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Re: PPAQuickStart updates?

>>>>> "Elliot" == Elliot Murphy <elliot@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    >> There are a couple of sections in PPAQuickStart at:
    >> that I found a little confusing.

    Elliot> I think those are great suggestions! I'd also like to see
    Elliot> Martin Pool's tip about avoiding accidentally uploading to
    Elliot> the wrong archive added to the docs:

Thanks.  I agree with adding Martin's tip too.

I'd be happy to do some edits if I had editing rights.  Is editing
this page restricted to Ubuntu/Canonical people?

peace & happiness,
Hi Elliot,

>>>>> "Elliot" == Elliot Murphy <elliot@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    >> There are a couple of sections in PPAQuickStart at:
    >> that I found a little confusing.

    Elliot> I think those are great suggestions! I'd also like to see
    Elliot> Martin Pool's tip about avoiding accidentally uploading to
    Elliot> the wrong archive added to the docs:

Thanks.  I agree with adding Martin's tip too.

I'd be happy to do some edits if I had editing rights.  Is editing
this page restricted to Ubuntu/Canonical people?

peace & happiness,

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