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launchpad-reviewers team
Mailing list archive
Message #28363
[Merge] ~cjwatson/lp-codeimport:remove-format-imports into lp-codeimport:master
Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/lp-codeimport:remove-format-imports into lp-codeimport:master with ~cjwatson/lp-codeimport:pre-commit as a prerequisite.
Commit message:
Remove format-imports and friends
Requested reviews:
Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)
For more details, see:
It's now been superseded by running isort from pre-commit.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/lp-codeimport:remove-format-imports into lp-codeimport:master.
diff --git a/utilities/format-imports b/utilities/format-imports
deleted file mode 100755
index dc6d3bc..0000000
--- a/utilities/format-imports
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2010-2012 Canonical Ltd. This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-""" Format import sections in python files
-= Usage =
-format-imports <file or directory> ...
-= Operation =
-The script will process each filename on the command line. If the file is a
-directory it recurses into it an process all *.py files found in the tree.
-It will output the paths of all the files that have been changed.
-For Launchpad it was applied to the "lib/canonical/launchpad" and the "lib/lp"
-subtrees. Running it with those parameters on a freshly branched LP tree
-should not produce any output, meaning that all the files in the tree should
-be formatted correctly.
-The script identifies the import section of each file as a block of lines
-that start with "import" or "from" or are indented with at least one space or
-are blank lines. Comment lines are also included if they are followed by an
-import statement. An inital __future__ import and a module docstring are
-explicitly skipped.
-The import section is rewritten as three subsections, each separated by a
-blank line. Any of the sections may be empty.
- 1. Standard python library modules
- 2. Import statements explicitly ordered to the top (see below)
- 3. Third-party modules, meaning anything not fitting one of the other
- subsection criteria
- 4. Local modules that begin with "canonical" or "lp".
-Each section is sorted alphabetically by module name. Each module is put
-on its own line, i.e.
- import os, sys
- import os
- import sys
-Multiple import statements for the same module are conflated into one
-statement, or two if the module was imported alongside an object inside it,
- import sys
- from sys import stdin
-Statements that import more than one objects are put on multiple lines in
-list style, i.e.
- from sys import (
- stdin,
- stdout,
- )
-Objects are sorted alphabetically and case-insensitively. One-object imports
-are only formatted in this manner if the statement exceeds 78 characters in
-Comments stick with the import statement that followed them. Comments at the
-end of one-line statements are moved to be in front of it, .i.e.
- from sys import exit # Have a way out
- # Have a way out
- from sys import exit
-= Format control =
-Two special comments allow to control the operation of the formatter.
-When an import statement is immediately preceded by a comment that starts
-with the word "FIRST", it is placed into the second subsection (see above).
-When the first import statement is directly preceded by a comment that starts
-with the word "SKIP", the entire file is exempt from formatting.
-= Known bugs =
-Make sure to always check the result of the re-formatting to see if you have
-been bitten by one of these.
-Comments inside multi-line import statements break the formatter. A statement
-like this will be ignored:
- from import (
- # Don't do this.
- IMyInterface,
- IMyOtherInterface, # Don't do this either
- )
-Actually, this will make the statement and all following to be ignored:
- from import (
- # Breaks indentation rules anyway.
- IMyInterface,
- IMyOtherInterface,
- )
-If a single-line statement has both a comment in front of it and at the end
-of the line, only the end-line comment will survive. This could probably
-easily be fixed to concatenate the too.
- # I am a gonner.
- from import IMyInterface # I will survive!
-Line continuation characters are recognized and resolved but
-not re-introduced. This may leave the re-formatted text with a line that
-is over the length limit.
- from \
- import object
-from __future__ import (
- absolute_import,
- print_function,
- )
-__metaclass__ = type
-# SKIP this file when reformatting.
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-from textwrap import dedent
-sys.path[0:0] = [os.path.dirname(__file__)]
-from python_standard_libs import python_standard_libs # noqa: E402
-# python_standard_libs is only used for membership tests.
-python_standard_libs = frozenset(python_standard_libs)
-# To search for escaped newline chars.
-escaped_nl_regex = re.compile("\\\\\n", re.M)
-import_regex = re.compile("^import +(?P<module>.+)$", re.M)
-from_import_single_regex = re.compile(
- "^from (?P<module>.+) +import +"
- "(?P<objects>[*]|[a-zA-Z0-9_, ]+)"
- "(?P<comment>#.*)?$", re.M)
-from_import_multi_regex = re.compile(
- "^from +(?P<module>.+) +import *[(](?P<objects>[a-zA-Z0-9_, \n]+)[)]$",
- re.M)
-comment_regex = re.compile(
- "(?P<comment>(^#.+\n)+)(^import|^from) +(?P<module>[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)", re.M)
-split_regex = re.compile(r",\s*")
-# The base part of an import is its leading part: either a series of
-# dots, or a leading identifier.
-module_base_regex = re.compile("([.]+|[^. ]+)")
-# Module docstrings are multiline (""") strings that are not indented and are
-# followed at some point by an import .
-module_docstring_regex = re.compile(
- '(?P<docstring>^["]{3}[^"]+["]{3}\n).*^(import |from .+ import)',
- re.M | re.S)
-# The imports section starts with an import state that is not a __future__
-# import and consists of import lines, indented lines, empty lines and
-# comments which are followed by an import line. Sometimes we even find
-# lines that contain a single ")"... :-(
-imports_section_regex = re.compile(
- "(^#.+\n)*^(import|(from ((?!__future__)\\S+) import)).*\n"
- "(^import .+\n|^from .+\n|^[\t ]+.+\n|(^#.+\n)+((^import|^from) "
- ".+\n)|^\n|^[)]\n)*",
- re.M)
-def format_import_lines(module, objects):
- """Generate correct from...import strings."""
- if len(objects) == 1:
- statement = "from %s import %s" % (module, objects[0])
- if len(statement) < 79:
- return statement
- return "from %s import (\n %s,\n )" % (
- module, ",\n ".join(objects))
-def find_imports_section(content):
- """Return that part of the file that contains the import statements."""
- # Skip module docstring.
- match =
- if match is None:
- startpos = 0
- else:
- startpos = match.end('docstring')
- match =, startpos)
- if match is None:
- return (None, None)
- startpos = match.start()
- endpos = match.end()
- if content[startpos:endpos].startswith('# SKIP'):
- # Skip files explicitely.
- return(None, None)
- return (startpos, endpos)
-class ImportStatement:
- """Holds information about an import statement."""
- def __init__(self, objects=None, comment=None):
- self.import_module = objects is None
- if objects is None:
- self.objects = None
- else:
- self.objects = sorted(objects, key=str.lower)
- self.comment = comment
- def addObjects(self, new_objects):
- """More objects in this statement; eliminate duplicates."""
- if self.objects is None:
- # No objects so far.
- self.objects = new_objects
- else:
- # Use set to eliminate double objects.
- more_objects = set(self.objects + new_objects)
- self.objects = sorted(list(more_objects), key=str.lower)
- def setComment(self, comment):
- """Add a comment to the statement."""
- self.comment = comment
-def parse_import_statements(import_section):
- """Split the import section into statements.
- Returns a dictionary with the module as the key and the objects being
- imported as a sorted list of strings."""
- imports = {}
- # Search for escaped newlines and remove them.
- searchpos = 0
- while True:
- match =, searchpos)
- if match is None:
- break
- start = match.start()
- end = match.end()
- import_section = import_section[:start] + import_section[end:]
- searchpos = start
- # Search for simple one-line import statements.
- searchpos = 0
- while True:
- match =, searchpos)
- if match is None:
- break
- # These imports are marked by a "None" value.
- # Multiple modules in one statement are split up.
- for module in split_regex.split('module').strip()):
- imports[module] = ImportStatement()
- searchpos = match.end()
- # Search for "from ... import" statements.
- for pattern in (from_import_single_regex, from_import_multi_regex):
- searchpos = 0
- while True:
- match =, searchpos)
- if match is None:
- break
- import_objects = split_regex.split(
-'objects').strip(" \n,"))
- module ='module').strip()
- # Only one pattern has a 'comment' group.
- comment = match.groupdict().get('comment', None)
- if module in imports:
- # Catch double import lines.
- imports[module].addObjects(import_objects)
- else:
- imports[module] = ImportStatement(import_objects)
- if comment is not None:
- imports[module].setComment(comment)
- searchpos = match.end()
- # Search for comments in import section.
- searchpos = 0
- while True:
- match =, searchpos)
- if match is None:
- break
- module ='module').strip()
- comment ='comment').strip()
- imports[module].setComment(comment)
- searchpos = match.end()
- return imports
- '.', 'canonical', 'lp', 'devscripts',
- )
-def format_imports(imports):
- """Group and order imports, return the new import statements."""
- early_section = {}
- standard_section = {}
- first_section = {}
- thirdparty_section = {}
- local_section = {}
- # Group modules into sections.
- for module, statement in imports.items():
- module_base = module_base_regex.findall(module)[0]
- comment = statement.comment
- if module_base == '_pythonpath':
- early_section[module] = statement
- elif comment is not None and comment.startswith("# FIRST"):
- first_section[module] = statement
- elif module_base in LOCAL_PACKAGES:
- local_section[module] = statement
- elif module_base in python_standard_libs:
- standard_section[module] = statement
- else:
- thirdparty_section[module] = statement
- all_import_lines = []
- # Sort within each section and generate statement strings.
- sections = (
- early_section,
- standard_section,
- first_section,
- thirdparty_section,
- local_section,
- )
- for section in sections:
- import_lines = []
- for module in sorted(section.keys(), key=str.lower):
- if section[module].comment is not None:
- import_lines.append(section[module].comment)
- if section[module].import_module:
- import_lines.append("import %s" % module)
- if section[module].objects is not None:
- import_lines.append(
- format_import_lines(module, section[module].objects))
- if len(import_lines) > 0:
- all_import_lines.append('\n'.join(import_lines))
- # Sections are separated by two blank lines.
- return '\n\n'.join(all_import_lines)
-def reformat_importsection(filename):
- """Replace the given file with a reformatted version of it."""
- with open(filename) as f:
- pyfile =
- import_start, import_end = find_imports_section(pyfile)
- if import_start is None:
- # Skip files with no import section.
- return False
- imports_section = pyfile[import_start:import_end]
- imports = parse_import_statements(imports_section)
- next_char = pyfile[import_end:import_end + 1]
- if next_char == '':
- number_of_newlines = 1
- elif next_char != '#':
- # Two newlines before anything but comments.
- number_of_newlines = 3
- else:
- number_of_newlines = 2
- new_imports = format_imports(imports) + ("\n" * number_of_newlines)
- if new_imports == imports_section:
- # No change, no need to write a new file.
- return False
- new_file = open(filename, "w")
- new_file.write(pyfile[:import_start])
- new_file.write(new_imports)
- new_file.write(pyfile[import_end:])
- return True
-def process_file(fpath):
- """Process the file with the given path."""
- changed = reformat_importsection(fpath)
- if changed:
- print(fpath)
-def process_tree(dpath):
- """Walk a directory tree and process all *.py files."""
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dpath):
- for filename in filenames:
- if filename.endswith('.py'):
- process_file(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] in ("-h", "-?", "--help"):
- sys.stderr.write(dedent("""\
- usage: format-imports <file or directory> ...
- Type "format-imports --docstring | less" to see the documentation.
- """))
- sys.exit(1)
- if sys.argv[1] == "--docstring":
- sys.stdout.write(__doc__)
- sys.exit(2)
- for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
- if os.path.isdir(filename):
- process_tree(filename)
- else:
- process_file(filename)
- sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/utilities/format-new-and-modified-imports b/utilities/format-new-and-modified-imports
deleted file mode 100755
index 77185ce..0000000
--- a/utilities/format-new-and-modified-imports
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Reformat imports in new and modified files.
-"$(dirname "$0")/" | \
- xargs -n1 | \
- grep '\.py$' | \
- xargs -r "$(dirname "$0")/format-imports"
diff --git a/utilities/ b/utilities/
deleted file mode 100644
index dec0085..0000000
--- a/utilities/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2010 Canonical Ltd. This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-""" A list of top-level standard python library names.
-This list is used by format-imports to determine if a module is in this group
-or not.
-The list is taken from
-but modules specific to other OSs have been taken out. It may need to be
-updated from time to time.
-# Run this to generate a new module list.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- from sys import (
- stdout,
- version_info,
- )
- from lxml import html
- modindex_url = (
- "";
- "{0}.{1}.{2}/modindex.html").format(*version_info)
- root = html.parse(modindex_url).getroot()
- modules = set(
- node.text.split(".", 1)[0] # the "base" module name.
- for node in root.cssselect("table tt"))
- stdout.write("python_standard_libs = [\n")
- for module in sorted(modules, key=str.lower):
- stdout.write(" %r,\n" % module)
- stdout.write(" ]\n")
-python_standard_libs = [
- '__builtin__',
- '__future__',
- '__main__',
- '_winreg',
- 'abc',
- 'aepack',
- 'aetools',
- 'aetypes',
- 'aifc',
- 'al',
- 'AL',
- 'anydbm',
- 'applesingle',
- 'array',
- 'ast',
- 'asynchat',
- 'asyncore',
- 'atexit',
- 'audioop',
- 'autoGIL',
- 'base64',
- 'BaseHTTPServer',
- 'Bastion',
- 'bdb',
- 'binascii',
- 'binhex',
- 'bisect',
- 'bsddb',
- 'buildtools',
- 'bz2',
- 'calendar',
- 'Carbon',
- 'cd',
- 'cfmfile',
- 'cgi',
- 'CGIHTTPServer',
- 'cgitb',
- 'chunk',
- 'cmath',
- 'cmd',
- 'code',
- 'codecs',
- 'codeop',
- 'collections',
- 'ColorPicker',
- 'colorsys',
- 'commands',
- 'compileall',
- 'compiler',
- 'ConfigParser',
- 'contextlib',
- 'Cookie',
- 'cookielib',
- 'copy',
- 'copy_reg',
- 'cPickle',
- 'cProfile',
- 'crypt',
- 'cStringIO',
- 'csv',
- 'ctypes',
- 'curses',
- 'datetime',
- 'dbhash',
- 'dbm',
- 'decimal',
- 'difflib',
- 'dircache',
- 'dis',
- 'distutils',
- 'dl',
- 'doctest',
- 'DocXMLRPCServer',
- 'dumbdbm',
- 'dummy_thread',
- 'dummy_threading',
- 'EasyDialogs',
- 'email',
- 'encodings',
- 'errno',
- 'exceptions',
- 'fcntl',
- 'filecmp',
- 'fileinput',
- 'findertools',
- 'FL',
- 'fl',
- 'flp',
- 'fm',
- 'fnmatch',
- 'formatter',
- 'fpectl',
- 'fpformat',
- 'fractions',
- 'FrameWork',
- 'ftplib',
- 'functools',
- 'future_builtins',
- 'gc',
- 'gdbm',
- 'gensuitemodule',
- 'getopt',
- 'getpass',
- 'gettext',
- 'gl',
- 'GL',
- 'glob',
- 'grp',
- 'gzip',
- 'hashlib',
- 'heapq',
- 'hmac',
- 'hotshot',
- 'htmlentitydefs',
- 'htmllib',
- 'HTMLParser',
- 'httplib',
- 'ic',
- 'icopen',
- 'imageop',
- 'imaplib',
- 'imgfile',
- 'imghdr',
- 'imp',
- 'imputil',
- 'inspect',
- 'io',
- 'itertools',
- 'jpeg',
- 'json',
- 'keyword',
- 'lib2to3',
- 'linecache',
- 'locale',
- 'logging',
- 'macerrors',
- 'MacOS',
- 'macostools',
- 'macpath',
- 'macresource',
- 'mailbox',
- 'mailcap',
- 'marshal',
- 'math',
- 'md5',
- 'mhlib',
- 'mimetools',
- 'mimetypes',
- 'MimeWriter',
- 'mimify',
- 'MiniAEFrame',
- 'mmap',
- 'modulefinder',
- 'msilib',
- 'msvcrt',
- 'multifile',
- 'multiprocessing',
- 'mutex',
- 'Nav',
- 'netrc',
- 'new',
- 'nis',
- 'nntplib',
- 'numbers',
- 'operator',
- 'optparse',
- 'os',
- 'ossaudiodev',
- 'parser',
- 'pdb',
- 'pickle',
- 'pickletools',
- 'pipes',
- 'PixMapWrapper',
- 'pkgutil',
- 'platform',
- 'plistlib',
- 'popen2',
- 'poplib',
- 'posix',
- 'posixfile',
- 'pprint',
- 'profile',
- 'pstats',
- 'pty',
- 'pwd',
- 'py_compile',
- 'pyclbr',
- 'pydoc',
- 'Queue',
- 'quopri',
- 'random',
- 're',
- 'readline',
- 'repr',
- 'resource',
- 'rexec',
- 'rfc822',
- 'rlcompleter',
- 'robotparser',
- 'runpy',
- 'sched',
- 'ScrolledText',
- 'select',
- 'sets',
- 'sgmllib',
- 'sha',
- 'shelve',
- 'shlex',
- 'shutil',
- 'signal',
- 'SimpleHTTPServer',
- 'SimpleXMLRPCServer',
- 'site',
- 'smtpd',
- 'smtplib',
- 'sndhdr',
- 'socket',
- 'SocketServer',
- 'spwd',
- 'sqlite3',
- 'ssl',
- 'stat',
- 'statvfs',
- 'string',
- 'StringIO',
- 'stringprep',
- 'struct',
- 'subprocess',
- 'sunau',
- 'sunaudiodev',
- 'symbol',
- 'symtable',
- 'sys',
- 'syslog',
- 'tabnanny',
- 'tarfile',
- 'telnetlib',
- 'tempfile',
- 'termios',
- 'test',
- 'textwrap',
- 'thread',
- 'threading',
- 'time',
- 'timeit',
- 'Tix',
- 'Tkinter',
- 'token',
- 'tokenize',
- 'trace',
- 'traceback',
- 'tty',
- 'turtle',
- 'types',
- 'unicodedata',
- 'unittest',
- 'urllib',
- 'urllib2',
- 'urlparse',
- 'user',
- 'UserDict',
- 'UserList',
- 'UserString',
- 'uu',
- 'uuid',
- 'videoreader',
- 'W',
- 'warnings',
- 'wave',
- 'weakref',
- 'webbrowser',
- 'whichdb',
- 'winsound',
- 'wsgiref',
- 'xdrlib',
- 'xml',
- 'xmlrpclib',
- 'zipfile',
- 'zipimport',
- 'zlib',
- ]