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[Merge] ~tushar5526/launchpad:dev-setup-v2 into launchpad:master


Tushar Gupta has proposed merging ~tushar5526/launchpad:dev-setup-v2 into launchpad:master.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~tushar5526/launchpad:dev-setup-v2 into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index a310604..9380419 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -614,3 +614,7 @@ pydoctor:
 		--add-package=lib/canonical --project-name=Launchpad \
 		--docformat restructuredtext --verbose-about epytext-summary \
+.PHONY: build-lxd-image
+	sudo lxd-imagebuilder  --debug build-lxd  /home/tushar-gupta/projects/lp-image-builder/lpdev.yaml --type unified
diff --git a/lpdev-image-file.yaml b/lpdev-image-file.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..965e9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpdev-image-file.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# This LXD image file is based on top of the following LXD image file. 
+# https://github.com/canonical/lxd-ci/blob/main/images/ubuntu.yaml
+  distribution: ubuntu
+  release: focal
+  variant: default
+  description: Ubuntu {{ image.release }}
+  architecture: amd64
+  downloader: debootstrap
+  url: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+  # You can also build images from a local rootfs
+  # downloader: rootfs-http
+  # url: file:///home/tushar-gupta/projects/lp-image-builder/rootfs.squash.fs
+  skip_verification: true # Otherwise, GPG keys have to be provided under "source.keys" (or an HTTPS server has to be used).
+  manager: apt
+  update: true
+  cleanup: true
+  sets:
+    - packages:
+        - curl
+        - wget
+        - gnupg2
+        - fuse
+        - language-pack-en
+        - openssh-client
+        - openssh-server
+        - nano
+        - vim
+        - cloud-init
+        - make
+        - git
+      action: install
+  repositories:
+    - name: sources.list
+      url: |-
+        deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu {{ image.release }} main restricted universe multiverse
+        deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu {{ image.release }}-updates main restricted universe multiverse
+        deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu {{ image.release }}-security main restricted universe multiverse
+  - path: /etc/hostname
+    generator: hostname
+  - path: /etc/hosts
+    generator: hosts
+  - path: /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original
+    generator: remove
+  - path: /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail
+    generator: remove
+  - path: /etc/machine-id
+    generator: dump
+  - path: /etc/user/profile
+    generator: copy
+    source: /etc/profile
+  - path: /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
+    generator: remove
+  - path: /etc/netplan/10-lxc.yaml
+    generator: dump
+    content: |-
+      network:
+        version: 2
+        ethernets:
+          eth0:
+            dhcp4: true
+            dhcp-identifier: mac
+    releases:
+    - bionic
+    - eoan
+    - focal
+    - groovy
+    - hirsute
+    - impish
+    - jammy
+    types:
+    - container
+    variants:
+    - default
+  - name: meta-data
+    generator: cloud-init
+  - name: network-config
+    generator: cloud-init
+  - name: user-data
+    generator: cloud-init
+  - name: vendor-data
+    generator: cloud-init
+  - path: /etc/sudoers.d/90-lxd
+    generator: dump
+    mode: 0440
+    content: |-
+      # User rules for ubuntu
+      ubuntu ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
+    variants:
+      - default
+  - trigger: post-packages
+    action: |-
+      #!/bin/sh
+      set -eux
+      systemctl enable systemd-networkd
+  - trigger: post-update
+    action: |-
+      #!/bin/sh
+      set -eux
+      getent group sudo >/dev/null 2>&1 || groupadd --system sudo
+      useradd --create-home -s /bin/bash -G sudo -U ubuntu
+  - trigger: post-files
+    action: |-
+      #! /bin/bash
+      su - ubuntu << 'EOF'
+      mkdir ~/launchpad
+      cd ~/launchpad
+      curl https://git.launchpad.net/launchpad/plain/utilities/rocketfuel-setup > rocketfuel-setup
+      chmod a+x rocketfuel-setup
+      # specify a random non existing user to create a generic LXD image. 
+      # we will do user-specific modifications in cloud-init of the dev profile 
+      ./rocketfuel-setup --assume-yes --lpusername lp-non-existing-user
+      cd launchpad  
+      # Allow connections from outside hosts to be able to access LP from host system
+      make LISTEN_ADDRESS='*' install 
+      ./utilities/launchpad-database-setup ubuntu
+      make schema
+      EOF
diff --git a/utilities/rocketfuel-devstart b/utilities/rocketfuel-devstart
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..591cdd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/rocketfuel-devstart
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+set -e
+set -o pipefail
+set -u
+# Provide a --download flag to pull in the required lpdev image 
+# Virtual hosts we need for LP setup on host and container
+domains="launchpad.test answers.launchpad.test archive.launchpad.test api.launchpad.test bazaar.launchpad.test bazaar-internal.launchpad.test blueprints.launchpad.test bugs.launchpad.test code.launchpad.test feeds.launchpad.test keyserver.launchpad.test lists.launchpad.test ppa.launchpad.test private-ppa.launchpad.test testopenid.test translations.launchpad.test xmlrpc-private.launchpad.test xmlrpc.launchpad.test"
+for arg in "$@"; do
+  case $arg in
+    --download)
+      DOWNLOAD=true
+      shift
+      ;;
+    --help)
+      echo "Usage: script.sh [options]"
+      echo "Options:"
+      echo "  --download   Pass this flag to download and import Launchpad development image from source. Pass this flag on the very first run."
+      echo "  --debug   Pass this flag to enable set -x mode."
+      exit 0
+      ;;
+    --debug)
+      set -x
+      shift
+      ;;
+    *)
+  esac
+if [ "$DOWNLOAD" = true ]; then
+# As we don't have any public lxd server to host images, for now we are using google drive to pull images from.
+# The images are maintained by the LP team. 
+echo "Downloading Launchpad Dev image"
+wget 'https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=1jn_w2Uu_sVVMP9UVY-ut4aN1LDPSeIJh&export=download&confirm=t&uuid=59e70493-ae64-4502-b510-fc8f12fb356a' -O /tmp/lpdev-image.tar.xz
+echo "Importing image into LXD"
+lxc image import /tmp/lpdev-image.tar.xz --alias lpdev-image
+# Prompt user for work dir path
+echo "Enter a empty folder location which will be used to setup volumes between host and Launchpad container (default: $default_path): "
+read -r folder_path
+folder_path=$(eval echo "$folder_path")
+mkdir -p "$folder_path"
+if [ "$(ls -A "$folder_path")" ]; then
+   echo "The folder is not empty! $folder_path"
+   exit 1
+echo "Enter Launchpad ID to bootstrap ssh keys in developmenet lxc instance and setup git remote accordingly (leave empty to skip): "
+read -r lp_id
+# We create hash of the folder effectively to create new LXC profiles for each new folder path specified. 
+# We are using different profiles for different workspaces to prevent any volume-overrides
+folder_hash=$(echo -n "$folder_path" | md5sum | cut -c 1-8)
+# Create the LXC profile
+uid=$(id -u)
+gid=$(id -g)
+user=$(id -un)
+# give lxc permission to map your user/group id through
+sudo usermod --add-subuids "${uid}"-"${uid}" --add-subgids "${gid}"-"${gid}" root
+# create a profile to control this
+lxc profile create "$user"-"$folder_hash" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+# Copy the Launchpad dir to mount directory after the instance starts. 
+# We use the "-pR" flags to copy the files with same timestamps to prevent re-compiling the compile target. 
+# We map ubuntu(1000) user with the host system's user to allow for git operations on host system 
+profile_config=$(cat << EOF 
+name: $user
+description: Mounts for Launchpad Development
+  raw.idmap: |
+    uid $uid 1000
+    gid $gid 1000
+  user.user-data: |
+    #cloud-config
+    runcmd:
+      - "echo ' $domains' >> /etc/hosts"
+      - "sudo -u ubuntu cp -pR /home/ubuntu/launchpad/* /home/ubuntu/launchpad-workdir"
+      - "sudo -u ubuntu ln -sfn /home/ubuntu/launchpad-workdir/lp-sourcedeps/download-cache /home/ubuntu/launchpad-workdir/launchpad/download-cache"
+      - "sudo -u ubuntu mv /home/ubuntu/launchpad /home/ubuntu/.launchpad"
+      - "sudo -u ubuntu bash -c 'cd /home/ubuntu/launchpad-workdir/launchpad && sudo make LISTEN_ADDRESS=* install'"
+# configure git repo if the user has provided their Launchpad ID
+if [ -n "$lp_id" ]; then
+  profile_config+=$(cat << EOF
+      - "sudo -u ubuntu git -C /home/ubuntu/launchpad-workdir/launchpad remote set-url origin git+ssh://$lp_id@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/~$lp_id/launchpad"
+      - "sudo -u ubuntu git -C /home/ubuntu/launchpad-workdir/launchpad remote add upstream git+ssh://$lp_id@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/launchpad"
+  )
+# Create volume mounts host_dir:container_dir
+profile_config+=$(cat << EOF
+  home:
+    type: disk
+    source: $folder_path
+    path: /home/ubuntu/launchpad-workdir
+echo "$profile_config" | lxc profile edit "$USER"-"$folder_hash"
+adjectives=("brave" "calm" "clever" "cool" "friendly" "gentle" "happy" "kind" "lucky" "peaceful")
+nouns=("panda" "tiger" "koala" "eagle" "lion" "falcon" "zebra" "giraffe" "dolphin" "whale")
+# Generate random alphanumeric adjective and noun
+adj=${adjectives[$RANDOM % ${#adjectives[@]}]}
+noun=${nouns[$RANDOM % ${#nouns[@]}]}
+rnd_n=$((RANDOM % 1000))
+echo "Enter a container name or press Enter to use the (default $container_name) : "
+read -r custom_container_name
+if [ -n "$custom_container_name" ]; then
+    container_name=$custom_container_name
+lxc launch $IMAGE_NAME -p default -p "$USER"-"$folder_hash" "$container_name"
+lxc exec "$container_name" -- cloud-init status --wait
+# Edit the /etc/hosts file to take in the changes
+echo "Updating the hosts file with test virtual hosts for Launchpad"
+container_ip=$(lxc list "$container_name" -c 4 | awk '/eth0/{print $2}')
+# If no IPv4 address is found, fallback to IPv6
+if [ -z "$container_ip" ]; then
+  container_ip=$(lxc list "$container_name" -c 6 | awk '/eth0/{print $2}')
+if [[ -z "$container_ip" ]]; then
+  echo "Failed to get the IP address for container: $container_name"
+  exit 1
+echo "Container IP: $container_ip"
+# Backup the /etc/hosts file before modifying
+sudo cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak
+# Remove any existing entry for these domains from /etc/hosts
+sudo sed -i "/launchpad.test/d" /etc/hosts
+# Add the new entry with the correct IP address
+echo "$container_ip      $domains" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null
+echo "Updated /etc/hosts with IP: $container_ip for the Launchpad Virtual domains"
+# If a Launchpad ID is provided, import the associated public key on Launchpad into the container
+if [ -n "$lp_id" ]; then
+    echo "Using Launchpad ID: $lp_id"
+    if lxc exec "$container_name" -- sudo -u ubuntu ssh-import-id lp:"$lp_id"; then
+        echo "SSH key for Launchpad ID '$lp_id' imported successfully."
+        echo "Setup a remote host in VSCode using 'ssh ubuntu@$container_ip'"
+    else
+        echo "Failed to import SSH key for Launchpad ID '$lp_id'."
+    fi
+    echo "No Launchpad ID provided. Skipping SSH key import."
+echo -e "\n"
+echo "=============== SETUP COMPLETED ==============="
+echo "Please setup pre-commit on your host system and use the following directories for development."
+echo "Host workspace directory: $folder_path"
+echo "Remote workspace directory: /home/ubuntu/launchpad-workdir"