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Message #26355
Re: [Merge] ~pappacena/launchpad:snap-pillar-db into launchpad:db-devel
Review: Approve db
Thanks, just a couple of small things.
Diff comments:
> diff --git a/database/schema/patch-2210-26-1.sql b/database/schema/patch-2210-26-1.sql
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..5511d91
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/database/schema/patch-2210-26-1.sql
> @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
> +-- Copyright 2021 Canonical Ltd. This software is licensed under the
> +-- GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
> +
> +SET client_min_messages=ERROR;
> +
> + ADD COLUMN information_type integer,
> + ADD COLUMN project integer REFERENCES product,
This should probably have an index.
> + ADD COLUMN access_policy integer,
Does this normally have an FK? access_grants obviously can't, but I don't remember if I bothered with access_policy.
> + ADD COLUMN access_grants integer[];
> +
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN Snap.private IS
> + '(DEPRECATED; use Snap.information_type) Whether or not this snap is private.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN Snap.project IS
> + 'The project which is the pillar for this Snap';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN Snap.information_type IS
> + 'Enum describing what type of information is stored, such as type of private or security related data, and used to determine to apply an access policy.';
> +
> +CREATE TABLE SnapSubscription (
> + id serial PRIMARY KEY,
> + person integer NOT NULL REFERENCES Person(id),
> + snap integer NOT NULL REFERENCES Snap(id),
Absolutely trivial, but I'd have snap before person.
> + date_created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') NOT NULL,
> + subscribed_by integer NOT NULL REFERENCES Person(id)
This should have an index, or person merge is going to slowly get mysteriously slower.
> +);
> +
> +COMMENT ON TABLE SnapSubscription IS 'Person subscription for Snap recipes.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN SnapSubscription.person IS
> + 'The person who subscribed to the Snap.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN SnapSubscription.snap IS
> + 'The Snap recipe to which the person subscribed.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN SnapSubscription.date_created IS
> + 'When the subscription was created.';
> +COMMENT ON COLUMN SnapSubscription.subscribed_by IS
> + 'The person performing the action of subscribing someone to the Snap.';
> +
> +
> +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX snapsubscription__person_snap__key
> + ON SnapSubscription(snap, person);
> +
> +CREATE INDEX snapsubscription__person__idx
> + ON SnapSubscription(person);
> +
> +ALTER TABLE AccessArtifact
> + ADD COLUMN snap integer REFERENCES snap;
> +
> +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accessartifact__snap__key
> + ON AccessArtifact(snap) WHERE snap IS NOT NULL;
> +
> +
> +ALTER TABLE AccessArtifact DROP CONSTRAINT has_artifact;
> +ALTER TABLE AccessArtifact
> + ADD CONSTRAINT has_artifact CHECK (
> + (null_count(ARRAY[bug, branch, gitrepository, snap, specification]) = 4));
This is probably slow. We should benchmark, but may need to catalogue-hack (unless VALIDATE CONSTRAINT is fixed to no longer take a serious lock now).
> +
> +
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION snap_denorm_access(snap_id integer)
> + RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
> +$$
> + info_type integer;
> + -- XXX pappacena 2021-002-12: Once we finish filling "information_type" and
I know 2020 was weird, but I hope 2021 isn't that long.
> + -- deprecate the usage of "public" column at code level, we will be able to
> + -- drop the "private" column usage here.
> + CASE snap.information_type
> + -- information type: 1 = public; 5 = proprietary
> + CASE WHEN snap.private THEN 5 ELSE 1 END
> + ELSE
> + snap.information_type
> + END
> + INTO info_type
> + FROM snap WHERE id = snap_id;
"CASE foo WHEN NULL THEN bar ELSE foo" can also be spelt "COALESCE(foo, bar)".
> +
> + UPDATE Snap
> + SET access_policy = policies[1], access_grants = grants
> + FROM
> + build_access_cache(
> + (SELECT id FROM accessartifact WHERE snap = snap_id),
> + info_type)
> + AS (policies integer[], grants integer[])
> + WHERE id = snap_id;
> +END;
> +$$;
> +
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION accessartifact_denorm_to_artifacts(artifact_id integer)
> + RETURNS void
> + LANGUAGE plpgsql
> + AS $$
> + artifact_row accessartifact%ROWTYPE;
> + SELECT * INTO artifact_row FROM accessartifact WHERE id = artifact_id;
> + IF artifact_row.bug IS NOT NULL THEN
> + PERFORM bug_flatten_access(artifact_row.bug);
> + END IF;
> + IF artifact_row.branch IS NOT NULL THEN
> + PERFORM branch_denorm_access(artifact_row.branch);
> + END IF;
> + IF artifact_row.gitrepository IS NOT NULL THEN
> + PERFORM gitrepository_denorm_access(artifact_row.gitrepository);
> + END IF;
> + IF artifact_row.snap IS NOT NULL THEN
> + PERFORM snap_denorm_access(artifact_row.snap);
> + END IF;
> + IF artifact_row.specification IS NOT NULL THEN
> + PERFORM specification_denorm_access(artifact_row.specification);
> + END IF;
> +END;
> +$$;
> +
> +COMMENT ON FUNCTION accessartifact_denorm_to_artifacts(artifact_id integer) IS
> + 'Denormalize the policy access and artifact grants to bugs, branches, git repositories, snaps, and specifications.';
> +
> +-- A trigger to handle snap.{private,information_type,project} changes.
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION snap_maintain_access_cache_trig() RETURNS trigger
> + LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
> + PERFORM snap_denorm_access(;
> +END;
> +$$;
> +
> +CREATE TRIGGER snap_maintain_access_cache
> + AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OF private, information_type, project ON Snap
> + FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE snap_maintain_access_cache_trig();
> +
> +
> +INSERT INTO LaunchpadDatabaseRevision VALUES (2210, 26, 1);
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is subscribed to branch ~pappacena/launchpad:snap-pillar-db.