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[Merge] ~ilasc/launchpad:close-account-celery-job into launchpad:master


Ioana Lasc has proposed merging ~ilasc/launchpad:close-account-celery-job into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Add a close account celery job

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~ilasc/launchpad:close-account-celery-job into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/lib/lp/registry/configure.zcml b/lib/lp/registry/configure.zcml
index 7a7a396..ac3d82b 100644
--- a/lib/lp/registry/configure.zcml
+++ b/lib/lp/registry/configure.zcml
@@ -105,6 +105,12 @@
+        component=".model.persontransferjob.PersonCloseAccountJob"
+        provides=".interfaces.persontransferjob.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource">
+      <allow interface=".interfaces.persontransferjob.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource"/>
+    </securedutility>
+    <securedutility
       <allow interface=".interfaces.persontransferjob.ITeamInvitationNotificationJobSource"/>
diff --git a/lib/lp/registry/enums.py b/lib/lp/registry/enums.py
index b71dec6..0ca6af9 100644
--- a/lib/lp/registry/enums.py
+++ b/lib/lp/registry/enums.py
@@ -380,6 +380,11 @@ class PersonTransferJobType(DBEnumeratedType):
         Notify team admins that a member renewed their own membership.
+    CLOSE_ACCOUNT = DBItem(7, """Close account.
+        Close account for a given username.
+        """)
 class ProductJobType(DBEnumeratedType):
     """Values that IProductJob.job_type can take."""
diff --git a/lib/lp/registry/interfaces/persontransferjob.py b/lib/lp/registry/interfaces/persontransferjob.py
index 3e80aed..e445553 100644
--- a/lib/lp/registry/interfaces/persontransferjob.py
+++ b/lib/lp/registry/interfaces/persontransferjob.py
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ __all__ = [
+    'IPersonCloseAccountJob',
+    'IPersonCloseAccountJobSource',
@@ -171,6 +173,34 @@ class IPersonDeactivateJobSource(IJobSource):
+class IPersonCloseAccountJob(IPersonTransferJob):
+    """A Job that closes the account for a person."""
+    person = PublicPersonChoice(
+        title=_('Alias for person attribute'), vocabulary='ValidPersonOrTeam',
+        required=True)
+    def getErrorRecipients(self):
+        """See `BaseRunnableJob`."""
+class IPersonCloseAccountJobSource(IJobSource):
+    """An interface for acquiring ICloseAccountJobs."""
+    def create(person):
+        """Create a new IPersonCloseAccountJob.
+        :param person: A `IPerson` to close the account for.
+        """
+    def find(person=None):
+        """Finds pending close account jobs.
+        :param person: Match jobs on `person`, or `None` to ignore.
+        :return: A `ResultSet` yielding `IPersonCloseAccountJob`.
+        """
 class ITeamInvitationNotificationJob(IPersonTransferJob):
     """A Job to notify about team joining invitations."""
diff --git a/lib/lp/registry/model/persontransferjob.py b/lib/lp/registry/model/persontransferjob.py
index 60ec767..5cef604 100644
--- a/lib/lp/registry/model/persontransferjob.py
+++ b/lib/lp/registry/model/persontransferjob.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 __metaclass__ = type
 __all__ = [
+    'PersonCloseAccountJob',
@@ -15,8 +16,11 @@ from lazr.delegates import delegate_to
 import pytz
 import simplejson
 import six
+from storm.exceptions import IntegrityError
 from storm.expr import (
+    LeftJoin,
+    Lower,
 from storm.locals import (
@@ -24,24 +28,32 @@ from storm.locals import (
+import transaction
 from zope.component import getUtility
 from zope.interface import (
+from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
+from lp.answers.enums import QuestionStatus
+from lp.answers.model.question import Question
 from lp.app.interfaces.launchpad import ILaunchpadCelebrities
+from lp.bugs.model.bugtask import BugTask
 from lp.registry.enums import PersonTransferJobType
 from lp.registry.interfaces.person import (
+    PersonCreationRationale,
 from lp.registry.interfaces.persontransferjob import (
+    IPersonCloseAccountJob,
+    IPersonCloseAccountJobSource,
@@ -57,23 +69,45 @@ from lp.registry.interfaces.persontransferjob import (
 from lp.registry.interfaces.teammembership import TeamMembershipStatus
 from lp.registry.mail.teammembership import TeamMembershipMailer
-from lp.registry.model.person import Person
+from lp.registry.model.person import (
+    Person,
+    PersonSettings,
+    )
+from lp.registry.model.product import Product
+from lp.registry.model.productseries import ProductSeries
 from lp.registry.personmerge import merge_people
 from lp.services.config import config
+from lp.services.database import postgresql
+from lp.services.database.constants import DEFAULT
 from lp.services.database.decoratedresultset import DecoratedResultSet
 from lp.services.database.enumcol import EnumCol
 from lp.services.database.interfaces import (
+from lp.services.database.sqlbase import cursor
 from lp.services.database.stormbase import StormBase
+from lp.services.identity.interfaces.account import (
+    AccountCreationRationale,
+    AccountStatus,
+    )
+from lp.services.identity.model.emailaddress import EmailAddress
 from lp.services.job.model.job import (
 from lp.services.job.runner import BaseRunnableJob
 from lp.services.mail.sendmail import format_address_for_person
+from lp.services.openid.model.openididentifier import OpenIdIdentifier
 from lp.services.scripts import log
+from lp.services.scripts.base import LaunchpadScriptFailure
+from lp.soyuz.enums import (
+    ArchiveStatus,
+    ArchiveSubscriberStatus,
+    )
+from lp.soyuz.interfaces.archivesubscriber import IArchiveSubscriberSet
+from lp.soyuz.model.archive import Archive
+from lp.soyuz.model.archivesubscriber import ArchiveSubscriber
@@ -437,6 +471,491 @@ class PersonDeactivateJob(PersonTransferJobDerived):
         return 'deactivating ~%s' % self.person.name
+class PersonCloseAccountJob(PersonTransferJobDerived):
+    """A Job that closes account for a person."""
+    class_job_type = PersonTransferJobType.CLOSE_ACCOUNT
+    config = config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource
+    @classmethod
+    def create(cls, username):
+        """See `IPersonCloseAccountJobSource`."""
+        # Minor person has to be not null, so use the janitor.
+        store = IMasterStore(Person)
+        janitor = getUtility(ILaunchpadCelebrities).janitor
+        person = store.using(
+            Person,
+            LeftJoin(EmailAddress, Person.id == EmailAddress.personID)
+        ).find(
+            Person,
+            Or(Person.name == username,
+               Lower(EmailAddress.email) == Lower(username))
+        ).order_by(Person.id).config(distinct=True).one()
+        if person is None:
+            raise TypeError("User %s does not exist" % username)
+        person_name = person.name
+        # We don't do teams
+        if person.is_team:
+            raise TypeError("%s is a team" % person_name)
+        log.info("Closing %s's account" % person_name)
+        return super(PersonCloseAccountJob, cls).create(
+            minor_person=janitor, major_person=person, metadata={})
+    @classmethod
+    def find(cls, person=None):
+        """See `IPersonMergeJobSource`."""
+        conditions = [
+            PersonCloseAccountJob.job_type == cls.class_job_type,
+            PersonCloseAccountJob.job_id == Job.id,
+            Job._status.is_in(Job.PENDING_STATUSES)]
+        arg_conditions = []
+        if person:
+            arg_conditions.append(PersonCloseAccountJob.major_person == person)
+        conditions.extend(arg_conditions)
+        return DecoratedResultSet(
+            IStore(PersonCloseAccountJob).find(
+                PersonCloseAccountJob, *conditions), cls)
+    @property
+    def person(self):
+        """See `IPersonCloseAccountJob`."""
+        return self.major_person
+    @property
+    def log_name(self):
+        return self.__class__.__name__
+    def getErrorRecipients(self):
+        """See `IPersonCloseAccountJob`."""
+        return [format_address_for_person(self.person)]
+    def run(self):
+        """Perform the account closure."""
+        try:
+            self.close_account(self.person)
+        except Exception:
+            log.error(
+                "%s Account clossure failed for user %s", self.log_name,
+                self.person.name)
+            transaction.abort()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return (
+            "<{self.__class__.__name__} to close account "
+            "~{self.person.name}").format(self=self)
+    def getOperationDescription(self):
+        return 'closing account for ~%s' % self.person.name
+    def close_account(self, person):
+        """Close a person's account.
+        Return True on success, or log an error message and return False
+        """
+        store = IMasterStore(Person)
+        janitor = getUtility(ILaunchpadCelebrities).janitor
+        cur = cursor()
+        references = list(postgresql.listReferences(cur, 'person', 'id'))
+        postgresql.check_indirect_references(references)
+        username = self.person.name
+        def table_notification(table):
+            log.debug("Handling the %s table" % table)
+        # All names starting with 'removed' are blacklisted,
+        # so this will always succeed.
+        new_name = 'removed%d' % person.id
+        # Some references can safely remain in place and link
+        # to the cleaned-out Person row.
+        skip = {
+            # These references express some kind of audit trail.
+            # The actions in question still happened, and in some cases
+            # the rows may still have functional significance
+            # (e.g. subscriptions or access grants), but we no longer
+            # identify the actor.
+            ('accessartifactgrant', 'grantor'),
+            ('accesspolicygrant', 'grantor'),
+            ('binarypackagepublishinghistory', 'removed_by'),
+            ('branch', 'registrant'),
+            ('branchmergeproposal', 'merge_reporter'),
+            ('branchmergeproposal', 'merger'),
+            ('branchmergeproposal', 'queuer'),
+            ('branchmergeproposal', 'registrant'),
+            ('branchmergeproposal', 'reviewer'),
+            ('branchsubscription', 'subscribed_by'),
+            ('bug', 'owner'),
+            ('bug', 'who_made_private'),
+            ('bugactivity', 'person'),
+            ('bugnomination', 'decider'),
+            ('bugnomination', 'owner'),
+            ('bugtask', 'owner'),
+            ('bugsubscription', 'subscribed_by'),
+            ('codeimport', 'owner'),
+            ('codeimport', 'registrant'),
+            ('codeimportjob', 'requesting_user'),
+            ('codeimportevent', 'person'),
+            ('codeimportresult', 'requesting_user'),
+            ('distroarchseriesfilter', 'creator'),
+            ('faq', 'last_updated_by'),
+            ('featureflagchangelogentry', 'person'),
+            ('gitactivity', 'changee'),
+            ('gitactivity', 'changer'),
+            ('gitrepository', 'registrant'),
+            ('gitrule', 'creator'),
+            ('gitrulegrant', 'grantor'),
+            ('gitsubscription', 'subscribed_by'),
+            ('job', 'requester'),
+            ('message', 'owner'),
+            ('messageapproval', 'disposed_by'),
+            ('messageapproval', 'posted_by'),
+            ('packagecopyrequest', 'requester'),
+            ('packagediff', 'requester'),
+            ('packageupload', 'signing_key_owner'),
+            ('personlocation', 'last_modified_by'),
+            ('persontransferjob', 'major_person'),
+            ('persontransferjob', 'minor_person'),
+            ('poexportrequest', 'person'),
+            ('pofile', 'lasttranslator'),
+            ('pofiletranslator', 'person'),
+            ('product', 'registrant'),
+            ('question', 'answerer'),
+            ('questionreopening', 'answerer'),
+            ('questionreopening', 'reopener'),
+            ('snapbuild', 'requester'),
+            ('sourcepackagepublishinghistory', 'creator'),
+            ('sourcepackagepublishinghistory', 'removed_by'),
+            ('sourcepackagepublishinghistory', 'sponsor'),
+            ('sourcepackagerecipebuild', 'requester'),
+            ('sourcepackagerelease', 'creator'),
+            ('sourcepackagerelease', 'maintainer'),
+            ('sourcepackagerelease', 'signing_key_owner'),
+            ('specification', 'approver'),
+            ('specification', 'completer'),
+            ('specification', 'drafter'),
+            ('specification', 'goal_decider'),
+            ('specification', 'goal_proposer'),
+            ('specification', 'last_changed_by'),
+            ('specification', 'owner'),
+            ('specification', 'starter'),
+            ('structuralsubscription', 'subscribed_by'),
+            ('teammembership', 'acknowledged_by'),
+            ('teammembership', 'last_changed_by'),
+            ('teammembership', 'proposed_by'),
+            ('teammembership', 'reviewed_by'),
+            ('translationimportqueueentry', 'importer'),
+            ('translationmessage', 'reviewer'),
+            ('translationmessage', 'submitter'),
+            ('translationrelicensingagreement', 'person'),
+            ('usertouseremail', 'recipient'),
+            ('usertouseremail', 'sender'),
+            ('xref', 'creator'),
+            # This is maintained by trigger functions and a garbo job.  It
+            # doesn't need to be updated immediately.
+            ('bugsummary', 'viewed_by'),
+            # XXX cjwatson 2019-05-02 bug=1827399: This is suboptimal because
+            # it does retain some personal information, but it's currently hard
+            # to deal with due to the size and complexity of references to it.
+            # We can hopefully provide a garbo job for this eventually.
+            ('revisionauthor', 'person'),
+            }
+        # If all the teams that the user owns
+        # have been deleted (not just one) skip Person.teamowner
+        teams = store.find(Person, Person.teamowner == person)
+        if all(team.merged is not None for team in teams):
+            skip.add(('person', 'teamowner'))
+        reference_names = {
+            (src_tab, src_col) for src_tab, src_col, _, _, _, _ in references}
+        for src_tab, src_col in skip:
+            if (src_tab, src_col) not in reference_names:
+                raise AssertionError(
+                    "%s.%s is not a Person reference; possible typo?" %
+                    (src_tab, src_col))
+        # XXX cjwatson 2018-11-29: Registrants could possibly be left as-is,
+        # but perhaps we should pretend that the registrant was ~registry in
+        # that case instead?
+        # Remove the EmailAddress. This is the most important step, as
+        # people requesting account removal seem to primarily be interested
+        # in ensuring we no longer store this information.
+        table_notification('EmailAddress')
+        store.find(EmailAddress, EmailAddress.personID == person.id).remove()
+        # Clean out personal details from the Person table
+        table_notification('Person')
+        person.display_name = 'Removed by request'
+        person.name = new_name
+        person.homepage_content = None
+        person.icon = None
+        person.mugshot = None
+        person.hide_email_addresses = False
+        person.registrant = None
+        person.logo = None
+        person.creation_rationale = PersonCreationRationale.UNKNOWN
+        person.creation_comment = None
+        # Keep the corresponding PersonSettings row, but reset everything to
+        # the defaults.
+        table_notification('PersonSettings')
+        store.find(PersonSettings, PersonSettings.personID == person.id).set(
+            selfgenerated_bugnotifications=DEFAULT,
+            # XXX cjwatson 2018-11-29: These two columns have NULL defaults,
+            # but perhaps shouldn't?
+            expanded_notification_footers=False,
+            require_strong_email_authentication=False)
+        skip.add(('personsettings', 'person'))
+        # Remove almost everything from the Account row and the corresponding
+        # OpenIdIdentifier rows, preserving only a minimal audit trail.
+        if person.account is not None:
+            table_notification('Account')
+            account = removeSecurityProxy(person.account)
+            account.displayname = 'Removed by request'
+            account.creation_rationale = AccountCreationRationale.UNKNOWN
+            person.setAccountStatus(
+                AccountStatus.CLOSED, janitor, "Closed using close-account.")
+            table_notification('OpenIdIdentifier')
+            store.find(
+                OpenIdIdentifier,
+                OpenIdIdentifier.account_id == account.id).remove()
+        # Reassign their bugs
+        table_notification('BugTask')
+        store.find(
+            BugTask, BugTask.assignee_id == person.id).set(assignee_id=None)
+        # Reassign questions assigned to the user, and close all their
+        # questions in non-final states since nobody else can.
+        table_notification('Question')
+        store.find(Question, Question.assignee_id == person.id).set(
+            assignee_id=None)
+        owned_non_final_questions = store.find(
+            Question, Question.owner_id == person.id,
+            Question.status.is_in([
+                QuestionStatus.OPEN, QuestionStatus.NEEDSINFO,
+                QuestionStatus.ANSWERED,
+                ]))
+        owned_non_final_questions.set(
+            status=QuestionStatus.SOLVED,
+            whiteboard=(
+                u'Closed by Launchpad due to owner requesting '
+                u'account removal'))
+        skip.add(('question', 'owner'))
+        # Remove rows from tables in simple cases in the given order
+        removals = [
+            # Trash their email addresses. People who request complete account
+            # removal would be unhappy if they reregistered with their old
+            # email address and this resurrected their deleted account, as the
+            # email address is probably the piece of data we store that they
+            # were most concerned with being removed from our systems.
+            ('EmailAddress', 'person'),
+            # Login and OAuth tokens are no longer interesting if the user can
+            # no longer log in.
+            ('LoginToken', 'requester'),
+            ('OAuthAccessToken', 'person'),
+            ('OAuthRequestToken', 'person'),
+            # Trash their codes of conduct and GPG keys
+            ('SignedCodeOfConduct', 'owner'),
+            ('GpgKey', 'owner'),
+            # Subscriptions and notifications
+            ('BranchSubscription', 'person'),
+            ('BugMute', 'person'),
+            ('BugNotificationRecipient', 'person'),
+            ('BugSubscription', 'person'),
+            ('BugSubscriptionFilterMute', 'person'),
+            ('GitSubscription', 'person'),
+            ('MailingListSubscription', 'person'),
+            ('QuestionSubscription', 'person'),
+            ('SpecificationSubscription', 'person'),
+            ('StructuralSubscription', 'subscriber'),
+            # Personal stuff, freeing up the namespace for others who want
+            # to play or just to remove any fingerprints identifying the user.
+            ('IrcId', 'person'),
+            ('JabberId', 'person'),
+            ('WikiName', 'person'),
+            ('PersonLanguage', 'person'),
+            ('PersonLocation', 'person'),
+            ('SshKey', 'person'),
+            # Karma
+            ('Karma', 'person'),
+            ('KarmaCache', 'person'),
+            ('KarmaTotalCache', 'person'),
+            # Team memberships
+            ('TeamMembership', 'person'),
+            ('TeamParticipation', 'person'),
+            # Contacts
+            ('AnswerContact', 'person'),
+            # Pending items in queues
+            ('POExportRequest', 'person'),
+            # Access grants
+            ('AccessArtifactGrant', 'grantee'),
+            ('AccessPolicyGrant', 'grantee'),
+            ('ArchivePermission', 'person'),
+            ('GitRuleGrant', 'grantee'),
+            ('SharingJob', 'grantee'),
+            # Soyuz reporting
+            ('LatestPersonSourcePackageReleaseCache', 'creator'),
+            ('LatestPersonSourcePackageReleaseCache', 'maintainer'),
+            # "Affects me too" information
+            ('BugAffectsPerson', 'person'),
+            ]
+        for table, person_id_column in removals:
+            table_notification(table)
+            store.execute("""
+                DELETE FROM %(table)s WHERE %(person_id_column)s = ?
+                """ % {
+                    'table': table,
+                    'person_id_column': person_id_column,
+                    },
+                (person.id,))
+        # Trash Sprint Attendance records in the future.
+        table_notification('SprintAttendance')
+        store.execute("""
+            DELETE FROM SprintAttendance
+            USING Sprint
+            WHERE Sprint.id = SprintAttendance.sprint
+                AND attendee = ?
+                AND Sprint.time_starts > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'
+            """, (person.id,))
+        # Any remaining past sprint attendance records can harmlessly refer to
+        # the placeholder person row.
+        skip.add(('sprintattendance', 'attendee'))
+        # generate_ppa_htaccess currently relies on seeing active
+        # ArchiveAuthToken rows so that it knows which ones to remove from
+        # .htpasswd files on disk in response to the cancellation of the
+        # corresponding ArchiveSubscriber rows; but even once PPA authorisation
+        # is handled dynamically, we probably still want to have the per-person
+        # audit trail here.
+        archive_subscriber_ids = set(store.find(
+            ArchiveSubscriber.id,
+            ArchiveSubscriber.subscriber_id == person.id,
+            ArchiveSubscriber.status == ArchiveSubscriberStatus.CURRENT))
+        if archive_subscriber_ids:
+            getUtility(IArchiveSubscriberSet).cancel(
+                archive_subscriber_ids, janitor)
+        skip.add(('archivesubscriber', 'subscriber'))
+        skip.add(('archiveauthtoken', 'person'))
+        # Remove hardware submissions.
+        table_notification('HWSubmissionDevice')
+        store.execute("""
+            DELETE FROM HWSubmissionDevice
+            USING HWSubmission
+            WHERE HWSubmission.id = HWSubmissionDevice.submission
+                AND owner = ?
+            """, (person.id,))
+        table_notification('HWSubmission')
+        store.execute("""
+            DELETE FROM HWSubmission
+            WHERE HWSubmission.owner = ?
+            """, (person.id,))
+        # Purge deleted PPAs.  This is safe because the archive can only be in
+        # the DELETED status if the publisher has removed it from disk and set
+        # all its publications to DELETED.
+        # XXX cjwatson 2019-08-09: This will fail if anything non-trivial has
+        # been done in this person's PPAs; and it's not obvious what to do in
+        # more complicated cases such as builds having been copied out
+        # elsewhere.  It's good enough for some simple cases, though.
+        try:
+            store.find(
+                Archive,
+                Archive.owner == person,
+                Archive.status == ArchiveStatus.DELETED).remove()
+        except IntegrityError:
+            log.error(
+                "%s Can't delete non-trivial PPAs for user %s", self.log_name,
+                username)
+            raise IntegrityError(
+                "Can't delete non-trivial PPAs for user %s" % username)
+        has_references = False
+        # Check for active related projects, and skip inactive ones.
+        for col in 'bug_supervisor', 'driver', 'owner':
+            # Raw SQL because otherwise using Product._owner while displaying
+            # it as Product.owner is too fiddly.
+            result = store.execute("""
+                SELECT COUNT(*) FROM product WHERE active AND %(col)s = ?
+                """ % {'col': col},
+                (person.id,))
+            count = result.get_one()[0]
+            if count:
+                log.error(
+                    "User %s is still referenced by %d product.%s values" %
+                    (username, count, col))
+                has_references = True
+            skip.add(('product', col))
+        for col in 'driver', 'owner':
+            count = store.find(
+                ProductSeries,
+                ProductSeries.product == Product.id, Product.active,
+                getattr(ProductSeries, col) == person).count()
+            if count:
+                log.error(
+                    "User %s is still referenced by %d productseries.%s values"
+                    % (username, count, col))
+                has_references = True
+            skip.add(('productseries', col))
+        # Closing the account will only work if all references have been
+        # handled by this point.  If not, it's safer to bail out.  It's OK if
+        # this doesn't work in all conceivable situations, since some of them
+        # may require careful thought and decisions by a human administrator.
+        for src_tab, src_col, ref_tab, ref_col, updact, delact in references:
+            if (src_tab, src_col) in skip:
+                continue
+            result = store.execute("""
+                SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %(src_tab)s WHERE %(src_col)s = ?
+                """ % {
+                    'src_tab': src_tab,
+                    'src_col': src_col,
+                    },
+                (person.id,))
+            count = result.get_one()[0]
+            if count:
+                log.error(
+                    "User %s is still referenced by %d %s.%s values" %
+                    (username, count, src_tab, src_col))
+                has_references = True
+        if has_references:
+            log.error(
+                "%s User %s is still referenced", self.log_name,
+                username)
+            raise LaunchpadScriptFailure(
+                "User %s is still referenced" % username)
+        return True
 class TeamInvitationNotificationJob(PersonTransferJobDerived):
diff --git a/lib/lp/registry/scripts/closeaccount.py b/lib/lp/registry/scripts/closeaccount.py
index 6fa8585..77c7990 100644
--- a/lib/lp/registry/scripts/closeaccount.py
+++ b/lib/lp/registry/scripts/closeaccount.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<<<<<<< lib/lp/registry/scripts/closeaccount.py
 # Copyright 2009-2020 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
@@ -492,3 +493,5 @@ class CloseAccountScript(LaunchpadScript):
             self.logger.debug("Committing changes")
+>>>>>>> lib/lp/registry/scripts/closeaccount.py
diff --git a/lib/lp/registry/scripts/tests/test_closeaccount.py b/lib/lp/registry/tests/test_person_close_account_job.py
similarity index 54%
rename from lib/lp/registry/scripts/tests/test_closeaccount.py
rename to lib/lp/registry/tests/test_person_close_account_job.py
index 33ccd7a..5d73e7a 100644
--- a/lib/lp/registry/scripts/tests/test_closeaccount.py
+++ b/lib/lp/registry/tests/test_person_close_account_job.py
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
-# Copyright 2018-2020 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# Copyright 2021 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Test the close-account script."""
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+"""Tests for `PersonDeactivateJob`."""
 __metaclass__ = type
-import six
 from storm.store import Store
 from testtools.matchers import (
@@ -25,226 +22,139 @@ from lp.app.interfaces.launchpad import ILaunchpadCelebrities
 from lp.archivepublisher.config import getPubConfig
 from lp.archivepublisher.publishing import Publisher
 from lp.bugs.model.bugsummary import BugSummary
-from lp.code.enums import (
-    CodeImportResultStatus,
-    TargetRevisionControlSystems,
-    )
+from lp.code.enums import TargetRevisionControlSystems, CodeImportResultStatus
 from lp.code.interfaces.codeimportjob import ICodeImportJobWorkflow
 from lp.code.tests.helpers import GitHostingFixture
 from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet
+from lp.registry.interfaces.persontransferjob import (
+    IPersonCloseAccountJobSource,
+    )
 from lp.registry.interfaces.teammembership import ITeamMembershipSet
-from lp.registry.scripts.closeaccount import CloseAccountScript
+from lp.registry.model.persontransferjob import PersonCloseAccountJob
 from lp.scripts.garbo import PopulateLatestPersonSourcePackageReleaseCache
+from lp.services.config import config
 from lp.services.database.interfaces import IStore
-from lp.services.database.sqlbase import (
-    flush_database_caches,
-    get_transaction_timestamp,
-    )
+from lp.services.database.sqlbase import get_transaction_timestamp
+from lp.services.features.testing import FeatureFixture
 from lp.services.identity.interfaces.account import (
 from lp.services.identity.interfaces.emailaddress import IEmailAddressSet
-from lp.services.job.interfaces.job import JobType
+from lp.services.job.interfaces.job import JobStatus, JobType
 from lp.services.job.model.job import Job
-from lp.services.log.logger import (
-    BufferLogger,
-    DevNullLogger,
-    )
+from lp.services.job.runner import JobRunner
+from lp.services.job.tests import block_on_job
+from lp.services.log.logger import BufferLogger, DevNullLogger
+from lp.services.scripts import log
 from lp.services.scripts.base import LaunchpadScriptFailure
 from lp.services.verification.interfaces.authtoken import LoginTokenType
 from lp.services.verification.interfaces.logintoken import ILoginTokenSet
-from lp.soyuz.enums import (
-    ArchiveSubscriberStatus,
-    PackagePublishingStatus,
-    )
+from lp.soyuz.enums import PackagePublishingStatus, ArchiveSubscriberStatus
 from lp.soyuz.model.archive import Archive
 from lp.soyuz.model.archiveauthtoken import ArchiveAuthToken
 from lp.soyuz.tests.test_publishing import SoyuzTestPublisher
-from lp.testing import (
-    login_celebrity,
-    TestCaseWithFactory,
-    )
+from lp.testing import TestCaseWithFactory, login_celebrity
 from lp.testing.dbuser import dbuser
-from lp.testing.layers import LaunchpadZopelessLayer
+from lp.testing.layers import (
+    CeleryJobLayer,
+    LaunchpadZopelessLayer,
+    )
 from lp.translations.interfaces.pofiletranslator import IPOFileTranslatorSet
 from lp.translations.interfaces.translationsperson import ITranslationsPerson
-class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
-    """Test the close-account script.
-    Unfortunately, we have no way of detecting schema updates containing new
-    information that needs to be removed or sanitized on account closure
-    apart from reviewers noticing and prompting developers to update this
-    script.  See Bug #120506 for more details.
-    """
+class TestPersonCloseAccountJob(TestCaseWithFactory):
     layer = LaunchpadZopelessLayer
-    def makeScript(self, test_args):
-        script = CloseAccountScript(test_args=test_args)
-        script.logger = BufferLogger()
-        script.txn = transaction
-        return script
-    def runScript(self, script):
-        try:
-            script.main()
-        finally:
-            self.addDetail("log", script.logger.content)
-            flush_database_caches()
-    def makePopulatedUser(self):
-        """Return a person and account linked to some personal information."""
-        person = self.factory.makePerson(karma=10)
-        self.assertEqual(AccountStatus.ACTIVE, person.account.status)
-        self.assertNotEqual([], list(person.account.openid_identifiers))
-        self.factory.makeBugTask().transitionToAssignee(person, validate=False)
-        self.factory.makeQuestion().assignee = person
-        self.factory.makeQuestion(owner=person)
-        self.factory.makeGPGKey(owner=person)
-        self.factory.makeBranchSubscription(person=person)
-        self.factory.makeBug().subscribe(person, person)
-        self.factory.makeGitSubscription(person=person)
-        team = self.factory.makeTeam()
-        self.factory.makeMailingList(team, team.teamowner).subscribe(person)
-        self.factory.makeQuestionSubscription(person=person)
-        self.factory.makeSpecification().subscribe(person)
-        person.addLanguage(self.factory.makeLanguage())
-        self.factory.makeSSHKey(person=person)
-        self.factory.makeAccessArtifactGrant(grantee=person)
-        self.factory.makeAccessPolicyGrant(grantee=person)
-        self.factory.makeGitRuleGrant(grantee=person)
-        person.selfgenerated_bugnotifications = True
-        person.expanded_notification_footers = True
-        person.require_strong_email_authentication = True
-        return person, person.id, person.account.id
-    def assertRemoved(self, account_id, person_id):
-        # The Account row still exists, but has been anonymised, leaving
-        # only a minimal audit trail.
-        account = getUtility(IAccountSet).get(account_id)
-        self.assertEqual('Removed by request', account.displayname)
-        self.assertEqual(AccountStatus.CLOSED, account.status)
-        self.assertIn('Closed using close-account.', account.status_history)
-        # The Person row still exists to maintain links with information
-        # that won't be removed, such as bug comments, but has been
-        # anonymised.
-        person = getUtility(IPersonSet).get(person_id)
-        self.assertThat(person.name, StartsWith('removed'))
-        self.assertEqual('Removed by request', person.display_name)
-        self.assertEqual(account, person.account)
-        # The corresponding PersonSettings row has been reset to the
-        # defaults.
-        self.assertFalse(person.selfgenerated_bugnotifications)
-        self.assertFalse(person.expanded_notification_footers)
-        self.assertFalse(person.require_strong_email_authentication)
-        # EmailAddress and OpenIdIdentifier rows have been removed.
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [], list(getUtility(IEmailAddressSet).getByPerson(person)))
-        self.assertEqual([], list(account.openid_identifiers))
-    def assertNotRemoved(self, account_id, person_id):
-        account = getUtility(IAccountSet).get(account_id)
-        self.assertNotEqual('Removed by request', account.displayname)
-        self.assertEqual(AccountStatus.ACTIVE, account.status)
-        person = getUtility(IPersonSet).get(person_id)
-        self.assertEqual(account, person.account)
-        self.assertNotEqual('Removed by request', person.display_name)
-        self.assertThat(person.name, Not(StartsWith('removed')))
-        self.assertNotEqual(
-            [], list(getUtility(IEmailAddressSet).getByPerson(person)))
-        self.assertNotEqual([], list(account.openid_identifiers))
-    def test_nonexistent(self):
-        script = self.makeScript(['nonexistent-person'])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.assertRaisesWithContent(
-                LaunchpadScriptFailure,
-                'User nonexistent-person does not exist',
-                self.runScript, script)
+    def test_close_account_job_nonexistent_username_email(self):
+        self.assertRaisesWithContent(
+            TypeError,
+            "User nonexistent_username does not exist",
+            getUtility(IPersonCloseAccountJobSource).create,
+            u'nonexistent_username')
+        self.assertRaisesWithContent(
+            TypeError,
+            "User nonexistent_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxx does not exist",
+            getUtility(IPersonCloseAccountJobSource).create,
+            u'nonexistent_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
+    def test_close_account_job_valid_username(self):
+        user_to_delete = self.factory.makePerson(name=u'delete-me')
+        job_source = getUtility(IPersonCloseAccountJobSource)
+        jobs = list(job_source.iterReady())
+        # at this point we have no jobs
+        self.assertEqual([], jobs)
+        getUtility(IPersonCloseAccountJobSource).create(u'delete-me')
+        jobs = list(job_source.iterReady())
+        jobs[0] = removeSecurityProxy(jobs[0])
+        with dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            JobRunner(jobs).runAll()
+        self.assertEqual(JobStatus.COMPLETED, jobs[0].status)
+        person = removeSecurityProxy(
+            getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName(user_to_delete.name))
+        self.assertEqual(person.name, u'removed%d' % user_to_delete.id)
+    def test_close_account_job_valid_email(self):
+        user_to_delete = self.factory.makePerson(
+            email=u'delete-me@xxxxxxxxxxx')
+        getUtility(
+            IPersonCloseAccountJobSource).create(u'delete-me@xxxxxxxxxxx')
+        self.assertJobCompletes()
+        person = removeSecurityProxy(
+            getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName(user_to_delete.name))
+        self.assertEqual(person.name, u'removed%d' % user_to_delete.id)
     def test_team(self):
         team = self.factory.makeTeam()
-        script = self.makeScript([team.name])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.assertRaisesWithContent(
-                LaunchpadScriptFailure,
-                '%s is a team' % team.name,
-                self.runScript, script)
+        self.assertRaisesWithContent(
+            TypeError,
+            "%s is a team" % team.name,
+            getUtility(IPersonCloseAccountJobSource).create,
+            team.name)
     def test_unhandled_reference(self):
-        person = self.factory.makePerson()
+        user_to_delete = self.factory.makePerson(name=u'delete-me')
+        self.factory.makeProduct(owner=user_to_delete)
+        person = removeSecurityProxy(
+            getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName(user_to_delete.name))
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        self.factory.makeProduct(owner=person)
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.assertRaisesWithContent(
-                LaunchpadScriptFailure,
-                'User %s is still referenced' % person.name,
-                self.runScript, script)
-        self.assertIn(
-            'ERROR User %s is still referenced by 1 product.owner values' % (
-                person.name),
-            script.logger.getLogBuffer())
-        self.assertNotRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(u'delete-me')
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        error_message = (
+            {u'ERROR User delete-me is still '
+             u'referenced by 1 product.owner values',
+             u'ERROR User delete-me is still '
+             u'referenced by 1 productseries.owner values',
+             u'ERROR PersonCloseAccountJob User delete-me is still referenced'
+             })
+        self.assertTrue(
+            error_message.issubset(logger.getLogBuffer().splitlines()))
-    def test_dry_run(self):
-        person, person_id, account_id = self.makePopulatedUser()
-        script = self.makeScript(['--dry-run', six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertIn(
-            'Dry run, so not committing changes', script.logger.getLogBuffer())
         self.assertNotRemoved(account_id, person_id)
-    def test_single_by_name(self):
-        person, person_id, account_id = self.makePopulatedUser()
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
-    def test_single_by_email(self):
-        person, person_id, account_id = self.makePopulatedUser()
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.preferredemail.email)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
-    def test_multiple(self):
-        persons = [self.factory.makePerson() for _ in range(3)]
-        person_ids = [person.id for person in persons]
-        account_ids = [person.account.id for person in persons]
-        script = self.makeScript([persons[0].name, persons[1].name])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_ids[0], person_ids[0])
-        self.assertRemoved(account_ids[1], person_ids[1])
-        self.assertNotRemoved(account_ids[2], person_ids[2])
-    def test_multiple_email_addresses(self):
-        person, person_id, account_id = self.makePopulatedUser()
-        self.factory.makeEmail('%s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' % person.name, person)
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
     def test_unactivated(self):
         person = self.factory.makePerson(
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([person.guessedemails[0].email])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.guessedemails[0].email)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
     def test_retains_audit_trail(self):
         person = self.factory.makePerson()
@@ -255,10 +165,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         snap = self.factory.makeSnap()
         snap_build = self.factory.makeSnapBuild(requester=person, snap=snap)
         specification = self.factory.makeSpecification(drafter=person)
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         self.assertEqual(person, branch_subscription.subscribed_by)
         self.assertEqual(person, snap_build.requester)
         self.assertEqual(person, specification.drafter)
@@ -275,10 +187,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
             question.addComment(person, "comment")
             removeSecurityProxy(question).status = status
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         for question in questions:
             self.assertEqual(QuestionStatus.SOLVED, question.status)
@@ -297,10 +211,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
             question.addComment(person, "comment")
             removeSecurityProxy(question).status = status
             questions[status] = question
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         for question_status, question in questions.items():
             self.assertEqual(question_status, question.status)
@@ -323,10 +239,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
             while not job.isDone():
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         self.assertEqual(person, spph.package_maintainer)
         self.assertEqual(person, spph.package_creator)
@@ -337,10 +255,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         bugtask = self.factory.makeBugTask(bug=bug, owner=person)
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         self.assertEqual(person, bug.owner)
         self.assertEqual(person, bugtask.owner)
@@ -362,10 +282,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
     def test_skips_translation_relicensing_agreements(self):
@@ -374,10 +296,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         translations_person.translations_relicensing_agreement = True
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
     def test_skips_po_file_translators(self):
@@ -391,10 +315,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
                 person, pofile))
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
                 person, pofile))
@@ -410,11 +336,13 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
             now = get_transaction_timestamp(Store.of(person))
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
             ArchiveSubscriberStatus.CANCELLED, subscription.status)
         self.assertEqual(now, subscription.date_cancelled)
@@ -538,10 +466,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
             submission_ids[0], get_submission_by_submission_key(keys[0]))
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         self.assertEqual([], get_submissions_by_owner(person))
@@ -565,10 +495,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
             MatchesStructure.byEquality(count=1, viewed_by=other_person)))
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         # BugSummaryJournal has been updated, but BugSummary hasn't yet.
         summaries = list(store.find(
@@ -587,6 +519,20 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         self.assertThat(summaries, MatchesSetwise(
+    def test_skips_inactive_product_owner(self):
+        person = self.factory.makePerson()
+        product = self.factory.makeProduct(owner=person)
+        product.active = False
+        person_id = person.id
+        account_id = person.account.id
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        self.assertEqual(person, product.owner)
     def test_skips_bug_nomination(self):
         person = self.factory.makePerson()
         other_person = self.factory.makePerson()
@@ -601,26 +547,16 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         self.assertThat(bug.getNominations(), MatchesSetwise(
-    def test_skips_inactive_product_owner(self):
-        person = self.factory.makePerson()
-        product = self.factory.makeProduct(owner=person)
-        product.active = False
-        person_id = person.id
-        account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
-        self.assertEqual(person, product.owner)
     def test_skips_code_import(self):
         person = self.factory.makePerson()
@@ -633,10 +569,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger),\
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         self.assertEqual(person, code_imports[0].registrant)
         self.assertEqual(person, code_imports[1].registrant)
@@ -661,10 +599,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
             person_id = person.id
             account_id = person.account.id
-            script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-            with dbuser('launchpad'):
-                self.runScript(script)
-            self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+            job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+            logger = BufferLogger()
+            with log.use(logger), \
+                    dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+                job.run()
+            self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
             self.assertEqual(person, code_import.registrant)
             self.assertEqual(person, result.requesting_user)
             self.assertEqual(person, code_import.import_job.requesting_user)
@@ -689,10 +629,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         removeSecurityProxy(ppa).owner = other_person
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        closeAccountjob = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger), \
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            closeAccountjob.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         self.assertEqual(person, job.requester)
     def test_skips_specification_owner(self):
@@ -700,10 +642,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
         specification = self.factory.makeSpecification(owner=person)
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger), \
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         self.assertEqual(person, specification.owner)
     def test_skips_teammembership_last_changed_by(self):
@@ -719,10 +663,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         person_id = member.id
         account_id = member.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(member.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(member.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger), \
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
     def test_skips_teamowner_merged(self):
         person = self.factory.makePerson()
@@ -732,22 +678,27 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         owned_team2 = self.factory.makeTeam(name='target2', owner=person)
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
         # Closing account fails as the user still owns team2
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.assertRaises(
-                LaunchpadScriptFailure, self.runScript, script)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger), \
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+            # self.assertRaises(
+            #     LaunchpadScriptFailure, job.run)
+        self.assertNotRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         # Account will now close as the user doesn't own
         # any other teams at this point
         removeSecurityProxy(owned_team2).merged = merged_person
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        with log.use(logger), \
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
     def test_handles_login_token(self):
-        person = self.factory.makePerson()
+        person = self.factory.makePerson(name=u'delete-me')
         email = '%s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' % person.name
         login_token_set = getUtility(ILoginTokenSet)
         token = login_token_set.new(
@@ -757,10 +708,10 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         self.assertEqual(token, login_token_set[plaintext_token])
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        getUtility(
+            IPersonCloseAccountJobSource).create(u'delete-me')
+        self.assertJobCompletes()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
             KeyError, login_token_set.__getitem__, plaintext_token)
@@ -775,10 +726,12 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
             [other_request_token], other_person.oauth_request_tokens)
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger), \
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         self.assertContentEqual([], person.oauth_request_tokens)
             [other_request_token], other_person.oauth_request_tokens)
@@ -794,10 +747,10 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
             [other_access_token], other_person.oauth_access_tokens)
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        with dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         self.assertContentEqual([], person.oauth_access_tokens)
             [other_access_token], other_person.oauth_access_tokens)
@@ -809,16 +762,19 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.assertRaisesWithContent(
-                LaunchpadScriptFailure,
-                'User %s is still referenced' % person.name,
-                self.runScript, script)
-        self.assertIn(
-            'ERROR User %s is still referenced by 1 archive.owner values' % (
-                person.name),
-            script.logger.getLogBuffer())
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger), \
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        error_message = (
+            {u'ERROR User %s is still referenced by 1 '
+             u'archive.owner values' % person.name,
+             u'ERROR PersonCloseAccountJob User %s is still referenced'
+             % person.name
+             })
+        self.assertTrue(
+            error_message.issubset(logger.getLogBuffer().splitlines()))
         self.assertNotRemoved(account_id, person_id)
     def test_fails_on_deleted_ppa_with_builds(self):
@@ -832,12 +788,16 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
             DevNullLogger(), getPubConfig(ppa), None, ppa).deleteArchive()
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.assertRaisesWithContent(
-                LaunchpadScriptFailure,
-                "Can't delete non-trivial PPAs for user %s" % person.name,
-                self.runScript, script)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger), \
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        error_message = (
+            {u"ERROR PersonCloseAccountJob Can\'t delete non-trivial "
+             u"PPAs for user %s" % person.name})
+        self.assertTrue(
+            error_message.issubset(logger.getLogBuffer().splitlines()))
         self.assertNotRemoved(account_id, person_id)
     def test_handles_empty_deleted_ppa(self):
@@ -854,9 +814,78 @@ class TestCloseAccount(TestCaseWithFactory):
         store = Store.of(ppa)
         person_id = person.id
         account_id = person.account.id
-        script = self.makeScript([six.ensure_str(person.name)])
-        with dbuser('launchpad'):
-            self.runScript(script)
-        self.assertRemoved(account_id, person_id)
+        job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(person.name)
+        logger = BufferLogger()
+        with log.use(logger), \
+                dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            job.run()
+        self.assertAccountRemoved(account_id, person_id)
         self.assertIsNone(store.get(Archive, ppa_id))
         self.assertEqual(other_ppa, store.get(Archive, other_ppa_id))
+    def assertJobCompletes(self):
+        job_source = getUtility(IPersonCloseAccountJobSource)
+        jobs = list(job_source.iterReady())
+        jobs[0] = removeSecurityProxy(jobs[0])
+        with dbuser(config.IPersonCloseAccountJobSource.dbuser):
+            JobRunner(jobs).runAll()
+        self.assertEqual(JobStatus.COMPLETED, jobs[0].status)
+    def assertAccountRemoved(self, account_id, person_id):
+        # The Account row still exists, but has been anonymised, leaving
+        # only a minimal audit trail.
+        account = getUtility(IAccountSet).get(account_id)
+        self.assertEqual('Removed by request', account.displayname)
+        self.assertEqual(AccountStatus.CLOSED, account.status)
+        self.assertIn('Closed using close-account.', account.status_history)
+        # The Person row still exists to maintain links with information
+        # that won't be removed, such as bug comments, but has been
+        # anonymised.
+        person = getUtility(IPersonSet).get(person_id)
+        self.assertThat(person.name, StartsWith('removed'))
+        self.assertEqual('Removed by request', person.display_name)
+        self.assertEqual(account, person.account)
+        # The corresponding PersonSettings row has been reset to the
+        # defaults.
+        self.assertFalse(person.selfgenerated_bugnotifications)
+        self.assertFalse(person.expanded_notification_footers)
+        self.assertFalse(person.require_strong_email_authentication)
+        # EmailAddress and OpenIdIdentifier rows have been removed.
+        self.assertEqual(
+            [], list(getUtility(IEmailAddressSet).getByPerson(person)))
+        self.assertEqual([], list(account.openid_identifiers))
+    def assertNotRemoved(self, account_id, person_id):
+        account = getUtility(IAccountSet).get(account_id)
+        self.assertNotEqual('Removed by request', account.displayname)
+        self.assertEqual(AccountStatus.ACTIVE, account.status)
+        person = getUtility(IPersonSet).get(person_id)
+        self.assertEqual(account, person.account)
+        self.assertNotEqual('Removed by request', person.display_name)
+        self.assertThat(person.name, Not(StartsWith('removed')))
+        self.assertNotEqual(
+            [], list(getUtility(IEmailAddressSet).getByPerson(person)))
+        self.assertNotEqual([], list(account.openid_identifiers))
+class TestPersonCloseAccountJobViaCelery(TestCaseWithFactory):
+    layer = CeleryJobLayer
+    def test_PersonCloseAccountJob(self):
+        """PersonCloseAccountJob runs under Celery."""
+        self.useFixture(FeatureFixture(
+            {'jobs.celery.enabled_classes':
+             'PersonCloseAccountJob'}))
+        user_to_delete = self.factory.makePerson(name=u'delete-me')
+        with block_on_job():
+            job = PersonCloseAccountJob.create(u'delete-me')
+            transaction.commit()
+        person = removeSecurityProxy(
+            getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName(user_to_delete.name))
+        self.assertEqual(person.name, u'removed%d' % user_to_delete.id)
+        self.assertEqual(JobStatus.COMPLETED, job.status)
diff --git a/lib/lp/services/config/schema-lazr.conf b/lib/lp/services/config/schema-lazr.conf
index db22192..50ad59d 100644
--- a/lib/lp/services/config/schema-lazr.conf
+++ b/lib/lp/services/config/schema-lazr.conf
@@ -1992,6 +1992,11 @@ link: IBranchMergeProposalJobSource
 module: lp.services.webhooks.interfaces
 dbuser: webhookrunner
+module: lp.registry.interfaces.persontransferjob
+dbuser: launchpad
+crontab_group: MAIN
 # The names of all queues.
 queues: launchpad_job launchpad_job_slow bzrsyncd_job bzrsyncd_job_slow branch_write_job branch_write_job_slow celerybeat
diff --git a/scripts/close-account.py b/scripts/close-account.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a66c679..0000000
--- a/scripts/close-account.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python2 -S
-# Copyright 2009-2018 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Remove personal details of a user from the database, leaving a stub."""
-import _pythonpath
-from lp.registry.scripts.closeaccount import CloseAccountScript
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    script = CloseAccountScript('close-account', dbuser='launchpad')
-    script.run()

Follow ups