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[Merge] ~ruinedyourlife/launchpad:add-craftrecipe-tables into launchpad:db-devel


Quentin Debhi has proposed merging ~ruinedyourlife/launchpad:add-craftrecipe-tables into launchpad:db-devel.

Commit message:
Add craft recipe tables

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~ruinedyourlife/launchpad:add-craftrecipe-tables into launchpad:db-devel.
diff --git a/database/schema/patch-2211-29-0.sql b/database/schema/patch-2211-29-0.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f1bb7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/schema/patch-2211-29-0.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+-- Copyright 2024 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+-- GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+SET client_min_messages=ERROR;
+CREATE TABLE CraftRecipe (
+    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
+    date_created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') NOT NULL,
+    date_last_modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') NOT NULL,
+    registrant integer NOT NULL REFERENCES person,
+    owner integer NOT NULL REFERENCES person,
+    project integer NOT NULL REFERENCES product,
+    name text NOT NULL,
+    description text,
+    git_repository integer REFERENCES gitrepository,
+    git_path text,
+    build_path text,
+    require_virtualized boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
+    information_type integer NOT NULL,
+    access_policy integer,
+    access_grants integer[],
+    auto_build boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+    auto_build_channels jsonb,
+    is_stale boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
+    store_upload boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+    store_name text,
+    store_secrets text,
+    store_channels jsonb,
+    relative_build_score integer,
+    CONSTRAINT valid_name CHECK (valid_name(name)),
+    CONSTRAINT consistent_git_ref CHECK (
+        (git_repository IS NULL) = (git_path IS NULL)),
+    CONSTRAINT consistent_store_upload CHECK (
+        NOT store_upload OR store_name IS NOT NULL)
+COMMENT ON TABLE CraftRecipe IS 'A craft recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.registrant IS 'The person who registered this craft recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.owner IS 'The owner of this craft recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.project IS 'The project that this craft recipe belongs to.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.name IS 'The name of the craft recipe, unique per owner and project.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.description IS 'A description of the craft recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.git_repository IS 'A Git repository with a branch containing a craft.yaml recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.git_path IS 'The path of the Git branch containing a craft.yaml recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.build_path IS 'Subdirectory within the branch containing craft.yaml.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.require_virtualized IS 'If True, this craft package must be built only on a virtual machine.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.information_type IS 'Enum describing what type of information is stored, such as type of private or security related data, and used to determine how to apply an access policy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.auto_build IS 'Whether this craft recipe is built automatically when its branch changes.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.auto_build_channels IS 'A dictionary mapping snap names to channels to use when building this craft recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.is_stale IS 'True if this craft recipe has not been built since a branch was updated.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.store_upload IS 'Whether builds of this craft recipe are automatically uploaded to the store.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.store_name IS 'The registered name of this craft in the store.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.store_secrets IS 'Serialized secrets issued by the store and the login service to authorize uploads of this craft.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.store_channels IS 'Channels to release this craft to after uploading it to the store.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipe.relative_build_score IS 'A delta to the build score that is applied to all builds of this craft recipe.';
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX craftrecipe__owner__project__name__key
+    ON CraftRecipe (owner, project, name);
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipe__registrant__idx
+    ON CraftRecipe (registrant);
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipe__project__idx
+    ON CraftRecipe (project);
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipe__git_repository__idx
+    ON CraftRecipe (git_repository);
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipe__store_name__idx
+    ON CraftRecipe (store_name);
+CREATE TABLE CraftRecipeBuild (
+    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
+    build_request integer NOT NULL REFERENCES job,
+    requester integer NOT NULL REFERENCES person,
+    recipe integer NOT NULL REFERENCES craftrecipe,
+    distro_arch_series integer NOT NULL REFERENCES distroarchseries,
+    channels jsonb,
+    processor integer NOT NULL REFERENCES processor,
+    virtualized boolean NOT NULL,
+    date_created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') NOT NULL,
+    date_started timestamp without time zone,
+    date_finished timestamp without time zone,
+    date_first_dispatched timestamp without time zone,
+    builder integer REFERENCES builder,
+    status integer NOT NULL,
+    log integer REFERENCES libraryfilealias,
+    upload_log integer REFERENCES libraryfilealias,
+    dependencies text,
+    failure_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
+    build_farm_job integer NOT NULL REFERENCES buildfarmjob,
+    revision_id text,
+    store_upload_json_data jsonb
+COMMENT ON TABLE CraftRecipeBuild IS 'A build record for a craft recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.build_request IS 'The build request that caused this build to be created.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.requester IS 'The person who requested this craft recipe build.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.recipe IS 'The craft recipe to build.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.distro_arch_series IS 'The distroarchseries that the craft recipe should build from.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.channels IS 'A dictionary mapping snap names to channels to use for this build.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.processor IS 'The processor that the craft recipe should be built for.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.virtualized IS 'The virtualization setting required by this build farm job.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.date_created IS 'When the build farm job record was created.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.date_started IS 'When the build farm job started being processed.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.date_finished IS 'When the build farm job finished being processed.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.date_first_dispatched IS 'The instant the build was dispatched the first time.  This value will not get overridden if the build is retried.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.builder IS 'The builder which processed this build farm job.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.status IS 'The current build status.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.log IS 'The log file for this build farm job stored in the librarian.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.upload_log IS 'The upload log file for this build farm job stored in the librarian.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.dependencies IS 'A Debian-like dependency line specifying the current missing dependencies for this build.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.failure_count IS 'The number of consecutive failures on this job.  If excessive, the job may be terminated.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.build_farm_job IS 'The build farm job with the base information.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.revision_id IS 'The revision ID of the branch used for this build, if available.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuild.store_upload_json_data IS 'Data that is related to the process of uploading a build to the store.';
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipebuild__build_request__idx
+    ON CraftRecipeBuild (build_request);
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipebuild__requester__idx
+    ON CraftRecipeBuild (requester);
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipebuild__recipe__idx
+    ON CraftRecipeBuild (recipe);
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipebuild__distro_arch_series__idx
+    ON CraftRecipeBuild (distro_arch_series);
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipebuild__log__idx
+    ON CraftRecipeBuild (log);
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipebuild__upload_log__idx
+    ON CraftRecipeBuild (upload_log);
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipebuild__build_farm_job__idx
+    ON CraftRecipeBuild (build_farm_job);
+-- CraftRecipe.requestBuild
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipebuild__recipe__das__status__idx
+    ON CraftRecipeBuild (recipe, distro_arch_series, status);
+-- CraftRecipe.builds, CraftRecipe.completed_builds,
+-- CraftRecipe.pending_builds
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipebuild__recipe__status__started__finished__created__id__idx
+    ON CraftRecipeBuild (
+        recipe, status, GREATEST(date_started, date_finished) DESC NULLS LAST,
+        date_created DESC, id DESC);
+-- CraftRecipeBuild.getMedianBuildDuration
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipebuild__recipe__das__status__finished__idx
+    ON CraftRecipeBuild (recipe, distro_arch_series, status, date_finished DESC)
+    -- 1 == FULLYBUILT
+    WHERE status = 1;
+    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
+    build integer NOT NULL REFERENCES craftrecipebuild,
+    library_file integer NOT NULL REFERENCES libraryfilealias
+COMMENT ON TABLE CraftFile IS 'A link between a craft recipe build and a file in the librarian that it produces.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftFile.build IS 'The craft recipe build producing this file.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftFile.library_file IS 'A file in the librarian.';
+CREATE INDEX craftfile__build__idx
+    ON CraftFile (build);
+CREATE INDEX craftfile__library_file__idx
+    ON CraftFile (library_file);
+CREATE TABLE CraftRecipeJob (
+    recipe integer NOT NULL REFERENCES craftrecipe,
+    job_type integer NOT NULL,
+    json_data jsonb NOT NULL
+COMMENT ON TABLE CraftRecipeJob IS 'Contains references to jobs that are executed for a craft recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeJob.job IS 'A reference to a Job row that has all the common job details.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeJob.recipe IS 'The craft recipe that this job is for.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeJob.job_type IS 'The type of a job, such as a build request.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeJob.json_data IS 'Data that is specific to a particular job type.';
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipejob__recipe__job_type__job__idx
+    ON CraftRecipeJob (recipe, job_type, job);
+CREATE TABLE CraftRecipeBuildJob (
+    build integer REFERENCES craftrecipebuild NOT NULL,
+    job_type integer NOT NULL,
+    json_data jsonb NOT NULL
+COMMENT ON TABLE CraftRecipeBuildJob IS 'Contains references to jobs that are executed for a build of a craft recipe.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuildJob.job IS 'A reference to a Job row that has all the common job details.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuildJob.build IS 'The craft recipe build that this job is for.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuildJob.job_type IS 'The type of a job, such as a store upload.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN CraftRecipeBuildJob.json_data IS 'Data that is specific to a particular job type.';
+CREATE INDEX craftrecipebuildjob__build__job_type__job__idx
+    ON CraftRecipeBuildJob(build, job_type, job);
+ALTER TABLE Webhook ADD COLUMN craft_recipe integer REFERENCES CraftRecipe;
+    ADD CONSTRAINT one_target CHECK (
+        (public.null_count(ARRAY[git_repository, branch, snap, livefs, oci_recipe, charm_recipe, rock_recipe, craft_recipe, project, distribution]) = 9) AND
+        (source_package_name IS NULL OR distribution IS NOT NULL)
+    );
+CREATE INDEX webhook__craft_recipe__id__idx
+    ON Webhook (craft_recipe, id) WHERE craft_recipe IS NOT NULL;
+INSERT INTO LaunchpadDatabaseRevision VALUES (2211, 29, 0);
diff --git a/database/schema/security.cfg b/database/schema/security.cfg
index 2c23fd6..e6ac464 100644
--- a/database/schema/security.cfg
+++ b/database/schema/security.cfg
@@ -179,6 +179,11 @@ public.codereviewvote                   = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
 public.combinedbugsummary               = SELECT
 public.commercialsubscription           = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
 public.continent                        = SELECT
+public.craftfile                        = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
+public.craftrecipe                      = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
+public.craftrecipebuild                 = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
+public.craftrecipebuildjob              = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
+public.craftrecipejob                   = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
 public.customlanguagecode               = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
 public.cve                              = SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
 public.cvereference                     = SELECT, INSERT
@@ -474,6 +479,8 @@ public.charmfile                        = SELECT
 public.charmrecipebuild                 = SELECT
 public.cibuild                          = SELECT
 public.codeimportresult                 = SELECT
+public.craftfile                        = SELECT
+public.craftrecipebuild                 = SELECT
 public.diff                             = SELECT
 public.distribution                     = SELECT
 public.distributionmirror               = SELECT
@@ -870,6 +877,9 @@ public.charmrecipebuild                         = SELECT, INSERT
 public.charmrecipebuildjob                      = SELECT
 public.charmrecipejob                           = SELECT, INSERT
 public.component                                = SELECT
+public.craftrecipe                              = SELECT, UPDATE
+public.craftrecipebuild                         = SELECT, INSERT
+public.craftrecipebuildjob                      = SELECT
 public.distribution                             = SELECT
 public.distroarchseries                         = SELECT
 public.distroseries                             = SELECT
@@ -1046,6 +1056,11 @@ public.charmrecipejob                         = SELECT
 public.cibuild                                = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.component                              = SELECT
 public.componentselection                     = SELECT
+public.craftfile                              = SELECT
+public.craftrecipe                            = SELECT
+public.craftrecipebuild                       = SELECT, UPDATE
+public.craftrecipebuildjob                    = SELECT, INSERT
+public.craftrecipejob                         = SELECT
 public.distribution                           = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.distroarchseries                       = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.distroarchseriesfilter                 = SELECT
@@ -1629,6 +1644,8 @@ public.charmfile                        = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.charmrecipebuild                 = SELECT
 public.component                        = SELECT
 public.componentselection               = SELECT
+public.craftfile                        = SELECT, UPDATE
+public.craftrecipebuild                 = SELECT
 public.cve                              = SELECT, INSERT
 public.distribution                     = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.distributionjob                  = SELECT, INSERT
@@ -2390,6 +2407,8 @@ public.codereviewinlinecomment          = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.codereviewinlinecommentdraft     = SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE
 public.codereviewvote                   = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.commercialsubscription           = SELECT, UPDATE
+public.craftrecipe                      = SELECT, UPDATE
+public.craftrecipebuild                 = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.customlanguagecode               = SELECT
 public.cve                              = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.distribution                     = SELECT, UPDATE
@@ -2562,6 +2581,8 @@ public.codereviewinlinecomment          = SELECT, DELETE
 public.codereviewinlinecommentdraft     = SELECT, DELETE
 public.codereviewvote                   = SELECT, DELETE
 public.commercialsubscription           = SELECT, UPDATE
+public.craftfile                        = SELECT, DELETE
+public.craftrecipe                      = SELECT, UPDATE
 public.diff                             = SELECT, DELETE
 public.distributionsourcepackagecache   = SELECT, INSERT
 public.distroarchseriesfilter           = SELECT
@@ -2789,6 +2810,7 @@ type=user
 public.branch                           = SELECT
 public.charmrecipe                      = SELECT
+public.craftrecipe                      = SELECT
 public.distribution                     = SELECT
 public.gitrepository                    = SELECT
 public.job                              = SELECT, UPDATE
diff --git a/lib/lp/registry/personmerge.py b/lib/lp/registry/personmerge.py
index f653c34..d3e85b7 100644
--- a/lib/lp/registry/personmerge.py
+++ b/lib/lp/registry/personmerge.py
@@ -1047,6 +1047,8 @@ def merge_people(from_person, to_person, reviewer, delete=False):
         # see commit a98e2a935646ff7496c76c607d355815027c35a4 for similar
         # required changes in the past for the charm build type.
         ("rockrecipe", "owner"),
+        # XXX ruinedyourlife 2024-09-11: same as above for craft recipe.
+        ("craftrecipe", "owner"),
     references = list(postgresql.listReferences(cur, "person", "id"))