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[Merge] ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-findimports into launchpad:master


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-findimports into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Remove utilities/findimports.py

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

It's just a lightly-modified old version of the `findimports` module on PyPI; we could upgrade it to a more current version and gain Python 3 support, but it isn't used by anything in our tree, so it doesn't seem worth the effort.  If you need it then you should just install it from PyPI.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-findimports into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/utilities/findimports.py b/utilities/findimports.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 90367ed..0000000
--- a/utilities/findimports.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-FindImports is a script that processes Python module dependencies.  Currently
-it can be used for finding unused imports and graphing module dependencies
-(with graphviz).  FindImports requires Python 2.3.
-Syntax: findimports.py [options] [filename|dirname ...]
-  -h, --help        This help message
-  -i, --imports     Print dependency graph (default action).
-  -d, --dot         Print dependency graph in dot format.
-  -n, --names       Print dependency graph with all imported names.
-  -u, --unused      Print unused imports.
-  -a, --all         Print all unused imports (use together with -u).
-Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Marius Gedminas <marius@xxxxxx>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
-PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass
-Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import compiler
-from compiler.visitor import ASTVisitor
-import getopt
-import linecache
-import os
-import sys
-import six
-class ImportFinder(ASTVisitor):
-    """AST visitor that collects all imported names in its imports attribute.
-    For example, the following import statements in the AST tree
-       import a, b.c, d as e
-       from q.w.e import x, y as foo, z
-       from woof import *
-    will cause imports to contain
-       a
-       b.c
-       d
-       q.w.e.x
-       q.w.e.y
-       q.w.e.z
-       woof.*
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.imports = []
-    def visitImport(self, node):
-        for name, imported_as in node.names:
-            self.imports.append(name)
-    def visitFrom(self, node):
-        for name, imported_as in node.names:
-            self.imports.append('%s.%s' % (node.modname, name))
-class UnusedName(object):
-    def __init__(self, name, lineno):
-        self.name = name
-        self.lineno = lineno
-class ImportFinderAndNametracker(ImportFinder):
-    """ImportFinder that also keeps track on used names."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        ImportFinder.__init__(self)
-        self.unused_names = {}
-    def visitImport(self, node):
-        ImportFinder.visitImport(self, node)
-        for name, imported_as in node.names:
-            if not imported_as:
-                imported_as = name
-            if imported_as != "*":
-                self.unused_names[imported_as] = UnusedName(imported_as,
-                                                            node.lineno)
-    def visitFrom(self, node):
-        ImportFinder.visitFrom(self, node)
-        for name, imported_as in node.names:
-            if not imported_as:
-                imported_as = name
-            if imported_as != "*":
-                self.unused_names[imported_as] = UnusedName(imported_as,
-                                                            node.lineno)
-    def visitName(self, node):
-        if node.name in self.unused_names:
-            del self.unused_names[node.name]
-    def visitGetattr(self, node):
-        full_name = [node.attrname]
-        parent = node.expr
-        while isinstance(parent, compiler.ast.Getattr):
-            full_name.append(parent.attrname)
-            parent = parent.expr
-        if isinstance(parent, compiler.ast.Name):
-            full_name.append(parent.name)
-            full_name.reverse()
-            name = ""
-            for part in full_name:
-                if name: name = '%s.%s' % (name, part)
-                else: name += part
-                if name in self.unused_names:
-                    del self.unused_names[name]
-        for c in node.getChildNodes():
-            self.visit(c)
-def find_imports(filename):
-    """Find all imported names in a given file."""
-    ast = compiler.parseFile(filename)
-    visitor = ImportFinder()
-    compiler.walk(ast, visitor)
-    return visitor.imports
-def find_imports_and_track_names(filename):
-    """Find all imported names in a given file."""
-    ast = compiler.parseFile(filename)
-    visitor = ImportFinderAndNametracker()
-    compiler.walk(ast, visitor)
-    return visitor.imports, visitor.unused_names
-class Module(object):
-    def __init__(self, modname, filename):
-        self.modname = modname
-        self.filename = filename
-class ModuleGraph(object):
-    trackUnusedNames = False
-    all_unused = False
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.modules = {}
-        self.path = sys.path
-        self._module_cache = {}
-        self._warned_about = set()
-    def parsePathname(self, pathname):
-        if os.path.isdir(pathname):
-            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pathname):
-                for fn in files:
-                    # ignore emacsish junk
-                    if fn.endswith('.py') and not fn.startswith('.#'):
-                        self.parseFile(os.path.join(root, fn))
-        else:
-            self.parseFile(pathname)
-    def parseFile(self, filename):
-        modname = self.filenameToModname(filename)
-        module = Module(modname, filename)
-        self.modules[modname] = module
-        if self.trackUnusedNames:
-            module.imported_names, module.unused_names = \
-                    find_imports_and_track_names(filename)
-        else:
-            module.imported_names = find_imports(filename)
-            module.unused_names = None
-        dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
-        module.imports = set([self.findModuleOfName(name, filename, dir)
-                              for name in module.imported_names])
-    def filenameToModname(self, filename):
-        for ext in ('.py', '.so', '.dll'):
-            if filename.endswith(ext):
-                break
-        else:
-            print(
-                "%s: unknown file name extension" % filename, file=sys.stderr)
-        longest_prefix_len = 0
-        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
-        for prefix in self.path:
-            prefix = os.path.abspath(prefix)
-            if (filename.startswith(prefix)
-                and len(prefix) > longest_prefix_len):
-                longest_prefix_len = len(prefix)
-        filename = filename[longest_prefix_len:-len('.py')]
-        if filename.startswith(os.path.sep):
-            filename = filename[len(os.path.sep):]
-        modname = ".".join(filename.split(os.path.sep))
-        return modname
-    def findModuleOfName(self, dotted_name, filename, extrapath=None):
-        if dotted_name.endswith('.*'):
-            return dotted_name[:-2]
-        name = dotted_name
-        while name:
-            candidate = self.isModule(name, extrapath)
-            if candidate:
-                return candidate
-            candidate = self.isPackage(name, extrapath)
-            if candidate:
-                return candidate
-            name = name[:name.rfind('.')]
-        if dotted_name not in self._warned_about:
-            print(
-                "%s: could not find %s" % (filename, dotted_name),
-                file=sys.stderr)
-            self._warned_about.add(dotted_name)
-        return dotted_name
-    def isModule(self, dotted_name, extrapath=None):
-        try:
-            return self._module_cache[(dotted_name, extrapath)]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        if dotted_name in sys.modules:
-            return dotted_name
-        filename = dotted_name.replace('.', os.path.sep)
-        if extrapath:
-            for ext in ('.py', '.so', '.dll'):
-                candidate = os.path.join(extrapath, filename) + ext
-                if os.path.exists(candidate):
-                    modname = self.filenameToModname(candidate)
-                    self._module_cache[(dotted_name, extrapath)] = modname
-                    return modname
-        try:
-            return self._module_cache[(dotted_name, None)]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        for dir in self.path:
-            for ext in ('.py', '.so', '.dll'):
-                candidate = os.path.join(dir, filename) + ext
-                if os.path.exists(candidate):
-                    modname = self.filenameToModname(candidate)
-                    self._module_cache[(dotted_name, extrapath)] = modname
-                    self._module_cache[(dotted_name, None)] = modname
-                    return modname
-        return None
-    def isPackage(self, dotted_name, extrapath=None):
-        candidate = self.isModule(dotted_name + '.__init__', extrapath)
-        if candidate:
-            candidate = candidate[:-len(".__init__")]
-        return candidate
-    def listModules(self):
-        modules = list(self.modules.items())
-        modules.sort()
-        return [module for name, module in modules]
-    def printImportedNames(self):
-        for module in self.listModules():
-            print("%s:" % module.modname)
-            print("  %s" % "\n  ".join(module.imported_names))
-    def printImports(self):
-        for module in self.listModules():
-            print("%s:" % module.modname)
-            imports = list(module.imports)
-            imports.sort()
-            print("  %s" % "\n  ".join(imports))
-    def printUnusedImports(self):
-        for module in self.listModules():
-            names = [(unused.lineno, unused.name)
-                     for unused in six.itervalues(module.unused_names)]
-            names.sort()
-            for lineno, name in names:
-                if not self.all_unused:
-                    line = linecache.getline(module.filename, lineno)
-                    if '#' in line:
-                        continue # assume there's a comment explaining why it
-                                 # is not used
-                print("%s:%s: %s not used" % (module.filename, lineno, name))
-    def printDot(self):
-        print("digraph ModuleDependencies {")
-        print("  node[shape=box];")
-        allNames = set()
-        nameDict = {}
-        for n, module in enumerate(self.listModules()):
-            module._dot_name = "mod%d" % n
-            nameDict[module.modname] = module._dot_name
-            print("  %s[label=\"%s\"];" % (module._dot_name, module.modname))
-            for name in module.imports:
-                if name not in self.modules:
-                    allNames.add(name)
-        print("  node[style=dotted];")
-        names = list(allNames)
-        names.sort()
-        for n, name in enumerate(names):
-            nameDict[name] = id = "extmod%d" % n
-            print("  %s[label=\"%s\"];" % (id, name))
-        for module in self.modules.values():
-            for other in module.imports:
-                print("  %s -> %s;" % (nameDict[module.modname],
-                                       nameDict[other]))
-        print("}")
-def main(argv=sys.argv):
-    progname = os.path.basename(argv[0])
-    helptext = __doc__.strip().replace('findimports.py', progname)
-    g = ModuleGraph()
-    action = g.printImports
-    try:
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'duniah',
-                                   ['dot', 'unused', 'all', 'names', 'imports',
-                                    'help'])
-    except getopt.error as e:
-        print("%s: %s" % (progname, e), file=sys.stderr)
-        print("Try %s --help." % progname, file=sys.stderr)
-        return 1
-    for k, v in opts:
-        if k in ('-d', '--dot'):
-            action = g.printDot
-        elif k in ('-u', '--unused'):
-            action = g.printUnusedImports
-        elif k in ('-a', '--all'):
-            g.all_unused = True
-        elif k in ('-n', '--names'):
-            action = g.printImportedNames
-        elif k in ('-i', '--imports'):
-            action = g.printImports
-        elif k in ('-h', '--help'):
-            print(helptext)
-            return 0
-    g.trackUnusedNames = (action == g.printUnusedImports)
-    if not args:
-        args = ['.']
-    for fn in args:
-        g.parsePathname(fn)
-    action()
-    return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    sys.exit(main())