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Re: [Merge] ~cjwatson/lpcraft:add-launchpad-yaml into lpcraft:main


How did you find the problem with `tox` running only on system Python version 3.8?

After the longer break I am bit confused on how to get hold of usable data.

The current one-line spinner does not show any relevant info.

I added a function call, which was introduced with Python 3.10 (statistics.correlation), and then `lpcraft` failed and a link to the log was shown. Is there an easier way I forgot about? Maybe via output?

I can confirm the problem. Our current tox configuration via tox.ini should cause an hard error, when you call `tox` and there is an env in the envlist which Python interpreter is not installed on the machine.

If we wanted to skip the missing interpreters, we'd need to set `skip_missing_interpreters = true` in the `tox.ini` or via command line.

I am not sure how to proceed from here. We could merge this and create a Jira issue for the interpeter bug.

Other than that, usually only `tox -e py` runs tox with the installed system Python.

I also remember a bug report where tox does not use the correct Python interpreter, which may be related to this one here:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/lpcraft:add-launchpad-yaml into lpcraft:main.
