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Re: [Merge] ~andrey-fedoseev/launchpad:uct-import into launchpad:master


Diff comments:

> diff --git a/lib/lp/bugs/scripts/uctimport.py b/lib/lp/bugs/scripts/uctimport.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..09f8421
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/lib/lp/bugs/scripts/uctimport.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,2246 @@
> +# Copyright 2022 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
> +# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
> +
> +"""A UCT (Ubuntu CVE Tracker) bug importer
> +
> +This code can import CVE summaries stored in UCT repository to bugs in
> +Launchpad.
> +
> +For each entry in UCT we:
> +
> +1. Create a Bug instance
> +2. Create a Vulnerability instance and link it to the bug (multiple
> +    Vulnerabilities may be created if the CVE entry covers multiple
> +    distributions)
> +3. Create a Bug Task for each package/distro-series in the CVE entry
> +4. Update the statuses of Bug Tasks based on the information in the CVE entry
> +"""
> +import codecs
> +from datetime import datetime
> +from enum import Enum
> +import glob
> +import logging
> +import math
> +import os
> +from pathlib import Path
> +import re
> +import sys
> +from typing import (
> +    Any,
> +    Dict,
> +    List,
> +    NamedTuple,
> +    Optional,
> +    Set,
> +    Tuple,
> +    )
> +
> +import dateutil.parser
> +import yaml
> +from zope.component import getUtility
> +
> +from lp.app.enums import InformationType
> +from lp.app.interfaces.launchpad import ILaunchpadCelebrities
> +from lp.bugs.enums import VulnerabilityStatus
> +from lp.bugs.interfaces.bug import (
> +    CreateBugParams,
> +    IBugSet,
> +    )
> +from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtask import (
> +    BugTaskImportance,
> +    BugTaskStatus,
> +    IBugTaskSet,
> +    )
> +from lp.bugs.interfaces.cve import ICveSet
> +from lp.bugs.interfaces.vulnerability import IVulnerabilitySet
> +from lp.bugs.model.bug import Bug as BugModel
> +from lp.bugs.model.cve import Cve as CveModel
> +from lp.bugs.model.vulnerability import Vulnerability
> +from lp.registry.interfaces.distroseries import IDistroSeriesSet
> +from lp.registry.interfaces.series import SeriesStatus
> +from lp.registry.interfaces.sourcepackagename import ISourcePackageNameSet
> +from lp.registry.model.distribution import Distribution
> +from lp.registry.model.distributionsourcepackage import (
> +    DistributionSourcePackage,
> +    )
> +from lp.registry.model.distroseries import DistroSeries
> +from lp.registry.model.sourcepackagename import SourcePackageName
> +from lp.services.messages.interfaces.message import IMessageSet
> +
> +
> +DEFAULT_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("lp.bugs.scripts.import")
> +
> +
> +class Priority(Enum):
> +    CRITICAL = "critical"
> +    HIGH = "high"
> +    MEDIUM = "medium"
> +    LOW = "low"
> +    UNTRIAGED = "untriaged"
> +    NEGLIGIBLE = "negligible"
> +
> +
> +class PackageStatus(Enum):
> +    IGNORED = "ignored"
> +    NEEDS_TRIAGE = "needs-triage"
> +    RELEASED = "released"
> +    NOT_AFFECTED = "not-affected"
> +    DEFERRED = "deferred"
> +    NEEDED = "needed"
> +    PENDING = "pending"
> +
> +
> +DistroSeriesPackageStatus = NamedTuple(
> +    "DistroSeriesPackageStatus",
> +    [
> +        ("distroseries", str),
> +        ("status", PackageStatus),
> +        ("reason", str),
> +        ("priority", Optional[Priority]),
> +    ],
> +)
> +
> +
> +Patch = NamedTuple(
> +    "Patch",
> +    [
> +        ("patch_type", str),
> +        ("entry", str),
> +    ],
> +)
> +
> +
> +Package = NamedTuple(
> +    "Package",
> +    [
> +        ("name", str),
> +        ("statuses", List[DistroSeriesPackageStatus]),
> +        ("priority", Optional[Priority]),
> +        ("tags", Set[str]),
> +        ("patches", List[Patch]),
> +    ],
> +)
> +
> +Note = NamedTuple(
> +    "Note",
> +    [
> +        ("author", str),
> +        ("text", str),
> +    ],
> +)
> +
> +
> +CVE = NamedTuple(
> +    "CVE",
> +    [
> +        ("assigned_to", str),
> +        ("bugs", List[str]),
> +        ("cvss", List[Dict[str, Any]]),
> +        ("candidate", str),
> +        ("date_made_public", Optional[datetime]),
> +        ("description", str),
> +        ("discovered_by", str),
> +        ("mitigation", str),
> +        ("notes", List[Note]),
> +        ("priority", Priority),
> +        ("references", List[str]),
> +        ("ubuntu_description", str),
> +        ("packages", List[Package]),
> +    ],
> +)
> +
> +    Priority.CRITICAL: BugTaskImportance.CRITICAL,
> +    Priority.HIGH: BugTaskImportance.HIGH,
> +    Priority.MEDIUM: BugTaskImportance.MEDIUM,
> +    Priority.LOW: BugTaskImportance.LOW,
> +    Priority.UNTRIAGED: BugTaskImportance.UNDECIDED,  # TODO: confirm this
> +    Priority.NEGLIGIBLE: BugTaskImportance.WISHLIST,  # TODO: confirm this
> +}
> +
> +    PackageStatus.IGNORED: BugTaskStatus.WONTFIX,
> +    PackageStatus.NEEDS_TRIAGE: BugTaskStatus.UNKNOWN,
> +    PackageStatus.DOES_NOT_EXIST: BugTaskStatus.DOESNOTEXIST,
> +    PackageStatus.RELEASED: BugTaskStatus.FIXRELEASED,
> +    PackageStatus.NOT_AFFECTED: BugTaskStatus.INVALID,
> +    # PackageStatus.DEFERRED: ...,  # TODO: fix this
> +    PackageStatus.NEEDED: BugTaskStatus.NEW,
> +    PackageStatus.PENDING: BugTaskStatus.FIXCOMMITTED,
> +}
> +
> +
> +def format_cve_notes(notes: List[Note]) -> str:
> +    return "\n".join(
> +        "{author}> {text}".format(author=note.author, text=note.text)
> +        for note in notes
> +    )
> +
> +
> +class UCTImporter:
> +    def __init__(self, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None) -> None:
> +        self.logger = logger or DEFAULT_LOGGER
> +
> +    def import_cve_from_file(self, cve_path: Path) -> None:
> +        cve = self.load_cve_from_file(cve_path)
> +        self.import_cve(cve)
> +
> +    @staticmethod
> +    def load_cve_from_file(cve_path: Path) -> CVE:
> +        """
> +        Load a `CVE` instance from data contained in `cve_path`.
> +
> +        The file is parsed to a dictionary using the code copied from
> +        `cve_lib` in `ubuntu-cve-tracker`.
> +
> +        A `CVE` instance is created from that dictionary, applying some data
> +        transformations along the way.
> +        """
> +
> +        cve_data = load_cve(str(cve_path))  # type: Dict[str, Any]
> +
> +        packages = []  # type: List[Package]
> +        tags = cve_data.pop("tags")  # type: Dict[str, Set[str]]
> +        patches = cve_data.pop(
> +            "patches"
> +        )  # type: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]]
> +        for package, statuses_dict in cve_data.pop("pkgs").items():
> +            statuses = []  # type: List[DistroSeriesPackageStatus]
> +            for distroseries, (status, reason) in statuses_dict.items():
> +                distroseries_priority = cve_data.pop(
> +                    "Priority_{package}_{distroseries}".format(
> +                        package=package,
> +                        distroseries=distroseries,
> +                    ),
> +                    None,
> +                )
> +                statuses.append(
> +                    DistroSeriesPackageStatus(
> +                        distroseries=distroseries,
> +                        status=PackageStatus(status),
> +                        reason=reason,
> +                        priority=(
> +                            Priority(distroseries_priority)
> +                            if distroseries_priority
> +                            else None
> +                        ),
> +                    )
> +                )
> +            package_priority = cve_data.pop(
> +                "Priority_{package}".format(package=package), None
> +            )
> +            packages.append(
> +                Package(
> +                    name=package,
> +                    statuses=statuses,
> +                    priority=(
> +                        Priority(package_priority)
> +                        if package_priority
> +                        else None
> +                    ),
> +                    tags=tags.pop(package, set()),
> +                    patches=[
> +                        Patch(patch_type=patch_type, entry=entry)
> +                        for patch_type, entry in patches.pop(package, [])
> +                    ],
> +                )
> +            )
> +
> +        crd = cve_data.pop("CRD", None)
> +        if crd == "unknown":
> +            crd = None
> +        public_date = cve_data.pop("PublicDate", None)
> +        if public_date == "unknown":
> +            public_date = None
> +        public_date_at_USN = cve_data.pop("PublicDateAtUSN", None)
> +        if public_date_at_USN == "unknown":
> +            public_date_at_USN = None
> +
> +        date_made_public = crd or public_date or public_date_at_USN
> +
> +        cve = CVE(
> +            assigned_to=cve_data.pop("Assigned-to").strip(),
> +            bugs=cve_data.pop("Bugs").strip().split("\n"),
> +            cvss=cve_data.pop("CVSS"),
> +            candidate=cve_data.pop("Candidate").strip(),
> +            date_made_public=dateutil.parser.parse(date_made_public)
> +            if date_made_public
> +            else None,
> +            description=cve_data.pop("Description").strip(),
> +            discovered_by=cve_data.pop("Discovered-by").strip(),
> +            mitigation=cve_data.pop("Mitigation", "").strip(),
> +            notes=[
> +                Note(author=author, text=text)
> +                for author, text in cve_data.pop("Notes")
> +            ],
> +            priority=Priority(cve_data.pop("Priority")),
> +            references=cve_data.pop("References").strip().split("\n"),
> +            ubuntu_description=cve_data.pop("Ubuntu-Description").strip(),
> +            packages=packages,
> +        )
> +
> +        # make sure all fields are consumed
> +        if cve_data:
> +            raise AssertionError(
> +                "not all fields are consumed: {}".format(cve_data)
> +            )
> +
> +        return cve
> +
> +    def import_cve(self, cve: CVE) -> None:
> +        lp_cve: CveModel = getUtility(ICveSet)[cve.candidate]
> +        if lp_cve is None:
> +            self.logger.warning(
> +                "Could not find the CVE in LP: %s", cve.candidate
> +            )
> +            return
> +        self.create_bug(cve, lp_cve)
> +
> +    def create_bug(
> +        self, cve: CVE, lp_cve: CveModel
> +    ) -> Tuple[Optional[BugModel], List[Vulnerability]]:
> +
> +        self.logger.debug("creating bug...")
> +
> +        affected_packages = []  # type: List[DistributionSourcePackage]
> +        affected_distro_series = []  # type: List[DistroSeries]
> +        affected_distributions = set()  # type: Set[Distribution]
> +        importances = {}
> +        statuses_with_explanations = {}
> +
> +        for cve_package in cve.packages:
> +            source_package_name = self.get_source_package_name(
> +                cve_package.name
> +            )
> +            if not source_package_name:
> +                continue
> +
> +            package_priority = cve_package.priority or cve.priority
> +            importances[source_package_name] = (
> +                PRIORITY_MAP[package_priority] if package_priority else None
> +            )
> +
> +            for cve_package_status in cve_package.statuses:
> +                distro_series = self.get_distro_series(
> +                    cve_package_status.distroseries
> +                )
> +                if not distro_series:
> +                    continue
> +
> +                if distro_series not in affected_distro_series:
> +                    affected_distro_series.append(distro_series)
> +
> +                affected_distributions.add(distro_series.distribution)
> +
> +                distro_package = DistributionSourcePackage(
> +                    distribution=distro_series.distribution,
> +                    sourcepackagename=source_package_name,
> +                )
> +                if distro_package not in affected_packages:
> +                    affected_packages.append(distro_package)
> +
> +                distro_series_package_priority = (
> +                    cve_package_status.priority or package_priority
> +                )
> +                key = (source_package_name, distro_series)
> +                importances[key] = (
> +                    PRIORITY_MAP[distro_series_package_priority]
> +                    if distro_series_package_priority
> +                    else None
> +                )
> +                statuses_with_explanations[key] = (
> +                    STATUS_MAP[cve_package_status.status],
> +                    cve_package_status.reason,
> +                )
> +
> +        if not affected_packages:
> +            self.logger.warning("Could not find any affected packages")
> +            return None, []
> +
> +        distro_package = affected_packages.pop(0)
> +        affected_distributions = {distro_package.distribution}
> +
> +        # Create the bug
> +        # TODO: confirm this. Should this be something like `team_security`?
> +        owner = getUtility(ILaunchpadCelebrities).bug_importer
> +
> +        # TODO: is this correct?
> +        if cve.date_made_public:
> +            information_type = InformationType.PRIVATESECURITY
> +        else:
> +            information_type = InformationType.EMBARGOED
> +
> +        bug = getUtility(IBugSet).createBug(
> +            CreateBugParams(
> +                description=cve.ubuntu_description,
> +                title=cve.candidate,
> +                information_type=information_type,
> +                owner=owner,
> +                msg=getUtility(IMessageSet).fromText(
> +                    "", cve.description, owner=owner
> +                ),
> +                target=distro_package,
> +                importance=importances[distro_package.sourcepackagename],
> +            )
> +        )  # type: BugModel
> +
> +        # Add links to external bug trackers
> +        for external_bug_url in cve.bugs:
> +            bug.newMessage(owner=owner, content=external_bug_url)
> +
> +        # Add references
> +        for reference in cve.references:
> +            bug.newMessage(owner=owner, content=reference)
> +
> +        # TODO: shall we store discovered_by?
> +        # TODO: shall we store assigned_to? (this looks like a LP username)
> +        # TODO: shall we store cvss?
> +
> +        self.logger.info("Created bug with ID: %s", bug.id)
> +
> +        # Create bug tasks for distribution packages
> +        bug_task_set = getUtility(IBugTaskSet)
> +        for distro_package in affected_packages:
> +            bug_task_set.createTask(
> +                bug,
> +                owner,
> +                distro_package,
> +                importance=importances[distro_package.sourcepackagename],
> +            )
> +
> +        # Create bug tasks for distro series by adding nominations
> +        # This may create some extra bug tasks which we will delete later
> +        for distro_series in affected_distro_series:
> +            nomination = bug.addNomination(owner, distro_series)
> +            nomination.approve(owner)
> +
> +        # Set importance and status on distro series bug tasks
> +        # If the bug task's package/series isn't listed in the
> +        # CVE entry - delete it
> +        for bug_task in bug.bugtasks:
> +            distro_series = bug_task.distroseries
> +            if not distro_series:
> +                continue
> +            source_package_name = bug_task.sourcepackagename
> +            key = (source_package_name, distro_series)
> +            if key not in importances:
> +                # This combination of package/series is not present in the CVE
> +                # Delete it
> +                bug_task.delete(owner)
> +                continue
> +            bug_task.importance = importances[key]
> +            status, status_explanation = statuses_with_explanations[key]
> +            bug_task.transitionToStatus(status, owner)
> +            bug_task.status_explanation = status_explanation
> +
> +        # Link the bug to CVE
> +        bug.linkCVE(lp_cve, owner)
> +
> +        # Create the Vulnerabilities
> +        vulnerabilities = []
> +        for distribution in affected_distributions:
> +            vulnerabilities.append(
> +                self.create_vulnerability(bug, cve, lp_cve, distribution)
> +            )
> +
> +        return bug, vulnerabilities
> +
> +    def get_source_package_name(
> +        self, package_name: str
> +    ) -> Optional[SourcePackageName]:
> +        spn = getUtility(ISourcePackageNameSet).queryByName(package_name)
> +        if not spn:
> +            self.logger.warning("Could not find package: %s", package_name)
> +        return spn
> +
> +    def get_devel_series(
> +        self, distribution: Distribution
> +    ) -> Optional[DistroSeries]:
> +        for series in distribution.series:
> +            if series.status == SeriesStatus.FROZEN:
> +                return series
> +        for series in distribution.series:
> +            if series.status == SeriesStatus.DEVELOPMENT:
> +                return series
> +
> +    def get_distro_series(
> +        self, distro_series_name: str
> +    ) -> Optional[DistroSeries]:
> +        if "/" in distro_series_name:
> +            series_name, distro_name = distro_series_name.split("/", 1)
> +            if distro_name == "esm":
> +                # TODO: ESM needs special handling
> +                pass
> +            return
> +        else:
> +            series_name = distro_series_name
> +            distribution = getUtility(ILaunchpadCelebrities).ubuntu
> +            if series_name == "devel":
> +                distro_series = self.get_devel_series(distribution)
> +            else:
> +                distro_series = getUtility(IDistroSeriesSet).queryByName(
> +                    distribution, series_name
> +                )
> +        if not distro_series:
> +            self.logger.warning(
> +                "Could not find the distro series: %s", distro_series_name
> +            )
> +        return distro_series
> +
> +    def create_vulnerability(
> +        self,
> +        bug: BugModel,
> +        cve: CVE,
> +        lp_cve: CveModel,
> +        distribution: Distribution,
> +    ) -> Vulnerability:
> +        # TODO: is this correct?
> +        if cve.date_made_public:
> +            information_type = InformationType.PRIVATESECURITY
> +        else:
> +            information_type = InformationType.EMBARGOED
> +
> +        vulnerability = getUtility(IVulnerabilitySet).new(
> +            distribution=distribution,
> +            creator=bug.owner,
> +            cve=lp_cve,
> +            status=VulnerabilityStatus.NEEDS_TRIAGE,
> +            description=cve.description,
> +            notes=format_cve_notes(cve.notes),
> +            mitigation=cve.mitigation,
> +            importance=PRIORITY_MAP[cve.priority],
> +            information_type=information_type,
> +            date_made_public=cve.date_made_public,
> +        )  # type: Vulnerability
> +
> +        # TODO: is this correct?
> +        vulnerability.linkBug(bug, bug.owner)


It looks like we missed creating the `BugVulnerability` table. Do you have the time to work on the changes and submit merge proposals for it? This table is important to avoid creating duplicate bugs, incrementally importing changes, and ensuring that the import script is idempotent.

> +
> +        self.logger.info("Create vulnerability with ID: %s", vulnerability)
> +
> +        return vulnerability
> +
> +
> +############################################################################
> +# The code below is copied from `cve_lib` module from `ubuntu-cve-tracker` #
> +############################################################################
> +
> +
> +def set_cve_dir(path):
> +    """Return a path with CVEs in it. Specifically:
> +    - if 'path' has CVEs in it, return path
> +    - if 'path' is a relative directory with no CVEs, see if UCT is defined
> +      and if so, see if 'UCT/path' has CVEs in it and return path
> +    """
> +    p = path
> +    found = False
> +    if len(glob.glob("%s/CVE-*" % path)) > 0:
> +        found = True
> +    elif not path.startswith("/") and "UCT" in os.environ:
> +        tmp = os.path.join(os.environ["UCT"], path)
> +        if len(glob.glob("%s/CVE-*" % tmp)) > 0:
> +            found = True
> +            p = tmp
> +            # print("INFO: using '%s'" % p, file=sys.stderr)
> +
> +    if not found:
> +        print(
> +            "WARN: could not find CVEs in '%s' (or relative to UCT)" % path,
> +            file=sys.stderr,
> +        )
> +    return p
> +
> +
> +if "UCT" in os.environ:
> +    active_dir = set_cve_dir(os.environ["UCT"] + "/active")
> +    retired_dir = set_cve_dir(os.environ["UCT"] + "/retired")
> +    ignored_dir = set_cve_dir(os.environ["UCT"] + "/ignored")
> +    embargoed_dir = os.environ["UCT"] + "/embargoed"
> +    meta_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["UCT"], "meta_lists")
> +    subprojects_dir = os.environ["UCT"] + "/subprojects"
> +else:
> +    active_dir = set_cve_dir("active")
> +    retired_dir = set_cve_dir("retired")
> +    ignored_dir = set_cve_dir("ignored")
> +    embargoed_dir = "embargoed"  # Intentionally not using set_cve_dir()
> +    meta_dir = os.path.join(
> +        os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
> +        "meta_lists",
> +    )
> +    subprojects_dir = "subprojects"
> +
> +PRODUCT_UBUNTU = "ubuntu"
> +
> +# common to all scripts
> +# these get populated by the contents of subprojects defined below
> +all_releases = []
> +eol_releases = []
> +external_releases = []
> +releases = []
> +devel_release = ""
> +
> +# known subprojects which are supported by cve_lib - in general each
> +# subproject is defined by the combination of a product and series as
> +# <product/series>.
> +#
> +# For each subproject, it is either internal (ie is part of this static
> +# dict) or external (found dynamically at runtime by
> +# load_external_subprojects()).
> +#
> +# eol specifies whether the subproject is now end-of-life.  packages
> +# specifies list of files containing the names of supported packages for the
> +# subproject. alias defines an alternate preferred name for the subproject
> +# (this is often used to support historical names for projects etc).
> +subprojects = {
> +    "stable-phone-overlay/vivid": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "packages": ["vivid-stable-phone-overlay-supported.txt"],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu Touch 15.04",
> +        "alias": "vivid/stable-phone-overlay",
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu-core/vivid": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "packages": ["vivid-ubuntu-core-supported.txt"],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu Core 15.04",
> +        "alias": "vivid/ubuntu-core",
> +    },
> +    "esm/precise": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "packages": ["precise-esm-supported.txt"],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 12.04 ESM",
> +        "codename": "Precise Pangolin",
> +        "alias": "precise/esm",
> +        "ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm",
> +        "parent": "ubuntu/precise",
> +        "description": (
> +            "Available with UA Infra or UA Desktop: "
> +            "https://ubuntu.com/advantage";
> +        ),
> +        "stamp": 1493521200,
> +    },
> +    "esm/trusty": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "packages": ["trusty-esm-supported.txt"],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 14.04 ESM",
> +        "codename": "Trusty Tahr",
> +        "alias": "trusty/esm",
> +        "ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security",
> +        "parent": "ubuntu/trusty",
> +        "description": (
> +            "Available with UA Infra or UA Desktop: "
> +            "https://ubuntu.com/advantage";
> +        ),
> +        "stamp": 1556593200,
> +    },
> +    "esm-infra/xenial": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "components": ["main", "restricted"],
> +        "packages": ["esm-infra-xenial-supported.txt"],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 16.04 ESM",
> +        "codename": "Xenial Xerus",
> +        "ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security",
> +        "parent": "ubuntu/xenial",
> +        "description": (
> +            "Available with UA Infra or UA Desktop: "
> +            "https://ubuntu.com/advantage";
> +        ),
> +        "stamp": 1618963200,
> +    },
> +    "fips/xenial": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "packages": ["fips-xenial-supported.txt"],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 16.04 FIPS Certified",
> +        "codename": "Xenial Xerus",
> +        "ppa": "ubuntu-advantage/fips",
> +        "parent": "ubuntu/xenial",
> +        "description": "Available with UA ... https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
> +    },
> +    "fips/bionic": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "packages": ["fips-bionic-supported.txt"],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 18.04 FIPS Certified",
> +        "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
> +        "ppa": "ubuntu-advantage/fips",
> +        "parent": "ubuntu/bionic",
> +        "description": "Available with UA ... https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
> +    },
> +    "fips/focal": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "packages": ["fips-focal-supported.txt"],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 20.04 FIPS Certified",
> +        "codename": "Focal Fossa",
> +        "ppa": "ubuntu-advantage/fips",
> +        "parent": "ubuntu/bionic",
> +        "description": "Available with UA ... https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
> +    },
> +    "fips-updates/xenial": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "packages": ["fips-updates-xenial-supported.txt"],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 16.04 FIPS Compliant",
> +        "codename": "Xenial Xerus",
> +        "ppa": "ubuntu-advantage/fips-updates",
> +        "parent": "ubuntu/xenial",
> +        "description": "Available with UA ... https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
> +    },
> +    "fips-updates/bionic": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "packages": ["fips-updates-bionic-supported.txt"],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 18.04 FIPS Compliant",
> +        "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
> +        "ppa": "ubuntu-advantage/fips-updates",
> +        "parent": "ubuntu/bionic",
> +        "description": "Available with UA ... https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
> +    },
> +    "fips-updates/focal": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "packages": ["fips-updates-focal-supported.txt"],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 20.04 FIPS Compliant",
> +        "codename": "Focal Fossa",
> +        "ppa": "ubuntu-advantage/fips-updates",
> +        "parent": "ubuntu/bionic",
> +        "description": "Available with UA ... https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/warty": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 4.10",
> +        "codename": "Warty Warthog",
> +        "alias": "warty",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1098748800,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/hoary": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 5.04",
> +        "codename": "Hoary Hedgehog",
> +        "alias": "hoary",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1112918400,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/breezy": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 5.10",
> +        "codename": "Breezy Badger",
> +        "alias": "breezy",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1129075200,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/dapper": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS",
> +        "codename": "Dapper Drake",
> +        "alias": "dapper",
> +        "description": "Long Term Support",
> +        "stamp": 1149120000,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/edgy": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 6.10",
> +        "codename": "Edgy Eft",
> +        "alias": "edgy",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1161864000,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/feisty": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 7.04",
> +        "codename": "Feisty Fawn",
> +        "alias": "feisty",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1176984000,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/gutsy": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 7.10",
> +        "codename": "Gutsy Gibbon",
> +        "alias": "gutsy",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1192708800,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/hardy": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS",
> +        "codename": "Hardy Heron",
> +        "alias": "hardy",
> +        "description": "Long Term Support",
> +        "stamp": 1209038400,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/intrepid": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 8.10",
> +        "codename": "Intrepid Ibex",
> +        "alias": "intrepid",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1225368000,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/jaunty": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 9.04",
> +        "codename": "Jaunty Jackalope",
> +        "alias": "jaunty",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1240488000,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/karmic": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 9.10",
> +        "codename": "Karmic Koala",
> +        "alias": "karmic",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1256817600,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/lucid": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 10.04 LTS",
> +        "codename": "Lucid Lynx",
> +        "alias": "lucid",
> +        "description": "Long Term Support",
> +        "stamp": 1272565800,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/maverick": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 10.10",
> +        "codename": "Maverick Meerkat",
> +        "alias": "maverick",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1286706600,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/natty": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 11.04",
> +        "codename": "Natty Narwhal",
> +        "alias": "natty",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1303822800,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/oneiric": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 11.10",
> +        "codename": "Oneiric Ocelot",
> +        "alias": "oneiric",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1318446000,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/precise": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 12.04 LTS",
> +        "codename": "Precise Pangolin",
> +        "alias": "precise",
> +        "description": "Long Term Support",
> +        "stamp": 1335423600,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/quantal": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 12.10",
> +        "codename": "Quantal Quetzal",
> +        "alias": "quantal",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1350547200,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/raring": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 13.04",
> +        "codename": "Raring Ringtail",
> +        "alias": "raring",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1366891200,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/saucy": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 13.10",
> +        "codename": "Saucy Salamander",
> +        "alias": "saucy",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1381993200,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/trusty": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS",
> +        "codename": "Trusty Tahr",
> +        "alias": "trusty",
> +        "description": "Long Term Support",
> +        "stamp": 1397826000,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/utopic": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 14.10",
> +        "codename": "Utopic Unicorn",
> +        "alias": "utopic",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1414083600,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/vivid": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 15.04",
> +        "codename": "Vivid Vervet",
> +        "alias": "vivid",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1429027200,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/wily": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 15.10",
> +        "codename": "Wily Werewolf",
> +        "alias": "wily",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1445518800,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/xenial": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS",
> +        "codename": "Xenial Xerus",
> +        "alias": "xenial",
> +        "description": "Long Term Support",
> +        "stamp": 1461279600,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/yakkety": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 16.10",
> +        "codename": "Yakkety Yak",
> +        "alias": "yakkety",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1476518400,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/zesty": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 17.04",
> +        "codename": "Zesty Zapus",
> +        "alias": "zesty",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1492153200,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/artful": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 17.10",
> +        "codename": "Artful Aardvark",
> +        "alias": "artful",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1508418000,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/bionic": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS",
> +        "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
> +        "alias": "bionic",
> +        "description": "Long Term Support",
> +        "stamp": 1524870000,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/cosmic": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 18.10",
> +        "codename": "Cosmic Cuttlefish",
> +        "alias": "cosmic",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1540040400,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/disco": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 19.04",
> +        "codename": "Disco Dingo",
> +        "alias": "disco",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1555581600,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/eoan": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 19.10",
> +        "codename": "Eoan Ermine",
> +        "alias": "eoan",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1571234400,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/focal": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS",
> +        "codename": "Focal Fossa",
> +        "alias": "focal",
> +        "description": "Long Term Support",
> +        "stamp": 1587567600,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/groovy": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 20.10",
> +        "codename": "Groovy Gorilla",
> +        "alias": "groovy",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1603288800,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/hirsute": {
> +        "eol": True,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 21.04",
> +        "codename": "Hirsute Hippo",
> +        "alias": "hirsute",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1619049600,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/impish": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 21.10",
> +        "codename": "Impish Indri",
> +        "alias": "impish",
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +        "stamp": 1634220000,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/jammy": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 22.04 LTS",
> +        "codename": "Jammy Jellyfish",
> +        "alias": "jammy",
> +        "description": "Long Term Support",
> +        "stamp": 1650693600,
> +    },
> +    "ubuntu/kinetic": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "components": [
> +            "main",
> +            "restricted",
> +            "universe",
> +            "multiverse",
> +            "partner",
> +        ],
> +        "name": "Ubuntu 22.10",
> +        "codename": "Kinetic Kudu",
> +        "alias": "kinetic",
> +        "devel": True,  # there can be only one ⚔
> +        "description": "Interim Release",
> +    },
> +    "snap": {
> +        "eol": False,
> +        "packages": ["snap-supported.txt"],
> +    },
> +}
> +
> +
> +def product_series(rel):
> +    """Return the product,series tuple for rel."""
> +    series = ""
> +    parts = rel.split("/", 1)
> +    product = parts[0]
> +    if len(parts) == 2:
> +        series = parts[1]
> +    return product, series
> +
> +
> +# get the subproject details for rel along with
> +# it's canonical name, product and series
> +def get_subproject_details(rel):
> +    """Return the product,series,details tuple for rel."""
> +    canon, product, series, details = None, None, None, None
> +    try:
> +        details = subprojects[rel]
> +        product, series = product_series(rel)
> +        canon = product + "/" + series
> +    except (ValueError, KeyError):
> +        # look for alias
> +        for r in subprojects:
> +            try:
> +                if subprojects[r]["alias"] == rel:
> +                    product, series = product_series(r)
> +                    details = subprojects[r]
> +                    canon = product + "/" + series
> +                    break
> +            except KeyError:
> +                pass
> +            if details is not None:
> +                break
> +    return canon, product, series, details
> +
> +
> +def release_alias(rel):
> +    """Return the alias for rel or just rel if no alias is defined."""
> +    alias = rel
> +    _, _, _, details = get_subproject_details(rel)
> +    try:
> +        alias = details["alias"]
> +    except (KeyError, TypeError):
> +        pass
> +    return alias
> +
> +
> +def release_parent(rel):
> +    """Return the parent for rel or None if no parent is defined."""
> +    parent = None
> +    _, _, _, details = get_subproject_details(rel)
> +    try:
> +        parent = release_alias(details["parent"])
> +    except (KeyError, TypeError):
> +        pass
> +    return parent
> +
> +
> +def get_external_subproject_cve_dir(subproject):
> +    """Get the directory where CVE files are stored for the subproject.
> +
> +    Get the directory where CVE files are stored for a subproject. In
> +    general this is within the higher level project directory, not within
> +    the specific subdirectory for the particular series that defines this
> +    subproject.
> +
> +    """
> +    rel, product, _, _ = get_subproject_details(subproject)
> +    if rel not in external_releases:
> +        raise ValueError("%s is not an external subproject" % rel)
> +    # CVEs live in the product dir
> +    return os.path.join(subprojects_dir, product)
> +
> +
> +def get_external_subproject_dir(subproject):
> +    """Get the directory for the given external subproject."""
> +    rel, _, _, _ = get_subproject_details(subproject)
> +    if rel not in external_releases:
> +        raise ValueError("%s is not an external subproject" % rel)
> +    return os.path.join(subprojects_dir, rel)
> +
> +
> +def read_external_subproject_config(subproject):
> +    """Read and return the configuration for the given subproject."""
> +    sp_dir = get_external_subproject_dir(subproject)
> +    config_yaml = os.path.join(sp_dir, "config.yaml")
> +    with open(config_yaml) as cfg:
> +        return yaml.safe_load(cfg)
> +
> +
> +def find_files_recursive(path, name):
> +    """Return a list of all files under path with name."""
> +    matches = []
> +    for root, _, files in os.walk(path, followlinks=True):
> +        for f in files:
> +            if f == name:
> +                filepath = os.path.join(root, f)
> +                matches.append(filepath)
> +    return matches
> +
> +
> +def find_external_subproject_cves(cve):
> +    """
> +    Return the list of external subproject CVE snippets for the given CVE.
> +    """
> +    cves = []
> +    for rel in external_releases:
> +        # fallback to the series specific subdir rather than just the
> +        # top-level project directory even though this is preferred
> +        for d in [
> +            get_external_subproject_cve_dir(rel),
> +            get_external_subproject_dir(rel),
> +        ]:
> +            path = os.path.join(d, cve)
> +            if os.path.exists(path):
> +                cves.append(path)
> +    return cves
> +
> +
> +def load_external_subprojects():
> +    """Search for and load subprojects into the global subprojects dict.
> +
> +    Search for and load subprojects into the global subprojects dict.
> +
> +    A subproject is defined as a directory which resides within
> +    subprojects_dir and contains a supported.txt file. It can also contain
> +    a project.yml file which specifies configuration directives for the
> +    project as well as snippet CVE files. By convention, a subproject is
> +    usually defined as the combination of a product and series, ie:
> +
> +    esm-apps/focal
> +
> +    as such in this case there would expect to be within subprojects_dir a
> +    directory called esm-apps/ and within that a subdirectory called
> +    focal/. Inside this focal/ subdirectory a supported.txt file would list
> +    the packages which are supported by the esm-apps/focal subproject. By
> +    convention, snippet CVE files should reside within the esm-apps/
> +    project directory rather than the esm-apps/focal/ subdirectory to avoid
> +    unnecessary fragmentation across different subproject series.
> +
> +    """
> +    for supported_txt in find_files_recursive(
> +        subprojects_dir, "supported.txt"
> +    ):
> +        # rel name is the path component between subprojects/ and
> +        # /supported.txt
> +        rel = supported_txt[
> +            len(subprojects_dir) + 1:-len("supported.txt") - 1
> +        ]
> +        external_releases.append(rel)
> +        subprojects.setdefault(rel, {"packages": [], "eol": False})
> +        # an external subproject can append to an internal one
> +        subprojects[rel]["packages"].append(supported_txt)
> +        try:
> +            # use config to populate other parts of the
> +            # subproject settings
> +            config = read_external_subproject_config(rel)
> +            subprojects[rel].setdefault("ppa", config["ppa"])
> +            subprojects[rel].setdefault("name", config["name"])
> +            subprojects[rel].setdefault("description", config["description"])
> +            subprojects[rel].setdefault("parent", config["parent"])
> +        except Exception:
> +            pass
> +
> +
> +load_external_subprojects()
> +
> +for release in subprojects:
> +    details = subprojects[release]
> +    rel = release_alias(release)
> +    # prefer the alias name
> +    all_releases.append(rel)
> +    if details["eol"]:
> +        eol_releases.append(rel)
> +    if "devel" in details and details["devel"]:
> +        if devel_release != "":
> +            raise ValueError("there can be only one ⚔ devel")
> +        devel_release = rel
> +    # ubuntu specific releases
> +    product, series = product_series(release)
> +    if product == PRODUCT_UBUNTU:
> +        releases.append(rel)
> +
> +
> +    "universe-binary": (
> +        "Binaries built from this source package are in universe and so are "
> +        "supported by the community. For more details see "
> +        "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Official_Support";
> +    ),
> +    "not-ue": (
> +        "This package is not directly supported by the Ubuntu Security Team"
> +    ),
> +    "apparmor": (
> +        "This vulnerability is mitigated in part by an AppArmor profile. "
> +        "For more details see "
> +        "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features#apparmor";
> +    ),
> +    "stack-protector": (
> +        "This vulnerability is mitigated in part by the use of gcc's stack "
> +        "protector in Ubuntu. For more details see "
> +        "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features#stack-protector";
> +    ),
> +    "fortify-source": (
> +        "This vulnerability is mitigated in part by the use of "
> +        "-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 in Ubuntu. For more details see "
> +        "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features#fortify-source";
> +    ),
> +    "symlink-restriction": (
> +        "This vulnerability is mitigated in part by the use of symlink "
> +        "restrictions in Ubuntu. For more details see "
> +        "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features#symlink";
> +    ),
> +    "hardlink-restriction": (
> +        "This vulnerability is mitigated in part by the use of hardlink "
> +        "restrictions in Ubuntu. For more details see "
> +        "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features#hardlink";
> +    ),
> +    "heap-protector": (
> +        "This vulnerability is mitigated in part by the use of GNU C Library "
> +        "heap protector in Ubuntu. For more details see "
> +        "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features#heap-protector";
> +    ),
> +    "pie": (
> +        "This vulnerability is mitigated in part by the use of Position "
> +        "Independent Executables in Ubuntu. For more details see "
> +        "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features#pie";
> +    ),
> +}
> +
> +# Possible CVE priorities
> +PRIORITIES = ["negligible", "low", "medium", "high", "critical"]
> +
> +NOTE_RE = re.compile(r"^\s+([A-Za-z0-9-]+)([>|]) *(.*)$")
> +
> +EXIT_FAIL = 1
> +EXIT_OKAY = 0
> +
> +# New CVE file format for release package field is:
> +# <product>[/<where or who>]_SOFTWARE[/<modifier>]: <status> [(<when>)]
> +# <product> is the Canonical product or supporting technology (eg, ‘esm-apps’
> +# or ‘snap’). ‘ubuntu’ is the implied product when ‘<product>/’ is omitted
> +# from the ‘<product>[/<where or who>]’ tuple (ie, where we might use
> +# ‘ubuntu/bionic_DEBSRCPKG’ for consistency, we continue to use
> +# ‘bionic_DEBSRCPKG’)
> +# <where or who> indicates where the software lives or in the case of snaps or
> +# other technologies with a concept of publishers, who the publisher is
> +# SOFTWARE is the name of the software as dictated by the product (eg, the deb
> +# source package, the name of the snap or the name of the software project
> +# <modifier> is an optional key for grouping collections of packages (eg,
> +# ‘melodic’ for the ROS Melodic release or ‘rocky’ for the OpenStack Rocky
> +# release)
> +# <status> indicates the statuses as defined in UCT (eg, needs-triage, needed,
> +# pending, released, etc)
> +# <when> indicates ‘when’ the software will be/was fixed when used with the
> +# ‘pending’ or ‘released’ status (eg, the source package version, snap
> +# revision, etc)
> +# e.g.: esm-apps/xenial_jackson-databind: released (2.4.2-3ubuntu0.1~esm2)
> +# e.g.: git/github.com/gogo/protobuf_gogoprotobuf: needs-triage
> +# This method should keep supporting existing current format:
> +# e.g.: bionic_jackson-databind: needs-triage
> +def parse_cve_release_package_field(
> +    cve, field, data, value, code, msg, linenum
> +):
> +    package = ""
> +    release = ""
> +    state = ""
> +    details = ""
> +    try:
> +        release, package = field.split("_", 1)
> +    except ValueError:
> +        msg += "%s: %d: bad field with '_': '%s'\n" % (cve, linenum, field)
> +        code = EXIT_FAIL
> +        return False, package, release, state, details, code, msg
> +
> +    try:
> +        info = value.split(" ", 1)
> +    except ValueError:
> +        msg += "%s: %d: missing state for '%s': '%s'\n" % (
> +            cve,
> +            linenum,
> +            field,
> +            value,
> +        )
> +        code = EXIT_FAIL
> +        return False, package, release, state, details, code, msg
> +
> +    state = info[0]
> +    if state == "":
> +        state = "needs-triage"
> +
> +    if len(info) < 2:
> +        details = ""
> +    else:
> +        details = info[1].strip()
> +
> +    if details.startswith("["):
> +        msg += "%s: %d: %s has details that starts with a bracket: '%s'\n" % (
> +            cve,
> +            linenum,
> +            field,
> +            details,
> +        )
> +        code = EXIT_FAIL
> +        return False, package, release, state, details, code, msg
> +
> +    if details.startswith("("):
> +        details = details[1:]
> +    if details.endswith(")"):
> +        details = details[:-1]
> +
> +    # Work-around for old-style of only recording released versions
> +    if details == "" and state[0] in ("0123456789"):
> +        details = state
> +        state = "released"
> +
> +    valid_states = [
> +        "needs-triage",
> +        "needed",
> +        "active",
> +        "pending",
> +        "released",
> +        "deferred",
> +        "DNE",
> +        "ignored",
> +        "not-affected",
> +    ]
> +    if state not in valid_states:
> +        msg += (
> +            "%s: %d: %s has unknown state: '%s' (valid states are: %s)\n"
> +            % (
> +                cve,
> +                linenum,
> +                field,
> +                state,
> +                " ".join(valid_states),
> +            )
> +        )
> +        code = EXIT_FAIL
> +        return False, package, release, state, details, code, msg
> +
> +    # Verify "released" kernels have version details
> +    # if state == 'released' and package in kernel_srcs and details == '':
> +    #    msg += "%s: %s_%s has state '%s' but lacks version note\n" % (
> +    #       cve, package, release, state
> +    #    )
> +    #    code = EXIT_FAIL
> +
> +    # Verify "active" states have an Assignee
> +    if state == "active" and data["Assigned-to"].strip() == "":
> +        msg += "%s: %d: %s has state '%s' but lacks 'Assigned-to'\n" % (
> +            cve,
> +            linenum,
> +            field,
> +            state,
> +        )
> +        code = EXIT_FAIL
> +        return False, package, release, state, details, code, msg
> +
> +    return True, package, release, state, details, code, msg
> +
> +
> +class NotesParser:
> +    def __init__(self):
> +        self.notes = list()
> +        self.user = None
> +        self.separator = None
> +        self.note = None
> +
> +    def parse_line(self, cve, line, linenum, code):
> +        msg = ""
> +        m = NOTE_RE.match(line)
> +        if m is not None:
> +            new_user = m.group(1)
> +            new_sep = m.group(2)
> +            new_note = m.group(3)
> +        else:
> +            # follow up comments should have 2 space indent and
> +            # an author
> +            if self.user is None:
> +                msg += "%s: %d: Note entry with no author: '%s'\n" % (
> +                    cve,
> +                    linenum,
> +                    line[1:],
> +                )
> +                code = EXIT_FAIL
> +            if not line.startswith("  "):
> +                msg += (
> +                    "%s: %d: Note continuations should be indented by "
> +                    "2 spaces: '%s'.\n" % (cve, linenum, line)
> +                )
> +                code = EXIT_FAIL
> +            new_user = self.user
> +            new_sep = self.separator
> +            new_note = line.strip()
> +        if self.user and self.separator and self.note:
> +            # if is different user, start a new note
> +            if new_user != self.user:
> +                self.notes.append((self.user, self.note))
> +                self.user = new_user
> +                self.note = new_note
> +                self.separator = new_sep
> +            elif new_sep != self.separator:
> +                # finish this note and start a new one since this has new
> +                # semantics
> +                self.notes.append((self.user, self.note))
> +                self.separator = new_sep
> +                self.note = new_note
> +            else:
> +                if self.separator == "|":
> +                    self.note = self.note + " " + new_note
> +                else:
> +                    assert self.separator == ">"
> +                    self.note = self.note + "\n" + new_note
> +        else:
> +            # this is the first note
> +            self.user = new_user
> +            self.separator = new_sep
> +            self.note = new_note
> +        return code, msg
> +
> +    def finalize(self):
> +        if self.user is not None and self.note is not None:
> +            # add last Note
> +            self.notes.append((self.user, self.note))
> +            self.user = None
> +            self.note = None
> +        notes = self.notes
> +        self.user = None
> +        self.separator = None
> +        self.notes = None
> +        return notes
> +
> +
> +def load_cve(cve, strict=False, srcmap=None):
> +    """Loads a given CVE into:
> +    dict( fields...
> +          'pkgs' -> dict(  pkg -> dict(  release ->  (state, details)   ) )
> +        )
> +    """
> +
> +    msg = ""
> +    code = EXIT_OKAY
> +    required_fields = [
> +        "Candidate",
> +        "PublicDate",
> +        "References",
> +        "Description",
> +        "Ubuntu-Description",
> +        "Notes",
> +        "Bugs",
> +        "Priority",
> +        "Discovered-by",
> +        "Assigned-to",
> +        "CVSS",
> +    ]
> +    extra_fields = ["CRD", "PublicDateAtUSN", "Mitigation"]
> +
> +    data = dict()
> +    # maps entries in data to their source line - if didn't supply one
> +    # create a local one to simplify the code
> +    if srcmap is None:
> +        srcmap = dict()
> +    srcmap.setdefault("pkgs", dict())
> +    srcmap.setdefault("tags", dict())
> +    data.setdefault("tags", dict())
> +    srcmap.setdefault("patches", dict())
> +    data.setdefault("patches", dict())
> +    affected = dict()
> +    lastfield = ""
> +    fields_seen = []
> +    if not os.path.exists(cve):
> +        raise ValueError("File does not exist: '%s'" % (cve))
> +    linenum = 0
> +    notes_parser = NotesParser()
> +    cvss_entries = []
> +
> +    cve_file = codecs.open(cve, encoding="utf-8")
> +
> +    for line in cve_file.readlines():
> +        line = line.rstrip()
> +        linenum += 1
> +
> +        # Ignore blank/commented lines
> +        if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith("#"):
> +            continue
> +        if line.startswith(" "):
> +            try:
> +                # parse Notes properly
> +                if lastfield == "Notes":
> +                    code, newmsg = notes_parser.parse_line(
> +                        cve, line, linenum, code
> +                    )
> +                    if code != EXIT_OKAY:
> +                        msg += newmsg
> +                elif "Patches_" in lastfield:
> +                    try:
> +                        _, pkg = lastfield.split("_", 1)
> +                        patch_type, entry = line.split(":", 1)
> +                        patch_type = patch_type.strip()
> +                        entry = entry.strip()
> +                        data["patches"][pkg].append((patch_type, entry))
> +                        srcmap["patches"][pkg].append((cve, linenum))
> +                    except Exception as e:
> +                        msg += (
> +                            "%s: %d: Failed to parse '%s' entry %s: %s\n"
> +                            % (
> +                                cve,
> +                                linenum,
> +                                lastfield,
> +                                line,
> +                                e,
> +                            )
> +                        )
> +                        code = EXIT_FAIL
> +                elif lastfield == "CVSS":
> +                    try:
> +                        cvss = dict()
> +                        result = re.search(
> +                            r" (.+)\: (\S+)( \[(.*) (.*)\])?", line
> +                        )
> +                        if result is None:
> +                            continue
> +                        cvss["source"] = result.group(1)
> +                        cvss["vector"] = result.group(2)
> +                        entry = parse_cvss(cvss["vector"])
> +                        if entry is None:
> +                            raise RuntimeError(
> +                                "Failed to parse_cvss() without raising "
> +                                "an exception."
> +                            )
> +                        if result.group(3):
> +                            cvss["baseScore"] = result.group(4)
> +                            cvss["baseSeverity"] = result.group(5)
> +
> +                        cvss_entries.append(cvss)
> +                        # CVSS in srcmap will be a tuple since this is the
> +                        # line where the CVSS block starts - so convert it
> +                        # to a dict first if needed
> +                        if type(srcmap["CVSS"]) is tuple:
> +                            srcmap["CVSS"] = dict()
> +                        srcmap["CVSS"].setdefault(
> +                            cvss["source"], (cve, linenum)
> +                        )
> +                    except Exception as e:
> +                        msg += "%s: %d: Failed to parse CVSS: %s\n" % (
> +                            cve,
> +                            linenum,
> +                            e,
> +                        )
> +                        code = EXIT_FAIL
> +                else:
> +                    data[lastfield] += "\n%s" % (line[1:])
> +            except KeyError as e:
> +                msg += "%s: %d: bad line '%s' (%s)\n" % (cve, linenum, line, e)
> +                code = EXIT_FAIL
> +            continue
> +
> +        try:
> +            field, value = line.split(":", 1)
> +        except ValueError as e:
> +            msg += "%s: %d: bad line '%s' (%s)\n" % (cve, linenum, line, e)
> +            code = EXIT_FAIL
> +            continue
> +
> +        lastfield = field = field.strip()
> +        if field in fields_seen:
> +            msg += "%s: %d: repeated field '%s'\n" % (cve, linenum, field)
> +            code = EXIT_FAIL
> +        else:
> +            fields_seen.append(field)
> +        value = value.strip()
> +        if field == "Candidate":
> +            data.setdefault(field, value)
> +            srcmap.setdefault(field, (cve, linenum))
> +            if (
> +                value != ""
> +                and not value.startswith("CVE-")
> +                and not value.startswith("UEM-")
> +                and not value.startswith("EMB-")
> +            ):
> +                msg += (
> +                    "%s: %d: unknown Candidate '%s' "
> +                    "(must be /(CVE|UEM|EMB)-/)\n"
> +                    % (
> +                        cve,
> +                        linenum,
> +                        value,
> +                    )
> +                )
> +                code = EXIT_FAIL
> +        elif "Priority" in field:
> +            # For now, throw away comments on Priority fields
> +            if " " in value:
> +                value = value.split()[0]
> +            if "Priority_" in field:
> +                try:
> +                    _, pkg = field.split("_", 1)
> +                except ValueError:
> +                    msg += "%s: %d: bad field with 'Priority_': '%s'\n" % (
> +                        cve,
> +                        linenum,
> +                        field,
> +                    )
> +                    code = EXIT_FAIL
> +                    continue
> +            data.setdefault(field, value)
> +            srcmap.setdefault(field, (cve, linenum))
> +            if value not in ["untriaged", "not-for-us"] + PRIORITIES:
> +                msg += "%s: %d: unknown Priority '%s'\n" % (
> +                    cve,
> +                    linenum,
> +                    value,
> +                )
> +                code = EXIT_FAIL
> +        elif "Patches_" in field:
> +            try:
> +                _, pkg = field.split("_", 1)
> +            except ValueError:
> +                msg += "%s: %d: bad field with 'Patches_': '%s'\n" % (
> +                    cve,
> +                    linenum,
> +                    field,
> +                )
> +                code = EXIT_FAIL
> +                continue
> +            # value should be empty
> +            if len(value) > 0:
> +                msg += "%s: %d: '%s' field should have no value\n" % (
> +                    cve,
> +                    linenum,
> +                    field,
> +                )
> +                code = EXIT_FAIL
> +                continue
> +            data["patches"].setdefault(pkg, list())
> +            srcmap["patches"].setdefault(pkg, list())
> +        elif "Tags_" in field:
> +            """These are processed into the "tags" hash"""
> +            try:
> +                _, pkg = field.split("_", 1)
> +            except ValueError:
> +                msg += "%s: %d: bad field with 'Tags_': '%s'\n" % (
> +                    cve,
> +                    linenum,
> +                    field,
> +                )
> +                code = EXIT_FAIL
> +                continue
> +            data["tags"].setdefault(pkg, set())
> +            srcmap["tags"].setdefault(pkg, (cve, linenum))
> +            for word in value.strip().split(" "):
> +                if word not in VALID_TAGS:
> +                    msg += "%s: %d: invalid tag '%s': '%s'\n" % (
> +                        cve,
> +                        linenum,
> +                        word,
> +                        field,
> +                    )
> +                    code = EXIT_FAIL
> +                    continue
> +                data["tags"][pkg].add(word)
> +        elif "_" in field:
> +            (
> +                success,
> +                pkg,
> +                rel,
> +                state,
> +                details,
> +                code,
> +                msg,
> +            ) = parse_cve_release_package_field(
> +                cve, field, data, value, code, msg, linenum
> +            )
> +            if not success:
> +                assert code == EXIT_FAIL
> +                continue
> +            canon, _, _, _ = get_subproject_details(rel)
> +            if canon is None and rel not in ["upstream", "devel"]:
> +                msg += "%s: %d: unknown entry '%s'\n" % (cve, linenum, rel)
> +                code = EXIT_FAIL
> +                continue
> +            affected.setdefault(pkg, dict())
> +            if rel in affected[pkg]:
> +                msg += (
> +                    "%s: %d: duplicate entry for '%s': original at line %d\n"
> +                    % (
> +                        cve,
> +                        linenum,
> +                        rel,
> +                        srcmap["pkgs"][pkg][rel][1],
> +                    )
> +                )
> +                code = EXIT_FAIL
> +                continue
> +            affected[pkg].setdefault(rel, [state, details])
> +            srcmap["pkgs"].setdefault(pkg, dict())
> +            srcmap["pkgs"][pkg].setdefault(rel, (cve, linenum))
> +        elif field not in required_fields + extra_fields:
> +            msg += "%s: %d: unknown field '%s'\n" % (cve, linenum, field)
> +            code = EXIT_FAIL
> +        else:
> +            data.setdefault(field, value)
> +            srcmap.setdefault(field, (cve, linenum))
> +
> +    cve_file.close()
> +
> +    data["Notes"] = notes_parser.finalize()
> +    data["CVSS"] = cvss_entries
> +
> +    # Check for required fields
> +    for field in required_fields:
> +        nonempty = ["Candidate"]
> +        if strict:
> +            nonempty += ["PublicDate"]
> +        # boilerplate files are special and can (should?) be empty
> +        if "boilerplate" in cve:
> +            nonempty = []
> +
> +        if field not in data or field not in fields_seen:
> +            msg += "%s: %d: missing field '%s'\n" % (cve, linenum, field)
> +            code = EXIT_FAIL
> +        elif field in nonempty and data[field].strip() == "":
> +            msg += "%s: %d: required field '%s' is empty\n" % (
> +                cve,
> +                linenum,
> +                field,
> +            )
> +            code = EXIT_FAIL
> +
> +    # Fill in defaults for missing fields
> +    if "Priority" not in data:
> +        data.setdefault("Priority", "untriaged")
> +        srcmap.setdefault("Priority", (cve, 1))
> +    # Perform override fields
> +    if "PublicDateAtUSN" in data:
> +        data["PublicDate"] = data["PublicDateAtUSN"]
> +        srcmap["PublicDate"] = srcmap["PublicDateAtUSN"]
> +    if (
> +        "CRD" in data
> +        and data["CRD"].strip() != ""
> +        and data["PublicDate"] != data["CRD"]
> +    ):
> +        if cve.startswith("embargoed"):
> +            print(
> +                "%s: %d: adjusting PublicDate to use CRD: %s"
> +                % (cve, linenum, data["CRD"]),
> +                file=sys.stderr,
> +            )
> +        data["PublicDate"] = data["CRD"]
> +        srcmap["PublicDate"] = srcmap["CRD"]
> +
> +    # entries need an upstream entry if any entries are from the internal
> +    # list of subprojects
> +    for pkg in affected:
> +        needs_upstream = False
> +        for rel in affected[pkg]:
> +            if rel not in external_releases:
> +                needs_upstream = True
> +        if needs_upstream and "upstream" not in affected[pkg]:
> +            msg += "%s: %d: missing upstream '%s'\n" % (cve, linenum, pkg)
> +            code = EXIT_FAIL
> +
> +    data["pkgs"] = affected
> +
> +    code, msg = load_external_subproject_cve_data(cve, data, srcmap, code, msg)
> +
> +    if code != EXIT_OKAY:
> +        raise ValueError(msg.strip())
> +    return data
> +
> +
> +def amend_external_subproject_pkg(cve, data, srcmap, amendments, code, msg):
> +    linenum = 0
> +    for line in amendments.splitlines():
> +        linenum += 1
> +        if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith("#") or line.startswith(" "):
> +            continue
> +        try:
> +            field, value = line.split(":", 1)
> +            field = field.strip()
> +            value = value.strip()
> +        except ValueError as e:
> +            msg += "%s: bad line '%s' (%s)\n" % (cve, line, e)
> +            code = EXIT_FAIL
> +            return code, msg
> +
> +        if "_" in field:
> +            (
> +                success,
> +                pkg,
> +                release,
> +                state,
> +                details,
> +                code,
> +                msg,
> +            ) = parse_cve_release_package_field(
> +                cve, field, data, value, code, msg, linenum
> +            )
> +            if not success:
> +                return code, msg
> +
> +            data.setdefault("pkgs", dict())
> +            data["pkgs"].setdefault(pkg, dict())
> +            srcmap["pkgs"].setdefault(pkg, dict())
> +            # override existing release info if it exists
> +            data["pkgs"][pkg][release] = [state, details]
> +            srcmap["pkgs"][pkg][release] = (cve, linenum)
> +
> +    return code, msg
> +
> +
> +def load_external_subproject_cve_data(cve, data, srcmap, code, msg):
> +    cve_id = os.path.basename(cve)
> +    for f in find_external_subproject_cves(cve_id):
> +        with codecs.open(f, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
> +            amendments = fp.read()
> +            fp.close()
> +        code, msg = amend_external_subproject_pkg(
> +            f, data, srcmap, amendments, code, msg
> +        )
> +
> +    return code, msg
> +
> +
> +def parse_cvss(cvss):
> +    # parse a CVSS string into components suitable for MITRE / NVD JSON
> +    # format - assumes only the Base metric group from
> +    # https://www.first.org/cvss/specification-document since this is
> +    # mandatory - also validates by raising exceptions on errors
> +    metrics = {
> +        "attackVector": {
> +            "abbrev": "AV",
> +            "values": {
> +                "NETWORK": 0.85,
> +                "ADJACENT": 0.62,
> +                "LOCAL": 0.55,
> +                "PHYSICAL": 0.2,
> +            },
> +        },
> +        "attackComplexity": {
> +            "abbrev": "AC",
> +            "values": {"LOW": 0.77, "HIGH": 0.44},
> +        },
> +        "privilegesRequired": {
> +            "abbrev": "PR",
> +            "values": {
> +                "NONE": 0.85,
> +                # [ scope unchanged, changed ]
> +                "LOW": [0.62, 0.68],  # depends on scope
> +                "HIGH": [0.27, 0.5],
> +            },  # depends on scope
> +        },
> +        "userInteraction": {
> +            "abbrev": "UI",
> +            "values": {"NONE": 0.85, "REQUIRED": 0.62},
> +        },
> +        "scope": {"abbrev": "S", "values": {"UNCHANGED", "CHANGED"}},
> +        "confidentialityImpact": {
> +            "abbrev": "C",
> +            "values": {"HIGH": 0.56, "LOW": 0.22, "NONE": 0},
> +        },
> +        "integrityImpact": {
> +            "abbrev": "I",
> +            "values": {"HIGH": 0.56, "LOW": 0.22, "NONE": 0},
> +        },
> +        "availabilityImpact": {
> +            "abbrev": "A",
> +            "values": {"HIGH": 0.56, "LOW": 0.22, "NONE": 0},
> +        },
> +    }
> +    severities = {
> +        "NONE": 0.0,
> +        "LOW": 3.9,
> +        "MEDIUM": 6.9,
> +        "HIGH": 8.9,
> +        "CRITICAL": 10.0,
> +    }
> +    js = None
> +    # coerce cvss into a string
> +    cvss = str(cvss)
> +    for c in cvss.split("/"):
> +        elements = c.split(":")
> +        if len(elements) != 2:
> +            raise ValueError("Invalid CVSS element '%s'" % c)
> +        valid = False
> +        metric = elements[0]
> +        value = elements[1]
> +        if metric == "CVSS":
> +            if value == "3.0" or value == "3.1":
> +                js = {"baseMetricV3": {"cvssV3": {"version": value}}}
> +                valid = True
> +            else:
> +                raise ValueError(
> +                    "Unable to process CVSS version '%s' (we only support 3.x)"
> +                    % value
> +                )
> +        else:
> +            for m in metrics.keys():
> +                if metrics[m]["abbrev"] == metric:
> +                    for val in metrics[m]["values"]:
> +                        if val[0:1] == value:
> +                            js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"][m] = val
> +                            valid = True
> +        if not valid:
> +            raise ValueError("Invalid CVSS elements '%s:%s'" % (metric, value))
> +    for m in metrics.keys():
> +        if m not in js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]:
> +            raise ValueError("Missing required CVSS base element %s" % m)
> +    # add vectorString
> +    js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["vectorString"] = cvss
> +
> +    # now calculate CVSS scores
> +    iss = 1 - (
> +        (
> +            1
> +            - metrics["confidentialityImpact"]["values"][
> +                js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["confidentialityImpact"]
> +            ]
> +        )
> +        * (
> +            1
> +            - metrics["integrityImpact"]["values"][
> +                js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["integrityImpact"]
> +            ]
> +        )
> +        * (
> +            1
> +            - metrics["availabilityImpact"]["values"][
> +                js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["availabilityImpact"]
> +            ]
> +        )
> +    )
> +    if js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["scope"] == "UNCHANGED":
> +        impact = 6.42 * iss
> +    else:
> +        impact = 7.52 * (iss - 0.029) - 3.25 * pow(iss - 0.02, 15)
> +    attackVector = metrics["attackVector"]["values"][
> +        js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["attackVector"]
> +    ]
> +    attackComplexity = metrics["attackComplexity"]["values"][
> +        js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["attackComplexity"]
> +    ]
> +    privilegesRequired = metrics["privilegesRequired"]["values"][
> +        js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["privilegesRequired"]
> +    ]
> +    # privilegesRequires could be a list if is LOW or HIGH (and then the
> +    # value depends on whether the scope is unchanged or not)
> +    if isinstance(privilegesRequired, list):
> +        if js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["scope"] == "UNCHANGED":
> +            privilegesRequired = privilegesRequired[0]
> +        else:
> +            privilegesRequired = privilegesRequired[1]
> +    userInteraction = metrics["userInteraction"]["values"][
> +        js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["userInteraction"]
> +    ]
> +    exploitability = (
> +        8.22
> +        * attackVector
> +        * attackComplexity
> +        * privilegesRequired
> +        * userInteraction
> +    )
> +    if impact <= 0:
> +        base_score = 0
> +    elif js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["scope"] == "UNCHANGED":
> +        # use ceil and * 10 / 10 to get rounded up to nearest 10th decimal
> +        # (where rounded-up is say 0.01 -> 0.1)
> +        base_score = math.ceil(min(impact + exploitability, 10) * 10) / 10
> +    else:
> +        base_score = (
> +            math.ceil(min(1.08 * (impact + exploitability), 10) * 10) / 10
> +        )
> +    js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["baseScore"] = base_score
> +    for severity in severities.keys():
> +        if base_score <= severities[severity]:
> +            js["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["baseSeverity"] = severity
> +            break
> +    # these use normal rounding to 1 decimal place
> +    js["baseMetricV3"]["exploitabilityScore"] = round(exploitability * 10) / 10
> +    js["baseMetricV3"]["impactScore"] = round(impact * 10) / 10
> +    return js

Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~andrey-fedoseev/launchpad:uct-import into launchpad:master.
