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[Merge] ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-getPOFilesTouchedSince into launchpad:master


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-getPOFilesTouchedSince into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Remove POFileSet.getPOFilesTouchedSince

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

It hasn't been used since commit 47b797b084.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-getPOFilesTouchedSince into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/lib/lp/translations/interfaces/pofile.py b/lib/lp/translations/interfaces/pofile.py
index 06700b1..a4f2a42 100644
--- a/lib/lp/translations/interfaces/pofile.py
+++ b/lib/lp/translations/interfaces/pofile.py
@@ -424,12 +424,3 @@ class IPOFileSet(Interface):
         :param untranslated: Look only for `POFile`s with a credits
             message that is not translated.
-    def getPOFilesTouchedSince(date):
-        """Return IDs for PO files that might have been updated since `date`.
-        :param date: A datetime object to use as the starting date.
-        :return: a ResultSet over POFile IDs for directly and indirectly
-            (through sharing POFiles) touched POFiles since `date`.
-        """
diff --git a/lib/lp/translations/model/pofile.py b/lib/lp/translations/model/pofile.py
index 1f76e09..ccd9158 100644
--- a/lib/lp/translations/model/pofile.py
+++ b/lib/lp/translations/model/pofile.py
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ from storm.expr import (
-    LeftJoin,
@@ -1664,103 +1663,6 @@ class POFileSet:
         result = IPrimaryStore(POFile).find((POFile, POTMsgSet), clauses)
         return result.order_by("POFile.id")
-    def getPOFilesTouchedSince(self, date):
-        """See `IPOFileSet`."""
-        # Avoid circular imports.
-        from lp.registry.model.distroseries import DistroSeries
-        from lp.registry.model.productseries import ProductSeries
-        from lp.translations.model.potemplate import POTemplate
-        store = IPrimaryStore(POTemplate)
-        # Find a matching POTemplate and its ProductSeries
-        # and DistroSeries, if they are defined.
-        MatchingPOT = ClassAlias(POTemplate)
-        MatchingPOTJoin = Join(
-            MatchingPOT, POFile.potemplate == MatchingPOT.id
-        )
-        MatchingProductSeries = ClassAlias(ProductSeries)
-        MatchingProductSeriesJoin = LeftJoin(
-            MatchingProductSeries,
-            MatchingPOT.productseriesID == MatchingProductSeries.id,
-        )
-        MatchingDistroSeries = ClassAlias(DistroSeries)
-        MatchingDistroSeriesJoin = LeftJoin(
-            MatchingDistroSeries,
-            MatchingPOT.distroseriesID == MatchingDistroSeries.id,
-        )
-        # Find any sharing POTemplate corresponding to MatchingPOT
-        # and its ProductSeries and DistroSeries, if they are defined.
-        OtherPOT = ClassAlias(POTemplate)
-        OtherPOTJoin = Join(OtherPOT, And(OtherPOT.name == MatchingPOT.name))
-        OtherProductSeries = ClassAlias(ProductSeries)
-        OtherProductSeriesJoin = LeftJoin(
-            OtherProductSeries,
-            OtherPOT.productseriesID == OtherProductSeries.id,
-        )
-        OtherDistroSeries = ClassAlias(DistroSeries)
-        OtherDistroSeriesJoin = LeftJoin(
-            OtherDistroSeries, OtherPOT.distroseriesID == OtherDistroSeries.id
-        )
-        # And find a sharing POFile corresponding to a sharing POTemplate,
-        # i.e. OtherPOT.
-        OtherPOFile = ClassAlias(POFile)
-        OtherPOFileJoin = Join(
-            OtherPOFile,
-            And(
-                OtherPOFile.language_id == POFile.language_id,
-                OtherPOFile.potemplate_id == OtherPOT.id,
-            ),
-        )
-        source = store.using(
-            POFile,
-            MatchingPOTJoin,
-            MatchingProductSeriesJoin,
-            MatchingDistroSeriesJoin,
-            OtherPOTJoin,
-            OtherProductSeriesJoin,
-            OtherDistroSeriesJoin,
-            OtherPOFileJoin,
-        )
-        results = source.find(
-            OtherPOFile,
-            And(
-                POFile.date_changed >= date,
-                Or(
-                    # OtherPOT is a sharing template with MatchingPOT
-                    # in the same distribution and sourcepackagename.
-                    And(
-                        MatchingPOT.distroseriesID is not None,
-                        OtherPOT.distroseriesID is not None,
-                        (
-                            MatchingDistroSeries.distributionID
-                            == OtherDistroSeries.distributionID
-                        ),
-                        (
-                            MatchingPOT.sourcepackagenameID
-                            == OtherPOT.sourcepackagenameID
-                        ),
-                    ),
-                    # OtherPOT is a sharing template with MatchingPOT
-                    # in the same product.
-                    And(
-                        MatchingPOT.productseriesID is not None,
-                        OtherPOT.productseriesID is not None,
-                        (
-                            MatchingProductSeries.productID
-                            == OtherProductSeries.productID
-                        ),
-                    ),
-                ),
-            ),
-        )
-        results.config(distinct=True)
-        return results
 class POFileToTranslationFileDataAdapter:
diff --git a/lib/lp/translations/tests/test_pofile.py b/lib/lp/translations/tests/test_pofile.py
index 0c8547b..1d919a1 100644
--- a/lib/lp/translations/tests/test_pofile.py
+++ b/lib/lp/translations/tests/test_pofile.py
@@ -1645,196 +1645,6 @@ class TestPOFileSet(TestCaseWithFactory):
         self.pofileset = getUtility(IPOFileSet)
-    def test_POFileSet_getPOFilesTouchedSince_none(self):
-        # Make sure getPOFilesTouchedSince returns nothing
-        # when there are no touched PO files.
-        now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(now)
-        self.assertContentEqual([], pofiles)
-        week_ago = now - timedelta(7)
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(week_ago)
-        self.assertContentEqual([], pofiles)
-        # Even when a POFile is touched, but earlier than
-        # what we are looking for, nothing is returned.
-        pofile = self.factory.makePOFile("sr")
-        pofile.date_changed = week_ago
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(now)
-        self.assertContentEqual([], pofiles)
-    def test_POFileSet_getPOFilesTouchedSince_unshared(self):
-        # Make sure actual touched POFiles are returned by
-        # getPOFilesTouchedSince.
-        now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
-        yesterday = now - timedelta(1)
-        new_pofile = self.factory.makePOFile("sr")
-        new_pofile.date_changed = now
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(yesterday)
-        self.assertContentEqual([new_pofile], pofiles)
-        # An older file means is not returned.
-        week_ago = now - timedelta(7)
-        old_pofile = self.factory.makePOFile("sr")
-        old_pofile.date_changed = week_ago
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(yesterday)
-        self.assertContentEqual([new_pofile], pofiles)
-        # Unless we extend the time period we ask for.
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(week_ago)
-        self.assertContentEqual([new_pofile, old_pofile], pofiles)
-    def test_POFileSet_getPOFilesTouchedSince_shared_in_product(self):
-        # Make sure actual touched POFiles and POFiles that are sharing
-        # with them in the same product are all returned by
-        # getPOFilesTouchedSince.
-        # We create a product with two series, and attach
-        # a POTemplate and Serbian POFile to each, making
-        # sure they share translations (potemplates have the same name).
-        product = self.factory.makeProduct(
-            translations_usage=ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD
-        )
-        series1 = self.factory.makeProductSeries(product=product, name="one")
-        series2 = self.factory.makeProductSeries(product=product, name="two")
-        potemplate1 = self.factory.makePOTemplate(
-            name="shared", productseries=series1
-        )
-        pofile1 = self.factory.makePOFile("sr", potemplate=potemplate1)
-        potemplate2 = self.factory.makePOTemplate(
-            name="shared", productseries=series2
-        )
-        pofile2 = potemplate2.getPOFileByLang("sr")
-        now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
-        yesterday = now - timedelta(1)
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(yesterday)
-        self.assertContentEqual([pofile1, pofile2], pofiles)
-        # Even if one of the sharing POFiles is older, it's still returned.
-        week_ago = now - timedelta(7)
-        pofile2.date_changed = week_ago
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(yesterday)
-        self.assertContentEqual([pofile1, pofile2], pofiles)
-        # A POFile in a different language is not returned.
-        pofile3 = self.factory.makePOFile("de", potemplate=potemplate2)
-        pofile3.date_changed = week_ago
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(yesterday)
-        self.assertContentEqual([pofile1, pofile2], pofiles)
-    def test_POFileSet_getPOFilesTouchedSince_smaller_ids(self):
-        # Make sure that all relevant POFiles are returned,
-        # even the sharing ones with smaller IDs.
-        # This is a test for bug #414832 which caused sharing POFiles
-        # of the touched POFile not to be returned if they had
-        # IDs smaller than the touched POFile.
-        product = self.factory.makeProduct(
-            translations_usage=ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD
-        )
-        series1 = self.factory.makeProductSeries(product=product, name="one")
-        series2 = self.factory.makeProductSeries(product=product, name="two")
-        potemplate1 = self.factory.makePOTemplate(
-            name="shared", productseries=series1
-        )
-        pofile1 = self.factory.makePOFile("sr", potemplate=potemplate1)
-        potemplate2 = self.factory.makePOTemplate(
-            name="shared", productseries=series2
-        )
-        pofile2 = potemplate2.getPOFileByLang("sr")
-        now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
-        yesterday = now - timedelta(1)
-        week_ago = now - timedelta(7)
-        pofile1.date_changed = week_ago
-        # Let's make sure the condition from the bug holds,
-        # since pofile2 is created implicitly with the makePOTemplate call.
-        self.assertTrue(pofile1.id < pofile2.id)
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(yesterday)
-        self.assertContentEqual([pofile1, pofile2], pofiles)
-    def test_POFileSet_getPOFilesTouchedSince_shared_in_distribution(self):
-        # Make sure actual touched POFiles and POFiles that are sharing
-        # with them in the same distribution/sourcepackage are all returned
-        # by getPOFilesTouchedSince.
-        # We create a distribution with two series with the same
-        # sourcepackage in both, and attach a POTemplate and Serbian
-        # POFile to each, making sure they share translations
-        # (potemplates have the same name).
-        distro = self.factory.makeDistribution()
-        distro.translations_usage = ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD
-        series1 = self.factory.makeDistroSeries(
-            distribution=distro, name="one"
-        )
-        sourcepackagename = self.factory.makeSourcePackageName()
-        potemplate1 = self.factory.makePOTemplate(
-            name="shared",
-            distroseries=series1,
-            sourcepackagename=sourcepackagename,
-        )
-        pofile1 = self.factory.makePOFile("sr", potemplate=potemplate1)
-        series2 = self.factory.makeDistroSeries(
-            distribution=distro, name="two"
-        )
-        potemplate2 = self.factory.makePOTemplate(
-            name="shared",
-            distroseries=series2,
-            sourcepackagename=sourcepackagename,
-        )
-        pofile2 = potemplate2.getPOFileByLang("sr")
-        # Now the test actually starts.
-        now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
-        yesterday = now - timedelta(1)
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(yesterday)
-        self.assertContentEqual([pofile1, pofile2], pofiles)
-        # Even if one of the sharing POFiles is older, it's still returned.
-        week_ago = now - timedelta(7)
-        pofile2.date_changed = week_ago
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(yesterday)
-        self.assertContentEqual([pofile1, pofile2], pofiles)
-        # A POFile in a different language is not returned.
-        pofile3 = self.factory.makePOFile("de", potemplate=potemplate2)
-        pofile3.date_changed = week_ago
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(yesterday)
-        self.assertContentEqual([pofile1, pofile2], pofiles)
-    def test_POFileSet_getPOFilesTouchedSince_external_pofiles(self):
-        # Make sure POFiles which are in different products
-        # are not returned even though they have the same potemplate name.
-        series1 = self.factory.makeProductSeries(name="one")
-        series1.product.translations_usage = ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD
-        series2 = self.factory.makeProductSeries(name="two")
-        series1.product.translations_usage = ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD
-        self.assertNotEqual(series1.product, series2.product)
-        potemplate1 = self.factory.makePOTemplate(
-            name="shared", productseries=series1
-        )
-        pofile1 = self.factory.makePOFile("sr", potemplate=potemplate1)
-        potemplate2 = self.factory.makePOTemplate(
-            name="shared", productseries=series2
-        )
-        pofile2 = self.factory.makePOFile("sr", potemplate=potemplate2)
-        # Now the test actually starts.
-        now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
-        yesterday = now - timedelta(1)
-        week_ago = now - timedelta(7)
-        # Second POFile has been modified earlier than yesterday,
-        # and is attached to a different product, even if the template
-        # name is the same.  It's not returned.
-        pofile2.date_changed = week_ago
-        pofiles = self.pofileset.getPOFilesTouchedSince(yesterday)
-        self.assertContentEqual([pofile1], pofiles)
     def test_getPOFilesWithTranslationCredits(self):
         # Initially, we only get data from the sampledata.
         sampledata_pofiles = list(