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Re: download POT files from Translations: how to get files without CRC errors


El vie, 23-11-2007 a las 00:16 +0100, Philippe Verdy escribió:
> I've tried to request a download for a POT file several times, but for each
> request made, the email I receive points to a .tar.gz file that has invalid
> CRC!
> (Note that I've have retried several times to download the file. I always
> get the exatly same erroneous file);

This is the first time we know about that problem. Could you provide us
with the link you get by email to do some testing?

> So it seems that the server is completely unable to create valid archives
> from its database export, or it uses some unknown extension to the .gz
> compression format, or the gzip tool used on the server is bogous!
> How can we download translated files without these errors? Can we get a link
> to a uncompressed .tar file instead?
> Or can you support another compression (like a ZIP created from a Java JAR
> tool?)

Well, tar.gz is the only supported format right now and it should

Send us the URL from where you download the file and we will see what's
going on.



Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu =>
mailto: carlos.perello@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Alicante - Spain

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