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Re: Problem importing GPG key into launchpad.

On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 02:58:10PM -0800, Caushik, Ramesh wrote:
>       I am trying to import my PGG key into launchpad. I have generated
> the key and have sent the key to I got on my
> profiles page and chose the Update PGP keys menu option. I entered the
> fingerprint in the text box and hit Import key. I get the error page
> that says "launchpad could not import your OpenPGP key". I can see that
> the Ubuntu keyserver has my key. I don't know what is happening. Can
> somebody please help me here ? Thanks,

Is this still happening? Note that for future reference, support
questions are better directed to
Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125

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