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Re: [Merge] ~pappacena/launchpad:oci-bug-add-oci-columns into launchpad:db-devel


Diff comments:

> diff --git a/database/schema/patch-2210-22-0.sql b/database/schema/patch-2210-22-0.sql
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..e1dd712
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/database/schema/patch-2210-22-0.sql
> @@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
> +-- Copyright 2020 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
> +-- GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
> +
> +SET client_min_messages=ERROR;
> +
> +-- This patch can be applied "cold", in a "fast-downtime" way. It basically
> +-- adds the new OCI database columns, and rename current indexes so they can be
> +-- removed and replaced with new ones that includes the new columns.
> +
> +    ADD COLUMN ociproject integer REFERENCES ociproject,
> +    ADD COLUMN ociprojectseries integer REFERENCES ociprojectseries,
> +    DROP CONSTRAINT bugtask_assignment_checks,
> +    ADD CONSTRAINT bugtask_assignment_checks CHECK (
> +        CASE
> +            WHEN product IS NOT NULL THEN productseries IS NULL AND distribution IS NULL AND distroseries IS NULL AND sourcepackagename IS NULL
> +            WHEN productseries IS NOT NULL THEN distribution IS NULL AND distroseries IS NULL AND sourcepackagename IS NULL AND ociproject IS NULL AND ociprojectseries IS NULL
> +            WHEN distribution IS NOT NULL THEN distroseries IS NULL
> +            WHEN distroseries IS NOT NULL THEN ociproject IS NULL AND ociprojectseries IS NULL
> +            WHEN ociproject IS NOT NULL THEN ociprojectseries IS NULL AND (distribution IS NOT NULL OR product IS NOT NULL)
> +            WHEN ociprojectseries IS NOT NULL THEN ociproject IS NULL AND (distribution IS NOT NULL OR product IS NOT NULL)
> +            ELSE false
> +        END) NOT VALID;
> +
> +ALTER INDEX bugtask_distinct_sourcepackage_assignment
> +    RENAME TO old__bugtask_distinct_sourcepackage_assignment;
> +
> +ALTER INDEX bugtask__product__bug__key
> +    RENAME TO old__bugtask__product__bug__key;
> +
> +ALTER TABLE BugTaskFlat
> +    ADD COLUMN ociproject integer,
> +    ADD COLUMN ociprojectseries integer;
> +
> +ALTER TABLE BugSummary
> +    ADD COLUMN ociproject integer REFERENCES ociproject,
> +    ADD COLUMN ociprojectseries integer REFERENCES ociprojectseries,
> +    DROP CONSTRAINT bugtask_assignment_checks,
> +    ADD CONSTRAINT bugtask_assignment_checks CHECK (
> +        CASE
> +            WHEN product IS NOT NULL THEN productseries IS NULL AND distribution IS NULL AND distroseries IS NULL AND sourcepackagename IS NULL
> +            WHEN productseries IS NOT NULL THEN distribution IS NULL AND distroseries IS NULL AND sourcepackagename IS NULL AND ociproject IS NULL AND ociprojectseries IS NULL
> +            WHEN distribution IS NOT NULL THEN distroseries IS NULL
> +            WHEN distroseries IS NOT NULL THEN ociproject IS NULL AND ociprojectseries IS NULL
> +            WHEN ociproject IS NOT NULL THEN ociprojectseries IS NULL AND (distribution IS NOT NULL OR product IS NOT NULL)
> +            WHEN ociprojectseries IS NOT NULL THEN ociproject IS NULL AND (distribution IS NOT NULL OR product IS NOT NULL)
> +            ELSE false
> +        END) NOT VALID;
> +
> +ALTER INDEX bugsummary__unique
> +    RENAME TO old__bugsummary__unique;
> +
> +ALTER TABLE BugSummaryJournal
> +    ADD COLUMN ociproject integer,
> +    ADD COLUMN ociprojectseries integer;
> +
> +-- Functions
> +
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugtask_flatten(task_id integer, check_only boolean)
> +    RETURNS boolean
> +    LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = public
> +    AS $$
> +    bug_row Bug%ROWTYPE;
> +    task_row BugTask%ROWTYPE;
> +    old_flat_row BugTaskFlat%ROWTYPE;
> +    new_flat_row BugTaskFlat%ROWTYPE;
> +    _product_active boolean;
> +    _access_policies integer[];
> +    _access_grants integer[];
> +    -- This is the master function to update BugTaskFlat, but there are
> +    -- maintenance triggers and jobs on the involved tables that update
> +    -- it directly. Any changes here probably require a corresponding
> +    -- change in other trigger functions.
> +
> +    SELECT * INTO task_row FROM BugTask WHERE id = task_id;
> +    SELECT * INTO old_flat_row FROM BugTaskFlat WHERE bugtask = task_id;
> +
> +    -- If the task doesn't exist, ensure that there's no flat row.
> +    IF task_row.id IS NULL THEN
> +        IF old_flat_row.bugtask IS NOT NULL THEN
> +            IF NOT check_only THEN
> +                DELETE FROM BugTaskFlat WHERE bugtask = task_id;
> +            END IF;
> +            RETURN FALSE;
> +        ELSE
> +            RETURN TRUE;
> +        END IF;
> +    END IF;
> +
> +    SELECT * FROM bug INTO bug_row WHERE id = task_row.bug;
> +
> +    -- If it's a product(series) task, we must consult the active flag.
> +    IF task_row.product IS NOT NULL THEN
> +        SELECT product.active INTO _product_active
> +            FROM product WHERE product.id = task_row.product LIMIT 1;
> +    ELSIF task_row.productseries IS NOT NULL THEN
> +        SELECT product.active INTO _product_active
> +            FROM
> +                product
> +                JOIN productseries ON productseries.product = product.id
> +            WHERE productseries.id = task_row.productseries LIMIT 1;
> +    END IF;
> +
> +    SELECT policies, grants
> +        INTO _access_policies, _access_grants
> +        FROM bug_build_access_cache(bug_row.id, bug_row.information_type)
> +            AS (policies integer[], grants integer[]);
> +
> +    -- Compile the new flat row.
> +    SELECT task_row.id, bug_row.id, task_row.datecreated,
> +           bug_row.duplicateof, bug_row.owner, bug_row.fti,
> +           bug_row.information_type, bug_row.date_last_updated,
> +           bug_row.heat, task_row.product, task_row.productseries,
> +           task_row.distribution, task_row.distroseries,
> +           task_row.sourcepackagename, task_row.status,
> +           task_row.importance, task_row.assignee,
> +           task_row.milestone, task_row.owner,
> +           COALESCE(_product_active, TRUE),
> +           _access_policies,
> +           _access_grants,
> +           bug_row.latest_patch_uploaded, task_row.date_closed,
> +           task_row.ociproject, task_row.ociprojectseries
> +           INTO new_flat_row;
> +
> +    -- Calculate the necessary updates.
> +    IF old_flat_row.bugtask IS NULL THEN
> +        IF NOT check_only THEN
> +            INSERT INTO BugTaskFlat VALUES (new_flat_row.*);
> +        END IF;
> +        RETURN FALSE;
> +    ELSIF new_flat_row != old_flat_row THEN
> +        IF NOT check_only THEN
> +            UPDATE BugTaskFlat SET
> +                bug = new_flat_row.bug,
> +                datecreated = new_flat_row.datecreated,
> +                duplicateof = new_flat_row.duplicateof,
> +                bug_owner = new_flat_row.bug_owner,
> +                fti = new_flat_row.fti,
> +                information_type = new_flat_row.information_type,
> +                date_last_updated = new_flat_row.date_last_updated,
> +                heat = new_flat_row.heat,
> +                product = new_flat_row.product,
> +                productseries = new_flat_row.productseries,
> +                distribution = new_flat_row.distribution,
> +                distroseries = new_flat_row.distroseries,
> +                sourcepackagename = new_flat_row.sourcepackagename,
> +                status = new_flat_row.status,
> +                importance = new_flat_row.importance,
> +                assignee = new_flat_row.assignee,
> +                milestone = new_flat_row.milestone,
> +                owner = new_flat_row.owner,
> +                active = new_flat_row.active,
> +                access_policies = new_flat_row.access_policies,
> +                access_grants = new_flat_row.access_grants,
> +                date_closed = new_flat_row.date_closed,
> +                latest_patch_uploaded = new_flat_row.latest_patch_uploaded,
> +                ociproject = new_flat_row.ociproject,
> +                ociprojectseries = new_flat_row.ociprojectseries
> +                WHERE bugtask = new_flat_row.bugtask;
> +        END IF;
> +        RETURN FALSE;
> +    ELSE
> +        RETURN TRUE;
> +    END IF;
> +END;
> +$$;
> +
> +
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bug_summary_inc(d bugsummary) RETURNS VOID
> +LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
> +$$
> +    -- Shameless adaption from postgresql manual
> +    LOOP
> +        -- first try to update the row
> +        UPDATE BugSummary SET count = count + d.count
> +        WHERE
> +            ((product IS NULL AND $1.product IS NULL)
> +                OR product = $1.product)
> +            AND ((productseries IS NULL AND $1.productseries IS NULL)
> +                OR productseries = $1.productseries)
> +            AND ((distribution IS NULL AND $1.distribution IS NULL)
> +                OR distribution = $1.distribution)
> +            AND ((distroseries IS NULL AND $1.distroseries IS NULL)
> +                OR distroseries = $1.distroseries)
> +            AND ((sourcepackagename IS NULL AND $1.sourcepackagename IS NULL)
> +                OR sourcepackagename = $1.sourcepackagename)
> +            AND ((ociproject IS NULL AND $1.ociproject IS NULL)
> +                OR ociproject = $1.ociproject)
> +            AND ((ociprojectseries IS NULL AND $1.ociprojectseries IS NULL)
> +                OR ociprojectseries = $1.ociprojectseries)
> +            AND ((viewed_by IS NULL AND $1.viewed_by IS NULL)
> +                OR viewed_by = $1.viewed_by)
> +            AND ((tag IS NULL AND $1.tag IS NULL)
> +                OR tag = $1.tag)
> +            AND status = $1.status
> +            AND ((milestone IS NULL AND $1.milestone IS NULL)
> +                OR milestone = $1.milestone)
> +            AND importance = $1.importance
> +            AND has_patch = $1.has_patch
> +            AND access_policy IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $1.access_policy;
> +        IF found THEN
> +            RETURN;
> +        END IF;
> +        -- not there, so try to insert the key
> +        -- if someone else inserts the same key concurrently,
> +        -- we could get a unique-key failure
> +        BEGIN
> +            INSERT INTO BugSummary(
> +                count, product, productseries, distribution,
> +                distroseries, sourcepackagename,
> +                ociproject, ociprojectseries,
> +                viewed_by, tag,
> +                status, milestone, importance, has_patch, access_policy)
> +            VALUES (
> +                d.count, d.product, d.productseries, d.distribution,
> +                d.distroseries, d.sourcepackagename,
> +                d.ociproject, d.ociprojectseries,
> +                d.viewed_by, d.tag,
> +                d.status, d.milestone, d.importance, d.has_patch,
> +                d.access_policy);
> +            RETURN;
> +        EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN
> +            -- do nothing, and loop to try the UPDATE again
> +        END;
> +    END LOOP;
> +END;
> +$$;
> +
> +
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugsummary_rollup_journal(batchsize integer=NULL)
> +SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path TO public AS
> +$$
> +    d bugsummary%ROWTYPE;
> +    max_id integer;
> +    -- Lock so we don't content with other invokations of this
> +    -- function. We can happily lock the BugSummary table for writes
> +    -- as this function is the only thing that updates that table.
> +    -- BugSummaryJournal remains unlocked so nothing should be blocked.
> +
> +    IF batchsize IS NULL THEN
> +        SELECT MAX(id) INTO max_id FROM BugSummaryJournal;
> +    ELSE
> +        SELECT MAX(id) INTO max_id FROM (
> +            SELECT id FROM BugSummaryJournal ORDER BY id LIMIT batchsize
> +            ) AS Whatever;
> +    END IF;
> +
> +    FOR d IN
> +        SELECT
> +            NULL as id,
> +            SUM(count),
> +            product,
> +            productseries,
> +            distribution,
> +            distroseries,
> +            sourcepackagename,
> +            viewed_by,
> +            tag,
> +            status,
> +            milestone,
> +            importance,
> +            has_patch,
> +            access_policy,
> +            ociproject,
> +            ociprojectseries
> +        FROM BugSummaryJournal
> +        WHERE id <= max_id
> +        GROUP BY
> +            product, productseries, distribution, distroseries,
> +            sourcepackagename, ociproject, ociprojectseries,
> +            viewed_by, tag, status, milestone,
> +            importance, has_patch, access_policy
> +        HAVING sum(count) <> 0
> +    LOOP
> +        IF d.count < 0 THEN
> +            PERFORM bug_summary_dec(d);
> +        ELSIF d.count > 0 THEN
> +            PERFORM bug_summary_inc(d);
> +        END IF;
> +    END LOOP;
> +
> +    -- Clean out any counts we reduced to 0.
> +    DELETE FROM BugSummary WHERE count=0;
> +    -- Clean out the journal entries we have handled.
> +    DELETE FROM BugSummaryJournal WHERE id <= max_id;
> +END;
> +$$;
> +
> +
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugtask_maintain_bugtaskflat_trig()
> +    RETURNS trigger
> +    SET search_path TO 'public'
> +    AS $$
> +        PERFORM bugtask_flatten(NEW.id, FALSE);
> +        IF NEW.bug != OLD.bug THEN
> +            RAISE EXCEPTION 'cannot move bugtask to a different bug';
> +        ELSIF (NEW.product IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.product
> +            OR NEW.productseries IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.productseries) THEN
> +            -- product.active may differ. Do a full update.
> +            PERFORM bugtask_flatten(NEW.id, FALSE);
> +        ELSIF (
> +            NEW.datecreated IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.datecreated
> +            OR NEW.product IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.product
> +            OR NEW.productseries IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.productseries
> +            OR NEW.distribution IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.distribution
> +            OR NEW.distroseries IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.distroseries
> +            OR NEW.sourcepackagename IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.sourcepackagename
> +            OR NEW.ociproject IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.ociproject
> +            OR NEW.ociprojectseries IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.ociprojectseries
> +            OR NEW.status IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.status
> +            OR NEW.importance IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.importance
> +            OR NEW.assignee IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.assignee
> +            OR NEW.milestone IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.milestone
> +            OR NEW.owner IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.owner
> +            OR NEW.date_closed IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.date_closed) THEN
> +            -- Otherwise just update the columns from bugtask.
> +            -- Access policies and grants may have changed due to target
> +            -- transitions, but an earlier trigger will already have
> +            -- mirrored them to all relevant flat tasks.
> +            UPDATE BugTaskFlat SET
> +                datecreated = NEW.datecreated,
> +                product = NEW.product,
> +                productseries = NEW.productseries,
> +                distribution = NEW.distribution,
> +                distroseries = NEW.distroseries,
> +                sourcepackagename = NEW.sourcepackagename,
> +                ociproject = NEW.ociproject,
> +                ociprojectseries = NEW.ociprojectseries,
> +                status = NEW.status,
> +                importance = NEW.importance,
> +                assignee = NEW.assignee,
> +                milestone = NEW.milestone,
> +                owner = NEW.owner,
> +                date_closed = NEW.date_closed
> +                WHERE bugtask = NEW.id;
> +        END IF;
> +        PERFORM bugtask_flatten(OLD.id, FALSE);
> +    END IF;
> +END;
> +$$;
> +
> +DROP FUNCTION bugsummary_targets;
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugsummary_targets(btf_row public.bugtaskflat)
> +        product integer,
> +        productseries integer,
> +        distribution integer,
> +        distroseries integer,
> +        sourcepackagename integer,
> +        ociproject integer,
> +        ociprojectseries integer
> +    )
> +    AS $_$
> +    -- Include a sourcepackagename-free task if this one has a
> +    -- sourcepackagename, so package tasks are also counted in their
> +    -- distro/series.
> +    -- XXX what about pillar for ociprojects?

When adding the second task to the test (the one with OCI project), we add one row with (pillar, OCI project), and the count of 1. This way, the existing queries about the pillar would have the correct count, and specific queries about the OCI project itself too.

If we generate 2 rows for that case (one for the pillar, and other for pillar + OCIProject), then the count would sum up 2, which seems inappropriate.

Does that make sense?

> +    SELECT
> +        $1.product, $1.productseries, $1.distribution,
> +        $1.distroseries, $1.sourcepackagename,
> +        $1.ociproject, $1.ociprojectseries
> +    UNION -- Implicit DISTINCT
> +    SELECT
> +        $1.product, $1.productseries, $1.distribution,
> +        $1.distroseries, NULL,
> +        $1.ociproject, $1.ociprojectseries;
> +$_$;
> +
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugsummary_locations(
> +        btf_row bugtaskflat, tags text[])
> +    RETURNS SETOF bugsummaryjournal
> +    LANGUAGE plpgsql
> +    AS $$
> +    IF btf_row.duplicateof IS NOT NULL THEN
> +        RETURN;
> +    END IF;
> +        SELECT
> +            CAST(NULL AS integer) AS id,
> +            CAST(1 AS integer) AS count,
> +            bug_targets.product, bug_targets.productseries,
> +            bug_targets.distribution, bug_targets.distroseries,
> +            bug_targets.sourcepackagename,
> +            bug_viewers.viewed_by, bug_tags.tag, btf_row.status,
> +            btf_row.milestone, btf_row.importance,
> +            btf_row.latest_patch_uploaded IS NOT NULL AS has_patch,
> +            bug_viewers.access_policy,
> +            bug_targets.ociproject, bug_targets.ociprojectseries
> +        FROM
> +            bugsummary_targets(btf_row) AS bug_targets,
> +            unnest(tags) AS bug_tags (tag),
> +            bugsummary_viewers(btf_row) AS bug_viewers;
> +END;
> +$$;
> +
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugsummary_insert_journals(
> +        journals bugsummaryjournal[])
> +    RETURNS void
> +    LANGUAGE sql
> +    AS $$
> +    -- We sum the rows here to minimise the number of inserts into the
> +    -- journal, as in the case of UPDATE statement we may have -1s and +1s
> +    -- cancelling each other out.
> +    INSERT INTO BugSummaryJournal(
> +            count, product, productseries, distribution,
> +            distroseries, sourcepackagename, ociproject, ociprojectseries,
> +            viewed_by, tag, status, milestone, importance, has_patch,
> +            access_policy)
> +        SELECT
> +            SUM(count), product, productseries, distribution,
> +            distroseries, sourcepackagename, ociproject, ociprojectseries,
> +            viewed_by, tag, status, milestone, importance, has_patch,
> +            access_policy
> +        FROM unnest(journals)
> +        GROUP BY
> +            product, productseries, distribution,
> +            distroseries, sourcepackagename, ociproject, ociprojectseries,
> +            viewed_by, tag, status, milestone, importance, has_patch,
> +            access_policy
> +        HAVING SUM(count) != 0;
> +$$;
> +
> +
> +-- Views
> +
> +-- Combined view so we don't have to manually collate rows from both tables.
> +-- Note that we flip the sign of the id column of BugSummaryJournal to avoid
> +-- clashes. This is enough to keep Storm happy as it never needs to update
> +-- this table, and there are no other suitable primary keys.
> +-- We don't SUM() rows here to ensure PostgreSQL has the most hope of
> +-- generating good query plans when we query this view.
> +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW CombinedBugSummary AS (
> +    SELECT
> +        id,
> +        count,
> +        product,
> +        productseries,
> +        distribution,
> +        distroseries,
> +        sourcepackagename,
> +        viewed_by,
> +        tag,
> +        status,
> +        milestone,
> +        importance,
> +        has_patch,
> +        access_policy,
> +        ociproject,
> +        ociprojectseries
> +    FROM bugsummary
> +    UNION ALL
> +    SELECT
> +        -id AS id, count,
> +        product,
> +        productseries,
> +        distribution,
> +        distroseries,
> +        sourcepackagename,
> +        viewed_by,
> +        tag,
> +        status,
> +        milestone,
> +        importance,
> +        has_patch,
> +        access_policy,
> +        ociproject,
> +        ociprojectseries
> +   FROM bugsummaryjournal
> +);
> +
> +INSERT INTO LaunchpadDatabaseRevision VALUES (2210, 22, 0);

Your team Launchpad code reviewers is subscribed to branch ~pappacena/launchpad:oci-bug-add-oci-columns.
