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[Merge] ~cjwatson/lp-signing:pre-commit into lp-signing:master


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/lp-signing:pre-commit into lp-signing:master.

Commit message:
Add a basic pre-commit hook

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/lp-signing:pre-commit into lp-signing:master.
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8984e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# See https://pre-commit.com for more information
+# See https://pre-commit.com/hooks.html for more hooks
+-   repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
+    rev: v4.0.1
+    hooks:
+    -   id: check-added-large-files
+    -   id: check-ast
+    -   id: end-of-file-fixer
+        # Jinja strips a single trailing newline by default, so Jinja
+        # templates tend to have extra trailing newlines.
+        exclude_types: [jinja]
+    -   id: check-json
+    -   id: check-merge-conflict
+    -   id: check-xml
+    -   id: check-yaml
+    -   id: debug-statements
+-   repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8
+    rev: 3.9.2
+    hooks:
+    -   id: flake8
+-   repo: https://github.com/get-woke/woke
+    rev: ee781d3ce0ddf835267764f27f4ffdd2dd21fa27
+    hooks:
+    -   id: woke-from-source
diff --git a/.woke.yaml b/.woke.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..010ccff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.woke.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# Based on Canonical's Guidelines
+# https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mJUa1VJHOMWa723dmKmNjSKGW-nlBv9xktzGZZwacVo/edit#heading=h.5efudb237qdb
+  - name: whitelist
+    terms:
+      - whitelist
+      - white-list
+      - whitelisted
+      - white-listed
+    alternatives:
+      - allowlist
+      - inclusion list
+    severity: warning
+    note: "The underlying assumption of the whitelist/blacklist metaphor is that white = good and black = bad. Because colors in and of themselves have no predetermined meaning, any meaning we assign to them is cultural: for example, the color red in many Southeast Asian countries is lucky, and is often associated with events like marriages, whereas the color white carries the same connotations in many European countries. In the case of whitelist/blacklist, the terms originate in the publishing industry – one dominated by the USA and England, two countries which participated in slavery and which grapple with their racist legacies to this day."
+  - name: blacklist
+    terms:
+      - blacklist
+      - black-list
+      - blacklisted
+      - black-listed
+    alternatives:
+      - denylist
+      - blocklist
+      - exclusion list
+    severity: warning
+    note: "The underlying assumption of the whitelist/blacklist metaphor is that white = good and black = bad. Because colors in and of themselves have no predetermined meaning, any meaning we assign to them is cultural: for example, the color red in many Southeast Asian countries is lucky, and is often associated with events like marriages, whereas the color white carries the same connotations in many European countries. In the case of whitelist/blacklist, the terms originate in the publishing industry – one dominated by the USA and England, two countries which participated in slavery and which grapple with their racist legacies to this day."
+  - name: master-slave
+    terms:
+      - master-slave
+      - master/slave
+    alternatives:
+      - leader/follower
+      - main/replica
+      - primary/replica
+      - primary/standby
+      - primary/secondary
+  - name: slave
+    terms:
+      - slave
+    alternatives:
+      - follower
+      - replica
+      - standby
+  - name: grandfathered
+    terms:
+      - grandfathered
+    alternatives:
+      - legacy status
+      - legacied
+      - exempted
+      - carried
+      - brought forward
+      - rolled over
+  - name: man-hours
+    terms:
+      - man hours
+      - man-hours
+    alternatives:
+      - person hours
+      - engineer hours
+  - name: sanity
+    terms:
+      - sanity
+    alternatives:
+      - confidence
+      - quick check
+      - coherence check
+  - name: dummy
+    terms:
+      - dummy
+    alternatives:
+      - placeholder
+      - sample
+  - name: guys
+    terms:
+      - guys
+    alternatives:
+      - folks
+      - people
+      - you all
+      - y'all
+      - yinz
+  - name: whitebox
+    terms:
+      - white-box
+      - whitebox
+      - white box
+    alternatives:
+      - open-box
+  - name: blackbox
+    terms:
+      - black-box
+      - blackbox
+      - black box
+    alternatives:
+      - closed-box
+  - name: blackhat
+    terms:
+      - blackhat
+      - black-hat
+      - black hat
+    alternatives:
+      - attacker
+      - malicious actor
+  - name: whitehat
+    terms:
+      - whitehat
+      - white-hat
+      - white hat
+    alternatives:
+      - researcher
+      - security specialist
+  - name: illegal characters
+    terms:
+      - illegal characters
+    alternatives:
+      - invalid characters
+      - unsupported characters
+      - special characters
+  - name: native feature
+    terms:
+      - native feature
+    alternatives:
+      - core feature
+      - built-in feature
+  - name: chairman/foreman
+    terms:
+      - chairman
+      - foreman
+    alternatives:
+      - chair
+      - foreperson
+  - name: man in the middle
+    terms:
+      - man in the middle
+      - man-in-the-middle
+    alternatives:
+      - machine-in-the-middle
+      - person-in-the-middle
+      - system-in-the-middle
+      - intermediary attack
+  - name: middleman
+    terms:
+      - middleman
+    alternatives:
+      - middleperson
+      - intermediary
+  - name: manned
+    terms:
+      - manned
+    alternatives:
+      - crewed
+      - staffed
+      - monitored
+      - human operated
+  - name: mom test / girlfriend test
+    terms:
+      - mom test
+      - girlfriend test
+    alternatives:
+      - user test
+      - user friendly
+  - name: crazy
+    terms:
+      - crazy
+    alternatives:
+      - baffling
+      - unexplained
+      - errant
+  - name: cripples
+    terms:
+      - cripples
+    alternatives:
+      - slows down
+      - hinders
+      - obstructs
+  - name: crippling
+    terms:
+      - crippling
+    alternatives:
+      - attenuating
+      - incapacitating
+  - name: stonith/stomith
+    terms:
+      - stonith
+      - stomith
+    alternatives:
+      - fence failed nodes
+      - machines
+  - name: demilitarized zone
+    terms:
+      - demilitarized zone
+      - dmz
+    alternatives:
+      - perimeter network
+      - passthrough network
diff --git a/lp_signing/model/key.py b/lp_signing/model/key.py
index 7ba629d..ebcfc6a 100644
--- a/lp_signing/model/key.py
+++ b/lp_signing/model/key.py
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ def _gpg_context(tmp):
         (home / "gpg.conf").write_text(_gpg_conf)
-        (home / "gpg-agent.conf").write_text(dedent(f"""\
+        (home / "gpg-agent.conf").write_text(dedent("""\
diff --git a/lp_signing/tests/test_talisker.py b/lp_signing/tests/test_talisker.py
index e742841..9abf818 100644
--- a/lp_signing/tests/test_talisker.py
+++ b/lp_signing/tests/test_talisker.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 """Test talisker-specific behavior.
 There shouldn't be many tests here, and they should all run talisker and
-examine its behavior, treating the service as a black-box.
+examine its behavior, treating the service as a closed box.
 import os
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a93b1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ignore =
+    # will be fixed by using black
+    E121
+    E123
+    E126
+    # incompatible with black
+    E203
+    # binary operator on same or next line; mutually exclusive
+    W503
+    W504