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[Merge] ~ilasc/launchpad:call-download-api-without-file-id into launchpad:master


Ioana Lasc has proposed merging ~ilasc/launchpad:call-download-api-without-file-id into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Call new Loggerhead download API without file-id

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~ilasc/launchpad:call-download-api-without-file-id into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/lib/lp/code/errors.py b/lib/lp/code/errors.py
index 2fa4a47..8e3efcd 100644
--- a/lib/lp/code/errors.py
+++ b/lib/lp/code/errors.py
@@ -365,15 +365,15 @@ class BranchHostingFault(Exception):
 class BranchFileNotFound(BranchHostingFault):
     """Raised when a file does not exist in a branch."""
-    def __init__(self, branch_id, filename=None, file_id=None, rev=None):
+    def __init__(self, branch_id, filename=None, path=None, rev=None):
-        if (filename is None) == (file_id is None):
+        if (filename is None) == (path is None):
             raise AssertionError(
-                "Exactly one of filename and file_id must be given."
+                "Exactly one of filename and path must be given."
         self.branch_id = branch_id
         self.filename = filename
-        self.file_id = file_id
+        self.path = path
         self.rev = rev
     def __str__(self):
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ class BranchFileNotFound(BranchHostingFault):
         if self.filename is not None:
             message += self.filename
-            message += "with ID %s" % self.file_id
+            message += "with path %s" % self.path
         if self.rev is not None:
             message += " at revision %s" % self.rev
         return message
diff --git a/lib/lp/code/interfaces/branchhosting.py b/lib/lp/code/interfaces/branchhosting.py
index e93096a..adb1d5c 100644
--- a/lib/lp/code/interfaces/branchhosting.py
+++ b/lib/lp/code/interfaces/branchhosting.py
@@ -28,27 +28,11 @@ class IBranchHostingClient(Interface):
         :return: The diff between `old` and `new` as a byte string.
-    def getInventory(branch_id, dirname, rev=None, logger=None):
-        """Get information on files in a directory.
-        :param branch_id: The ID of the branch.
-        :param dirname: The name of the directory, relative to the root of
-            the branch.
-        :param rev: An optional revno or revision ID.  Defaults to 'head:'.
-        :param logger: An optional logger.
-        :raises ValueError: if `rev` is ill-formed.
-        :raises BranchFileNotFound: if the directory does not exist.
-        :raises BranchHostingFault: if the API returned some other error.
-        :return: The directory inventory as a dict: see
-            `loggerhead.controllers.inventory_ui` for details.
-        """
-    def getBlob(branch_id, file_id, rev=None, logger=None):
+    def getBlob(branch_id, path, rev=None, logger=None):
         """Get a blob by file name from a branch.
         :param branch_id: The ID of the branch.
-        :param file_id: The file ID of the file.  (`getInventory` may be
-            useful to retrieve this.)
+        :param path: The realtive path of the file.
         :param rev: An optional revno or revision ID.  Defaults to 'head:'.
         :param logger: An optional logger.
         :raises ValueError: if `rev` is ill-formed.
diff --git a/lib/lp/code/model/branch.py b/lib/lp/code/model/branch.py
index 43ed1b0..63d1b13 100644
--- a/lib/lp/code/model/branch.py
+++ b/lib/lp/code/model/branch.py
@@ -8,13 +8,10 @@ __all__ = [
 import operator
-import os.path
 from datetime import datetime
 from functools import partial
-from urllib.parse import urlsplit
 import pytz
-import six
 from breezy import urlutils
 from breezy.revision import NULL_REVISION
 from breezy.url_policy_open import open_only_scheme
@@ -66,7 +63,6 @@ from lp.code.enums import (
 from lp.code.errors import (
-    BranchFileNotFound,
@@ -142,12 +138,10 @@ from lp.services.database.interfaces import IMasterStore, IStore
 from lp.services.database.sqlbase import SQLBase, sqlvalues
 from lp.services.database.sqlobject import ForeignKey, IntCol, StringCol
 from lp.services.database.stormexpr import Array, ArrayAgg, ArrayIntersects
-from lp.services.features import getFeatureFlag
 from lp.services.helpers import shortlist
 from lp.services.job.interfaces.job import JobStatus
 from lp.services.job.model.job import Job
 from lp.services.mail.notificationrecipientset import NotificationRecipientSet
-from lp.services.memcache.interfaces import IMemcacheClient
 from lp.services.propertycache import cachedproperty, get_property_cache
 from lp.services.webapp import urlappend
 from lp.services.webapp.authorization import check_permission
@@ -899,64 +893,9 @@ class Branch(SQLBase, WebhookTargetMixin, BzrIdentityMixin):
         """See `IBranch`."""
         hosting_client = getUtility(IBranchHostingClient)
-        if enable_memcache is None:
-            enable_memcache = not getFeatureFlag(
-                "code.bzr.blob.disable_memcache"
-            )
         if revision_id is None:
             revision_id = self.last_scanned_id
-        if revision_id is None:
-            # revision_id may still be None if the branch scanner hasn't
-            # scanned this branch yet.  In this case, we won't be able to
-            # guarantee that subsequent calls to this method within the same
-            # transaction with revision_id=None will see the same revision,
-            # and we won't be able to cache file lists.  Neither is fatal,
-            # and this should be relatively rare.
-            enable_memcache = False
-        dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
-        unset = object()
-        file_list = unset
-        if enable_memcache:
-            memcache_client = getUtility(IMemcacheClient)
-            instance_name = urlsplit(
-                config.codehosting.internal_bzr_api_endpoint
-            ).hostname
-            memcache_key = six.ensure_binary(
-                "%s:bzr-file-list:%s:%s:%s"
-                % (instance_name, self.id, revision_id, dirname)
-            )
-            description = "file list for %s:%s:%s" % (
-                self.unique_name,
-                revision_id,
-                dirname,
-            )
-            file_list = memcache_client.get_json(
-                memcache_key, logger, description, default=unset
-            )
-        if file_list is unset:
-            try:
-                inventory = hosting_client.getInventory(
-                    self.id, dirname, rev=revision_id
-                )
-                file_list = {
-                    entry["filename"]: entry["file_id"]
-                    for entry in inventory["filelist"]
-                }
-            except BranchFileNotFound:
-                file_list = None
-            if enable_memcache:
-                # Cache the file list in case there's a request for another
-                # file in the same directory.
-                memcache_client.set_json(
-                    memcache_key, file_list, logger=logger
-                )
-        file_id = (file_list or {}).get(os.path.basename(filename))
-        if file_id is None:
-            raise BranchFileNotFound(
-                self.unique_name, filename=filename, rev=revision_id
-            )
-        return hosting_client.getBlob(self.id, file_id, rev=revision_id)
+        return hosting_client.getBlob(self.id, filename, rev=revision_id)
     def getDiff(self, new, old=None):
         """See `IBranch`."""
diff --git a/lib/lp/code/model/branchhosting.py b/lib/lp/code/model/branchhosting.py
index 8b5abb4..1324d87 100644
--- a/lib/lp/code/model/branchhosting.py
+++ b/lib/lp/code/model/branchhosting.py
@@ -128,43 +128,18 @@ class BranchHostingClient:
                 "Failed to get diff from Bazaar branch: %s" % e
-    def getInventory(self, branch_id, dirname, rev=None, logger=None):
+    def getBlob(self, branch_id, path, rev=None, logger=None):
         """See `IBranchHostingClient`."""
             if logger is not None:
-                    "Requesting inventory at %s from branch %s"
-                    % (dirname, branch_id)
-                )
-            quoted_tail = "files/%s/%s" % (
-                quote(rev or "head:", safe=""),
-                quote(dirname.lstrip("/")),
-            )
-            return self._get(branch_id, quoted_tail, as_json=True)
-        except requests.RequestException as e:
-            if (
-                e.response is not None
-                and e.response.status_code == requests.codes.NOT_FOUND
-            ):
-                raise BranchFileNotFound(branch_id, filename=dirname, rev=rev)
-            else:
-                raise BranchHostingFault(
-                    "Failed to get inventory from Bazaar branch: %s" % e
-                )
-    def getBlob(self, branch_id, file_id, rev=None, logger=None):
-        """See `IBranchHostingClient`."""
-        self._checkRevision(rev)
-        try:
-            if logger is not None:
-                logger.info(
-                    "Fetching file ID %s from branch %s" % (file_id, branch_id)
+                    "Fetching file ID %s from branch %s" % (path, branch_id)
             return self._get(
-                % (quote(rev or "head:", safe=""), quote(file_id, safe="")),
+                % (quote(rev or "head:", safe=""), quote(path, safe="")),
         except requests.RequestException as e:
@@ -172,7 +147,7 @@ class BranchHostingClient:
                 e.response is not None
                 and e.response.status_code == requests.codes.NOT_FOUND
-                raise BranchFileNotFound(branch_id, file_id=file_id, rev=rev)
+                raise BranchFileNotFound(branch_id, path=path, rev=rev)
                 raise BranchHostingFault(
                     "Failed to get file from Bazaar branch: %s" % e
diff --git a/lib/lp/code/model/tests/test_branch.py b/lib/lp/code/model/tests/test_branch.py
index 5f037c4..d78c340 100644
--- a/lib/lp/code/model/tests/test_branch.py
+++ b/lib/lp/code/model/tests/test_branch.py
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 """Tests for Branches."""
-import json
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 import transaction
@@ -117,7 +116,6 @@ from lp.services.features.testing import FeatureFixture
 from lp.services.job.interfaces.job import JobStatus
 from lp.services.job.runner import JobRunner
 from lp.services.job.tests import block_on_job, monitor_celery
-from lp.services.memcache.interfaces import IMemcacheClient
 from lp.services.osutils import override_environ
 from lp.services.propertycache import clear_property_cache
 from lp.services.webapp.authorization import check_permission
@@ -3686,157 +3684,39 @@ class TestBranchGetBlob(TestCaseWithFactory):
     def test_default_rev_unscanned(self):
         branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
-        hosting_fixture = self.useFixture(
-            BranchHostingFixture(
-                file_list={"README.txt": "some-file-id"}, blob=b"Some text"
-            )
-        )
+        self.useFixture(BranchHostingFixture(blob=b"Some text"))
         blob = branch.getBlob("src/README.txt")
         self.assertEqual(b"Some text", blob)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [((branch.id, "src"), {"rev": None})],
-            hosting_fixture.getInventory.calls,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [((branch.id, "some-file-id"), {"rev": None})],
-            hosting_fixture.getBlob.calls,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual({}, getUtility(IMemcacheClient)._cache)
     def test_default_rev_scanned(self):
         branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
         removeSecurityProxy(branch).last_scanned_id = "scanned-id"
-        hosting_fixture = self.useFixture(
-            BranchHostingFixture(
-                file_list={"README.txt": "some-file-id"}, blob=b"Some text"
-            )
-        )
+        self.useFixture(BranchHostingFixture(blob=b"Some text"))
         blob = branch.getBlob("src/README.txt")
         self.assertEqual(b"Some text", blob)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [((branch.id, "src"), {"rev": "scanned-id"})],
-            hosting_fixture.getInventory.calls,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [((branch.id, "some-file-id"), {"rev": "scanned-id"})],
-            hosting_fixture.getBlob.calls,
-        )
-        key = (
-            "bazaar.launchpad.test:bzr-file-list:%s:scanned-id:src" % branch.id
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(
-            json.dumps({"README.txt": "some-file-id"}),
-            getUtility(IMemcacheClient).get(key.encode("UTF-8")),
-        )
     def test_with_rev(self):
         branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
-        hosting_fixture = self.useFixture(
-            BranchHostingFixture(
-                file_list={"README.txt": "some-file-id"}, blob=b"Some text"
-            )
-        )
-        blob = branch.getBlob("src/README.txt", revision_id="some-rev")
-        self.assertEqual(b"Some text", blob)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [((branch.id, "src"), {"rev": "some-rev"})],
-            hosting_fixture.getInventory.calls,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [((branch.id, "some-file-id"), {"rev": "some-rev"})],
-            hosting_fixture.getBlob.calls,
-        )
-        key = "bazaar.launchpad.test:bzr-file-list:%s:some-rev:src" % branch.id
-        self.assertEqual(
-            json.dumps({"README.txt": "some-file-id"}),
-            getUtility(IMemcacheClient).get(key.encode("UTF-8")),
-        )
-    def test_cached_inventory(self):
-        branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
-        hosting_fixture = self.useFixture(
-            BranchHostingFixture(blob=b"Some text")
-        )
-        key = "bazaar.launchpad.test:bzr-file-list:%s:some-rev:src" % branch.id
-        getUtility(IMemcacheClient).set(
-            key.encode("UTF-8"), json.dumps({"README.txt": "some-file-id"})
-        )
-        blob = branch.getBlob("src/README.txt", revision_id="some-rev")
-        self.assertEqual(b"Some text", blob)
-        self.assertEqual([], hosting_fixture.getInventory.calls)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [((branch.id, "some-file-id"), {"rev": "some-rev"})],
-            hosting_fixture.getBlob.calls,
-        )
-    def test_disable_memcache(self):
-        self.useFixture(
-            FeatureFixture({"code.bzr.blob.disable_memcache": "on"})
-        )
-        branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
-        hosting_fixture = self.useFixture(
-            BranchHostingFixture(
-                file_list={"README.txt": "some-file-id"}, blob=b"Some text"
-            )
-        )
-        key = "bazaar.launchpad.test:bzr-file-list:%s:some-rev:src" % branch.id
-        getUtility(IMemcacheClient).set(key.encode("UTF-8"), "{}")
+        self.useFixture(BranchHostingFixture(blob=b"Some text"))
         blob = branch.getBlob("src/README.txt", revision_id="some-rev")
         self.assertEqual(b"Some text", blob)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [((branch.id, "src"), {"rev": "some-rev"})],
-            hosting_fixture.getInventory.calls,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "{}", getUtility(IMemcacheClient).get(key.encode("UTF-8"))
-        )
     def test_file_at_root_of_branch(self):
         branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
         hosting_fixture = self.useFixture(
-            BranchHostingFixture(
-                file_list={"README.txt": "some-file-id"}, blob=b"Some text"
-            )
+            BranchHostingFixture(blob=b"Some text")
         blob = branch.getBlob("README.txt", revision_id="some-rev")
         self.assertEqual(b"Some text", blob)
-            [((branch.id, ""), {"rev": "some-rev"})],
-            hosting_fixture.getInventory.calls,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [((branch.id, "some-file-id"), {"rev": "some-rev"})],
+            [((branch.id, "README.txt"), {"rev": "some-rev"})],
-        key = "bazaar.launchpad.test:bzr-file-list:%s:some-rev:" % branch.id
-        self.assertEqual(
-            json.dumps({"README.txt": "some-file-id"}),
-            getUtility(IMemcacheClient).get(key.encode("UTF-8")),
-        )
-    def test_file_not_in_directory(self):
-        branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
-        hosting_fixture = self.useFixture(BranchHostingFixture(file_list={}))
-        self.assertRaises(
-            BranchFileNotFound,
-            branch.getBlob,
-            "src/README.txt",
-            revision_id="some-rev",
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [((branch.id, "src"), {"rev": "some-rev"})],
-            hosting_fixture.getInventory.calls,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual([], hosting_fixture.getBlob.calls)
-        key = "bazaar.launchpad.test:bzr-file-list:%s:some-rev:src" % branch.id
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "{}", getUtility(IMemcacheClient).get(key.encode("UTF-8"))
-        )
     def test_missing_directory(self):
         branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
         hosting_fixture = self.useFixture(BranchHostingFixture())
-        hosting_fixture.getInventory = FakeMethod(
+        hosting_fixture.getBlob = FakeMethod(
                 branch.unique_name, filename="src", rev="some-rev"
@@ -3847,29 +3727,6 @@ class TestBranchGetBlob(TestCaseWithFactory):
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [((branch.id, "src"), {"rev": "some-rev"})],
-            hosting_fixture.getInventory.calls,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual([], hosting_fixture.getBlob.calls)
-        key = "bazaar.launchpad.test:bzr-file-list:%s:some-rev:src" % branch.id
-        self.assertEqual(
-            "null", getUtility(IMemcacheClient).get(key.encode("UTF-8"))
-        )
-    def test_cached_missing_directory(self):
-        branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
-        hosting_fixture = self.useFixture(BranchHostingFixture())
-        key = "bazaar.launchpad.test:bzr-file-list:%s:some-rev:src" % branch.id
-        getUtility(IMemcacheClient).set(key.encode("UTF-8"), "null")
-        self.assertRaises(
-            BranchFileNotFound,
-            branch.getBlob,
-            "src/README.txt",
-            revision_id="some-rev",
-        )
-        self.assertEqual([], hosting_fixture.getInventory.calls)
-        self.assertEqual([], hosting_fixture.getBlob.calls)
 class TestBranchUnscan(TestCaseWithFactory):
diff --git a/lib/lp/code/model/tests/test_branchhosting.py b/lib/lp/code/model/tests/test_branchhosting.py
index ccf6dc8..9e7e20d 100644
--- a/lib/lp/code/model/tests/test_branchhosting.py
+++ b/lib/lp/code/model/tests/test_branchhosting.py
@@ -108,108 +108,44 @@ class TestBranchHostingClient(TestCase):
-    def test_getInventory(self):
-        with self.mockRequests("GET", json={"filelist": []}):
-            response = self.client.getInventory(123, "dir/path/file/name")
-        self.assertEqual({"filelist": []}, response)
-        self.assertRequest(
-            "+branch-id/123/+json/files/head%3A/dir/path/file/name"
-        )
-    def test_getInventory_revision(self):
-        with self.mockRequests("GET", json={"filelist": []}):
-            response = self.client.getInventory(
-                123, "dir/path/file/name", rev="a"
-            )
-        self.assertEqual({"filelist": []}, response)
-        self.assertRequest("+branch-id/123/+json/files/a/dir/path/file/name")
-    def test_getInventory_not_found(self):
-        with self.mockRequests("GET", status=404):
-            self.assertRaisesWithContent(
-                BranchFileNotFound,
-                "Branch ID 123 has no file dir/path/file/name",
-                self.client.getInventory,
-                123,
-                "dir/path/file/name",
-            )
-    def test_getInventory_revision_not_found(self):
-        with self.mockRequests("GET", status=404):
-            self.assertRaisesWithContent(
-                BranchFileNotFound,
-                "Branch ID 123 has no file dir/path/file/name at revision a",
-                self.client.getInventory,
-                123,
-                "dir/path/file/name",
-                rev="a",
-            )
-    def test_getInventory_bad_revision(self):
-        self.assertRaises(
-            ValueError,
-            self.client.getInventory,
-            123,
-            "dir/path/file/name",
-            rev="x/y",
-        )
-    def test_getInventory_failure(self):
-        with self.mockRequests("GET", status=400):
-            self.assertRaisesWithContent(
-                BranchHostingFault,
-                "Failed to get inventory from Bazaar branch: "
-                "400 Client Error: Bad Request",
-                self.client.getInventory,
-                123,
-                "dir/path/file/name",
-            )
-    def test_getInventory_url_quoting(self):
-        with self.mockRequests("GET", json={"filelist": []}):
-            self.client.getInventory(123, "+file/ name?", rev="+rev id?")
-        self.assertRequest(
-            "+branch-id/123/+json/files/%2Brev%20id%3F/%2Bfile/%20name%3F"
-        )
     def test_getBlob(self):
         blob = b"".join(bytes((i,)) for i in range(256))
         with self.mockRequests("GET", body=blob):
-            response = self.client.getBlob(123, "file-id")
+            response = self.client.getBlob(123, "file-name")
         self.assertEqual(blob, response)
-        self.assertRequest("+branch-id/123/download/head%3A/file-id")
+        self.assertRequest("+branch-id/123/download/head%3A/file-name")
     def test_getBlob_revision(self):
         blob = b"".join(bytes((i,)) for i in range(256))
         with self.mockRequests("GET", body=blob):
-            response = self.client.getBlob(123, "file-id", rev="a")
+            response = self.client.getBlob(123, "file-name", rev="a")
         self.assertEqual(blob, response)
-        self.assertRequest("+branch-id/123/download/a/file-id")
+        self.assertRequest("+branch-id/123/download/a/file-name")
     def test_getBlob_not_found(self):
         with self.mockRequests("GET", status=404):
-                "Branch ID 123 has no file with ID file-id",
+                "Branch ID 123 has no file with path src/file",
-                "file-id",
+                "src/file",
     def test_getBlob_revision_not_found(self):
         with self.mockRequests("GET", status=404):
-                "Branch ID 123 has no file with ID file-id at revision a",
+                "Branch ID 123 has no file with path src/file at revision a",
-                "file-id",
+                "src/file",
     def test_getBlob_bad_revision(self):
-            ValueError, self.client.getBlob, 123, "file-id", rev="x/y"
+            ValueError, self.client.getBlob, 123, "file-name", rev="x/y"
     def test_getBlob_failure(self):
@@ -220,7 +156,7 @@ class TestBranchHostingClient(TestCase):
                 "400 Client Error: Bad Request",
-                "file-id",
+                "file-name",
     def test_getBlob_url_quoting(self):
@@ -246,11 +182,11 @@ class TestBranchHostingClient(TestCase):
                 with self.testcase.mockRequests(
                     "GET", body=blob, set_default_timeout=False
-                    self.blob = self.testcase.client.getBlob(123, "file-id")
+                    self.blob = self.testcase.client.getBlob(123, "file-name")
                 # We must make this assertion inside the job, since the job
                 # runner creates a separate timeline.
-                    "+branch-id/123/download/head%3A/file-id"
+                    "+branch-id/123/download/head%3A/file-name"
         job = GetBlobJob(self)
diff --git a/lib/lp/code/tests/helpers.py b/lib/lp/code/tests/helpers.py
index 7f36b61..ff8165b 100644
--- a/lib/lp/code/tests/helpers.py
+++ b/lib/lp/code/tests/helpers.py
@@ -311,25 +311,11 @@ class BranchHostingFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
     def __init__(
-        inventory=None,
-        file_list=None,
         self.create = FakeMethod()
         self.getDiff = FakeMethod(result=diff or {})
-        if inventory is None:
-            if file_list is not None:
-                # Simple common case.
-                inventory = {
-                    "filelist": [
-                        {"filename": filename, "file_id": file_id}
-                        for filename, file_id in file_list.items()
-                    ],
-                }
-            else:
-                inventory = {"filelist": []}
-        self.getInventory = FakeMethod(result=inventory)
         self.getBlob = FakeMethod(result=blob)
         self.disable_memcache = disable_memcache
diff --git a/lib/lp/services/webapp/publisher.py b/lib/lp/services/webapp/publisher.py
index c44c87b..88e3d76 100644
--- a/lib/lp/services/webapp/publisher.py
+++ b/lib/lp/services/webapp/publisher.py
@@ -29,12 +29,7 @@ import http.client
 import json
 import re
 from cgi import FieldStorage
-from typing import (
-    Any,
-    Dict,
-    Optional,
-    Type,
+from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Type
 from urllib.parse import urlparse
 from wsgiref.headers import Headers
diff --git a/lib/lp/snappy/browser/tests/test_snap.py b/lib/lp/snappy/browser/tests/test_snap.py
index 74b502c..10af3a1 100644
--- a/lib/lp/snappy/browser/tests/test_snap.py
+++ b/lib/lp/snappy/browser/tests/test_snap.py
@@ -771,7 +771,6 @@ class TestSnapAddView(BaseTestSnapView):
     def test_initial_name_extraction_bzr_success(self):
-                file_list={"snapcraft.yaml": "file-id"},
                 blob=b"name: test-snap",
@@ -782,7 +781,7 @@ class TestSnapAddView(BaseTestSnapView):
         self.assertEqual("test-snap", initial_values["store_name"])
     def test_initial_name_extraction_bzr_error(self):
-        self.useFixture(BranchHostingFixture()).getInventory = FakeMethod(
+        self.useFixture(BranchHostingFixture()).getBlob = FakeMethod(
         branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
@@ -792,11 +791,7 @@ class TestSnapAddView(BaseTestSnapView):
     def test_initial_name_extraction_bzr_no_name(self):
-        self.useFixture(
-            BranchHostingFixture(
-                file_list={"snapcraft.yaml": "file-id"}, blob=b"some: nonsense"
-            )
-        )
+        self.useFixture(BranchHostingFixture(blob=b"some: nonsense"))
         branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
         view = create_initialized_view(branch, "+new-snap")
         initial_values = view.initial_values
diff --git a/lib/lp/snappy/tests/test_snap.py b/lib/lp/snappy/tests/test_snap.py
index 5329c46..86a20e1 100644
--- a/lib/lp/snappy/tests/test_snap.py
+++ b/lib/lp/snappy/tests/test_snap.py
@@ -2754,22 +2754,15 @@ class TestSnapSet(TestCaseWithFactory):
     def test_getSnapcraftYaml_bzr_snap_snapcraft_yaml(self):
-        def getInventory(unique_name, dirname, *args, **kwargs):
-            if dirname == "snap":
-                return {
-                    "filelist": [
-                        {
-                            "filename": "snapcraft.yaml",
-                            "file_id": "some-file-id",
-                        }
-                    ]
-                }
+        def getBlob(path, filename, *args, **kwargs):
+            if filename == "snapcraft.yaml":
+                return b"name: test-snap"
-                raise BranchFileNotFound("dummy", dirname)
+                raise BranchFileNotFound("dummy", filename)
             BranchHostingFixture(blob=b"name: test-snap")
-        ).getInventory = getInventory
+        ).getBlob = getBlob
         branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
             {"name": "test-snap"},
@@ -2777,22 +2770,15 @@ class TestSnapSet(TestCaseWithFactory):
     def test_getSnapcraftYaml_bzr_build_aux_snap_snapcraft_yaml(self):
-        def getInventory(unique_name, dirname, *args, **kwargs):
-            if dirname == "build-aux/snap":
-                return {
-                    "filelist": [
-                        {
-                            "filename": "snapcraft.yaml",
-                            "file_id": "some-file-id",
-                        }
-                    ]
-                }
+        def getBlob(path, filename, *args, **kwargs):
+            if filename == "build-aux/snap/snapcraft.yaml":
+                return b"name: test-snap"
-                raise BranchFileNotFound("dummy", dirname)
+                raise BranchFileNotFound("dummy", filename)
             BranchHostingFixture(blob=b"name: test-snap")
-        ).getInventory = getInventory
+        ).getBlob = getBlob
         branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
             {"name": "test-snap"},
@@ -2800,22 +2786,15 @@ class TestSnapSet(TestCaseWithFactory):
     def test_getSnapcraftYaml_bzr_plain_snapcraft_yaml(self):
-        def getInventory(unique_name, dirname, *args, **kwargs):
-            if dirname == "":
-                return {
-                    "filelist": [
-                        {
-                            "filename": "snapcraft.yaml",
-                            "file_id": "some-file-id",
-                        }
-                    ]
-                }
+        def getBlob(path, filename, *args, **kwargs):
+            if filename == "snapcraft.yaml":
+                return b"name: test-snap"
-                raise BranchFileNotFound("dummy", dirname)
+                raise BranchFileNotFound("dummy", filename)
             BranchHostingFixture(blob=b"name: test-snap")
-        ).getInventory = getInventory
+        ).getBlob = getBlob
         branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
             {"name": "test-snap"},
@@ -2823,22 +2802,15 @@ class TestSnapSet(TestCaseWithFactory):
     def test_getSnapcraftYaml_bzr_dot_snapcraft_yaml(self):
-        def getInventory(unique_name, dirname, *args, **kwargs):
-            if dirname == "":
-                return {
-                    "filelist": [
-                        {
-                            "filename": ".snapcraft.yaml",
-                            "file_id": "some-file-id",
-                        }
-                    ]
-                }
+        def getBlob(path, filename, *args, **kwargs):
+            if filename == ".snapcraft.yaml":
+                return b"name: test-snap"
-                raise BranchFileNotFound("dummy", dirname)
+                raise BranchFileNotFound("dummy", filename)
             BranchHostingFixture(blob=b"name: test-snap")
-        ).getInventory = getInventory
+        ).getBlob = getBlob
         branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
             {"name": "test-snap"},
@@ -2846,7 +2818,7 @@ class TestSnapSet(TestCaseWithFactory):
     def test_getSnapcraftYaml_bzr_error(self):
-        self.useFixture(BranchHostingFixture()).getInventory = FakeMethod(
+        self.useFixture(BranchHostingFixture()).getBlob = FakeMethod(
         branch = self.factory.makeBranch()
@@ -2926,7 +2898,6 @@ class TestSnapSet(TestCaseWithFactory):
     def test_getSnapcraftYaml_snap_bzr(self):
-                file_list={"snapcraft.yaml": "some-file-id"},
                 blob=b"name: test-snap",