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[Merge] ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-htpasswd-generation into launchpad:master


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-htpasswd-generation into launchpad:master with ~cjwatson/launchpad:archive-auth-inactive-person as a prerequisite.

Commit message:
Remove .htaccess and .htpasswd generation

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

We now handle private PPA authorization dynamically instead.

The generate-ppa-htaccess script remains in place for now, since it still handles things like sending email to people when their subscriptions are cancelled.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-htpasswd-generation into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/lib/lp/archivepublisher/htaccess.py b/lib/lp/archivepublisher/htaccess.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 613cfde..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/archivepublisher/htaccess.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2010-2017 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Writing of htaccess and htpasswd files."""
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = [
-    'htpasswd_credentials_for_archive',
-    'write_htaccess',
-    'write_htpasswd',
-    ]
-import base64
-import crypt
-import os
-from lp.registry.model.person import Person
-from lp.services.database.interfaces import IStore
-from lp.soyuz.model.archiveauthtoken import ArchiveAuthToken
-AuthType           Basic
-AuthName           "Token Required"
-AuthUserFile       %(path)s/.htpasswd
-Require            valid-user
-BUILDD_USER_NAME = "buildd"
-def write_htaccess(htaccess_filename, distroot):
-    """Write a htaccess file for a private archive.
-    :param htaccess_filename: Filename of the htaccess file.
-    :param distroot: Archive root path
-    """
-    interpolations = {"path": distroot}
-    file = open(htaccess_filename, "w")
-    try:
-        file.write(HTACCESS_TEMPLATE % interpolations)
-    finally:
-        file.close()
-def write_htpasswd(filename, users):
-    """Write out a new htpasswd file.
-    :param filename: The file to create.
-    :param users: Iterable over (user, password, salt) tuples.
-    """
-    if os.path.isfile(filename):
-        os.remove(filename)
-    file = open(filename, "a")
-    try:
-        for user, password, salt in users:
-            encrypted = crypt.crypt(password, salt)
-            file.write("%s:%s\n" % (user, encrypted))
-    finally:
-        file.close()
-# XXX cjwatson 2017-10-09: This whole mechanism of writing password files to
-# disk (as opposed to e.g. using a WSGI authentication provider that checks
-# passwords against the database) is terrible, but as long as we're using it
-# we should use something like bcrypt rather than DES-based crypt.
-def make_salt(s):
-    """Produce a salt from an input string.
-    This ensures that salts are drawn from the correct alphabet
-    ([./a-zA-Z0-9]).
-    """
-    # As long as the input string is at least one character long, there will
-    # be no padding within the first two characters.
-    return base64.b64encode(
-        (s or " ").encode("UTF-8"), altchars=b"./")[:2].decode("ASCII")
-def htpasswd_credentials_for_archive(archive):
-    """Return credentials for an archive for use with write_htpasswd.
-    :param archive: An `IArchive` (must be private)
-    :return: Iterable of tuples with (user, password, salt) for use with
-        write_htpasswd.
-    """
-    assert archive.private, "Archive %r must be private" % archive
-    tokens = IStore(ArchiveAuthToken).find(
-        (ArchiveAuthToken.person_id, ArchiveAuthToken.name,
-            ArchiveAuthToken.token),
-        ArchiveAuthToken.archive == archive,
-        ArchiveAuthToken.date_deactivated == None)
-    # We iterate tokens more than once - materialise it.
-    tokens = list(tokens)
-    # Preload map with person ID to person name.
-    person_ids = {token[0] for token in tokens}
-    names = dict(
-        IStore(Person).find(
-            (Person.id, Person.name), Person.id.is_in(person_ids)))
-    # Format the user field by combining the token list with the person list
-    # (when token has person_id) or prepending a '+' (for named tokens).
-    output = []
-    for person_id, token_name, token in tokens:
-        if token_name:
-            # A named auth token.
-            output.append(('+' + token_name, token, make_salt(token_name)))
-        else:
-            # A subscription auth token.
-            output.append(
-                (names[person_id], token, make_salt(names[person_id])))
-    # The first .htpasswd entry is the buildd_secret.
-    yield (BUILDD_USER_NAME, archive.buildd_secret, BUILDD_USER_NAME[:2])
-    # Iterate over tokens and write the appropriate htpasswd entries for them.
-    # Sort by name/person ID so the file can be compared later.
-    for user, password, salt in sorted(output):
-        yield (user, password, salt)
diff --git a/lib/lp/archivepublisher/publishing.py b/lib/lp/archivepublisher/publishing.py
index 55614f9..b87c7ce 100644
--- a/lib/lp/archivepublisher/publishing.py
+++ b/lib/lp/archivepublisher/publishing.py
@@ -50,17 +50,14 @@ from lp.archivepublisher import HARDCODED_COMPONENT_ORDER
 from lp.archivepublisher.config import getPubConfig
 from lp.archivepublisher.diskpool import DiskPool
 from lp.archivepublisher.domination import Dominator
-from lp.archivepublisher.htaccess import (
-    htpasswd_credentials_for_archive,
-    write_htaccess,
-    write_htpasswd,
-    )
 from lp.archivepublisher.indices import (
-from lp.archivepublisher.interfaces.archivegpgsigningkey import ISignableArchive
+from lp.archivepublisher.interfaces.archivegpgsigningkey import (
+    ISignableArchive,
+    )
 from lp.archivepublisher.model.ftparchive import FTPArchiveHandler
 from lp.archivepublisher.utils import (
@@ -166,27 +163,6 @@ def _getDiskPool(pubconf, log):
     return dp
-def _setupHtaccess(archive, pubconf, log):
-    """Setup .htaccess/.htpasswd files for an archive.
-    """
-    if not archive.private:
-        # FIXME: JRV 20101108 leftover .htaccess and .htpasswd files
-        # should be removed when support for making existing 3PA's public
-        # is added; bug=376072
-        return
-    htaccess_path = os.path.join(pubconf.archiveroot, ".htaccess")
-    htpasswd_path = os.path.join(pubconf.archiveroot, ".htpasswd")
-    # After the initial htaccess/htpasswd files
-    # are created generate_ppa_htaccess is responsible for
-    # updating the tokens.
-    if not os.path.exists(htaccess_path):
-        log.debug("Writing htaccess file.")
-        write_htaccess(htaccess_path, pubconf.archiveroot)
-        passwords = htpasswd_credentials_for_archive(archive)
-        write_htpasswd(htpasswd_path, passwords)
 def getPublisher(archive, allowed_suites, log, distsroot=None):
     """Return an initialized Publisher instance for the given context.
@@ -472,7 +448,6 @@ class Publisher(object):
     def setupArchiveDirs(self):
         self.log.debug("Setting up archive directories.")
-        _setupHtaccess(self.archive, self._config, self.log)
     def isDirty(self, distroseries, pocket):
         """True if a publication has happened in this release and pocket."""
diff --git a/lib/lp/archivepublisher/scripts/generate_ppa_htaccess.py b/lib/lp/archivepublisher/scripts/generate_ppa_htaccess.py
index a272540..26e8db8 100644
--- a/lib/lp/archivepublisher/scripts/generate_ppa_htaccess.py
+++ b/lib/lp/archivepublisher/scripts/generate_ppa_htaccess.py
@@ -3,22 +3,10 @@
 # Copyright 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-from datetime import (
-    datetime,
-    timedelta,
-    )
-import filecmp
-import os
-import tempfile
+from datetime import datetime
 import pytz
-from lp.archivepublisher.config import getPubConfig
-from lp.archivepublisher.htaccess import (
-    htpasswd_credentials_for_archive,
-    write_htaccess,
-    write_htpasswd,
-    )
 from lp.registry.model.teammembership import TeamParticipation
 from lp.services.config import config
 from lp.services.database.interfaces import IStore
@@ -30,23 +18,19 @@ from lp.services.mail.sendmail import (
 from lp.services.scripts.base import LaunchpadCronScript
 from lp.services.webapp import canonical_url
-from lp.soyuz.enums import (
-    ArchiveStatus,
-    ArchiveSubscriberStatus,
-    )
-from lp.soyuz.model.archive import Archive
+from lp.soyuz.enums import ArchiveSubscriberStatus
 from lp.soyuz.model.archiveauthtoken import ArchiveAuthToken
 from lp.soyuz.model.archivesubscriber import ArchiveSubscriber
-# These PPAs should never have their htaccess/pwd files touched.
-    'ubuntuone': ['ppa'],
-    }
 class HtaccessTokenGenerator(LaunchpadCronScript):
-    """Helper class for generating .htaccess files for private PPAs."""
-    blacklist = BLACKLISTED_PPAS
+    """Expire archive subscriptions and deactivate invalid tokens."""
+    # XXX cjwatson 2021-04-21: This script and class are now misnamed, as we
+    # no longer generate .htaccess or .htpasswd files, but instead check
+    # archive authentication dynamically.  We can remove this script once we
+    # stop running it on production and move its remaining functions
+    # elsewhere (probably garbo).
     def add_my_options(self):
         """Add script command line options."""
@@ -60,68 +44,6 @@ class HtaccessTokenGenerator(LaunchpadCronScript):
             dest="no_deactivation", default=False,
             help="If set, tokens are not deactivated.")
-    def ensureHtaccess(self, ppa):
-        """Generate a .htaccess for `ppa`."""
-        if self.options.dryrun:
-            return
-        # The publisher Config object does not have an
-        # interface, so we need to remove the security wrapper.
-        pub_config = getPubConfig(ppa)
-        htaccess_filename = os.path.join(pub_config.archiveroot, ".htaccess")
-        if not os.path.exists(htaccess_filename):
-            # It's not there, so create it.
-            if not os.path.exists(pub_config.archiveroot):
-                os.makedirs(pub_config.archiveroot)
-            write_htaccess(htaccess_filename, pub_config.archiveroot)
-            self.logger.debug("Created .htaccess for %s" % ppa.displayname)
-    def generateHtpasswd(self, ppa):
-        """Generate a htpasswd file for `ppa`s `tokens`.
-        :param ppa: The context PPA (an `IArchive`).
-        :return: The filename of the htpasswd file that was generated.
-        """
-        # Create a temporary file that will be a new .htpasswd.
-        pub_config = getPubConfig(ppa)
-        if not os.path.exists(pub_config.temproot):
-            os.makedirs(pub_config.temproot)
-        fd, temp_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=pub_config.temproot)
-        os.close(fd)
-        write_htpasswd(temp_filename, htpasswd_credentials_for_archive(ppa))
-        return temp_filename
-    def replaceUpdatedHtpasswd(self, ppa, temp_htpasswd_file):
-        """Compare the new and the old htpasswd and replace if changed.
-        :return: True if the file was replaced.
-        """
-        try:
-            if self.options.dryrun:
-                return False
-            # The publisher Config object does not have an
-            # interface, so we need to remove the security wrapper.
-            pub_config = getPubConfig(ppa)
-            if not os.path.exists(pub_config.archiveroot):
-                os.makedirs(pub_config.archiveroot)
-            htpasswd_filename = os.path.join(
-                pub_config.archiveroot, ".htpasswd")
-            if (not os.path.isfile(htpasswd_filename) or
-                not filecmp.cmp(htpasswd_filename, temp_htpasswd_file)):
-                # Atomically replace the old file or create a new file.
-                os.rename(temp_htpasswd_file, htpasswd_filename)
-                self.logger.debug("Replaced htpasswd for %s" % ppa.displayname)
-                return True
-            return False
-        finally:
-            if os.path.exists(temp_htpasswd_file):
-                os.unlink(temp_htpasswd_file)
     def sendCancellationEmail(self, token):
         """Send an email to the person whose subscription was cancelled."""
         if token.archive.suppress_subscription_notifications:
@@ -220,8 +142,7 @@ class HtaccessTokenGenerator(LaunchpadCronScript):
         :param send_email: Whether to send a cancellation email to the owner
             of the token.  This defaults to False to speed up the test
-        :return: the set of ppas affected by token deactivations so that we
-            can later update their htpasswd files.
+        :return: the set of ppas affected by token deactivations.
         invalid_tokens = self._getInvalidTokens()
         return self.deactivateTokens(invalid_tokens, send_email=send_email)
@@ -249,129 +170,13 @@ class HtaccessTokenGenerator(LaunchpadCronScript):
                 "Expired subscriptions: %s" % ", ".join(subscription_names))
-    def getTimeToSyncFrom(self):
-        """Return the time we'll synchronize from.
-        Any new PPAs or tokens created since this time will be used to
-        generate passwords.
-        """
-        # NTP is running on our servers and therefore we can assume
-        # only minimal skew, we include a fudge-factor of 1s so that
-        # even the minimal skew cannot demonstrate bug 627608.
-        last_activity = self.get_last_activity()
-        if not last_activity:
-            return
-        return last_activity.date_started - timedelta(seconds=1)
-    def getNewTokens(self, since=None):
-        """Return result set of new tokens created since the given time."""
-        store = IStore(ArchiveAuthToken)
-        extra_expr = []
-        if since:
-            extra_expr = [ArchiveAuthToken.date_created >= since]
-        new_ppa_tokens = store.find(
-            ArchiveAuthToken,
-            ArchiveAuthToken.date_deactivated == None,
-            *extra_expr)
-        return new_ppa_tokens
-    def getDeactivatedNamedTokens(self, since=None):
-        """Return result set of named tokens deactivated since given time."""
-        now = datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
-        store = IStore(ArchiveAuthToken)
-        extra_expr = []
-        if since:
-            extra_expr = [ArchiveAuthToken.date_deactivated >= since]
-        tokens = store.find(
-            ArchiveAuthToken,
-            ArchiveAuthToken.name != None,
-            ArchiveAuthToken.date_deactivated != None,
-            ArchiveAuthToken.date_deactivated <= now,
-            *extra_expr)
-        return tokens
-    def getNewPrivatePPAs(self, since=None):
-        """Return the recently created private PPAs."""
-        store = IStore(Archive)
-        extra_expr = []
-        if since:
-            extra_expr = [Archive.date_created >= since]
-        return store.find(
-            Archive, Archive._private == True, *extra_expr)
     def main(self):
         """Script entry point."""
         self.logger.info('Starting the PPA .htaccess generation')
         affected_ppas = self.deactivateInvalidTokens(send_email=True)
-        current_ppa_count = len(affected_ppas)
-        self.logger.debug(
-            '%s PPAs with deactivated tokens' % current_ppa_count)
-        last_success = self.getTimeToSyncFrom()
-        # Include ppas with named tokens deactivated since last time we ran.
-        num_tokens = 0
-        for token in self.getDeactivatedNamedTokens(since=last_success):
-            affected_ppas.add(token.archive)
-            num_tokens += 1
-        new_ppa_count = len(affected_ppas)
-        self.logger.debug(
-            "%s deactivated named tokens since last run, %s PPAs affected"
-            % (num_tokens, new_ppa_count - current_ppa_count))
-        current_ppa_count = new_ppa_count
-        # In addition to the ppas that are affected by deactivated
-        # tokens, we also want to include any ppas that have tokens
-        # created since the last time we ran.
-        num_tokens = 0
-        for token in self.getNewTokens(since=last_success):
-            affected_ppas.add(token.archive)
-            num_tokens += 1
-        new_ppa_count = len(affected_ppas)
-        self.logger.debug(
-            "%s new tokens since last run, %s PPAs affected"
-            % (num_tokens, new_ppa_count - current_ppa_count))
-        current_ppa_count = new_ppa_count
-        affected_ppas.update(self.getNewPrivatePPAs(since=last_success))
-        new_ppa_count = len(affected_ppas)
-            "%s new private PPAs since last run"
-            % (new_ppa_count - current_ppa_count))
-        self.logger.debug('%s PPAs require updating' % new_ppa_count)
-        for ppa in affected_ppas:
-            # If this PPA is blacklisted, do not touch its htaccess/pwd
-            # files.
-            blacklisted_ppa_names_for_owner = self.blacklist.get(
-                ppa.owner.name, [])
-            if ppa.name in blacklisted_ppa_names_for_owner:
-                self.logger.info(
-                    "Skipping htaccess updates for blacklisted PPA "
-                    " '%s' owned by %s.",
-                        ppa.name,
-                        ppa.owner.displayname)
-                continue
-            elif ppa.status == ArchiveStatus.DELETED or ppa.enabled is False:
-                self.logger.info(
-                    "Skipping htaccess updates for deleted or disabled PPA "
-                    " '%s' owned by %s.",
-                        ppa.name,
-                        ppa.owner.displayname)
-                continue
-            self.ensureHtaccess(ppa)
-            htpasswd_write_start = datetime.now()
-            temp_htpasswd = self.generateHtpasswd(ppa)
-            self.replaceUpdatedHtpasswd(ppa, temp_htpasswd)
-            htpasswd_write_duration = datetime.now() - htpasswd_write_start
-            self.logger.debug(
-                "Wrote htpasswd for '%s': %ss"
-                % (ppa.name, htpasswd_write_duration.total_seconds()))
+            '%s PPAs with deactivated tokens' % len(affected_ppas))
         if self.options.no_deactivation or self.options.dryrun:
             self.logger.info('Dry run, so not committing transaction.')
diff --git a/lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_generate_ppa_htaccess.py b/lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_generate_ppa_htaccess.py
index f11dba1..472b7bf 100644
--- a/lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_generate_ppa_htaccess.py
+++ b/lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_generate_ppa_htaccess.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
-import crypt
 from datetime import (
@@ -13,20 +12,10 @@ from datetime import (
 import os
 import subprocess
 import sys
-import tempfile
 import pytz
-from testtools.matchers import (
-    AllMatch,
-    FileContains,
-    FileExists,
-    Not,
-    )
-import transaction
 from zope.component import getUtility
-from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
-from lp.archivepublisher.config import getPubConfig
 from lp.archivepublisher.scripts.generate_ppa_htaccess import (
@@ -36,16 +25,7 @@ from lp.registry.interfaces.teammembership import TeamMembershipStatus
 from lp.services.config import config
 from lp.services.features.testing import FeatureFixture
 from lp.services.log.logger import BufferLogger
-from lp.services.osutils import (
-    ensure_directory_exists,
-    remove_if_exists,
-    write_file,
-    )
-from lp.services.scripts.interfaces.scriptactivity import IScriptActivitySet
-from lp.soyuz.enums import (
-    ArchiveStatus,
-    ArchiveSubscriberStatus,
-    )
+from lp.soyuz.enums import ArchiveSubscriberStatus
 from lp.soyuz.interfaces.archive import NAMED_AUTH_TOKEN_FEATURE_FLAG
 from lp.testing import TestCaseWithFactory
 from lp.testing.dbuser import (
@@ -102,102 +82,6 @@ class TestPPAHtaccessTokenGeneration(TestCaseWithFactory):
         stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
         return process.returncode, stdout, stderr
-    def testEnsureHtaccess(self):
-        """Ensure that the .htaccess file is generated correctly."""
-        # The publisher Config object does not have an interface, so we
-        # need to remove the security wrapper.
-        pub_config = getPubConfig(self.ppa)
-        filename = os.path.join(pub_config.archiveroot, ".htaccess")
-        remove_if_exists(filename)
-        script = self.getScript()
-        script.ensureHtaccess(self.ppa)
-        self.addCleanup(remove_if_exists, filename)
-        contents = [
-            "",
-            "AuthType           Basic",
-            "AuthName           \"Token Required\"",
-            "AuthUserFile       %s/.htpasswd" % pub_config.archiveroot,
-            "Require            valid-user",
-            "",
-            ]
-        self.assertThat(filename, FileContains('\n'.join(contents)))
-    def testGenerateHtpasswd(self):
-        """Given some `ArchiveAuthToken`s, test generating htpasswd."""
-        # Make some subscriptions and tokens.
-        tokens = []
-        for name in ['name12', 'name16']:
-            person = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName(name)
-            self.ppa.newSubscription(person, self.ppa.owner)
-            tokens.append(self.ppa.newAuthToken(person))
-        token_usernames = [token.person.name for token in tokens]
-        # Generate the passwd file.
-        script = self.getScript()
-        filename = script.generateHtpasswd(self.ppa)
-        self.addCleanup(remove_if_exists, filename)
-        # It should be a temp file on the same filesystem as the target
-        # file, so os.rename() won't explode. temproot is relied on
-        # elsewhere for this same purpose, so it should be safe.
-        pub_config = getPubConfig(self.ppa)
-        self.assertEqual(pub_config.temproot, os.path.dirname(filename))
-        # Read it back in.
-        file_contents = [
-            line.strip().split(':', 1) for line in open(filename, 'r')]
-        # First entry is buildd secret, rest are from tokens.
-        usernames = list(list(zip(*file_contents))[0])
-        self.assertEqual(['buildd'] + token_usernames, usernames)
-        # We can re-encrypt the buildd_secret and it should match the
-        # one in the .htpasswd file.
-        password = file_contents[0][1]
-        encrypted_secret = crypt.crypt(self.ppa.buildd_secret, password)
-        self.assertEqual(encrypted_secret, password)
-    def testReplaceUpdatedHtpasswd(self):
-        """Test that the htpasswd file is only replaced if it changes."""
-        FILE_CONTENT = b"Kneel before Zod!"
-        # The publisher Config object does not have an interface, so we
-        # need to remove the security wrapper.
-        pub_config = getPubConfig(self.ppa)
-        filename = os.path.join(pub_config.archiveroot, ".htpasswd")
-        # Write out a dummy .htpasswd
-        ensure_directory_exists(pub_config.archiveroot)
-        write_file(filename, FILE_CONTENT)
-        # Write the same contents in a temp file.
-        def write_tempfile():
-            fd, temp_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=pub_config.archiveroot)
-            file = os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
-            file.write(FILE_CONTENT)
-            file.close()
-            return temp_filename
-        # Replacement should not happen.
-        temp_filename = write_tempfile()
-        script = self.getScript()
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(temp_filename))
-        self.assertFalse(
-            script.replaceUpdatedHtpasswd(self.ppa, temp_filename))
-        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(temp_filename))
-        # Writing a different .htpasswd should see it get replaced.
-        write_file(filename, b"Come to me, son of Jor-El!")
-        temp_filename = write_tempfile()
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(temp_filename))
-        self.assertTrue(
-            script.replaceUpdatedHtpasswd(self.ppa, temp_filename))
-        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(temp_filename))
-        os.remove(filename)
     def assertDeactivated(self, token):
         """Helper function to test token deactivation state."""
         return self.assertNotEqual(token.date_deactivated, None)
@@ -341,15 +225,6 @@ class TestPPAHtaccessTokenGeneration(TestCaseWithFactory):
         return (sub1, sub2), (token1, token2, token3)
-    def ensureNoFiles(self):
-        """Ensure the .ht* files don't already exist."""
-        pub_config = getPubConfig(self.ppa)
-        htaccess = os.path.join(pub_config.archiveroot, ".htaccess")
-        htpasswd = os.path.join(pub_config.archiveroot, ".htpasswd")
-        remove_if_exists(htaccess)
-        remove_if_exists(htpasswd)
-        return htaccess, htpasswd
     def testSubscriptionExpiry(self):
         """Ensure subscriptions' statuses are set to EXPIRED properly."""
         subs, tokens = self.setupDummyTokens()
@@ -369,51 +244,6 @@ class TestPPAHtaccessTokenGeneration(TestCaseWithFactory):
         self.assertEqual(subs[0].status, ArchiveSubscriberStatus.EXPIRED)
         self.assertEqual(subs[1].status, ArchiveSubscriberStatus.CURRENT)
-    def testBasicOperation(self):
-        """Invoke the actual script and make sure it generates some files."""
-        self.setupDummyTokens()
-        htaccess, htpasswd = self.ensureNoFiles()
-        # Call the script and check that we have a .htaccess and a
-        # .htpasswd.
-        return_code, stdout, stderr = self.runScript()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            return_code, 0, "Got a bad return code of %s\nOutput:\n%s" %
-                (return_code, stderr))
-        self.assertThat([htaccess, htpasswd], AllMatch(FileExists()))
-        os.remove(htaccess)
-        os.remove(htpasswd)
-    def testBasicOperation_with_named_tokens(self):
-        """Invoke the actual script and make sure it generates some files."""
-        token1 = self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("tokenname1")
-        token2 = self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("tokenname2")
-        token3 = self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("tokenname3")
-        token3.deactivate()
-        # Call the script and check that we have a .htaccess and a .htpasswd.
-        htaccess, htpasswd = self.ensureNoFiles()
-        script = self.getScript()
-        script.main()
-        self.assertThat([htaccess, htpasswd], AllMatch(FileExists()))
-        with open(htpasswd) as htpasswd_file:
-            contents = htpasswd_file.read()
-        self.assertIn('+' + token1.name, contents)
-        self.assertIn('+' + token2.name, contents)
-        self.assertNotIn('+' + token3.name, contents)
-        # Deactivate a named token and verify it is removed from .htpasswd.
-        token2.deactivate()
-        script.main()
-        self.assertThat([htaccess, htpasswd], AllMatch(FileExists()))
-        with open(htpasswd) as htpasswd_file:
-            contents = htpasswd_file.read()
-        self.assertIn('+' + token1.name, contents)
-        self.assertNotIn('+' + token2.name, contents)
-        self.assertNotIn('+' + token3.name, contents)
-        os.remove(htaccess)
-        os.remove(htpasswd)
     def _setupOptionsData(self):
         """Setup test data for option testing."""
         subs, tokens = self.setupDummyTokens()
@@ -427,13 +257,9 @@ class TestPPAHtaccessTokenGeneration(TestCaseWithFactory):
         """Test that the dryrun and no-deactivation option works."""
         subs, tokens = self._setupOptionsData()
-        htaccess, htpasswd = self.ensureNoFiles()
         script = self.getScript(test_args=["--dry-run"])
-        # Assert no files were written.
-        self.assertThat([htaccess, htpasswd], AllMatch(Not(FileExists())))
         # Assert that the cancelled subscription did not cause the token
         # to get deactivated.
@@ -448,65 +274,6 @@ class TestPPAHtaccessTokenGeneration(TestCaseWithFactory):
-    def testBlacklistingPPAs(self):
-        """Test that the htaccess for blacklisted PPAs are not touched."""
-        subs, tokens = self.setupDummyTokens()
-        htaccess, htpasswd = self.ensureNoFiles()
-        # Setup the first subscription so that it is due to be expired.
-        now = datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
-        subs[0].date_expires = now - timedelta(minutes=3)
-        self.assertEqual(subs[0].status, ArchiveSubscriberStatus.CURRENT)
-        script = self.getScript()
-        script.blacklist = {'joe': ['my_other_ppa', 'myppa', 'and_another']}
-        script.main()
-        # The tokens will still be deactivated, and subscriptions expired.
-        self.assertDeactivated(tokens[0])
-        self.assertEqual(subs[0].status, ArchiveSubscriberStatus.EXPIRED)
-        # But the htaccess is not touched.
-        self.assertThat([htaccess, htpasswd], AllMatch(Not(FileExists())))
-    def testSkippingOfDisabledPPAs(self):
-        """Test that the htaccess for disabled PPAs are not touched."""
-        subs, tokens = self.setupDummyTokens()
-        htaccess, htpasswd = self.ensureNoFiles()
-        # Setup subscription so that htaccess/htpasswd is pending generation.
-        now = datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
-        subs[0].date_expires = now + timedelta(minutes=3)
-        self.assertEqual(subs[0].status, ArchiveSubscriberStatus.CURRENT)
-        # Set the PPA as disabled.
-        self.ppa.disable()
-        self.assertFalse(self.ppa.enabled)
-        script = self.getScript()
-        script.main()
-        # The htaccess and htpasswd files should not be generated.
-        self.assertThat([htaccess, htpasswd], AllMatch(Not(FileExists())))
-    def testSkippingOfDeletedPPAs(self):
-        """Test that the htaccess for deleted PPAs are not touched."""
-        subs, tokens = self.setupDummyTokens()
-        htaccess, htpasswd = self.ensureNoFiles()
-        # Setup subscription so that htaccess/htpasswd is pending generation.
-        now = datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
-        subs[0].date_expires = now + timedelta(minutes=3)
-        self.assertEqual(subs[0].status, ArchiveSubscriberStatus.CURRENT)
-        # Set the PPA as deleted.
-        self.ppa.status = ArchiveStatus.DELETED
-        script = self.getScript()
-        script.main()
-        # The htaccess and htpasswd files should not be generated.
-        self.assertThat([htaccess, htpasswd], AllMatch(Not(FileExists())))
     def testSendingCancellationEmail(self):
         """Test that when a token is deactivated, its user gets an email.
@@ -568,120 +335,3 @@ class TestPPAHtaccessTokenGeneration(TestCaseWithFactory):
-    def test_getTimeToSyncFrom(self):
-        # Sync from 1s before previous start to catch anything made during the
-        # last script run, and to handle NTP clock skew.
-        now = datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
-        script_start_time = now - timedelta(seconds=2)
-        script_end_time = now
-        getUtility(IScriptActivitySet).recordSuccess(
-            self.SCRIPT_NAME, script_start_time, script_end_time)
-        script = self.getScript()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            script_start_time - timedelta(seconds=1),
-            script.getTimeToSyncFrom())
-    def test_getNewPrivatePPAs_no_previous_run(self):
-        # All private PPAs are returned if there was no previous run.
-        # This happens even if they have no tokens.
-        # Create a public PPA that should not be in the list.
-        self.factory.makeArchive(private=False)
-        script = self.getScript()
-        self.assertContentEqual([self.ppa], script.getNewPrivatePPAs())
-    def test_getNewPrivatePPAs_only_those_since_last_run(self):
-        # Only private PPAs created since the last run are returned.
-        # This happens even if they have no tokens.
-        last_start = datetime.now(pytz.UTC) - timedelta(seconds=90)
-        before_last_start = last_start - timedelta(seconds=30)
-        removeSecurityProxy(self.ppa).date_created = before_last_start
-        # Create a new PPA that should show up.
-        new_ppa = self.factory.makeArchive(private=True)
-        script = self.getScript()
-        new_ppas = script.getNewPrivatePPAs(since=last_start)
-        self.assertContentEqual([new_ppa], new_ppas)
-    def test_getNewTokens_no_previous_run(self):
-        """All valid tokens returned if there is no record of previous run."""
-        tokens = self.setupDummyTokens()[1]
-        # If there is no record of the script running previously, all
-        # valid tokens are returned.
-        script = self.getScript()
-        self.assertContentEqual(tokens, script.getNewTokens())
-    def test_getNewTokens_only_those_since_last_run(self):
-        """Only tokens created since the last run are returned."""
-        last_start = datetime.now(pytz.UTC) - timedelta(seconds=90)
-        before_last_start = last_start - timedelta(seconds=30)
-        tokens = self.setupDummyTokens()[1]
-        # This token will not be included.
-        removeSecurityProxy(tokens[0]).date_created = before_last_start
-        script = self.getScript()
-        new_tokens = script.getNewTokens(since=last_start)
-        self.assertContentEqual(tokens[1:], new_tokens)
-    def test_getNewTokens_only_active_tokens(self):
-        """Only active tokens are returned."""
-        tokens = self.setupDummyTokens()[1]
-        tokens[0].deactivate()
-        script = self.getScript()
-        self.assertContentEqual(tokens[1:], script.getNewTokens())
-    def test_getDeactivatedNamedTokens_no_previous_run(self):
-        """All deactivated named tokens returned if there is no record
-        of previous run."""
-        last_start = datetime.now(pytz.UTC) - timedelta(seconds=90)
-        before_last_start = last_start - timedelta(seconds=30)
-        self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("tokenname1")
-        token2 = self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("tokenname2")
-        token2.deactivate()
-        token3 = self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("tokenname3")
-        token3.date_deactivated = before_last_start
-        script = self.getScript()
-        self.assertContentEqual(
-            [token2, token3], script.getDeactivatedNamedTokens())
-    def test_getDeactivatedNamedTokens_only_those_since_last_run(self):
-        """Only named tokens deactivated since last run are returned."""
-        last_start = datetime.now(pytz.UTC) - timedelta(seconds=90)
-        before_last_start = last_start - timedelta(seconds=30)
-        tomorrow = datetime.now(pytz.UTC) + timedelta(days=1)
-        self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("tokenname1")
-        token2 = self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("tokenname2")
-        token2.deactivate()
-        token3 = self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("tokenname3")
-        token3.date_deactivated = before_last_start
-        token4 = self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("tokenname4")
-        token4.date_deactivated = tomorrow
-        script = self.getScript()
-        self.assertContentEqual(
-            [token2], script.getDeactivatedNamedTokens(last_start))
-    def test_processes_PPAs_without_subscription(self):
-        # A .htaccess file is written for Private PPAs even if they don't have
-        # any subscriptions.
-        htaccess, htpasswd = self.ensureNoFiles()
-        transaction.commit()
-        # Call the script and check that we have a .htaccess and a .htpasswd.
-        return_code, stdout, stderr = self.runScript()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            return_code, 0, "Got a bad return code of %s\nOutput:\n%s" %
-                (return_code, stderr))
-        self.assertThat([htaccess, htpasswd], AllMatch(FileExists()))
-        os.remove(htaccess)
-        os.remove(htpasswd)
diff --git a/lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_htaccess.py b/lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_htaccess.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d435a2d..0000000
--- a/lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_htaccess.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2018 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Test htaccess/htpasswd file generation. """
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
-import os
-import tempfile
-from zope.component import getUtility
-from lp.archivepublisher.htaccess import (
-    htpasswd_credentials_for_archive,
-    write_htaccess,
-    write_htpasswd,
-    )
-from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import IDistributionSet
-from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet
-from lp.services.features.testing import FeatureFixture
-from lp.soyuz.interfaces.archive import NAMED_AUTH_TOKEN_FEATURE_FLAG
-from lp.testing import TestCaseWithFactory
-from lp.testing.layers import LaunchpadZopelessLayer
-class TestHtpasswdGeneration(TestCaseWithFactory):
-    """Test htpasswd generation."""
-    layer = LaunchpadZopelessLayer
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestHtpasswdGeneration, self).setUp()
-        self.owner = self.factory.makePerson(
-            name="joe", displayname="Joe Smith")
-        self.ppa = self.factory.makeArchive(
-            owner=self.owner, name="myppa", private=True)
-        # "Ubuntu" doesn't have a proper publisher config but Ubuntutest
-        # does, so override the PPA's distro here.
-        ubuntutest = getUtility(IDistributionSet)['ubuntutest']
-        self.ppa.distribution = ubuntutest
-        # Enable named auth tokens.
-        self.useFixture(FeatureFixture({NAMED_AUTH_TOKEN_FEATURE_FLAG: "on"}))
-    def test_write_htpasswd(self):
-        """Test that writing the .htpasswd file works properly."""
-        fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
-        os.close(fd)
-        TEST_PASSWORD = "password"
-        TEST_PASSWORD2 = "passwor2"
-        # We provide a constant salt to the crypt function so that we
-        # can test the encrypted result.
-        SALT = "XX"
-        user1 = ("user", TEST_PASSWORD, SALT)
-        user2 = ("user2", TEST_PASSWORD2, SALT)
-        list_of_users = [user1]
-        list_of_users.append(user2)
-        write_htpasswd(filename, list_of_users)
-        expected_contents = [
-            "user:XXq2wKiyI43A2",
-            "user2:XXaQB8b5Gtwi.",
-            ]
-        file = open(filename, "r")
-        file_contents = file.read().splitlines()
-        file.close()
-        os.remove(filename)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_contents, file_contents)
-    def test_write_htaccess(self):
-        # write_access can write a correct htaccess file.
-        fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
-        os.close(fd)
-        write_htaccess(filename, "/some/distroot")
-        self.assertTrue(
-            os.path.isfile(filename),
-            "%s is not present when it should be" % filename)
-        self.addCleanup(os.remove, filename)
-        contents = [
-            "",
-            "AuthType           Basic",
-            "AuthName           \"Token Required\"",
-            "AuthUserFile       /some/distroot/.htpasswd",
-            "Require            valid-user",
-            ]
-        file = open(filename, "r")
-        file_contents = file.read().splitlines()
-        file.close()
-        self.assertEqual(contents, file_contents)
-    def test_credentials_for_archive_empty(self):
-        # If there are no ArchiveAuthTokens for an archive just
-        # the buildd secret is returned.
-        self.ppa.buildd_secret = "sekr1t"
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [("buildd", "sekr1t", "bu")],
-            list(htpasswd_credentials_for_archive(self.ppa)))
-    def test_credentials_for_archive(self):
-        # ArchiveAuthTokens for an archive are returned by
-        # credentials_for_archive.
-        self.ppa.buildd_secret = "geheim"
-        name12 = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName("name12")
-        name16 = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName("name16")
-        hyphenated = self.factory.makePerson(name="a-b-c")
-        self.ppa.newSubscription(name12, self.ppa.owner)
-        self.ppa.newSubscription(name16, self.ppa.owner)
-        self.ppa.newSubscription(hyphenated, self.ppa.owner)
-        first_created_token = self.ppa.newAuthToken(name16)
-        second_created_token = self.ppa.newAuthToken(name12)
-        third_created_token = self.ppa.newAuthToken(hyphenated)
-        named_token_20 = self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("name20", as_dict=False)
-        named_token_14 = self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("name14", as_dict=False)
-        named_token_99 = self.ppa.newNamedAuthToken("name99", as_dict=False)
-        named_token_99.deactivate()
-        expected_credentials = [
-            ("buildd", "geheim", "bu"),
-            ("+name14", named_token_14.token, "bm"),
-            ("+name20", named_token_20.token, "bm"),
-            ("a-b-c", third_created_token.token, "YS"),
-            ("name12", second_created_token.token, "bm"),
-            ("name16", first_created_token.token, "bm"),
-            ]
-        credentials = list(htpasswd_credentials_for_archive(self.ppa))
-        # Use assertEqual instead of assertContentEqual to verify order.
-        self.assertEqual(expected_credentials, credentials)
diff --git a/lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_publisher.py b/lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_publisher.py
index 67ec904..0c8ff87 100644
--- a/lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_publisher.py
+++ b/lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_publisher.py
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ from collections import (
-import crypt
 from datetime import (
@@ -2328,44 +2327,6 @@ class TestPublisher(TestPublisherBase):
         self._assertPublishesSeriesAlias(publisher, "breezy-autotest")
-    def testHtaccessForPrivatePPA(self):
-        # A htaccess file is created for new private PPA's.
-        ppa = self.factory.makeArchive(
-            distribution=self.ubuntutest, private=True)
-        ppa.buildd_secret = "geheim"
-        # Set up the publisher for it and publish its repository.
-        # setupArchiveDirs is what actually configures the htaccess file.
-        getPublisher(ppa, [], self.logger).setupArchiveDirs()
-        pubconf = getPubConfig(ppa)
-        htaccess_path = os.path.join(pubconf.archiveroot, ".htaccess")
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(htaccess_path))
-        with open(htaccess_path, 'r') as htaccess_f:
-            self.assertEqual(dedent("""
-                AuthType           Basic
-                AuthName           "Token Required"
-                AuthUserFile       %s/.htpasswd
-                Require            valid-user
-                """) % pubconf.archiveroot,
-                htaccess_f.read())
-        htpasswd_path = os.path.join(pubconf.archiveroot, ".htpasswd")
-        # Read it back in.
-        with open(htpasswd_path, "r") as htpasswd_f:
-            file_contents = htpasswd_f.readlines()
-        self.assertEqual(1, len(file_contents))
-        # The first line should be the buildd_secret.
-        [user, password] = file_contents[0].strip().split(":", 1)
-        self.assertEqual("buildd", user)
-        # We can re-encrypt the buildd_secret and it should match the
-        # one in the .htpasswd file.
-        encrypted_secret = crypt.crypt(ppa.buildd_secret, password)
-        self.assertEqual(encrypted_secret, password)
     def testWriteSuiteI18n(self):
         """Test i18n/Index writing."""
         publisher = Publisher(
diff --git a/lib/lp/registry/scripts/closeaccount.py b/lib/lp/registry/scripts/closeaccount.py
index 27b2eb1..b4e505b 100644
--- a/lib/lp/registry/scripts/closeaccount.py
+++ b/lib/lp/registry/scripts/closeaccount.py
@@ -362,12 +362,9 @@ def close_account(username, log):
     # the placeholder person row.
     skip.add(('sprintattendance', 'attendee'))
-    # generate_ppa_htaccess currently relies on seeing active
-    # ArchiveAuthToken rows so that it knows which ones to remove from
-    # .htpasswd files on disk in response to the cancellation of the
-    # corresponding ArchiveSubscriber rows; but even once PPA authorisation
-    # is handled dynamically, we probably still want to have the per-person
-    # audit trail here.
+    # PPA authorization is now handled dynamically and checks the
+    # subscriber's account status, so this isn't strictly necessary, but
+    # it's still nice to have the per-person audit trail.
     archive_subscriber_ids = set(store.find(
         ArchiveSubscriber.subscriber_id == person.id,
diff --git a/lib/lp/services/scripts/base.py b/lib/lp/services/scripts/base.py
index bb4490b..66ebdbf 100644
--- a/lib/lp/services/scripts/base.py
+++ b/lib/lp/services/scripts/base.py
@@ -406,10 +406,6 @@ class LaunchpadCronScript(LaunchpadScript):
         oops_hdlr = OopsHandler(self.name, logger=self.logger)
-    def get_last_activity(self):
-        """Return the last activity, if any."""
-        return getUtility(IScriptActivitySet).getLastActivity(self.name)
     def record_activity(self, date_started, date_completed):
         """Record the successful completion of the script."""