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launchpad-translators team mailing list archive

upcoming release for qshutdown 1.6.5


Dear Launchpad translators,

there were no changes on the source text for the translations, but there are still many untranslated strings. It would be nice if I could upload the new version with much more translated strings. Please do not add any non-breakable spaces (NBSP) or similar, because these won't be recognized by Qt and will only cause trouble to remove them again.
You can find the template here: 
The current state for the languages is the following:

[Language]           [untranslated, need review]
Asturian              finished
Bosnian               finished
Bulgarian             finished
Catalan               (94, 3)
Chinese (Simplified)  finished
Colognian             (134, 0)
Croatian              (115, 0)
Czech                 (126, 0)
English (UK)          finished
Esperanto             (20, 0)
Faroese               (126, 0)
French                  finished
German                finished
Hebrew                 finished
Hungarian             (126, 0)
Italian                   finished
Japanese              (25, 3)
Limburgian            (134, 0)
Low German            (134, 0)
Malay                   finished
Marathi               (78, 0)
Romany                (134, 0)
Russian               (97, 0)
Spanish               (19, 10)
Telugu                (132, 0)
Turkish               (45, 11)
Ukrainian             finished
Uyghur                (0, 1)
Uzbek                 (1, 2)
Zazaki                (134, 0)

Kind regards and happy translating,
Christian Metscher

ps.: If you contributed to the translations please feel free to add yourself in String No. 6 (in your language) like this:
<p >Translators: SomeName, Your Name.</p>
or like this:
<p >Translators for Japanese: SomeName, YourName.</p>

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