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[Merge] ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-SpecificationSet-getDependencyDict into launchpad:master


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-SpecificationSet-getDependencyDict into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Remove SpecificationSet.getDependencyDict

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

This was used for about six months, but it hasn't been used outside tests since commit d057c934a1ba16643082d587bc785ff3e72c52b6 in August 2008.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-SpecificationSet-getDependencyDict into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/lib/lp/blueprints/doc/specification.rst b/lib/lp/blueprints/doc/specification.rst
index dbc6876..7ba3314 100644
--- a/lib/lp/blueprints/doc/specification.rst
+++ b/lib/lp/blueprints/doc/specification.rst
@@ -312,89 +312,6 @@ block-them-too.
-Dependency mapping - `ISpecificationSet.getDependencyDict`
-In order to implement the specification plan page efficiently,
-`ISpecificationSet` provides a utility method that returns a mapping
-from a sequence of specifications to their dependencies.
-    >>> spec_a = specset.new(
-    ...     "spec-a",
-    ...     "Spec A",
-    ...     "http://www.example.com/SpecA";,
-    ...     "Specification A",
-    ...     SpecificationDefinitionStatus.APPROVED,
-    ...     mark,
-    ...     target=ubuntu,
-    ... )
-    >>> spec_b = specset.new(
-    ...     "spec-b",
-    ...     "Spec B",
-    ...     "http://www.example.com/SpecB";,
-    ...     "Specification B",
-    ...     SpecificationDefinitionStatus.APPROVED,
-    ...     mark,
-    ...     target=ubuntu,
-    ... )
-    >>> spec_c = specset.new(
-    ...     "spec-c",
-    ...     "Spec C",
-    ...     "http://www.example.com/SpecC";,
-    ...     "Specification C",
-    ...     SpecificationDefinitionStatus.APPROVED,
-    ...     mark,
-    ...     target=ubuntu,
-    ... )
-    >>> spec_d = specset.new(
-    ...     "spec-d",
-    ...     "Spec D",
-    ...     "http://www.example.com/SpecD";,
-    ...     "Specification D",
-    ...     SpecificationDefinitionStatus.APPROVED,
-    ...     mark,
-    ...     target=ubuntu,
-    ... )
-When the specs provided have no dependencies, an empty dict is returned.
-    >>> specset.getDependencyDict([spec_a, spec_b, spec_c, spec_d])
-    {}
-If there are dependencies between the specs, the method returns a
-mapping between them.
-    >>> spec_a.createDependency(spec_b)
-    <...SpecificationDependency object at ...>
-    >>> spec_a.createDependency(spec_c)
-    <...SpecificationDependency object at ...>
-    >>> spec_c.createDependency(spec_d)
-    <...SpecificationDependency object at ...>
-    >>> deps_dict = specset.getDependencyDict(
-    ...     [spec_a, spec_b, spec_c, spec_d]
-    ... )
-    >>> spec_deps = [
-    ...     (specset.get(key).name, value)
-    ...     for (key, value) in deps_dict.items()
-    ... ]
-    >>> for (spec_name, deps) in sorted(spec_deps):
-    ...     print(
-    ...         "%s --> %s"
-    ...         % (spec_name, ", ".join([dep.name for dep in deps]))
-    ...     )
-    ...
-    spec-a --> spec-b, spec-c
-    spec-c --> spec-d
-Passing in an empty sequences returns an empty dict:
-    >>> specset.getDependencyDict([])
-    {}
 Specification Subscriptions
diff --git a/lib/lp/blueprints/interfaces/specification.py b/lib/lp/blueprints/interfaces/specification.py
index 2443c8c..b47f64d 100644
--- a/lib/lp/blueprints/interfaces/specification.py
+++ b/lib/lp/blueprints/interfaces/specification.py
@@ -963,15 +963,6 @@ class ISpecificationSet(IHasSpecifications):
         """Create a new specification."""
-    def getDependencyDict(specifications):
-        """Return a dictionary mapping specifications to their dependencies.
-        The results are ordered by descending priority, ascending dependency
-        name, and id.
-        :param specifications: a sequence of the `ISpecification` to look up.
-        """
     def get(spec_id):
         """Return the ISpecification with the given spec_id."""
diff --git a/lib/lp/blueprints/model/specification.py b/lib/lp/blueprints/model/specification.py
index 2c27cfa..4ae2df1 100644
--- a/lib/lp/blueprints/model/specification.py
+++ b/lib/lp/blueprints/model/specification.py
@@ -86,10 +86,7 @@ from lp.services.database import bulk
 from lp.services.database.constants import DEFAULT, UTC_NOW
 from lp.services.database.enumcol import DBEnum
 from lp.services.database.interfaces import IStore
-from lp.services.database.sqlbase import (
-    convert_storm_clause_to_string,
-    sqlvalues,
+from lp.services.database.sqlbase import convert_storm_clause_to_string
 from lp.services.database.stormbase import StormBase
 from lp.services.mail.helpers import get_contact_email_addresses
 from lp.services.propertycache import cachedproperty, get_property_cache
@@ -1375,39 +1372,6 @@ class SpecificationSet(HasSpecificationsMixin):
         spec.transitionToInformationType(information_type, None)
         return spec
-    def getDependencyDict(self, specifications):
-        """See `ISpecificationSet`."""
-        specification_ids = [spec.id for spec in specifications]
-        if len(specification_ids) == 0:
-            return {}
-        results = (
-            Store.of(specifications[0])
-            .execute(
-                """
-            SELECT SpecificationDependency.specification,
-                   SpecificationDependency.dependency
-            FROM SpecificationDependency, Specification
-            WHERE SpecificationDependency.specification IN %s
-            AND SpecificationDependency.dependency = Specification.id
-            ORDER BY Specification.priority DESC, Specification.name,
-                     Specification.id
-        """
-                % sqlvalues(specification_ids)
-            )
-            .get_all()
-        )
-        dependencies = {}
-        for spec_id, dep_id in results:
-            if spec_id not in dependencies:
-                dependencies[spec_id] = []
-            dependency = IStore(Specification).get(Specification, dep_id)
-            dependencies[spec_id].append(dependency)
-        return dependencies
     def get(self, spec_id):
         """See lp.blueprints.interfaces.specification.ISpecificationSet."""
         return IStore(Specification).get(Specification, spec_id)