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[Merge] ~cjwatson/launchpad:merge-db-stable into launchpad:master


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/launchpad:merge-db-stable into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Merge db-stable 7dc76cc034 (Adding database columns for OCI project support on bugs)

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/launchpad:merge-db-stable into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/database/schema/patch-2210-22-0.sql b/database/schema/patch-2210-22-0.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ce2337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/schema/patch-2210-22-0.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+-- Copyright 2020 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+-- GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+SET client_min_messages=ERROR;
+-- This patch can be applied "cold", in a "fast-downtime" way. It basically
+-- adds the new OCI database columns, and rename current indexes so they can be
+-- removed and replaced with new ones that includes the new columns.
+    ADD COLUMN ociproject integer REFERENCES ociproject,
+    ADD COLUMN ociprojectseries integer REFERENCES ociprojectseries,
+    DROP CONSTRAINT bugtask_assignment_checks,
+    ADD CONSTRAINT bugtask_assignment_checks CHECK (
+        CASE
+            WHEN product IS NOT NULL THEN productseries IS NULL AND distribution IS NULL AND distroseries IS NULL AND sourcepackagename IS NULL
+            WHEN productseries IS NOT NULL THEN distribution IS NULL AND distroseries IS NULL AND sourcepackagename IS NULL AND ociproject IS NULL AND ociprojectseries IS NULL
+            WHEN distribution IS NOT NULL THEN distroseries IS NULL
+            WHEN distroseries IS NOT NULL THEN ociproject IS NULL AND ociprojectseries IS NULL
+            WHEN ociproject IS NOT NULL THEN ociprojectseries IS NULL AND (distribution IS NOT NULL OR product IS NOT NULL) AND sourcepackagename IS NULL
+            WHEN ociprojectseries IS NOT NULL THEN ociproject IS NULL AND (distribution IS NOT NULL OR product IS NOT NULL) AND sourcepackagename IS NULL
+            ELSE false
+        END) NOT VALID;
+ALTER INDEX bugtask_distinct_sourcepackage_assignment
+    RENAME TO old__bugtask_distinct_sourcepackage_assignment;
+ALTER INDEX bugtask__product__bug__key
+    RENAME TO old__bugtask__product__bug__key;
+    ADD COLUMN ociproject integer,
+    ADD COLUMN ociprojectseries integer;
+    ADD COLUMN ociproject integer REFERENCES ociproject,
+    ADD COLUMN ociprojectseries integer REFERENCES ociprojectseries,
+    DROP CONSTRAINT bugtask_assignment_checks,
+    ADD CONSTRAINT bugtask_assignment_checks CHECK (
+        CASE
+            WHEN product IS NOT NULL THEN productseries IS NULL AND distribution IS NULL AND distroseries IS NULL AND sourcepackagename IS NULL
+            WHEN productseries IS NOT NULL THEN distribution IS NULL AND distroseries IS NULL AND sourcepackagename IS NULL AND ociproject IS NULL AND ociprojectseries IS NULL
+            WHEN distribution IS NOT NULL THEN distroseries IS NULL
+            WHEN distroseries IS NOT NULL THEN ociproject IS NULL AND ociprojectseries IS NULL
+            WHEN ociproject IS NOT NULL THEN ociprojectseries IS NULL AND (distribution IS NOT NULL OR product IS NOT NULL) AND sourcepackagename IS NULL
+            WHEN ociprojectseries IS NOT NULL THEN ociproject IS NULL AND (distribution IS NOT NULL OR product IS NOT NULL) AND sourcepackagename IS NULL
+            ELSE false
+        END) NOT VALID;
+ALTER INDEX bugsummary__unique
+    RENAME TO old__bugsummary__unique;
+ALTER INDEX bugsummaryjournal__full__idx
+    RENAME TO old__bugsummaryjournal__full__idx;
+ALTER TABLE BugSummaryJournal
+    ADD COLUMN ociproject integer,
+    ADD COLUMN ociprojectseries integer;
+-- Functions
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugtask_flatten(task_id integer, check_only boolean)
+    RETURNS boolean
+    LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = public
+    AS $$
+    bug_row Bug%ROWTYPE;
+    task_row BugTask%ROWTYPE;
+    old_flat_row BugTaskFlat%ROWTYPE;
+    new_flat_row BugTaskFlat%ROWTYPE;
+    _product_active boolean;
+    _access_policies integer[];
+    _access_grants integer[];
+    -- This is the master function to update BugTaskFlat, but there are
+    -- maintenance triggers and jobs on the involved tables that update
+    -- it directly. Any changes here probably require a corresponding
+    -- change in other trigger functions.
+    SELECT * INTO task_row FROM BugTask WHERE id = task_id;
+    SELECT * INTO old_flat_row FROM BugTaskFlat WHERE bugtask = task_id;
+    -- If the task doesn't exist, ensure that there's no flat row.
+    IF task_row.id IS NULL THEN
+        IF old_flat_row.bugtask IS NOT NULL THEN
+            IF NOT check_only THEN
+                DELETE FROM BugTaskFlat WHERE bugtask = task_id;
+            END IF;
+            RETURN FALSE;
+        ELSE
+            RETURN TRUE;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT * FROM bug INTO bug_row WHERE id = task_row.bug;
+    -- If it's a product(series) task, we must consult the active flag.
+    IF task_row.product IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT product.active INTO _product_active
+            FROM product WHERE product.id = task_row.product LIMIT 1;
+    ELSIF task_row.productseries IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT product.active INTO _product_active
+            FROM
+                product
+                JOIN productseries ON productseries.product = product.id
+            WHERE productseries.id = task_row.productseries LIMIT 1;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT policies, grants
+        INTO _access_policies, _access_grants
+        FROM bug_build_access_cache(bug_row.id, bug_row.information_type)
+            AS (policies integer[], grants integer[]);
+    -- Compile the new flat row.
+    SELECT task_row.id, bug_row.id, task_row.datecreated,
+           bug_row.duplicateof, bug_row.owner, bug_row.fti,
+           bug_row.information_type, bug_row.date_last_updated,
+           bug_row.heat, task_row.product, task_row.productseries,
+           task_row.distribution, task_row.distroseries,
+           task_row.sourcepackagename, task_row.status,
+           task_row.importance, task_row.assignee,
+           task_row.milestone, task_row.owner,
+           COALESCE(_product_active, TRUE),
+           _access_policies,
+           _access_grants,
+           bug_row.latest_patch_uploaded, task_row.date_closed,
+           task_row.ociproject, task_row.ociprojectseries
+           INTO new_flat_row;
+    -- Calculate the necessary updates.
+    IF old_flat_row.bugtask IS NULL THEN
+        IF NOT check_only THEN
+            INSERT INTO BugTaskFlat VALUES (new_flat_row.*);
+        END IF;
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    ELSIF new_flat_row != old_flat_row THEN
+        IF NOT check_only THEN
+            UPDATE BugTaskFlat SET
+                bug = new_flat_row.bug,
+                datecreated = new_flat_row.datecreated,
+                duplicateof = new_flat_row.duplicateof,
+                bug_owner = new_flat_row.bug_owner,
+                fti = new_flat_row.fti,
+                information_type = new_flat_row.information_type,
+                date_last_updated = new_flat_row.date_last_updated,
+                heat = new_flat_row.heat,
+                product = new_flat_row.product,
+                productseries = new_flat_row.productseries,
+                distribution = new_flat_row.distribution,
+                distroseries = new_flat_row.distroseries,
+                sourcepackagename = new_flat_row.sourcepackagename,
+                status = new_flat_row.status,
+                importance = new_flat_row.importance,
+                assignee = new_flat_row.assignee,
+                milestone = new_flat_row.milestone,
+                owner = new_flat_row.owner,
+                active = new_flat_row.active,
+                access_policies = new_flat_row.access_policies,
+                access_grants = new_flat_row.access_grants,
+                date_closed = new_flat_row.date_closed,
+                latest_patch_uploaded = new_flat_row.latest_patch_uploaded,
+                ociproject = new_flat_row.ociproject,
+                ociprojectseries = new_flat_row.ociprojectseries
+                WHERE bugtask = new_flat_row.bugtask;
+        END IF;
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    ELSE
+        RETURN TRUE;
+    END IF;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bug_summary_inc(d bugsummary) RETURNS VOID
+LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
+    -- Shameless adaption from postgresql manual
+    LOOP
+        -- first try to update the row
+        UPDATE BugSummary SET count = count + d.count
+        WHERE
+            product IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $1.product
+            AND productseries IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $1.productseries
+            AND distribution IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $1.distribution
+            AND distroseries IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $1.distroseries
+            AND sourcepackagename IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $1.sourcepackagename
+            AND ociproject IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $1.ociproject
+            AND ociprojectseries IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $1.ociprojectseries
+            AND viewed_by IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $1.viewed_by
+            AND tag IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $1.tag
+            AND status = $1.status
+            AND ((milestone IS NULL AND $1.milestone IS NULL)
+                OR milestone = $1.milestone)
+            AND importance = $1.importance
+            AND has_patch = $1.has_patch
+            AND access_policy IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $1.access_policy;
+        IF found THEN
+            RETURN;
+        END IF;
+        -- not there, so try to insert the key
+        -- if someone else inserts the same key concurrently,
+        -- we could get a unique-key failure
+        BEGIN
+            INSERT INTO BugSummary(
+                count, product, productseries, distribution,
+                distroseries, sourcepackagename,
+                ociproject, ociprojectseries,
+                viewed_by, tag,
+                status, milestone, importance, has_patch, access_policy)
+            VALUES (
+                d.count, d.product, d.productseries, d.distribution,
+                d.distroseries, d.sourcepackagename,
+                d.ociproject, d.ociprojectseries,
+                d.viewed_by, d.tag,
+                d.status, d.milestone, d.importance, d.has_patch,
+                d.access_policy);
+            RETURN;
+        EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN
+            -- do nothing, and loop to try the UPDATE again
+        END;
+    END LOOP;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugsummary_rollup_journal(batchsize integer=NULL)
+SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path TO public AS
+    d bugsummary%ROWTYPE;
+    max_id integer;
+    -- Lock so we don't content with other invokations of this
+    -- function. We can happily lock the BugSummary table for writes
+    -- as this function is the only thing that updates that table.
+    -- BugSummaryJournal remains unlocked so nothing should be blocked.
+    IF batchsize IS NULL THEN
+        SELECT MAX(id) INTO max_id FROM BugSummaryJournal;
+    ELSE
+        SELECT MAX(id) INTO max_id FROM (
+            SELECT id FROM BugSummaryJournal ORDER BY id LIMIT batchsize
+            ) AS Whatever;
+    END IF;
+    FOR d IN
+        SELECT
+            NULL as id,
+            SUM(count),
+            product,
+            productseries,
+            distribution,
+            distroseries,
+            sourcepackagename,
+            viewed_by,
+            tag,
+            status,
+            milestone,
+            importance,
+            has_patch,
+            access_policy,
+            ociproject,
+            ociprojectseries
+        FROM BugSummaryJournal
+        WHERE id <= max_id
+        GROUP BY
+            product, productseries, distribution, distroseries,
+            sourcepackagename, ociproject, ociprojectseries,
+            viewed_by, tag, status, milestone,
+            importance, has_patch, access_policy
+        HAVING sum(count) <> 0
+    LOOP
+        IF d.count < 0 THEN
+            PERFORM bug_summary_dec(d);
+        ELSIF d.count > 0 THEN
+            PERFORM bug_summary_inc(d);
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    -- Clean out any counts we reduced to 0.
+    DELETE FROM BugSummary WHERE count=0;
+    -- Clean out the journal entries we have handled.
+    DELETE FROM BugSummaryJournal WHERE id <= max_id;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugtask_maintain_bugtaskflat_trig()
+    RETURNS trigger
+    SET search_path TO 'public'
+    AS $$
+        PERFORM bugtask_flatten(NEW.id, FALSE);
+        IF NEW.bug != OLD.bug THEN
+            RAISE EXCEPTION 'cannot move bugtask to a different bug';
+        ELSIF (NEW.product IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.product
+            OR NEW.productseries IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.productseries) THEN
+            -- product.active may differ. Do a full update.
+            PERFORM bugtask_flatten(NEW.id, FALSE);
+        ELSIF (
+            NEW.datecreated IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.datecreated
+            OR NEW.product IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.product
+            OR NEW.productseries IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.productseries
+            OR NEW.distribution IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.distribution
+            OR NEW.distroseries IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.distroseries
+            OR NEW.sourcepackagename IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.sourcepackagename
+            OR NEW.ociproject IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.ociproject
+            OR NEW.ociprojectseries IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.ociprojectseries
+            OR NEW.status IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.status
+            OR NEW.importance IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.importance
+            OR NEW.assignee IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.assignee
+            OR NEW.milestone IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.milestone
+            OR NEW.owner IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.owner
+            OR NEW.date_closed IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.date_closed) THEN
+            -- Otherwise just update the columns from bugtask.
+            -- Access policies and grants may have changed due to target
+            -- transitions, but an earlier trigger will already have
+            -- mirrored them to all relevant flat tasks.
+            UPDATE BugTaskFlat SET
+                datecreated = NEW.datecreated,
+                product = NEW.product,
+                productseries = NEW.productseries,
+                distribution = NEW.distribution,
+                distroseries = NEW.distroseries,
+                sourcepackagename = NEW.sourcepackagename,
+                ociproject = NEW.ociproject,
+                ociprojectseries = NEW.ociprojectseries,
+                status = NEW.status,
+                importance = NEW.importance,
+                assignee = NEW.assignee,
+                milestone = NEW.milestone,
+                owner = NEW.owner,
+                date_closed = NEW.date_closed
+                WHERE bugtask = NEW.id;
+        END IF;
+        PERFORM bugtask_flatten(OLD.id, FALSE);
+    END IF;
+DROP FUNCTION bugsummary_targets;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugsummary_targets(btf_row public.bugtaskflat)
+        product integer,
+        productseries integer,
+        distribution integer,
+        distroseries integer,
+        sourcepackagename integer,
+        ociproject integer,
+        ociprojectseries integer
+    )
+    AS $_$
+    -- Include a sourcepackagename-free/ociproject(series)-free task if this
+    -- one has a sourcepackagename/ociproject(series), so package tasks are
+    -- also counted in their distro/series.
+        $1.product, $1.productseries, $1.distribution,
+        $1.distroseries, $1.sourcepackagename,
+        $1.ociproject, $1.ociprojectseries
+    UNION -- Implicit DISTINCT
+        $1.product, $1.productseries, $1.distribution,
+        $1.distroseries, NULL, NULL, NULL;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugsummary_locations(
+        btf_row bugtaskflat, tags text[])
+    RETURNS SETOF bugsummaryjournal
+    LANGUAGE plpgsql
+    AS $$
+    IF btf_row.duplicateof IS NOT NULL THEN
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
+        SELECT
+            CAST(NULL AS integer) AS id,
+            CAST(1 AS integer) AS count,
+            bug_targets.product, bug_targets.productseries,
+            bug_targets.distribution, bug_targets.distroseries,
+            bug_targets.sourcepackagename,
+            bug_viewers.viewed_by, bug_tags.tag, btf_row.status,
+            btf_row.milestone, btf_row.importance,
+            btf_row.latest_patch_uploaded IS NOT NULL AS has_patch,
+            bug_viewers.access_policy,
+            bug_targets.ociproject, bug_targets.ociprojectseries
+        FROM
+            bugsummary_targets(btf_row) AS bug_targets,
+            unnest(tags) AS bug_tags (tag),
+            bugsummary_viewers(btf_row) AS bug_viewers;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugsummary_insert_journals(
+        journals bugsummaryjournal[])
+    RETURNS void
+    LANGUAGE sql
+    AS $$
+    -- We sum the rows here to minimise the number of inserts into the
+    -- journal, as in the case of UPDATE statement we may have -1s and +1s
+    -- cancelling each other out.
+    INSERT INTO BugSummaryJournal(
+            count, product, productseries, distribution,
+            distroseries, sourcepackagename, ociproject, ociprojectseries,
+            viewed_by, tag, status, milestone, importance, has_patch,
+            access_policy)
+        SELECT
+            SUM(count), product, productseries, distribution,
+            distroseries, sourcepackagename, ociproject, ociprojectseries,
+            viewed_by, tag, status, milestone, importance, has_patch,
+            access_policy
+        FROM unnest(journals)
+        GROUP BY
+            product, productseries, distribution,
+            distroseries, sourcepackagename, ociproject, ociprojectseries,
+            viewed_by, tag, status, milestone, importance, has_patch,
+            access_policy
+        HAVING SUM(count) != 0;
+-- Views
+-- Combined view so we don't have to manually collate rows from both tables.
+-- Note that we flip the sign of the id column of BugSummaryJournal to avoid
+-- clashes. This is enough to keep Storm happy as it never needs to update
+-- this table, and there are no other suitable primary keys.
+-- We don't SUM() rows here to ensure PostgreSQL has the most hope of
+-- generating good query plans when we query this view.
+        id,
+        count,
+        product,
+        productseries,
+        distribution,
+        distroseries,
+        sourcepackagename,
+        viewed_by,
+        tag,
+        status,
+        milestone,
+        importance,
+        has_patch,
+        access_policy,
+        ociproject,
+        ociprojectseries
+    FROM bugsummary
+        -id AS id, count,
+        product,
+        productseries,
+        distribution,
+        distroseries,
+        sourcepackagename,
+        viewed_by,
+        tag,
+        status,
+        milestone,
+        importance,
+        has_patch,
+        access_policy,
+        ociproject,
+        ociprojectseries
+   FROM bugsummaryjournal
+INSERT INTO LaunchpadDatabaseRevision VALUES (2210, 22, 0);