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Re: [Merge] ~ruinedyourlife/launchpad:add-sourcecraft-yaml-parser into launchpad:master


Left a few comments.

I think I miss some context on what a sourcecraft.yaml file should look like, so you might want another look from Jürgen for approval

Diff comments:

> diff --git a/lib/lp/crafts/adapters/buildarch.py b/lib/lp/crafts/adapters/buildarch.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..62dbe91
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/lib/lp/crafts/adapters/buildarch.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
> +# Copyright 2024 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
> +# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
> +
> +__all__ = [
> +    "determine_instances_to_build",
> +]
> +
> +
> +import json
> +import re
> +
> +
> +class CraftBasesParserError(Exception):
> +    """Base class for all exceptions in this module."""
> +
> +
> +class MissingPropertyError(CraftBasesParserError):
> +    """Error for when an expected property is not present in the YAML."""
> +
> +    def __init__(self, prop, msg=None):
> +        if msg is None:
> +            msg = f"Craft specification is missing the {prop!r} property"
> +        super().__init__(msg)
> +        self.property = prop
> +
> +
> +class BadPropertyError(CraftBasesParserError):
> +    """Error for when a YAML property is malformed in some way."""
> +
> +
> +class CraftBase:
> +    """A single base in sourcecraft.yaml."""
> +
> +    def __init__(self, name, channel, architectures=None):
> +        self.name = name
> +        if not isinstance(channel, str):
> +            raise BadPropertyError(
> +                "Channel {!r} is not a string (missing quotes?)".format(
> +                    channel
> +                )
> +            )
> +        self.channel = channel
> +        self.architectures = architectures
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    def from_dict(cls, properties):
> +        """Create a new base from a dict."""
> +        try:
> +            name = properties["name"]
> +        except KeyError:
> +            raise MissingPropertyError("name")
> +        try:
> +            channel = properties["channel"]
> +        except KeyError:
> +            raise MissingPropertyError("channel")
> +        return cls(
> +            name=name,
> +            channel=channel,
> +            architectures=properties.get("architectures"),
> +        )
> +
> +    def __eq__(self, other):
> +        return (
> +            self.name == other.name
> +            and self.channel == other.channel
> +            and self.architectures == other.architectures
> +        )
> +
> +    def __ne__(self, other):
> +        return not self == other
> +
> +    def __hash__(self):
> +        return hash((self.name, self.channel, tuple(self.architectures)))
> +
> +    def __str__(self):
> +        return "{} {} {}".format(
> +            self.name, self.channel, json.dumps(self.architectures)
> +        )
> +
> +
> +class CraftBaseConfiguration:
> +    """A configuration in sourcecraft.yaml."""
> +
> +    def __init__(self, build_on, build_for=None):
> +        self.build_on = build_on
> +        self.build_for = list(build_on) if build_for is None else build_for
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    def from_dict(
> +        cls, sourcecraft_data, supported_arches, requested_architectures
> +    ):
> +        base = sourcecraft_data.get("base")
> +        if not base:

Just to be sure: it's not possible to not have `build-base` instead of `base`? I ask because for snaps that seems to be the case - we check for `build-base` first, else we check `base` (without caring for the `bare` base).

I'm guessing this is different here, just checking.

I'd like it if we added this error handling to the rocks one if it follows the same logic...

> +            raise MissingPropertyError("base")
> +
> +        if isinstance(base, str):
> +            if base == "bare" and "build-base" not in sourcecraft_data:
> +                raise MissingPropertyError(
> +                    "build-base",
> +                    "If base is 'bare', then build-base must be specified",
> +                )
> +            if base == "bare":
> +                base = sourcecraft_data["build-base"]
> +            # Expected short-form value looks like 'ubuntu@24.04'
> +            match = re.match(r"(.+)@(.+)", base)
> +            if not match:
> +                raise BadPropertyError(
> +                    f"Invalid value for base '{base}'. Expected value should "
> +                    "be like 'ubuntu@24.04'"
> +                )
> +            base_name, base_channel = match.groups()
> +
> +        platforms = sourcecraft_data.get("platforms")
> +        if not platforms:
> +            raise MissingPropertyError("platforms")
> +
> +        configs = []
> +        supported_arch_names = {
> +            das.architecturetag for das in supported_arches
> +        }
> +
> +        for platform, configuration in platforms.items():
> +            if (
> +                requested_architectures
> +                and platform not in requested_architectures

This might stem from my not knowing how a sourcecraft.yaml should look like, but are users supposed to define both `platforms` and `requested_architectures`?

> +            ):
> +                continue
> +
> +            build_on = []
> +            build_for = None
> +
> +            if configuration:
> +                if "build-for" in configuration:
> +                    build_for = configuration["build-for"]
> +                    if isinstance(build_for, list):
> +                        if len(build_for) != 1:
> +                            raise BadPropertyError(
> +                                f"build-for must be a single string or a list "

nit: I'd put `build-for` in some sort of quotes when I mention it in an error message

> +                                f"with exactly one element for platform "
> +                                f"{platform}"
> +                            )
> +                        build_for = build_for[0]
> +                    if build_for not in supported_arch_names:
> +                        raise BadPropertyError(
> +                            f"Unsupported architecture {build_for} in "
> +                            f"platform {platform}"
> +                        )
> +                elif platform not in supported_arch_names:

Again, I don't know the insides of what a sourcecraft.ymal file should look like, but for snaps we allow there to be a `platform` without `configuration`, which doesn't seem to be the case here?

Overall, I'm a little bit confused with how different this feels from other build recipes. Do we even allow for configuration to not have `build-on` and `build-for`?

> +                    raise MissingPropertyError(
> +                        f"build-for is required for unsupported architecture "
> +                        f"{platform}"
> +                    )
> +
> +                if "build-on" in configuration:
> +                    build_on = configuration["build-on"]
> +                    if isinstance(build_on, str):
> +                        build_on = [build_on]
> +                    for arch in build_on:
> +                        if arch not in supported_arch_names:
> +                            raise BadPropertyError(
> +                                f"Unsupported architecture {arch} in platform "
> +                                f"{platform}"
> +                            )
> +                elif platform not in supported_arch_names:
> +                    raise MissingPropertyError(
> +                        f"build-on is required for unsupported architecture "
> +                        f"{platform}"
> +                    )
> +
> +                for arch in build_on:
> +                    if arch not in supported_arch_names:
> +                        raise BadPropertyError(
> +                            f"Unsupported architecture {arch} in platform "
> +                            f"{platform}"
> +                        )
> +
> +            if not build_on and platform in supported_arch_names:
> +                build_on = [platform]
> +
> +            if build_for is None:
> +                build_for = (
> +                    platform if platform in supported_arch_names else None
> +                )
> +
> +            if build_for is None:

I would ident this, we don't need to recheck if it't not None the first time

> +                raise BadPropertyError(
> +                    f"Unable to determine build-for for platform {platform}"
> +                )
> +
> +            build_on = [
> +                CraftBase(base_name, base_channel, architecture)
> +                for architecture in build_on
> +            ]
> +            build_for = CraftBase(base_name, base_channel, build_for)
> +
> +            configs.append(cls(build_on, [build_for]))
> +
> +        return configs
> +
> +
> +def determine_instances_to_build(
> +    sourcecraft_data, supported_arches, requested_architectures=None
> +):
> +    """Return a list of instances to build based on sourcecraft.yaml.
> +
> +    :param sourcecraft_data: A parsed sourcecraft.yaml.
> +    :param supported_arches: An ordered list of all `DistroArchSeries` that
> +        we can create builds for. Note that these may span multiple
> +        `DistroSeries`.
> +    :return: A list of `DistroArchSeries`.
> +    """
> +    configs = CraftBaseConfiguration.from_dict(
> +        sourcecraft_data, supported_arches, requested_architectures
> +    )
> +
> +    instances = []
> +    for config in configs:
> +        for build_on in config.build_on:
> +            for das in supported_arches:
> +                if (

I wonder if instances needs to be a `set` instead of a list.

I was so very confused as to why charms and rocks used an OrderedDict and then turned it into a list, but I'm guessing t's so that we end up with a sorted list without duplicates.

Might be worth checking that

> +                    das.distroseries.distribution.name == build_on.name
> +                    and build_on.channel
> +                    in (das.distroseries.name, das.distroseries.version)
> +                    and das.architecturetag in build_on.architectures
> +                ):
> +                    instances.append(das)
> +                    break
> +
> +    return instances

Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~ruinedyourlife/launchpad:add-sourcecraft-yaml-parser into launchpad:master.
