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[Merge] ~cjwatson/lpcraft:craft-cli-dispatcher into lpcraft:main


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/lpcraft:craft-cli-dispatcher into lpcraft:main.

Commit message:
Use the craft-cli command dispatcher

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

The main motivation for this is that it moves per-command argument handling to be alongside the implementation of the command.  It also makes it easier to get rid of several fragile `getattr` calls.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/lpcraft:craft-cli-dispatcher into lpcraft:main.
diff --git a/NEWS.rst b/NEWS.rst
index da6454b..6e552fb 100644
--- a/NEWS.rst
+++ b/NEWS.rst
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ Version history
 - Rewrite the release documentation.
+- Use the ``craft-cli`` command dispatcher.
 0.0.15 (2022-06-01)
diff --git a/lpcraft/commands/clean.py b/lpcraft/commands/clean.py
index 5d67579..95a19b4 100644
--- a/lpcraft/commands/clean.py
+++ b/lpcraft/commands/clean.py
@@ -1,34 +1,51 @@
 # Copyright 2022 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-from argparse import Namespace
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
 from pathlib import Path
-from craft_cli import emit
+from craft_cli import BaseCommand, emit
 from lpcraft.config import Config
 from lpcraft.providers import get_provider
-def clean(args: Namespace) -> int:
+class CleanCommand(BaseCommand):
     """Clean the managed environments for a project."""
-    # We want to run the "clean" command only when run from
-    # an lpcraft project directory.
-    config_path = getattr(args, "config", Path(".launchpad.yaml"))
-    Config.load(config_path)
-    cwd = Path.cwd()
-    emit.progress(
-        f"Deleting the managed environments for the {cwd.name!r} project."
-    )
-    provider = get_provider()
-    provider.ensure_provider_is_available()
-    provider.clean_project_environments(
-        project_name=cwd.name, project_path=cwd
-    )
-    emit.message(
-        f"Deleted the managed environments for the {cwd.name!r} project."
-    )
-    return 0
+    name = "clean"
+    help_msg = __doc__.splitlines()[0]
+    overview = __doc__
+    common = True
+    def fill_parser(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None:
+        """Add arguments specific to this command."""
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "-c",
+            "--config",
+            type=Path,
+            default=".launchpad.yaml",
+            help="Read the configuration file from this path.",
+        )
+    def run(self, args: Namespace) -> int:
+        """Run the command."""
+        # We want to run the "clean" command only when run from
+        # an lpcraft project directory.
+        Config.load(args.config)
+        cwd = Path.cwd()
+        emit.progress(
+            f"Deleting the managed environments for the {cwd.name!r} project."
+        )
+        provider = get_provider()
+        provider.ensure_provider_is_available()
+        provider.clean_project_environments(
+            project_name=cwd.name, project_path=cwd
+        )
+        emit.message(
+            f"Deleted the managed environments for the {cwd.name!r} project."
+        )
+        return 0
diff --git a/lpcraft/commands/run.py b/lpcraft/commands/run.py
index 4a0ab82..0175b00 100644
--- a/lpcraft/commands/run.py
+++ b/lpcraft/commands/run.py
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ import itertools
 import json
 import os
 import shlex
-from argparse import Namespace
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
 from pathlib import Path, PurePath
 from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set
-from craft_cli import EmitterMode, emit
+from craft_cli import BaseCommand, EmitterMode, emit
 from craft_providers import Executor, lxd
 from craft_providers.actions.snap_installer import install_from_store
 from dotenv import dotenv_values
@@ -427,105 +427,187 @@ def _get_job_instance_name(provider: Provider, job: Job) -> str:
-def run(args: Namespace) -> int:
+class RunCommand(BaseCommand):
     """Run a pipeline, launching managed environments as needed."""
-    # XXX jugmac00 2022-02-04: this fallback may become obsolete once we
-    # use craft-cli's command dispatcher
-    config_path = getattr(args, "config", Path(".launchpad.yaml"))
-    config = Config.load(config_path)
-    provider = get_provider()
-    provider.ensure_provider_is_available()
-    launched_instances = []
+    name = "run"
+    help_msg = __doc__.splitlines()[0]
+    overview = __doc__
+    common = True
+    def fill_parser(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None:
+        """Add arguments specific to this command."""
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--output-directory",
+            type=Path,
+            help="Write output files to this directory.",
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "-c",
+            "--config",
+            type=Path,
+            default=".launchpad.yaml",
+            help="Read the configuration file from this path.",
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--clean",
+            action="store_true",
+            default=False,
+            help=(
+                "Clean the managed environments created "
+                "for the pipeline after the running it."
+            ),
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--apt-replace-repositories",
+            action="append",
+            help="Overwrite /etc/apt/sources.list.",
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--set-env",
+            action="append",
+            help="Set an environment variable.",
+        )
-    try:
-        for stage in config.pipeline:
-            stage_failed = False
-            for job_name in stage:
-                try:
-                    jobs = config.jobs.get(job_name, [])
-                    if not jobs:
-                        raise CommandError(
-                            f"No job definition for {job_name!r}"
-                        )
-                    for job in jobs:
-                        launched_instances.append(
-                            _get_job_instance_name(provider, job)
-                        )
-                        _run_job(
-                            job_name,
-                            job,
-                            provider,
-                            getattr(args, "output_directory", None),
-                            apt_replacement_repositories=getattr(
-                                args, "apt_replace_repositories", None
-                            ),
-                            env_from_cli=getattr(args, "set_env", None),
-                        )
-                except CommandError as e:
-                    if len(stage) == 1:
-                        # Single-job stage, so just reraise this
-                        # in order to get simpler error messages.
-                        raise
-                    else:
-                        emit.error(e)
-                        stage_failed = True
-            if stage_failed:
-                raise CommandError(
-                    f"Some jobs in {stage} failed; stopping.", retcode=1
+    def run(self, args: Namespace) -> int:
+        """Run the command."""
+        config = Config.load(args.config)
+        provider = get_provider()
+        provider.ensure_provider_is_available()
+        launched_instances = []
+        try:
+            for stage in config.pipeline:
+                stage_failed = False
+                for job_name in stage:
+                    try:
+                        jobs = config.jobs.get(job_name, [])
+                        if not jobs:
+                            raise CommandError(
+                                f"No job definition for {job_name!r}"
+                            )
+                        for job in jobs:
+                            launched_instances.append(
+                                _get_job_instance_name(provider, job)
+                            )
+                            _run_job(
+                                job_name,
+                                job,
+                                provider,
+                                args.output_directory,
+                                apt_replacement_repositories=(
+                                    args.apt_replace_repositories
+                                ),
+                                env_from_cli=args.set_env,
+                            )
+                    except CommandError as e:
+                        if len(stage) == 1:
+                            # Single-job stage, so just reraise this
+                            # in order to get simpler error messages.
+                            raise
+                        else:
+                            emit.error(e)
+                            stage_failed = True
+                if stage_failed:
+                    raise CommandError(
+                        f"Some jobs in {stage} failed; stopping.", retcode=1
+                    )
+        finally:
+            if args.clean:
+                cwd = Path.cwd()
+                provider.clean_project_environments(
+                    project_name=cwd.name,
+                    project_path=cwd,
+                    instances=launched_instances,
-    finally:
-        should_clean_environment = getattr(args, "clean", False)
-        if should_clean_environment:
-            cwd = Path.cwd()
-            provider.clean_project_environments(
-                project_name=cwd.name,
-                project_path=cwd,
-                instances=launched_instances,
-            )
-    return 0
+        return 0
-def run_one(args: Namespace) -> int:
+class RunOneCommand(BaseCommand):
     """Select and run a single job from a pipeline.
     (This command is for use by Launchpad, and is subject to change.)
-    config = Config.load(args.config)
-    jobs = config.jobs.get(args.job, [])
-    if not jobs:
-        raise CommandError(f"No job definition for {args.job!r}")
-    if args.index >= len(jobs):
-        raise CommandError(
-            f"No job definition with index {args.index} for {args.job!r}"
+    name = "run-one"
+    help_msg = __doc__.splitlines()[0]
+    overview = __doc__
+    hidden = True
+    def fill_parser(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None:
+        """Add arguments specific to this command."""
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--output-directory",
+            type=Path,
+            help="Write output files to this directory.",
-    job = jobs[args.index]
-    provider = get_provider()
-    provider.ensure_provider_is_available()
-    try:
-        _run_job(
-            args.job,
-            job,
-            provider,
-            getattr(args, "output_directory", None),
-            apt_replacement_repositories=getattr(
-                args, "apt_replace_repositories", None
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "-c",
+            "--config",
+            type=Path,
+            default=".launchpad.yaml",
+            help="Read the configuration file from this path.",
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--clean",
+            action="store_true",
+            default=False,
+            help=(
+                "Clean the managed environment created for the job "
+                "after running it."
-            env_from_cli=getattr(args, "set_env", None),
-    finally:
-        should_clean_environment = getattr(args, "clean", False)
-        if should_clean_environment:
-            cwd = Path.cwd()
-            provider.clean_project_environments(
-                project_name=cwd.name,
-                project_path=cwd,
-                instances=[_get_job_instance_name(provider, job)],
+        parser.add_argument("job", help="Run only this job name.")
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "index",
+            type=int,
+            metavar="N",
+            help="Run only the Nth job with the given name (indexing from 0).",
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--apt-replace-repositories",
+            action="append",
+            help="Overwrite /etc/apt/sources.list.",
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--set-env",
+            action="append",
+            help="Set an environment variable.",
+        )
+    def run(self, args: Namespace) -> int:
+        """Run the command."""
+        config = Config.load(args.config)
+        jobs = config.jobs.get(args.job, [])
+        if not jobs:
+            raise CommandError(f"No job definition for {args.job!r}")
+        if args.index >= len(jobs):
+            raise CommandError(
+                f"No job definition with index {args.index} for {args.job!r}"
+            )
+        job = jobs[args.index]
+        provider = get_provider()
+        provider.ensure_provider_is_available()
+        try:
+            _run_job(
+                args.job,
+                job,
+                provider,
+                args.output_directory,
+                apt_replacement_repositories=args.apt_replace_repositories,
+                env_from_cli=args.set_env,
+        finally:
+            if args.clean:
+                cwd = Path.cwd()
+                provider.clean_project_environments(
+                    project_name=cwd.name,
+                    project_path=cwd,
+                    instances=[_get_job_instance_name(provider, job)],
+                )
-    return 0
+        return 0
diff --git a/lpcraft/commands/version.py b/lpcraft/commands/version.py
index 40f7ce3..94acff7 100644
--- a/lpcraft/commands/version.py
+++ b/lpcraft/commands/version.py
@@ -3,12 +3,20 @@
 from argparse import Namespace
-from craft_cli import emit
+from craft_cli import BaseCommand, emit
 from lpcraft._version import version_description as lpcraft_version
-def version(args: Namespace) -> int:
+class VersionCommand(BaseCommand):
     """Show lpcraft's version number."""
-    emit.message(lpcraft_version)
-    return 0
+    name = "version"
+    help_msg = __doc__.splitlines()[0]
+    overview = __doc__
+    common = True
+    def run(self, args: Namespace) -> int:
+        """Run the command."""
+        emit.message(lpcraft_version)
+        return 0
diff --git a/lpcraft/main.py b/lpcraft/main.py
index c9af819..83fe767 100644
--- a/lpcraft/main.py
+++ b/lpcraft/main.py
@@ -4,17 +4,24 @@
 """Main entry point."""
 import logging
-from argparse import ArgumentParser
-from pathlib import Path
+import sys
 from typing import List, Optional
-from craft_cli import CraftError, EmitterMode, emit
+from craft_cli import (
+    ArgumentParsingError,
+    CommandGroup,
+    CraftError,
+    Dispatcher,
+    EmitterMode,
+    GlobalArgument,
+    ProvideHelpException,
+    emit,
 from lpcraft._version import version_description as lpcraft_version
-from lpcraft.commands.clean import clean
-from lpcraft.commands.run import run, run_one
-from lpcraft.commands.version import version
-from lpcraft.errors import CommandError
+from lpcraft.commands.clean import CleanCommand
+from lpcraft.commands.run import RunCommand, RunOneCommand
+from lpcraft.commands.version import VersionCommand
 def _configure_logger(name: str) -> None:
@@ -30,155 +37,56 @@ def _configure_logger(name: str) -> None:
+_basic_commands = [
+    CleanCommand,
+    RunCommand,
+    RunOneCommand,
+    VersionCommand,
 def main(argv: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> int:
     """`lpcraft` runs Launchpad CI jobs."""
-    parser = ArgumentParser(description="Run Launchpad CI jobs.")
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "--version",
-        action="store_true",
-        help="Show version information and exit.",
-    )
-    verbosity_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-    verbosity_group.add_argument(
-        "-q",
-        "--quiet",
-        action="store_true",
-        help="Only show warnings and errors, not progress.",
-    )
-    verbosity_group.add_argument(
-        "-v",
-        "--verbose",
-        action="store_true",
-        help="Show debug information and be more verbose.",
-    )
-    verbosity_group.add_argument(
-        "--trace",
-        action="store_true",
-        help="Show all information needed to trace internal behaviour.",
-    )
-    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
-    # XXX cjwatson 2021-11-15: Subcommand arguments should be defined
-    # alongside the individual subcommands rather than here.
-    parser_clean = subparsers.add_parser(
-        "clean", description=clean.__doc__, help=clean.__doc__
-    )
-    parser_clean.add_argument(
-        "-c",
-        "--config",
-        type=Path,
-        default=".launchpad.yaml",
-        help="Read the configuration file from this path.",
-    )
-    parser_clean.set_defaults(func=clean)
-    parser_run = subparsers.add_parser(
-        "run", description=run.__doc__, help=run.__doc__
-    )
-    parser_run.add_argument(
-        "--output-directory",
-        type=Path,
-        help="Write output files to this directory.",
-    )
-    parser_run.add_argument(
-        "-c",
-        "--config",
-        type=Path,
-        default=".launchpad.yaml",
-        help="Read the configuration file from this path.",
-    )
-    parser_run.add_argument(
-        "--clean",
-        action="store_true",
-        help=(
-            "Clean the managed environments created "
-            "for the pipeline after the running it."
-        ),
-    )
-    parser_run.add_argument(
-        "--apt-replace-repositories",
-        action="append",
-        help="Overwrite /etc/apt/sources.list.",
-    )
-    parser_run.add_argument(
-        "--set-env",
-        action="append",
-        help="Set an environment variable.",
-    )
-    parser_run.set_defaults(func=run)
-    parser_run_one = subparsers.add_parser(
-        "run-one", description=run_one.__doc__, help=run_one.__doc__
-    )
-    parser_run_one.add_argument(
-        "--output-directory",
-        type=Path,
-        help="Write output files to this directory.",
-    )
-    parser_run_one.add_argument(
-        "-c",
-        "--config",
-        type=Path,
-        default=".launchpad.yaml",
-        help="Read the configuration file from this path.",
-    )
-    parser_run_one.add_argument(
-        "--clean",
-        action="store_true",
-        help=(
-            "Clean the managed environment created for the job "
-            "after running it."
-        ),
-    )
-    parser_run_one.add_argument("job", help="Run only this job name.")
-    parser_run_one.add_argument(
-        "index",
-        type=int,
-        metavar="N",
-        help="Run only the Nth job with the given name (indexing from 0).",
-    )
-    parser_run_one.add_argument(
-        "--apt-replace-repositories",
-        action="append",
-        help="Overwrite /etc/apt/sources.list.",
-    )
-    parser_run_one.add_argument(
-        "--set-env",
-        action="append",
-        help="Set an environment variable.",
-    )
-    parser_run_one.set_defaults(func=run_one)
-    parser_version = subparsers.add_parser(
-        "version", description=version.__doc__, help=version.__doc__
-    )
-    parser_version.set_defaults(func=version)
+    if argv is None:
+        argv = sys.argv[1:]
     emit.init(EmitterMode.NORMAL, "lpcraft", f"Starting {lpcraft_version}")
+    command_groups = [CommandGroup("Basic", _basic_commands)]
+    summary = "Run Launchpad CI jobs."
+    extra_global_args = [
+        GlobalArgument(
+            "version",
+            "flag",
+            "-V",
+            "--version",
+            "Show version information and exit",
+        )
+    ]
-        args = parser.parse_args(argv)
-    except SystemExit:
+        dispatcher = Dispatcher(
+            "lpcraft",
+            command_groups,
+            summary=summary,
+            extra_global_args=extra_global_args,
+            default_command=RunCommand,
+        )
+        global_args = dispatcher.pre_parse_args(argv)
+        if global_args["version"]:
+            emit.message(lpcraft_version)
+            emit.ended_ok()
+            return 0
+        dispatcher.load_command(None)
+        ret = dispatcher.run() or 0
+    except ArgumentParsingError as e:
+        print(e, file=sys.stderr)
-        return 1
-    if args.quiet:
-        emit.set_mode(EmitterMode.QUIET)
-    elif args.verbose:
-        emit.set_mode(EmitterMode.VERBOSE)
-    elif args.trace:
-        emit.set_mode(EmitterMode.TRACE)
-    if args.version:
-        emit.message(lpcraft_version)
+        ret = 1
+    except ProvideHelpException as e:
+        print(e)
-        return 0
-    try:
-        ret = int(getattr(args, "func", run)(args))
-    except CommandError as e:
+        ret = 0
+    except CraftError as e:
         ret = e.retcode
     except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
diff --git a/lpcraft/tests/test_main.py b/lpcraft/tests/test_main.py
index 423d7ec..85aae92 100644
--- a/lpcraft/tests/test_main.py
+++ b/lpcraft/tests/test_main.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Copyright 2021 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+import io
 from unittest.mock import call, patch
 from craft_cli import CraftError, EmitterMode
@@ -26,38 +27,44 @@ class TestMain(TestCase):
-    def test_bad_arguments(self):
+    @patch("sys.stderr", new_callable=io.StringIO)
+    def test_bad_arguments(self, mock_stderr):
         # main() exits appropriately if given bad arguments.
         mock_emit = self.useFixture(MockPatch("lpcraft.main.emit")).mock
-        mock_argparse_print_message = self.useFixture(
-            MockPatch("argparse.ArgumentParser._print_message")
-        ).mock
         ret = main(["--nonexistent"])
         self.assertEqual(1, ret)
-        # using `assert_called_with` is not possible as the message is
-        # different depending whether pytest or coverage is driving the tests
-            "error: unrecognized arguments: --nonexistent\n",
-            mock_argparse_print_message.call_args.args[0],
+            "Error: unrecognized arguments: --nonexistent\n",
+            mock_stderr.getvalue(),
-    @patch("lpcraft.main.run")
+    @patch("sys.stdout", new_callable=io.StringIO)
+    def test_help(self, mock_stdout):
+        mock_emit = self.useFixture(MockPatch("lpcraft.main.emit")).mock
+        ret = main(["--help"])
+        self.assertEqual(0, ret)
+        self.assertIn("Usage:\n", mock_stdout.getvalue())
+        mock_emit.ended_ok.assert_called_once_with()
+    @patch("lpcraft.commands.run.RunCommand.run")
     def test_keyboard_interrupt(self, mock_run):
         mock_run.side_effect = KeyboardInterrupt()
         with RecordingEmitterFixture() as emitter:
-            ret = main()
+            ret = main([])
         self.assertEqual(1, ret)
             call("error", CraftError("Interrupted.")),
-            emitter.recorder.interactions[0],
+            emitter.recorder.interactions[-1],
-    @patch("lpcraft.main.run")
+    @patch("lpcraft.commands.run.RunCommand.run")
     def test_handling_unexpected_exception(self, mock_run):
         self.useFixture(MockPatch("sys.argv", ["lpcraft"]))
         mock_run.side_effect = RuntimeError()
@@ -70,7 +77,7 @@ class TestMain(TestCase):
                 "error", CraftError("lpcraft internal error: RuntimeError()")
-            emitter.recorder.interactions[0],
+            emitter.recorder.interactions[-1],
     def test_quiet_mode(self):
@@ -83,7 +90,7 @@ class TestMain(TestCase):
         # result is something like "lpcraft, version 0.0.1"
-            "lpcraft, version", emitter.recorder.interactions[0].args[1]
+            "lpcraft, version", emitter.recorder.interactions[-1].args[1]
     def test_verbose_mode(self):
@@ -96,7 +103,7 @@ class TestMain(TestCase):
         # result is something like "lpcraft, version 0.0.1"
-            "lpcraft, version", emitter.recorder.interactions[0].args[1]
+            "lpcraft, version", emitter.recorder.interactions[-1].args[1]
     def test_trace_mode(self):
@@ -111,5 +118,5 @@ class TestMain(TestCase):
         # result is something like "lpcraft, version 0.0.1"
-            "lpcraft, version", emitter.recorder.interactions[0].args[1]
+            "lpcraft, version", emitter.recorder.interactions[-1].args[1]

Follow ups