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[Merge] ~lgp171188/launchpad:update-cve_lib.py-from-uct into launchpad:master


Guruprasad has proposed merging ~lgp171188/launchpad:update-cve_lib.py-from-uct into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Update cve_lib.py from the ubuntu-cve-tracker repository

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~lgp171188/launchpad:update-cve_lib.py-from-uct into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/lib/contrib/cve_lib.py b/lib/contrib/cve_lib.py
index c7e6210..863bdee 100644
--- a/lib/contrib/cve_lib.py
+++ b/lib/contrib/cve_lib.py
@@ -69,6 +69,18 @@ devel_release = ""
 # subproject. alias defines an alternate preferred name for the subproject
 # (this is often used to support historical names for projects etc).
 subprojects = {
+    "bluefield/jammy": {
+        "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
+        "packages": ["bluefield-jammy-supported.txt"],
+        "name": "Ubuntu 22.04 LTS for NVIDIA BlueField",
+        "codename": "Jammy Jellyfish",
+        "ppas": [
+                 {"ppa": "canonical-kernel-bluefield/release", "pocket": "release"}
+                ],
+        "parent": "ubuntu/jammy",
+        "description": "Available for NVIDIA BlueField platforms",
+    },
     "stable-phone-overlay/vivid": {
         "eol": True,
         "packages": ["vivid-stable-phone-overlay-supported.txt"],
@@ -87,106 +99,232 @@ subprojects = {
         "name": "Ubuntu 12.04 ESM",
         "codename": "Precise Pangolin",
         "alias": "precise/esm",
-        "ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm",
+        "ppas": [{ "ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm", "pocket": "security"}],
         "parent": "ubuntu/precise",
-        "description": (
-            "Available with UA Infra or UA Desktop: "
-            "https://ubuntu.com/advantage";
-        ),
+        "description": "Available with UA Infra or UA Desktop: https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
         "stamp": 1493521200,
     "esm/trusty": {
         "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
         "packages": ["trusty-esm-supported.txt"],
-        "name": "Ubuntu 14.04 ESM",
+        "name": "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS",
         "codename": "Trusty Tahr",
         "alias": "trusty/esm",
-        "ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security",
+        "ppas": [
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security", "pocket": "security"},
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-updates",  "pocket": "updates"}
+                ],
         "parent": "ubuntu/trusty",
-        "description": (
-            "Available with UA Infra or UA Desktop: "
-            "https://ubuntu.com/advantage";
-        ),
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only): https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
         "stamp": 1556593200,
     "esm-infra/xenial": {
         "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
         "components": ["main", "restricted"],
         "packages": ["esm-infra-xenial-supported.txt"],
-        "name": "Ubuntu 16.04 ESM",
+        "name": "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS",
         "codename": "Xenial Xerus",
-        "ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security",
+        "ppas": [
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security", "pocket": "security"},
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-updates",  "pocket": "updates"}
+                ],
         "parent": "ubuntu/xenial",
-        "description": (
-            "Available with UA Infra or UA Desktop: "
-            "https://ubuntu.com/advantage";
-        ),
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only): https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
         "stamp": 1618963200,
+    "esm-infra/bionic": {
+        "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
+        "components": ["main", "restricted"],
+        "packages": ["esm-infra-bionic-supported.txt"],
+        "name": "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS",
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+        "ppas": [
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security", "pocket": "security"},
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-updates",  "pocket": "updates"}
+                ],
+        "parent": "ubuntu/bionic",
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only): https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
+        "stamp": 1685539024,
+    },
+    "esm-infra-legacy/trusty": {
+        "eol": False,
+        "oval": False, #TODO: Change to True when we are ready for generating data
+        "packages": ["esm-infra-legacy-trusty-supported.txt"],
+        "name": "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS",
+        "codename": "Trusty Tahr",
+        "ppas": [
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-legacy-security", "pocket": "security"},
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-legacy-updates",  "pocket": "updates"}
+                ],
+        "parent": "esm/trusty",
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro with Legacy support add-on: https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
+        "stamp": None, #TODO: to be calculate when finally public
+    },
+    "esm-apps/xenial": {
+        "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
+        "components": ["universe", "multiverse"],
+        "packages": ["esm-apps-xenial-supported.txt"],
+        "name": "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS",
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+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security", "pocket": "security"},
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-updates",  "pocket": "updates"}
+                ],
+        "parent": "esm-infra/xenial",
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
+        "stamp": 1618963200,
+    },
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+        "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
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+        "packages": ["esm-apps-bionic-supported.txt"],
+        "name": "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS",
+        "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
+        "ppas": [
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security", "pocket": "security"},
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-updates",  "pocket": "updates"}
+                ],
+        "parent": "esm-infra/bionic",
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
+        "stamp": 1524870000,
+    },
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+        "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
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+        "name": "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS",
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+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security", "pocket": "security"},
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-updates",  "pocket": "updates"}
+                ],
+        "parent": "ubuntu/focal",
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
+        "stamp": 1587567600,
+    },
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+        "eol": False,
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+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security", "pocket": "security"},
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-updates",  "pocket": "updates"}
+                ],
+        "parent": "ubuntu/jammy",
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
+        "stamp": 1650693600,
+    },
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+        "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
+        "components": ["universe", "multiverse"],
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+        "name": "Ubuntu 24.04 LTS",
+        "codename": "Noble Numbat",
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+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security", "pocket": "security"},
+                 {"ppa": "ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-updates",  "pocket": "updates"}
+                ],
+        "parent": "ubuntu/noble",
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
+        "stamp": 1714060800,
+    },
     "fips/xenial": {
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+        "oval": True,
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         "name": "Ubuntu 16.04 FIPS Certified",
         "codename": "Xenial Xerus",
-        "ppa": "ubuntu-advantage/fips",
+        "ppas": [{"ppa" : "ubuntu-advantage/fips", "pocket": "security"}],
         "parent": "ubuntu/xenial",
-        "description": "Available with UA ... https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
     "fips/bionic": {
         "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
         "packages": ["fips-bionic-supported.txt"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 18.04 FIPS Certified",
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-        "ppa": "ubuntu-advantage/fips",
+        "ppas": [{"ppa" : "ubuntu-advantage/fips", "pocket": "security"}],
         "parent": "ubuntu/bionic",
-        "description": "Available with UA ... https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
     "fips/focal": {
         "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
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         "name": "Ubuntu 20.04 FIPS Certified",
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-        "parent": "ubuntu/bionic",
-        "description": "Available with UA ... https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
+        "ppas": [{"ppa" : "ubuntu-advantage/fips", "pocket": "security"}],
+        "parent": "ubuntu/focal",
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
     "fips-updates/xenial": {
         "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
         "packages": ["fips-updates-xenial-supported.txt"],
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+        "ppas": [{"ppa" : "ubuntu-advantage/fips-updates", "pocket": "updates"}],
         "parent": "ubuntu/xenial",
-        "description": "Available with UA ... https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
     "fips-updates/bionic": {
         "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
         "packages": ["fips-updates-bionic-supported.txt"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 18.04 FIPS Compliant",
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+        "ppas": [{"ppa" : "ubuntu-advantage/fips-updates", "pocket": "updates"}],
         "parent": "ubuntu/bionic",
-        "description": "Available with UA ... https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
     "fips-updates/focal": {
         "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
         "packages": ["fips-updates-focal-supported.txt"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 20.04 FIPS Compliant",
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+        "ppas": [{"ppa" : "ubuntu-advantage/fips-updates", "pocket": "updates"}],
+        "parent": "ubuntu/focal",
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro";,
+    },
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+        "eol": False,
+        "oval": False,
+        "packages": ["ros-esm-xenial-kinetic-supported.txt"],
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+        "codename": "Xenial Xerus",
+        "alias": "ros-esm/xenial",
+        "ppas": [{"ppa": "ubuntu-robotics-packagers/ros-security", "pocket": "security"}],
+        "parent": "ubuntu/xenial",
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Advantage: https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
+    },
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+        "eol": False,
+        "oval": False,
+        "packages": ["ros-esm-bionic-melodic-supported.txt"],
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+        "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
+        "alias": "ros-esm/bionic",
+        "ppas": [{"ppa": "ubuntu-robotics-packagers/ros-security", "pocket": "security"}],
         "parent": "ubuntu/bionic",
-        "description": "Available with UA ... https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
+        "description": "Available with Ubuntu Advantage: https://ubuntu.com/advantage";,
     "ubuntu/warty": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
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-            "partner",
-        ],
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         "name": "Ubuntu 4.10",
+        "version": 4.10,
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         "alias": "warty",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -194,14 +332,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/hoary": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
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         "name": "Ubuntu 5.04",
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         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -209,14 +342,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/breezy": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
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+        "version": 5.10,
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@@ -224,14 +352,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/dapper": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
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-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
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         "description": "Long Term Support",
@@ -239,14 +362,9 @@ subprojects = {
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         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
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@@ -254,14 +372,9 @@ subprojects = {
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-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
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-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
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         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -269,14 +382,9 @@ subprojects = {
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-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
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         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -284,14 +392,9 @@ subprojects = {
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-            "multiverse",
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@@ -299,14 +402,9 @@ subprojects = {
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-            "partner",
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@@ -314,14 +412,9 @@ subprojects = {
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+        "version": 9.04,
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         "alias": "jaunty",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -329,14 +422,9 @@ subprojects = {
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-            "partner",
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+        "version": 9.10,
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@@ -344,14 +432,9 @@ subprojects = {
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-            "partner",
-        ],
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@@ -359,14 +442,9 @@ subprojects = {
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@@ -374,14 +452,9 @@ subprojects = {
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-            "partner",
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         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -389,14 +462,9 @@ subprojects = {
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-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
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@@ -404,14 +472,9 @@ subprojects = {
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-            "main",
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-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
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         "description": "Long Term Support",
@@ -419,14 +482,9 @@ subprojects = {
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-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
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+        "version": 12.10,
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         "alias": "quantal",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -434,14 +492,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/raring": {
         "eol": True,
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-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
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         "alias": "raring",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -449,14 +502,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/saucy": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
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+        "version": 13.10,
         "codename": "Saucy Salamander",
         "alias": "saucy",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -464,14 +512,10 @@ subprojects = {
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         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "oval": True,
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+        "version": 14.04,
         "codename": "Trusty Tahr",
         "alias": "trusty",
         "description": "Long Term Support",
@@ -479,14 +523,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/utopic": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 14.10",
+        "version": 14.10,
         "codename": "Utopic Unicorn",
         "alias": "utopic",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -494,14 +533,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/vivid": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 15.04",
+        "version": 15.04,
         "codename": "Vivid Vervet",
         "alias": "vivid",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -509,14 +543,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/wily": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
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         "name": "Ubuntu 15.10",
+        "version": 15.10,
         "codename": "Wily Werewolf",
         "alias": "wily",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -524,14 +553,10 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/xenial": {
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-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "oval": True,
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS",
+        "version": 16.04,
         "codename": "Xenial Xerus",
         "alias": "xenial",
         "description": "Long Term Support",
@@ -539,14 +564,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/yakkety": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 16.10",
+        "version": 16.10,
         "codename": "Yakkety Yak",
         "alias": "yakkety",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -554,14 +574,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/zesty": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 17.04",
+        "version": 17.04,
         "codename": "Zesty Zapus",
         "alias": "zesty",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -569,29 +584,20 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/artful": {
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-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 17.10",
+        "version": 17.10,
         "codename": "Artful Aardvark",
         "alias": "artful",
         "description": "Interim Release",
         "stamp": 1508418000,
     "ubuntu/bionic": {
-        "eol": False,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "eol": True,
+        "oval": True,
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS",
+        "version": 18.04,
         "codename": "Bionic Beaver",
         "alias": "bionic",
         "description": "Long Term Support",
@@ -599,14 +605,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/cosmic": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 18.10",
+        "version": 18.10,
         "codename": "Cosmic Cuttlefish",
         "alias": "cosmic",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -614,14 +615,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/disco": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 19.04",
+        "version": 19.04,
         "codename": "Disco Dingo",
         "alias": "disco",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -629,14 +625,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/eoan": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 19.10",
+        "version": 19.10,
         "codename": "Eoan Ermine",
         "alias": "eoan",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -644,14 +635,10 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/focal": {
         "eol": False,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "oval": True,
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS",
+        "version": 20.04,
         "codename": "Focal Fossa",
         "alias": "focal",
         "description": "Long Term Support",
@@ -659,14 +646,9 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/groovy": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 20.10",
+        "version": 20.10,
         "codename": "Groovy Gorilla",
         "alias": "groovy",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -674,29 +656,19 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/hirsute": {
         "eol": True,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 21.04",
+        "version": 21.04,
         "codename": "Hirsute Hippo",
         "alias": "hirsute",
         "description": "Interim Release",
         "stamp": 1619049600,
     "ubuntu/impish": {
-        "eol": False,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "eol": True,
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 21.10",
+        "version": 21.10,
         "codename": "Impish Indri",
         "alias": "impish",
         "description": "Interim Release",
@@ -704,38 +676,79 @@ subprojects = {
     "ubuntu/jammy": {
         "eol": False,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "oval": True,
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 22.04 LTS",
+        "version": 22.04,
         "codename": "Jammy Jellyfish",
         "alias": "jammy",
         "description": "Long Term Support",
         "stamp": 1650693600,
     "ubuntu/kinetic": {
-        "eol": False,
-        "components": [
-            "main",
-            "restricted",
-            "universe",
-            "multiverse",
-            "partner",
-        ],
+        "eol": True,
+        "oval": True,
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
         "name": "Ubuntu 22.10",
+        "version": 22.10,
         "codename": "Kinetic Kudu",
         "alias": "kinetic",
-        "devel": True,  # there can be only one ⚔
+        "devel": False,
+        "description": "Interim Release",
+        "stamp": 1666461600,
+    },
+    "ubuntu/lunar": {
+        "eol": True,
+        "oval": True,
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
+        "name": "Ubuntu 23.04",
+        "version": 23.04,
+        "codename": "Lunar Lobster",
+        "alias": "lunar",
+        "devel": False,
         "description": "Interim Release",
+        "stamp": 1682431200,
+    "ubuntu/mantic": {
+        "eol": True,
+        "oval": True,
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
+        "name": "Ubuntu 23.10",
+        "version": 23.10,
+        "codename": "Mantic Minotaur",
+        "alias": "mantic",
+        "devel": False,  # there can be only one ⚔
+        "description": "Interim Release",
+        "stamp": 1697493600,
+    },
+    "ubuntu/noble": {
+        "eol": False,
+        "oval": True,
+        "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
+        "name": "Ubuntu 24.04 LTS",
+        "version": 24.04,
+        "codename": "Noble Numbat",
+        "alias": "noble",
+        "devel": False,  # there can be only one ⚔
+        "description": "Long Term Release",
+        "stamp": 1714060800,
+    },
+   "ubuntu/oracular": {
+       "eol": False,
+       "oval": True,
+       "components": ["main", "restricted", "universe", "multiverse"],
+       "name": "Ubuntu 24.10",
+       "version": 24.10,
+       "codename": "Oracular Oriole",
+       "alias": "oracular",
+       "devel": True,  # there can be only one ⚔
+       "description": "Interim Release",
+   },
     "snap": {
         "eol": False,
+        "oval": False,
         "packages": ["snap-supported.txt"],
-    },
+    }

Follow ups