Efrain wrote: > hey, > > I would definetely have a problem colaborating with someone who remains > anonimous. but that's just me. When I started contributing to Ubuntu, I was just 'pochu', and AFAIK there were no references to my real name on the internet. Would you have had troubles collaborating with me just because I was pochu? I don't think you should, since I can do and I would do the same good/bad work, and have the same attitude either being more or less identified. Not working with people because they don't have their full name is IMHO a "great" way of losing contributors. > > you are free to do as you wish... but I am also free to not trust you... > > cheers Will you trust someone just because he has a real name in his gecos on irc or in his email address? Personally I won't. I will trust him if he deserves it for what he has done/demonstrated with his work, and not just because he showing me a /real/ name (where real is arguable). I think "forcing" people to show their real name is discouraging, and unless there is a major reason for this (which there may be and that's why I asked whether there is) this shouldn't be done. We don't require it for triaging bugs, for making translations, for joining ubuntu channels on IRC... so that's why I'm disappointed with this. Best, Emilio
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