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[Merge] ~cjwatson/lp-archive:doc-qastaging into lp-archive:main


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/lp-archive:doc-qastaging into lp-archive:main.

Commit message:
doc: Explain qastaging deployment

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

Launchpad's "dogfood" instance will probably be going away soon, so talk about qastaging instead of dogfood.  This does mean that it's much less obvious how to set up a full development environment for developers and so the documentation in the top-level README has got more awkward, but in practice that was mainly a stopgap until we got initial deployments working.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/lp-archive:doc-qastaging into lp-archive:main.
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 72753c7..dd1b2e8 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -11,22 +11,21 @@ Development environment
 To run tests, use ``tox``.
-Running a local development server requires some setup and can only be done
-if you have privileged access to a suitable Launchpad environment.
-Launchpad staff can start by setting up an SSH tunnel to the "dogfood"
-environment, in a separate terminal::
-    $ ssh -L 8097:xmlrpc.dogfood.lp.internal:8097 labbu.canonical.com
-Add `` xmlrpc.dogfood.lp.internal`` to ``/etc/hosts`` on your
-development system to fool it into connecting via this tunnel.
+In most cases, running a local development server is likely to be overkill;
+``lp-archive`` is a simple frontend and most interesting changes need to be
+made on the Launchpad backend instead.  If you really need to, then it requires
+some setup and can only be done if you have privileged access to a suitable
+Launchpad environment.  You'll need to deploy Launchpad itself and work out how
+to inject some useful content into it; full details are out of scope for this
+document, but start with the `LP mojo spec
 You'll then need a ``config.toml`` file telling ``lp-archive`` what URL
 layout to expose.  For example:
 .. code-block:: toml
-    ARCHIVE_ENDPOINT = "http://xmlrpc.dogfood.lp.internal:8097/archive";
+    ARCHIVE_ENDPOINT = "http://xmlrpc.launchpad.test:8087/archive";
     CACHE_TYPE = "SimpleCache"
diff --git a/docs/how-to/deployment.rst b/docs/how-to/deployment.rst
index ae7d608..4c99f73 100644
--- a/docs/how-to/deployment.rst
+++ b/docs/how-to/deployment.rst
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 Deploying lp-archive
-The dogfood and production instances of ``lp-archive`` are deployed in PS5.
-Each instance has its own management environment:
+The qastaging and production instances of ``lp-archive`` are deployed in
+PS5.  Each instance has its own management environment:
-| Instance   | Management environment                                   |
-| production | ``prod-launchpad-archive@is-bastion-ps5.internal``       |
-| dogfood    | ``stg-launchpad-archive@launchpad-bastion-ps5.internal`` |
+| Instance   | Management environment                                             |
+| production | ``prod-launchpad-archive@is-bastion-ps5.internal``                 |
+| qastaging  | ``stg-launchpad-archive-qastaging@launchpad-bastion-ps5.internal`` |
 Both instances are deployed by developers using `Mojo
-<https://mojo.canonical.com/>`_.  The dogfood instance is managed by us
+<https://mojo.canonical.com/>`_.  The qastaging instance is managed by us
 directly, including the ability to ``juju ssh`` to units and inspect them.
 The production instance is managed by IS and we don't have direct access to
 units (since they have business-critical uptime requirements), but we have
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ used to track QA.  The `history of the Mojo spec
 <https://git.launchpad.net/launchpad-mojo-specs/log/lp-archive>`_ serves as
 a log of changes.
-Deploying to dogfood
+Deploying to qastaging
 #. Check that the commit you want to deploy has had a deployment artifact
    built by the corresponding `build job
@@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ Deploying to dogfood
    * If you're only making changes of this form, then you can push them
      directly without needing a merge proposal.
-#. As ``stg-launchpad-archive@launchpad-bastion-ps5.internal``, run ``mojo
-   run``.
+#. As ``stg-launchpad-archive-qastaging@launchpad-bastion-ps5.internal``,
+   run ``mojo run``.
-#. Check the behaviour of https://snapshot.dogfood.content.paddev.net/ and
-   https://snapshot.ppa.dogfood.content.paddev.net/ as appropriate.
+#. Check the behaviour of https://snapshot.qastaging.content.paddev.net/ and
+   https://snapshot.ppa.qastaging.content.paddev.net/ as appropriate.
 Deploying to production
-#. Ensure that you have deployed the same changes to dogfood first, as
+#. Ensure that you have deployed the same changes to qastaging first, as
 #. Create a deployment request for the desired commit on `deployable