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Re: Massive bug expiration spree

On Sun, 2007-09-23 at 13:04 +0100, Dean Sas wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Vincenzo Ciancia wrote:
> > Nobody is ever talking about the fact that developers may ask for
> > information, then forget about the thing. I have 4 bug reports that have
> > been in "incomplete" status for several months. Now what should I do in
> > such situations? Are there proper means to call for someone to take a
> > further look at the report?
> You could add a comment to the bug report to remind someone, or you
> could try to get someone from the #ubuntu-bugs irc channel to take a look.

This issue is being taken up in bug 141604.
To make the process of expiring bugs more visible, bugs that are
scheduled for expiration in less than a week should have notices put up:

  /!\ This bug will be expired in 7 days if no further activity occurs
(_find out why_).

__Curtis C. Hovey_________

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