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[Merge] ~cjwatson/lpbuildbot-worker:simplify-test into lpbuildbot-worker:main


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/lpbuildbot-worker:simplify-test into lpbuildbot-worker:main.

Commit message:
Simplify create_ephemeral_container using _exec

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

Now that _exec uses "lxc exec", we can rephrase create_ephemeral_container using it, which makes it much simpler.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/lpbuildbot-worker:simplify-test into lpbuildbot-worker:main.
diff --git a/lp-setup-lxd-test b/lp-setup-lxd-test
index 8444810..27236f9 100755
--- a/lp-setup-lxd-test
+++ b/lp-setup-lxd-test
@@ -62,25 +62,14 @@ def create_ephemeral_container(
     print("Waiting for successful cloud-init", flush=True)
     _exec(test_container, ["cloud-init", "status", "--wait"])
-    # ideally this should use pylxd, but getting streaming output from that
-    # is hard, so lets just shell
+    command = [
+        "./utilities/run-as", "buildbot", "./bin/with-xvfb",
+        "./bin/test", "-vvv", "--shuffle", "--subunit-v2",
+    ]
     if list_tests:
-        command = (
-            "cd {} && ./utilities/run-as buildbot ./bin/with-xvfb "
-            "./bin/test -vvv --shuffle --subunit-v2 --list".format(work_dir)
-        )
+        command.append("--list")
     elif load_list:
-        command = (
-            "cd {} && ./utilities/run-as buildbot ./bin/with-xvfb "
-            "./bin/test -vvv --shuffle --subunit-v2 --load-list {}".format(
-                work_dir, load_list
-            )
-        )
-    else:
-        command = (
-            "cd {} && ./utilities/run-as buildbot ./bin/with-xvfb "
-            "./bin/test -vvv --shuffle --subunit-v2".format(work_dir)
-        )
+        command.extend(["--load-list", load_list])
     container_ip = None
     for address in test_container.state().network["eth0"]["addresses"]:
         if address["family"] == "inet":
@@ -108,8 +97,8 @@ def create_ephemeral_container(
             "root@{}:{}".format(container_ip, str(work_dir) + "/temp/"),
-    return_code = subprocess.call(
-        ["lxc", "exec", test_container_name, "--", "bash", "-c", command]
+    return_code, _ = _exec(
+        test_container, command, cwd=work_dir, exit_on_error=False,
     if list_tests:
         print("rsync temp dir out of container {}".format(test_container_name))