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[Merge] ~cjwatson/lp-signing:black-isort into lp-signing:master


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/lp-signing:black-isort into lp-signing:master.

Commit message:
Apply black and isort

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/lp-signing:black-isort into lp-signing:master.
diff --git a/.git-blame-ignore-revs b/.git-blame-ignore-revs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad2a26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.git-blame-ignore-revs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# apply black and isort
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 8984e28..edf5ffb 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -15,6 +15,14 @@ repos:
     -   id: check-xml
     -   id: check-yaml
     -   id: debug-statements
+-   repo: https://github.com/psf/black
+    rev: 23.1.0
+    hooks:
+      - id: black
+-   repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/isort
+    rev: 5.12.0
+    hooks:
+    -   id: isort
 -   repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8
     rev: 3.9.2
diff --git a/charm/lp-signing/reactive/lp-signing.py b/charm/lp-signing/reactive/lp-signing.py
index 23a594d..3aab8c8 100644
--- a/charm/lp-signing/reactive/lp-signing.py
+++ b/charm/lp-signing/reactive/lp-signing.py
@@ -5,113 +5,115 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
 import os.path
 import subprocess
-from urllib.parse import (
-    urlparse,
-    urlunparse,
-    )
+from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
-from charmhelpers.core import (
-    hookenv,
-    host,
-    templating,
-    )
-from charms.reactive import (
-    remove_state,
-    set_state,
-    when,
-    when_not,
-    )
-from ols import (
-    base,
-    http,
-    postgres,
-    )
+from charmhelpers.core import hookenv, host, templating
+from charms.reactive import remove_state, set_state, when, when_not
+from ols import base, http, postgres
 def stormify_db_uri(uri):
     """Storm requires postgres:// rather than postgresql://."""
     parsed_uri = urlparse(uri)
     scheme = parsed_uri.scheme
-    if scheme == 'postgresql':
-        scheme = 'postgres'
+    if scheme == "postgresql":
+        scheme = "postgres"
     return urlunparse((scheme, *parsed_uri[1:]))
 def configure_rsync():
     config = hookenv.config()
-    if config['log_hosts_allow']:
+    if config["log_hosts_allow"]:
         rsync_config = dict(config)
-        rsync_config['base_dir'] = base.base_dir()
+        rsync_config["base_dir"] = base.base_dir()
-            'lp-signing-rsync.j2', '/etc/rsync-juju.d/010-lp-signing.conf',
-            rsync_config, perms=0o644)
-        if not host.service_restart('rsync'):
-            raise RuntimeError('Failed to restart rsync')
+            "lp-signing-rsync.j2",
+            "/etc/rsync-juju.d/010-lp-signing.conf",
+            rsync_config,
+            perms=0o644,
+        )
+        if not host.service_restart("rsync"):
+            raise RuntimeError("Failed to restart rsync")
-@when('ols.configured', 'db-admin.master.available')
+@when("ols.configured", "db-admin.master.available")
 def migrate(pgsql):
     if pgsql.master is None:
-    hookenv.log('Running migrations.')
+    hookenv.log("Running migrations.")
     success, output = postgres.run_migration(pgsql, action=False)
     if success:
-        hookenv.log('Migrations run successfully.')
-        set_state('service.migrated')
+        hookenv.log("Migrations run successfully.")
+        set_state("service.migrated")
-        hookenv.log('Failed to run migrations:')
+        hookenv.log("Failed to run migrations:")
         for line in output.splitlines():
-@when('ols.configured', 'db.master.available', 'service.migrated')
+@when("ols.configured", "db.master.available", "service.migrated")
 def configure(pgsql):
     if pgsql.master is None:
-    system_packages = os.path.join(base.code_dir(), 'system-packages.txt')
+    system_packages = os.path.join(base.code_dir(), "system-packages.txt")
     if os.path.exists(system_packages):
         site_packages = subprocess.check_output(
-            [os.path.join(base.code_dir(), 'env', 'bin', 'python'), '-c',
-             'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; '
-             'print(get_python_lib())'], universal_newlines=True).rstrip('\n')
+            [
+                os.path.join(base.code_dir(), "env", "bin", "python"),
+                "-c",
+                "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; "
+                "print(get_python_lib())",
+            ],
+            universal_newlines=True,
+        ).rstrip("\n")
-            [os.path.join(base.code_dir(), 'link-system-packages.py'),
-             site_packages, system_packages])
+            [
+                os.path.join(base.code_dir(), "link-system-packages.py"),
+                site_packages,
+                system_packages,
+            ]
+        )
     config = hookenv.config()
     config_path = base.service_config_path()
     svc_config = dict(config)
     master, standbys = postgres.get_db_uris(pgsql)
-    svc_config['master_url'] = stormify_db_uri(master)
-    svc_config['standby_urls'] = [
-        stormify_db_uri(standby) for standby in standbys]
+    svc_config["master_url"] = stormify_db_uri(master)
+    svc_config["standby_urls"] = [
+        stormify_db_uri(standby) for standby in standbys
+    ]
-    hookenv.log('Writing service config.')
+    hookenv.log("Writing service config.")
-        'service.conf.j2', config_path, svc_config,
-        owner='root', group=base.user(), perms=0o440)
+        "service.conf.j2",
+        config_path,
+        svc_config,
+        owner="root",
+        group=base.user(),
+        perms=0o440,
+    )
-    set_state('service.configured')
+    set_state("service.configured")
-@when('service.configured', 'ols.wsgi.configured')
+@when("service.configured", "ols.wsgi.configured")
 def check_is_running():
     if http.is_listening():
-        hookenv.status_set('active', 'Ready')
+        hookenv.status_set("active", "Ready")
-        hookenv.status_set('blocked', 'Service not running, check logs')
+        hookenv.status_set("blocked", "Service not running, check logs")
 def build_label_changed():
-    remove_state('ols.service.installed')
-    remove_state('ols.configured')
-    remove_state('service.migrated')
-    remove_state('service.configured')
+    remove_state("ols.service.installed")
+    remove_state("ols.configured")
+    remove_state("service.migrated")
+    remove_state("service.configured")
diff --git a/link-system-packages.py b/link-system-packages.py
index d557835..3431c92 100755
--- a/link-system-packages.py
+++ b/link-system-packages.py
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
-from argparse import ArgumentParser
-from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
 import importlib
 import os.path
 import re
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
 def link_module(name, virtualenv_libdir, optional=False):
@@ -29,9 +29,11 @@ def link_module(name, virtualenv_libdir, optional=False):
     system_libdir = get_python_lib(plat_specific=path.endswith(".so"))
     if os.path.commonprefix([path, system_libdir]) != system_libdir:
         raise RuntimeError(
-            "%s imported from outside %s (%s)" % (name, system_libdir, path))
+            "%s imported from outside %s (%s)" % (name, system_libdir, path)
+        )
     target_path = os.path.join(
-        virtualenv_libdir, os.path.relpath(path, system_libdir))
+        virtualenv_libdir, os.path.relpath(path, system_libdir)
+    )
     if os.path.lexists(target_path) and os.path.islink(target_path):
     os.symlink(path, target_path)
diff --git a/lp_signing/__init__.py b/lp_signing/__init__.py
index b7d09b4..e536ff8 100644
--- a/lp_signing/__init__.py
+++ b/lp_signing/__init__.py
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
 import warnings
 # Silence a warning before doing anything else.
-    "ignore", r".*The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed.*",
-    category=UserWarning, module="psycopg2")
+    "ignore",
+    r".*The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed.*",
+    category=UserWarning,
+    module="psycopg2",
diff --git a/lp_signing/auth.py b/lp_signing/auth.py
index 9865704..c35080d 100644
--- a/lp_signing/auth.py
+++ b/lp_signing/auth.py
@@ -6,23 +6,12 @@
 import base64
 import json
-from flask import (
-    Request,
-    request,
-    Response,
-    )
+from flask import Request, Response, request
 from nacl.encoding import Base64Encoder
-from nacl.public import (
-    Box,
-    PrivateKey,
-    PublicKey,
-    )
+from nacl.public import Box, PrivateKey, PublicKey
 from lp_signing.config import read_config
-from lp_signing.exceptions import (
-    DataValidationError,
-    InvalidNonce,
-    )
+from lp_signing.exceptions import DataValidationError, InvalidNonce
 from lp_signing.model.client import Client
 from lp_signing.model.nonce import Nonce
@@ -36,7 +25,7 @@ class BoxedAuthentication:
             self.service_private_keys = [
                 PrivateKey(key, encoder=Base64Encoder)
                 for key in json.loads(config["auth"]["service_private_keys"])
-                ]
+            ]
         except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
             # Yes, this is uninformative, but we don't want to accidentally
             # dump private keys in exceptions.
@@ -82,8 +71,8 @@ class BoxedRequest(Request):
     def is_json(self):
         return (
-            super().is_json or
-            self.mimetype == "application/x-boxed-json")  # pragma: no cover
+            super().is_json or self.mimetype == "application/x-boxed-json"
+        )  # pragma: no cover
     def get_client_public_key(self):
@@ -100,12 +89,14 @@ class BoxedRequest(Request):
             header = self.headers[header_name]
         except KeyError:
             raise DataValidationError.single(
-                "{} header not provided".format(header_name))
+                "{} header not provided".format(header_name)
+            )
             return base64.b64decode(header.encode("UTF-8"), validate=True)
         except Exception:
             raise InvalidNonce.single(
-                "Cannot decode {} header".format(header_name))
+                "Cannot decode {} header".format(header_name)
+            )
     def _get_data_for_json(self, cache):
         """Read, authenticate, and decrypt incoming data.
@@ -131,7 +122,8 @@ class BoxedRequest(Request):
         nonce = self.get_nonce("X-Nonce")
         for i, private_key in enumerate(
-                boxed_authentication.service_private_keys):
+            boxed_authentication.service_private_keys
+        ):
                 box = Box(private_key, client_public_key)
                 data = box.decrypt(data, nonce, encoder=Base64Encoder)
@@ -141,7 +133,8 @@ class BoxedRequest(Request):
             self.client = Client.getByPublicKey(client_public_key)
             if self.client is None:
                 raise DataValidationError.single(
-                    "Unregistered client public key")
+                    "Unregistered client public key"
+                )
             raise DataValidationError.single("Authentication failed")
@@ -180,7 +173,8 @@ class BoxedResponse(Response):
         client_public_key = request.get_client_public_key()
         nonce = request.get_nonce("X-Response-Nonce")
         private_key = boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[
-            request.private_key_index]
+            request.private_key_index
+        ]
         box = Box(private_key, client_public_key)
         data = self.get_data()
diff --git a/lp_signing/cli.py b/lp_signing/cli.py
index 9b1d13c..c9cbe0f 100644
--- a/lp_signing/cli.py
+++ b/lp_signing/cli.py
@@ -9,17 +9,13 @@ import click
 from flask.cli import FlaskGroup
 from flask_storm import store
 from nacl.encoding import Base64Encoder
-from nacl.public import (
-    PrivateKey,
-    PublicKey,
-    )
+from nacl.public import PrivateKey, PublicKey
 from lp_signing.model.client import Client
 from lp_signing.webapp import app
 class PublicKeyParamType(click.ParamType):
     name = "public-key"
     def convert(self, value, param, ctx):
@@ -45,11 +41,17 @@ def encode_key(key):
-    "--private-key-path", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False),
-    help="Output path for private key", show_default="standard output")
+    "--private-key-path",
+    type=click.Path(dir_okay=False),
+    help="Output path for private key",
+    show_default="standard output",
-    "--public-key-path", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False),
-    help="Output path for public key", show_default="standard output")
+    "--public-key-path",
+    type=click.Path(dir_okay=False),
+    help="Output path for public key",
+    show_default="standard output",
 def generate_key_pair(private_key_path, public_key_path):
     """Generate a NaCl key pair.
diff --git a/lp_signing/config.py b/lp_signing/config.py
index be8403a..f488894 100644
--- a/lp_signing/config.py
+++ b/lp_signing/config.py
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ from urllib.parse import quote
 from nacl.encoding import Base64Encoder
 from nacl.public import PrivateKey
 ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve()
@@ -23,28 +22,37 @@ DEFAULT_TEST_CONFIG = {
     "database": {
         "master_url": f"postgres://{quote(_test_db_path, safe='')}/lp-signing",
         "standby_urls": "[]",
-        },
+    },
     "auth": {
-        "service_private_keys": json.dumps([
-            PrivateKey.generate().encode(encoder=Base64Encoder).decode(
-                "UTF-8"),
-            ]),
-        },
+        "service_private_keys": json.dumps(
+            [
+                PrivateKey.generate()
+                .encode(encoder=Base64Encoder)
+                .decode("UTF-8"),
+            ]
+        ),
+    },
     "key_storage": {
-        "private_keys": json.dumps([
-            PrivateKey.generate().encode(encoder=Base64Encoder).decode(
-                "UTF-8"),
-                ]),
-        },
-    }
+        "private_keys": json.dumps(
+            [
+                PrivateKey.generate()
+                .encode(encoder=Base64Encoder)
+                .decode("UTF-8"),
+            ]
+        ),
+    },
 def _read_config():
     path = Path(os.environ.get("SERVICE_CONFIG", ROOT / "service.conf"))
-    config = configparser.ConfigParser({
-        "QUOTED_TEST_DB_PATH": quote(_test_db_path, safe="").replace(
-            "%", "%%"),
-        })
+    config = configparser.ConfigParser(
+        {
+            "QUOTED_TEST_DB_PATH": quote(_test_db_path, safe="").replace(
+                "%", "%%"
+            ),
+        }
+    )
     return {sec: dict(config.items(sec)) for sec in config.sections()}
@@ -75,10 +83,12 @@ class ConfigProvider(object):
         for key in new_config:
             merged_value = new_config[key]
             if key in config:
-                if (isinstance(config[key], dict) and
-                        isinstance(new_config[key], dict)):
+                if isinstance(config[key], dict) and isinstance(
+                    new_config[key], dict
+                ):
                     merged_value = self.merge_config(
-                        config[key], new_config[key])
+                        config[key], new_config[key]
+                    )
             merged_config[key] = merged_value
         return merged_config
diff --git a/lp_signing/crypto.py b/lp_signing/crypto.py
index 671338c..cf38693 100644
--- a/lp_signing/crypto.py
+++ b/lp_signing/crypto.py
@@ -4,17 +4,13 @@
 """A container for data encrypted at rest using configured keys."""
 __all__ = [
-    'NaClEncryptedContainerBase',
-    ]
+    "NaClEncryptedContainerBase",
 import base64
 from nacl.exceptions import CryptoError as NaClCryptoError
-from nacl.public import (
-    PrivateKey,
-    PublicKey,
-    SealedBox,
-    )
+from nacl.public import PrivateKey, PublicKey, SealedBox
 class CryptoError(Exception):
@@ -73,7 +69,8 @@ class NaClEncryptedContainerBase:
             raise CryptoError(str(e)) from e
         return (
-            base64.b64encode(data_encrypted).decode("UTF-8"))
+            base64.b64encode(data_encrypted).decode("UTF-8"),
+        )
     def private_key_bytes(self):
@@ -120,8 +117,9 @@ class NaClEncryptedContainerBase:
             raise CryptoError(str(e)) from e
         if public_key_bytes != self.public_key_bytes:
             raise ValueError(
-                "Public key %r does not match configured public key %r" %
-                (public_key_bytes, self.public_key_bytes))
+                "Public key %r does not match configured public key %r"
+                % (public_key_bytes, self.public_key_bytes)
+            )
         if self.private_key is None:
             raise ValueError("No private key configured")
diff --git a/lp_signing/database/constants.py b/lp_signing/database/constants.py
index fbee062..e65d75e 100644
--- a/lp_signing/database/constants.py
+++ b/lp_signing/database/constants.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 from storm.expr import SQL
diff --git a/lp_signing/database/enumcol.py b/lp_signing/database/enumcol.py
index 2892ccd..f3dbf8f 100644
--- a/lp_signing/database/enumcol.py
+++ b/lp_signing/database/enumcol.py
@@ -4,13 +4,10 @@
 """An enumerated variable type for Storm."""
 __all__ = [
-    'DBEnum',
-    ]
+    "DBEnum",
-from lazr.enum import (
-    DBEnumeratedType,
-    DBItem,
-    )
+from lazr.enum import DBEnumeratedType, DBItem
 from storm.properties import SimpleProperty
 from storm.variables import Variable
@@ -18,7 +15,8 @@ from storm.variables import Variable
 def check_enum_type(enum):
     if not issubclass(enum, DBEnumeratedType):
         raise TypeError(
-            '%r must be a DBEnumeratedType: %r' % (enum, type(enum)))
+            "%r must be a DBEnumeratedType: %r" % (enum, type(enum))
+        )
 def check_type(enum):
@@ -28,6 +26,7 @@ def check_type(enum):
 class DBEnumVariable(Variable):
     """A Storm variable class representing a DBEnumeratedType."""
     __slots__ = ("_enum",)
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -45,13 +44,15 @@ class DBEnumVariable(Variable):
                     return enum.items[value]
                 except KeyError:
-            raise KeyError('%r not present in any of %r' % (value, self._enum))
+            raise KeyError("%r not present in any of %r" % (value, self._enum))
             if not isinstance(value, DBItem):
                 raise TypeError("Not a DBItem: %r" % (value,))
             if value.enum not in self._enum:
-                raise TypeError("DBItem from unknown enum %r, not in %r" % (
-                        value.enum.name, self._enum))
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "DBItem from unknown enum %r, not in %r"
+                    % (value.enum.name, self._enum)
+                )
             return value
     def parse_get(self, value, to_db):
diff --git a/lp_signing/database/helpers.py b/lp_signing/database/helpers.py
index 39ec67b..b7f4723 100644
--- a/lp_signing/database/helpers.py
+++ b/lp_signing/database/helpers.py
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
 __all__ = [
-    'get_transaction_timestamp',
-    ]
+    "get_transaction_timestamp",
 import pytz
@@ -11,5 +11,6 @@ import pytz
 def get_transaction_timestamp(store):
     """Get the timestamp for the current transaction on `store`."""
     timestamp = store.execute(
-    return timestamp.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC'))
+    ).get_one()[0]
+    return timestamp.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC"))
diff --git a/lp_signing/database/tests/test_enumcol.py b/lp_signing/database/tests/test_enumcol.py
index ea5ba1f..c87a397 100644
--- a/lp_signing/database/tests/test_enumcol.py
+++ b/lp_signing/database/tests/test_enumcol.py
@@ -10,16 +10,9 @@ from lazr.enum import (
-    )
-from storm.locals import (
-    AutoReload,
-    Int,
-    Storm,
-    )
-from testtools import (
-    ExpectedException,
-    TestCase,
-    )
+from storm.locals import AutoReload, Int, Storm
+from testtools import ExpectedException, TestCase
 from lp_signing.database.constants import DEFAULT
 from lp_signing.database.enumcol import DBEnum
@@ -29,17 +22,23 @@ from lp_signing.tests.testfixtures import DatabaseFixture
 class FooType(DBEnumeratedType):
     """Enumerated type for the foo column."""
-    ONE = DBItem(1, """
+    ONE = DBItem(
+        1,
+        """
         Number one.
-        """)
+        """,
+    )
-    TWO = DBItem(2, """
+    TWO = DBItem(
+        2,
+        """
         Number two.
-        """)
+        """,
+    )
 class BarType(DBEnumeratedType):
@@ -51,7 +50,6 @@ class BarType(DBEnumeratedType):
 class FooTest(Storm):
     __storm_table__ = "FooTest"
     id = Int(primary=True)
@@ -59,16 +57,17 @@ class FooTest(Storm):
 class TestDBEnum(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        store.execute("""
+        store.execute(
+            """
             CREATE TABLE FooTest (
                 id serial NOT NULL,
                 foo integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL
-            """)
+            """
+        )
         store.execute('GRANT ALL ON TABLE FooTest TO "lp-signing";')
         store.execute('GRANT ALL ON footest_id_seq TO "lp-signing";')
         self.addCleanup(store.execute, "DROP TABLE FooTest;")
@@ -81,9 +80,11 @@ class TestDBEnum(TestCase):
             TWO = Item("Two")
         with ExpectedException(
-                TypeError,
-                r"<EnumeratedType 'PlainFooType'> must be a DBEnumeratedType: "
-                r"<class 'lazr.enum.*MetaEnum'>"):
+            TypeError,
+            r"<EnumeratedType 'PlainFooType'> must be a DBEnumeratedType: "
+            r"<class 'lazr.enum.*MetaEnum'>",
+        ):
             class BadFooTest(Storm):
                 __storm_table__ = "FooTest"
                 id = Int(primary=True)
@@ -117,17 +118,21 @@ class TestDBEnum(TestCase):
     def test_rejects_items_from_incorrect_enum(self):
         # DBEnum variables reject items from other enumerations.
         class AnotherType(DBEnumeratedType):
-            ONE = DBItem(1, """
+            ONE = DBItem(
+                1,
+                """
                 Number one.
-                """)
+                """,
+            )
         t = FooTest()
         with ExpectedException(
-                TypeError,
-                r"DBItem from unknown enum 'AnotherType', not in "
-                r"\(<DBEnumeratedType 'FooType'>,\)"):
+            TypeError,
+            r"DBItem from unknown enum 'AnotherType', not in "
+            r"\(<DBEnumeratedType 'FooType'>,\)",
+        ):
             t.foo = AnotherType.ONE
     def test_rejects_derived_enum(self):
@@ -137,9 +142,10 @@ class TestDBEnum(TestCase):
         t = FooTest()
         with ExpectedException(
-                TypeError,
-                r"DBItem from unknown enum 'DerivedType', not in "
-                r"\(<DBEnumeratedType 'FooType'>,\)"):
+            TypeError,
+            r"DBItem from unknown enum 'DerivedType', not in "
+            r"\(<DBEnumeratedType 'FooType'>,\)",
+        ):
             t.foo = DerivedType.ONE
     def test_multiple_enums(self):
@@ -173,7 +179,8 @@ class TestDBEnum(TestCase):
         store.execute("UPDATE FooTest SET foo = 10 WHERE id = ?", (t.id,))
         t.foo = AutoReload
         with ExpectedException(
-                KeyError,
-                r"\"10 not present in any of "
-                r"\(<DBEnumeratedType 'FooType'>,\)\""):
+            KeyError,
+            r"\"10 not present in any of "
+            r"\(<DBEnumeratedType 'FooType'>,\)\"",
+        ):
diff --git a/lp_signing/enums.py b/lp_signing/enums.py
index 43828c0..f05b8fc 100644
--- a/lp_signing/enums.py
+++ b/lp_signing/enums.py
@@ -1,99 +1,123 @@
 # Copyright 2019 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-from lazr.enum import (
-    DBEnumeratedType,
-    DBItem,
-    EnumeratedType,
-    Item,
-    )
+from lazr.enum import DBEnumeratedType, DBItem, EnumeratedType, Item
 __all__ = [
-    ]
 class KeyType(DBEnumeratedType):
-    UEFI = DBItem(1, """
+    UEFI = DBItem(
+        1,
+        """
         A signing key for UEFI Secure Boot images.
-        """)
+        """,
+    )
-    KMOD = DBItem(2, """
+    KMOD = DBItem(
+        2,
+        """
         A signing key for kernel modules.
-        """)
+        """,
+    )
-    OPAL = DBItem(3, """
+    OPAL = DBItem(
+        3,
+        """
         A signing key for OPAL kernel images.
-        """)
+        """,
+    )
-    SIPL = DBItem(4, """
+    SIPL = DBItem(
+        4,
+        """
         A signing key for Secure Initial Program Load kernel images.
-        """)
+        """,
+    )
-    FIT = DBItem(5, """
+    FIT = DBItem(
+        5,
+        """
         A signing key for U-Boot Flat Image Tree images.
-        """)
+        """,
+    )
-    OPENPGP = DBItem(6, """
+    OPENPGP = DBItem(
+        6,
+        """
         An OpenPGP signing key.
-        """)
+        """,
+    )
-    CV2_KERNEL = DBItem(7, """
+    CV2_KERNEL = DBItem(
+        7,
+        """
         CV2 Kernel
         An Ambarella CV2 kernel signing key.
-        """)
+        """,
+    )
-    ANDROID_KERNEL = DBItem(8, """
+        8,
+        """
         Android Kernel
         An Android kernel signing key.
-        """)
+        """,
+    )
 class OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm(EnumeratedType):
-    RSA = Item("""
+    RSA = Item(
+        """
         A Rivest-Shamir-Adleman key.
-        """)
+        """
+    )
 class SignatureMode(EnumeratedType):
-    ATTACHED = Item("""
+    ATTACHED = Item(
+        """
         The result of signing should consist of both the original message
         and the signature.
-        """)
+        """
+    )
-    DETACHED = Item("""
+    DETACHED = Item(
+        """
         The result of signing should be just the signature.
-        """)
+        """
+    )
-    CLEAR = Item("""
+    CLEAR = Item(
+        """
         The result of signing should consist of both the original message
         and the signature, encapsulated in a plain-text format.  This is
         only meaningful for OpenPGP signatures.
-        """)
+        """
+    )
diff --git a/lp_signing/model/client.py b/lp_signing/model/client.py
index 90f3aae..1618ff9 100644
--- a/lp_signing/model/client.py
+++ b/lp_signing/model/client.py
@@ -5,20 +5,13 @@
 __all__ = [
-    ]
+import pytz
 from flask_storm import store
 from nacl.encoding import Base64Encoder
 from nacl.public import PublicKey
-import pytz
-from storm.locals import (
-    DateTime,
-    Int,
-    RawStr,
-    Reference,
-    Storm,
-    Unicode,
-    )
+from storm.locals import DateTime, Int, RawStr, Reference, Storm, Unicode
 from lp_signing.database.constants import DEFAULT
@@ -48,9 +41,8 @@ class Client(Storm):
         :return: A new `Client`.
         client = Client(
-            name=name,
-            created_at=created_at,
-            updated_at=updated_at)
+            name=name, created_at=created_at, updated_at=updated_at
+        )
         return client
@@ -65,7 +57,9 @@ class Client(Storm):
         return [
             for client_public_key in store.find(
-                ClientPublicKey, ClientPublicKey.client == self)]
+                ClientPublicKey, ClientPublicKey.client == self
+            )
+        ]
     def registerPublicKey(self, public_key):
         """Register a public key for this client.
@@ -102,8 +96,9 @@ class Client(Storm):
         return store.find(
             Client.id == ClientPublicKey.client_id,
-            ClientPublicKey._public_key == public_key.encode(
-                encoder=Base64Encoder)).one()
+            ClientPublicKey._public_key
+            == public_key.encode(encoder=Base64Encoder),
+        ).one()
 class ClientPublicKey(Storm):
@@ -134,5 +129,6 @@ class ClientPublicKey(Storm):
             ClientPublicKey.client == client,
-            ClientPublicKey._public_key == public_key.encode(
-                encoder=Base64Encoder)).remove()
+            ClientPublicKey._public_key
+            == public_key.encode(encoder=Base64Encoder),
+        ).remove()
diff --git a/lp_signing/model/key.py b/lp_signing/model/key.py
index 2f74892..c43a7f5 100644
--- a/lp_signing/model/key.py
+++ b/lp_signing/model/key.py
@@ -5,46 +5,35 @@
 __all__ = [
-    ]
 import base64
-from contextlib import contextmanager
 import hashlib
 import json
 import logging
 import os
-from pathlib import Path
 import re
 import shutil
 import subprocess
+import time
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from pathlib import Path
 from subprocess import CalledProcessError
 from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
 from textwrap import dedent
-import time
-from flask_storm import store
 import gpg
-from nacl.public import PrivateKey
 import pytz
-from storm.locals import (
-    DateTime,
-    Int,
-    RawStr,
-    Reference,
-    Storm,
-    Unicode,
-    )
+from flask_storm import store
+from nacl.public import PrivateKey
 from storm.databases.postgres import JSON
+from storm.locals import DateTime, Int, RawStr, Reference, Storm, Unicode
 from lp_signing.config import read_config
 from lp_signing.crypto import NaClEncryptedContainerBase
 from lp_signing.database.constants import DEFAULT
 from lp_signing.database.enumcol import DBEnum
-from lp_signing.enums import (
-    KeyType,
-    OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm,
-    SignatureMode,
-    )
+from lp_signing.enums import KeyType, OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm, SignatureMode
 from lp_signing.exceptions import (
@@ -52,15 +41,15 @@ from lp_signing.exceptions import (
-    )
 from lp_signing.model.client import Client
 _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 # {common_name} will be substituted using `str.format`.
-_keygen_template_base = dedent("""
+_keygen_template_base = dedent(
+    """
     [ req ]
     default_bits = 4096
     distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
@@ -76,19 +65,23 @@ _keygen_template_base = dedent("""
-    """)
+    """
 _keygen_templates = {
-    KeyType.KMOD: _keygen_template_base + dedent("""
+    KeyType.KMOD: _keygen_template_base
+    + dedent(
+        """
         # codeSigning:  specifies that this key is used to sign code.
         #  defines this key as used for
         #   module signing only. See https://lkml.org/lkml/2015/8/26/741.
         extendedKeyUsage        = codeSigning,
-        """),
+        """
+    ),
     KeyType.OPAL: _keygen_template_base,
     KeyType.SIPL: _keygen_template_base,
-    }
 # XXX see if we can do all disk operations in a tmpfs
@@ -100,9 +93,10 @@ def _temporary_path():
 def _log_subprocess_run(args, **kwargs):
-    check = kwargs.pop('check', False)
+    check = kwargs.pop("check", False)
     process = subprocess.run(
-        args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, **kwargs)
+        args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, **kwargs
+    )
     for line in process.stdout.splitlines():
         if isinstance(line, bytes):
             line = line.decode("UTF-8", errors="replace")
@@ -112,18 +106,23 @@ def _log_subprocess_run(args, **kwargs):
     # opportunity to see the command output in a debug log above.
     if check and process.returncode:
         raise CalledProcessError(
-            process.returncode, process.args, output=process.stdout,
-            stderr=process.stdout)
+            process.returncode,
+            process.args,
+            output=process.stdout,
+            stderr=process.stdout,
+        )
     return process
-_gpg_conf = dedent("""\
+_gpg_conf = dedent(
+    """\
     # Avoid wasting time verifying the local keyring's consistency.
     # Prefer a SHA-2 hash where possible.
     personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224
-    """)
+    """
 # Based loosely on gpgme/lang/python/tests/support.py:EphemeralContext.
@@ -134,9 +133,13 @@ def _gpg_context(tmp):
         (home / "gpg.conf").write_text(_gpg_conf)
-        (home / "gpg-agent.conf").write_text(dedent("""\
+        (home / "gpg-agent.conf").write_text(
+            dedent(
+                """\
-            """))
+            """
+            )
+        )
         with gpg.Context(home_dir=str(home)) as ctx:
             ctx.armor = True
@@ -157,7 +160,7 @@ def _gpg_context(tmp):
             # Block until it is really gone.
             while agent_socket.exists():
-                time.sleep(.01)
+                time.sleep(0.01)
         shutil.rmtree(home, ignore_errors=True)
@@ -201,7 +204,6 @@ class GPGError(Exception):
 class KeyStorageEncryptedContainer(NaClEncryptedContainerBase):
     def public_key_bytes(self):
         private_key_bytes = self.private_key_bytes
@@ -217,7 +219,7 @@ class KeyStorageEncryptedContainer(NaClEncryptedContainerBase):
             private_keys = [
                 for key in json.loads(config["key_storage"]["private_keys"])
-                ]
+            ]
         except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
             # Yes, this is uninformative, but we don't want to accidentally
             # dump private keys in exceptions.
@@ -248,8 +250,15 @@ class Key(Storm):
     created_at = DateTime(name="created_at", tzinfo=pytz.UTC, allow_none=False)
     updated_at = DateTime(name="updated_at", tzinfo=pytz.UTC, allow_none=False)
-    def __init__(self, key_type, fingerprint, private_key, public_key,
-                 created_at=DEFAULT, updated_at=DEFAULT):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        key_type,
+        fingerprint,
+        private_key,
+        public_key,
+        created_at=DEFAULT,
+        updated_at=DEFAULT,
+    ):
         self.key_type = key_type
         self.fingerprint = fingerprint
@@ -258,8 +267,15 @@ class Key(Storm):
         self.updated_at = updated_at
-    def new(cls, key_type, fingerprint, private_key, public_key,
-            created_at=DEFAULT, updated_at=DEFAULT):
+    def new(
+        cls,
+        key_type,
+        fingerprint,
+        private_key,
+        public_key,
+        created_at=DEFAULT,
+        updated_at=DEFAULT,
+    ):
         """Insert a key into the database.
         :param key_type: The `KeyType` of this key.
@@ -274,13 +290,13 @@ class Key(Storm):
-            updated_at=updated_at)
+            updated_at=updated_at,
+        )
         return key
     def __str__(self):
-        return (
-            f"<Key key_type={self.key_type} fingerprint={self.fingerprint}>")
+        return f"<Key key_type={self.key_type} fingerprint={self.fingerprint}>"
     __repr__ = __str__
@@ -310,11 +326,12 @@ class Key(Storm):
         :raises NoSuchKey: if the requested key does not exist.
         key = store.find(
-            Key,
-            Key.key_type == key_type, Key.fingerprint == fingerprint).one()
+            Key, Key.key_type == key_type, Key.fingerprint == fingerprint
+        ).one()
         if key is None:
             raise NoSuchKey.single(
-                f"No {key_type} key with fingerprint {fingerprint}")
+                f"No {key_type} key with fingerprint {fingerprint}"
+            )
         return key
@@ -328,7 +345,7 @@ class Key(Storm):
         if suffix:
             suffix = f" {suffix}"
-        return description[:64 - len(suffix)] + suffix
+        return description[: 64 - len(suffix)] + suffix
     def _generateKeyCertPair(cls, tmp, key_type, common_name):
@@ -341,12 +358,28 @@ class Key(Storm):
         key = tmp / f"{key_type.name.lower()}.key"
         cert = tmp / f"{key_type.name.lower()}.crt"
-        common_name_esc = re.sub(r'([/=])', r'\\\1', common_name)
-        _log_subprocess_run([
-            "openssl", "req", "-new", "-x509", "-newkey", "rsa:2048",
-            "-subj", f"/CN={common_name_esc}/", "-keyout", str(key),
-            "-out", str(cert), "-days", "9131", "-nodes", "-sha256",
-            ], check=True)
+        common_name_esc = re.sub(r"([/=])", r"\\\1", common_name)
+        _log_subprocess_run(
+            [
+                "openssl",
+                "req",
+                "-new",
+                "-x509",
+                "-newkey",
+                "rsa:2048",
+                "-subj",
+                f"/CN={common_name_esc}/",
+                "-keyout",
+                str(key),
+                "-out",
+                str(cert),
+                "-days",
+                "9131",
+                "-nodes",
+                "-sha256",
+            ],
+            check=True,
+        )
         return key.read_bytes(), cert.read_bytes()
@@ -363,10 +396,17 @@ class Key(Storm):
         cert_file_name = tmp / f"{key_type.name.lower()}.crt"
         # Convert private key from PKCS#8 to PKCS#1 format
         PKCS1_key = tmp / f"{key_type.name.lower()}.key"
-        _log_subprocess_run([
-            "openssl", "rsa", "-in", str(key_file_name),
-            "-out", str(PKCS1_key),
-            ], check=True)
+        _log_subprocess_run(
+            [
+                "openssl",
+                "rsa",
+                "-in",
+                str(key_file_name),
+                "-out",
+                str(PKCS1_key),
+            ],
+            check=True,
+        )
         return PKCS1_key.read_bytes(), cert_file_name.read_bytes()
@@ -383,15 +423,42 @@ class Key(Storm):
         pem = tmp / f"{key_type.name.lower()}.pem"
         cert = tmp / f"{key_type.name.lower()}.x509"
-        _log_subprocess_run([
-            "openssl", "req", "-new", "-nodes", "-utf8", "-sha512",
-            "-days", "9131", "-batch", "-x509", "-config", str(keygen),
-            "-outform", "PEM", "-out", str(pem), "-keyout", str(pem),
-            ], check=True)
-        _log_subprocess_run([
-            "openssl", "x509", "-in", str(pem), "-outform", "DER",
-            "-out", str(cert),
-            ], check=True)
+        _log_subprocess_run(
+            [
+                "openssl",
+                "req",
+                "-new",
+                "-nodes",
+                "-utf8",
+                "-sha512",
+                "-days",
+                "9131",
+                "-batch",
+                "-x509",
+                "-config",
+                str(keygen),
+                "-outform",
+                "PEM",
+                "-out",
+                str(pem),
+                "-keyout",
+                str(pem),
+            ],
+            check=True,
+        )
+        _log_subprocess_run(
+            [
+                "openssl",
+                "x509",
+                "-in",
+                str(pem),
+                "-outform",
+                "DER",
+                "-out",
+                str(cert),
+            ],
+            check=True,
+        )
         return pem.read_bytes(), cert.read_bytes()
@@ -408,14 +475,17 @@ class Key(Storm):
             algorithm = "rsa%d" % length
             raise KeyGenerationError.single(
-                f"Unknown OpenPGP key algorithm {openpgp_key_algorithm.name}")
+                f"Unknown OpenPGP key algorithm {openpgp_key_algorithm.name}"
+            )
         key = ctx.create_key(
-            name, algorithm=algorithm, expires=False, sign=True)
+            name, algorithm=algorithm, expires=False, sign=True
+        )
         if not key.primary:
             raise GPGError("Secret key generation failed.")
         if key.sub:
             raise GPGError(
-                "Got an encryption subkey despite not asking for one.")
+                "Got an encryption subkey despite not asking for one."
+            )
         # XXX cjwatson 2020-07-02: This could be simplified using
         # ctx.key_export_secret and ctx.key_export_minimal once we have
@@ -446,16 +516,33 @@ class Key(Storm):
         private_key = tmp / f"{key_type.name.lower()}.priv"
         public_key = tmp / f"{key_type.name.lower()}.pub"
-        _log_subprocess_run([
-            "openssl", "genpkey", "-algorithm", "RSA",
-            "-out", str(private_key),
-            "-pkeyopt", "rsa_keygen_bits:2048",
-            "-pkeyopt", "rsa_keygen_pubexp:65537",
-            ], check=True)
-        _log_subprocess_run([
-            "openssl", "pkey", "-in", str(private_key), "-pubout",
-            "-out", str(public_key),
-            ], check=True)
+        _log_subprocess_run(
+            [
+                "openssl",
+                "genpkey",
+                "-algorithm",
+                "RSA",
+                "-out",
+                str(private_key),
+                "-pkeyopt",
+                "rsa_keygen_bits:2048",
+                "-pkeyopt",
+                "rsa_keygen_pubexp:65537",
+            ],
+            check=True,
+        )
+        _log_subprocess_run(
+            [
+                "openssl",
+                "pkey",
+                "-in",
+                str(private_key),
+                "-pubout",
+                "-out",
+                str(public_key),
+            ],
+            check=True,
+        )
         return private_key.read_bytes(), public_key.read_bytes()
@@ -466,15 +553,25 @@ class Key(Storm):
         :param public_key: The public key (`bytes`).
         :return: The fingerprint (`str`).
-        output = subprocess.run([
-            "openssl", "x509",
-            "-inform",
-            "PEM" if key_type in (
-                KeyType.UEFI, KeyType.FIT, KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL) else "DER",
-            "-noout", "-fingerprint",
-            ], input=public_key, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True).stdout
+        output = subprocess.run(
+            [
+                "openssl",
+                "x509",
+                "-inform",
+                "PEM"
+                if key_type
+                in (KeyType.UEFI, KeyType.FIT, KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL)
+                else "DER",
+                "-noout",
+                "-fingerprint",
+            ],
+            input=public_key,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            check=True,
+        ).stdout
         return (
-            output.decode("UTF-8").rstrip("\n").split("=")[1].replace(":", ""))
+            output.decode("UTF-8").rstrip("\n").split("=")[1].replace(":", "")
+        )
     def _getOpenPGPFingerprint(cls, ctx, public_key):
@@ -488,7 +585,8 @@ class Key(Storm):
         if not getattr(result, "imported", 0):
             _log.error("Failed to get fingerprint of new key: %s", result)
             raise KeyImportError.single(
-                f"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: {result}")
+                f"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: {result}"
+            )
         return result.imports[0].fpr
@@ -498,14 +596,24 @@ class Key(Storm):
         :param public_key: The public key (`bytes`).
         :return: The fingerprint (`str`).
-        output = subprocess.run([
-            "openssl", "pkey", "-pubin", "-outform", "DER",
-            ], input=public_key, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True).stdout
+        output = subprocess.run(
+            [
+                "openssl",
+                "pkey",
+                "-pubin",
+                "-outform",
+                "DER",
+            ],
+            input=public_key,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            check=True,
+        ).stdout
         return hashlib.sha1(output).hexdigest().upper()
-    def generate(cls, key_type, description, openpgp_key_algorithm=None,
-                 length=None):
+    def generate(
+        cls, key_type, description, openpgp_key_algorithm=None, length=None
+    ):
         """Generate a new key for an archive.
         :param key_type: The `KeyType` to generate.
@@ -522,52 +630,66 @@ class Key(Storm):
                 if key_type in (KeyType.UEFI, KeyType.FIT):
                     private_key, public_key = cls._generateKeyCertPair(
-                        tmp, key_type, common_name)
+                        tmp, key_type, common_name
+                    )
                 elif key_type in (KeyType.KMOD, KeyType.OPAL, KeyType.SIPL):
                     private_key, public_key = cls._generatePEMX509(
-                        tmp, key_type, common_name)
+                        tmp, key_type, common_name
+                    )
                 elif key_type == KeyType.OPENPGP:
                     with _gpg_context(tmp) as ctx:
-                        private_key, public_key, fingerprint = (
-                            cls._generateOpenPGP(
-                                ctx, openpgp_key_algorithm, length,
-                                description))
+                        (
+                            private_key,
+                            public_key,
+                            fingerprint,
+                        ) = cls._generateOpenPGP(
+                            ctx, openpgp_key_algorithm, length, description
+                        )
                 elif key_type == KeyType.CV2_KERNEL:
                     private_key, public_key = cls._generateRSA(tmp, key_type)
                 elif key_type == KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL:
                     private_key, public_key = cls._generateAndroidKernelKeys(
-                        tmp, key_type, common_name)
+                        tmp, key_type, common_name
+                    )
                     raise KeyGenerationError.single(
-                        f"Unknown key type {key_type.name}")
+                        f"Unknown key type {key_type.name}"
+                    )
             except KeyGenerationError:
             except Exception as e:
                 _log.error("Failed to generate key: %s", e)
                 raise KeyGenerationError.single(f"Failed to generate key: {e}")
             if key_type in (
-                    KeyType.UEFI, KeyType.KMOD, KeyType.OPAL, KeyType.SIPL,
-                    KeyType.FIT, KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL):
+                KeyType.UEFI,
+                KeyType.KMOD,
+                KeyType.OPAL,
+                KeyType.SIPL,
+                KeyType.FIT,
+                KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL,
+            ):
-                    fingerprint = cls._getX509Fingerprint(
-                        key_type, public_key)
+                    fingerprint = cls._getX509Fingerprint(key_type, public_key)
                 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                     _log.error("Failed to get fingerprint of new key: %s", e)
                     raise KeyGenerationError.single(
-                        f"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: {e}")
+                        f"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: {e}"
+                    )
             elif key_type == KeyType.CV2_KERNEL:
                     fingerprint = cls._getRSAFingerprint(public_key)
                 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                     _log.error("Failed to get fingerprint of new key: %s", e)
                     raise KeyGenerationError.single(
-                        f"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: {e}")
+                        f"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: {e}"
+                    )
             _log.info("Generated new key with fingerprint %s", fingerprint)
         return cls.new(key_type, fingerprint, private_key, public_key)
-    def inject(cls, key_type, private_key, public_key,
-               description, created_at):
+    def inject(
+        cls, key_type, private_key, public_key, description, created_at
+    ):
         """Inject a key that was created in Launchpad.
         :param key_type: The `KeyType` to inject.
@@ -581,14 +703,20 @@ class Key(Storm):
         _log.info("Injecting %s key", key_type)
         if key_type in (
-                KeyType.UEFI, KeyType.KMOD, KeyType.OPAL, KeyType.SIPL,
-                KeyType.FIT, KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL):
+            KeyType.UEFI,
+            KeyType.KMOD,
+            KeyType.OPAL,
+            KeyType.SIPL,
+            KeyType.FIT,
+            KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL,
+        ):
                 fingerprint = cls._getX509Fingerprint(key_type, public_key)
             except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                 _log.error("Failed to get fingerprint of new key: %s", e)
                 raise KeyImportError.single(
-                    f"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: {e}")
+                    f"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: {e}"
+                )
         elif key_type == KeyType.OPENPGP:
             with _temporary_path() as tmp, _gpg_context(Path(tmp)) as ctx:
                 fingerprint = cls._getOpenPGPFingerprint(ctx, public_key)
@@ -598,24 +726,28 @@ class Key(Storm):
             except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                 _log.error("Failed to get fingerprint of new key: %s", e)
                 raise KeyImportError.single(
-                    f"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: {e}")
+                    f"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: {e}"
+                )
             raise KeyImportError.single(f"Unknown key type {key_type.name}")
         _log.info("Injecting new key with fingerprint %s", fingerprint)
             key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(key_type, fingerprint)
             if (key.getPrivateKey() == private_key) and (
-                    key.public_key == public_key):
+                key.public_key == public_key
+            ):
                 if key.created_at > created_at:
                     key.created_at = created_at
                 return key
                 raise Conflict.single(
                     f"Rejected attempt to update already existent private "
-                    f"and public key material with fingerprint {fingerprint}")
+                    f"and public key material with fingerprint {fingerprint}"
+                )
         except NoSuchKey:
-            return cls.new(key_type, fingerprint, private_key, public_key,
-                           created_at)
+            return cls.new(
+                key_type, fingerprint, private_key, public_key, created_at
+            )
     def authorizations(self):
@@ -623,7 +755,9 @@ class Key(Storm):
         return [
             for key_authorization in store.find(
-                KeyAuthorization, KeyAuthorization.key == self)]
+                KeyAuthorization, KeyAuthorization.key == self
+            )
+        ]
     def addAuthorization(self, client):
         """Authorize a client to sign with this key. If the client is
@@ -634,7 +768,8 @@ class Key(Storm):
         existing_auth = store.find(
             KeyAuthorization.key == self,
-            KeyAuthorization.client == client).one()
+            KeyAuthorization.client == client,
+        ).one()
         if existing_auth:
         key_authorization = KeyAuthorization(self, client)
@@ -675,17 +810,22 @@ class Key(Storm):
             raise UnsupportedSignatureMode.single(
                 f"Signature mode {mode.name} not supported with "
-                f"{self.key_type.name}")
+                f"{self.key_type.name}"
+            )
             "Making %s signature of %s (SHA-256: %s) with %s key %s",
-            mode.name.lower(), message_name,
-            hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest(), self.key_type,
-            self.fingerprint)
+            mode.name.lower(),
+            message_name,
+            hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest(),
+            self.key_type,
+            self.fingerprint,
+        )
         with _gpg_context(tmp) as ctx:
             import_result = _gpg_key_import(ctx, self.getPrivateKey())
             if not getattr(import_result, "secret_imported", 0):
                 raise SignatureError.single(
-                    "Failed to import stored OpenPGP key")
+                    "Failed to import stored OpenPGP key"
+                )
             gpg_key = ctx.keylist(pattern=self.fingerprint, secret=True)
             ctx.signers = list(gpg_key)
@@ -733,38 +873,62 @@ class Key(Storm):
             if self.key_type == KeyType.UEFI:
                 if mode == SignatureMode.ATTACHED:
                     cmd = [
-                        "sbsign", "--key", str(key), "--cert", str(cert),
+                        "sbsign",
+                        "--key",
+                        str(key),
+                        "--cert",
+                        str(cert),
-                        ]
+                    ]
             elif self.key_type in (KeyType.KMOD, KeyType.OPAL, KeyType.SIPL):
                 if mode == SignatureMode.DETACHED:
                     cmd = [
-                        "kmodsign", "-D", "sha512", str(key), str(cert),
-                        str(message_path), str(sig_path),
-                        ]
+                        "kmodsign",
+                        "-D",
+                        "sha512",
+                        str(key),
+                        str(cert),
+                        str(message_path),
+                        str(sig_path),
+                    ]
             elif self.key_type == KeyType.FIT:
                 if mode == SignatureMode.ATTACHED:
                     # mkimage signs in place.
                     shutil.move(str(message_path), str(sig_path))
                     cmd = [
-                        "mkimage", "-F", "-k", str(tmp), "-r", str(sig_path),
-                        ]
+                        "mkimage",
+                        "-F",
+                        "-k",
+                        str(tmp),
+                        "-r",
+                        str(sig_path),
+                    ]
             elif self.key_type in (KeyType.CV2_KERNEL, KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL):
                 if mode == SignatureMode.DETACHED:
                     cmd = [
-                        "openssl", "dgst", "-sha256", "-sign", str(key),
-                        "-out", str(sig_path), str(message_path),
-                        ]
+                        "openssl",
+                        "dgst",
+                        "-sha256",
+                        "-sign",
+                        str(key),
+                        "-out",
+                        str(sig_path),
+                        str(message_path),
+                    ]
             if cmd is None:
                 raise UnsupportedSignatureMode.single(
                     f"Signature mode {mode.name} not supported with "
-                    f"{self.key_type.name}")
+                    f"{self.key_type.name}"
+                )
                 "Making %s signature of %s (SHA-256: %s) with %s key %s",
-                mode.name.lower(), message_name,
-                hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest(), self.key_type,
-                self.fingerprint)
+                mode.name.lower(),
+                message_name,
+                hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest(),
+                self.key_type,
+                self.fingerprint,
+            )
                 _log_subprocess_run(cmd, check=True)
             except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
@@ -798,11 +962,13 @@ class KeyAuthorization(Storm):
         return store.find(
             KeyAuthorization.key == key,
-            KeyAuthorization.client == client).one()
+            KeyAuthorization.client == client,
+        ).one()
     def remove(cls, key, client):
             KeyAuthorization.key == key,
-            KeyAuthorization.client == client).remove()
+            KeyAuthorization.client == client,
+        ).remove()
diff --git a/lp_signing/model/nonce.py b/lp_signing/model/nonce.py
index 578d7e7..3467ec8 100644
--- a/lp_signing/model/nonce.py
+++ b/lp_signing/model/nonce.py
@@ -5,27 +5,19 @@
 __all__ = [
-    ]
 from datetime import timedelta
+import pytz
 from flask_storm import store
 from nacl.public import Box
 from nacl.utils import random
-import pytz
-from storm.locals import (
-    Bool,
-    DateTime,
-    Int,
-    Not,
-    Storm,
-    RawStr,
-    )
+from storm.locals import Bool, DateTime, Int, Not, RawStr, Storm
 from lp_signing.database.constants import UTC_NOW
 from lp_signing.exceptions import InvalidNonce
 _lifetime = timedelta(seconds=60)
@@ -80,7 +72,8 @@ class Nonce(Storm):
             Nonce.nonce == nonce,
-            Nonce.expires > UTC_NOW).one()
+            Nonce.expires > UTC_NOW,
+        ).one()
         if row is None:
             raise InvalidNonce.single("Invalid nonce")
         row.used = True
diff --git a/lp_signing/model/tests/test_client.py b/lp_signing/model/tests/test_client.py
index 82a0177..1e72d65 100644
--- a/lp_signing/model/tests/test_client.py
+++ b/lp_signing/model/tests/test_client.py
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ from lp_signing.tests.testfixtures import DatabaseFixture
 class TestClient(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -30,7 +29,8 @@ class TestClient(TestCase):
             [private_key.public_key for private_key in private_keys],
-            client.public_keys)
+            client.public_keys,
+        )
     def test_unregisterPublicKey(self):
         client = factory.create_client()
@@ -53,9 +53,12 @@ class TestClient(TestCase):
-            clients[0], Client.getByPublicKey(private_keys[0].public_key))
+            clients[0], Client.getByPublicKey(private_keys[0].public_key)
+        )
-            clients[0], Client.getByPublicKey(private_keys[1].public_key))
+            clients[0], Client.getByPublicKey(private_keys[1].public_key)
+        )
-            clients[1], Client.getByPublicKey(private_keys[2].public_key))
+            clients[1], Client.getByPublicKey(private_keys[2].public_key)
+        )
diff --git a/lp_signing/model/tests/test_key.py b/lp_signing/model/tests/test_key.py
index ab051b2..85a4178 100644
--- a/lp_signing/model/tests/test_key.py
+++ b/lp_signing/model/tests/test_key.py
@@ -3,18 +3,15 @@
 """Test the database model for signing keys."""
-from datetime import (
-    datetime,
-    timezone,
-    )
 import hashlib
-from pathlib import Path
 import re
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from pathlib import Path
 from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
+import gpg
 from fixtures import MockPatch
 from flask_storm import store
-import gpg
 from talisker.testing import TestContext
 from testtools import TestCase
 from testtools.matchers import (
@@ -27,27 +24,14 @@ from testtools.matchers import (
-    )
 from lp_signing.database.helpers import get_transaction_timestamp
-from lp_signing.enums import (
-    KeyType,
-    OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm,
-    SignatureMode,
-    )
-from lp_signing.exceptions import (
-    NoSuchKey,
-    UnsupportedSignatureMode,
-    )
-from lp_signing.model.key import (
-    _gpg_context,
-    Key,
-    )
+from lp_signing.enums import KeyType, OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm, SignatureMode
+from lp_signing.exceptions import NoSuchKey, UnsupportedSignatureMode
+from lp_signing.model.key import Key, _gpg_context
 from lp_signing.tests import factory
-from lp_signing.tests.matchers import (
-    MatchesOpenPGPKey,
-    RanCommand,
-    )
+from lp_signing.tests.matchers import MatchesOpenPGPKey, RanCommand
 from lp_signing.tests.testfixtures import (
@@ -57,11 +41,10 @@ from lp_signing.tests.testfixtures import (
-    )
 class TestKey(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -71,19 +54,22 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
     def test___str__(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.UEFI, fingerprint="0" * 16)
-            "<Key key_type=UEFI fingerprint=0000000000000000>", str(key))
+            "<Key key_type=UEFI fingerprint=0000000000000000>", str(key)
+        )
     def test_getByTypeAndFingerprint(self):
         keys = []
         for key_type in KeyType.items:
-            keys.extend([
-                factory.create_key(key_type=key_type) for _ in range(2)])
+            keys.extend(
+                [factory.create_key(key_type=key_type) for _ in range(2)]
+            )
         for key in keys:
-                key,
-                Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(key.key_type, key.fingerprint))
+                key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(key.key_type, key.fingerprint)
+            )
-            NoSuchKey, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint, KeyType.UEFI, "0" * 16)
+            NoSuchKey, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint, KeyType.UEFI, "0" * 16
+        )
     def test__generateKeyCommonName_plain(self):
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName("PPA testing-team ppa")
@@ -91,7 +77,8 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
     def test__generateKeyCommonName_suffix(self):
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName(
-            "PPA testing-team ppa", suffix="kmod")
+            "PPA testing-team ppa", suffix="kmod"
+        )
         self.assertEqual("PPA testing-team ppa kmod", common_name)
     def test__generateKeyCommonName_plain_just_short(self):
@@ -101,7 +88,8 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
     def test__generateKeyCommonName_suffix_just_short(self):
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName(
-            f"PPA {'t' * 30} {'p' * 24}", suffix="kmod")
+            f"PPA {'t' * 30} {'p' * 24}", suffix="kmod"
+        )
         self.assertEqual(f"PPA {'t' * 30} {'p' * 24} kmod", common_name)
         self.assertEqual(64, len(common_name))
@@ -112,7 +100,8 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
     def test__generateKeyCommonName_suffix_long(self):
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName(
-            f"PPA {'t' * 40} {'p' * 40}", suffix="kmod-plus")
+            f"PPA {'t' * 40} {'p' * 40}", suffix="kmod-plus"
+        )
         self.assertEqual(f"PPA {'t' * 40} {'p' * 9} kmod-plus", common_name)
         self.assertEqual(64, len(common_name))
@@ -124,34 +113,60 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         key = Key.generate(KeyType.UEFI, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing")
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.UEFI,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=now,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.UEFI,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=now,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.UEFI, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.UEFI, fingerprint)
+        )
         req_args = [
-            "openssl", "req", "-new", "-x509", "-newkey", "rsa:2048",
-            "-subj", r"/CN=~signing-owner\/ubuntu\/testing UEFI/",
-            "-keyout", EndsWith("uefi.key"), "-out", EndsWith("uefi.crt"),
-            "-days", "9131", "-nodes", "-sha256",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "req",
+            "-new",
+            "-x509",
+            "-newkey",
+            "rsa:2048",
+            "-subj",
+            r"/CN=~signing-owner\/ubuntu\/testing UEFI/",
+            "-keyout",
+            EndsWith("uefi.key"),
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("uefi.crt"),
+            "-days",
+            "9131",
+            "-nodes",
+            "-sha256",
+        ]
         x509_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-inform", "PEM", "-noout", "-fingerprint",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-inform",
+            "PEM",
+            "-noout",
+            "-fingerprint",
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([
-                RanCommand(req_args, stdin=Is(None)),
-                RanCommand(
-                    x509_args,
-                    stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
-                        lambda f: f.getvalue(),
-                        Equals(public_key))),
-                ]))
+            MatchesListwise(
+                [
+                    RanCommand(req_args, stdin=Is(None)),
+                    RanCommand(
+                        x509_args,
+                        stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda f: f.getvalue(), Equals(public_key)
+                        ),
+                    ),
+                ]
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_kmod(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -161,46 +176,88 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         key = Key.generate(KeyType.KMOD, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing")
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.KMOD,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=now,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.KMOD,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=now,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.KMOD, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.KMOD, fingerprint)
+        )
         self.assertIn("[ req ]", fake_openssl.keygen_text)
-        self.assertThat(fake_openssl.keygen_text, MatchesRegex(
-            r".*\bCN\s*=\s*~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing\b", flags=re.S))
-        self.assertThat(fake_openssl.keygen_text, MatchesRegex(
-            r".*\bextendedKeyUsage\s*=\s*"
-            r"codeSigning,\s*\b", flags=re.S))
+        self.assertThat(
+            fake_openssl.keygen_text,
+            MatchesRegex(
+                r".*\bCN\s*=\s*~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing\b", flags=re.S
+            ),
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            fake_openssl.keygen_text,
+            MatchesRegex(
+                r".*\bextendedKeyUsage\s*=\s*"
+                r"codeSigning,\s*\b",
+                flags=re.S,
+            ),
+        )
         req_args = [
-            "openssl", "req", "-new", "-nodes", "-utf8", "-sha512",
-            "-days", "9131", "-batch", "-x509",
-            "-config", EndsWith("kmod.keygen"),
-            "-outform", "PEM", "-out", EndsWith("kmod.pem"),
-            "-keyout", EndsWith("kmod.pem"),
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "req",
+            "-new",
+            "-nodes",
+            "-utf8",
+            "-sha512",
+            "-days",
+            "9131",
+            "-batch",
+            "-x509",
+            "-config",
+            EndsWith("kmod.keygen"),
+            "-outform",
+            "PEM",
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("kmod.pem"),
+            "-keyout",
+            EndsWith("kmod.pem"),
+        ]
         x509_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-in", EndsWith("kmod.pem"),
-            "-outform", "DER", "-out", EndsWith("kmod.x509"),
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-in",
+            EndsWith("kmod.pem"),
+            "-outform",
+            "DER",
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("kmod.x509"),
+        ]
         fingerprint_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-inform", "DER", "-noout", "-fingerprint",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-inform",
+            "DER",
+            "-noout",
+            "-fingerprint",
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([
-                RanCommand(req_args, stdin=Is(None)),
-                RanCommand(x509_args, stdin=Is(None)),
-                RanCommand(
-                    fingerprint_args,
-                    stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
-                        lambda f: f.getvalue(),
-                        Equals(public_key))),
-                ]))
+            MatchesListwise(
+                [
+                    RanCommand(req_args, stdin=Is(None)),
+                    RanCommand(x509_args, stdin=Is(None)),
+                    RanCommand(
+                        fingerprint_args,
+                        stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda f: f.getvalue(), Equals(public_key)
+                        ),
+                    ),
+                ]
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_opal(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -210,44 +267,81 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         key = Key.generate(KeyType.OPAL, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing")
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.OPAL,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=now,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.OPAL,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=now,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.OPAL, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.OPAL, fingerprint)
+        )
         self.assertIn("[ req ]", fake_openssl.keygen_text)
-        self.assertThat(fake_openssl.keygen_text, MatchesRegex(
-            r".*\bCN\s*=\s*~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing\b", flags=re.S))
+        self.assertThat(
+            fake_openssl.keygen_text,
+            MatchesRegex(
+                r".*\bCN\s*=\s*~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing\b", flags=re.S
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertNotIn("extendedKeyUsage", fake_openssl.keygen_text)
         req_args = [
-            "openssl", "req", "-new", "-nodes", "-utf8", "-sha512",
-            "-days", "9131", "-batch", "-x509",
-            "-config", EndsWith("opal.keygen"),
-            "-outform", "PEM", "-out", EndsWith("opal.pem"),
-            "-keyout", EndsWith("opal.pem"),
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "req",
+            "-new",
+            "-nodes",
+            "-utf8",
+            "-sha512",
+            "-days",
+            "9131",
+            "-batch",
+            "-x509",
+            "-config",
+            EndsWith("opal.keygen"),
+            "-outform",
+            "PEM",
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("opal.pem"),
+            "-keyout",
+            EndsWith("opal.pem"),
+        ]
         x509_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-in", EndsWith("opal.pem"),
-            "-outform", "DER", "-out", EndsWith("opal.x509"),
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-in",
+            EndsWith("opal.pem"),
+            "-outform",
+            "DER",
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("opal.x509"),
+        ]
         fingerprint_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-inform", "DER", "-noout", "-fingerprint",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-inform",
+            "DER",
+            "-noout",
+            "-fingerprint",
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([
-                RanCommand(req_args, stdin=Is(None)),
-                RanCommand(x509_args, stdin=Is(None)),
-                RanCommand(
-                    fingerprint_args,
-                    stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
-                        lambda f: f.getvalue(),
-                        Equals(public_key))),
-                ]))
+            MatchesListwise(
+                [
+                    RanCommand(req_args, stdin=Is(None)),
+                    RanCommand(x509_args, stdin=Is(None)),
+                    RanCommand(
+                        fingerprint_args,
+                        stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda f: f.getvalue(), Equals(public_key)
+                        ),
+                    ),
+                ]
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_sipl(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -257,44 +351,81 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         key = Key.generate(KeyType.SIPL, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing")
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.SIPL,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=now,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.SIPL,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=now,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.SIPL, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.SIPL, fingerprint)
+        )
         self.assertIn("[ req ]", fake_openssl.keygen_text)
-        self.assertThat(fake_openssl.keygen_text, MatchesRegex(
-            r".*\bCN\s*=\s*~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing\b", flags=re.S))
+        self.assertThat(
+            fake_openssl.keygen_text,
+            MatchesRegex(
+                r".*\bCN\s*=\s*~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing\b", flags=re.S
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertNotIn("extendedKeyUsage", fake_openssl.keygen_text)
         req_args = [
-            "openssl", "req", "-new", "-nodes", "-utf8", "-sha512",
-            "-days", "9131", "-batch", "-x509",
-            "-config", EndsWith("sipl.keygen"),
-            "-outform", "PEM", "-out", EndsWith("sipl.pem"),
-            "-keyout", EndsWith("sipl.pem"),
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "req",
+            "-new",
+            "-nodes",
+            "-utf8",
+            "-sha512",
+            "-days",
+            "9131",
+            "-batch",
+            "-x509",
+            "-config",
+            EndsWith("sipl.keygen"),
+            "-outform",
+            "PEM",
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("sipl.pem"),
+            "-keyout",
+            EndsWith("sipl.pem"),
+        ]
         x509_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-in", EndsWith("sipl.pem"),
-            "-outform", "DER", "-out", EndsWith("sipl.x509"),
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-in",
+            EndsWith("sipl.pem"),
+            "-outform",
+            "DER",
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("sipl.x509"),
+        ]
         fingerprint_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-inform", "DER", "-noout", "-fingerprint",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-inform",
+            "DER",
+            "-noout",
+            "-fingerprint",
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([
-                RanCommand(req_args, stdin=Is(None)),
-                RanCommand(x509_args, stdin=Is(None)),
-                RanCommand(
-                    fingerprint_args,
-                    stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
-                        lambda f: f.getvalue(),
-                        Equals(public_key))),
-                ]))
+            MatchesListwise(
+                [
+                    RanCommand(req_args, stdin=Is(None)),
+                    RanCommand(x509_args, stdin=Is(None)),
+                    RanCommand(
+                        fingerprint_args,
+                        stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda f: f.getvalue(), Equals(public_key)
+                        ),
+                    ),
+                ]
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_fit(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -304,76 +435,125 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         key = Key.generate(KeyType.FIT, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing")
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.FIT,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=now,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.FIT,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=now,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.FIT, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.FIT, fingerprint)
+        )
         req_args = [
-            "openssl", "req", "-new", "-x509", "-newkey", "rsa:2048",
-            "-subj", r"/CN=~signing-owner\/ubuntu\/testing FIT/",
-            "-keyout", EndsWith("fit.key"), "-out", EndsWith("fit.crt"),
-            "-days", "9131", "-nodes", "-sha256",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "req",
+            "-new",
+            "-x509",
+            "-newkey",
+            "rsa:2048",
+            "-subj",
+            r"/CN=~signing-owner\/ubuntu\/testing FIT/",
+            "-keyout",
+            EndsWith("fit.key"),
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("fit.crt"),
+            "-days",
+            "9131",
+            "-nodes",
+            "-sha256",
+        ]
         x509_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-inform", "PEM", "-noout", "-fingerprint",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-inform",
+            "PEM",
+            "-noout",
+            "-fingerprint",
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([
-                RanCommand(req_args, stdin=Is(None)),
-                RanCommand(
-                    x509_args,
-                    stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
-                        lambda f: f.getvalue(),
-                        Equals(public_key))),
-                ]))
+            MatchesListwise(
+                [
+                    RanCommand(req_args, stdin=Is(None)),
+                    RanCommand(
+                        x509_args,
+                        stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda f: f.getvalue(), Equals(public_key)
+                        ),
+                    ),
+                ]
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_openpgp(self):
         key = Key.generate(
-            KeyType.OPENPGP, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
-            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA, length=1024)
+            KeyType.OPENPGP,
+            "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
+            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA,
+            length=1024,
+        )
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure(
-            key_type=Equals(KeyType.OPENPGP),
-            fingerprint=HasLength(40),
-            public_key=MatchesOpenPGPKey(
-                MatchesStructure(
-                    fpr=Equals(key.fingerprint),
-                    secret=Equals(0),
-                    subkeys=MatchesListwise([
-                        MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-                            pubkey_algo=1,
-                            length=1024),
-                        ]),
-                    uids=MatchesListwise([
-                        MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-                            uid="~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing"),
-                        ]))),
-            created_at=Equals(now),
-            updated_at=Equals(now)))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure(
+                key_type=Equals(KeyType.OPENPGP),
+                fingerprint=HasLength(40),
+                public_key=MatchesOpenPGPKey(
+                    MatchesStructure(
+                        fpr=Equals(key.fingerprint),
+                        secret=Equals(0),
+                        subkeys=MatchesListwise(
+                            [
+                                MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                                    pubkey_algo=1, length=1024
+                                ),
+                            ]
+                        ),
+                        uids=MatchesListwise(
+                            [
+                                MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                                    uid="~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing"
+                                ),
+                            ]
+                        ),
+                    )
+                ),
+                created_at=Equals(now),
+                updated_at=Equals(now),
+            ),
+        )
-                    subkeys=MatchesListwise([
-                        MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-                            pubkey_algo=1,
-                            length=1024),
-                        ]),
-                    uids=MatchesListwise([
-                        MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-                            uid="~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing"),
-                        ])),
-                secret=True))
+                    subkeys=MatchesListwise(
+                        [
+                            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                                pubkey_algo=1, length=1024
+                            ),
+                        ]
+                    ),
+                    uids=MatchesListwise(
+                        [
+                            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                                uid="~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing"
+                            ),
+                        ]
+                    ),
+                ),
+                secret=True,
+            ),
+        )
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.OPENPGP, key.fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.OPENPGP, key.fingerprint)
+        )
     def test_generate_cv2_kernel(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -383,37 +563,57 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         key = Key.generate(KeyType.CV2_KERNEL, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing")
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.CV2_KERNEL,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=now,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.CV2_KERNEL,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=now,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.CV2_KERNEL, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.CV2_KERNEL, fingerprint)
+        )
         genpkey_args = [
-            "openssl", "genpkey", "-algorithm", "RSA",
-            "-out", EndsWith("cv2_kernel.priv"),
-            "-pkeyopt", "rsa_keygen_bits:2048",
-            "-pkeyopt", "rsa_keygen_pubexp:65537",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "genpkey",
+            "-algorithm",
+            "RSA",
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("cv2_kernel.priv"),
+            "-pkeyopt",
+            "rsa_keygen_bits:2048",
+            "-pkeyopt",
+            "rsa_keygen_pubexp:65537",
+        ]
         pkey_args = [
-            "openssl", "pkey", "-in", EndsWith("cv2_kernel.priv"),
-            "-pubout", "-out", EndsWith("cv2_kernel.pub"),
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "pkey",
+            "-in",
+            EndsWith("cv2_kernel.priv"),
+            "-pubout",
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("cv2_kernel.pub"),
+        ]
         pkey_der_args = ["openssl", "pkey", "-pubin", "-outform", "DER"]
-            MatchesListwise([
-                RanCommand(genpkey_args, stdin=Is(None)),
-                RanCommand(pkey_args, stdin=Is(None)),
-                RanCommand(
-                    pkey_der_args,
-                    stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
-                        lambda f: f.getvalue(),
-                        Equals(public_key))),
-                ]))
+            MatchesListwise(
+                [
+                    RanCommand(genpkey_args, stdin=Is(None)),
+                    RanCommand(pkey_args, stdin=Is(None)),
+                    RanCommand(
+                        pkey_der_args,
+                        stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda f: f.getvalue(), Equals(public_key)
+                        ),
+                    ),
+                ]
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_android_kernel(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -421,50 +621,82 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         public_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
         fingerprint = hashlib.sha1(public_key).hexdigest().upper()
         fake_openssl = FakeOpenSSL(
-            private_key, public_key, fingerprint,
-            private_key_pkcs1=private_key_pkcs1)
+            private_key,
+            public_key,
+            fingerprint,
+            private_key_pkcs1=private_key_pkcs1,
+        )
         key = Key.generate(
-            KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL,
-            "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing")
+            KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing"
+        )
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=now,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=now,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key_pkcs1, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-                KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL, fingerprint))
+            key,
+            Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL, fingerprint),
+        )
         req_args = [
-            "openssl", "req", "-new", "-x509", "-newkey", "rsa:2048",
-            "-subj", r"/CN=~signing-owner\/ubuntu\/testing Android Kernel/",
-            "-keyout", EndsWith("android_kernel.key"),
-            "-out", EndsWith("android_kernel.crt"), "-days", "9131",
-            "-nodes", "-sha256",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "req",
+            "-new",
+            "-x509",
+            "-newkey",
+            "rsa:2048",
+            "-subj",
+            r"/CN=~signing-owner\/ubuntu\/testing Android Kernel/",
+            "-keyout",
+            EndsWith("android_kernel.key"),
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("android_kernel.crt"),
+            "-days",
+            "9131",
+            "-nodes",
+            "-sha256",
+        ]
         rsa_args = [
-            "openssl", "rsa", "-in", EndsWith("android_kernel.key"),
-            "-out", EndsWith("android_kernel.key"),
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "rsa",
+            "-in",
+            EndsWith("android_kernel.key"),
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("android_kernel.key"),
+        ]
         x509_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-inform", "PEM", "-noout", "-fingerprint",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-inform",
+            "PEM",
+            "-noout",
+            "-fingerprint",
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([
-                RanCommand(req_args, stdin=Is(None)),
-                RanCommand(rsa_args, stdin=Is(None)),
-                RanCommand(
-                    x509_args,
-                    stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
-                        lambda f: f.getvalue(),
-                        Equals(public_key))),
-                ]))
+            MatchesListwise(
+                [
+                    RanCommand(req_args, stdin=Is(None)),
+                    RanCommand(rsa_args, stdin=Is(None)),
+                    RanCommand(
+                        x509_args,
+                        stdin=AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda f: f.getvalue(), Equals(public_key)
+                        ),
+                    ),
+                ]
+            ),
+        )
     def test_addAuthorization(self):
         key = factory.create_key()
@@ -511,40 +743,60 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         with TestContext() as ctx:
                 b"test signed data",
-                key.sign("t.efi", message, SignatureMode.ATTACHED))
+                key.sign("t.efi", message, SignatureMode.ATTACHED),
+            )
         self.assertEqual(message, fake_sbsign.message_bytes)
         sbsign_args = [
-            "sbsign", "--key", EndsWith("uefi.key"),
-            "--cert", EndsWith("uefi.crt"), EndsWith("t.efi"),
-            ]
+            "sbsign",
+            "--key",
+            EndsWith("uefi.key"),
+            "--cert",
+            EndsWith("uefi.crt"),
+            EndsWith("t.efi"),
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(sbsign_args)]))
+            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(sbsign_args)]),
+        )
         message_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest()
                 f"Making attached signature of t.efi "
                 f"(SHA-256: {message_sha256}) with UEFI key "
-                f"{key.fingerprint}"))
+                f"{key.fingerprint}"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_uefi_detached_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.UEFI)
-            key.sign, "t.efi", b"test data", SignatureMode.DETACHED)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.efi",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.DETACHED,
+        )
     def test_sign_uefi_clear_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.UEFI)
-            key.sign, "t.efi", b"test data", SignatureMode.CLEAR)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.efi",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.CLEAR,
+        )
     def test_sign_kmod_attached_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.KMOD)
-            key.sign, "t.ko", b"test data", SignatureMode.ATTACHED)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.ko",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.ATTACHED,
+        )
     def test_sign_kmod_detached(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.KMOD)
@@ -554,35 +806,51 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         with TestContext() as ctx:
                 b"test signed data",
-                key.sign("t.ko", message, SignatureMode.DETACHED))
+                key.sign("t.ko", message, SignatureMode.DETACHED),
+            )
         self.assertEqual(message, fake_kmodsign.message_bytes)
         kmodsign_args = [
-            "kmodsign", "-D", "sha512",
-            EndsWith("kmod.key"), EndsWith("kmod.crt"),
-            EndsWith("t.ko"), EndsWith("t.ko.sig"),
-            ]
+            "kmodsign",
+            "-D",
+            "sha512",
+            EndsWith("kmod.key"),
+            EndsWith("kmod.crt"),
+            EndsWith("t.ko"),
+            EndsWith("t.ko.sig"),
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(kmodsign_args)]))
+            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(kmodsign_args)]),
+        )
         message_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest()
                 f"Making detached signature of t.ko "
                 f"(SHA-256: {message_sha256}) with Kmod key "
-                f"{key.fingerprint}"))
+                f"{key.fingerprint}"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_kmod_clear_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.KMOD)
-            key.sign, "t.ko", b"test data", SignatureMode.CLEAR)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.ko",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.CLEAR,
+        )
     def test_sign_opal_attached_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.OPAL)
-            key.sign, "t.opal", b"test data", SignatureMode.ATTACHED)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.opal",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.ATTACHED,
+        )
     def test_sign_opal_detached(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.OPAL)
@@ -592,35 +860,51 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         with TestContext() as ctx:
                 b"test signed data",
-                key.sign("t.opal", message, SignatureMode.DETACHED))
+                key.sign("t.opal", message, SignatureMode.DETACHED),
+            )
         self.assertEqual(message, fake_kmodsign.message_bytes)
         kmodsign_args = [
-            "kmodsign", "-D", "sha512",
-            EndsWith("opal.key"), EndsWith("opal.crt"),
-            EndsWith("t.opal"), EndsWith("t.opal.sig"),
-            ]
+            "kmodsign",
+            "-D",
+            "sha512",
+            EndsWith("opal.key"),
+            EndsWith("opal.crt"),
+            EndsWith("t.opal"),
+            EndsWith("t.opal.sig"),
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(kmodsign_args)]))
+            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(kmodsign_args)]),
+        )
         message_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest()
                 f"Making detached signature of t.opal "
                 f"(SHA-256: {message_sha256}) with OPAL key "
-                f"{key.fingerprint}"))
+                f"{key.fingerprint}"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_opal_clear_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.OPAL)
-            key.sign, "t.opal", b"test data", SignatureMode.CLEAR)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.opal",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.CLEAR,
+        )
     def test_sign_sipl_attached_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.SIPL)
-            key.sign, "t.sipl", b"test data", SignatureMode.ATTACHED)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.sipl",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.ATTACHED,
+        )
     def test_sign_sipl_detached(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.SIPL)
@@ -630,29 +914,41 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         with TestContext() as ctx:
                 b"test signed data",
-                key.sign("t.sipl", message, SignatureMode.DETACHED))
+                key.sign("t.sipl", message, SignatureMode.DETACHED),
+            )
         self.assertEqual(message, fake_kmodsign.message_bytes)
         kmodsign_args = [
-            "kmodsign", "-D", "sha512",
-            EndsWith("sipl.key"), EndsWith("sipl.crt"),
-            EndsWith("t.sipl"), EndsWith("t.sipl.sig"),
-            ]
+            "kmodsign",
+            "-D",
+            "sha512",
+            EndsWith("sipl.key"),
+            EndsWith("sipl.crt"),
+            EndsWith("t.sipl"),
+            EndsWith("t.sipl.sig"),
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(kmodsign_args)]))
+            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(kmodsign_args)]),
+        )
         message_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest()
                 f"Making detached signature of t.sipl "
                 f"(SHA-256: {message_sha256}) with SIPL key "
-                f"{key.fingerprint}"))
+                f"{key.fingerprint}"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_sipl_clear_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.SIPL)
-            key.sign, "t.sipl", b"test data", SignatureMode.CLEAR)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.sipl",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.CLEAR,
+        )
     def test_sign_fit_attached(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.FIT)
@@ -662,103 +958,153 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         with TestContext() as ctx:
                 b"test signed data",
-                key.sign("t.fit", message, SignatureMode.ATTACHED))
+                key.sign("t.fit", message, SignatureMode.ATTACHED),
+            )
         self.assertEqual(message, fake_mkimage.message_bytes)
         mkimage_args = [
-            "mkimage", "-F", "-k", Not(Is(None)), "-r",
+            "mkimage",
+            "-F",
+            "-k",
+            Not(Is(None)),
+            "-r",
-            ]
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(mkimage_args)]))
+            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(mkimage_args)]),
+        )
         message_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest()
                 f"Making attached signature of t.fit "
                 f"(SHA-256: {message_sha256}) with FIT key "
-                f"{key.fingerprint}"))
+                f"{key.fingerprint}"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_fit_detached_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.FIT)
-            key.sign, "t.fit", b"test data", SignatureMode.DETACHED)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.fit",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.DETACHED,
+        )
     def test_sign_fit_clear_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.FIT)
-            key.sign, "t.fit", b"test data", SignatureMode.CLEAR)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.fit",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.CLEAR,
+        )
     def test_sign_openpgp_attached(self):
         key = Key.generate(
-            KeyType.OPENPGP, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
-            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA, length=1024)
+            KeyType.OPENPGP,
+            "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
+            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA,
+            length=1024,
+        )
         message = b"test data"
-        mock_sign = self.useFixture(MockPatch(
-            "gpg.Context.sign", return_value=(b"test signed data", None))).mock
+        mock_sign = self.useFixture(
+            MockPatch(
+                "gpg.Context.sign", return_value=(b"test signed data", None)
+            )
+        ).mock
         with TestContext() as ctx:
                 b"test signed data",
-                key.sign("t.gpg", message, SignatureMode.ATTACHED))
+                key.sign("t.gpg", message, SignatureMode.ATTACHED),
+            )
-            message, mode=gpg.constants.SIG_MODE_NORMAL)
+            message, mode=gpg.constants.SIG_MODE_NORMAL
+        )
         message_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest()
                 f"Making attached signature of t.gpg "
                 f"(SHA-256: {message_sha256}) with OpenPGP key "
-                f"{key.fingerprint}"))
+                f"{key.fingerprint}"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_openpgp_detached(self):
         key = Key.generate(
-            KeyType.OPENPGP, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
-            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA, length=1024)
+            KeyType.OPENPGP,
+            "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
+            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA,
+            length=1024,
+        )
         message = b"test data"
-        mock_sign = self.useFixture(MockPatch(
-            "gpg.Context.sign", return_value=(b"test signed data", None))).mock
+        mock_sign = self.useFixture(
+            MockPatch(
+                "gpg.Context.sign", return_value=(b"test signed data", None)
+            )
+        ).mock
         with TestContext() as ctx:
                 b"test signed data",
-                key.sign("t.gpg", message, SignatureMode.DETACHED))
+                key.sign("t.gpg", message, SignatureMode.DETACHED),
+            )
-            message, mode=gpg.constants.SIG_MODE_DETACH)
+            message, mode=gpg.constants.SIG_MODE_DETACH
+        )
         message_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest()
                 f"Making detached signature of t.gpg "
                 f"(SHA-256: {message_sha256}) with OpenPGP key "
-                f"{key.fingerprint}"))
+                f"{key.fingerprint}"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_openpgp_clear(self):
         key = Key.generate(
-            KeyType.OPENPGP, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
-            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA, length=1024)
+            KeyType.OPENPGP,
+            "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
+            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA,
+            length=1024,
+        )
         message = b"test data"
-        mock_sign = self.useFixture(MockPatch(
-            "gpg.Context.sign", return_value=(b"test signed data", None))).mock
+        mock_sign = self.useFixture(
+            MockPatch(
+                "gpg.Context.sign", return_value=(b"test signed data", None)
+            )
+        ).mock
         with TestContext() as ctx:
                 b"test signed data",
-                key.sign("t.gpg", message, SignatureMode.CLEAR))
+                key.sign("t.gpg", message, SignatureMode.CLEAR),
+            )
-            message, mode=gpg.constants.SIG_MODE_CLEAR)
+            message, mode=gpg.constants.SIG_MODE_CLEAR
+        )
         message_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest()
                 f"Making clear signature of t.gpg "
                 f"(SHA-256: {message_sha256}) with OpenPGP key "
-                f"{key.fingerprint}"))
+                f"{key.fingerprint}"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_cv2_kernel_attached_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.CV2_KERNEL)
-            key.sign, "t.cv2_kernel", b"test data", SignatureMode.ATTACHED)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.cv2_kernel",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.ATTACHED,
+        )
     def test_sign_cv2_kernel_detached(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.CV2_KERNEL)
@@ -768,34 +1114,52 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         with TestContext() as ctx:
                 b"test signed data",
-                key.sign("t.cv2_kernel", message, SignatureMode.DETACHED))
+                key.sign("t.cv2_kernel", message, SignatureMode.DETACHED),
+            )
         self.assertEqual(message, fake_openssl_sign.message_bytes)
         openssl_sign_args = [
-            "openssl", "dgst", "-sha256", "-sign", EndsWith("cv2_kernel.priv"),
-            "-out", EndsWith("t.cv2_kernel.sig"), EndsWith("t.cv2_kernel"),
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "dgst",
+            "-sha256",
+            "-sign",
+            EndsWith("cv2_kernel.priv"),
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("t.cv2_kernel.sig"),
+            EndsWith("t.cv2_kernel"),
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(openssl_sign_args)]))
+            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(openssl_sign_args)]),
+        )
         message_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest()
                 f"Making detached signature of t.cv2_kernel "
                 f"(SHA-256: {message_sha256}) with CV2 Kernel key "
-                f"{key.fingerprint}"))
+                f"{key.fingerprint}"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_cv2_kernel_clear_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.CV2_KERNEL)
-            key.sign, "t.cv2_kernel", b"test data", SignatureMode.CLEAR)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.cv2_kernel",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.CLEAR,
+        )
     def test_sign_android_kernel_attached_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL)
-            key.sign, "t.android_kernel", b"test data", SignatureMode.ATTACHED)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.android_kernel",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.ATTACHED,
+        )
     def test_sign_android_kernel_detached(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL)
@@ -805,30 +1169,42 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         with TestContext() as ctx:
                 b"test signed data",
-                key.sign("t.android_kernel", message, SignatureMode.DETACHED))
+                key.sign("t.android_kernel", message, SignatureMode.DETACHED),
+            )
         self.assertEqual(message, fake_openssl_sign.message_bytes)
         openssl_sign_args = [
-            "openssl", "dgst", "-sha256", "-sign",
+            "openssl",
+            "dgst",
+            "-sha256",
+            "-sign",
-            "-out", EndsWith("t.android_kernel.sig"),
+            "-out",
+            EndsWith("t.android_kernel.sig"),
-            ]
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(openssl_sign_args)]))
+            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(openssl_sign_args)]),
+        )
         message_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(message).hexdigest()
                 f"Making detached signature of t.android_kernel "
                 f"(SHA-256: {message_sha256}) with Android Kernel key "
-                f"{key.fingerprint}"))
+                f"{key.fingerprint}"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_android_kernel_clear_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL)
-            key.sign, "t.android_kernel", b"test data", SignatureMode.CLEAR)
+            key.sign,
+            "t.android_kernel",
+            b"test data",
+            SignatureMode.CLEAR,
+        )
     def test_inject_uefi(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -838,28 +1214,42 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         created_at = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
         fake_openssl = FakeOpenSSL(private_key, public_key, fingerprint)
-        key = Key.inject(KeyType.UEFI, private_key, public_key, description,
-                         created_at)
+        key = Key.inject(
+            KeyType.UEFI, private_key, public_key, description, created_at
+        )
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.UEFI,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=created_at,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.UEFI,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=created_at,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.UEFI, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.UEFI, fingerprint)
+        )
         fingerprint_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-inform", "PEM", "-noout", "-fingerprint",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-inform",
+            "PEM",
+            "-noout",
+            "-fingerprint",
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([
-                RanCommand(
-                    fingerprint_args,
-                ),
-                ]))
+            MatchesListwise(
+                [
+                    RanCommand(
+                        fingerprint_args,
+                    ),
+                ]
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_kmod(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -869,28 +1259,42 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         description = "PPA signing-owner testing"
         created_at = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
-        key = Key.inject(KeyType.KMOD, private_key, public_key, description,
-                         created_at)
+        key = Key.inject(
+            KeyType.KMOD, private_key, public_key, description, created_at
+        )
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.KMOD,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=created_at,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.KMOD,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=created_at,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.KMOD, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.KMOD, fingerprint)
+        )
         fingerprint_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-inform", "DER", "-noout", "-fingerprint",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-inform",
+            "DER",
+            "-noout",
+            "-fingerprint",
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([
-                RanCommand(
-                    fingerprint_args,
-                ),
-                ]))
+            MatchesListwise(
+                [
+                    RanCommand(
+                        fingerprint_args,
+                    ),
+                ]
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_opal(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -900,28 +1304,36 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         description = "PPA signing-owner testing"
         created_at = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
-        key = Key.inject(KeyType.OPAL, private_key, public_key, description,
-                         created_at)
+        key = Key.inject(
+            KeyType.OPAL, private_key, public_key, description, created_at
+        )
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.OPAL,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=created_at,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.OPAL,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=created_at,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.OPAL, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.OPAL, fingerprint)
+        )
         fingerprint_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-inform", "DER", "-noout", "-fingerprint",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-inform",
+            "DER",
+            "-noout",
+            "-fingerprint",
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([
-                RanCommand(
-                    fingerprint_args
-                )
-                ]))
+            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(fingerprint_args)]),
+        )
     def test_inject_sipl(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -931,28 +1343,36 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         description = "PPA signing-owner testing"
         created_at = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
-        key = Key.inject(KeyType.SIPL, private_key, public_key, description,
-                         created_at)
+        key = Key.inject(
+            KeyType.SIPL, private_key, public_key, description, created_at
+        )
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.SIPL,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=created_at,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.SIPL,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=created_at,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.SIPL, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.SIPL, fingerprint)
+        )
         fingerprint_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-inform", "DER", "-noout", "-fingerprint",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-inform",
+            "DER",
+            "-noout",
+            "-fingerprint",
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([
-                RanCommand(
-                    fingerprint_args
-                )
-                ]))
+            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(fingerprint_args)]),
+        )
     def test_inject_fit(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -962,49 +1382,66 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         description = "PPA signing-owner testing"
         created_at = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
-        key = Key.inject(KeyType.FIT, private_key, public_key, description,
-                         created_at)
+        key = Key.inject(
+            KeyType.FIT, private_key, public_key, description, created_at
+        )
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.FIT,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=created_at,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.FIT,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=created_at,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.FIT, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.FIT, fingerprint)
+        )
         fingerprint_args = [
-            "openssl", "x509", "-inform", "PEM", "-noout", "-fingerprint",
-            ]
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-inform",
+            "PEM",
+            "-noout",
+            "-fingerprint",
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([
-                RanCommand(
-                    fingerprint_args
-                )
-                ]))
+            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(fingerprint_args)]),
+        )
     def test_inject_openpgp(self):
         with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp, _gpg_context(Path(tmp)) as ctx:
             # Generate a test key, but do not store it in the database.
             private_key, public_key, fingerprint = Key._generateOpenPGP(
-                ctx, OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA, 1024,
-                "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing")
+                ctx,
+                OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA,
+                1024,
+                "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
+            )
         description = "PPA signing-owner testing"
         created_at = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
         key = Key.inject(
-            KeyType.OPENPGP, private_key, public_key, description, created_at)
+            KeyType.OPENPGP, private_key, public_key, description, created_at
+        )
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.OPENPGP,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=created_at,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.OPENPGP,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=created_at,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.OPENPGP, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.OPENPGP, fingerprint)
+        )
     def test_inject_cv2_kernel(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -1015,22 +1452,32 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         description = "PPA signing-owner testing"
         created_at = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
         key = Key.inject(
-            KeyType.CV2_KERNEL, private_key, public_key, description,
-            created_at)
+            KeyType.CV2_KERNEL,
+            private_key,
+            public_key,
+            description,
+            created_at,
+        )
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.CV2_KERNEL,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=created_at,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.CV2_KERNEL,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=created_at,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.CV2_KERNEL, fingerprint))
+            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.CV2_KERNEL, fingerprint)
+        )
         pkey_der_args = ["openssl", "pkey", "-pubin", "-outform", "DER"]
-            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(pkey_der_args)]))
+            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(pkey_der_args)]),
+        )
     def test_inject_android_kernel(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
@@ -1041,21 +1488,37 @@ class TestKey(TestCase):
         description = "PPA signing-owner testing"
         created_at = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
         key = Key.inject(
-            KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL, private_key, public_key, description,
-            created_at)
+            KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL,
+            private_key,
+            public_key,
+            description,
+            created_at,
+        )
         now = get_transaction_timestamp(store)
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            key_type=KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL,
-            fingerprint=fingerprint,
-            public_key=public_key,
-            created_at=created_at,
-            updated_at=now))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                key_type=KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint,
+                public_key=public_key,
+                created_at=created_at,
+                updated_at=now,
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, key.getPrivateKey())
-            key, Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-                KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL, fingerprint))
-        pkey_der_args = ["openssl", "x509", "-inform",
-                         "PEM", "-noout", "-fingerprint"]
+            key,
+            Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL, fingerprint),
+        )
+        pkey_der_args = [
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-inform",
+            "PEM",
+            "-noout",
+            "-fingerprint",
+        ]
-            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(pkey_der_args)]))
+            MatchesListwise([RanCommand(pkey_der_args)]),
+        )
diff --git a/lp_signing/model/tests/test_nonce.py b/lp_signing/model/tests/test_nonce.py
index c2c5177..2911ab0 100644
--- a/lp_signing/model/tests/test_nonce.py
+++ b/lp_signing/model/tests/test_nonce.py
@@ -8,12 +8,7 @@ from datetime import timedelta
 from flask_storm import store
 from storm.expr import Cast
 from testtools import TestCase
-from testtools.matchers import (
-    Equals,
-    HasLength,
-    Is,
-    MatchesStructure,
-    )
+from testtools.matchers import Equals, HasLength, Is, MatchesStructure
 from lp_signing.database.constants import UTC_NOW
 from lp_signing.database.helpers import get_transaction_timestamp
@@ -23,18 +18,22 @@ from lp_signing.tests.testfixtures import DatabaseFixture
 class TestNonce(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
     def test_generate(self):
         nonce1 = Nonce.generate()
-        self.assertThat(nonce1, MatchesStructure(
-            nonce=HasLength(24),
-            used=Is(False),
-            expires=Equals(
-                get_transaction_timestamp(store) + timedelta(seconds=60))))
+        self.assertThat(
+            nonce1,
+            MatchesStructure(
+                nonce=HasLength(24),
+                used=Is(False),
+                expires=Equals(
+                    get_transaction_timestamp(store) + timedelta(seconds=60)
+                ),
+            ),
+        )
         nonce2 = Nonce.generate()
         self.assertNotEqual(nonce1.nonce, nonce2.nonce)
diff --git a/lp_signing/tests/__init__.py b/lp_signing/tests/__init__.py
index f28f71f..7f54ebd 100644
--- a/lp_signing/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/lp_signing/tests/__init__.py
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import talisker.logs
 import lp_signing
diff --git a/lp_signing/tests/factory.py b/lp_signing/tests/factory.py
index 596f7b4..e02d895 100644
--- a/lp_signing/tests/factory.py
+++ b/lp_signing/tests/factory.py
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
 """Test factory."""
-from datetime import datetime
 import inspect
-from itertools import count
-from pathlib import Path
 import random
 import re
+from datetime import datetime
+from itertools import count
+from pathlib import Path
 import pytz
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ from lp_signing.enums import KeyType
 from lp_signing.model.client import Client
 from lp_signing.model.key import Key
 _unique_int_counter = count(100000)
@@ -54,12 +53,17 @@ def create_client(name=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None):
-        )
+    )
-def create_key(key_type=None, fingerprint=None,
-               private_key=None, public_key=None,
-               created_at=None, updated_at=None):
+def create_key(
+    key_type=None,
+    fingerprint=None,
+    private_key=None,
+    public_key=None,
+    created_at=None,
+    updated_at=None,
     """Create a Key database object."""
     key_type = key_type or KeyType.UEFI
     fingerprint = fingerprint or generate_fingerprint()
@@ -74,4 +78,4 @@ def create_key(key_type=None, fingerprint=None,
-        )
+    )
diff --git a/lp_signing/tests/matchers.py b/lp_signing/tests/matchers.py
index 187f054..293e6d8 100644
--- a/lp_signing/tests/matchers.py
+++ b/lp_signing/tests/matchers.py
@@ -16,26 +16,21 @@ from testtools.matchers import (
-    )
 from lp_signing.enums import SignatureMode
-from lp_signing.model.key import (
-    _gpg_context,
-    _gpg_key_import,
-    _temporary_path,
-    )
+from lp_signing.model.key import _gpg_context, _gpg_key_import, _temporary_path
 class RanCommand(MatchesStructure):
     def __init__(self, args, **kwargs):
         args_matchers = [
-            Equals(arg) if isinstance(arg, str) else arg for arg in args]
+            Equals(arg) if isinstance(arg, str) else arg for arg in args
+        ]
         super().__init__(args=MatchesListwise(args_matchers), **kwargs)
 class BaseJSONResponseMatcher(Matcher):
     def __init__(self, expected_status=200):
         self.expected_status = expected_status
@@ -43,9 +38,9 @@ class BaseJSONResponseMatcher(Matcher):
     def match(self, matchee):
         if matchee.status_code != self.expected_status:
             return Mismatch(
-                "Expected status code %d, got %d instead" % (
-                    self.expected_status, matchee.status_code
-                ))
+                "Expected status code %d, got %d instead"
+                % (self.expected_status, matchee.status_code)
+            )
         if matchee.content_type != "application/json":
             return Mismatch(
                 "Expected 'application/json' content type. Got '%s' instead."
@@ -54,7 +49,6 @@ class BaseJSONResponseMatcher(Matcher):
 class IsJSONResponse(BaseJSONResponseMatcher):
     def __init__(self, json_matcher, expected_status=200):
         self.json_matcher = json_matcher
@@ -67,7 +61,6 @@ class IsJSONResponse(BaseJSONResponseMatcher):
 class HasAPIError(BaseJSONResponseMatcher):
     def __init__(self, expected_message, expected_status=400):
         if isinstance(expected_message, str):
@@ -81,11 +74,11 @@ class HasAPIError(BaseJSONResponseMatcher):
             return err
         data = json.loads(matchee.data.decode(matchee.charset))
         return AnyMatch(self.expected_message_matcher).match(
-            [error["message"] for error in data["error_list"]])
+            [error["message"] for error in data["error_list"]]
+        )
 class MatchesOpenPGPKey(AfterPreprocessing):
     def __init__(self, matcher, secret=False):
         super().__init__(self._load_gpg_key, matcher)
         self.secret = secret
@@ -94,7 +87,8 @@ class MatchesOpenPGPKey(AfterPreprocessing):
         with _temporary_path() as tmp, _gpg_context(tmp) as ctx:
             result = _gpg_key_import(ctx, value)
             return list(
-                ctx.keylist(result.imports[0].fpr, secret=self.secret))[0]
+                ctx.keylist(result.imports[0].fpr, secret=self.secret)
+            )[0]
     def match(self, matchee):
         if self.secret:
@@ -109,7 +103,6 @@ class MatchesOpenPGPKey(AfterPreprocessing):
 class OpenPGPSignatureVerifies(Matcher):
     def __init__(self, public_key, message, mode):
         self.public_key = public_key
         self.message = message
diff --git a/lp_signing/tests/test_crypto.py b/lp_signing/tests/test_crypto.py
index 4c1987e..bfe2085 100644
--- a/lp_signing/tests/test_crypto.py
+++ b/lp_signing/tests/test_crypto.py
@@ -6,14 +6,10 @@
 from nacl.public import PrivateKey
 from testtools import TestCase
-from lp_signing.crypto import (
-    CryptoError,
-    NaClEncryptedContainerBase,
-    )
+from lp_signing.crypto import CryptoError, NaClEncryptedContainerBase
 class FakeEncryptedContainer(NaClEncryptedContainerBase):
     def __init__(self, public_key_bytes, private_key_bytes=None):
         self._public_key_bytes = public_key_bytes
         self._private_key_bytes = private_key_bytes
@@ -28,7 +24,6 @@ class FakeEncryptedContainer(NaClEncryptedContainerBase):
 class TestNaClEncryptedContainerBase(TestCase):
     def test_public_key_valid(self):
         public_key = PrivateKey.generate().public_key
         container = FakeEncryptedContainer(bytes(public_key))
@@ -54,7 +49,8 @@ class TestNaClEncryptedContainerBase(TestCase):
     def test_private_key_valid(self):
         private_key = PrivateKey.generate()
         container = FakeEncryptedContainer(
-            bytes(private_key.public_key), bytes(private_key))
+            bytes(private_key.public_key), bytes(private_key)
+        )
         self.assertEqual(private_key, container.private_key)
@@ -73,6 +69,8 @@ class TestNaClEncryptedContainerBase(TestCase):
     def test_encrypt_decrypt(self):
         private_key = PrivateKey.generate()
         container = FakeEncryptedContainer(
-            bytes(private_key.public_key), bytes(private_key))
+            bytes(private_key.public_key), bytes(private_key)
+        )
-            b"plaintext", container.decrypt(container.encrypt(b"plaintext")))
+            b"plaintext", container.decrypt(container.encrypt(b"plaintext"))
+        )
diff --git a/lp_signing/tests/test_talisker.py b/lp_signing/tests/test_talisker.py
index 9abf818..dd58a25 100644
--- a/lp_signing/tests/test_talisker.py
+++ b/lp_signing/tests/test_talisker.py
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import socket
 import subprocess
 import tempfile
 import time
-from urllib.parse import urlunsplit
 from pathlib import Path
+from urllib.parse import urlunsplit
 import fixtures
 import requests
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from testtools.matchers import (
-    )
 class FixtureResource(testresources.TestResourceManager):
@@ -55,13 +55,15 @@ class FixtureResource(testresources.TestResourceManager):
 class TaliskerFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
     def _setUp(self):
         self.bind = f"localhost:{_get_unused_port()}"
         root = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.resolve()
         talisker = root / "env" / "bin" / "talisker"
         talisker_cmd = [
-            str(talisker), "-b", self.bind, "lp_signing.webapp:app",
+            str(talisker),
+            "-b",
+            self.bind,
+            "lp_signing.webapp:app",
         stdout_fd, self._stdout_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
         self.addCleanup(os.remove, self._stdout_name)
@@ -107,17 +109,21 @@ class TaliskerFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
 class TaliskerTests(testresources.ResourcedTestCase, TestCase):
     resources = [("talisker", FixtureResource(TaliskerFixture()))]
     def test_check_returns_200_and_revision(self):
         path = self.talisker.url("/_status/check")
         resp = requests.get(path)
-        self.assertThat(resp, MatchesStructure(
-            status_code=Equals(200),
-            headers=ContainsDict(
-                {"Content-Type": Equals("application/json")})))
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            MatchesStructure(
+                status_code=Equals(200),
+                headers=ContainsDict(
+                    {"Content-Type": Equals("application/json")}
+                ),
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp.json(), Equals({"ok": True}))
     def test_ping_returns_200_and_revision(self):
@@ -131,9 +137,12 @@ class TaliskerTests(testresources.ResourcedTestCase, TestCase):
         path = self.talisker.url("/")
         resp = requests.get(path)
-        self.assertThat(resp, MatchesStructure(
-            status_code=Equals(200),
-            headers=IncludesGitRevisionHeader()))
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            MatchesStructure(
+                status_code=Equals(200), headers=IncludesGitRevisionHeader()
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sentry_endpoint(self):
         path = self.talisker.url("/_status/test/sentry")
@@ -143,7 +152,9 @@ class TaliskerTests(testresources.ResourcedTestCase, TestCase):
-                "talisker.endpoints.TestException: this is a test, ignore"))
+                "talisker.endpoints.TestException: this is a test, ignore"
+            ),
+        )
 def IsGitHash():
@@ -171,4 +182,5 @@ def _get_unused_port():
 def load_tests(loader, standard_tests, pattern):
     from testresources import OptimisingTestSuite
     return OptimisingTestSuite(standard_tests)
diff --git a/lp_signing/tests/test_webapi.py b/lp_signing/tests/test_webapi.py
index 468d91f..c5933f2 100644
--- a/lp_signing/tests/test_webapi.py
+++ b/lp_signing/tests/test_webapi.py
@@ -2,29 +2,25 @@
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
 import base64
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 import json
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 from pathlib import Path
-import pytz
 from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
+import gpg
+import pytz
 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa import RSAPublicKey
 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_public_key
 from cryptography.x509 import (
-    )
 from fixtures import MockPatch
-import gpg
-from gpg.results import GenkeyResult
 from flask_storm import store
+from gpg.results import GenkeyResult
 from nacl.encoding import Base64Encoder
-from nacl.public import (
-    Box,
-    PrivateKey,
-    PublicKey,
-    )
+from nacl.public import Box, PrivateKey, PublicKey
 from nacl.utils import random
 from testtools import TestCase
 from testtools.matchers import (
@@ -40,19 +36,12 @@ from testtools.matchers import (
-    )
 from lp_signing.auth import boxed_authentication
-from lp_signing.enums import (
-    KeyType,
-    OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm,
-    SignatureMode,
-    )
+from lp_signing.enums import KeyType, OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm, SignatureMode
 from lp_signing.exceptions import InvalidNonce
-from lp_signing.model.key import (
-    _gpg_context,
-    Key,
-    )
+from lp_signing.model.key import Key, _gpg_context
 from lp_signing.model.nonce import Nonce
 from lp_signing.tests import factory
 from lp_signing.tests.matchers import (
@@ -60,7 +49,7 @@ from lp_signing.tests.matchers import (
-    )
 from lp_signing.tests.testfixtures import (
@@ -70,31 +59,32 @@ from lp_signing.tests.testfixtures import (
-    )
 class TestRootView(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.fixture = self.useFixture(AppFixture())
     def test_root(self):
         resp = self.fixture.client.get("/")
-        self.assertThat(resp, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            status_code=200,
-            content_type="text/plain",
-            data=b"Launchpad signing service.\n"))
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                status_code=200,
+                content_type="text/plain",
+                data=b"Launchpad signing service.\n",
+            ),
+        )
 class MatchesOID(MatchesStructure):
     def __init__(self, dotted_string):
 class MatchesExtendedKeyUsageExtension(Matcher):
     def __init__(self, usage_matcher=None):
         self.usage_matcher = usage_matcher
@@ -107,26 +97,33 @@ class MatchesExtendedKeyUsageExtension(Matcher):
 class TestServiceKeyView(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.fixture = self.useFixture(AppFixture())
     def test_service_key(self):
         resp = self.fixture.client.get("/service-key")
-        expected_preferred_key = (
-            boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key)
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "service-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: PublicKey(
-                        data.encode("UTF-8"), encoder=Base64Encoder),
-                    Equals(expected_preferred_key)),
-                })))
+        expected_preferred_key = boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[
+            0
+        ].public_key
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "service-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: PublicKey(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8"), encoder=Base64Encoder
+                            ),
+                            Equals(expected_preferred_key),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                )
+            ),
+        )
 class TestNonceView(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.fixture = self.useFixture(AppFixture())
@@ -134,18 +131,26 @@ class TestNonceView(TestCase):
     def test_nonce(self):
         resp = self.fixture.client.post("/nonce")
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "nonce": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    HasLength(Box.NONCE_SIZE)),
-                }),
-            expected_status=201))
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "nonce": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            HasLength(Box.NONCE_SIZE),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=201,
+            ),
+        )
 class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.fixture = self.useFixture(AppFixture())
@@ -162,7 +167,8 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
         kwargs.setdefault("nonce", self.nonce)
         kwargs.setdefault("response_nonce", self.response_nonce)
         return self.fixture.client.post(
-            "/generate", json_data=json_data, **kwargs)
+            "/generate", json_data=json_data, **kwargs
+        )
     def test_unauthenticated(self):
         resp = self.post_generate(private_key=None)
@@ -170,7 +176,8 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
     def test_undecodable_client_public_key(self):
         resp = self.post_generate(
-            headers={"X-Client-Public-Key": "nonsense key"})
+            headers={"X-Client-Public-Key": "nonsense key"}
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode client public key"))
     def test_undecodable_nonce(self):
@@ -181,13 +188,16 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
         data = json.dumps({}).encode("UTF-8")
         box = Box(
-            boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key)
+            boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key,
+        )
         message = box.encrypt(data, self.nonce, encoder=Base64Encoder)
         resp = self.post_generate(
             headers={"X-Response-Nonce": "nonsense nonce"},
-            encrypted_data=message.ciphertext)
+            encrypted_data=message.ciphertext,
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode X-Response-Nonce header"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode X-Response-Nonce header")
+        )
     def test_nonce_already_used(self):
@@ -227,7 +237,9 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "{'description': ''} is not valid under any of the given "
-                "schemas at /"))
+                "schemas at /"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_invalid_key_type(self):
@@ -236,7 +248,9 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "{'key-type': 'nonsense', 'description': ''} is not valid "
-                "under any of the given schemas at /"))
+                "under any of the given schemas at /"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_missing_description(self):
@@ -245,49 +259,63 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "{'key-type': 'UEFI'} is not valid under any of the given "
-                "schemas at /"))
+                "schemas at /"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_openpgp_missing_openpgp_key_algorithm(self):
-        resp = self.post_generate({
-            "key-type": "OPENPGP",
-            "description": "",
-            "length": 1024,
-            })
+        resp = self.post_generate(
+            {
+                "key-type": "OPENPGP",
+                "description": "",
+                "length": 1024,
+            }
+        )
                 "{'key-type': 'OPENPGP', 'description': '', 'length': 1024} "
-                "is not valid under any of the given schemas at /"))
+                "is not valid under any of the given schemas at /"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_openpgp_invalid_openpgp_key_algorithm(self):
-        resp = self.post_generate({
-            "key-type": "OPENPGP",
-            "description": "",
-            "openpgp-key-algorithm": "nonsense",
-            "length": 1024,
-            })
+        resp = self.post_generate(
+            {
+                "key-type": "OPENPGP",
+                "description": "",
+                "openpgp-key-algorithm": "nonsense",
+                "length": 1024,
+            }
+        )
                 "{'key-type': 'OPENPGP', 'description': '', "
                 "'openpgp-key-algorithm': 'nonsense', 'length': 1024} is not "
-                "valid under any of the given schemas at /"))
+                "valid under any of the given schemas at /"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_openpgp_missing_length(self):
-        resp = self.post_generate({
-            "key-type": "OPENPGP",
-            "description": "",
-            "openpgp-key-algorithm": "RSA",
-            })
+        resp = self.post_generate(
+            {
+                "key-type": "OPENPGP",
+                "description": "",
+                "openpgp-key-algorithm": "RSA",
+            }
+        )
                 "{'key-type': 'OPENPGP', 'description': '', "
                 "'openpgp-key-algorithm': 'RSA'} is not valid under any of "
-                "the given schemas at /"))
+                "the given schemas at /"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_uefi(self):
@@ -296,29 +324,48 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "UEFI",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: load_pem_x509_certificate(
-                        base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                        default_backend()),
-                    MatchesStructure(
-                        subject=AfterPreprocessing(
-                            lambda subject: subject.rfc4514_string(),
-                            Equals("CN=PPA test-owner test-archive UEFI")))),
-                }),
-            expected_status=201))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: load_pem_x509_certificate(
+                                base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
+                                default_backend(),
+                            ),
+                            MatchesStructure(
+                                subject=AfterPreprocessing(
+                                    lambda subject: subject.rfc4514_string(),
+                                    Equals(
+                                        "CN=PPA test-owner test-archive UEFI"
+                                    ),
+                                )
+                            ),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=201,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.UEFI, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            public_key=base64.b64decode(
-                resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")),
-            authorizations=[self.client]))
+            KeyType.UEFI, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                public_key=base64.b64decode(
+                    resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")
+                ),
+                authorizations=[self.client],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_uefi_req_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
@@ -327,10 +374,12 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "UEFI",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to generate key: "
-            r"Command .*'openssl', 'req'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'openssl', 'req'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -344,10 +393,12 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "UEFI",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -357,36 +408,63 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "KMOD",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: load_der_x509_certificate(
-                        base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                        default_backend()),
-                    MatchesStructure(
-                        subject=AfterPreprocessing(
-                            lambda subject: subject.rfc4514_string(),
-                            Equals("CN=PPA test-owner test-archive Kmod")),
-                        extensions=AnyMatch(
-                            MatchesExtendedKeyUsageExtension(
-                                MatchesListwise([
-                                    # codeSigning
-                                    MatchesOID(""),
-                                    MatchesOID(""),
-                                    ]))))),
-                }),
-            expected_status=201))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: load_der_x509_certificate(
+                                base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
+                                default_backend(),
+                            ),
+                            MatchesStructure(
+                                subject=AfterPreprocessing(
+                                    lambda subject: subject.rfc4514_string(),
+                                    Equals(
+                                        "CN=PPA test-owner test-archive Kmod"
+                                    ),
+                                ),
+                                extensions=AnyMatch(
+                                    MatchesExtendedKeyUsageExtension(
+                                        MatchesListwise(
+                                            [
+                                                # codeSigning
+                                                MatchesOID(
+                                                    ""
+                                                ),
+                                                MatchesOID(
+                                                    ""
+                                                ),
+                                            ]
+                                        )
+                                    )
+                                ),
+                            ),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=201,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.KMOD, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            public_key=base64.b64decode(
-                resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")),
-            authorizations=[self.client]))
+            KeyType.KMOD, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                public_key=base64.b64decode(
+                    resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")
+                ),
+                authorizations=[self.client],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_kmod_req_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
@@ -395,10 +473,12 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "KMOD",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to generate key: "
-            r"Command .*'openssl', 'req'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'openssl', 'req'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -412,10 +492,12 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "KMOD",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -425,31 +507,53 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "OPAL",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: load_der_x509_certificate(
-                        base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                        default_backend()),
-                    MatchesStructure(
-                        subject=AfterPreprocessing(
-                            lambda subject: subject.rfc4514_string(),
-                            Equals("CN=PPA test-owner test-archive OPAL")),
-                        extensions=Not(AnyMatch(
-                            MatchesExtendedKeyUsageExtension())))),
-                }),
-            expected_status=201))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: load_der_x509_certificate(
+                                base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
+                                default_backend(),
+                            ),
+                            MatchesStructure(
+                                subject=AfterPreprocessing(
+                                    lambda subject: subject.rfc4514_string(),
+                                    Equals(
+                                        "CN=PPA test-owner test-archive OPAL"
+                                    ),
+                                ),
+                                extensions=Not(
+                                    AnyMatch(
+                                        MatchesExtendedKeyUsageExtension()
+                                    )
+                                ),
+                            ),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=201,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.OPAL, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            public_key=base64.b64decode(
-                resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")),
-            authorizations=[self.client]))
+            KeyType.OPAL, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                public_key=base64.b64decode(
+                    resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")
+                ),
+                authorizations=[self.client],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_opal_req_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
@@ -458,10 +562,12 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "OPAL",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to generate key: "
-            r"Command .*'openssl', 'req'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'openssl', 'req'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -475,10 +581,12 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "OPAL",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -488,31 +596,53 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "SIPL",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: load_der_x509_certificate(
-                        base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                        default_backend()),
-                    MatchesStructure(
-                        subject=AfterPreprocessing(
-                            lambda subject: subject.rfc4514_string(),
-                            Equals("CN=PPA test-owner test-archive SIPL")),
-                        extensions=Not(AnyMatch(
-                            MatchesExtendedKeyUsageExtension())))),
-                }),
-            expected_status=201))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: load_der_x509_certificate(
+                                base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
+                                default_backend(),
+                            ),
+                            MatchesStructure(
+                                subject=AfterPreprocessing(
+                                    lambda subject: subject.rfc4514_string(),
+                                    Equals(
+                                        "CN=PPA test-owner test-archive SIPL"
+                                    ),
+                                ),
+                                extensions=Not(
+                                    AnyMatch(
+                                        MatchesExtendedKeyUsageExtension()
+                                    )
+                                ),
+                            ),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=201,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.SIPL, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            public_key=base64.b64decode(
-                resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")),
-            authorizations=[self.client]))
+            KeyType.SIPL, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                public_key=base64.b64decode(
+                    resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")
+                ),
+                authorizations=[self.client],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_sipl_req_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
@@ -521,10 +651,12 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "SIPL",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to generate key: "
-            r"Command .*'openssl', 'req'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'openssl', 'req'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -538,10 +670,12 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "SIPL",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -551,29 +685,48 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "FIT",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: load_pem_x509_certificate(
-                        base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                        default_backend()),
-                    MatchesStructure(
-                        subject=AfterPreprocessing(
-                            lambda subject: subject.rfc4514_string(),
-                            Equals("CN=PPA test-owner test-archive FIT")))),
-                }),
-            expected_status=201))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: load_pem_x509_certificate(
+                                base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
+                                default_backend(),
+                            ),
+                            MatchesStructure(
+                                subject=AfterPreprocessing(
+                                    lambda subject: subject.rfc4514_string(),
+                                    Equals(
+                                        "CN=PPA test-owner test-archive FIT"
+                                    ),
+                                )
+                            ),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=201,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            public_key=base64.b64decode(
-                resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")),
-            authorizations=[self.client]))
+            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                public_key=base64.b64decode(
+                    resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")
+                ),
+                authorizations=[self.client],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_fit_req_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
@@ -582,10 +735,12 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "FIT",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to generate key: "
-            r"Command .*'openssl', 'req'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'openssl', 'req'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -599,10 +754,12 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "FIT",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -614,93 +771,139 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
                 "openpgp-key-algorithm": "RSA",
                 "length": 1024,
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    MatchesOpenPGPKey(
-                        MatchesStructure(
-                            fpr=Equals(resp.json["fingerprint"]),
-                            secret=Equals(0),
-                            subkeys=MatchesListwise([
-                                MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-                                    pubkey_algo=1,
-                                    length=1024),
-                                ]),
-                            uids=MatchesListwise([
-                                MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-                                    uid="PPA test-owner test-archive"),
-                                ])))),
-                }),
-            expected_status=201))
+            }
+        )
+        key_matcher = MatchesOpenPGPKey(
+            MatchesStructure(
+                fpr=Equals(resp.json["fingerprint"]),
+                secret=Equals(0),
+                subkeys=MatchesListwise(
+                    [
+                        MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                            pubkey_algo=1, length=1024
+                        ),
+                    ]
+                ),
+                uids=MatchesListwise(
+                    [
+                        MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                            uid="PPA test-owner test-archive"
+                        ),
+                    ]
+                ),
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            key_matcher,
+                        ),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=201,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.OPENPGP, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            public_key=base64.b64decode(
-                resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")),
-            authorizations=[self.client]))
+            KeyType.OPENPGP, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                public_key=base64.b64decode(
+                    resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")
+                ),
+                authorizations=[self.client],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_openpgp_create_error(self):
         result = GenkeyResult(None)
         result.primary = False
         result.sub = False
-        self.useFixture(MockPatch(
-            "gpg.Context.create_key", return_value=result))
+        self.useFixture(
+            MockPatch("gpg.Context.create_key", return_value=result)
+        )
         resp = self.post_generate(
                 "key-type": "OPENPGP",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
                 "openpgp-key-algorithm": "RSA",
                 "length": 1024,
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = r"Failed to generate key: Secret key generation failed."
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
     def test_generate_cv2_kernel(self):
         # Integration test: generate and return a real CV2 kernel key.
-        resp = self.post_generate({
-            "key-type": "CV2_KERNEL",
-            "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-            })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: load_pem_public_key(
-                        base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                        default_backend()),
-                    MatchesAll(
-                        IsInstance(RSAPublicKey),
-                        MatchesStructure(key_size=Equals(2048)))),
-                }),
-            expected_status=201))
+        resp = self.post_generate(
+            {
+                "key-type": "CV2_KERNEL",
+                "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: load_pem_public_key(
+                                base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
+                                default_backend(),
+                            ),
+                            MatchesAll(
+                                IsInstance(RSAPublicKey),
+                                MatchesStructure(key_size=Equals(2048)),
+                            ),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=201,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.CV2_KERNEL, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            public_key=base64.b64decode(
-                resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")),
-            authorizations=[self.client]))
+            KeyType.CV2_KERNEL, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                public_key=base64.b64decode(
+                    resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")
+                ),
+                authorizations=[self.client],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_cv2_kernel_genpkey_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
         processes_fixture.add(lambda _: {"returncode": 1}, name="openssl")
-        resp = self.post_generate({
-            "key-type": "CV2_KERNEL",
-            "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-            })
+        resp = self.post_generate(
+            {
+                "key-type": "CV2_KERNEL",
+                "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to generate key: "
             r"Command .*'openssl', 'genpkey'.* returned non-zero exit status "
-            r"1")
+            r"1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -710,13 +913,16 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
         public_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
         fake_openssl = FakeOpenSSL(private_key, public_key, None)
-        resp = self.post_generate({
-            "key-type": "CV2_KERNEL",
-            "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-            })
+        resp = self.post_generate(
+            {
+                "key-type": "CV2_KERNEL",
+                "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-outform', 'DER'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-outform', 'DER'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -726,32 +932,51 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "ANDROID_KERNEL",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: load_pem_x509_certificate(
-                        base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                        default_backend()),
-                    MatchesStructure(
-                        subject=AfterPreprocessing(
-                            lambda subject: subject.rfc4514_string(),
-                            Equals("CN=PPA test-owner test-archive "
-                                   "Android Kernel")))),
-                }),
-            expected_status=201))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: load_pem_x509_certificate(
+                                base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
+                                default_backend(),
+                            ),
+                            MatchesStructure(
+                                subject=AfterPreprocessing(
+                                    lambda subject: subject.rfc4514_string(),
+                                    Equals(
+                                        "CN=PPA test-owner test-archive "
+                                        "Android Kernel"
+                                    ),
+                                )
+                            ),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=201,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            public_key=base64.b64decode(
-                resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")),
-            authorizations=[self.client]))
+            KeyType.ANDROID_KERNEL, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                public_key=base64.b64decode(
+                    resp.json["public-key"].encode("UTF-8")
+                ),
+                authorizations=[self.client],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_generate_android_kernel_req_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
@@ -760,10 +985,12 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "ANDROID_KERNEL",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to generate key: "
-            r"Command .*'openssl', 'req'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'openssl', 'req'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -777,10 +1004,12 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "ANDROID_KERNEL",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to generate key: "
-            r"Command .*'openssl', 'rsa'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'openssl', 'rsa'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -790,22 +1019,24 @@ class TestGenerateView(TestCase):
         private_key_pkcs1 = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
         public_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
         fake_openssl = FakeOpenSSL(
-            private_key, public_key, None, private_key_pkcs1=private_key_pkcs1)
+            private_key, public_key, None, private_key_pkcs1=private_key_pkcs1
+        )
         resp = self.post_generate(
                 "key-type": "ANDROID_KERNEL",
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
 class TestSignView(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.fixture = self.useFixture(AppFixture())
@@ -839,13 +1070,16 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
         data = json.dumps({}).encode("UTF-8")
         box = Box(
-            boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key)
+            boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key,
+        )
         message = box.encrypt(data, self.nonce, encoder=Base64Encoder)
         resp = self.post_sign(
             headers={"X-Response-Nonce": "nonsense nonce"},
-            encrypted_data=message.ciphertext)
+            encrypted_data=message.ciphertext,
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode X-Response-Nonce header"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode X-Response-Nonce header")
+        )
     def test_nonce_already_used(self):
@@ -886,9 +1120,11 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "",
                 "message": "",
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'key-type' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'key-type' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_invalid_key_type(self):
@@ -899,12 +1135,15 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "",
                 "message": "",
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
                 "'nonsense' is not one of ['UEFI', 'KMOD', 'OPAL', 'SIPL', "
-                "'FIT', 'OPENPGP', 'CV2_KERNEL', 'ANDROID_KERNEL']"))
+                "'FIT', 'OPENPGP', 'CV2_KERNEL', 'ANDROID_KERNEL']"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_missing_fingerprint(self):
@@ -914,9 +1153,11 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "",
                 "message": "",
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'fingerprint' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'fingerprint' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_missing_message_name(self):
@@ -926,9 +1167,11 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "fingerprint": "",
                 "message": "",
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'message-name' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'message-name' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_missing_message(self):
@@ -938,9 +1181,11 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "fingerprint": "",
                 "message-name": "",
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'message' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'message' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_missing_mode(self):
@@ -949,10 +1194,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "key-type": "UEFI",
                 "fingerprint": "",
                 "message-name": "",
-                "message": ""
-                })
+                "message": "",
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'mode' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'mode' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_invalid_mode(self):
@@ -963,11 +1210,14 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "",
                 "message": "",
                 "mode": "nonsense",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-                "'nonsense' is not one of ['ATTACHED', 'DETACHED', 'CLEAR']"))
+                "'nonsense' is not one of ['ATTACHED', 'DETACHED', 'CLEAR']"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_unknown_key(self):
@@ -978,10 +1228,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "",
                 "message": "",
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            HasAPIError("No UEFI key with fingerprint 0000000000000000", 404))
+            HasAPIError("No UEFI key with fingerprint 0000000000000000", 404),
+        )
     def test_bad_message_encoding(self):
@@ -992,7 +1244,8 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "",
                 "message": "some nonsense",
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode message"))
@@ -1006,10 +1259,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.efi",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            HasAPIError(f"{self.client} is not allowed to use {key}", 403))
+            HasAPIError(f"{self.client} is not allowed to use {key}", 403),
+        )
     def test_sign_uefi_attached(self):
@@ -1026,16 +1281,29 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.efi",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(key.public_key)),
-                "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(b"test signed data")),
-                })))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(key.public_key),
+                        ),
+                        "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(b"test signed data"),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                )
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_uefi_attached_sbsign_error(self):
@@ -1051,10 +1319,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.efi",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to sign message: "
-            r"Command .*'sbsign'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'sbsign'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -1069,10 +1339,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.efi",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "DETACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            HasAPIError("Signature mode DETACHED not supported with UEFI"))
+            HasAPIError("Signature mode DETACHED not supported with UEFI"),
+        )
     def test_sign_uefi_clear_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.UEFI)
@@ -1085,10 +1357,11 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.efi",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "CLEAR",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            resp,
-            HasAPIError("Signature mode CLEAR not supported with UEFI"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("Signature mode CLEAR not supported with UEFI")
+        )
     def test_sign_kmod_attached_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.KMOD)
@@ -1101,10 +1374,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.ko",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            HasAPIError("Signature mode ATTACHED not supported with KMOD"))
+            HasAPIError("Signature mode ATTACHED not supported with KMOD"),
+        )
     def test_sign_kmod_detached(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.KMOD)
@@ -1120,16 +1395,29 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.ko",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "DETACHED",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(key.public_key)),
-                "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(b"test signed data")),
-                })))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(key.public_key),
+                        ),
+                        "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(b"test signed data"),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                )
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_kmod_clear_unsupported(self):
@@ -1143,10 +1431,11 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.ko",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "CLEAR",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            resp,
-            HasAPIError("Signature mode CLEAR not supported with KMOD"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("Signature mode CLEAR not supported with KMOD")
+        )
     def test_sign_kmod_kmodsign_error(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.KMOD)
@@ -1161,10 +1450,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.ko",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "DETACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to sign message: "
-            r"Command .*'kmodsign'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'kmodsign'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -1179,10 +1470,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.opal",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            HasAPIError("Signature mode ATTACHED not supported with OPAL"))
+            HasAPIError("Signature mode ATTACHED not supported with OPAL"),
+        )
     def test_sign_opal_detached(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.OPAL)
@@ -1198,16 +1491,29 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.opal",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "DETACHED",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(key.public_key)),
-                "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(b"test signed data")),
-                })))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(key.public_key),
+                        ),
+                        "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(b"test signed data"),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                )
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_opal_detached_kmodsign_error(self):
@@ -1223,10 +1529,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.opal",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "DETACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to sign message: "
-            r"Command .*'kmodsign'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'kmodsign'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -1241,10 +1549,11 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.opal",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "CLEAR",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            resp,
-            HasAPIError("Signature mode CLEAR not supported with OPAL"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("Signature mode CLEAR not supported with OPAL")
+        )
     def test_sign_sipl_attached_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.SIPL)
@@ -1257,10 +1566,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.sipl",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            HasAPIError("Signature mode ATTACHED not supported with SIPL"))
+            HasAPIError("Signature mode ATTACHED not supported with SIPL"),
+        )
     def test_sign_sipl_detached(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.SIPL)
@@ -1276,16 +1587,29 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.sipl",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "DETACHED",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(key.public_key)),
-                "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(b"test signed data")),
-                })))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(key.public_key),
+                        ),
+                        "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(b"test signed data"),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                )
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_sipl_detached_kmodsign_error(self):
@@ -1301,10 +1625,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.sipl",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "DETACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to sign message: "
-            r"Command .*'kmodsign'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'kmodsign'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -1319,10 +1645,11 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.sipl",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "CLEAR",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            resp,
-            HasAPIError("Signature mode CLEAR not supported with SIPL"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("Signature mode CLEAR not supported with SIPL")
+        )
     def test_sign_fit_attached(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.FIT)
@@ -1338,16 +1665,29 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.fit",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(key.public_key)),
-                "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(b"test signed data")),
-                })))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(key.public_key),
+                        ),
+                        "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(b"test signed data"),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                )
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_fit_attached_sbsign_error(self):
@@ -1363,10 +1703,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.fit",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to sign message: "
-            r"Command .*'mkimage'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'mkimage'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -1381,10 +1723,11 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.fit",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "DETACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            resp,
-            HasAPIError("Signature mode DETACHED not supported with FIT"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("Signature mode DETACHED not supported with FIT")
+        )
     def test_sign_fit_clear_unsupported(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.FIT)
@@ -1397,15 +1740,19 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.fit",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "CLEAR",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            resp,
-            HasAPIError("Signature mode CLEAR not supported with FIT"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("Signature mode CLEAR not supported with FIT")
+        )
     def test_sign_openpgp_attached(self):
         key = Key.generate(
-            KeyType.OPENPGP, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
-            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA, length=1024)
+            KeyType.OPENPGP,
+            "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
+            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA,
+            length=1024,
+        )
         resp = self.post_sign(
@@ -1415,23 +1762,42 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.gpg",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(key.public_key)),
-                "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    OpenPGPSignatureVerifies(
-                        key.public_key, b"test data", SignatureMode.ATTACHED)),
-                })))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(key.public_key),
+                        ),
+                        "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            OpenPGPSignatureVerifies(
+                                key.public_key,
+                                b"test data",
+                                SignatureMode.ATTACHED,
+                            ),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                )
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_openpgp_detached(self):
         key = Key.generate(
-            KeyType.OPENPGP, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
-            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA, length=1024)
+            KeyType.OPENPGP,
+            "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
+            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA,
+            length=1024,
+        )
         resp = self.post_sign(
@@ -1441,23 +1807,42 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.gpg",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "DETACHED",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(key.public_key)),
-                "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    OpenPGPSignatureVerifies(
-                        key.public_key, b"test data", SignatureMode.DETACHED)),
-                })))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(key.public_key),
+                        ),
+                        "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            OpenPGPSignatureVerifies(
+                                key.public_key,
+                                b"test data",
+                                SignatureMode.DETACHED,
+                            ),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                )
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_openpgp_clear(self):
         key = Key.generate(
-            KeyType.OPENPGP, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
-            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA, length=1024)
+            KeyType.OPENPGP,
+            "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
+            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA,
+            length=1024,
+        )
         resp = self.post_sign(
@@ -1467,28 +1852,50 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.gpg",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "CLEAR",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(key.public_key)),
-                "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    OpenPGPSignatureVerifies(
-                        key.public_key, b"test data\n", SignatureMode.CLEAR)),
-                })))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(key.public_key),
+                        ),
+                        "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            OpenPGPSignatureVerifies(
+                                key.public_key,
+                                b"test data\n",
+                                SignatureMode.CLEAR,
+                            ),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                )
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_openpgp_sign_error(self):
         key = Key.generate(
-            KeyType.OPENPGP, "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
-            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA, length=1024)
+            KeyType.OPENPGP,
+            "~signing-owner/ubuntu/testing",
+            openpgp_key_algorithm=OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA,
+            length=1024,
+        )
-        self.useFixture(MockPatch(
-            "gpg.Context.sign",
-            side_effect=gpg.errors.UnsupportedAlgorithm("Boom")))
+        self.useFixture(
+            MockPatch(
+                "gpg.Context.sign",
+                side_effect=gpg.errors.UnsupportedAlgorithm("Boom"),
+            )
+        )
         resp = self.post_sign(
                 "key-type": "OPENPGP",
@@ -1496,7 +1903,8 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.gpg",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = r"Failed to sign message: Boom"
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -1512,11 +1920,14 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.cv2_kernel",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "ATTACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-                "Signature mode ATTACHED not supported with CV2_KERNEL"))
+                "Signature mode ATTACHED not supported with CV2_KERNEL"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_cv2_kernel_detached(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.CV2_KERNEL)
@@ -1532,16 +1943,29 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.cv2_kernel",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "DETACHED",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(key.public_key)),
-                "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
-                    lambda data: base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8")),
-                    Equals(b"test signed data")),
-                })))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "public-key": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(key.public_key),
+                        ),
+                        "signed-message": AfterPreprocessing(
+                            lambda data: base64.b64decode(
+                                data.encode("UTF-8")
+                            ),
+                            Equals(b"test signed data"),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                )
+            ),
+        )
     def test_sign_cv2_kernel_detached_openssl_sign_error(self):
@@ -1557,10 +1981,12 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.cv2_kernel",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "DETACHED",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to sign message: "
-            r"Command .*'openssl', 'dgst'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'openssl', 'dgst'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -1575,14 +2001,15 @@ class TestSignView(TestCase):
                 "message-name": "t.cv2_kernel",
                 "message": base64.b64encode(b"test data").decode("UTF-8"),
                 "mode": "CLEAR",
-                })
+            }
+        )
-            HasAPIError("Signature mode CLEAR not supported with CV2_KERNEL"))
+            HasAPIError("Signature mode CLEAR not supported with CV2_KERNEL"),
+        )
 class TestInjectView(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.fixture = self.useFixture(AppFixture())
@@ -1601,7 +2028,8 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
         kwargs.setdefault("nonce", self.nonces[index])
         kwargs.setdefault("response_nonce", self.response_nonce)
         return self.fixture.client.post(
-            "/inject", json_data=json_data, **kwargs)
+            "/inject", json_data=json_data, **kwargs
+        )
     def test_unauthenticated(self):
         resp = self.post_inject(private_key=None)
@@ -1609,7 +2037,8 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
     def test_undecodable_client_public_key(self):
         resp = self.post_inject(
-            headers={"X-Client-Public-Key": "nonsense key"})
+            headers={"X-Client-Public-Key": "nonsense key"}
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode client public key"))
     def test_undecodable_nonce(self):
@@ -1620,13 +2049,16 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
         data = json.dumps({}).encode("UTF-8")
         box = Box(
-            boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key)
+            boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key,
+        )
         message = box.encrypt(data, self.nonces[0], encoder=Base64Encoder)
         resp = self.post_inject(
             headers={"X-Response-Nonce": "nonsense nonce"},
-            encrypted_data=message.ciphertext)
+            encrypted_data=message.ciphertext,
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode X-Response-Nonce header"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode X-Response-Nonce header")
+        )
     def test_nonce_already_used(self):
@@ -1661,63 +2093,92 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
     def test_missing_key_type(self):
-        resp = self.post_inject({"private-key": "",
-                                 "public-key": "",
-                                 "created-at": "",
-                                 "description": ""})
+        resp = self.post_inject(
+            {
+                "private-key": "",
+                "public-key": "",
+                "created-at": "",
+                "description": "",
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'key-type' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'key-type' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_missing_private_key(self):
-        resp = self.post_inject({"key-type": "UEFI",
-                                 "public-key": "",
-                                 "created-at": "",
-                                 "description": ""})
+        resp = self.post_inject(
+            {
+                "key-type": "UEFI",
+                "public-key": "",
+                "created-at": "",
+                "description": "",
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'private-key' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'private-key' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_missing_public_key(self):
-        resp = self.post_inject({"key-type": "UEFI",
-                                 "private-key": "",
-                                 "created-at": "",
-                                 "description": ""})
+        resp = self.post_inject(
+            {
+                "key-type": "UEFI",
+                "private-key": "",
+                "created-at": "",
+                "description": "",
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'public-key' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'public-key' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_missing_created_at(self):
-        resp = self.post_inject({"key-type": "UEFI",
-                                 "public-key": "",
-                                 "private-key": "",
-                                 "description": ""})
+        resp = self.post_inject(
+            {
+                "key-type": "UEFI",
+                "public-key": "",
+                "private-key": "",
+                "description": "",
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'created-at' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'created-at' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_missing_description(self):
-        resp = self.post_inject({"key-type": "UEFI",
-                                 "public-key": "",
-                                 "private-key": "",
-                                 "created-at": ""})
+        resp = self.post_inject(
+            {
+                "key-type": "UEFI",
+                "public-key": "",
+                "private-key": "",
+                "created-at": "",
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'description' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'description' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_invalid_created_at_format(self):
         private_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
         public_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
-        resp = self.post_inject({
-            "key-type": "UEFI",
-            "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-            "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-            "description": "",
-            "created-at": "xxx"})
+        resp = self.post_inject(
+            {
+                "key-type": "UEFI",
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "description": "",
+                "created-at": "xxx",
+            }
+        )
-            HasAPIError("created-at 'xxx' is not a valid datetime format"))
+            HasAPIError("created-at 'xxx' is not a valid datetime format"),
+        )
     def test_invalid_key_type(self):
@@ -1726,7 +2187,9 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
                 "'nonsense' is not one of ['UEFI', 'KMOD', 'OPAL', 'SIPL', "
-                "'FIT', 'OPENPGP', 'CV2_KERNEL', 'ANDROID_KERNEL']"))
+                "'FIT', 'OPENPGP', 'CV2_KERNEL', 'ANDROID_KERNEL']"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_uefi(self):
@@ -1734,36 +2197,47 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
         # fingerprint
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName(
-            "UEFI test description",
-            'UEFI')
+            "UEFI test description", "UEFI"
+        )
         with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
             private_key, public_key = Key._generateKeyCertPair(
-                Path(tmp), KeyType.UEFI, common_name)
+                Path(tmp), KeyType.UEFI, common_name
+            )
         now_with_tz = datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "UEFI",
-                "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                   public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
                 "created-at": now_with_tz.isoformat(),
                 "description": "UEFI test description",
-            })
+            }
+        )
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                }),
-            expected_status=200))
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.UEFI, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[self.clients[0]]))
+            KeyType.UEFI, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                authorizations=[self.clients[0]],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_uefi_fingerprint_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
@@ -1774,16 +2248,16 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "UEFI",
-                "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "UEFI test description",
-            })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -1791,34 +2265,45 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
         # Integration test: generate and return a real KMOD key.
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName(
-            "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-            'KMOD')
+            "PPA test-owner test-archive", "KMOD"
+        )
         with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
             private_key, public_key = Key._generatePEMX509(
-                Path(tmp), KeyType.KMOD, common_name)
+                Path(tmp), KeyType.KMOD, common_name
+            )
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "KMOD",
-                "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "KMOD test description",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                }),
-            expected_status=200))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.KMOD, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[self.clients[0]]))
+            KeyType.KMOD, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                authorizations=[self.clients[0]],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_kmod_fingerprint_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
@@ -1829,16 +2314,16 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "KMOD",
-                "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -1846,33 +2331,45 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
         # Integration test: generate and return a real OPAL key.
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName(
-            "PPA test-owner test-archive", 'OPAL')
+            "PPA test-owner test-archive", "OPAL"
+        )
         with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
             private_key, public_key = Key._generatePEMX509(
-                Path(tmp), KeyType.OPAL, common_name)
+                Path(tmp), KeyType.OPAL, common_name
+            )
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "OPAL",
-                "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                }),
-            expected_status=200))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.OPAL, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[self.clients[0]]))
+            KeyType.OPAL, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                authorizations=[self.clients[0]],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_opal_fingerprint_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
@@ -1887,10 +2384,12 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
                 "public-key": "",
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -1898,33 +2397,45 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
         # Integration test: generate and return a real SIPL key.
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName(
-            "PPA test-owner test-archive", 'SIPL')
+            "PPA test-owner test-archive", "SIPL"
+        )
         with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
             private_key, public_key = Key._generatePEMX509(
-                Path(tmp), KeyType.SIPL, common_name)
+                Path(tmp), KeyType.SIPL, common_name
+            )
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "SIPL",
-                "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                }),
-            expected_status=200))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.SIPL, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[self.clients[0]]))
+            KeyType.SIPL, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                authorizations=[self.clients[0]],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_sipl_fingerprint_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
@@ -1939,10 +2450,12 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
                 "public-key": "",
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -1950,33 +2463,45 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
         # Integration test: generate and return a real FIT key.
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName(
-            "PPA test-owner test-archive", 'FIT')
+            "PPA test-owner test-archive", "FIT"
+        )
         with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
             private_key, public_key = Key._generateKeyCertPair(
-                Path(tmp), KeyType.FIT, common_name)
+                Path(tmp), KeyType.FIT, common_name
+            )
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "FIT",
-                "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                }),
-            expected_status=200))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[self.clients[0]]))
+            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                authorizations=[self.clients[0]],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_fit_fingerprint_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
@@ -1991,10 +2516,12 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
                 "public-key": "",
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-fingerprint'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -2003,38 +2530,54 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
         # fingerprint.
         with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp, _gpg_context(Path(tmp)) as ctx:
             private_key, public_key, fingerprint = Key._generateOpenPGP(
-                ctx, OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA, 1024, "OpenPGP test description")
+                ctx, OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.RSA, 1024, "OpenPGP test description"
+            )
         now_with_tz = datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
-        resp = self.post_inject({
-            "key-type": "OPENPGP",
-            "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-            "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-            "created-at": now_with_tz.isoformat(),
-            "description": "OpenPGP test description",
-            })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                }),
-            expected_status=200))
+        resp = self.post_inject(
+            {
+                "key-type": "OPENPGP",
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "created-at": now_with_tz.isoformat(),
+                "description": "OpenPGP test description",
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.OPENPGP, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[self.clients[0]]))
+            KeyType.OPENPGP, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                authorizations=[self.clients[0]],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_openpgp_fingerprint_error(self):
-        resp = self.post_inject({
-            "key-type": "OPENPGP",
-            "private-key": base64.b64encode(b"").decode("UTF-8"),
-            "public-key": base64.b64encode(b"").decode("UTF-8"),
-            "created-at": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
-            "description": "OpenPGP test description",
-            })
+        resp = self.post_inject(
+            {
+                "key-type": "OPENPGP",
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(b"").decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(b"").decode("UTF-8"),
+                "created-at": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
+                "description": "OpenPGP test description",
+            }
+        )
         error_re = r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: IMPORT_PROBLEM"
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
@@ -2044,25 +2587,37 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
         # fingerprint.
         with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
             private_key, public_key = Key._generateRSA(
-                Path(tmp), KeyType.CV2_KERNEL)
-        resp = self.post_inject({
-            "key-type": "CV2_KERNEL",
-            "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-            "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-            "created-at": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
-            "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-            })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({"fingerprint": HasLength(40)}),
-            expected_status=200))
+                Path(tmp), KeyType.CV2_KERNEL
+            )
+        resp = self.post_inject(
+            {
+                "key-type": "CV2_KERNEL",
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "created-at": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
+                "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict({"fingerprint": HasLength(40)}),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         # The new key was committed to the database.
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.CV2_KERNEL, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[self.clients[0]]))
+            KeyType.CV2_KERNEL, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                authorizations=[self.clients[0]],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_cv2_kernel_fingerprint_error(self):
         processes_fixture = self.useFixture(FakeProcesses())
@@ -2070,218 +2625,328 @@ class TestInjectView(TestCase):
         public_key = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
         fake_openssl = FakeOpenSSL(private_key, public_key, None)
-        resp = self.post_inject({
-            "key-type": "CV2_KERNEL",
-            "private-key": "",
-            "public-key": "",
-            "created-at": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
-            "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-            })
+        resp = self.post_inject(
+            {
+                "key-type": "CV2_KERNEL",
+                "private-key": "",
+                "public-key": "",
+                "created-at": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
+                "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
+            }
+        )
         error_re = (
             r"Failed to get fingerprint of new key: "
-            r"Command .*'-outform', 'DER'.* returned non-zero exit status 1")
+            r"Command .*'-outform', 'DER'.* returned non-zero exit status 1"
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError(MatchesRegex(error_re), 500))
     def test_inject_duplicate_key_different_clients(self):
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName(
-            "PPA test-owner test-archive", 'FIT')
+            "PPA test-owner test-archive", "FIT"
+        )
         with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
             private_key, public_key = Key._generateKeyCertPair(
-                Path(tmp), KeyType.FIT, common_name)
+                Path(tmp), KeyType.FIT, common_name
+            )
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "FIT",
-                "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    bytes(private_key)).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    bytes(public_key)).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(bytes(private_key)).decode(
+                    "UTF-8"
+                ),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(bytes(public_key)).decode(
+                    "UTF-8"
+                ),
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                }),
-            expected_status=200))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[self.clients[0]]))
+            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                authorizations=[self.clients[0]],
+            ),
+        )
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "FIT",
-                "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    bytes(private_key)).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    bytes(public_key)).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(bytes(private_key)).decode(
+                    "UTF-8"
+                ),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(bytes(public_key)).decode(
+                    "UTF-8"
+                ),
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                }, index=1)
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                }),
-            expected_status=200))
+            },
+            index=1,
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[self.clients[0], self.clients[1]]))
+            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                authorizations=[self.clients[0], self.clients[1]],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_duplicate_key_from_same_client(self):
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName(
-            "PPA test-owner test-archive", 'FIT')
+            "PPA test-owner test-archive", "FIT"
+        )
         with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
             private_key, public_key = Key._generateKeyCertPair(
-                Path(tmp), KeyType.FIT, common_name)
+                Path(tmp), KeyType.FIT, common_name
+            )
         private_key = bytes(private_key)
         public_key = bytes(public_key)
         client = self.clients[0]
-        resp = self.post_inject({
-            "key-type": "FIT",
-            "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-            "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-            "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
-            "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive"})
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-            }),
-            expected_status=200))
+        resp = self.post_inject(
+            {
+                "key-type": "FIT",
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
+                "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[client]))
+            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"], authorizations=[client]
+            ),
+        )
         # Regenerate nonces (consumed by the previous request).
         self.nonces = [Nonce.generate().nonce for _ in range(2)]
-        resp = self.post_inject({
-            "key-type": "FIT",
-            "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-            "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-            "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
-            "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive"})
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-            }),
-            expected_status=200))
+        resp = self.post_inject(
+            {
+                "key-type": "FIT",
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(private_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
+                "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[client]))
+            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"], authorizations=[client]
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_update_private_public_material(self):
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName(
-            "PPA test-owner test-archive", 'FIT')
+            "PPA test-owner test-archive", "FIT"
+        )
         with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
             private_key, public_key = Key._generateKeyCertPair(
-                Path(tmp), KeyType.FIT, common_name)
+                Path(tmp), KeyType.FIT, common_name
+            )
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "FIT",
-                "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    bytes(private_key)).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    bytes(public_key)).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(bytes(private_key)).decode(
+                    "UTF-8"
+                ),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(bytes(public_key)).decode(
+                    "UTF-8"
+                ),
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                }),
-            expected_status=200))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[self.clients[0]]))
+            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                authorizations=[self.clients[0]],
+            ),
+        )
         private_key_material = factory.generate_random_bytes(size=64)
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "FIT",
                 "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    bytes(private_key_material)).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    bytes(public_key)).decode("UTF-8"),
+                    bytes(private_key_material)
+                ).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(bytes(public_key)).decode(
+                    "UTF-8"
+                ),
                 "created-at": (datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                }, index=1)
+            },
+            index=1,
+        )
-        self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError("Rejected attempt to update already "
-                                          "existent private and public key "
-                                          "material with fingerprint %s"
-                                          % key.fingerprint,
-                                          expected_status=409))
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            HasAPIError(
+                "Rejected attempt to update already "
+                "existent private and public key "
+                "material with fingerprint %s" % key.fingerprint,
+                expected_status=409,
+            ),
+        )
     def test_inject_update_created_at(self):
         common_name = Key._generateKeyCommonName(
-            "PPA test-owner test-archive", 'FIT')
+            "PPA test-owner test-archive", "FIT"
+        )
         with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
             private_key, public_key = Key._generateKeyCertPair(
-                Path(tmp), KeyType.FIT, common_name)
+                Path(tmp), KeyType.FIT, common_name
+            )
         existent_date = datetime.utcnow()
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "FIT",
-                "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    bytes(private_key)).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    bytes(public_key)).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(bytes(private_key)).decode(
+                    "UTF-8"
+                ),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(bytes(public_key)).decode(
+                    "UTF-8"
+                ),
                 "created-at": existent_date.isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                })
-        self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(
-            MatchesDict({
-                "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
-                }),
-            expected_status=200))
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            IsJSONResponse(
+                MatchesDict(
+                    {
+                        "fingerprint": HasLength(40),
+                    }
+                ),
+                expected_status=200,
+            ),
+        )
         key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(
-            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"])
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[self.clients[0]]))
+            KeyType.FIT, resp.json["fingerprint"]
+        )
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                authorizations=[self.clients[0]],
+            ),
+        )
         older_date = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=3)
         resp = self.post_inject(
                 "key-type": "FIT",
-                "private-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    bytes(private_key)).decode("UTF-8"),
-                "public-key": base64.b64encode(
-                    bytes(public_key)).decode("UTF-8"),
+                "private-key": base64.b64encode(bytes(private_key)).decode(
+                    "UTF-8"
+                ),
+                "public-key": base64.b64encode(bytes(public_key)).decode(
+                    "UTF-8"
+                ),
                 "created-at": older_date.isoformat(),
                 "description": "PPA test-owner test-archive",
-                }, index=1)
+            },
+            index=1,
+        )
-        self.assertThat(key, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
-            authorizations=[self.clients[0],
-                            self.clients[1]]))
+        self.assertThat(
+            key,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(
+                fingerprint=resp.json["fingerprint"],
+                authorizations=[self.clients[0], self.clients[1]],
+            ),
+        )
         self.assertEqual(pytz.utc.localize(older_date), key.created_at)
 class TestAddAuthorizationView(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.fixture = self.useFixture(AppFixture())
@@ -2299,7 +2964,8 @@ class TestAddAuthorizationView(TestCase):
         kwargs.setdefault("nonce", self.nonces[index])
         kwargs.setdefault("response_nonce", self.response_nonce)
         return self.fixture.client.post(
-            "/authorizations/add", json_data=json_data, **kwargs)
+            "/authorizations/add", json_data=json_data, **kwargs
+        )
     def test_unauthenticated(self):
         resp = self.post_add_authorization(private_key=None)
@@ -2307,25 +2973,30 @@ class TestAddAuthorizationView(TestCase):
     def test_undecodable_client_public_key(self):
         resp = self.post_add_authorization(
-            headers={"X-Client-Public-Key": "nonsense key"})
+            headers={"X-Client-Public-Key": "nonsense key"}
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode client public key"))
     def test_undecodable_nonce(self):
         resp = self.post_add_authorization(
-            headers={"X-Nonce": "nonsense nonce"})
+            headers={"X-Nonce": "nonsense nonce"}
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode X-Nonce header"))
     def test_undecodable_response_nonce(self):
         data = json.dumps({}).encode("UTF-8")
         box = Box(
-            boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key)
+            boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key,
+        )
         message = box.encrypt(data, self.nonces[0], encoder=Base64Encoder)
         resp = self.post_add_authorization(
             headers={"X-Response-Nonce": "nonsense nonce"},
-            encrypted_data=message.ciphertext)
+            encrypted_data=message.ciphertext,
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode X-Response-Nonce header"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("Cannot decode X-Response-Nonce header")
+        )
     def test_nonce_already_used(self):
@@ -2360,80 +3031,101 @@ class TestAddAuthorizationView(TestCase):
     def test_missing_key_type(self):
-        resp = self.post_add_authorization({
-            "fingerprint": "",
-            "client-name": "",
-            })
+        resp = self.post_add_authorization(
+            {
+                "fingerprint": "",
+                "client-name": "",
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'key-type' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'key-type' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_missing_fingerprint(self):
-        resp = self.post_add_authorization({
-            "key-type": "",
-            "client-name": "",
-            })
+        resp = self.post_add_authorization(
+            {
+                "key-type": "",
+                "client-name": "",
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'fingerprint' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'fingerprint' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_missing_client_name(self):
-        resp = self.post_add_authorization({
-            "key-type": "",
-            "fingerprint": "",
-            })
+        resp = self.post_add_authorization(
+            {
+                "key-type": "",
+                "fingerprint": "",
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("'client-name' is a required property at /"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("'client-name' is a required property at /")
+        )
     def test_invalid_key_type(self):
-        resp = self.post_add_authorization({
-            "key-type": "nonsense",
-            "fingerprint": "",
-            "client-name": "",
-            })
+        resp = self.post_add_authorization(
+            {
+                "key-type": "nonsense",
+                "fingerprint": "",
+                "client-name": "",
+            }
+        )
                 "'nonsense' is not one of ['UEFI', 'KMOD', 'OPAL', 'SIPL', "
-                "'FIT', 'OPENPGP', 'CV2_KERNEL', 'ANDROID_KERNEL']"))
+                "'FIT', 'OPENPGP', 'CV2_KERNEL', 'ANDROID_KERNEL']"
+            ),
+        )
     def test_unknown_key(self):
-        resp = self.post_add_authorization({
-            "key-type": "UEFI",
-            "fingerprint": "0" * 16,
-            "client-name": "",
-            })
+        resp = self.post_add_authorization(
+            {
+                "key-type": "UEFI",
+                "fingerprint": "0" * 16,
+                "client-name": "",
+            }
+        )
-            HasAPIError("No UEFI key with fingerprint 0000000000000000", 404))
+            HasAPIError("No UEFI key with fingerprint 0000000000000000", 404),
+        )
     def test_unknown_client(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.UEFI)
-        resp = self.post_add_authorization({
-            "key-type": "UEFI",
-            "fingerprint": key.fingerprint,
-            "client-name": "nonsense",
-            })
+        resp = self.post_add_authorization(
+            {
+                "key-type": "UEFI",
+                "fingerprint": key.fingerprint,
+                "client-name": "nonsense",
+            }
+        )
-            resp, HasAPIError("No registered client named nonsense"))
+            resp, HasAPIError("No registered client named nonsense")
+        )
     def test_client_not_allowed(self):
         key = factory.create_key(key_type=KeyType.UEFI)
-        resp = self.post_add_authorization({
-            "key-type": "UEFI",
-            "fingerprint": key.fingerprint,
-            "client-name": self.clients[1].name,
-            })
+        resp = self.post_add_authorization(
+            {
+                "key-type": "UEFI",
+                "fingerprint": key.fingerprint,
+                "client-name": self.clients[1].name,
+            }
+        )
-            HasAPIError(
-                f"{self.clients[0]} is not allowed to use {key}", 403))
+            HasAPIError(f"{self.clients[0]} is not allowed to use {key}", 403),
+        )
     def test_add_authorization(self):
@@ -2441,11 +3133,13 @@ class TestAddAuthorizationView(TestCase):
-        resp = self.post_add_authorization({
-            "key-type": "UEFI",
-            "fingerprint": key.fingerprint,
-            "client-name": self.clients[1].name,
-            })
+        resp = self.post_add_authorization(
+            {
+                "key-type": "UEFI",
+                "fingerprint": key.fingerprint,
+                "client-name": self.clients[1].name,
+            }
+        )
         self.assertThat(resp, IsJSONResponse(MatchesDict({})))
diff --git a/lp_signing/tests/test_webapp.py b/lp_signing/tests/test_webapp.py
index 9857263..6cfdba8 100644
--- a/lp_signing/tests/test_webapp.py
+++ b/lp_signing/tests/test_webapp.py
@@ -3,34 +3,25 @@
 import json
 from pathlib import Path
-from urllib.parse import (
-    quote,
-    urlparse,
-    )
+from urllib.parse import quote, urlparse
 from flask import make_response
 from flask_storm import store
 from testtools import TestCase
 from testtools.matchers import MatchesStructure
-from lp_signing.tests.testfixtures import (
-    AppFixture,
-    DatabaseFixture,
-    )
-from lp_signing.webapp import (
-    app,
-    health_check,
-    )
+from lp_signing.tests.testfixtures import AppFixture, DatabaseFixture
+from lp_signing.webapp import app, health_check
 class TestHealthCheck(TestCase):
     def test_success(self):
         resp = make_response(health_check())
-        self.assertThat(resp, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            status_code=200,
-            json={"ok": True}))
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(status_code=200, json={"ok": True}),
+        )
     def test_store_closed(self):
         app_context = app.app_context()
@@ -38,13 +29,13 @@ class TestHealthCheck(TestCase):
         resp = make_response(health_check())
-        self.assertThat(resp, MatchesStructure.byEquality(
-            status_code=500,
-            json={"ok": False}))
+        self.assertThat(
+            resp,
+            MatchesStructure.byEquality(status_code=500, json={"ok": False}),
+        )
 class TestConfiguration(TestCase):
     def test_database_uri(self):
         fixture = self.useFixture(AppFixture())
         root = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.resolve()
@@ -53,14 +44,18 @@ class TestConfiguration(TestCase):
                 hostname=quote(str(root / "dev-db" / "localhost"), safe=""),
-                path="/lp-signing"))
+                path="/lp-signing",
+            ),
+        )
     def test_binds_no_standbys(self):
         fixture = self.useFixture(AppFixture())
         self.assertEqual({}, fixture.app.config["STORM_BINDS"])
     def test_binds_with_standbys(self):
-        fixture = self.useFixture(AppFixture(
-            {"database": {"standby_urls": json.dumps(["sqlite:"])}}))
+        fixture = self.useFixture(
+            AppFixture({"database": {"standby_urls": json.dumps(["sqlite:"])}})
+        )
-            {"standby0": "sqlite:"}, fixture.app.config["STORM_BINDS"])
+            {"standby0": "sqlite:"}, fixture.app.config["STORM_BINDS"]
+        )
diff --git a/lp_signing/tests/testfixtures.py b/lp_signing/tests/testfixtures.py
index 766772a..112e3ea 100644
--- a/lp_signing/tests/testfixtures.py
+++ b/lp_signing/tests/testfixtures.py
@@ -6,14 +6,11 @@
 import hashlib
 import io
 import json
-from pathlib import Path
 import re
 import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
-from fixtures import (
-    Fixture,
-    MockPatch,
-    )
+from fixtures import Fixture, MockPatch
 from fixtures._fixtures import popen
 from flask.testing import FlaskClient
 from flask_storm import store
@@ -21,24 +18,14 @@ from nacl.encoding import Base64Encoder
 from nacl.public import Box
 from systemfixtures import FakeProcesses as _FakeProcesses
-from lp_signing import (
-    config,
-    webapp,
-    )
+from lp_signing import config, webapp
 from lp_signing.auth import boxed_authentication
-from lp_signing.model.client import (
-    Client,
-    ClientPublicKey,
-    )
-from lp_signing.model.key import (
-    Key,
-    KeyAuthorization,
-    )
+from lp_signing.model.client import Client, ClientPublicKey
+from lp_signing.model.key import Key, KeyAuthorization
 from lp_signing.model.nonce import Nonce
 class ConfigOverrideFixture(Fixture):
     def __init__(self, new_config):
         self._new_config = new_config
@@ -48,7 +35,6 @@ class ConfigOverrideFixture(Fixture):
 class DatabaseFixture(Fixture):
     def _setUp(self):
         self._app_context = webapp.app.app_context()
@@ -66,7 +52,7 @@ class DatabaseFixture(Fixture):
-            ]
+        ]
         for model in models_to_remove:
@@ -75,50 +61,75 @@ class DatabaseFixture(Fixture):
 class TestClient(FlaskClient):
     """A Flask client that understands JSON and boxed authentication."""
-    def post(self, *args, headers=None, data=None, json_data=None,
-             encrypted_data=None, private_key=None, nonce=None,
-             response_nonce=None, **kwargs):
+    def post(
+        self,
+        *args,
+        headers=None,
+        data=None,
+        json_data=None,
+        encrypted_data=None,
+        private_key=None,
+        nonce=None,
+        response_nonce=None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ):
         headers = dict(headers) if headers else {}
         if json_data is not None:
             if data is not None:
                 raise AssertionError(
-                    "Cannot pass both data and json_data")  # pragma: no cover
+                    "Cannot pass both data and json_data"
+                )  # pragma: no cover
             if "Content-Type" not in headers:
                 headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
             data = json.dumps(json_data).encode("UTF-8")
         if private_key is not None:
-                private_key.public_key.encode(
-                    encoder=Base64Encoder).decode("UTF-8"))
+                private_key.public_key.encode(encoder=Base64Encoder).decode(
+                    "UTF-8"
+                ),
+            )
         if nonce is not None:
-                "X-Nonce", Base64Encoder.encode(nonce).decode("UTF-8"))
+                "X-Nonce", Base64Encoder.encode(nonce).decode("UTF-8")
+            )
         if response_nonce is not None:
-                Base64Encoder.encode(response_nonce).decode("UTF-8"))
-        if (private_key is not None and nonce is not None and
-                encrypted_data is None):
+                Base64Encoder.encode(response_nonce).decode("UTF-8"),
+            )
+        if (
+            private_key is not None
+            and nonce is not None
+            and encrypted_data is None
+        ):
             data = data or b""
             box = Box(
-                boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key)
+                boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key,
+            )
             message = box.encrypt(data, nonce, encoder=Base64Encoder)
             headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-boxed-json"
             encrypted_data = message.ciphertext
             encrypted_data = data
         resp = super().post(
-            *args, headers=headers, data=encrypted_data, **kwargs)
-        if (private_key is not None and response_nonce is not None and
-                resp.mimetype == "application/x-boxed-json"):
+            *args, headers=headers, data=encrypted_data, **kwargs
+        )
+        if (
+            private_key is not None
+            and response_nonce is not None
+            and resp.mimetype == "application/x-boxed-json"
+        ):
             box = Box(
-                boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key)
+                boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key,
+            )
-                    resp.get_data(), response_nonce, encoder=Base64Encoder))
+                    resp.get_data(), response_nonce, encoder=Base64Encoder
+                )
+            )
             resp.mimetype = "application/json"
         # If there's a current transaction, roll it back.  The POST may have
         # committed a transaction in another thread, so anything we try to
@@ -128,7 +139,6 @@ class TestClient(FlaskClient):
 class AppFixture(Fixture):
     def __init__(self, nondefault_config={}):
         """Enable the engine to be recreated in tests where required."""
@@ -153,7 +163,6 @@ class AppFixture(Fixture):
 # the time we get to here, popen.FakeProcess has already been set to
 # systemfixtures.processes.fixture._FakeProcessWithMissingAPIs.
 class FakeProcessWithWorkingInput(popen.FakeProcess):
     def communicate(self, input=None, timeout=None):
         if self.stdin and input:
@@ -161,20 +170,22 @@ class FakeProcessWithWorkingInput(popen.FakeProcess):
 class FakeProcesses(_FakeProcesses):
     def _setUp(self):
-        self.useFixture(MockPatch(
-            "fixtures._fixtures.popen.FakeProcess",
-            FakeProcessWithWorkingInput))
+        self.useFixture(
+            MockPatch(
+                "fixtures._fixtures.popen.FakeProcess",
+                FakeProcessWithWorkingInput,
+            )
+        )
 class FakeOpenSSL:
     name = "openssl"
-    def __init__(self, private_key, public_key, fingerprint,
-                 private_key_pkcs1=None):
+    def __init__(
+        self, private_key, public_key, fingerprint, private_key_pkcs1=None
+    ):
         self.private_key = private_key
         self.public_key = public_key
         self.fingerprint = fingerprint
@@ -194,8 +205,10 @@ class FakeOpenSSL:
                 key_path = args[args.index("-keyout") + 1]
             if "-out" in args:
-                if ("-outform" not in args or
-                        args[args.index("-outform") + 1] != "PEM"):
+                if (
+                    "-outform" not in args
+                    or args[args.index("-outform") + 1] != "PEM"
+                ):
                     cert_path = args[args.index("-out") + 1]
         elif args[1] == "rsa":
@@ -212,7 +225,8 @@ class FakeOpenSSL:
             if "-fingerprint" in args:
                 if self.fingerprint is not None:
                     fingerprint_colons = ":".join(
-                        re.findall("..", self.fingerprint))
+                        re.findall("..", self.fingerprint)
+                    )
                     output = f"SHA1 Fingerprint={fingerprint_colons}\n"
                     info["stdout"] = io.BytesIO(output.encode("UTF-8"))
@@ -225,20 +239,24 @@ class FakeOpenSSL:
             if "-out" in args:
                 public_key_path = args[args.index("-out") + 1]
-            if ("-outform" in args and
-                    args[args.index("-outform") + 1] == "DER"):
+            if (
+                "-outform" in args
+                and args[args.index("-outform") + 1] == "DER"
+            ):
                 if self.fingerprint is not None:
                     # For plain RSA keys, Key._getRSAFingerprint computes
                     # the fingerprint in Python based on the DER encoding of
                     # the public key.  Check that this matches
                     # self.fingerprint to avoid confusion.
-                    public_key_fingerprint = hashlib.sha1(
-                        self.public_key).hexdigest().upper()
+                    public_key_fingerprint = (
+                        hashlib.sha1(self.public_key).hexdigest().upper()
+                    )
                     if public_key_fingerprint != self.fingerprint:
                         raise AssertionError(
                             f"Fingerprint of self.public_key does not match "
                             f"self.fingerprint ({public_key_fingerprint} != "
-                            f"{self.fingerprint}")
+                            f"{self.fingerprint}"
+                        )
                     info["stdout"] = io.BytesIO(self.public_key)
                     info["returncode"] = 1
@@ -246,7 +264,6 @@ class FakeOpenSSL:
 class FakeSBSign:
     name = "sbsign"
     def __init__(self, sig_data):
@@ -262,7 +279,6 @@ class FakeSBSign:
 class FakeKmodSign:
     name = "kmodsign"
     def __init__(self, sig_data):
@@ -278,7 +294,6 @@ class FakeKmodSign:
 class FakeMkimage:
     name = "mkimage"
     def __init__(self, sig_data):
@@ -294,7 +309,6 @@ class FakeMkimage:
 class FakeOpenSSLSign:
     name = "openssl"
     def __init__(self, sig_data):
diff --git a/lp_signing/webapi.py b/lp_signing/webapi.py
index ff35566..e45232e 100644
--- a/lp_signing/webapi.py
+++ b/lp_signing/webapi.py
@@ -12,31 +12,19 @@ import base64
 import binascii
 import functools
-from acceptable import (
-    AcceptableService,
-    validate_body,
-    validate_output,
-    )
+import iso8601
+from acceptable import AcceptableService, validate_body, validate_output
 from flask import request
 from flask_storm import store
-import iso8601
 from nacl.encoding import Base64Encoder
 from lp_signing.auth import boxed_authentication
-from lp_signing.enums import (
-    KeyType,
-    OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm,
-    SignatureMode,
-    )
-from lp_signing.exceptions import (
-    ClientNotAllowed,
-    DataValidationError,
-    )
+from lp_signing.enums import KeyType, OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm, SignatureMode
+from lp_signing.exceptions import ClientNotAllowed, DataValidationError
 from lp_signing.model.client import Client
 from lp_signing.model.key import Key
 from lp_signing.model.nonce import Nonce
 service = AcceptableService(__name__)
@@ -52,31 +40,36 @@ service_key_api = service.api("/service-key", "service_key", methods=["GET"])
-    "type": "object",
-    "properties": {"service-key": {"type": "string"}},  # base64
-    "required": ["service-key"],
-    "additionalProperties": False,
-    })
+    {
+        "type": "object",
+        "properties": {"service-key": {"type": "string"}},  # base64
+        "required": ["service-key"],
+        "additionalProperties": False,
+    }
 def service_key():
     """Return the current preferred public key for this service."""
     preferred_key = boxed_authentication.service_private_keys[0].public_key
     return {
         "service-key": preferred_key.encode(encoder=Base64Encoder).decode(
-            "UTF-8"),
-        }, 200
+            "UTF-8"
+        ),
+    }, 200
 nonce_api = service.api("/nonce", "nonce", methods=["POST"])
-    "type": "object",
-    "properties": {"nonce": {"type": "string"}},  # base64
-    "required": ["nonce"],
-    "additionalProperties": False,
-    })
+    {
+        "type": "object",
+        "properties": {"nonce": {"type": "string"}},  # base64
+        "required": ["nonce"],
+        "additionalProperties": False,
+    }
 def nonce():
     """Generate a nonce, used to make requests to other endpoints."""
     nonce = Nonce.generate()
@@ -98,73 +91,85 @@ generate_api = service.api("/generate", "generate_key", methods=["POST"])
-    "type": "object",
-    # XXX cjwatson 2020-07-02: This produces suboptimal error messages; once
-    # acceptable supports JSON Schema draft 7, we can do a better job here
-    # using conditional schemas.
-    "oneOf": [
-        {
-            "properties": {
-                "key-type": {
-                    "type": "string",
-                    "enum": [
-                        item.token for item in KeyType
-                        if item.value != KeyType.OPENPGP
+    {
+        "type": "object",
+        # XXX cjwatson 2020-07-02: This produces suboptimal error messages;
+        # once acceptable supports JSON Schema draft 7, we can do a better
+        # job here using conditional schemas.
+        "oneOf": [
+            {
+                "properties": {
+                    "key-type": {
+                        "type": "string",
+                        "enum": [
+                            item.token
+                            for item in KeyType
+                            if item.value != KeyType.OPENPGP
-                "description": {"type": "string"},
+                    "description": {"type": "string"},
-            "required": ["key-type", "description"],
-            "additionalProperties": False,
+                "required": ["key-type", "description"],
+                "additionalProperties": False,
-        {
-            "properties": {
-                "key-type": {
-                    "type": "string",
-                    "enum": [KeyType.OPENPGP.name],
+            {
+                "properties": {
+                    "key-type": {
+                        "type": "string",
+                        "enum": [KeyType.OPENPGP.name],
-                "description": {"type": "string"},
-                "openpgp-key-algorithm": {
-                    "type": "string",
-                    "enum": [item.token for item in OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm],
+                    "description": {"type": "string"},
+                    "openpgp-key-algorithm": {
+                        "type": "string",
+                        "enum": [item.token for item in OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm],
-                "length": {"type": "integer"},
+                    "length": {"type": "integer"},
-            "required": [
-                "key-type", "description", "openpgp-key-algorithm", "length",
+                "required": [
+                    "key-type",
+                    "description",
+                    "openpgp-key-algorithm",
+                    "length",
-            "additionalProperties": False,
+                "additionalProperties": False,
-    })
-    "type": "object",
-    "properties": {
-        "fingerprint": {"type": "string"},
-        "public-key": {"type": "string"},  # base64
+    }
+    {
+        "type": "object",
+        "properties": {
+            "fingerprint": {"type": "string"},
+            "public-key": {"type": "string"},  # base64
-    "required": ["fingerprint", "public-key"],
-    })
+        "required": ["fingerprint", "public-key"],
+    }
 def generate_key():
     payload = request.get_json()
     key_type = KeyType.items[payload["key-type"]]
     if "openpgp-key-algorithm" in payload:
         openpgp_key_algorithm = OpenPGPKeyAlgorithm.items[
-            payload["openpgp-key-algorithm"]]
+            payload["openpgp-key-algorithm"]
+        ]
         openpgp_key_algorithm = None
     length = payload.get("length")
     description = payload["description"]
     key = Key.generate(
-        key_type, description, openpgp_key_algorithm=openpgp_key_algorithm,
-        length=length)
+        key_type,
+        description,
+        openpgp_key_algorithm=openpgp_key_algorithm,
+        length=length,
+    )
     return {
         "fingerprint": key.fingerprint,
         "public-key": base64.b64encode(key.public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
-        }, 201
+    }, 201
 sign_api = service.api("/sign", "sign_message", methods=["POST"])
@@ -172,31 +177,41 @@ sign_api = service.api("/sign", "sign_message", methods=["POST"])
-    "type": "object",
-    "properties": {
-        "key-type": {
-            "type": "string",
-            "enum": [item.token for item in KeyType],
+    {
+        "type": "object",
+        "properties": {
+            "key-type": {
+                "type": "string",
+                "enum": [item.token for item in KeyType],
-        "fingerprint": {"type": "string"},
-        "message-name": {"type": "string"},
-        "message": {"type": "string"},  # base64-encoded
-        "mode": {
-            "type": "string",
-            "enum": [item.token for item in SignatureMode],
+            "fingerprint": {"type": "string"},
+            "message-name": {"type": "string"},
+            "message": {"type": "string"},  # base64-encoded
+            "mode": {
+                "type": "string",
+                "enum": [item.token for item in SignatureMode],
-    "required": ["key-type", "fingerprint", "message-name", "message", "mode"],
-    })
-    "type": "object",
-    "properties": {
-        "public-key": {"type": "string"},  # base64
-        "signed-message": {"type": "string"},  # base64
+        "required": [
+            "key-type",
+            "fingerprint",
+            "message-name",
+            "message",
+            "mode",
+        ],
+    }
+    {
+        "type": "object",
+        "properties": {
+            "public-key": {"type": "string"},  # base64
+            "signed-message": {"type": "string"},  # base64
-    "required": ["signed_message"],
-    })
+        "required": ["signed_message"],
+    }
 def sign_message():
     payload = request.get_json()
     key_type = KeyType.items[payload["key-type"]]
@@ -204,19 +219,21 @@ def sign_message():
     message_name = payload["message-name"]
         message = base64.b64decode(
-            payload["message"].encode("UTF-8"), validate=True)
+            payload["message"].encode("UTF-8"), validate=True
+        )
     except binascii.Error:
         raise DataValidationError.single("Cannot decode message")
     mode = SignatureMode.items[payload["mode"]]
     key = Key.getByTypeAndFingerprint(key_type, fingerprint)
     if not key.isAuthorized(request.client):
         raise ClientNotAllowed.single(
-            f"{request.client} is not allowed to use {key}")
+            f"{request.client} is not allowed to use {key}"
+        )
     signed_message = key.sign(message_name, message, mode)
     return {
         "public-key": base64.b64encode(key.public_key).decode("UTF-8"),
         "signed-message": base64.b64encode(signed_message).decode("UTF-8"),
-        }, 200
+    }, 200
 inject_api = service.api("/inject", "inject_key", methods=["POST"])
@@ -224,28 +241,37 @@ inject_api = service.api("/inject", "inject_key", methods=["POST"])
-    "type": "object",
-    "properties": {
-        "key-type": {
-            "type": "string",
-            "enum": [item.token for item in KeyType],
+    {
+        "type": "object",
+        "properties": {
+            "key-type": {
+                "type": "string",
+                "enum": [item.token for item in KeyType],
-        "private-key": {"type": "string"},
-        "public-key": {"type": "string"},
-        "created-at": {"type": "string"},
-        "description": {"type": "string"},
+            "private-key": {"type": "string"},
+            "public-key": {"type": "string"},
+            "created-at": {"type": "string"},
+            "description": {"type": "string"},
-    "required": ["key-type", "private-key", "public-key",
-                 "created-at", "description"],
-    })
-    "type": "object",
-    "properties": {
-        "fingerprint": {"type": "string"},
+        "required": [
+            "key-type",
+            "private-key",
+            "public-key",
+            "created-at",
+            "description",
+        ],
+    }
+    {
+        "type": "object",
+        "properties": {
+            "fingerprint": {"type": "string"},
-    "required": ["fingerprint"],
-    })
+        "required": ["fingerprint"],
+    }
 def inject_key():
     payload = request.get_json()
     key_type = KeyType.items[payload["key-type"]]
@@ -254,9 +280,11 @@ def inject_key():
         private_key = base64.b64decode(
-            payload["private-key"].encode("UTF-8"), validate=True)
+            payload["private-key"].encode("UTF-8"), validate=True
+        )
         public_key = base64.b64decode(
-            payload["public-key"].encode("UTF-8"), validate=True)
+            payload["public-key"].encode("UTF-8"), validate=True
+        )
     except binascii.Error:
         raise DataValidationError.single("Cannot decode message")
@@ -264,37 +292,42 @@ def inject_key():
         created_at = iso8601.parse_date(created_at)
     except iso8601.ParseError:
         raise DataValidationError.single(
-            "created-at '%s' is not a valid datetime format" % created_at)
+            "created-at '%s' is not a valid datetime format" % created_at
+        )
-    key = Key.inject(key_type, private_key, public_key,
-                     description, created_at)
+    key = Key.inject(
+        key_type, private_key, public_key, description, created_at
+    )
     return {
         "fingerprint": key.fingerprint,
-        }, 200
+    }, 200
 add_authorization_api = service.api(
-    "/authorizations/add", "add_authorization", methods=["POST"])
+    "/authorizations/add", "add_authorization", methods=["POST"]
-    "type": "object",
-    "properties": {
-        "key-type": {
-            "type": "string",
-            "enum": [item.token for item in KeyType],
+    {
+        "type": "object",
+        "properties": {
+            "key-type": {
+                "type": "string",
+                "enum": [item.token for item in KeyType],
-        "fingerprint": {"type": "string"},
-        "client-name": {"type": "string"},
+            "fingerprint": {"type": "string"},
+            "client-name": {"type": "string"},
-    "required": ["key-type", "fingerprint", "client-name"],
-    })
+        "required": ["key-type", "fingerprint", "client-name"],
+    }
 @validate_output({"type": "object"})
 def add_authorization():
     payload = request.get_json()
@@ -305,10 +338,12 @@ def add_authorization():
     client = Client.getByName(client_name)
     if client is None:
         raise DataValidationError.single(
-            f"No registered client named {client_name}")
+            f"No registered client named {client_name}"
+        )
     if not key.isAuthorized(request.client):
         raise ClientNotAllowed.single(
-            f"{request.client} is not allowed to use {key}")
+            f"{request.client} is not allowed to use {key}"
+        )
     return {}, 200
diff --git a/lp_signing/webapp.py b/lp_signing/webapp.py
index 5ba5158..ed39e4c 100644
--- a/lp_signing/webapp.py
+++ b/lp_signing/webapp.py
@@ -4,28 +4,20 @@
 """Entry point for the Launchpad signing service."""
 import json
+import logging
-from acceptable import DataValidationError
 import flask
-from flask_storm import (
-    FlaskStorm,
-    store,
-    )
-import logging
-from storm.locals import StormError
-import talisker.statsd
 import talisker.flask
+import talisker.statsd
+from acceptable import DataValidationError
+from flask_storm import FlaskStorm, store
+from storm.locals import StormError
 from lp_signing import webapi
-from lp_signing.auth import (
-    boxed_authentication,
-    BoxedRequest,
-    BoxedResponse,
-    )
+from lp_signing.auth import BoxedRequest, BoxedResponse, boxed_authentication
 from lp_signing.config import read_config
 from lp_signing.exceptions import APIError
 _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -101,8 +93,12 @@ def create_web_application():
         if statsd_client is not None:
             if flask.request.endpoint is not None:
                 name = ".".join(
-                    ("views", flask.request.endpoint, flask.request.method,
-                     str(response.status_code))
+                    (
+                        "views",
+                        flask.request.endpoint,
+                        flask.request.method,
+                        str(response.status_code),
+                    )
                 flask._request_ctx_stack.top.timer.stat = name
diff --git a/publish-to-swift b/publish-to-swift
index e5cfd59..21264a5 100755
--- a/publish-to-swift
+++ b/publish-to-swift
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 """Publish a built tarball to Swift for deployment."""
-from argparse import ArgumentParser
 import os
 import re
 import subprocess
 import sys
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
 def ensure_container_privs(container_name):
@@ -23,15 +23,20 @@ def get_swift_storage_url():
     # with swiftclient.
     auth = subprocess.run(
         ["swift", "auth"],
-        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True,
-        universal_newlines=True).stdout.splitlines()
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        check=True,
+        universal_newlines=True,
+    ).stdout.splitlines()
     return [
-        line.split("=", 1)[1] for line in auth
-        if line.startswith("export OS_STORAGE_URL=")][0]
+        line.split("=", 1)[1]
+        for line in auth
+        if line.startswith("export OS_STORAGE_URL=")
+    ][0]
-def publish_file_to_swift(container_name, object_path, local_path,
-                          overwrite=True):
+def publish_file_to_swift(
+    container_name, object_path, local_path, overwrite=True
     """Publish a file to a Swift container."""
     storage_url = get_swift_storage_url()
@@ -41,32 +46,55 @@ def publish_file_to_swift(container_name, object_path, local_path,
         stats = subprocess.run(
             ["swift", "stat", container_name, object_path],
-            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True,
-            universal_newlines=True).stdout
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+            check=True,
+            universal_newlines=True,
+        ).stdout
         if re.search(
-                r"Object: %s$" % re.escape(object_path), stats, flags=re.M):
+            r"Object: %s$" % re.escape(object_path), stats, flags=re.M
+        ):
             already_published = True
     except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
     if already_published:
-        print("Object {} already published to {}.".format(
-            object_path, container_name))
+        print(
+            "Object {} already published to {}.".format(
+                object_path, container_name
+            )
+        )
         if not overwrite:
-    print("Publishing {} to {} as {}.".format(
-        local_path, container_name, object_path))
+    print(
+        "Publishing {} to {} as {}.".format(
+            local_path, container_name, object_path
+        )
+    )
-            ["swift", "upload", "--object-name", object_path,
-             container_name, local_path])
+            [
+                "swift",
+                "upload",
+                "--object-name",
+                object_path,
+                container_name,
+                local_path,
+            ]
+        )
     except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-        sys.exit("Failed to upload {} to {} as {}".format(
-            local_path, container_name, object_path))
+        sys.exit(
+            "Failed to upload {} to {} as {}".format(
+                local_path, container_name, object_path
+            )
+        )
-    print("Published file: {}/{}/{}".format(
-        storage_url, container_name, object_path))
+    print(
+        "Published file: {}/{}/{}".format(
+            storage_url, container_name, object_path
+        )
+    )
 def main():
@@ -105,7 +133,7 @@ def main():
-            }
+        }
         for key, value in sorted(os.environ.items()):
             if key.startswith("OS_"):
                 if key not in safe_keys:
@@ -115,8 +143,11 @@ def main():
     overwrite = "FORCE_REBUILD" in os.environ
-        args.container_name, args.swift_object_path, args.local_path,
-        overwrite=overwrite)
+        args.container_name,
+        args.swift_object_path,
+        args.local_path,
+        overwrite=overwrite,
+    )
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10ee528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+line-length = 79
+known_first_party = ["lp_signing"]
+line_length = 79
+profile = "black"
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 6a93b1a..feb8a3d 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
 ignore =
-    # will be fixed by using black
-    E121
-    E123
-    E126
     # incompatible with black
     # binary operator on same or next line; mutually exclusive
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index ac4020f..a76c95c 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -3,11 +3,7 @@
 # Copyright 2017-2019 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-from setuptools import (
-    find_packages,
-    setup,
-    )
+from setuptools import find_packages, setup
 requires = [
@@ -20,7 +16,7 @@ requires = [
-    ]
 test_requires = [
@@ -29,7 +25,7 @@ test_requires = [
-    ]
@@ -48,7 +44,7 @@ setup(
         "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3",
         "Operating System :: OS Independent",
         "Programming Language :: Python",
-        ],
+    ],
     extras_require={"test": test_requires},
@@ -56,6 +52,6 @@ setup(
         "console_scripts": [
             "lp-signing = lp_signing.cli:cli",
-            ],
-        },
-    )
+        ],
+    },