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Re: upcoming release for qprogram-starter 1.6.5


Dear Launchpad translators,

it seems that it'll take some time till the PPA is up to date...
qprogram-starter is also available in the repos so it shouldn't be a problem since there are (almost) no changes with the strings. If there are any questions about the source strings, please feel free to contact me or to file a bug.
Kind regards and happy translating,
 Christian Metscher

On 31.03.2013 13:34, Christian Metscher wrote:
Dear Launchpad translators,

qprogram-starter is a simple UI for starting commands or programs at a given time. One can link up commands or programs like in a terminal with && or use the text editors. Any output can be saved in log files. It is also possible to automatically shutdown the computer after the
processes are all finished.
The PPA can be found at https://launchpad.net/~hakaishi/+archive/qprogram-starter The pot can be found at https://translations.launchpad.net/qt-shutdown-p/qprogram-starter-trunk/+pots/qprogram-starter
Kind regards and happy translating,
 Christian Metscher

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