugin="find_network_controllers">
-      <!-- target: Information about a device or software package the
-           question is about. The attribute "id" is the sysfs path of
-           a device as given in <udev>, or the ID of a software package
-           node.
-           This node may appear multiple times.
-       -->
-      <target id="/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-0:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev3.1_ep81">
-        <!-- driver: The driver which controls the target device. This tag
-                 may appear more than once.
-                 While we are working on a project called "Hardware Database",
-                 we are not that much interested in the question, if a device
-                 works "as such", but if their Linux driver(s) work.
-                 It is not in every case possible to identify the used driver
-                 from HAL data, so we need another way to add this information.
-                 (example: HAL does not know, which driver is used for the
-                 graphics card.)
-                 Example for multiple drivers: Some scanners have a SCSI _and_
-                 a USB interface; if such a scanner is tested, we not only want
-                 to know, which Sane backend is used, but also, which interface
-                 is used.
-                 Also, it might be interesting to know for many USB 2.0 devices,
-                 if a USB 1 (uhci_hcd or ohci_hcd driver) or the USB 2 driver
-                 (ehci_hcd) was used. A USB 1 driver might for example explain
-                 latency problems.
-        -->
-        <driver>ipw3945</driver>
-      </target>
-      <!-- ID of the 88E8055 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller -->
-      <target id="/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1"/>
-      <!-- command: The command line of an external command required to
-               ask this question.
-      -->
-      <command/>
-      <!-- answer: The answer to the question. Two types of answers are
-               defined, "multiple_choice" and "measurement". (See below
-               for an example of the latter.)
-               attribute type: Must be "multiple_choice" or "measurement".
-      -->
-      <answer type="multiple_choice">pass</answer>
-      <!-- answer_choices: The list of possible choices.
-               The data should only be used for consistency
-               checks and to detect variants of the question.
-      -->
-      <answer_choices>
-        <value type="str">fail</value>
-        <value type="str">pass</value>
-        <value type="str">skip</value>
-      </answer_choices>
-      <!-- A user comment about the device or about the test.
-      -->
-      <comment>
-        The WLAN adapter drops the connection very frequently.
-      </comment>
-    </question>
-    <question name="internet_ping"
-              plugin="internet_ping">
-      <target id="/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1"/>
-      <command/>
-      <answer type="multiple_choice">pass</answer>
-      <answer_choices>
-          <value type="str">fail</value>
-          <value type="str">pass</value>
-          <value type="str">skip</value>
-      </answer_choices>
-    </question>
-    <!-- example for a "measurement question"
-    -->
-    <question name="harddisk_speed"
-              plugin="harddisk_speed">
-      <target id="/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0"/>
-      <command>hdparm -t /dev/sda</command>
-      <!-- answer: The answer to a "measurement question".
-               attribute type: See above.
-               attribute unit: The unit of the result of the measurement.
-                   XXX Abel Deuring 2007-12-12 bug=175978 We should
-                   enumerate a list of allowed units, in order to avoid
-                   multiple units for the same dimension. e.g., B/sec,
-                   MB/sec or inch, cm, foot.
-                   For dimensionless values, the attribute unit is omitted.
-                   "Percentage" and similar "convenience pseudo-units" like
-                   ppm are _not_ allowed; instead a dimensionless
-                   value must be used, where 0 is equivalent 0% and 1.0 is
-                   equivalent to 100%.
-      -->
-      <answer type="measurement" unit="MB/sec">38.4</answer>
-    </question>
-  </questions>
-  <!-- miscellaneous additional text data.
-  -->
-  <context>
-    <info command="udevadm info --export-db">P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/LNXSYSTM:00
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0
-E: DRIVER=uhci_hcd
-E: PCI_ID=8086:2834
-E: PCI_SLOT_NAME=0000:00:1a.0
-E: MODALIAS=pci:v00008086d00002834sv000017AAsd000020AAbc0Csc03i00
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3
-N: bus/usb/003/001
-S: char/189:256
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3
-E: MAJOR=189
-E: MINOR=256
-E: DEVTYPE=usb_device
-E: DRIVER=usb
-E: DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/003/001
-E: PRODUCT=1d6b/1/206
-E: TYPE=9/0/0
-E: BUSNUM=003
-E: DEVNUM=001
-E: DEVNAME=/dev/bus/usb/003/001
-E: DEVLINKS=/dev/char/189:256
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-0:1.0
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-0:1.0
-E: DEVTYPE=usb_interface
-E: DRIVER=hub
-E: DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/003/001
-E: PRODUCT=1d6b/1/206
-E: TYPE=9/0/0
-E: MODALIAS=usb:v1D6Bp0001d0206dc09dsc00dp00ic09isc00ip00
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-0:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev3.1_ep81
-N: usbdev3.1_ep81
-S: char/252:4
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-0:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev3.1_ep81
-E: MAJOR=252
-E: DEVNAME=/dev/usbdev3.1_ep81
-E: DEVLINKS=/dev/char/252:4
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1
-E: DRIVER=ata_piix
-E: PCI_ID=8086:2850
-E: PCI_SLOT_NAME=0000:00:1f.1
-E: MODALIAS=pci:v00008086d00002850sv000017AAsd000020A6bc01sc01i8a
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3
-E: DEVTYPE=scsi_host
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/scsi_host/host3
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/scsi_host/host3
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/target3:0:0
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/target3:0:0
-E: DEVTYPE=scsi_target
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0
-E: DEVTYPE=scsi_device
-E: MODALIAS=scsi:t-0x05
-    <!-- The content of publicly accessible files in /sys/class/dmi/id/
-         format: filename:content
-         as for example generated by "grep -r . /sys/class/dmi/id/"
-    -->
-    <info command="grep -r . /sys/class/dmi/id/ 2&gt;/dev/null">/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor:LENOVO
-/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version:7LETB9WW (2.19 )
-/sys/class/dmi/id/product_version:ThinkPad T61
-/sys/class/dmi/id/board_version:Not Available
-/sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_version:Not Available
-/sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag:No Asset Information
-  </context>
diff --git a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/hardwaretest-udev.xml b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/hardwaretest-udev.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cd340f..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/hardwaretest-udev.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<system version="1.0">
-  <!-- summary: generic information about the submission -->
-  <summary>
-    <!-- live_cd: Was this submission made on a system running an Ubuntu Live
-             CD or on a regular Ubuntu/Linux installation?
-    -->
-    <live_cd value="False"/>
-    <!-- system_id: A hash of the "system identifier". This value is intended
-             to identify the tested computer model; the value should
-             be derived from the properties
-             system.product, system.vendor of the HAL UDI
-             /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer.
-    -->
-    <system_id value="f982bb1ab536469cebfd6eaadcea0ffc"/>
-    <!-- distribution, distroseries: These values are retrieved from
-             /etc/lsb-release, parameters DISTRIB_ID and DISTRIB_RELEASE.
-    -->
-    <distribution value="Ubuntu"/>
-    <distroseries value="7.04"/>
-    <!-- architecture: The processor architecture of the operating system.
-    -->
-    <architecture value="amd64"/>
-    <!-- private: If False, this submission is publicly accessible from
-             Launchpad, else it is only accesible by the submitter, by
-             Launchpad administrators and by scripts running with
-             administrator rights. Submissions marked "private" should
-             only be used to gather statistical data.
-    -->
-    <private value="False"/>
-    <!-- contactable: If True, the owner agrees to be contacted by other
-             persons about devices which appear in their submission.
-             Example of a use case: Developers can ask device owners
-             to perform tests.
-    -->
-    <contactable value="False"/>
-    <!-- date_created: Date and time (UTC) of the submission.
-    -->
-    <date_created value="2007-09-28T16:09:20.126842"/>
-    <!-- client: The name and version of the program that created the
-             submission data.
-    -->
-    <client name="hwtest" version="0.9">
-      <!-- plugin: name and version of a plugin used by the client.
-               This tag may appear more than once.
-      -->
-      <plugin name="architecture_info" version="1.1"/>
-      <plugin name="find_network_controllers" version="2.34"/>
-      <plugin name="internet_ping" version="1.1"/>
-      <plugin name="harddisk_speed" version="0.7"/>
-    </client>
-    <!-- The kernel name and version, as shown by "uname -r"
-    -->
-    <kernel-release value="2.6.28-14-generic"/>
-  </summary>
-  <!-- hardware: data about the hardware the submission was made on.
-  -->
-  <hardware>
-    <!-- udev: The output of running "udevadm info - -export-db" -->
-    <udev>P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/LNXSYSTM:00
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0
-E: DRIVER=uhci_hcd
-E: PCI_ID=8086:2834
-E: PCI_SLOT_NAME=0000:00:1a.0
-E: MODALIAS=pci:v00008086d00002834sv000017AAsd000020AAbc0Csc03i00
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3
-N: bus/usb/003/001
-S: char/189:256
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3
-E: MAJOR=189
-E: MINOR=256
-E: DEVTYPE=usb_device
-E: DRIVER=usb
-E: DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/003/001
-E: PRODUCT=1d6b/1/206
-E: TYPE=9/0/0
-E: BUSNUM=003
-E: DEVNUM=001
-E: DEVNAME=/dev/bus/usb/003/001
-E: DEVLINKS=/dev/char/189:256
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-0:1.0
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-0:1.0
-E: DEVTYPE=usb_interface
-E: DRIVER=hub
-E: DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/003/001
-E: PRODUCT=1d6b/1/206
-E: TYPE=9/0/0
-E: MODALIAS=usb:v1D6Bp0001d0206dc09dsc00dp00ic09isc00ip00
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-0:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev3.1_ep81
-N: usbdev3.1_ep81
-S: char/252:4
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-0:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev3.1_ep81
-E: MAJOR=252
-E: DEVNAME=/dev/usbdev3.1_ep81
-E: DEVLINKS=/dev/char/252:4
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1
-E: DRIVER=ata_piix
-E: PCI_ID=8086:2850
-E: PCI_SLOT_NAME=0000:00:1f.1
-E: MODALIAS=pci:v00008086d00002850sv000017AAsd000020A6bc01sc01i8a
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3
-E: DEVTYPE=scsi_host
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/scsi_host/host3
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/scsi_host/host3
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/target3:0:0
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/target3:0:0
-E: DEVTYPE=scsi_target
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0
-E: DEVTYPE=scsi_device
-E: MODALIAS=scsi:t-0x05
-    <!-- The content of publicly accessible files in /sys/class/dmi/id/
-         format: filename:content
-         as for example generated by "grep -r . /sys/class/dmi/id/"
-    -->
-    <dmi>/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor:LENOVO
-/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version:7LETB9WW (2.19 )
-/sys/class/dmi/id/product_version:ThinkPad T61
-/sys/class/dmi/id/board_version:Not Available
-/sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_version:Not Available
-/sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag:No Asset Information
-    <!-- Additional data for SCSI devices: vendor, model, type
-         For each udev node which has DEVTYPE=scsi_device, we need
-         the content of the sysfs files vendor, model, type. The data
-         is stored in the same format as the DMI data:
-         /path/to/file:filecontent
-    -->
-    <sysfs-attributes>
-P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0
-A: modalias=input:b0019v0000p0001e0000-e0,1,k74,ramlsfw
-A: uniq=
-A: phys=LNXPWRBN/button/input0
-A: name=Power Button
-P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0A08:00/device:03/input/input8
-A: modalias=input:b0019v0000p0006e0000-e0,1,kE0,E1,E3,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,ramlsfw
-A: uniq=
-A: phys=/video/input0
-A: name=Video Bus
-    <!-- processors: Data about processors installed in a system.
-             The data is retrieved from /proc/cpuinfo.
-    -->
-    <processors>
-      <!-- processor: Data from /proc/cpuinfo about a single processor.
-      -->
-      <processor id="123" name="0">
-        <!-- property: The data of one line of /proc/cpuinfo.
-                 attribute name: The name of the property
-                     (the text left of the ':' in a line of /proc/cpuinfo)
-                 attribute type: A Python type appropriate for the value.
-        -->
-        <property name="wp" type="bool">
-                True
-        </property>
-        <property name="flags" type="list">
-          <value type="str">
-                  fpu
-          </value>
-          <value type="str">
-                  vme
-          </value>
-          <value type="str">
-                  de
-          </value>
-        </property>
-        <property name="cpu_mhz" type="float">
-                1000.0
-        </property>
-      </processor>
-    </processors>
-      <!-- aliases: optional data provided by the user:
-               The name of a peripheral, PCI card etc as shown by a label on
-               the device. OEM devices are often sold under different names
-               by different vendors; having a set of alias names for a device
-               allows users of the HWDB to search for information by these
-               "marketing names".
-      -->
-    <aliases>
-      <!-- alias: The "label name" of a device or system.
-               attribute target: The sysfs path of a device as given
-               in <udev>.
-      -->
-      <alias target="/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0">
-        <!-- vendor: The vendor name shown on the device label.
-        -->
-        <vendor>Medion</vendor>
-        <!-- model: The model name of shown on the label.
-        -->
-        <model>QuickPrint 9876</model>
-      </alias>
-    </aliases>
-  </hardware>
-  <!-- software: Data about the software installed on the system.
-  -->
-  <software>
-    <!-- lsbrelease: The data from /etc/lsb-release.
-    -->
-    <lsbrelease>
-      <!-- property: the data from one line of /etc/lsb-release.
-               attribute type: A Python type appropriate for this
-                   property (str).
-      -->
-      <property name="release" type="str">
-              7.04
-      </property>
-      <property name="codename" type="str">
-              feisty
-      </property>
-      <property name="distributor-id" type="str">
-              Ubuntu
-      </property>
-      <property name="description" type="str">
-              Ubuntu 7.04
-      </property>
-      <property name="dict_example" type="dict">
-          <value name="a" type="str">value for key a</value>
-          <value name="b" type="int">1234</value>
-      </property>
-    </lsbrelease>
-    <!-- packages: Data about the installed software packages.
-    -->
-    <packages>
-      <!-- package: Data about a single package.
-               The <property> sub-tags contain the DEB properties
-               "name", "priority", "section", "source", "version",
-               "installed_size", "size", "summary".
-               XXX Abel Deuring 2007-12-12: What about submissions
-               from RPM-based Linux versions? (And "exotic" variants
-               like Gentoo?)
-      -->
-      <package name="metacity" id="200">
-        <property name="installed_size" type="int">
-                868352
-        </property>
-        <property name="section" type="str">
-                x11
-        </property>
-        <property name="summary" type="str">
-                A lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager
-        </property>
-        <property name="priority" type="str">
-                optional
-        </property>
-        <property name="source" type="str">
-                metacity
-        </property>
-        <property name="version" type="str">
-                1:2.18.2-0ubuntu1.1
-        </property>
-        <property name="size" type="int">
-                429128
-        </property>
-      </package>
-    </packages>
-    <!-- Information extracted from Xorg.0.log.
-         HAL does not provide any information about Xorg drivers, so
-         we retrieve that from the xserver's log file.
-    -->
-    <xorg version="1.3.0">
-      <!-- driver: Data about a driver.
-               (optional)
-               attribute name: The name of the driver.
-               attribute version: The version of the driver.
-               attribute class: The module class of the driver
-               attribute device: The ID of a device driven by this driver.
-      -->
-      <driver name="fglrx" version="1.23" class="X.Org Video Driver"
-              device="12"/>
-    </xorg>
-  </software>
-  <!-- questions: User's answers to questions asked by the client.
-  -->
-  <questions>
-    <!-- question: Data of a question.
-             attribute name: The unique name of the question.
-             attribute plugin: The name of the plugin which asked
-                 the question.
-             attribute version: The version of the question.
-             attribute type: Allowed values are "manual" and "automatic".
-                 A "manual" question requires user input for the answer;
-                 an "automatic" question gets the answer automatically.
-    -->
-    <question name="detected_network_controllers"
-              plugin="find_network_controllers">
-      <!-- target: Information about a device or software package the
-           question is about. The attribute "id" is the sysfs path of
-           a device as given in <udev>, or the ID of a software package
-           node.
-           This node may appear multiple times.
-       -->
-      <target id="/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-0:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev3.1_ep81">
-        <!-- driver: The driver which controls the target device. This tag
-                 may appear more than once.
-                 While we are working on a project called "Hardware Database",
-                 we are not that much interested in the question, if a device
-                 works "as such", but if their Linux driver(s) work.
-                 It is not in every case possible to identify the used driver
-                 from HAL data, so we need another way to add this information.
-                 (example: HAL does not know, which driver is used for the
-                 graphics card.)
-                 Example for multiple drivers: Some scanners have a SCSI _and_
-                 a USB interface; if such a scanner is tested, we not only want
-                 to know, which Sane backend is used, but also, which interface
-                 is used.
-                 Also, it might be interesting to know for many USB 2.0 devices,
-                 if a USB 1 (uhci_hcd or ohci_hcd driver) or the USB 2 driver
-                 (ehci_hcd) was used. A USB 1 driver might for example explain
-                 latency problems.
-        -->
-        <driver>ipw3945</driver>
-      </target>
-      <!-- ID of the 88E8055 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller -->
-      <target id="/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1"/>
-      <!-- command: The command line of an external command required to
-               ask this question.
-      -->
-      <command/>
-      <!-- answer: The answer to the question. Two types of answers are
-               defined, "multiple_choice" and "measurement". (See below
-               for an example of the latter.)
-               attribute type: Must be "multiple_choice" or "measurement".
-      -->
-      <answer type="multiple_choice">pass</answer>
-      <!-- answer_choices: The list of possible choices.
-               The data should only be used for consistency
-               checks and to detect variants of the question.
-      -->
-      <answer_choices>
-        <value type="str">fail</value>
-        <value type="str">pass</value>
-        <value type="str">skip</value>
-      </answer_choices>
-      <!-- A user comment about the device or about the test.
-      -->
-      <comment>
-        The WLAN adapter drops the connection very frequently.
-      </comment>
-    </question>
-    <question name="internet_ping"
-              plugin="internet_ping">
-      <target id="/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1"/>
-      <command/>
-      <answer type="multiple_choice">pass</answer>
-      <answer_choices>
-          <value type="str">fail</value>
-          <value type="str">pass</value>
-          <value type="str">skip</value>
-      </answer_choices>
-    </question>
-    <!-- example for a "measurement question"
-    -->
-    <question name="harddisk_speed"
-              plugin="harddisk_speed">
-      <target id="/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0"/>
-      <command>hdparm -t /dev/sda</command>
-      <!-- answer: The answer to a "measurement question".
-               attribute type: See above.
-               attribute unit: The unit of the result of the measurement.
-                   XXX Abel Deuring 2007-12-12 bug=175978 We should
-                   enumerate a list of allowed units, in order to avoid
-                   multiple units for the same dimension. e.g., B/sec,
-                   MB/sec or inch, cm, foot.
-                   For dimensionless values, the attribute unit is omitted.
-                   "Percentage" and similar "convenience pseudo-units" like
-                   ppm are _not_ allowed; instead a dimensionless
-                   value must be used, where 0 is equivalent 0% and 1.0 is
-                   equivalent to 100%.
-      -->
-      <answer type="measurement" unit="MB/sec">38.4</answer>
-    </question>
-  </questions>
-  <!-- miscellaneous additional text data.
-  -->
diff --git a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/hardwaretest.xml b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/hardwaretest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 35d24b6..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/hardwaretest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<system version="1.0">
-  <!-- summary: generic information about the submission -->
-  <summary>
-    <!-- live_cd: Was this submission made on a system running an Ubuntu Live
-             CD or on a regular Ubuntu/Linux installation?
-    -->
-    <live_cd value="False"/>
-    <!-- system_id: A hash of the "system identifier". This value is intended
-             to identify the tested computer model; the value should 
-             be derived from the properties 
-             system.product, system.vendor of the HAL UDI 
-             /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer.
-    -->
-    <system_id value="f982bb1ab536469cebfd6eaadcea0ffc"/>
-    <!-- distribution, distroseries: These values are retrieved from
-             /etc/lsb-release, parameters DISTRIB_ID and DISTRIB_RELEASE.
-    -->
-    <distribution value="Ubuntu"/>
-    <distroseries value="7.04"/>
-    <!-- architecture: The processor architecture of the operating system.
-    -->
-    <architecture value="amd64"/>
-    <!-- private: If False, this submission is publicly accessible from
-             Launchpad, else it is only accesible by the submitter, by 
-             Launchpad administrators and by scripts running with 
-             administrator rights. Submissions marked "private" should
-             only be used to gather statistical data.
-    -->
-    <private value="False"/>
-    <!-- contactable: If True, the owner agrees to be contacted by other
-             persons about devices which appear in their submission. 
-             Example of a use case: Developers can ask device owners
-             to perform tests.
-    -->
-    <contactable value="False"/>
-    <!-- date_created: Date and time (UTC) of the submission.
-    -->
-    <date_created value="2007-09-28T16:09:20.126842"/>
-    <!-- client: The name and version of the program that created the
-             submission data.
-    -->
-    <client name="hwtest" version="0.9">
-      <!-- plugin: name and version of a plugin used by the client.
-               This tag may appear more than once.
-      -->
-      <plugin name="architecture_info" version="1.1"/>
-      <plugin name="find_network_controllers" version="2.34"/>
-      <plugin name="internet_ping" version="1.1"/>
-      <plugin name="harddisk_speed" version="0.7"/>
-    </client>
-  </summary>
-  <!-- hardware: data about the hardware the submission was made on.
-  -->
-  <hardware>
-    <!-- hal: data collected from HAL.
-             attribute version: The version of the HAL daemon.
-    -->
-    <hal version="">
-      <!-- device: The data of a HAL device object.
-               attribute id: A unique identifier created by th client.
-               attribute udi: the HAL UDI of the device. Privacy sensitive
-                   UDIs (e.g., those containing UUID, MAC addresses, serial
-                   numbers) should be obscured.
-               attribute parent: The ID of the parent HAL node of this
-                   device
-      -->
-      <device id="0" parent="130" udi="/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_bluetooth">
-        <!-- property: A HAL device property.
-                 attribute name: The name of the property.
-                 attribute type: The DBus type of the property.
-                 The value of a property is stored as CTEXT, except
-                 for properties of the dictionary- and list-like 
-                 types.
-                 For list-like types, the values are stored in sub-tags
-                 <value>, which have the required attribute "type".
-                 For dictionary-like types, the values are stored in
-                 sub-tags value, which have the required attributes
-                 "type" and "name".
-                 The "type" attribute contains the DBus type of a value.
-        -->
-        <property name="info.parent" type="dbus.String">
-                /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
-        </property>
-        <property name="info.bus" type="dbus.String">
-                platform
-        </property>
-        <property name="button.has_state" type="dbus.Boolean">
-                False
-        </property>
-        <property name="info.capabilities" type="dbus.Array">
-          <value type="dbus.String">
-                button
-          </value>
-        </property>
-        <property name="linux.acpi_type" type="dbus.Int32">
-                11
-        </property>
-        <property name="storage.size" type="dbus.UInt64">
-                0
-        </property>
-        <!-- pure theory/for possible new feature in future HAL versions: 
-             The data type dbus.Dictionary is at present (Nov 2007) not 
-             used by HAL.
-        -->
-        <property name="test.only" type="dbus.Dictionary">
-            <value name="foo" type="dbus.String">bar</value>
-            <value name="blah" type="dbus.Int32">1234</value>
-        </property>
-      </device>
-      <device id="130" udi="/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer">
-        <property name="info.bus" type="dbus.String">
-            unknown
-        </property>
-      </device>
-    </hal>
-    <!-- processors: Data about processors installed in a system.
-             The data is retrieved from /proc/cpuinfo.
-    -->
-    <processors>
-      <!-- processor: Data from /proc/cpuinfo about a single processor.
-      -->
-      <processor id="123" name="0">
-        <!-- property: The data of one line of /proc/cpuinfo.
-                 attribute name: The name of the property
-                     (the text left of the ':' in a line of /proc/cpuinfo)
-                 attribute type: A Python type appropriate for the value.
-        -->
-        <property name="wp" type="bool">
-                True
-        </property>
-        <property name="flags" type="list">
-          <value type="str">
-                  fpu
-          </value>
-          <value type="str">
-                  vme
-          </value>
-          <value type="str">
-                  de
-          </value>
-        </property>
-        <property name="cpu_mhz" type="float">
-                1000.0
-        </property>
-      </processor>
-    </processors>
-      <!-- aliases: optional data provided by the user:
-               The name of a peripheral, PCI card etc as shown by a label on
-               the device. OEM devices are often sold under different names
-               by different vendors; having a set of alias names for a device
-               allows users of the HWDB to search for information by these
-               "marketing names".
-      -->
-    <aliases>
-      <!-- alias: The "label name" of a device or system. 
-               attribute target: The ID of the HAL node of the device
-               or system.
-      -->
-      <alias target="65">
-        <!-- vendor: The vendor name shown on the device label.
-        -->
-        <vendor>Medion</vendor>
-        <!-- model: The model name of shown on the label.
-        -->
-        <model>QuickPrint 9876</model>
-      </alias>
-    </aliases>
-  </hardware>
-  <!-- software: Data about the software installed on the system.
-  -->
-  <software>
-    <!-- lsbrelease: The data from /etc/lsb-release.
-    -->
-    <lsbrelease>
-      <!-- property: the data from one line of /etc/lsb-release.
-               attribute type: A Python type appropriate for this
-                   property (str).
-      -->
-      <property name="release" type="str">
-              7.04
-      </property>
-      <property name="codename" type="str">
-              feisty
-      </property>
-      <property name="distributor-id" type="str">
-              Ubuntu
-      </property>
-      <property name="description" type="str">
-              Ubuntu 7.04
-      </property>
-      <property name="dict_example" type="dict">
-          <value name="a" type="str">value for key a</value>
-          <value name="b" type="int">1234</value>
-      </property>
-    </lsbrelease>
-    <!-- packages: Data about the installed software packages.
-    -->
-    <packages>
-      <!-- package: Data about a single package.
-               The <property> sub-tags contain the DEB properties
-               "name", "priority", "section", "source", "version",
-               "installed_size", "size", "summary".
-               XXX Abel Deuring 2007-12-12: What about submissions 
-               from RPM-based Linux versions? (And "exotic" variants
-               like Gentoo?)
-      -->
-      <package name="metacity" id="200">
-        <property name="installed_size" type="int">
-                868352
-        </property>
-        <property name="section" type="str">
-                x11
-        </property>
-        <property name="summary" type="str">
-                A lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager
-        </property>
-        <property name="priority" type="str">
-                optional
-        </property>
-        <property name="source" type="str">
-                metacity
-        </property>
-        <property name="version" type="str">
-                1:2.18.2-0ubuntu1.1
-        </property>
-        <property name="size" type="int">
-                429128
-        </property>
-      </package>
-    </packages>
-    <!-- Information extracted from Xorg.0.log.
-         HAL does not provide any information about Xorg drivers, so 
-         we retrieve that from the xserver's log file.
-    -->
-    <xorg version="1.3.0">
-      <!-- driver: Data about a driver.
-               (optional)
-               attribute name: The name of the driver.
-               attribute version: The version of the driver.
-               attribute class: The module class of the driver
-               attribute device: The ID of a device driven by this driver.
-      -->
-      <driver name="fglrx" version="1.23" class="X.Org Video Driver"
-              device="12"/>
-    </xorg>
-  </software>
-  <!-- questions: User's answers to questions asked by the client.
-  -->
-  <questions>
-    <!-- question: Data of a question.
-             attribute name: The unique name of the question.
-             attribute plugin: The name of the plugin which asked
-                 the question.
-             attribute version: The version of the question.
-             attribute type: Allowed values are "manual" and "automatic".
-                 A "manual" question requires user input for the answer;
-                 an "automatic" question gets the answer automatically.
-    -->
-    <question name="detected_network_controllers"
-              plugin="find_network_controllers">
-      <!-- target: Information about a device or software package the
-           question is about. The attribute "id" is the ID of a HAL device
-           node or of a software package.
-           This node may appear multiple times.
-       -->
-      <target id="42">
-        <!-- driver: The driver which controls the target device. This tag
-                 may appear more than once. 
-                 While we are working on a project called "Hardware Database",
-                 we are not that much interested in the question, if a device 
-                 works "as such", but if their Linux driver(s) work.
-                 It is not in every case possible to identify the used driver
-                 from HAL data, so we need another way to add this information.
-                 (example: HAL does not know, which driver is used for the 
-                 graphics card.)
-                 Example for multiple drivers: Some scanners have a SCSI _and_
-                 a USB interface; if such a scanner is tested, we not only want
-                 to know, which Sane backend is used, but also, which interface
-                 is used.
-                 Also, it might be interesting to know for many USB 2.0 devices,
-                 if a USB 1 (uhci_hcd or ohci_hcd driver) or the USB 2 driver
-                 (ehci_hcd) was used. A USB 1 driver might for example explain 
-                 latency problems.
-        -->
-        <driver>ipw3945</driver>
-      </target>
-      <!-- ID of the 88E8055 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller -->
-      <target id="43"/>
-      <!-- command: The command line of an external command required to
-               ask this question.
-      -->
-      <command/>
-      <!-- answer: The answer to the question. Two types of answers are
-               defined, "multiple_choice" and "measurement". (See below
-               for an example of the latter.)
-               attribute type: Must be "multiple_choice" or "measurement".
-      -->
-      <answer type="multiple_choice">pass</answer>
-      <!-- answer_choices: The list of possible choices.
-               The data should only be used for consistency
-               checks and to detect variants of the question.
-      -->
-      <answer_choices>
-        <value type="str">fail</value>
-        <value type="str">pass</value>
-        <value type="str">skip</value>
-      </answer_choices>
-      <!-- A user comment about the device or about the test.
-      -->
-      <comment>
-        The WLAN adapter drops the connection very frequently.
-      </comment>
-    </question>
-    <question name="internet_ping"
-              plugin="internet_ping">
-      <target id="23"/>
-      <command/>
-      <answer type="multiple_choice">pass</answer>
-      <answer_choices>
-          <value type="str">fail</value>
-          <value type="str">pass</value>
-          <value type="str">skip</value>
-      </answer_choices>
-    </question>
-    <!-- example for a "measurement question"
-    -->
-    <question name="harddisk_speed"
-              plugin="harddisk_speed">
-      <target id="87"/>
-      <command>hdparm -t /dev/sda</command>
-      <!-- answer: The answer to a "measurement question".
-               attribute type: See above.
-               attribute unit: The unit of the result of the measurement.
-                   XXX Abel Deuring 2007-12-12 bug=175978 We should 
-                   enumerate a list of allowed units, in order to avoid
-                   multiple units for the same dimension. e.g., B/sec, 
-                   MB/sec or inch, cm, foot. 
-                   For dimensionless values, the attribute unit is omitted.
-                   "Percentage" and similar "convenience pseudo-units" like
-                   ppm are _not_ allowed; instead a dimensionless
-                   value must be used, where 0 is equivalent 0% and 1.0 is
-                   equivalent to 100%.
-      -->
-      <answer type="measurement" unit="MB/sec">38.4</answer>
-    </question>
-  </questions>
-  <!-- miscellaneous additional text data.
-  -->
-  <context>
-    <!-- info: The text output of the command specified in the "command"
-             attribute. The "commmand" attribute must contain the complote
-             command line used to produce the text output, including
-             parameters used to invoke a program.
-    -->
-    <info command="dmidecode">
-# dmidecode 2.9
-SMBIOS 2.4 present.
-73 structures occupying 2436 bytes.
-Table at 0x000E0010.
-Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes
-BIOS Information
-        Vendor: LENOVO
-    </info>
-    <info command="lspci -vvn">
-00:00.0 0600: 8086:2a00 (rev 0c)
-        Subsystem: 17aa:20b1
-        Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop-
-        Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- &gt;TAbort- &lt;TAbort-
-        Latency: 0
-        Capabilities: [e0] Vendor Specific Information &gt;?&lt;
-        Kernel modules: intel-agp
-00:01.0 0604: 8086:2a01 (rev 0c)
-        Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV-
-    </info>
-  </context>
diff --git a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/test_hwdb_submission_parser.py b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/test_hwdb_submission_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e8b5e36..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/test_hwdb_submission_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2618 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2019 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Tests of the HWDB submissions parser."""
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
-from datetime import datetime
-import io
-import logging
-import os
-from textwrap import dedent
-from xml.etree.cElementTree import Element
-import defusedxml.cElementTree as etree
-import pytz
-from zope.testing.loghandler import Handler
-from lp.hardwaredb.scripts.hwdbsubmissions import (
-    ROOT_UDI,
-    SubmissionParser,
-    )
-from lp.services.config import config
-from lp.testing import (
-    TestCase,
-    validate_mock_class,
-    )
-from lp.testing.layers import BaseLayer
-class SubmissionParserTestParseSoftware(SubmissionParser):
-    """A Variant used to test SubmissionParser._parseSoftware.
-    This class can be used to test the regular case of
-    submission data.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, test, logger=None):
-        super(SubmissionParserTestParseSoftware, self).__init__(logger)
-        self.test = test
-    def _parseLSBRelease(self, node):
-        self.test.assertEqual(node.tag, 'lsbrelease')
-        return 'parsed lsb release'
-    def _parsePackages(self, node):
-        self.test.assertEqual(node.tag, 'packages')
-        return 'parsed packages'
-    def _parseXOrg(self, node):
-        self.test.assertEqual(node.tag, 'xorg')
-        return 'parsed xorg'
-class SubmissionParserTestParseSoftwareNoXorgNode(SubmissionParser):
-    """A Variant used to test SubmissionParser._parseSoftware.
-    This class is intended to test submission data that does not contain
-    a <xorg> node.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, test, logger=None):
-        super(SubmissionParserTestParseSoftwareNoXorgNode, self).__init__(
-            logger)
-        self.test = test
-    def _parseLSBRelease(self, node):
-        self.test.assertEqual(node.tag, 'lsbrelease')
-        return 'parsed lsb release'
-    def _parsePackages(self, node):
-        self.test.assertEqual(node.tag, 'packages')
-        return 'parsed packages'
-class SubmissionParserTestParseSoftwareNoPackagesNode(SubmissionParser):
-    """A Variant used to test SubmissionParser._parseSoftware.
-    This class is intended to test submission data that does not contain
-    a <packages> node.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, test, logger=None):
-        super(SubmissionParserTestParseSoftwareNoPackagesNode, self).__init__(
-            logger)
-        self.test = test
-    def _parseLSBRelease(self, node):
-        self.test.assertEqual(node.tag, 'lsbrelease')
-        return 'parsed lsb release'
-    def _parseXOrg(self, node):
-        self.test.assertEqual(node.tag, 'xorg')
-        return 'parsed xorg'
-class TestHWDBSubmissionParser(TestCase):
-    """Tests of the HWDB submission parser."""
-    layer = BaseLayer
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Setup the test environment."""
-        super(TestHWDBSubmissionParser, self).setUp()
-        self.log = logging.getLogger('test_hwdb_submission_parser')
-        self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-        self.handler = Handler(self)
-        self.handler.add(self.log.name)
-        self.udev_root_device = {
-            'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00',
-            'E': {'SUBSYSTEM': 'acpi'},
-            }
-        self.udev_pci_device = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2',
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'pci',
-                'PCI_CLASS': '10601',
-                'PCI_ID': '8086:27C5',
-                'PCI_SUBSYS_ID': '10CF:1387',
-                'PCI_SLOT_NAME': '0000:00:1f.2',
-                }
-            }
-        self.udev_usb_device = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-2',
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'usb',
-                'DEVTYPE': 'usb_device',
-                'PRODUCT': '46d/a01/1013',
-                'TYPE': '0/0/0',
-                },
-            }
-        self.udev_usb_interface = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-2/3-2:1.1',
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'usb',
-                'DEVTYPE': 'usb_interface',
-                'PRODUCT': '46d/a01/1013',
-                'TYPE': '0/0/0',
-                'INTERFACE': '1/2/0',
-                },
-            }
-        self.udev_scsi_device = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:0',
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi',
-                'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_device',
-                },
-            }
-        self.sysfs_scsi_device = {
-            'vendor': 'MATSHITA',
-            'model': 'DVD-RAM UJ-841S',
-            'type': '5',
-            }
-    def getTimestampETreeNode(self, time_string):
-        """Return an Elementtree node for an XML tag with a timestamp."""
-        return Element('date_created', value=time_string)
-    def testTimeConversion(self):
-        """Test of the conversion of a "time string" into datetime object."""
-        # Year, month, day, hour, minute, second are required.
-        # We assume that such a value without timezone information is UTC.
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        utc_tz = pytz.timezone('UTC')
-        time_node = self.getTimestampETreeNode('2008-01-02T03:04:05')
-        self.assertEqual(parser._getValueAttributeAsDateTime(time_node),
-                         datetime(2008, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, tzinfo=utc_tz))
-        # The timezone value 'Z' means UTC
-        time_node = self.getTimestampETreeNode('2008-01-02T03:04:05Z')
-        self.assertEqual(parser._getValueAttributeAsDateTime(time_node),
-                         datetime(2008, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, tzinfo=utc_tz))
-        # A time zone offset is added to the given time, so that the resulting
-        # time stamp is in UTC.
-        time_node = self.getTimestampETreeNode('2008-01-02T03:04:05+01:00')
-        self.assertEqual(parser._getValueAttributeAsDateTime(time_node),
-                         datetime(2008, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, tzinfo=utc_tz))
-        time_node = self.getTimestampETreeNode('2008-01-02T03:04:05-01:00')
-        self.assertEqual(parser._getValueAttributeAsDateTime(time_node),
-                         datetime(2008, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, tzinfo=utc_tz))
-        # time values may be given with microsecond resolution.
-        time_node = self.getTimestampETreeNode('2008-01-02T03:04:05.123')
-        self.assertEqual(parser._getValueAttributeAsDateTime(time_node),
-                         datetime(2008, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 123000, tzinfo=utc_tz))
-        time_node = self.getTimestampETreeNode('2008-01-02T03:04:05.123456')
-        self.assertEqual(parser._getValueAttributeAsDateTime(time_node),
-                         datetime(2008, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 123456, tzinfo=utc_tz))
-        # The time zone offset may be given with "minute resolution".
-        time_node = self.getTimestampETreeNode('2008-01-02T03:04:05+00:01')
-        self.assertEqual(parser._getValueAttributeAsDateTime(time_node),
-                         datetime(2008, 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, tzinfo=utc_tz))
-        time_node = self.getTimestampETreeNode('2008-01-02T03:04:05-00:01')
-        self.assertEqual(parser._getValueAttributeAsDateTime(time_node),
-                         datetime(2008, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, tzinfo=utc_tz))
-        # Leap seconds are rounded down to 59.999999 seconds.
-        time_node = self.getTimestampETreeNode('2008-01-02T23:59:60.999')
-        self.assertEqual(parser._getValueAttributeAsDateTime(time_node),
-                         datetime(2008, 1, 2, 23, 59, 59, 999999,
-                                  tzinfo=utc_tz))
-        # "Negative" time values raise a ValueError.
-        time_node = self.getTimestampETreeNode('-1000-01-02/03:04:05')
-        parser.submission_key = 'testing negative time stamps'
-        self.assertRaises(
-            ValueError, parser._getValueAttributeAsDateTime, time_node)
-        # Time values with years values with five or more digits raise
-        # a ValueError.
-        time_node = self.getTimestampETreeNode('12345-01-02/03:04:05')
-        parser.submission_key = 'testing negative time stamps'
-        self.assertRaises(
-            ValueError, parser._getValueAttributeAsDateTime, time_node)
-    def testSummary(self):
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <summary>
-                <live_cd value="False"/>
-                <system_id value="f982bb1ab536469cebfd6eaadcea0ffc"/>
-                <distribution value="Ubuntu"/>
-                <distroseries value="7.04"/>
-                <architecture value="amd64"/>
-                <private value="False"/>
-                <contactable value="False"/>
-                <date_created value="2007-09-28T16:09:20.126842"/>
-                <client name="hwtest" version="0.9">
-                    <plugin name="architecture_info" version="1.1"/>
-                    <plugin name="find_network_controllers" version="2.34"/>
-                </client>
-            </summary>
-            """)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        summary = parser._parseSummary(node)
-        expected_data = {
-            'live_cd': False,
-            'system_id': 'f982bb1ab536469cebfd6eaadcea0ffc',
-            'distribution': 'Ubuntu',
-            'distroseries': '7.04',
-            'architecture': 'amd64',
-            'private': False,
-            'contactable': False,
-            'date_created': datetime(2007, 9, 28, 16, 9, 20, 126842,
-                                     tzinfo=pytz.UTC),
-            'client': {
-                'name': 'hwtest',
-                'version': '0.9',
-                'plugins': [
-                    {'name': 'architecture_info',
-                     'version': '1.1'},
-                    {'name': 'find_network_controllers',
-                     'version': '2.34'}]},
-            }
-        self.assertEqual(
-            summary, expected_data,
-            'SubmissionParser.parseSummary returned an unexpected result')
-    def testSummaryNodeWithKernelRelease(self):
-        """The <summary> node may contain the sub-node <kernel-release>."""
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <summary>
-                <live_cd value="False"/>
-                <system_id value="f982bb1ab536469cebfd6eaadcea0ffc"/>
-                <distribution value="Ubuntu"/>
-                <distroseries value="7.04"/>
-                <architecture value="amd64"/>
-                <private value="False"/>
-                <contactable value="False"/>
-                <date_created value="2007-09-28T16:09:20.126842"/>
-                <client name="hwtest" version="0.9">
-                    <plugin name="architecture_info" version="1.1"/>
-                    <plugin name="find_network_controllers" version="2.34"/>
-                </client>
-                <kernel-release value="2.6.28-15-generic"/>
-            </summary>
-            """)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        summary = parser._parseSummary(node)
-        expected_data = {
-            'live_cd': False,
-            'system_id': 'f982bb1ab536469cebfd6eaadcea0ffc',
-            'distribution': 'Ubuntu',
-            'distroseries': '7.04',
-            'architecture': 'amd64',
-            'private': False,
-            'contactable': False,
-            'date_created': datetime(2007, 9, 28, 16, 9, 20, 126842,
-                                     tzinfo=pytz.UTC),
-            'client': {
-                'name': 'hwtest',
-                'version': '0.9',
-                'plugins': [
-                    {
-                        'name': 'architecture_info',
-                        'version': '1.1',
-                        },
-                    {
-                        'name': 'find_network_controllers',
-                        'version': '2.34'
-                        }
-                    ]
-                },
-            'kernel-release': '2.6.28-15-generic',
-            }
-        self.assertEqual(
-            summary, expected_data,
-            'SubmissionParser.parseSummary returned an unexpected result')
-    def _runPropertyTest(self, xml):
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        node = etree.fromstring(xml)
-        return parser._parseProperty(node)
-    def testBooleanPropertyTypes(self):
-        """Test the parsing result for a boolean property."""
-        for property_type in ('bool', 'dbus.Boolean'):
-            for value in (True, False):
-                xml = ('<property type="%s" name="foo">%s</property>'
-                       % (property_type, value))
-                result = self._runPropertyTest(xml)
-                self.assertEqual(
-                    result, ('foo', (value, property_type)),
-                    'Invalid parsing result for boolean property type %s, '
-                        'expected %s, got %s'
-                    % (property_type, value, result))
-    def testStringPropertyTypes(self):
-        """String properties are converted into (name, (value, type))."""
-        xml_template = '<property type="%s" name="foo">some text</property>'
-        for property_type in ('str', 'dbus.String', 'dbus.UTF8String'):
-            xml = xml_template % property_type
-            result = self._runPropertyTest(xml)
-            self.assertEqual(
-                result, ('foo', ('some text', property_type)),
-                'Invalid parsing result for string property type %s, '
-                'expected "some text", got "%s"'
-                    % (property_type, result))
-    def testStringPropertyEncoding(self):
-        """Different encodings are properly handled."""
-        xml_template = u'''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>
-                           <property type="str" name="foo">%s</property>'''
-        umlaut = u'\xe4'
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        for encoding in ('utf-8', 'iso-8859-1'):
-            xml = (xml_template % (encoding, umlaut)).encode(encoding)
-            tree = etree.parse(io.BytesIO(xml))
-            node = tree.getroot()
-            result = parser._parseProperty(node)
-            self.assertEqual(result, ('foo', (umlaut, 'str')),
-                'Invalid parsing result for string encoding %s, '
-                'expected an umlaut (\xe4), got %s'
-                    % (encoding, repr(result)))
-    def testIntegerPropertyTypes(self):
-        """Int properties are converted into (name, (value, type_string)).
-        type(value) is int or long, depending on the value.
-        """
-        xml_template = '<property name="inttest" type="%s">123</property>'
-        for property_type in ('dbus.Byte', 'dbus.Int16', 'dbus.Int32',
-                              'dbus.Int64', 'dbus.UInt16', 'dbus.UInt32',
-                              'dbus.UInt64', 'int', 'long'):
-            xml = xml_template % property_type
-            result = self._runPropertyTest(xml)
-            self.assertEqual(result, ('inttest', (123, property_type)),
-                             'Invalid parsing result for integer property '
-                             'type %s' % property_type)
-        # If the value is too large for an int, a Python long is returned.
-        xml = """
-            <property name="inttest" type="long">
-                12345678901234567890
-            </property>"""
-        properties = self._runPropertyTest(xml)
-        self.assertEqual(properties,
-                         ('inttest', (12345678901234567890L, 'long')),
-                         'Invalid parsing result for integer property with '
-                             'a large value')
-    def testFloatPropertyTypes(self):
-        """Float properties are converted into ('name', (value, type_string)).
-        type(value) is float.
-        """
-        xml_template = ('<property name="floattest" type="%s">'
-                            '1.25</property>')
-        for property_type in ('dbus.Double', 'float'):
-            xml = xml_template % property_type
-            result = self._runPropertyTest(xml)
-            self.assertEqual(result, ('floattest', (1.25, property_type)),
-                             'Invalid parsing result for float property'
-                             'type: %s' % property_type)
-    def testListPropertyTypes(self):
-        """List properties are converted into ('name', a_list).
-        a_list is a Python list, where the list elements represent the
-        values of the <value> sub-nodes of the <property>.
-        """
-        xml_template = """
-            <property name="listtest" type="%s">
-                <value type="int">1</value>
-                <value type="str">a</value>
-                <value type="list">
-                    <value type="int">2</value>
-                    <value type="float">3.4</value>
-                </value>
-                <value type="dict">
-                    <value name="one" type="int">2</value>
-                    <value name="two" type="str">b</value>
-                </value>
-            </property>
-            """
-        for property_type in ('dbus.Array', 'list'):
-            xml = xml_template % property_type
-            result = self._runPropertyTest(xml)
-            self.assertEqual(result,
-                             ('listtest', ([(1, 'int'),
-                                            ('a', 'str'),
-                                            ([(2, 'int'),
-                                              (3.4, 'float')], 'list'),
-                                            ({'one': (2, 'int'),
-                                              'two': ('b', 'str')}, 'dict')],
-                                           property_type)),
-                             'Invalid parsing result for list property: '
-                             '%s' % xml)
-    def testDictPropertyTypes(self):
-        """Dict properties are converted into ('name', a_dict).
-        a_dict is a Python dictionary, where the items represent the
-        values of the <value> sub-nodes of the <property>.
-        """
-        xml_template = """
-            <property name="dicttest" type="%s">
-                <value name="one" type="int">1</value>
-                <value name="two" type="str">a</value>
-                <value name="three" type="list">
-                    <value type="int">2</value>
-                    <value type="float">3.4</value>
-                </value>
-                <value name="four" type="dict">
-                    <value name="five" type="int">2</value>
-                    <value name="six" type="str">b</value>
-                </value>
-            </property>
-            """
-        for property_type in ('dbus.Dictionary', 'dict'):
-            xml = xml_template % property_type
-            result = self._runPropertyTest(xml)
-            self.assertEqual(
-                result,
-                ('dicttest', ({'one': (1, 'int'),
-                               'two': ('a', 'str'),
-                               'three': ([(2, 'int'),
-                                          (3.4, 'float')], 'list'),
-                               'four': ({'five': (2, 'int'),
-                                         'six': ('b', 'str')}, 'dict')},
-                              property_type)),
-                'Invalid parsing result for dict property: %s' % xml)
-    def testProperties(self):
-        """A set of properties is converted into a dictionary."""
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <container>
-                <property name="one" type="int">1</property>
-                <property name="two" type="str">a</property>
-            </container>
-            """)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        result = parser._parseProperties(node)
-        self.assertEqual(result,
-                         {'one': (1, 'int'),
-                          'two': ('a', 'str')},
-                         'Invalid parsing result for a property set')
-        # Duplicate property names raise a ValueError
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <container>
-                <property name="one" type="int">1</property>
-                <property name="one" type="str">a</property>
-            </container>
-            """)
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, parser._parseProperties, node)
-    def testDevice(self):
-        """A device node is converted into a dictionary."""
-        test = self
-        def _parseProperties(self, node):
-            test.assertTrue(isinstance(self, SubmissionParser))
-            test.assertEqual(node.tag, 'device')
-            return 'parsed properties'
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser._parseProperties = lambda node: _parseProperties(parser, node)
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <device id="2" udi="/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_CPU0"
-                    parent="1">
-                <property name="info.product" type="str">
-                    Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU
-                </property>
-            </device>
-            """)
-        result = parser._parseDevice(node)
-        self.assertEqual(result,
-                         {'id': 2,
-                          'udi': '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_CPU0',
-                          'parent': 1,
-                          'properties': 'parsed properties'},
-                         'Invalid parsing result for <device> (2)')
-        # the attribute "parent" may be omitted.
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <device id="1" udi="/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer">
-                <property name="info.product" type="str">Computer</property>
-            </device>
-            """)
-        result = parser._parseDevice(node)
-        self.assertEqual(result,
-                         {'id': 1,
-                          'udi': ROOT_UDI,
-                          'parent': None,
-                          'properties': 'parsed properties'},
-                         'Invalid parsing result for <device> (1)')
-    def testHal(self):
-        """The <hal> node is converted into a Python dict."""
-        test = self
-        def _parseDevice(self, node):
-            test.assertTrue(isinstance(self, SubmissionParser))
-            test.assertEqual(node.tag, 'device')
-            return 'parsed device node'
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser._parseDevice = lambda node: _parseDevice(parser, node)
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <hal version="">
-                <device/>
-                <device/>
-            </hal>
-            """)
-        result = parser._parseHAL(node)
-        self.assertEqual(result,
-                         {'version': '',
-                          'devices': ['parsed device node',
-                                      'parsed device node']},
-                         'Invalid parsing result for <hal>')
-    def testProcessors(self):
-        """The <processors> node is converted into a Python list.
-        The list elements represent the <processor> nodes.
-        """
-        test = self
-        def _parseProperties(self, node):
-            test.assertTrue(isinstance(self, SubmissionParser))
-            test.assertEqual(node.tag, 'processor')
-            return 'parsed properties'
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser._parseProperties = lambda node: _parseProperties(parser, node)
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <processors>
-                <processor id="123" name="0">
-                    <property/>
-                </processor>
-                <processor id="124" name="1">
-                    <property/>
-                </processor>
-            </processors>
-            """)
-        result = parser._parseProcessors(node)
-        self.assertEqual(result,
-                         [{'id': 123,
-                           'name': '0',
-                           'properties': 'parsed properties'},
-                          {'id': 124,
-                           'name': '1',
-                           'properties': 'parsed properties'}],
-                         'Invalid parsing result for <processors>')
-    def testAliases(self):
-        """The <aliases> node is converted into a Python list.
-        The list elements represent the <alias> nodes.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <aliases>
-                <alias target="1">
-                    <vendor>Artec</vendor>
-                    <model>Ultima 2000</model>
-                </alias>
-                <alias target="2">
-                    <vendor>Medion</vendor>
-                    <model>MD 4394</model>
-                </alias>
-            </aliases>
-            """)
-        result = parser._parseAliases(node)
-        self.assertEqual(result,
-                         [{'target': 1,
-                           'vendor': 'Artec',
-                           'model': 'Ultima 2000'},
-                          {'target': 2,
-                           'vendor': 'Medion',
-                           'model': 'MD 4394'}],
-                         'Invalid parsing result for <aliases>')
-    def testUdev(self):
-        """The content of the <udev> node is converted into a list of dicts.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-<udev>P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/LNXSYSTM:00
-P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0
-E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0
-S: char/189:256
-        result = parser._parseUdev(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [
-                {
-                    'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00',
-                    'E': {
-                        'UDEV_LOG': '3',
-                        'DEVPATH': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00',
-                        'MODALIAS': 'acpi:LNXSYSTM:',
-                        },
-                    'S': [],
-                    'id': 1,
-                    },
-                {
-                    'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0',
-                    'E': {
-                        'UDEV_LOG': '3',
-                        'DEVPATH': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0',
-                        },
-                    'S': ['char/189:256'],
-                    'id': 2,
-                    },
-                ],
-            result,
-            'Invalid parsing result for <udev>')
-    def testUdevLineWithoutColon(self):
-        """<udev> nodes with lines not in key: value format are rejected."""
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'Detect udev lines not in key:value format'
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-<udev>P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00
-bad line
-        result = parser._parseUdev(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, result,
-            'Invalid parsing result for a <udev> node with a line not having '
-            'the key: value format.')
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Line 1 in <udev>: No valid key:value data: 'bad line'")
-    def testUdevPropertyLineWithoutEqualSign(self):
-        """<udev> nodes with lines not in key: value format are rejected."""
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = (
-            'Detect udev property lines not in key=value format')
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-<udev>P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00
-E: bad property
-        result = parser._parseUdev(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, result,
-            'Invalid parsing result for a <udev> node with a property line '
-            'not having the key=value format.')
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Line 1 in <udev>: Property without valid key=value data: "
-            "'E: bad property'")
-    def testUdevDataWithDuplicateKey(self):
-        """<udev> nodes with lines not in key: value format are rejected."""
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'Detect duplactae attributes in udev data'
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-<udev>P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00
-        result = parser._parseUdev(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [
-                {
-                    'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00',
-                    'E': {},
-                    'S': [],
-                    'W': '2',
-                    'id': 1,
-                    },
-                ],
-            result,
-            'Invalid parsing result for a <udev> node with a duplicate '
-            'attribute.')
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Line 2 in <udev>: Duplicate attribute key: 'W:2'")
-    def testDmi(self):
-        """The content of the <udev> node is converted into a dictionary."""
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        node = etree.fromstring("""<dmi>/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor:LENOVO
-/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version:7LETB9WW (2.19 )
-        result = parser._parseDmi(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {
-                '/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor': 'LENOVO',
-                '/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version': '7LETB9WW (2.19 )',
-                '/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor': 'LENOVO',
-                '/sys/class/dmi/id/modalias': 'dmi:bvnLENOVO:bvr7LETB9WW',
-                },
-            result,
-            'Invalid parsing result for <dmi>.')
-    def testDmiInvalidData(self):
-        """<dmi> nodes with lines not in key:value format are rejected."""
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'Invalid DMI data'
-        node = etree.fromstring("""<dmi>/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor:LENOVO
-invalid line
-        result = parser._parseDmi(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, result,
-            '<dmi> node with invalid data not deteced.')
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Line 1 in <dmi>: No valid key:value data: 'invalid line'")
-    def testSysfsAttributes(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser._parseSysfsAttributes().
-        The content of the <sys-attributes> node is converted into
-        a dictionary.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        node = etree.fromstring(dedent("""
-            <sysfs-attributes>
-            P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0
-            A: modalias=input:b0019v0000p0001e0000-e0,1,k74
-            A: uniq=
-            A: phys=LNXPWRBN/button/input0
-            A: name=Power Button
-            P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0A08:00/device:03
-            A: uniq=
-            A: phys=/video/input0
-            A: name=Video Bus
-            </sysfs-attributes>
-            """))
-        result = parser._parseSysfsAttributes(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {
-                '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0': {
-                    'modalias': 'input:b0019v0000p0001e0000-e0,1,k74',
-                    'uniq': '',
-                    'phys': 'LNXPWRBN/button/input0',
-                    'name': 'Power Button',
-                    },
-                '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0A08:00/device:03': {
-                    'uniq': '',
-                    'phys': '/video/input0',
-                    'name': 'Video Bus',
-                    },
-                },
-            result,
-            'Invalid parsing result of <sysfs-attributes> node.')
-    def testSysfsAttributesLineWithoutKeyValueData(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser._parseSysfsAttributes().
-        Lines not in key: value format are rejected.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = (
-            'Detect <sysfs-attributes> lines not in key:value format')
-        node = etree.fromstring(dedent("""
-            <sysfs-attributes>
-            P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0
-            A: modalias=input:b0019v0000p0001e0000-e0,1,k74
-            invalid line
-            </sysfs-attributes>
-            """))
-        result = parser._parseSysfsAttributes(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, result,
-            'Invalid parsing result of a <sysfs-attributes> node containing '
-            'a line not in key:value format.')
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Line 3 in <sysfs-attributes>: No valid key:value data: "
-            "'invalid line'")
-    def testSysfsAttributesDuplicatePLine(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser._parseSysfsAttributes().
-        A line starting with "P:" must be the first line of a device block.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = (
-            'Detect <sysfs-attributes> node with duplicate P: line')
-        node = etree.fromstring(dedent("""
-            <sysfs-attributes>
-            P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0
-            A: modalias=input:b0019v0000p0001e0000-e0,1,k74
-            P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0
-            </sysfs-attributes>
-            """))
-        result = parser._parseSysfsAttributes(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, result,
-            'Invalid parsing result of a <sysfs-attributes> node containing '
-            'a duplicate P: line.')
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Line 3 in <sysfs-attributes>: duplicate 'P' line found: "
-            "'P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0'")
-    def testSysfsAttributesNoPLineAtDeviceStart(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser._parseSysfsAttributes().
-        The data for a device must start with a "P:" line.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = (
-            'Detect <sysfs-attributes> node without leading P: line')
-        node = etree.fromstring(dedent("""
-            <sysfs-attributes>
-            A: modalias=input:b0019v0000p0001e0000-e0,1,k74
-            </sysfs-attributes>
-            """))
-        result = parser._parseSysfsAttributes(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, result,
-            'Invalid parsing result of a <sysfs-attributes> node where a '
-            'device block does not start with a "P": line.')
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Line 1 in <sysfs-attributes>: Block for a device does not "
-            "start with 'P:': "
-            "'A: modalias=input:b0019v0000p0001e0000-e0,1,k74'")
-    def testSysfsAttributesNoAttributeKeyValue(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser._parseSysfsAttributes().
-        A line starting with "A:" must be in key=value format.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = (
-            'Detect <sysfs-attributes> node with A: line not in key=value '
-            'format')
-        node = etree.fromstring(dedent("""
-            <sysfs-attributes>
-            P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0
-            A: equal sign is missing
-            </sysfs-attributes>
-            """))
-        result = parser._parseSysfsAttributes(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, result,
-            'Invalid parsing result of a <sysfs-attributes> node with A: '
-            'line not in key=value format.')
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Line 2 in <sysfs-attributes>: Attribute line does not contain "
-            "key=value data: 'A: equal sign is missing'")
-    def testSysfsAttributesInvalidMainKey(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser._parseSysfsAttributes().
-        All lines must start with "P:" or "A:".
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = (
-            'Detect <sysfs-attributes> node with invalid main key.')
-        node = etree.fromstring(dedent("""
-            <sysfs-attributes>
-            P: /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0
-            X: an invalid line
-            </sysfs-attributes>
-            """))
-        result = parser._parseSysfsAttributes(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, result,
-            'Invalid parsing result of a <sysfs-attributes> node containg '
-            'a line that does not start with "A:" or "P:".')
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Line 2 in <sysfs-attributes>: Unexpected key: "
-            "'X: an invalid line'")
-    class MockSubmissionParserParseHardwareTest(SubmissionParser):
-        """A SubmissionParser variant for testing checkCOnsistentData()
-        All "method substitutes" return a valid result.
-        """
-        def __init__(self, logger=None, record_warnings=True):
-            super(self.__class__, self).__init__(logger)
-            self.hal_result = 'parsed HAL data'
-            self.processors_result = 'parsed processor data'
-            self.aliases_result = 'parsed alias data'
-            self.udev_result = 'parsed udev data'
-            self.dmi_result = 'parsed DMI data'
-            self.sysfs_result = 'parsed sysfs data'
-        def _parseHAL(self, hal_node):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return self.hal_result
-        def _parseProcessors(self, processors_node):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return self.processors_result
-        def _parseAliases(self, aliases_node):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return self.aliases_result
-        def _parseUdev(self, udev_node):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return self.udev_result
-        def _parseDmi(self, dmi_node):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return self.dmi_result
-        def _parseSysfsAttributes(self, sysfs_node):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return self.sysfs_result
-    validate_mock_class(MockSubmissionParserParseHardwareTest)
-    def testHardware(self):
-        """The <hardware> tag is converted into a dictionary."""
-        parser = self.MockSubmissionParserParseHardwareTest(self.log)
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <hardware>
-                <hal/>
-                <processors/>
-                <aliases/>
-                <udev/>
-                <dmi/>
-                <sysfs-attributes/>
-            </hardware>
-            """)
-        result = parser._parseHardware(node)
-        self.assertEqual({
-            'hal': 'parsed HAL data',
-            'processors': 'parsed processor data',
-            'aliases': 'parsed alias data',
-            'udev': 'parsed udev data',
-            'dmi': 'parsed DMI data',
-            'sysfs-attributes': 'parsed sysfs data',
-            },
-            result,
-            'Invalid parsing result for <hardware>')
-    def testHardware_no_sysfs_node(self):
-        """If teh <sysfs-attributes> node is missing, parseHardware()
-        returns a dicitionary where the entry for this node is None.
-        """
-        parser = self.MockSubmissionParserParseHardwareTest(self.log)
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <hardware>
-                <hal/>
-                <processors/>
-                <aliases/>
-                <udev/>
-                <dmi/>
-            </hardware>
-            """)
-        result = parser._parseHardware(node)
-        self.assertEqual({
-            'hal': 'parsed HAL data',
-            'processors': 'parsed processor data',
-            'aliases': 'parsed alias data',
-            'udev': 'parsed udev data',
-            'dmi': 'parsed DMI data',
-            'sysfs-attributes': None,
-            },
-            result,
-            'Invalid parsing result for <hardware>')
-    def test_parseHardware_sub_parsers_fail(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser._parseHardware().
-        If one of the sub-parsers returns None, _parseHardware() returns
-        None.
-        """
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <hardware>
-               <hal/>
-                <processors/>
-                <aliases/>
-                <udev/>
-                <dmi/>
-                <sysfs-attributes/>
-            </hardware>
-            """)
-        submission_parser = self.MockSubmissionParserParseHardwareTest()
-        submission_parser.hal_result = None
-        self.assertIs(None, submission_parser._parseHardware(node))
-        submission_parser = self.MockSubmissionParserParseHardwareTest()
-        submission_parser.processors_result = None
-        self.assertIs(None, submission_parser._parseHardware(node))
-        submission_parser = self.MockSubmissionParserParseHardwareTest()
-        submission_parser.aliases_result = None
-        self.assertIs(None, submission_parser._parseHardware(node))
-        submission_parser = self.MockSubmissionParserParseHardwareTest()
-        submission_parser.udev_result = None
-        self.assertIs(None, submission_parser._parseHardware(node))
-        submission_parser = self.MockSubmissionParserParseHardwareTest()
-        submission_parser.dmi_result = None
-        self.assertIs(None, submission_parser._parseHardware(node))
-        submission_parser = self.MockSubmissionParserParseHardwareTest()
-        submission_parser.sysfs_result = None
-        self.assertIs(None, submission_parser._parseHardware(node))
-    def testLsbRelease(self):
-        """The <lsbrelease> node is converted into a Python dictionary.
-        Each dict item represents a <property> sub-node.
-        """
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <lsbrelease>
-                <property name="release" type="str">
-                    7.04
-                </property>
-                <property name="codename" type="str">
-                    feisty
-                </property>
-                <property name="distributor-id" type="str">
-                    Ubuntu
-                </property>
-                <property name="description" type="str">
-                    Ubuntu 7.04
-                </property>
-            </lsbrelease>
-            """)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        result = parser._parseLSBRelease(node)
-        self.assertEqual(result,
-                         {'distributor-id': ('Ubuntu', 'str'),
-                          'release': ('7.04', 'str'),
-                          'codename': ('feisty', 'str'),
-                          'description': ('Ubuntu 7.04', 'str')},
-                         'Invalid parsing result for <lsbrelease>')
-    def testPackages(self):
-        """The <packages> node is converted into a Python dictionary.
-        Each dict item represents a <package> sub-node as
-        (package_name, package_data), where package_data
-        is a dictionary representing the <property> sub-nodes of a
-        <package> node.
-        """
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <packages>
-                <package name="metacity" id="1">
-                    <property name="installed_size" type="int">
-                        868352
-                    </property>
-                    <property name="section" type="str">
-                        x11
-                    </property>
-                    <property name="summary" type="str">
-                        A lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager
-                    </property>
-                    <property name="priority" type="str">
-                        optional
-                    </property>
-                    <property name="source" type="str">
-                        metacity
-                    </property>
-                    <property name="version" type="str">
-                        1:2.18.2-0ubuntu1.1
-                    </property>
-                    <property name="size" type="int">
-                        429128
-                    </property>
-                </package>
-            </packages>
-            """)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        result = parser._parsePackages(node)
-        self.assertEqual(result,
-                         {'metacity':
-                          {'id': 1,
-                           'properties':
-                            {'installed_size': (868352, 'int'),
-                             'priority': ('optional', 'str'),
-                             'section': ('x11', 'str'),
-                             'size': (429128, 'int'),
-                             'source': ('metacity', 'str'),
-                             'summary':
-                                 ('A lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager',
-                                  'str'),
-                             'version': ('1:2.18.2-0ubuntu1.1', 'str')}}},
-                         'Invalid parsing result for <packages>')
-    def testDuplicatePackage(self):
-        """Two <package> nodes with the same name are rejected."""
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <packages>
-                <package name="foo" id="1">
-                    <property name="size" type="int">10000</property>
-                </package>
-                <package name="foo" id="1">
-                    <property name="size" type="int">10000</property>
-                </package>
-            </packages>
-            """)
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, SubmissionParser()._parsePackages, node)
-    def testXorg(self):
-        """The <xorg> node is converted into a Python dictionary."""
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <xorg version="1.1">
-                <driver name="fglrx" version="1.23"
-                        class="X.Org Video Driver" device="12"/>
-                <driver name="kbd" version="1.2.1"
-                        class="X.Org XInput driver" device="15"/>
-            </xorg>
-            """)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        result = parser._parseXOrg(node)
-        self.assertEqual(result,
-                         {'version': '1.1',
-                         'drivers': {'fglrx': {'name': 'fglrx',
-                                               'version': '1.23',
-                                               'class': 'X.Org Video Driver',
-                                               'device': 12},
-                                     'kbd': {'name': 'kbd',
-                                             'version': '1.2.1',
-                                             'class': 'X.Org XInput driver',
-                                             'device': 15}}},
-                         'Invalid parsing result for <xorg>')
-    def testDuplicateXorgDriver(self):
-        """Two <driver> nodes in <xorg> with the same name are rejected."""
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <xorg>
-                <driver name="mouse" class="X.Org XInput driver"/>
-                <driver name="mouse" class="X.Org XInput driver"/>
-            </xorg>
-            """)
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, SubmissionParser()._parseXOrg, node)
-    def test_parseSoftware(self):
-        """Test SubmissionParser._parseSoftware
-        Ensure that all sub-parsers are properly called.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParserTestParseSoftware(self)
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <software>
-                <lsbrelease/>
-                <packages/>
-                <xorg/>
-            </software>
-            """)
-        result = parser._parseSoftware(node)
-        self.assertEqual(result,
-                         {'lsbrelease': 'parsed lsb release',
-                          'packages': 'parsed packages',
-                          'xorg': 'parsed xorg'},
-                         'Invalid parsing result for <software>')
-    def test_parseSoftware_without_xorg_node(self):
-        """Test SubmissionParser._parseSoftware
-        Ensure that _parseSoftware creates an entry in its
-        result for <xorg> even if the submitted data does not
-        contains this node.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParserTestParseSoftwareNoXorgNode(self)
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <software>
-                <lsbrelease/>
-                <packages/>
-            </software>
-            """)
-        result = parser._parseSoftware(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            result,
-            {
-                'lsbrelease': 'parsed lsb release',
-                'packages': 'parsed packages',
-                'xorg': {},
-            },
-            'Invalid parsing result for <software> without <xorg> sub-node')
-    def test_parseSoftware_without_packages_node(self):
-        """Test SubmissionParser._parseSoftware
-        Ensure that _parseSoftware creates an entry in its
-        result for <packages> even if the submitted data does not
-        contains this node.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParserTestParseSoftwareNoPackagesNode(self)
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <software>
-                <lsbrelease/>
-                <xorg/>
-            </software>
-            """)
-        result = parser._parseSoftware(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            result,
-            {
-                'lsbrelease': 'parsed lsb release',
-                'packages': {},
-                'xorg': 'parsed xorg',
-            },
-            'Invalid parsing result for <software> without <packages> '
-            'sub-node')
-    def testMultipleChoiceQuestion(self):
-        """The <questions> node is converted into a Python dictionary."""
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <questions>
-                <question name="detected_network_controllers"
-                          plugin="find_network_controllers">
-                    <target id="42">
-                        <driver>ipw3945</driver>
-                    </target>
-                    <target id="43"/>
-                    <command/>
-                    <answer type="multiple_choice">pass</answer>
-                    <answer_choices>
-                        <value type="str">fail</value>
-                        <value type="str">pass</value>
-                        <value type="str">skip</value>
-                    </answer_choices>
-                    <comment>
-                        The WLAN adapter drops the connection very frequently.
-                    </comment>
-                </question>
-            </questions>
-            """)
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        result = parser._parseQuestions(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            result,
-            [{'name': 'detected_network_controllers',
-              'plugin': 'find_network_controllers',
-              'targets': [{'id': 42,
-                           'drivers': ['ipw3945']},
-                          {'id': 43,
-                           'drivers': []}],
-              'answer': {'type': 'multiple_choice',
-                         'value': 'pass'},
-              'answer_choices': [('fail', 'str'),
-                                 ('pass', 'str'),
-                                 ('skip', 'str')],
-              'comment': 'The WLAN adapter drops the connection very '
-                         'frequently.'}],
-            'Invalid parsing result for multiple choice question')
-    def testMeasurementQuestion(self):
-        """The <questions> node is converted into a Python dictionary."""
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <questions>
-                <question name="harddisk_speed"
-                          plugin="harddisk_speed">
-                    <target id="87"/>
-                    <command>hdparm -t /dev/sda</command>
-                    <answer type="measurement" unit="MB/sec">38.4</answer>
-                </question>
-            </questions>
-            """)
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        result = parser._parseQuestions(node)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            result,
-            [{
-              'name': 'harddisk_speed',
-              'plugin': 'harddisk_speed',
-              'answer': {'type': 'measurement',
-                         'value': '38.4',
-                         'unit': 'MB/sec'},
-              'targets': [{'drivers': [],
-                           'id': 87}],
-              'command': 'hdparm -t /dev/sda'}],
-            'Invalid parsing result for measurement question')
-    def testContext(self):
-        """The content of the <context> node is currently not processed.
-        Instead, a log warning is issued.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'Test of <context> parsing'
-        node = etree.fromstring('<context/>')
-        parser._parseContext(node)
-        self.assertEqual({}, parser._parseContext(node))
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'Submission contains unprocessed <context> data.')
-    class MockSubmissionParserMainParserTest(SubmissionParser):
-        """A SubmissionParser variant for testing checkCOnsistentData()
-        All "method substitutes" return a valid result.
-        """
-        def __init__(self, logger=None, record_warnings=True):
-            SubmissionParser.__init__(self, logger)
-            self.summary_result = 'parsed summary'
-            self.hardware_result = 'parsed hardware'
-            self.software_result = 'parsed software'
-            self.questions_result = 'parsed questions'
-            self.context_result = 'parsed context'
-        def _parseSummary(self, summary_node):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return self.summary_result
-        def _parseHardware(self, hardware_node):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return self.hardware_result
-        def _parseSoftware(self, software_node):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return self.software_result
-        def _parseQuestions(self, questions_node):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return self.questions_result
-        def _parseContext(self, context_node):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return self.context_result
-    validate_mock_class(MockSubmissionParserMainParserTest)
-    def testMainParser(self):
-        """Test SubmissionParser.parseMainSections
-        Ensure that all sub-parsers are properly called.
-        """
-        parser = self.MockSubmissionParserMainParserTest()
-        node = etree.fromstring("""
-            <system>
-                <summary/>
-                <hardware/>
-                <software/>
-                <questions/>
-                <context/>
-            </system>
-            """)
-        expected_data = {
-            'summary': 'parsed summary',
-            'hardware': 'parsed hardware',
-            'software': 'parsed software',
-            'questions': 'parsed questions',
-            'context': 'parsed context',
-            }
-        result = parser.parseMainSections(node)
-        self.assertEqual(result, expected_data,
-            'SubmissionParser.parseSubmission returned an unexpected result')
-        parser = self.MockSubmissionParserMainParserTest()
-        parser.summary_result = None
-        self.assertIs(None, parser.parseMainSections(node))
-        parser = self.MockSubmissionParserMainParserTest()
-        parser.hardware_result = None
-        self.assertIs(None, parser.parseMainSections(node))
-        parser = self.MockSubmissionParserMainParserTest()
-        parser.software_result = None
-        self.assertIs(None, parser.parseMainSections(node))
-        parser = self.MockSubmissionParserMainParserTest()
-        parser.questions_result = None
-        self.assertIs(None, parser.parseMainSections(node))
-        parser = self.MockSubmissionParserMainParserTest()
-        parser.context_result = None
-        self.assertIs(None, parser.parseMainSections(node))
-    def testSubmissionParser(self):
-        """Test the entire parser."""
-        sample_data_path = os.path.join(
-            config.root, 'lib', 'lp', 'hardwaredb', 'scripts',
-            'tests', 'hardwaretest.xml')
-        sample_data = open(sample_data_path, 'rb').read()
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        result = parser.parseSubmission(sample_data, 'parser test 1')
-        self.assertNotEqual(result, None,
-                            'Valid submission data rejected by '
-                            'SubmissionParser.parseSubmission')
-        # parseSubmission returns None, if the submitted data is not
-        # well-formed XML...
-        result = parser.parseSubmission(
-            sample_data.replace(b'<summary', b'<inconsitent_opening_tag'),
-            'parser test 2')
-        self.assertEqual(result, None,
-                         'Not-well-formed XML data accepted by '
-                         'SubmissionParser.parseSubmission')
-        # ...or if RelaxNG validation fails...
-        result = parser.parseSubmission(
-            sample_data.replace(b'<summary', b'<summary foo="bar"'),
-            'parser test 3')
-        self.assertEqual(result, None,
-                         'XML data that does pass the Relax NG validation '
-                         'accepted by SubmissionParser.parseSubmission')
-        # ...or if the parser detects an inconsistency, like a
-        # property set containing two properties with the same name.
-        result = parser.parseSubmission(
-            sample_data.replace(
-                b'<property name="info.parent"',
-                b"""<property name="info.parent" type="dbus.String">
-                       foo
-                   </property>
-                   <property name="info.parent"
-                """,
-                1),
-            'parser test 4')
-        self.assertEqual(result, None,
-                         'XML data that does pass the Relax NG validation '
-                         'accepted by SubmissionParser.parseSubmission')
-    def testFindDuplicates(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser._findDuplicates."""
-        # If all_ids is empty before the call of _findDuplicates, all
-        # elements of test_ids is copied to all_ids. Since test_ids does
-        # not contains duplicates, the return value of _findDuplicates
-        # is empty.
-        all_ids = set()
-        test_ids = [1, 2, 3]
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        result = parser._findDuplicates(all_ids, test_ids)
-        self.assertEqual(result, set(),
-                         '_findDuplicates found duplicates where none exist')
-        self.assertEqual(all_ids, set((1, 2, 3)),
-                         '_findDuplicates did not update all_ids properly'
-                         'with unique elements (1, 2, 3)')
-        # An element that appears both in all_ids and test_ids is included
-        # in the return value.
-        test_ids = [3, 4]
-        result = parser._findDuplicates(all_ids, test_ids)
-        self.assertEqual(result, set((3,)),
-                         '_findDuplicates did not detect an element in '
-                         'test_ids which already existed in all_ids')
-        self.assertEqual(all_ids, set((1, 2, 3, 4)),
-                         '_findDuplicates did not update all_ids with '
-                         'test_ids (3, 4)')
-        # If an element exists twice in test_ids, it is detected as a
-        # duplicate.
-        test_ids = [5, 5]
-        result = parser._findDuplicates(all_ids, test_ids)
-        self.assertEqual(result, set((5,)),
-                         '_findDuplicates did not detect a element which '
-                         'exists twice in test_ids')
-        self.assertEqual(all_ids, set((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)),
-                         '_findDuplicates did not update all_ids with a '
-                         'duplicate element of test_ids')
-    def testFindDuplicateIDs(self):
-        """SubmissionParser.findDuplicateIDs lists duplicate IDS.
-        The IDs of HAL devices, processors and packages should be
-        unique.
-        """
-        devices = [{'id': 1},
-                   {'id': 2}]
-        processors = [{'id': 3},
-                      {'id': 4}]
-        packages = {'bzr': {'id': 5},
-                    'python-dev': {'id': 6}}
-        submission = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {'devices': devices},
-                'processors': processors},
-            'software': {'packages': packages}}
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        duplicates = parser.findDuplicateIDs(submission)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            duplicates, set(),
-            'Duplicate IDs detected, where no duplicates exist.')
-        for duplicate_entry in ({'id': 1},
-                                {'id': 3},
-                                {'id': 5}):
-            devices.append(duplicate_entry)
-            duplicates = parser.findDuplicateIDs(submission)
-            self.assertEqual(
-                duplicates, set((duplicate_entry['id'],)),
-                'Duplicate ID %i in HAL devices not detected.'
-                % duplicate_entry['id'])
-            devices.pop()
-            processors.append(duplicate_entry)
-            duplicates = parser.findDuplicateIDs(submission)
-            self.assertEqual(
-                duplicates, set((duplicate_entry['id'],)),
-                'Duplicate ID %i in processors not detected.'
-                % duplicate_entry['id'])
-            processors.pop()
-            packages['python-xml'] = duplicate_entry
-            duplicates = parser.findDuplicateIDs(submission)
-            self.assertEqual(
-                duplicates, set((duplicate_entry['id'],)),
-                'Duplicate ID %i in packages not detected.'
-                % duplicate_entry['id'])
-            del packages['python-xml']
-    def testFindDuplicateIDsUdev(self):
-        """SubmissionParser.findDuplicateIDs lists duplicate IDS.
-        The IDs of udev devices, processors and packages should be
-        unique.
-        """
-        udev = [
-            {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'},
-            {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/ACPI_CPU:00'},
-            ]
-        sysfs_attributes = [
-            {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'},
-            ]
-        processors = [
-            {'id': 1},
-            {'id': 2},
-            ]
-        packages = {
-            'bzr': {'id': 4},
-            'python-dev': {'id': 6},
-            }
-        submission = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'udev': udev,
-                'sysfs-attributes': sysfs_attributes,
-                'processors': processors,
-                },
-            'software': {
-                'packages': packages
-                }
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        duplicates = parser.findDuplicateIDs(submission)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            set(), duplicates,
-            'Duplicate IDs for udev submission detected, where no duplicates '
-            'exist.')
-    def testFindDuplicateIDsDuplicateUdevNode(self):
-        """SubmissionParser.findDuplicateIDs lists duplicate IDS.
-        Two udev dictionaries with the same device['P'] value are
-        invalid.
-        """
-        udev = [
-            {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'},
-            {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'},
-            ]
-        sysfs_attributes = [
-            {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'},
-            ]
-        processors = [
-            {'id': 1},
-            {'id': 2},
-            ]
-        packages = {
-            'bzr': {'id': 4},
-            'python-dev': {'id': 6},
-            }
-        submission = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'udev': udev,
-                'sysfs-attributes': sysfs_attributes,
-                'processors': processors,
-                },
-            'software': {
-                'packages': packages
-                }
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        duplicates = parser.findDuplicateIDs(submission)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            set(('/devices/LNXSYSTM:00', )), duplicates,
-            'Duplicate udev nodes not detected.')
-    def testIDMap(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser._getIDMap."""
-        devices = [{'id': 1},
-                   {'id': 2}]
-        processors = [{'id': 3},
-                      {'id': 4}]
-        packages = {'bzr': {'id': 5},
-                    'python-dev': {'id': 6}}
-        submission = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {'devices': devices},
-                'processors': processors},
-            'software': {'packages': packages}}
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        result = parser._getIDMap(submission)
-        self.assertEqual(result,
-                         {1: devices[0],
-                          2: devices[1],
-                          3: processors[0],
-                          4: processors[1],
-                          5: packages['bzr'],
-                          6: packages['python-dev']},
-                         'Invalid result of SubmissionParser._getIDMap')
-    def testIDMapUdev(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser._getIDMap.
-        Variant for submissions with udev data.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'},
-            {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/ACPI_CPU:00'},
-            ]
-        processors = [
-            {'id': 3},
-            {'id': 4},
-            ]
-        packages = {
-            'bzr': {'id': 5},
-            }
-        submission = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'udev': devices,
-                'processors': processors,
-                },
-            'software': {
-                'packages': packages
-                }
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        result = parser._getIDMap(submission)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {
-                '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00': devices[0],
-                '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/ACPI_CPU:00': devices[1],
-                3: processors[0],
-                4: processors[1],
-                5: packages['bzr'],
-                },
-            result,
-            'Invalid result of SubmissionParser._getIDMap')
-    def testInvalidIDReferencesUdev(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkIDReferences.
-        Variant for submissions containing udev data.
-        """
-        devices = [{'id': 1},
-                   {'id': 2}]
-        processors = [{'id': 3},
-                      {'id': 4}]
-        packages = {'bzr': {'id': 5},
-                    'python-dev': {'id': 6}}
-        processors = [{'id': 3},
-                      {'id': 4}]
-        questions = [{'targets': [{'id': 1}]},
-                     {'targets': [{'id': 2},
-                                  {'id': 3}]}]
-        submission = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {'devices': devices},
-                        'processors': processors},
-            'software': {'packages': packages},
-            'questions': questions}
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        invalid_ids = parser.findInvalidIDReferences(submission)
-        self.assertEqual(invalid_ids, set(),
-                         'Invalid ID references detected where none exist')
-        questions.append({'targets': [{'id': -1}]})
-        invalid_ids = parser.findInvalidIDReferences(submission)
-        self.assertEqual(invalid_ids, set([-1]),
-                         'Invalid ID reference not detected')
-    DEVICE_2_UDI = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_AC'
-    DEVICE_3_UDI = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_27c5'
-    DEVICE_4_UDI = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_0_0_0000_00_1d_7'
-    _udi_device_test_data = [
-        {'udi': ROOT_UDI,
-          'properties': {}},
-         {'udi': DEVICE_2_UDI,
-          'properties': {
-              'info.parent': (ROOT_UDI,
-                              'dbus.String')}}]
-    def testUDIDeviceMap(self):
-        """Test the creation of the mapping UDI -> device."""
-        SSB_UDI = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/ssb__null_'
-        SSB_CHILD_UDI = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_1a_73_a3_8f_a4_0'
-        device1 = {
-              'id': 1,
-              'udi': ROOT_UDI,
-              }
-        device2 = {
-            'id': 2,
-            'udi': self.DEVICE_2_UDI,
-            'properties': {
-                'info.parent': (ROOT_UDI, 'str'),
-                },
-            }
-        device3 = {
-            'id': 3,
-            'udi': SSB_UDI,
-            'properties': {
-                'info.parent': (ROOT_UDI, 'str'),
-                },
-            }
-        device4 = {
-            'id': 4,
-            'udi': SSB_CHILD_UDI,
-            'properties': {
-                'info.parent': (SSB_UDI, 'str'),
-                },
-            }
-        devices = [device1, device2]
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        udi_devices = parser.getUDIDeviceMap(devices)
-        self.assertEqual(udi_devices,
-                         {ROOT_UDI: device1,
-                          self.DEVICE_2_UDI: device2},
-                         'Invalid result of SubmissionParser.getUDIDeviceMap')
-        # Generally, duplicate UDIs raise a ValueError.
-        devices.append(device2)
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, parser.getUDIDeviceMap, devices)
-        # Exceptions are devices with certain UDIs which are known
-        # to appear sometimes more than once in HWDB submissions.
-        devices = [device1, device2, device3, device4, device3, device4]
-        udi_devices = parser.getUDIDeviceMap(devices)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            udi_devices,
-            {
-                ROOT_UDI: device1,
-                self.DEVICE_2_UDI: device2,
-                SSB_UDI: device3,
-                SSB_CHILD_UDI: device4,
-                },
-            'Unexpected result of processing a device list with duplicate '
-            'SSB UDIs')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            devices, [device1, device2, device3, device4],
-            'Unexpected list of devices after removing duplicates.')
-    def testIDUDIMaps(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser._getIDUDIMaps."""
-        device1 = {'id': 1,
-                   'udi': ROOT_UDI}
-        device2 = {'id': 2,
-                   'udi': self.DEVICE_2_UDI}
-        devices = [device1, device2]
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        id_to_udi, udi_to_id = parser._getIDUDIMaps(devices)
-        self.assertEqual(id_to_udi,
-                         {1: ROOT_UDI,
-                          2: self.DEVICE_2_UDI},
-                         '_getIDUDIMaps returned invalid ID -> UDI map')
-        self.assertEqual(udi_to_id,
-                         {ROOT_UDI: 1,
-                          self.DEVICE_2_UDI: 2},
-                         '_getIDUDIMaps returned invalid UDI -> ID map')
-    def testUDIChildren(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.getUDIChildren."""
-        device1 = {'id': 1,
-                   'udi': ROOT_UDI,
-                   'properties': {}}
-        device2 = {'id': 2,
-                   'udi': self.DEVICE_2_UDI,
-                   'properties':
-                       {'info.parent':
-                            (ROOT_UDI, 'str')}}
-        device3 = {'id': 3,
-                   'udi': self.DEVICE_3_UDI,
-                   'properties':
-                       {'info.parent':
-                            (ROOT_UDI, 'str')}}
-        device4 = {'id': 4,
-                   'udi': self.DEVICE_4_UDI,
-                   'properties':
-                       {'info.parent':
-                            (self.DEVICE_2_UDI,
-                             'str')}}
-        devices = [device1, device2, device3, device4]
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        udi_device_map = parser.getUDIDeviceMap(devices)
-        udi_children = parser.getUDIChildren(udi_device_map)
-        expected_data = {ROOT_UDI: [device2, device3],
-                         self.DEVICE_2_UDI: [device4]}
-        # The order of the children lists returned by getUDIChildren
-        # depends on the order of dict.items(), hence sort the children
-        # lists before comparing them.
-        for children in udi_children.values():
-            children.sort()
-        for children in expected_data.values():
-            children.sort()
-        self.assertEqual(udi_children, expected_data,
-                         'Invalid result of SubmissionParser.getUDIChildren')
-    def testUDIDeviceMapInvalidRootNode(self):
-        """The root node of the devices must have a special UDI.
-        getUDIChildren ensures that the only device without an info.parent
-        property has the UDI /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer (ROOT_UDI).
-        """
-        device1 = {'id': 1,
-                   'udi': 'invalid_root_node',
-                   'properties': {}}
-        device2 = {'id': 2,
-                   'udi': self.DEVICE_2_UDI,
-                   'properties':
-                       {'info.parent':
-                            ('invalid_root_node', 'str')}}
-        devices = [device1, device2]
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        udi_device_map = parser.getUDIDeviceMap(devices)
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, parser.getUDIChildren, udi_device_map)
-    def testUDIDeviceMapMissingRootNode(self):
-        """If no root node exists, getUDIChildren raises a ValueError."""
-        device1 = {'id': 1,
-                   'udi': self.DEVICE_2_UDI,
-                   'properties':
-                       {'info.parent':
-                            (self.DEVICE_3_UDI, 'str')}}
-        device2 = {'id': 2,
-                   'udi': self.DEVICE_3_UDI,
-                   'properties':
-                       {'info.parent':
-                            (self.DEVICE_2_UDI, 'str')}}
-        devices = [device1, device2]
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        udi_device_map = parser.getUDIDeviceMap(devices)
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, parser.getUDIChildren, udi_device_map)
-    CIRCULAR_UDI_1 = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/nonsense_1'
-    CIRCULAR_UDI_2 = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/nonsense_2'
-    def testParentChildInconsistency(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkHALDevicesParentChildConsistency."""
-        device1 = {'id': 1,
-                   'udi': ROOT_UDI,
-                   'properties': {}}
-        device2 = {'id': 2,
-                   'udi': self.DEVICE_2_UDI,
-                   'properties':
-                       {'info.parent':
-                            (ROOT_UDI, 'str')}}
-        circular_device1 = {
-            'id': 3,
-            'udi': self.CIRCULAR_UDI_1,
-                   'properties':
-                       {'info.parent':
-                            (self.CIRCULAR_UDI_2, 'str')}}
-        circular_device2 = {
-            'id': 4,
-            'udi': self.CIRCULAR_UDI_2,
-                   'properties':
-                       {'info.parent':
-                            (self.CIRCULAR_UDI_1, 'str')}}
-        devices = [device1, device2, circular_device1, circular_device2]
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        udi_device_map = parser.getUDIDeviceMap(devices)
-        udi_children = parser.getUDIChildren(udi_device_map)
-        circular_udis = sorted(parser.checkHALDevicesParentChildConsistency(
-            udi_children))
-        self.assertEqual(circular_udis,
-                         [self.CIRCULAR_UDI_1, self.CIRCULAR_UDI_2],
-                         'Circular parent/child relationship in UDIs not '
-                         'detected')
-    def testCheckUdevDictsHavePathKey(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkNodesHavePathKey()"""
-        # Each dict for a udev device must have a 'P' key.
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        devices = [
-            {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'},
-            {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/ACPI_CPU:00'},
-            ]
-        self.assertTrue(parser.checkUdevDictsHavePathKey(devices))
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'Submission having udev data without "P" key'
-        devices = [
-            {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'},
-            {},
-            ]
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevDictsHavePathKey(devices))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key, 'udev node found without a "P" key')
-    def testCheckUdevPciProperties(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevPciProperties()."""
-        # udev PCI devices must have the properties PCI_CLASS, PCI_ID,
-        # PCI_SUBSYS_ID, PCI_SLOT_NAME; other devices must not have
-        # these properties.
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        self.assertTrue(parser.checkUdevPciProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_pci_device]))
-    def testCheckUdevPciPropertiesNonPciDeviceWithPciProperties(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevPciProperties().
-        A non-PCI device having PCI properties makes a submission invalid.
-        """
-        self.udev_root_device['E']['PCI_SLOT_NAME'] = '0000:00:1f.2'
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'invalid non-PCI device'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevPciProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_pci_device]))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Non-PCI udev device with PCI properties: set([u'PCI_SLOT_NAME']) "
-            "u'/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'")
-    def testCheckUdevPciPropertiesPciDeviceWithoutRequiredProperties(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevPciProperties().
-        A PCI device not having a required PCI property makes a submission
-        invalid.
-        """
-        del self.udev_pci_device['E']['PCI_CLASS']
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'invalid PCI device'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevPciProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_pci_device]))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "PCI udev device without required PCI properties: "
-            "set(['PCI_CLASS']) u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2'")
-    def testCheckUdevPciPropertiesPciDeviceWithNonIntegerPciClass(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevPciProperties().
-        A PCI device with a non-integer class value makes a submission
-        invalid.
-        """
-        self.udev_pci_device['E']['PCI_CLASS'] = 'not-an-integer'
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'invalid PCI class value'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevPciProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_pci_device]))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Invalid udev PCI class: u'not-an-integer' "
-            "u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2'")
-    def testCheckUdevPciPropertiesPciDeviceWithInvalidPciClassValue(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevPciProperties().
-        A PCI device with invalid class data makes a submission
-        invalid.
-        """
-        self.udev_pci_device['E']['PCI_CLASS'] = '1234567'
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'too large PCI class value'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevPciProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_pci_device]))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Invalid udev PCI class: u'1234567' "
-            "u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2'")
-    def testCheckUdevPciPropertiesPciDeviceWithInvalidDeviceID(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevPciProperties().
-        A PCI device with an invalid device ID makes a submission
-        invalid.
-        """
-        self.udev_pci_device['E']['PCI_ID'] = 'not-an-id'
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'invalid PCI ID'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevPciProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_pci_device]))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Invalid udev PCI device ID: u'not-an-id' "
-            "u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2'")
-    def testCheckUdevPciPropertiesPciDeviceWithInvalidSubsystemID(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevPciProperties().
-        A PCI device with an invalid subsystem ID makes a submission
-        invalid.
-        """
-        self.udev_pci_device['E']['PCI_SUBSYS_ID'] = 'not-a-subsystem-id'
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'invalid PCI subsystem ID'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevPciProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_pci_device]))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Invalid udev PCI device ID: u'not-a-subsystem-id' "
-            "u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2'")
-    def testCheckUdevUsbProperties(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevUsbProperties().
-        udev nodes for USB devices must define the three properties
-        DEVTYPE, PRODUCT, TYPE or none of them.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        self.assertTrue(parser.checkUdevUsbProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_usb_device,
-             self.udev_usb_interface]))
-        for property_name in ('DEVTYPE', 'PRODUCT', 'TYPE'):
-            del self.udev_usb_device['E'][property_name]
-        self.assertTrue(parser.checkUdevUsbProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_usb_device,
-             self.udev_usb_interface]))
-    def testCheckUdevUsbProperties_missing_required_property(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevUsbProperties().
-        A USB device where some but not all of the properties DEVTYPE,
-        PRODUCT, TYPE are defined makes a submission invalid.
-        """
-        for property_name in ('DEVTYPE', 'PRODUCT', 'TYPE'):
-            saved_property = self.udev_usb_device['E'].pop(property_name)
-            parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-            parser.submission_key = (
-                'USB device without %s property' % property_name)
-            self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevUsbProperties(
-                [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_usb_device]))
-            self.assertErrorMessage(
-                parser.submission_key,
-                "USB udev device found without required properties: "
-                "set(['%s']) u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-2'"
-                % property_name)
-            self.udev_usb_device['E'][property_name] = saved_property
-    def testCheckUdevUsbProperties_with_invalid_product_id(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevUsbProperties().
-        A USB device with an invalid product ID makes a submission
-        invalid.
-        """
-        self.udev_usb_device['E']['PRODUCT'] = 'not-a-valid-usb-product-id'
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'USB device with invalid product ID'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevUsbProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_usb_device]))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "USB udev device found with invalid product ID: "
-            "u'not-a-valid-usb-product-id' "
-            "u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-2'")
-    def testCheckUdevUsbProperties_with_invalid_type_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmmissionParser.checkUdevUsbProperties().
-        A USB device with invalid type data makes a submission invalid.
-        """
-        self.udev_usb_device['E']['TYPE'] = 'no-type'
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'USB device with invalid type data'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevUsbProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_usb_device]))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "USB udev device found with invalid type data: u'no-type' "
-            "u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-2'")
-    def testCheckUdevUsbProperties_with_invalid_devtype(self):
-        """Test of SubmmissionParser.checkUdevUsbProperties().
-        A udev USB device must have DEVTYPE set to 'usb_device' or
-        'usb_interface'.
-        """
-        self.udev_usb_device['E']['DEVTYPE'] = 'nonsense'
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'USB device with invalid DEVTYPE'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevUsbProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_usb_device]))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "USB udev device found with invalid udev type data: u'nonsense' "
-            "u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-2'")
-    def testCheckUdevUsbProperties_interface_without_interface_property(self):
-        """Test of SubmmissionParser.checkUdevUsbProperties().
-        A udev USB device for a USB interface have the property INTERFACE.
-        """
-        del self.udev_usb_interface['E']['INTERFACE']
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'USB interface without INTERFACE property'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevUsbProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_usb_interface]))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "USB interface udev device found without INTERFACE property: "
-            "u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-2/3-2:1.1'")
-    def testCheckUdevUsbProperties_interface_invalid_interface_property(self):
-        """Test of SubmmissionParser.checkUdevUsbProperties().
-        The INTERFACE proeprty of A udev USB device for a USB interface
-        must have value in the format main_class/sub_class/version
-        """
-        self.udev_usb_interface['E']['INTERFACE'] = 'nonsense'
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'USB interface with invalid INTERFACE data'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkUdevUsbProperties(
-            [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_usb_interface]))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "USB Interface udev device found with invalid INTERFACE "
-            "property: u'nonsense' "
-            "u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-2/3-2:1.1'")
-    def testCheckUdevScsiProperties(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevScsiProperties()."""
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        sysfs_data = {
-            self.udev_scsi_device['P']: self.sysfs_scsi_device,
-            }
-        self.assertTrue(
-            parser.checkUdevScsiProperties(
-                [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_scsi_device], sysfs_data))
-    def testCheckUdevScsiProperties_data_is_none(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevScsiProperties().
-        checkUdevScsiProperties() even if no sysfs properties are
-        available.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        self.assertTrue(
-            parser.checkUdevScsiProperties(
-                [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_scsi_device], None))
-    def testCheckUdevScsiProperties_missing_devtype(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevScsiProperties().
-        Each udev SCSI node must define the DEVTYPE property.
-        """
-        del self.udev_scsi_device['E']['DEVTYPE']
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'udev SCSI device without DEVTYPE'
-        sysfs_data = {
-            self.udev_scsi_device['P']: self.sysfs_scsi_device,
-            }
-        self.assertFalse(
-            parser.checkUdevScsiProperties(
-                [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_scsi_device], sysfs_data))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "SCSI udev node found without DEVTYPE property: "
-            "u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:0'")
-    def testCheckUdevScsiProperties_no_sysfs_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevScsiProperties().
-        Each udev SCSI node must have a corresponding sysfs node.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'udev SCSI device without sysfs data'
-        sysfs_data = {}
-        self.assertFalse(
-            parser.checkUdevScsiProperties(
-                [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_scsi_device], sysfs_data))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "SCSI udev device node found without related sysfs record: "
-            "u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:0'")
-    def testCheckUdevScsiProperties_missing_sysfs_attributes(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkUdevScsiProperties().
-        Each sysfs node for a udev SCSI node must have a the attribues
-        vendor, model and type.
-        """
-        del self.sysfs_scsi_device['model']
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'udev SCSI device with incomplete sysfs data'
-        sysfs_data = {
-            self.udev_scsi_device['P']: self.sysfs_scsi_device,
-            }
-        self.assertFalse(
-            parser.checkUdevScsiProperties(
-                [self.udev_root_device, self.udev_scsi_device], sysfs_data))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "SCSI udev device found without required sysfs attributes: "
-            "set(['model']) "
-            "u'/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:0'")
-    class UdevTestSubmissionParser(SubmissionParser):
-        """A variant of SubmissionParser that shortcuts udev related tests.
-        All shortcut methods return True.
-        """
-        def checkUdevDictsHavePathKey(self, udev_nodes):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return True
-        def checkUdevPciProperties(self, udev_data):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return True
-        def checkUdevUsbProperties(self, udev_data):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return True
-        def checkUdevScsiProperties(self, udev_data, sysfs_data):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return True
-        def checkUdevDmiData(self, dmi_data):
-            """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-            return True
-    validate_mock_class(UdevTestSubmissionParser)
-    def testCheckConsistentUdevDeviceData(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(),"""
-        parser = self.UdevTestSubmissionParser()
-        self.assertTrue(parser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(
-            None, None, None))
-    def testCheckConsistentUdevDeviceData_invalid_path_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(),
-        Detection of invalid path data lets the check fail.
-        """
-        class SubmissionParserUdevPathCheckFails(
-            self.UdevTestSubmissionParser):
-            """A SubmissionPaser where checkUdevDictsHavePathKey() fails."""
-            def checkUdevDictsHavePathKey(self, udev_nodes):
-                """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-                return False
-        validate_mock_class(SubmissionParserUdevPathCheckFails)
-        parser = SubmissionParserUdevPathCheckFails()
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(
-            None, None, None))
-    def testCheckConsistentUdevDeviceData_invalid_pci_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(),
-        Detection of invalid PCI data lets the check fail.
-        """
-        class SubmissionParserUdevPciCheckFails(
-            self.UdevTestSubmissionParser):
-            """A SubmissionPaser where checkUdevPciProperties() fails."""
-            def checkUdevPciProperties(self, udev_data):
-                """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-                return False
-        validate_mock_class(SubmissionParserUdevPciCheckFails)
-        parser = SubmissionParserUdevPciCheckFails()
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(
-            None, None, None))
-    def testCheckConsistentUdevDeviceData_invalid_usb_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(),
-        Detection of invalid USB data lets the check fail.
-        """
-        class SubmissionParserUdevUsbCheckFails(
-            self.UdevTestSubmissionParser):
-            """A SubmissionPaser where checkUdevUsbProperties() fails."""
-            def checkUdevUsbProperties(self, udev_data):
-                """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-                return False
-        validate_mock_class(SubmissionParserUdevUsbCheckFails)
-        parser = SubmissionParserUdevUsbCheckFails()
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(
-            None, None, None))
-    def testCheckConsistentUdevDeviceData_invalid_scsi_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(),
-        Detection of invalid SCSI data lets the check fail.
-        """
-        class SubmissionParserUdevUsbCheckFails(
-            self.UdevTestSubmissionParser):
-            """A SubmissionPaser where checkUdevScsiProperties() fails."""
-            def checkUdevScsiProperties(self, udev_data, sysfs_data):
-                """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-                return False
-        validate_mock_class(SubmissionParserUdevUsbCheckFails)
-        parser = SubmissionParserUdevUsbCheckFails()
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(
-            None, None, None))
-    def testCheckConsistentUdevDeviceData_invalid_dmi_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(),
-        Detection of invalid DMI data lets the check fail.
-        """
-        class SubmissionParserUdevUsbCheckFails(
-            self.UdevTestSubmissionParser):
-            """A SubmissionPaser where checkUdevDmiData() fails."""
-            def checkUdevDmiData(self, dmi_data):
-                """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-                return False
-        validate_mock_class(SubmissionParserUdevUsbCheckFails)
-        parser = SubmissionParserUdevUsbCheckFails()
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(
-            None, None, None))
-    class MockSubmissionParser(SubmissionParser):
-        """A SubmissionParser variant for testing checkCOnsistentData()
-        All "method substitutes" return a valid result.
-        """
-        def findDuplicateIDs(self, parsed_data):
-            return set()
-        def findInvalidIDReferences(self, parsed_data):
-            return set()
-        def getUDIDeviceMap(self, devices):
-            return {}
-        def getUDIChildren(self, udi_device_map):
-            return {}
-        def checkHALDevicesParentChildConsistency(self, udi_children):
-            return []
-        def checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(
-            self, udev_data, sysfs_data, dmi_data):
-            return True
-    validate_mock_class(MockSubmissionParser)
-    def assertErrorMessage(self, submission_key, log_message):
-        """Search for message in the log entries for submission_key.
-        assertErrorMessage requires that
-        (a) a log message starts with "Parsing submisson <submission_key>:"
-        (b) the error message passed as the parameter message appears
-            in a log string that matches (a)
-        (c) result, which is supposed to contain an object representing
-            the result of parsing a submission, is None.
-        (d) the log level is ERROR.
-        If all four criteria match, assertErrormessage does not raise any
-        exception.
-        """
-        expected_message = ('Parsing submission %s: %s'
-                            % (submission_key, log_message))
-        for r in self.handler.records:
-            if r.levelno != logging.ERROR:
-                continue
-            candidate = r.getMessage()
-            if candidate == expected_message:
-                return
-        raise AssertionError('No log message found: %s' % expected_message)
-    def assertWarningMessage(self, submission_key, log_message):
-        """Search for message in the log entries for submission_key.
-        assertErrorMessage requires that
-        (a) a log message starts with "Parsing submisson <submission_key>:"
-        (b) the error message passed as the parameter message appears
-            in a log string that matches (a)
-        (c) result, which is supposed to contain an object representing
-            the result of parsing a submission, is None.
-        (d) the log level is WARNING.
-        If all four criteria match, assertWarningMessage does not raise any
-        exception.
-        """
-        expected_message = ('Parsing submission %s: %s'
-                            % (submission_key, log_message))
-        for r in self.handler.records:
-            if r.levelno != logging.WARNING:
-                continue
-            candidate = r.getMessage()
-            if candidate == expected_message:
-                return
-        raise AssertionError('No log message found: %s' % expected_message)
-    def testConsistencyCheck(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkConsistency."""
-        parser = self.MockSubmissionParser()
-        result = parser.checkConsistency({'hardware':
-                                              {'hal': {'devices': []}}})
-        self.assertEqual(result, True,
-                         'checkConsistency failed, but all partial checks '
-                         'succeeded')
-    def testConsistencyCheckValidUdevData(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkConsistency."""
-        parser = self.MockSubmissionParser()
-        self.assertTrue(parser.checkConsistency(
-            {
-                'hardware': {
-                    'udev': None,
-                    'sysfs-attributes': None,
-                    'dmi': None,
-                    }
-                }
-            ))
-    def testConsistencyCheck_invalid_udev_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.checkConsistency."""
-        class MockSubmissionParserBadUdevDeviceData(
-            self.MockSubmissionParser):
-            """A parser where checkConsistentUdevDeviceData() fails."""
-            def checkConsistentUdevDeviceData(self, udev_data, sysfs_data,
-                                              dmi_data):
-                return False
-        validate_mock_class(MockSubmissionParserBadUdevDeviceData)
-        parser = MockSubmissionParserBadUdevDeviceData()
-        self.assertFalse(parser.checkConsistency(
-            {
-                'hardware': {
-                    'udev': None,
-                    'sysfs-attributes': None,
-                    'dmi': None,
-                    }
-                }
-            ))
-    def testConsistencyCheckWithDuplicateIDs(self):
-        """SubmissionParser.checkConsistency detects duplicate IDs."""
-        class MockSubmissionParserDuplicateIds(
-            self.MockSubmissionParser):
-            """A parser where findDuplicateIDs() fails."""
-            def findDuplicateIDs(self, parsed_data):
-                return set([1])
-        validate_mock_class(MockSubmissionParserDuplicateIds)
-        parser = MockSubmissionParserDuplicateIds(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'Consistency check detects duplicate IDs'
-        result = parser.checkConsistency({'hardware':
-                                              {'hal': {'devices': []}}})
-        self.assertEqual(result, False,
-                         'checkConsistency did not detect duplicate IDs')
-        self.assertErrorMessage('Consistency check detects duplicate IDs',
-                                'Duplicate IDs found: set([1])')
-    def testConsistencyCheckWithInvalidIDReferences(self):
-        """SubmissionParser.checkConsistency detects invalid ID references."""
-        class MockSubmissionParserInvalidIDReferences(
-            self.MockSubmissionParser):
-            """A parser where findInvalidIDReferences() fails."""
-            def findInvalidIDReferences(self, parsed_data):
-                return set([1])
-        validate_mock_class(MockSubmissionParserInvalidIDReferences)
-        parser = MockSubmissionParserInvalidIDReferences(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'Consistency check detects invalid ID refs'
-        result = parser.checkConsistency({'hardware':
-                                              {'hal': {'devices': []}}})
-        self.assertEqual(result, False,
-                         'checkConsistency did not detect invalid ID refs')
-        self.assertErrorMessage('Consistency check detects invalid ID refs',
-                                'Invalid ID references found: set([1])')
-    def testConsistencyCheckWithDuplicateUDI(self):
-        """SubmissionParser.checkConsistency detects duplicate UDIs."""
-        class MockSubmissionParserUDIDeviceMapFails(
-            self.MockSubmissionParser):
-            """A parser where getUDIDeviceMap() fails."""
-            def getUDIDeviceMap(self, devices):
-                raise ValueError(
-                    'Duplicate UDI: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer')
-        validate_mock_class(MockSubmissionParserUDIDeviceMapFails)
-        parser = MockSubmissionParserUDIDeviceMapFails(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'Consistency check detects invalid ID refs'
-        result = parser.checkConsistency({'hardware':
-                                              {'hal': {'devices': []}}})
-        self.assertEqual(result, False,
-                         'checkConsistency did not detect duplicate UDIs')
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            'Consistency check detects invalid ID refs',
-            'Duplicate UDI: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer')
-    def testConsistencyCheckChildUDIWithoutParent(self):
-        """SubmissionParser.checkConsistency detects "orphaned" devices."""
-        class MockSubmissionParserUDIChildrenFails(
-            self.MockSubmissionParser):
-            """A parser where getUDIChildren() fails."""
-            def getUDIChildren(self, udi_device_map):
-                raise ValueError('Unknown parent UDI /foo in <device id="3">')
-        validate_mock_class(MockSubmissionParserUDIChildrenFails)
-        parser = MockSubmissionParserUDIChildrenFails(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'Consistency check detects invalid ID refs'
-        result = parser.checkConsistency({'hardware':
-                                              {'hal': {'devices': []}}})
-        self.assertEqual(result, False,
-                         'checkConsistency did not detect orphaned devices')
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            'Consistency check detects invalid ID refs',
-            'Unknown parent UDI /foo in <device id="3">')
-    def testConsistencyCheckCircularParentChildRelation(self):
-        """SubmissionParser.checkConsistency detects "orphaned" devices."""
-        class MockSubmissionParserHALDevicesParentChildConsistency(
-            self.MockSubmissionParser):
-            """A parser where checkHALDevicesParentChildConsistency() fails.
-            """
-            def checkHALDevicesParentChildConsistency(self, udi_children):
-                return ['/foo', '/bar']
-        validate_mock_class(
-            MockSubmissionParserHALDevicesParentChildConsistency)
-        parser = MockSubmissionParserHALDevicesParentChildConsistency(
-            self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = ('Consistency check detects circular '
-                                 'parent-child relationships')
-        result = parser.checkConsistency({'hardware':
-                                              {'hal': {'devices': []}}})
-        self.assertEqual(result, False,
-                         'checkConsistency did not detect circular parent/'
-                             'child relationship')
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            'Consistency check detects circular parent-child relationships',
-            "Found HAL devices with circular parent/child "
-                "relationship: [u'/foo', u'/bar']")
diff --git a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/test_hwdb_submission_processing.py b/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/test_hwdb_submission_processing.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e0961d5..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/hardwaredb/scripts/tests/test_hwdb_submission_processing.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5373 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Tests of the HWDB submissions parser."""
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
-import bz2
-from copy import deepcopy
-from datetime import datetime
-import io
-import logging
-import os
-import pytz
-from zope.component import getUtility
-from zope.testing.loghandler import Handler
-from lp.hardwaredb.interfaces.hwdb import (
-    HWBus,
-    HWSubmissionFormat,
-    IHWDeviceDriverLinkSet,
-    IHWDeviceSet,
-    IHWDriverSet,
-    IHWSubmissionDeviceSet,
-    IHWSubmissionSet,
-    IHWVendorIDSet,
-    IHWVendorNameSet,
-    )
-from lp.hardwaredb.scripts.hwdbsubmissions import (
-    HALDevice,
-    SubmissionParser,
-    UdevDevice,
-    )
-from lp.services.config import config
-from lp.testing import (
-    TestCase,
-    validate_mock_class,
-    )
-from lp.testing.dbuser import switch_dbuser
-from lp.testing.layers import (
-    BaseLayer,
-    LaunchpadZopelessLayer,
-    )
-def evaluate_property(value):
-    """Evaluate a property.
-    This function does nothing in itself; passing it a property evaluates the
-    property.  But it lets the code express that the evaluation is all that's
-    needed, without assigning to an unused variable etc.
-    """
-    return value
-class TestCaseHWDB(TestCase):
-    """Common base class for HWDB processing tests."""
-    layer = BaseLayer
-    UDI_COMPUTER = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer'
-    UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_27c5'
-    UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI = ('/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/'
-                               'pci_8086_27c5_scsi_host')
-    UDI_SATA_DISK = ('org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/'
-                     'pci_8086_27c5_scsi_host_scsi_device_lun0')
-    UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_27cc'
-    UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE = ('/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/'
-                                   'usb_device_0_0_0000_00_1d_7')
-    UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE_RAW = ('/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/'
-                                   'usb_device_0_0_0000_00_1d_7_usbraw')
-    UDI_USB_STORAGE = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_1307_163_07'
-    UDI_USB_STORAGE_IF0 = ('/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/'
-                           'usb_device_1307_163_07_if0')
-    UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_HOST = ('/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/'
-                                 'usb_device_1307_163_07_if0scsi_host')
-    UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_DEVICE = ('/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/'
-                                   'usb_device_1307_163_07_if0'
-                                   'scsi_host_scsi_device_lun0')
-    UDI_USB_HUB = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_409_5a_noserial'
-    UDI_USB_HUB_IF0 = ('/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/'
-                       'usb_dev_409_5a_noserial_if0')
-    UDI_PCI_PCI_BRIDGE = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_2448'
-    UDI_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_1217_7134'
-    UDI_PCCARD_DEVICE = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_9004_6075'
-        '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_9004_6075')
-        '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_9004_6075_scsi_host')
-    UDI_SCSI_DISK = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/scsi_disk'
-    PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL = 0x8086
-    PCI_PROD_ID_AIC1480 = 0x6075
-    USB_VENDOR_ID_NEC = 0x0409
-    USB_PROD_ID_NEC_HUB = 0x005a
-    USB_VENDOR_ID_USBEST = 0x1307
-    KERNEL_VERSION = '2.6.24-19-generic'
-    KERNEL_PACKAGE = 'linux-image-' + KERNEL_VERSION
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Setup the test environment."""
-        super(TestCaseHWDB, self).setUp()
-        self.log = logging.getLogger('test_hwdb_submission_parser')
-        self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-        self.handler = Handler(self)
-        self.handler.add(self.log.name)
-    def assertWarningMessage(self, submission_key, log_message):
-        """Search for message in the log entries for submission_key.
-        :raise: AssertionError if no log message exists that starts with
-            "Parsing submission <submission_key>:" and that contains
-            the text passed as the parameter message.
-        """
-        expected_message = 'Parsing submission %s: %s' % (
-            submission_key, log_message)
-        for record in self.handler.records:
-            if record.levelno != logging.WARNING:
-                continue
-            candidate = record.getMessage()
-            if candidate == expected_message:
-                return
-        raise AssertionError('No log message found: %s' % expected_message)
-    def assertErrorMessage(self, submission_key, log_message):
-        """Search for log_message in the log entries for submission_key.
-        :raise: AssertionError if no log message exists that starts with
-            "Parsing submission <submission_key>:" and that contains
-            the text passed as the parameter message.
-        """
-        expected_message = 'Parsing submission %s: %s' % (
-            submission_key, log_message)
-        for record in self.handler.records:
-            if record.levelno != logging.ERROR:
-                continue
-            candidate = record.getMessage()
-            if candidate == expected_message:
-                return
-        raise AssertionError('No log message found: %s' % expected_message)
-class TestHWDBSubmissionProcessing(TestCaseHWDB):
-    """Tests for processing of HWDB submissions."""
-    def test_buildDeviceList(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.buildDeviceList()."""
-        class MockSubmissionParser(SubmissionParser):
-            """A SubmissionParser variant for testing."""
-            def __init__(self, hal_result, udev_result):
-                super(MockSubmissionParser, self).__init__()
-                self.hal_result = hal_result
-                self.udev_result = udev_result
-            def buildHalDeviceList(self, parsed_data):
-                """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-                return self.hal_result
-            def buildUdevDeviceList(self, parsed_data):
-                """See `SubmissionParser`."""
-                return self.udev_result
-        parsed_data_hal = {
-            'hardware': {'hal': None}
-            }
-        parser = MockSubmissionParser(True, True)
-        self.assertTrue(parser.buildDeviceList(parsed_data_hal))
-        parser = MockSubmissionParser(False, True)
-        self.assertFalse(parser.buildDeviceList(parsed_data_hal))
-        parsed_data_udev = {
-            'hardware': {'udev': None}
-            }
-        parser = MockSubmissionParser(True, True)
-        self.assertTrue(parser.buildDeviceList(parsed_data_udev))
-        parser = MockSubmissionParser(True, False)
-        self.assertFalse(parser.buildDeviceList(parsed_data_udev))
-    def test_buildHalDeviceList(self):
-        """Test the creation of list HALDevice instances for a submission."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {},
-                },
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_COMPUTER, 'str')
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        self.assertEqual(len(parser.devices), len(devices),
-                         'Numbers of devices in parser.devices and in '
-                         'sample data are different')
-        root_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER]
-        self.assertEqual(root_device.id, 1,
-                         'Unexpected value of root device ID.')
-        self.assertEqual(root_device.udi, self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                         'Unexpected value of root device UDI.')
-        self.assertEqual(root_device.properties,
-                         devices[0]['properties'],
-                         'Unexpected properties of root device.')
-        child_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER]
-        self.assertEqual(child_device.id, 2,
-                         'Unexpected value of child device ID.')
-        self.assertEqual(child_device.udi, self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                         'Unexpected value of child device UDI.')
-        self.assertEqual(child_device.properties,
-                         devices[1]['properties'],
-                         'Unexpected properties of child device.')
-        parent = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER]
-        child = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER]
-        self.assertEqual(parent.children, [child],
-                         'Child missing in parent.children.')
-        self.assertEqual(child.parent, parent,
-                         'Invalid value of child.parent.')
-    def makeUdevDeviceParsedData(self, paths, sysfs_data=None):
-        """Build test data that can be passed to buildUdevDevice()."""
-        def makeUdevDevice(path):
-            """Make a trivial UdevInstance with the given device path."""
-            return {
-                'P': path,
-                'E': {}
-                }
-        udev_device_data = [makeUdevDevice(path) for path in paths]
-        if sysfs_data is None:
-            sysfs_data = {}
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'udev': udev_device_data,
-                'sysfs-attributes': sysfs_data,
-                'dmi': {'/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor': 'FUJITSU SIEMENS'},
-                }
-            }
-        return parsed_data
-    def test_buildUdevDeviceList(self):
-        """Test the creation of UdevDevice instances for a submission."""
-        root_device_path = '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'
-        pci_pci_bridge_path = '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0'
-        pci_ethernet_controller_path = (
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0')
-        pci_usb_controller_path = '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7'
-        pci_usb_controller_usb_hub_path = (
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1')
-        usb_storage_device_path = '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1'
-        udev_paths = (
-            root_device_path, pci_pci_bridge_path,
-            pci_ethernet_controller_path, pci_usb_controller_path,
-            pci_usb_controller_usb_hub_path, usb_storage_device_path,
-            )
-        parsed_data = self.makeUdevDeviceParsedData(udev_paths)
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        self.assertTrue(parser.buildUdevDeviceList(parsed_data))
-        self.assertEqual(len(udev_paths), len(parser.devices))
-        for path in udev_paths:
-            self.assertEqual(path, parser.devices[path].device_id)
-        devices = parser.devices
-        root_device = parser.devices[root_device_path]
-        expected_children = set(
-            (devices[pci_pci_bridge_path], devices[pci_usb_controller_path]))
-        self.assertEqual(expected_children, set(root_device.children))
-        pci_pci_bridge = devices[pci_pci_bridge_path]
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [devices[pci_ethernet_controller_path]], pci_pci_bridge.children)
-        usb_controller = devices[pci_usb_controller_path]
-        usb_hub = devices[pci_usb_controller_usb_hub_path]
-        self.assertEqual([usb_hub], usb_controller.children)
-        usb_storage = devices[usb_storage_device_path]
-        self.assertEqual([usb_storage], usb_hub.children)
-    def test_buildUdevDeviceList_root_node_has_dmi_data(self):
-        """The root node of a udev submissions has DMI data."""
-        root_device_path = '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'
-        pci_pci_bridge_path = '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0'
-        udev_paths = (root_device_path, pci_pci_bridge_path)
-        parsed_data = self.makeUdevDeviceParsedData(udev_paths)
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        parser.buildUdevDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {'/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor': 'FUJITSU SIEMENS'},
-            parser.devices[root_device_path].dmi)
-        self.assertIs(None, parser.devices[pci_pci_bridge_path].dmi)
-    def test_buildUdevDeviceList_sysfs_data(self):
-        """Optional sysfs data is passed to UdevDevice instances."""
-        root_device_path = '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'
-        pci_pci_bridge_path = '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0'
-        pci_ethernet_controller_path = (
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0')
-        udev_paths = (
-            root_device_path, pci_pci_bridge_path,
-            pci_ethernet_controller_path)
-        sysfs_data = {
-            pci_pci_bridge_path: 'sysfs-data',
-            }
-        parsed_data = self.makeUdevDeviceParsedData(udev_paths, sysfs_data)
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        parser.buildUdevDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'sysfs-data', parser.devices[pci_pci_bridge_path].sysfs)
-        self.assertIs(
-            None, parser.devices[pci_ethernet_controller_path].sysfs)
-    def test_buildUdevDeviceList_no_sysfs_data(self):
-        """Sysfs data is not required (maverick and natty submissions)."""
-        root_device_path = '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'
-        pci_pci_bridge_path = '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0'
-        pci_ethernet_controller_path = (
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0')
-        udev_paths = (
-            root_device_path, pci_pci_bridge_path,
-            pci_ethernet_controller_path)
-        sysfs_data = None
-        parsed_data = self.makeUdevDeviceParsedData(udev_paths, sysfs_data)
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        parser.buildUdevDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        self.assertIs(
-            None, parser.devices[pci_pci_bridge_path].sysfs)
-        self.assertIs(
-            None, parser.devices[pci_ethernet_controller_path].sysfs)
-    def test_buildUdevDeviceList_invalid_device_path(self):
-        """Test the creation of UdevDevice instances for a submission.
-        All device paths must start with '/devices'. Any other
-        device path makes the submission invalid.
-        """
-        root_device_path = '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'
-        bad_device_path = '/nonsense'
-        udev_paths = (root_device_path, bad_device_path)
-        parsed_data = self.makeUdevDeviceParsedData(udev_paths)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'udev device with invalid path'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.buildUdevDeviceList(parsed_data))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key, "Invalid device path name: u'/nonsense'")
-    def test_buildUdevDeviceList_missing_root_device(self):
-        """Test the creation of UdevDevice instances for a submission.
-        Each submission must contain a udev node for the root device.
-        """
-        pci_pci_bridge_path = '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0'
-        udev_paths = (pci_pci_bridge_path, )
-        parsed_data = self.makeUdevDeviceParsedData(udev_paths)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'no udev root device'
-        self.assertFalse(parser.buildUdevDeviceList(parsed_data))
-        self.assertErrorMessage(
-            parser.submission_key, "No udev root device defined")
-    def test_kernel_package_name_hal_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name.
-        Regular case.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'system.kernel.version': (self.KERNEL_VERSION, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parser.parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            'software': {
-                'packages': {
-                    self.KERNEL_PACKAGE: {},
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser.buildDeviceList(parser.parsed_data)
-        kernel_package = parser.kernel_package_name
-        self.assertEqual(
-            self.KERNEL_PACKAGE, kernel_package,
-            'Unexpected value of SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name. '
-            'Expected linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic, got %r' % kernel_package)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            0, len(self.handler.records),
-            'One or more warning messages were logged by '
-            'SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name, where zero was expected.')
-    def test_kernel_package_hal_data_name_inconsistent(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name.
-        Test a name inconsistency.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'system.kernel.version': (self.KERNEL_VERSION, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parser.parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            'software': {
-                'packages': {
-                    'linux-image-from-obscure-external-source': {},
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser.submission_key = 'Test of inconsistent kernel package name'
-        parser.buildDeviceList(parser.parsed_data)
-        kernel_package = parser.kernel_package_name
-        self.assertIs(None, kernel_package)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'Inconsistent kernel version data: According to HAL the '
-            'kernel is 2.6.24-19-generic, but the submission does not '
-            'know about a kernel package linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic')
-        # The warning appears only once per submission, even if the
-        # property kernel_package_name is accessed more than once.
-        num_warnings = len(self.handler.records)
-        evaluate_property(parser.kernel_package_name)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            num_warnings, len(self.handler.records),
-            'Warning for missing HAL property system.kernel.version '
-            'repeated.')
-    def test_kernel_package_name_hal_data_no_kernel_version_in_hal_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name.
-        Test without HAL property system.kernel.version.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {},
-                },
-            ]
-        parser.parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            'software': {
-                'packages': {
-                    'linux-image-from-obscure-external-source': {},
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser.submission_key = 'Test: missing property system.kernel.version'
-        parser.buildDeviceList(parser.parsed_data)
-        self.assertIs(None, parser.kernel_package_name)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'Submission does not provide property system.kernel.version '
-            'for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer or a summary '
-            'sub-node <kernel-release>.')
-        # The warning appears only once per submission, even if the
-        # property kernel_package_name is accessed more than once.
-        num_warnings = len(self.handler.records)
-        evaluate_property(parser.kernel_package_name)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            num_warnings, len(self.handler.records),
-            'Warning for missing HAL property system.kernel.version '
-            'repeated.')
-    def test_kernel_package_name_hal_data_no_package_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name.
-        Test without any package data. In this case,
-        SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name is the value of the property
-        system.kernel.version if the root HAL device. No further checks
-        are done.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'system.kernel.version': (self.KERNEL_VERSION, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parser.parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            'software': {
-                'packages': {},
-                },
-            }
-        parser.submission_key = 'Test: missing property system.kernel.version'
-        parser.buildDeviceList(parser.parsed_data)
-        kernel_package = parser.kernel_package_name
-        self.assertEqual(
-            self.KERNEL_PACKAGE, kernel_package,
-            'Unexpected result of SubmissionParser.getKernelPackageName, '
-            'test without any package data. Expected None, got %r'
-            % kernel_package)
-    def test_kernel_package_name_udev_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name for udev data.
-        Variant for udev data, regular case.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'udev': [
-                    {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'}
-                    ],
-                'sysfs-attributes': {},
-                'dmi': {},
-                },
-            'software': {
-                'packages': {
-                    self.KERNEL_PACKAGE: {},
-                    },
-                },
-            'summary': {
-                'kernel-release': self.KERNEL_VERSION,
-                },
-            }
-        parser.buildDeviceList(parser.parsed_data)
-        kernel_package = parser.kernel_package_name
-        self.assertEqual(
-            self.KERNEL_PACKAGE, kernel_package,
-            'Unexpected value of SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name. '
-            'Expected linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic, got %r' % kernel_package)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            0, len(self.handler.records),
-            'One or more warning messages were logged by '
-            'SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name, where zero was expected.')
-    def test_kernel_package_udev_data_name_inconsistent(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name.
-        Variant for udev data, name inconsistency.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'udev': [
-                    {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'}
-                    ],
-                'sysfs-attributes': {},
-                'dmi': {},
-                },
-            'software': {
-                'packages': {
-                    'linux-image-from-obscure-external-source': {},
-                    },
-                },
-            'summary': {
-                'kernel-release': self.KERNEL_VERSION,
-                },
-            }
-        parser.submission_key = 'Test of inconsistent kernel package name'
-        parser.buildDeviceList(parser.parsed_data)
-        kernel_package = parser.kernel_package_name
-        self.assertIs(None, kernel_package)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'Inconsistent kernel version data: According to HAL the '
-            'kernel is 2.6.24-19-generic, but the submission does not '
-            'know about a kernel package linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic')
-        # The warning appears only once per submission, even if the
-        # property kernel_package_name is accessed more than once.
-        num_warnings = len(self.handler.records)
-        evaluate_property(parser.kernel_package_name)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            num_warnings, len(self.handler.records),
-            'Warning for missing HAL property system.kernel.version '
-            'repeated.')
-    def test_kernel_package_name_udev_data_no_kernel_version_in_summary(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name.
-        Test without the summary sub-node <kernel-release>.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'udev': [
-                    {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'}
-                    ],
-                'sysfs-attributes': {},
-                'dmi': {},
-                },
-            'software': {
-                'packages': {
-                    self.KERNEL_PACKAGE: {},
-                    },
-                },
-            'summary': {},
-            }
-        parser.submission_key = 'Test: missing property system.kernel.version'
-        parser.buildDeviceList(parser.parsed_data)
-        self.assertIs(None, parser.kernel_package_name)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'Submission does not provide property system.kernel.version '
-            'for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer or a summary '
-            'sub-node <kernel-release>.')
-        # The warning appears only once per submission, even if the
-        # property kernel_package_name is accessed more than once.
-        num_warnings = len(self.handler.records)
-        evaluate_property(parser.kernel_package_name)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            num_warnings, len(self.handler.records),
-            'Warning for missing HAL property system.kernel.version '
-            'repeated.')
-    def test_kernel_package_name_udev_data_no_package_data(self):
-        """Test of SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name.
-        Variant for udev data, test without any package data. In this case,
-        SubmissionParser.kernel_package_name is the value of the property
-        system.kernel.version if the root HAL device. No further checks
-        are done.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'udev': [
-                    {'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'},
-                    ],
-                'sysfs-attributes': {},
-                'dmi': {},
-                },
-            'software': {
-                'packages': {},
-                },
-            'summary': {
-                'kernel-release': self.KERNEL_VERSION,
-                },
-            }
-        parser.submission_key = 'Test: missing property system.kernel.version'
-        parser.buildDeviceList(parser.parsed_data)
-        kernel_package = parser.kernel_package_name
-        self.assertEqual(
-            self.KERNEL_PACKAGE, kernel_package,
-            'Unexpected result of SubmissionParser.getKernelPackageName, '
-            'test without any package data. Expected None, got %r'
-            % kernel_package)
-    def testHALDeviceConstructor(self):
-        """Test of the HALDevice constructor."""
-        properties = {
-            'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(device.id, 1, 'Unexpected device ID')
-        self.assertEqual(device.udi, '/some/udi/path',
-                         'Unexpected device UDI.')
-        self.assertEqual(device.properties, properties,
-                         'Unexpected device properties.')
-        self.assertEqual(device.parser, parser,
-                         'Unexpected device parser.')
-    def testHALDeviceGetProperty(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.getProperty."""
-        properties = {
-            'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        # HALDevice.getProperty returns the value of a HAL property.
-        # Note that the property type is _not_ returned
-        self.assertEqual(device.getProperty('info.bus'), 'scsi',
-            'Unexpected result of calling HALDevice.getProperty.')
-        # If a property of the given name does not exist, None is returned.
-        self.assertEqual(device.getProperty('does-not-exist'), None,
-            'Unexpected result of calling HALDevice.getProperty for a '
-            'non-existing property.')
-    def testHALDeviceParentUDI(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.parent_udi."""
-        properties = {
-            'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-            'info.parent': ('/another/udi', 'str'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(device.parent_udi, '/another/udi',
-                         'Unexpected value of HALDevice.parent_udi.')
-        properties = {
-            'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(device.parent_udi, None,
-                         'Unexpected value of HALDevice.parent_udi, '
-                         'when no parent information available.')
-    def testHALDeviceDeviceId(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.device_id."""
-        properties = {}
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            '/some/udi/path', device.device_id,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.device_id')
-    def testHALDevicePciClass(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.pci_class."""
-        properties = {
-            'pci.device_class': (1, 'int'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             1, device.pci_class,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.pci_class.')
-        properties = {}
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, device.pci_class,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.pci_class for Non-PCI device.')
-    def testHALDevicePciSubClass(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.pci_subclass."""
-        properties = {
-            'pci.device_subclass': (1, 'int'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             1, device.pci_subclass,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.pci_subclass.')
-        properties = {}
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             None, device.pci_subclass,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.pci_sub_class for Non-PCI device.')
-    def testHALDeviceUsbVendorId(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.usb_vendor_id."""
-        properties = {
-            'usb_device.vendor_id': (1, 'int'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             1, device.usb_vendor_id,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.usb_vendor_id.')
-        properties = {}
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             None, device.usb_vendor_id,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.usb_vendor_id for Non-USB device.')
-    def testHALDeviceUsbProductId(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.usb_product_id."""
-        properties = {
-            'usb_device.product_id': (1, 'int'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             1, device.usb_product_id,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.usb_product_id.')
-        properties = {}
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             None, device.usb_product_id,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.usb_product_id for Non-USB '
-            'device.')
-    def testHALDeviceScsiVendor(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.scsi_vendor."""
-        properties = {
-            'scsi.vendor': ('SEAGATE', 'string'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             'SEAGATE', device.scsi_vendor,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.scsi_vendor.')
-        properties = {}
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             None, device.scsi_vendor,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.scsi_vendor for Non-SCSI device.')
-    def testHALDeviceScsiModel(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.scsi_model."""
-        properties = {
-            'scsi.model': ('ST1234567', 'string'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             'ST1234567', device.scsi_model,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.scsi_model.')
-        properties = {}
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             None, device.scsi_model,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.scsi_model for Non-SCSI device.')
-    def testHALDeviceDriverName(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.driver_name."""
-        properties = {
-            'info.linux.driver': ('ahci', 'string'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             'ahci', device.driver_name,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.driver_name.')
-        properties = {}
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(
-             None, device.driver_name,
-            'Unexpected value of HALDevice.driver_name for Non-SCSI device.')
-    def testHalDeviceRawBus(self):
-        """test of HALDevice.raw_bus."""
-        properties = {
-            'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-            'info.parent': ('/another/udi', 'str'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(device.raw_bus, 'scsi',
-                         'Unexpected value of HALDevice.raw_bus for '
-                         'HAL property info.bus.')
-        properties = {
-            'info.subsystem': ('scsi', 'str'),
-            'info.parent': ('/another/udi', 'str'),
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        device = HALDevice(1, '/some/udi/path', properties, parser)
-        self.assertEqual(device.raw_bus, 'scsi',
-                         'Unexpected value of HALDevice.raw_bus for '
-                         'HAL property info.bus.')
-    def test_HALDevice_scsi_controller_usb_storage_device(self):
-        """test of HALDevice.scsi_controller.
-        The physical device is a USB storage device.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            # The main node of the USB storage device.
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('usb_device', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The storage interface of the USB device.
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_IF0,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('usb', 'str'),
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_STORAGE, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The fake SCSI host of the storage device. Note that HAL does
-            # _not_ provide the info.bus property.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_HOST,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_IF0, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The fake SCSI disk.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_DEVICE,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_HOST, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        usb_fake_scsi_disk = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_DEVICE]
-        usb_main_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_IF0]
-        self.assertEqual(usb_main_device, usb_fake_scsi_disk.scsi_controller)
-    def test_HALDevice_scsi_controller_pci_controller(self):
-        """test of HALDevice.scsi_controller.
-        Variant for a SCSI device connected to a PCI controller.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            # The PCI host controller.
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.device_class': (PCI_CLASS_STORAGE, 'int'),
-                    'pci.device_subclass': (PCI_SUBCLASS_STORAGE_SATA,
-                                            'int'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The (fake or real) SCSI host of the storage device.
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The (possibly fake) SCSI disk.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        scsi_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_DISK]
-        controller = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER]
-        self.assertEqual(controller, scsi_device.scsi_controller)
-    def test_HALDevice_scsi_controller_non_scsi_device(self):
-        """test of HALDevice.scsi_controller.
-        Variant for non-SCSI devices.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {},
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER]
-        self.assertEqual(None, device.scsi_controller)
-    def test_HALDevice_scsi_controller_no_grandparent(self):
-        """test of HALDevice.scsi_controller.
-        Variant for a SCSI device without a grandparent device.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            # The (fake or real) SCSI host of the storage device.
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI,
-                'properties': {},
-                },
-            # The (possibly fake) SCSI disk.
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'SCSI device without grandparent device'
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        scsi_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_DISK]
-        self.assertEqual(None, scsi_device.scsi_controller)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Found SCSI device without a grandparent: %s."
-            % self.UDI_SATA_DISK)
-    def test_HALDevice_scsi_controller_no_parent(self):
-        """test of HALDevice.scsi_controller.
-        Variant for a SCSI device without a parent device.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            # The (possibly fake) SCSI disk.
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'SCSI device without parent device'
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        scsi_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_DISK]
-        self.assertEqual(None, scsi_device.scsi_controller)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Found SCSI device without a parent: %s." % self.UDI_SATA_DISK)
-    def testHALDeviceGetRealBus(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.real_bus, generic case.
-        For most buses as "seen" by HAL, HALDevice.real_bus returns a
-        unique HWBus value.
-        """
-        for hal_bus, real_bus in (('usb_device', HWBus.USB),
-                                  ('pcmcia', HWBus.PCMCIA),
-                                  ('ide', HWBus.IDE),
-                                  ('serio', HWBus.SERIAL),
-                                 ):
-            UDI_TEST_DEVICE = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/test_device'
-            devices = [
-                {
-                    'id': 1,
-                    'udi': UDI_TEST_DEVICE,
-                    'properties': {
-                        'info.bus': (hal_bus, 'str'),
-                        },
-                    },
-                ]
-            parsed_data = {
-                'hardware': {
-                    'hal': {
-                        'devices': devices,
-                        },
-                    },
-                }
-            parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-            parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-            test_device = parser.devices[UDI_TEST_DEVICE]
-            test_bus = test_device.real_bus
-            self.assertEqual(test_bus, real_bus,
-                             'Unexpected result of HALDevice.real_bus for '
-                             'HAL bus %s: %s.' % (hal_bus, test_bus.title))
-    def testHALDeviceGetRealBusSystem(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.real_bus, for the tested machine itself."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('unknown', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        test_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER]
-        test_bus = test_device.real_bus
-        self.assertEqual(test_bus, HWBus.SYSTEM,
-                         'Unexpected result of HALDevice.real_bus for '
-                         'a system: %s' % test_bus.title)
-    def testHALDeviceGetRealBusScsiUsb(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.real_bus for info.bus=='scsi' and a USB device.
-        Memory sticks, card readers and USB->IDE/SATA adapters use SCSI
-        emulation; HALDevice.real_bus treats these devices as "black boxes",
-        and thus returns None.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            # The main node of the USB storage device.
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('usb_device', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The storage interface of the USB device.
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_IF0,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('usb', 'str'),
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_STORAGE, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The fake SCSI host of the storage device. Note that HAL does
-            # _not_ provide the info.bus property.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_HOST,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_IF0, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The fake SCSI disk.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_DEVICE,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_HOST, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        usb_fake_scsi_disk = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_DEVICE]
-        self.assertEqual(usb_fake_scsi_disk.real_bus, None,
-            'Unexpected result of HALDevice.real_bus for the fake SCSI '
-            'disk HAL node of a USB storage device bus.')
-    def testHALDeviceGetRealBusScsiPci(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.real_bus for info.bus=='scsi'.
-        Many non-SCSI devices support the SCSI command, and the Linux
-        kernel can treat them like SCSI devices. The real bus of these
-        devices can be found by looking at the PCI class and subclass
-        of the host controller of the possibly fake SCSI device.
-        The real bus of these device can be IDE, ATA, SATA or SCSI.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            # The PCI host controller.
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.device_class': (PCI_CLASS_STORAGE, 'int'),
-                    'pci.device_subclass': (PCI_SUBCLASS_STORAGE_SATA,
-                                            'int'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The fake SCSI host of the storage device. Note that HAL does
-            # _not_ provide the info.bus property.
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The (possibly fake) SCSI disk.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        pci_subclass_bus = (
-            (0, HWBus.SCSI),
-            (1, HWBus.IDE),
-            (2, HWBus.FLOPPY),
-            (3, HWBus.IPI),
-            (4, None),  # subclass RAID is ignored.
-            (5, HWBus.ATA),
-            (6, HWBus.SATA),
-            (7, HWBus.SAS),
-            )
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        for device_subclass, expected_bus in pci_subclass_bus:
-            devices[0]['properties']['pci.device_subclass'] = (
-                device_subclass, 'int')
-            fake_scsi_disk = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_DISK]
-            found_bus = fake_scsi_disk.real_bus
-            self.assertEqual(found_bus, expected_bus,
-                'Unexpected result of HWDevice.real_bus for PCI storage '
-                'class device, subclass %i: %r.' % (device_subclass,
-                                                    found_bus))
-    def testHALDeviceGetRealBusScsiDeviceWithoutGrandparent(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.real_bus for a device without a grandparent."""
-        devices = [
-            # A SCSI host conrtoller.
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI,
-                'properties': {},
-                },
-            # A SCSI disk.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'Test SCSI disk without a grandparent'
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        scsi_disk = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK]
-        bus = scsi_disk.real_bus
-        self.assertEqual(bus, None,
-            'Unexpected result of HALDevice.real_bus for a SCSI device '
-            'without a grandparent. Expected None, got %r' % bus)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(parser.submission_key,
-            'Found SCSI device without a grandparent: %s.'
-             % self.UDI_SCSI_DISK)
-    def testHALDeviceGetRealBusScsiDeviceWithoutParent(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.real_bus for a device without a parent."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'Test SCSI disk without a parent'
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        scsi_disk = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK]
-        bus = scsi_disk.real_bus
-        self.assertEqual(bus, None,
-            'Unexpected result of HALDevice.real_bus for a SCSI device '
-            'without a parent. Expected None, got %r' % bus)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(parser.submission_key,
-            'Found SCSI device without a parent: %s.'
-             % self.UDI_SCSI_DISK)
-    def testHALDeviceGetRealBusScsiDeviceWithBogusPciGrandparent(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.real_bus for a device with a bogus grandparent.
-        The PCI device class must be PCI_CLASS_STORAGE.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            # The PCI host controller. The PCI device class is invalid.
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.device_class': (-1, 'int'),
-                    'pci.device_subclass': (PCI_SUBCLASS_STORAGE_SATA, 'int'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The fake SCSI host of the storage device. Note that HAL does
-            # _not_ provide the info.bus property.
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The (possibly fake) SCSI disk.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = (
-            'Test SCSI disk with invalid controller device class')
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        scsi_disk = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_DISK]
-        bus = scsi_disk.real_bus
-        self.assertEqual(bus, None,
-            'Unexpected result of HALDevice.real_bus for a SCSI device '
-            'without a parent. Expected None, got %r' % bus)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(parser.submission_key,
-            'A (possibly fake) SCSI device %s is connected to PCI device '
-            '%s that has the PCI device class -1; expected class 1 (storage).'
-             % (self.UDI_SATA_DISK, self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER))
-    def testHALDeviceGetRealBusPci(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.real_bus for info.bus=='pci'.
-        If info.bus == 'pci', we may have a real PCI device or a PCCard.
-        """
-        # possible parent device for the tested device,
-        parent_devices = [
-            # The host itself.
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('unknown', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # A PCI->PCI bridge.
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_PCI_PCI_BRIDGE,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_COMPUTER, 'str'),
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.device_class': (PCI_CLASS_BRIDGE, 'int'),
-                    'pci.device_subclass': (PCI_SUBCLASS_BRIDGE_PCI, 'int'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # A PCI->PCCard bridge.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_PCI_PCI_BRIDGE, 'str'),
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.device_class': (PCI_CLASS_BRIDGE, 'int'),
-                    'pci.device_subclass': (PCI_SUBCLASS_BRIDGE_CARDBUS,
-                                            'int'),
-                    },
-                },
-        ]
-        tested_device = {
-            'id': 4,
-            'udi': self.UDI_PCCARD_DEVICE,
-            'properties': {
-                'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                },
-            }
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {},
-                },
-            }
-        expected_result_for_parent_device = {
-            self.UDI_COMPUTER: HWBus.PCI,
-            self.UDI_PCI_PCI_BRIDGE: HWBus.PCI,
-            self.UDI_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE: HWBus.PCCARD,
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        for parent_device in parent_devices:
-            devices = parent_devices[:]
-            tested_device['properties']['info.parent'] = (
-                parent_device['udi'], 'str')
-            devices.append(tested_device)
-            parsed_data['hardware']['hal']['devices'] = devices
-            parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-            tested_hal_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_PCCARD_DEVICE]
-            found_bus = tested_hal_device.real_bus
-            expected_bus = expected_result_for_parent_device[
-                parent_device['udi']]
-            self.assertEqual(found_bus, expected_bus,
-                             'Unexpected result of HWDevice.real_bus for a '
-                             'PCI or PCCard device: Expected %r, got %r.'
-                             % (expected_bus, found_bus))
-    def testHALDeviceGetRealBusUnknown(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.real_bus for unknown values of info.bus."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_PCCARD_DEVICE,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('nonsense', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'Test of unknown bus name'
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_bus = parser.devices[self.UDI_PCCARD_DEVICE].real_bus
-        self.assertEqual(found_bus, None,
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.real_bus for an '
-                         'unknown bus name: Expected None, got %r.'
-                         % found_bus)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Unknown bus u'nonsense' for device " + self.UDI_PCCARD_DEVICE)
-    def test_HALDevice_is_root_device_for_root_device(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_root_device for the root device."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {},
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        parser.submission_key = 'Test of HALDevice.is_root_device'
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        self.assertTrue(parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER].is_root_device)
-    def test_HALDevice_is_root_device_for_non_root_device(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_root_device for a non-root device."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_PCCARD_DEVICE,
-                'properties': {},
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser()
-        parser.submission_key = 'Test of HALDevice.is_root_device'
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        self.assertFalse(
-            parser.devices[self.UDI_PCCARD_DEVICE].is_root_device)
-    def renameInfoBusToInfoSubsystem(self, devices):
-        """Rename the property info.bus in a device list to info.subsystem.
-        Older HAL version store the device bus in the property info.bus;
-        newer versions store the bus in info.subsystem.
-        The parameter devices is a list of dictionaries as used in the
-        methods below. This method replaces all dictionary entries with
-        the key info.bus by entries with the key info.subsystem in order
-        to allow easy testing of both variants.
-        """
-        for device in devices:
-            if 'info.bus' in device['properties']:
-                bus = device['properties']['info.bus']
-                device['properties']['info.subsystem'] = bus
-                del device['properties']['info.bus']
-    def testHALDeviceRealDeviceRegularBus(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_real_device: regular info.bus property.
-        See below for exceptions, if info.bus == 'usb_device' or if
-        info.bus == 'usb'.
-        """
-        # If a HAL device has the property info.bus, it is considered
-        # to be a real device.
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.device_class': (PCI_CLASS_SERIALBUS_CONTROLLER,
-                                         'int'),
-                    'pci.device_subclass': (PCI_SUBCLASS_SERIALBUS_USB,
-                                            'int'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE]
-        self.assertTrue(device.is_real_device,
-                        'Device with info.bus property not treated as a '
-                        'real device.')
-        self.renameInfoBusToInfoSubsystem(devices)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE]
-        self.assertTrue(device.is_real_device,
-                        'Device with info.subsystem property not treated as '
-                        'a real device.')
-    def testHALDeviceRealDeviceNoBus(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_real_device: No info.bus property."""
-        UDI_HAL_STORAGE_DEVICE = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage...'
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': UDI_HAL_STORAGE_DEVICE,
-                'properties': {},
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[UDI_HAL_STORAGE_DEVICE]
-        self.assertFalse(device.is_real_device,
-                         'Device without info.bus property treated as a '
-                         'real device')
-    def testHALDeviceRealDeviceHALBusValueIgnored(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_real_device: ignored values of info.bus.
-        A HAL device is considered to not be a real device, if its
-        info.bus proerty is 'drm', 'dvb', 'memstick_host', 'net',
-        'scsi_generic', 'scsi_host', 'sound', 'ssb', 'tty', 'usb'
-        or 'video4linux'.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_HUB_IF0,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('usb', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        properties = devices[0]['properties']
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        ignored_buses = (
-             'ac97', 'bttv-sub', 'disk', 'drm', 'drm_minor', 'dvb',
-            'enclosure', 'gameport', 'graphics', 'hid', 'host', 'hwmon',
-            'ieee80211', 'link', 'lirc', 'mISDN', 'memstick', 'memstick_host',
-            'net', 'partition', 'pci_express', 'pcmcia_socket', 'pvrusb2',
-            'sas_device', 'sas_end_device', 'sas_host', 'sas_phy', 'sas_port',
-            'scsi_disk', 'scsi_generic', 'scsi_host', 'scsi_tape',
-            'scsi_target', 'sound', 'spi_host', 'spi_transport', 'ssb',
-            'tifm', 'tifm_adapter', 'tty', 'usb', 'usb-serial',
-            'usb_endpoint', 'usb_host', 'usb_interface', 'usbmon',
-            'video4linux', 'wlan')
-        for tested_bus in ignored_buses:
-            properties['info.bus'] = (tested_bus, 'str')
-            parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-            device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_HUB_IF0]
-            self.assertFalse(
-                device.is_real_device,
-                'Device with info.bus=%s treated as a real device'
-                % tested_bus)
-        del properties['info.bus']
-        for tested_bus in ignored_buses:
-            properties['info.subsystem'] = (tested_bus, 'str')
-            parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-            device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_HUB_IF0]
-            self.assertFalse(
-                device.is_real_device,
-                'Device with info.subsystem=%s treated as a real device'
-                % tested_bus)
-    def runTestHALDeviceRealDeviceScsiDevicesPciController(
-        self, devices, bus_property_name):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_real_device: info.bus == 'scsi'.
-        The (fake or real) SCSI device is connected to a PCI controller.
-        Though the real bus may not be SCSI, all devices for the busses
-        SCSI, IDE, ATA, SATA, SAS are treated as real devices.
-        """
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        pci_subclass_bus = (
-            (0, True),  # a real SCSI controller
-            (1, True),  # an IDE device
-            (4, False),  # subclass RAID is ignored.
-            (5, True),  # an ATA device
-            (6, True),  # a SATA device
-            (7, True),  # a SAS device
-            )
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        for device_subclass, expected_is_real in pci_subclass_bus:
-            devices[0]['properties']['pci.device_subclass'] = (
-                device_subclass, 'int')
-            scsi_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_DISK]
-            found_is_real = scsi_device.is_real_device
-            self.assertEqual(found_is_real, expected_is_real,
-                'Unexpected result of HWDevice.is_real_device for a HAL SCSI '
-                'connected to PCI controller, subclass %i: %r; testing '
-                'property %s'
-                % (device_subclass, found_is_real, bus_property_name))
-    def testHALDeviceRealDeviceScsiDevicesPciController(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_real_device: info.bus == 'scsi'.
-        The (fake or real) SCSI device is connected to a PCI controller.
-        Though the real bus may not be SCSI, all devices for the busses
-        SCSI, IDE, ATA, SATA, SAS are treated as real devices.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            # The PCI host controller.
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.device_class': (PCI_CLASS_STORAGE, 'int'),
-                    'pci.device_subclass': (PCI_SUBCLASS_STORAGE_SATA, 'int'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The (possibly fake) SCSI host of the storage device.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                                    'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The (possibly fake) SCSI disk.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER_SCSI, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        self.runTestHALDeviceRealDeviceScsiDevicesPciController(
-            devices, 'info.bus')
-        self.renameInfoBusToInfoSubsystem(devices)
-        self.runTestHALDeviceRealDeviceScsiDevicesPciController(
-            devices, 'info.subsystem')
-    def testHALDeviceRealDeviceScsiDeviceUsbStorage(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_real_device: info.bus == 'scsi'.
-        USB storage devices are treated as SCSI devices by HAL;
-        we do not consider them to be real devices.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            # The main node of the USB storage device.
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('usb_device', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The storage interface of the USB device.
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_IF0,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('usb', 'str'),
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_STORAGE, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The fake SCSI host of the storage device. Note that HAL does
-            # _not_ provide the info.bus property.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_HOST,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_IF0, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The fake SCSI disk.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_DEVICE,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_HOST, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        scsi_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_DEVICE]
-        self.assertFalse(scsi_device.is_real_device,
-            'Unexpected result of HWDevice.is_real_device for a HAL SCSI '
-            'device as a subdevice of a USB storage device.')
-        self.renameInfoBusToInfoSubsystem(devices)
-        scsi_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_STORAGE_SCSI_DEVICE]
-        self.assertFalse(scsi_device.is_real_device,
-            'Unexpected result of HWDevice.is_real_device for a HAL SCSI '
-            'device as a subdevice of a USB storage device.')
-    def testHALDeviceRealDeviceRootDevice(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_real_device for the root node."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {},
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER]
-        self.assertTrue(device.is_real_device,
-                        'Root device not treated as a real device')
-    def testHALDeviceRealChildren(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.getRealChildren."""
-        # An excerpt of a real world HAL device tree. We have three "real"
-        # devices, and two "unreal" devices (ID 3 and 4)
-        #
-        # the host itself. Treated as a real device.
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {}
-                },
-            # A PCI->USB bridge.
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_COMPUTER, 'str'),
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.device_class': (PCI_CLASS_SERIALBUS_CONTROLLER,
-                                         'int'),
-                    'pci.device_subclass': (PCI_SUBCLASS_SERIALBUS_USB,
-                                            'int'),
-                 }
-            },
-            # The "output aspect" of the PCI->USB bridge. Not a real
-            # device.
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE, 'str'),
-                    'info.bus': ('usb_device', 'str'),
-                    'usb_device.vendor_id': (0, 'int'),
-                    'usb_device.product_id': (0, 'int'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The HAL node for raw USB data access of the bridge. Not a
-            # real device.
-            {
-                'id': 4,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE_RAW,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE, 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            # The HAL node of a USB device connected to the bridge.
-            {
-                'id': 5,
-                'udi': self.UDI_USB_HUB,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE, 'str'),
-                    'info.bus': ('usb_device', 'str'),
-                    'usb_device.vendor_id': (self.USB_VENDOR_ID_NEC, 'int'),
-                    'usb_device.product_id': (self.USB_PROD_ID_NEC_HUB,
-                                              'int'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        # The PCI-USB bridge is a child of the system.
-        root_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER]
-        pci_usb_bridge = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE]
-        self.assertEqual(root_device.getRealChildren(), [pci_usb_bridge],
-                         'Unexpected list of real children of the root '
-                         'device')
-        # The "output aspect" of the PCI->USB bridge and the node for
-        # raw USB access do not appear as childs of the PCI->USB bridge,
-        # but the node for the USB device is considered to be a child
-        # of the bridge.
-        usb_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_HUB]
-        self.assertEqual(pci_usb_bridge.getRealChildren(), [usb_device],
-                         'Unexpected list of real children of the PCI-> '
-                         'USB bridge')
-    def testHasReliableDataRegularCase(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.has_reliable_data, regular case."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {}
-                },
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_COMPUTER, 'str'),
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.vendor_id': (self.PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, 'int'),
-                    'pci.product_id': (self.PCI_PROD_ID_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE,
-                                       'int'),
-                    'info.product': ('Intel PCCard bridge 1234', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER]
-        self.assertTrue(
-            device.has_reliable_data,
-            'Regular device treated as not having reliable data.')
-    def testHasReliableDataNotProcessible(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.has_reliable_data, bus without reliable data."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {},
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        properties = devices[0]['properties']
-        for bus in ('asus_oled', 'atm', 'backlight', 'bdi', 'bluetooth',
-                    'cardman_4040', 'dahdi', 'dmi', 'heci', 'hidraw',
-                    'hwmon', 'i2c-adapter', 'ieee1394', 'ieee1394_protocol',
-                    'input', 'leds', 'mem', 'misc', 'mmc', 'mmc_host', 'msr',
-                    'pci_bus', 'pcmcia', 'pktcdvd', 'platform', 'pnp',
-                    'power_supply', 'ppdev', 'ppp', 'printer', 'rfkill',
-                    'thermal', 'ttm', 'vc', 'video_output', 'vtconsole'):
-            properties['info.bus'] = (bus, 'str')
-            parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-            device = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER]
-            self.assertFalse(device.has_reliable_data,
-                'Device with bus=%s treated as having reliable data.' % bus)
-    def testHasReliableDataRootDevice(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.has_reliable_data, root device.
-        The root device has the info.subsystem or info.bus property set
-        to 'unknown'. While we treat other devices with ths bus value
-        as useless, the root device is real.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.subsystem': ('unknown', 'str'),
-                    'system.hardware.vendor': ('FUJITSU SIEMENS', 'str'),
-                    'system.hardware.product': ('LIFEBOOK E8210', 'str'),
-                },
-            },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER]
-        self.assertTrue(
-            device.has_reliable_data,
-            "Root device not treated as having reliable data.")
-    def testHasReliableDataForInsuffientData(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.has_reliable_data, insufficent device data.
-        Test for a HAL device that should be processible but does
-        not provide enough data. Aside from a bus, we need a vendor ID,
-        a product ID and a product name.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {}
-                },
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_COMPUTER, 'str'),
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.vendor_id': (self.PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, 'int'),
-                    'pci.product_id': (self.PCI_PROD_ID_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE,
-                                       'int'),
-                    'info.product': ('Intel PCCard bridge 1234', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        missing_data_log_message = (
-            ('pci.vendor_id',
-             "A HALDevice that is supposed to be a real device does not "
-             "provide bus, vendor ID, product ID or product name: <DBItem "
-             "HWBus.PCI, (1) PCI> None 28980 u'Intel PCCard bridge 1234' "
-             "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_27c5"
-             ),
-            ('pci.product_id',
-             "A HALDevice that is supposed to be a real device does not "
-             "provide bus, vendor ID, product ID or product name: "
-             "<DBItem HWBus.PCI, (1) PCI> 32902 None u'Intel PCCard bridge "
-             "1234' /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_27c5"
-             ),
-            ('info.product',
-             "A HALDevice that is supposed to be a real device does not "
-             "provide bus, vendor ID, product ID or product name: "
-             "<DBItem HWBus.PCI, (1) PCI> 32902 28980 None "
-             "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_27c5"
-             ),
-            )
-        for (missing_data, expected_log_message) in missing_data_log_message:
-            test_parsed_data = deepcopy(parsed_data)
-            test_device = test_parsed_data['hardware']['hal']['devices'][1]
-            del test_device['properties'][missing_data]
-            parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-            submission_key = 'test_missing_%s' % missing_data
-            parser.submission_key = submission_key
-            parser.buildHalDeviceList(test_parsed_data)
-            device = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER]
-            self.assertFalse(
-                device.has_reliable_data,
-                'Device with missing property %s treated as having reliable'
-                'data.' % missing_data)
-            self.assertWarningMessage(submission_key, expected_log_message)
-    def testHasReliableDataIDEDevice(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.has_reliable_data, for IDE devices.
-        Many IDE devices do not provide vendor and product IDs. This is
-        a known problem and hence not worth a log message.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {}
-                },
-            {
-                'id': 2,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_COMPUTER, 'str'),
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.vendor_id': (self.PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, 'int'),
-                    'pci.product_id': (self.PCI_PROD_ID_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE,
-                                       'int'),
-                    'info.product': ('Intel PCCard bridge 1234', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            {
-                'id': 3,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.parent': (self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER, 'str'),
-                    'info.bus': ('ide', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_DISK]
-        self.assertFalse(
-            device.has_reliable_data,
-            'IDE Device with missing properties vendor ID, product ID, '
-            'product name treated as having reliabledata.')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            len(self.handler.records), 0,
-            'Warning messages exist for processing an IDE device where '
-            'no messages are expected.')
-    def testHALDeviceSCSIVendorModelNameRegularCase(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.getScsiVendorAndModelName, regular case."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.vendor': ('SHARP', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.model': ('JX250 SCSI', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK]
-        vendor_model = device.getScsiVendorAndModelName()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {
-                'vendor': 'SHARP',
-                'product': 'JX250 SCSI',
-                },
-            vendor_model,
-            'Unexpected result of HWDevice.getScsiVendorAndModelName '
-            'for a regular SCSI device. Expected vendor name SHARP, got %r.'
-            % vendor_model)
-    def testHALDeviceSCSIVendorModelNameATADiskShortModelName(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.getScsiVendorAndModelName, ATA disk (1).
-        Test of an ATA disk with a short model name. The Linux kenrel
-        sets the vendor name to "ATA" and inserts the real vendor
-        name into the model string.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.vendor': ('ATA', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.model': ('Hitachi HTS54161', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK]
-        vendor_model = device.getScsiVendorAndModelName()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {
-                'vendor': 'Hitachi',
-                'product': 'HTS54161',
-                },
-            vendor_model,
-            'Unexpected result of HWDevice.getScsiVendorAndModelName '
-            'for an ATA SCSI device: %r.'
-            % vendor_model)
-    def testHALDeviceSCSIVendorModelNameATADiskLongModelName(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.getScsiVendorAndModelName, ATA disk (2).
-        Test of an ATA disk with a short model name. The Linux kenrel
-        sets the vendor name to "ATA" and ignores the real vendor name,
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.vendor': ('ATA', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.model': ('HTC426060G9AT00', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK]
-        vendor_product = device.getScsiVendorAndModelName()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {
-                'vendor': 'ATA',
-                'product': 'HTC426060G9AT00',
-                },
-            vendor_product,
-            'Unexpected result of HWDevice.getScsiVendorAndModelName '
-            'for a reguale SCSI device: %r.'
-            % vendor_product)
-    def testHALDeviceVendorFromInfoVendor(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.vendor, regular case.
-        The value is copied from info.vendor, if available."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'info.vendor': ('Intel Corporation', 'str'),
-                    'pci.vendor': ('should not be used', 'str'),
-                    }
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_vendor = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER].vendor
-        self.assertEqual(found_vendor, 'Intel Corporation',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.vendor. '
-                         'Expected Intel Corporation, got %r.'
-                         % found_vendor)
-    def testHALDeviceVendorFromBusVendor(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.vendor, value copied from ${bus}.vendor.
-        If the property info.vendor does not exist, ${bus}.vendor
-        is tried.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.vendor': ('Intel Corporation', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_vendor = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER].vendor
-        self.assertEqual(found_vendor, 'Intel Corporation',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.vendor, '
-                         'if info.vendor does not exist. '
-                         'Expected Intel Corporation, got %r.'
-                         % found_vendor)
-    def testHALDeviceVendorScsi(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.vendor for SCSI devices: regular case."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.vendor': ('SEAGATE', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_vendor = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK].vendor
-        self.assertEqual(found_vendor, 'SEAGATE',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.vendor '
-                         'for SCSI device. Expected SEAGATE, got %r.'
-                         % found_vendor)
-    def testHALDeviceVendorScsiAta(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.vendor for SCSI devices: fake IDE/SATA disks."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.vendor': ('ATA', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.model': ('Hitachi HTS54161', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_vendor = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK].vendor
-        self.assertEqual(found_vendor, 'Hitachi',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.vendor, for fake '
-                         'SCSI device. Expected Hitachi, got %r.'
-                         % found_vendor)
-    def testHALDeviceVendorSystem(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.vendor for the machine itself."""
-        # HAL does not provide info.vendor for the root UDI
-        # /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer, hence HALDevice.vendor
-        # reads the vendor name from system.vendor
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('unknown', 'str'),
-                    'system.hardware.vendor': ('FUJITSU SIEMENS', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_vendor = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER].vendor
-        self.assertEqual(found_vendor, 'FUJITSU SIEMENS',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.vendor for a '
-                         'system. Expected FUJITSU SIEMENS, got %r.'
-                         % found_vendor)
-    def testHALDeviceProductFromInfoProduct(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.product, regular case.
-        The value is copied from info.product, if available."""
-        # The product name is copied from the HAL property info.product,
-        # if it is avaliable.
-        devices = [
-             {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'info.product': ('82801GBM/GHM SATA AHCI Controller',
-                                     'str'),
-                    'pci.product': ('should not be used', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_product = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER].product
-        self.assertEqual(found_product, '82801GBM/GHM SATA AHCI Controller',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.product. '
-                         'Expected 82801GBM/GHM SATA AHCI Controller, got %r.'
-                         % found_product)
-    def testHALDeviceProductFromBusProduct(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.product, value copied from ${bus}.product.
-        If the property info.product does not exist, ${bus}.product
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.product': ('82801GBM/GHM SATA AHCI Controller',
-                                    'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_product = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER].product
-        self.assertEqual(found_product, '82801GBM/GHM SATA AHCI Controller',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.product, '
-                         'if info.product does not exist. '
-                         'Expected 82801GBM/GHM SATA AHCI Controller, got %r.'
-                         % found_product)
-    def testHALDeviceProductScsi(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.product for SCSI devices: regular case."""
-        # The name of SCSI device is copied from the property scsi.model.
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.vendor': ('SEAGATE', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.model': ('ST36530N', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_product = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK].product
-        self.assertEqual(found_product, 'ST36530N',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.product '
-                         'for SCSI device. Expected ST36530N, got %r.'
-                         % found_product)
-    def testHALDeviceProductScsiAta(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.product for SCSI devices: fake IDE/SATA disks."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.vendor': ('ATA', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.model': ('Hitachi HTS54161', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_product = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK].product
-        self.assertEqual(found_product, 'HTS54161',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.product, for fake '
-                         'SCSI device. Expected HTS54161, got %r.'
-                         % found_product)
-    def testHALDeviceProductSystem(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.product for the machine itself."""
-        # HAL sets info.product to "Computer" for the root UDI
-        # /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer, hence HALDevice.product
-        # reads the product name from system.product.
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('unknown', 'str'),
-                    'system.hardware.product': ('LIFEBOOK E8210', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_product = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER].product
-        self.assertEqual(found_product, 'LIFEBOOK E8210',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.product, '
-                         'if info.product does not exist. '
-                         'Expected LIFEBOOK E8210, got %r.'
-                         % found_product)
-    def testHALDeviceVendorId(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.vendor_id.
-        Many buses have a numerical vendor ID. Except for the special
-        cases tested below, HWDevice.vendor_id returns the HAL property
-        ${bus}.vendor_id.
-        """
-        devices = [
-             {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.vendor_id': (self.PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, 'int'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_vendor_id = parser.devices[
-            self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER].vendor_id
-        self.assertEqual(found_vendor_id, self.PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL,
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.vendor_id. '
-                         'Expected 0x8086, got 0x%x.'
-                         % found_vendor_id)
-    def testHALDeviceVendorIdScsi(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.vendor_id for SCSI devices.
-        The SCSI specification does not know about a vendor ID,
-        we use the vendor string as returned by INQUIRY command
-        as the ID.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.vendor': ('SEAGATE', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_vendor_id = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK].vendor_id
-        self.assertEqual(found_vendor_id, 'SEAGATE',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.vendor_id for a. '
-                         'SCSI device. Expected SEAGATE, got %r.'
-                         % found_vendor_id)
-    def testHALDeviceVendorIdScsiAta(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.vendor_id for SCSI devices: fake IDE/SATA disks.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.vendor': ('ATA', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.model': ('Hitachi HTS54161', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_vendor_id = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK].vendor_id
-        self.assertEqual(found_vendor_id, 'Hitachi',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.vendor_id for a. '
-                         'fake SCSI device. Expected Hitachi, got %r.'
-                         % found_vendor_id)
-    def testHALDeviceVendorIdSystem(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.vendor_id for the machine itself."""
-        # HAL does not provide the property info.vendor_id for the
-        # root UDI /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer. We use
-        # HALDevice.vendor instead.
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('unknown', 'str'),
-                    'system.hardware.vendor': ('FUJITSU SIEMENS', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_vendor_id = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER].vendor_id
-        self.assertEqual(found_vendor_id, 'FUJITSU SIEMENS',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.vendor_id for a '
-                         'system. Expected FUJITSU SIEMENS, got %r.'
-                         % found_vendor_id)
-    def testHALDeviceProductId(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.product_id.
-        Many buses have a numerical product ID. Except for the special
-        cases tested below, HWDevice.product_id returns the HAL property
-        ${bus}.product_id.
-        """
-        devices = [
-             {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                    'pci.product_id': (0x27c5, 'int'),
-                    },
-                },
-             ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_product_id = parser.devices[self.UDI_SATA_CONTROLLER].product_id
-        self.assertEqual(found_product_id, 0x27c5,
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.product_id. '
-                         'Expected 0x27c5, got 0x%x.'
-                         % found_product_id)
-    def testHALDeviceProductIdScsi(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.product_id for SCSI devices.
-        The SCSI specification does not know about a product ID,
-        we use the product string as returned by INQUIRY command
-        as the ID.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.vendor': ('SEAGATE', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.model': ('ST36530N', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_product_id = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK].product_id
-        self.assertEqual(found_product_id, 'ST36530N',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.product_id for a. '
-                         'SCSI device. Expected ST35630N, got %r.'
-                         % found_product_id)
-    def testHALDeviceProductIdScsiAta(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.product_id for SCSI devices: fake IDE/SATA disks.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.vendor': ('ATA', 'str'),
-                    'scsi.model': ('Hitachi HTS54161', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_product_id = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK].product_id
-        self.assertEqual(found_product_id, 'HTS54161',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.product_id for a. '
-                         'fake SCSI device. Expected HTS54161, got %r.'
-                         % found_product_id)
-    def testHALDeviceProductIdSystem(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.product_id for the machine itself."""
-        # HAL does not provide info.product_id for the root UDI
-        # /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer. We use
-        # HALDevice.product instead.
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'info.bus': ('unknown', 'str'),
-                    'system.hardware.product': ('LIFEBOOK E8210', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_product_id = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER].product_id
-        self.assertEqual(found_product_id, 'LIFEBOOK E8210',
-                         'Unexpected result of HWDevice.product_id for a '
-                         'system. Expected LIFEBOOK E8210, got %r.'
-                         % found_product_id)
-    def testVendorIDForDB(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.vendor_id_for_db."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_DISK,
-                'properties': {},
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        properties = devices[0]['properties']
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        # SCSI vendor names have a length of exactly 8 bytes; we use
-        # this format for HWDevice.bus_product_id too.
-        testdata = (('pci', (0x123, 'int'), '0x0123'),
-                    ('usb_device', (0x234, 'int'), '0x0234'),
-                    ('scsi', ('SEAGATE', 'str'), 'SEAGATE '),
-                    )
-        for bus, vendor_id, expected_vendor_id in testdata:
-            properties['info.bus'] = (bus, 'str')
-            if bus == 'scsi':
-                properties['%s.vendor' % bus] = vendor_id
-            else:
-                properties['%s.vendor_id' % bus] = vendor_id
-            parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-            found_vendor_id = parser.devices[
-                self.UDI_SATA_DISK].vendor_id_for_db
-            self.assertEqual(found_vendor_id, expected_vendor_id,
-                'Unexpected result of HWDevice.vendor_id_for_db for bus '
-                '"%s". Expected %r, got %r.'
-                % (bus, expected_vendor_id, found_vendor_id))
-    def testVendorIDForDBSystem(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.vendor_id_for_db."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'system.hardware.vendor': ('FUJITSU SIEMENS', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_vendor_id = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER].vendor_id_for_db
-        self.assertEqual(found_vendor_id, 'FUJITSU SIEMENS',
-            'Unexpected result of HWDevice.vendor_id_for_db for system. '
-            'Expected FUJITSU SIEMENS, got %r.' % found_vendor_id)
-    def testProductIDForDB(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.product_id_for_db."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_SATA_DISK,
-                'properties': {},
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        properties = devices[0]['properties']
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        # SCSI product names (called "model" in the SCSI specifications)
-        # have a length of exactly 16 bytes; we use this format for
-        # HWDevice.bus_product_id too.
-        testdata = (('pci', (0x123, 'int'), '0x0123'),
-                    ('usb_device', (0x234, 'int'), '0x0234'),
-                    ('scsi', ('ST1234567890', 'str'), 'ST1234567890    '),
-                   )
-        for bus, product_id, expected_product_id in testdata:
-            properties['info.bus'] = (bus, 'str')
-            if bus == 'scsi':
-                properties['%s.model' % bus] = product_id
-            else:
-                properties['%s.product_id' % bus] = product_id
-            parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-            found_product_id = parser.devices[
-                self.UDI_SATA_DISK].product_id_for_db
-            self.assertEqual(found_product_id, expected_product_id,
-                'Unexpected result of HWDevice.product_id_for_db for bus '
-                '"%s". Expected %r, got %r.'
-                % (bus, expected_product_id, found_product_id))
-    def testProductIDForDBSystem(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.product_id_for_db."""
-        devices = [
-            {
-                'id': 1,
-                'udi': self.UDI_COMPUTER,
-                'properties': {
-                    'system.hardware.product': ('E8210', 'str'),
-                    },
-                },
-            ]
-        parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': devices,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(parsed_data)
-        found_product_id = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER].product_id_for_db
-        self.assertEqual(found_product_id, 'E8210',
-            'Unexpected result of HWDevice.product_id_for_db for system. '
-            'Expected FUJITSU SIEMENS, got %r.' % found_product_id)
-class TestHALDeviceUSBDevices(TestCaseHWDB):
-    """Tests for HALDevice.is_real_device: USB devices."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Setup the test environment."""
-        super(TestHALDeviceUSBDevices, self).setUp()
-        self.usb_controller_pci_side = {
-            'id': 1,
-            'udi': self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE,
-            'properties': {
-                'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-                'pci.device_class': (PCI_CLASS_SERIALBUS_CONTROLLER, 'int'),
-                'pci.device_subclass': (PCI_SUBCLASS_SERIALBUS_USB, 'int'),
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_controller_usb_side = {
-            'id': 2,
-            'udi': self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE,
-            'properties': {
-                'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE, 'str'),
-                'info.bus': ('usb_device', 'str'),
-                'usb_device.vendor_id': (0, 'int'),
-                'usb_device.product_id': (0, 'int'),
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_device = {
-            'id': 3,
-            'udi': self.UDI_USB_STORAGE,
-            'properties': {
-                'info.parent': (self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE, 'str'),
-                'info.bus': ('usb_device', 'str'),
-                'usb_device.vendor_id': (self.USB_VENDOR_ID_USBEST, 'int'),
-                'usb_device.product_id': (self.USB_PROD_ID_USBBEST_MEMSTICK,
-                                          'int'),
-                },
-            }
-        self.parsed_data = {
-            'hardware': {
-                'hal': {
-                    'devices': [
-                        self.usb_controller_pci_side,
-                        self.usb_controller_usb_side,
-                        self.usb_storage_device,
-                        ],
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-    def renameInfoBusToInfoSubsystem(self):
-        for device in self.parsed_data['hardware']['hal']['devices']:
-            properties = device['properties']
-            properties['info.subsystem'] = properties['info.bus']
-            del properties['info.bus']
-    def testUSBDeviceRegularCase(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_real_device: info.bus == 'usb_device'."""
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_STORAGE]
-        self.assertTrue(
-            device.is_real_device,
-            'Testing info.bus property: Regular USB Device not treated '
-            'as a real device.')
-        self.renameInfoBusToInfoSubsystem()
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_STORAGE]
-        self.assertTrue(
-            device.is_real_device,
-            'Testing info.subsystem property: Regular USB Device not treated '
-            'as a real device.')
-    def testUSBHostController(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_real_device: info.bus == 'usb_device'.
-        Special case: vendor ID and product ID of the device are zero;
-        the parent device is a PCI/USB host controller.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE]
-        self.assertFalse(
-            device.is_real_device,
-            'Testing info.bus property: USB Device with vendor/product '
-            'ID 0:0 property treated as a real device.')
-        self.renameInfoBusToInfoSubsystem()
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE]
-        self.assertFalse(
-            device.is_real_device,
-            'Testing info.subsystem property: USB Device with vendor/product '
-            'ID 0:0 property treated as a real device.')
-    def testUSBHostControllerInvalidParentClass(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_real_device: info.bus == 'usb_device'.
-        Special case: vendor ID and product ID of the device are zero;
-        the parent device cannot be identified as a PCI/USB host
-        controller: Wrong PCI device class of the parent device.
-        """
-        parent_properties = self.usb_controller_pci_side['properties']
-        parent_properties['pci.device_class'] = (PCI_CLASS_STORAGE, 'int')
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'USB device test 1'
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE]
-        self.assertFalse(
-            device.is_real_device,
-            'Testing info.bus property: USB Device with vendor/product '
-            'ID 0:0 property treated as a real device.')
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'USB device found with vendor ID==0, product ID==0, where the '
-            'parent device does not look like a USB host controller: '
-            + self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE)
-        self.renameInfoBusToInfoSubsystem()
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE]
-        self.assertFalse(
-            device.is_real_device,
-            'Testing info.subsystem property: USB Device with vendor/product '
-            'ID 0:0 property treated as a real device.')
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'USB device found with vendor ID==0, product ID==0, where the '
-            'parent device does not look like a USB host controller: '
-            + self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE)
-    def testUSBHostControllerInvalidParentSubClass(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_real_device: info.bus == 'usb_device'.
-        Special case: vendor ID and product ID of the device are zero;
-        the parent device cannot be identified as a PCI/USB host
-        controller: Wrong PCI device subclass of the parent device.
-        """
-        parent_properties = self.usb_controller_pci_side['properties']
-        parent_properties['pci.device_subclass'] = (1, 'int')
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'USB device test 2'
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE]
-        self.assertFalse(
-            device.is_real_device,
-            'Testing info.bus property: USB Device with vendor/product '
-            'ID 0:0 property treated as a real device.')
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'USB device found with vendor ID==0, product ID==0, where the '
-            'parent device does not look like a USB host controller: '
-            + self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE)
-        self.renameInfoBusToInfoSubsystem()
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE]
-        self.assertFalse(
-            device.is_real_device,
-            'Testing info.subsystem property: USB Device with vendor/product '
-            'ID 0:0 property treated as a real device.')
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'USB device found with vendor ID==0, product ID==0, where the '
-            'parent device does not look like a USB host controller: '
-            + self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE)
-    def testUSBHostControllerUnexpectedParentBus(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.is_real_device: info.bus == 'usb_device'.
-        Special case: vendor ID and product ID of the device are zero;
-        the parent device cannot be identified as a PCI/USB host
-        controller: Wrong bus of the parent device.
-        """
-        parent_properties = self.usb_controller_pci_side['properties']
-        parent_properties['info.bus'] = ('not pci', 'str')
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'USB device test 3'
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE]
-        self.assertFalse(
-            device.is_real_device,
-            'Testing info.bus property: USB Device with vendor/product '
-            'ID 0:0 property treated as a real device.')
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'USB device found with vendor ID==0, product ID==0, where the '
-            'parent device does not look like a USB host controller: '
-            + self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE)
-        # All other devices which have an info.bus property return True
-        # for HALDevice.is_real_device. The USB host controller in the
-        # test data is an example.
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE]
-        self.assertTrue(
-            device.is_real_device,
-            'Testing info.bus property: Device with existing info.bus '
-            'property not treated as a real device.')
-        self.renameInfoBusToInfoSubsystem()
-        parser.buildHalDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE]
-        self.assertFalse(
-            device.is_real_device,
-            'Testing info.subsystem property: USB Device with vendor/product '
-            'ID 0:0 property treated as a real device.')
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'USB device found with vendor ID==0, product ID==0, where the '
-            'parent device does not look like a USB host controller: '
-            + self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE]
-        self.assertTrue(
-            device.is_real_device,
-            'Testing info.subsystem property: Device with existing info.bus '
-            'property not treated as a real device.')
-class TestUdevDevice(TestCaseHWDB):
-    """Tests of class UdevDevice."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Setup the test environment."""
-        super(TestUdevDevice, self).setUp()
-        self.root_device = {
-            'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00',
-            'E': {
-                'UDEV_LOG': '3',
-                'DEVPATH': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00',
-                'MODALIAS': 'acpi:LNXSYSTM:',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'acpi',
-                },
-            'id': 1,
-            }
-        self.root_device_dmi_data = {
-            '/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor': 'FUJITSU SIEMENS',
-            '/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name': 'LIFEBOOK E8210',
-            }
-        self.usb_device_data = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-2',
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'usb',
-                'DEVTYPE': 'usb_device',
-                'PRODUCT': '46d/a01/1013',
-                'TYPE': '0/0/0',
-                'DRIVER': 'usb',
-                },
-            }
-        self.pci_pccard_bridge_path = (
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:08:03.0')
-        self.pci_pccard_bridge = {
-            'P': self.pci_pccard_bridge_path,
-            'E': {
-                'DRIVER': 'yenta_cardbus',
-                'PCI_CLASS': '60700',
-                'PCI_ID': '1217:7134',
-                'PCI_SUBSYS_ID': '10CF:131E',
-                'PCI_SLOT_NAME': '0000:08:03.0',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'pci',
-                }
-            }
-        self.pccard_scsi_controller_path = (
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:08:03.0/0000:09:00.0')
-        self.pccard_scsi_controller_data = {
-            'P': self.pccard_scsi_controller_path,
-            'E': {
-                'DRIVER': 'aic7xxx',
-                'PCI_CLASS': '10000',
-                'PCI_ID': '9004:6075',
-                'PCI_SUBSYS_ID': '9004:7560',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'pci',
-                },
-            }
-        self.pci_scsi_controller_scsi_side_1 = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:08:03.0/'
-                  '0000:09:00.0/host6'),
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_host',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi',
-                },
-            }
-        self.pci_bridge_pccard_hierarchy_data = [
-            {'udev_data': self.root_device},
-            {'udev_data': self.pci_pccard_bridge},
-            {'udev_data': self.pccard_scsi_controller_data},
-            ]
-        self.pci_scsi_controller_scsi_side_2 = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:08:03.0/'
-                  '0000:09:00.0/host6/scsi_host/host6'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_host',
-                },
-            }
-        self.scsi_scanner_target_data = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:08:03.0/'
-                  '0000:09:00.0/host6/target6:0:1'),
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_target',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi'
-                },
-            }
-        self.scsi_scanner_device_path = (
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:08:03.0/0000:09:00.0/'
-            'host6/target6:0:1/6:0:1:0')
-        self.scsi_scanner_device_data = {
-            'P': self.scsi_scanner_device_path,
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_device',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi',
-                },
-            }
-        self.scsi_scanner_device_sysfs_data = {
-            'vendor': 'FUJITSU',
-            'model': 'fi-5120Cdj',
-            'type': '6',
-            }
-        self.scsi_scanner_device_data_2 = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:08:03.0/'
-                  '0000:09:00.0/host6/target6:0:1/6:0:1:0/scsi_device/'
-                  '6:0:1:0'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_device',
-                },
-        }
-        self.scsi_scanner_scsi_generic = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:08:03.0/'
-                  '0000:09:00.0/host6/target6:0:1/6:0:1:0/scsi_generic/sg2'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_generic',
-                },
-            }
-        self.scsi_scanner_spi = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:08:03.0/'
-                  '0000:09:00.0/host6/target6:0:1/spi_transport/target6:0:1'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'spi_transport',
-                },
-            }
-        self.scsi_device_hierarchy_data = [
-            {'udev_data': self.pccard_scsi_controller_data},
-            {'udev_data': self.pci_scsi_controller_scsi_side_1},
-            {'udev_data': self.pci_scsi_controller_scsi_side_2},
-            {'udev_data': self.scsi_scanner_target_data},
-            {
-                'udev_data': self.scsi_scanner_device_data,
-                'sysfs_data': self.scsi_scanner_device_sysfs_data,
-                },
-            {'udev_data': self.scsi_scanner_device_data_2},
-            {'udev_data': self.scsi_scanner_scsi_generic},
-            {'udev_data': self.scsi_scanner_spi},
-            ]
-        self.pci_ide_controller_path = '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1'
-        self.pci_ide_controller = {
-            'P': self.pci_ide_controller_path,
-            'E': {
-                'DRIVER': 'ata_piix',
-                'PCI_CLASS': '1018A',
-                'PCI_ID': '8086:27DF',
-                'PCI_SUBSYS_ID': '10CF:1385',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'pci',
-                },
-            }
-        self.pci_ide_controller_scsi_side_1 = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host4',
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_host',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi',
-                },
-            }
-        self.pci_ide_controller_scsi_side_2 = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host4/scsi_host/host4',
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_host',
-                },
-            }
-        self.ide_device_target_data = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host4/target4:0:0',
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_target',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi',
-                },
-            }
-        self.ide_cdrom_device_path = (
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:0')
-        self.ide_cdrom_device_data = {
-             'P': self.ide_cdrom_device_path,
-             'E': {
-                 'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi',
-                 'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_device',
-                 'DRIVER': 'sr',
-                 },
-             }
-        self.ide_cdrom_device_sysfs_data = {
-             'vendor': 'MATSHITA',
-             'model': 'DVD-RAM UJ-841S',
-             'type': '5',
-             }
-        self.ide_cdrom_sr_data = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host4/target4:0:0/'
-                  '4:0:0:0/block/sr0'),
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'disk',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'block',
-                },
-            }
-        self.ide_cdrom_device_data_2 = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host4/target4:0:0/'
-                  '4:0:0:0/scsi_device/4:0:0:0'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_device',
-                },
-            }
-        self.ide_cdrom_scsi_generic_data = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host4/target4:0:0/'
-                  '4:0:0:0/scsi_generic/sg1'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_generic',
-                },
-            }
-        self.ide_device_hierarchy_data = [
-            {'udev_data': self.pci_ide_controller},
-            {'udev_data': self.pci_ide_controller_scsi_side_1},
-            {'udev_data': self.pci_ide_controller_scsi_side_2},
-            {'udev_data': self.ide_device_target_data},
-            {
-                'udev_data': self.ide_cdrom_device_data,
-                'sysfs_data': self.ide_cdrom_device_sysfs_data,
-                },
-            {'udev_data': self.ide_cdrom_sr_data},
-            {'udev_data': self.ide_cdrom_device_data_2},
-            {'udev_data': self.ide_cdrom_scsi_generic_data},
-            ]
-        self.pci_sata_controller_path = '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2'
-        self.pci_sata_controller = {
-            'P': self.pci_sata_controller_path,
-            'E': {
-                'PCI_CLASS': '10602',
-                'PCI_ID': '8086:27C5',
-                'PCI_SUBSYS_ID': '10CF:1387',
-                'PCI_SLOT_NAME': '0000:00:1f.2',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'pci',
-                'DRIVER': 'ahci',
-                }
-            }
-        self.pci_sata_controller_scsi_side_1 = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0',
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_host',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi',
-                },
-            }
-        self.pci_sata_controller_scsi_side_2 = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/scsi_host/host0',
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_host',
-                },
-            }
-        self.sata_disk_target_data = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0',
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_target',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi',
-                },
-            }
-        self.sata_disk_device_path = (
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0')
-        self.sata_disk_device_data = {
-            'P': self.sata_disk_device_path,
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_device',
-                'DRIVER': 'sd',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi',
-                },
-            }
-        self.sata_disk_device_sysfs_data = {
-            'vendor': 'ATA',
-            'model': 'Hitachi HTS54251',
-            'type': '0',
-            }
-        self.sata_disk_device_data_2 = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/'
-                  '0:0:0:0/scsi_device/0:0:0:0'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_device',
-                },
-            }
-        self.sata_disk_device_scsi_disk_data = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/'
-                  '0:0:0:0/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_disk',
-                },
-            }
-        self.sata_disk_device_scsi_generic_data = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/'
-                  '0:0:0:0/scsi_generic/sg0'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_generic'
-                },
-            }
-        self.sata_disk_block_data = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/'
-                  '0:0:0:0/block/sda'),
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'disk',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'block',
-                },
-            }
-        self.sata_disk_partition_data = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/'
-                  '0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1'),
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'partition',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'block',
-                },
-            }
-        self.sata_device_hierarchy_data = [
-            {'udev_data': self.pci_sata_controller},
-            {'udev_data': self.pci_sata_controller_scsi_side_1},
-            {'udev_data': self.pci_sata_controller_scsi_side_2},
-            {'udev_data': self.sata_disk_target_data},
-            {'udev_data': self.sata_disk_device_data},
-            {
-                'udev_data': self.sata_disk_device_data,
-                'sysfs_data': self.sata_disk_device_sysfs_data,
-                },
-            {'udev_data': self.sata_disk_device_data_2},
-            {'udev_data': self.sata_disk_device_scsi_disk_data},
-            {'udev_data': self.sata_disk_device_scsi_generic_data},
-            {'udev_data': self.sata_disk_block_data},
-            {'udev_data': self.sata_disk_partition_data},
-             ]
-        self.usb_storage_usb_device_path = (
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1')
-        self.usb_storage_usb_device_data = {
-            'P': self.usb_storage_usb_device_path,
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'usb_device',
-                'DRIVER': 'usb',
-                'PRODUCT': '1307/163/100',
-                'TYPE': '0/0/0',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'usb',
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_usb_interface = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0',
-            'E': {
-                'DRIVER': 'usb-storage',
-                'PRODUCT': '1307/163/100',
-                'TYPE': '0/0/0',
-                'INTERFACE': '8/6/80',
-                'DEVTYPE': 'usb_interface',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'usb',
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_scsi_host_1 = {
-            'P': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/host7',
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_host',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi',
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_scsi_host_2 = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/host7/'
-                  'scsi_host/host7'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_host',
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_scsi_target = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/host7/'
-                  'target7:0:0'),
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_target',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi',
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_scsi_device_path = (
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/host7/'
-            'target7:0:0/7:0:0:0')
-        self.usb_storage_scsi_device = {
-            'P': self.usb_storage_scsi_device_path,
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'scsi_device',
-                'DRIVER': 'sd',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi',
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_scsi_device_sysfs = {
-            'vendor': 'Ut163',
-            'model': 'USB2FlashStorage',
-            'type': '0',
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_scsi_device_2 = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/host7/'
-                  'target7:0:0/7:0:0:0/scsi_device/7:0:0:0'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_device',
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_scsi_disk = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/host7/'
-                  'target7:0:0/7:0:0:0/scsi_disk/7:0:0:0'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_disk',
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_scsi_generic = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/host7/'
-                  'target7:0:0/7:0:0:0/scsi_generic/sg3'),
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'scsi_generic',
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_block_device_data = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/host7/'
-                  'target7:0:0/7:0:0:0/block/sdb'),
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'disk',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'block',
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_block_partition_data = {
-            'P': ('/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/host7/'
-                  'target7:0:0/7:0:0:0/block/sdb/sdb1'),
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'partition',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'block',
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_storage_hierarchy_data = [
-            {'udev_data': self.usb_storage_usb_device_data},
-            {'udev_data': self.usb_storage_usb_interface},
-            {'udev_data': self.usb_storage_scsi_host_1},
-            {'udev_data': self.usb_storage_scsi_host_2},
-            {'udev_data': self.usb_storage_scsi_target},
-            {
-                'udev_data': self.usb_storage_scsi_device,
-                'sysfs_data': self.usb_storage_scsi_device_sysfs,
-                },
-            {'udev_data': self.usb_storage_scsi_device_2},
-            {'udev_data': self.usb_storage_scsi_disk},
-            {'udev_data': self.usb_storage_scsi_generic},
-            {'udev_data': self.usb_storage_block_device_data},
-            {'udev_data': self.usb_storage_block_partition_data},
-            ]
-        self.usb_hub_path = '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2'
-        self.usb_hub = {
-            'P': self.usb_hub_path,
-            'E': {
-                'DEVTYPE': 'usb_device',
-                'DRIVER': 'usb',
-                'PRODUCT': '0/0/0',
-                'TYPE': '9/0/0',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'usb',
-                },
-            }
-        self.usb_hub_with_odd_parent_hierarchy_data = [
-            {'udev_data': self.root_device},
-            {'udev_data': self.usb_hub},
-            ]
-        self.no_subsystem_device_data = {
-            'P': '/devices/pnp0/00:00',
-            'E': {}
-            }
-        self.cpu_device_data = {
-            'P': '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXCPU:00',
-            'E': {
-                'DRIVER': 'processor',
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'acpi',
-                },
-            }
-        self.platform_device_data = {
-            'P': '/devices/platform/dock.0',
-            'E': {
-                'SUBSYSTEM': 'platform',
-                },
-            }
-    def test_device_device_id(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.device_id."""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2', device.device_id,
-            'Unexpected value of UdevDevice.device_id.')
-    def test_root_device_ids(self):
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, None, self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {
-                'vendor': 'FUJITSU SIEMENS',
-                'product': 'LIFEBOOK E8210',
-                },
-            device.root_device_ids)
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, None, {})
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {
-                'vendor': None,
-                'product': None,
-                },
-            device.root_device_ids)
-    def test_is_pci(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.is_pci."""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertTrue(device.is_pci)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertFalse(device.is_pci)
-    def test_pci_class_info(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.pci_class_info"""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            (1, 6, 2), device.pci_class_info,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.pci_class_info for PCI device.')
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            (None, None, None), device.pci_class_info,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.pci_class_info for Non-PCI device.')
-    def test_pci_class(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.pci_class"""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            1, device.pci_class,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.pci_class for PCI device.')
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, device.pci_class,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.pci_class for Non-PCI device.')
-    def test_pci_subclass(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.pci_subclass"""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            6, device.pci_subclass,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.pci_class for PCI device.')
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, device.pci_class,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.pci_class for Non-PCI device.')
-    def test_pci_ids(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.pci_ids"""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {'vendor': 0x8086,
-             'product': 0x27C5,
-             },
-            device.pci_ids,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.pci_ids for PCI device.')
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.usb_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {'vendor': None,
-             'product': None,
-             },
-            device.pci_ids,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.pci_ids for Non-PCI device.')
-    def test_is_usb(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.is_usb"""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.usb_device_data)
-        self.assertTrue(device.is_usb)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertFalse(device.is_usb)
-    def test_usb_ids(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.usb_ids"""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.usb_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {
-                'vendor': 0x46d,
-                'product': 0xa01,
-                'version': 0x1013,
-                },
-            device.usb_ids,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.usb_ids for USB device.')
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            {
-                'vendor': None,
-                'product': None,
-                'version': None,
-                },
-            device.usb_ids,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.usb_ids for Non-USB device.')
-    def test_usb_vendor_id(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.usb_vendor_id"""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.usb_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            0x46d, device.usb_vendor_id,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.usb_vendor_id for USB device.')
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, device.usb_vendor_id,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.usb_vendor_id for Non-USB device.')
-    def test_usb_product_id(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.usb_product_id"""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.usb_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            0xa01, device.usb_product_id,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.usb_product_id for USB device.')
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            None, device.usb_product_id,
-            'Invalid value of UdevDevice.usb_product_id for Non-USB device.')
-    def test_is_scsi_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.is_scsi_device."""
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.scsi_scanner_device_data,
-            self.scsi_scanner_device_sysfs_data)
-        self.assertTrue(device.is_scsi_device)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertFalse(device.is_scsi_device)
-    def test_is_scsi_device__no_sysfs_data(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.is_scsi_device.
-        If there is no sysfs data for a real SCSI device, is it not
-        considered as a real SCSI device.
-        Reason: Without sysfs data, we don't know the vendor and
-        model name, making it impossible to store data about the
-        device in the database.
-        """
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.scsi_scanner_device_data, None)
-        self.assertFalse(device.is_scsi_device)
-    def test_scsi_vendor(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.scsi_vendor."""
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.scsi_scanner_device_data,
-            self.scsi_scanner_device_sysfs_data)
-        self.assertEqual('FUJITSU', device.scsi_vendor)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertEqual(None, device.scsi_vendor)
-    def test_scsi_model(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.scsi_model."""
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.scsi_scanner_device_data,
-            self.scsi_scanner_device_sysfs_data)
-        self.assertEqual('fi-5120Cdj', device.scsi_model)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertEqual(None, device.scsi_model)
-    def test_raw_bus(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.raw_bus."""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertEqual(None, device.raw_bus)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertEqual('pci', device.raw_bus)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.usb_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual('usb_device', device.raw_bus)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.no_subsystem_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual(None, device.raw_bus)
-    def test_is_root_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.is_root_device."""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertTrue(device.is_root_device)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertFalse(device.is_root_device)
-    def test_getVendorOrProduct(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.getVendorOrProduct()."""
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, None, self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'FUJITSU SIEMENS', device.getVendorOrProduct('vendor'))
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'LIFEBOOK E8210', device.getVendorOrProduct('product'))
-        self.assertRaises(
-            AssertionError, device.getVendorOrProduct, 'nonsense')
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertEqual('Unknown', device.getVendorOrProduct('vendor'))
-        self.assertEqual('Unknown', device.getVendorOrProduct('product'))
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.usb_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual('Unknown', device.getVendorOrProduct('vendor'))
-        self.assertEqual('Unknown', device.getVendorOrProduct('product'))
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.scsi_scanner_device_data,
-            self.scsi_scanner_device_sysfs_data)
-        self.assertEqual('FUJITSU', device.getVendorOrProduct('vendor'))
-        self.assertEqual('fi-5120Cdj', device.getVendorOrProduct('product'))
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.no_subsystem_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual(None, device.getVendorOrProduct('vendor'))
-        self.assertEqual(None, device.getVendorOrProduct('product'))
-    def test_vendor(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.vendor."""
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, None, self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        self.assertEqual('FUJITSU SIEMENS', device.vendor)
-    def test_product(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.product."""
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, None, self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        self.assertEqual('LIFEBOOK E8210', device.product)
-    def test_getVendorOrProductID(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.getVendorOrProduct()."""
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, None, self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'FUJITSU SIEMENS', device.getVendorOrProductID('vendor'))
-        self.assertEqual(
-            'LIFEBOOK E8210', device.getVendorOrProductID('product'))
-        self.assertRaises(
-            AssertionError, device.getVendorOrProductID, 'nonsense')
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertEqual(0x8086, device.getVendorOrProductID('vendor'))
-        self.assertEqual(0x27C5, device.getVendorOrProductID('product'))
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.usb_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual(0x46d, device.getVendorOrProductID('vendor'))
-        self.assertEqual(0xa01, device.getVendorOrProductID('product'))
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.scsi_scanner_device_data,
-            self.scsi_scanner_device_sysfs_data)
-        self.assertEqual('FUJITSU', device.getVendorOrProductID('vendor'))
-        self.assertEqual('fi-5120Cdj', device.getVendorOrProductID('product'))
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.no_subsystem_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual(None, device.getVendorOrProductID('vendor'))
-        self.assertEqual(None, device.getVendorOrProductID('product'))
-    def test_vendor_id(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.vendor_id."""
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, None, self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        self.assertEqual('FUJITSU SIEMENS', device.vendor_id)
-    def test_product_id(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.product_id."""
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, None, self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        self.assertEqual('LIFEBOOK E8210', device.product_id)
-    def test_vendor_id_for_db(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.vendor_id_for_db."""
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, None, self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        self.assertEqual('FUJITSU SIEMENS', device.vendor_id_for_db)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertEqual('0x8086', device.vendor_id_for_db)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.usb_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual('0x046d', device.vendor_id_for_db)
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.scsi_scanner_device_data,
-            self.scsi_scanner_device_sysfs_data)
-        self.assertEqual('FUJITSU ', device.vendor_id_for_db)
-    def test_product_id_for_db(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.product_id_for_db."""
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, None, self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        self.assertEqual('LIFEBOOK E8210', device.product_id_for_db)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertEqual('0x27c5', device.product_id_for_db)
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.usb_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual('0x0a01', device.product_id_for_db)
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.scsi_scanner_device_data,
-            self.scsi_scanner_device_sysfs_data)
-        self.assertEqual('fi-5120Cdj      ', device.product_id_for_db)
-    def test_driver_name(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.driver_name."""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertEqual('ahci', device.driver_name)
-        device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, None, self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        self.assertEqual(None, device.driver_name)
-    def buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(self, device_data, parser=None):
-        """Build a UdevDevice hierarchy from device_data.
-        :param device_data: A sequence of arguments that are passed
-            to the UdevDevice constructor. Each element must be a
-            dictionary that can be used as a **kwargs argument.
-            Element N of the sequence is the parent of element N+1.
-        :param parser: A SubmissionParser instance to be passed to
-            the constructor of UdevDevice.
-        """
-        devices = {}
-        for kwargs in device_data:
-            device = UdevDevice(parser, **kwargs)
-            devices[device.device_id] = device
-        # Build the parent-child relations so that the parent device
-        # is that device which has the longest path matching the
-        # start of the child's path.
-        #
-        # There is one exception of this rule: The root device has
-        # the path "/devices/LNXSYSTM:00", but the paths of most of
-        # our test deviies start with "/devices/pci". Well patch the
-        # index temporarily in order to find children of the root
-        # device.
-        if '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00' in devices:
-            devices['/devices'] = devices['/devices/LNXSYSTM:00']
-            del devices['/devices/LNXSYSTM:00']
-        device_paths = sorted(devices, key=len, reverse=True)
-        for path_index, path in enumerate(device_paths):
-            for parent_path in device_paths[path_index + 1:]:
-                if path.startswith(parent_path):
-                    devices[parent_path].addChild(devices[path])
-                    break
-        if '/devices' in devices:
-            devices['/devices/LNXSYSTM:00'] = devices['/devices']
-            del devices['/devices']
-        return devices
-    def test_scsi_controller(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.scsi_controller for a PCI controller."""
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.scsi_device_hierarchy_data)
-        controller = devices[self.pccard_scsi_controller_path]
-        scsi_device = devices[self.scsi_scanner_device_path]
-        self.assertEqual(controller, scsi_device.scsi_controller)
-    def test_scsi_controller_insufficient_anchestors(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.scsi_controller for a PCI controller.
-        If a SCSI device does not have a sufficient number of ancestors,
-        UdevDevice.scsi_controller returns None.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'UdevDevice.scsi_controller ancestor missing'
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.scsi_device_hierarchy_data[1:], parser)
-        scsi_device = devices[self.scsi_scanner_device_path]
-        self.assertEqual(None, scsi_device.scsi_controller)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'Found a SCSI device without a sufficient number of ancestors: '
-            '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:08:03.0/0000:09:00.0/'
-            'host6/target6:0:1/6:0:1:0')
-    def test_scsi_controller_no_scsi_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.scsi_controller for a PCI controller.
-        For non-SCSI devices, this property is None.
-        """
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertEqual(None, device.scsi_controller)
-    def test_translateScsiBus_real_scsi_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.translateScsiBus() with a real SCSI device."""
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.scsi_device_hierarchy_data)
-        scsi_device = devices[self.scsi_scanner_device_path]
-        self.assertEqual(
-            HWBus.SCSI, scsi_device.translateScsiBus())
-    def test_translateScsiBus_ide_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.translateScsiBus() with an IDE device."""
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.ide_device_hierarchy_data)
-        ide_device = devices[self.ide_cdrom_device_path]
-        self.assertEqual(HWBus.IDE, ide_device.translateScsiBus())
-    def test_translateScsiBus_usb_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.translateScsiBus() with a USB device."""
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.usb_storage_hierarchy_data)
-        usb_scsi_device = devices[self.usb_storage_scsi_device_path]
-        self.assertEqual(None, usb_scsi_device.translateScsiBus())
-    def test_translateScsiBus_non_scsi_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.translateScsiBus() for a non-SCSI device."""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertEqual(None, device.translateScsiBus())
-    def test_translatePciBus(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.translatePciBus()."""
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.pci_bridge_pccard_hierarchy_data)
-        pci_device = devices[self.pci_pccard_bridge_path]
-        pccard_device = devices[self.pccard_scsi_controller_path]
-        self.assertEqual(HWBus.PCI, pci_device.translatePciBus())
-        self.assertEqual(HWBus.PCCARD, pccard_device.translatePciBus())
-    def test_real_bus_usb_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.real_bus for a USB device."""
-        usb_device = UdevDevice(None, self.usb_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual(HWBus.USB, usb_device.real_bus)
-    def test_real_bus_usb_interface(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.real_bus for a USB interface."""
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'UdevDevice.real_bus for a not-real device'
-        usb_interface = UdevDevice(parser, self.usb_storage_usb_interface)
-        self.assertEqual(None, usb_interface.real_bus)
-        # UdevDevice.real_bus should only be accessed for real devices,
-        # which a USB is not. Hence we get a warning.
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "Unknown bus u'usb_interface' for device "
-            "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0")
-    def test_real_bus_pci(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.real_bus for PCI devices."""
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.pci_bridge_pccard_hierarchy_data)
-        pci_device = devices[self.pci_pccard_bridge_path]
-        pccard_device = devices[self.pccard_scsi_controller_path]
-        self.assertEqual(HWBus.PCI, pci_device.real_bus)
-        self.assertEqual(HWBus.PCCARD, pccard_device.real_bus)
-    def test_real_bus_scsi(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.real_bus for a SCSI device."""
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.scsi_device_hierarchy_data)
-        scsi_device = devices[self.scsi_scanner_device_path]
-        self.assertEqual(HWBus.SCSI, scsi_device.real_bus)
-    def test_real_bus_system(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.real_bus for a system."""
-        root_device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertEqual(HWBus.SYSTEM, root_device.real_bus)
-    def test_is_real_device_root_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice._is_real_device for the root device."""
-        root_device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertTrue(root_device.is_real_device)
-    def test_is_real_device_pci_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice._is_real_device for a PCI device."""
-        pci_device = UdevDevice(None, self.pci_sata_controller)
-        self.assertTrue(pci_device.is_real_device)
-    def test_is_real_device_scsi_device_related_nodes(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice._is_real_device for SCSI related nodes.
-        A SCSI device and its controller are represented by several
-        nodes which describe different aspects. Only the controller
-        itself and the node representing the SCSI device are
-        considered to be real devices.
-        """
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.scsi_device_hierarchy_data)
-        real_devices = (
-            self.pccard_scsi_controller_path, self.scsi_scanner_device_path
-            )
-        for device in devices.values():
-            self.assertEqual(
-                device.device_id in real_devices, device.is_real_device,
-                'Invalid result of UdevDevice.is_real_device for %s '
-                'Expected %s, got %s'
-                % (device.device_id, device.device_id in real_devices,
-                   device.is_real_device))
-    def test_is_real_device_ide_device_related_nodes(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice._is_real_device for IDE related nodes.
-        An IDE device and its controller are represented by several
-        nodes which describe different aspects. Only the controller
-        itself and the node representing the IDE device are
-        considered to be real devices.
-        """
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.ide_device_hierarchy_data)
-        real_devices = (
-            self.pci_ide_controller_path, self.ide_cdrom_device_path,
-            )
-        for device in devices.values():
-            self.assertEqual(
-                device.device_id in real_devices, device.is_real_device,
-                'Invalid result of UdevDevice.is_real_device for %s '
-                'Expected %s, got %s'
-                % (device.device_id, device.device_id in real_devices,
-                   device.is_real_device))
-    def test_is_real_device_ata_device_related_nodes(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice._is_real_device for IDE related nodes.
-        An IDE device and its controller are represented by several
-        nodes which describe different aspects. Only the controller
-        itself and the node representing the IDE device are
-        considered to be real devices.
-        """
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.sata_device_hierarchy_data)
-        real_devices = (
-            self.pci_sata_controller_path, self.sata_disk_device_path,
-            )
-        for device in devices.values():
-            self.assertEqual(
-                device.device_id in real_devices, device.is_real_device,
-                'Invalid result of UdevDevice.is_real_device for %s '
-                'Expected %s, got %s'
-                % (device.device_id, device.device_id in real_devices,
-                   device.is_real_device))
-    def test_is_real_device_usb_storage_device_related_nodes(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice._is_real_device for USB storage related nodes.
-        A USB storage device is represented by several nodes which
-        describe different aspects. Only the main USB device is
-        considered to be real devices.
-        """
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.usb_storage_hierarchy_data)
-        for device in devices.values():
-            self.assertEqual(
-                device.device_id == self.usb_storage_usb_device_path,
-                device.is_real_device,
-                'Invalid result of UdevDevice.is_real_device for %s '
-                'Expected %s, got %s'
-                % (device.device_id,
-                   device.device_id == self.usb_storage_usb_device_path,
-                   device.is_real_device))
-    def test_is_real_device_usb_hub_with_odd_parent(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice._is_real_device for USB storage related nodes.
-        If called for USB hub node with vendor ID == 0 and product_id == 0
-        which is not the child of a PCI device, we get a warning.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = (
-            'UdevDevice.is_real_device, USB hub with odd parent.')
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.usb_hub_with_odd_parent_hierarchy_data, parser)
-        usb_hub = devices[self.usb_hub_path]
-        self.assertFalse(usb_hub.is_real_device)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'USB device found with vendor ID==0, product ID==0, '
-            'where the parent device does not look like a USB '
-            'host controller: %s' % self.usb_hub_path)
-    def test_has_reliable_data_system(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.has_reliable_data for a system."""
-        root_device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, dmi_data=self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        self.assertTrue(root_device.has_reliable_data)
-    def test_has_reliable_data_system_no_vendor_name(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.has_reliable_data for a system.
-        If the DMI data does not provide vendor name, has_reliable_data
-        is False.
-        """
-        del self.root_device_dmi_data['/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor']
-        root_device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, dmi_data=self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'root device without vendor name'
-        root_device.parser = parser
-        self.assertFalse(root_device.has_reliable_data)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "A UdevDevice that is supposed to be a real device does not "
-            "provide bus, vendor ID, product ID or product name: "
-            "<DBItem HWBus.SYSTEM, (0) System> None u'LIFEBOOK E8210' "
-            "u'LIFEBOOK E8210' /devices/LNXSYSTM:00")
-    def test_has_reliable_data_system_no_product_name(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.has_reliable_data for a system.
-        If the DMI data does not provide product name, has_reliable_data
-        is False.
-        """
-        del self.root_device_dmi_data['/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name']
-        root_device = UdevDevice(
-            None, self.root_device, dmi_data=self.root_device_dmi_data)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = 'root device without product name'
-        root_device.parser = parser
-        self.assertFalse(root_device.has_reliable_data)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            "A UdevDevice that is supposed to be a real device does not "
-            "provide bus, vendor ID, product ID or product name: "
-            "<DBItem HWBus.SYSTEM, (0) System> u'FUJITSU SIEMENS' None None "
-            "/devices/LNXSYSTM:00")
-    def test_has_reliable_data_acpi_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.has_reliable_data for an ACPI device.
-        APCI devices are considered not to have reliable data. The only
-        exception is the root device, see test_has_reliable_data_system.
-        """
-        acpi_device = UdevDevice(None, self.cpu_device_data)
-        self.assertEqual('acpi', acpi_device.raw_bus)
-        self.assertFalse(acpi_device.has_reliable_data)
-    def test_has_reliable_data_platform_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.has_reliable_data for a "platform" device.
-        devices with raw_bus == 'platform' are considered not to have
-        reliable data.
-        """
-        platform_device = UdevDevice(None, self.platform_device_data)
-        self.assertFalse(platform_device.has_reliable_data)
-    def test_has_reliable_data_pci_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.has_reliable_data for a PCI device."""
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.pci_bridge_pccard_hierarchy_data)
-        pci_device = devices[self.pci_pccard_bridge_path]
-        self.assertTrue(pci_device.has_reliable_data)
-    def test_has_reliable_data_usb_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.has_reliable_data for a USB device."""
-        usb_device = UdevDevice(None, self.usb_storage_usb_device_data)
-        self.assertTrue(usb_device.has_reliable_data)
-    def test_has_reliable_data_scsi_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.has_reliable_data for a SCSI device."""
-        devices = self.buildUdevDeviceHierarchy(
-            self.scsi_device_hierarchy_data)
-        scsi_device = devices[self.scsi_scanner_device_path]
-        self.assertTrue(scsi_device.has_reliable_data)
-    def test_has_reliable_data_usb_interface_device(self):
-        """Test of UdevDevice.has_reliable_data for a USB interface.
-        UdevDevice.has_reliable_data should only be called for nodes
-        where is_rel_device is True. If called for other nodes, we
-        may get a warning because they do not provide reqired data,
-        like a bus, vendor or product ID.
-        """
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = (
-            'UdevDevice.has_reliable_data for a USB interface')
-        usb_interface = UdevDevice(parser, self.usb_storage_usb_interface)
-        self.assertFalse(usb_interface.has_reliable_data)
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key,
-            'A UdevDevice that is supposed to be a real device does not '
-            'provide bus, vendor ID, product ID or product name: None None '
-            'None None /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0')
-    def test_warnings_not_suppressed(self):
-        """Logging of warnings can be allowed."""
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.submission_key = "log_with_warnings"
-        parser._logWarning("This message is logged.")
-        self.assertWarningMessage(
-            parser.submission_key, "This message is logged.")
-    def test_warnings_suppressed(self):
-        """Logging of warnings can be suppressed."""
-        number_of_existing_log_messages = len(self.handler.records)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log, record_warnings=False)
-        parser.submission_key = "log_without_warnings"
-        parser._logWarning("This message is not logged.")
-        # No new warnings are recorded
-        self.assertEqual(
-            number_of_existing_log_messages, len(self.handler.records))
-    def test_device_id(self):
-        """Each UdevDevice has a property 'id'."""
-        device = UdevDevice(None, self.root_device)
-        self.assertEqual(1, device.id)
-class TestHWDBSubmissionTablePopulation(TestCaseHWDB):
-    """Tests of the HWDB popoluation with submitted data."""
-    layer = LaunchpadZopelessLayer
-        'id': 1,
-        'udi': TestCaseHWDB.UDI_COMPUTER,
-        'properties': {
-            'system.hardware.vendor': ('Lenovo', 'str'),
-            'system.hardware.product': ('T41', 'str'),
-            'system.kernel.version': (TestCaseHWDB.KERNEL_VERSION, 'str'),
-            },
-        }
-        'id': 2,
-        'udi': TestCaseHWDB.UDI_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE,
-        'properties': {
-            'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-            'info.linux.driver': ('yenta_cardbus', 'str'),
-            'info.parent': (TestCaseHWDB.UDI_COMPUTER, 'str'),
-            'info.product': ('OZ711MP1/MS1 MemoryCardBus Controller', 'str'),
-            'pci.device_class': (PCI_CLASS_BRIDGE, 'int'),
-            'pci.device_subclass': (PCI_SUBCLASS_BRIDGE_CARDBUS, 'int'),
-            'pci.vendor_id': (TestCaseHWDB.PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, 'int'),
-            'pci.product_id': (TestCaseHWDB.PCI_PROD_ID_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE,
-                               'int'),
-            },
-        }
-        'id': 3,
-        'udi': TestCaseHWDB.UDI_PCCARD_DEVICE,
-        'properties': {
-            'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-            'info.parent': (TestCaseHWDB.UDI_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE, 'str'),
-            'info.product': ('ISL3890/ISL3886', 'str'),
-            'pci.device_class': (PCI_CLASS_SERIALBUS_CONTROLLER, 'int'),
-            'pci.device_subclass': (PCI_SUBCLASS_SERIALBUS_USB, 'int'),
-            'pci.vendor_id': (TestCaseHWDB.PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, 'int'),
-            'pci.product_id': (TestCaseHWDB.PCI_PROD_ID_PCCARD_DEVICE, 'int'),
-            },
-        }
-        'id': 4,
-        'properties': {
-            'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-            'info.linux.driver': ('ehci_hcd', 'str'),
-            'info.parent': (TestCaseHWDB.UDI_COMPUTER, 'str'),
-            'info.product': ('82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller',
-                             'str'),
-            'pci.device_class': (PCI_CLASS_SERIALBUS_CONTROLLER, 'int'),
-            'pci.device_subclass': (PCI_SUBCLASS_SERIALBUS_USB, 'int'),
-            'pci.vendor_id': (TestCaseHWDB.PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, 'int'),
-            'pci.product_id': (TestCaseHWDB.PCI_PROD_ID_USB_CONTROLLER,
-                               'int'),
-            },
-        }
-        'id': 5,
-        'properties': {
-            'info.bus': ('usb_device', 'str'),
-            'info.linux.driver': ('usb', 'str'),
-            'info.parent': (TestCaseHWDB.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE, 'str'),
-            'info.product': ('EHCI Host Controller', 'str'),
-            'usb_device.vendor_id': (0, 'int'),
-            'usb_device.product_id': (0, 'int'),
-            },
-        }
-        'id': 6,
-        'udi': TestCaseHWDB.UDI_USB_STORAGE,
-        'properties': {
-            'info.bus': ('usb_device', 'str'),
-            'info.linux.driver': ('usb', 'str'),
-            'info.parent': (TestCaseHWDB.UDI_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE, 'str'),
-            'info.product': ('USB Mass Storage Device', 'str'),
-            'usb_device.vendor_id': (TestCaseHWDB.USB_VENDOR_ID_USBEST,
-                                     'int'),
-            'usb_device.product_id': (
-                TestCaseHWDB.USB_PROD_ID_USBBEST_MEMSTICK, 'int'),
-            },
-        }
-        'id': 7,
-        'properties': {
-            'info.bus': ('pci', 'str'),
-            'info.linux.driver': ('aic7xxx', 'str'),
-            'info.parent': (TestCaseHWDB.UDI_COMPUTER, 'str'),
-            'info.product': ('AIC-1480 / APA-1480', 'str'),
-            'pci.device_class': (PCI_CLASS_STORAGE, 'int'),
-            'pci.device_subclass': (TestCaseHWDB.PCI_SUBCLASS_STORAGE_SCSI,
-                                    'int'),
-            'pci.vendor_id': (TestCaseHWDB.PCI_VENDOR_ID_ADAPTEC, 'int'),
-            'pci.product_id': (TestCaseHWDB.PCI_PROD_ID_AIC1480, 'int'),
-            },
-        }
-        'id': 8,
-        'properties': {
-            'info.bus': ('scsi_host', 'str'),
-            'info.parent': (TestCaseHWDB.UDI_SCSI_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE, 'str'),
-            'info.linux.driver': ('sd', 'str'),
-            }
-        }
-        'id': 9,
-        'udi': TestCaseHWDB.UDI_SCSI_DISK,
-        'properties': {
-            'info.bus': ('scsi', 'str'),
-            'info.linux.driver': ('sd', 'str'),
-            'info.parent': (TestCaseHWDB.UDI_SCSI_CONTROLLER_SCSI_SIDE,
-                            'str'),
-            'scsi.vendor': ('WDC', 'str'),
-            'scsi.model': ('WD12345678', 'str'),
-            },
-        }
-    parsed_data = {
-        'hardware': {
-            'hal': {},
-            },
-        'software': {
-            'packages': {
-                TestCaseHWDB.KERNEL_PACKAGE: {},
-                },
-            },
-        }
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Setup the test environment."""
-        super(TestHWDBSubmissionTablePopulation, self).setUp()
-        self.log = logging.getLogger('test_hwdb_submission_parser')
-        self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-        self.handler = Handler(self)
-        self.handler.add(self.log.name)
-        switch_dbuser('hwdb-submission-processor')
-    def getLogData(self):
-        messages = [record.getMessage() for record in self.handler.records]
-        return '\n'.join(messages)
-    def setHALDevices(self, devices):
-        self.parsed_data['hardware']['hal']['devices'] = devices
-    def testGetDriverNoDriverInfo(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.getDriver()."""
-        devices = [
-            self.HAL_COMPUTER,
-            ]
-        self.setHALDevices(devices)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER]
-        self.assertEqual(device.getDriver(), None,
-            'HALDevice.getDriver found a driver where none is expected.')
-    def testGetDriverWithDriverInfo(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.getDriver()."""
-        devices = [
-            self.HAL_COMPUTER,
-            self.HAL_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE,
-            ]
-        self.setHALDevices(devices)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.parsed_data = self.parsed_data
-        parser.buildDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        device = parser.devices[self.UDI_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE]
-        driver = device.getDriver()
-        self.assertNotEqual(driver, None,
-            'HALDevice.getDriver did not find a driver where one '
-            'is expected.')
-        self.assertEqual(driver.name, 'yenta_cardbus',
-            'Unexpected result for driver.name. Got %r, expected '
-            'yenta_cardbus.' % driver.name)
-        self.assertEqual(driver.package_name, self.KERNEL_PACKAGE,
-            'Unexpected result for driver.package_name. Got %r, expected '
-            'linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic' % driver.name)
-    def testEnsureVendorIDVendorNameExistsRegularCase(self):
-        """Test of ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists(self), regular case."""
-        devices = [
-            self.HAL_COMPUTER,
-            ]
-        self.setHALDevices(devices)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.parsed_data = self.parsed_data
-        parser.buildDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        # The database does not know yet about the vendor name
-        # 'Lenovo'...
-        vendor_name_set = getUtility(IHWVendorNameSet)
-        vendor_name = vendor_name_set.getByName('Lenovo')
-        self.assertEqual(vendor_name, None,
-                         'Expected None looking up vendor name "Lenovo" in '
-                         'HWVendorName, got %r.' % vendor_name)
-        # ...as well as the vendor ID (which is identical to the vendor
-        # name for systems).
-        vendor_id_set = getUtility(IHWVendorIDSet)
-        vendor_id = vendor_id_set.getByBusAndVendorID(HWBus.SYSTEM, 'Lenovo')
-        self.assertEqual(vendor_id, None,
-                         'Expected None looking up vendor ID "Lenovo" in '
-                         'HWVendorID, got %r.' % vendor_id)
-        # HALDevice.ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists() creates these
-        # records.
-        hal_system = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER]
-        hal_system.ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists()
-        vendor_name = vendor_name_set.getByName('Lenovo')
-        self.assertEqual(vendor_name.name, 'Lenovo',
-                         'Expected to find vendor name "Lenovo" in '
-                         'HWVendorName, got %r.' % vendor_name.name)
-        vendor_id = vendor_id_set.getByBusAndVendorID(HWBus.SYSTEM, 'Lenovo')
-        self.assertEqual(vendor_id.vendor_id_for_bus, 'Lenovo',
-                         'Expected "Lenovo" as vendor_id_for_bus, '
-                         'got %r.' % vendor_id.vendor_id_for_bus)
-        self.assertEqual(vendor_id.bus, HWBus.SYSTEM,
-                         'Expected HWBUS.SYSTEM as bus, got %s.'
-                         % vendor_id.bus.title)
-    def runTestEnsureVendorIDVendorNameExistsVendorNameUnknown(
-        self, devices, test_bus, test_vendor_id, test_udi):
-        """Test of ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists(self), special case.
-        A HWVendorID record is not created by
-        HALDevice.ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists for certain buses.
-        """
-        self.setHALDevices(devices)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.parsed_data = self.parsed_data
-        parser.buildDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        hal_device = parser.devices[test_udi]
-        hal_device.ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists()
-        vendor_id_set = getUtility(IHWVendorIDSet)
-        vendor_id = vendor_id_set.getByBusAndVendorID(
-            test_bus, test_vendor_id)
-        self.assertEqual(vendor_id, None,
-            'Expected None looking up vendor ID %s for bus %s in HWVendorID, '
-            'got %r.' % (test_vendor_id, test_bus.title, vendor_id))
-    def testEnsureVendorIDVendorNameExistsVendorPCI(self):
-        """Test of ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists(self), PCI bus."""
-        devices = [
-            self.HAL_COMPUTER,
-            self.HAL_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE
-            ]
-        self.runTestEnsureVendorIDVendorNameExistsVendorNameUnknown(
-            devices, HWBus.PCI, '0x8086', self.UDI_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE)
-    def testEnsureVendorIDVendorNameExistsVendorPCCARD(self):
-        """Test of ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists(self), PCCARD bus."""
-        devices = [
-            self.HAL_COMPUTER,
-            self.HAL_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE,
-            self.HAL_PCCARD_DEVICE,
-            ]
-        self.runTestEnsureVendorIDVendorNameExistsVendorNameUnknown(
-            devices, HWBus.PCCARD, '0x8086', self.UDI_PCCARD_DEVICE)
-    def testEnsureVendorIDVendorNameExistVendorUSB(self):
-        """Test of ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists(self), USB bus."""
-        devices = [
-            self.HAL_COMPUTER,
-            self.HAL_USB_CONTROLLER_PCI_SIDE,
-            self.HAL_USB_CONTROLLER_USB_SIDE,
-            self.HAL_USB_STORAGE_DEVICE,
-            ]
-        self.runTestEnsureVendorIDVendorNameExistsVendorNameUnknown(
-            devices, HWBus.USB, '0x1307', self.UDI_USB_STORAGE)
-    def testEnsureVendorIDVendorNameExistVendorSCSI(self):
-        """Test of ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists(self), SCSI bus."""
-        devices = [
-            self.HAL_COMPUTER,
-            self.HAL_SCSI_STORAGE_DEVICE,
-            ]
-        self.setHALDevices(devices)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.parsed_data = self.parsed_data
-        parser.buildDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        # The database does not know yet about the vendor name
-        # 'WDC'...
-        vendor_name_set = getUtility(IHWVendorNameSet)
-        vendor_name = vendor_name_set.getByName('WDC')
-        self.assertEqual(vendor_name, None,
-                         'Expected None looking up vendor name "WDC" in '
-                         'HWVendorName, got %r.' % vendor_name)
-        # ...as well as the vendor ID (which is identical to the vendor
-        # name for SCSI devices).
-        vendor_id_set = getUtility(IHWVendorIDSet)
-        # Note that we must provide a string with exactly 8 characters
-        # as the vendor ID of a SCSI device.
-        vendor_id = vendor_id_set.getByBusAndVendorID(HWBus.SCSI, 'WDC     ')
-        self.assertEqual(vendor_id, None,
-                         'Expected None looking up vendor ID "WDC     " in '
-                         'HWVendorID for the SCSI bus, got %r.' % vendor_id)
-        # HALDevice.ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists() creates these
-        # records.
-        scsi_disk = parser.devices[self.UDI_SCSI_DISK]
-        scsi_disk.ensureVendorIDVendorNameExists()
-        vendor_name = vendor_name_set.getByName('WDC')
-        self.assertEqual(vendor_name.name, 'WDC',
-                         'Expected to find vendor name "WDC" in '
-                         'HWVendorName, got %r.' % vendor_name.name)
-        vendor_id = vendor_id_set.getByBusAndVendorID(HWBus.SCSI, 'WDC     ')
-        self.assertEqual(vendor_id.vendor_id_for_bus, 'WDC     ',
-                         'Expected "WDC     " as vendor_id_for_bus, '
-                         'got %r.' % vendor_id.vendor_id_for_bus)
-        self.assertEqual(vendor_id.bus, HWBus.SCSI,
-                         'Expected HWBUS.SCSI as bus, got %s.'
-                         % vendor_id.bus.title)
-    def testCreateDBDataForSimpleDevice(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.createDBData.
-        Test for a HAL device without driver data.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            self.HAL_COMPUTER,
-            ]
-        self.setHALDevices(devices)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        submission_set = getUtility(IHWSubmissionSet)
-        submission = submission_set.getBySubmissionKey('test_submission_id_1')
-        hal_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER]
-        hal_device.createDBData(submission, None)
-        # HALDevice.createDBData created a HWDevice record.
-        vendor_id_set = getUtility(IHWVendorIDSet)
-        vendor_id = vendor_id_set.getByBusAndVendorID(HWBus.SYSTEM, 'Lenovo')
-        hw_device_set = getUtility(IHWDeviceSet)
-        hw_device = hw_device_set.getByDeviceID(
-            hal_device.real_bus, hal_device.vendor_id,
-            hal_device.product_id)
-        self.assertEqual(hw_device.bus_vendor, vendor_id,
-            'Expected vendor ID (HWBus.SYSTEM, Lenovo) as the vendor ID, '
-            'got %s %r' % (hw_device.bus_vendor.bus,
-                           hw_device.bus_vendor.vendor_name.name))
-        self.assertEqual(hw_device.bus_product_id, 'T41',
-            'Expected product ID T41, got %r.' % hw_device.bus_product_id)
-        self.assertEqual(hw_device.name, 'T41',
-            'Expected device name T41, got %r.' % hw_device.name)
-        # One HWDeviceDriverLink record is created...
-        device_driver_link_set = getUtility(IHWDeviceDriverLinkSet)
-        device_driver_link = device_driver_link_set.getByDeviceAndDriver(
-            hw_device, None)
-        self.assertEqual(device_driver_link.device, hw_device,
-            'Expected HWDevice record for Lenovo T41 in HWDeviceDriverLink, '
-            'got %s %r'
-            % (device_driver_link.device.bus_vendor.bus,
-               device_driver_link.device.bus_vendor.vendor_name.name))
-        self.assertEqual(device_driver_link.driver, None,
-            'Expected None as driver in HWDeviceDriverLink')
-        # ...and one HWSubmissionDevice record linking the HWDeviceSriverLink
-        # to the submission.
-        submission_device_set = getUtility(IHWSubmissionDeviceSet)
-        submission_devices = submission_device_set.getDevices(submission)
-        self.assertEqual(len(list(submission_devices)), 1,
-            'Unexpected number of submission devices: %i, expected 1.'
-            % len(list(submission_devices)))
-        submission_device = submission_devices[0]
-        self.assertEqual(
-            submission_device.device_driver_link, device_driver_link,
-            'Invalid device_driver_link field in HWSubmissionDevice.')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            submission_device.parent, None,
-            'Invalid parent field in HWSubmissionDevice.')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            submission_device.hal_device_id, 1,
-            'Invalid haL-device_id field in HWSubmissionDevice.')
-    def testCreateDBDataForDeviceWithOneDriver(self):
-        """Test of HALDevice.createDBData.
-        Test of a HAL device with one driver.
-        """
-        devices = [
-            self.HAL_COMPUTER,
-            self.HAL_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE,
-            ]
-        self.setHALDevices(devices)
-        parser = SubmissionParser(self.log)
-        parser.buildDeviceList(self.parsed_data)
-        parser.parsed_data = self.parsed_data
-        submission_set = getUtility(IHWSubmissionSet)
-        submission = submission_set.getBySubmissionKey('test_submission_id_1')
-        hal_root_device = parser.devices[self.UDI_COMPUTER]
-        hal_root_device.createDBData(submission, None)
-        # We now have a HWDevice record for the PCCard bridge...
-        device_set = getUtility(IHWDeviceSet)
-        pccard_bridge = device_set.getByDeviceID(
-            HWBus.PCI, '0x%04x' % self.PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL,
-            '0x%04x' % self.PCI_PROD_ID_PCI_PCCARD_BRIDGE)
-        # ...and a HWDriver record for the yenta_cardbus driver.
-        driver_set = getUtility(IHWDriverSet)
-        yenta_driver = driver_set.getByPackageAndName(
-            self.KERNEL_PACKAGE, 'yenta_cardbus')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            yenta_driver.name, 'yenta_cardbus',
-            'Unexpected driver name: %r' % yenta_driver.name)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            yenta_driver.package_name, self.KERNEL_PACKAGE,
-            'Unexpected package name: %r' % yenta_driver.package_name)
-        # The PCCard bridge has one HWDeviceDriverLink record without
-        # an associated driver...
-        device_driver_link_set = getUtility(IHWDeviceDriverLinkSet)
-        pccard_link_no_driver = device_driver_link_set.getByDeviceAndDriver(
-            pccard_bridge, None)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            pccard_link_no_driver.device, pccard_bridge,
-            'Unexpected value of pccard_link_no_driver.device')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            pccard_link_no_driver.driver, None,
-            'Unexpected value of pccard_link_no_driver.driver')
-        # ...and another one with the yenta driver.
-        pccard_link_yenta = device_driver_link_set.getByDeviceAndDriver(
-            pccard_bridge, yenta_driver)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            pccard_link_yenta.device, pccard_bridge,