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bzr1.6rc1 with stacked branch support.


After a long gestation we've released Bazaar 1.6rc1.  Although this
release has many other improvements, it's main focus is adding 'branch
--stacked' support to help Launchpad.  So the Bazaar developers would
appreciate very much if you'd install it from the PPA, try it out, and
report success or problems.

Stacked branches store only part of their history, and refer to
another branch in a different location for the rest of it.  This lets
you much more quickly upload a new branch to Launchpad that's based on
something already there, or create a new branch backed by Launchpad.
(It's not Launchpad-specific, this is just one case where we think
people will want to use it.)  For more information, see

Support for this is either already active on or
soon will be.  It should be active on the production Launchpad site in
the next release.  In the meantime you can try the feature locally,
and we'd very much appreciate if you would test other aspects of this
release and let us know.  (You can report problems here if they're
Launchpad-related, on #bzr, bazaar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, or through the
bug or answer tracker.)

Martin <>

Martin <>

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